#wingmaiden customs
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Why Can't Minlout Be Together? (RTTE)
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Minlout | Heathlegs | Ruffthrok
The Short Answer? Because Minden isn't a Film character, and thus can't exist outside of the show. 😢
The Long Answer? Because Minden cannot leave the island.
Do not forget that she is a Wingmaiden. As such, she cannot leave the island for as long as the Razorwhips exist.
Since Wingmaidens spend their whole lives, or at least their entire maidenhoods (a period when a woman can marry and have kids before they get too old) caring for and protecting the Razorwhip dragon population. Since this would be a major decision and undertaking that cannot be reversed once made, let us assume that they're similar to many religious sects where newcomers have a grace period to see if this is right for them or not before they become full-fledged clergy members of a sect or congregation. As such, new Wingmaidens could have up to 6 months to learn the ropes and decide if this is for them or not.
With that logic, Minden, being Atali's right hand and obviously having been a Wingmaiden for a long time, cannot leave, as a result. Even if their customs allow for women to leave once they turn 40, it would still be a long time. However, since we're talking about an organization that exists to keep Razorwhips safe and their existence a secret, it might very well be that once a woman becomes a full-fledged Wingmaiden, she's there for life.
And since men aren't allowed to live on the island, Snotlout can't stay except for short visits. And obviously s*x is out of the question, since any man smell can affect a Wingmaiden's interactions with the female Razorwhips, who have instincts to be hostile against any male on account of their male counterparts being hostile towards their hatchlings and are even known for eating them. So it's likely that any male scent on a Wingmaiden could endanger a young Razorwhip from being accepted by their mother.
Of course, I'm just assuming due to the information we've been given by Atali. Though much is still unknown about how they operate and their rules and customs.
So, because of this, and because Minden isn't a Film character, Minlout is forever doomed to be star-crossed lovers. 😭
However, I have an article that will detail possible scenarios about how they CAN get together. (Click Here)
Hope you guys enjoyed my article on Minlout. Have a wonderful weekend!
Minlout! Minlout! Oi, Oi, Oi!
— Minlout3Heathlegs3RuffthrokFan
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evilwriter37 · 3 months ago
After looking at the Httyd Map, Dragon Hunter and Calder Island (Mala) seem to be very close. Both are up north of Berk. Correct me if I am wrong.
I searched this up because I saw an ask about it months ago in your ask hashtag and I rewatched some episodes such as the one where Throk wants to marry Ruffnut and Midnight Scrum. (I think we can agree that Midnight Scrum really traumatized us in some way)
Do you think, since Calder Island and Dragon Hunter island are so close together, their customs are similar about the whole Bride napping/ kidnapping?
They know the concept of Bride napping and bounty, I don’t doubt that. Calder Islander is filled with people that know how to be stealthy. Kidnapping their brides is their love language / custom.
Being kidnapped as a Bride in Calder Island is just said and done, no need of any dowry. Throk learns to give to Ruffnut instead of just “I will lift her from her feet, put her over my shoulder, and return with her to my island, where she will live out her days as my trustworthy wife.”
I’d imagine it’s the same for the Dragon Hunters, since they themselves kidnap beings (such as dragons) for a living. Again, no doubt they know what they are doing when it comes to kidnapping. So I guess it’s a headcanon to say I’d imagine Viggo doing it as well but since Hiccup is far, it’s a straight up bounty.
Throk does it traditionally to go himself to retrieve the bride. Viggo is unconventional, quite aware that the customs are different since he is a traveling business. Viggo is Viggo, he’ll ask someone to do it.
Also Mala and Throk knew immediately about the bounty since the proximity of their island. Their clothing is also similar, black leather, likely in a warmer climate because their island seems heated by the dragons that are living and forced to live there. Plus volcanoes.
Kidnapping seems like a whole other translation up in the north of the archipelago.
I’m likely just thinking out of my ass for fun. I’m just wrapping my head around that Bride napping is canon in this universe, holy crap. I know there are worse things, but this one is wild, I’ll believe that cannibalism is a thing in Wingmaiden even if Mala said no. Those eyes can tell. But what do you think?
Hm, you know, I never thought about the Dragon Hunters possibly having bride napping as a custom. I feel like it would make a lot of sense if they did. I'm under the impression that Viggo also deals in the slave trade, given some lines in Last Auction Heroes. So, for his customs, bride napping would not be out of the question.
As for the cannibalism thing, I really, really think the Wing Maidens were pretending just to scare Snotlout into respecting them, or just because they felt he deserved it. I highly doubt that the Wing Maidens actually do that.
And yesssss, Midnight Scrum. One of my favorite episodes. It just made me so happy. Love seeing Hiccup getting whumped. I know Ryker said Viggo wanted to kill Hiccup himself, but did he? Did he really? 😉
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headfullof-ideas · 6 months ago
Lore and stuff that I expand on in the story. Thought of posting all of this as I began sorting all the arcs and the general outline. Anyways, some stuff that I plan on elaborating on that aren’t expanded on in the shows/films in this story are…
- Various tribes beyond Berk and their customs (such as the Outcasts, Berskers, Defenders, and Wingmaidens)
- The Dragon Trappers, the different organizations and reasons different groups go trapping
- Night Fury’s and Grimmel and their combined history
- The Red Death and how she even wound up in the Archipelago, and also the raids themselves
And also a bunch of stuff from The Deep that I work to tie into pre-existing lore in HTTYD. Like the Monumentials, Lemuria, the Guardians, and the Nektons.
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noctusfury · 5 years ago
This is very interesting. I’ve seen a lot of this Zephyr-is-the-Heir headcanon stuff in the Fandom. Personally, I’d think that’d be something DreamWorks do, and is a modern trend. I disagree that Hiccup is the policy-changer that everyone seems to think he is. To be honest, Hiccup’s only changed certain traditions and customs over the years. In fact, there’s no instance, to my recollection, where Hiccup’s changed actual laws. Also, even if he were to do it, I’m pretty sure that he’ll end up receiving tons of backlash from his Tribe. And I doubt it’ll be a policy that he’d be able to push in his lifetime. 
In order for Zephyr to be Chieftess, one of three scenarios needs to happen (this is just my opinion):
1) Nuffink dies or gets outlawed, and Hiccup and Astrid don’t sire any more sons by that point.
2) There would need to be no male heirs to contest it and only the female ones remain. Since Nuffink and possible other brothers may come along, this will probably be unlikely. Though maybe Hiccup can try to put that law about for his descendants should they not bear any sons (though they could always adopt).
3) The Berkians somehow come around to that option at some point. But as stubborn and traditional as they are, it’s unlikely. 
I can see this being a policy that Hiccup’s descendants will have to fight later on. After all, we can’t have Hiccup having all the fun, now, can we? lol XD
So I’m of the opinion that Hiccup sticks with tradition and has Nuffink be the Heir (I mean, I highly doubt that the previous Chieftains were the only children, much less all of them being the eldest, soooo...) 
Another headcanon that I can see happen, and can support, is that Zephyr and Nuffink co-rule together (though it’ll be awkward when the third child comes along) and Nuffink’s son eventually takes over. Actually, I’ve have a few friends supporting this headcanon, and I’m kinda liking it as well.
(Also, FYI, DOTW and Wingmaidens aren’t exactly Viking Tribes, per say. So it makes sense that they’re not like the other Vikings. Plus I actually have a neat headcanon/theory about the latter that I’m dying to write about at a later date. ^_^)
But anyway, this is just my opinion. As you’ve stated, we can’t know for sure, since we have the disadvantage of not seeing them at older ages. So it’s really up to the fans what they want. But personally, I don’t see Berk being all that warm and fuzzy about this change in policy. I mean, it’s not a tradition, it’s a law of succession. That’s in the very fabric of Viking society. While Zephyr gets an equal share of the inheritance upon Hiccup’s death, doesn’t mean that she’ll get to be the Heir/Chieftess. But this is just me being a history nerd. ;-)
Anyway, great article! Wonderful concept. ^_^
Been a while. Out of curiosity out Hiccups two children who do you think is more likely to lead New Berk after him?
I think we could consider who’s more likely from several angles. What customs in Berk are relevant for who becomes chief next? What customs does Hiccup care about or would be willing to discard? Which kid based upon their personality would make a better leader?
Personality-wise, given that Zephyr and Nuffink are both so YOUNG I don’t think we have a good grasp of what they’d be like as respective leaders of New Berk. We might see glimpses of their personality now, but there’s so much bound to change from young childhood. Deciding between the two of them on temperament I ergo don’t think is possible right now, if that is indeed a factor Hiccup (and Astrid and the tribe) cares about. And I do think that once the kids become older, temperament (and desire to lead) will be something Hiccup wants to see in his kids.
As far as tradition and Berk, I talk about that here. Book canon and franchise canon both indirectly suggest that chiefdoms are inherited through the male line, in which case Nuffink hits the requirements. 
However, I like to propose Zephyr as chief (the link also talks about this). I think there’s a good case to be made for her becoming chief after Hiccup, and it’s my personal headcanon. She’s the eldest, I think that would factor into Hiccup’s judgment, and I don’t think Hiccup would care about her gender. As I say in that post I linked:
[Hiccup] knows how strong women are as leaders. He’s met Mala. He’s seen Astrid in action. He’s interacted with Atali and Minden. He knows about Bertha and Camicazi. And Hiccup is a revolutionary of his own. This is the kid who brought dragons - Berk’s worst enemy - into the heart of their civilization, and created peace. Hiccup is a part of his society and culture and time, of course, but he’s also someone who pushes the world forward in new ways. If Hiccup finds Zephyr the best candidate for chiefdom, do you really think he or Berk would protest to the concept? Do you think Astrid wouldn’t support the same thing? Berk’s been through wilder shifts. I imagine they can support a woman ruler.
I think that Zephyr could turn out temperament-wise to be a good leader, and I’m rooting for her to do a good job leading Berk!
Either could be good though. Time has yet to tell. We as fans can only toss our guesses and headcanons, and they’re all fun to hear about.
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