#wildclaw female
crystalcourt-halo · 9 months
Minimize your dragon's apparel??
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Sugarmeadow & Hulrune ☀️🐦‍⬛
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Aqualzu & Kurloz 🔮💀
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msb-lair · 7 months
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Clutch #3514 - Zingiber/Tamarack
Mated On: 2024-03-05 # of eggs: 3 Hatched On: 2024-03-11
Hatchling 9352 (Wildwood) - Wildclaw Female, Hickory Jaguar/Pear Peregrine/Avocado Smoke, Common - 15,000 on 2024-03-20
Hatchling 9353 (Jango) - Wildclaw Female, Latte Ripple/Mantis Peregrine/Emerald Smoke, Common - 15 gems on 2024-03-15
Hatchling 9354 (Sinclair) - Coatl Male, Soil Ripple/Peridot Peregrine/Swamp Spines, Common - 15,000 on 2024-03-28
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snekafka · 4 months
do you just sometimes FEEL THE GENDER of your dragons?
like I have male dusthide, but refuse to believe that's a guy, even when this lil shit [♂️] is present. She gives of too much 💅 energy
silhouette scroll coming in clutch fr
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symterya · 2 months
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working on a bigger piece for a commissioner, so to pass the time here are two dragons I recently finished. (I should work on some other dragon projects but apparently, I am being a goblin and hoarding my funds as though I'm saving for something important...I am not.)
✦ eiliwedd - her lore is a wip, but I think shaman or wise-woman seem fitting for her, given she is also part of my new mesa tab.
✦ rishi - as always, lore wip, but more than likely an "undead" fae who spends most of his time hiding away to prevent others from seeing his skeletal face; if he is ever seen at all, he wears a mask of gold. fireflies are often his sign of arrival and his lingering departure. probably cursed. also probably needs some lovely lady to rescue him. XD any takers?
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walrussyy · 2 years
i got a skydancer that i named Airsacculitis and i swear she is evrything 2 me
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kazukira-fr · 2 years
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I had to do more! Hehe, my dragon Artemisia isn’t a tea witch for no reason :>
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scryingworkshop · 1 year
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hor-wod-flir · 2 years
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These and more new hatchlings are currently available in my hatchery "Wrench in the Gears".
Til today 23:59: servertime every hatchery dragon is -10% if paid in treasure! Just answered in the thread to claim the discount!
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goannafr · 3 months
can someone go ahead and sort each breed into the following categories (im too tired):
females on average larger than males (my fave!! i believe wildclaws are like this from memory?) males on average larger than females no difference in size between sexes
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crystalcourt-halo · 7 months
Mini Lair Clean-out!
I'm trying to get genes for a new breeding pair I plan to have, so I'm getting rid of a few project dragons I can't see myself ever finishing anytime soon <xD
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@fr-boosts @fr-dragon-sales
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msb-lair · 2 years
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Clutch #3106 - Zingiber/Tamarack
Mated On: 2023-01-18 # of eggs: 3 Hatched On: 2023-01-23
Hatchling 8208 - Wildclaw Female, Clay Ripple/Radioactive Peregrine/Camo Spines, Common = 15,000 on 2023-01-29
Hatchling 8209 (Oakwood) - Wildclaw Female, Hickory Ripple/Chartreuse Current/Camo Smoke, Rare - 15,000 on 2023-01-23
Hatchling 8210 (Sorrel) - Wildclaw Female, Latte Jaguar/Pear Peregrine/Camo Smoke, Uncommon - 15 gems on 2023-02-11
Comments: I am amused that all three of them came out with the same tertiary colour, out of 14 possibilities.
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rippleclan · 4 months
RippleClan: Moon 45
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Weedfoot announces she is expecting her second litter.
[Image ID: Weedfoot tells Palepaw and Ripplepaw, “Don’t worry, you two. I’m still your mother.” Under her, it says + CONDITION: PREGNANT.]
(Weedfoot: 94, female, deputy, charismatic, steady paws, formidable fighter)
(Palepaw: 11, female, mediator apprentice, insecure, picky nest builder, never sits still)
(Ripplepaw: 11, female, historian apprentice, charismatic, avid play-fighter, splashes in puddles)
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Rattlepelt confessed her feelings to Wildclaw and they have become mates.
[Image ID: Rattlepelt says to Wildclaw, “I think I’m ready… ask me again, Wildclaw.” Under Wildclaw, it says + MATE: RATTLEPELT. Under Rattlepelt, it says + MATE: WILDCLAW.]
(Wildclaw: 37, female, caretaker, fierce, trusted advisor)
(Rattlepelt: 28, female, artisan, fierce, leather artist)
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Interested in herbs even in her kithood, Troutpaw is eagerly apprenticed to Fennelspot.
[Image ID: Troutpaw, in her apprentice sprite, faces Fennelspot, who says, “I hope I do right by you, Troutpaw.” Under Troutpaw, it says LEVEL UP! TROUTKIT -> TROUTPAW, INSECURE -> COMPASSIONATE.]
(Fennelspot: 102, male, cleric, insecure, trusted advisor, incredible runner)
(Troutpaw: 6, female, cleric apprentice, compassionate, morbid curiosity)
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Shadowdrop’s kits are apprenticed. While Tempestpaw is eager to explore the territory, Mosspaw and Trumpetpaw’s thoughts are on their dead father. Their mentors are Carnationspeckle, Clammask, and Halibutdusk.
[Image ID: Tempestpaw, Mosspaw, and Trumpetpaw all have apprentice sprites. Under Tempestpaw, it says LEVEL UP! TEMPESTKIT -> TEMPESTPAW. Under Mosspaw, it says LEVEL UP! MOSSKIT -> MOSSPAW, BULLYING -> SHAMELESS. Under Trumpetpaw, it says LEVEL UP! TRUMPETKIT -> TRUMPETPAW, NERVOUS -> TROUBLESOME, + NEW SKILL: LOVER OF STORIES.]
(Tempestpaw: 6, female, caretaker apprentice, troublesome, loves to eat)
(Mosspaw: 6, male, caretaker apprentice, shameless, stares at fire)
(Trumpetpaw: 6, female, warrior apprentice, troublesome, plays in mud, lover of stories)
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Downstar stands above the Clan and proclaims Elmpaw shall be known as Elmsprout, honoring her amity.
[Image ID: Elmsprout is in her full, long-furred, adult sprite. Under her, it says LEVEL UP! ELMPAW -> ELMSPROUT, CAREFUL LISTENER -> HELPFUL INSIGHT.]
(Elmsprout: 12, female, caretaker, charismatic, helpful insight)
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Downstar, Rustshade, and Puddlepaw find a wounded loner with a mangled tail.
[Image ID: Downstar, Rustshade, and Puddlepaw stand in the back while Fennelspot talks to a black bengal tom with a white underside. Under the black tom, it says NEW PLAYER: DARKKICK, 105, MALE, LONESOME, TALENTED SWIMMER, UNDERSTANDS NATURE, + CONDITION: MANGLED TAIL.]
The black and white tom wasn’t trained to fight. He’d only gotten into a few scrapes in his many moons wandering the wilds surrounding his old home, learning what he could from the friends he made. He’d never been in a fight like this. He was never meant to be in a fight like this. Never meant to be in a fight at all.
He wasn’t about to join his ancestors that day, however. He was still too mad at them.
The brown tom chased the loner all the way from the northern human settlement. It was like he had been waiting for the loner, following rumors of a starkly colored tom offering medical treatment to any strays who needed it. You’d have to be mousebrained to get mad at someone for that, but considering how the loner’s feathery tail was now coated in blood, he wouldn’t argue with the maniac.
The loner’s paws skidded against the edge of the river. It still had its freezing winter chill to it, despite the coming of spring. Thick Clan scent flooded the loner’s nose. Oh, to go home… but he knew full well that he was not welcome there anymore. If he crossed the river, he would suffer their wrath. Yet with how vicious his attacker was…
The loner could hear his pursuer getting closer, stomping over new growth in his mad dash. The loner could handle a random Clan patrol. He steadied his paws against the stones and dirt leading into the water and plunged in. 
The loner’s blood drifted in the current. His long fur weighed him down, but he kicked with the flow like he was running on water. He arched over stones and curved his body like an otter, letting the river do most of his work for him. He threw his head over the surface of the water for a deep, shaking breath. He looked back. The brown tom stood by the river, glaring at the loner. The loner dove back into the water.
He kept swimming until his muscles began to ache and his lungs started to burn. The current pushed him toward a wall of stone, where the river pushed on only a paw deep. The loner splashed onto the shallow rocks. He laid in the low flow, gathering his breath. He’d go treat his tail soon. He just… needed a moment to rest. He wasn’t as young as he used to be.
“Stay there!” someone yowled. Wonderful, more company. The loner’s eyes were blurry from water, strain, and pain, but he squinted at the figure approaching from the southern side of the river. He saw gray spots against a well-muscled body and blue eyes studying his drenched pelt.
“Puddlespeckle?” the loner coughed, water dripping from his nose. His eyes cleared a bit; no, not Puddlespeckle. Puddlespeckle had no white blaze on his face.
“That’s my grandfather’s name,” the lookalike gasped. “I’m his granddaughter, Puddlepaw. How do you know my grandfather?”
“Puddlepaw, who have you found?” Two more figures approached the river. The loner’s vision was clear, and there was no mistaking the two cats coming closer.
“Rustshade and Downdapple,” the loner laughed softly, shaking his dripping head. “I heard RippleClan became a reality, but I wasn’t sure if you were part of it.”
“Darkkick?” Rustshade muttered. The ginger tom and tortoiseshell molly shared the same shocked look. Puddlepaw slipped back to Rustshade’s side. The loner, Darkkick, pulled himself out of the river and shook out his pelt. His tail burned and he couldn’t help but hiss.
“The one and only,” Darkkick huffed, grooming his tail.
“You’ve misnamed Downstar,” Puddlepaw said, glancing up at her leader. “Downstar, is this the same Darkkick from the stories?”
“I should have guessed you tell stories about me,” Darkkick scoffed. “I suppose you paint me as Autumnstar’s victim, then? Thrown out for doing what StarClan asked?”
“We’re sorry that happened to you,” Downstar said, bowing her head. “We thought you left the territories long ago.”
“I traveled for a few moons,” Darkkick sighed. “My better nature got the better of me though. Couldn’t let loners die when I know how to help them.” Darkkick spat out a chunk of wet black fur. “I would have thought you’d pick Paleshade as leader.”
“She didn’t live to see RippleClan’s founding,” Puddlepaw muttered.
“Ah,” Darkkick said softly. The fur along his spine bristled. It would have been easy for Autumnstar to kill the brave molly without Darkkick around. He’d covered for Paleshade and Weedfoot so many times as cleric…
“Fennelspot would want to see you,” Downstar said. “He could help you with your tail.” Darkkick studied his tail. The wounds were big, and it would take Darkkick a while to set up a temporary medicine den, especially with the maniac from the human settlement looking for him.
“Let’s see how that tom’s been taking care of you,” Darkkick sighed, padding away from the river. “Now what part of the coastline has your little group mangled into a camp?”
Rustshade and Puddlepaw took position on either side of Darkkick (codekeepers, always so wary) while Downstar escorted the long-lost cleric to RippleClan’s camp. Darkkick had heard stories of the shipwreck by the sea, had even seen it from a distance on day-long patrols to collect resources from the ocean, but he would never have imagined it safe for cats to camp in. Even if you ignored the old stories (which apparently no one was telling the younger generation from the look on Puddlepaw’s face during Darkkick’s musings) of terrifying wraiths wandering the shipwreck, how long would the wood last and keep the Clan sheltered? Somehow, though, the shipwreck was still standing strong, protecting the blossoming Clan under its wind-worn wood.
Although Darkkick knew better than to needlessly flame anyone’s pride, he could admit to himself at the very least that RippleClan was doing well. Young apprentices proudly joined their mentors. Elders rested in the shade (although… was one of them wearing a ribbon collar? Did Fennelspot forget how a collar could choke a wild cat? Was this some odd new tradition the RippleClan founders invented?). It was, by every definition Darkkick knew, a true Clan. 
A familiar ginger tom sat by a large rock near the shipwreck, slowly sharing a meal with a long-furred cream and white molly. Fennelspot’s gaze drifted over the returning patrol. At first, he glazed over Darkkick. Then he choked on his prey.
“Fennelspot!” the young molly yelped. She patted Fennelspot’s back as the cleric collected his breath.
“Don’t kill yourself on my behalf,” Darkkick purred as his escorts led him toward his old colleague.
“Darkkick…” Fennelspot coughed.
“Troutpaw, can you leave us be for a moment?” Downstar asked the cream-colored apprentice.
“You’re Darkkick?” Troutpaw gasped. “The exiled cleric?”
“I haven’t been a cleric in many moons,” Darkkick sighed. He couldn’t stop himself from purring at Troutpaw’s wide-eyed expression. “Don’t tell me I’m famous.”
“You play a role in some of my mother’s stories about AshClan,” Puddlepaw said, shrinking slightly beside the black tom.
“He flopped out of the river with a mangled tail,” Rustshade sighed. 
“Yes, Troutpaw, get a spot ready for our new patient,” Fennelspot gulped, taking the last bite of the roasted mouse. 
“Yes, sir,” Troutpaw said before dutifully bounding off to what Darkkick assumed was the medicine den. 
“Come here and share tongues with me, you old fool,” Darkkick chuckled. Fennelspot touched noses with Darkkick.
“If I’m old, then so are you,” Fennelspot chuckled softly. He began to share tongues with Darkkick, grooming the remaining water from his fur. He licked blood off Darkkick’s tail as best he could. In between that grooming, he asked, “You must have so many questions! So do I. Where have you been? Why come back after all these moons?”
“It’s more of a visit than a homecoming, Fennel,” Darkkick huffed. “I could use some help with these wounds I got.”
“You’re going to leave again?” Fennelspot gulped, meeting Darkkick’s eyes. 
“Do you really think Autumnstar will be pleased if you announce my arrival at the next Gathering?” Darkkick scoffed.
“Autumnstar has passed on,” Downstar explained, touching her tail to Darkkick’s shoulder. “And we don’t care what AshClan thinks of us. They chose to exile you. We’d be happy to take you in.”
“Your nest is ready, Darkkick,” Troutpaw called, sticking her head out of the medicine den.
“Let’s see how well you’ve fared in all this sand, Fennelspot,” Darkkick muttered, trying to shake wet sand off his paws. His entourage followed him to the medicine den. His eyes took a minute to adjust to the shadows in the overturned boat. The familiar scent of concoctions and ointments and dried herbs threw him into the past, to days when he had an eager ginger apprentice and the respect of both AshClan and StarClan. Now he lacked both.
“Father?” The voice brought Darkkick back to the present. A brown molly, her back covered and restrained in a tight splint, stared at Darkkick with huge, owl-like amber eyes. Another gray spotted molly, this one almost the perfect reflection of Weedfoot, sat by her side, her conversation suddenly interrupted.
“Father?” Puddlepaw, Troutpaw, and the lookalike gasped.
“Spike,” Darkkick muttered. For a moment, he checked his daughter’s pelt for stars, wondering if she was some ghostly vision. 
“Darkkick is your father?” Downstar asked, moving between the pair.
“You broke your oath,” Fennelspot mumbled, his tall tail falling.
“That oath became meaningless the moment I was exiled,” Darkkick snapped, sneering. Fennelspot quickly bowed his head. Darkkick collected himself, his half-wet fur weighing him down, and looked back at his long lost daughter. “Last I saw your mother, she told me you were dead.”
“I would have been without RippleClan,” the brown molly admitted. “It’s Spikecrash now though, Father. I’ve joined their ranks as a mediator. Palepaw here has been sharing some of her lessons with me.”
“Why am I not surprised that’s the name of one of Weedfoot’s kits,” Darkkick sighed, purring as Palepaw’s shocked expression grew. “Don’t be so stunned. The relation is more obvious than a dog in a tree.”
“Puddlepaw, Palepaw, come outside with me,” Rustshade sighed with a twitch of his tail. “I can better explain what’s happening.” Palepaw hesitantly slunk between Darkkick and Fennelspot as she joined her sister outside. The two littermates followed Rustshade to a quiet spot to talk.
“Your mother thought you had died,” Darkkick said, risking a step closer to Spikecrash. “She… she was not well when I last saw her.”
“We went to find her shortly after Spikecrash officially joined the Clan,” Downstar explained. “She’s being cared for by humans.”
“Yes, thanks to me,” Darkkick huffed, glaring at Downstar. “I took her. I couldn’t stay to care for her.” Darkkick hissed as a sharp sting ran down his tail. Fennelspot had snuck behind him and rubbed an ointment on his tail.
“You aren’t sitting down, and we can’t let you bleed all over the medicine den,” Fennelspot huffed, dipping his paw back into a small jar of ointment and continuing the process.
“Part of me is glad things happened this way,” Spikecrash admitted, her eyes softening as she watched Darkkick squirm. “Fennelspot says my back is healing well. Mom is living with beings who can better care for her. I know we haven’t spent much time together, Father, but we could grow closer as part of a Clan! You could meet Cinderella’s kits, they’ve just been apprenticed.” Darkkick didn’t answer. The medicine den felt too small. How could he stand under the gaze of his ancestors again when StarClan…
“Stay.” Fennelspot walked in front of Darkkick, placing his tail on Spinecrash’s splint. “If not for her, then for us. RippleClan could use your knowledge in the medicine den.”
“I’m not a cleric anymore,” Darkkick huffed, his gut tensing at the very thought. He didn’t want to look at the disappointment covering everyone’s faces. He grit his teeth. He spoke to the ground. “If you find yourselves overwhelmed, I can help treat patients, as I have been for years now. But if I join RippleClan, I am just a warrior. I cannot bear the cleric’s name.” He locked eyes with Fennelspot (the shine in his old friend’s eyes made him want to groan from the sheer overwhelming sentimentality). “Is that understood?”
“We can make it work,” Fennelspot promised. He once again touched noses with Darkkick. Troutpaw purred in the back at the sweet display.
“Now tell me,” Darkkick grunted, taking a seat in front of the daughter he thought dead as the others settled around him, “what in the name of the four— er, five Clans has happened while I’ve been away?”
(Darkkick: 105, male, warrior, lonesome, talented swimmer, understands nature)
(Puddlepaw: 11, trans female, codekeeper apprentice, thoughtful, morbid curiosity, oddly observant)
(Rustshade: 89, male, codekeeper, sneaky, learner of lore)
(Downstar: 104, female, leader, wise, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Fennelspot: 102, male, cleric, insecure, trusted advisor, incredible runner)
(Troutpaw: 6, female, cleric apprentice, compassionate, morbid curiosity)
(Spikecrash: 20, female, mediator, wise, good speaker, lore keeper)
(Palepaw: 11, female, mediator apprentice, insecure, picky nest builder, never sits still)
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Did anyone else think of these skins or skins like these with the release of the Crimson Cutter apparel?
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Skin is titled "Mors" ID: #38414 by frfrfr, and the dragon is a Jungle Metallic / Obsidian Alloy / Indigo Stained / Female Skydancer
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Skin is titled "rose touched daughter" ID: #48058 by Sucrose, and the dragon is an Umber Iridescent / Umber Shimmer / Crimson Glowtail / Female Imperial
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Skin is titled "infinity, and some" ID: #56092 by Sucrose, and the dragon is an Abyss Fern / Spruce Constellation / Ruby Veined / Male Wildclaw
Anyway, I'm gonna need these now lmao
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saltminerising · 11 months
Was curious on exalted progens, so I collected some data!
There are 269,376 exalted progens at the time of checking, the earliest is a male tundra, #53
139,948 are male, 129,428 are female, 10,520 more males than females
271 are Abbies
2 are Aethers
38 are Banes
38 are Boggies
81 are Coatls
74,401 are Faes
658 are Gaols
71,071 are Guardians
6 are Imps
63,217 are Mirrors
291 are Nocs
32 are Obbys
252 are Pearlcatchers
161 are Ridgies
1 is a Sandsurge
315 are Skydancers (mine are in here lol)
42 are Snappers
188 are Spirals
57,994 are Tundras
138 are Undertides
21 are Veils
and 158 are Wildclaws
This puts Faes at the highest, and Sandsurges at the lowest
Also, the first exalted progen imp was leveled to 25! I thought this was a neat fact
This means that we can confirm at the very least, 2,693 progrens were breed changed, just to be exalted anyway (I am one of these people I am guilty of this) This of course doesn't count people who changed them from one plentiful to another plentiful
In order, from least to most, is:
Sandsurge (1), Aether (2), Imperial (6), Veilspun (21), Obelisk (32), Banescale and Bogsneak (38), Snapper (42), Coatl (81), Undertide (138), Wildclaw (158), Ridgeback (161), Spirals (188), Pearlcatcher (252), Abberation (271), Nocturne (291), Skydancer (315), Gaoler (658), Tundra (57,994), Mirror (63,217), Guardian (71,071), Fae (74,401)
Numbers are subject to change between submitting this post and it being posted, and I'm also not 100% sure if blocked player's dragons will show up or not, so I don't know if that skewed the data at all
I am desperately curious over who made their dragon a Sandsurge just to yeet them
I also thought for SURE Tundras would be the most exalted progen, with how people shit talk them, but they're actually the least exalted plentiful progen! Fascinating!
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scryingworkshop · 2 years
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sxyphen · 9 months
Gen 2 morphologies and outfits babyyyy
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Zoey: outfit (Female Fae; cherry Clown, avocado Butterfly, and pink Firebreather)
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Mike: outfit (Male Pearlcatcher; teal Bar, tarnish Fissure, and ice Capsule)
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Svetlana: outfit (Female Pearlcatcher; stonewash Clown, tarnish Bee, and ice Lace)
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Vito: outfit (Male Skydancer; ginger Falcon, phthalo Marbled, and metals Firebreather)
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Manitoba: outfit (Male Pearlcatcher; denim Tiger, hickory Saturn, and bronze Okapi)
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Mal: outfit (Male Ridgeback; abyss Boa, umber Current, and teal Underbelly)
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Dakota: outfit (Female Skydancer; peach Poison, marigold Striation, and watermelon Opal)
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B: outfit (Male Obelisk; slate Boulder, sand Malachite, and brown Capsule)
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Brick: outfit (Male Wildclaw; murk Clown, ivory Malachite, and obsidian Thylacine)
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Dawn: outfit (Female Nocturne; cream Giraffe, thicket Malachite, and sanddollar Firefly)
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Jo: outfit (Female Wildclaw; charcoal Falcon, navy Fissure, and amber Runes)
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Lightning: outfit (Male Guardian; sapphire Jupiter, ginger Noxtide, and lemon Veined)
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Sam: outfit (Male Snapper; buttercup Python, amber Marbled, and turquoise Circuit)
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Scott: outfit (Male Ridgeback; ivory Bar, white Current, and sunshine Crackle)
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Staci: outfit (Female Bogsneak; pink Clown, plum Jester, and cherry Spines)
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Cameron: outfit, dragon (Male Coatl; chocolate Tiger, carmine Patchwork, and maize Underbelly)
here are the ancient breed ones: Anne Maria (Female Auraboa; bronze Rattlesnake, umber Woven, and magenta Porcupine) Dakotazoid (Female Gaoler; saffron Wasp, radioactive Rosette, and fuchisa Carnivore)
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