#wings of fire sora
willoillo · 4 months
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Daily Dragon is Sora!!
I wanted to draw Sora for a while, as someone who's had some major struggles with PTSD I really relate to her. Unfortunately her descriptions aren't exactly the most helpful on that front, soooo it took me a bit to get to her.
I also need to draw more Mudwings. They're by far my least drawn dragon tribe and it's entirely cuz I'm not entirely comfortable with some of the differences in their anatomy. I think this turned out really well though!!
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donut-box-of-art · 4 months
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my part for the wof gn redraw!! it's page 206 :D og under the cut!
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threemoonwatchers · 1 month
Sora, panicking at a job interview: I don’t actually want or need this job, I just really want to get out of the house and be around other people sometimes, otherwise I’ll go insane and, uh, I dunno blow up a library or something.
Sora: (somehow gets the job)
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Right, I also do art and stuff
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Just some OC sketches and a hastily coloured Sora
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artsandseances · 2 years
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Spoilers for Wings of Fire Book Six: Moon Rising.
Sora from Wings of Fire. This is the opposite of canon, personality wise.
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ravewing · 1 month
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bro do NOT go to jma at 3am 😭🙏
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shiftywing · 1 month
tamarin interacting with the rest of her winglet
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flawseer · 8 months
Jade Mountain Academy students
#5 - Mudwing chapter
This entry might feel a bit less diversified than the ones before it. These are two sets of siblings who shared their respective clutch, so there are a lot of physical elements that are shared between them (I try to keep siblings from the same clutch relatively similar-looking, see Winter and Icicle in part 2). I hope these Mudwings still look different enough. I also gave them light-colored jaws because Clay had it on the cover of his book and I think Mudwings look cute like that. It helps their faces stand out in the graphic novel style.
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Jade
Color - Burnt umber red
Relatives - Clay (brother), Sora (sister), Marsh (brother)
Clawmate(s) - Turtle (Seawing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - History
Physical characteristics - curly horns; scar across snout; smallish stature, wiry with well-defined musculature
Other characteristics - socially outgoing and confident; mediative/soothing personality, eager to resolve conflicts
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Gold
Color - Caramel brown
Relatives - Clay (brother), Umber (brother), Marsh (brother)
Clawmate(s) - Icicle (Icewing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - History
Physical characteristics - curly horns; average size with well-defined musculature; slightly darker and broader than her brother Marsh (do not confuse)
Other characteristics - socially withdrawn (keep monitoring for now, suggest counseling if no improvement); appears to be suffering from post-traumatic stress (was approached, insists she is fine); avoidant behavior around Icewing and Seawing students (keep monitoring, discuss with staff how to approach); left academy grounds for a day without giving notice, claims to have needed to "clear [her] head", no further questioning at Clay's request (monitor future behavior, ask siblings to keep an eye on her)
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Silver
Color - Sepia brown
Relatives - Newt (brother)
Clawmate(s) - Fearless (Nightwing)
Favorite subject - Literacy
Least fav. subject - Science
Physical characteristics - horns with feathered edges; light neck scales; stature broad, heavyset, with well-defined musculature
Other characteristics - good work ethic, very motivated; bit of a temper; very argumentative (try to channel into constructive outlets)
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Copper
Color - Tawny brown
Relatives - Clay (brother), Umber (brother), Sora (sister)
Clawmate(s) - Coconut (Rainwing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - Exercise
Physical characteristics - curly horns; average size with well-defined musculature; slightly narrower frame and lighter color than his sister Sora (do not confuse)
Other characteristics - fidgety, difficulty sitting still, habitually touches his talons; socially anxious (suggest relaxation seminar, maybe counseling); Bigwings reported allergy to walnuts; concerned about "ghosts" (suggest assembly to put persistent Stonemover rumor to rest for good)
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Tribe - Mudwing
Winglet - Quartz
Color - Moss green
Relatives - Sepia (sister)
Clawmate(s) - Ermine (Icewing)
Favorite subject - Cultural Exchange
Least fav. subject - Exercise
Physical characteristics - horns with feathered edges; light neck scales; smallish stature with average build
Other characteristics - appears to enjoy preparing and sharing food (unobjectionable, but suggest seminar on allergy awareness); occasionally belligerent, anger-management issues (suggest counseling); clawmate reported incident of untoward aggression (suggest monitoring, counseling)
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some-pers0n · 25 days
I think people miss the point when they compare Sora and Icicle to see who's the most sympathetic or the least bad 'cause at the end of the day they're supposed to parallel each other. Icicle was desperate to get her brother back and would do anything to get him back. Sora was devastated over the loss of her sister and was hellbent on getting revenge. Both of them were driven by messy emotions brought on by grief and desperation. Now they're living in a way where they can never go back to normal because of their actions. Their lives were ruined at such a young age and will now feel the consequences of it forever, all in the name of love for their family
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meroaw · 8 months
Today Today with Sora?
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verrixstudios · 5 months
Someone suggested Sora on discord and Here’s some doodles! I’m trying to find my style again, as it’s been a while since I’ve drawn WOF!
I tried to still make here look small ish like she was described but it’s hard to tell without another to compare her to
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here’s the first post if y’all wanna comment some names
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lykos-attic · 7 months
Coming out of my cave to post art on here again
I'm trying ( heavy emphasis on trying 😭 ) to make designs for every arc 1 WoF character, and since mudwings are the easiest tribe for me to draw I started with clay and his siblings
Their shapes and stuff make sense in my head and have reasonings but I can't put them into words rghHHgdgGGRRRghhgfh
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For Clay I wanted to make him simple, going along with him not thinking that he's anything special and not fit for the prophecy. He's still brighter than his sibs though, and has the brightest colored scales before his underbelly. (Do those have a name?? )
For Sora I wanted her kinda deer-like, with softer/less bold edges than the others. She has a scar in the same place Crane's death wound was.
For Umber I just stuck pretty closely to the canon design, adding some splotches and giving him a different shape than the others.
Finally, for Reed I just made him clay but duller, and more red. He nearly looks just like clay shape-wise, but is more inward. (I have no idea how to describe this 😭)
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I had the most fun with these guys can u tell
For Marsh I made him more sharp and edgy than the others to go with his anxious personality. His colors are very similar to Clay's, but he has splotches and light colored horns. (I love Marsh, he's underappreciated)
For Pheasant I wanted to base her off of a pheasant. Her markings are similar to those of a ring-necked pheasant, with her reds being the same as Umber's. She originally had green-ish yellow on her to go with her eyes (and also because pheasants have green on them) but I couldn't get it to work. (crying spongebob image) Her shape is more 'elegant' than her sibs. I think her design is my favorite out of all of these.
For Crane I based her lightly off of a crane. (🤯🤯🤯) She shares colors with sora and umber. (Sora because obviously, Umber because I needed his reds 😁) since really all we know about her is that she was protective of her sibs (as literally all of them are) I made her fierce and determined looking. Version without her death wound below
I got more confident in not following the canon designs super closely the more designs I made and it shows 😭😭 I never realized how much variety you can make in mudwings despite them being the 'boring' ones
adding image ID/alt texts tomorrow I needed to post this before I forgor but it's almost 12 and im tired goodnight jasper fans
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People stating that Sora is less sympathetic and/or is worser than Icicle and - God Forbid - stating that Sora only wanted to kill Icicle in order to take revenge of Icicle for killing Sora’s sister, Crane, honestly makes me feel the urge to rip my hair out.
Sora (unlike Icicle) grew up in a kingdom where dragons from other tribes are able to invade and then attack and kill dragons living within their homes. Her own sister was murdered by Icicle only a couple MONTHS ago when she joined the JMA. Sora is also the closest dragon who shows symptoms of having PTSD, due to the flashbacks she’s shown to experience from the war within Moon Rising.
Due to Sora’s trauma from Icicle killing her sister, she was fearful paranoid her own safety around Icicle, despite the fact that weren’t fighting in the war anyone.
Because of this, when Icicle mentioned in her sleep that “killing is easy enough”, Sora believed that Icicle would be the type of dragon to continue ending other’s lives with her own claws, regardless that the war ended or not. Which made Sora believe that Icicle wouldn’t just kill her sister, but multiple other dragons within the Jade Mountain Academy too. Sora didn’t just kill Icicle to get revenge on her for killing Crane. She did it in order to protect other dragons from being killed by her too.
Like- I’m not making it up nor even exaggerating this part of Sora’s character, this is literally stated in canon.
“Our very first night here, when I still wasn't sure — I was almost sure it was [Icicle], but I thought I must be mad, and I couldn't let myself sleep because what if she did the same thing to me that she did to Crane? And then in her sleep, she muttered, 'Killing is easy enough.' ❗️That's when I knew. She's a murderer and she won't stop until someone does what I failed to do.❗️
-Sora, Moon Rising, Pages 267 - 268
Of course, you could say “But that’s stupid for Sora to think! Icicle didn’t kill Crane because Icicle’s a bloodthirsty murder, it’s because they were fighting in a WAR!”
And while that’s true, here’s the thing: Trauma isn’t (always) logical nor rational.
Fear isn’t an emotion people experience from logic and reasoning.
Let alone for someone having PTSD from a War and living around the very person you saw murder one of your closest family members.
Expecting someone, specifically an Traumatized teenage ex-soldier who only JUST turned 18 - who only recently stopped fighting in a war & only recently clearly saw her sister being murdered - to think rationally towards the person (let alone their PoV) who murdered her sister, is honestly quite illogical and even unreasonable to expect from Sora and her character.
Does this make Sora’s actions excusable and/or justifiable, especially since she didn’t mean to harm any other dragons while attempting to kill Icicle?
HECK NO! It does NOT excuse nor justify literally bombing a room of a school, and attempting to commit literal murder.
Sora’s grief and trauma explains Sora’s motives and actions, and makes her PoV understandable and even sympathetic, but does NOT excuse and/or justify her actions and choices at ALL, what-so-ever - this is true about ICICLE’S character as well.
Then does this mean that Icicle is worser and/or less sympathetic than Sora? HECK NO to that too!!
Icicle was being manipulated by Queen Scarlet, who stated to Icicle that if she didn't kill the DoD, that her brother, Hailstorm - who Scarlet knows the whereabouts of - will DIE, resulting in Icicle to be forced into making the decision of killing multiple of her teachers and a Queen (who she doesn’t know very well) and her brother who she believed was dead for literal YEARS.
And Icicle not caring about killing others is due to her being raised as a literal child soldier throughout her life, being made to repeatedly harm and kill others out on the battlefield.
Sora and Icicle are BOTH morally-gray ex-child soldiers who've been traumatized by the war, who are both sympathetic or at least understandable characters who commit awful and/or immoral actions out of the fear and trauma of losing someone that they love.
So stating that EITHER ONE OF THEM is “less sympathetic” and/or “is worser than the other” honestly feels quite icky and/or irritating to me.
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quotidianish · 8 months
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ANOTHER human au art compilation! Here’s the first! More info about the AU and their cultures under cut ~
-Abilities which stem from things inherent to dragon biology (fire, venom, frostbreath, gills, etc.) aren’t present. More traditionally supernatural gifts (mindreading, oracle, animus magic, etc.) are still present. In retrospect this makes the Nightwings completely op but shhh
-Each tribe is inspired off a mishmash frankenstein of different real-world cultures
-Dragons are an endangered species, just a hum in the background and nearly hunted to extinction. They’re hardly considered a threat, especially when most humans haven’t even seen one in their lives. Once the centre of each people’s culture and civilisation, they’re now nothing more than Bigfoot sightings or exotic pets.
-Sandwings are the least homogeneous tribe and take inspiration from various cultures in the Indian subcontinent and Arab nations (most largely India and Palestine). Many subcultures exist within the larger Sandwing kingdom. Common identifies (not present in them all, but there will usually be at least one) include gold accented accessories, darker skin, and clothing with light, desaturated, yellow/orange tones. They’re renowned for their abundance of poison, excellent street food, musical talent, and stereotypically maliciously intelligent. Regardless of class there’s a nation wide pattern (you can find the reference for it by Qibli’s headscarf) symbolising trade routes, oasis waters and dunes. It’s a symbol of national pride (included on thorn’s dress, and ostrich’s headband/headscarf).
-Nightwings are, on the contrary, the most homogeneous tribe due to their small population. They’re based on Japan (spanning multiple eras). I like to think the Nightwings lost a lot of their culture after migrating to the volcano, for they were once the most religious tribe, worshiping the moon alongside the Icewings, which I’ll get to later on their cultural similarities. I promise it’ll make sense. By now, all their deeply religious traditions have been relegated to superstitions. It was said they were blessed by the moons, but the connection has been largely severed. Only old dresses follow the tradition of embroidering in the moons they were born under. Moonwatcher’s dress is something akin to a hand-me-down, as are her silver earrings, it’s by coincidence it lined up with her actual birthday. Moon’s family was an exception because she came from a long line of seers (or alleged seers) who have done their best to preserve a crumbling culture. Common identifiers include near pitch black clothing and skin as pale as the moon. 
-Icewings have some of the largest populations, however, are surprisingly homogenous. Most sub-cultural differences are as a result of class. They’re based on Mongolia and Manchuria. Like Nightwings they are also deeply religious, maintaining their beliefs through rigorous scholarship. Hair has intrinsic religious value as a gift from your family- therefore it cannot be cut. The same goes for ear piercings and any other physical alterations to your body. IceWing jewellery as a result is very distinct because of its lack of need for an ear piercing, hooking around the back of the ear instead. Common identifies include long/braided hair, and light, cool-colored clothing suited for the cold.
-Skywings are loosely Scottish inspired, and I do not have a lot to say about the rest of the tribes. Most of their clothing have feathered accents. The peregrine is a sign of luck and wealth, with their feathers being adorned on the upper classes. Geese and chickens, being common farm animals, are found adorned on working classes. The second richest tribe, employing silver, gold, lazuli, and about any gem they can find in their clothing. Common identifies include curly orange/red hair, taller statures, feathered accents, a tartan like pattern, and clothing ranging from yellow to magenta.
-Seawings are loosely based on various Polynesian cultures, most prominently that of the Māori. The sea has an intrinsic religious value to them, with all children learning to swim, sail, and/or fish. They live off the sea’s resources, rarely consulting the surrounding land for supplies. On rare occasions albatross birds and seagulls are plucked for headdresses. These are reserved for high ranked royalty. Their clothing is loose and well adapted for the warm beach setting. Common identifiers of Seawings include ta moko like tattoos, olive skin, and clothing ranging from lime to purple.
-Rainwings are loosely based on Thai, Indonesian, and Cambodian cultures. They’re colourful and have the second largest poison reserves (bested by sandwings). Having once been a trade centred tribe, now they’re isolationist, albeit not intentionally. They have many history records, almost as detailed as that of Icewings, but the art has been lost to a changing cultural atmosphere. Once too religious, now their intrinsically religious practices are more cultural. Their clothing is similar to sandwings in the fact they cover as much of the body as convenient but remain loose and breezy. Common identifiers include bronze tan skin, vibrant pigmented clothing, and flower motifs. Nightwing villages don’t follow that guideline, they build on the ground as a tribe with a focus on hunting. I’m assuming everything in this universe is made proportional to dragons, hence why the trees are so large. This assumption is based off that specific panel of Bandit in the book six graphic novel eating a blueberry as big as his head. 
-Mudwings are sooo underdeveloped in my au (following in the steps of Tui herself) but they’re based on southern Chinese and Vietnamese cultures! They live in cities akin to Chinese floating villages, Vietnamese floating markets, and Tulou (architectural style of the Chinese Hakka) made of mud bricks. They're a very agricultural based people. Many of their villages are isolated communities- their emphasis on family extending to their towns. Common identifiers include umber skin, straw conical hats, and practical clothing in shades of brown.
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justawfulxmenart · 2 years
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Wings of Fire Arc 2, baby!
Art belongs to yours truly.
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jflxwr · 7 months
need more found families that actually fucking hate each other, r very open abt it, would kill each other with no hesitation if they could and the only reason they stay together is because they're forced to
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