#wicked one
wiirocku · 10 months
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Ephesians 6:16 (NKJV) - above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
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sun-wukong-kinnie-2 · 20 days
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It hurts to be something…. It’s worse to be nothing with you…
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goryhorroor · 1 month
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horror sub-genres/techniques: anime horror
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eightyuh · 2 months
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i've been re-watching princess tutu w/ some friends and am once again fawning over fakir
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 3 months
just started the X-Files after years of Pop Culture osmosis, parody, references and memes
But holy shit did none of you prepare me for the pathetic wet cat rizz of Fox Mulder. Puppy dog eyes every other scene. He loses every stand off with every other government agent, military op, co-worker he bumps into. Sassy little quips in between getting his ass kicked and the puppy dog eyes. he's deeply traumatized. he has no social life. he never knows whats going on. he's one of the smartest people in any room he's in and knows more than most what's going on.
This guy is just sopping wet vibes, desperate need to believe, and love for Scully. Character of all time.
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autiacorart · 4 months
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i had a dream Connor was working undercover as a waiter
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chaiichait · 5 months
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You know that trope of a very hardened strict mother-figure that is actually just an embarrassingly sweet mess in closed doors with the people she trusts? Yeah
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mobydyke · 8 months
even if you try try your whole life to be righteous and be good, you'll wind up on your own floor choking on blood. btw. if you even care
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boredth · 7 months
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strangeandinteresting · 2 months
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everyone look at baby elphaba NOW!!!
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wickcipher · 2 months
Knead that fried chicken, shake that fried chicken!
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My favorite thing that Holly Black did with Locke was having him be obsessed with stories, convinced he was the main character and puppet master and then killing him off in a footnote
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lystacre · 1 month
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You’re in my gut… my throat… I’m drowning in you Summers
Close ups under the cut
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fluoresensitive · 4 months
I was thinking and I've come to the realization that people do not truly understand the damage that incest and rape does to you. They think they do, they think it's about forbidden romance and desire so strong that you can't help yourself but it's not. It's about control and power, about someone in a position over you deciding that your bodily autonomy and mental well-being come second to them. And it scares me that you can't say, "please do not sexualize abuse" without facing backlash on a website with this many survivors.
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neptunym · 5 months
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ultravalentines 💕
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gunstellations · 3 months
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