#wild that this is only a couple years apart tho
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bobbyfloyd · 1 month ago
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look at the difference between these photos. they have similar expressions, although bob’s is more sweet and joyous. this is a prime example of the way lewis acts with his eyes. bob is more wide-eyed and innocent looking. rhett has that confident, narrow-eyed look. i know it’s probably a super basic thing to point out but i love seeing how vastly different these two characters are
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alaskan-wallflower · 7 months ago
“Boys will be boys” headcannons, you say?
Well speaking as a teenage boy who’s done a few dumb things, here’s a couple:
-Soda definitely doesn’t wear a shirt in the summer. Any time it’s hot out, he’s ditched it (genuinely dunno how folks survive summer WITHOUT doing this tbh)
-Steve gets real pissy when he doesn’t win at things. Like if you beat him at poker he’ll tackle you. He sees this as re-establishing dominance. Everyone else sees it as Steve being a dumbass.
-Speaking of Steve, he seems like the sort to punch things when he’s mad. So does Dally. Just like…random walls and whatever. Throwing things too. I imagine it would scare Pony a bit at first, although by the time the book takes place, he’d be relatively unphased
-(movie!steve, ‘cuz in the movie he’s like 5’7) Steve used to be tall as a kid, like taller than Soda, Two-Bit, and Dally, and he’d make fun of them for being short. Then in like sophomore year of high school Soda and Dally get tall and Steve stays the same height. Soda is nice about it- but Dally mocks him for it non-stop
(Huh okay that’s a lot of Steve. I’ll shut up about him lol)
-Dally and Johnny once tried to make chocolate cake out of boredom. Somehow it turned into trying to light fireworks in the Curtis’s kitchen sink. Mrs. Curtis was pissed
-Sodapop and Darry tried to build a treehouse in the backyard as kids. It was just a piece of wood that they taped to a branch. Pony was still really impressed and bragged about it to his friends at school even though it was really lousy
-Two-Bit likes to say he’s won “every game of pool he’s ever played”, because he played once years ago and won due to a stroke of beginner’s luck. He refuses to play again now because he’ll “lose his perfect winning streak”
-Steve and Sodapop used to talk about hopping onto a freight train and going on adventures together “out in the Wild West”. Both of them low key still kinda want to
-Dally secretly wants to be a cowboy. Not like Buck, but like a Clint Eastwood type cowboy. Would die before saying so out loud
-Soda and Ponyboy have saved a few injured animals, like raccoons and whatever, and every time they do they try to convince Darry to let them keep it as a pet. Soda came real close once, and hid an injured lizard in his room for a month, but eventually Darry found it and forced him to free it
-Johnny was bored once and built a fort in the old lot, and him and Pony and Dally hung out in it until the cops made them take it down
-Sodapop, Two-Bit, and Steve once tried to start a band. It was terrible, because Soda and Two-Bit are too lazy to bother learning an instrument. Steve was okay because he could sing pretty well, but he sucked at the guitar he was trying to play too, and it all fell apart. Dally told them he’d pay them money to never play music again
okay, that’s probably enough for now- but yeah, there’s a few. Idk how much they stuck to the prompt, but whatever lol
all of these are biblically accurate, congrats 😭😭 especially johnny and sally making fireworks like that’s the only time mrs curtis yelled at any of the gang-dally is such a bitch in the last one tho like i know they were all like ten and he was twelve and he was just like “yeah never open your mouths again here’s ten bucks for each of ya buy yourself sonethin’ nice” like ok dally 😭😭soda and pong have straight up come home with a baby bobcat and darry was like “PUT THAT BACK ITS MOM IS LOOKING FOR IT 😡”
these are all canon trust
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polyhexian · 7 months ago
TW: Suicide
You've got that headcanon that Hunter makes a few suicide attempts after Belos's defeat; how would that factor into the eventually au?
Does he not attempt it cuz instead he just shoves so much of his self-loathing onto Jasper that first year after? Or cuz having his dad around in general just helps somehow?
Does he try it like he did in your Loving is Letting Go fic but instead of calling Camila he calls Jasper? Does he still call Camila, but she calls Jasper instead of Darius? Does she still call Darius and then Hunter doesn't want them to tell Jasper this happened because he feels awful about it but it's like, dude, there's no way your dad isn't going to find out about this?
Jasper having to deal with the realization that while he feels like he's dead, and he wishes he had died, and he's so, so tired of existing, he can't stop yet because apparently his son is having some similar issues and if this happens again Jasper is probably the only person who'd be able to locate him, teleport to him, and heal him all in 60 seconds tops.
There's a couple of sort of "Nate draikinator fanon canon" things like, hunter has killed three people and who they are, vee tried to kill him once, he tried to kill himself that one time and called Camila for help when he changed his mind. Lots of little things that I generally repeat unless I have a specific reason to change them.
I definitely think he still does it. He's come out of an extreme trauma and he's adjusting to a new normal and it's completely to be expected he's going to have wild and violent emotional swings as he tries to come to terms with everything that has happened to him. A lot of it IS guilt, that he feels like a massive burden who is never going to recover and he's just going to ruin the lives of anyone who cares about him (just like he ruined Jasper's) and that's terrifying and heavy and soul crushing and miserable. And one bad night he just snaps and makes a very poor spontaneous decision in a manic depressive spiral of self destruction. But he still changes his mind at the last minute and calls for help.
And I think he's still calling Camila. He's not thinking clearly but she's an emotional rock for him he relies on and he's going to call her. Then we have her dilemma: call Darius or Jasper? Both can teleport, but jasper is an incredibly skilled healer.
But he's also incredibly unstable, and she doesn't know if she can trust him to keep his cool jumping into the old throne room when it's covered in hunters blood. So she calls Darius. And when HE gets there he realizes it's Pretty Bad and calls jasper. Even tho hunter is like noooo noooo don't call him noooo. And jasper pops in and there's only like one second where Darius actually recognizes him as present and afraid and himself before he fully locks down into serious GG mode and drops to his knees.
So MEDICAL MAGIC STUFF he tells Darius to hold pressure because he can't heal the wounds yet until he gets as much blood as he can back in him, because you can't just regrow blood, so he's immediately drawing circles so that blood gets pulled off the ground and out of his clothes and he's basically picking it apart to filter out particulates and dirt or anything before he can put any back in, and only some of it is good since some is already old cuz hes been here awhile. And hunter is crying and apologizing and jasper literally is not even acknowledging him. He's fully 100% on task. Refills what he can and heals the cuts but advises Darius that he could still die of exsanguination without a blood specialist, and then says he is too low on magic to translocate two people so he has to take hunter to the hospital without him, and tells him like "you're going to tell them he's a stage 2 triage, massive blood loss from radial artery damage, and that you want to see [name], the resident blood specialist and NOT [name] because she hates him and can't be trusted with his life" and Darius obviously has like a moment he tries to argue but jasper like. He's in GG mode. He knows how to deliver an order.
Which leaves him sitting there on his knees in front of the throne in the dark soaked in hunters blood
Just like. Staring at nothing. Because jasper is 100% not home right now
Or also maybe he's fixing up hunters blood and realizes there's not enough clean blood here to save his life so without even missing a beat he tears off a sleeve, ties a tourniquet around his arm and pulls it tight with his teeth and then cuts himself open just to get some for him. Darius horrified like the fuck are you DOING and jasper just completely deadpan informing him that their blood is completely identical like twins so he can safely use his and he can safely lose quite a bit of blood himself before hes in trouble, so it's only makes sense. And besides he can heal himself when he's done. It's not a big deal. Obviously.
So like. Hunter's good. He's safe. Darius is gonna bring him to a hospital anyway tho. Obviously. But jasper is just like. Not fucking home rn. He's truly going through it. He's already convinced HE'S dead. And jasper has never struggled with suicidal or self harm thoughts in his life, any time he has ever hurt himself was for a reason. He can't possibly fathom what hunter is going through because it is so DIFFERENT from his experience. But he knows he waited too long, he didn't even save hunter, Luz did, and it was too late because he has everything he needs now and he still wants to die. He should have acted sooner. He should have taken the risk that hunter would get killed if he tried to liberate him sooner because he waited too long and it's too late.
And also hunter called CAMILA and Camila called DARIUS. Not him. Hunter didn't call him even though he can teleport and heal. Not even Camila called him despite the fact he can teleport and heal. Hunter is dying and he doesn't call him for help. He calls his mom who can't even help him instead. He's just going to be so utterly crushed by this. Meanwhile Hunter is struggling with the kind of overwhelming shame and humiliation that comes with an aborted suicide attempt. And he doesn't want to see jasper because he's terrified to see him, he feels like- like he broke his whole life and he can't even be grateful for it, jasper sacrificed everything for him and Hunter tried to just throw it in the trash and he's ashamed of that and guilty and miserable.
And jasper is STILL just sitting where he got left staring at the throne and sitting on his knees covered in his and hunters blood.
I literally cannot give eventually jasper a fucking BREAK, can i
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stupendousfoxthing · 1 year ago
JK's crazy schedule in Q3/Q4 last year was very interesting to me. He was constantly traveling and would just be in SK for a few days then fly back to the US for few days again. It didn't make any sense to me coz he was tiring himself out and even caught colds multiple times.
I thought it would be more cost-efficient and logical plus healthier option for him to just stay in LA for the whole duration and perhaps bring his family with him if he wanted to spend time with them coz I assume they would have more flexible schedule. Also, they can travel and explore US together on his days off. This was under the assumption that he chose to fly home each time to SK to spend time with his family coz he is enlisting soon.
Now I will enter my delulu theory: he was coming home to SK to someone who can't travel to where he is, and was spending any time they could together before MS. As a TKKR, I will be pointing out that the period where JK was constantly flying back and forth, was Tae's promo period. Tae can't be where he was for many obvious reasons, but he was also busy. When Tae flew to Japan, he was able to come home just few days before JK has to fly again.
Tae went live, played longing songs and shared that JK sings To Find You for/to him. The next day, a man was beside him on his bed on his 3AM live. The same day that JK came home from a long trip to US and Japan. Assuming that was JK bcoz of the series of events leading to this plus the breathing sounding so much like him, JK went straight to Taehyung after his trip. In another JK trip to US, Tae was seen sporting a pair of NY exclusive Moncler shoes the day after JK came back to SK from NY.
With my theory that JK was coming home to Tae, I thought how they probably just wanted to spend whatever private time they can with eo. It didn't have to be a trip or something grand but even just the thought of getting to share the same bed after coming home from work was more than enough.
If JK chose to endure jet lags and crazy schedule to be able to spend time with Taehyung, these are sacrifices we aren't privy of coz it isn't shown nor shared to us.
I know I am reaching with this theory, tho I am also piecing moments that happened within that busy period and I don't think I am far off. 😂
Oh wow! You know there's been plenty of talk about how Taekook always seemed to find time to spend with each other between travel schedules, even if they weren't in SK for long. But I've never seen it framed like this before. I think you could be onto something. I do wonder if after enlistment he won't be spending a lot more time in LA if he's going to keep his career going in this direction. It will be interesting to see how that plays out. We know he's building a home in Seoul, but I wonder if he'll sort of live part-time in LA. I don't think your theory is delulu at all, it's perfectly reasonable and would make some sense of JK's sometimes baffling and exhausting schedule last year. It would fit the pattern we have plenty of receipts for. We know of times they were together immediately before leaving. Bowling with Wooshik's brother for example, I still think the morning JK went live at like 8am and said he'd just stayed up all night and Tae was at the airport a few hours later telling a reporter he had done the same was a hell of a coincidence. We know they often met up when they got back to SK. Paradise Hotel, Tae having plans for JK to cook for him when he was only back in SK for a couple of days for SimInvest, in Tae's apartment the day he got back from Japan in October. Their living situation was a good set-up for this with their apartments being so close to each other. Meeting up whenever they found time would not be difficult. I'll throw my own wild theory out that I haven't shared until now because it's related to this. I was very amused by the incident in August when I saw the ghost hunters talking about another noise in the background of Tae's live and I popped in my earbuds so ready to roll my eyes again only to hear what was undeniably a man coughing in Tae's apartment after midnight. We knew Jungkook was sick at the time. They really got me that day. It humbled me a little.💀 So I'm letting myself speculate here. I think it's generally agreed upon by Taekookers that when they met up at the Paradise Hotel Jungkook went straight there from the airport because it's right there. When the video of Jungkook at the airport on September 5th last year got posted there was the usual "who was in the car????" discussion. Another thing I normally dismiss, but I thought it was funny that his managers rushed so quickly to close the car door. It wasn't until I realized that Tae was definitely at the Paradise Hotel the night before that I started to sweat a little. 😅 Like, what if though??? We know Tae had been busy filming during Jungkook's birthday...what if???? they found some time???? before Jungkook left???? Tae was at the Paradise Hotel for the Frieze Seoul Art Night event there. He streamed the beautiful sunset for just over a minute on Weverse which a lot of people were saying was him on his way home and I accepted it just assuming they knew something I didn't. But the event happened that night so I think he was on his way there. He also posted the sunset on his IG story. I'll just leave the last dot here.
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years ago
more details:
Ruler is obvs based on "Flower King," Asgore's shop in deltarune. in this context however, Asgore lives a distance away from everyone else and is raising Ursus there while giving Toriel her space. Chara and Frisk meet up all the time.
For the first couple years after the barrier breaking, Chara would garden with Asgore until their depression hit hard and they began to distance themselves from everyone. Asgore's health declines (hes in his late 50 pre-time skip then ages 2x as fast with 2 boss monster kids) he can't garden out of arthritis and back problems. His garden becomes overgrown and he can't attend to it.
the garden represents a glorified version of childhood. Vibrant, controlled, perfect. Now it's overgrown, forgotten and chaotic. This represents your teenage years, full of change and unpredictablity.
Asgore decides to move closer to Undyne and get a live-in assistant now that Ursus is moving out for culinary school. In doing this, he's selling the land/greenhouse. They're going to tear it apart and replace it, ironically, with a flower shop.
This represents one way to take on adulthood. try to control these new changes through destruction (drugs, alcohol) and through capitalism. (work a shitty job for a shittier boss). Ruler is both destroying the Garden Darkworld to make money and to rule over them with a iron fist. (Or gold, lol!)
So the goal throughout darkworld is to help save the flower workers as well as the land they live in which, even without the construction worker's efforts, was already falling apart from the overgrowth. so we have a mix of flowers, wildlife, disrepaired garden items, and now construction tools. nature vs. heavy machinery vibes.
petunias represent either "anger and resentment" or "spend time with me" depending on the relationship you have with the recipient. In case of ruler, they hate them. with the party, its devotion. black petunias either mean death/bad luck or strength/individuality (fitting for the gloomy workers)
augh. thinking on it, i'm going have to make ruler more Crown/royal looking. better to contrast them with their flower subjects and show they're a force against nature rather than a part of it. that's going to be a toughie to design, as the crown only has 2 colors.
anyway i think it'd be cool to have Ruler represent the royal line and it's greed/corruption and how that connects to adulthood. (still relevant to Suzy as she was raised by snotty political humans) Raine would at first try to work alongside Ruler and convince them to have better policies but will realize it's a lost cause and they need to overthrow them. I'm thinking Monsterkid could act as a Birdly role, someone who isn't part of the party and even acts as an antagonist.
I'm not sure how exactly the darkworld stuff starts or ends tho. obvs Chara stops Asgore from selling the garden and Chara gets the wrong lesson from the journey (let the timeline loop forever). but after the main story the garden becomes a public space thats attended to by the community. uh. maybe Raine takes it over as well, showcasing them as the next true ruler.
The message being you can work alongside with the chaotic changes of life. instead of a small, cultivated greenhouse, you have an outdoor, open garden that accepts the local wild life rather than fighting against it.
That said about the actual characters of the darkworld 😰idk yet. i'm worried for them...
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mcfiddlestan · 11 months ago
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
🌈 is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I struggled the entire time trying to get through Ghosts That We Knew, the conclusion to the Picture Perfect series. I honestly hadn't planned to write a whole ass trilogy. Dark Side was the only one I had an idea for, and then halfway through, people wanted more. So I started planning the sequel, Come Back to Me. I'm not a fan of duologies. Trilogies just make more sense. So I started thinking up plots for the third entry. Where could Tony and Loki go after marrying and having two kids (one through a relationship, the other through a surrogate)? What kind of problems would they face? I had no idea, lol. I knew I wanted to insert another kid (Audrey Maria or "Audi"), but I also wanted to show that after 8 years and 3 kids, even the most in-love couples have bad times. I'd gotten about halfway through and just blanked on where to go. It didn't help I was having outside issues -- my RP partner (whom I was in love with) and I were having issues, I was stressing about school, and my dad was having health problems at the time. Oh, and I was struggling to RP too. But I was able to pull something out in the end. And everyone seemed to enjoy it. 😁
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don’t, you should!)
Umm....I'm not sure what "celebrate" means?? I might give myself a mental high five? Say yay? LOL
🤍what’s one fic of yours you think people didn’t “get”?
It's not a fic that's completed, nor is it posted on AO3 anymore, but it's Fools Rush In. It was Frostiron set in the Matthew Perry/Salma Hayek movie. First time I was writing fem!Loki and even tho I only published like 4 or 5 chapters, I got complaints that Loki was "too feminist" and "obsessed with her dad's [Odin's] opinions about what a woman her age should be doing." To be clear, Loki was a 28yo grad student who'd been adopted by the Odinsons as a baby and at 13, chose to search for her birth parents who were teenagers when she was born. She was the youngest in the Odinson clan (Thor and Baldur being older) and the oldest in the Laufeyson family (Helblindi and Býleistr were much younger). And the only girl. So Odin certainly had a lot of opinions about her needing to be settled and married, not living with her bestie (Natasha) in an apartment in a big city.
This isn't the reason the fic is incomplete, tho! I removed it, along with four other fics, from AO3 and ff.net bc I'd reached a block on all of them and I felt bad just letting them sit there unfinished. I do hope to complete them someday. But we'll see. Here's a banner I made for it, when I still thought Olivia Wilde was a good choice for fem!Loki. I do not anymore.
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And this one was made by a fan (@/tomhiddlesdarling), and as much as I loved it, I'm not big on Eva Green.
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Thanks for asking!
Let’s Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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three--rings · 2 years ago
That poll about power outages is WILD to me. Most people are replying with like IDK an hour or less than a day or MAYBE that one time a day.
And my answer is 21 days. And it's just the extreme difference in living somewhere with a Natural Disaster Season and not.
So okay I'll tell the story of the 21 days. It's also my very first memory (collectively, a series of memories.) (To be clear I've had other power outages but not THAT long. I've only been ground zero for a big hurricane once. Remind me to tell you my Tropical Storm Alison story sometime tho.)
So Hurricane Alicia hit Galveston and then Houston in August 1983. I was four. It will be the 40th anniversary this year.
At the time my family was living close to the Port of Houston, because my dad worked in the power plants in that industrial area. So my very first memory is hunkering in my parent's bathroom, with an electric lantern and a radio, listening to the storm hit the port a few miles away. And then the radio stopped, just went to static. (Some of this is my mom's account blended with my memory, to be clear.)
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The storm passed over us and at dawn we emerged to see the damages. I remember it vividly. The sky was purple and orange. The street was a river and there were entire trees floating down it. I've seen a lot of storms and I've never seen that kind of pure destruction. But it was only trees. We were lucky.
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(Yes these photos being Black and White Historical Images makes me feel ancient thanks. I promise we had color film.)
Anyway, after that, the only problem was there was NO POWER. All the power lines were down, poles and all. And it was AUGUST in Texas.
I remember holding ice in a towel against myself as the only way to get cool.
Then power started being turned on in bits and pieces in the area. The first place to get power that we knew was a dentist office belonging to a friend of my parents. So we all moved into the dentist office. Like four sets of parents with eight or so kids. Sleeping on the floor of a dentist because it had air conditioning. Me in my Strawberry Shortcake sleeping bag.
Then my grandmother's apartment got power, so we moved out of the dentist to a one bedroom apartment. My parents, my grandmother, me and my teenage brother. All in two small rooms. I remember...arguing.
Then, finally, 21 fucking days later the power at my house was turned back on.
I'm tempted to say it's because it was 40 years ago or because it was Texas or because it was a poor neighborhood that it took so long.
But honestly, sometimes all the infrastructure gets knocked down and you have to rebuild the whole system from scratch and it takes time. I'm not sure it would be a whole lot shorter today.
My family was without power after Hurricane Ike for a week+ and that was a nice neighborhood without any significant damage. (I had left the city by then.) And most of my coworkers went without power for a solid week after that one and we are 100 miles further inland. (My electric co-op stayed up, though, because it came from another direction. Also stayed on during that terrible freeze that took the state out a couple years ago. Small decentralized community-owned power ftw.)
So yeah, losing power has always just been a thing. Like occasionally you just have a named storm come through and wreck your shit. It's wild to me that people live places where the planet doesn't just try to kill you occasionally.
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mysticstarlightduck · 1 year ago
Songs and OC Ships Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag, @dancinginsepia!
Rules: write two to five songs from them that represent your ship between your ocs (it can be platonic or romantic or a secret third thing). then add a quote from said WIP (if possible!) underneath it.
Because there are many ships in my main WIP The Last Wrath, I'll go with my favorite ship from my second main WIP, Tales of Wilted Flowers.
Xarian/Lorelai - WIP Tales of Wilted Flowers
Set in the fictional world of Ravaryn, this book follows the story of a fae outlaw and a human adventurer in their quest to clear both their names and get their lives back, while fighting an ancient evil the kingdoms tried to ignore.
(This book is still very early in the drafting process, so I don't have as many quotes as I would like. There will be a full excerpt here tho!)
Willow - Taylor Swift (Bardcore Cover by Hildegard Von Blingin)
Xarian and Lorelai meet by accident (or what one could call fate), and that encounter leads them to the adventure of their lives while they slowly fall in love. Not only do some of the lyrics in this song really fit this context, but the overall fantasy theme of the cover music suits the ship!
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men
They're a very supportive couple, who are always there for each other and ready to take a stand to protect the other should they need to - even if it means facing their worst fears. Throughout the story, they become each other's best friends, forming a bond that cannot be broken easily.
Wild Uncharted Waters - Jonah Hauer-King
I think this song fits their romance so well! They took a while in the story to actually confess to one another that they are in love, plus Xarian actively tried to hide his feelings in fear that being with him would put Lorelai in more danger - but eventually, they realize that they are stronger together than apart (plus it's in the moments where they're far from one another that they realize how much they need one another). I think this song fits that moment of realization.
The Tragedy of Julian and Rosaline (Raney Shockne ft. Alina Gingertail)
The story of Xarian and Lorelai almost ends in a tragedy, especially when their pasts come to haunt them both. Luckily they were able to prevent it - unlike the events of this song. Still, I think that this song perfectly encompasses the feeling of that bit of the story - when all seemed to go wrong - plus, it has a perfect fairy-tale romance style that this ship is all about.
My Demons - STARSET
Both of them have "demons" in their pasts that haunt them throughout the story. For Xarian it is his time as a captive of a cruel sorcerer for years in his backstory. For Lorelai, it is her family's secrets. Both of them help each other when their pasts come back to destroy their current lives. This song has the perfect vibe for this!
For the Dancing and the Dreaming - HTTYD Soundtrack (Cover by Peter Hollens)
What can I say? I am a huge fan of HTTYD, and this song is one of the most beautiful romantic songs I ever heard. I think that the lyrics are pretty self-explanatory, and fit Xarian and Lorelai's story beautifully!
[...] "I have spent so much time running, from my past and ... from myself. Running away that horrid fate he said was mine. At the time, everything seemed so clear, so linear, my revenge so close I could almost taste it."
Xarian paused, glancing up at the starry sky with a hand reached out, before scowling, frustrated as he crossed his arms over his chest. There was a nervous edge to his voice, which wasn't there before, almost sorrowful.
"But now... I don't know. I don't know exactly who I am, or where I'm going - or even if we're going to make it out of this alive without bloodshed. I don't want to feel that pain again."
Lorelai listened, head tilted as she tried to think up an answer. She walked closer to where he was leaning over the parapet, looping her arm around his.
"How about... we figure this out together? There are many things I don't know as well, and any of our fates couldn't be less certain than what they are today. Gods know I am not one to speak about how things are going to end up." She spoke, playfully twirling with a small ribbon of her hair, before turning to Xarian, who met her eyes, unsure. "But if there's one thing this adventure has taught me, is that we can do anything. If we do it together. What do you say?"
Lorelai looked at him as Xarian considered her words. For a moment, she was afraid he would say no, that he'd withdraw, trying to solve everything alone as if it befell him to shoulder the world. He always wanted to help others, but never himself. But then, he smiled - a happy, genuine smile.
"I would like that, my love," Xarian said, moving gently so that he could hold her closer. "That would be ... perfect. I'm new to this, but I trust you - more than I trust myself, sometimes. With you beside me, I'm sure we'll find out all those answers, or at least some of them" [...]
Tagging (gently): @writernopal @chauceryfairytales, @clairelsonao3, @elshells, @exquisitecrow, @cabbojage, @aziz-reads, @rickie-the-storyteller and OPEN TAG
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khodorkovskaya · 2 years ago
i was invited to speak at this event yesterday and it made me think a lot. it was my first time speaking in front of so many people (100+) and i was nervous ofc, but on the video recording you can't see my stress at all! i was surprised at how confident i looked, even tho i was like screaming inside lol. i think the trick is standing with your feet far apart, like that posture looks very confident, like i was taking up space on the stage in a good way you know. the only thing that bothered me is that i feel like i came off as a bit pretentious, but maybe im being too critical on myself. but idk i hope that i didn't give off a "im better than you" kind of vibe. i'll do better next time. also im such a slow thinker... i was often hesitating at what words i should use, so next time i should definitely practice more. but yeah overall, im mostly satisfied with how i looked on stage! not bad for a first time huh!
but anyway, it was interesting bc it was the first time that we actually went to an event that was for people my age. i mostly have experience presenting in front of and interacting with people who are a bit older like late twenties, thirties and thirties+. and it was interesting to be like in my professional attire and talking to people my age, it was a whole different experience. and for my stepdad, well, he stood out a lot lol. at other events we've been at, age is never really an issue, it's just like adults hanging out and networking and whatever. but here it was like 99% people in their early twenties, one guy in his early thirties (the other speaker) and my 60 year old stepdad lol. and i didn't quite fit in with anyone bc even though we were the same age, i was a speaker at the event so i was put into the same category as the other speaker who was in his thirties. so i wasn't perceived like a fellow twenty year old, you know what i mean?
i tried talking to a couple of people and it was very funny bc when im in my professional headspace im used to certain kind of conversations. meanwhile talking to twenty year olds is such a different experience! i felt so old compared to them bc they didn't perceive me as one of them, it was so strange! like even when i tried to like make a joke or say something "relatable", i felt like i was cosplaying as a twenty year old like in a "how do you do fellow kids" kind of way. but then i know that if i had just been an audience member and not a presenter, we would've got along just fine.
anyway yeah, that was a fun experience! i really enjoyed getting to know the organisers of the event tho! they were my age too, but also put into a different category by the public. there was this one girl who was soooo hot who gave off the vibes of that weird girl from harry potter, the blonde one. luna i think? yeah, she was exactly like her. she told us that she was an influencer when she was 13-14 and had contracts with brands and stuff. and then she quit social media and hasn't been back since. like that's so wild lol.
anyway yeah, what an experience!
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yusei-amamiya · 1 year ago
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Ive been a pokemon fan since more or less the early days of pokemon, i didnt get into it as soon as it started though, as when the craze for it started when i was living in mexico.
I was staying with my grandparents so i could learn to read and write in spanish, when my family came to take me back to the states, my younger brother showed me pokemon cards, and as soon as we started watching the show i was hooked. Funny thing is, for the first 2 of the 3 gens, i didnt actually buy the games, it wasnt until diamond and pearl came out that i started buying the games myself
When i moved to Georgia, my uncle had gotten his children some gameboys and funny enough the games he got them was red and blue, my cousins let me and my brother play them, and that was how we played our first pokemon games, in the end my cousins didn't care for pokemon and gave us the games
When gold and silver came out, my brother and i begged my dad to buy us some gameboy colors and gold and silver, which we ended up getting for Christmas
For ruby and sapphire tho: this is my fondest memory of pokemon and the one of the reasons why hoenn is my favorite gen. my family had moved to a new apartment complex and my brother and i met some neighbors kids, it was 2 brothers and they called out to my brother and i after we had settled in, we hung out and i noticed they had both ruby and sapphire and we talked about pokemon, the younger brother was the one obsessed with pokemon and the bigger brother didnt really care.
When we talked about his game progress tho, he said he was stuck in the first town and couldnt figure out how to leave, and im like let me see if i can figure it out! it was my first time playing sapphire and when i saw the starter pokemon i gasped, and i saw that his starter that he picked: treeko, was already a lv 65 sceptile and he was basically running around the first town beating wild pokemon, i can only imagine how long he was doing this for because the exp from lv 3-4 wild pokemon give to a lv 65 sceptile was mediocre! I was shocked honestly but i figured out how to leave the town and get him going to the next area.
Thats when he came up with an idea, he asked if i had a gameboy advanced and i said yes, and he handed me his brothers ruby, he said his brother doesnt want to play so he wants to race me to see who can beat the game first after after a couple weeks of playing, i beat him and beat the champion first despite him having an almost lv100 sceptile by the end of the game lol in the end he let me keep the ruby, that challenge was alot of fun and i enjoyed my friendship with them, in the end i had to leave that apartment complex and my friend gave my brother his sapphire in exchange for some yugioh cards he wanted
I went on a long ass speech here but after all those years i still love pokemon, even if some of the recent games havent been good, i still enjoy them for what they were, and ill keep playing pokemon for as long as it keeps going
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andsotheuniverseended · 2 years ago
class, playtest, scheduling, dice AND secret&heart for my grumpy gorls? 👀👀👀
i am delighted every time u pop in for these ask games!
Class: What’s your favorite class to play?
i am a sucker for a druid or a barbarian i can't lie (but i have a tendency to wander so i dabble in pretty much every class)
Playtest: What class (or subclass) do you want to try out?
so many i was not kidding when i said i tend to wander, i wanna try everything
first ones to come to mind at the moment are echo knight fighter, shadow sorcerer, and genie patron warlock
Scheduling: Do you prefer to play in long campaigns, oneshots, or something in between?
hmm... i have done one shots, and i am currently in a couple long campaigns (like 7+ years long mostly due to circumstances). i think i would really enjoy something in the middle, to really be able to stretch out a character but also to be more sure that we will be able to get to an ending yknow?
Dice: Do you have any dice rituals? Preferences? Collections? Does such thing as dice luck really exist?
i like to pick out dice that have a coloring/theme connected to the character i'm playing. i used to do "lets roll all my d20s and see who's doing the best" but i have. a few too many for that now honestly
my dice preference is more
my dice collection is also kinda spread out right now, i have my bag of miscellaneous dice and my two metal sets next to me atm, my case of all my other sets of dice at my friends place, and then i have a couple Extra Large dice that i keep in my room
dice luck doesn't exist but the dice do have a story they wanna tell and you just gotta accept that
Secret: Is there anything that you know about your character but your character doesn’t know? What is it? How did you come up with this secret?
i don't tend to make things that i know that my character doesn't? if my character doesn't know it, i don't either and i leave it up to the DM unless they ask me to do it specifically
Flint: the campaign for her kinda fell apart which is very sad BUT it does mean that i know everything the DM had planned for it and i have absolutely no reason not to share! so you get all the wild juice details and i would say the biggest thing i know that she doesn't (even tho i didn't come up with it) is that she has a sister out there in the world somewhere who came about as a result of cloning experiments that used her mothers' DNA
Wyn: this is a little bit more of a 'she is in full on denial', but a little while ago a false hydra ate one of the party members and erased her from everyone's memories. we got the party member back, but not the memories, and now Wyn is hellbent on getting those memories back at all costs. and the thing is, it's most likely impossible. i know that this quest is almost definitely futile but Wyn doesn't and will not believe it unless literally her deity descends from the heavens to tell her so himself
Heart: What drives your character? Do they have a theme, question, mission, etc. that they’re holding onto? How did you pick it for them?
Flint: the number one thing that drove them was the desire to keep on surviving. Flint's extended family was the ruling nobility of a country, and also the only aasimar in this world, so when most of them were wiped out (by the emperor, a distant cousin of hers and the only other survivor as far as she knows), it left her not only as the sole carrier of her direct family's memory, but also one of the only aasimar left in the world, and that is a responsibility and a burden. they only survived because they had kind of betrayed their family and so they lie and hide their identity and do whatever it takes to survive as kind of an extended apology, hoping for absolution in the act of keeping the remains of their family alive in them.
i picked that mainly because i had already decided on Flint being an aasimar and part of this noble family, and then when i learned about the family deaths i just kind of followed the logic; how do you survive that? and what kind of person do you become afterward?
Wyn: my darling girl is a paladin, of course she has a mission! and it is to protect the world from an interplanar war, and the careless and cruel actions of extraplanar creatures that could wreak havoc without even realizing it. she wants to protect people, and she wants to protect this plane, and she wants to make up for her mistakes (it was partially her actions that led to this war getting started and by golly does she know how to bear a cross about it)
and actually i didn't so much choose this as it happened naturally. first level first session Wyn didn't want to be a paladin. she didn't want to be out in the world doing anything, much less helping people, and her intense desire to escape the fate set out for her by her god led directly to her signing a contract and getting mixed up with things far greater than herself. experiencing the world also made her care about it more, and seeing the consequences of her actions (and the other ways things could have gone), turned all that on its head, and now she is determined to make up for doubting her god and trying to reject her calling
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conziergearch · 2 years ago
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THE LITTLE THINGS ;   muse questionnaire .   moa zhao .
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favourite tea .     ceremonial matcha,   though jasmine and a good earl grey  ( or lady grey with added lemon- and orange peel )  is a close second. favourite coffee .     frequently drinks her coffee black,   but then it’s mostly part of her routine.   if it’s consumed for taste and the experience,   she enjoys a nice latte with soy milk.   she does pay attention to where she sources her coffee beans from,  too,   and because she’s usually the one taking responsibility to keeping the coffee stocks filled at work,   everyone kind of has to deal with her being picky about it. favourite sweet snack .     around this time of the year,   probably candied almonds,   and obviously best eaten when still warm.   that or croissants. favourite savory snack .     fresh summer rolls.   if you bring them,   she’s gonna love on you for the rest of the day probably. favourite flowers .     all...  of them?   nemophila menziesii makes entire fields look like oceans,   so it’s pretty high on the list  ( together with poppies, sunflowers, lavender, etc. )   but if you plan to get her flowers,   the safest bet is always just picking flowers you see on your way or getting her potted plants. favourite colors .     ocean blue,  forest green.   and it’s got less to do with the colours themselves and more with the fact that she’s usually outside when she’s surrounded by them,   in the forest,  among trees,  by a river...   anywhere where she feels grounded.   she does not like red and black together  ( sry @taiinted​, they’re sexi on morgan tho )   because of the associations with night, blood, fire, and death.   despite her wardrobe consisting of a lot of black next to neutral colours like beige,   her apartment is pretty much void of black and red.   except that one vase morgan once got her and that sits in the kitchen,   as a small home for parsley. favourite fruit .     all fruit is good fruit.   but it’s currently time to harvest her persimmons so everyone’s welcome to raid her little garden in the middle of boston! favourite vegetable .     pak choi and kale.   i know. favourite season .     the crisp days between winter and spring,   when everything’s slowly coming back to life but the days are still slow and centered around being home with the family and kids. favourite time of the day .     dawn.   has always been,   will always be.   nothing quite makes her forgive the struggle of a night like racing the sun at the start of the day. favourite kind of weather .     the couple of hours before a storm,   when the air is sizzling and mist obscures the vision.   it makes her feel closest to her gods. love language to give .     physical touch and quality time. love languages to receive .     physical touch and acts of service. specific niche love languages .     she centers most of her love around food,   both preparing and consuming it,   because she went such a long time  ( and practically all her childhood )   barely even getting any scraps.   food is associated with being nurtured for and nurturing,   and it’s a less terrifying way of showing vulnerability  ( as in, affection )   than admitting someone’s value to her life verbally.  so it’s pretty frequent that she gets people coffee or something for lunch,   including coworkers that she’s genuinely grateful to have on her team even if her words and facial expressions don’t really show it. favourite hobbies .     she’s an avid cooker and gardener and makes  ( grows )   most of her food from scratch.   she likes running and working out in general.   she climbs!   and every once in a while when she stumbles across another biker,   she enjoys causing havoc on the streets together.   she’s also got her pilot license.   and if that’s not enough,   she plays the lute and viola.   in summary,   she’s basically a never dying battery that’s constantly buzzing around,   and if you ever wonder if she’d like to try out x with your muse,  yes. favourite books .     she pretty much only reads scientific books or biographies and isn’t that much of a recreational reader.   she does enjoy oscar wilde, victor hugo, jules verne, anne rice...   but wouldn’t be able to name a favourite book. favourite movies .     she doesn’t watch movies or shows.   i know,  i know.   her recreational time indeed is spent mostly outside.   she could probably tell you where exactly to find x plant in the neighbourhood but hasn’t been to any movie theatre in boston.   stage one of any friendship with her is usually making her watch your favourite movie. favourite songs .     shostakovich’s waltz no 2,   but i probably have a whole playlist of songs that i believe she listens to on the regular somewhere. favourite musician .     ... she doesn’t really listen to that many musicians and i know too little about orchestra performers to name any.   she probably listens to misha maisky often? favourite animals .     wolves,  whales. favourite insects .     bees. favourite terrain .     forests and moutains are probably the most obvious answers,   together with rivers and oceans,   considering her background and usual outdoor activities.   but she’s fascinated with the tundra and marshes so much that she has books on them in her apartment.
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tagged by .    @taiinted, thank u ily!!     tagging .     @proifiler​, @kheen, @eydetik, @spxnglr, @cptnpike, @doctordonovan, @balldwin, @cl2ire, @paramounticebound​, @theresastargirl​, @trustschaos​, @saycred​ (martha), @rizico​, @strnza​, @khrused​,  and whomever else is on the dashboard rn and wants to answer these!
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notasiren21 · 3 years ago
Your reasons on why lukanette should be endgame were pure comedy, thanks for making me laugh!
Tbh I can’t tell if this is a compliment and warm hearted or if this is a roast and a bullying remark ?
If it is a kind comment (which I’m doubting) thanks!
Rude comment?⬇️
Judging by the tone tho, if this is a negative comment then please acknowledge that the beginning of that post -that I made over a year ago or so- literally stated I wasn’t looking for a “tussle” aka a way to start beef with those who ship the lovesquare 
We all have our opinions but it is rude and unnecessary to bash other people’s preferences and likes, and noting the way you went under anonymous for an ask, you did this intentionally to make an uncalled for comment.
I’m someone who has dissected the characters over time and time again (ask @emikogale or @lenoraishere or @ashdoesfandom ) and have given far better and more elaborated reasons on why I think they would be a far suited couple but this post was prior to me delving in deep and getting to know Luka more than they had already offered before that point.
I don’t believe in bullying or belittling those online just because we have a different ship we prefer, or for reasons to like/hate some things. We’re all perfectly justified and valid in things we take interest in and deserve no shame (unless it’s like really concerning stuff then … maybe see someone).
I don’t know how old you are but please reconsider the next time you decide to leave a condescending comment to someone. It does qualify as bullying and despite how it can be interpreted as something else as well as have very few words, it is a bullying statement that is intended to rip the rights away from a person stating their views and opinions.
This is a kid’s show that I’ve come to grow to not care for now but Lukanette serves as a drive to my writing and have carved a soft spot in my heart. I’m sorry you don’t ship them, and that’s you’re own right, but tell me - did you really need to leave an ask to insult me about a quick post I made one night per my own amusement ?
Did it give you a sense of gratification that you roasted someone who liked one ship you didn’t care for? Did you feel happy after submitting the ask because you intentionally tried to hurt someone?
Lmao, I started this show in high school for extra credit in French class and was interested for the concept (until I found out Astruc stole so many elements and concepts -I.e. Sailor Moon) but I only kept watching because I started to watch it become a train wreck and go against everything I believe in creating not only a story, but a television show aimed at young audience. Not to mention the psychological errors in characters too and how detrimental some actions would be that he neglects.
Literally speaking, as someone who has obtained her degree in media production and is learning from Astruc’s mistakes too as well as furthering her degree -
I could dissect and tear apart the love square if I wanted and show how much of a clusterfuck Astruc has made it and how the fans are trying to ignore his mistakes.
But, those are my own opinions and observations that I keep to myself and my Lukanette mutuals. Those are the things I just acknowledge with annoyance because kids are learning poor relationship tendencies and obsessions.
But yikes- ya think you insulted me for a post I made so long ago that I didn’t spend a lot of time on compared to an analysis and dissection I could do. You think I haven’t encountered a wild LS fan that has no real reason to argue Lukanette existing or being a better suited ship for the show.
I can be mean if I really wanted, but I’m not looking for revenge or to insult you back. I’m hoping you wake up and realize it’s not cool to do shit like this for no good reason and the toxicity of the show is why I don’t really engage with others outside the Lukanette part of the fandom.
Honestly though, think how you would feel if someone just continuously bashed something you liked as well as made fun of you in the process. If they took what you liked and just kept laughing. I’m not talking about you coming across posts that are rival to LS ones. I mean someone personally coming at you for something you like.
If you’re that affected by it and angered or forcing ignorance upon yourself for a ship -of a children’s show, mind you- then consider pulling yourself back and away from the show since you’re letting the toxicity of it consume you to the point where you feel this need to indulge yourself and exert it onto others.
That’s not heathy and it’ll start to impact your views on other things as well.
Also, just don’t leave hate asks? You don’t know what could be going on in someone’s life and sometimes, something as simple as that could be a push for them to do something drastic. It’s uncalled for and invalid. Go ahead and start a friendly debate or ask for a more clear view on something to learn, but if you can’t do that then I suggest you grow up and learn because if you let your comments such as these worsen, then you need help to fix your impulse control and insatiable need to come at others.
For the 12% chance this was a compliment, which I know it’s not lmao, I’m smarter than I appear to be, then thanks but work on your phrasing.
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shtern-and-art · 4 years ago
"Skeppy will probably cry" "Bad will probably cry". Bish, screw, that I am crying!!!
This whole thing was bloody gorgeous and I wasn't expecting that ending. I had no clue what ending to expect but that was definitely better than any I could have hoped for. Forest spirit to soulmate your honour!
I was terrified that you were gonna leave it at the point where he loses the spirit and becomes mortal again. If you had I would be actively sobbing!!!! And oh my god, the art!!! I still can't get over how wonderful your style is.
Imma ask fun things because if I don't I'll sit in a puddle of emotion all night:
What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it? Poor Skeppy trying to answer 101 questions about something he doesn't really use XD.
Is no one concerned that the odd couple from a town they never name has a pet wolf??
Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while. Find hidden creeks and befriend bears?
Does Bad still have a connection to nature and animals, like are creatures naturally more trusting of him?
Do they ever visit the og town again?
Does Skeppy still cause absolute chaos in other towns or has he learnt his lesson and only causes minor trouble now?
Does Bad ever try and study again? If he did what would he study and would Skeppy try to study as well?
Does Skeppy steal? I dunno, he just give off the vibe of a naughty lil trickster who'll pocket something if the owner refuses to sell it him.
Immediately after leaving the forest what the first 'argument' they have (not including the car one)?
Would they ever ride horse? If yes, how terrified would Skeppy be?
Skeppy falls outta tree. I don't know why but my mind keeps telling me that this man has great balance until he climbs trees. They are his mortal enemy and Bad finds this both hilarious and terrifying because he is going to hurt himself.
I had waaaaay more questions than I intended to have. My bad '^_^ but this story was way too much fun to read and you are entirely to blame for making it so engaging!
Make sure to take care of yourself and do stretches after and during drawing. You don't wanna hurt yourself <3
AaaaI’m so glad you liked it! :D And, dang, man, I cried while writing that part too :D
And I promised a nice ending for the main story, I did, and this one also makes the most sense narratively! For the story I wanted to tell, at least. Bad can’t really become human again, he’s changed to much. He can only move on, and do something with what he is, and has. And he did! :D That’s really nice and inspiring, this story will always have a place in my heart, heheh <3
Being a guardian spirit connected to a person and all, Bad may be not as strong as before, but he can’t die unless Skeppy dies first. And Skeppy can do that, but he’s pretty sturdy, and his lifespan operates on a whole other scale than human ones. And Bad knowing Skeppy’s real name balances it all out, makes them equal in the power and influence they have over each other.
So hellyeah, soulmates for the win :DDD
I’ll answer all questions under the cut, and this close up from one of the pages!
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1) What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it?
Probably a pager! Because it’s a more feasible thing to get than a wholeass computer Bad actually wanted :D An it means Skeppy will have to get one too, and that Bad will be having the time of his life texting him and everyone he can get a number from, even if they’re still in the room with him.
Poor Skeppy indeed, he can learn to appreciate the pagers, and later phones, too, and computers, but he really has 0 idea on how it all works and why Bad is so fascinated by it all.
2) Rat and regular people
Oh, she can shapeshift, just like Bad! If they’re out with people around, she takes form of a puppy, and Bad can pass her off as a weird mix breed rescue doggo.
3) Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while?
Oh, since they have no end destination in mind, they can ride around for a bit, go visit some cool places and roadside attractions. Sadly, Skeppy is probably not spiritually or morally ready to full on befriend wild bears yet, and they do need money for gas and snacks. So, at some point they will have to stop somewhere and find work – at least for a bit, to save up. Life’s gonna be a bit complicated with all that, until Skeppy figures out his treasure-finding abilities :DD
4) Bad and nature and animals
He is definitely still in tune with all wildlife! Even more – Bad could become a proper guardian spirit for Skeppy in part because, in a way, Skeppy himself is part of the nature.
So yeah, Bad can understand animals (and plants) and communicate with them; they’re just more free to not take his shit, and Bad’s emotions do not “possess” them unless he makes an effort to do so.
He doesn’t like doing it, tho.
5) Do they ever visit the og town again?
Hm, I think they will completely forget about it for a while, until, like, 30+ years later they will be going somewhere, and find themselves around those parts. And they try to not appear too often in the areas they’ve spent a lot of time in already (they can be pretty recognizable, and also barely show signs of aging). But it’s been a long time, and the town’s really different now… So they make a stop, and spend a day there. They walk the unfamiliar streets between the new buildings, check out the popular hiking trail, the advertisements for hot springs and winter activities. The old cinema is still there, and is hosting an all-night marathon of classic horror movies of the last century.
Bad and Skeppy leave the town after sunset – the day was nice, but they have nothing more to do there. They ride through the forest on a well paved road, with radio playing something barely above the whisper. And in the dark of hot summer night, Bad can see the white stag running between the trees alongside their car. Shadows dance over the shimmering light of it’s fur.
Somewhere after the towns border, the stag disappears back in the forest. But the air in the car stays light and fresh, saving the smell of old pines and dry leaves all though the night.
6) Skeppy and chaos
Well, after the whole mess in the main story, Skeppy definitely learned some lessons, especially about not being a dick :D
But the thing is – he can’t really help the fact that things tend to stir up around him a lot. He naturally brings in chaos into everything, because he is, in part, a personification, or an outlet for it in the world. And so, to feel, well and good, and himself Skeppy gotta do stuff that disrupts balance, and creates some mayhem. And in gave him a lot of trouble in early life, but in the course of the main story he learned that he can chose were he lets that chaos to take hold, learned what can come of that chaos, apart from utter misery.
Like, where it can help dismantle something destructive, and where – bring in the more positive change, that was already brewing, possible, but is stagnant for some reason.
Soooo, I can’t say Skeppy causes only minor chaos in his life, but he sure learns even more about not being a dick :DDDD
7) The studying
I think Bad will want to get a higher education at some point, because he wanted to, and because it’s already new millennia and all that. Bet he’ll go for something very technical and/or literature. Maybe he’ll start by piking up some classes in small time colleges, when they stop in one place for a while, and later get into an online program, because why not.
Skeppy is not a college guy at all. He’ll listen to Bad talk about it, read textbooks if he wants to, can research stuff, buuut going to classes and doing homework is definitely not his thing.
8) Stealing
Well, you’re right, Skeppy can and will steal stuff out of spite! And will be scolded by Bad for it, and will not feel (that) sorry about it. But real stealer between them will be Bad himself :D
It’s just… he has the corvid tendencies, and a hoard (a box) of sentimental mementos from different people and events, and the thrill of stealing something small and harmless is very exciting. Bad is very proud of his little collection. Skeppy finds it very adorable, a bit hypocritical, and kinda creepy. Like, that pretty box he gifted Bad at some point is now full of stuff like:
- pressed flower from the clearing they had a picnic at on their anniversary
- the button the waitress lost that one day the storm caused a black out in the whole town
- some small animal bones
- couple pretty rocks Bad stole from Skeppy’s pockets
- penny that was once glued to the ground
- a handful of teeth people (and not people) lost in fights with Bad
- pen from some fancy hotel
- rainbow dash keychain that belonged to a child
- the list goes on
9) Argument
Oh, that same day they’ll fight over whether they should stay at the really crappy and suspicious looking motel, or go sleep in a perfectly fine forest near the road. Ironically, Bad wanted to try out the motel (because, yay, first time spending the night back in civilization), and Skeppy was the one insisting on sleeping in nature (because the motel looks like it could give you 10 diseases if you even stand near it, and sleeping in the forest is kind of nice, and means they can cuddle).
10) Horses
The guys will probably ride them at some point. Well, Bad will ride, and Skeppy will sit on his horse and hope it knows what to do and where to go, because trying to make this giant thing do something seems dangerous. If they’ll have to actually go somewhere fast, Skeppy will not survive that day, his butt (and legs) will be dead for days to come.
And riding with Bad on one horse may sound romantic and nice, but all romance dies when the gallop starts.
11) Skeppy and climbing
Skeppy is more down to earth kind of guy, more of a “rocks and caves” kind of creature, real-life lizard person or something. Up on the trees and in the air – not really his element, yeah. But it doesn’t mean that Skeppy will accept this fact easy. The embarrassment of never managing to safely make it down a tree is too strong, he just has to do it all over again, and again. And again. Because, clearly, he was distracted this time. And the time before that Bad was teasing him, and it “disrupted his flow”. And, really, maybe these trees here just do not like Skeppy much, and make him slip a lot. Yeah.
So, more often than not, if Skeppy climbs a tree, he will not stop climbing it until he falls, or the tree ends. Bad had to take him off high branches couple times, forcefully, because, of course, Skeppy was sitting there for 2 hours just to properly enjoy the sunset. He can climb down at any point, he just Choses not to. The view is amazing. The bark is literally part of his skin now, not because he holds on tight, no, he’s just Than Much one with the nature )<
Don’t apologize for the questions! It’s always so fun to answer them, and it makes me think more about stuff I may have skipped, or didn’t think about before. It’s really nice :3c
Again, thank you for the ask, and for being here for this story! <3
(And I’ll try setting timers for rest breaks while I draw, mb that will help)
In The Dark - masterpost
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shadow--writer · 4 years ago
Hi!! I LOVE your writing!! may I request something for modern! Muriel where he goes to a school, never talks to anyone and maybe still lives in a hut, so he doesn’t really know all the modern stuff. He sees the MC (fem would be nice) and develops a crush on her. One day he sits in like a library and he’s on his laptop and the poor guy just doesn’t know what to do with it, so the MC offers him help and he’s a big blushing mess. She invites him to come to her house to study and she has this small apartment with like lots of flowers and animals so he feels right at home and they talk about plants,animals and stuff? it’s so much I’m sorry, I thought it’s cute 🥺
awwwww omg thank you so so much! I’m still super surprised people like my writing and like me enough to follow just I love y’all. 
So these are in headcanon form and I went a little wild. Also this counts as a little birthday present for @tabbybells​ since I thought of Bink and Muriel the whole time I was writing~ Lov u and your amazing artwork. You’re super fun and very sweet, if y’all have the time go check them out! Wonderful art of Muriel and a super adorable MC cat bastard named Bink. (there is a bonus with Bink and Muriel too after the other headcanons just for fun! Lmfao hope I got Bink right XD)
Muriel x MC modern au. Made it college, he’s a Veterinary Science Major MC is not specified with gender and major (you two have science classes together tho ;3)!
Muriel is the more reserved student, SUPER DUPER smart and really good at what he does but more reserved 
Hear me out here but: he has glasses. Thick black frames, he pushes them up his nose with his shoulder a lot when he gets distracted 
He does struggle to use his new laptop because he was just fine with his old one until it broke on him. 
You found this kinda funny. You’re studying in the library for a science test and this really big dude is just pouting at his laptop with the blue error screen
Of course this gets you out of studying so you go over to help him. At first he waves off your help, until you show him you have the same laptop and know what you’re doing
Then he gives in
“Good luck trying to fix this mess. Ugh my old laptop was better than this junk.”
...he had a 10 year old laptop that was the size of a brick and ran like a 94 year old woman with arthritis it was not better
He’s smart just not super tech savvy. Think ye old dad’s asking their kids for help with tech kinda not tech savvy. 
It’s okay because he’s freaking adorable when he pouts over his laptop not working for the eight billionth time
You two start to chat a little bit after helping him boot up his laptop, and it’s goodbyes from there when you’re done
But he started going to the library pretty often after that in hopes of seeing you again
You come in every day to study and check out something new (or pester the librarians.)
So the two of you run into one another a bunch. Each time he has a new problem with his laptop (sometimes they’re real other times it’s an excuse to talk to you. O-Only to get help of course!)
Depending on you it might take a few days or a few months to catch on to his plan
And once you do, it makes you smile and laugh a little because gosh he is quite the dork
Of course you developed a little crush on him too during this time, but one day he comes in to actually study 
You two have a science exam together to you invite him to come study over at your house
He tries to hide it but he lights up at the idea of spending more time with you, so of course he accepts (after...a moment of pretending to think about it. He didn’t want to seem too eager and scare you off)
When he first sees your apartment he’s....in shock to put it lightly 
So. Many. Things.
He likes it a lot. The amount of animal stuff you have on your walls, plants hanging from the ceiling and a bunch on every window sill. Birds/cats/dogs/hamsters etc chattering around 
It’s very bright and warm he feels at home immediately
You make warm drinks while he sets up in your living room, looking super large in this almost dollhouse couch and coffee table
It’s quite a sight, but he accepts the drink eagerly. You two study for a bit before the books get forgotten and you just...talk
About anything. Everything. The weather. Your classes. And it moves to animals. 
He gets all excited and lights up when he starts talking about Inanna (met her injured in the woods outside of town when she was a pup. He nursed her back to health and she’s never left his side since)
When he talks about her he gets all animated and opens up a lot more. Still soft spoken and shy
If he notices you staring he’ll blush red and go quiet
But when you ask questions and ask for more stories he’ll slowly warm up to being animated again
You’re...really easy to talk to like this
When it gets late and he has to go home you kiss his cheek and send him off
Bright red he is.
But he can’t wait to see you tomorrow. 
MODERN BINK AND MURIEL HEADCANONS UNDER THE CUT. This is what im good at so Happy Birthday Tabby! 😎👉👉
Modern au Bink feels like a cat person to me. All the cats. Any cat he runs into he gets. House is filled with cats. It’s hilarious 
Muriel calls him Grandma because of this. Bink in turn calls Muriel Grandpa due to his troubles with tech
Asra knits them both matching ugly sweaters
They wear them every time they see Asra
Bink and Faust have gotten into staring contests when they go over. Muriel finds them amusing and they can go on forever 
Bink loses every time but he will not give up
“...you do know she doesn’t have eyelids right?” “I DON’T CARE I’LL BEAT HER”
Bink (to me) seems like a reigning champ of roller skating. Super graceful and finds it fun (gonna add Maeve in here real quick because this hit me: Bink and Maeve are the power couple of roller-skating.)
Muriel is uhh...not that. Clumsy, and VERY out of his element. Bink takes it upon himself to hold Muriel’s hand and guide him around
To outsiders it’s hilarious as Bink is 5′5 and Muriel is 6′10 and looks like he can bench press a truck 
Muriel whittles Bink little presents and cat toys
He keeps the wooden animals on a shelf dedicated to them. You could map out their relationship through the wooden carvings.
Muriel lives on coffee. Bink is banned from drinking coffee
Asra has a polaroid camera and a cork board of pictures of Bink and Muriel 
Faust and Inanna are good friends
Inanna and some of Bink’s cats are not friends 
Inanna is banned from Bink’s apartment due to this fact 
Bink and Muriel go on a lot of late night dates. They both like to nap with one another in a sunbeam on a couch 
Muriel is the dad that passes out when he sits in a comfy chair. Bink is the cat that curls up on Muriel’s chest to soak in the warmth 
Said cats will gather around them as well if they can
Asra has taken to calling them the oldest married couple
They are an old married couple, sinking into home like routine 
Muriel carries Bink on his back when they go out into town because Bink does not want to walk
Bink and studying don’t go together well due to poor attention span (FAIR) Muriel has created a reward system for him (yes Muriel still has his glasses, and yes Bink steals them and wears them himself. yes he has gone blind in them. Yes Muriel has lecture him. yes Asra has a picture of this)
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cryptid-called-ash · 3 years ago
stupid incoherent Arthuriana based story ramblings i had to shove somewhere. tbh it’s insane, but funny enough that i thought i’d at least share the ideas.  (brandy bottle knighthood and other classic hijinks, 1/?)
please note this is in no way, shape, or form even trying to pretend to by accurate to the text. this is a crack fic for the sole purpose of good ol’ fashion feel something again entertainment. 
debating on posting/continuing to write this thing based off Arthurian legend. will absolutely be buck wild and only use the most bizarre lore/barest minimum recognisable stuff (half of which is stuff pulled from the Disney vers plot/the one movie i think is just called ‘Arthur’?). like dead-ass pretty much only names and obscure powers. and it is really queer, i mean like pretty much every character is some flavour of LGBTQ+. 
for a general idea of the tone, there are 4 working titles; brandy bottle knighthood and other classic hijinks, the queer antics of the round table rebels, the many tales of the rebel king and his beloved knights, (and finally) a series of increasingly ridiculous happenings centred around the Pen Draig twins roughly coalesced into a maddening but mostly tangible plot. (the last one’s my favourite)
one last point i need to mention, ya’ll cool is we briefly let Kay and Arthur think Ector set them to get fucked (read executed for treason, it’ll make sense later i swear)? absolutely not permanent, i’m a slut redemption arcs, but just for the narrative knife twisting, you know? 76% of this is found family fluff, the angst has to go somewhere. (hurt/comfort drawn out for two chapters. don’t worry, they work it out; ‘Of family and rainstorms’ and ‘The storm breaks, we are safe and warm’. sappy titles, eh? they get worse trust me) stans please don’t hurt me, i’m only doing this bc i love you
(alrighty, with all the crack fic warnings out of the way, last chance to back out, i am just gonna info dump all the insane jot-notes directly from my notebook, of which half i don’t remember writing down.)
all set? good, let’s get this show on the road i guess.
weird random shit it would have include(but is in no way limited too):
[background info/prologue?]
-Uther had wed a woman named Westenra(sounds pretty and i could not be bothered to look up his wife’s actual name. we’ll just say her real name is the one she used in a public setting). 
-first huge change, Wes is fae. (why? bc i said so.) Uther is fully aware of this and is loving it. “pretty lady and she could rip me apart without even lifting a finger?” 0////0 
(don’t get attached to this tho, they both die like 14 years before the story even starts.)
-unimportant fact #1: wes is like a foot and a half taller than Uther. none of this matters but it’s important to me you know this. okay back the mess of bullet point i called ‘plot relevant’
- royal couple with baby! two actually. yes big change two is Arthur and Morgan are twins and no other siblings. i like them the best, the others can be fae encountered later. maybe.  
-oh, and are like half fae too, i guess. (yay for drawing purposes bc pointy ears and tails! no i didn’t think through how Arthur’s gonna hide these traits for like 14 years, i’ll figure it out later)
-babies arrive, but oh no treason! 
-so the king’s dead now, that’s fun. kingdom get uspered (idk, pick a villain or make one up, all the same. will be referred to as King Man Person or KMP until further notice) 
-newborns get shunted off onto the closest loyal attendants for safe keeping, Wes promptly goes wrathful fae queen, wrecks shit, but gets mortally wounded. 
-she jams Uther’s sword (fancy wedding gift from the lady of the lake) in that churchyard rock, binding it to her bloodline so only the twins can wield it, takes husband’s body into a forest, whereupon she dies and the bodies turn into an oak tree bc magic i guess. 
-kids get pawned off to separate them (think the luke & leia, for their protection kinda thing) . the usual Ector adopts Arthur stuff. Morgan gets raised by the witches of Avalon. 
- time skip and we’re ready to actually start taking plot...
...in the next post. this one’s already really long.
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