#widget the world watcher
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arconinternet · 10 months ago
Twinkle the Dream Being (Video, 1992-1993)
Ant obscure American-South Korean cartoon, co-created by the company behind Denver the Last Dinosaur and Widget the World Watcher, was mostly lost media until two months before I first discovered it. You can watch a clip of it here, or watch the entire series on YouTube here.
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scruffyplayssonic · 1 year ago
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 58: We have to save the environment, and so do you!
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon! Hey kids, did you know that saving the environment is a totally radical thing to do?
Episode 58: We have to save the environment, and so do you! 
Environmentalism was a big part of cartoons in the 80’s and 90’s, which often would have episodes dedicated to telling kids about the dangers of pollution or the importance of recycling. There were some cartoons whose entire premise even revolved around this, such as Captain Planet and the Planeteers, and Widget the World Watcher. 
Many ArchieSonic stories used environmentalism as a plot device, especially in the early issues. But that’s to be expected when the main villain of the series likes polluting just for the sake of polluting. Honestly, Dr. Robotnik would have fit in quite well with the Captain Planet villains. 
Let’s start by looking at issue #3’s story, “The Bomb Bugs Me!” where Sonic overheard Robotnik planning to wipe out his enemies with a bomb. The Freedom Fighters decided to set up a fake protest to keep Robotnik and his forces occupied while they stole the bomb. 
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This led to a pretty funny sequence where Rotor attempted to sneak into Robotnik’s office in disguise. 
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But when they got the bomb back to Knothole and attempted to disarm it, it turned out to be not what they were expecting:
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Whoopsie doopsie.
Then there was issue #7’s story, “Uncle Chuck’s Treasure.” After coming across a treasure map belonging to Sonic’s Uncle Chuck, the Freedom Fighters headed out to the Natural Park to track the treasure down. Things didn’t exactly go to plan though.
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To make matters worse, a pair of patrolling Swatbots overheard the Freedom Fighters were on a treasure hunt and informed Dr Robotnik, who came roaring in with a bunch of badniks to ruin the day. 
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Sonic cleverly turned the toxic environment against the robots, but Robotnik managed to get away with the treasure. 
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For all the good it did him. 😛
Issue #11’s story, “The Good, the Bad and the Hedgehog,” started out with Robotnik trashing the environment again, but took an unexpected turn when Sonic tried to take a shortcut to get there quicker and accidentally wound up on Anti-Mobius, encountering his evil twin for the first time. 
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But of course Sonic managed to defeat him and get home in time to save the day.
Issue #12’s story switched gears a little bit with Robotnik being savvy enough to use his anti-environmentalism to lure Sonic into a trap. When Robotnik started cutting down the Great Forest with his new mobile monster chainsaw, Sonic of course raced to stop him. 
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But the chainsaw secretly housed a time teleporter that was able to zap Sonic when he got close enough and send him back to dinosaur times. …and then this happened.
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There are probably other issues from those early days that I could cite, but you get the idea. After the comics had been around a couple of years there was less focus on stories about pollution, but they still popped up every now and then. One of the most significant stories to focus on saving the environment was in issue #110. In a prior issue, Princess Sally had turned over all intelligence they had on Dr. Eggman to their allies in Station Square. Unfortunately Station Square’s defense systems were run by an AI, and after that AI had analysed all the data it had decided that Dr. Eggman was a threat that had to be taken care of immediately. Thus it decided to go full Skynet and launch nuclear missiles at Robotropolis. That was great news in that Eggman would be wiped out, but not so great news for the residents of Knothole, who would get poisoned by the nuclear radiation.
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Sonic and Tails raced to Robotropolis to warn Eggman of the incoming peril so that he would shoot down the missiles before they got too close, but Eggman smugly reminded them that he didn’t need to do that - his impenetrable forcefield would keep his city safe while the surrounding environment got wasted. Luckily Sonic and Tails were able to interfere and made sure that Eggman only activated the forcefield after the missiles were already within its radius. 
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Eggman and Snively were robots and so they were eventually able to download themselves into new bodies, but they had to set up a new base of operations because from this moment onwards Robotropolis was a nuclear wasteland contained within a radiation-proof bubble. 
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You would think that after getting nuked that that would be the last we’d hear of Robotropolis, right? Well actually no - that radioactive wasteland actually came back as an ongoing plot point. When Sonic returned home from space in issue #130, Eggman decided to give him a homecoming present. And what does one get the hedgehog who has everything? 
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Why, more nuclear missiles of course! One was aimed at Knothole, and the other at Station Square. And deciding that overkill was just enough kill, Eggman decided to throw in a bonus gift by sending his robotic armies to destroy the forcefield keeping Robotropolis’ nuclear radiation safely contained. While Sonic and Tails led a team to Old Megapolis Harbour to stop the missile launch, King Acorn’s forces, led by Antoine’s father General D’Coolette, defended Robotropolis from the incoming horde of Swatbots. 
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Knuckles, Julie-Su and Mighty came to lend a hand too, and they were also joined by Rouge and the forces of GUN. But play of the day goes to Vector and Amy Rose, who single-handedly took down the first waves of invaders.
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The ruins of Robotropolis wouldn’t come up again for awhile, until after the AI ADAM attempted to take over the planet with self-replicating nanites. After that plot was thwarted Nicole took control of the nanites and used them to create the city of New Mobotropolis, which was incredibly convenient when Eggman bombed Knothole and everyone needed a new place to live. 
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New Mobotropolis got its energy from a power plant that siphoned radiation from the ruins of Robotropolis and converted it into safe, clean energy. So in issue #207 the Iron King attacked Robotropolis with the intention of taking away the Freedom Fighters’ power source. 
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King Acorn’s armies tried to fight him off unsuccessfully, and Sonic and Monkey Khan also struggled to slow him down when they showed up to join the fight. Sonic managed to outsmart the Iron King though, talking him into sparing the shield protecting the environment if Sonic and Monkey Khan allowed him to smash the power siphon that powered New Mobotropolis. 
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The forces of evil were not happy when they later found out they’d been played.
After Eggman returned to power he also tried to strike at New Mobotropolis’ power source, this time by sending in an undercover agent to strike from within: Operation: Deadly Cuddles.
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I will never for the life of me be able to figure out why Evan Stanley decided to design the Tails Doll’s monster form to look like a… that, but I guess I get the genital… er, general idea of what she was going for. 😛
In the post-reboot era of the comic, one could argue that the entire series became about saving the environment. With the entire planet shattered in the Sonic Unleashed adaptation, the main goal of the heroes became to save the planet and put the pieces back together. But there are two environmentally-focused stories that immediately spring to my mind, both of them taking place from issues in issues #260 - 263: Waves of Change and Light in the Dark (and its immediate follow up, Consequences). 
Sonic, Rotor and Amy were sent on a mission to locate a possible Gaia Temple on the coast, presumably somewhere in Soumerica. What they found instead was an underwater shrine that was being used as a chao garden, under the care of the priestess Coral, along with her apprentice Pearly and friend Razor. 
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Coral’s job was to care for the chao, in particular Aquarius, who helped to maintain the shield that protected the nearby city of Meropis. Coral was still somewhat new to her position and under a lot of pressure, facing prejudice from the royal family and armies of Meropis who were blaming her for everything that was going wrong and thought that Princess Udina should have gotten the job instead. One of the problems Coral was being blamed for was pollution being washed into the city that was only being kept at bay by the shield. When Aquarius the Chao failed to be reborn from her cocoon on schedule, the King and Queen threw a temper-tantrum and stripped Coral of her title as priestess. Things got pretty bad as the devastated Coral was unable to keep the shield up, letting the dark gaia monsters into the city. 
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It took the intervention of the Freedom Fighters, Chaos, Tikal, and the newly reborn and now-immortal Aquarius to save the day.
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Thankfully with the God of Destruction Water vouching for Coral, the King and Queen saw reason and restored her title. The cause of the pollution plaguing their city was also discovered:
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While Sonic, Amy and Rotor were busy in Meropis, Sally was leading Tails, Bunnie and Antoine on a mission to recover a Chaos Emerald. Sally had managed to hack Dr. Eggman’s files, and she and Nicole discovered a mine where Eggman had his forces digging for one of the mystical gems. The plan was to disable the security sensors, get in, find the emerald, and get back out without Eggman ever knowing they were there, so that he would waste his time and resources drilling for something that wasn’t even there any more. However that plan changed when they got inside the mine and saw it for themselves. 
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Deciding to do their bit to save this environmental wonder, the heroes let the security sensors detect them and fought off badniks and an E-1000 robot to escape the mine with their prize, giving Eggman no more reasons to continue drilling there. 
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The Freedom Fighters knew that there would be consequences for letting Eggman know that they'd stolen something he'd already called dibs on, but they decided they could live with that.
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Are there any other environmentally-focused stories in ArchieSonic that I missed? Let me know in the comments! Next week I’ll be covering episode 59: “stranded in the ocean.” Sonic’s favourite episode, clearly. :P
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outtagum · 6 years ago
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90′s childhood tv shows + OPENING TITLES (part 2)
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tinyirnfistforever · 7 years ago
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Inktober Day 12: Widget the World Watcher
Widget the World Watcher was the Eco-themed series that was not Captain Planet. Widget was a purple alien who also had shapeshifting powers.
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spotter81 · 2 years ago
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Off to the zoo today, so reppin’ Widget the World Watcher *theme song is now stuck in my head!* https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNaiGkhScF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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paulagnewart · 4 years ago
Valley of the Dead!
It's World Environment Day. A time to acknowledge the fragile ecosystem we humans cohabitate with the vast, diverse variety of flora & fauna. Every triumph in finding new species, every tribulation in rehabilitating pastures broken & with them, every tragedy. And no tragedy within living memory reaches close to what has now become colloquially known as the Black Summer bushfires.
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Far better journalists & websites have dedicated extensive analysis on these fires, what caused them, plus the subsequent fallouts. They all make for depressing reading. Be it fires, the resulting smoke or both, no state was spared. Records broken, families left homeless, loss of native wildlife incalculable. And in dead centre stood the towering monstrosity that mercilessly ravaged Gospers Mountain. 
Eighteen months have passed since Australia's largest recorded forest fire. A drive through sights along Bells Line of Road, Chifley Road or the Darling Causeway today reveal how rain may have washed away the ash, but a scarred land remains. A land that will remain inhospitable to wildlife for many generations to come. 
A biting air greets any visitor daring enough to stop for more than a few moments. Low shrubs & climbing weeds have regenerated, but many if not all the trees will never bloom again. No foraging animals left, having either long perished or moved on. The only signs of life being one or two birds passing fleetingly to find any greener pastures.
If they were real, any environmentally-conscious cartoon hero of the 90's (believe me, they were plentiful; be them Captain Planet, Toxic Crusaders, G.I. Joe/Action Man, Widget the World Watcher, Phantom 2040, Ace Ventura, Swamp Thing & Sonic the Hedgehog himself) would weep. But they're not, so instead, we're left with the grim outlook on a future already shifting forward today.
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xennialrants · 7 years ago
Xennials for whom cartoons like these were mainstream viewing:
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and of course our favourite:
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looks the bad guys won 🤨
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NYT MAGAZINE | On August 1, 2018, our entire magazine will be dedicated to one single story: Humankind’s inability to address the climate change catastrophe. 
“Thirty years ago, we had a chance to save the planet”
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
Hi there! 👋 One of my F/Os is Mega-Brain (Widget The World Watcher), but I have an AU about us which is similar to irl, although he’s the advanced AI voice assistant inside my smartwatch [much in the vain of how Raj became in love with Siri in TBBT].
Hey 😃👋
Dang! That is so cool. You get actually talk to him? I have never had a watch like that so I don't know how they work but that's amazing if you can interact with him on a daily basis. Thank you for sharing ���
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twsted-princess · 5 years ago
I’m not new to the self-ship community, but my f/o is... Scatter Brain is a version of Mr. Fantastic from Earth-135263.717 (my Marvel AU). I’ve “created” him as a compromise fusion of both his original 2006 cartoon self and of Mega-Brain (Widget The World Watcher). Anyway, I’m curious if there’s other self-shippers whom have AU versions [both canon and fanon] of known characters as their f/o; I feel so alone here.
That sounds super cool!!!! I’ve never done something like that but I’m sure others have!!
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hermes-is-my-homeboy · 5 years ago
I was recently thinking about how my taste in fictional men would reflect my ideal patron deity... For some time, I am COMPLETELY obsessed over Mega-Brain (“Widget The World Watcher”) and also recently Nyorori (“Eto Ranger”) whom shares oddly similar qualities. Could they be archetypal energies of Mercury/Hermes in disguise?
I’m not familiar with that fandom but yes, you can absolutely be drawn to fictional characters that embody traits of your patron deities ♥️
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extreme-investor-network · 3 years ago
Apple’s big iPhone 14 event kicks off Wednesday. Here’s what to expect
Apple is holding a launch event at its headquarters in Cupertino, California, on Wednesday where it will unveil its latest hardware products, including the new iPhone 14. Apple has used prerecorded videos for its launch events since early 2020 thanks partly to Covid restrictions, and this will be the first iPhone launch with an in-person component since 2019. Apple is streaming the launch event online on its website and YouTube in addition to inviting some media to its campus. Apple’s hype-filled fall launches are a signature event for Apple. They typically draw millions of simultaneous viewers on YouTube. They garner attention from around the world and set the stage for a holiday marketing blitz during the last three months of the year, which is when Apple’s sales are the highest. This year’s event has the tagline “far out,” which could refer to features such as night-sky photography. Last year, Apple released new iPhones and Apple Watches at an event in September, and then followed it up with an October launch featuring iPads and Macs. Here’s what Apple is likely to launch Wednesday, based on reports. iPhone 14: Four new models Customers look at the iPhone13 smartphones at apple’s flagship store in Shanghai, China. Xing Yun | Future Publishing | Getty Images Apple is expected to release four new iPhone models. If Apple’s current naming convention holds up, they will be called the iPhone 14. This year Apple will likely discontinue the “mini” model with a 4.7-inch screen, according to reports. Instead, Apple could offer two sizes, one with a 6.1-inch screen and one with a 6.7-inch screen, each coming in a standard model and a pricier “Pro” model. The Pro models are expected to get more upgrades, according to reports from Bloomberg News, TFI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, and other analysts and Apple watchers. Since 2017, iPhones have included a space at the top of the phone’s display with space for Apple’s FaceID system, which includes several sensors and a camera. The Pro models could ditch Apple’s “notch” where it houses the FaceID camera for a slimmer, more streamlined “pill” or “cutout” approach with a smaller space that has to remain blank, leaving room for an even larger display. The Pro models are also expected to get upgraded A16 processors and cameras. The camera bump is expected to get larger. Apple could release an always-on screen display for showing notifications, like some Android phones have sported for years. Beta iPhone software released over the summer suggested that Apple may be planning a similar feature because of new widgets that show weather and battery life. One of the biggest questions is how Apple will price its iPhones in a period of inflation around the world and macroeconomic uncertainty in some regions. Other consumer electronics, such as Sony’s Playstation 5, have seen price cuts. Apple’s least-expensive iPhone 13 model is the $699 iPhone 13 Mini, which is expected to be discontinued. That would make Apple’s mainline device, which is currently the iPhone 13, the least-expensive new model at $829, if its price doesn’t change. Some analysts also expect Apple to increase the price of its Pro models. Apple usually drops the price of older models when it releases new ones, giving more price-sensitive consumers an option. Apple Watch Customers try Apple Watch devices in the Apple Marunouchi store on September 07, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan. Tomohiro Ohsumi | Getty Images Apple is likely to show the eighth major new version of its watch on Wednesday. Last year, the Apple Watch Series 7 got a slightly larger screen, but the redesign did not significantly change the look and feel of the device, which has remained mostly the same since 2014. Expect more evolution this year, too. Apple is considering a body temperature sensor in the new devices, according to the Wall Street Journal, which could help with fertility and sleep tracking. Other sleep tracking features could include the ability to detect advanced sleep patterns or apnea. But the biggest Apple Watch Series 8 announcement could be a new “Pro” model with a bigger screen and more durable finish. Apple has previously released Apple Watches with pricey case materials such as gold, ceramic and titanium, and the new “Pro” model described by Bloomberg and Kuo could be one of the first high-end Apple Watches to gain additional features over its less-expensive siblings. Also likely: A new updated version of the Apple Watch SE, its $329 entry-level Watch model. iOS 16 How to edit an iMessage in iOS 16 Todd Haselton | CNBC IPhone owners who don’t plan to buy any new gear this fall will still get an annual update to the iPhones software, iOS 16, which was announced in June and has been in testing over the summer. The software has several new features that users will immediately notice. The biggest banner feature is the ability to customize the iPhone’s lock screen with widgets that can display weather forecasts, calendar appointments and other information at a glance. Users can also change the font for the lock screen clock for the first time, as well. IOS 16 also lets you unsend or edit iMessage text messages, as long as you catch them within a few minutes of sending. IOS 16 will also introduce short-term loans from Apple called Apple Pay Later. The feature will allow users to buy stuff online with Apple Pay but pay for the item in four installments without paying interest. One cool feature in iOS 16 is if a user has both an iPhone and a Mac laptop or desktop, they can use the iPhone as a very high-definition web camera. After the event: iPads, Macs Apple’s September event invite. Apple Apple is unlikely to release new iPads on Wednesday because their software isn’t ready yet. Earlier this month, Apple told TechCrunch that iPadOS, the iPad software, will ship after iOS this fall, suggesting a staggered release. Apple’s statement was terse, and the company dislikes talking about unannounced products. But in general, it likes to release new hardware together with new software, so the statement clearly suggested that new iPads would come at a later launch date than iPhones. IPadOS and iOS are very similar, but this year iPadOS is getting a feature called Stage Manager that could allow users to multitask more efficiently — but also got panned by early testers. Improved iPads could include more powerful processors that are closers to laptop processors, smoother displays and better integration with accessories. Apple also uncharacteristically teased a new “Mac Pro” in the spring. The Mac Pro is currently a $5,000 tower of power using an Intel processor. Apple wants to transition its entire Mac lineup away from Intel to its own M-series processors, but a pricey niche product doesn’t fit as well with Apple’s mass-market iPhones and Apple Watches. Instead, new Macs could be announced at a separate event later this year, as happened last year. Original Article Here: Read the full article
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askroahmmythril · 6 years ago
Did you ever watch Captain Planet when you were younger? I admit it does get a tad preachy sometimes with its messages, but I still I like it aside from its many flaws. BTW in case anyone wants to see the ending to the episode A Perfect World glitch free I found a copy completely intact on Youtube. You still have to pay a rental fee of $2.00 though, but it's there
I don’t think I ever actually did watch Captain Planet.  The main “environmental message” cartoon I remember watching as a kid was Widget the World Watcher.
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talenlee · 4 years ago
Story Pile: Widget The World Watcher
Story Pile: Widget The World Watcher
Well, you see, danger and evil are everywhere. Nature thought that we didn’t care. Who can help the world survive? Who can keep a dream alive? Alive? Alive? (more…)
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Rick and Morty Season 5 Episode 3 Review: A Rickconvenient Mort
This RICK AND MORTY review contains spoilers.
Rick and Morty Season 5 Episode 3
It seems like Rob Schrab is nostalgic for the era of kids’ cartoons from my childhood. I say my childhood, because Schrab—longtime collaborator and friend of Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon—is over a decade older than me, but he loves to parody cartoons from when I was growing up. He had a major role doing a Cobra Commander impression in the animated episode of Harmon’s sitcom Community, “G.I. Jeff” (which he also directed) and now he’s written this episode, “A Rickconvenient Mort,” half of which is a parody of the nineties’ environmentalist cartoon, Captain Planet and the Planeteers.
I really didn’t enjoy “G.I. Jeff.” It was a bizarre, confused episode with humor that didn’t work unless you had a fondness for the eighties (and some in the early nineties)’ cartoon series, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. I was alive during the airing of this series, but I never watched it, so “G.I. Jeff” fell flat for me. I’m more familiar with Captain Planet, though I’d hardly call myself a fan. I preferred to get my superficial, ecological moralizing from Widget the World Watcher, a cartoon that nobody remembers, which happens to have an amazing theme song, but I digress!
Like “G.I. Jeff” before it, I question how well “A Rickconvenient Mort” works for those unfamiliar with Captain Planet. Granted, that series’ iconically cheesy reputation has outlasted it and you don’t need to know much except that the titular captain is an environmental superhero who materializes when four ethnically diverse kids put their elemental rings (fire, wind, water, and heart, which is not an element and never will be) together. But if you haven’t actually watched any of the series, the blatant parody character in this episode, Planetina (Alison Brie), probably won’t do a whole lot for you.
That said, as someone who has seen at least a little Captain Planet, the parody didn’t do a whole lot for me, either. The idea that the kids who summon Planetina (the Tina-Teers) are now cynical adults who use the superhero to sell merch is a clever subversion of Captain Planet’s core concept, but, besides that, there aren’t any really funny ideas or jokes that come out of this extended homage. Eventually, Planetina starts killing every person who she feels has wronged the Earth; this is another funny subversion because, you know, Captain Planet didn’t kill people. What is this shit, Robot Chicken?
Read more
Rick and Morty Once Again Reveals That Science Fiction Has Consequences
By Alec Bojalad
Has Rick and Morty Lost the Zeitgeist?
By Joe Matar
One aspect of this plotline that works well is how the Tina-Teers believe they can push Morty around, but Morty, at this point, has become a jaded killing machine like his grandpa, so he turns their ring powers against them and murders the hell out of them. However, the resolution that Morty stops dating Planetina because she murders too many innocent people feels like it’s introduced abruptly just to wrap things up. Plus, sure, Morty probably still has some kind of moral compass, but considering how much accidental murder he and Rick regularly commit, the episode fails to convince that Planetina’s killings would be a hardline reason for Morty to break up with someone he recently thought was the love of his life. Also, chances are good that the congressman Planetina killed totally had it coming.
The B-storyline is about Summer and Rick doing an apocalypse party crawl, flying to planets that are about to be annihilated to have lots of meaningless sex, and then jetting off to the next planet before they get blown up. Where Morty’s story is chock full of hyperviolence, the Rick and Summer story is basically joke after gross-out alien sex joke. If that’s your thing, cool, but it got old quickly for me. The only time I laughed was at the reveal that Summer had introduced herself as “Mrs. Obama” to some of her alien sex partners. The alien shouting “Hey! She’s the one that saved the world! Now we gotta go to work tomorrow!” was a little funny, too.
What’s best about “A Rickconvenient Mort” is it has a good character moment in Summer out-Ricking Rick by being even more cynical than he is, something he’s forced to acknowledge and appreciate. Morty sort of has an emotional arc, but the episode doesn’t seem to be too seriously interested in it, as it’s abruptly tidied away. For the most part, this is a really silly episode that relies on the old Rick and Morty standbys of ultraviolence and gross-out gags, along with some nineties’ nostalgia thrown in, to get its laughs. If that works for you, cool, but I was bored.
And Planetina did nothing wrong.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
(Just kidding, Planetina definitely did at least a couple of things that were wrong.)
The post Rick and Morty Season 5 Episode 3 Review: A Rickconvenient Mort appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3htmbfC
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concettolabs · 4 years ago
20+ Essential iOS Apps list for all iPhone User
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It’s the end of the year, and we thought to highlight a few favorite applications for the iPhone. iPhone App development company is developing the best utility apps for iPhone that used daily. Whether you’re an experienced iPhone user or someone who recently shift move from Android, then this below list is perfect for helping you get going.
Essential IOS Apps list
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Suppose you’re looking for web browsers, the same works for mobile. Safari does its job well, but it’s not the best one, neither it’s a google chrome app. Check the list to find out which is best.
Microsoft Edge It comes with more privacy and more control for the end-user. You can check out the ease of its uses and customization tools.
Brave It comes with external plugins to worry about and the settings to configure. The Brave app offers the build-in third party as-blocker that helps in online protection. It comes with the fastest surfing experience.
Banking and Finance
The investment or bank firm is no longer downtown; instead, it’s available on mobile devices. Check the list below to know better.
Credit Karma For checking the credit, it shouldn’t cost you money. But with credit karma, you can check the score within a few taps. Also, you can use TransUnion scores and Equifax to check the score. There are also saving and tax components available to help you out.
Betterment It’s one of the most popular iPhone apps. By using this service, you can save, spend, and invest your money through various programs. If you’re new in investment or a seasoned player, then consider using the Betterment application.
Robinhood To carry out new investment, you need this application. One can purchase fractional shares in the companies at a lower cost.
Personal Capital It’s one of the best iPhone app development software available free. Most investors and analyzers use it for the online personal dashboard. It also comes along with wealth management products for clients.
Entertainment is the best part that much need in 2020. During the pandemic, people sat at their home and caught up watching videos and movies. Also, few considered it positively and was worth considering it.
JustWatch Just watch is a unique iPhone application that keeps track of all excellent video entertainment across various sources. Now, no more guesswork or where your favorite shows or movies are airing.
HBO Max It’s the most popular iPhone application that comes from WarnerMedia, and it’s enormous. As the name says, HBO Max is more than HBO proper. It adds Sesame workshop, DC content, classic curated by Cartoon Network, TCM, Audit Swim collection, Looney Tunes, etc.
Disney+ In today’s time, Disney+ is the best streaming video service available. It comes from the biggest entertainment company in the world. It features all things like Disney, Star Wars, Marvel comics, national geographic, etc. It also comes with other original programs for the entire family.
YouTube We don’t need to explain why we need the top streaming app on your iPhone. The great alternative to cut the cord and ditch the cable then YouTube Tv is the best option.
Netflix It’s the best iPhone application and a granddaddy for all streaming services available online. Use it to find the original shows or any TV shows.
Film, Video and Photography
MuseCam It’s the new generation picture editor that comes with manual camera built-in along with film-inspired presets. It built for photographers and creatives.
LumaFusion It’s the latest version for video editing that offers best powerful features with an elegant UI. You can check out the tutorials that help you to get started with the application with ease.
Clips App Clips is a video editing application that creates content for social media sharing. It renounces conventions that bring fun into a fast and uncomplicated editing process. For iPhone X users, animated 3D selfie scenes are additional.
Pixaloop Using Enlight pixaloop, one can animate your photos. Accomplish by drawing path arrow and set the direction of the animation. Set anchors to anchor other areas of your image in place. Export as video from photos, add to camera shake, overlay effects and get an automated moving sky.
Vue app It’s one of the best most popular iPhone apps that work as a video editor. Vue app was built to give six second of fame and an ultra-short video with three shots. However, the application still works as a short video editor and allows for filming three minutes in length and load videos from your iPhone.
Apple spent a lot of time and resources to integrate into health and wellness tool on Apple Watch and iPhone. The health app does its job by tracking the routines. Check what the best iPhone app development software for healthcare are.
Meditation Studio If you’re facing a difficult time facing alone each day, then this app will help to sit back and relax. Get to learn better and cope up with the stress.
Cardiogram It’s an impressive heart rate monitor that ideally suits for using alongside Apple watch. Cardiogram used to learn about your habits and comes with a more informed conversation with your doctors.
Weight watchers The iOS app development company have made the weight watcher app that helps to lose weight using the popular program. It features one of the best food calorie trackers and integrates with the health.
Shortcuts It’s an app that helps to get things done using the app with just a tap or using the Siri. Shortcuts application allows creating automated personal shortcuts from scratch and the growing shortcuts gallery.
Fantastical Calendar New release features add features that are popular and the task app are better than Apple’s native solutions. It’s available for Mac and comes under most popular iPhone apps.
PCalc It’s a rich-feature calculator app that most of them needs. Suppose anyone needs to go beyond what the native calendar app provides. It’s ideally suited for scientist, students, engineers and programmers.
iA Writer Any writer can get easily distracted, so here’s the app for you. iA writer markup creates a simple, clean and distracted-free environment with helping you concentrate on the task at hand.
Slack It’s the best iPhone apps freely available for communication and collaboration. If your organization have three or thousands of employees, Slack works great for your team.
People are always looking for new ways to learn and protect their data. Let’s consider a few iPhone applications that the user can use for security purposes.
Google Authenticator The app comes with 2 step verification for your Google Account that provides an additional layer of security when signing in.
Jumbo Whenever you visit a social network, you receive an actionable recommendation to increase your online privacy and security.
Private Internet Access VPN We recommend to use VPN service as it comes with low cost and highly trusted service. PIA supports all devices and helps the user to secure data in the modern age.
1Blocker It comes with powerful content blocker. It gives excellent surfing experience with the highest security. Once installed, get widgets, comments, annoyances, online trackers etc.
Bitdefender Mobile Security This iPhone app comes free, and it keeps your sensitive data safer from prying eyes. It adds VPN, mobile security and account privacy.
Travel and Transportation
Google Maps Google Maps is the only you need. Currently, Google is serving 230+ countries and territories and maps with millions of businesses on the map. Get real-time GPS navigation with accurate traffic prediction.
Lyft Try Lyft for booking a ride. It’s a can service application where the drivers can be anyone from a lawyer to the cop who is trying to get some extra bucks.
Uber Uber works like a Lyft. So, if you don’t find any Lyft then use Uber and try out this alternate app.
Also Read: 5 Tips for iPhone/iPad App Development
Final Thoughts
From the above dozens of iPhone applications, Swift app development company are developing hundreds of apps every year. No doubt, it’s hard to stick with one application for that long. But after considering its features and usefulness, we can actively use the application for a longer time. If you’re the one who is looking for the best iPhone programmer then hire iOS developer from us. We are one of the excellent iPhone app development software company who is ready to serve you better with time.
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rdrawz · 8 years ago
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Storyboard Revisionist. Widget, The World Watcher.
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