the-starlight-papers · 8 months
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I’m at a con guys please enjoy these LEGALLY DISTINCT franchise names
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kristophervolkov · 1 month
piecing together my cc again after my hard drive unpartitioned itself has been an absolute pain.
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Where do yall find browser games? neopets wants me to make a neopass whatever the fuck that is, and doesnt recognise my account. Miniclip is 3 pages of app games to download. What the fuck is left?
Youtube is being funky about ad blocking, I almost dont want to be on the internet anymore, you realise how ludicrous that is? Used to joke about having the whole world at our fingertips but being bored and that feels less and less true every day. "The whole world" has become a handful of funnels towards a couple sites and endless advertising. I was looking for a tutorial the other day and every single option is a youtube link. Every single one. I give in an click, and the ad is dragging my mind out of focus that I cant get back. I fucking hate this. Im just here to have a good time and all I feel is increasingly pressured to allow myself to be exploited. Theyre standing there with scalpels asking why I havent signed my liver over yet just click here to get what you want and you just blink and we'll have your liver and thats all! Oh an you'll have to buy our medication forever too, homebrand, and maybe we can convince you out of some other organs for Premium Content. Fuck off Im just here to play. Go away.
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briancolley · 1 year
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beware the howling of the spring winds (and feral raccoons)! 🦝 #unparalleleduniverse @soprissun #goodnightmoon #springwind #windblows https://www.instagram.com/p/CqrmK4CuYMV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shiro, pointing at the TV: oh! look at this crab migration in cuba!
shiro: …oh that’s disgusting
keith: did you just call a bunch of crabs disgusting?
shiro: yeah did you see how many of them there were?
keith: yeah but how is that disgusting?
shiro: they were ran over by a bunch of people! they were all bloody and-
keith: yeah but how is that disgusting?
shiro: they were all like dead and everything, i dont know! the people could at least use like a windblower to move them, or something!
keith, laughing: a windblower on crabs?
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junipernight · 7 months
Some more Yangchen sketches:
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The Cool Older Sister with the windblow hair is Jetsun
The old lady is just a random temple elder - she's very old though, maybe she invented fruit custard pies?
And Yangchen is the one who's done. 100% done with everybody's bullmonkeyshit.
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sprintingowl · 6 months
Batman Miniatures Game (2015)
So, a friend was thinning his ttrpg collection and sent some my way, which means I'm going to be reviewing a few rpgs that I probably wouldn't have picked up normally.
This is good, though! It means I'm getting a broader diet of media than "this looked weird and gloomy and I was unable to stop my own reflex to acquire it."
Anyway, the Batman Miniatures Game is still being maintained by Knight Models (at least as of my writing in 2024,) and is a skirmish game that emphasizes parkour and worker (token) placement.
You play as various factions from the broader Gotham metropolitan area and engage in objective-driven battles in a world of perpetual darkness (canonically, all combats in this game are considered to take place at night.)
There's a lot of elements in BMG you'd expect from an older wargame. Rolls to hit, rolls to damage, multiple wounds per model, etc. But initiative is handled by going back and forth activating models until everyone runs out of action tokens. And action tokens are the stars of the game.
At the start of each round, before any actions are taken, players assign tokens on each character's sheet. These tokens are assigned to different categories of actions, like movement, attack, block, and special. During your turn, when you activate a model, you choose which of its action types to take and spend tokens from that type to act. Token placement is public knowledge after it's been done, so there's an interesting meta here where you can see the enemy's bruiser with a bunch of movement tokens on it and know that it's going to rush you down when it activates. Damage also removes tokens, so you can theoretically preempt said bruiser by just opening up on it with a shooter.
The game being objective-oriented feels a bit necessary, because models become less capable as they take damage. Damage is in two flavors, stun and injury, and characters can get nonlethally KO'd if they're dropped with stun. They can also wake back up from KO, and it takes extra actions to cuff them or finish them.
So you can kind of get stuck in a spiral of your characters getting less capable as they take damage, and that means you'll generally be taking fewer activations in later rounds than earlier ones, but this isn't bad gameplay because the more actions your opponent is spending on gunning down your models, the less they're dedicating to the objective.
To further support objective-based play, Batman Miniatures has non-complex but relatively detailed rules for climbing fences, jumping gaps, wading through sewage, etc. Plus, close quarters attacks can grab and push, and cover and sightlines matter a lot for ranged engagements.
This is a game that wants detailed three-dimensional environments and shantytown style terrain, and will lose a lot of its complexity if it's just played on a flat board. Knight Models, which produces the game, also sells a lot of associated models and elements---although they're fully supportive of you making your models and terrain yourself.
And that's Batman Miniatures at a glance, but I want to take a moment to talk about the layout of the book itself because it's... it's something.
Despite being fully endorsed by DC and being an official production, this thing looks more like a high effort fan project than almost any high effort fan project I've seen--and that's not a negative. There are splash pages and pull quotes drawn from the comics, the Arkham games (rendered in engine!), and the Heath Ledger movie. No two page spread looks quite like any other two page spread. There's a page that's layed out as a newspaper and it's done that way *perfectly*, feeling like a windblow scrap picked up off the streets of gotham.
The layout designer popped off, even if the actual visual contents are kind of weird at times. You'll get a full two page spread of procedural rules for what to do if the Joker kicks you in the nuts, and then the next page is just straight up a cover from Long Halloween with "Live. Laugh. Love. -Frank Miller's Batman" in stylized red HAHAHA font over it.
Also, adding to the weirdness, the whole back half of the book is just photographs of models you can buy from Knight Models and then a semi-comprehensive guide to modern batman chronology (circa 2015).
Overall, I don't think I vibe with Batman Miniatures as much as with other modern skirmish games (such as Rangers Of Shadowdeep) or other superhero rpgs (such as the old Marvel Universe,) but I'd be amiss to say that I don't think there's something here. The token placement is rad, and the movement system is clever and streamlined. If you're a ttrpg designer looking to study an action economy, or you need a reason to paint some dark deco terrain pieces, or you're just a batman fan, there's probably something here for you.
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9.17.23 Tuesday
1:02 am
Still,have windblow....
I can't sleep yet... But I'm energized by the coffee I've seen somewhere a latte in the magic jar here... My system badly need a coffee... If I don't have coffee intake, I feel weak and I feel so down...
Uncle DD and Aunt Karen, they can't even give me a decaffinated Nescafe Blue, Coffee Mate and Sugar.... What a bad character! Anyways, I don't like the 3 of them including Ivan the kid. I was really angry that morning coz accusation or allegations on me that I did something on their plastics toilet bowl, made me super angry! Why,should I damage their toilet bowl??? Am I crazy?or they are crazy?
I'm on "Dexter", I really admire how calm he is... His pychological state and emotion control are both amazing... Even his sex state is in control...
2:23 am
Still, have windblow...
Still, why people are liftin' up someone and trying to drag my name that I'm not with them for so long...
Again, if Mitch knew something time will come that I should know....Did Mitch do the movement? Was it for me or for something? I just don't want being abandon on the things that she planned from the past years... But I can truly suppport her, if she is the chosen one than me... I just wanna know her contract, if there is to be fair on me.....
It suddenly pop-up in my head it is the birthday of Brien,my high-school friend and X who is closer to Leonor Jacinto that I hate so much these days...
I'm just wonderin' why their old house in area-1 it seemed they made it a shop, selling stuff like the stuff of my X-Ryan...Actually, I observed that a long time ago.... Did my X-Ryan possibly link to Brien? Well, this is just a tribute issue since I suddenly remember that today is Brien's birthday.... Why,did I say that probably Brien linked to my X-Ryan? Coz from the past months I saw their old house in area-1,it became a shop of stuff that are liked by my X-Ryan, specifically the "reggae" stuff....I just saw it from the past months when I went to SM or John's clinic and my route was passing there... I was wondering now,if Brien got our lost mobile which some of our hot love were there... Hmmm.... ( me and my X-Ryan ).
We had our record of hot stuff there coz we were an item as past partner's... ( Ryan & I )...
My X-Ryan loves reggae songs... He loves reggae stuff, like a reggae printed bonnet... Brien also love bonnet but on just plain color either dark blue or black.
Why, I hate Leonor Jacinto, my friend during high school but she is as well closer to Brien and always on the side of Brien... Jerlyn said Leonor and Brien had something like they went to bed something like that...Brien called her mommy for something like sucking a milk bottle, that was pointed by Jerlyn who became a bit closer to Brien as well and I think they slept together as well... This story was during high school...
I'm just wondering if Brien saw my hot love on my X-Ryan or my X-Ryan was just somewhere, I can't just imagine if he opened a shop and renting there at the old house of Brien in area-1...
Happy Birthday Bryan... Brien and Ryan...
Hahahaha Who is the guilty one or 2???
This is the favorite song of my X-Ryan....
2:57 am
Still, have windblow...
Last call! Attention!
Whoever got our old phone, I hope I look good on that... You got it, you wanna see it. I'm not a sinner but you! I hope I look good on that hot love filmed of Ryan and I...
It was past... It was art and it wasn't my fault if someone wanted to copy... I hope you will give a help on somethig coz it is my style... It can be money...
The one who got it probably craving for that hot moves... I'm so flattered!
I'm so flattered! I'm so proud of myself.... I know how to love....Shake your booty! Feel every rhythm of it....It can be a trademark moves from Rocky to JP and to the last one...
Whoever got the copy please I have a coin banks here... Be fair... Lemme know and will probably teach you some tricks...
Hey! You forgot to get me baby, I'm so fucking mad... Time limit... I will be with my cousin-white now...
3:10 am
Anyways, I'm so fucking flattered that someone who got our phone which we filmed some of the hot moves... Yeah know....Supposed to be a memory of my youth...
Did you copy my moves? Learn how to LOVE!
That's FRIENDS!!!
3:26 am
Still, have windblow...
I want my cousin-white, I wonder what is his moan... I think more of an american moaning. Hahaha I really like my cousin-white on my Aunt Ten2x...
Probably, I will bring a handcuff for my cousin-white....
9 am
Still,have windblow...
Weird, someone can hack my phone from Saint Peter Area G??? That is not my location or people from there wanted to kill me to put on Saint Peter Funeral House... People are mean people here in the Philippines...
Some Cavite are traitors like I'm not sure if an artist on TV came from Area G here....I don't actually dwell on irreligious people...
Hoping and praying that God would make me and people who are truly good to me, make us live like a dinosaur...
12:17 noon
Still, have windblow...
John is on his rebel state but as his mommy Peachy, he can't win on me...He needs to finish his 1 and 1/2 cup of food this lunchie whether he likes it or not... He is on force-feed... He wanted to go out, angels....Stubborn state of John...
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1:55 pm
Still,have windblow...
I wanna do the rumuor thing on my cousin-white...
6:42 pm
Still, have windblow...
We went out John and I,he pooped outside...Usually, I always pick it up but awhile ago, I wasn't able to pick it up coz I was calming John coz he was always excited to go out and at the very beginning he will always do "zoomies". A crazy exciting behaviour of dogs ( zoomies ). Then, a car smashed the poops that supposed to be I will pick it up...Next time after he poops, right away I need to pick-up his poops... We have etiquette angels... I'm just being defensive!
7:21 pm
Still, have windblow...
Still, in force feed on John....Angels of life please extend our lives.... I gave him an another 1 and 1/2 cup of foodish... If they will kill John, next me...
I have no guilty emotions on my family members or old fakers friends who got the rituals...
My 7 year old boy is having a different behaviour... Probably, someone is whisperin' him not to eat but I force fed him like a stubborn 6 or 7 year old boy...
7:27 pm
Still, have windblow...
Thank God I feel ohkay but both of my eyes are reddish but I feel ohkay... It seems I'm crying but I'm not... But I'm super stress and worrying on money and John...
11:26 pm
Still, have windblow...
Please make us dinosaur, angels of life...
My baby is sleeping already...
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nanamis-bigtie · 9 months
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almost got tripped over by a windblow. a few times. but the final, special, christmas gift is acquired
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skiijumpinng · 1 year
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i think you need to see pero with a home contraption aka six airhorns taped to a windblower
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responsivethoughts · 7 months
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The effects of constant windblow.
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guysofeurovision · 5 months
Thoughts on tonight's results? I was blown away by Ireland
Uhm... Yeah, I guess I'm guite ok with it: I would have switched Serbia with Azerbaijan, though (not that Fahree and Ilkin's live was windblowing, but still I'm not into Ramonda, maybe except for the last 30 seconds of the song...)
Ireland was a bit disturbing, if you ask me, but perfect for a tv show and the only smart move the country could make to get back attention and a ticket for Saturday ahahah
Very happy about one thing: almost all not-English got to the final! 👏🏻👏🏻
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In-door plants by Windblower
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windblowernews · 1 year
We've Added our New Lasso Page
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https://www.lasso.net/go/link/Yhyxf4 From Here you can checkout our social media and follow us on the platform you'd like, or more than one. Its up to you. Read the full article
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jesterguy · 11 months
Hmmm 11 and 26
11. Anything from your childhood you've held on to?
I'm gonna assume this means physical items! I have my childhood rock and seashell collections displayed on my desk, and in storage I have my baby doll named Windblow and my stuffed unicorn named Eunice. Those are probably my oldest most cherished items
26. How's your spice tolerance?
I'm really proud of this actually!!! As a kid I couldn't handle black pepper in my food and now through a lot of practice the past few years I can eat what I consider to be actual Hot food though I typically prefer a more moderate sweet/spicy type of thing. Stuff thats hot just to be hot ie hot sauce and buffalo spice just aren't my thing palette wise
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dailylooneys · 2 years
Although Blanc remained a highly prized asset to Warner Cartoons as post-war budgets tightened, a few films seemed to suffer from his overuse. The Windblow Hare (1949), for instance, had Blanc performing all five characters and, while his acting was up to his usual high standard, several voices were simply too similar: one of the three pigs sounds almost identical to the cartoon's star Bugs Bunny.
Keith Scott (Cartoon Voices of the Golden Age, 1930-70 Vol. 1)
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