#wilhelm frick
lovethesparrow · 1 month
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English post^^//
Damn. that joke was so funny. you got the whole squad laughing.
im crying why is herman so 😐
disclaimer! i do not support or engage in n*zism or f*cism! this is a hyperfixation.
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kriegsabstieg · 4 months
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lego-man-speer · 7 months
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Some stupid shit I made because I haven’t bothered to write more educational content
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imhaus23 · 11 months
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germanpostwarmodern · 4 months
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From its foundation in 1919 onwards the Bauhaus was a preferred and frequent target for nationalist and National Socialists due to its international orientation, alleged communist activities and overall avant-garde position. At the same time its students were regarded as immune to totalitarianism and National Socialism in particular. Five years after the Bauhaus centenary the Klassik Stiftung Weimar reviews the relationship between Bauhaus and the Nazi regime and does away with a number of long-held beliefs. Until 15 September the tripartite exhibition at Museum Neues Weimar, Bauhaus Museum and Schiller-Museum for the first time sheds light on an uncomfortable part of the school’s history.
Alongside the exhibition Hirmer published the present and very insightful catalogue, edited by Anke Blümm, Elizabeth Otto and Patrick Rössler, that discusses the manifold hostilities brought forward by conservatives and nationalists but also examines the dealings of former Bauhaus students and teachers with the Nazi regime. The first third of the catalogue is thus devoted to a chronological history of the Bauhaus’ and its opposition and how the school’s situation gradually worsened. A harbinger of what was looming was the Weimar iconoclasm of 1930: the newly elected government of the federal state of Thuringia included the NSDAP and Wilhelm Fricke became minister of the interior and public education. In this capacity he released a decree against progressive art and culture with which he e.g. forced the Weimar art collections to remove their strategically built collection of Bauhaus artworks.
In the following and larger part the catalogue collects a total of 58 biographies of former students and teachers and how they fared under the totalitarian regime: included are of course the well-known stories of figureheads like Gropius, Albers and Mies van der Rohe but also those of e.g. Fritz Ertl who drew the plans for the Auschwitz extermination camp and Friedl Dicker who was killed in the very same camp. At the same time others like photographer Otto Umbehr (Umbo) fared well as regime-linked contractors.
The collected biographies again demonstrate that history isn’t a black or white business but spiked with shades of grey as proves the fact that a Bauhaus education can’t immunize individuals from adapting to an inhuman regime. A pivotal book and exhibition!
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 1, Poll 3
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Prince Wilhelm-Young Royals
Has some sort of anxiety disorder and is very queer
I think he’s neat.
Amaya-The Dragon Prince
1- Deaf, uses sign language 2- Sapphic, married to a female elf
Deaf and not straight (I don't know if they've mentioned her suxuality in canon, but she's dating a woman)
She is in an explicit relationship with Janai (also female, very very gay) and is deaf.
Amaya is a general of the Katolis army. She is deaf since birth and communicates in sign language. She's the best warrior in the human lands and she is a raging lesbian.
She's Deaf and a lesbian
Canonically deaf and engaged to a woman
Amaya is so cool. This is the only time I have ever seen a memorable Deaf/HOH person on a children's tv show. Her disability is dealt with really well. She isn't pitied for it. On the contrary, she's a fricking general! Did I mention she's cool? In terms of queer stuff, she's married to a literal queen (actually I haven't seen the show in a while, so its at the very least a queen-adjacent figure), and they're so cute together and every time I see them it makes me stim. Also she's just a really great character in general (no pun intended). Like, she will hunt you down and kill you if you so much as give her nephew a papercut. She's such a badass like genuinely.
She's a knight and a cool aunt and I love her!
Amaya and her partner, Janai, are the classic enemies-to-lovers couple. Amaya, although deaf, does not let her disability stop her from being the best soldier of her kingdom and has rightfully taken the position of general. She's so badass, but also kind and loving. She's just amazing.
As I said before, she is a raging badass lesbian who is engaged to the queen of Sunfire Elves, who is also the best warrior in this elven nation. Her fiancee is learning sign language for her. They are so in love it physically hurts!!!!
I'm bad at the propaganda thing but I'll give it a try She uses ASL and has an interpreter she's close to. She's also a General of her home kingdom... up until she gets captured by an enemy princess and falls in love. Now that princess is a queen, and as of the last episode they're engaged to be married. Also they share a bed and multiple kisses onscreen.
Is a badass fighter, determined, fiercely protects those she loves
Anything Else?:
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @yurayuramiharin is the fourth submitter, the ‘anything else?’ Section is the first submitter.
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er1chartmann · 9 months
Thule Society
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These are some facts and curiosities about the Thule society:
It was founded in 1910 by Felix Niedner, a philologist and historian from the University of Berlin.
It was immediately characterized by heated nationalism and intense anti-Semitism.
It was transferred to Munich on 18 August 1918, on the initiative of Rudolf Glauer.
According to the historian Peter Levenda, the Thuile was a ''mystical society inspired by the theosophical writings of Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels, that is, a mixture of oriental religions, theosophy, anti-Semitism, tales of the Grail, runic mystification and Nordic paganism.
On November 7, 1918, Kurt Eisner, a Jewish intellectual and supporter of the League of Nations, proclaimed the birth of a Socialist Republic in Munich, arousing the ire of German nationalists. On November 9, von Sebottendorff gave a passionate speech before the Thule, inciting the members to resist the Red Army, and he became the leader of the Munich Thule.
In February 1919 Eisner was assassinated in an isolated action by a former member of the Thule Society, Anton Graf von Arco auf Valley, who was excluded due to his partial Jewish origins.
The Thule Lodge risked disappearing during the socialist uprising of 1918-1919, when some of its most influential members, including Prince Thurn und Taxis, were murdered on the orders of the Jewish People's Commissars.
The ideological legacy of the Thule society was taken up by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Its press organ was the Münchener Beobachter which would change its name to Völkischer Beobachter, the official press organ of the Nazi Party.
Important Members
Karl Harrer: one of the founding members of the DAP, which later changed its name to NSDAP, better known as the Nazi Party.
Dietrich Eckart: who was defined by Hitler as ''the paternal friend''. He is defined as a martyr by Hitler himself in Mein Kampf.
Anton Drexler: first president of the NSDAP.
Rudolf Hess: He was appointed Reichsleiter and considered ''Hitler's dolphin''.
Alfred Rosenberg: considered with Hitler himself the ideologue of the Nazi Party
Hans Frank: future governor of Poland
Gottfried Feder: one of the ideological fathers of Nazism.
Wilhelm Frick: in 1943 he became Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia
Wikipedia: The Thule Society.
If you don't like it go with your life.
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randomnameless · 8 months
Since I'm neck-deep in this nonsensical mess of the half-lizard Lycaon AU :
In VW's infodumps, Rhea says this :
I was never able to forgive those who proudly wielded weapons crafted from the corpses of my brethren.
Which might explain her, uh, drive to hunt the Elites, even after Nemesis kicked the bucket.
From this we can have a sort of timeline : Nemesis dies, then Daphnel joins him and "zealots" aka, the Empire soldiers, are after the head of the Elite writing this (Maurice?). The author wonders why Seiros despises them so much.
And we know Rhea stopped hunting Maurice - when her drive for revenge was all that, supposedly, motivated her, when she will "never be able to forgive" those who wielded weapons crafted from dead nabateans who were in Zanado -
Not when Cethleann fell in a coma (that's heavily inferred to have happened post Tailtean), not when Cichol left, not when Macuil "died" during Tailtean, even without her relatives (brothers?) Rhea still pushed on to avenge her dead family members and kill the Elites -
The War of Heroes - thus Seiros's hunt for the Elites - stops when Lycaon dies.
We can suppose Rhea, who had no allies left anymore (the Saints left, the Empire is in turmoil) couldn't pursue the Elites... but they also had no one left with them, their clans already joined the Empire so they're just 10ish dudes running away from a very long lived, and furious, dragon : if revenge was the only thing on her mind, Rhea would have finished the job and killed Maurice.
And yet, even if the job was unfinished... Rhea stopped, and built Garreg Mach.
We went from a "revenge for dead family members" Seiros to a "only Sothis can guide and lead the world" Rhea.
Rhea could have switched and realised Adrestia would never be able to guide the people of Fodlan when Lycaon "was k-died" - if Adrestia becomes a viper's nest the second Wilhelm leaves the throne, then it cannot guide the people of Fodlan.
Yes, but what about Muriel, the Nabatean turned into Blutgang? Who gives a crap about what humans are doing or what will be the "state of the world" when one of Rhea's precious kin is still held by a bastard she will "never be able to forgive" ? Why should she bother about Fodlan now when one of her siblings is still missing?
If revenge was everything on her mind, why the frick did she stop and let Maurice run away?
But if Lycaon was her own kid - when he dies it's not only Adrestia's possibility to be something else than a viper's nest and to guide Fodlan who dies, but also the current possibility of having Nabateans live with humans -
There's no point in continuing to hunt Maurice, since whatever she does, there will still be a human out for Nabatean bones, willing to kill to gain power and that is something Seiros cannot prevent - Seiros + humans cannot build a world where Humans and Nabateans can coexist.
Who is the only person who can?
I also like this theory because it's a perfect parallel to FE16!Dimitri, with even more "crueler" result : being blinded with revenge doesn't kill her and all of her friends, but it has her survive everyone again - by wanting and focusing on the past, Seiros loses her present and her future (a future Adrestia where people would be able to live happily, a Fodlan where "might makes right" isn't the iron rule?). But instead of learning the "live for the present" lesson Dimitri ultimately does, Rhea... believes she is not the one able to protect the present+future, but Sothis is.
Sure, it'd feel kind of meh that Rhea doesn't turn to Sothis when Cethleann sleeps, Cichol leaves and, in general, 10k random humans die in the war, but when it's her kid who dies, she wants to bring back Sothis -
But in a way, Lycaon kicking the bucket after the War - after everyone fought and died to attain peace - is more impactful : they were in the "and they live happily ever after" part of the book, and he dies, meaning there is no "happily ever after" at all, rather, it never existed and will never exist !
Seiros the Warrior can warrior her way to get rid of Nemesis, but she cannot create a world where people - humans and nabateans alike - can live "happily ever after".
This realisation makes her break from "Seiros the Warrior" to become "The Archbishop" whose only goal is to bring back the Creator, so the Land can finally know peace.
Granted, this realisation could also happen if Lycaon wasn't a half-lizard but 100% human : if he was the golden heir picked by Willy, I suppose she supported his choice to inherit the Adrestia they both created, his "accidental death" could really have hit her like a truck, in the sense that she might have thought this human - just like Willy - was a human able to steer Fodlan in the right direction and it was alright to trust humanity again...
Only for him to be "accidently dead" 7 years after his investiture, and his successor pulling the "might makes right" rule to ensure the throne is still hers after a stupid "duel".
Humanity is fucked -> even if she recovers Muriel's bones Fodlan will still stuck because no one can guide it humans just proved it -> Sothis has to return.
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skeletonbutterflyyy · 2 years
my theory for Markus
1. Marcus gonna be super sweet at firts and turn out to by a control frick
2. Marcus gonna use Simon to get closse to Wilhelm and hurt the monarchy by hurting Wilhelm or gonna sai to the Queen that he know what she did to wilhelm and he gonna tell everyone
3. Marcus gonna be a dieus ex machina which is a character or unexpected event coming opportunely to resolve a dramatic situation.
Bonus : maybe Marcus gonna say to Wilhelm tha he also have a duty to the queer people of the contry as a représentations
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molsons112000 · 4 months
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So Bill Clinton had no problem going after leaders around the world like the leader of Serbia and having him tried for war crimes. He had no problem in going after and doing a manhunt for the warlord leaders in Somalia.
https://www.history.com › milosev...
Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic goes on trial ...
Nov 24, 2009 — Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic goes on trial for war crimes in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo
Miller Center
Presidential transition: Somalia
Dec 8, 2016 — Once Clinton was in office, the operation became a man-hunt for Somalian warlord, General Mohammed Aidid. In
Roh committed suicide on 23 May 2009 when he jumped from a mountain cliff behind his home, after saying that "there are too many people suffering because of me" on a suicide note on his computer. About 4 million people visited Roh's hometown Bongha Village in the week following his death.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › R...
Roh Moo-hyun - Wikipedia
The Constitutional Court upheld the impeachment by a unanimous 8–0 ruling on 10 March 2017, thereby removing Park from office, making her the first Korean president to be so removed. On 6 April 2018, South Korean courts sentenced her to 24 years in prison (later increased to 25 years) for corruption and abuse of power.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › P...
Park Geun-hye - Wikipedia
On 2 June 2012, an Egyptian court sentenced Mubarak to life imprisonment. After sentencing, he was reported to have suffered a series of health crises. On 13 January 2013, Egypt's Court of Cassation (the nation's high court of appeal) overturned Mubarak's sentence and ordered a retrial.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › K...
Killing of Muammar Gaddafi
References edit · ^ "Air strike hit 11 vehicles in Gaddafi convoy -NATO". · ^ Martin Chulov (20 October 2012). · ^ Beaumont, Peter; Stephen, Chris
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › E...
Execution of Saddam Hussein
Saddam was sentenced to death by hanging, after being convicted of crimes against humanity by the Iraqi Special Tribunal for the Dujail massacre—the killing of ...
List of Executions
Hermann Göring.
Joachim von Robbentrop.
Wilhelm Keitel.
Ernst Kaltenbrunner.
Alfred Rosenberg.
Hans Frank.
Wilhelm Frick.
Julius Streicher.
More items...
https://www.nationalww2museum.org › ...
The Nuremberg Trials | New Orleans
It's funny leaders in this country. They do crimes.They get off of the crimes and then they're given a golden parachute.
Other leaders around the World are killed.
I believe we need the death penalty for the President of the United States for all members of Congress for all government officials.
We have no problem in killing leaders of other countries of the World or calling for them to be put to death.
So i'm fine with former bill clinton president put the death....
So I don't understand how we can hold other countries leadership to this level and kill them and we don't hold our leadership to the same sword....
The primary purpose of the invasion was to depose the de facto ruler of Panama, General Manuel Noriega, who was wanted by U.S. authorities for racketeering and drug trafficking. The operation, codenamed Operation Just Cause, concluded in late January 1990 with the surrender of Noriega.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › U...
United States invasion of Panama - Wikipedia
In 2011 France extradited him to Panama, where he was incarcerated for crimes committed during his rule, for which he had been tried and convicted in absentia in the 1990s. Diagnosed with a brain tumor in March 2017, Noriega suffered complications during surgery, and died two months later.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki
Manuel Noriega - Wikipedia
So the United States has the most powerful military in the world.It can't be invaded and It's the richest country in the world and the u s dollar is the reserve currency of the world and countries around the world hold 46 trillion dollars in treasuries. I think that's around that much.In every year we sell 27 trillion dollars in treasuries and growing.....
But some reason are leaders.They can get away with literally murder and they get a golden parachute.... Where other leaders around the world we call further execution.....
So I believe we need the implement. The same thing here for our politicians.... For too long, we've been killing leadership around the world and we have been killing them and we've been letting our politicians get away with it.. It needs to end and they need to have the death penalty on the table....
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lokaleblickecom · 9 months
Heimat-Preis 2023 Preis wird gleichberechtigt geteilt
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Neukirchen-Vluyn Für das Jahr 2023 vergibt die Stadt Neukirchen-Vluyn zum vierten Mal den „Heimat-Preis.“ 5.000 Euro aus Fördermitteln des Landes stehen dafür zur Verfügung. Neukirchen-Vluyner Vereine und Institutionen waren zur Bewerbung aufgerufen. Insgesamt waren sieben Bewerbungen eingegangen, aus ihnen hat der Ausschuss für Soziales, Bildung, Kultur und Sport drei Gewinner ausgewählt. Außerdem hat der Ausschuss entschieden, das Preisgeld gleichberechtigt zu teilen. Den Preis erhalten: ·        Die Karnevalsgesellschaften Neukirchen-VLÜ-KA-GE Rot-Weiss 1952 e.V. und die KG Blau-Weisse Funken Neukirchen-Vluyn e.V. ·        Der Förderverein der Stadtbücherei Neukirchen-Vluyn e.V. ·        Wilhelm Spickers, Natur- und Landschaftsguide Die VLÜ-KA-GE und die KG Blau-Weisse Funken engagieren sich seit Jahren aktiv und lebendig mit tollen Angeboten für alle Altersklassen in Neukirchen-Vluyn. In verschiedenen Tanzgruppen, dem Besuch von Kitas und Pflegeeinrichtungen und Karnevalssitzungen wird Brauchtum generationsübergreifend gepflegt. Die Altersspanne der Mitglieder reicht von 1 - 90 Jahre. Die „schönste Jahreszeit“ findet jedes Jahr mit dem großen Rosenmontagsumzug ihren Höhepunkt, der in 2023 zum ersten Mal gemeinschaftlich von beiden Karnevalsgesellschaften durchgeführt wurde. Dieser ist nicht nur für Karnevalisten das Highlight der Session, sondern ein wunderbares Event für alle Bürger. Der Förderverein der Stadtbücherei Neukirchen-Vluyn e.V. unterstützt die Weiterentwicklung der Bücherei zu einem Treffpunkt im inklusiven Quartier, der für Menschen jeden Alters und jeder sozialen und kulturellen Herkunft offensteht. Dazu gehören die Durchführung von Lesungen und Veranstaltungen für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen, zum Beispiel das beliebte Kinder- und Kaffeekino, Lesungen in Kitas und Schnupperleseausweise für NeubürgerInnen. In Kooperation mit verschiedenen Partnern werden darüber hinaus Projekte zur Lese- und Schreibförderung sowie Workshops und Aktionen zu großen Themen wie "Klimaschutz" oder auch "fairer und nachhaltiger Konsum" angeboten. Durch regelmäßige Beschaffungen für die Bücherei der Dinge und den Kauf von Bestsellern für den Leihverkehr wird die Attraktivität und die Nachfrage der Stadtbücherei zusätzlich gestärkt. Wilhelm Spickers bietet seit drei Jahren geführte Wanderungen und Radtouren in Neukirchen-Vluyn an. Als zertifizierter Natur- und Landschaftsguide werden bei den Radführungen Landschaftserklärungen gegeben, Umweltthemen angesprochen und die Artenvielfalt in Neukirchen-Vluyn aufgezeigt. Mit dem Projekt "Grenzerfahrung", eine von Wilhelm Spickers konzipierten Radtour entlang der Grenze des Neukirchen-Vluyner Stadtgebietes, werden interessante Einblicke in die Stadtgeschichte und eine schöne niederrheinische Kulisse geboten. Weitere Angebote sind die beliebte Genusstour "von Hof zu Hof", die Einheimische und Gäste zu verschiedenen Direktvermarktern im Stadtgebiet führt und der kostelose Spaziergang „Heideblüte im Klingerhuf“. Ehrenamtlich tätig war Wilhelm Spickers dieses Jahr auch als Stadtradelstar, bei einer Spendenwanderung für "Klartext für Kinder" und als "Pilot" beim Projekt "Radeln ohne Alter". Die Preise wurden in einer Feierstunde am 14. Dezember 2023 verliehen. Stadtrat und Verwaltung gratulieren herzlich. (v.l.): Günther Zeller (2. Stellvertretender Bürgermeister), Claudia Wilke (1 Stellvertretende Bürgermeisterin), Bürgermeister Ralf Köpke, Dirk Halfmann (Präsident Blau-Weisse Funken), Jörg Thiem (Präsident Neukirchen-Vlü-Ka-Ge), Klaus Lewitzki (Fraktionsvorsitzender SPD), Wilhelm Spickers (Natur- und Landschaftsguide), Dr. Heiko Haaz (Fraktionsvorsitzender CDU), Jürgen Meier (Förderverein Stadtbücherei), Dr. Hans-Wilhelm Fricke-Hein (Förderverein Stadtbücherei), Ursula Bochnig (Vorsitzende SBKS), Angelika von Speicher (Fraktionsvorsitzende ÖDP), Christine Wachtendonk (Förderverein Stadtbücherei) Read the full article
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kriegsabstieg · 4 months
Wilhelm Frick looks like he’s fresh out of the care home
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someone come pick him up, he wont stop blabbering about the "good ol days" and the "youth of today will never understand" but he keeps forgetting himself in mid sentence and starts talking about tv shows like coronation street.
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lego-man-speer · 3 months
Nuremberg Defendants: Part 5, Wilhelm Frick - Reich Minister of the Interior
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This is the next part of my Nuremberg Defendants series. Click the names below to see previous parts + the post I already made on Rudolf Hess
Rudolf Hess
Alfred Rosenberg
Joachim von Ribbentrop
Baldur von Schirach
Julius Streicher
-Wilhelm Frick was born on the 12th of March in 1877. He was the youngest of four children of Wilhelm Frick Snr, who was a Protestant teacher. He was born in Alsenz.
-He graduated from the Kaiserslautern Gymnasium in 1896, and went on to study Philology at the University of Munich. Early on he would change his studies to Law and transferred to the University of Berlin. In 1901 he received his doctorate in law and from 1903 he started working as an attorney at the Munich Police Department.
-Frick married his first wife, Elisabetha Emilie Nagel in 1910. Their marriage produced two sons and a daughter before ending in an ugly divorce in 1934. He remarried a few weeks later to Margarete Schutze Naumberg (the former wife of a Reichstag MP). Their marriage produced a son and a daughter and lasted until Frick's death.
-Frick did not serve in WW1 because he was deemed unfit. After the war he was put in charge of the political police as a district officer. In his role he had sympathies for the far-right extremists. On one occasion, Frick helped a Freikorps member, who had committed murder, to escape by issuing him a false passport.
-Frick was introduced to Hitler in 1919 by the Chief of Police, Ernst Pöhner. He willingly helped Hitler obtain permission to hold rallies and demonstrations.
-In 1923 he became a senior officer and head of the security service of the Munich Criminal Investigation Department. Frick later participated in the 1923 Munich Putsch. Had the Putsch succeeded, Frick was to become the new police chief. During the Putsch he remained in the police headquarters and ensured that the state police and the representative of the police president were not alerted immediately. After the Putsch, Frick was arrested and tried for aiding and abetting high treason. After several months in police custody, Frick was given a suspended sentence of 15 months imprisonment and was dismissed from his police job. During the disciplinary proceedings the dismissal was revoked after being declared unfair on the basis that his treasonous intent had not been proven.
-Frick was elected as a member of the Reichstag in 1924. He had been nominated by the National Socialist Freedom Movement. His speeches in the Reichstag were characterised by his radical anti-semitism and racism, as well as abuse and insults at his political opponents. He officially joined the NSDAP in 1925 after the ban on the party was lifted.
-In 1929 the NSDAP joined in a coalition government for the state of Thüringia. The party received the state ministries of the interior and education. In January 1930 Frick was appointed to these ministries - becoming the first Nazi to hold a ministerial post at any level in Germany. Frick used his position to dismiss communist and social democratic officials and replace them with NSDAP members. As minister he also used his power to make Hitler a German citizen (or else he could not stand for Reich Presidency in Germany). He also used his power to appoint Nazi race theoretician, Dr Günther, as professor at the University of Jena as well as the compulsory introduction of Nazi prayers in schools. Due to the character of these prayers, three out of the five introduced were declared unconstitutional by the German Constitutional Court in July 1930. Frick was removed from his office in April 1931 after a motion of no confidence by the SPD.
-In 1933 Frick was made Minister of the Interior, shortly after Hitler's appointment as Chancellor. Along with Göring, Frick was one of the two Nazi ministers in the original Hitler cabinet and the only one to serve with a portfolio (Göring originally served without one). In October that same year he was appointed a Reichsleiter (the second highest political rank in the party). In 1934 he replaced Göring as Prussian Minister of the Interior thus giving him control of the police in Prussia.
-As a result of the Reichstag Fire Decree 1933 and the Enabling Act 1933, Frick's power increased tremendously. These acts would pave the way for dictatorship by abolishing numerous constitutional protections (including the right to free speech and freedom of the press).
-Frick was responsible for drafting up numerous laws to consolidate the Nazi regime. For example the 14th July 1933 Law Against the Formation of Parties - making the NSDAP the only legal party in Germany. Frick was also responsible for drawing up anti-semitic laws such as the law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service. The law forbade Jews, political opponents and non-Aryans from holding positions as teachers, judges or government positions. He also drafted the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour. (These became known as the Nuremberg Laws).
-In July 1933 Frick implemented the Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseased Offspring, which included forced sterilisations. This would later lead to the T4 exterminations. During the Second World War Frick was made aware that mentally disabled, sick and aged people (which the Nazis deemed as “the useless eaters”) were being put to death, but did nothing to intervene. An estimated 200,000+ (under Frick's jurisdiction) were systematically murdered.
-Frick took an active role in Germany's rearmament, in opposition to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. He drafted laws introducing military conscription and extending the Wehrmacht service law to the annexed Austria (after the Anschluss in 1938) and to the Sudetenland. He introduced German law, the Nuremberg laws and the military service law to Austria. He further established the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
-Frick's power began to decline around the late 1930s during a power struggle with Himmler, who wanted control of the German police force. In one example of the struggle for power, Frick tried to restrict the widespread use of protective custody laws in 1933, only to be convinced not to by Himmler. In 1936 Hitler named Himmler the chief of German police which effectively united the police with Himmler's SS. In August 1943 Himmler replaced Frick as Minister of the Interior. Frick however remained in Hitler's cabinet as a minister without portfolio.
-After being replaced as Minister of the Interior, Frick was appointed the Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, making him Hitler's representative in the Czech lands. This role was merely a representative one and Frick had no real power. Instead the power lay with his superior Karl Hermann Frank. However, Frick did take a general responsibility of the oppression in Bohemia and Moravia, for example terrorism of the population; slave labour and the deportation of Jews to concentration camps. Of the 82,309 Jews deported from the protectorate, around 71,000 were killed in the Holocaust. The occupation authorities and their collaborators killed another 7,000.
-Frick was indicted at the Nuremberg Trials on all four counts. Frick was the only other defendant besides Rudolf Hess who refused to testify on his own behalf. Frick was absolutely certain that he would be sentenced to death, therefore he chose not to bother, however he did state “Hitler didn't want to do things my way. I wanted things to be dine legally. After all, I am a lawyer.” He was found to have an IQ of 124 (just about below average of the other defendants). As a prisoner, a former guard described him as someone who was always willing to talk.
-At Nuremberg he was described as one of the architects of the Holocaust. From 1933 onwards he used his power to fulfil the threats he made to his opponents in the Reichstag in 1932: “Don't worry, when we are in power we shall put all of you guys in concentration camps.” Frick's ministry was the highest controlling authority of the concentration camps and Frick personally inspected them. Frick also took an interest into the experimentation on prisoners inside the camps, such as forcing malaria onto heathy prisoners and the air pressure and freezing experiments.
-Frick was unrepentant in his final statement and was found innocent on count 1 of the indictment, but was found guilty on the other three charges brought against him. He was sentenced to death by hanging.
-Frick was executed on the 16th of October 1946, aged 69. It is believed that the executions were deliberately botched so that the convicted Nazis suffered ling and agonising deaths. One of these botchings included the size of the gallows trap door, which was too small, thus leading to some defendants (including Frick) to hit their heads as they dropped, making them suffer head injuries (and this is quite evident in Frick's post-execution photo, which can be found on wikipedia). On his way to the gallows he seemed the least steady of any of the condemned and stumbled on the gallows steps. His last words were “Long live eternal Germany.” He died 12 minutes after the initial drop.
OBLIGATORY MENTION: This post is purely educational and is in no way supportive of any right-wing ideologies
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warmaster-uk · 2 years
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German Nazi party member and author of the Nuremberg Race Laws Wilhelm Frick, photographed in his jail cell at Nuremberg, Germany, during the Nuremberg Trials. November 1945. Wilhelm Frick (12 March 1877 – 16 October 1946) was a prominent German politician of the Nazi party, who served as Reich Minister of the Interior in Adolf Hitler's cabinet from 1933 to 1943 and as the last governor of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Following the rise of the SS, Frick gradually lost favour within the party, and in 1943 he was replaced by Heinrich Himmler as interior minister. Frick remained in the cabinet until Hitler's death in 1945. Frick was convicted of planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity, and for his role, as Minister of the Interior, in formulating the Enabling Act and the Nuremberg Laws – laws under which people were deported to concentration camps, many of them being murdered there. Frick was also accused of being one of the most senior people responsible for the existence of the concentration camps. Frick was sentenced to death on 1 October 1946 and was hanged at Nuremberg Prison on 16 October. Original photograph public domain #secondworldwar #ww2 #worldwartwo #worldwar2 #war #history #militaryhistory #military #colourised #colorized #colourisedhistory #colorizedhistory #color #colour #colorizedhistoricalphotos #colorization #colourisation #retro #goodolddays #classic #goldenoldies #colorizedphoto #colourisedphoto #criminal #warcriminal #nuremberg #nazi https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl2BBl4KmU9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nebris · 2 years
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Slovak interior minister Alexander Mach (third from left) and German interior minister Wilhelm Frick (second from right). 1 October 1942
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isoladiavalon-blog · 5 years
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