#will go out on epic and consoles at some point hopefully soon
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blacktabbygames · 21 hours ago
A small content update for Slay the Princess just went live — The Voice of the Skeptic now accompanies you on the Deconstructed side of Happily Ever After instead of Voice of the Paranoid.
I’m not sure why I originally settled on Paranoid for that branch of the story. Maybe it was because Skeptic already felt overrepresented in The Pristine Cut between his presence in the Den, and his major role in The Cage split across three routes. The Cage in particular was a very emotionally taxing chapter to work on, so maybe I was tired of writing him.
But post release, it’s felt like:
Paranoid’s in HEA was just kind of there. At least, none of the things he does in the chapter felt important for his character.
Every voice gets an opportunity to truly shine somewhere except Skeptic. In fact, to push players to the cage, we wound up taking away one of his weirdest moments to shine from the base game (pushing you to take The Prisoner’s head with you.) Localizing the game means that redoing any dialogue is very burdensome, since I’d have to have it retranslated in all 12 of our supported languages, but upon looking more closely at the script for Happily Ever After, I realized that all but one or two lines felt more like they belonged to skeptic rather than the paranoid anyways.
And that when given to the skeptic, those lines don’t feel like he’s just kind of there the way it felt like Paranoid was just kind of there. The small wins Paranoid can get in that chapter — deducing the identity of the shadow; pushing you to blow out the torches — they’re big wins for the Skeptic, and the route seemed like it would be much more rounded if he was swapped in.
And beyond that, I couldn’t get the following line from the Shifting Mound’s monologue about the Deconstructed Damsel out of my head:
“Love melted into skepticism, and you pulled back layer after layer after layer until all you were left with was the knowledge that you did not know me.”
We couldn’t just use the word skepticism to describe the route’s entry point and not include our lil’ over-analytical guy. So we took some time this month to re-record those lines with Jonny and make the changes to the game, and now that itching need to fix “just one more thing” is finally gone.
This is probably the final content update for Slay the Princess (though, never say never I suppose.) Ever since we started work on The Pristine Cut, I wanted to end my work on the game with the conclusion of Happily Ever After. I’m grateful for the opportunity for that to finally be the case.
I hope to see you all tomorrow with Scarlet Hollow’s relaunch, but even if I don’t see you there, thank you all for the life-changing support you’ve given us. I hope our game means as much to you as it means to us.
All the best, Tony
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ashes-and-ashes · 6 years ago
Have a Drarry Muggle AU. I may decide to write more and make this a longer, multi chaptered fic - let me know!
Beach House
When Harry pulls up in the driveway, Draco is ready. He sprints towards the car, wrenching open the door and flinging himself inside, his bag awkwardly crammed up against his knees. “Go go go go,” he pants, jamming his feet into his shoes. “Drive!”
To his credit, Harry doesn’t question him, merely guns the engine and speeds off, Draco’s house fading into the distance. With a grunt, Draco shoves his bag underneath his seat, managing to get his feet up so he could tie his shoelaces. He knows he probably looks horrendous, like he’s just walked through a cyclone, but he really doesn’t care.
Beside him, Harry raises an eyebrow. “You’re in a hurry.”
Draco grunts. “Parents.”
“Oh.” Harry looks over, one hand finding Draco’s. “You good?”
“Yeah.” Draco shrugs. “Assholes as usual. The usual shit. ‘You can’t be an artist! Why don’t you try football?’ Blah blah blah blah.”
Harry frowns. “You sure you’re okay - “
“I’m fine.” Draco gives him a small smile. “It’s summer. They can’t stop me. Besides, I’ve been looking forwards to this for weeks.”
Harry looks like he’s about to press the point, but Draco hastily changes the subject. “Who are we picking up first? Pansy?”
“Nah.” Harry takes a sharp left, trees and houses wizzing by the windows. “Blaise. Cause Pansy takes forever to get ready. We’ll grab him, then pick her up on the way to the beach.” He pauses. “Actually, you should probably text her now. Tell her I’ll be over in ten.”
Draco nods, digging his phone out of his pocket. Picking u up. Be at ur house in 10.
K, came Pansy’s reply, and Draco grins. “No way she’ll be out in 10.”
“When is she ever?” Harry rolls his eyes. “I swear, how long does it take her to put on her fucking eyeshadow for God’s sakes?”
Draco laughs, leaning back in his chair. It was late afternoon, sunlight streaming through the windows, making everything seem golden. The air was warm, smelling like leaves and plants and growing things, the sky clear above him. It was the perfect day, and Draco feels himself itch for his sketch pad.
“What are you thinking about?”
Draco looks over, his brows raised. “Sorry?”
Harry laughs. “You have your ‘I’m thinking’ face on.”
“I do not have an ‘I’m thinking’ face - “
Harry nods. “Yep. Your eyes go all dreamy and glassy and you bite your lip like this - “
Draco flips him off, and Harry smirks. “Fine tosser. I’m thinking about how bloody hot your car is.”
Harry frowns. “Yeah, I can’t get the bloody roof to open for some reason.” He bangs the console with his fist. “Damn thing is stuck.”
“Your car is a piece of junk.” Draco pokes at the buttons, grimacing at the cracking noise they made as he pressed them. “I’m surprised it’s gotten you this far.”
“Asshole,” Harry says. “I happen to be the only one of us who can drive - “
“Gays can’t drive.” Draco gives him a wink. “And you’re bi, so don’t even.”
Harry rolls his eyes, but remains silent as they pull up at Blaise’s house. “Call him will you?”
Draco sighs, raising his phone. He dials Blaise, fiddling with the handle of the door as he did. “Oi - “
“Yes yes, I see the car. Calm your tits, Malfoy.”
“Screw off,” Draco says, hanging up. He shrugs. “Should be out soon.”
The door opens, Blaise strutting down the driveway. He was dressed perfectly as usual, and Draco sighs as he rolls down the window. “Hey Zabini. Going to a fashion show?”
“Fuck off,” Blaise mumbles. He throws himself in the backseat, kicking his legs up behind the chair. “Least I don’t look like I crawled out of the dumpster.”
“Hey!” Draco says. “That’s not nice to say Harry looks like he’s crawled out of the dumpster!”
Harry swats him, and he laughs. “We can’t all be models like you, Blaise.”
“True,” Blaise mutters as Harry pulls out of the driveway. “I’m one of a kind.”
Harry snorts. “Why, so humble today Blaise.”
“I’m always humble.” Blaise kicks Draco’s seat. “We getting Pansy?”
Draco nods. “I told her we were coming in 10.”
“No fucking way she’s going to be out in 10.” Blaise scoffs. “This is Pansy we’re talking about.”
“I texted her 30 minutes ago so...” Draco trails off. “Hopefully she’s out.”
“It’s so fucking hot in here.” Blaise bangs his head on the window. “Where’s the air con?”
Harry jabs at the controls again. “Useless thing is broken. I can’t roll the roof down.”
“Fuck.” Blaise kicks the back of Draco’s seat again. “It’s too hot.”
“That’s because I’m in the car,” mutters Draco, and Harry laughs.
They pull up at Pansy’s house after 10 minutes, Draco texting her again. We’re here.
Blaise snorts. Get ur fat ass out here pans.
10 minutes, she writes back, and Harry groans. “10 minutes. It’s always 10 minutes. Last time she said that - “
“Waiting in the car for 1 fucking hour.” Blaise scowls at his phone. “Can we leave without her?”
“I wish,” mutters Draco, and Harry sighs. “Okay. We give her 15 minutes.”
25 minutes later, Pansy breezed out, carrying a huge bag in her hands. “Hey guys,” she chirps, sliding into the car next to Blaise. “Ready for our 5 days of epic fun?”
Harry groans. “Don’t call it that.”
“Oh I’m sorry,” Pansy snaps. “I was going to call it out 4-way orgy, but I decided not to.”
“Thank God,” Blaise mutters, and Pansy flips him off. She rolls her eyes. “Why is it so bloody hot in here?”
“Roof won’t roll down,” Harry says. “The button won’t press.”
Pansy leans over, jamming her finger into the controls. “That won’t work - “ Draco starts, then stops as she slams her fist against the dashboard. “Pans, you’ll break the fucking car...”
“Zip it Malfoy,” Pansy replies, slamming her hand against it again. With a self-satisfied smirk, she sits back down, raising her eyebrows as the roof slowly buzzed open. “Kiss my ass.”
“Already tried that. Turned me off girls permanently,” Blaise mutters. Pansy huffs. “My ass is extraordinary. There’s this one girl named Granger who I’ve been getting on with, and I swear she can suck me off - “
Harry bangs the steering wheel, the horn going off with a loud honk. “I actually know Hermione and I’d prefer if we don’t talk about her sucking you off Pans?”
Pansy winks, sticking her bottom lip out. “Fine. Be like that.”
Draco just sighs, placing his feet on the dashboard. The wind was fierce, now that the roof of the car was down, whipping his hair around his face. He glances over at Harry, his dark hair and green eyes, the lines of his jaw and his fingers wrapped around the steering wheel. The familiar itch takes over, charcoal and ink on paper, and Draco’s remainder of 1 year ago.
Sitting on the roof, hiding from his parents, sketchbooks filled with drawings of the boy with green eyes. Hundreds of them, sketches and paintings and watercolors, because even then Draco couldn’t stop himself.
He’s jolted out of his thoughts by Harry again. “Thinking about me?”
Draco turns away, hoping Harry couldn’t see his blush. “Thinking about art school, actually. Or applying for it.”
“Parents still won’t let you?” Blaise asks, and Draco lets out a bitter laugh. “As if they would ever let me. Manipulative bastards, both of them.”
“Assholes,” Harry mutters, and Draco shrugs. “Whatever. That’s not the issue.” He takes a deep breath, staring up at the sky, willing the tears not to flow, for his eyes to stay dry. “They want me gone. They say I’m hanging out with the wrong people, that they are corrupting me into thinking I want to be an artist. They want....” He falters. “They want to send me to some bloody school in Norway.”
He senses Harry stiffening in the seat next to his fingers going white on the steering wheel. He winces, looking down, anywhere but Harry’s face. Behind him, Pansy swears. “Shit. Fucking Norway?”
“Fucking Norway,” Draco replied, and Pansy swears again. “What the hell?”
“Bastards.” Blaise shakes his head. “What a load of goddamn bastards.”
“When?” Harry’s voice is quiet, and it makes Draco want to cry. He swallows, hard. “Start of next year. This is supposed to be my last summer.”
“Do you want to go to Norway?” Harry’s deadly serious, fingers white-knuckled on the wheel. His biting his lip, peeling away at the flesh with his teeth, blood starting to well at the cracks and Draco shakes his head. “No. God no, I don’t want to go. I don’t want to leave you guys.”
“I can kill them.” Pansy locks eyes with him. “I could kill them. You could come and live with me.”
Draco laughs, his eyes filling up with tears. He blinks them away rapidly, coughing to clear his throat. “Thanks for the offer, Pans. I... I don’t really want to talk about it any more.”
Blaise nods. “Yeah. We’ll enjoy these 5 days. Figure the rest out later.”
Harry gives a tiny nod, one hand reaching out to grasp Draco’s. “Right. Let’s enjoy the beach first.”
“The beach,” Pansy grumbles. “All this sand up your crevices.”
“Lovely, Pans,” Blaise mutters, and despite himself, Draco laughs.
They finally pull in to a small cottage, on a cliff overlooking the waves. Harry parks the car, climbs out. “We’re here!”
“Finally,” Pansy chirps. She stands, stretches her arms above her head, then winks. “Okay. I’ll unpack?”
“Nah.” Harry shakes his head. “I’ll bring everything in. You two make food or something.”
“Sounds fair,” Blaise says, grabbing the bag with all the groceries. He stalks up to the door, yelling over his shoulder, “Where are the goddamn keys?”
Draco finds them in Harry’s bag, tossing them to Blaise, who winks as he unlocks the door. He and Pansy skip inside, kicking it shut behind them.
Draco takes a deep breath. He can hear the waves, crashing over each other, rolling and tumbling and mixing into the sand. The wind pulls at his skin, soft tendrils on his face and he grimaces. “Harry - “
Harry just shakes his head, grabbing him and shoving him against the door of the car, presses his mouth to Draco’s.
They stay like that for ages, Draco’s hands on Harry’s waist, the edge of the handle digging into his hip. The sound of the ocean fills his head, deep and distant, his lips moving against Harry’s.
They’ve done this so many times that they knew each other perfectly, knew every line and fold, every movement before they started. Draco lets his head fall back, his mouth open, drowning in the emerald sea of Harry’s eyes.
When they pull apart, they are both panting, Draco licking his swollen lips. He raises an eyebrow at Harry. “What was that for?”
Harry looks down. “I - “
“You tell me what you’re thinking, and I’ll tell you what I’m thinking.” The words fall out of Draco’s mouth in a clumsy heap. He winces. “I mean. If you want to...”
Harry just sighs. “I’m thinking that I don’t want you to go. To Norway, I mean. I’m thinking that it’s far and cold and I’ll be so fucking lonely and I know you will too. I’m thinking that 10 months is a goddamn long time to be away from you, and that I don’t know how I’ll survive not being able to see your face. I’m thinking that I’ll miss you, from your smart ass comments to your drawings.” He runs his hands through his hair. “What about you?”
He wishes he could draw it, show what he meant on a piece of paper. Eyes and embraces and falling stars, chocolate and marshmallows, the fizz of soda on your tongue. Wind and hands and lips on your hair, a hundreds kisses to hide the bruises, all the trappings of a simple summer together. Ink, two boys together, so close their shadows merged into one, blood dripping from hands onto a concrete floor.
He looks up. “I wish I could draw it. What I’m thinking, I mean.”
“What are you thinking,” Harry asks. “What are you thinking?”
“I...” Draco trails off. He glances, over Harry’s shoulder, to the ocean and the sand and the cottage. When he looks back, his voice is firm. “I’m thinking that I love you.”
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pedropascalforpresident · 6 years ago
Some thoughts I have on Endgame after watching it twice so spoilers below..
No matter how devastated by it I'm still happy with Nat's story conclusion because she died fighting on the good side, I'm sure she knew her death wouldn't be for nothing because she believed in her family. She wanted to prove her heart was true and was so eager to change everything that's happened. Somehow I feel like she was most excited when they found out there is a way to reverse the snap and she'd do anything she had to, even to die for it.
Post time skip Thor was actually a good depiction of how PTSD can affect people. If it was up to me to stop the person who wants to kill half of the universe's population and I failed and knew it couldn't be reversed (or lived with that thought for 5 fcking years) I'd eat and drink myself to death. Fortnite was for humor and I agree it was unnecessary but we honestly needed all the laughs amongst the tears and anxiety and sorrow. But pls don't get me wrong, PTSD is fucking serious and should never be made fun of, I know that firsthand.
Steve staying back in the past, now this one.. This is the one that divides our fandom just like Tony's death but honestly, to each their own. Somewhere under the endgame spoilers tag I mentioned that after watching the movie for the second time there is something in Bucky's expression telling me he knew.. telling me that him and Steve had an off screen conversation about what Steve's planning on doing. Whether it was Steve asking for Bucky's opinion or just straight out saying "this is what I'm gonna do and you can't change my mind" Bucky has accepted it (or at least shows he did). The only surprise I see in Bucky is when he sees old Steve sitting in front of them but even then I felt like he knew Steve would come back because he tells Sam to go there as soon as he realizes it's Steve.
Steve handing the Cap mantle to Sam is in my opinion better than to Bucky because it suits Sam more and again they might've had an off screen conversation on that topic. Now, I'm sure Buck would be the first and probably the only person Steve would talk about this and I believe he asked Buck if he wants to take over. But for now this is all my speculation/what I choose to be canon for me until the Disney+ series come out and we hopefully find out what really went on.
From what we know about time travel in the film, Steve going back doesn't change the future because his future becomes his past. You really need to watch this movie more than once, I did and I still feel like I'm missing some points. Steve returned to all the points in time to bring back the stones in their place before separating the timeline by staying with Peggy. That means that the original future stays the same and Peggy still has her family and a successful job and Agent Carter storyline still happens the same way. Steve however chooses a timeline just for himself to be with the love of his life and kicks some Hydra ass and saves Bucky and maybe he even prevents the Snap knowing everything from the original timeline. It is cheating but cheating for the greater good and Steve is, to quote Ultron, "god's righteous man". The only thing I'm bothered by is his fling with Sharon because he keeps holding on to the compass with Peggy's picture but again no one should blame him for trying to move on after the love of his life dies. That is until he finds out there is a way to time travel. But yeah, it was weird because she is her niece.
Last thing on Steve returning, remember he took 4 pym particle thingys so two were used when him and Tony went back to present from 1970 and two were left. He probably kept them for himself knowing he'd return to the original timeline to give Sam the shield but I feel like this won't be explained so yet another speculation.
I've seen people discuss how they got the space stone back inside the Tesseract and the answer couldn't be simpler: same way they get it out. They knew they will have to return them after reversing the Snap so I'm 100% sure they didn't break the Tesseract like Thanos did in IW.
Tony's death was devastating but I think he knew it might be necessary and he even prepared to snap with the stones himself and built the gauntlet inside his suit. Don't forget that he uses nano tech and could easily transfer the stones from Stark gauntlet onto his suit in the right moment which he ultimately does. Pepper was right to say he can finally rest now, he spent so long trying to make Earth a safer place and he probably wouldn't ever stop because that's who Tony Stark is. This way he finally got to rest knowing the future of his family, his friends, the world and the universe is safe from Thanos - the greatest threat (for now). I'm happy he got at least 5 years to be with his family and he did deserve sooo much more being the person who he is but no matter how heartbreaking, we know and we we're told that every story has an ending and they are not all necessarily satisfying. The man says it himself.
Loki gives me hope with his disappearing ass along with the Tesseract. If we follow the movie's time travel rules, our blue icicle has a new timeline but I'm definitely missing Ragnarok Loki. I loveeeed him since the first Thor movie and was crushed when he died in IW, I even named my cat after him fuck. But with the Disney+ series I'm sure my heart will heal, all I need is more Loki in my life.
So Gamora is missing and I really can't wait to see how gotg3 plays out especially with Thor on board. He never felt like he should be the king and I'm happy Valkyrie is taking over and btw her Pegasus is everything and her scenes at the final battle were amazing.
Ok so after writing this I want to see the movie again and I've already seen it twice in less than 12 hours, it really is an epic for me and as a long time fan I'm happy and devastated with how everything turned out at the same time.
I keep repeating Tony's words from his funeral scene to console myself. We always have phases 1-3 to rewatch and remember how things were and I can't wait for new movies and tv shows but that doesn't mean I won't occasionally read an au fanfic or two just to imagine what things would be like if...
I am heartbroken and happy at the same time. At the same time I feel like a part of me died but I am also excited for new things, for new heroes following the legacy the originals have left for them.
I also want to note that the fandom is already so divided but we all have our own opinions and there's no point arguing and trying to implement our opinions to someone else when they clearly don't want to. I love a good discussion but if there are any straight up negative comments on this I will ignore them so no need to be *that* kind of a fan.
During the premiere's *purple* carpet event everyone kept saying that Marvel fans are the best fans so let's try to keep up with that. ❤️
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eddsworld-late · 5 years ago
The Box Part 2
Or maybe it’s how all of those Amazon and Fed-Ex packages keep getting messed up.
1132 words, 6507 characters.
     Meanwhile, back at the Red Army base, Red Leader shot at a target a few times at the shooting range. “What do you want me to tell you?” his A.I assistant, Cindy, retorted, “Your aim is perfect.” “I’m bored,” he sighed, “I just want something to do!” “You could go help retrieve your box,” she suggested, “That could be fun.” He reloaded several of the guns and sighed. “You’re right. Let’s go to Bosnia and hopefully not get shot out of the sky!”      He ran out to the other plane, punched in the coordinates and set it to autopilot. He reclined the seat and kicked his feet up on the control panel with a yawn. “Wake me up when we get there or if I need to take control, Cindy,” he said, closing his eyes. When Cindy finally did wake him up, it was because they were headed directly towards a mountain. Tord yelped and quickly took control of the plane so he could avoid the mountain, looking down in time to see the Blue Army base… And a zombie tyrannosaurus rex. He grinned in anticipation as he landed near it. He watched it for a few minutes as it attacked the outside of the base. “So that’s where all of those zombie dinosaurs from that island went...” he mumbled to himself as he began sneaking towards it.      Soon enough, he was on it and riding it inside the building and into the chamber with the other zombie tyrannosaurus rex. He felt like James Bond. Suave, intelligent, breaking all the typical codes of conduct, storming enemy lines on a sweet ride... “HEY!” he yelled, “OVER HERE, BIG ROTTING UGLY!” The other dinosaur whipped around to look at him, its massive tail throwing Patryck against the far wall. Tord smirked. “YOU!” Blue Leader yelled, pointing at him from behind the glass. “You bet!” he replied, “Don’t tell me you seriously didn’t think I wouldn’t show up! And in the flesh, which is more than can be said for you and your robot selves!” She scowled and ran off. Tord turned back to the problem in front of him – that is to say, the zombie T-Rex that he wasn’t riding – with a smirk across his face. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” he said, charging his own massive dinosaur at it. Of course, zombies don’t mess with other zombies. It was a flaw that became more evident after he realized that the dinosaur he was on was actually going for his men. He quickly slid down its back and ran to the now wide open giant door. “Guys!” he called, “This way!” And once he was sure his men were following, he ran off.      “Where’s the plane?” he asked. “It’s just down there!” Yuu said, pointing at the landing strip ahead of them. Patryck looked back. “I didn’t know this before,” he began, “But as it turns out, Tyrannosaurs can really haul a-” He was cut off by gunfire from ahead. “Oh come ON!” Yanov cried, sliding under the hail of bullets and firing back at the previously hidden guards with his own two pistols, “Can’t you give us a break?!” Paul pulled out some throwing knives and threw them at the opposing forces as he ran for the plane while Patryck and Yuu ran in different directions to cause a distraction.      Tord stopped midstep and just grinned at a thought that occurred to him, that clearly hadn’t occurred to anyone in the Blue Army. There were more zombie dinosaurs. Zombies are never sufficiently contained either. He turned back around and calmly walked between the legs of the enormous undead T-Rexes and followed the trail of blaring red hazard lights down to the rest of the zombies. With a grin, he slammed his hand on the button to let them all out. Then, much like the Tyrannosaurs, he hauled a-      When Paul got to the cockpit, he glared ahead at Blue Leader, who was calmly sitting on the control panel with a devious smirk. Yanov quickly joined him. “Can we just call it a day?” Paul asked, “This is encroaching on my smoke break.” Yanov stared at him. “THAT’S what you’re worried about?!” he exclaimed. “So says the guy who took a flamethrower to some guards over the fate of his portable gaming console,” Paul replied dryly. Blue Leader rolled her eyes. “Here you two are arguing when I’m the one holding all the cards,” she said, “And by “cards,” I mean-” “ZOMBIE DINOSAUR STAMPEDE!” Tord laughed from outside the plane, “GET THE PLANE GOING GUYS! I DON’T WANT US TO DIE HERE!”      Yuu and Patryck quickly ran into the cockpit. “Four against one,” Yuu said, “I think I like our odds.” “You four just lost against me less than an hour ago,” Blue Leader said. “You had guards!” Patryck said. “And you can make it five!” Tord grinned, carrying in the gunblade, “Now you can either get out of here and deal with the problem in your base, or I can figure out how to use this thing.” “My guards here are expendable,” she said, “I don’t care about them. I don’t care about this base. I don’t even care about Bosnia. I’d rather see you go down.” “I guess it’s time for an epic gunblade fight!” Tord grinned, “Cindy! Play my boss fight theme for me!” On cue, a sick beat and thumping rhythm took over the speakers as the weapon charged up a blast.      Paul, Patryck, Yuu and Yanov watched as the robotic body for Blue Leader exploded into smithereens from one blast of the gunblade. “Really?” Tord said, half disappointed and half intrigued, “I was hoping for more of a fight. But I really do appreciate decent firepower.” Patryck took off, shooting the plane into the sky. Once they were safe, he punched the coordinates for the Red Army base and sighed, flopping into one of the seats and promptly sliding out of it. “So what’s in the box anyway?” Yanov asked curiously. “Oh, you know...” Tord said. Unfortunately, Cindy turned his epic boss theme up too loud, effectively covering up his explanation of what was in the box. Everyone was more or less annoyed about that, but they gave in, exhausted from everything that just happened. “I’m glad all of that is over,” Patryck groaned. “Me too,” Yuu agreed.      When the five returned to the base, they made a group effort to carry the precious cargo to Tord’s quarters. Tord pried the lid off and they all peered inside. A grin spread across Tord’s face. “At last!” he said reaching in, “It’s finally here!” “That’s what we went through all of that for?” Paul grumbled. “I think it was worth it!” Yanov grinned, “It’s amazing!” “Definitely,” Yuu replied. Patryck just laid on the floor, asleep at this point. “Let’s go try it out!” Tord said. “Let’s not,” Paul replied, “It’s been a long day.” “Whatever, Paul!” Yanov said, opening the door, “I’m off to the training area with Tord!” “Me too!” Yuu agreed.
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herocentral · 7 years ago
Voltron Season 7 thoughts and theories
Well folks I’ve just watched season 7 of Voltron all 13 episodes worth (yes they back on that system) and I must say its been the most adrenaline pumping season of the lot!
To start with episode 1 which was a good way to show the characters life on Earth before the Kerberos mission and how Keith met Shiro in the orphanage. I think what that episode showed was that a lot of people even the teachers were neglecting Keiths potential as they said he was undisciplined for the Garrison but Shiro saw something else in him and got him the chance to prove himself. 
What surprised me the most was the fact Shiro had a disease. This was something we didn't know about and he didn't show any sign of illness in past seasons. This compromised his ability to go on the Kerberos mission until Sam made his case and got him on the mission. He also had concerns from his partner which was a good addition to Shiro’s back story as we don’t seem to see him talking about his family much in the show. Adam was right to show concern but was still unsupportive of his boyfriends choice. This shows another side of Shiro’s character when he puts his mind to something he sticks to it no matter the circumstances. 
What I found harsh was having Adam killed off during the Galra invasion of Earth that did a blow to Shiro when he returned home, but at least he had the consolation of knowing that Adam died a hero God rest his soul.
I rather found the interactions of the passengers during the road trip rather funny, Allura and the Wolf disagreeing, Corans alphabet singing, Romelle’s curiosity of the red lion just funny its basically road trips in a nutshell. What I found intriguing was that the Paladins had been reported missing for about three years, this was possibly due to what happened after the quintessence field battle with Lotor and after sealing the rift, time must pass differently just like in the Quantum abyss. In that time Zethrid, and Ezor became warlords in the turmoil of the Galra empire after Lotors demise but Axca turned on her fellow generals and decided to help the Coalition which shows what I suspected since her debut in season 2 there was some good in her and Keith helped bring it out. Who knows maybe there is something between them as Ezor said. Then theres Haggar who had her druids find the blades and wipe them out since their operatives were exposed when they allied themselves with Lotor but hopefully Kolivan and Krolia will bring the Blades back into action.
But seeing Krolia leave her son a second time was heart renching, but at least this time Keith was awake for her goodbye.
The game show episode seemed a rather nice touch on the comedy front of the series and having returning characters like Zarkon, Lotor and Morvok was a good twist. What was constant was the Paladins bonding as a team with Keith in charge again since in season 3 they didn't have chance to bond with the lions well since Shiros disappearance into Black’s consciences. So having them without their lions and showing they came together by fate shows how they developed and grown together and the fact they formed Voltron again using their connection. 
Then theres Voltrons new found power with the Black and Red Bayards, they didn't ignite the sword but gave Voltron and awesome Jet pack! 
Seeing in the few years when Sam arrived on Earth was a good thing to show just like how Keith found his mother whilst the whole Oriande quest was going on. What strikes me is how the admiral wanted to keep what Sam learned under raps but Sam and his wife ended up going behind their backs to show the world of Voltron, The Paladins, The Galra everything he’d learned and Iverson actually stuck up for him which was a surprise given the first episodes. 
I found it heartbreaking when the Paladins returned to find their home in ruins, but to see them reunite with their families was the best sight of all, and the fact Keith and Iverson made amends with each other however it seems Griffen may have different opinions given the last time they saw each other Keith kicked his but which in fairness he deserved for talking trash about Keiths parents. 
The fact that they built the Atlas to replace the castle was amazing it looked like Skybase and the castle of lions put together, but seeing it integrate the diamond from the Castle of lions helped greatly, but the biggest surprise was that Shiro connected with the Crystal and made the Atlas into Atlas Voltron! IT WAS AMAZING no Vehicle Voltron but still pretty good. However it does mean this is getting awfully close to being more Power Rangers than Voltron. 
Some point I knew Sendak and Shiro would have a rematch and how Shiro kept up with his new arm which was amazing showed that the two were evenly matched. In terms of Shiros new arm I think the reason Shiro crashed as they were installing it was because it was rejecting his bio signs with the power source until Allura installed the jewel from her crown into it. Its not as good as the Galra hand but it does pack a punch. 
The scene where Keith struck Sendak down with his Bayard was epic though I was expecting him to say “Say hi to Zarkon for us!” That would've been pure greatness. However just when the battles won a new threat comes a Robeast no coffin this time and has the same powers of the Komar device. I have a suspicion that Haggar created that robeast to face Voltron and drain his quintessence but again it failed. I was rather tense at moments in the show such as the Admiral betraying her people just to save the earth which whilst noble was naive as you can't bargain with Sendak. Then there was the moment with the Zaiforge cannons about to destroy earth but the lions and Atlas prevented it. 
The ending where everyone from the universe came together to honour those who fell in battle was just what the season finale needed to remember the fallen and to be reunited with their families Hunk especially as the Galra being on Earth and taking his family was hard on him but we got to show Keith show some sympathy for his fellow Paladin. The shock of finding an Altean in the mech was a surprise and could be the subject of season 8.
On that matter what will happen next, with Zarkon, Lotor and Sendak dead that only leaves Haggar and the Druids. Kolivan said that the Altean colony was empty when the Blades arrived most likely since Haggar beat them there thanks to hearing the story from Keith and Krolia through the Clones eyes. What does this mean what is Haggars agenda now? Honestly I gave up guessing her agenda since season 5 in quoting Ezor “Too complicated” 
Questions are raised, new discoveries found but for now Earth is saved and the Galaxy Alliance is born better watch out Haggar in quoting Optimus Prime “Leave planet earth alone, because I’m coming for you!”  So until Season 8 lets hope its soon LONG LIVE THE DEFENDER OF THE UNIVERSE!
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
15 Best Nintendo Franchises Ranked
Sony and Microsoft super fans will have a hard time admitting it, but Nintendo has created the most incredible catalog of properties in the history of gaming. They may get made fun of for their slow development time and occasionally repetitive entries within their biggest franchises, but people just can’t get enough of that feeling they get when they re-discover Mario jumping on Goombas or Kirby transforming into his nemeses.
With nearly four decades of game creation to explore, it’s hard to rank the absolute best franchises from Nintendo’s considerable history, but that’s exactly what we’ve set out to do. To clear up any confusion, this isn’t a list of the best characters in Nintendo’s history, so you may see Mario starring in multiple entries in this hierarchy (he’s dipped his gloves into just about everything). This also isn’t a ranking of individual Nintendo games, though the overall quality of the individual games within these franchises obviously influenced their ranking.
From sci-fi foxes and pink puffs to mascot brawlers and pocket monsters, these are the 15 best Nintendo franchises ever:
15. Mario Party
Board games have sometimes struggled to battle the popular perception that they’re an outdated form of entertainment. People (sometimes falsely) believe kids don’t have the attention span required to sit still and enjoy them for more than a few minutes, and adults sometimes get tired of trying to get enough people together to play one. Of course, before Mario Party, few people realized how strong the relationship between video games and board games could be.
For over two decades, Mario Party has been delighting families (and driving them crazy) with its wild hijinks, creative minigames, and whimsical board designs associated with the Mushroom Kingdom and its colorful inhabitants. Some entries are obviously more memorable than others (Mario Party 2 is the arguable high point of the franchise), but all of them have the same objective: to encourage in-person multiplayer gaming with people you care about.
14. F-Zero
Before he was known as a Super Smash Bros. staple, Captain Falcon and his iconic Blue Falcon racer led a franchise that many racing fans still call one of the most intense ever. The franchise combines strong gameplay with revolutionary characterization and world-building in a genre that typically isn’t known for either of those qualities. 
Sadly, it’s hard to talk about F-Zero without eventually addressing the fact that it is a mostly defunct relic from Nintendo’s past. There still hasn’t been a mainstream series release since the critically acclaimed F-Zero GX for the Gamecube in 2003, but the fire that fans have for this series’ unique futuristic environments, blazing speed, and racer backstories still burns bright in 2021. 
13. WarioWare
Humor is sometimes severely lacking in gaming, especially at a time when so many violent and cinematic franchises command the attention of the masses. Thankfully, Wario has always had enough fart jokes, snarky comments, and crude companions to make up for the dearth of humor on the gaming market. Of course, WarioWare is so much more than a few laughs and the five-second microgames that compose the core gameplay of the series. 
The franchise has been a pioneer in creative character building, multiplayer functionality, and innovative game design since 2003. Up until the Wii U, audiences could expect Wario, Jimmy T, Mona, and Dr. Crygor to showcase the technological potential of a new Nintendo console. We’ll all be treated to that zaniness again when WarioWare: Get It Together! launches on September 10 for the Switch.
12. Star Fox
It’s hard to emulate the sci-fi/fantasy mix of Star Wars with anthropomorphic animals and not have the whole thing feel corny, but Shigeru Miyamoto pulled it off when he created the Star Fox franchise in the early 1990s. Fox McCloud and his ragtag cohort of pilots introduced sharp-as-nails on-rails shooting to the Nintendo universe, and the gameplay of the first two (officially released) titles in this series has been hard to beat in the decades since. 
This franchise briefly attempted to explore third-person action gameplay with Star Fox Adventure and Star Fox Assault, but the series sadly fell into the abyss in the 2010s. Despite those recent shortcomings, the furry friends that fly through space will always hold a special place in Nintendo gamers’ hearts for as long as people can access a SNES and Nintendo 64. Do a barrel roll! 
11. Pikmin
The Pikmin series is one of Nintendo’s most daring ventures. It’s essentially a mish-mash of genres that ultimately feels like a strategy/adventure/platform/puzzle/collect-a-thon game. Against all odds, the series combines all of those unique elements rather well and even adds a surprising amount of emotional baggage to the equation. There’s nothing quite like the horror of watching the nickel-sized Captain Olimar and his resilient Pikmin soldiers get snuffed out in a second by a Red Bulborb (shudders). 
The franchise has only had four true entries (three on consoles, one on handheld), but that just keeps everyone hungry for more. The third title was also re-released for the Switch in 2020, and there have been rumors of a fourth console entry in the works since 2015. Hopefully, that sequel becomes a reality soon, because few games in the Big N canon offer so much variety. 
10. Donkey Kong
This franchise essentially gave birth to the entire Nintendo empire as we know it today. After all, the original Donkey Kong arcade game gave Nintendo the financial resources it needed to go on to do even bigger and better things. Better yet, DK became a charismatic fan-favorite character in his own right who has been severely disrespected and forgotten about in recent years.
Always in the shadow of the Mario platformers, and even occasionally demoted to sports and party game fodder, the Donkey Kong franchise still features some of the best games in Nintendo history. Donkey Kong Country and its sequels on the SNES revolutionized 2.5-dimensional graphics, Donkey Kong 64 was a peak 3D experience on the Nintendo 64, and Donkey Konga forced millions of parents to buy plastic bongo drums for their living rooms. It’s too bad we didn’t get anything good for this series’ 40th anniversary this past summer. 
9. Kirby
The “Super Tuff Pink Puff” and his large library of games have an enormous following largely because they can lay claim to being the ultimate representation of what gaming should be: flat-out fun. Kirby’s joyful exterior pairs with a fierce interior to create the perfect balance of a cuddly badass. His trademark mechanic (acquiring the abilities of his enemies on the fly) was revolutionary in the 1990s though it admittedly grew a little stale in the three decades since. 
Nintendo seemed to eventually realize that the franchise was growing repetitive and has since tried to spice things up with entries like 2010’s Kirby’s Epic Yarn (an artsy alternative to the typical platforming in the series) and several brawling-style games (i.e. Kirby Fighters Deluxe and Kirby Fighters 2). No matter the genre, this franchise remains one of the most accessible properties in Nintendo’s portfolio.
8. Animal Crossing
There’s no way Nintendo could have known that was initially seen as their spin on The Sims would turn into such a phenomenon. That title effectively introduced many of the hallmark traits of this series that both casual and hardcore fans have come to adore, such as a real-time internal clock and the ability to interact with animals of all kinds as a curious villager in a town that you get to mold and watch grow.
Most recently, Animal Crossing: New Horizons demonstrated gaming’s ability to bring the world together even when they’re separated by thousands of miles and incredible circumstances. The coronavirus pandemic destroyed lives, careers, and economies, but 32 million copies of that title circulated the planet and even provided a little bit of carefree immersion amongst some very dark days. There’s really no greater feat that a video game can possibly accomplish. 
Read more
15 Best SNES RPGs Ever Made
By Chris Freiberg
15 Rarest and Most Valuable SNES Games
By Matthew Byrd
7. Mario Kart
The racing genre is hard to get right, but sticking Mario and all of his friends into some wonky karts and letting the items fly has been simultaneously fun and infuriating for decades now. The franchise has brilliantly found ways to tweak and improve a tried and true formula with each new installment, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe may just be the perfect racing game. 
We all know that Nintendo has had a difficult time competing with the other major players in the industry when it comes to online play, but Mario Kart 8 is one of the only examples of the Big N creating a truly great experience in that department. Ruining someone’s morning with a blue shell halfway across the world right before you go to bed is something that can’t be replicated in any other game series. 
6. Fire Emblem
Long before Marth and Roy joined the Super Smash Bros roster, the Fire Emblem franchise became the pinnacle of tough-as-nails strategy gaming in Japan. As the strategy series started to trickle into the homes of more gamers, the entire Western world finally got to experience its brilliantly designed character development, storytelling, and tactical game boards set in visually creative fantasy lands. 
Fire Emblem Awakening essentially saved the entire property when it exploded in sales for the 3DS in 2013, and it’s only been up from there. Fire Emblem: Three Houses expanded the series’ secondary and tertiary elements to great success, but we all know that the foundational reason for the fun is always the chess match between the gamer’s army and the CPU’s enemy faction. This franchise has one of the brightest futures in the industry. 
5. Super Smash Bros.
When Masahiro Sakurai led development on the original Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64 he probably had no idea he was working on the ultimate fighting event in gaming history. Every sequel that has followed has expanded on the original’s revolutionary mechanics and style that quickly broke the boundaries of what many believed multiplayer fighting games could be. 
By the time we got to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, it became clear to everyone that this series is now a celebration of not only Nintendo as a company but characters previously outside of the conglomerate’s giant grasp. The franchise’s inclusion of Sonic the Hedgehog, Solid Snake, Cloud Strife, and many others demonstrate the power of Smash‘s orbit to bring the entire industry together for one very special gaming experience. 
4. Metroid
Nintendo’s incredible catalog lacks atmospheric, dark, science-fiction properties. Thankfully, Samus Aran’s three-decade-long struggle to take down Space Pirates and battle Ridley has always filled the void. There’s nothing else in gaming that quite challenges Metroid’s ability to combine adventuring, platforming, and puzzle-solving into one incredible entity. 
The series features multiple games that are in the running for the best of their generation, and the anticipation for Metroid Dread shows that fans desperately want to explore the moody depths of Brinstar, Zebes, and Tallon IV for as long as Nintendo will allow them to. 
3. Pokémon
We’ve finally hit the big three Nintendo properties. If you account for all the Pokémon apparel, TV series, movies, trading cards, and more that have spawned from the video games, it’s certainly easy to argue that this franchise is worthy of the top spot on the list. Honestly, though, this series is worthy of at least the third spot on this list based purely on the brilliance of its original adventure. 
Pokémon is special because it focuses on the relationship between humans and animals. Even though the pocket monsters you capture aren’t technically your pets, they sure feel like it after you’ve formed a connection with them after hours and hours of play. This franchise will continue to flourish for as long as Nintendo can think of new types of Pokémon for us to catch in each new generation of games.
2. Super Mario
Nintendo’s mascot has expanded into so many different waters that we sometimes forget just how brilliant his main franchise is. The Super Mario platformers have grown gaming’s potential with nearly every new release, and they have made millions fall in love with the medium for 35 years now. 
It would be easy for Nintendo to rest on Super Mario’s laurels and pump out the same thing year after year, but that almost feels sacrilegious. Instead, every new entry has its own signature style that is ultimately duplicated and admired for years to come. Super Mario continues to open up countless possibilities for platforming and the rest of the gaming industry.
1. The Legend of Zelda
Link’s adventures in Hyrule get the slight edge over Mario’s adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom because no other franchise in gaming has demonstrated that videogames are art on the same level as literature, film, or television as consistently or for as long as much of The Legend of Zelda has. This franchise is more than a game; it’s an experience.
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Boss battles, weapon upgrades, niche characters you meet along the way, and complex dungeons that double as playgrounds for the mind are all trademarks of this series that will never grow old. With this series’ recent evolution into an open-world experience that is changing the ways we think of that genre, there’s no telling how many more incredible gaming experiences we will ultimately owe this franchise in the coming years.
The post 15 Best Nintendo Franchises Ranked appeared first on Den of Geek.
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yahooben · 7 years ago
The 20 most anticipated games of 2018
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‘Spider-Man’ is one of the biggest releases hitting consoles this year.
How do you possibly top a video game year as flat-out awesome as 2017? You probably don’t — the past year was an all-timer, right up there with 2007 and 1998.
But no one loves a challenge like a game maker, and the men and women who toil to build amazing gaming experiences have their eyes set on 2018. While we’re sure to get countless surprises between now and next December, the year to come is already shaping up to be another one for the record books. A new “Red Dead,” the return of Kratos, another “Last of Us,” that crazy looking “Far Cry” — a ton of heavy-hitters are slated for release in 2018. Here are 20 worth watching (and playing, eventually).
Note: Only games with currently confirmed 2018 release dates are included. All release dates subject to change/delay.
“Red Dead Redemption 2” (Spring 2018 | PS4, Xbox One)
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‘Red Dead Redemption II’ is easily the most hotly anticipated game of 2018.
Few companies can raise their stock price 6% simply by tweeting little more than their logo against a red background. But Rockstar Games, which is owned by Take-Two Interactive (TTWO), isn’t just any company. Best known as the mad geniuses behind “Grand Theft Auto,” Rockstar also happened to make the best Old West video game of all time in 2010’s legendary “Red Dead Redemption.” First hinted at by a simple tweet back in October of 2016, the prequel follows nefarious new protagonist Arthur Morgan and his gang of outlaws as they rob, cheat and steal their way across the American Frontier.
“The Last of Us: Part II” (TBD 2018 | PS4)
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‘The Last of Us II’ has a lot to live up to, but there’s high hopes for Naughty Dog.
Emotions ran high in the post-apocalyptic hellscape of the PS3 giant, “The Last Us.” So did the game’s score, coming in at a staggering 95 on Metacritic. The sequel, naturally, has a lot to live up to, but with ace developer Naughty Dog on the job, we’re expecting another masterpiece. Taking place a few years after the original, it lets players guide a 19-year-old Ellie through a world somehow more violent and dangerous than before. We simply can’t wait.
“Anthem” (Q4 2018 | PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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We’re not entirely sure what to expect from ‘Anthem’ yet, but based on developer Bioware’s pedigree, we’ve got high hopes.
Look out, “Destiny” – EA (EA)and Bioware are prepping an online shooter of their own. We think. It’s actually hard to say for sure at this point. Outside of an outstanding trailer shown at EA’s pre-E3 press conference in June, precious little is known about Bioware’s take on online multiplayer action. Players don customizable exosuits to fly, shoot, and chat through gorgeous sci-fi worlds. So yeah, sounds like “Destiny.”
“God of War” (Q1 2018 | PS4)
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God of War transports Kratos from ancient Greece to the frozen wastes of Norse mythology.
Deity-defying madman Kratos returns to action in 2018, but he’s changed quite a bit over the years. Now a dad, the god killer is tasked with teaching his son how to survive a harsh new land while keeping his epic anger in check. With a new camera, deeper RPG elements, and a brand-new signature weapon (goodbye chains, hello axe), “God of War” will offer a fresh perspective on an old anti-hero.
“Far Cry 5” (March 27 | PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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‘Far Cry 5’ looks to reinvent the franchise, forcing you to confront religious zealots on U.S. soil.
Ubisoft (UBI.PA) takes its chaotic open-world shooter to a fictional town in Montana run by a brutal doomsday cult. Your job? What else — unite the town’s residents, deal with the crazy cult leaders, and try not to get eaten by a bear. Touching on hot-button ideological issues like religious fanaticism and domestic terrorism, it’s a controversial move that should help “Far Cry 5” inject new life into the popular series.
“Kingdom Hearts III” (TBD 2018 | PS4, Xbox One)
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After years of anticipation ‘Kingdom Hearts III’ will land on consoles in 2018. As long as it’s not delayed … again.
Fans have been wishing upon this particular star for roughly a decade now, but they’ll finally get their heart’s desire in 2018. This long-awaited RPG returns players to the bizarre, mashed-up universe of Square and Disney, dropping them into the boots of series star Sora as he attempts to stop a second Keyblade War. With appearances by countless Disney (DIS) characters and a new “Attraction Flow” move that lets players summon attacks based on Disney rides, it’s sure to thrill die-hards. Let’s just hope it doesn’t get delayed again.
“Monster Hunter World” (January 26 | PS4, Xbox One)
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‘Monster Hunter World’ is the most ambitious entry in the series yet.
Capcom’s hugely popular beast-tracking action game embraces the open-world craze, and the result is shaping up to be one of the biggest early releases of 2018. You’ll still spend hours chasing down massive creatures, but with no load screens to break up the fun. It’s also fully online and boasts far and away the most impressive “Monster Hunter” graphics yet. If you’ve never given it a chance, this might be the time to start.
“Sea of Thieves” (March 20 | Xbox One, PC)
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‘Sea of Thieves’ drew plenty of attention when it debuted at E3 2017. We’ll find out if it’s worth the hype in 2018.
If you wish every day was Talk like a Pirate Day, batten down the hatches and sweep up the poop deck: Microsoft’s (MSFT) got some sweet, sweet booty headed your way. This swashbuckling co-op game lets you and a few friends plunder, pillage, and probably sink your way across a huge open world. Early looks have been positive — getting three people to properly hoist sails and steer a frigate is riotous fun — but we won’t know if we’re looking at treasure or fool’s gold until “Sea of Thieves” docks this March.
“Psychonauts 2” (TBD 2018 | Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac)
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After 13 years ‘Psychonauts” is back. And we’ll find out if it was worth the wait in 2018.
It’s been 13 years since gamers spent an extremely weird season at the Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, where making friendship bracelets took a backseat to exploring the brains of fellow campers. The sequel sees Raz and friends back at it, using their Psi Powers to save the Psychonauts from being undermined by a nefarious villain. If that means another platform level even half as cool as the legendary Milkman Conspiracy, it can’t get here soon enough.
“Detroit: Become Human” (Q2 2018 | PS4)
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‘Detroit: Become Human’ will explore what it means to be alive in a game where your decisions drive the story.
Man meets machine in this neo-noir adventure from the mind of game visionary David Cage. Playing as a trio of androids, gamers grapple with artificial consciousness in a futuristic Detroit. With a branching story shaped by player choice and remarkable graphics, this cinematic thriller is one of Sony’s (SNE) biggest PS4 bets in 2018.
“Shenmue III” (Q3/Q4 2018 | PS4, PC)
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It’s taken quite some time, 17 years to be exact, but Shenmue III is finally coming in 2018. We hope.
Ryo Hazuki’s tale of revenge began, amazingly enough, on the Sega Dreamcast in 1999. Thanks to a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign, it will finally continue in 2018. With series creator Yu Suzuki at the helm, the third “Shenmue” picks up where 2001’s “Shenmue II” left off. That will likely mean tons of plot, a helping of kung-fu, and maybe, just maybe, a forklift.
“Mega Man 11” (Q4 2018 | PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC)
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The Blue Bomber is trading in his pixels for some lines and slick moves in ‘Mega Man 11.’
We don’t know much at all about the Blue Bomber’s eleventh game. According to its internet-breaking announcement trailer, it’s coming out in 2018 (at the moment), it stars our favorite weapon-gathering robot boy, and it trades old-school pixels for fresher polygonal graphics. It also looks super hard, which sounds about right. It’s Mega Man!
“Metro Exodus” (Q4 2018 | PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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‘Metro Exodus’ returns to Russia’s post-apocalyptic wastes in 2018.
The third game in the tragically underappreciated “Metro” series takes gamers back to the frigid post-apocalyptic Russian wastelands, where they’ll scavenge gear, shoot mutated beasts, and try their damnedest to survive. Based on the other two “Metro” games, that’ll be plenty scary – and hopefully, plenty fun, too.
“Days Gone” (TBD 2018 | PS4)
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‘Days Gone’ will have you fleeing seemingly endless hordes of zombies.
Another year, another batch of post-apocalyptic zombie games. When it comes to sheer undead numbers, however, “Days Gone” might take the rotting cake. Waves of walking corpses descend upon our hero in this impressive-looking open-world game, which looks like a creepy blend of World War Z and Sony’s own “The Last of Us.” Here’s hoping the final game is closer in quality to the latter.
“Dragon Ball FighterZ” (January 26 | PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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‘Dragon Ball FighterZ’ looks so good, it’s as if you’re actually playing the long-running anime series about people yelling for 20 minutes.
Goku and his spiky-haired pals are back, and unsurprisingly, they look pretty amazing in this new fighting game based on the long-running anime franchise. Featuring a large cast of Dragon Ball characters and a slick, team-based fighting system, it will surely make the fighting game community go super Saiyan when it arrives early in the year.
“Soulcalibur VI” (TBD 2018 | PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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‘Soulcalibur Vi’ is bringing the series’ weapons-based combat back for another round in 2018.
The legend will never die, after all. Released back in 2012, the last version of this weapons-based fighting game didn’t exactly set the world on fire. But the franchise’s roots run deep – Dreamcast fans still swear by the first “Soulcalibur” – and with “Tekken 7” producer Motohiro Okubo in charge, there’s reason to believe the sixth installment will recapture some of the series’ glory.
Spider-Man (Q2 2018 | PS4)
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‘Spider-Man’ is swinging onto the PS4 in 2018.
Having enjoyed a spectacular big screen rebirth, the webslinger swings over to the PS4 in 2018. Developed by Insomniac, the new Spider-Man sees Peter Parker scurry around Manhattan saving citizens from the likes of the Kingpin and Mr. Negative. Its acrobatic combat and open-world exploration helped it win countless Best of Show awards at E3 2017, and with loads of smart, authentic fan touches (playable MJ! Miles Morales!), it’s shaping up to be the coolest Spidey game since 2004’s seminal Spider-Man 2.
“Crackdown 3” (Spring 2018 | Xbox One, PC)
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‘Crackdown 3’ will let you destroy everything you can see, which is absolutely worth it.
Initially planned for 2016, this open-world action romp has run into a few speed bumps on its way to your Xbox One. But when you’re building a game in which every single thing can be destroyed, bumps are bound to happen. Expect ridiculous super powers, intense action, and more busted up buildings than a Transformers movie.
“The Last Night” (TBD 2018 | Xbox One, PC, Mac)
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‘The Last Night’ is a stylish platformer that we’re hoping will have equally stunning gameplay.
Of all the indie games shown during Microsoft’s E3 2017 press conference, this is the one that had people talking. Blending a 16-bit visual aesthetic with contemporary animation techniques, this cyberpunk side-scrolling game is a stunner. We’re still not entirely sure how it plays – its developers call it a “cinematic platformer” – but we’re anxious to find out.
“Darksiders 3” (TBD 2018 | PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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Want to fight the Seven Deadly Sins while cracking a sweet whip? ‘Darksiders 3’ should be game.
The fate of the third “Darksiders” game was up in the air for a few years there, but now it’s actually happening. That’s a good thing indeed. The first two “Darksiders” were critical hits, big, bold action adventure games each starring one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. This time out, we’ll play as Fury, a whip-wielding mage out to destroy the Seven Deadly Sins.
More games news:
The best video games of 2017
‘Resident Evil Revelations Collection’ review: Fear the past
Microsoft Xbox One X review: A beast of a console at a steep price
‘Wolfenstein II’ review: Great fun if you’re into punching Nazis
‘Super Mario Odyssey’ review: Nintendo tips its cap to the past
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floridaindependent-blog · 6 years ago
Need to Blow off Some Steam? Here Are the 7 Best Shooter Games for the X-Box, ps4, and PC
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Need to Blow off Some Steam? Here Are the 7 Best Shooter Games for the X-Box, ps4, and PC
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Video gaming is more popular than ever before. Indeed, almost 70% of people in the US now regularly play them!
Clearly, no matter the console, this is a country of gamers.
This explosion in popularity has given rise to a huge number of games to choose from.
Of them all, first-person shooter (FPS) games are some of the most popular. They always have been, and, chances are, they always will be. Unfortunately, not all of them are made equal! Some are significantly better than others.
This fact made us wonder about the best shooter games that are out there right now. Are you looking to find the next FPS to get your teeth stuck into?
Keep reading to discover 7 of our best picks.
1. Call of Duty Back Ops 4
Any list of top FPS games would be incomplete without Call of Duty.
This epic franchise has been up and running for years. It remains one of the most popular games ever created. However, recent years saw it in slight decline.
That is until Black Ops 4 hit the shelves.
An awesome storyline is interwoven with well-designed levels and gameplay. One slight pitfall is the lack of a solo campaign. That may raise some eyebrows. But don’t despair.
It more than makes up for it in action. You can play Black Ops 4 in one of three modes, multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies. Teamwork is the name of the game. Customize your characters, choose your weapons, and then set about seeking victory.
2. Overwatch
Overwatch took the gaming world by storm back in 2016.
It won countless awards for best game of the year. And deservedly so.
As far as addictive FPS hero games go, it doesn’t get much better. That’s thanks in large part to the vast number of heroes you can choose to control. Each comes with their individual skills, plus an ultimate ability.
The array of characters you can play with leads to a different gaming experience each time. This isn’t a game that gathers dust on a shelf when you complete it. Instead, you start again with a new character.
If you’ve been gaming for any length of time, then you’ve probably come across Overwatch already. If you’re totally new, then you’re going to love what Overwatch has to offer.
3. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6 Siege
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6 is another classic FPS game-choice for 2019.
Some avid gamers may feel it bears striking similarities to Counter-Strike. However, Rainbow 6 boasts an array of unique selling points that don’t disappoint.
This tactical shooter can be played in both single and multi-player. It ranks as one of the top games all over the web. A primary reason for this is the large variety of modes it boasts. From Terrorist Hunt to Secure Area, there are numerous gameplay options to enjoy.
It also provides players with a degree of choice. Far from having a single means of meeting objectives, players can decide the way they go about it. Don’t like that wall? Then blow it up! Want a stealthier approach? Rappel down from the roof. It’s up to you.
Put all the positives together and Rainbow 6 is difficult to beat.
4. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
It would be rude to include Rainbow 6 without giving CS:GO a mention too.
This FPS PC game took the world by storm upon its release. It’s based upon its predecessor of old. However, it’s been brought up to modern standards in terms of its gameplay. CS is undoubtedly one of the greatest eSport games ever released.
Anyone who is yet to try it should rectify that problem as soon as possible.
5. Farcry 5
Farcry 5 is as good as open world FPSs get.
This is another brand you may already have heard of. It was Farcry 3 that set this franchise up and running as one of the best FPSs out there. Alas, the games that followed didn’t live up to expectations.
…Until Farcry 5.
It presents the gamer with a nice blend of novelty and familiarity. It’s definitely still Farcry, just in nice novel form. You find yourself in a fictional state in southern America, called ‘Hope County’.
We won’t spoil the plotline for you. But rest assured, you’re going to feel full Farcry- aka, without a hope behind enemy lines.
6. BattleField 1
Time to take a step back from the sci-fi, imaginary worlds of aforementioned games.
BattleField 1 places the gamer into an immersive encounter with World War 1. This historical gaming experience is truly exceptional.
You’ll feel like you’re there. It’s large-scale, real-life, dark and chaotic, in the best way possible.
To play it is to feel immersed in this shocking period of history. Now, the single-player won’t live up to this review. Play it online for best effect. This is where the game comes into its own.
Alas, like all too many games these days, you’ll need to pay extra to open up new features (maps and extra content). Pay the money though and you won’t be disappointed.
7. Tom Clancy’s The Division 2
Here’s another Tom Clancy game that deserves a place on this list.
Ever wonder what Washington DC would look like after an apocalyptic poison outbreak? Now’s your chance. The graphical recreation of this space is second to none.
Give it a go for a novel style of gameplay. If you want a more realistic approach to another classic FPS like Destiny (here’s a Destiny 2 LFG, if it’s of interest), then The Division is going to be right up your street.
Time to Purchase the Best Shooter Games
There you have it: 7 of the best shooter games out there right now.
The gaming world is booming right now. A vast majority of people in America now play video games in one way or another.
Of all the games out there, first-person shooters are some of the most popular. However, for every brilliant FPS, there are two awful ones. Hopefully, this article has helped you identify the ones most worth trying next!
Like this article? Read more like it on the blog. Search ‘gaming’ to get started!
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vbuckskecr7545-blog · 6 years ago
The Mysteries To be able to Fortnite V Bucks Free!
Exactly how To Treat Fortnite V
Despite Fortnite being one of the most popular sport associated with that production, Epic Games' impressive battle royale say not come without the limitations. The pathway it is taking appears to be leading to Loot Lake, with less than a few weeks left until the objective of the playoffs current season, it is suppose to help access the location before the relief of Fortnite Season 6. Every case will eat count with eat period may charge something especially when that applying a currency amount from Fortnite V Bucks Hack. You can see time period that will help you to focus on completing actions instantly.
To Get Free V Jumps in Fortnite Battle Royale, there are fortunes of legit ways for you. But, this open v bucks query and get itself a possibility for scammers to scam game players in offering them Against Bucks Generator for Fortnite Game. If you happen to use Discord, then make sure you optimize that as well to raise the FPS in Fortnite and other activities while Conflict is reaching from the family.
These personal coins can be bought in the official Fortnite store as well as vendors including Microsoft and MATCH. Though, with 1,000 coins costing roughly $10, there is a sell for discounted coins which are eagerly took up by players. Now this is a very indirect problem I have asked. Simply because Fortnite is only a single type of entertainment so most games can't really follow Fortnites case can they? Or may they? I think they may. This obviously is relevant to online games, particularly sports like Label of Job and FIFA.
Fortnite is limited without V-Bucks, vbucks.codes provided everyone with unlimited volume of v-bucks, to enjoy all of Roblox. While there is a copyright battle against the game, it right away seems Fortnite is safe, for now. Bloomberg stories that PUBG Corp. fired "a correspondence of withdrawal" to Epic Games lawyers in Friday, which the job is currently met. While this rests unclear exactly how much money criminals have gotten to make in Fortnite, over $250,000 were received in Fortnite items with eBay in a two-month time last year. Number from Sixgill and show an increase in the number of states with the tough on the night internet, with command connection with the game's revenue.
This swagbucks link will allow that you understand a free 3$ value of positions when you make only 3$ worth. It will allow you to get at least the nice gear in fortnite. Squad up with your friends and have a Xbox One X 1TB console, Xbox wireless controller, Fortnite Battle Royal, Legendary Eon cosmetic agreed, with 2,000 V-Bucks. How For Free V Jumps In Fortnite? Here really is the question that Suddenly being heightened by the many Fortnite Game Players. The main purpose is because; with V Bucks, it is possible to easily access most from the articles in Fortnite game.
Whilst BattlEye is delivered with the likes of Fortnite, PUBG etc - most people have no idea what it is or why that present a slip. The creator of Fornite Battle Royale have said the game will free-to-play permanently. Fortnite But the planet now costs $39.99 to participate in, but when both methods leave Early Access later this year, But the World will become free-to-play.
With Season 7 in full swing, version 7.01 could not appear that exciting in association. That said, the new account of Fortnite consists of the Infinity Blade gun from Epic Games' Infinity Blade series, the new Close Encounters limited-time mode, and more. Figure 2a: Data indicates the estimated profit from point type with rate selection by Fortnite players August 2017 — June 2018, based on the Edison Trends dataset.
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If you're looking for more path to move up your Fortnite gameplay, be sure to look at these 40 awesome Fortnite Creative Island codes you can show right now , and of course if you're a Fortnite Battle Royale player, be sure to check out the Fortnite Season 7: Week 8 Challenges web site for information with tips. The Fortnite season 6 Battle Pass costs 950 V Oppose. A package of 1,000 V Bucks can be accepted for £7.99.
With more than 100 million Fortnite players playing the game around the world, hopefully one of them will have solved the mystery in the purple cube the moment with for those by then. I was in full shock to find out fortnite v bucks Generator, I try to convince myself that is not going to works, but it act, also I took cool tools and costumes for my hero. An easy admission to sport the game on iOS, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and get there to enjoy a affluent experience. Get aid by Fortnite V Bucks Cheats to have enough funds to accelerate the proceedings and http://www.pinnaclespcllc.com/activity/p/1469393/ pay for to make your goals come true.
The previous report of 8.3 thousand people playing at once was established in Fortnite 's” in-game butterfly affair in December. Always remember the fact that, There is no such factor which can generate in command v dollars also include it to help the account for free. And one can verify this by going through that standard information by epicgames itself regarding fortnite v bucks scams. We have already completed your study on this topic then simply doing these records.
Being the best in Fortnite Battle Royale is no simple feat, and there's no sure way to take a Triumph Royale every time. But, while we may guarantee you'll stop in the highest five whenever you show, your show to playing Fortnite Battle Royale should help you out-survive your peers more often than not. This important to know where chests are put in Fortnite - Battle Royale. It will give you an massive advantage. You can remember every individual spot but the easier method is to observe them in this effort.
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Epic Activities are trying to produce a tiny variety of Fortnite Battle Royale for persons to enjoy with their supporters in creative mode, using a smaller starting round. With summary, I discovered a backdoor break into the catalog of various large gaming circles. The Fortnite Battle Royale database allows everyone toward load as many resources such as I want into any Fortnite Battle Royale account.
Welcome to your New Guise Of VBUCKS
More easily: Playing "Fortnite" is open, but progressing through the game's loot-unlock system is not. While people register happening on the base Fortnite game free v-bucks no man verification you will be presented rotating missions in the daily Quest machine. As soon as you have finished each one, you'll get the loose V-bucks and you will be capable of spend them with things for the conflict Royale mode.
So these were some of the best ways that can be used to receive free v dollars in fortnite game without using any real change. Fortnite Battle Royale is an online multiplayer survival shooter developed by Epic Games , in which 100 players fight to get the last part place in sports lasting less than forty seconds. It is a free game utilizing some mechanics on the first Fortnite, a survival sandbox game, many aspects on the battle royale” kind of tough.
The credit defense is our top priority! Protect the credit in permitting 2FA. As a prize for protecting your account, you'll uncover the Boogiedown Emote in Fortnite Battle Royale. It's unclear at this time just how the Hidden Treasure item will work, however. It'd make sense if the item somehow told a singular, powerful weapon hidden somewhere around the map—but most Fortnite fans don't know what to expect quite yet.
Using Vortex you can play Fortnite by every device. Play Fortnite on older PC, Mac, mobile device or smart TV. Fortnite Battle Royale is the completely free 100-player PvP type in Fortnite. One large place. A row bus. Fortnite building proficiency and destructible environments combined with intense PvP combat. The last one last wins. Download now for FREE and leap into the war.
Nobody can indeed pinpoint any hints that occur significant indicators of contents with Period 7. While some feel that this Fortnite map could be switched into a ‘Winter' theme in time for the Holiday's, this rests unclear that direction Epic Games will take. In fact, you can hone the skill from the competition and become one of the better Fortnite players without having to spend a single penny in in-game purchases. However, purchasing V Bucks has the benefits.
According to some news websites, Fortnite is already known to these sort of hacks And they are treating them like a fundamental offense also removing legal actions and also can exclude the descriptions who are trying to cut or cheat into the system. Because of its frequent landscapes of gentle violence, Fortnite is measured 12+ by PEGI, Pan American Game Information But as with many contest of this type, plenty of children younger than 12 are showing, so this significant to mothers become mindful of the protection items which include stayed advanced, and how to help their babies play safely.
Motion blur: Changing that on creates a fog result when moving. That a visual deciding to approximately participants enjoy, but for a competing activity of Fortnite, it will make things harder to make out while shift at speed. Point it off is advised. Follow the stats for Fortnite battle royale, complete with global leaderboards for solo, couple and squad gamemodes. Unlike most multiplayer shooters, the endeavor of Fortnite Battle Royale is to survive, not to have kills. This is arguably the most important Fortnite tips to help recall: you could find 98 kills and still lose.
You can turn off hardware speed with Google Chrome so which family applications killed by Chrome do not consume too many resources if you become playing Fortnite. Free Fortnite V Bucks Generator Finest with Easy Way for 2019. Yet, if you're not, then pay attention to this section also announce very precisely. Since those fake V Bucks Hack can cause the ‘Fortnite account banned or blocked‘ if you fell in the trap.
This development has to prevent. That been successful here CS:GO as it would in fact help make the hitboxes larger, in Fortnite, running on a new game engine, that really smushes the character model down. Any perceived effect it has with your ability to play is a excuse. The developer may think about result in Fortnite's steps and including new, limited-time game functions to games with the BR formula, or perhaps map-changing ingredients that maintain game environment fresh. Or Respawn can see PUBG then combine another, smaller places with different server measurements to unite things up.
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adrastiana · 6 years ago
More things that happened
Yes that's an Inland Empire reference. :P
So I've discovered that more stuff was stolen. Earlier in the month my room smelled like cigarettes and people who don't bathe regularly. So I think it may have been recent. I am very upset. I have to move soon and have no idea where I am going so I guess I have bigger fish to fry. But this just made it worse.
When I went into the back of the closet to gather the remainder of my games I noticed that the small plastic case I kept GBA games in had its lid ajar. You have to pull the handles up and click them to the lid to close it. So if someone was in a rust or couldn't figure it out then they would likely not do it right.
I checked and Breath of Fire 2, Shining Soul 2 and Harmony of Dissonance were all missing. I thought the two Castlevania games were together in a separate case that will hold one GB/GBC or two GBA games. But I guess not. I usually try to group things together. Anywaiz, I think one or two PS1 memory cards were taken as well. Because I am almost positive I had more left from the initial theft than I do now.
Also missing is Twilight Princess for Gamecube and Ys 1&2 for DS. I am devistated.
I also discovered that Phantasy Star Universe for PS2 is not in the case. I think it may have been in the PS2 and I was so upset at the time I didn't give it much thought. I thought that Resident Evil Outbreak was the last PS2 game I played. But thinking back I am pretty sure that it was PSU now.
I cannot find the Ratchet & Clank HD collection for PS3 either. I am wondering if the disc is in the system, which is hidden in a large box of Comcast equipment. I cannot find the sleeve for the game. It was a pack-in so it came in a sleeve and not a plastic case. I am hoping that it turns up. If not I think it is easily replaceable. Still pisses me off though. -_-
At least my Gamecube, 3DS, PSP and PS3 are untouched. Although I cannot find my PSP charger. I thought I hid it under some heavy clothes on top of a chair. But the PSP was under there in its case. So I don't think that it was there. Because I know they're dumb but not that dumb. Why would you take a random charger? The PSP charger is really weird looking too. Plus it's a cumbersome pain in the ass. To make it worse despite being official the plastic on the plug that goes into the console has started to degrade. It looks kind of nasty. Since my battery asplode from old age I need that charger to play. Hope I can find it.
And to make things even worse, I dug into my armoire to get out Wind Waker and discovered the game inside was Ocarina of time. Now I ave two. My sister claims she bought it back from some guy she wouldn't give me the name of. But I thought at the time the case was way too filthy so it definitely wasn't mine. It looked like years of grime and not just the grossness of some piece of reseller scum who is also a slob. So I can't even play Wind Waker. And I have an extra Ocarina of Time. I wish I had looked inside the case back in the summer. I wish I had confirmed. But I was just so mad that I hid it and that was that. I hid my Gamecube and PS3 away because I feared that they would also be taken. So I didn't play those systems at all since then and I just couldn't look at the remainder of my collection. It was just too painful. Same with my CDs and DVDs.
Speaking of CDs, I don't know if this happened in the summer when stuff was taken or what. But I was packing the sad remainder of my CD collection and noticed that Return Of The Killer A's (Anthrax) had a broken case. The bottom hinge was cracked off so the top just comes off now. I do no remember that being an issue before. And inside of the case was the software CD for my PC monitor.
WTF? o.O
I literally have no clue. No clue at all. By the way, the music CD is still inside. I think this was a mad scramble and errant discs were shoved into cases. I did not check many of my CD cases. It was just too much to gandle. I can't take any more of this.
There's also what I assume is a blank CDR in my cabinet under what was left of my CDs. Again no clue. I have not burned a CD in a very long time. But my sister's boyfriend burned TV shows all the time. Maybe he had the dumb idea to replace some of the music CDs with CDRs for weight or something. I don't know. It ain't my CD. And I can't really check it out right now to see if anything is on it.
I confronted my sister about all this and all I get is a nasty attitude. Is she still defending him? She claims they broke up permanantly. Sure Jan.
She claims no one messed with my CDs recently because no one wants CDs. Well someone sure as hell wanted them last summer. She says no one was in my room but I beg to differ. someone stole those games. Someone needed to get high.
The piece of human filth was begging his dad on the phone for money on multiple ocassions. I overheard everything. At one point his dad hung up on him. Mind you this is a guy in his 40s with no job who is able bodied. I think he got frustrated that his parents wouldn't give him anything so he went through my stuff when I wasn't home. Yeah I should have gotten a lock but I have a feeling that it would have been picked anyway. After all, that happened to my mom. Nothing keeps this loser out. He steals from his parents too. I have heard them yelling at him over the phone about missing valuables.
I think I mentioned before that the cops were not helpful at all. They would not grant a restraining order and told me that I didn't have proof that he stole from me and that my sister had the right to invite him over. They told me that I should move. Can you believe that? I pay all the damn bills and I am the one that needs to leave to resolve the issue? Give me a break.
My sister defended him and lied and took off when I called the police both times. She was protecting him when she should have been protecting me.
And now we have to leave by the 22nd. It is all her fault. She has no income and failed to obtain a social security card and birth certificate like she was supposed to. So she cannot even get benefits. I told her to apply for the SS card online. It is free and it comes pretty fast. She did nothing. She had a year to get it together. I could not pay the mortgage after our stepfather died. So it defaulted and went into foreclosure. Had she gotten an income and stopped freeloading we could have done something as I was in contact with the mortgage company and they were trying to work something out. But I still didn't have enough to pay it and the utilities and everything else. I had to go on food stamps. And as I was applying those creeps were in my room cleaning me out to buy drugs. And then they do it again when I am applying for utility assistance. Ungrateful scum.
They were mad and verbally abused me for not giving them $20 and tokens. My sister's boyfriend was yelling at me and calling me a bitch. In my own house. Once the authority figure had died everything went to hell and there was no one left to protect me or stand up for me. So a couple weeks after that episode the stealing began. And that was my summer. Full of bullying, verbal abuse and epic freeloading. And I should have left. But when you are being abused you don't exactly think straight all the time. I didn't want to burden people with my problems. I was afraid to ask for help. I was afraid if relatives found out what my sister had a hand in that they would cut her off from any sort of help and she would die somewhere
So now I have until Friday and have no idea what will happen. I guess I need a storage unit. I have packed a lot but ran out of boxes. No idea where I am going or what will happen. I do get some money out of this but have to split it with my sister who will likely buy cigarettes and other junk with her half like the irresponsible child that she is. I'd rent a room if I could afford it. But Philly is kinda high rent and I am currently in the Far Northeast. That is not a cheap area. My primary care doctor is here. I don't really want to leave the area. But it's not like I was originally from here. I used to want to go back to the old neighborhood. Not anymore.
I hope I don't end up homeless. I'm worried about my dog.
Whatever happens happens. I will just have to live through it. I am used to suffering through bad times. But this is the worst yet. My family was evicted when I was nine. But we got a place to rent. I am just ill prepared. I hope everything works out in some way. If I don't post for a long time then that means I am likely unable to. I guess that's life. That's just the way it is. Hopefully the "it is" won't be too bad.
Sorry about the length. I don't think you can read more cut on the app. If you can I can't find it. ><
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matte-bat-blog · 6 years ago
Fortnite cross-play technology will be available to ALL companies
1 headline which has appeared to crop up over and over again this season in gambling information is cross-play or enabling players to play with one another regardless of stage. The majority of the news based around Sony's hesitation to permit cross-play together with all the other consoles Fortnite, a hesitation that turned into approval shortly after.
Fortnite programmer, Epic Games, is declaring they're permitting access to its package of cross-platform software to other game developers at no cost.
The development kit comprises Epic's online services in addition to integration with its Unreal Engine along with the popular Unity game engine. Epic's cross-platform solutions will even feature a selection of tools such as the ability to sync participant profiles across platforms such as in-game buys, cross-platform voice conversation, in addition to celebration formation and matchmaking. Sony famously compelled PS4 owners to make fresh Epic accounts when they desired to play with Fortnite on different platforms.
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That final point is essential. This usually means that platform holders like Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft still maintain the capability to block all or some cross-platform capabilities.
Successfully starting and running a live, online game asks a package of solutions which go far beyond the performance of a conventional engine. These solutions are costly to construct, test and harden in real world states, but after operational, are comparatively inexpensive to climb to more matches and more consumers.
In Epic, our intention is to assist game developers triumph. During 2019, we are going to be starting a huge set of cross-platform services initially constructed for Fortnite, and battle-tested with 200,000,000 players around seven programs. These solutions will be free for many programmers, and will soon be available to all motors, all programs, and also most of shops. As a programmer, you are free to select mix-and-match options from Epic as well as others as you desire.
This information is only yet another in a series of tales about Epic's growth into other business ventures. Just lately, the business launched its digital storefront for matches which permits developers to maintain 88 percent of the cash earned. That is a tempting bargain which has siphoned a couple of programmers out of Steam already. On the flip side, many PC gamers bemoan the inclusion of yet another launcher that they must install on their own computers.
The meteoric success of Fortnite has enabled Epic to scale the match to nearly every gaming system on the market. Opening these cross-platform attributes to other game developers can hopefully spur more matches to play fine across platforms.
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theclarkystuff-blog · 8 years ago
E3 opinions ( Nintendo)
Not the last show of E3 but possibly the last big one of the event, Nintendo strut into E3 with their usual pre recorded segment although I have seen people either dead excited for what a future Switch line up or seem to have no faith in Nintendo at all with only a half hour slot, so let’s review and see how it fares.
Opening the show is what appears to new a new advertising campaign maybe for the Switch but indie sensation Rocket League appears to take the opening slot and even showing off Fifa, neither games necessarily interest me but it seems to show a change in Nintendo, where they would usually promote one of their own works first usually it is nice to see them throw a bone to third parties. While Nintendo may not be able to boast having the kinds of support Sony and Microsoft receive at least Nintendo looks like they are trying to garner support now. 
Xenoblade 2 gets a re-introduction with a new trailer in English which showcased some story elements including game-play which shows that it will play similar to the last two entries in the series and also include some incredible looking worlds to explore once again, although it looks like someone turned up the anime inspiration to the max, mind you. The biggest surprise for me being that Nintendo are still aiming to release this Fall, despite earlier rumors stating that it had slipped into early 2018 so that is cool. 
Kirby comes crashing back with his Switch debut looking like follow up on his 2D adventures in the style of the ever classic Kirby’s Dreamland. While I don’t expect this to be a blockbuster seller, Kirby plat-formers are usually a solid experience and with Switch’s multiplayer possibilities which could allow you to play co-op on a single Switch or maybe even over multiple Switch’s via wireless
Yoshi also makes a Switch debut in a new game which appears to be continuing with the Wooly World theme with worlds that appear to be made of cardboard and moving away from the 2D plat-former mold by allowing Yoshi to move in the back and foreground. One of the biggest surprises about this game is that it will be built on the Unreal engine as confirmed by Epic Games spokesperson, Dana Cowley.
Fire Emblem Warriors while looking nice i felt a little disappointed in as the trailer appeared to mostly show cut-scenes over game-play as I would have liked to have seen how the game preformed in action , with the Switch specs in mind and being able to handle hundreds of enemies and big maps and also wondering how the N3DS port will handle, I expect similar results as seen in Hyrule Warriors on Wii U and N3DS respectively but with the game aiming to release this year I get the feeling we may see a dedicated Direct for this later in the year. 
Breath Of The Wild’s DLC was revealed showing some visual for the previously talked about and upcoming content, the first of which is dubbed The Master Trials will add a hard mode and new quest which will enable players to power up the Master Sword to deal out double damage, this DLC will also include some new costumes based on previous entries into the The Legend Of Zelda series such as Tingle’s costume and the infamous Majora’s Mask. This first expansion reminds me a little bit of Dark Souls in some respects but I guess we will get to find out in a matter of weeks The second DLC being dubbed The Champions’ Ballad focuses on the Champions in BOTW which makes me wonder if they have unfinished business after the game concluded or if this is set 1000 years before Calamity Ganon’s appearance or something? 
The big close out of the show was given to Super Mario Odyssey, opening with perhaps the oddest trailer involving a dinosaur but in this short trailer we get to see many of the game-play elements which displayed massive worlds to explore, going into walls playing as an 8 bit Mario in a similar style to The Legend of Zelda : A Link Between Worlds and what appears to be Mario’s gimmick in this game, being able to take control of enemies and NPC like citizens found in New Donk City or a tyrannosaurus-rex by throwing Mario’s hat at them. This game sent me over the top and into hype mode, this game looks fantastic, looks to be amazing fun, looks like it runs at a solid 60fps and oozes a confidence that it isn’t afraid to embrace with its big band styled title song delivered with some beautiful vocals. Super Mario Odyssey looks like it will be the successor that Super Mario Galaxy 2 deserved, having everything you could hope for packed into a Mario game alongside a October release, coming sooner than I expected, this may well be my game of E3.
The other big talking points and announcements I feel I have to address for most part seem to come about after the presentation into the Tree-house broadcasts so let’s address them, Nintendo listened to the uproar over Metroid in recent years and not only talked about giving us one new Metroid game, but 2 of them. Nintendo confirmed that Metroid Prime 4 is in development but having nothing to show for it, not even any concept art or a teaser trailer. While this is a little disappointing I am sure the announcement of the game will bring many tears of joy to fans of Retro Studios trilogy it appears that Retro Studios themselves will not be returning to the series, that ponders the question of who is making it? and what the hell has Retro been working on then for the past 3 years? The other reveal being Metroid : Samus Returns for 3DS, a modern remake of the Game Boy sequel to Metroid being made by Mercury Studios, famous for Castlevania : Lord of Shadow. This reveal looked cool in concept although I felt like it was missing polish despite its launching within months, hopefully the next time we see this game it will be looking better.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle which had its official unveiling at Ubisoft’s event on Monday already looks like one of the strangest concepts with these 2 big franchises coming together for a game which plays like X-Com. The game looks like it could be some massive fun although I may hold out until I see some reviews to help decide if and when i will buy into this.
Mario and Luigi - Super Star Saga DX was another remade gem for the 3DS which looks to be running on the modern M&L engine as seen in Dream Team and Paper Jam, this remake will include a new mode based around a trio of Bowsers Minions which I guess will add a humorous alternative view of the story that many maybe familiar with. Being a big fan of the original Game Boy Advance version I look forward to trying this remake out soon.
I guess I should address Skyrim coming to Switch as well despite it only having a small segment in the presentation but it is cool to see Nintendo willing to allow Bethesda to include BOTW costumes, shields and armors. Despite Skyrim feeling like it is getting ported to anything and everything, including a VR version, the idea of being able to play a grand expansive adventure like Skyrim in a portable form without hopefully getting an entry as bad in performance as the infamous PS3 port, the motion controls looks like they could add some fun interesting ways to play this game but I imagine many will probably default to the regular controls.
I was overall impressed with Nintendo’s presentation despite the short presentation, although they did not waste much time promoting games releasing within the next few months like Arms or Splatoon 2 but they are being given special competition events at E3 to act as promotion there, it is nice to see we wasn’t bogged down with more info about it at the presentation. While I am confident Yoshi and Kirby will be good games they hardly seemed like big announcements I was expecting for the Switch at its first E3 but with Metroid Pime 4 and a new RPG Pokemon being confirmed in development I would only wish Nintendo had more to show really, many have been hoping for ports of Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros 4 or Bayonetta 2 to Switch or even talk of the Virtual Console service coming to Switch but it feels like we are getting small servings for this year. While Nintendo has it’s Directs to spread awareness of upcoming titles which they can use any time of the year I can see why Nintendo maybe holding back some announcements for a later date, similar to how I feel Sony may have been holding back on announcing new stuff for its PSX expo later this year but overall I was happy with what I saw Nintendo seem to employ an unusual method of unveiling games as a few were presented through the Tree-house segments instead of the presentation which strikes me as weird as some of these would have been more than welcome during this brief conference.
This years E3 I felt was only mediocre for most part this year, while we got some interesting updates to games announced in previous years I felt like there was a lack of anything really new or fresh at least for most part throughout the whole show. I feel Microsoft while having an impressive new console had a serious lack of impressive software to make it stand out like BOTW did for Switch or Uncharted 4 did for the PS4, Forza 7 could well be that game for all I know, but I get the feeling it won’t be. Sony and Nintendo had good presentations but neither really felt like they ignited a fuse, while not every E3 can be an amazing one, this one certainly wasn’t a bad one, until next year I guess, have fun.
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Best PC Games to Play in 2021
We’re entering a golden age for PC gaming. The next generation of graphics cards are capable of pumping out 4K graphics and high FPS on almost any big name release, and real-time raytracing is taking graphics to new heights that weren’t possible just a couple years ago.
Add in Sony bringing more PlayStation ports to the PC and nearly every Xbox exclusive making its way to PCs as well, and a high-end gaming computer looks to be the definitive way to play almost anything over the next few years.
The following is a list of the most anticipated games coming to home computers this year. While release dates are always flexible, these are only titles that have already been released or officially confirmed for 2021.
Back 4 Blood
June 22 | Turtle Rock Studios
Despite persistent rumors of a third Left 4 Dead game entering development, it’s been more than a decade since Valve has released a new entry in the beloved co-op zombie series. Enter Turtle Rock Studios, the studio behind the original Left 4 Dead game, with a spiritual successor, Back 4 Blood.
By all accounts, Back 4 Blood plays a lot like Left 4 Dead. There are safe rooms, tons of melee weapons, an AI director who constantly changes things up, and zombies. Lots and lots of zombies. But there will also be perk cards that add interesting perks and buffs to the experience, making each playthrough unique. If Back 4 Blood can capture the spirit of the original Left 4 Dead, it should be fantastic.
Chivalry 2
June 8 | Torn Banner Studios
Chivalry was once considered one of the PC’s premier multiplayer titles. Could the sequel follow in its footsteps? We’ll find out pretty soon when Chivalry 2 launches exclusively on the Epic Games Store. According to Torn Banner Studios, the sequel aims to deliver combat that’s deep enough to keep players interested for awhile, yet easy for newcomers to pick up for the first time. 
The latest gameplay videos show off lots of brutal medieval melee combat, with battlefields absolutely drenched in blood after a few minutes of 64 players hacking away at each other. This should be on your must-buy list in June!
May 21 | Arkane Studios
The best way to describe Deathloop is Hitman meets Groundhog Day. You play as Colt, an assassin stuck on a mysterious island, who must take out eight targets before midnight. If you die or fail to eliminate all targets, the day resets, and you’ll have to start all over again. And all the while you’re also being hunted by Julianna Blake, a rival assassin who doesn’t want you breaking the time loop. She can be controlled by either the AI or another player.
Arkane has a great track record when it comes to unique first-person games like Prey and the Dishonored series. If Deathloop’s heady concept can hold up, it could be another home run for the developer. 
Diablo 2: Resurrected
TBA | Vicarious Visions
While Diablo III’s reputation has improved substantially since its controversial 2012 launch, there’s still a vocal group of gamers who prefer the second game in Blizzard’s genre-defining action RPG series. Knowing how much this game means to a lot of people, Vicarious Visions has said it’s not out to reinvent the wheel for Resurrected. The updated 3D graphics will display in 4K, but you can switch back to the original graphics at any point with the press of a button.
And while there will be some quality of life improvements like a shared item stash and automatic gold pickup, don’t expect any revolutionary changes that will spoil the original experience. This should be exactly what we need to tide us over until Diablo IV hits.
Evil Genius 2: World Domination
March 30 | Rebellion Developments
It’s taken 17 years to get a sequel to the criminally underrated Evil Genius, but it’s finally here. If you never had the pleasure of playing the original, imagine being a James Bond villain and managing your own secret lair to build a weapon of mass destruction and eventually take over the world. Yeah, it’s pretty awesome.
World Domination promises to be a bigger and better sequel. You’ll be able to pick from four different evil geniuses at the start of the game and one of three islands. Each minion in your lair now has their own personality and traits, so you’ll have to use them more strategically than ever to prevent the Forces of Justice from foiling your evil plans.
Far Cry 6
TBA | Ubisoft
Far Cry 6 was originally supposed to be out by now, but development has slowed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s still expected to be out in 2021, though. According to Ubisoft, the theme of the game is revolution against an oppressive government, with substantial research going into how and why revolutions are fought to better develop the game’s setting and story.
Ubisoft certainly picked the right actor to lead an oppressive government, with Breaking Bad and Mandalorian villain Giancarlo Esposito portraying the nefarious “El Presidente” who we’ll be looking to topple later this year. 
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
TBA | Square Enix
After one of the worst MMORPG launches ever, it’s a miracle that Final Fantasy XIV is still around a decade later. Not only did Square Enix turn things around, this game is now regarded as one of the very best in the genre.
Endwalker, the game’s fourth major expansion pack will conclude the story of the warring gods Hydaelyn and Zodiark, which has been running since the game’s 2013 relaunch. This won’t be the end of the MMO, though. Square still says it has several years worth of stories to tell.
Along with the obligatory new zones and quests, Square has promised two new classes. The first one shown so far, the sage, is a healer who battles with floating swords. 
Guilty Gear Strive 
April 9 | Arc System Works
The Guilty Gear series has never quite received the same attention as fighting games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, but the franchise has quietly earned a reputation as a technically sound alternative for the competitive fighting game community.
The footage of Guilty Gear Strive released so far looks stunning. Arc has perfected the 3D polygonal character on a 2D plane, and the gameplay promises to be more accessible than ever, with the addition of a new dash button and a “wall-stick hit-state” which allows characters knocked into walls to slide down and continue fighting back.
Halo Infinite
TBA | 343 Industries
Halo may be Microsoft’s flagship franchise, but it’s always had a complicated relationship with the PC, with entries only being ported years after their initial release on Xbox (if at all). Halo Infinite will be the first mainline entry in the series to show up on both console and PC at launch, and it’s currently expected some time in the fall.
Halo Infinite’s public unveiling last year didn’t quite go as planned, with footage receiving a rather frosty reception from most fans. There are a lot of rumors of development troubles online, but Microsoft has a good track record of pulling its Halo games together in time for release, so hopefully we’ll end up with another classic game in the series later this year.
Hitman 3
January 20 | IO Interactive
Hitman 3 makes murder fun. Yes, there’s a lot of murder in video games, but true to its namesake, Hitman is more about the setup than the execution. No other franchise has perfected the thrill of expertly sneaking into an area, tracking down a target, and setting up an unfortunate “accident” to get away unscathed. Or just go in guns blazing like a maniac if that’s your kind of thing.
With Hitman 3, you can even import levels from the previous two games to get the full “World of Assassination” experience, but expect further updates throughout the year, including ray tracing. 
April 22 | Amplitude Studios
As popular as the Civilization series has become over the last three decades, it’s surprising that few developers have been up to the challenge of developing a competitor to Sid Meier’s classic creation. Humankind could be up to the task, though. You’ll lead your civilization across six different eras of human history, selecting one of 10 different civilizations in each era. You can handle relations with other societies diplomatically, but if that goes south, combat is handled as a tactical RPG.
Developer Amplitude Studios has been dipping its toes into the 4X genre over the last decade with the well-received Endless Space and Endless Legend, and now the team are looking to apply everything they’ve learned from those games into Humankind.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition
May 14 | BioWare
Gamers have been clamoring for a re-release of the Mass Effect trilogy for years, and the Legendary Edition looks to exceed expectations. All three games will support 4K resolution, higher frame rates, and new graphical effects. The original Mass Effect in particular has seen a number of improvements akin to a partial remake, with improved combat, re-tooled enemy AI, and a faster Mako vehicle for traversing the Milky Way’s many planets.
While the Legendary Edition will include almost all of the DLC from the original trilogy (including some rather awesome add-ons like Lair of the Shadow Broker and Omega), BioWare has also announced a few omissions. Mass Effect 3’s lauded multiplayer mode isn’t going to make the cut, and Pinnacle Station, a much-maligned arena style add-on for the first game won’t be included either due to the loss of its source code.
New World
August 31 | Amazon Games
Amazon has had its sights set on the gaming world for quite some time, quietly pumping money into a number of projects, and New World could be its breakthrough hit. In this MMORPG set on an unnamed land in the Atlantic Ocean in the 1600s, you’ll wield bows, hammers, hatchets, magical staffs, musket rifles, spears, and swords against a variety of fantastical creatures. There will also be plenty of opportunities to gather resources, craft and build settlements. Best of all, there’s no monthly fee to play.
Launching a new IP is always difficult, and MMOs are a particularly difficult genre to break into, but if any company has the resources to succeed, it’s Amazon. 
Resident Evil Village
May 7 | Capcom
There was already a ton of hype for the eighth main installment in the Resident Evil franchise following its initial reveal last year, but the introduction of antagonist Lady Dimitrescu aka “Tall Vampire Lady” has put the hype train in overdrive. We still don’t know a lot about the story, but we do expect there will be plenty of run-ins with the 9-foot tall lady and her vampiric daughters.
Village’s first demo gave us our first glimpse of stunning European manor rendered in 4K with ray tracing. The RE Engine was already a looker on last-gen hardware, but Village should be even more stunning when running on a newer graphics card. 
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
TBA | GSC Game World
We still know remarkably little about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, a game that’s scheduled to release by the end of the year. In December, GSC Game World released an in-engine teaser trailer that looked impressive, with a first-person view of someone running down a hallway in a dilapidated building around Chernobyl.
If the previous games in the series are any indication, we should be in for some truly terrifying encounters and harrowing firefights with twisted irradiated mutants. Here’s hoping we get more info soon.
Total War: Warhammer III
TBA | Creative Assembly
The trailer for the final entry in Creative Assembly’s Total War: Warhammer trilogy looks very cool, with humans mounted on horses and polar bears facing down chaos demons on a frozen battlefield.
The campaign is said to be twice the size of the one in Total War: Warhammer II, and those who own the DLC for all three games will have access to a combined map that will combine patches from maps from all three games for an absolutely massive strategy experience. 
February 2 | Iron Gate AB
Valheim came out of nowhere to become one of the big success stories of 2021, selling more than a million copies less than three weeks after its early access release. If you aren’t caught up on the latest Steam phenomenon, think of it as Minecraft mixed with Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. You and up to nine other friends are dropped off in the middle of a Viking afterlife to survive, craft, and battle mythical creatures.
Iron Gate AB has been vague about what exactly to expect from future updates, but the studio has teased future customization options for homes and ships, and eventually even a new biome to explore. 
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide
TBA | Fatshark
There have been dozens of Warhammer video games over the years, but few have found the success and crossover appeal of Fatshark’s Vermintide games. It turns out that mowing down waves of enemies with three of your friends is just plain fun, no matter the setting.
Darktide features the same Left 4 Dead-inspired gameplay, but moves the battle to the futuristic Warhammer 40,000 setting, incorporating more gunplay along the way. If you liked the Vermintide games, this is pretty much a must-have. 
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
TBA | KillPixel
First-person shooters have come a long way in the last couple of decades, but some times you just want to run and gun in a dark fantasy setting as quickly as possible. And remarkably few modern games provide that experience. Enter Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, a spiritual successor to Quake, Doom, and Hexen, built on the 25-year-old Quake Engine.
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Wrath has been in Early Access since November 2019, and what’s been released so far is very promising, looking and sounding like a lost PC shooter from the late ‘90s. The full game should be out later this year. 
The post Best PC Games to Play in 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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alexanderqwnu8578-blog · 6 years ago
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Despite Fortnite being one of the most popular sport of this era, Epic Games' impressive battle royale say not arrived without their shortcomings. The avenue it is getting appears to be leading to Loot Lake, with less than a few weeks place until the top of the sport current year, it is thought to help reach the location before the freedom of Fortnite Season 6. Every case will consume point with consume period may cost something especially when it's treating a money amount from Fortnite V Bucks Hack. You can see time period that will help you to focus on completing actions instantly.
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These personal coins can be bought on the official Fortnite store as well as vendors including Microsoft and ACTIVITY. Yet, with 1,000 coins costing roughly $10, there is a sell for discounted coins which are eagerly snapped in place in players. Now this is a very indirect question I have asked. Simply because Fortnite is completely one kind of activity so many games may really see Fortnites case may they? Or could they? I believe they could. This obviously concerns to online games, particularly games like Call of Due and FIFA.
Fortnite is bound without V-Bucks, vbucks.codes offered me with endless quantity of v-bucks, to enjoy all of Roblox. While there was a copyright battle against the game, this right now seems Fortnite is sound, for now. Bloomberg articles to PUBG Corp. posted "a mail of drawback" to Epic Games lawyers at Saturday, which the indictment happens immediately met. While this remains unclear just how much money criminals have gotten to make in Fortnite, over $250,000 were got in Fortnite objects on eBay in a two-month period last year. Number from Sixgill also present an increase in the number of mentions on the tough for the black network, in order connection with the game's revenue.
This swagbucks link will allow for you to follow a complimentary 3$ importance of characters when you earn only 3$ worth. It will enable you to get at least the basic system in fortnite. Squad up with your friends and have a Xbox One X 1TB console, Xbox wireless controller, Fortnite Battle Royal, Legendary Eon cosmetic fixed, with 2,000 V-Bucks. How For Free V Cash In Fortnite? Here really is the probe that Suddenly being heightened in all the Fortnite Game Players. The main reason is because; with V Bucks, it is possible to easily access most of the pieces in Fortnite game.
Part of Fortnite's advance to control has no doubt been the cross-platform availability, with everyday mobile gamers on the move able to participate with hardcore bedroom gamers on equal footing ( Sony was hesitant , but cross-play operation has recently become helped for PS4 players ). Most from the FORTNITE V BUCKS GENERATOR websites out there are try to assure you that somehow the developers managed to hack into the FORTNITE Database, and therefore they could receive the unlimited free v-bucks in Conflict Royale game.
Figure 1: Data program the estimated profit of Fortnite compared to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds between July 2017 — June 2018, based on the Edison Trends dataset. While you can't directly gift V-Bucks to another person, you have a several options to assist them get their Fortnite fix: accept them something cards regarding the program of choice, or get a pack with special content.
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Formerly the screen starts, you'll see a preview in the upper-right crook regarding your activity (which you can minimise, if you want). This survey window lets you quickly toggle your microphone and webcam on next sour, and also click on the "chat" tie to visit what people are around on your terrible Fortnite death streak. If you're wondering what things come in the Fortnite shop right now, for the date that you're understanding that, you can head up to the Fortnite Battle Royale shop items guide We'll be updating that call every time, to manifest all the make new pieces which Epic gets to the Fortnite store.
With more than 100 million Fortnite players playing the game around the world, hopefully one will have cracked the puzzle of the purple cube once and for all by then. I was at full shock to make out fortnite v bucks Generator, I try to persuade myself that is not going to works, but it piece, and I gave cool systems and costumes for our hero. An easy admission to show the action on iOS, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and get there to enjoy a affluent experience. Get comfort by Fortnite V Bucks Cheats to have enough notes to speed up the conflicts and offer to create your hopes come true.
Credit for watching our Fortnite: Battle Royale & Fortnite: But The World videos! Require additional? I placed daily Fortnite movies before anything interesting for Fortnite Battle Royale. Fortnite's unique with much less common horde mode offers daily login bonuses, daily problem, and incentives for Storm Shield Defense missions. They happen sudden with relaxed ways to get a tiny volume of currency each day, although you'll have to actually grasp the function.
Fortnite: But The World is a house survival game using all the same equipment and firearms as you'll find in Fortnite Battle Royale, and responsibilities the participant with body defenses before playing behind the assault of AI controlled zombies. Survive the night along with people gain rewards like because fresh tools, gear, capture and figure things to do everything again. With taking two very different modes along with stay here early access, it is surprising how so Fortnite runs both at home PVE and PVP modes. As such, you don't really need a extremely powerful PC to play the game.
Fortnite offers a in-game feedback tool in the Primary Menu with the entertainment to convey bad person behaviour. You can also email Epic Contest, the founder of Fortnite, done their website - reporting any issues you may have. Fortnite: Battle Royale, is no doubt the most significant free to play sport in the earth by far, then it should come to no wonder for anyone to know that gamers can buy cosmetics with real-world currency.
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Watch the latest episode of our Fortnite talk show Squad Up to see Patrick Warburton perform about battle royale. One of the best things about building a MACHINE for Fortnite Visit this page exists to, instead of a great in-game show, people just really need 2 or more CPU cores. Results could sometimes get V-Bucks without their parents' knowledge, as their parents' character or debit cards are associated with the diversion account which they service to have fun. Although the issue isn't single to Fortnite, the issue with Fortnite has invited special interest because the game is so popular right now.
Now, not entirely Part Quests get you V-Bucks (Fortnite is sweet particular about these things) but the critical capacity is there are some Side Quests that steps people up to 150 V-Bucks. V Bucks Hack Glitch in Fortnite also added a Anti-Ban report in employing Proxy setup. Fortnite battle royale is a free game, free with multi platforms. Participants may compete daily given challenges where they could acquire vbucks, it is the game internal currency which might be used by the player ensemble and weapons.
You can earn V Bucks in Fortnite without shelling away money soon for them, although the solutions for slowly collecting the digital currency are cap and involve you buy Fortnite But the World. After got, one system is to plot in every day for small numbers of V Bucks from the servers. That claim is based on Fortnite (now renamed Fortnite But the World), a third-person cooperative, base-defense sport. In 2017, developer Epic Games accepted this view and rewrite this out right separate, free-to-play battle royale ready for COMPUTER, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
So that's everything you need to know before getting thrust into Fortnite and Fortnite Battle Royale. We'll appreciate people from the channels. In response , Epic party member darkveil” said, Sure!” The plan is already in place but it is theoretically a bit difficult,” according to the comment. Epic wants to give mini-BR” games in Creative where users will be able to configure the Hurricane, use the bus stop feature, and other issues on the main Fortnite battle royale island.
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Flamemaster”, a 10th grader, says they are, Annoying, obnoxious, toxic, and infuriating.” What has gone wrong? Of course, every competition retains its drawbacks, then I happen not looking to establish how Fortnite is a negative game, just show how many people who act that have destroyed what might have been a respected game. You will meet the e-mail alert when the charge of Fortnite - 10,000 (+3,500 Bonus) V-Bucks can stop.
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It is doubtful how much profit criminals were able to be through money laundering, though Sixgill gotten to Fortnite items made more than $250,000 on eBay in a 60 day period recently. A mini translation of Fortnite: Battle Royale will hopefully be accessible to participants soon via Creative Mode. Get V Bucks Free No Person Verify 2019 Hack Working Free V Bucks This Fortnite cheats will help in getting free v-bucks easily.
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u4ndavidbloom-blog · 6 years ago
Fortnite Top 10 Biggest Changes in 2018
Frequent content updates and in-game events are one of the critical features of Fortnite that keep the game fresh, and new concepts are always being posted. And in 2018, the battle royale title saw almost everything from new standout limited-time modes (LTMs) and some worthy new weapon additions to some unique seasonal events and gameplay modifications.
When reflecting back in 2018, which can arguably be defined as the year of Fortnite, it is tough to say that the game looks the exact same because it did back in January. It's precisely the same hybrid shooter at its heart, but because of several changes, players have had to adapt and increase over the previous year continuously. You can see the ten biggest changes in Fortnite as of 2018 below.
1. Expanding to the Mobile Market
At the starting from the year, it was revealed Fortnite Battle Royale was moving on the mobile marketplace, using the iOS version releasing shortly just after and also the Android version coming out this previous summer. This choice has helped ensure the dominance of the game at every level, using the battle royale title becoming out there on practically every platform imaginable. Not to mention, the mobile versions directly contributed towards the popularity and profitability of the game, as developer Epic Games has reportedly made 3 billion dollars in 2018.
2.  The First Game to Get Cross-Play
The recognition of Fortnite was a direct contributor to the cross-play controversy that went down earlier this year. Even though Sony ultimately relented and Fortnite would go on to be the first game to have genuine console cross-play support, this may have never occurred if it weren't for the stress from the myriad Fortnite fans who wanted to test their capabilities across consoles.
It's worth mentioning that this choice was just the very first domino, as cross-play assistance will indubitably transform up the gaming industry as a whole. We named it as one of the largest video game news stories of 2018.
3.  The Addition of Vehicles
Back in May well, Fortnite added its first vehicle to the game. To some, it was a surprise, but several loved the absurdity that came having a buying cart being the very first vehicle to appear within the game. It was followed by the All-Terrain Kart (ATK), Quadcrasher, and now the X-4 Stormwing, the first aerial vehicle to look inside the game. These have led to crazy kills, new strategies to cross the map, and entertaining ways to play with friends or strangers. With the addition of your plane along with the mobility items, some of these vehicles just like the buying cart do not get a lot of use anymore-unless it is to get a challenge- but that does not make them any less noteworthy.
4. The Sky Cracking
In season 4, an enormous neighborhood rocket launch saw the sky crack. In this brief moment, everyone stopped to watch and also the killing stopped. If that description weren't epic adequate, this rift within the sky would go on to become involved with numerous other adjustments around the Fortnite island, including rifts plus the Kevin the Cube occasion. This, alongside the season three meteors, is simply one of several most important season transitions on the year.
5. The Creation of Leaky Lake
Kevin the Cube appeared halfway through season 5, shot out of the crack within the sky. It moved slowly across the battle island, altering gravity and leaving strange runes in its wake, ahead of at some point landing in Loot Lake.
A lot of believed this would be the last on the Cube, but the season six kicked off with the cube raising the residence into the sky, creating the floating island. It slowly toured the island, collecting the previously designed runes, ahead of returning for the lake. There, the trans-seasonal cube would ultimately be destroyed, having a flash of a white screen and a few butterflies floating around. All of this led to the creation of Leaky Lake.
6. The Addition of 2 New Biomes
Even though every season functions some variety of map alter for Fortnite's battle island, there happen to be two significant modifications that stand out this year. The battle island utilized to be nearly entirely green in some way that is, till season 5 introduced the desert biome. With it, the well known Paradise Palms place was also created, and even the desert backdrop did considerably to change up the scenery of your game.
Season 7 took it a step additional with all the introduction of an arctic biome, which features three new named places, one particular of which temporarily housed the Infinity Blade. It is uncertain what will grow to be of this biome when season 7 and winter finish, but considering the Ice King's castle is there, it does not appear most likely to be going anyplace quickly.
7. The Changes (But Not Destruction) of Tilted Towers
A big level of hype generally precedes teased map alterations, none of which have already been teased or theorized as much as the destruction of Tilted Towers. Starting together with the season three comets that battered Tilted Towers, it has been a location a lot of have hoped (for one particular cause or a further) will be destroyed. This led to theories that Kevin the Cube would destroy the named location, or perhaps AIM robots as part of the season 7 initiation.
In spite of in no way, becoming destroyed, Tilted Towers has observed its fair share of changes, as lots of who drop within the high-density zone can attest. It was initially added in season 2 but developed a massive crater in season 4 immediately after the season 3 comets. Tilted Towers gradually rebuilt more than season five, resulting within a new sports shop added for the named location-that was before Kevin the Cube rolled using and destroyed the location as soon as once again (1 week following its completion). Season 7 is now functioning on a new building within the region, but its future isn't seeking superior.
Whether or not or not Tilted Towers ever becomes a thing distinct remains to be seen, but thinking of its reputation within the battle royale title and its prominent function within the meta, it does not seem very probable.
8. The Move Toward Mobility
When Fortnite initially launched, it was a common strategy to construct up a fort and bunker down. This technique straight led to the "Just Construct LOL" attitude concerning the game and even for the backlash when Port-a-Forts was very first announced. But slowly, season to season, Fortnite has moved away from this bunker down and fight method to a much more mobile battle royale game, because of the introduction of mobility items like the grappler and balloons.
There will generally be speed builders, but for all those who cannot master that particular tactic, there is one more method to come at a fight. It's not an uncommon sight presently to find out a speed builder vs. ballooner fight, which can be one of several compact adjustments that will go a long way for Fortnite's high quality of life.
9. The Hidden Banner/Hidden Battle Star Rotation
When finishing a weeks' worth of challenges, it is always nice to hunt down a hidden battle star, as they give a free tier around the Battle Pass. In season 5, this meant that there had been ten free of charge tiers earned by just completing challenges. But, come season 6 week two, fans from the battle royale title had been greeted using a hidden banner, alternatively of a hidden battle star. This set up a weekly rotation that continues, even now in season 7.
Earning a hidden banner is often a cool cosmetic addition towards the locker, but in the very same time, getting only five tiers for each of the work put in is a bit lackluster. Some may perhaps disagree with this modify, but it was most likely made to help balance out the pace by which players full the Battle Pass (in particular for those who total it early on anyway).
10. Creative Mode/The Block
Fortnite creative mode, following it the footsteps on the Playground LTM, was a well-received season 7 addition for the game that enables players to design and style their very own islands. Additionally, in the game awards 2018, it was revealed that Risky Reels had been replaced together with the Block, a space that would residence fan-created locales.
Of course, 2018 is ending quickly, and season 7 is taking players into 2019. We're not confident what to expect following this season yet, but hopefully, everything continues to accomplish properly for Epic Games and Fortnite in the new year. But there isn't any doubt Fortnite has plans for this extraordinary occasion. To enjoy all the features in the game, you can check out u4gm fortnite items for sale list.
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ormlacom · 7 years ago
2017’s underrated VR games and experiences
Something every woman should know - WHY MEN LIE!
2017 is wrapping up and so reflect we must on the year that was. By now you’ve hopefully seen our extensive list of nominees for our Best of 2017 awards, which we think do a pretty great job of representing the VR industry in 2017. But, as with any medium, there are a handful of apps that flew under the radar this year that we really, really don’t think you should be missing out on.
Some of these are already included in our nominations, but we’re still highlighting them here. These are the games and apps that didn’t get Oculus-backed marketing campaigns, prime spots on Viveport, or simply just didn’t make as big of a splash as we thought they should have in 2017. So once you’re done with Lone Echo and have ventured through Skyrim, maybe give some of these a spin.
Statik from Tarsier Studios (PSVR) – review
Perhaps it’s fitting that Statik remains an obscure gem in PSVR’s crown, left waiting to be discovered and examined, just like the game’s ambiguous story. In this VR debut from Tarsier Studios, you play as the lab rat of the bizarre Dr. Ingen, solving puzzles that take the form of contraptions locked to your arms, tracked in VR using the DualShock 4 controller. It’s an ingenious design that makes for one of VR’s most curious experiences so far, and something that will leave you picking the pieces of its plot apart for weeks after.
The Invisible Hours from Tequila Works (Rift, Vive, PSVR) – review
Rime developer Tequila Works seemingly produced this incredible piece of VR storytelling from thin air, with very little hype leading up to its release. The Invisible Hours is good enough to earn three spots in our best of 2017 nominees, though, telling a fascinating elseworld tale surrounding the mysterious murder of Nikola Tesla. You follow the action in real-time, but can rewind and explore at any point. Step-by-step you piece together a twisted narrative with characters and surprises that won’t soon be forgotten.
Frontier VR/Echo Grotto from Gaugepunk Games (Rift, Vive) – review
Gaugepunk Games is a developer you should really be paying attention to. Within the past 12 months the indie studio has released two of VR’s most immersive and wondrous experiences. Frontier VR presented three highly detailed environments that were a joy to lose yourself in, feeling the chill of winter or the heat of the sun as you watched nature at work. Echo Grotto, meanwhile, made for a fascinating caving experience that encouraged you to explore every nook and cranny of its intricate layers. You can get both of these apps together for just over $10 – don’t miss them.
Virtual Virtual-Reality from Tender Claws (Daydream)
Virtual Virtual-Reality is every bit as funny, bizarre and memorable as Accounting, but sadly doesn’t seem to have found the same kind of audience seeing as it’s only available on Daydream. In this surreal vision of the future you use headsets to rapidly travel from one reality to another, interacting with environments as you go. The game has something fresh and exciting to show you around every corner, and its sheer sense of imagination makes it a joy to experience from start to finish.
Form from Charm Games (Rift, Vive, Windows) – review
Form is another game that’s got a fair few nods in our nominees for the best of the year, but we still feel like more people need to play it. This is an enchanting VR adventure that takes you on a strange and surreal journey through fantastical environments with puzzles that are easy to solve but a joy to interact with. There are new sights and sounds to fall in love with every few minutes in Form, making for a rollercoaster ride that you won’t soon forget.
Eclipse: Edge of Light from White Elk Studios (Daydream) – review
Eclipse is one of the few mobile VR games that I’d suggest anyone with a PC or console-based headset still try and seek out to play. It’s an epic sci-fi adventure in which you crash land on an alien planet and explore the remains of an ancient civilization with some great platforming elements to boot. Eclipse is stunningly immersive, often easily succeeding in convincing you that you’ve touched down on an undiscovered planet. If you happen to have a Daydream-ready smartphone, this is a great reason to pick up a View headset.
Tiny Trax from FuturLab (PSVR) – review
Velocity developer FuturLab knows its stuff. The team has built a well-earned reputation for mechanical precision that makes its games hellishly addictive. For its VR debut, FuturLab took its foundation and applied it to multiplayer, creating it’s own brand of Micromachines that was tough to master, but rewarding to play once you got a grip on it. Sadly, there isn’t too much to do outside of multiplayer, so this one you should consider picking up if you can convince a friend to take the plunge with you.
This story originally appeared on Uploadvr.com. Copyright 2017
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