#will they comment on jinako
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nyushitpost · 7 months ago
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[What if?] Hakunon arrives in Chaldea
(feat. Karjina elements)
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Current submitted contenders for the most breedable tourney ->
Achilles Altera Anastasia Anne Bonny & Mary Read Arash Arcueid Arjuna Artoria Artoria Caster Asclepius Ashiya Douman Astolfo Asvatthaman Atalanta Atalanta alter Angra Mainyu Avicebron Barghest Bartholomew Roberts Bazett Bedivere Boudica Bradamante Britomart Byrnhild Carmilla Ceil Charlotte Corday Cleopatra Cu Cu (Alter) Cu (Caster) Diarmuid Dioscuri Dobrynya Nikitich Durga Edmond Dantes Emiya Enkidu Ereshkigal Europa Fionn mac Cumhaill Florence Nightingale Francis Drake Fuma Kotaro Georgios Gilgamesh Goredolf Gorgon Hildr Henry Jekyll & Hyde Hercules Hippolyta Ibuki Douji Iskandar Ishtar Ivan the Terrible Jalter Jason Jeanne d'Arc Jinako Carigiri Jing Ke Kadoc Kama Karna Kato Danzo Katsushika Hokusai Kiara Kintoki Kirei Kiritsugu Kirschtaria Wodime Koyanskaya Kriemhild Kukulkan Lancer Artoria Lancer Artoria alter Lanling Wang Locusta Mandricardo Mash Medea Medusa Merlin Meltryllis Miyamoto Musashi Miyamoto Iori Mordred Mori Nagayoshi Moriarty (Archer) Moriarty (Ruler) Muniere Murasaki Shikibu Mysterious Heroine XX Neco Arc Nero Nezha Noah Nitocris Nrvnqsr Chaos Oberon Odysseus Okada Izo Okita Souji Okita Souji Alter Ortlinde Osakabehime Passionlip Penthesilea Percival Phantom of the Opera Proto Arthur Qin Liangyu Queen Himiko Queen Medb Queen of Sheba Quetzalcoatl Raikou Rama Richard the Lionheart Roa Robin Hood Romani Saint Martha Saito Hajime Sakamoto Ryouma and Oryo Salter Sasaki Kojiro Scathach Scheherazade Sei Shonagon Semiramis Shakespeare Shi Huang Di Shiki Tohno Shuten Douji Skadi Spartacus Suzuka Gozen (Rider) Taigong Wang Takasugi Shinsaku Tamamo Cat Tamamo no Mae Tenochtitlan Thrud Tiamat Tomoe Gozen Ushiwakamaru Vlad III Vritra Waver Xiang Yu Xuanzang Sanzang Yamanami Keisuke Yan Qing Zenobia Zeus
Don't see your GOAT? send me contestants you want to see from the type-moon universe via ask, dm, and or comments
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hasarjunadoneanythingwrong · 10 months ago
I wish we got a jinako chibi that followed us around and commentated instead of the bb chibi.
HONESTLY like I like bb well enough but she did feature heavily in the seraph and summer 3 event and has a decent amount of plot relevant cameos in other stuff...let me have jianko as my cute main rival here
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gilgil-machine · 4 months ago
For the character ask game! (i love all your gil takes): 9, 22, and/or 26 :>
Aw, thank you😊
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
HELL NO😆😆😆 I mean, as much as I love Gilgamesh I wouldn't be able to stand even a day living with him, well, maybe with caster Gil but not his archer counterpart. Even though I can be quite a patient person I just wouldn't be able to stand his misogynistic remarks (I honestly envy Hakunon so much with her patience with him and I wish I was like her in that part).
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I love when authors manage to stay as close to the character as possible and I also really love when they manage to copy his manner of speech and his mannerisms in general and just adding artistic metaphors, comparisons and stuff like that to make the description or the moment look and feel more elegant, you know. Ah, when I read those fics I just feel how my soul rejuvenates🥹❤️‍🩹 So please keep doing that good work.
And what I don't like when sometimes authors make Gilgamesh cuss/curse like making him say "fuck" or whatever, like it's just puts him out of character I think and it just feels like not him you know.
26. What's something the character has done you can't get over? Be it something funny, bad, good, serious, whatever?
Him being a total jerk in Fate Stay Night. Like whenever I see those horrible comments he does towards Saber I feel like my whole being just fills with pure anger towards him. And I got happy when Saber kicked his ass in the end because that's what he truly deserved.
Also when he made some fatphobic remarks in CCC towards Jinako or when he was talking to Hakuno about it as well. I mean, it feels stupid to get offended over the words of a fictional character but still I took it a bit personally because at that time I was a bit overweight (and basically looked like Jinako ngl) and I know that the reason of being fat or chubby is not always because you eat a lot or being lazy but because of your problems with health and stuff like that.
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300iqprower · 1 year ago
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lightheaded-dullahan · 2 years ago
Additional survey
Who gets drawn in this
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If who you picked gets in top 3 — they will get Virgin Killer Sweater instead
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number1mongrel · 3 years ago
The thing I hate most about CCC is the way everyone treats Jinako, with Gil’s comments especially being rough for me to deal with bc I mean look at who I am here. BUT in Jinako’s new interlude she and Gil have a very brief interaction where not only does he not say any more gross comments about her body but in fact acknowledges how much she’s grown as a person since CCC!!!!
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backflipstowardstheroot · 3 years ago
Nasu: this is Jinako she was traumatized by the death of her parents to the point where she hasn't left her room in 15 years because she's terrified of the outside world. she's too afraid to do anything other than play video games and go online all day because she hates herself and she believes that she's doomed to die alone, and rejects anyone's help because she feels like she doesn't deserve it and her trauma has been a part of her life for so long that she is too scared to move past it in fear of losing her entire self
also Nasu: also she's FAT haha everyone point at laugh at how FAT and UGLY she is lolololol. every single character can't even look at her without commenting on how FAT and UGLY she is. obviously no one would ever love her because of this, and we're going to comment on it every single time she's on screen! even Karna, the one person who's ever nice to her, thinks she's way too FAT and comments on it constantly lolololol isn't this funny?
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megashadowdragon · 4 years ago
moon cancer comrades bb  and jinako
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source : www . reddit . com/r/grandorder/comments/c2gstq/moon_cancer_comrades/
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nero-draco · 3 years ago
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Done. Commentary below
First of all the most dangerous part for me is Arjuna Alter below. He won't move nor initiate assault, however depending on your placement of unit you can get sandwiched between enemy units and Arjuna, allowing him to join the fight. That the enemy are also buffed with crit rate up and even more for Arjuna alter also got pierce invul, so it can be quite risky.
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I tried to protect Karna.. but to no avail..
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King Hassan: I only believe in one God
And thus King Hassan reap his Ghanimah
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Hehe, thing got risky for you eh Jinako?
Astraea: Oh you want toned body like mine? Perfect! Let us participate in blessed sport such as wrest- why are you running away!?
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Ans that how its done. I'm sorry if I offended anyone here with my imagery and comment. I have no intention to.
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atomicshitpost · 5 years ago
Spoiler for Jinako’s Valentine Chocolate scene in FGO JP 2020
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Karna shows up in the Craft Essence description (Jinako’s choco to master). 
She gave you a chocolate premium roll cake, which master (in the description) said was very sweet that it needed chai (tea). ‘A certain grey haired lancer commented; “That’s how it is , Jinako.’ implying he knew it was too sweet.
 There was no reason for him to be there, but there he was........... japanese players think he’s highkey third wheeling lmao 
Another thing is, the way Jinako’s Valentine scene and Karna’s valentine scenes are structured the same, even when he told you to only wear the earrings” only when it’s the two of you” (no servants around)? Jinako said a very similar thing, saying the cake should be eaten only when no one else sees you, because she’s embarrassed.
She told you she cant miss completing this ‘event’, and toki toki memorial (tokimeki?) was mentioned... which, JP players think maybe Karna said the whole “please wear in only when we’re together” because he watched Jinako plays the otome game, which explains his random blush.
 They definitely can’t escape each other huh, TypeMoon/Delightworks?
edit: added a sketch I drew for twit
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kaibutsushidousha · 4 years ago
What eight Servants you want to see added to the series (one of each class counting all the extras as one)?
Sorry for the delay. I had answers ready for quite a few of the classes but the ones I didn’t were real tough picks.
Saber: Momotarou
Momotarou is up there with Kintarou and Urashima Tarou as Japan’s most popular children’s folklore character. Kintarou is already present in FGO as Sakata Kintoki and Urashima is at least referenced with Ryuugu being an area in Agartha, but there’s no mention of Momotarou yet. And how would he mesh with Nasuverse lore? Momotarou is a super powerful boy born from a peach. A fruit person from Japan.
[Lostbelt 3 spoilers] Yu Meiren is a tianxian, an immortal being functionally identical to a True Ancestor. And she often references the fact she was born from the Fusang Tree in Japan. Implying tianxian, and maybe even actual True Ancenstors are also fruit people from Japan. I want Momotarou as a True Ancestor. 
I actually already wrote a sheet for this one.
Archer: Lampião
Fate/ currently has a grand total of 0 Brazilian heroes in its Servant roster and that’s definitely a thing I want changed (Lostbelt 7, please...). At this point I think I’d be ok with absolutely any Brazilian hero, but if you asked which I want the most, my answer would easily be Lampião. Though my biggest fear is that they design him without his glasses. 
I still haven’t written my own sheet for Lampião yet, but I have it complete in my head for maybe over an year. The glasses are a Noble Phantasm and he gushes about each others glasses with Sigurd.
Lancer: Odin
I’ll admit I picked this one only to fill all Classes and don’t actually have any real ideas for a Lancer. Sorry. At least we have a lot of implications for a canon Odin taking a super important role in FGO soon.
(Grand) Rider: Santa Claus
Grand Servants are designed to counter Beasts. I is a magic formula, so Grand Caster is the mage who can fix it. II is life, so Grand Assassin is death. Both versions of III use overpowered mental attacks that affect any rational being, so Grand Berserker is not rational. V is a fox, so Grand Archer is a hunter. VI is being hunted by Arthur, who is fine candidate for Grand Saber. VII erased everything on Earth, so Grand Lancer is the builder of civilization.
By process of elimination, Grand Rider should be someone who can handle IV, Fou. Fou is the Beast of Comparision, a being who thrives and grows from competition. He gets agitated when challenged by others, but I can only remember 3 instances of him getting aggressive with someone completely unprovoked. Against Merlin, against Napoleon, and against Jinako (once). That’s the kingmaker, a dude literally made of hopes and dreams, and the remover of obstacles, respectively. Three huge facilitators for mankind. Beings who exist to let humanity dream for no real cost. 
Jinako’s case is the most interesting because Fou immediately stops being violent once he sees Jinako’s lazy, unhelpful personality. It’s like Fou can tell she won’t be an obstacle to strife and fair competition. That’s the bit that makes me feel really confident about my read on Fou.
Anyways, we established that Fou’s natural enemies are the facilitators, and who is the biggest facilitator of them all? Yes, Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas himself. The Rider grand enough to run his sled through the entire world on a single night, distributing free dreams for the good children of humanity. I want him to tag along with all the meme Santa Servants from the Christmas events to dunk on Fou if he turns evil. 
Caster: Toriyama Sekien
Toriyama Sekien is a Japanese artist famous for publishing a series of artbooks titled Gazu Hyakki Yagyou. Youkais used to formless monsters, vaguely described, with their true appearance being defined by the listener’s fears. This changed when Sekien published his Gazu Hyakki Yagyou, which was sort of a Pokédex where he published his illustrations of an youkai, along with its legends and description. All images you know of youkais are based on the designs Sekien created for his Pokédex.
The first volume of his series contained all the famous and popular youkais. The second volume also contained many famous, but a few very obscure ones. And then the third and fourth are filled with very few verifiably obscure youkais and most of them so obscure that they had no known sources aside from GHY itself. Because of this, Toriyama is rumored to have given up on researching obscure youkai by his 3rd artbook and started making his own youkai up for money.
Now let’s talk Type-Moon lore. In Shimousa there’s an explanation for the different types of oni and one of the categories there is onis from stories. Demonic beings who only came to exist because humanity believe they existed. This ties in very nicely to the idea that Sekien was making youkai up to fill all the slots in his Pokédex. By the way, in Osakabehime’s mats, her source is not listed as “Japanese mythology”, but as the second volume of Gazu Hyakki Yagyou, which implies Higashide also subscribes to the idea Sekien is creating youkais in-universe and Osakabehime was potentially Sekien’s first OC. 
Assassin: Agatha Christie
I just think writer Servants outside of the Caster class are neat, and want Fate/ to turn the topic of my research paper into my next waifu. I have cool ideas for her Noble Phantasms, but I won’t comment on them here because I want to get her Servant sheet posted soon.
Berserker: Gilgamesh
Another pack filler like Odin, sorry. We already Gilgamesh before his journey to the netherworld as Archer and after it as Caster, so I just think a nice new take on Gil would be making him Mad Enhanced into believing he’s still stuck in the netherworld. It’s the one point of his life where he completely cast away his pride, and struggled to the point of crawling and eating dirt to survive. A constantly panicky and pragmatic Gilgamesh would be a nice new side of Gilgamesh to see, with an amazing contrast with his three other forms.
Extra Class (Avenger): Kohaku
It’s no secret that Kohaku is my favorite fictional character ever and I wouldn’t hesitate to whale for her ifwhen we get a Tsukihime event. She could work as an Assassin, but I picked Avenger instead because I’m an emotional masochist, and love her for how she makes me suffer. Kohaku is a tortured empath who operated a revenge plan, but through all of that she could never bring herself to truly hate her abusers because she understand better than anyone that Tsukihime is a tragedy where absolutely everyone is a victim. So her Oblivion Correction would just make her relive the worst moments of her life, trying to force upon her a hatred that doesn’t fit anywhere in her empathic heart. Avenger Kohaku is not even made a character yet, and she’s already on the verge of making me cry.
On alternate take, Kohaku technically participated in a Grail War with Okita on Koha-Ace, so she theoretically should qualify as a vessel for a Pseudo-Servant. I’d place her as a good vessel for Prometheus. They both remembered mostly as tricksters, and accepted to be subjects of scheduled torture to protect someone they cared for and allow them to grow up free and healthily. 
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airgetlamhh · 5 years ago
I think lostbelt 3 is very overated.But Hating every second of it and qin being the worst characther in the game seem a bit much
I mean, IMO Lostbelt 3 is very poorly written and kinda coasts off the Urobuchi hype. 
Spoilers under the cut.
The main romance that’s supposed to sell it is non-existent, there’s no thought given to anything beyond how to make the people it wants to look cool look cool, it is downright obsessed with making sure we understand now noble and cool and incredible Qin is and in between all that just fails to make sure that one plot thread follows consistently after another. 
We have shit like Li Shuwen oneshotting a Beast followed by him losing to our squad of like, a half dozen Servants at best when he’s backed up by like twenty of his best soldiers, we have shit like talking about why we can’t do a frontal assault because of all the frozen heroes Huang Di has in stock that they never use and our final plan is just assaulting them outright, we have shit like everyone going wild over how Qin is on par with a Grand Servant before we just clown on them with a group of, again, half a dozen Servants tops, all of whom are exhausted. We have the absolute terrible writing for Xiang Yu and Consort Yu’s romance, where instead of doing even a little bit that could be interesting by examining how neither of them are the people they remember and dealing with those challenges, Consort Yu just decides she’s in love with Lostbelt Xiang Yu too with no conflict, and Lostbelt Xiang Yu at the last second decides he’s also in love with her and will disobey Qin and die for her. 
It doesn’t show any of that romance and love growing, we get one single flashback from Consort Yu and that’s it, she loves this machine that bears no resemblance in personality, experience, or appearance to the man she actually loved because he has the same name, that’s it. It’s lazy and it’s bad. 
And for Qin, I get that they’re popular, but I can’t stand them in the slightest. They’re absolutely completely evil to the core and justify it with tired old excuses about being pragmatic that everyone swallows and accepts for no reason. They singlehandedly drove their world to stagnation, turned humanity as a whole into less than animals (they even call themselves the sole true human), crushed the creative drive and the curiosity of the people beneath them, and if anyone learns anything? They’ll send meteors to wipe out the entire village, even if it’s a child who learns it. 
They never face a significant setback, never seem on the back foot, and even when they’re defeated they just switch over to our side, except their interlude reveals that actually their Lostbelt took months to disappear when the others do it in days, and after pulling the trigger on their own Lostbelt and consigning everyone in it to death, it turns out they had absolutely no intention of paying that same price even while they tricked everyone into thinking they were going to. They set up a system that relies on creating artificial Singularities where they turned into a monster that murdered their subjects in Xiangyang, so not only were they willing to kill their Lostbelt just to pull a fast one, they’re willing to keep killing all their subjects in multiple Singularities that are right there, over and over and over, purely as insurance for if the Alien God might win, so they can blow up history and start over as the ruler of the world.
Qin wouldn’t be a bad character if they didn’t warp everyone around them. Gilgamesh once tried to murder Jinako for being a NEET in CCC, but when Gilgamesh looks at Qin, when the man who wants more than anything for humanity to break free of the gods and take to the stars meets the one responsible for taking away the purpose and drive of humanity and trapping them on Earth, he just...makes a comment that might, if you squint, seem a little insulting. It’s not the only example, but it’s one of the most blatant, because Gilgamesh looks at someone who forced what he considers a worthless existence that deserves death onto the entire species and doesn’t react with immediate murder. 
When it’s revealed that Qin is basically holding the timeline hostage and is fully willing to betray Chaldea by destroying it if they think they’re going to lose, the reaction to this is to...not tell Guda a thing, even though all the major head staff know, and then instead of throwing Qin out on their ass, they all just sigh and move on as if it’s some quirky flaw instead of someone literally threatening to repeat the Incineration of Mankind purely based on them being a “””politician””” who “””doesn’t gamble””” as if that justifies it. 
Qin is evil, full stop, and I don’t mind evil characters. They can be some of the most fun characters in stories and I absolutely adore a well written villain. But the way the story writes Qin, how it constantly, obsessively sucks them off and makes sure we think about how noble it is for him to shoulder the responsibility of humanity, how everyone around them can’t stop themselves from thinking about how amazing they are, how people who should despise them just meekly stay out of their way and make snide comments, all of that adds up. Urobuchi wrote a horrendous villain and then tried to act like they had a point, despite being singlehandedly responsible for the death of their timeline because they crushed any sort of creativity or intelligence or curiosity out humanity and built a wall around the world, literally ripping the human spirit out of the population, and the narrative desperately wants you to think this is a good and valid position that Qin was intelligent and noble for doing.
I can’t stand that, and I don’t give a shit how quirky they make Qin or how much they ship Guda and Qin. It’s awful and lazy and it reminds me of how some of the worst things about GO are the absolute lack of capacity to let villains be villains. 
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fgodestinyawakenings · 5 years ago
My opinion on the latest SSRs(No wars , this is just my opinion) : Dioscuri > Artoria , Sei > Gil , Roma > Scath , Ody > Drake , Waver > Murasaki , Kama > Jack ,Musashi(Berserker) > Vlad , Jeanne > Lartoria(Ruler) , Dantes > Space Ishtar , Jinako > BB , Melt > Kingprotea and Voyager > Abigail
^For the above, opinions varied so do NOT turn my comment and reblog section into a warzone if someone doesn’t like your husbando/waifu
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Assassin I’m still feeling it needs more work. Shuten and King Hassan are by far best Assassin to have... Cause the rest of the limited ones needs a lot of work/strengthening to upgrade. Vitch I’m seeing her high chance as limited unless Gudas convincing have her becoming permanent Assassin
But Lancer... Unless said coming Rhongo user is another Lancer class to have aka the Lostbelt Ruler. I’m not talking about Artoria/Lion King. It’s whoever that’s killing wolf asshole so either Morgan (doubt her because she’s Caster), or Vortigern or some other King pulling Rhongo
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melonisopod · 2 years ago
Your comment about Karna and Jinako made me remember the thing I have said once about Karna being a ice goth because I once drew goth Arjuna (I kinda wanna redraw him with the big floofy goth hair lol)
He is kind of a galm goth right? With the floof and the gold armor/earrings and the red eyeshadow+black liner.
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I was a big fan of Gil, until he started making hateful comments about chubby people, about Jinako in fate / extra CCC, and now I find myself shaken. Help me restore my faith in him, i still want to be a GilFucker™
oh yeah i read that stuff too and it was 100% Not Valid of him to say, tbh he absolutely deserves any heat he takes because of that (if i were in hakuno’s shoes i would’ve punched him)
honestly i really just wanna blame it on the writers since they were trying to play it for gags?? but gil’s the one who said it so i still won’t defend him for that jskdjf
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