f/o appreciation
912 posts
I like to create imagines for our fictional lovers. Welcome to my self ship blog. This is a safe haven. I don't take requests. ~ Currently Inactive ~
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self-ship-love · 4 years ago
Your f/o stocking up on face masks for you. Your health and safety is in their best interest, of course. If your country is still in a state of quarantine/lockdown, imagine your f/o being in your bubble with you so you can still see them every day. They don't mind leaving their world to spend time with you in yours.
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
Shoutout to the self shipping folks who are too burnt out to interact very much bust still need validation nonetheless. You’re all valid and you’re doing great.
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
romanticize un-illuminated brown and black eyes. romanticize the way dark eyes look without being blinded by flash. romanticize brown eyes that don’t have streaks of gold and yellow. romanticize black eyes that are so raven it’s hard to distinguish where the iris is. the depth of your dark eyes is enchanting. brown and black eyes draw you in, wrap you up, and leave you wanting more. fall in love with them.
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
little morning things about your f/o
(guy edition)
-That cute scruff when he hasn’t shaved in a few days
-His messy hair draped gently over his forehead
-The way his stomach pokes out a little when his sleep shirt rides up from his boxers
-And how his hand is resting there, tucked under his shirt
-How deep his voice gets in the morning
-The little grunts he makes as he changes sleeping positions
-Listening to his breathing and memorizing how it sounds
-How his cheeks and lips are slightly flushed with the warmth of the covers and you next to him
-How surprised he is when you wake him up with kisses, but how he instantly melts into it when he realizes it’s you
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
no you live in a society, i live in unrealistic idealised romantic daydreams about fictional characters
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
Do you think there's a point where having an f/o and being their world/fantasy becomes unhealthy?
In all honesty, I do. As with everything else. Anything can become unhealthy or an addiction. Basically if things get to the point where you can no longer live your life properly or your f/o is telling you to hurt yourself or other people.
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
Reminder that having your self insert be exactly you, your idealized version of you, what you want to be or anywhere in between are all valid!!!
This is both for how your self insert looks and their personality/behavior!!!
Having your self insert have a different name is valid too!
Wanting your self insert to be exactly you, not having a self insert and just shipping you directly with your F/O, and wanting there to be a degree of separation with your selfshipping are all valid!!!
You and how you self selfship your F/O is personal to you and is so valid!!!
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
thank you for your answer about the age gap. it made me feel A LOT better. now if i could i’d like to gush a bit about my f/o! last year i was really sick and became unconscious because i was practically dying! during this time my f/o was there for me and visited me every day in the hospital when i was diagnosed with a chronic condition. i’m fine now but sometimes the stress of my condition gets to me and he’s always there to offer me kind and words give me sweet kisses and remind me i’m loved
You're so welcome! I can understand that stress when the world is full of harsh judgement.
That would have been such a scary time for you and everyone around you. It's relieving to hear that you're doing okay now. F/O's are so wonderful with difficult situations. Hearing about your f/o's reaction has warmed me up ☺️ I hope you continue to do well too. You and your f/o deserve each other ❤️ don't let others get to you if there is ever a time where someone is trying to hurt you and your ship.
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
To all of you who have a popular F/O and your heart breaks a little bit every time you see them with someone else.
To all of you who have an unpopular F/O and struggle with finding any content of them out there.
To all of you who have an unloved F/O who’s demonized and hated by seemingly the whole fandom.
My heart goes out to you. You’re so valid. 
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
— suggestive content ahead.
For dominant vampire f/o's:
Imagine your vampire f/o staring deep into your eyes — into your soul, and telling you exactly how they're going to bite and perhaps drain you. Of course never doing it, but talking it over as more of a role-play or a teasing threat when you're deserving of it.
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
hello! i wanted to ask your opinion on something that i feel insecure about. i have an f/o that is 18 in cannon and i’m 25. when i imagine being with them though they’re the same age as me. is that wrong? that’s what stops me from talking about them because i see a lot of people saying that’s too big of an age difference yet if a teen likes an older character it’s ok. my f/o is the light of my life and makes me so happy but i feel down because i wish he was older.
Hey there ☺️
Well, considering they're an adult and not a minor then it isn't crossing any boundaries. It might be a big gap to some but there are so many similar age gaps, some are a lot bigger. And it's fine as long as both are consenting adults. You shouldn't have to age him up since he's not a minor in this circumstance. You should always be comfortable with the age gap because it really is important to be comfy in a relationship ☺️ I hope this can help you out with your worries.
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
Hello, I feel so upset at the moment :( In the fandom people ship my f/o with that one girl, but I just can't see them together. I ship her with his brother. Even in canon she is in love with the brother. idk is that normal?
Totally normal. You can ship her with any other character you please ☺️ that's the best thing about fiction. I know it can be incredibly annoying and even hurtful to see people stanning certain ships, especially if they involve a f/o.
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
C-can.. can we gush on anon? 🥺
Yes! Go ahead ❤️
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
Your F/O cradling you on their lap when you feel a little too out of it. They run their hands through your hair and up and down your back. When your frown gets a little too deep and sad, they’ll whisper “You’re okay.” until you’re smiling again
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
anybody have specific scenes or episodes from their f/o’s source that when they see them they’re just like GOD I LOVE YOU!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! and your heart gets fucking galaxy sized because your f/o is so good in every way
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
Hi, I'm pretty new to the whole self shipping community and I have question. How common/acceptable is being engaged or married to your F/O? I really like the idea but I'm unsure if that's to far and/or weird (´ . .̫ . `) also, I love your blog and seeing your posts on my dash and when I go through the tags!
Hello ☺️
Thank you 👉👈 🥺
Oh it is very common and acceptable!
You want to get engaged/married to your f/os, even have kids? Hell yes! Go for it. There is nothing wrong with that. Be creative with your self ships, go for what you desire. If imagining a life with your f/o makes you happy, then that's damn special and I support that.
I want to live in a cozy cottage with mine and hibernate together in winter.
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self-ship-love · 5 years ago
My f/o loves someone who is supossed to be calm, rational and responsible but doesn't take any sh*t from anyone - contrasting yet complementing his cocky, reckless, emotional, fun-loving self. The thing is, that makes me feel somewhat insecure when selfshipping with him because I'm a chaotic, emotional mess just like him and then I think he would never like me because of it. I don't know, like I'm not his type because of how similar we are; even if I adore him because of that. 🙆‍♀️💔
Well, You just never know, you could be exactly what he needs because you have this in common. Most characters bond over something they have in common. There has to be at least one thing you have in common to make you a compatible couple (at least in the writing world anyway.) so this could be that one thing that brings you both closer. It might be a chaotic relationship at times, but that's when you need space from each other which is healthy for a normal relationship. I think you'd bounce off each other and get a long rather well.
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