#william maxwell
shy-girl04 · 23 days
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Photographer - Federica Erra
Modern life gets less and less worth living, is my solemn conclusion. Wherever you go there are always people.
William Maxwell, letter to Sylvia Townsend Warner, 1st March 1954
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mariocki · 2 months
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Play for Today: One Bummer News Day (BBC, 1978)
"Ah, good morning to you. Peter Postgate of the Gazette, anything for us? No factory fires? No house fires? Well, what about your district agents? Not even a moggy up a tree? Wow, all right for some, isn't it. Yeah, and you."
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semperintrepida · 8 months
So far as I can see, there is no legitimate sleight of hand involved in practicing the arts of painting, sculpture, and music. They appear to have had their origin in religion, and they are fundamentally serious. In writing—in all writing but especially in narrative writing—you are continually being taken in. The reader, skeptical, experienced, with many demands on his time and many ways of enjoying his leisure, is asked to believe in people he knows don’t exist, to be present at scenes that never occurred, to be amused or moved or instructed just as he would be in real life, only the life exists in somebody else’s imagination. If, as Mr. T. S. Eliot says, humankind cannot bear very much reality, then that would account for their turning to the charlatans operating along the riverbank—to the fortune-teller, the phrenologist, the man selling spirit money, the storyteller. Or there may be a different explanation; it may be that what humankind cannot bear directly it can bear indirectly, from a safe distance.
—William Maxwell, from a speech delivered at Smith College on March 4, 1955
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marq-de-laf · 2 years
While no one faulted Knyphausen's performance, that was not the case with Maxwell. The officer Lafayette had labeled 'the most inept brigadier general in the army' guided his riflemen in an hours-long harassment that slowed down a strong column of professional enemy soldiers.....Maxwell's force had arguably done well, especially for an organization in its infancy, but once all was said and done Heth strenuously argued otherwise in language that left no room for misunderstanding. 'We had opportunities,' he complained, 'and any body but an old-woman, would have availd {sic} themselves of them.' Maxwell had not seized such opportunities, continued Heth, because he was a 'Damnd {sic} bitch of a General.'
Brandywine: A Military History of the Battle that Lost Philadelphia but Saved America, September 11, 1777 by Michael C. Harris, pg. 237.  Wilhelm von Knyphausen was a Hessian general officer who fought for the British army at Brandywine. Maxwell’s getting some heat from all sides here. This was a fight that didn’t turn out how either side hoped it would.
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page-28 · 2 years
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The Ultimate Good Luck is my favourite book ever.
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frequentpondcrosser · 2 years
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“They spoke with the natural, easy assurance of people who know that they are, socially speaking, the best; and that everywhere they go the best of everything will be reserved as a matter of course for them.” ~ William Maxwell, The Folded Leaf
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fredricbadmann · 9 months
What we, or at any rate what I, refer to confidently as memory—meaning a moment, a scene, a fact that has been subjected to a fixative and thereby rescued from oblivion—is really a form of storytelling that goes on continually in the mind and often changes with the telling. Too many conflicting emotional interests are involved for life ever to be wholly acceptable, and possibly it is the work of the storyteller to rearrange things so that they conform to this end. In any case, in talking about the past we lie with every breath we draw.
William Maxwell, So Long, See You Tomorrow
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madragoras · 1 year
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Σαν σήμερα έφυγε από τη ζωή ο συγγραφέας William Maxwell. Ως επιμελητής του «New Yorker» για 40 χρόνια, υπήρξε μέντορας πολλών συγγραφέων της γενιάς του όπως οι Vladimir Nabokov, Isaac Bashevis Singer, John Updike, J.D. Salinger.
O John Updike έχει πει ότι «πολλές από τις ωραίες πινελιές στα διηγήματά μου ανήκουν στον William Maxwell, αλλά τα εύσημα γι’ αυτές τα έχω πάρει εγώ». Ο Σάλιντζερ μάλιστα όταν ολοκλήρωσε το χειρόγραφο του «Φύλακα στη σίκαλη» έσπευσε στο σπίτι του Μάξουελ για να του το διαβάσει και να ζητήσει τη γνώμη του.
Το σημαντικότερο μυθιστόρημά του είναι το «Αντίο τώρα, τα λέμε αύριο», το οποίο κέρδισε το Εθνικό Βραβείο Λογοτεχνίας των ΗΠΑ (1982) και είναι ένα «από τα 100 επιδραστικότερα μυθιστορήματα της αγγλικής γλώσσας» (BBC).
Κυκλοφορεί σε μετάφραση του Παναγιώτη Κεχαγιά (έργο εξωφύλλου: Α. Πασχάλης).
Ανακαλύψτε το: https://www.dardanosnet.gr/product/antio-tora-ta-leme-avrio/
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diioonysus · 8 months
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reading + art
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goodsirs · 1 year
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M*A*S*H 3.09 "Alcoholics Unanimous"
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swttinshy · 7 months
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Happens… Domination!
Poor William, his personal space is being blatantly violated)
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fredbydawn · 1 year
I will not rest until the rest of MASHblr is as insane about the 80’s office AU ads as I am
So I wanted to compile the ads so I could just post one video and not like a whole YouTube playlist, but I quickly found out that there are SO MANY MASH IBM ads! So I decided to leave out ones that weren’t office related and were more ‘Alan Alda puts on a bunch of different hats’ and ‘Jamie Farr repeatedly tries and fails to enter a building’ and I actually had to cut one ad of Alan and some kids in a classroom that I wanted to put in cuz I think it’s cute.
But anyway, I am always gnawing at the bars of my enclosure thinking of the universe these ads take place in. Like, who flooded the office? Did Trapper ever get to go to Hawaii? Where’s BJ? (JK he’s at a gay picnic)
I feel like there’s a rich vein here and us weirdos, sickos, and perverts need to buckle down and really dig into the potential for office shenanigans.
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marq-de-laf · 2 years
While most of his army was taking up key positions east of the river, Washington positioned Brig. Gen. William Maxwell's Light Infantry Brigade (about 1,000 men according to Lafayette) in front of Chad's Ford west of the Brandywine. Maxwell spread his men out in ambush positions spanning the Great Post Road between Kennett Meetinghouse, three miles from the river, and Chad's Ford. Just west of the ford, a log and earth battery and a breastwork of fence rails commanded the main approach to the river. General Washington, an unimpressed Lafayette would later write, 'detached a thousand men under Maxwell, the senior but also the most inept brigadier general in the army.' Like Sullivan, Maxwell's abilities had also been called into question.
Brandywine: A Military History of the Battle that Lost Philadelphia but Saved America, September 11, 1777 by Michael C. Harris, pg. 209. Fun fact! My descendant, John Scalf, fought in a North Carolina regiment in this battle. 
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slabime · 5 days
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doodles from this weekend
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local-owlbear · 9 months
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Has this been done before?
Anyways all the PFP used are from Klei <3
Original pictures under cut:
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gqasso · 2 months
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Very messy rushed coloring because I gotta sleep
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