#willam the bloody
randomscreensjots · 22 days
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Spike is easily the most interesting guy in BTVS
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spuffyalways94 · 1 year
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captain-peroxid3 · 1 year
comics, fanart + flashbacks like to forget about human spike's muttonchops but i never will
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Scream for me - finale (ellie willams x reader)
This is the final part of the series:)
Part 1
Part 2
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Pairing: ellie williams x fem!reader
requests are always open! feel free to send one:)
Warnings: HUGE warning for this one: detailed descriptions of torture, death, murder, blood, knives, body mutilation
Summary: maybe she should've killed you
(If you want to be added to my future works, just leave a comment and ill add you to the tag list)
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Abby Anderson. Ghostface’s most brutal kill yet. Everybody knew Ghostface was a violent killer, but fuck this was on a whole other level.
Abby Anderson, aged 21. Eyes missing, fingernails pulled off. Almost every fucking bone in her body was crushed. The girl was beaten beyond recognition. 13 teeth pulled out, and her fingertips burned to a crisp. Instead of having the classic 20 stab wounds, Abby had over 100 wounds. It took them weeks to identify her body, and that’s exactly what Ellie wanted. She didn’t want people to know who Abby was. Abby didn’t deserve it in her eyes, and Ellie hoped she was burning in hell for trying to get close to her girl.
The night of Abby’s death, you had walked in on Ellie torturing the innocent girl, when you fainted Ellie had to think of a plan.
 You walked in on her. This was bad. What would happen when you wake up?  Will you call the cops?. You looked scared. Where you scared of her?
She picked up your unconscious body and gently placed you onto your bed. Ellie ran her fingers across your cheek, and slowly placed a kiss onto your cheek
“I’m sorry you had to see that baby” she whispered “I have to kill her to keep you safe”
And just like that she got up and left your room closing the door behind her. As soon as she stood outside she was filled with rage.
This was all Abby’s fault. Abby woke you up. Abby scared you.
Ellie walked back to where Abby sat and smiled at the sight: Blood dripping onto the floor, Abby’s entire body swollen and bruised, her wounds looked infected already.
 She slapped Abby across her face and she let out a muffled cry.
“You woke her up” Ellie practically screamed “you-you fucking made her hate me” Ellie said as she slapped Abby on the other side of her face.
Ellie sat on the cold floor breathing heavily. If she didn’t stop herself, she would kill Abby. That was the plan, but not yet, not now. To Ellie’s irritation Abby wouldn’t shut up. She just kept crying and begging.
“Jesus fucking Christ can you shut the fuck up” Ellie yelled.
She needed to think. She needed something that would hurt her. And her eyes landed on her favorite knife. A smile grew on Ellie’s face as she got up and picked it up.
 “She’s a pretty girl” Ellie started as she brought the knife up to her face “she’s my pretty girl and I don’t like it when dirty sluts like you look at her”
 And without a second thought Ellie brought the knife into Abby’s right eye. The pure shock in Abby’s remaining eye made Ellie chuckle. She slowly wiggled the knife out of Abby’s eye socket and she pulled out the entire eye ball, blood seeped from the empty eye socket, and Abby was screaming. Ellie removed the eyeball and took it between her two fingers.
“I thought it would be squishier” she said as she examined the eye, she threw it behind her “lets see if the other one is softer”
Tonight was going to be a long night
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“That’s not true” you whispered in disbelief.
“It is” Ellie said trying to convince you.
When Ellie was eventually done with Abby, she wrapped Abby’s body plastic wrap and she cleaned your floors.
“can’t let my girl wake up to a dirty house” Ellie thought.
 Ellie didn’t mind being all bloody, because this was a part of her plan. She would tell you she came over to thank you for the other night, and Abby attacked her.
Ellie was the victim. She killed Abby in self-defense.
 She hoped you believed her
“No” you shouted “Abby would never do that” you cried tears running down your cheeks.
Why the fuck were you crying for someone who was only going to hurt you?
“I’m sorry baby” Ellie whispered, “but she brought it upon herself”
Ellie moved closer to you, bringing you in for tight embrace, she felt how tense you were but she still continued hugging you, taking in your scent.
This is everything she’s always wanted.
“Ellie” you whispered
With a content smile she pulled away “yeah baby”
“I’m going to fucking kill you”
And everything went black for Ellie.
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Ellie had a pounding headache when she woke up. She couldn’t move. She was tied up?
“You know” she heard your voice say “it’s not nice killing people”
Ellie watched your movements in silence. In shock.
 How could someone so pretty be so evil?
 “You killed my best friend” you continued as you held the knife Ellie used to gauge Abby’s eyes out. The blade still wet with her blood. You brought the knife to your lips, and licked the blood off. If Ellie wasn’t tied up right now she would be turned on.  
You were doing this for Abby. You weren’t going to let her die without justice.
You walked over to her, dragging the knife down her left thigh.
“it’s time to give you a taste of your own medicine” And with that you brought the blade down stabbing Ellie in the thigh, Ellie let out an ear piercing scream.
“That’s it baby” you whispered with a wicked grin “scream for me”
Ellie let out another painful scream at the feeling.
She should’ve fucking killed you.
Ellie Williams. Aged 23. Her body was found brutilized, with over 43 stab wounds.
This was a new era of Ghostface. People thought Ghostface just became more violent, more sadistic. But little do they know, the pretty girl the real Ghsotface fell in love with took her place.
And she’s worse than Ellie.
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Authors note: Thank you so much for the support on this series! Remember you are loved, and to always be kind:)
Yours truly,
Zia <3
My pookies <3 (the tag list): @macaroni676 @mqddieas @uraesthete @igoferalforelliewilliams @ellieseyesonly
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wiidvw · 2 months
i was so shocked i almost didn't finish the episode..
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 4 months
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dwellordream · 2 years
The Magician Reversed, Ned & Cersei & Dolorous Edd, requested by Ottomatic & Bullet (I combined your prompts, sorry!)
This is incredibly tedious for Cersei. 
She does not think a Lord Stark since Cregan has paid a visit to Castle Black, and while Ned has reminded her multiple times that she very well could have stayed behind at Last Hearth, the thought of suffering as the Umbers’ guest while Ned skipped ahead into the Gift was too much to bear. 
If she is to be miserable, she wants to know someone else is miserable with her. Unfortunately, Ned is not miserable at the Wall, bounding around with his brother Benjen as they were young boys again. 
Benjen may only be nineteen, so Cersei can excuse him for acting like a wild colt, but Ned is four-and-twenty and her husband of four years. He doesn’t seem to much care that she is bored out of her mind, and she will admit, missing their children. 
The idea of traveling this far north with a toddler and an infant was folly, so they left Jocelyn and Willam at home, and while Cersei initially declared herself eager for a break from the tedious hours of childcare, now she finds herself missing them desperately. 
She misses Jocelyn’s irritating questions and Willam’s angry squawks. She misses her bedchamber and the privacy of her lady’s solar. She misses being able to sleep with her husband in her own bed. 
The mattress in their room at Castle Black is hard as a rock, and last night Ned came back to bed tipsy, a state she’d never seen him in before. While initially quite mellow, as he dozed off he began to cry and sob. 
She’d seen him weep before, but never like that. It had annoyed her, and then worried her. She’d wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck, and eventually, he’d quieted. 
Now she sits in the only warm place in the entire bloody keep, the kitchens, picking at a bowl of stew, and sending a dog sniffing at her skirts away with a light kick. Some fool is watching her; he’s grey-haired but his face is not yet lined, which leads her to believe the grey is premature and that he’s no older than thirty. 
His face is as long and thin as her husband’s; perhaps he is some distant Stark relation. Even a bastard. She imagines this is where Ned’s bastard might have ended up, before he died. Poor babe. 
“Lady Stark,” the man says, nodding awkwardly, appearing uncertain as to if he should doff his furry cap. “I’m Edd Tollett. Steward. At your service.”
A steward? She shows him her half-eaten bowl of stew. “Was your cook drunk when he prepared this? It tastes like sea-salt and naught else.”
“No,” says Tollett, “but he was born at sea, my lady, so that may explain it. We like to say that Jem sweats sea-salt, and really, he’s the only one who’s ever sweating in these parts- save the poor bastards being harangued by Ser Alister...”
He flushes, then adds, lamely, “But I expect you don’t care to hear about all that, my lady. We can find you a biscuit?”
Cersei doesn’t want a fucking biscuit. She likes her teeth in her head. But despite her aggravation, something about the flat, sardonic tone of the grey man reminds her of her brother. 
Jaime could be very snide with her, but always grumbled- and apologized- when she flared up in outrage. He was very young, her brother. Just seven-and-ten when he died. She misses him nearly as much as she does her living children. 
“Save your biscuits,” she says. “You’ll need them, I expect, when the Others come calling.” She arches an eyebrow at him.
He stares at her. “You haven’t seen any around, have you? Because that really would put a damper on Lord Stark’s visit, no accounting for hospitality-,”
Cersei laughs and laughs at that.
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
Queen Alysanne prayed daily for her niece Aerea and blamed herself for the child’s flight…but she blamed her sister more. Jaehaerys, who had taken little note of Aerea even during the years she had been his heir, chided himself now for that neglect, but it was Balerion who most concerned him, for well he understood the dangers of a beast so powerful in the hands of an angry thirteen-year-old girl. Neither Rhaena Targaryen’s fruitless wanderings nor the storm of ravens Grand Maester Benifer sent forth had turned up any word of the princess or the dragon, beyond the usual lies, mistakes, and delusions. As the days went by and the moon turned and turned again, the king began to fear that his niece was dead. “Balerion is a willful beast, and not one to be trifled with,” he told the council. “To leap upon his back, never having flown before, and take him up…not to fly about the castle, no, but out across the water…like as not he threw her off, poor girl, and she lies now at the bottom of the narrow sea.” Septon Barth did not concur. Dragons were not vagabond by nature, he pointed out. More oft than not, they find a sheltered spot, a cave or ruined castle or mountaintop, and nest there, going forth to hunt and thence returning. Once free of his rider, Balerion would surely have returned to his lair. It was his own surmise that, given the lack of any sightings of Balerion in Westeros, Princess Aerea had likely flown him east across the narrow sea, to the vast fields of Essos. The queen concurred. “If the girl were dead, I would know it. She is still alive. I feel it.” All the agents and informers that Rego Draz had engaged to hunt down Elissa Farman and the stolen dragon eggs were now given a new mission: to find Princess Aerea and Balerion. Reports soon began to come in from all up and down the narrow sea. Most proved useless, as with the dragon eggs; rumors, lies, and false sightings, concocted for the sake of a reward. Some were third- or fourth-hand, others with such paucity of detail that they amounted to little more than “I may have seen a dragon. Or something big, with wings.” The most intriguing report came from the hills of Andalos north of Pentos, where shepherds spoke in fearful tones of a monster on the prowl, devouring entire flocks and leaving only bloody bones behind. Nor were the shepherds themselves spared should they chance to stumble on this beast, for this creature’s appetite was by no means limited to mutton. Those who actually encountered the monster did not live to describe him, however…and none of the stories mentioned fire, which Jaehaerys took to mean that Balerion could not be to blame. Nonetheless, to be certain, he sent a dozen men across the narrow sea to Pentos to try to hunt down this beast, led by Ser Willam the Wasp of his Kingsguard.
Fire and Blood, by George R.R. Martin pg 234-235
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ao3feed-rhaewin · 4 months
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randomscreensjots · 12 days
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This episode was gold
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spuffyalways94 · 1 year
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distortquote · 7 years
Buffy: Come...Now.
Spike: You must have me mistaken for a pet.
Buffy: (Scowls) Would you come with me?
Spike: That's better.
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lozzybear91 · 7 years
I've been alive a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine, and done things I'd prefer you didn't. I don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker; I follow my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain. So I make a lot of mistakes. A lot of wrong bloody calls. A hundred plus years, and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of. You. Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say I love you, it's not because I want you, or because I can't have you - it has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try... I've seen your kindness, and your strength, I've seen the best and the worst of you and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy.
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creepypasta65 · 3 years
Imagine if when a creepypasta joins slender they get a power like in encanto. What power do you think each creepypasta would get?
Thank you for the question and I think the creeps would be more chaotic with the powers :D some of them are from encanto and others are powers I thought of.
Jeff the Killer: Super strength
Homicidal Liu: Read peoples mind
Nina the Killer: Growing flowers and plants
Jane the Killer: Being able to see someone time left to live
Bloody Painter: Make every drawing/painting come to life
Puppeteer: Bring puppets alive
Jason the Toymaker: Bring toys alive
Slenderman: Can control weather
Ticci Toby: Shapeshifter
Masky/Tim: Show his emotions
Hoodie/Brian: See the future
Kate the Chaser: Hears everything
Dr.Smiley: Heal with food
Eyeless Jack: He also has Healing
Judge Angels: Has blue flames
Ben Drowned: Teleport
Lost Silver: Talk to ghost
Glitchy Red: Travel to any anime world (Ben gets jealous)
Sally Willams: Talk to animals
Clockwork: Run supper fast
Laughing Jack: Unlimited candy
Laughing Jill: Change her arms into weapons
Have a nice day/night!!
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life-rewritten · 2 years
If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons of why you love those couples or not..... Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Thanks for the question, I actually did an answer to this that was pretty similar most of it had my favorite romantic relationships in there. Here's the link. But this since that question was focused on more about characters I'll try and give more information on the couples I tend to obsess about sometimes.
WangXian: I already explained about why I love the untamed in different forms, the books are one of my favorite ones.
Will/Tessa/Jem: The infernal devices. This is one of the best love triangles I have ever read, painful at places but it actually ended up really well. I am so happy about everything, I love all the characters in this, and each of the ways they helped each other in the relationships, their angst, and their memorable moments I love all of them.
Ty/Kit- Already one of my favorite relationship duo, and they haven't yet even been in a relationship but they're so good, and they're so angsty, and it's so good. Watched them grow and watched their childhood story unfold and how Kit realized about his feelings, urgh it's so good. Cannot wait for their series!
Bridgerton couples: This is a very unpopular opinion but I actually love Colin and Penelope in the books. I know Colin is very annoying and it takes a while to get him but I really enjoyed reading their story, their incident that led to them being forced to get married was incredible omg one of the best kissing scenes I read. I haven't read the next ones so I wouldn't say they're my all time fave but I really loved them.
Pride and Prejudice: Elizabeth and Darcy, you'll never see me not love these two, love also their angst, love their longing, their enemies to lovers, their characterisation and their ending. One of the best historical romance books couples still to this day, and I can't fault it. I love most of Jane Austen's couples so I won't list them
Vegas/Pete: both book version and show version same reasons I stated in the previous one
Lee/Ke Luo: one of my all time favorite bl danmei book couples, makes me laugh so much, something so wholesome and innocent despite the darkness of the story. The plot twists and their relationship melts my heart. Watching Lee fall so selflessly in love with Ke Luo despite how like bad he is as a person was so beautiful, like his growth makes me so happy. Ke Luo later on getting what he deserved needing his own time to pine and pay for what he did, was so good, because Lee didn’t even know how much he was in love with him. The way they affect each other, make each other grow, the wholesome scenes they shared with each other even when they weren't together and the passion they also have, it was so great. Like typical BL novel, but hilarious and Lee is one of my favorite BL characters in a book boy do I love him! They make me so happy like I could easily read their story again, from the start to the end, and come out feeling so happy and cheesy and satisfied. It’s so cute 
Skam: Isak/Even, Noora/William, Sana/Yousef you can't make me choose I literally love all of them, I get so emotional thinking about the journey to each of their stories. Willam and Noora are my faves only for their season 1-season 2 storyline because the way they got butchered in the last seasons I'd like to forget but I bloody love them, toxic or not. Love the whole season so much. But Skam owns me so I'm not even surprised.
Maya Hart/Lucas Friar: didn't end up being a couple but was one of my favorite ships I actually was obsessed with them and they meant a lot to me, very much so, now it feels like a blur but I remember caring so much and wanting them to be together. I still believe they would, but not sure because we never even got a confirmation or truth if what people noticed and loved about the show was even planned or real. My question is there is no way it wasn't real there was far too much evidence for it but meh. I feel this way too about Riley and Farkle.
Fighter/Tutor from Why R U: as a BL show not my favorite BL show but as a story of these two? One of my best couples, they really got me to feel a lot of emotions and  I really enjoyed watching their story unfold. Can still always rewatch and get emotional at different scenes. 
I'm really not someone that has faves though it's even hard for me to remember couples I care about, I always love some couples but it never sticks unless I absolutely become obsessed with the story somehow, so my list isn't as detailed because there probably is much more but I can't remember atm, and it's always changing, depending on how I view or think about romance during that time.
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 4 months
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