#wilds Lampwick
artmunstudios · 1 year
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Back to Hotel Krat...? Pt. 2
Pinocchio is the type that will absolutely bite you as a last resort for a quick escape. featuring @wildartsstuff 's Lampwick because I literally can't imagine P without the man.
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casinotrio1965 · 3 months
Disney Descendants : List of Tiger Lily x Lampwick's kids in my au
They are also apart of @hannahhook7744's au !
Tiger Peony :
kind, nature loving, sweet. Smart. Natural born leader. Activist. Feminist. Loyal. Stubborn. Protective. Multitalented. Good at stealing the show. Sassy. A bit nosiy. Mysterious. Sarcastic. Intune with herself, her feelings, and nature. Good at giving advice. Has a thing for Bobby Hood.
….. Tulip Lampwick :
Head cheerleader. Head Prankster. Goodhearted. Sassy. Loves a good joke. Total Daddy's Girl but still Has a little too much fun driving her dad crazy XD. Creative. Good at weaving. Major crush on Artie. …. Blue Veronica :
Nerd. Creative. Excitable. Competitive. Collects posters. Takes things one step at a time. Optimistic and hopeful. Loves nature. Somewhere in the middle of her sisters, personality wise. …. Sunflower :
Sunflower's as sunny as her name. She's bright, friendly, and sweet. Loyal to a fault and "sparkly" as her friends call her, Sunflower is always up for something fun to do! Probably gonna take after her big sister Tulip as a cheerleader …. Rowan :
Rowan has been described as a grumpy stoic loner with his heads in the clouds by those in Neverland but as a wild child who is a lot like his dad by those outside of it. He wants to travel the world and is sick of Neverland as he's rarely left it. He's a good guide and good at giving advice. … Petunia :
Petunia is extremely chill. Raised in a chaotic but loving home taught her to go with the flow. She does lots of things to relax and it's pretty hard to rattle her. Unless you're playing pool, where she gets VERY competitive. Blame her dad. XD .....
Note: Petunia is A shared oc with @disneynerdpumpkin
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askauradonprep · 5 months
Got any Lampwick's mother ,Carina as a mom in General hc ?
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Art by @redceedsblog
She didn't initially plan on being a mom but she fell in love. Unfortunately the guy turned out to be a deadbeat and so she was raising Lampwick on her own.
She often felt guilty for being so absent because she was awake at night and slept in the morning. They only got a few hours in the afternoon and she was tired.
She hates that Lampwick took so much care of his sister when he was little. Sure, his grandma helped but she knew it should be her. There were just so few jobs available for her to take that would let her SUPPORT three people. It'd be much easier now, but at the time? It was awful.
She tried to make up for it by having lots of fun with the kids when they got home from school. It made her sad when Lampwick would rather go out on his own or didn't come home.
She was not very good at being strict. As is probably evident in how Lampwick ran wild. She felt bad trying to enforce boundaries when she wasn't around so often. Now she's much better at it.
She had a smothering phase for sure once they found him. She was terrified he'd disappear again. It was kinda reassuring but also embarrassing and he wasn't used to it. He did not like this. :P
She liked to sing her kids to sleep before she went to work. She's not the greatest singer in the world but it was nice.
She has a better job now so she can get better gifts, which is nice. She felt like a failure when she knew her gifts sucked or she couldn't get gifts, compared to her more middle class neighbours.
She tries to make adventures out of the bad times they have. It didn't often work but she was trying.
She spends lots more time with her kids now, even with them at Auradon Prep, and it's really rewarding.
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months
60. I Am in Love with you
for Tulip Lampwick (my oc) x Artie ?
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It was a dark and stormy night in the Children of Auradon's camp.
And only two were stirring.
And those two?
Well, they were (tweleve year old) Artorius 'Artie' Pendragon, son of Hazel Guinevere and Arthur Pendragon, and (thirteen year old) Tulip Lampwick of the Tiger Tribe, daughter of Tiger Lily and Romeo 'Lampwick' Rossi.
And they had just gotten done with a wild week of non-stop pranks between the Neverlandians and the Camelotians. A wild week that left them near dead with exhaustion and laying on the floor of the cafeteria.
Breathing heavily along with their sleeping friends.
Tulip sighed. "I'm in love with you."
Artie snorted. "The prank war ended at midnight, dummy."
The red head weakly lifted her head and gave him an unimpressed look. "I know."
"Oh. Oh." The golden haired prince turned red.
Snickers broke around around them causing Tulip and Artie to scramble to their feet.
The snickers turned into full onlaughter at this point.
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librarycomic · 1 year
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Eight Billion Genies by Charles Soule and Ryan Browne. Image, 2023. 9781534323537. Publisher's Rating: Mature Readers. Contains #1 - 8. Includes an extensive cover gallery, The Secret History of…, sketches, and the behind-the-scenes guide to issue 1 including a list of Easter eggs. https://www.powells.com/book/-9781534323537?partnerid=34778&p_bt
It's an ordinary day at the Lampwick Bar and Grill in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. The Bada-Bings are setting up their instruments to play a live show. It's twelve-year-old Robbie's birthday, and his dad is passed out at the bar. Mr. Williams is running the place, and he surprises Robbie when he speaks Chinese to help the couple who wanders in. And then a child is born, making the human population eight billion, and suddenly genies appear, offering a wish to each and every person alive.
Williams quickly makes his wish, to protect his bar and everything and everyone inside it. Outside, all hell breaks loose. Bombs go off, real and figurative. The human population starts falling, and so does the number of genies (each disappears after it grants its wish).
The story that unfolds is entertaining, wild, and really compelling. And in the end it covers 800 years or so after the first wish.
This is one of the few recent series I read whenever a new issue came out. Plus the hardcover is truly deluxe with lots of extras.
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venigni · 10 months
MY MY for a second i thought Pemini was Gemini x Venigni!!
the potential is wild nonetheless
Bro I know, they sound similar......pemini.......IF ANYONE HAS A BETTER SHIP NAME FOR P X GEMINI, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!!!!! I suck at creative ship names but I love the ones where they're like symbolic thing x other symbolic thing. 90score shipping style. I'm guessing Gemini could be (Lamp) but I also don't want to get him confused with Lampwick, so...maybe cricket...?...
...Puppet Cricket? LOL It sounds SO bad.........help.
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randomtwfan · 1 year
hey i was wondering can you write a Disney descendants flash back story to how Alexander from Pinocchio met his first wife Princess Eilonwy from the Black Cauldron ?
Alexander is the smart and reasonable one in the group.  He is usually dragged in the crazy bullshit that his friends take part in. 
Princess Eilonwy is  sharp, snippy, strong-willed, and sarcastic, but at the same time talkative and often scatterbrained. How They Met: Eilonwy was off on some sort of royal business and went out on a walk on her downtime. Alexander was on his way home from school. (He goes to Auradon Prep) They agreed to stay in touch. Pen pals to lovers!
Heyyy!!! So, your story is FINALLY out!!!🥰🥰🥰 If you don't like it, I can rewrite it, but I really hope you do. Enjoy!❤
NOTE: I didn't know how to add the royal buisness thing so I changed that???? Sorry if you don't like it, I swear I'll try again if that's the case.
Characters: Princess Elionwy (The Black Cauldron) × Alexander (Pinnochio).
When Princess Elionwy enrolled at Auradon Prep, the school was still living it's first years. With Belle and Adam's idea to unify the Kingdoms and celebrate the victory of good over bad, it was only ideal for them to build a place where their youngest citizens could learn about theis stories and about the basic subjects. Enlionwy was excited about going to school -after upon years of living under the power of the Horned King, she was now finally free; free to make friends, learn new things, tell her story to people and show them who she was.
But Auradon was not what she expected. There was this 12 year old girl, who had been the leader of her own rescue mission, surrounded by people who kept trying to shape her into a damzel in distress. She had gone there thinking that being a princess meant being a warrior, a ruler, and ended up being taught... Good manners? "Your dress is not long enough", "your manners are not delicate enough", "you're not tender enough", every single day she would hear statements like that from all of the adults around her and from the other students. To say that she was frustrated would be an understatement.
One year later, she had already learned to accept reality: those people weren't there to tell her how to rule her state; they were there to tell her how to dress, how to walk, how to eat, how to talk, how to laugh, how to be a good lady who would meet a good prince. But accepting reality didn't mean that she had to strictly follow every rule; oh, no, this now 13 year old princess would make herself heard, and very loudly. She was no damzel in distress, and nobody would ever turn her into one. This is how Elionwy became known as the trouble girl of Auradon Prep; skipping good manners classes, arguing with FMG about things she considered outdated, ocasionally doing something wild with her hair and often sneaking out of the school to take a walk around the woods at night.
On the other side of that story was Alexander, also 13 years old. He had the habit of quietly watching whenever Eliowny was getting herself in trouble and showing off her rebelious persona. She reminded him of who he used to be; that little boy who hated school until he got tricked by the Coachman. Before that man made hell of his and his friends' life for years, before they were tortured. He wasn't that person anymore.
Alexander was, in that matter, the opposite of Elionwy. He was an example student, always on line, never the one to start trouble (though sometimes being dragged into some by his good old friend Lampwick), never loud. Maybe, being turned into a donkey for years does that do a guy; being rebel had been the cause of his torture, and he would not make that same mistake ever again. Life had given him a second chance, and he was taking the best out of it.
But watching Elionwy... It made him want some of what she had. That energy, that fire she carried in her was so beautiful to see. She was unafraid, she was a lot like the boy he would have become if he hadn't been shut down. He admired that about her; that, and her beauty. Her flawless blonde hair, big blue eyes and bright smile. Everything about her was amazing. But he would never talk to her; no, she was way too busu in her own world, and he was way too caught up in his own mental walls for that to happen. Or so he taught.
It was a friday night when he was walking through the halls of Auradon Prep, one of the last students out of his room before cufew, that this changed. There he was, making his way to his dormroom after a little snack, with his head in the clouds, that he bumped into a figure. The shock brought him back to reality, and when he lifted his head to see what on Earth had that been, he was staring at thos blue eyes. Elionwy's eyes.
She was wearing a black cape that covered her head and... Leggings??
—I'm sorry, dude. —She appolagized.
—It's ok. —He assured. —Wait, what are you doing out here?
—I could ask you the same.
—I'm not the one dressed like a spy. —He chuckled. —But I'm going back to my room. And you should be in yours.
—Yeah, I should. —She stated.
—It's Alexander, right?
—Your name.
—Oh. Yeah, that's me.
—Nice to meet you. —She smiled. —I'm Elionwy.
—I know. —He mirrored her expression. —You have a reputation.
—I know. —She said proudly. —You too.
—I do?
—Yeah... Your grades are enviable.
—Thanks. -He felt his cheeks gerting warm.
—Now, may I go?
—Not before you tell me where.
She playfully rolled her eyes and looked back at him. He was really cute, now that she thought about it. Green puppy eyes, short blonde curls, a pink-ish shade to his face... And if we're being honest, she had always found his intelligence quite charming.
—I found a little cottage in the woods a few months ago, and it's full of magical objects. I go there every now and then to test some of them.
—Magic is not allowed in Auradon. —He alerted.
—It's only forbidden if I get caught. —She winked.
—That's not how it works. —He replied, unable to keep himself from smiling at how natural she seemed.
—You know, you could really losen up a little bit, Alexander. —She said. —You seem like a nice dude, but you would be even nicer if you allowed yourself to have fun sometimes.
—I've tried that once. Didn't really work out for me.
—Well, I'd love to hear that story. So how about you join me and tell me on the way there?
He froze at that. She was asking him, aka top student and slightly nerdy, to join her in one of her adventures. To not only break the school rules, but also the Law.
—Elionwy, I'm not sure that's a good idea.
—Come on. —She insisted. —You could definitely use someone to teach you how to have fun again. And maybe, just maybe, I'll let you be, let's say, a "good influence" on me.
His brain was saying no; screaming, actually. But there was a little voice just begging him to say yes. To take on the chance to let this beautiful girl be the person who would help him figure out how to balance fun and seriousness, and to also let him teach hed the good things about being focused.
—I hope I don't regret this. —He cracked a smile, finally giving in.
—You won't. —She took his hand. —Follow me.
And so they went on what would be the first of many adventures they would face toghether, as friends and then as somethibg more. Turns out that opposites do attract after all.
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pinocchio-reviews · 2 years
The Adventures Of Pinocchio 1883  Review Ch 28-35
Chapter 28 There is a man who is green, he catches pinocchio from the sea and despite looking like a little wooden boy he thinks he must be a type of fish since he is from the sea, most likely a crab and nothing Pinocchio says will change his mind. Pinocchio squirmed like an eel this is the second time this simile has been used. Chapter 29 His nose grew again! What he said was that he is "very good boy, fond of study, obedient, kind to his father and to his whole family" which i guess is mostly not true but its kinda sad that Pinocchio doesn't think of himself as a good boy. The doorknocker turned into an eel, what is it with this book and eels? A Snail gives Pinocchio food made of rocks and cardboard, where did she get this food? is this punishment for Pinocchio or some kind of test or did she just eat food like this or maybe Pinocchio is just wrong and the food was just slightly stale, who knows? Chapter 30 Pinocchio once again succumbs to peer pressure, he is willing to leave his family for a life without study. There is a boy called lampwick because he is tall and thin but also because he looks "woebegone" which means miserable. Chapter 31 Sometimes in this book something happens with absolutely no further explanation, actually very often. One of the weirdest things so far is there are some blue and yellow striped donkeys wearing shoes, I understand that these are probably children turned into donkeys because I know that happens to Pinocchio but why would they be bright colours? The man taking them to the land of toys bites the ears of one of his donkeys to let Pinocchio on which is unnecessarily gruesome. This land is entirely populated by 8-14 year old boys, a little creepy that this man collects them all here if you ask me. Chapter 32 So turning into a donkey is just a thing that happens to all boys who stop studying? why hadn't this happened to Pinocchio before, I thought maybe this aligned with my Fairy theory that she is the mastermind behind it all but the man has been doing this turning boys into donkey scam for a while so how does it work? Chapter 33 This man just makes up lies about Pinocchio, why isn't his nose growing? he says that Pinocchio has performed before kings and queens and emperors and that he is as savage donkey from the wilds of Africa. I'm not a big fan of all the wipping, idk if it falls under child cruelty or animal cruelty but it is definitely bad. Pinocchio is then sold to be turned into a drum and his buyer's method of killing is tying Pinocchio to a rock and chucking him into the ocean from a cliff to drown Chapter 34 HE SQUIRMED LIKE AN EEL FOR THE 3RD TIME apparently sea water is the antidote for the mysterious boy to donkey magic transformation SIKE it was actually several fish that ate the flesh of the donkey which revealed that Pinocchio was under there all along so it would have actually been fine if he had been skinned. There is a goat on a rock in the middle of the ocean with the hair colour of the Fairy, I don't understand this fairy lady, she better be explained. The giant shark has asthma, how does a sharks even get asthmas they don’t have lungs? also I think it is just a shark I guess disney turned it into a whale because that makes slightly more sense Chapter 35 Gepetto!!! he's been living here for 2 YEARS off of the supplies of a sunken ship. Pinocchio recaps the whole story to him with no paragraph breaks. Gepetto couldn't escape because he can't swim.
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artmunstudios · 1 year
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Your springs are reacting. You feel...embarassed.
I don't have the time to draw this out in a complete comic like I'd like to, so enjoy the drabble below in its stead! I was inspired from this scene from Hellboy. Also...a mild excuse just to write these two idiots at their peak dynamic. (to sum up: Pinocchio, a good influence on P? Questionable. A good brother from another reality? Perhaps. The Lampwick they are discussing is not the canon one, but @/wildartsstuff’s)
"Alright, let's see it," Pinocchio waved a hand out as he stepped into the room. "It is nothing," Pino had insisted yet again. His springs reacted to the lie, he thinks, but he was too distracted by the approaching puppet. “It is just a record.” “Nothing, huh?” Pinocchio pressed. “Yes. I enjoy listening to them?” “Yeah—and you always listen to them downstairs in the lobby, not in one of the furthest rooms away from where everyone else sleeps. You don’t even have Gemini on your belt.” “He is resting.” “Right.”
A long silence passed between them.
Wood was lighter than metal—that was just a simple fact. While Pino had become very light on his feet, the weight difference could not be ignored as he tried to keep the record album cover out of reach. Standing up only helped so much, despite the height difference. Instead, Pinocchio simply jumped on the bed, and without hesitation snatched the record album cover from Pino’s hand.
“…’Love Sonnets of Krat”…?” Pinocchio squinted as he read the title out loud. The two puppets exchanged looks. “Oh…buddy…” his brows raised as Pino shrunk back a little. “…don’t tell me this is about Lampwick.” At that, Pino finally slumped back to sit on the bed again. Pinocchio plopped down beside him. “He…makes me feel. He has been kind…and he teaches me things I never thought I would learn.” “You really need to get out more,” Pinocchio sighed as he lounged back. He grimaced. “Oh…fuck me, I’m starting to talk like Anthony.” He hung his head back with a groan. “Great…” Something about the look Pinocchio gave him made his springs and gears tighten. He assumed this was…irritation? “I really care about him.” They stared at each other. Pinocchio nodded, sympathetically. He pushed himself off the bed, and Pino watched the puppet rummage through the drawers and cupboards of the extravagant room. He made a satisfied sound at some point, pulling out a bottle of…if he recalled, the old woman by Venigni’s factory called it a ‘tipple’…?
He heard a popping sound, and Pinocchio walked back to sit beside him again.
“You’re in love,” Pinocchio concurred, and he held the bottle in his direction. “—have a drink.” Pino shook his head. “Can you drink?” “Yes—I can drink things, it’s the eating that I can’t really do.” “Do you wanna try?” His gaze shifted. “…I don’t think Father would approve,” “You have to go anywhere?” “Well…no, Venigni has to decode a—” “Just take a swig.”
He took the bottle, looking over the label before hesitantly raising the bottle to his lips. The flavor was strong, strong enough to make his joints jolt. He looked at the label again, quietly feeling a warmth fill his stomach. It felt somewhat similar to the warmth that would come when his springs would react to a lie, but…something told him this was different. “Good, yeah?” He stared at the bottle in wonder. “An old woman asked me to bring her some, once,” “She said that it was important for her to have.” Pinocchio snorted. “Oh yeah? “…Why not talk to your Geppetto about…what you’re feeling?” “…I…do not think Father would approve…” “Yeah? That a fact…” Pinocchio watched as he took another sip from the bottle before scooting back to lean against the pillows. Pino mimicked him, and the two sat side by side. “…Which song was it?” “The last one, I think.” Pinocchio flipped the album cover over in his hands, looking through the lists of songs. He looked up at Pino as though he were a sodding wet puppy lost in the storm that currently raged outside the hotel. “…’Aimer’…?” When he got a nod for an answer, Pinocchio heaved a long sigh. “Yeap, I’m gonna need a drink, too.” “It’s a nice song,” Pino insisted as he watched Pinocchio stand and walk over to the record player to place the needle at the beginning again. “I like it a lot.” “Ain’t that just the way,” Pinocchio sighed. “What way?” “It’s a metaphor, kid. Grimme that bottle.” Pino silently handed the bottle over to Pinocchio as he plopped back down on the bed. It surprised him, a little, that he could handle such a thing so palatable despite being a puppet. Wasn’t the feeling overwhelming?
The two sat in silence for a while, listening to the music that played while passing the bottle between each other.
By halfway through the second listen-through of the album, only a little less than a third was left. “Have you ever been in love…?” “Oh yeah,” Pinocchio scoffed loudly. “Lots’a times.” He took a long drink. “Fuckin’…fuckin’ sucks,” he said as he passed the bottle. “What did it feel like, for you?” “Like…like…you’re gonna throw up your insides,” Pinocchio gestured vaguely. “Your insides an’ butterflies an’ flowers…get all…warm ‘n fuzzy—just wanna curl in their arms all the time, feelin’ safe ‘n warm…” Pino was thoroughly confused, and he frowned. “But that doesn’t sound bad at all…” “You ever throw up before?” “No…I don’t think so,” Pinocchio was insulted. “Oh—oh he jus’ keeps on winnin, don’tcha?!” He said, snatching the bottle when it was held out to him. He glared into it. “Get to look all…human on the outside, like a…perfect pretty-boy,” he turned the bottle end upright when he drank. “—even the  people tryin’a kill you think yer…all hot, an’ now he’s sayin’ he never even…puked on the sidewalk,” he slumped back in a huff, and considered. “Well…just wait ‘till mornin’—you’ll change your tune then. Probably, if you actually can,” Pinocchio grumbled, absently tugging at the necklace under his shirt. “‘Ssat…?” Pino asked, gingerly taking back the bottle. “Whus what?” “Ssat—“ Pino poked at Pinocchio’s chest. “Keep my ‘gagement ring on a necklace,” Pinocchio said, pulling on the chain to hold up the plain gold ring attached to it. “Lose it if I didn’t—doin all…flips an’ stuff fightin…” “Who is she?” Pinocchio snorted. “His name is Razel. Think you’re the only gay…puppet twink?” He waved Pino over. “Gimme that, ‘m gettin ‘nother sip,” Pino pouted as he handed Pinocchio the bottle. “Don’t gimme that look,” “You…don’t like me, do you.” It came out more like a statement than a question. And for what it was worth, it did catch Pinocchio off guard. He stared at the automation for a long while. Eventually, he sighed. “No, I…didn’ ever say that—I don’t…not like you?” “You get angry at me all the time…and…everything about my…being, seems to upset you,” Pinocchio hung his head with an even longer sigh. “No, I…fuck, okay, look,” he pacifyingly handed the wine to Pino. “—allathat…it’s…that all ‘cause’of my own problems, got nothing to do with you,” he watched as Pino took a tentative sip before glancing away. “Ah…I dunno…jus’…jealous of you, guess...even if it’s all gone to hell here, you’ve still got it somehow made here!” He gestured widely. “You live in this fancy five-star hotel, you’ve…got friends, and actually manage to keep ‘em, your papa actually seems to like you…you didn’t even really have to learn to fight, allathat came natural!” He grimaced at the ceiling. “Then…there’s me—stuck in this…block’a wood, just about every friend I came across as a kid pretty much died…an’…papa…my papa’s…gone. Not that he liked me much, anyway…” Pino looked around the extravagant bedroom, his gaze settling on the window. He stared quietly at the raindrops that slid down the glass. “…You…can feel things,” Pino said, his voice quiet. “You always could have…you never needed to learn. You…can get angry, frown, and smile,” “You can do that too, though,” “Not smile. Smiling is…difficult. It looks…’uncanny’, that’s what I heard.” Pino looked down at his legion arm, flexing his fingers. “Appearances only go so far…when people hear my gears…they usually turn. I’m…not a who—I’m a what.” "'...s'all stuff you can learn, though..." "You can cry." "Can't you?" "I don't think so—I don't think I have tear ducts." They looked at each other, something in that silence making the two sober up a little. Pinocchio glanced away. “Right…guess…there’s always gotta be somethin’,” he mumbled. “I don’t like killing things, all the time…” “Preachin’ to the choir,” Pinocchio said. “What do I do after this is done…?” “Fuck if I know that answer—I barely knew what I was doing when I was actually a human.” They both grew silent again, somehow feeling drunker in those few minutes than when they had gotten halfway through the wine bottle.
“Bah, that’s it—sober moment over. Where…where is your lover-boat, anyways?” Pinocchio snuck in an extra sip before Pino had clumsily taken the bottle. “He…he’s…he…” Pino struggled to finish the thought. “Treasure.” He decided on. Pinocchio hummed. “Right, yeah…s’a…thing here, yeah…” Pino peeked into the bottle, fascinated by the way the red liquid rolled inside. He swayed side to side. He looked at Pinocchio as though he had suddenly sprouted butterfly wings from his ears. “…Huh?” “I said—” Pinocchio stopped, briefly forgetting just what he had said. “I said—what kind of market does this place even have?” “Oh, it’s…it’s…it’s…” Pino’s brows furled as he absently drank from the bottle. He had downed half of what was left without even realizing he had done it, for he was too focused on thinking. “Hey, hey—” Pinocchio swatted at his hands, managing to pry the bottle away when they became unsteady. “—you gotta…gotta take it easy, you can’t jus’ go an’—” “…s’like…jus’ one…” Pinocchio squinted at Pino as if he had suddenly sprouted the ears of a jackass. “Huh?” “Only…really…see one…” Pino motioned vaguely. “’ryone’s…i’side—inside…houses,” he made a box shaped gesture. “Windows’all…shut…’cept for…sometimes,” “Like tipple lady,” Pinocchio concluded. “Yes,” “Yeah,” “Mmhm.” “Got it.” Pinocchio took a sip, and then another. “Okay so…treasure…guy…” “Lam’wick,” “Yeah, that guy,” Pinocchio passed the bottle back, and heaved a deep sigh. “I wish Anthony were here…he’d know what to do—what to tell ya. He’s’a cricket, so ya know he’s real smart an'all, an’ gives good advice an’ stuff…” “Cricket…” Pino said, moodily staring down the bottle. “…Glow.” “Nope, not mine,” “No glow?” “No glow. He’s…” Pinocchio gestured high above his head. “..s’all tall an’…an’ he’s a doctor, he's…doctor, so all extra-smart…” They both grew quiet. “…I don’t…think he’d…like me,” “Wick,” “Mm-mm. Doesn’t like…puppets. Calls Father an me…devil,” Pino frowned. “’M notta devil, m' a…puppet,” “Preachin’ to the choir,” Pinocchio chorused. “Cross a bingo, take a shot—nobody ever likes us wherever we are,” Pino turned the empty bottle upside down. “Fox…an’ cat,” “Oh you got a pair too, huh,” “Cat…called me…dumbass,” “’bout right.” “Wick wouldn’…want a dumbass,” “Fuck that cat,” Pinocchio slurred aggressively. “You’re not—you’re…smarter n’…probably any version of us out there,” he shook Pino, drawing his attention away when the automation tried to use the wine bottle like a telescope. “’Sides, bein’…bein’ kinda a dumbass is our personal brand’a specialty. If Wick don’t want that then…then…he can…stick…” he squinted, trying to concentrate. “…’m too drunk to think of a insult, but…but that’s what you should think if that’s how he gets,” Pinocchio concluded as he flopped onto his back. He waved a finger in the air, mumbling something, but Pino was having a hard time concentrating on much else, at this point. He blew into the bottle, the loud sound coming from it startling him.
Polendina knocked before entering the room, Gemini in hand. “Excuse me, but your lantern keeps requesting to be with you, and it is important to not leave your items unattended…” he stopped short, watching the pair of raven-haired puppets snooze away while slumped over one another. “What the heck happened here?!” Gemini cried as Polendina stepped around to get a closer look. “Ah.” He picked up the empty bottle, having long since been abandoned at the bedside. “Ohh, I don’t think Geppetto would like this one bit,” Gemini said. “There is no need to say anything,” Polendina concluded. He set the empty bottle on the dresser, and placed Gemini at the bedside table. “After all, there are seldom moments of rest.” “True…I’ll keep an eye on them, regardless.” “I shall come by later to check in.” Polendina said, leaving for the door. He stopped, thinking for a moment before closing it.
Perhaps he should prepare some hot towels for when they wake.
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careforacuppatea · 2 years
But like how could they not have Lucignolo in the game like how could they not HE'S ACTUALLY A VERY PIVOTAL CHARACTER IN THE STORY LIKE WHY WOULD YOU NOT HAVE LAMPWICK—
The creators gonna be out here doing me dirty on this ONE character. I know I know it's a dark reimagining meaning it's not gonna follow the story to a T but still...
Your girl would've killed to see him as some twisted up adolescent youth traumatized by the fall of Krat, witnessing mechanoid puppets bloodlust ravaging.
A boy who's survived this long but there's clearly something wrong with him something's clearly off because he acts as if the whole city is one big fairground (if you're smart about it)
He's dangerous, despite the look of him.
Whether he's human or a progressively corrupting/diseased mechanoid, Lampwick is a source of information, to get bits and pieces to upgrade mechanics and weapons, and elixir drinks that heal but can leave even the soulless and the blue blooded feeling a bit, intoxicated, for the short period of recup; but, all for a price. Although because Pinoke's shown to be a real friend, perhaps he can cut the cost in half, just for him? (Literally, if you do the tasks he demands of you)
I know there's mentions of nobles creating gangs amongst the city, so how badass would that be if Lucignolo was all up part of that? Friend or foe, or both, depending on how Pinocchio interacts with the warring factions.
Can be selfish and manipulative, more hedonistic then ever, and rather obsessively keen over keeping the puppet for a grand old time of it. Still, he's helpful enough, an uneasy allyship between the two based off mutual benefits and lies. Suppose Lucignolo finds Pinocchio's mechanoid naivety and innocent curiosity amusing, too.
Your girl would've killed to see him a sickly-corrupted, but clever oh so clever, mechanoid, dangerous as all get out despite his "slender, polished build." He's actually quite the abominable monstrosity, who is both friend and foe but sometimes more foe because he's unstable and his hedonism was jacked up to the extreme from the Illness and the frenzy it causes.
Sending Pinocchio off on wild goose chase tasks for selfish reasons or manipulating the puppet with the intentions to solely fuck with him because it's fun.
Pinocchio's "newborn," naivety and childlike wander both grates his electrical circuits, and yet, endears him to an exasperating extent. Masks it with amused mockery and snide remarks.
Yet he's Pinoke's pal, and if anyone was gonna smash and rip up the pretty puppet, it'd just have to be him because that's what good friends are for, right?
Lucignolo, despite being a mechanoid, knows what lying is, the value the humanity it provides (remember humanity includes all good and bad) and what the art of lying can offer. So he tries to actually teach Pinocchio this little something-very-human trick, how to get better at doing it, in his own round about conniving and deceiving ways.
Either way, despite all the bullshit and jerking about and dangerous antics he puts Pinocchio through, he'll be the closest thing you'll have to a best friend in the course of your journey through the city; even when he's betrayed you, even after you're forced to lie and betray him (sold him out like a jackass) even when he tries to kill you.
The possibilities are endless especially with more and more lore coming out, and I'm stewing.
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casinotrio1965 · 1 year
Western Disney AU: At the Stables by friend Levi
Being in the Wild West only meant adventure, or that's what someone would assume. Gunslingers and all sorts, but not in this little town. The folk there were far too friendly, though that never stopped chaos from brewing.
The sun peeked in through the windows and onto Lampwick's drooling face, snoring away without worries. Suddenly, a little girl barged in with an irritated expression. He was supposed to get up earlier to help his sister with the chores while their mother was busy. Unfortunately, he had no plans of getting up any time soon.
"Hey! Lampwick!" she yelled.
He jolted awake and looked around in alarm.
"Huh..? Is there school today?" he'd yawn.
"No, you big oaf! You were meant to be getting the groceries by now!"
He'd scratch his head before snapping his fingers.
"My bad! I totally forgot!"
Rushing to get dressed, he ran around to get some bread for his breakfast and a basket to place all the shopping. Before anyone could complain, he was already out the door. On his way to town, he recognised some familiar faces that were already up and about. The townsfolk tended to their business in the distance, but he easily got sidetracked, changing course to stop by the horses at the stable nearby. He couldn’t resist the urge to bother them.
Waiting for him on his path was a pretty girl from the native tribe that they often did trades with. She glanced around as she kicked a pebble, huffing impatiently as if she was waiting for someone. He was surprised she was wandering about like this, but was pleased to see her.
"Tigerlily! Great day for mischief, right?" he called out with a snicker.
She rolled her eyes and shook her head with a giggle.
"You on your way to bother the horses again? One of these days they're gonna knock you out!" she exclaimed back.
He approached her, grinning as he usually does.
"What're you doing around here? Did ya miss me or something?"
Her cheeks turned slightly pink at the comment, rolling her eyes despite the fact he was right. But she wasn't going to admit that. He'd tease her for the rest of her life.
“In your dreams!” she’d scoff. “I’m only here to wait for Peter and then I’m going to pick up a few things for my dad. The usual checkup on our trades and stuff.”
He cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms with a playful chuckle.
“How heartbreaking. Thought you actually wanted to see me.”
“If you keep saying that, I’ll assume that you’re the one who’s seeking me out.”
He’d raise his hands to surrender, running out of retorts to throw her way.
“Fine fine. I’ll stop teasing ya.”
The pair shared a familiar warm smile with each other. They had been friends for a while, when Lampwick’s mother, Carina, would visit the friends she had made as a saloon girl in the past. The two troublemakers would often mess around and crack jokes, often bothering the adults around them with their antics.
“Anyways, where is Peter? Doesn’t he come to look at the stables around this time?” Lampwick inquired.
“He asked me to get him a wooden practice gun, and I was hoping to see him to discuss more details about it. But I’m getting bored sticking around here”, Tigerlily would sigh before the auburn haired boy nudges her.
“Let’s go have some fun! We can put our duties on hold for a little bit. Nobody will know!”
“Hmmm… I don’t know… You said that last time and my dad ended up lecturing me for an entire hour once I got back home.”
“Come on! We can get groceries for me and do your trade stuff while we roam around. I’ve been itching to do something entertaining”, he grinned, which was enough to sway her into playing along with his plan.
“Alright, you’ve got me convinced. What type of shenanigans did you have in mind?”
He’d wrap his arm around Tigerlily, making her heart skip a beat from the sudden closeness. Of course, he was too oblivious to notice how flustered she was, and she was rather good at pretending she wasn’t.
He started dragging her to the stable of one of the most ferocious horses… Tinkerbell. She was infamous for her stubbornness, driving away any potential buyers. Despite that, it was said this Arabian mare could run so fast it was like she could fly, much like a fairy. Though she had often thrown her riders off her back whenever she was irritated, making her rather dangerous. Tigerlily’s eyes widened in disbelief and looked at him with a mix of concern and intrigue.
“Isn’t this that horse that Peter wanted to get for himself?” she asked.
“It is in fact that horse. I’ve no interest in getting one as you already know. But… We can have a bit of a bet while nobody is looking.”
“What sort of bet?”
He’d check the area and his surroundings, to ensure they won’t be caught. He knew he’d get grounded if his mother found out about this. In the corner was a block of hay to feed the horses, and he hastily took two handfuls of it before placing some in Tigerlily’s hand.
“I bet Tinkerbell will accept my hay!” he exclaimed.
She smirked at his cockiness and held her head high.
“I see how it is. Well, I bet she’ll accept mine first!”
“Oh really? Then how about this. Loser has to eat hay like a horse.”
“You’re on!”
The two fist bumped to solidify this deal before turning back to the uninterested mare. Lampwick fearlessly stepped forward with a confident beaming smile and shoved the clump of dried grass towards her snout. Tinkerbell snorted and sniffed him, but she didn’t dare take a bite. It’s as if she knew he was up to no good. She simply turned her back on him, swishing her tail around almost sassily.
“Doesn’t look like your smile charmed her at all”, Tigerlily teased.
That simple statement was enough to fuel his competitive behaviour. He stuck his hand into her stable, trying desperately to get her attention.
“Hello!? C’mon, Tinkerbell! Don’t be like this! I don’t wanna eat this straw!” he begged.
All the ruckus aggravated her, causing her to neigh loudly which alarmed them. She spun around and snapped at Lampwick, causing him to yelp and fall onto his behind. He groaned in pain as his companion howled with laughter.
“Haha very funny”, he scowled.
Feeling gratified, what worry Tigerlily had washed away. She calmly and carefully presented the hay to an upset Tinkerbell, awaiting what she’d do. At first, the mare was sceptical, glaring at the petite native girl. But she sensed her sincerity, and she was rather peckish. She slowly extended her neck and took a nibble of the hay, then she turned her back to them again. Lampwick’s mouth went agape, unable to process the fact he just lost.
“What!? How!?”
Tigerlily cackled and clapped in amusement. She dumped the hay onto his lap and crossed her arms.
“Eat up. You must be hungry.”
He grimaced, reluctantly picking up a strand and let it hover in front of his lips. He closed his eyes shut and took a deep breath, shoving it in his mouth and swallowing as fast as he could. The taste was ghastly, like the driest leaves in the world with a strong aftertaste of soil. It made him gag, and the regret had him wishing he just left for the groceries.
The End
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askauradonprep · 5 months
The Names of 3 The other Native Girls in Tiger Lily's Village that Lampwick befriends aside From Willow {Created by @stillchasingfairies who i got permission to use her from ) (Slightly's Girlfriend/future wife ) :
Tayen = A New Moon ( Medicine Women / Doctor )
Aponi = Butterfly ( 2nd Native Marchant in the Village and Hard to Hit's 2nd wife )
Neakita = Wild Rose (Native Tailor / Seamstress )
can you come up with Personalities For These 3 ?
I can do little sketches!
Tayen = Tayen is very curious and compassionate. She wants to help people and has a strong academic drive so she can learn to do it. She's also very in tune with their culture and wanted to explore the spiritual side of healing from her band.
Aponi = Aponi is very practical at first glance, but actually a little bit of a risk taker. They're CALCULATED risks she always says, but risks nonetheless. She's driven and a persuasive speaker who is very good at talking people into things.
Neakita = Neakita is very detail oriented and is a calm, steady person. She tries not to get too upset so she doesn't mess up what she's working on. She's thorough and knowledgeable and she works hard for everything she has.
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lizardthelizard · 2 years
OH LOOK, A CHANCE FOR CHAOS :^) what about, uh...3, 5, 18 and 25 for the author asks? 💞
'a chance for chaos' yeah well of COURSE you would jump at the opportunity for THAT (thank you so very much 💗💗💗)
get to know your author asks
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
I had a feeling you might ask this one skdjfnsdfsdf
I urr....I write...Whatever I feel like writing, for the most part. Initially, at least. If I have a scene that I want in a new chapter then I'll write out a very rough version of said scene and just sort of stick it wherever it needs to go.
When it comes to writing things proper, I do mostly write chronologically, but if I'm really struggling with something then I'll skip over it and come back to it right at the end.
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
Literally about 90% of my fake/real cast tbh. Realistically, Pinocchio|August was the only safe bet and every other character was a surprise. Lizard...Pan...the Nautilus gang... I didn't really expect to write any of them. Absolutely wild stuff.
Also, Lampwick & Pyotr. I never expected to write such prominent 'ocs' but I don't care, I love them dearly, especially the donkey man
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
I feel like there were definitely authors I used to read that influenced my writing pretty heavily when I was writing horrible original fiction 10+ years ago. Stories with a prominent narrator + lots of humour within that narration
More recently, 90% of my reading material is fanfic, ngl, so most of what I'm affected by will be that (which is not to diminish the writing of any fic author btw. I read some exceptional writers imo). The latest 'proper book' I've been reading is dracula the wtnv novel, so make of that what you will.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
oh no.....this is hard 😭 I guess that I like a lot of mess is mine ? it's potentially my fave fic as a whole? And I know there are a few good lines in there probably...........
I guess I still like this, if I have to choose something:
He looked unstable. Tired and unsteady, as though he might fall over at any moment, listing slightly to his left side, like a broken bookshelf. Lampwick had never seen his friend look quite so much like a puppet since they were children.
But back then, that was how he was supposed to be. He had been carved by chisels and magic and love and that was all Lampwick had ever known of him. Of Pinocchio. And his existence as a marionette was never something that troubled Lampwick, because it was simply what he was.
Now, as an adult, as August Booth, there was something so wrong about the image. Something that made Lampwick’s stomach roll and his insides squirm with worry.
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the-golden-ghost · 4 years
I’m bored and so I’m gonna make one of those “rip off some Youtuber’s hard-made list with my own BS opinions” posts. This is Tumblr and it won’t show in the tags anyway and hell I’m giving credit so it’s fine.
Today I will be going through a Blast From the Past and looking at a list of Dark n’ Scary Disney Moments. Made by WatchMojo here. 
20. Tadashi Dies - Big Hero 6: I never saw this movie but it looks like your pretty standard Disney death where there’s like an intense-but-not-too-graphic thing and then a hard cut to a funeral. Would probably be sadder if I had actually seen the movie but I agree, it’s pretty fucked up!
19. The Firebird - Fantasia 2000: OKAY YEAH THIS SCARED THE EVERLOVING FUCK OUT OF ME AS A KID. I saw this movie when I was 5 years old and it was one of the first (maybe THE first!?) movies I ever saw in theaters. That jumpscare still haunts me, man. 
18. The Ghost of Christmas Future - Mickey’s Christmas Carol: I loved this movie as a kid but I wasn’t really scared by it even then. That being said, it’s still a pretty creepy scene, but I’ve seen scarier versions of this, even in kid’s movies. The fact that the ghost was smoking a fucking CIGAR had me cackling though I mean -
17. Hellfire - The Hunchback of Notre Dame: This whole damn MOVIE was dark. But that’s what you get when you adapt Victor Hugo for kids, I guess (seriously, why though!?) I definitely like this movie more as an adult, mostly cause half the themes went over my head as a kid. Including the ones in this song. But DAMN is it a bop and the visuals are stunning. 
16. The Headless Horseman - The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Yeah I never saw this as a kid to my knowledge but... I’ll be honest, that’s pretty scary even watching it NOW as an adult. Damn.
15. Facilier Goes to Hell - The Princess and the Frog: Yeah that’s pretty terrifying too. I was a teenager when this came out so it didn’t creep me out that much but the music is eerie and the visuals and concept of being dragged into eternal damnation is... unsettling, to say the least! Would have terrified me as a kid I’m sure
14. Frollo Attempts to Onscreen Murder a Fucking Baby - The Hunchback of Notre Dame: How in the HELL was this given a G rating?! This was in the first ten minutes of the movie by the way. Also there IS an onscreen death - Quasimodo’s mom, a minute or two before this. Disney doesn’t usually do onscreen deaths so that’s... pretty intense, to say the least. But seriously. Yikes. 
13. Night on Bald Mountain - Fantasia: Okay purely out of personal experience I found Firebird scarier, but had I seen this one in theaters as a kid I no doubt would have shit myself. Also this is one of Disney’s only exploits into showing topless women (besides the Rescuers blink-and-you’ll-miss-it thing). Nudity in a good wholesome G-rated Disney film?! It’s more likely than you think.
12. The Horned King’s Army - The Black Cauldron: Because nothing says Disney Magic like necromancy-induced zombies sent to destroy the Earth (or something, I don’t even remember what their goal was since I saw this when I was like six but still, it is indeed creepy as all fuck)
11. Maleficent Turns Into A Dragon - Sleeping Beauty: Yeah I gotta say this dragon is daunting. See, Disney, you DO know how to design a good dragon! Maybe you should take a page from your own book instead of just creating Elsa’s dragonsona?
10. The Burnt Village - Mulan: Other than the whole “Bambi’s Mom Dies and Then It’s Immediately Happy Springtime Yay” thing, this might be the biggest tone switch in a Disney movie. But this one’s on purpose and not silly, it’s... intense. Jarring. Disturbing. We go from “goofy marching song about picking up girls lol” to the complete decimation and murder of a whole village and everyone in it. Including children, as is made horribly clear...
9. Aurora Gets Hypnotized - Sleeping Beauty: I don’t even remember this scene at all. The fact that Sleeping Beauty made the list twice makes me want to go watch it again though, seems promising!
8. The Bear - The Fox and the Hound: This movie was immensely fucked up to be honest. Just... everything about it. But yeah the bear was pretty scary ngl
7. Big Ursula - The Little Mermaid: Yeesh. Okay yeah Big Ursula was pretty freaky. Definitely gave me the creeps as a kid. Also the way she dies from getting IMPALED is um... a little dark, perhaps? Just a bit?
6. Pink Elephants - Dumbo: This isn’t exactly creepy, at least not as far as I can see, mostly it looks like they just needed to pad the film out so they decided to uh... put a drug trip scene in. Dumbo is already really short so it would make sense they needed to up the runtime and just told the animators “go ham” and BOY DID THEY EVER
5. The Dip - Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Uh yeah you’d think “death by torture” would be a place Disney wouldn’t go but I guess they’re fine with it actually? Granted this was live-action mostly but... still. Come on. That’s just fucked up.
4. Clayton Dies - Tarzan: I mean they didn’t show it like... really show it but the quick shot of his shadow on the tree is uh. Yikes. I actually missed that detail as a kid but I’m glad I did cause I would have been creeped out!
3. Lampwick Turns Into a Donkey - Pinocchio: Okay see I kinda want to know how THIS movie got rated G as well considering the underage drinking and weird sexual references. But this scene is also uh... disturbing. And actually the whole concept of the “turning kids into donkeys and selling them into eternal slavery” thing is wild and... yeah HOW was this movie rated G again? I know the book was written by some weirdo who wanted to terrify kids into good behavior. Idk why they made a Disney film out of it.
2. Bambi’s Mom Dies - Bambi: I actually don’t remember this scene all that much cause I haven’t seen Bambi in ages. But I know it’s iconic. It comes off as more sad than dark, though, but I guess “sad” kinda ties in with dark so I’ll let it slide.
1. Mufasa Gets Murdered - The Lion King: Okay yeah that’s pretty messed up I’ll admit it. I know it’s Furry Hamlet but let’s be honest we all saw this WAY before we knew what Hamlet was. I sometimes think the Lion King is a bit overrated but I have to admit - the visuals in this scene are AMAZINGLY good.
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just-patchy · 4 years
Twst OC: Lucetta Montague
I know I posted Stefano’s bio like yesterday, shush >:3
I only keep making OCs but I don’t do anything with them oof
Also I know those aren’t donkey ears so I just went with the closest option they had
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Picrew maker here
ღBasic Informationღ
Name: Lucetta Montague
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Lammy, Lucy, Lulu, Gremlin, Juliet
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
D.O.B.: 6th November
Horoscope: Scorpio
Homeland: the Afterglow Savannah
ღNRC Fileღ
Dorm: Florenetta
Year: 1st
Class: 1-D
Class No.: 20
Occupation: Student
Club: MagiShift
Best Subject: Practical Magic
Height: 147 cm/4’10”
Weight: 92 lbs
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Green/Teal
Clothing: She likes to wear flowy clothes, and she has a soft spot for lolita and 50s dresses. Her pants have holes in them to let her tail out.
Jewellery/Others: She owns some accessories from past productions. Despite being a donkey beastman, she has a snaggletooth
Lucetta is, simply put, a little shit. She is often caught pranking dormmates or annoying them in some way or another, along with Gian. She is known as the ‘gremlin’ of the dorm and takes her nickname very seriously. Typically, she’s rather carefree and wild, but when it comes to her dormmates and friends, Lucetta is stubborn, hard-headed and protective. She’s not afraid to make use of her strength as a donkey beastman to beat people up when needed.
When it comes to performances and entertainment, Lucetta is surprisingly serious and professional. She may fool around during breaks, but when it comes to rehearsals, she gives her all to make things easier for everyone and so that things can get wrapped up quicker. She still joins in any chaos though, as long as she deems it not detrimental to their progress.
Lucetta is rather helpful when needed, often seen helping Sam move stuff around in exchange for discounts for her dorm, and sometimes helping her classmates with revision, albeit her grades are only slightly above average. If she has a grudge against someone, though, she’d laugh at their pain, granted that it isn’t anything serious.
Favourite Food: Dumplings
Least Favourite Food: Meat (since she’s a donkey beastman, she typically doesn’t eat meat)
Dislikes: Being called Juliet
Hobby: Playing pranks
Talent: Acting stupid (useful due to stereotypes about donkeys)
Unique Magic: Pleasure Isle
Lucetta can trap people in another space, similar to a pocket dimension, where people would be tempted to stay at every corner and the people are free to do whatever they please. However, once they exit they will have no memory of ever being there, and if they stay there for too long, they’ll turn into donkeys, which will be essentially permanent until someone gives them the cure to the ‘curse’.
-Dominant Hand: Right
-CV: Hayashibara Megumi
-Twisted from Lampwick
-Candlewick/Lampwick is lucignolo in Italian, hence Lucetta, which means light. In the original story, Candlewick/Lampwick is named Romeo, so I gave her the surname Montague. It’s also why she’s nicknamed ‘Juliet’, which actually pisses her off.
-I’ll explain how she got into NRC later on
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
NSFW AlphaBet: Lampwick
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A= Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Very cuddly and Blushy, he can't help but blush because he can't help but think about everything you just did together
B= Body Part (their favourite body part of their partners)
He loves your thighs, He adores them he loves running his hand around them, he loves kissing them, and he especially loves burring his head between them...
C= Cum (anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person)
He loves to cum on your stomach ever since he pulled out and came on your stomach by accident and you simply picked a little up with your finger and slowly and surely licked it all up and now he can't stop
D= Dirty Secret (pretty self-explanatory)
He wants to take you under his old boat so badly, get you naked in the sand and make the whole town come out complaining they can hear you
E= Experience (how experienced are they?)
No experience at all but you'd never guess so, must have come from years of living on the beach so long and undoubtedly watching people having sex in the sand
F= Favorite Position
He loves you riding him he goes crazy for it. if you ever ask him what position he wants instantly- 'You on top!'
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Very giggly
H = Hair (gow well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
The carpet matches the drapes and he likes petting himself before he gets completely hard
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Always romantic after, as soon as he's done and he gets his breath back he tells you he loves you very much
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
He used to do it every night under his little boat and its little fishnet cover and he even used to do it in your bed if you ever snuck out for a while leaving him in your house alone, he doesn't much anymore now he has you to make him feel better
K= Kink (one of more of their kinks)
Lampwick likes getting handcuffed, to the bed,  handcuffing both his hands behind his back, across his chest, even handcuffing his ankles together. However you do it, it makes him hard as a rock and desperate for your touch. especially as you can just steal them from your work stuff
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
Your bed, he loves making the springs creak
M = Motivation (what turns them on/gets them going)
You being in charge and dominating him when you bring your bossy work lady home to him
N = NO (something they wouldn't do/turn offs)
He wouldn't want to dominate of you
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves to give, he would give you oral for hours if you let him, he loves to give you a cuddle and a kiss after a long hard day at work and Burry his head between your legs till you feel better, and he is amazing at it 12/10 skill level
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
Often slow and sweet taking care of you making sure you have three of each of his.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he loves a little quickie while you're not on shift, and he'll do it as much as he can without getting in trouble
R = Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc)
he's not much of an experimenter he just wants to go for hours
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
He can go for much more rounds then you can and he can last longer then you'd ever imagine
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
No toys, but he is your little toy and lampwick will be sat ready and waiting for you to play when you get home
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he doesn't tease he just wants to make you feel good
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
SO loud! your neighbours have already complained four times about him, and he gets louder once he's restrained
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
as your job often means your out, he can't help himself from snuggling up and waiting for his pretty police girl to come home, often sneaking out to visit you on your shift and see if you can sneak away to fool around, but no matter what he'll be waiting for you with a hard-on and a warmed up tounge
X = X-Ray (let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
He has a very long cock even if isn't too thick when he gets hard it often pops its head out the top of his pants when he wants attention
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is off the wall! it's insane!
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
as soon as he's done he pretty much collapses
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