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sonorous-strings · 7 months ago
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She boops the hedgehog's nose.
A hand goes to the wall beside her and he leans into it, giving her that smile only she gets to see.
Then he boops hers in return.
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sentient-rift · 7 months ago
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"The coolest wildcat is back! The coolest wildcat is back!"
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enigmaincrimson · 2 years ago
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"That really depends on how you act around them really." The redhead would remark as she gave "his" head a scratching.
A strange rumbling purr that somewhat sounded like machinery came from within. Of course, there are no moving parts as that's just the sound the bugger makes when content.
"But I think it might be safe to pet right now... if that makes you happy?"
She wasn't about to mention that there were others starting to show up as she settled in... mostly since the "big one" tends to be easier to deal with in general.
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snatchfreedom · 7 months ago
The blue rabbit smiled more happily upon being returned the hug, holding on tightly for a while before loosening it up so they could speak.
"That's an easy bet. It's been so long since I last seen ya!"
Ironically the rabbit pounces upon the cat, giving her a big welcome back hug!
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Surprised but not at all unaccepting! She returns the hug with a great big smile!
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"Heya dude! How's it goin'? Bet'cha missed me like eeeeeveryone else, huh?"
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atangledfate · 7 months ago
Original Post [x]
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Tangle's eyes dilated as the Wildcat Tackled her and held her in the tightest hug ever! the Cheese cake flipped into the air! but luckily her tail was quick to catch it before it went everywhere! but Tangle just smiled and wrapped her arms around the Wildcat and returned the hug! just picking carol up and spinning her around once! yea she missed her to!
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She laughed as she spun and finally set Carol back down! They were to much alike when it came to hugs!
" I've been good! busy as all heck! ya know got a new team, doin' super secret missions! got turned into a ghost! hehe less fun then it sounds! OH and Miles finished making his warp rings! so now i can come visit when ever i want! as long as he doesn't find out i swiped the prototype! "
Carol may have rubbed off on Tangle more then she realized! but chaos it was good to see the wildcat again! she missed her friend! there long talks! and silly antics and her cool ass motorbike! she was happy she was back! and that she could visit more often!
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shangtusianheroes · 8 months ago
🌹I can tell from your writing that you really love these characters, and that's one of the I really enjoy seeing you on my dash. As one who is really hoping for a Freedom Planet 3, role-playing with you, seeing your other role-plays and seeing your drabbles feels like seeing an unofficial Freedom Planet 2.5. I get really excited when I see one of your muses on my dash, knowing it's going to be good, and you never disappoint. The characterizations are spot on, and I can tell you are having as much fun writing your muses as I am watching them interact, if not more. Keep up the great work!🌹
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" I really do adore them! As someone who has been a Sonic fan since Archie was at its height. I've always had issues with when it comes to sonic continuity. We've had how many games now and Tails is still a kid? and it feels like the universe is just stagnant and doesn't move. One of the things i adore about Freedom Planet is that time passes, people grow up and we get those little storylines. It's not afraid to touch on dark themes, and has always supported LGBTQ people and was never afraid to show it in there games. Its all the things i wished sonic did more despite its problems i eagerly await a 3rd game! "
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" But i appreciate folks that enjoy what i do with the characters! I always have to thank @wildcatofgreen for inspiring me to take up Lilac in the begining which lead to this blog in the first place! and i really hope they are well! and pray they return someday! "
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rxbelling-hxrald · 2 years ago
@wildcatofgreen​ encountered the herald!
“If you’ve come here to hire me for a job, I warn you I’m a little busy right now on that front.” He suuuure did look busy alright given how he was kicking his feet up at the table he was at, either he was just being a lazy slob or was being a self important jerk....maybe both.
Though in his own mind he saw no issue with it given he was simply enjoying his own comforts.
“However,  if this isn’t about work I don’t mind if your simply here on a casual note to say hello, your more than welcome too....though I must admit Its often rare to have anyone show themselves to me without something being wrong.”
Shortly after saying that his eyes narrowed as a less than ideal thought came across that could be another plausible outcome for their arrival, they certainly didn’t appear to be one of the more vulnerable locals. “Or are you one of those hunters hoping to bag that old bounty on me? I’m not in the mood for a fight right now.”
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“As I’ve said to countless others, you’ll get nothing for it now...heck, I’ll even come with you willingly if you don’t believe me. I cleared that stuff up long ago.”
That was a number of assumptions made in quick succession but it really was a little surprising whenever he had a visitor stumble across his encampments, be it accident or not.
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aureumdraconeus · 2 years ago
Flames of Avalice - The Meeting
The sudden arrival of Blaze in this dimension was one that was...intriguing to most. Mainly due to the fact that unlike the other felines that had been seen throughout Avalice, Blaze held a certain poise to her that made some of the citizens believe that she was of high society or at the very least close to individuals like Mayor Zao.
Blaze hated these kinds of assumptions.
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Having made her way to the palace of Shang-Tu, the flame wielding princess simply started to look around. In her mind the events of the Battlesphere were still fresh in her head, she could have sworn that she even saw some familiar faces of Mobius in the stands. This of course only brought up more questions.
Was Avalice linked to Mobius in some capacity?
What was the gemstone that Carol had in her possession and why was it reacting to the Sol Emeralds?
And just what was this place truly?
All these questions and more burned in her mind as she simply observed the outside of the Shang-Tu palace. Hopefully the guards had not started to prepare to aim any weaponry at her...
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the-forsakenlegionnaire · 2 years ago
The sun rises, the world keeps turning, lives are intertwined or taken apart, sights are seen and others are forgotten...
Yet Lien-da remains. She was tempted by the possibility of not coming, to let carol to her little adventure; Aurora knew that cat was well surrounded enough by friends and family alike. But this nagging feeling kept eating at her; there would be regrets shall she stays her hand.
And so, here she was, one echidna flanking her on both sides, wearing something slighty less intimidating than unkempt black robes and terribly form fitting jump suits. It was true that formal events required some sort of proper attire, but by enerjak, Lien-da felt stupid in that yellow dress, much more pompous than practical.
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puyopop-ondo · 2 years ago
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“Eeee! A walkin’ talkin’ coolin’ green cat! She looks really cuddly!”
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“Do you think she’d be good at other cat stuff or just fisticuffs?”
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(Hey, didn’t I have the first game as a kid on my Wii U and just get stuck in the first two levels/j)
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loveforcordelia · 2 years ago
Thank you kindly! Man, its been awesome, our RP between Merga and Neera Li. Hope we can do a whole lot more in the future. ...You know, to be honest, I thought the FPRPC community-or whatever there was of it-was dead. Good thing I found out otherwise, huh? XD
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sonorous-strings · 8 months ago
When Carol teases the hubby with his weakness, you betcha he's gonna throw it right back at her. And then they'll have a laugh about it.
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Art by _NeroAngero, as always.
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sentient-rift · 2 years ago
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"...The poor Christmas tree..."
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enigmaincrimson · 2 years ago
Cue the arrival of a "guard" who happened to be said dragon in disguise yet again, a little smirk on her face.
"I suggest you grab your stuff before we head out... I'll give you a quick patch-up on the way."
It was easier to make it appear that things were going as usual before well... hightailing it out of there while everyone is defrosting the mayor.
"And... good job with the match."
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years ago
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[Sonar] [Bio] [Rules] [Relationships] [Tags] [Carol] [Bio] [Rules] [Relationships] [Tags]
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atangledfate · 2 years ago
For Tangle! How much do you like girls? Who are your favorites to talk to? People you rp with are welcome!
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" What an odd question... well i mean--- i'm Gay so... alot? Or as much as anyone else likes there preferred gender. Its harder when you have that friend your kinda crushin' on and they don't seem to notice hehe... but i think that's nothing anyone else hasn't dealt with ya know? "
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" Ah well i mean i love talking to Jewel and Whisper but i feel like that's cheating! I really miss talking to Carol and Sonar(@wildcatofgreen and @sonorous-strings) but she's probably enjoying that honey moon! and i can't forget Espia (@sakuraandscales) and Charmette! and can't forget a certain shadow Mac's a great guy! (@crossed-worlds) and oh yea! Flask is awesome (@mobian-of-science) ah there is lots of others to! oh and Surge! she's fun to scrap with! (@diffxrentwxrlds) but if i listed all fo them all we'd be here all day! "
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