#crimson cutter apparel is H O T
Did anyone else think of these skins or skins like these with the release of the Crimson Cutter apparel?
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Skin is titled "Mors" ID: #38414 by frfrfr, and the dragon is a Jungle Metallic / Obsidian Alloy / Indigo Stained / Female Skydancer
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Skin is titled "rose touched daughter" ID: #48058 by Sucrose, and the dragon is an Umber Iridescent / Umber Shimmer / Crimson Glowtail / Female Imperial
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Skin is titled "infinity, and some" ID: #56092 by Sucrose, and the dragon is an Abyss Fern / Spruce Constellation / Ruby Veined / Male Wildclaw
Anyway, I'm gonna need these now lmao
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