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thebeerwanderer · 4 years ago
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First beer of Father's Day! #pilsner #thebeerwanderer #craftbeer #wiltonny#respectingtheliquids (at Artisanal Brew Works) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQWdkxIppZw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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darkmountainarts · 5 years ago
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✒ Thanks to @barbara.brindisi_realestate @berkshirehathawayhshhbr ....for inviting me to showcase my #DarkMountainArts Artworks at this event! #DarkMountainArts #bonacioconstruction #berkshirehathawayhomeservices #berkshirehathaway . . . . . #realtyworld #realtorclosinggift #realtorgifts #saratogarealtor #wiltonny #newconstruction #newhomesales #newhomebuild #newhomedecor #newhome🏡 #customhousedrawing #customhouse #homedrawing #homedrawings #homeportrait #homeportrait #houseart #housewarmingpresent #upstateny #saratoga #saratogany (at Bonacio Construction at Burnham Hollow) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6EoN4_HnPa/?igshid=1vuhwtm5bju0j
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glensfallsart · 6 years ago
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Here’s a favorite of the band made at Grant Cottage Civil War re-enactment! 🎩 . . . . #glensfallsart #collodionprocess #usgrantcottage #nyhistory #iloveny #upstateny #upstatenewyork #civilwarhistory #reenactors #historicplaces #tintype #throwbackthursdays #tbt🔙📸 #wiltonny #glensfalls #glensfallsny #queensbury #queensburyny #518days #musiciansofinstagram #bandphoto #bandphotography #vintagefashion #vintageclothing #19thcentury #19thcenturyphotography #wetplate #wetplatecollodion #petzval #petzvallens https://www.instagram.com/p/B0nmNR5nXM0/?igshid=iv8417b7kccd
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froggy1003 · 7 years ago
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Chris with @stewarts_shops #districtmanager Bill Keefer #wiltonny #HolidayMatch #stewartsshops #coffee #froggy1003 (at Stewart's Shops)
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444names · 3 years ago
german, american and roman emperor forenames + brythonic deities
Aarola Adelen Adelina Adoren Alance Alanio Alausie Alfreddie Alfredikt Alica Alician Allatoya Allie Almuth Alvadolph Alvian Amalice Amalicia Amandy Anciscilly Andonnie Andra Anette Angelisa Annelsa Annon Anthery Antian Antilly Antine Antonice Antonya Apristie Arcus Arlhele Armen Arminette Artha Artina Artine Audian Audius Augus Avievera Balberius Balbert Baried Basdosius Beatasio Beathley Beatrid Beatrios Becca Belika Benjames Blana Bodor Bodorena Bonya Borrann Brand Brandine Bryanna Byroniana Calie Calindsey Calle Camna Campesterry Canda Candrea Carienus Carina Carine Carolaf Carolive Caronatal Cassa Casta Cathemilip Cathryn Cecellen Cecillie Cernannie Cernon Chael Charinez Cheristian Christin Christini Cimbrita Clarren Claus Cliffany Clothard Clotto Constany Constasilia Contius Contresa Coria Corian Coven Covenja Covent Coventius Craine Crinus Dagoberta Danie Danne Darduinnie Darriet Darry Dawna Deannie Debor Delian Delintia Delois Denian Derri Diede Dolorian Domitchel Donnette Dorah Dorey Duard Dwaynette Ebonniel Edwarduinna Ekkehary Elatoya Eleah Elika Elmuth Emilippa Emmeresa Enriquel Erharonice Erian Erich Erick Erius Ernanne Ernes Essica Esten Esterried Everaldo Everner Fanie Felina Floree Florene Florrum Frandatis Frander Frandy Fredrosemar Frienus Fritta Gabria Gabrian Galbert Gayla Genedikt Gerdian Gerhardo Gernessie Gertrachel Ginia Glena Glenus Gottfrie Gotto Grachim Gregina Gregomo Gretchelge Greter Guadam Guadamona Güntheodora Hadrosius Hanio Hannus Harduinnis Harlherris Harolybrian Hattheri Hectorie Heidius Heine Heinhary Heinrad Heinrick Heinriquel Hella Hellen Helley Helma Helmina Henrice Henrie Herry Heryl Honorman Horosally Horotha Hueter Huetiomand Hunterrello Iovan Iovanton Isabrin Jamelisaac Jamin Janette Jasony Jasonya Jefferyl Jermine Jessa Jessis Joannette Joanniel Joannifred Johanne Jorius Josegus Joycerius Juanette Julienus Jutto Jürge Karette Karlenus Katha Kathanne Kathew Katis Katrick Kayle Keitha Kendrew Kennette Klaudith Kristia Kyleroy Ladys Larrene Larshawna Latucadrian Laude Launus Lausus Leonathy Lesley Letio Leucetirian Levieverich Lissanna Lolandice Loreen Lorentin Lorianne Lorienus Lucill Lugustian Madele Magdall Malie Malterius Maponorita Marandy Margard Margil Marjorine Marshane Martios Marus Maryabanda Matherbert Maxel Maxentz Maximinez Melda Melina Miltrud Miriana Mistie Mistopher Mitche Mollus Monald Monaldo Monia Monio Moria Mulus Nancissonya Nathley Nelia Nella Nelorah Nemartina Nemetia Neromanuel Nicharlenus Nicola Nikos Ninus Nivan Nodennie Normanos Numerek Olausus Olgerakios Olinda Olynn Ortrudo Oscarma Oscaron Othmarilyne Othony Ottlie Ottschael Patrinus Pattie Pearla Pearley Pedrie Pertrudo Phias Philie Phine Phinez Phorothy Racitus Ramoninus Ranchest Raque Raquelyn Regingo Regory Rhond Rhonos Richelga Richestian Ricianna Ritashley Roberius Robius Rogera Rolynn Romannie Rosalvadolf Rosegord Russelata Sabith Salicia Samanny Samueline Sanorite Sanos Sarace Saracy Sebasian Sebastances Sephen Sergil Serginia Sethanie Severly Severnich Shaniel Shella Shellara Shelmarcus Sigise Sonio Sophenry Stany Stell Stepomarta Sterina Stevent Steventine Susachelma Susand Suzanneth Sventz Taman Tamarcus Tancas Tasgus Therius Thermanuel Tibert Tiberto Tinia Tobin Tonice Tonna Tonnus Trachelm Tramos Travisuce Travitell Trice Trichell Trintara Ursulla Uttany Valdo Valenus Valeris Valexios Velyn Velynda Verus Vhete Violaf Violas Viole Violetian Visuce Volly Walte Wando Warry Wenda Wernance Wernanda Weslie Wilheinz Wilhella Wilhellard Wiltonnie Yolan Yveta Yvonnie
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acunirvana · 5 years ago
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Feeling ready for a detox? We have 2 detox teas on sale! Whistling kettle detox (was $15.99 now is $9.99) contains dandelion, burdock, licorice, tulsi, rose petals, safflower petals, ginger, and elderflower. Abbe tea company detox (was $14.50, is now $12) contains pu-erh, green rooibos, chrysanthemum, blue corn flowers, alfalfa leaf, and peppermint, and is known to stimulate the wood element and the liver meridian.
#detox #detoxyourbody #detoxtea #detoxjuice #detoxing #detoxification #detoxify #getdetoxed #detoxifying #upstateny #glensfalls #glensfallsny #lakegeorgeny #saratogasprings #wiltonny #adirondacks 
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glensfallsart · 6 years ago
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Photographer Craig Murphy making a tintype of the band during the 2018 @grantcottage #CivilWar re-enactment. 🎩🎩🎩 . . . . #glensfallsart #wiltonny #tbt❤️ #tbthursday #usgrantcottage #upstateny #iloveny #fineartphotography #19thcentury #familyheirloom #queensburynyphotographer #tintype #collodion #tintypeportrait #wilton #throwbackthursdayyy #familyheirlooms #civilwarera #slowphotography #petzval #vintage #civilwar #reenactment #reenactor #reenactors #reenactorlife #handmadephotography (at Wilton, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/ButwTDtgnST/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bmmu0ntlvy1o
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glensfallsart · 6 years ago
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Good Thursday morning‼️ Follow Glens Falls Art on @twitter✅ 🎩🚗🎩 . . . #glensfallsart #fineartfotografie #fineartphotography #19thcentury #civilwar #civilwarera #tintype #collodion #wetplate #wetplatephotography #handmade❤️ #colloidalsilver #wiltonny #myrtlebeach #exploremyrtle #glensfallsny #glensfalls #queensbury #queensburyny #queensburynyphotographer #upstateny #upstateny #ballstonspany #northcreekny #ballstonspa #tintypestudio https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJKp7-A83e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ftnkv8yvnh5b
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glensfallsart · 6 years ago
Pouring a plate! 🎩🚗🎩 . . . . #glensfallsart #glensfalls #glensfallsny #myrtlebeach #myrtlebeachsc #queensbury #queensburyny #wiltonny #northcreek #northcreekny #adirondacks #ballstonspa #ballstonspany #lowcountry #grandstrand #upstateny #518day #collodion #tintype #collodionprocess #19thcentury #fineartphotography #familyportraits #tintypetalks #tintypetuesday #mondaymemories #tintypephotography #fineartphotographer #fineartfotografie #tintypestudio #tintypeportrait #petzval #petzvallens https://www.instagram.com/p/BuBpaaiADEZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=48klg1c3aq0j
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glensfallsart · 6 years ago
Wet plate Wednesday! 🎩☀️🎩 . . . . #glensfallsart #myrtlebeach #fineartphotography #tintype #collodion #wetplatewednesday #familyheirlooms #grandstrand #lowcountry #onthebeach #glensfalls #queensburyny #wiltonny #ballstonspa #northcreekny #tintype #upstateny https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-pEFoHlIR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17dfgug9y5mtp
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glensfallsart · 6 years ago
It’s family heirloom Friday at Glens Falls Art! Each fine art tintype portraits handmade with a 19th century lens. 🎩 #glensfallsart #tintypestudio #fineartphotography #19thcentury #iloveny #glensfalls #queensburyny #upstateny #ballstonspa #wiltonny #northcreekny #adirondacks #civilwarhistory #photographie #fotografer #familyheirloom #familyheirlooms #handcrafted #handmade #collodion #tintype #fineartphoto https://www.instagram.com/p/BsOVsULnki-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j39hbsmqv2v7
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glensfallsart · 6 years ago
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Morning Morivation from Glens Falls Art! 🎩🎩🎩 . . . . #glensfallsart #photographyquotes #fineartphotography #19thcentury #keeplearning #practicepracticepractice #photographichistory #upstateny #myrtlebeach #myrtlebeach2018 #queensburyny #glensfallsny #glensfalls #wiltonny #ballstonspa #northcteekny #northcreek #adirondacks #justdoit #upstateny #iloveny #collodionphotography #petzval #collodion (at West Glens Falls, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br5EXEnHNmY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v3bleu3oncrd
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glensfallsart · 6 years ago
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Setting up the shot with the reproduction Century camera. 🎩🎩🎩 . . . . #glensfallsart #centurycamera #starcameracompany #reproductioncamera #queensburynyphotographer #tintype #colloidalsilver #reenactors #wetplatetintype #petzval #19thcentury #upstateny #glensfalls #glensfallsny #vintagecamera #queensburyny #northcreekny #wiltonny #ballstonspany #travellife #civilwarera https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq0_CzWn_E3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=146hk7pyxhf0z
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glensfallsart · 7 years ago
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Tintype portrait of members of the @nationalguardny made during @grantcottage #civilwarweekend on Ballard Rd in #wiltonny 🎩☀️🚗 . . . . #glensfallsart #wiltonny #townofwilton #saturdayandsunday #wiltonbicentennial #collodion #tintype #tintypeny #collodionprocess #collodionphotography #tintypestudio #tintypeportrait #tintypephotography #tintypephotographer #wetplatetintype #wetplatephotography #wetplatecollodion #fineartphotography #civilwarreenactment #civilwarphotography #handmadephotography #madeinwiltonny #upstateny #upstatenewyork #collodionisnotdead #livinghistory #petzvallens #petzval (at Wilton, New York)
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glensfallsart · 7 years ago
Processing a wetplate photo at @grantcottage Civil War reenactment in #WiltonNY 🎩☀️🚗 . . . . #glensfallsart #madeinwiltonny #handmadephoto #handmadephotography #civilwarreenactment #wiltonbicentennial #petzvallens #petzval #collodionprocess #collodionphotography #tintypephotography #tintypephotographer #nytintype #tintypeny #tintypeportrait #collodionprocess #collodionwetplate #wetplatephotography #wetplatetintype #unionsoldier #confederatearmy #townofwilton #upstateny #upstatenewyork @cregert @glensfallsart (at DA Collins)
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glensfallsart · 7 years ago
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Testing different exposures. 🎩🚗☀️ . . . . #exposureshots #glensfallsart #tintypestudio #collodion #tintype #wetplate #testshots #wetplatecollodion #glensfalls #queensburyny #travellife #wiltonny #myrtlebeach2018 #myrtlebeach2019 #northcreekny #ballstonspa #19thcentury #travelphotographer #collodionwetplate #collodionphotography #fotografia #studiolifestyle #handmadephoto #familyheirloom #makemagic
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