#wickerman alton towers
cloudxxiii · 9 months
the sillies ever
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yellar dude is my smeller oc grim
shy dude is my wickerman oc canwyllc
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nebsis · 3 months
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The Wicker Man!!! Hes like 17' tall ( That cape on him must be MASSIVE imagine how much that costs from bh)
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sirsunnysides · 4 months
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I neglect my Wicker Man so much 😭
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nemyzilla · 7 months
enjoy lmao
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ferris-is-tired · 11 months
(supposedly a Wickerman oc,,)
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lorejelly · 1 year
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Btw shoutout to @rollercrowster's discord server for helping with some of these
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ridecartwo · 5 months
wanted to explain how the towers works in my own little lore;
so each secret weapon is actually a vessel for an eldritch god, all with the same name as their ride. Each ride has one human (or humanoid) representative, a tether to the mortal realm, and they don't change. If a ride gets altered, the representative won't change that much, at least in physical appearance.
Representatives can be prepared for the role, or have it thrust upon them suddenly. But, either way, there isn't any going back. Once a deal is struck, they are bound forever.
The Gods aren't actually known by many. Some have their own cults (The Bjeornen for Wickerman, The Ministry Of Joy for The Smiler) and some are being investigated as a possible threat (The Phalanx to Nemesis & Air/Galactica), but some have been lost to time, and are majorly unkown (Th13rteen and Oblivion). The Representatives are known, though, often being seen around their rides in the park, or interacting with humans or the other reps.
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Wickerman at Alton Towers!
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clownshooz · 1 year
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I drew one of my favourite rides personified
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pies-database · 4 months
Name(s): Warren, SW8
PHALANX code: ALTN-008-018
Nickname(s): Dickhead, Oi, Hello?
Likes: ???????????????
Dislikes: The Lord's Wrath
Personality: Abrasive, closed off, unsociable. Extremely quiet. Will barely even glance at you.
Abilities: Matter manipulation, usually done so in the form of combustion. Basically, he can give and take energy from particles. However, he does also have the (subconscious) ability to change his appearance based on his self worth.
Abnormal physical features: His skin, while just brown at a glance, peels and chips like wood with similar (though very slight) patterns. One eye is missing. Most of the time, his skin is very taut against his skeletal structure and muscles.
His left hand is missing, instead his skin has grown around a branch which has since been chiselled into a staff.
All of his hair is pretty sparse. He looks like a corpse after several months of decay in this regard.
Backstory: In 2014, Nemesis was fucking around with Subterra. He wanted to show them how he accidentally started a weird cult thing. And in doing so, they accidentally created a second weird cult thing.
Welcome, the Beornen. Their family had a history of honouring the forest, but apparently seeing two beastly beings proclaiming the family's success in the endtimes was enough to push that honour into literal worship. Ah well. I'm sure this will have no impact.
All of a sudden, Warren (15 at the time) gets a shit load of pressure put on him as the heir of the family. As the next of kin to the forest's blessing. Through the years he had to balance not pissing off his now fanatical family and trying to stay far enough away from the nonsense to actually have some friends.
There were many rules and regulations his family built up from that brief meeting, but one of the most prominent rules was to not try and find the 'Gods' lurking in the forest.
One day, on 20th March 2018, his 'mates' dare him to go into said forest. They didn't know that it was against his family's rules. Technically, due to local legends, it was everybody's rules.
It was stormy. He went in, and lightning struck. It can be boiled down to rotten, luck, essentially, that lightning struck such a tall tree, that it came crashing down onto him. And he realised that. And he realised that he had just broken his family's core rule.
He devoted the rest of his God-given life making up for all of his blasphemy. He would enact the ritual, in small parts, every day. Every time hearing in his own head that it clearly wasn't enough. He would have to be punished for it. His clothes turned to dust, his skin turned to a stretched leather. All in accordance with his God.
His 'God' stands confused, concerned, over his shoulder wondering why the hell the new guy refuses to speak to anyone beyond a few incantations.
Current residency: WANDERING.
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crispinfandom · 10 months
Would y'all actually send me asks if I made an Alton Towers OC askblog thing?
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starrymochas · 11 months
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A new design for Bea, I feel like she deserved it, since I haven’t given much thought about her in a while (Maybe October 2022.. Not sure.), and now I added a little bit of insight on her story and the people she likes (and people she dislikes) with this. Colours are under the cut (It looks messy, I’m aware.)
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cablestwisted · 1 year
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For all your Beornen Runic trolling needs. Enjoy.
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kickasscentral · 5 months
My th13een and wicker man ocs in this shitty comic I made
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altontussy · 1 year
i animate sometimes wow! i didnt even put this on my youtube you get EXCLUUUUUSIVE gummies for being those silly coaster fans that you are.
heres my custom lore for my forbidden valley/katanga canyon gooblets in like five seconds (maybe i should make a rapids one it can be mr runaways pathetic australian son) . its fairly obvious to see the lore because im extremely uncreative. same for character designs imagine wearing a sweater with your name on it .
happy el gee bee tee cue month anyways look at the robot and long eye dude because they kiss alot when mister long eye isnt imprisoned
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ferris-is-tired · 11 months
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