#why’re u doin that
stepdad!ghost x crybaby!girly!reader where he yells at her n it scares her cuz his voice is so deep n booming n she immediately starts crying. it all starts when he’s stressed because of a ton of paperwork he has to get done by that night and he hasn’t been able to because of different things that keep popping up. on top of that, he has to watch over you because your mom is out of town for a few weeks doing god know what.
so it’s safe to say he’s beyond stressed.
it all comes crashing down when you come skipping into his at-home office, a dvd in your hand for a movie he had promised you two would watch that day—before he was emailed a ton of paperwork.
you skip over to him, a small, “what’re you doin?” leaving your lips quietly as you peer over his shoulder.
he knows you just want attention right now, and god, does he want to give it to you.
but he can’t right now, and unfortunately for you, you don’t realize it.
he replies to your question with a gruff, “paperwork.” as he rubs his temple with his index and middle.
“oh.” your reply is short, and you look down at the dvd in hand sadly. “thought we were gonna watch a movie?”
simon tries to ignore the disappointment in your voice, because he knows he would immediately drop everything for you, but he just can’t.
“i know, love, but ‘ve got so much shit to do..what about tomorrow?” he asks, now watching u walk around to the front of his desk as you lean forward on it with your hands planted on the hardwood.
“tha’s what u said yesterday..” you pout, and simon can feel his irritability building in his blood. he doesn’t want to take any of his stress out on you, but if you push further, he’s worried he might.
“i know, princess. ‘m sorry, okay? i promise we will do it tomorrow.” he is now shuffling through his work.
you hate when he isn’t paying attention to you.
your eyes burn as you begin to feel tears sprout to them.
“si..” you squeak, trying to express that you feel lonely—what, with your mom being out all of the time. however, simon seemingly ignores you, too lost in his work. trying to get his attention, you call him what you know will achieve that. “daddy, can u take a break? please?” you beg, fidgeting with the dvd case. ghost’s heart squeezes in his chest at the nickname.
he mentally shakes his head. he has to focus.
“y/n, i already gave you my answer.” he speaks, his voice edging on pure annoyance.
“b-but you promised me! you always have somethin’ more important than me!” you’re fully crying now, and simon genuinely feels bad, but he just has so much to do.
he sighs, standing up to grab a pen from the coffee table. you follow behind him, crying.
“why’re you ignorin me?” you sob, and ghost rolls his eyes. he knows if he doesn’t look at you he won’t give in.
“y/n, stop.” he spits, walking back to his desk and hunching over to sign something.
you continue blubbering nonsense until— “enough! fuckin’ christ!”
his eyes burn into yours until he sees your utter hurt and he’s immediately back-tracking.
“angel..” he says softly right before you run off, and he begins to follow until you slam your bedroom door in his face. “fuck.” he sighs, exhausted.
he knows he scared you. he’s never yelled at you like that before.
he can hear your muffled, hiccuping cries, and he rests his forehead against your door—eyes shut tightly.
he tries your door handle but it’s locked. he knows you need time to decompress right now, so he reluctantly goes back to work for another hour before checking on you.
“princess?” he knocks on your door, and he can hear the movie you two were supposed to watch playing on the tv in your room. “let me in, baby.”
he can hear the sound of you getting off of your bed, then the clicking of the door unlocking. you run immediately back to your pink bed, whimpering like a puppy out of fright.
simon sighs for what seems like the 20th time that day, sitting down on your mattress. his large hand rubbing over the expanse of your back slowly.
“sweet’art, lookat me,” he speaks softly. “didn’t mean ta scare you..’m sorry. jus’ was stressed, baby.”
you turn your head, and he can see the reddening of your puffy eyes from crying so much.
“awh, angel,” he kisses the top of your head, brushing the hair away from your face. “can you forgive me?”
his voice is so soft and gentle you want to cry some more.
you nod, chewing on your lower lip. simon’s jaw ticks as he traces his thumb over the slope of your nose and down to the cupids bow of your soft lips. “sweetest girl ever, y’know that?” he asks, and his heart flutters when you giggle.
he leans forward and gently places a small kiss on your lips.
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moechies · 3 months
hello! what are your thoughts on toji x reader who’s self conscious ab her small chest?
i have never been insecure ab mine until like.. recently? which is so out of the blue and weird
u don’t have to reply if u don’t want to, no pressure<3
no baby i get it omgie :< i have a small chest too ‘nd i’ve been insecure about it forever !!! you’re not alone sweet bby :,3
i think toji would do anything to consolate you. you’ve started growing insecure after realizing that he doesn’t make many comments on them, nor rarely pays them attention during intimate times and you’ve grown an underlying sense that he’s dissapointed :( how could you ever think that ?!
truthfully, he embraces every inch of you. nothing about you is imperfect to him, and any insecurity that you come to him with is blindsided to him.
he’s always looking. always paying attention, to every single detail of you, physically and literally. he has you engraved into his mind. your favorite foods, your favorite weather, drink, are all off the top of his head. the way your body curves against his, your sweet whines and squeals, and you wouldn’t imagine so, but even your sweet, cute, tits.
he’s like a little lost kitten when he realizes that you’re slowly starting to show less of yourself, refusing to take off your shirt, or your bra in front of him, turning your back when you’re changing.
he tries so hard to figure out why, sneaking up behind you to touch you gently, fingers tracing your waist and leading up to the soft embrace of your cute tits, but you cross your arms over your chest and push him away gently.
“stop doin’ that.”
“d-doing what ?”
“stop pushin’ me away. why’re you doin’ that?”
he’s so heartbroken, and literally thinks that you hate him, and want to break up. it makes his mind transverse hundreds of different scenarios.
“d-don’t want y’to see me.”
“why? ya know how many times i’ve seen ya naked?”
you toss on a loose shirt, finally facing him which doesn’t take much as he’s right behind you, stuck to you like a kitten without it’s mother. desperately searching for your affirmation and comfort.
“dunno why you’re doing this.” he huffs, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before he attempts to walk away.
“w-wait! toji,”
he turns to you, taking your hand that you laid on his forearm to stop him from leaving.
“m-m insecure.”
he tilts his head to the side, eyebrow quirking up and you swear you almost see a question mark pop up over his head.
“bout what ?” you huff, looking to the side, embarrassed of having to admit so.
“my tits.”
“hell are you embarrassed about you pretty tits for?” he grunts, moving up closer to you before groping your right boob. it makes you flinch, jumping back before attempting to remove his assaulting hand off your tit. the sight of you giggling has him damn near reminiscing of the memory of the first night you two got together. what a sight.
“dunno.. aren’t you a tits guy?”
“are you in 5th grade?”
“no..” you mumble, squeaking when he leaves a pinch on your nipple before removing his burly hand.
“yeah so, fuck is a ‘tits man’? i’m a you, man. doll.”
he smiles at the sight of you blushing, allowing your body to fall against his, chest to chest as he strokes through your hair.
“d’ya know what i’m even tryin’ t’say? did that make sense?”
“yes!” you giggle.
“kay. was tryin’ to be romantic.”
you smile before facing upwards, looking into his pearly eyes. “love you, toji.”
“love you t—“ he’s stunned when he feels a sharp pain in his breast, looking down to see your mouth enveloped around the chubby meat of his man boob.
“the fuck?” he grunts, removing you forcefully hearing you giggle loudly. he hoists you up, and you resort to wrapping your legs around his waist as your arms envelop his warm neck.
“yeah, no. ‘s your turn now.” he chuckles when you start to scream, watching him make his way to the bed.
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kaiijo · 4 months
hiii! if the event event is still open, may i request aomine with prompt 42?
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aomine daiki + we’ve been doin’ all this late night talkin’  content: fem! reader, fluff, third-year! aomine, one brief mention of throwing up (not reader or aomine), part of the spotify wrapped event notes: i recently watched the last episode of knb again and it got me emotional! again, i’m sorry this took so long and i hope you like it!
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the venue is loud, the bass beat of some remixed pop song making the floor throb. you dance around with momoi and sakurai, who you learned tonight is very outgoing with a little liquid courage. you’re glad the basketball team is celebrating the end of season with the party. it also acts as an early goodbye to all of you third years. 
you glance around and shout over the music to momoi, “have you seen aomine?”
“no,” she says. “he’s probably, i don’t know, found a girl or something.”
the thought makes your stomach turn but you tell her, “i’m going to go look for him!” she nods and gives you a thumbs-up, and as you press through throngs of people, you catch one of the other third-years by the arm and ask, “can you keep an eye on those two? just make sure their safe.”
“of course,” he says and you smile gratefully as you make your way out of the main venue. 
“aomine?” you peek around the corner. there are a bunch of people milling about, but you don’t spot aomine’s dark blue hair. you wait outside the bathrooms for a minute or two, offering thin, awkward smiles whenever anyone passes by. 
you wave down one of the bartenders and ask, “have you seen my friend? really tall, really tan, blue hair?”
“yeah,” she says, pointing at a door towards the back. “i think he went up on the roof.”
you thank her and quickly make your way out. when you push open the door, you’re greeted by a warm gust of wind and the man you’ve been looking for. aomine is sprawled on the rooftop, arms folded under his head. his eyes dart up, shoulders bunching before they relax when he sees you. you crouch next to him and says, “hey, superstar.”
he scoffs at the nickname — one you’ve been calling him since you met him — but replies with a flat, “what do you need? is satsuki puking her guts out yet?”
“no, not yet. i asked yamada to keep on eye on her and sakurai so don’t worry,” you say. you poke his forehead and he rolls his eyes. “why’re you up here?”
“needed some fresh air. was getting a little too stuffy.”
“i’m surprised. you’re usually pretty in your element in places like this.”
he shrugs. “just not feeling it tonight.”
“is it because touou came second this tournament?”
“don’t remind me,” he groans. his eyes flicker up to the sky. “i feel old.”
“i would hardly call third year of high school old.”
“you know what i mean.” he leans up on his elbows. “we’re graduating.”
you huff out a quiet laugh. “yeah, it kind of unbelievable.” you move and lay next to him, mimicking his position. the lights of tokyo make it hard to make out any stars.
there’s a long lull in your conversation before aomine asks, “are you still set on going to california?”
you can’t help but let out a sigh, “yeah, i’m set.”
out of the corner of your eye, you see him frown. “is something bothering you?” you ask.
“no,” he says, shrugging again. “it just seems far, that’s all. far from everything here.”
“yeah, i guess it is.”
there’s another moment of silence and then aomine asks, “what’s it going to mean?”
“that i’m in california and not in japan?”
“no, smart ass,” he says, “i mean with, y’know…” he trails off but you know what he’s talking about. you’ve been anticipating and dreading the conversation all at the same time. whenever you think about it, you can hear your older cousins declaring that this conversation is a make-or-break for relationships — or whatever you can call what you have with aomine. 
“… with us,” aomine finally finishes. 
you heart is pounding as you ask quietly, “well, what are we exactly, aomine?”
“you’re my girlfriend.”
you shoot up straight and whir around to stare at him. “what?”
“what do you mean ‘what’?” he says, sitting up with you.
“when did we put an actual label on this?”
“did i not ask you?”
aomine tilts his head with a certain nonchalance that you’ve come to known him for. “oh, well, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
you can’t stop the smile that blooms. “yeah, aomine, i do.”
“cool,” he says. “cool, cool, cool.”
“‘cool’?” you laugh, “that’s all you have to say, mr. cool guy?” you reach over and pinch his cheeks, pleasantly surprised by the heat you find under your fingertips. he swats your hand away in favor of catching it in his. 
“call me daiki.”
“okay, daiki, then you have to call me by my first name too.”
“wasn’t i already doing that?”
“yeah, i guess you were.”
there’s another beat of silence and he says, “you’ve didn’t answer my first question. are we going to be okay?”
“i can’t promise anything,” you reply. “but i’m willing to try.”
“me too.”
“it’s going to take a lot of effort on both our parts.”
“i know,” he says, leaning forward to peck your forehead. “but i’m willing to try.”
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aeoki · 1 year
School Festival ☆ Tamayori’s Haunted Dollhouse - Chapter 9
Location: Yumenosaki Grounds (School Festival) Characters: Shinobu, Mika & Shuu
TL Note:
Okonomiyaki is a savoury pancake that is generally made up of batter, cabbage, and pork, topped with okonomiyaki sauce with mayonnaise and bonito flakes.
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Mika: *Sniff sniff…* Ahh, the sauce smells nice…♪
Shuu: …………
Mika: Ngh~? Why’re you starin’ at my face, Oshi-san? Yer makin’ me shy.
Shuu: You’re too self-conscious. I was looking at you but I wasn’t doing it absent-mindedly.
Mika: Yeah. The only stuff you gaze at are artistic works, huh.
Shuu: Your appearance alone is worth appreciating but it becomes ruined the moment you open that mouth of yours. What a waste. 
In any case, you look as though you’re wanting to eat something from the food stalls, but if you have a meal at this time of the day, you won’t be able to have dinner.
Mika: Ah, yer right. And I wanna be able to eat the food you make, Oshi-san…
Ngh? Oshi-san, they’re sellin’ okonomiyaki[*] over there~♪
Shuu: Have you forgotten what I’ve just said? Or did you imply that you still wanted to buy it by telling me that?
If you don’t want to eat the food I make from now on, then you’re free to eat as much okonomiyaki as you want.
Mika: Nghh, nooo! I won’t say anythin’ weird anymore so don’t be in a bad mood~!
Shuu: I’m not offended at all. Those foods are low in nutrition and I’m also worried about the hygiene.
Mika: Huh…? Oshi-san, are you actually worried about me…? ♪
Shuu: Not at all. I’m already in a bad mood due to the crowd of people, but my mood will continue to sour if you were to eat that right next to me!
Mika: Ngh~ Oshi-san, you like crowds even less than I do, huh. I’m sorry for bringin’ you to a place like this.
Shuu: Don’t apologise. It’s crowded wherever we go. I’ll be fine as long as it’s not a confined space.
Mika: (Ahaha… Oshi-san is somewhat nice today.)
(Well, he still calls me a “failure of a doll” like usual, though.)
(The normal Oshi-san wouldn’t have come with me all the way here.)
(He isn’t leavin’ but he’s stayin’ here amongst the crowd with me.)
(I thought he didn’t like the “School Festival”. What’s the cause for his change of heart?)
(Oshi-san looked like he really enjoyed seein’ his friend’s performance. Maybe his mood got better ‘cause he saw somethin’ beautiful.)
(Maybe that’s why he’s feelin’ more positive emotions rather than unpleasant ones. Ehehe, seein’ Oshi-san have a good time makes me happy too~...♪)
(Speakin’ of fun…)
(“Switch” mentioned they’re takin’ part in the “School Festival” ‘cause it’s the last “School Festival” for Tsumu-chan-senpai and they wanted to make fun memories for him.)
(That didn’t strike a cord in me ‘cause I thought Oshi-san isn’t that kinda person.)
(But I can sorta understand now. Watchin’ a friend’s performance and walkin’ around the “School Festival” is probably what people would call fun memories…♪)
Shinobu: Thanks for waiting ~de gozaru! Here’s your yellow candy floss~♪
Oh, it’s fluffy and delicious? Ehehe, hearing you say that definitely made it worth making!
Mika: (Ngh, a small child is workin’ hard to make candy floss…)
(He sure is doin’ his best. I feel like cheerin’ him on when I see stuff like that ♪)
Shuu: Kagehira.
What are you looking at in a daze? Did something pique your interest?
Mika: U-Umm…
Ah, Oshi-san! Over there! Could you look over there!?
Shuu: Stop shouting. Judging by how you told me to “look”, I assume it’s not food.
Mika: Yeah. Look look, it’s a lottery booth! You can get a plushy if you get Excellent Luck~
Average Luck will give you a smaller plushy and Good Luck will get you a mascot character!
The plushies are cute so I’d be happy to get it and even if I don’t get one, the mascot character is still pretty cute, so it’s still a win for me…♪
Shuu: Cute? You have no sense of beauty. The plushies and the mascot characters are hideous. That word is only fitting for a doll like Mademoiselle.
Mika: Yeah, Mado-nee is definitely beautiful and cute. …Come to think of it, where is she? She was with you until we left for break, right?
Shuu: I didn’t want to take her someplace dangerous like within a crowd of people. I’m having her rest in the waiting room.
Mika: Ohh, there are people everywhere today, after all.
Shuu: In any case, are you going to pull in the lottery?
Mika: Y-Yeah… Umm, I’d like it if you could also do it with me…♪
Shuu: I would say, “Why would I?”, but I suppose you did come with me to watch the Drama Club’s performance. I don’t mind doing something like pulling in a lottery.
Mika: Whaa, thank you, Oshi-san!
Excuse me. Two pulls for the lottery, please ♪
Ngh, I just have to pull out a piece of paper from this box? *Rummage rummage* Then, this one.
Shuu: …………
Mika: You finished pullin’ one out too, Oshi-san? Ehehe, I wonder what we got. My heart’s thumpin’ ♪
…Oh, Good Luck? You got the same one too, Oshi-san?
I’m happy I got the same one as you~♪ Ah, we can pick a mascot character we like? Hmm~... Then, I’ll take this one.
Shuu: Once again, I see you’ve chosen a rather hideous one.
Mika: You think? Don’t you find this zombie mascot character cute? I thought it was perfect since we’re doin’ a haunted house right now.
How about you, Oshi-san? Which one are you gonna choose?
Shuu: I don’t need any of them. I’ll give it to you so choose another you like.
Mika: Wha, really? Hmm, umm~...? Okay, I choose this!
I’ve got two cute and scary mascot characters now. I’ll put it in my room when I get home~♪
(I got to make some really good memories by walkin’ around the “School Festival” and pullin’ in the lottery.)
(I won’t ever forget this memory for the rest of my life…♪)
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kayentokk · 3 months
jjk characters during your period
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A/N; let’s not talk abt me being gone for a month…chile anyways sooooo 😶. Ok no fr I’m sorry and I come baring gifts!! This actually took me forever I got a little carried away…😗 enjoy?
contains;suggestive themes, boob talk, period talk, pretty much menstrual everything, fluff, comfort, cussing, me having a extra soft spot for yuuji, cheesiness
wc; 4,369 ….most ive ever written, kinda sad 🥲
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Fushiguro Toji 
Alr Alr listen-
He’s not that bad
He’s a little teasing at first
Grabbing your waist, probing and prodding at your sore breasts, and just overall not really worried abt it
And hear me out cuz u can’t tell me he’s not a sucker abt ur pain-
He hears your whimpers and groans of discomfort
Then he’s like
To make up for feeling like an ass he helps you
Gets you water
Lays with you
And he even lets you use his big warm hands on your stomach 
Overall 6.5/10
・❥・ “Toji,” you say frowning, “don’t. Please.” You say shooting him a pitiful attempt at a glare. 
He lets out a small, “heh,” and the right side of his lip tilts up. He also gives you a not so sorry, “sorry baby,” to ease the current frown on your face. 
It doesn’t do much, you know he’s not really sorry for prodding at your sore breasts. It’s not his fault! They’re just more tender and soft when you’re on your period. Oh, and the little whiney whimpers and soft gasps of surprise you let out when he sneaks his large, calloused hands underneath your—his—worn out t-shirt to grope and rub at them. And the way you reach your small, in comparison, hands up to his to try and stop him before he starts teasing your pretty nipples. Oh honey, how could you expect him not to?
Anyways, it’s really hard to get through your period with him. He’s so teasing it’s annoying, all you want to do is sleep and try to relax, but he’s constantly prodding you! Whatever, you were used to his behavior anyways. And he’d never go too far with you unless you wanted to.
“Seriously Toji, it hurts.” 
“I know, I know,” he says lifting his hands up in surrender. “Won’t do it again, swear it.” He’s lying. 
You drop your glare and turn back around to finish preparing your chamomile tea, you just needed to pour the hot water from the kettle into your favorite mug and add some honey. 
However when you reach your arm to turn off the stove eye a sharp pain pierces through your lower abdomen. You step back and wince while grabbing your stomach. Your face contorts to an expression mixed with discomfort and a tinge of pain. 
Toji watches for a short moment. He knows about the cramps you get, and he’s heard you complain about them but he’s never seen you react like this. It must’ve been really bad this time, and Toji thinks he doesn’t like that. No, he knows. 
He snaps out of it and makes quick work of turning off the stove and then lifting you, gently, off the floor to head towards the living room. You’re too drained from the cramp to even resist. 
“What r’you doin’ Toji? Don’t walk so fast s’makin me kinda nauseous.” 
“Yeah yeah, y’baby,” he says that last part quietly while laying you down on the couch. 
“Why’re you laying me down I-“
“Y’need to rest, I’ll finish makin your tea. Then w’can sleep-“
“Cuddle,” you correct him. 
“Sure cuddle whatever y’wanna call it,” he says stalking off back into the kitchen. 
“I want tummy rubs too!” You shout after him.
He just scoffs in reply. You’re bossy today huh? It’s fine he doesn’t mind doing what you ask of him for today, he guesses. When he returns with your tea you’re eager to have the warm mug in your hands and you sit up as he hands it to you. 
“Mmmh,” you hum inhaling the scent of the chamomile. Toji makes good tea, you should’ve asked him to make it from the start. Whatever, you will tomorrow. 
“S’hot, be carful,” he says while sitting next to you.
“Mhmm,” your reply blowing on it.
He grabs the remote and flicks on some old anime re-run and turns the volume down almost all the way. He goes to your shared room to grab you a blanket and when he returns you’re already splayed out on the couch, half-drunken tea abandoned on the table. 
“Ooouu! You got me a blanket,” you happily chirp, “c’mere,” you say patting the space behind you.
The couch was definitely small for both you and Toji to fit on it, but that’s why you liked it. The closeness, the warmth, it was nice. You readily grab the blanket from his hands so he can lay with you. 
“Startin to think you want the blanket t’lay with ya more than me,” he chaffs.
“Of course not!” You giggle out.
Toji carefully climbs behind you and settles in. He  pulls your body so that you’re snug against his chest, well, more snug than you already were. 
You close your eyes, you could almost immediately fall asleep. Almost. There’s a dull ache that still resides in your stomach though. 
“Tummy rubs,” you chide at Toji as a reminder.
“D’worry, I didn’t f’get yre rubs,” he replies almost asleep himself.
His large warming hands make their way under your shirt once again, this time for a more moral purpose than fulfilling his own desires, and they glide down to your sore stomach. 
It feels so much better already, the heated pressure really helps ease the pains. He slowly kneads and rubs the delicate skin of your tummy as you drift off to sleep…
Nanami Kento
The king of punctualness 
So let’s be real
This man knows your periods gonna happen before u
He basically tracks your cycle with you
(It was smth he wanted to be more knowledgeable in since it has much to do with you)
He knows all the little tells right before it happens
How ur more tired and a more easily agitated 
So If ur a lil shy about telling ur bf ur on ur period
It’s ok dw
He Alr knows
He makes sure the bathroom cabinet is stocked for u js in case it happens while ur over and u run out or it’s irregular
Has your favorite snacks in his pantry 
Anything u neeed
Believe mans is prepared mkay?
Although he might be a little bit too overbearing sometimes which could irritate you
It comes from the heart tho 
So 9/10
・❥・ Okay so you’re kind of freaking out right now. You’re over Kento’s apartment for your bread baking date, cute right? Yeah, except for the fact that your period just came! All you wanted to do was go to the bathroom and then wipe the flour off of your face but when you went to pull your underwear down, you couldn’t help but notice the splotch of dark red on them. Great! Just great.
You knew your period was coming sometime in the next two weeks since your tracker alerted you, but you didn’t think it would be today! It didn’t even cross your mind to pack your period supplies in your purse before you left. Now what would you do?
You could momentarily leave to go buy some but then you’d miss the bread coming out of the oven, and you might get blood on your clothes or your car. So probably not that option. You could have some delivered to his apartment, but that could take ages. Your last option is just to tell Kento, but what could he do about it? He could go to the store and buy you some, knowing him he probably wouldn’t be embarrassed about it like some would, but that would take some time too. However, it would take less than the delivery person, and you couldn’t really complain given the situation, he’s your best bet. 
“Kennnn!” You called from his bathroom.
You heard the clang of something, probably the bowls or utilities you guys were using to make the dough hitting the sink, and then footsteps padding down the hallway. You could see, from the crack below the door, the light in the hallway momentarily being blocked by his shadow. 
Then, a soft but baritone, “yes?”
“Uhm- could you uh go to the store and buy me some menstrual products? Please?”
“Oh, it started already huh? I swear I thought it was supposed to start next week…maybe I’m off? Maybe it’s irregular this time, I’ll figure it out,” he was mumbling so low to himself you could barely hear him.
“Kento!” You warned, trying to get the man to focus on the situation at hand.
“Ah, yes sorry. They’re in the bottom right cabinet.”
You went to open the cabinet, and surely, the exact menstrual products you use were there. There were even extra pairs of underwear! How did he even know? You’ve talked about your period with him maybe once or twice. 
“Oh, Ken this is-“
“What? Are they not the right kind? I thought those were the ones you got. I’m sorry, I’ll go get the correct ones for you. What-“
“No! No need, I was just surprised because this is what I use,” you said cutting him off.
“Well yes you’ve told me before, remember?”
“Yeah but that was like only one time, when I needed you to run and get me some. I didn’t think you’d remember that.”
“Of course, that’s important. I picked extras up that day so that you could have some in case situations like this happen,” he said matter of factly.
“Well…thank you Ken,” you hummed trying to wrap your head around this amazing man you have. “I’ll be out in a minute, you added.”
“No need for thanks, take your time sweetheart.”
And with that he strode back into the kitchen to check on the bread…
Suguru Geto
Angelllll omg
He may not know exactly when it’s coming 
But when it does
He’s got u for sure
U need pads? Snacks? A heated stuffy? Tea? Cuddles?
Here u go
Whatever u want literally
He is taking care of you all the wayyyy
And he’s not weird abt ur period at all either
You bled on the sheets? Got it on his hoodie you were borrowing? On your clothes?
It’s fine are you okay tho?
He handles it like a champ no problem
It’s not your fault anyways
He’s only worried about your comfort the whole time
‘Y’okay?’ ‘Need anything?’ ‘You should sleep some babe.’
So sweeeet
・❥・ “…aby..baby,” he cooed gently trying to coax you out of sleep. “Wake up for me…”
“Mmh….what?” You groaned inching closer to burry your face into his warmth. 
“Need y’to get up for me,” he said moving his hands under your shirt to soothingly rub your back. 
“No…M’tired, wanna sleep more,” you slurred taking comfort in the hands running up and down your back at the moment. 
“I know baby, we can sleep more later. C’mon let’s jus’ get up and shower okay?”
You groaned again and scooted even closer trying to go back into your deep sleep. When suddenly Suguru’s hands stopped their rubbing. You internally sighed at that, but whatever, nothing was going to stop you from getting your sleep-
“Y/n baby. I didn’t want to freak you out but you had your period. Some of it got on the sheets and your shorts, but it’s okay we’ll just…”
Except that. You were already having a meltdown in your head, you couldn’t even pay attention to the rest of what he was saying. 
You instantly opened your eyes to see Suguru looking at you. At least he seemed to be calm, because you weren’t! Having your period in your boyfriend’s bed?! That’s literally a nightmare! Quite literally the end of the world! And not to mention that it’s on your shorts, and it’s damp and uncomfortable.
On instinct you tried to jump out of the bed, but Suguru already had his arms locked back on you.  He knew you were freaked out, but he didn’t want you to be. There was no reason to be, not in his eyes at least.
“Don’t panic about it-“
“Don’t panic about it? Sugu I just had my period, and it got on your sheets! And probably your pajamas too, oh God.” 
“Both things that are washable Y/n, it’s okay. ”
“It’s still embarrassing though Sugu,” you explained.
“I know but I don’t want you to be embarrassed. Accidents happen, and it’ll be fine,” he said starting to untangle himself from you. 
“Now, let’s get you in the shower. And I’ll change the sheets okay?”
“Fineee,” you agreed.
Suguru got up and went to the bathroom to run your shower water, while you tried to get out of the bed and not smudge the blood anywhere. Then you quickly made your way to the bathroom to find Suguru checking the water temperature for you.
“I think it’s good now.”
You stood there a little awkwardly before he stood up to leave. 
“Ah, Suguru,” you said turning to him as he was by the door, “thank you. I-I mean really thank you, for not being so grossed out I guess.”
He smiled, “no need t’thank me y/n. And I could never be grossed out by you, especially not over this,” he said raising a brow. 
“Now go ahead and shower, I’ll get you some pajamas and run to the store for some supplies. Let me know if you need anything else okay?”
“Kay!” You said chirpily as he walked out. 
Oh! Snacks! 
“Oh!! Sugu, some snacks please?” You shouted from the bathroom.
“Wasn’t gonna leave without ‘em!” He voiced back.
You smiled and began undressing to shower. The water was the perfect temperature, it was so relaxing, plus you’d get to use Suguru’s soaps so you’d smell just like him. 
When you got out your menstrual supplies were on the counter along with your pajamas, one of Suguru’s crewnecks, a pair of your underwear, that he probably found in the back of one of his drawers, and his sweatpants. Which were going to be a bit big on you, not that you’re tiny or anything, you have curves and full thighs, but Geto? He’s huge, 6’3 and about 200lbs of steel in one, not that you were complaining of course. Plus you’d be practically drowning in his scent now. 
“Heh,” he smirked a little when you came out the bathroom. You noticed he’d changed his clothes, and the bed spread.
“What? S’not my fault you’re a giant,” you said rolling your eyes. 
“Yeah yeah, c’mere already. You should sleep some more since I interrupted earlier.”
No way you were arguing with that, so you climbed into bed and indulged in Suguru’s pampering you for the rest of the day…
Satoru Gojo
Tbh probably doesn’t notice at first
He thinks ur just a little more snappy and tired
Which is fair 
But he alwayssss pays close attention to u even when u don’t think so
So maybe like all day he notices you doin stuff and it looks a lil awkward
Maybe walking cuz of abdomen pain and tiredness
Or ur less snappy and more reserved when he jokes with u
Whatever it is
He sees it
he asks like what’s wrong
And u finally tell him
He’s lowkey upset cuz like he didn’t know and he wants u to tell him abt these things yk
But he’ll just have to get better at noticing them is what he tells himself 
Anyways then he’s extra attentive
Asks if you need any pads/tampons/menstrual products 
Literally is the definition of 
‘What size s’your pussy?’
(He knows that’s not what the different sizes and colors are necessarily for, he’s not thatuneducated in that department, but it’s too funny not to yk? 🤷🏽‍♀️)
He thinks ur more soft when ur on your period bcuz ur all whiney and cuddly 
You wanna snuggle and be all warm tg with himmm
His snuggles are awesome 
Pretty good 8/10
・❥・ “Why’re y’walking funny all of a sudden?” 
You stop walking momentarily and huff indignantly, “m’not walking funny.” 
“No need to hide anythin from me pretty, ‘yre hunched more than normal and your steps are uncoordinated and slow….almost like you’re in pain,” he said slowly connecting the dots.
You don’t respond. Just stand silently in your living room, thighs shifting causing your shorts to ride up and heat to gather. You were headed to the kitchen for some water and a snack, but now you’re about to have this conversation with your boyfriend. 
“Are you hurt or something? Is it serious?” He says voice increasingly becoming worried.
“No, no, no. Well- I mean yeah.”
“Y/n are you hurt or not?” He flat out asks trying to get you to confess. 
“I’m on my period Satoru,” you finally admit.
That’s not what he was expecting. 
Satoru has to think in his head what his response should be. He’s kind of hurt? You being on your period isn’t the problem at all, it’s the fact that you didn’t want to tell him. Maybe you were uncomfortable? 
“Y’can tell me when you’re on your period baby, m’not squeamish or anythin. I know m’all jokey and stuff, but I know when t’not be.”
You know that. You know Satoru, it’s just a little awkward to bring up at times you know? Even though Satoru didn’t say it, you can tell he’s a little upset that you didn’t tell him. 
“I know that ‘toru, s’jus awkward to say sometimes I guess? I dunno I’m being weird about it, sorry.”
He’s actually more upset that he didn’t know himself. Don’t worry though, Satoru the strongest never gives up. 
“No need to be sorry, I’ll know myself next time!” He says convincingly with a look of determination on his face.
That’s your Satoru all right.
You giggle before resuming your walk back to the kitchen for your snack. You’re glad that conversation was simple. 
“Woah woah woah! Don’t y’think you should rest?” Satoru says sliding into the kitchen behind you.
“M’fine, I just wanted to get a snack.”
“So I’ll get it for you, go sit.” He motions his hands shooing you out of the kitchen.
You could get used to this golden treatment. Don’t get it wrong, Satoru always spoils you. But where you’re on your period, it’s different. 
You walk back into the living room to sit down, per your boyfriend’s instructions. And a moment later he comes walking in with some snacks from your pantry and water. (He totally googled what’s good for women on their period before coming back.)
“Well look at youuu, being all gentlemanly,” you joked.
“I always am, to you, thank you very much,” he grinned.
Satoru hands you the water and sets your snacks on the table before joining you on the couch. He lifts your legs onto his lap, causing you to shift to a laying down position, and begins massaging your feet.
“I’m quite enjoying this, what’s next? Y’gonna go to the store and buy me menstrual products?” You snorted imagining Satoru crouched down in the middle of the aisle searching for your products.
“What’s s’funny about that? I could, y’need me to?”
“Was just kidding ‘toru, you don’t need to do that. I’ll get some later, I still have a few left anyways.”
“I’ll go right now,” he said setting your legs, gently, behind him and standing.
He can’t be serious.
Oh he was serious, before you could even mutter out a “s’really fine ‘toru,” he was already gone. Not even ten minutes later he FaceTimed you from the store and you answered to hear the infamous line,
“What size s’your pussy pretty?”
Oh my gosh, you were mortified. For him more so than yourself because you saw the face of the lady in the background stocking deodorant. 
You erupted in a fit of laughter, so much you couldn’t even get a sentence out. And soon Satoru couldn’t hold his laughter in much longer and began dying of laughter. You guys were cracking the fuck up for a hot minute, the lady in the aisle let a smile loose too before getting back to her job. 
“Okay-okay, now seriously. Which one of these do I get?” He asks trying to get back on task.
After explaining to him what to look for he got it and was back home to you to cuddle as quick as possible. You both laid in the plush of your bed, you little spoon him big spoon, Satoru’s cuddles are the absolute best. (Although there’s no doubt he’s normally little spoon. I don’t make the rules here 🤷🏽‍♀️) His long, lanky arms wrapping around your plush middle to meet and hold you tightly, safe and secure…
Itadori Yuuji
Golden retriever boyfriend is at your service 
Well he tries
At first you have to kind of explain how it works 
Like a lil couch talk
And like the specific things u need 
Maybe their differences
He’s a curious puppy yk? He’s gotta make sure he knows what u need for future references
Ofc he had a general understanding but he didn’t know in depth
Once u tell him he’s like 
You have to tell him it’s not super painful unless you get bad cramps or you’re sore
Migraines, bloating, etc.
He was scared for a minute
Like “you go through that???”
Anyways does his best to comfort uuuu 
And his best is his best so
・❥・ “…and I normally use..” 
Yuuji has kind of zoned out at this point, he’s trying his best to still pay attention but he’s so stuck. So along with bleeding vaginally every month you also have to endure any “side effects” that come with it? And they can range depending on basically anything? And it can start literally whenever? Like what? 
Noticing that your boyfriend wasn’t really following you anymore you stopped talking. Yuuji realized this not even a second later and squeaks out a “Ah, sorry!! I’m listening, I just was thinking…”
You laughed and pinched his nose between your index and middle finger, “S’fine Yuu. What were you thinking about?”
“I mean…that’s a lot? And you have to do that..? every month?” He asked baffled.
Yuuji is so empathetic, with a boyfriend like him you could do anything.
“Yep! Guess that means I’m stronger than you now huh baby?” You kid trying to pull his smile back out.
And sure enough he gives you his biggest, toothiest smile and nods to agree with you. 
“Of course! I thought you already knew that,” he says laughing along with you.
He really does think you’re stronger than him, in every way. How could he not admire the best girlfriend in the world? Especially since he gets to be your boyfriend. 
“Anyways, s’not too bad. Well…no, scratch that, actually it’s awful,” Yuuji pouts at your admission. “But guess what?”
“What?” He inquires with raised brows.
“It’s more bearable with you here,” you say smiling.
That brings his toothy smile right back. “Well then I’ll just have to make sure to be with you all the time then huh?” 
“I guess so,” you say shrugging.
He can’t help himself at that and pulls you in for a warm hug. He’s squeezing you so tight you might burst.
You tap his shoulder rapidly twice,”too tight Yuu.”
“Oh, sorry!” He says removing his arms and bringing his hand to scratch the nape of his neck. 
You defeatedly sigh, you just can’t get enough of him. He’s too cute!!
 “You’re extra cute today Yuuji, you know that?” You ruffle his hair in mock frustration.
“W-what? It’s definitely you! You’re the cute-“
“Ah ah ah,” you stop him, “I’m on my period Yuu so that means I win this time.” You say crossing your arms dead set on being right with your flawed logic.
Yuuji flashes you a look of confusion before continuing, “that’s not how it works baby-“
“Yuu. You win every time, let me have this one.”
He think about it for a moment. Normally when you guys have these little “who’s the cutest”arguments he does always win. But it’s not his fault you’re so spectacular! 
“Hmm, okay! You can win this one,” he says grinning, “I’m the cutest….and you’re the most beautiful! Yeah?”
You swear Gojo’s ways are rubbing off on him. But it’s fine, you’ll let him get away with it, for now. 
“Okay Yuuji,” you give in.
“Oh!! Is there anything I can help you with today? I know you said your headaches make it kinda hard.”
“Uhmm, I need to buy some groceries today. The fridge is kinda empty ‘cause I haven’t been in a while..probably some other small errands. But I think that’s it..” you trialed off thinking of what else you had to do today.
“Okay, I’ll go with you!” He chirped.
That was the best grocery store trip of your life! You honestly don’t know why you’ve never been grocery shopping with Yuuji before. He was really helpful, like always. Grabbing things from super high shelves, running around to find what you needed, he was your personal little helper. You ran the other mundane errands and then decided to stop at a cafe before heading back.
“This cafe is so cute Yuu! Where’d you find it?”
“Gojo-sensei recommended it to me, he said they have really good kikufuku here!”
Bless Gojo and his sweet tooth, they did lead you to this amazing cafe date with your boyfriend after all.
You just smiled in reply. You and Yuuji chatted some about the mission he’d just come back from, how your past couple of days had been, what you would do tomorrow. And yeah, you think to youself, it’s way better with Yuuji here…
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@/firefly-graphics for the divider
224 notes · View notes
artnerd1123 · 4 years
Me: *stops doing anything that I enjoy for 2 seconds to take care of life or whatever*
My good mood:
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6 notes · View notes
scum of the earth
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ʚ Naoya Zen'in x chubby fem reader ɞ
Part 1 ♥︎ Part 2 ♥︎ Part 3 ♥︎ Part 4 ♥︎ Part 5
❥ Word Count: 6.8k
❥ CW: chubby fem reader, implied smut, daddy kink, angst
❥ A/N: heyyyyy... heyy... how yall doin aldjladjla. Okay, first off, thank you so much for your patience with me and this series. I've had a lot going on these past few months and writing has not been a big priority as a result. I wanted to post this entire chapter at once but it was getting way too long, so I'm splitting it up into a part 4 and part 5. I promise i won't take as long writing part 5 sksksk. This part is pretty tame, no explicit smut or anything but there'll be more in the future i promise. Im posting this mainly to clear my conscience and hold yall over till im done. Thank u very much for your continued support 💕
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You knew Naoya Zen’in was rich. He always wore designer clothes, rode in that ridiculously expensive sports car, even his water was overpriced—some kind of brand named “Fine” that was five dollars per bottle. It was all excessive, but you were mostly able to ignore it because it didn’t include you; it was a separate entity that you didn’t need to worry about.
But then came the wedding.
You were hesitant to accept his invitation: going to one of his brothers’ weddings as a guest? You didn’t even know he had one brother let alone multiple; was it really appropriate to go to such an important event when you didn’t even know the groom existed not too long ago?
“I don’t see the problem,” Naoya had expressed one evening, arms wrapped around your waist as you busied yourself at the stove. “You don’t need to be close with them. You’re gonna be my plus one, that’s all that matters.”
“But it doesn’t seem fair,” you had argued. “Like, I’m a complete stranger and I’m coming in to eat your expensive food and drink your expensive alcohol. It just seems really shallow and mean.”
“Babe, they’re not gonna care. Everybody brings a plus one, and half of them I’ve never seen before.” His large hands had found your hips, squeezing as he pulled you back into him. “Just relax, princess. There’s nothing to worry about. C’mon, just say yes and come with me. I already booked the tickets; you’re not gonna make me go alone, are you?”
And that’s what did it, that hint of guilt in his tone that made you feel bad. You could’ve easily said no and pushed him off, told him that you still didn’t want to go and that he would survive without you, but you’d grown a soft spot for him. The two of you hadn’t made anything official yet, but he was acting like a boyfriend, coming over to your apartment often just to be close to you. He would bring food after class or maybe alcohol on a Saturday night and watch a movie with you, falling asleep as he cuddled you on the couch. It was all about the sex before, and now you were seeing a more genuine side to him that you didn’t know was possible. He seemed more like a person, and you found yourself liking him despite him hurting you in the past.
So, you agreed. You bought a dress (which Naoya was very upset to learn about, insisting that he should have had a say in picking the dress and buying it for you; he sulked for the rest of the evening), packed your things, and you were off to the airport together. You were shocked by the state of first class, but you kept your thoughts to yourself, assuming that he was just trying to show off, to impress you. You tried not to pay it any mind, but you couldn’t ignore it any longer once you arrived at the hotel.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Naoya glanced over his shoulder at you, signing the last bit of paperwork before sliding it back to the receptionist, taking the keycards from her.
“What’s up?” he asked, his tone not particularly interested in what your answer may be.
“What do you mean ‘what’s up’? What the hell is up with this place? Why’s it so big? Why’re the ceilings so high? Why’s there a fountain? What kind of–” He shushed you gently, walking over just to rub his hand over your back.
“Calm down, princess. It’s a five-star hotel; what did you expect?”
“I don’t know, I just…” You sighed as he led you to the elevators, holding onto your suitcase tightly. “It just doesn’t seem real. It feels like–”
“A fairytale?” You scoffed.
“Like a prank. I feel like someone’s gonna jump out of nowhere and make fun of me for thinking any of this is real.”
“Damn, that’s a bit harsh, dontcha think?”
“I wouldn’t put it past you,” you grumbled, watching him push the button to your floor, meeting your reflection once the doors closed.
“Aww, now that’s mean,” he cooed, shifting towards you, leaning close. “I’m not the big bad bully I used to be, you know.”
“Oh yeah? I’ll believe it when I see it.” Naoya hummed, tucking his face into your neck, wasting no time kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin below your ear.
“Don’t worry, princess. Daddy’ll show you how much he’s changed.”
“Oh my God, stop talking.”
“Aw, what’s the matter? Don’t you like when I talk dirty?” You inhaled deeply, turning your head so you were nose to nose with him.
“No, Daddy, I don’t like when you talk dirty when we’re in public.” You meant for the statement to dissuade him, make him back off a bit, but he only smirked and pulled you closer.
“Shit, call me ‘Daddy’ again.”
“Nuh-uh,” you hurried, thanking the universe when the elevator doors opened. You slipped from his grasp, hurrying out into the hall, ignoring his protests from behind you. You knew the room number so you dashed down the hall, giggling with your luggage in tow until you reached the room. Naoya grabbed you not even a second later, arms wrapped tightly around you as he nibbled at your cheek.
“And where do you think you’re going?” His hands moved quickly, touching you in your most sensitive spots, making you laugh uncontrollably.
“Stop, N-Naoya! Quit it, it tickles!!”
The two of you froze when you heard a loud ‘shush’ turning to gaze down the hall at an older woman shaking her head before turning her back on you. You snorted softly, covering your mouth to stifle your giggles as Naoya reached for his keycard, pushing it into the slot above the door handle.
“You’re gonna get me in trouble,” he hissed teasingly, blowing a raspberry on your neck as he pushed in the door. A squeal slipped out of you as you darted inside, the noise dying out once you got a view of the room you were staying in.
Jesus, he really was rich. The room felt like something you’d find in a castle or some high budget Hollywood movie. The room was washed in white and sepia tones, clean but not unwelcoming, busy but not cramped. The king-sized bed was covered in throw pillows, the headboard nearly reaching the ceiling, a nightstand and lamp on either side of the mattress. Across from it was a dresser, a flatscreen TV perched on top, almost the length of your wingspan. A large mirror was placed on the wall, a minibar and coffee machine beside it. Moving further into the room you noticed the plush chairs placed casually beside a breakfast table, a desk and chair mirroring the quaint setup.
But the most striking part of the room was the balcony. You opened the door and stepped out onto the concrete platform, marveling at how an entire couch and coffee table could fit out there with room to spare. You stared out at the beach, breathing in deeply as a breeze rolled by, relaxing even as an arm curled around your waist.
“So? Not bad, right?” You scoffed, eyes closing as another breeze tickled your skin, the sun beaming and reflecting off of the sand.
“Yeah. Not bad at all.” You turned to give him a teasing grin but stuttered when you saw the look on his face. There was no smirk, no narcissistic sneer: it was just Naoya, eyes soft, the corner of his mouth upturned just a bit. He cleared his throat a moment later and the sarcastic smile was back, eyebrows raised.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to fuck you over a balcony. Maybe this is a sign that we should do it.” You snorted, shaking your head.
“Jeez, way to ruin the mood, dingdong.”
“What? I’m just speaking my mind. I mean there’s a couch here and everything; we should take advantage of the opportunity presented to us.” You started laughing, not pushing him away when his arms locked around you and pulled you to his chest, his nose buried in your hair, keeping his face out of view. You sank into his warmth, letting yourself indulge in his gentle demeanor, a side of him that you didn’t see as often as you wanted. His hands soothingly rubbed at your back, lips pressing against your temple as he swayed lazily.
A ringtone ruined the moment. Naoya groaned, pulling back from you to take his phone out of his back pocket. He sighed when he saw the screen.
“I gotta take this. Why don’t you start unpacking, maybe check out the bathroom?” You perked up, nodding slightly before you trotted back inside. You glanced back when he answered the phone. “Hello, sir. How was your flight?” he spoke solemnly, his face flat as he closed the sliding door. You furrowed your brow, watching his demeanor change drastically as he turned to stare out at the ocean–shoulders back, chest forward, as if he were a soldier’s ideal. You hummed inquisitively but decided to tuck your curiosity away for another time, turning away to peek into the bathroom.
It was lovely. A walk in shower, a large tub that looked like it could actually cover your entire body when filled, a long marble counter with a sink and luxurious bathing products tucked into a corner. There were bathrobes hanging next to the towels, and the image of two lovers snuggling up together in the cushiony white robes made your heart swell just a bit. You appreciated everything you saw in the bathroom and left once you had taken it all in, moving to your suitcases. Naoya was still on the phone, stiff as a board, hand flexing occasionally at his side. You pushed your suitcase on its side, plopping down on your knees and opening it up, taking out some of its contents–your bathing supplies, a makeup bag, a pair of heels for tomorrow. You were considering taking out your dress and hanging it in the nearby closet when the balcony door opened and shut, Naoaya coming inside.
“Hey, I gotta go take care of something real quick. I might be gone for a couple hours.” You frowned, pouting ever so slightly.
“What do you mean? We just got here.”
“Yeah, I know, but I gotta handle some business.” You hummed sadly, pouting.
"Where are you going?" He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Nowhere important. Just some family junk. Nothing to worry about." He approached you, squatting down to your level and giving an apologetic smile. “Sorry to abandon you the minute we got here. I know you’ll feel so lost without me.”
“Oh, fuck off.” His laugh was lighthearted, easy. He reached into his pocket, pulling out one of the keycards to the room.
“Here’s your key. It also gives you access to different services around the hotel like the restaurants and spa and shit. Don’t lose it and don’t forget it in the room.” You nodded in understanding, reaching for the card, frowning when he pulled it away. “I’m serious, Y/N, don’t forget your card. I’m not gonna swoop down and rescue you by letting you into the room when you forget. I’ll make you sleep outside–”
“Oh my God, Naoya, I get it. You’ll make me suffer if I forget my card. I promise I won’t.” You reached for the card again but he pulled it back farther.
“Ah-ah-ah! You think I’m just gonna give it to you for free? I gotta get something out of this too–”
“Jesus, Naoya, just get to the point.” He smirked, pointing at his lips and giving them a few light taps. You rolled your eyes, leaning forward to press your lips against his, kissing him softly. He sighed against you, free hand finding your neck, keeping you in place. There was a time when you would’ve found that action annoying and weirdly possessive, but right now you didn’t mind. It made you feel safe, secure, like he would never let anything happen to you.
You snatched the card while he was busy, pulling away to meet his shocked expression. He scoffed, shaking his head.
“You little sneak. You’re lucky I lo…” His voice died off, smile faltering as his eyes searched you. You frowned, blinking.
“Lucky you what?” He opened his mouth to speak but shook his head again, returning to his feet.
“It’s nothin. I gotta hurry.” He ruffled your hair as he walked past, snickering when you whined in protest. “I’ll see you in a couple hours, okay?”
“Okay,” you called after, watching him leave. He sent you one last look before he closed the door, leaving you in silence and solitude. You sighed and stood up, shaking out your legs. You grabbed a nearby pamphlet, flipping through to educate yourself on the hotel’s services. You might as well enjoy some alone time while you had the chance.
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You weren’t sure if you’d ever been pampered like this before. You’d started with a light lunch, surprised at how accommodating the staff down in the bistro were. It felt like they were being especially nice to you, but perhaps it was because it was so slow. Then the same happened at the spa. The employees waited on you hand and foot, providing exceptional care and service. You spoiled yourself the entire time, opting for a massage, a facial, a manicure and pedicure, hell, even a mud bath.
You hadn’t felt so refreshed in so long; by the time you got back to your room several hours later, you were so relaxed that you felt sleepy. You opted to take a nap since Naoya still wasn’t back, putting on one of the sinfully soft robes and cuddling up under the covers, sinking into the memory foam mattress. You slept for a bit, waking up to a shuffling sound. You peeked through your lashes right as the bathroom door opened, a stream of light illuminating the wall. Naoya stepped out wearing a robe, running a towel over his head as he looked at his phone. He turned into the bedroom, looking up and smiling once he saw you.
“Hey there, dummy,” he mumbled gently so as not to disturb you too much. You hummed, snuggling further into the bed as he walked along his side. He turned on the lamp opposite you, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut, whining in protest. “Don’t whine; it’s just a little light,” he whispered, climbing onto the bed with you, phone discarded as he settled beside you, face to face.
“What time is it?” you muttered barely coherently, rubbing at your face.
“After seven. I got back around six thirty but I didn’t wanna wake you up.” He brushed a few strands of hair out of your face, his palm meeting your cheek. “How was your day? Did you have fun? Did everyone treat you nicely?” You nodded sleepily, inhaling sharply and giving a little stretch, curling closer to his frame.
“It was nice. The food and drinks here are really good. I had a sandwich and soup for lunch.”
“Hm, well, I’m glad my humble five star hotel met your standards.”
“Oh, hush.” He snickered, wrapping an arm around you, pulling you towards him and kissing your forehead.
“What did you do today?”
“Hm… well, I went to the spa and got a lot of stuff done. I took a mud bath which was weird. I was gonna go to the pool but I got sleepy. Oh! And I got my nails done,” you exclaimed, finally perking up after your long nap, raising your hands from under the sheets to show off your manicure. Naoya grabbed onto one hand gently, turning it this way and that to get a better look, humming and nodding.
“Not bad.”
“Not bad?? They look great for your information.” Naoya scoffed.
“Calm down, princess, I wasn’t saying they were bad–”
“Yeah, whatever, you just don’t appreciate nice stuff like this ‘cause you’re a dumb boy.”
“Wow, sexist much? I should call the New York Times and have them write an exposé about how mean you are. Gonna be a twenty page spread about how you’re a huuuuge bitch.” You snorted, slapping his arm playfully.
“Aw, fuck you!”
“Fuck you!” You couldn’t stop your laughter, electing to bury your face in your pillow to hide your giggles. Naoya pressed his nose into your neck, sinking into you and breathing deep. “You smell good,” he mumbled, his voice turning soft as he smelled your hair. Your giggles subsided as he exposed your neck, pressing a gentle kiss against your warm skin. You shivered, hands finding his hair, fingers combing through the two-toned strands. He kissed down your neck, tugging at the sheets so he could trail to your chest.
“You know what I think we should do?” You hummed, urging him to continue. “I think we should have sex, order room service, and then have sex again. I think it sounds like a great idea.”
“Hmm, I dunno… I’m not in the mood for a fancy dinner.”
“You don’t need anything fancy! You can make a special request.”
“But won’t that be annoying to them? What if they say no?” He scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“Y/N. I’m the son of the hotel owner. They’re not gonna tell you ‘no’. And if they do, I'll fire ‘em.”
“Don’t fire anybody! That’s excessive.”
“Nothing’s excessive when it comes to my girl.”
My girl. How could two simple words make your heart pound? You sighed, pulling his hair back to get a proper look at his face. He smiled up at you, pushing your robe to the side, burying himself into your chest. He kissed your sternum, nuzzling close and sighing, arms slinking around your waist.
“I’m your girl, huh?”
“Duh. Whose else would you be?” You huffed, nosing his hair and smiling softly.
“Okay, I guess I’ll eat dinner with you… but only if I can get pancakes.”
“Whatever you want, princess.”
“Ooo, whatever I want? What if I want pancakes in the shape of hearts with chocolate and fruit and a big glass of wine?”
“Consider it done. I'll get a grilled cheese and scotch.”
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“Would you hurry up already? We gotta leave soon.”
“You can’t rush perfection, Naoya.”
“I’m not rushing perfection, I’m rushing you.”
“Oh wow, quoting Spongebob? What are you, five?” Naoya rolled his eyes, smacking the bathroom door before trudging back into the bedroom.
“Just hurry up. We don’t have all day.”
He heard you say something, but it was muffled by the door and he wasn’t curious enough to ask you to repeat yourself. He moved to the mirror on the wall, giving himself another once-over. He smoothed out his jacket, checking his cufflinks and watch, adjusting his pocket square. He briefly wondered if he should remove his earrings but decided against it, fussing over his hair instead. He was about to mess with his bowtie when the bathroom door opened and you stepped out.
“Well, it’s about ti–”
He froze when he saw you, eyes shamelessly raking over your frame. The mermaid dress fit you perfectly, defining your curves, cinching your waist and accentuating your hips. He appreciated that it was off-the-shoulder, leaving your neck on display. Your hair was sensible but lovely, your makeup only adding to your beauty. You picked up your clutch bag, dropping a few makeup products inside.
“Don’t even start. I don’t need you nagging me about how long I took even though it wasn’t long at all.”
“Oh, don’t worry, baby. I’m not gonna nag you.” He approached you with purpose, his hand skimming your hip. “You look fantastic.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Mr. Zen’in.” You grabbed onto his shoulder, stabilizing yourself as you got into your heels. He put an arm on you to keep you steady, waiting patiently until you were standing tall. You smiled, removing your hand and taking a step back. “Okay, now I’ll open the floor to flattery.” Naoya scoffed, grabbing your hand and pulling you close.
“You look fucking sexy, but, like, in a mature way.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him do the same with your waist.
“You kind of suck at compliments.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault that you’re gorgeous beyond words.” A wave of heat ran through you as you waved him off.
“You’re just sayin that.” He didn’t give a snarky comment; instead he leaned forward, eyes locked on your lips, determined. You stopped him before he could make contact, putting your hand up between the two of you. “Nuh-uh, no kisses. I just did my makeup; I’m not about to let you mess it up.”
“Booo, whatever. Gonna mess it up later, though. Gonna smudge your lipstick and–”
“Alright, Romeo, let’s go before you ruin my look.”
It took a bit of work getting his hands off of you, but you made it out of the room and down to the first floor with minor amounts of manhandling on his part. You reached the lobby, letting Naoya lead you to a more secluded part of the hotel with a hand on your waist. The quiet halls began to bustle the deeper you got into the hotel, and you were surprised when you arrived at an entrance to a reception, not a wedding. You slowed, causing him to stop with you.
“I thought we were going to the wedding?” you whispered to him. He looked between you and the entrance that was about fifty feet ahead of you.
“The wedding happened yesterday and the reception is today.” He noticed your confused pout and pat your hip reassuringly. “Don’t worry. Only direct family was invited so you wouldn’t have been able to go in the first place.”
“Wait, so–”
“Don’t think too hard about it, princess. You’re prettier when you’re dumb.” You elbowed his side, huffing and stomping forward, frowning as he laughed and followed you. “Aww, don’t be angry with me, sweetheart. You’ll get wrinkles.”
“Good. I hope I do!” He caught up to you, arm curling around your waist and pulling you to his side. He kissed your forehead, directing the two of you to the guest list to sign your names.
The venue was stunning. Tables were shrouded with white cloth, candles and flowers on top as well as plates and cutlery. There was a table at the front of the room–presumably for the bride and groom–that was near a table with a basket full of envelopes. Naoya noticed you staring at it.
“Gifts from the family,” he muttered, moving you through the crowd and to your seat. “Mostly money, not like they need it. My father is giving them a house.”
“A house?!” you whispered back in shock, eyes wide as you stared at him. He snickered at your reaction, licking his lips and turning back to you, prepared to speak.
"There you are." Naoya's smile faded in record time, his back straightening as he looked at the voice. You followed his gaze, seeing an older man with a young woman approaching. His mustache was sharp and gray like his hair. He didn't seem very old, but perhaps it was his proud smile that made him look a bit younger. "It's about time you showed up. The reception's about to start."
"My apologies," Naoya replied formally, giving a bit of an apologetic bow. You furrowed your brow at the display. You hadn't heard this artificial remorseful tone in quite a while. You heard it a lot in the beginning of your friends-with-benefits relationship with Naoya, always him saying how sorry he was for going too rough or for cumming on your face when you told him not to, but after that incident with Toji ghosting you, he hadn't used it. Why was he bringing it back now?
"So formal," the man laughed, patting Naoya on the shoulder. "There's no need to be so stiff today. This is the reception, after all! We got through all that stuffy shit yesterday." Naoya laughed along with him, hands stuffed in his pockets. You furrowed your brow, tapping Naoya's arm, leaning in close.
"What's he mean by stuffy?" you spoke softly.
"The wedding, sweetheart." You turned towards his father, unsure how you felt about the nickname.
"Wedding?" you repeated, looking back to Naoya. He shrugged a bit, not making eye contact.
"The wedding was yesterday—"
"I'm surprised it went so well!" his father chimed in. "Traditional weddings can be such a pain, but everything went without a hitch."
Traditional wedding? Yesterday? Is that what Naoya had gone to? Why hadn't he told you? Did he not want you to know? Why wouldn't he? Didn't he trust you?
"Did you go to the wedding yesterday?" you asked Naoya, smoothing your thumbs along your clutch, dreading the answer. You hated how he laughed nervously, looking away from you.
"Well, I mean, yeah. I had to go; my brother's the groom." Ah, there it was, that detail that you were missing, the explanation for his absence. You felt disappointment curl through you, and your first instinct was to wonder if you had any right to be upset. It was a family event, after all, but the least he could've done was told you where he was going. It wasn't too much to ask your boyfriend to let you know where he was going to be.
"So, are you going to introduce me or are we going to remain nameless for the rest of the evening?" You straightened out, prepared to introduce yourself, but Naoya spoke first.
"Sorry. This is Y/N, my neighbor. Y/N, this is my father."
Your heart dropped suddenly, mouth falling closed as you processed his words. Neighbor? Why did he say neighbor? Why would he introduce you that way? And his tone, it seemed so flippant, uninterested in the topic at hand, as if telling someone who you were was a chore to him. You felt a weight build in your chest, heart pounding as you began to stare off into space, trying to make sense of things.
"Ah, your neighbor. And why did you bring a neighbor along with you? I could've found a pretty little thing to spend some time with you." You saw Naoya shrug out of the corner of your eye.
"It was just easier this way. I don't want to have to spend several hours with an entire stranger."
You felt tears prick at your eyes, your breath coming in short and hollow. Oh God, you could feel it, that familiar bubble in your throat that urged you to cry, to sob and let this pain escape your chest. How could such a small action as labeling you as a neighbor instead of a girlfriend make your heart break like this?
"Well, your brother didn't come with anyone, so try not to make him too envious." His father glanced at you, eyes shifting up and down. "Then again, he may not be." Oh, fuck this.
"I'm going to the restroom," you blurted out suddenly, your sentence almost muddled with how quickly you pushed it out. You swiveled before Naoya could even respond, turning your back to the three of them as you hurried to the restroom. It wasn't far—you had seen it tucked away as you walked in—but it felt like an eternity getting there. You rushed in, finding the first open stall and pushing inside. You locked the door quickly, finally sucking in a breath when you were safe and alone.
Neighbor. God, you could feel the tears start to pool, big globs of salty water welling in your eyes, spilling and falling to the floor. You kept both hands pressed to the stall door, leaning forward and staring at the floor, letting your tears hit the tile freely, splashing and creating little puddles.
Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor, neighbor, neighbor. How dare he diminish your relationship like that? After everything you'd been through, all the shit you dealt with, the excuses you made for him, all because you thought you loved him. Jesus, he was supposed to be your boyfriend, he was supposed to care–
God… he wasn't even your boyfriend, was he? You two never used labels, never properly defined the relationship. No wonder he just called you his "neighbor". That's all you were, just a nextdoor neighbor who he fucked and used for emotional support. You didn't mean anything to him; you were just a warm body. Jesus, that fucking hurts. Everything else was just fuel to fire that was raging around you. Maybe you could've dealt with him keeping secrets and his shitty father if you knew he was all yours at the end of the day.
You heard the door swing open, light giggles running into the room, a doting mother following behind. You pressed your lips together, trying to stifle your shallow breaths. You felt humiliated enough: the last thing you wanted was for someone to find you like this, to know that you were breaking down in the bathroom.
"Mama, can we go to the pool after this?"
"I don't know, baby. We might be here for a while."
"A while? Knowing the Zen'ins, this reception will go for hours."
"Keiya, please–"
"What? You know I'm right. Aren't I, girls?"
"Do they have ice cream?"
"I–I want chocolate if they have ice cream."
You stood up, grabbing some toilet paper, dabbing at your eyes. You sighed at the sight of clumped mascara on the tissue. You hoped your makeup wouldn't be totally ruined after this. You folded the toilet paper, bringing it to your nose and blowing, getting rid of all the gunk that was accumulating. The restroom fell into silence, and you cursed yourself for being so loud. Maybe they would leave soon and you wouldn't have to embarrass yourself by facing them. The Zen'in men seemed insufferable enough; you couldn't imagine how the women would act towards an absolute stranger. God, just thinking about them shielding their lips and whispering to each other, giving you dirty looks, made you want to start crying all over again.
"Mommy, there's a lady crying in here."
You sniffed, looking down from your tissue to see two tiny eyes peeking through the slight crack in the stall door. You sniffed again, staring curiously back at what you guessed were two different girls.
"Maki, Mai, get away from there! Don't be rude!" But the girls stayed, eyes locked with yours until they were pulled away. "You can't look at people through bathroom doors; it's impolite!"
"Why's a lady crying, mommy?"
"I don't know, honey, but it's none of our business. You can't do things like that–"
"It's fine," you croaked, clearing your throat quickly. You grabbed another ball of toilet paper, dabbing at your eyes once more before blowing your nose, tossing the paper in the toilet and flushing it away. You opened the door quickly, meeting the gazes of the women and girls, giving a flat smile. "They're fine. It was an honest mistake."
"Really, I'm very sorry–" You waved your hand, your smile disingenuous as you moved to the sinks, taking a look at yourself in the mirror. You'd certainly looked better before, but the damage wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. You had some makeup in your bag: you could easily fix up your under-eyes and–
A hand found your shoulder, causing you to look up and meet the eyes boring into you through the mirror.
"You alright, hun?" No, no you really weren't, not now at least. But you nodded regardless, inhaling sharply and looking down at the sink again, turning on the faucet. The woman squeezed your shoulder, making you look at her again. "You sure?"
Oh God, that was it. You weren't sure why but that's what did it, made the tears come back full force and spill without another word. The woman gave a sympathetic look, sighing as she started rubbing her hand on your back. The soft action made it all feel worse somehow and you hung your head, biting your lip to hold back your sobs. She put her arm around you and pulled you into a side hug, squeezing your arm.
"I'm sorry–"
"Shhh, it's okay, hun. You have nothing to apologize for." You stood there in silence, quietly sniffling and letting your tears fall into the sink. The other woman brought you a cloth towel, handing it out to you. You gave a small smile, taking the towel and dabbing at your eyes.
"Do you wanna talk about it, hun?"
"I… I don't wanna burden you–"
"You're not burdening me, hun. I'm offering to listen."
You wiped your nose, looking at the woman next to you. Yes, she was a stranger, but there was a kindness about her that made you want to open up, to let your feelings out. It's not like you had anyone else to listen to you.
"Well… I came here with this guy…"
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Naoya had been lingering near the restrooms for a while now, checking his phone every couple of minutes to see if you had looked at his texts. What was taking you so long? You'd been in the bathroom for at least ten minutes now, probably close to twenty. Naoya knew that women took longer in the bathroom, but this was ridiculous. What were you doing in there, writing a novel?
The women's restroom finally opened, his aunt, Keiko, walking out with her twin daughters. She glanced at him, quickly pulling her girls away to the reception hall. His other aunt, Keiya, came out not too long after, laughing along with a familiar voice.
"Oh, and don't get me started on her ex; that was a nightmare." She quieted, slowing down as her eyes fell on him. "Ah. Naoya." He was going to throw a snarky comment at her, but you appeared behind her, your head hanging down just a bit.
"There you are," he said, stuffing his phone in his pocket and strutting towards you. "I was waiting for you. C'mon, we gotta go sit down, the reception's about to start." He reached out for you, but Keiya stepped forward, putting her arm in between the two of you.
"How've you been, Naoya? Still living off daddy's money?" He glared at her, giving a nasty sneer.
"I'm fine, auntie. How about you? Still a carpet-muncher?"
"Oh, definitely."
"That sounds fantastic. Anyways, if you'll excuse me, me and my girlfriend gotta go to our seats."
"Ah, so now she's your girlfriend."
"Excuse me?"
"Hey," you spoke up, putting your hand on Keiya's, causing Naoya's eyes to narrow at the action. "I should talk to him." His aunt met your gaze.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I can handle it."
"Okay, hun. We'll get a seat for you, okay?"
"Okay," you mumbled, squeezing her hand before she walked away. She and Naoya shared one more dirty look before she turned and went to the reception.
"What the hell was that?" he muttered, moving closer to you, putting a hand on your arm. "Did she do something to you in there? If she bothered you, I swear to God, I'll—"
"No, Naoya," you shrugged his hand off, taking a step away, "she didn't do anything." Naoya frowned, blinking before he reached for your cheek.
"What's the matter? Are you not feeling well or—?" You pulled his hand away from you, eyes still not meeting his, making his heart beat horribly. "Y/N… what's wrong?" You took a deep breath, fiddling with your clutch bag.
"...Do you like me?" Naoya scoffed, lips twitching.
"Course I do. You think I'd treat anybody the way I treat you?"
"...Are we dating?" He blinked, brow furrowing, mind racing. Why were you asking this stuff? What happened in there?
"I mean… yeah, I guess." A silence fell over you, a pregnant pause that made him anxious.
"...Why did you call me your 'neighbor' instead of your 'girlfriend' earlier?" Naoya narrowed his eyes, thinking back on his conversation with his father.
"I don't know, it just came out. Does it matter?" You scoffed, shaking your head as you finally looked at him. Your makeup had changed just a bit; is that why you were in there so long? Were you changing your look? Or were you fixing it…
"Are you ashamed of me?"
"No, of course not, why would you ask that?"
"I'm trying to understand why someone who I thought was my boyfriend said I was just his 'neighbor' to his father, somebody who you usually introduce your partners to—"
"Jesus, is that what this is all about? You're mad because I didn't introduce you as my 'girlfriend' to my dad?" You quieted, pressing your lips together as you stared at him, waiting for his response. He sighed, pressing his finger to his temple. "Look, if you really want me to introduce you as my girlfriend, fine, I will. We can go to him right now and I can tell him—"
"No, no, I don't want that—"
"Then what do you want, Y/N? I'm willing to fix this and you're telling me no, so what do you want?" You stared at him, opening your mouth and closing it, shaking your head slightly.
"I can't do this anymore, Naoya." He rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"What are you talking about?"
"I can't be with you anymore." He froze, eyes darting to you, waiting for the punchline.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I can't keep doing this, I can't have this… relationship with you anymore. I don't know what it is but it's killing me and I can't do it." Naoya stared at you, blinking quickly, unsure how to respond.
"I… wait, c'mon, you're not being serious, right?" You didn't respond, staring off into space, effectively disassociating and removing yourself from the situation. He took a step towards you, cupping your cheeks gently. "Babe, c'mon, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean anything by it, just lemme fix it, okay?"
"Naoya," you said softly, pulling his hands away, "when we get back home, I don't want to see you anymore."
"I don't want to hang out and I don't want to hook up—"
"Y/N, hold on—"
"—this isn't healthy for me. I can't be with someone who doesn't love and respect me—"
"—who said I didn't—"
"—and I can't keep making excuses for you when you don't change! I keep waiting and hoping you'll learn and do better in the future but every single time, you fuck up and we're back at square one and I can't take it." Your voice wavered at the end, head sagging on your shoulders, making Naoya pause. He'd never seen you like this before, at least not for a while. He'd forgotten how much he hated it, hated seeing your face twisting and tears spilling down your round cheeks after someone broke your heart.
"I'll give you back the stuff you left in my apartment." You stepped back, putting a bit of distance between the two of you. "But that'll be the last time I interact with you." You inhaled sharply, turning away from him. He hurried in front of you, blocking your path.
"Y/N, wait, calm down. You're just upset, maybe you're hungry or something. Why don't we just sit down and relax for a bit and—"
"I'm sorry, Naoya." You moved past him, walking quickly away so he couldn't catch up. He watched you go, fists clenching at his sides.
"You're being hysterical, Y/N," he raised his voice after you. "You'll come back after you stop acting crazy."
You didn't stop, didn't give any indication that you even heard him as you rushed into the reception hall, disappearing into the distant crowd. He watched you until your figure faded, sighing once you were out of sight. He felt his heart clench in his chest, hard and heavy, like a rock. He tried not to think too much about it.
As you walked through the busy sea of chatty guests and tables, you felt a weight begin to lift off of you. The air didn't feel as stuffy or rigid as you found Keiya and Keiko at a table with her children. And as you sat down at the seat they saved for you, you realized that the heavy knot in your chest would eventually dissipate and that one day you would be okay.
"Do you want a glass of champagne, Y/N?" You smiled, taking a deep breath.
"Yes. Yes, please."
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g0lden-diety · 2 years
How you doin~?
So my friend loves your writing but got nervous to ask-
So imma ask for em!:)
They love tamaki alot-
And they would love a Tamaki x Vampire!Reader
The reader would be female btw!
Hope you have the time or want to do this!
Have a good day/night!
Alright let me see what I can do! *flexes typing fingers*
Tamaki X Fem!Vamp!Reader
Tamaki’s heart was currently pounding in his chest. He looked at the note written in curvy, almost Victorian-style writing, instructing him to arrive under the cherry blossom tree past the lake.
But why so late at night? He wondered. He looked around, the sounds of the crickets and the owls making him shiver, the howling of a wolf making him jump a whimper a little.
“Too scary, too scary, too scary!” He thought to himself, eyes shut. He turned around about to leave when he bumped into something, making his eyes pop open.
“Hello, Tamaki,” you spoke in a monotonous voice, making him gasp in shock and stumble back, eventually falling on his behind.
“Y-y-y/n! Wh…why’re you hanging…u-upside down?” He asked as you looked upright in a cloud of dark purple smoke, the tips of your shoes softly brushing the grass as you hovered over to him. You could tell he was tense, scared even.
But why was he so red?
“Tamaki…are you alright?” You asked as he chuckled nervously, shaking his head yes. You cocked your head to the side, confused as you grabbed his shaking hand.
“I apologize if my hands are a little cold. You’re shaking,” a wave a sadness flushed over you.
“Are you…scared of me?” You spoke meekly, your head lowering a bit. At this, Tamaki began to shake his head, waving his hands back and forth.
“N-no! You don’t scare me at all! I-I mean, the fangs are…a little scary, but it’s ok! A-a lot of things scare me,” he admitted sheepishly, looking down at his feet. You drifted over to him, cupping his face in your hands, running your thumbs over his cheeks. You giggled to yourself, looking at Tamaki in his trembling, red, bashful, nervous glory.
“You’re adorable, you know that?” You asked as he turned even more red, as if that was possible.
“O-oh, um…” he stayed quiet for a moment before uttering a small ‘thanks’ under his breath. You lowered yourself until your feet touched the ground. You gripped Tamaki’s warm, yet shaking hands in your cold, yet steady hands.
“Do you know why I requested your presence tonight?” You asked as he shook his head no.
“Well, look at the moon. What do you see?” The both of you looked up, the moonlight reflecting beautifully in his eyes.
“The moon…it’s…big and…beautiful. I-it’s…I can almost touch it,” his voice was full of wonder, making you smile.
“I have much more energy during the nighttime since I…well, I’m…”
“A vampire? I know…it’s ok,” Tamaki reassured, rubbing over your knuckles with his thumbs.
“How did you…?” You asked as he smiled softly.
“Well, one, you hate garlic bread. Everyone loves garlic bread,” he said matter-of-factly, making you giggle.
“Two, you always wear sunglasses, and a dark hoodie when you have on your uniform, and your hero costume has a dark hood on it…also when we went on night patrol, that was the only time you didn’t have your hoodie up, or wear those goggles,”
“Three, I, um…” he blushed in embarrassment.
“I saw you…turn into a bat…one time…on accident,” he said as you giggled, which turned into a laugh, a genuine one. You squished Tamaki’s cheeks, abruptly planting a kiss on his lips, shocking him.
“Tamaki? Are you alright?” He just stood, frozen and red before turning, his back facing you.
“…wanna go home!” He mumbled as you giggled, proofing in front of him, making a terrified noise come out of his mouth.
“U-um, c-can you…warn me before you…p-poof?” He asked nervously as you nodded, chuckling.
“Well, since the truth about me is already revealed, I bid you Goodnight, sweet Amajiki,” you turned, about to poof into a bat and fly back to your dorm when suddenly, Tamaki grabbed your hand.
“Wait! Can I…,” he swallowed nervously.
“Can I…kiss you? The r-right way?” He asked as he smiled sweetly, lightly stroking his cheek with the back of your hands.
“Whatever your heart desires, Amajiki,” his arm soon wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, and his other went up, cupping your cheek as he leaned, pressing his lips against yours, the both of your hearts pounding in your chests. The kiss was so sweet, so innocent, so…beautiful.
“I bid you farewell, my sweet Amajiki. May your waking moments be just as pleasant as the ones leading up to your well-deserved slumber. I hope I was get to pass you and indulge in your presence the morning after this,” you said, planting a kiss on his forehead, making him smile a little.
“Goodnight to you too, Y/n,” he raised your hand to his lips, planting a kiss on your knuckles. You smiled before turning your back to him, looking up at the moon and feeling more alive then normal, a smile on your face as you poofed into a bat, soaring away into the night sky.
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diaphobic · 3 years
how would the boys minus kanato plus Karl react to their baby vampire teething so they like to bite on their hands? (it’s all probably gum though 🥺)
Admin: Hi hi! I’m doing great! I hope you are too, Anon! This is such a cute ask to receive~! Happy to be able to answer this!!
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Shu: “Ah- Are you practicing your bite? Heh, you’re starting early little one. I’ll have to find something for you to teeth on. It must be painful for you. You can bite my hand for now, but only for a little while.”
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Reiji: “What do you think you’re doing? Fufu, look at you, teething on your fathers hand without a care in the world. I simply cannot wait until I’m able to embarrass you with all of these stories from your childhood.”
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Ayato: “Oi, why’re you bitin’ me? I’m not tasty! Tsk, I guess you are growin’ up already. You should stop growin’ for a bit! I want to enjoy your baby phase a while longer.”
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Laito: “So cute~ You don’t even have teeth, yet you’re chewing my hand as if it were food. Haha~ Are you hungry? Maybe your big kid teeth are coming in. Say ‘aah’ and let me look!”
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Subaru: “What’re you doin’ that for? Don’t bite too hard! What if you draw blood? Er, I guess you don’t have any teeth yet.. Ah, Che.. Are you growin’ teeth already?!”
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Karlheinz: “Goodness, child. You’ve taken quite the liking to my hand, haven’t you? Haha, you’ll need to find something else to teeth with. My hand isn’t very suitable for such a thing, and I doubt you could pierce my skin with those blunt fangs of yours.“
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scandeniall · 4 years
cause u were my baby
pairing: atsumu x (implied black)f!reader (ur Aran’s sister but if u wanna imagine youre adopted go ahead no physical descriptors)
summary/warnings: honestly just based off my boo by usher. ur life around atsumu over the years (from kids to adults)/implied nsfw at the end when ur adults, bad words, thats it./timeskip spolier 
a/n: format might be weird because i was initially doing these as headcanons but kept going and it changed. also also started with a sakusa version based on this song so um tune in next whenever i finish it oop-
It started when we were younger, you were mine 
You’re not exactly sure when you’d met Atsumu. It seemed like he was always around. From the first day Aran came home trailing two considerably shorter twins behind him you’d been intrigued. 
“Aran you never told us ya had a sister!” When they found out your name and exclaimed how cool it was there was no way you could’ve predicted your future. 
Eventually it became a tiny school girl crush, on one of them as kids (you couldn’t quite tell them apart for the longest). You’d be overly happy whenever Aran brought them around, and always asked to tag along with him, but only when he mentioned he’d be seeing the twins. 
You’d watched over the years as your brother only grew closer to them and as a result so did you, sorta. In middle school you’d come back from hanging with your own friends to hear the twins bickering while your brother just continued in with his homework. Being in the same year, you’d occasionally be dragged into helping them out, or sharing answers when it was too hard and “they’d learn it later, but need the answers now.”
At some point during middle school you’d grown an official crush on Atsumu, opting to take his side more often than not within his competition with Osamu. Despite that, nothing ever came of it as kids. 
The older you got, the more attractive they’d seem to get, but you never paid much attention. After all, once you reached the world of high school, your young crush practically disappeared. Instead you’d taken a liking to all the new people you were exposed to.  
As they got more and more passionate about volleyball and you parted class ways you never really saw them, except for the occasional times they’d come to your house. Even then, the conversations were short. Growing more confident, and friendly you’d still jokingly take Atsumu’s side to which he’d parade around like he’d won the lottery. “At least someone thinks I’m right.” 
Of course you’d heard about Atsumu’s lack of popularity among his teammates. You’d overheard Osamu telling him at lunch one day to be nicer, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the lack of care he showed for others thoughts on his personality. As long as he was doing his job as a setter all’s good. 
“Don’t think you’d say that if they decided to throw you in a ditch one day,” you’d tease hovering over their lunch table. “Maybe you should be a little nicer,”
“If they suck, then they suck.” 
For the rest of your first year your conversations took on similar natures. One of you’d overhear something then butt in for a few moments before returning to your regularly scheduled lives. 
You’d watch as the two of them grew into their volleyball skills, alongside your brother cheering from the sidelines as much as you could. Come your 2nd year Their notoriety and your connection to them caused a spike in your popularity. It was something that came to the irritation of your brother. 
“Another date?” Your brother eyed the way you searched for the perfect pair of shoes while you waved him off. 
You’d heard about the twins biggest fight. Osamu admitted that he’d be quitting volleyball after high school. Heard about the way Atsumu reacted, seen the way they stopped sitting together at lunch
“Shouldn’t ya be with yer friends,” the blonde twin mumbles, continuing to stab at the rice he’d brought for lunch. Or that Osamu packed, which is precisely why he couldn’t eat it. You slid into the empty seat in front of him, not even phased. 
“Atsumu you need to make up with your Osamu. You two are driving Aran mad. And more importantly you need each other.” Your hand stops his that were previously stabbing at the food, by knocking the chopsticks out. With a sigh, you move the bento he’d been messing over and replace it with your own lunch. “Since you’re on your whole anti Samu stance, figured I’d get you some non Samu food. I’ll be eating this by the way.” You were intentional in keeping your voice light not wanting to further upset the firecracker. “I’m waiting on my thank you.”
“For what. Tryna get me to talk to the traitor-“
“Atsumu. He's your brother. Grow up. I’m just trying to help out my friends-“
“Yer just Aran’s sister who has a stupid crush on Samu. That’s why yer taking his side,” at that your eyes widen and the annoyance starts to set. Before you could refute he cuts you off.  “We’re not friends. Never have been and never will be. Go hang out with Samu if you’re that desperate”
Silence settled upon the two of you before you swallowed the lump that had started to form. 
“You’re right. We’re not friends and I’m just Aran’s stupid little sis how could i forget,” your tone is mocking as you gather up your own food. “You clearly have some issues to work through with Osamu and you’re upset but I’m not gonna be your verbal punching bag. Keep the lunch,” you sigh before standing. “I’ll see you around, maybe.” Atsumu couldn’t pinpoint it then but there sense of finality in your voice might’ve aided in the further irritation he carried through the rest of the day. 
You’re not even sure when the twins got back on good terms. One day they’d started hanging back out at your place with Aran however you made it a point to never be around. It wasn’t until your brother’s graduation months later that Atsumu caught you for more than a few fleeting seconds. 
“He’s really graduated huh-“ you were sitting in the empty gym after the ceremony. Everyone else had gone outside before you ditched your family with the promise of catching up and being back for Aran’s celebratory dinner. However Atsumu had watched you slip back in and curiosity killed the fox. 
“Hey Tsumu,” you hummed, eyes glued on the chairs covering the floor. You only glanced at him once you felt the bleachers creak and did as he settled next to you. 
“Why’re ya in here (Y/N)”
“Just thinking. I’m gonna miss him-“
“Arans really leaving us for the big guys huh- they grow up so fast.” The lightness in Atsumu’s voice has you smiling before shaking your head before focusing back on the gym floor. 
“Not Aran. Well- yeah I’m gonna miss him too but I’m talking about my boyfriend. Well ex who kinda broke up with me yesterday. Something about going off to Uni and needing something new. Seeing him here too was weird.”
Atsumu just nods. He’d heard that you’d started dating some 3rd year shortly after your disagreement. According to Aran and even Osamu the guy wasn’t necessarily a bad guy but wasn’t really a good one either. “(Y/N) could do better but if she’s happy,” he’d listen to Aran complain before, a rarity from a guy who tried seeing the good in people. And it was true, you were happy. Extremely so. 
“Sorry about that,” you just give him another nod before he sighs. “M’sorry about blowing up at ya a while back too. Saying that we weren’t friends,”
“Is Miya Atsumu apologizing for someone.” Your fake shock is accompanied by you turning your body to face his. “Do I need to get this on camera for proof. Where’s Rin.” The way you pull out your phone pretending to film has him laughing before jokingly telling you to shut it. 
“You worked things out with Samu?”
Atsumu only shrugs. “I’m still pissed but we still have 1 more year. And I gotta focus on being happier and more successful.”
“Do I even wanna know?”
Instead of responding Atsumu just stands before offering you a hand. “Ya going to the party?” He was referring to the one the parents had planned to celebrate the graduates. It was at your house but you weren’t sure if you were gonna actually show or just hang with a friend for a few hours. You still hadn’t taken his hand up and he looked at it expectedly. 
“Hadn’t decided. Kinda sad ya know,” you joke before taking it. 
“All the more reason. Forget about that loser. Besides if Aran finds out I knew ya were sad and did nothin’ he’d kick my ass.” You thought for a moment before caving, not even noticing had neither of you had let go. 
That was the start of it all for you two. Following the party you’d rekindled your friendship with the twin and as break started the two of you grew closer. There’d been many nights when you two would sneak out and go on late night adventures. Convenience store runs. Scooter rides or even to parks to help him practice. You’d even started hanging around when they had official team practices to where he’d started walking you home. 
Your first kiss happened on one of those walks. Your arms had brushed several times as he complained about poor spikes or missed serves and how they weren’t gonna be Karasuno with that performance. 
“They’re stressing you out just how you stressed Kita out captain”
“And yer brother,” you nod as your hands brushed again. “How’s he doin anyways,” 
“Pretty good. Just practicing a lot and stuff. He’s always tired when we talk.” Another brush. You start tuning Atsumu out as you debate on making a move. The two of you had gotten considerably closer to the point where people had teased calling him your boyfriend. However you could’ve been imagining it and the chemistry. Maybe he just saw you as a sister much like Osamu but picked up on your feelings and didn’t wanna hurt them and ruin things. 
“Hey Atsumu,” the way you stopped had him confused. However before he could question it you started. “Do you like me? Like-like me?”
He thought for a moment before answering just with a shrug. “Well yeah. Course Aran would kill me for some of my thoughts but—yeah.” You weren’t even sure why you were so surprised with the ease of how he admitted it. He always said what he meant and all you could do was nod before managing to could out something that sounded like “good”
“Good. That’s all ya gotta say? C’mon (Y/N) give me something. Do ya like me?” With a nod from you he finds himself surprisingly flustered before doing the same as you. Only this time he’d moved closer head lowering. “Well that’s good”
The two of you started dating shortly after and into your last year. It wasn’t something that went unnoticed either. The way he’d lean against your locker trying to be cool, definitely falling more than once. The few people that had been privy to your quick makeout sessions when you’d meet up in empty hallways while you were supposed to be using the restroom. The way you’d started eating lunch together more often and if people played enough attention they’d noticed that you often shared drinks because “things taste better when they aren’t yours.” Then the most obvious, how you’d hang around early at games and stayed after and how he was so excited to beat Karasuno at nationals that he’d actually made out with you in public. (Aran had nearly murdered him upon finding out about that)
After graduation you two had gone off to different places and it was a struggle. There were arguments about not making time for one another. Between your academics and his pursuit at going pro, it was a struggle. But things were always made worth it. The time you’d created and sent him a care package and he texted you back a selfie with the basket with tears in his eyes. Or how you made the 3 hour train ride down for important matches or during your school breaks because he’d sounded super down about not being able to nail a new serve. 
There were times where he’d stay on video call with you long after he should’ve been in bed because you were stressed about finals and up still studying. Then the time he surprised you by coming down for a milestone birthday. He’d showed up at your apartment at some odd hour completely exhausted and ready to fall over the second you opened the door. 
“Surprise baby,” he slurred using the last bit of his energy to hug you tightly. “Happy birthday”
“Tsumu what are you doing here,” you’d pull away however he attached himself back to you arms locked around your middle and face buried in the side of your neck.
“Talk later, sleep now.” You find yourself nodding before prying his hands off your and intertwining them with yours. 
“Let’s get you some sleep Tsumu”
There were the late night drives as young adults listening to old school music and singing your hearts out just having fun. It was during the holidays and you two had both gone back home to be with your families. 
“Hey babe technically this is us.” Atsumu is the one to turn the radio down as a familiar song starts. “And you were my babyyyyy,” His screeching fills the car causing you to laugh and swat the hand that had been casually resting on your thigh off. “It started when we were younger-”
“Atsumu shut up and pay attention to the road.” You smile as his hand immediately finds its way back on you. “But you are my boo.”
The night the Jackals beat the Adlers you were sure Atsumu would want to go out and party and you were more than fine with it. However while waiting for him to finish up you’d gotten word of his celebratory plans from a post game interview. “Just gna hang at home. Watch a few movies, eat a cheat meal, ya know.” 
It’s about an hour later before Atsumu meets up with you at the stadium's entrance. You notice how his hair hadn’t fully dried as he shifts his duffel bag to the other arm to grab your hand on your preferred hand holding side as the two of you make your way across the parking lot. “Are you sure you don’t wanna go out with the guys?”
The squeeze of his hand confirms his decision. “I’ll see em’ tomorrow. We haven’t spent much time together these days. As the two of you approach the car you let go before asking him if he wanted you to drive. After he confirmed he was good to you slipped into the passenger seat listening as he tossed his bag in the back before sliding into the driver's seat. “Besides,” his hand makes its way towards your cheek, guiding your face to his. “I can think of a much better way to celebrate.”
“Is that so?” Your tease is quiet as you inch closer lips only a hair away. He’s the one who closes the space and you immediately reciprocate. Your lips immediately move against his mumbling a “congratulations” against his lips. You indulge it for a moment before pulling away to press kisses up his neck until you reach his ear before whispering something. 
“Are ya serious?” At your nod he lets out a groan that you can’t help but laugh at him. “Yer gonna be the death of me one day”
“Love you too.”
The day he found out he’d made the Olympic team had been cause for celebration for more than one reason. The two of you had been getting ready for a regular day of running errands when he got the call. After hanging up he yelled for you so loud it could have gotten a noise complaint from neighbors. 
“Atsumu why are you yelling. Im in the bathroom not fucking Antarctica.”
“I’m on the Olympic team baby.”
Following that you decided to turn the day into an Atsumu day something that made his heart swell. From the way you kept telling him how proud of him you were to watching his favorite movie even though you hated it. Once you insisted on making his favorite for dinner he knew it was time. In return he convinced you to get dressed in something other than sweats to eat dinner on your couch. “I just think we should take some pictures so I can show off my biggest supporter,” is what he told you with a shrug when you questioned it.
You also shouldve known something was up when he insisted that he had desert covered, because the man couldn’t bake for shit. “It's a delivery, cmon have some faith in me.”
“I do baby. In everything except for baking.”
You’d just finished eating dinner and the two of you were cuddled on the couch watching another movie, one of your boyfriend’s choices. You’d shifted uncomfortably for the fifth time before looking at Atsumu. “Can I change yet, these jeans aren’t comfortable anymore.” You were caught off guard when he moved so that he pulled you so that you were straddling him.
“Not at all,” you rolled your eyes while he just laughed, fingers squeezing at your hips. 
“Just wait til desert, yer brother’s on his way with it now.” He placed a quick kiss on the skin of your collarbone before pointing at his phone for you to hand to him. “Did he tell ya he's on the olympic team too?”
“He's my brother. I was gonna treat him to dinner tomorrow. You tell Samu yet?”
“Not yet. Was gonna do it after Aran left.” You don’t miss the way Atsumu tries to hide the messages on his phone, his brightness all the way down, something he usually hates. Before you can question anything he's pulling you so that your lips meet his. “Stop looking so concerned,” he whispers against your lips. 
“Yer so fuckin pretty baby,” the way his fingers tighten against your sides and the way his tongue slips into your mouth has the quietest moan coming out of your mouth. You pout as he pulls away settling for kisses along your neck instead. “You’ve been so good to me today. Can’t wait to get to bed with you.”
Before anything could go any further a knock on the door interrupts. “It's probably Ojiro,” you whine, mildly annoyed at your brother for interrupting you from where things were headed. “Tsumu let go,” you frown at the failed attempt of getting off him. You've met with a quick kiss before his palm comes firm against your ass, a yelp escaping. With that he lets you go laughing at the scowl you shoot him as he goes to get the door. 
You don’t even bother to look at the two yet you can hear Aran’s scold that the two of you were disgusting.
“How’d ya know we were even doin anything”
“Your lips are swollen.” After that the two of them get into a whispered conversation that you can’t pick up on no matter how hard you try to listen. Before you know it your brother crosses through the apartment to place a box in the kitchen before joining you in the living room. “Congrats big bro,” you stand hugging him slightly before plopping down on the couch. He gives a smile of thanks before changing the subject.
“Miya here isn’t corrupting you too much right.” You both ignore Atsumu’s exclaim that he isn’t the one corrupting anyone has you hear him shuffle around in the kitchen. 
When he gets back he brings the box, some plates and a few utensils. “What is it?” He nearly trips trying to set it all down before you get up to help him. After helping him you notice that he doesn’t sit back on the couch and looks off. “Tsumu are you ok?” You give your brother a concerned look but he just shrugs. 
“(Y/N). could ya,” he nervously motions for you to stand back up and you comply confused. Grabbing his hand you watch him carefully, silently trying to check in on him. When he doesn’t answer you lean up to place a quick kiss on his lips. A silent “I love you,’ something that seems to calm him down. “I I love you too”
“You wanna sit down now?”
“Yeah just let me get this off my chest first?” Your nod is his signal to continue. “I don't remember when I met ya. At all. All I know is that there was this super cool guy with a super cool name and me and Samu kinda just followed him around. Then we found out he had a little sister.” You were used to some of Atsumu’s mindless babbling but the reason for bringing that up right then and in front of Aran was still going over your head. 
“Somewhere along the way I fell in love with ya. I can tell ya that the first day I realized my crush was after Aran’s graduation. You were sittin in the gym and we just talked. You were sad about some loser and I didnt like that. Course I couldn't say anythin cause we weren’t even really friends then.” That pause is when what might be happening hits you and you freeze. It’s something Atsumu notices right away, eyes looking at you with concern. “Ya alright?”
The only thing you could do was nod offering a slight squeeze of his hand prompting him to continue. “Alright—where was I —ok. Then we got together and I knew it was love. Ya made me feel like I was I’m top of the world even when I was a jackass.”
“I almost thought we wouldn’t make it when ya when off to university. It was hard but we made it. we used to argue so much about stupid shit back then too. You were there before anyone knew who I was as a kid and have stayed with me all the way to being an Olympic athlete.” 
At this point you watch as he begins to kneel and you’re hit with the fact that he’s really about to do it. You’re nodding before he even asks which causes him to laugh. “Let me finish alright.”
“I’m so in love with everything about you and after the announcement I realized we weren’t gettin any younger. You’ve been my boo since we were 17 and here we are almost a decade later. You’re still my boo and I want it forever. So (Y/N) will you marry me?”
You’re not even sure real words came out before you’ve tackled him to the ground in a hug immediately pressing kisses all over his face. Your eyes are teary as his hand rubs comforting circles on your back. The two of you are there for a few moments before Aran finally clears his throat. 
“I can't believe my little sister is engaged. And to Atsumu no less.congratulations you two.” He shoots you both a warm smile as he watches the two of you. After getting up your arms fling immediately around Aran. 
“Did you know about this,” the tears finally begin to fall as he just laughs confirming. “I can't believe you let him ambush me like this.” You feel your brother's arms embrace you at the mixture of laughing and crying. 
“Hey, I knew he was proposing soon, not the day. He just called me up earlier claiming today was the day. Now stop crying and look at the cake.” Confusion crosses your face until you’re turned around to see Atsumu holding a cake that reads: marry me? (pls) the ring placed right under the words. 
After you'd calmed down the three of you just sat in the living room catching up when you realized something. “Atsumu, you were so corny with the song reference.” Looking at Aran the two of you immediately burst into laughter. “I can't believe you referred to me as your boo. Out loud and in all seriousness”
“I got it on camera too. Got him in 4K” Aran shakes his head. 
“I can't believe this. I propose and yet still clowning me. I miss when ya were all emotional,” your fiancé huffs. Despite that he doesn’t move at all from sitting so close that your legs touched. His eyes kept shooting at the ring on your finger and the desire to get you alone grew by the minute. At some point his hand slipped from the back of the couch to your thigh offering a squeeze. 
It was then that Aran cleared his throat. “That’s my cue to head on out. I’ll see you tomorrow sis. Congrats again you two. Don’t—I’m not ready to be an uncle yet, s’all I gotta say.” 
“After the Olympics work better for ya teammate?” 
“How about never Miya” 
The two of you bid your brother one last goodbye after the warning and before the door is even fully closed your fiancé is pulling you back into his lap. Your heart swells at the way Atsumu’s eyes look at you with so much love and your voice comes out way quieter than you intended. “Still can’t believe you quoted Usher”
Atsumu groans at that The hand that had been plaing with your, ghosting over the ring comes to a stop. . “I’m never showing anyone else that video.” 
“It’ll be our little secret.” 
“You're lying”
The smirk on your face tells him all he needs to know and all he can do is shake his head. “If yer gonna tell my deepest secret I’m gonna need you to make it up to me.” His hand slip around your waist, fingers skimming the space where your shirt had ridden up. you return the touch by trailing your hands until palms are placed again his chest. 
“I think we can arrange something. Isn’t that right pretty?” The touch and hushed words were enough to cause heat to flare across your skin. 
“What’d you’d have in mind?”
“A few things,” Atsumu leans close, placing kisses everywhere except your lips. First your close one. Then along your jaw. Right on the corner of your lips. “Think we’ve got some celebrating to do, fiancé.”
Atsumu forgot to tell Osamu that night and was ambushed the following morning after watching his private story in which Atsumu made you flash your hand to the camera with an obnoxious number of zooms with the caption: made the Olympic team and got my forever boo 🤪
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powerbottomeminem · 4 years
if ur still doin the kiss prompts, can u do the 51. public kiss but its em kissing kim and kells sees?
51. Public kiss (Eminem x Kim, MGK witness)
"What the fuck is this!", Colson's voice was too loud.
Marshall hadn’t closed the hotel room door yet, only a confused "Huh?" left him.
"Don’t play dumb with me", Colson snarled, "I shouldn’t even be here, you ... What the hell is it with you two?"
"Who?", Marshall asked still confused and walked closer.
Colson threw a magazine at him. "You and her. I don’t get it. Was this all just a trick to get her back? Or some weird revenge for the beef?"
"What the-?" The cover of the magazine had Marshall’s face on it and the headline read: Eminem and Kim, is it real love this time? "Oh come the fuck on!", Marshall huffed indignant and threw it on the couch table. "You know not to believe that shit. They always lie."
"Oh really?" Colson picked the magazine up again and opened it, shoving the page with a bunch of paparazzi photos into Marshall’s face. "Pictures don’t lie!"
Pictures of Marshall kissing Kim. New pictures of them.
"You swore it was over. In how many songs did you swear it was over?" Tears gleamed in Colson's eyes, but the anger kept them inside. "Am I just a joke to you? Fucking asshole!"
"Colson, hon, I-", Marshall started but his words wouldn’t be believed. It’s not what it looks like, yeah that’s what they all say. "Let’s talk about this", he said instead.
"No! Don’t butter me up or some stupid shit. Just break up with me, alright. Let’s get it over with. I can’t win against here anyway …", voice fading on the last words. Anger fading for sadness, the real feeling of the moment. "I should’ve never done this in the first place."
"But-" Marshall looked at his boyfriend - apparently soon to be ex-boyfriend - unbelieving and shocked. It was this easy to end? Didn’t they mean more to each other? A few stupid photos and it was over already? Then what was this even? Merely a fling, meaningless and without substance.
But Marshall’s heart hurt. "How can you even think that!", he yelled back, "Don’t you know how much bullshit that woman put me through? And I her? How can you even for a second believe I’d take her back? I learned my fucking lesson, you fucking idiot!" Fists balled and shaking, not with anger but pain. He’d thought this was good now, a relationship worth having. Not perfect by any means, but one where they understood each other. That’s all Marshall was really yearning for. Somebody who understood, somebody who knew, somebody to seek comfort with when life was getting too much.
And he’d thought to be that person for Colson, too. But perhaps Colson didn’t want that. What did Marshall know what the other wanted from this?
"I bet you said that the first time, too", Colson threw back at him. The anger sounded exhausted, easier to keep it up than to face reality.
Marshall knew that feeling but he never found how to break it. "Shut the fuck up! You know nothing!"
"I know enough!", their voices were both too high, too loud, "You still love her, don’t you. So you kiss her and take her back when she comes crawling! And I’m just a side piece!"
Marshall kicked against the couch table and it fell over from the force. "Shut! The fuck! Up!" That wasn’t what had happened, not this time. "It was just a stupid fucking kiss! Shit!" Why was this going so bad?
Kim smiled earnestly, almost shy. "This was surprisingly nice. Kinda weird but nice", a short look around the restaurant, empty but for them. She wasn’t used to this.
Neither was Marshall. This always felt eerie and weird to him, but this was his life and he had learned to live with it eventually. "Yeah, it was." Not being with each other for years had calmed down the waves, both of them hot heads, both of them finding this life stressful but perhaps for different reasons. Marshall wanted to say sorry. If it wasn’t for him, her life might’ve not been such a shitshow. Perhaps it would’ve still turned out this way, just less public. Who knew? He didn’t say it though.
They stood up from the table and their dinner, it felt like the last dinner they would ever have together. All three of their daughters grown up now, the last band holding them together grew thinner and thinner each year. There was no reason to meet anymore, less reason to have a real conversation.
Once Marshall had thought he’d never be without her, now he couldn’t imagine a life with her. The love that once was left nostalgia and obligation and memories, but looking at her now how she corrected the collar of her coat ... She was a woman he didn’t know and that was okay.
He held the door open for her and as she stepped through, he held her back for a moment. "Have a good life", he said quietly, honestly and kissed her goodbye.
Mild surprise on her face. "Good night, Marshall." She left for her car, only once looking back and waving at him briefly. Did she feel the same thing? He could never tell.
But tonight he didn’t mind. It didn’t matter and it would never again. She was just a woman securing her alimony now with the children out of the picture. And to his own surprise he didn’t mind that either.
"It was just a stupid kiss", Marshall repeated, not willing to let the hurt show. Colson didn’t deserve to see it if he believed this bullshit. "It didn’t even mean anything! Why’re you making such a mess?"
"I’m making the mess?", Colson asked indignant, "You fucking kissed her! Her of all people!"
Marshall threw his hands in the air frustrated. "Yes, you! She’s just a woman, don’t blow it out of proportion."
"No, she’s not", Colson huffed. "And you know that."
"Yes! I know that, so fucking believe me when I tell you she’s just a woman." He stared at Colson through slitted eyes, to hide the plea he felt filling them up with wetness. "And as a reminder, I don’t really like women all that much, aight."
Colson crossed his arms in front of his chest, his height always had him looking down on Marshall. "That’s hard to believe. Then why were you kissing her? Her of all people."
"Because ...", she wasn’t a part of his life anymore and he was sentimental enough to think of that as sad, right in every way but sad still. Marshall shrugged, "I can kiss whoever I fucking want."
"No, you can’t, asshole. Are you this stupid? You definitely can’t kiss her!" Desperation was gleaming through the anger, through the tears hard fighting not to be cried.
Marshall didn’t want to kiss her, not the way Colson thought. He really didn’t want to kiss anyone but Colson that way. Not necessarily meaning he wouldn’t end up doing something stupid at some point, but right here right now he wanted to kiss Colson, his boyfriend, the person he loved. But it seemed impossible.
Why was this so hard? Just one step, a few words, an apology and this whole thing could be over. But Marshall wasn’t in the wrong here. He hadn’t done anything and nothing that warranted yelling and shouting. Colson needed to make the first step.
But the only step Colson took was towards the hotel room door. "Fine! If you wanna kiss her so badly, do it. Be with her. Try it again with her. But don’t come running to me when you end up being burned again. That’s entirely on you!"
He held him back for a moment. "Don’t leave me, Colson", he said quietly, honestly and kissed him to stay.
Marshall was losing the fight like he always did when it came to love. Once he swore not to allow this shit again, to rather stay alone than let this happen again. But he hated being alone. He wanted to be with somebody who understood, somebody who knew, somebody to seek comfort with when life was getting too much.
But right now he wanted to be with Colson regardless. Perhaps some day the man could be one of those things, there was always hope underneath the pain.
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thecomfortable · 4 years
'BANG!' That was the tenth footbot today, at this rate Raphael's sais will blunten or even bend. Raph scoffed, he'll sharpen them later. Raph always handled things differently to his brothers, today he was taking his anger out on these lousy footbots. They really were lousy, all of them one hit kills. He didn't even need to try.
"C'mon ya damn bucket-heads!" Raph shouted, brandishing his sais together. But no bots came.
"Dammit..." Raph slid his sais back into his belt and set off back to sewers. His T-phone buzzed and he groaned. 'Pleasedon'tbeMikeyPleasedon'tbeMik-' It was Mikey. He groaned again.
M: [Heeeeey Raph! XP]
"What the hell." He murmured.
R: [Hi]
M: [Wot u doin]
What should he say? Raph smirked.
R: [Staying away from you]
M: [O.O Y??]
Raph pondered on the question for a while.
R: [You're annoying, why else?]
A while passed before Mikey responded.
M: [Oh, sorry.]
Mikey, using punctuation? What fresh hell is this? Raph scowled and turned off his phone.
"Yeah right..."
Footsteps echoed behind him and someone called out.
"Hey Raph!"
"Wait up dude!"
"Ow! Red, let go!"
April, Mikey and Casey, a lanky, pale-skinned boy with short black hair, covered by a scarf like cloth and wearing dirty dark grey jeans and a black T-shirt, had caught up with him, although Casey was being dragged by April. Raph grunted a 'Hi' but didn't turn around. April grabbed his arm, making Raph jolt in shock and whip his arm away.
"Don't DO that!" He growled and shot a look at April. Startled she nervously backed off. Raph's expression softened slightly and he continued walking, trying to ignore April's gaze.
"So whaddyer want?" Raph grumbled.
"Dunno man, April just brought me here." Casey had been able slip out of April's hold when she lost focus. April snapped out of her shocked trance and smiled.
"We came to see how you were doing." Raph went to call them all idiots but decided against it. Whatever he'll just ignore that... remark.
"So Raph, what were ya really doin?" Mikey asked with a sly grin. Raph grunted again and rolled his eyes.
"Nun' of yer damn business" Mikey faked a hurt expression and gasped loudly.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to intrude upon your personal life-"
"Okay. Okay! I was fightin' footbots, if yer really wanna know." Interrupted Raph. This made Mikey Casey, and surprisingly April, gasp in fake horror.
"Without us?!" Mikey moaned.
"Man how could you?" Casey added, April shaking her head in fake disgust beside him. Raph once again rolled his eyes and continued the track back to the lair.
They walked in silence for a while, except for the times April would quietly whisper with Mikey which lead to both of them giggling. This left Raph and Casey to guess what they were doing.
They didn't have to guess for long. In one swift movement, April and Mikey charged at Raph, who quickly dodged and crossed his arms. This wasn't gonna be the same as Donnie.
"Why're ya trying to jump me now?!" First personal questions now sneak attacks? This really is hell. Casey stood beside Raph and looked questioningly at April who in return grinned sheepishly.
"Not jump you..." April started.
"We were trying to tickle you!" Mikey cut in.
Raph's cheeks turned the lightest shade of pink and he glared daggers at Mikey.
"You told her!?" Raph yelled. Casey, who had been watching this scene with great interest, felt his eyes widen. Raph let out a war cry and pushed both April and Mikey over, they prepared for impact, but it never came.
"Cahahahasey you trahahaahaitor!" Raph shouted as Casey dug into his sides.
"Man that’s wicked! I didn't think a tough guy like you was tickl-AAH!" Casey was thrown off Raph who promptly bolted. He wasn't bothered to deal with this crap. April chased after him followed shortly by Mikey and Casey. If it was a chase they wanted, Raph was gonna give them one hell of a chase.
Leaping over the alleyways bellow him, Raph did everything in his power to shake the smug little snakes off his tail. It took ages but eventually he managed to slip out of view and into an small derelict, alley store, which would've hidden him well if it hadn't had that damn cockroach.
"YEAAAAAAARGH!!" Raph screamed, alerting the three smug hunters of where he was.
"Aha!" April pointed over to where the lone Raph was hiding. Raph was screwed and he knew it. April, Mikey and Casey began to approach Raph, who now wasn't feeling too confident about his position.
"Back off! I'm warnin' ya!" Raph yelled, brandishing his fists at them, all to no effect. They pounced at him and Raph tried to dodge. 'Tried' says it all really.
"Stop! STOHOP!" Yelled Raph as he struggled around underneath his merciless attackers. In a desperate attempt to save his dignity he aimed a kick at Mikey's lower torso. It hit hard and Mikey reared back in pain causing April and Casey to relent and shuffle away from Raph's reach.
Mikey took in a sharp intake on air and pinned Raph down again.
"You're not getting off that easily!" He breathed, still very winded. Raph groaned and, as embarrassed as he was, gave in.
"NAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHA-" April and Casey were back again. Mikey shook his head and smirked. 
“Not until you admit your feelings~” Raph suddenly realised how punch-able Mikey’s face was. 
“ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!” Raph felt his reputation of being the hot-headed, ignorant, sarcastic, tough guy, waver slightly.They stopped and watched Raph sit up and rub the back of his neck.
“I’m angry.”
“We already know that Raph.” April’s eyes bore down on him like a ton of bricks. He shot a weak glare in her direction which only caused April to raise her eyebrows and tilt her head.
“Fine! So what if I’m sad? Why does it matter to ya? Its not like I wanna talk ‘bout it!” Raph yelled although his voice trembled slightly. He got up and stomped off, but not before pulling on the tails of Mikey’s orange mask to make he fall onto his back. Casey was the first to run after him. 
“Hey come on man! You don’t have to tell them.” He gestured at the two despairing figures crouched far behind them. Raph huffed and furrowed his brow. 
“I don’t have to tell YOU either,, ya know?” Raph growled. Casey grinned playfully and punched Raph’s shoulder.
“I know that! I didn’t come here trouble you.” Casey pointed out. Raph smirked and let out a small laugh.
“Oh that’s right. You were “dragged” here~!” Casey flushed red and laughed awkwardly only making Raph smirked harder. “Or did you think this was going to be a lovely date with Apr-HIII!” 
Casey kicked the back Raph’s leg who, in reflex, stumbled backwards into a trash bin. 
“You JERK!” Raph yelled indignantly as Casey laughed loudly beside him.
“YOU’RE the jerk here.” Casey shot back and Raph ceased his struggling.
“I don’t feel great Case.” Raph mumbled hanging his head. Casey stopped laughing.
“I trust ya with this alright?” Casey nodded reluctantly though he was still unsure of where this was going.
“I don’t like crying.”
Casey guessed that.
“But-” Raph’s voice trembled. “That doesn’t mean I won’t-” 
Casey peered down at Raph and sure enough, even though they were in a dark alleyway, the dim light of the brightened apartment windows helped him see that Raph was crying. 
Casey’s mind thought it was a great time to take a swan dive off the building of common sense.
 He awkwardly clambered into the trash bin and sat beside Raph, who reluctantly shifted over to one side. 
“You wanna hug?” Raph look weakly over at Casey and nodded. 
So Casey and Raph, now sitting in a trash bin, were huddled together in a one armed hug. 
“Tell no one I hugged you.” Raph mumbled “Or I’ll break your hockey stick.”
“Tell no one I helped you or you know what’ll happen.”. Casey retorted, poking Raph’s side and wincing in pain as Raph slapped the back of his head. Raph sighed and held out his hand,
“Deal?” Casey took it.
One more turtle! 
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Ryoma Hoshi Appreciation Day
Heya Mod Shuichi, I was wondering if I could request an imagine that you personally want to write u,,w,,u
... You’ve given me too much power child,,, but I’ll use it wisely, I always wanted to write Ryoma,,, Ryoma getting comforted... I have that chance now...
Let’s do this.
-Mod Shuichi
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Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma had been sitting by himself all day during class this morning, he hadn’t even bothered to speak to the others this morning, not even his daily “g’ mornin’” wasn’t there, he had a complete poker-face.
But Kaede knew better than that, so she orginized a meeting within the classroom for her short classmate, to do something to make him happier for whatever reason he may have gotten depressed about.
It was a genius plan, she had gotten it all set up, the others had all agreed on everything with a bit more discussion, they were thrust into action.
The next morning when class began, Ryoma came in earlier than everybody else that’s how it looked with how the entire classroom’s lights were shut off, so naturally he’d go to turn em’ on.
Only to be revealed with his classmates hidden in the room, Kaede adjusted over some piano, the others right infront of Ryoma with genuine happy smiles striked across their futures, saying the same line that made his heart leap in his chest.
Himiko went up towards Ryoma she took her witches hat off to reveal a russian blue inside of it, with a gust of confetti, a tired grin on her face. “Suuuuurpppriiiise..”
Kaede was playing in the backround, a somber melody he remembered he told her he once enjoyed, he looked at everybody, trembling for a minute.
“... Why... Why’re you all doin’ this...?”
Kaito’s voice was booming amongst the rest of his classmates, he crossed his arms his grin being the highlight among them all. “Cuz’ we heard you were feeling down, so we went to cheer you up! We all got you some gifts, Kaede’s playin’ piano, Kirumi set up some meals to dig down on, n’ even Angie painted somethin’ for ya’! C’mon!”
“We put all this effort into workin’ on this, especially Kaede so smile for the rest of us will ya’?”
“K-Kaito...” Shuichi mumbles pulling his hat down over his head. “... But... we noticed you weren’t looking that good, so we... set this up, sorry if this kind of thing isn-“
Ryoma wiped at his eyes as a sly grin went to his features, he pulled his hat down.
“... Thanks it... means a lot to me, no needs’ apologize about it.”
With that everyone cheered, Gonta picked up Ryoma into a gentle embrace which caused the former tennis star to stutter out before everyone in the class goes to join in.
... Heh.
He’s found a reason for living amongst his classmates, hasn’t he...? Are you watching him from heaven, wherever you are? He’s moving on, he’s actually moving on a dirty killer like him feeling affection, care, love, happy thoughts again.
Ryoma holds back a sniffle as he hugs his entire class back, they’ve become his reason for life.
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harrieatthemet · 6 years
Could u imagine H mom shaming Mrs without realizing it and she’s completely over it and looses her shit at H? And he’s like oh fuck shit sorry Btw I love u and love for your posts
BTW I love you the most, Bub! Xx
It’s not intentional.
He’s just particular, that’s all. And he’s always been like that. He likes having the upper hand on things, he did even when he was a child. He has a concept, an idea, of how something should be done. And once he does, once the idea has embedded itself in his head, it has to be followed out the exact way he’s imagined it. Prior to angel baby, it didn’t bother you. It never irritated you, never really interfered with you or what you did. In fact, you saw it as more of a go getter attitude, a special kind of determination that he seemed to have. He’s a perfectionist, after all. 
And after angel baby, you were beginning to see it less as a kind of determination, and more as a pain in the ass. Now it was a pet peeve, an annoying tendency he had that made you wanna bite his head off. 
And he’s not doing it on purpose. It’s just that, angel baby is his most prized possession. Everything, in regards to involving her, can’t be anything short of perfect, has to be done with a tremendous amount of care and accuracy.
“Can’t hold a baby like tha’,” he tuts, carefully replacing your arms with his when he goes to take her from you, “yeh mad? S’like this, see?”
And you had brushed it off, initially. Of course you know how to hold a fucking baby, but she’s still got that new baby smell to the top of her head, she’s brand new, and you excuse his condescendence to new parent jitters. 
Except now she’s almost 8 months, and he hasn’t quite gotten over the ‘new parent jitters’ hump yet. He’s gotta do everything, every little thing. And sometimes you think he would breastfeed her, if he could. He’s showing you how to ‘properly’ burp his little angel, how she ‘needs’ to be washed. Sometimes, when he’s feeling particularly pesky, he’ll even go as far as standing over your shoulder to make sure you’re guiding angel baby to latch onto your nipple the right way when it’s time for a feeding. He doesn’t see it in the same light s you are, he doesn’t think he’s being annoying, he thinks he’s helping. 
There all things you know how to do, quite well in fact. And the more you hear him, murmuring to himself or hovering over you and telling you how to do it ‘the right way’, the more you feel like you just might punch him in the throat. Because these are all things you do while he’s away, or when he’s working, which is something he’s obviously looked directly past. 
The day has concluded, and your on your last ounce of energy in regards to staying awake. And your patience is wearing thin, after the previous bedtime nightmare you had just endured, biting your tongue as Harry gave you a one on one lesson on how to ‘properly’ drape the blanket over angel baby in the crib. But he’s in one of those moods, happy as could be as he hums to himself. You can hear him traipsing down the hallway, heading to find you in the laundry room, his feet pattering against the wood of the floor.
“Whatcha doin’, button?” He sings, immersing himself into the room. 
“Laundry.” You yawn, and he goes to snake his arms around your waist, his head settling itself to rest on your chin.
He’s chattering away about something he had seen on TV, a documentary he had watched just earlier, as you go to throw a few of angel baby’s onesies into the dryer. And he doesn’t say anything, not at first. But then he sees you throw a lint sheet in, and he’s trying to keep his mouth shut. You go to throw in another, and that’s when he puts his two cents in. 
“Nuh-uh,” he dictates, “can’t put tha’ in there! Toxins ’n all tha’, here let me-”
“Shut the fuck up!,” you shout, wriggling yourself free of his grip, “I can’t- just shut up!”
“Why’re yeh-” 
“No! (Y/N) do this, (Y/N) tha’s wrong! Blah blah blah, just shut the fuck up! I know how to take care of my baby, I know how!” 
And he’s on the verge of giggling, he doesn’t because it’s clear to him that you’re very tired, both literally and figuratively. He lets you reprimand him a little longer, because as he goes back and thinks about it, he’s sure he has been quite the pest. 
“M’sorry, baby, really.” He pretend pouts, jutting his bottom lip out before making kissy lips at you.
“No,” you huff, “m’not giving you a kiss until you say you’ll stop mom shaming me.”
“M’so so so so so so so sorry,” he whines, and he starts squirming his body like a toddler, “now please, a kiss fo’ me.”
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wincestisasincest · 6 years
Murder in the Blue Morgue -- Part 4
Trigger warning: Verbal, and a little bit of physical abuse. Unpleasant family life in general.
Also, yay! America. We’re heeeeeeere!
Also, also, I realized that I write 2D’s accent a little inconsistently, but y’all know what he sounds like. I’ll try to get it right, of course, but yeah I’ve realized I missed it a little.
First chapter: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/181730682110/murder-in-the-blue-morgue-part-1?is_related_post=1
Second chapter: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/181756574650/murder-in-the-blue-morgue-part-2
Third chapter: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/181756696770/murder-in-the-blue-morgue-part-3
Let’s-a go!
Hey this is Stuart Pot right
Whos this
It’s ur kid Jo
Oh yea
So apparently my mom wants to take u to court anyway
Thought u would like to kno
She still needs some more money
Says ur not doing ur part
And apparently theres evidence that u missed payments
From other moms as well
Thanks luv
////A week passes////
The apartment that stood before him looked like something straight out of an inspirational movie about inner city kids finding their voice, of course, written by people that had never actually gone into the city. The dilapidated building seemed near inhabitable, and looked to be more susceptible to squatters, not people who made an effort to pay rent. The bricks were jutting out in random places, looking like they were just barely keeping the building in place. The windows were cracked, with the ghoulish colors of the curtains on the other side making them incredibly off-putting. Even the fire escapes were so rusted and ramshackle in appearance that they looked like they would fall apart if any weight was put on them. It was almost comically broken and in pieces, stereotypical in nature. But, apparently, it was home to someone. “Well, it looks like 2D won’t be the first person murdered ‘ere.” Murdoc slithered out of the car, taking in the entire building, and somewhat enjoying himself. “They must’ve really been struggling if they can’t keep the rent up for this place,” Russel and Noodle clambered out of the back, approaching 2D as he gawked at the building in front of him, “Looks like one of those spots where drug deals happen.” “Hey now, that’s not always a bad thing.” Murdoc took another step forward. “Well, no point in standing ‘ere all day.” 2D walked forward towards the door, careful to pick a spot on the handle that wasn’t covered in some sort of unidentified substance. He pulled on the handle, caught off guard when it didn’t immediately open. He pulled again, with more force, still the door was stalled by its lock. “2A, was it?” Noodle approached 2D’s side. “Yeah, why?” Noodle’s well-manicured nail pressed on the buzzer as the ear-splitting noise rang out through the empty street. “It’s Joey Powell, who’s this?” A familiar, albeit distorted voice welcomed them on the meager speaker. 2D actually found the distortion somewhat comforting, as he was reminded of the Gorillaz musical style in the distortion. “Hey, Jo, it’s, uh, 2D. Can we come-“ “’D, ya gotta press on the button.” “Oh, sorry,” Buzz, “Hey, Jo, it’s uh, 2D. Can we come in? The band’s all ‘ere.” “Sure, hold on.” The speaker turned off, and another, louder buzz rang out, along with a click. 2D finally managed to open the door, and the band crowded into a musty hallway with a linear, uninviting stair case. 2D checked behind himself, knowing that the band wouldn’t leave him, but still wanting to be sure that he wasn’t going up the stairs by himself. 2D traipsed up the stairs, Noodle following suit, Murdoc taking time to gawk at the shoddy light fixtures in the apartment, and Russel slowly keeping Murdoc shambling forward. The stairs were carpeted with some poorly colored green and blue patches, looking like they had definitely seen better days, but also worse ones. The various mystery stains and white splotches that were sprinkled on the carpeting looked like they were ripped out of a crime scene, adding to the vibe of the building. They creaked their way past the first floor, and explored their way into the second floor, stopping in front of the scratched, wooden mess that was the entrance of apartment 2A. 2D gave a hesitant knock. “It’s open!” The same voice, this time muffled, yelled to them from inside the apartment. 2D pushed the door open. The first thing that hit him was the smell of the place, which was surprisingly homey, despite the depressed condition of the small apartment. There was a large central room, sporting a couch with clothes and a blanket strewn all over, a small television, a brief tiled interlude with kitchen equipment and a small table, and a large table in the back, with several sheets of paper stacked on top of it. It branched out into two smaller rooms, one with a half open door that contained a twin-size bed. The second thing that hit him was the heat, or rather lack of heat. The minute he stepped into the room, 2D began shivering, and instinctively zipped up his jacket. “Make yourselves at home, sorry about the cold.” 2D peered into the kitchen, containing the same girl who had visited Kong just a few weeks ago, this time resting on one of the countertops under the cabinets with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. A small ensemble of tools was at her side, and she appeared to be screwing something into one of the hinges of the cabinet, while supporting it with her other hand. “Where’s, uh, where’s Kathleen?” 2D tentatively took a step into the kitchen. “She’s, uh, supposed to be here right now, but she told me that she’s picking up dinner on her way home from work, whatever that means. Also,” She turned her head to the side, looking directly at him, “Why’re you here? And… how’d you find this address?” “Well, uh, I figured I would discuss the legal issues with your mum in person, I dun want her talkin’ about them behind my back or anyfing. And, um, Noodle and Russel just wanted to see you an’ Murdoc didn’ want ta be by ‘imself. I found the address in one of the legal files from my lawyer.” “So, wait, you flew all the way out here for this?” “Yeah, didn’ really have anyfing else to do, and I kinda wan’ this to be done wif for good. So, I figured I would come in person. ‘Specially seein’ as email isn’t really the best way to have legal conversations.” “And, how do you plan to tell her you found out about this?” “Oh, um, I hadn’t really fought about tha’ I just figured-“ “She’s not gonna be happy with me, even if this gets resolved. But, I guess you’re here already, so…” her voice trailed off as 2D looked at the floor, “Anyway, help yourselves to the fridge. We have some beer, I think, and there’s a sink if you want water. It’ll definitely be cold. Hey Noodle! Hey Russel!” Noodle and Russel continued their gander around the apartment, with Murdoc heading straight to the fridge and pulling out a beer. “’Ello, luv. I’m Murdoc Niccals, but you probably already know that,” He kept one eye trained on her, and used his other socket to snap the top off the beer bottle, “So you’re 2D’s, then?” “Apparently so.” 2D watched their conversation, ready to step in I anything were to happen. Murdoc had been nicer, recently, but that didn’t mean that he was more tasteful, especially when he was curious about something. “Wan’ some advice? Neva tell anyone. Ever. You’ll get a lo’ of fake friends, who just wanna talk to you so they can get a shot at meeting Murdoc Niccals.” “Already doin’ a good job at not telling anyone.” “Heh heh, I like this one, Dents. Mind if I smoke?” “I don’t, but mom might. But she’s also not here.” Murdoc pulled a box of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and lit one, offering one to 2D, who accepted. Noodle and Russel had sat down on the couch, both giving each other vaguely awkward looks as they were reminded of the squalid conditions that some people lived in. Of course, they’d both had hardships of their own, but it was easy to get used to luxury. There was always the slight, but noticeable, difference in living conditions that required a bit of adjustment. “What’re ya doin’ there, anyway?” Noodle questioned from the other side of the room. “Fixing the cabinet. Damn thing’s been broken for a week now,” Jo put one of the tools in her mouth while picking up another silvery instrument and a screw, still fiddling with the hinges of the cabinet, “We don’t even keep things in here, but the landlord is gonna charge us if it stays damaged for any longer.” She muttered through the screwdriver. “How did you break it?” “Mom had a wild night, apparently.” The keys in the door were jiggling, and the room went silent. The door was pushed open by a stout looking woman carrying a large purse, a bag of McDonald’s, and jingling keys being twirled around her finger. She took one look around the room, and sighed. “I figured I would see you again, Stu.” “Yeah, I kinda need to talk to you about somefing.” He took a long puff of his cigarette before looking at the floor again. “Lemme guess, you found out because of the waste of space over there?” She strolled into the kitchen and plopped the bag of McDonald’s on the table. “Sorry for not wantin’ to be in court for an extra two bucks. My priorities must be screwed or somethin’.” She slid off the top of the counter and investigated the bag of food. “The fries are for you.” “Ooh, a large. How generous.” She pulled out a container of fries and began to chomp away ravenously. “Hey, it’s not like you’ve been workin’ all day or anything.” “Actually, I have. I babysat for five hours and fixed all of the cabinets and the bedpost. And don’t you get free food at work, anyway?” “Yeah, but dealing with your shithead of a daughter is enough of a second job. ‘Specially when she’s goes behind your back to cover legal business that she’s not involved in.” “I’m literally the reason you have enough legal power to do any of this!” “Yeah, but you’re also the reason I’m so goddamn miserable, so keep your nose out of it, slut.” “Ooh, the walking sperm bank wants to talk about being a slut.” Her rejoinder was met with a slap upside the head as Jo quickly moved out of the kitchen. “And why the hell are all these other people here?” “They, um, they wanted to-“ “We wanted to see Jo and we were wondering if she could show us around town a little bit.” Russel interrupted 2D, knowing that there was already enough tension in the room. “Huh, first time for everything.” Kathleen shrugged. “Well yeah, usually people are too scared of you to come visit.” “Alright, let’s go, Jo. New Jersey’s got their diners, right?” Russel stood up, bringing Noodle with him and giving Murdoc a death glare as he began to walk towards the door. “Mom, I’m takin’ some of the money.” Jo peeked in the lockbox at the back of the drawer. “My ass you are.” “I earned half of it anyway. And don’t act like you were planning on paying for anything important with it. I wonder how many escorts 1700 dollars can buy anyway.” This rejoinder was met by Kathleen picking up Murdoc’s empty beer bottle and chucking it across the room. It shattered against the wall and Jo ducked. Noodle was shortly at her side, practically pulling her out of the room. “It’s okay, Ms. Powell, we’ll handle it. Murdoc, let’s go.” They had slammed the door behind them before either of the Powells could get out another word.
Man, we love those casually abuse relationships, don’t we?
Also, next chapter, plot, excitement, violence!
Get ready.
Also, thanks for everyone who’s made it this far.
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jamesbuckbarnes17 · 3 years
*moans softly at ur actions and whimpers when u push into me* maybe?🥺 just haven’t been doin’ too well up here *taps my head* i guess
*sighs and shuts my eyes, leaning my head against the pillow, speaking softly* ‘m sorry jamie🥺 ‘m so s-sorry
- 🦦
‘M sorry baby. Just want you to be okay. *sighs* why’re your sorry? Got no reason to be sorry okay? Remember we talked about being open with our feelings and everythin‘ and ‘m happy you’re tellin’ me than not, so you’ve got nothin’ to apologize for. ‘M here for you baby *kisses your cheek, letting my lips linger there*
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