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youngsamberg · 8 years ago
"Newsomberg" is so funny to me because it sounds like the name of some vintage brand of something that went out of business during or shortly after the Great Depression, like Duesenberg did. "Newsomberg Typewriters, the best in all California!" They went out of business because they refused to skimp on quality, e.g. a full three coats of paint/varnish on the casings, and racked up irretrievable losses. Older locals still remark fondly on the machines' high quality tho & how well they still work.
oh my god it does
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brakken-spideyverse · 8 years ago
I'm curious as to what your take on the Venom symbiote is? More recent media has unanimously had the symbiote make Peter more aggressive while wearing it, ruining his attitude and giving him a reason to try to ditch it, but I don't remember that being the case in the original comic run, I only remember it making him tired since it would possess his body at night while he slept to patrol the city, and the aggression and anger of Venom came from Brock. Will you be having the symbiote
(message continued) enhance Peter’s aggression, or is that too spoilery to ask? (Personally I think it’s an unneeded plot point and that Peter not wanting a clingy alien bonded permanently to him is enough, and that the alien symbiote having no negative effect on him besides a parasitic draining of energy actually provides more impetus for its rejection-fueled future hatred of him, but that’s just my opinion.)
‘Clingy’ is definitely the operative word when I think of the symbiote. The general vibe that I get is that it should follow the mood of a damaged and manipulative relationship.
Don’t know how much I’ll delve into Black Suit stuff in comic form, so I don’t mind sharing expanded thoughts on it here:
This version doesn’t necessarily make him more aggressive, but he does find the symbiote at a time when he is emotionally vulnerable. Rather than making him stronger, (and since it feeds best when the host is forthcoming), it dampens his inhibitions, making him take more risks, pull less punches - gets him the feeling like the suit has levelled him up.
But, it is a needy and jealous creature, that begins whispering doubt and distrust into his mind about his friends, so it can have him all to itself. It doesn’t possess his body during the night, but makes it harder for him to fall asleep - attempts to push him further and harder, overstepping its boundaries and exhausting him more and more. That’s when Peter reconsiders, and has to say ‘this isn’t working out.’ He tears it off, ending their relationship.
In comes Eddie Brock - the rebound. His relationship with the symbiote is far more toxic. Hurt by Peter’s betrayal, it uses Eddie entirely as an outlet for its rage and pain. What I wanted to showcase in ‘Together’ was Eddie having no personal grudge against Peter - in fact, they’ve never even spoken before. The symbiote forces Peter’s traits and memories onto its new host, trying to recreate what it had, while simultaneously projecting its own feelings through him. Eddie becomes the indoctrinated rebound and the vengeful ex both bundled up in one body.
As more of Eddie is eaten up, the symbiote starts taking charge, and Venom emerges.
So yeah, the aggressive side of the symbiote is a result of its connection to Peter, rather than a contributing factor!
edit: also, I dig your breakdown! Thanks for taking the time to write out those thoughts :D
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miya-atsumus · 8 years ago
windandsails replied to your post
Baccano!, Westworld, Parks & Recreation
y a s thanks for the rec!!!
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the-evil-twin · 8 years ago
"My knowledge is vast. It's yuge, so enormous, and so fabulous, I mean you’re not going to believe. Tremendous. I have knowledge, the BEST knowledge, maybe the greatest knowledge on earth, of all time. @the-evil-twin is a hater and a loser. @the-evil-twin is fake news, very fake news network."
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cilecile · 8 years ago
Hello, would you happen to know anyone who would be willing translate several tankobon volumes for money? I have a few manga volumes in Japanese I'd like translated to English; they average about six chapters each I think. They are also NSFW. My total budget is maybe $80–90 USD (I know it's not much but I'm poor) so their price per volume would dictate how many volumes I can afford. I ask bc you're the only translator I know of personally, and thought you might know some others.
(couldn’t fit this in bc character limit) I would provide digital scans of the pages that they would then work from, and they could then either copy-paste the translated text onto the pages or simply message me the translated text as a script via email or some messenger service, depending on whichever process works for them.
First of all, I’m so sorry for the super late reply :(
Okay now, everyone! @windandsails is looking for someone who wants to translate her tankoubon!
As for me, I would love to work on it but I gotta see a few pages of the manga and see if it’s the japanese is on my level (I’m not that good and my english is also mediocre lol), but since I’ll be super busy until the end of June. PM me if you want to talk to me more about this :D
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salamispots · 8 years ago
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Have a rainbow trout merm
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bullymagnet · 7 years ago
windandsails replied to your post: Do you have a version of the 80s playlist on...
Thank you very much!
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inland-delta · 7 years ago
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Yumikrum, Flying above the Snow Line, windandsails vers. 2018
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goodticklebrain · 8 years ago
What are your favorite Shakespeare adaptations of film?
If we’re talking FILM film, and not filmed stage productions or low-budget TV productions... I don’t suppose many of these are earthshaking picks, but here we go...
I love the Laurence Olivier Henry V, mostly because it’s how my dad got me hooked on Shakespeare. It’s a product of its time, if you care about that sort of thing, but the playhouse framing device and the unabashed patriotism and bright colors are all wonderful. A nostalgia pick, but it stands the test of time for me.
Ken Branagh’s Henry V  is also excellent. His Much Ado About Nothing is also pretty much the best. 
Ralph Fiennes’ Coriolanus. I’m generally not a fan of camouflage-clad actors running around with machine guns, but it really works in this one. Fiennes is fantastic and the whole production is just top notch in concept and execution.
Ian McKellen’s Richard III. Another one where a brilliant concept is matched with brilliant performances from a fantastic cast. 
Trevor Nunn’s Twelfth Night. Totally charming, with a nice balance of melancholy and comedy. Not a weak link in the cast.
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the-evil-twin · 8 years ago
I have been researching the Titanic disaster for over a DECADE. This ISN'T a debate, because I KNOW what I'm talking about and am demonstrating to you, and frankly quite well, that you are wrong. I'm not being arrogant, I literally know VASTLY more on the subject than you do; my research is meticulous and my knowledge is vast. You commented onto MY POST. I am not interested in pandering to your feelings, only in setting the record straight, so if you're offended by that, that's your problem.
“I’m not being arrogant, I literally know VASTLY more on the subject than you do” - Lol apparently you don’t know the definition of “arrogant”, and the fact that you are assuming SO MUCH about me right now is extremely telling in and of itself. “You commented onto MY POST” - SO WHAT, oh my god. It wasn’t a comment TO YOU, I was merely stating A GENERAL FACT, it was not meant to provoke A RIDICULOUS DEBATE. For the love of god, take the exaggerated sense of your own knowledge and importance with you on your way out.
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slaymate · 9 years ago
Just so you know, Anteros was the God of requited love, not unrequited. He was the "avenger" of unrequited love, and "the punisher of those who scorn others' love or advances".
I’m sorry, but you literally just quoted wikipedia.
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karasuno · 9 years ago
windandsails replied to your photoset “a half semester of tobios or why i bombed my last midterm probs”
*cue Tsukishima and Ennoshita tsk-ing in the distance*
where’s that one manga panel about tsukishima clicking his tongue so much he starts to sound like a ticking clock bc that’s all i can think of when i read this lol. also fortunately (unfortunately) i am pretty much an embodiment of the asian stereotype w/ grades so...i feel like i got a b on it. hopefully that saves me from disapproval!!
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goodticklebrain · 8 years ago
I'm not knowledgeable in the behind-the-scenes side of Shakespeare, so I was wondering, why did he write in iambic pentameter so often? Why pentameter? Personally, and this is just me, but I personally hate pentameter myself, because it feels overfull of syllables, that there are just too many; I really prefer tetrameter, it just flows a whole lot better in my opinion (a good example would be a favorite of mine, The Lark Ascending by Meredith). Do you know why? And what are your thoughts on it?
I’m not an expert on poetic forms, so I can’t really comment very well. But what I’ve heard is that pentameter reflects the natural rhythms of our speech. I love the way that Shakespeare uses it as scaffolding to wrap his words around, without it sounding like constructed verse, but giving pace and power to the lines.
Whereas tetrameter is short, and more overtly poetry.
(If anyone has  actual informed opinions on this subject, please do chime in.)
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commodorecliche · 10 years ago
No, sadly, it's one of the many shows that's not nearly as gay as the fandom makes it out to be. It's still a pretty good show though.
so what you're saying is i need to have the delux shipping goggles on? i suppose i'll have to manage. :)
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