#why would he make him say that if they arent i just GOD insane
sans-enjoyer · 26 days
Inanimate Insanity Episode 16 Spoilers!!!!
its been like, two days since episode 16, and people are already arguing about Mephone's age. He is a child, and this didnt come out of nowhere guys, he's always BEEN a child:
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^post from 2018!! 5 YEARS ago!
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^Brian reposting art (amazing art btw<3) where Mephone is described as a CHILD and drawing in a childish way.
^Brian saying that Mephone is so young he doesn't even know how to SPELL.
Now; heres some stuff ive been hearing in argument against him being a child.
"Cobs is infantilizing him." I agree with this to a certain extent, he is acting like Mephone is a child who cant comprehend anything like an abusive parent. but thats where it stops. Children can ALSO be infantlized! But aside from that, Cobs even says; "I forgot how young you are!" Parents don't say that to their adult children, because it makes no sense unless Mephone is a child.
Secondly, why would Brian and Justin be doing the same thing? They say he's young!
"He has an adult voice." Robots don't hit puberty! This means nothing. Unless youre saying that the creators implied hes an adult because hes voiced by an adult, well i'll have to refer you to the images above.
"He hosts an entire show." Arguably not very well, also again, he's a robot, and also, theyre on an island! its not like you need a permit to film on a random island in god knows where. Any child can "host" a show if they have enough determination, general knowledge of how they work, and equipment, and would you know it Mephone has all three! He knows how they work because he watched them in meeple, and he can generate any equipment he needs.
"He's a robot, he doesn't have an age." True..? sort of...? But the thing is, being legally defined as a child is based off your mental capacity. Children arent as mentally/emotionally intelligent as grown adults, because they don't have the life experience nor the capacity to be. Mephone barely has ANY life experience, he grew up in Meeple, and then started the show immediately after leaving. And obviously, in Inanimate Insanity (and all object shows), robots are almost always sentient beings, unlike real life.
"He's much more mature than a child, especially one that couldn't spell." Debatable! First of all, he thinks things like 'going to jail for one day' and 'the calm down corner' are terrible punishments, like children. If you tell a child to go sit on the stairs for 5 minutes and frame it as a punishment, they will take it as serious as anything else. Secondly, he literally decided to make a random species of bat.. things? fight to the death because they ate his four month old ice cream. No mature person would do that... Thirdly, abused children ACT more mature than others because they HAVE to be. Abused children are not ALLOWED to act like children. They have to be mature for themselves because who else is going to be? Who else is going to take care of you when your parent doesn't? But that doesn't mean they arent still a child.
So now we tread into questionable territory. Is it okay to deny the idea that he is a child at all costs, just so you can ship him or sexualize him? There is really no other reason why you would deny that he is a child.
Now obviously; lets not harass anyone who has drawn ship art of him or sexualized him in the past. This stuff was not commonly known, most people thought he was an adult. But if you look deeper, he isn't.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, if anyone reads this far ( ̄^ ̄)ゞI know I usually only post art, but this is an important topic to me as i am very hyperfixated on Mephone4 i swear i can't control it guys!!
Feel free to make any counter points, im open to discussion, but i am also very set on this opinion. Have a good day everyone!!☆
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satoruhour · 1 year
this with satoru. omgomgom—
a/n: fem!reader, discussions of unprotected sex, oral f! receiving, finger sucking, creampie & breeding, cum eating, jealous gojo. link to post here also anon ur mind >>>>>
oh OH OH .. OKAYYYYYY ok to start off he’s clingy as fuck to begin with so im not even sure why youd dare to flirt with gojo satoru’s girl … erm! but anyway theres prob this kyoto teacher slash sorcerer who was just posted to the region and hes nice and all …. utahime says hes leagues above gojo but also bc she just rlly fuckin hates him LMFAO. paired with the fact that gojo has an affinity to fuck at public events just cause u look so damn good in that black dress he picked out for you. but oh boy that sorcerer has insanity coming just by talking to gojo satoru’s girl !!!!
ur bf also is … possessive as hell. youve tried to tell him to not scare off random guys (or girls) who come up to you and ask you for ur number but he just . likes to scare them off. usually you’d be there to calm the situation down too cause if u were not that man will go CRAZY. ok but anyway! you already know whats in store when gojo saunters up to the two of you with drink in hand (apple cider) in hand and a hand curls around your waist and hes just like “sorry, can i steal your conversation partner”
you thought it was bc of the black dress but it’s the jealousy and suddenly everything makes sense and youre teasing him all the way to the bathroom. altho it’s futile cause the moment the lock clicks and you’re turned around and pushed up against the counter. good luck holding onto the installed racks of the sink bc he goes to his knees and eats you out like no other. gojo uses his jealousy and the lust he has for you and puts it all into his tongue
“he wishes he could taste my sweet pussy,” he basically makes out with your cunt as youre trying to keep your voice down, “what he doesnt know is that my girl gets wet for me and me only” WHEEEEW hes angry and he makes sure your pussy gets all the heat. makes you cum one, two, three times and hes sure the event’s at their dessert course right now while he still has you moaning and grinding into his mouth. now youre up on the sink’s counter, and him on his knees but he stops your orgasm just as you were reaching your high and he has to fuck you now or else he’ll die. gojo isnt even sure how he manages to survive with his throbbing cock
and it’s rough when he slams into you from behind the first time that ur moans echo in the bathroom teehee, gojo only grins, “that good, huh? not so eager to talk to other guys now, are you?” and you want to protest but he doesnt let you, shoving two fingers into your mouth and you whimper around it, basically grabbing at his wrist to suck on his fingers like u would to his cock. 
hes torn between being rough and soft to you when youre so clueless about the effect u have on people. gojo holds onto your shoulders and just speeds up making you limp over the bathroom counter and you dont seem to care about the moans any more. his dirty talk is crazy as always
“yeah… hear that? fucking slut dripping all over my cock”, “who’s making you feel this way, hm? who’s fucking you so deep?”, “pretty baby looks so stunnin’ in her black dress talking to some sorcerer … but she looks better stuffed.”
you giggled a little at that one but you have no time to catch ur breath bc hes cumming deep in you and oh my god you arent sure if hes just fuelled by adrenaline or WHAT but he cums so so much in u it gets you dizzy. as with satoru.
“fuck… made to take my cum, yeah?” and he makes sure you know it bc he is immediately hooked when he removes his cock and you’re trying to keep it in yet there’s globs of cum that leave ur pussy and drips to the floor HAHREBW gojo fucking loses it and has to fuck you again until you’re full of his cum.
“look at me in the mirror as i breed you, sweetheart.”, “feel that? got s’much cum jus’ for you”, “ wanna feel this pussy ‘round me until i can’t any more. don’t think little mr. kyoto over there could fuck you this well, right?” he. is. gross. 
snaps pics of ur cum filled cunt after. youre spent, leaning over the counter and exhausted and catching your breath and your eyes widen in panic when gojo gets to his knees again and latches his mouth onto your soaking pussy ….. and eats the cum right outta you! disgusting filthy man oh i need him to do that to me.
the higher ups told u not to come to the next gala dinner LMAOOO
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reputationmunson · 2 years
Not sure if you're taking requests or not, but if you are can you plz write something about just being with steve, Robin, Nancy, and your boyfriend eddie and eddie just keeps doing things that arent conventionality sexy, but it turns you on none the less and you cant help but jump him right then and there and you keep telling him how sexy he is and the gang tell you guys to get a room and you guys do 👀
honestly, everything eddie does turns me on so this was definitely easy to write. thank you for the request i hope you like it! :)
cw: Smut (18+), afab reader, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, cream pie, slight dom!eddie, drug use, use of y/n (like once or twice), some good ol’ light spanking, reader is insanely feral for eddie
Your boyfriend is driving you absolutely crazy.
Usually it wouldn’t be an issue, but you’re positive your friends wouldn’t approve of you jumping his bones in the middle of Steve’s basement.
Ever since the events of the upside down, you and your friends made an agreement to get together at least once a week and do something fun. Whether it was going to the movies, or bowling, or going out to eat, it didn’t matter because you were all safe and together.
While you loved this new-found tradition, tonight was the most inconvenient night to have a get together. Every little thing Eddie did was turning you on and he was unaware of the effect he was having on you.
You and Eddie had quite literally started your day with a bang before he headed off to his new job down at the garage. While he left you satisfied, he also left you wanting more and with the last minute idea to have a night in at the Harrington household, you didn’t even have time for a quickie.
The strange thing is, he isn’t even doing anything that would be considered sexual which makes it worse. He could give you a wet willy and you’d probably cum on the spot.
Earlier when he opened his beer bottle with his teeth, you literally whimpered instead of giving him a speech on dental safety. Thankfully, it wasn’t loud enough for anyone to hear because your friends would definitely make fun of you.
Currently he's sitting on the couch rolling a joint while you sit across from him on the floor.No one else is even paying attention, too caught up in conversation, but you’re watching him like a damn hawk. God, his hands are so fucking sexy.
Watching his fingers work their magic has you in a trance. You can’t help but think of what they feel like when they’re in- “You alright, babe?” Eddie asks before you can finish your thought. “Oh, yeah. I’m great. Just a little tired”
“Lick this for me?” He asks and your eyes widen. Eddie chuckles. “The paper, ya perv.
“Oh, right” Everytime Eddie rolled a joint, you licked the paper for him. You weren’t sure why, but it was a cute thing the two of you always did.
You lean forward and licked the paper while making eye contact. It took everything in you not to wrap your lips around his thumb and suck. Once you’re done, you sit back down on the floor and he sets the joint on the coffee table. “Thanks, baby. I’m gonna go get you a glass of water for when we smoke” Fuck, he’s so considerate you could just suck the soul right out of his body.
Once Eddie’s upstairs, you decide that he probably needs help and you’d hate to be a bad girlfriend.
“I’ll be right back” You say to your friends and sprint up the stairs.
When you walk in the kitchen, his back is facing you and he’s unaware you’re in the room. Eddie is rummaging through cabinets and humming a song while bobbing his head. You love seeing him lost in his own world.
Not wanting to keep your hands off of him any longer, you walk over to him and hug him from behind, giving him a squeeze.
“Steve, how many times do I have to tell you I have a girlfriend?” He jokes. You laugh and bury your face into his back and breathe in his scent. You move your hands under his shirt and he covers your hands with his own.
After standing there for a couple of minutes, Eddie turns around to face you and wraps his arms around you. “What’s got you all lovey dovey?” He asks, rubbing your back. “Just missed you” You put your hands behind his neck and play with his hair. “Well we can’t have that” Eddie leans down to kiss you.
The kiss is slow and passionate, but you need more. Your tongue slides across his bottom lip and he opens his mouth. Both of your tongues move together in harmony. His hands slide down to the back of your thighs. You know this means he wants you to jump and wrap your legs around him, so you oblige.
Eddie sets you on the counter and the kiss grows more intense. You feel a sense of relief and your body starts to go limp as you relax. You’re finally getting what you’ve been waiting for all day.
“Munson, y/l, you two better not be fucking in my kitchen.” You hear Steve shout from the top of the basement stairs.
“Guess we should get back down there” Eddie sighs and gives you a peck. You hop off the counter and head down to the basement hand in hand.
“How nice of you nymphomaniacs to finally join us.” Steve comments when you reach the bottom of the stairs. “If you missed me that much, Steve, just be honest” Eddie replies, making everyone giggle. “Yeah, you’d like that. We smokin’ or what?”
Robin, Steve, and Nancy all sit on the couch and you and Eddie share the oversized bean bag chair.
“M’lady, do me the honors of the first hit?” Eddie holds the joint to your lips and you inhale. Smoke fills your lungs and you immediately feel a sense of relaxation once you exhale. Eddie hands you your glass of water so you don’t have a coughing fit.
Moments later, the first joint is gone and you start to grow needier for Eddie’s touch. Weed always makes you horny, so smoking might not have been the best idea.
“Robs, pass me that blanket please. It’s freezing down here” It’s not really that cold but you can’t exactly palm Eddie through his pants without something to cover you. She throws it at you and Eddie places the blanket over both of you.
He throws his arm around you, pulling you closer and you rest your head on his chest. “Maybe we should put a movie on. Something scary?” You suggest. You and Eddie always get riled up during horror movies.
Once the movie starts and everyone’s eyes are glued to the screen, you start to have a little fun.
His shirt has slightly ridden up, so you let the hand that’s resting on his chest drift down to the exposed skin on his side. You slowly trace circles on his skin and he lets out a content sigh.
Once you think he believes this was an innocent gesture, you move your finger to rest atop his waistband and play with the fabric.
He tenses up, but quickly relaxes when he sees everyone else is paying attention to the movie.
Feeling bold, you start to plant tiny kisses on his neck without moving too much to avoid suspicion. Eddie’s hand moves down to rest on your ass occasionally giving it a squeeze.
Without hurry, you move your hand to rest atop his crotch. Eddie gives your ass a rough squeeze. While he means this as a warning, you take it as encouragement to keep going.
Your hand starts to rub him through his jeans, making him lay his head back and his eyes flutter close. “You’re so sexy. Been thinking about you all day” You whisper in his ear. With his neck more exposed, you go back to kissing it.
He tilts his head back up and he gently grabs your wrist, suddenly remembering you two aren’t the only ones here. “Baby, not here. Promise I’ll make it worth your while at home” It’s a nice promise, but not nice enough to stop you from palming at his crotch again. “You really want me to stop? Tell me again and I will.” You whisper. As badly as you want him, you really will stop if he’s uncomfortable.
Luckily for you, he doesn’t tell you to stop again. He lets go of your wrist and tries to act as casual as possible.
Without causing too much commotion, you undo his pants and slide your hand down to touch his cock. You look up at him and his lips look just so irresistible. You move so you can kiss him and he cups the back of your head.
The movie reaches a quiet part and your friends can hear the noises of you making out. “Munson, please tell me your dick isn’t out” Steve whines. Both of your heads immediately shoot up and look over to see the disgusted looks on your friends faces. “I would love to be able to tell you that, Steven, but then I’d be lying.” Eddie responds, face as red as a beet. You hear a chorus of ‘ews’ and ‘thats gross’
“Steve practically lives in a mansion so I am begging the both of you to please get a room and when you come back lets all keep our genitals in our pants” Robin pleads. You give each other a look and waste no time getting up and running towards the stairs.
“Any room but mine or my parents, got it?” Steve shouts and the girls laugh uncontrollably.
After what feels like ages, you finally find a spare bedroom. Your clothes are already torn off and Eddie pushes you on the bed.
“This what you wanted?” Eddie asks, pushing his jeans and boxers down far enough to get his dick out. “Beg for it” Eddie taps his cock on your clit, waiting to hear you beg.
“Please give me your cock. I wanna make you feel good. please, baby I’ll be so good”
You’re already dripping wet and he slides in with ease, making you simultaneously moan.
His thrusts are fast and rough. He starts to rub your clit faster and faster, showing your pussy no mercy.
“Fuck, Eddie. You feel so good inside me” You’re happy your friends are in the basement because the two of you aren’t even trying to be quiet.
“Your pussy feels so good around my cock” He’s breathing hard “Can’t wait to fill you up with my cum.”
“Can I ride you?” You ask and he smirks. He pulls out and lays on the bed.
You slowly sink on his cock and you swear it gets better and better each time. You steady yourself by placing your hands on his shoulder and start to bounce.
“Faster. Show me how bad you want me to cum in you” He smacks your ass causing you to let out a loud moan. You obey his orders and ride him faster. Your tits bouncing in his face start to drive him over the edge.
He grabs both of your tits and starts massaging your nipples. “Please tell me your close” He whines. “I’m close. So fucking close” You start to rub your clit, but Eddie smacks your hand so he can do it for you.
“Gonna cum. Cum with me right fucking now” He orders. You gush around his cock and his cum fills you up, making a satisfied smile appear on your face.
You're both panting and trying to catch your breath. You bury yourself in the crook of his neck and he soothes you by rubbing your back. He doesn’t pull out of you yet, knowing how much you both love feeling as close as possible.
“I love you” He says, voice strained
“I love you too” You kiss his neck.
Needless to say, you never made it back downstairs that night.
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bendarius · 4 months
I was just thinking, Do you think Ben gf is real? I personally believe it's some kinda of catfish...
Well, it's just that seeing him as straight is just UNIMAGINABLE to me. I know people are saying he can be bi/pan but Camp Cretaceous never gave us ANY possible hint of Ben liking girls... Also, I doubt they would officialize Ben as bi or pan someday. So, if he's not coded as bi/pan or officialized as it, we kind of just got queerbaited :( ?
It is not about he ending or not with someone, the thing is that the whole girlfriend reveal felt just like a way of trying to make the viewer stop doubting about Ben's queerness in general. I say that bc is kinda of obvious fans ALWAYS saw a lot of queerness in his character since the beginning of the first show, and is ingenuity to think they arent aware of the viewers' opinions about Ben...
Ps: I love ur blog so much🙌❤️
i think its clear what i think considering i wrote that fic....and no we didnt get queebaited. that would need the crew to promise that there would be more lgbt and we were never told that. its okay to read them as gay. to be fair staight is still the default but he also wasn't shown to like guys either (subtext isnt proof, didnt drop lines like "i mean i think hes cute") meanwhile darius w the beautiful boy line and how desperate he was to keep ben could be read as some kind of proof. i see him as gay no matter what because him liking girls is unfathomable to me....i seriously dont think he has a gf. if anything it wont last bc why are you long distance dating your first gf...scared of sharing irl moments w her?....
i want to work on the benrius subtext analysis. it makes me feel better that people on the crew actually see it too bc i feel less insane. but again crew art isnt official (thank god bc of that kenji darius yaoi satire) or reflective of the shows plot. itd be great if there was some benrius hint but im fine with just reading into their interactions. ben does feel gay to me in many ways with his identity and feeling comfortable in himself but with that theme its very easy to equate it. im just glad theres room for interpretation due to how he presented his gf. in the end its just abt perception, i think theres a reason who we dont rly learn a lot abt his gf. just cause he says he has one is like.....very much room to think otherwise
and thank you so much! i appreciate it, even though im not as active anymore benrius still has a huge place in my heart and i cant wait for their future interactions for real. ill always love them bc of how much chemistry they have. i like ships that have canon chemistry bc its so much easier to imagine a future w them.....hopefully benrius goes down as one of the most coded gay ships trust
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desire-mona · 6 months
Could I ask for a mini ramble on why Keating is your favourite character? Poised with a notebook and pen to take down notes haha
so like. keating; let's talk about that
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we desperately need to acknowledge that keating is an amazing man right down to his core. he is so passionate about living life in a way that makes him feel fulfilled that he makes it his main goal to teach others how to do the same.
he experienced the same exact thing as the poets, remember, the movie makes a big deal of how nothing at welton changes. he had the same exact oppressive environment growing up as they did, so he knew exactly how to connect to these boys.
every single one of his peers and superiors fully believed that neil's death was keatings fault, and actively shunned him for it. not a singular person that wasnt a Teenager in his community understood what he was trying to do. welton painted the narrative that keating taught these insane useless lessons about breaking the rules BUT NEED! I! REMIND! YOU! HE MADE A PRETTY BIG EMPHASIS ON THE FACT THAT U GOTTA BE SMART ABT IT! he called out charlie for the call from god thing for a reason!!
another crazy devastating thing abt keating + neils death is the fact that neil was understanding exactly what carpe diem mean's IMMEDIATELY. AND WAS ACTING ON IT!! he pursued things that he knew would make him happy and fulfilled in the long run, he knew what he wanted to do with his life and he took the first opportunity to get it. the exact fucking definition of seizing the day. keating was REACHING THIS KID SO WELL!! HE WAS UNDERSTANDING EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS SAYING!!! AND THEN!!! AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!
so imagine this. you grow up in the most rigid, boring, unchanging environment and decide fuck it, im gonna Do Something for Myself for Once. you start to think oh, this is actually kinda sick, doing things that make me happy. you escape the environment that aims to essentially make these Children into what their idea of successful is. (quick reminder that there are actual children also attending welton. like kids. like 9 year olds n shit.) you actually chase after every opportunity to be what your idea of successful is, and were so passionate about that way of living that you learned how to teach others how to do it. and also poetry and stuff.
so youre doing exactly that, you finally got to a point where youre doing exactly what you wanna do, and teaching these kids in a situation just like yours. and its going SO WELL! there's this one kid who just GETS IT and is doing it flawlessly and then - oh !
keating is my personal description of raw devastation. all of who you are and what you wanted to be is in shambles because of something that isnt your fault. but almost everyone around you thinks it is your fault. and we're just gonna move on from that? thats it? thats the end of the story? no more keating after that?????? downright evil. more people gotta talk about this wonderful man!!!!!
also very sorry if this makes no sense, im quite high. but also shameless self promo pls interact with my ask blog @ask-captain-keating bc i lob running it. pleags. ily for asking this btw!!!!
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graysonist · 1 year
hal jordan's word choice analysis post because oh my god why would he say that
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for context: in this page he 100% believes he's going to lose power in his ring (which he thinks is the only thing giving him the ability to breathe) so he's like completely sure he's going to die.
let me just get this out of the way too!! that's a construct of carol he's talking to, meaning entirely made from his head so he's literally just talking to himself here. notice the star sapphire symbol on her hat, a jacket that mimics his dads, and the ferris air buckle ☹️❤️
'I love life with you'
NOT even just that he loves her, but that he feels like
1. she's the most important thing in his life
2. she makes his life worth living
which if you know anything about hal is CRAZY like i'd marry him on the spot if i knew he said that about me...
'you made me burn brighter. you made me want to be better.'
now if we're talking rings here (cus they rarely arent) this can be taken both as a person and that she's part of what makes his will so strong i'm LITERALLY going insane!! + he said he wants to be a better person because of her, which i don't have much to say on that, it's just an all time favorite thing of mine romance-wise.
'i remember when we met... i love you, and the only thing i've ever *really* been afraid of was losing you.'
HOLY SHIT!! we all know he's not afraid of a lot of instinctual fears like dying but there's been times where he's been shown to be afraid of not living up to who his father would want him to be and other things like that, but man?? fear being his one weakness and that's a metaphor for carol? i love them so dearly goodbye i can't do this...
'don't stop living. find someone else. be happy. be fearless.'
this part fucking GETS me in the bones because he doesn't even care if he dies as long as she's happy and able to live without him. we already talked about fear and 'be fearless' is such a green lantern thing to say but he also doesn't want her to be afraid of losing him because he knows it's about to happen. he's dealt with so much loss in his family and his city that when it comes to his final words, he picks carefully based on his own experiences with mourning and grief.
last thing, i'm pretty sure his 'I- I-' is supposed to be an 'i love you' again until he realizes he can breathe but ohhhh i hate everything i love halcarol can you tell !!!!!
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raisinchallah · 2 months
god why are people so uncaring about outdoor cats..... new cat in my neighborhood is like driving my cat insane whenever she looks out the window making it hard for me to take her outside cuz theres always a risk of conflict if they interact but like im the person with the leashed cat whatever whatever but ive seen this cat outside at fucking 1:30 in the morning ive seen him get carried away by someone so clearly hes not a stray but like who the hell cares so little about their cat they dont care that theyre free roaming around a very busy street and dont even worry about getting them in at night when like there have been coyotes spotted in the neighborhood do u care if this animal lives or dies??? and now its out here torturing wildlife outside my window for hours and idk all this is normal??? and like local large animal shelter i go to their website cuz at first i thought this cat was a stray it kept trying to sneak into my house has no collar and is kinda skinny until i saw him get carried away by a person and its like they dont even take friendly stray cats animals that would do quite well in a home they say its best to leave them where they are the way it was nearly impossible to get anyone to go out and even just spay and neuter the stray cats my grandmother feeds which like does fuck all but also they keep having very inbred kinda fucked up looking kittens in the yard every year and sometimes dont even bother to raise the kittens and i feel like maybe it would be best if that stopped whatever its just bonkers to me people think its somehow the normal humane thing to do to just leave unhealthy cats on the streets killing wildlife regularly and getting hit by cars like you would definitely call animal control if a stray dog ripped apart a rabbit in your backyard but this is just how cats are they are tortured if they arent allowed to depopulate local animal populations and like i know animal services have limited resources but idk its just mystifying to me guess im the freak keeping my pampered indoor cat leashed so she can merely chase animals rather than kill them....
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stardustedseas · 17 days
going a little insane imagining professor venomous in a monster form, specifically him as a naga. implied youre afab but only in a couple parts, nsfw below the cut
being all wrapped up in his coils jusssttt to the point of it being a little hard to breath, held tightly to his chest as he fucks into you, that unfairly sexy voice moaning and dirty talking right in your ear as his forked tongue occasionally slips out to tease along your ear or neck. hhhhh and when he cums he cant help but have the tip of his tail shake in what would usually be a dangerous rattle but is now a sign of his pleasure
yk what let him keep the claws too so he can grip onto the parts of your body that arent wrapped in his tail, pressing in just enough to barely break the skin and draw thin red lines that will be sore in the morning. AND HIS FANGGGSSSSS dear god his fangs, if youre being especially bratty he will bite you, just a little bit of his venom enough to make your body all soft and pliant. barely even being able to hold onto him, your arms sliding down to hang uselessly beside your trapped body. he would absolutely tease you for that too as if it wasnt his intentions all along. hes hardly even started and youre already limp, but dw, hes gonna take reaaalllyyy good care of you.
he cant get over just how warm you are, outside but especially inside. he wishes he could keep you all wrapped up in his tail and arms like this, his cocks burried as deep inside your hot body as they can go, and just bask in your heat. he will tell you maybe he should do just that, keep you warming him up while he does all that boring paperwork and meeting calls, wouldn't it be nice?
he may accidentally squeeze you a little too tight as he gets closer to cumming, just let him know and he will losen up, unless,, you like it 👀 he will have no qualms against making you breathless in more ways than one. he loves the sounds you make, breathing a little heavier than what you normally would, moaning and whining as he fucks you. ESPECIALLY if you're a hero omg, you may be his s/o but that doesnt mean he is gonna go easy on you nor listen to any 'advice' you may give about not being evil. why would he listen to that when he can make love to you so good all you can say is his name over and over <333 orrrr he could use the tip of his tail to keep your mouth full so you can't say anything at all
hhhhh letting an evil, monsterous villian like him fuck you, that's not very heroic of you, you should be trying to stop him, not letting him blow your back out as you sob that you love him, not that he complaining tho <3 he's so mean <3
he could probably make some kinda potion thing to help you keep up with him or produce more slick too, that way you guys can go round after round with no problem. id like to think his saliva always has a little of his venom mixed in, so he gives you an antidote before you two kiss or he gives you oral just so you dont accidentally intake too much and your heart stops lmao id also like to imagine he lovessss to kiss, when he isnt rambling his dirty thoughts to you, he has that long tongue deep in your mouth and down your throat if you let him.
theres so many positions if he was a naga too omg like you laying back on his curled up tail for missionary, him taking you from behind while youre almost fully wrapped up in him, using the thick appendage to hold your lower body up so he can pound into you at a new angle, helping you ride him with his tail as a support or moving you up and down on him with it, hell even just grinding on the cool scales! so many possibilities hhggrgghgg speaking of, i bet they would feel soooo good against your over heated body and forming bruises or little cuts from his claws, soothing the ache
he is very cautious tho, knowing too much of his venom would stop your heart, his tail more than strong enough to break your bones, his claws sharp enough to cut too deep, ect ect so many ways he could seriously hurt or kill you, he may not always seem like it but he is very mindfull of his body compared to yours.
going back to his rattle, imagine him fucking you with it to tease you or prep you for his dicks, the hard bumps feeling sooo good rubbing inside of you, and when he rattles it????? lord
id like to imagine he gets more breathy and his voice deeper during sex too, he sounds a lot like that One Scene, when he said 'much easier to disect you that way' im about to fucking start barking just thinking about that scene oh my godddddd thats also how he dirty talks to you idc what anyone says, he will absolutely love to push your mind and body to the breaking point, it really is much easier to disect your reactions and brain that way. he may not be using a scalpel and forceps but his nasty words and husky voice is more than enough. and yes he says shit like 'oh little (your name), is it too much?' in the same tone he asked if k.o was disturbed.
AND he will hiss a lot more in a naga form too, he doesnt even mean to but god you just feel so good he cant help but let out more primal sounds. his tongue will also be out more too, he just cant get enough of your taste in the air and on your skin.
afterwards, its absolutely mandatory to stay boarderline encased in his tail while you cockwarm him and you two cuddle after he cleans up any cuts or puncture wounds you nay have
i cannot stand him he is horrible i need to put him in a blender
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
Kip Sabian.
Please go off.
anon i respect you so much for this but i hope you know what you have just done LMAO
tl;dr - hes absolutely perfect in every way possible. love of my life
hes just.. so innovative. his character work is absolutely fucking masterful, no matter which one it is. all of them are so delightfully different from one another but you can still see the same man behind all of them and thats just talking about the range of the character work and the clear work and effort he puts into everything he does, be it just the characters themselves, the promos, in-ring work, anything. he always goes all out, hes creative as hell with them (name me one other person that gets over with a box on their head i dare you) and it truly shows how loving and passionate he is about this whole wrestling thing and that he just absolutely gets it. also he just has fun with it and it shows. anything from cocky indie superbad to coward best husband superbad to boxman to whatever the cringe failure era was lmao and now the sex idol. he just does it all and he does it flawlessly and i will throw hands with tk if he doesnt capitalize on this man soon i sWEAR TO GODDAMN
his in-ring work is incredibly good. watch literally any sequence hes ever had with orange cassidy and you see what i mean. hes improved from that too (since the last one of those was a quite long while ago now), he can hang with pretty much anyone. i like it the way he says it himself, he can literally make anyone look good and no one has ever complained about having to work with him in the ring. which says a lot about how good and talented he is imo. he can do it all, be it more grounded moves or recently hes been doing a lot more jumps and top rope moves which! exciting!! cause it just adds to his arsenal and shows off that flexibility even more and its just so insanely good. like fuck man if you can get someone who can hang one-on-one with someone like vikingo like he did a few weeks back, thats a fucking keeper. dont you dare forget that
im not gonna take this moment to talk about his promo stuff cause i will literally be here forever. watch this and get back to me later about why im right that hes incredible at this shit with the tone and again character work and just overall presentation. even if its now a bit more comedic with the sex idol, its still an absolute delight. also i could listen to him talk forever, he has my favorite voice in the entire world and his accent is delicious and good fucking lord
PRESENTATION. hes just really fucking hot okay. i thought he was cute before but my god. the hair, no matter the version, on point. the eyeliner, gorgeous. nail polish, good lord (he needs to bring it back tbh its been a while). the outfits, holy shit i cant say words. i have done an extensive gear study to show how truly insane he makes me about his looks, not to mention the goddamn casual fits/suit game. jesus take the wheel. his smile is fucking out of his world and the laugh lines he gets are maybe my favorite feature on any human ever. hes fucking delicious and what of it
also arms. i dont think i need to say anything more i have also turned into a back admirer girlie (gn) because of him so like. uuuuuh
AND THEN. hes just a fucking delightful human being in general. is he stupid and cringey? yes, but arent we all. it just shows how human he is. just like us. ive so many times wondered how if we lived on slightly different timelines, we might have genuinely been friends cause he reminds me so much of guys of the same age that i know and im friends with. like we would have meshed pretty well together if circumstances were different lmao. that just shows me how genuine he is tbh. hes just fucking nice, hes very supportive, tries his best to be a good ally (i have both seen this and have first hand experience on it so dont @ me saying im wrong or its performative, i have way too many cases to prove that hes fr fr) and.. yeah. ive never heard anyone that actually knows him say anything bad about him. he has his flaws, obviously, cause nobodys perfect, but he makes up for it with what ridiculously good he has in him. this is a man with so much potential and love to give to the world both in his personal and professional lives and hes just needs his chance to shine so fucking badly, in all areas of life
im gonna stop now before i get too emotional but. yeah. he means fucking everything to me 💜💜
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the0retically · 7 months
Monster Control Service:
……..I can’t keep these thoughts to myself but oh my god that was an absolute fever dream
Part 1:
- Rip Condi, lost in a fire, transported away in a bubble, damn
- This is already insane, how did Grizz and Charlie just forget to design their characters
- Charlie what is your character???? HUH??
- Their voices are so—
- “Just a changeling wearing a hat” oh my god
- ……..is this just monsters inc? Is bizly describing Roz right now?
- “Every man shits himself at least once in his life” ok grizz
- The banter between Grizz and Charlie is so so fun
- “Why would you do this to me father?” “Because I love you, son”
- THE CREEPS ARE LEGIT CREEPS WHAT IS HAPPENING?? Just father son bonding day at work!
- The music is just so cheery right now
- “You know we actually have six monster balls and I look at my pants” RICHARD PLEASE DONT SAY THAT
- Charlie playing a changeling is so so cursed
- Chase just unscrewing the lightbulbs??
- Chase keeps going to bite people Richard should’ve given him those eggs before this
- I love how Condi is there but just hanging out off camera and watching them play
- “That is my baby” “what? No I am your baby father” Chase just wants his father’s love
- Can the bubble be popped?—YEAH THANK YOU CHARLIE
- Chase is just Goobleck but able to talk more and is a little boy
- “I told you papa, if I go to church I will burst into fire”
- Bizly looks so upset by everything that Chase does and honestly me too. I love Chase but he’s horrific
- They are spending so much time at this drive thru pleaseeeee, bizly is just dying slowly
- GRIZZ JUST LOOKING AT DAD SAYINGS AND ONLY FINDING “working hard or hardly working”
- COWS DONT EXIST “father what the fuck is a cow?”
- Richard just telling dad jokes is Everything
- “Alright, son, attack!” OH GOD
- Chase is a druid changeling?? That’s so so cool
- Black sand!! It’s canon across universes!!
- Oh god he just shot this gun in this town please bebo don’t let there be repercussions to that
- Yay!! Charlie got his attack of opportunity!!
- I’m so—this is devolving so fast why is Chase saying— OH HI DAKOTA??
- I’m just watching in awe?? I just don’t even understand what’s fully happening
- Charlie has lost his mind, Chase what are you even saying right now
- Bizly is just Disgusted
- “Oh no I ate him” “YOU ATE THE OLD MAN???” Bizly proceeds to just stare at Charlie in horror
Part 2:
- The disclaimer at the start……..I’m scared
- Why does Charlie want to become a hollow animal—so he can turn into a meat car??
- ……….Chase is the interior?? This is a horrifying ability of his
- And now this is sad, Richard just accept your son!!
- Charlie really makes all of his characters be a fucked up little guy who’s told he’s different and will never fit in
- ……..Richard What, good for Charlie for not justifying that with a response
- I like can’t even process what is fully happening
- Richard takes his shirt off??? I guess that’s smart to distract while Chase is chasing down the mayor
- “Performance to eat his ass?” OH GOD?? “As soon as I’m the mayor I’m gonna kiss him on the mouth…4!” CHARLIE NO
- Chase being the mayor but just being upset that he was placed in time out is SO FUNNY??
- Mom lore now?? After all of this??
- ok now it’s mom lore—I’m so so confused
- “However old you are, years, months, days” Yeahh Chase is just 10
- “How do I explain this and not get demonetized” “it’s patreon go for it” “…it’s patreon :) guys :)” GRIZZ DONT LOOK AT THE CAMERA AND SAY THAT IM HORRIFIED NOW
- :( oh chase is going in to hug his dad!!! WAIT I LOVE THIS THIS IS SO SWEET
- Tizen note: “this is awesome” TIZEN!!!!
- Charlie and Grizz are having too much fun with this oh my god
- “I start whimpering” “WHY??” Oh my god they’re losing it, they’re just genuinely losing it
- “That note came straight from the mayor” “oh” holy shit??
- Can’t believe they killed the mayor and he had all the answers
- “Like I do with monsters, fuck the house” PLEASE
- THE IMMEDIATE BACKTRACK FROM CHARLIE “fucking monsters is ok but I’m making furries illegal” IM CRYING
- This is chaotic I’m gonna lose it what on earth is happening
- I have still over an hour left and my brain feels like it’s turned into mush
- Grizz please don’t roll a 20 for this man to have a monster fetish WHAT GRIZZ ROLLED IT BUT IT WAS AFTER THE TWO ROLLS NOOOOOO NOW I FEEL BAD GRIZZ SHOULDVE GOTTEN THAT 20
- Chase plays fortnight? He really is just a boy monster, love him
- And now he’s just playing among us
- Why are they all rolling for among us “if I die in among us then do I die in real life?” “Yes” HUH?
- I literally forgot about the secret room oh my god
- This is insanity, I honestly love it, the vibes are just crazy, peak friends just playing dnd and messing around
- “so you can’t find any monster smut” never mind I hate this, I forgot Richard was looking for that
- Bizly did not just say that
- He just sounds like Goobleck during this mayor speech oh my god
- Thank you for the apology Grizz cause this is so—“you have a spiked cock” “…yeah”
- “Instead of yellow, walk up and say jello :)” “…jello :)”
- “Chase is engulfed….and he’s gonna engulf back” OH GOD?
- The glasses are off, yeah that makes sense
- Oh god Bizly talking about how he and his girlfriend created this world that was supposed to be sweet and cute as animal control pretty much but they’re monsters and then this is how it devolved to is so—bebo im so sorry
- Bizly’s face is how I feel right now
- But they’re right I do like the Creep family, they’re just goofy!
- …….I hate them
- What on earth is happening
- Oh god chase is going through puberty???
- Bizly is losing it and so I am
- “My balls light on fire…I don’t know they’re on fire” HUH?
- Why is Charlie whispering to Grizz right now, what are they planning-OH MY GOD
- I hate this???? Grizz please
- I just, I don’t even know how to react to this
- “Son, I’m proud of you” how dare they make an emotional moment right now, hold up this conversation is sweet
- ……I don’t know how to act
- Charlie pleaseeee everyone is just so done
- What an incredible fever dream
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teruthecreator · 1 month
for the character ask meme i feel you have enough of a history with this man for me to request, if you would like: lancaster?
Sexuality Headcanon:
gay (i think this is canon?)
Gender Headcanon:
man we dont got time to think about this because of the Everything but i think he could rock some he/she swag in another life
A ship I have with said character:
HARLAAAAAAAAAAAAAANC OH MY GOD THEY MAKE ME INSANE. THEIR DIVORCE NOT-DIVORCE IS GOING TO DRIVE ME UP A WALL. literally like just their canon dynamic makes me insane like. not to get too into spoilers bc theres friends who arent caught up but just like the Everything going on between them post -3 incident is like. GOD. the ep where they actually talk some of it out had me literally cheering and clapping around my house like i was watching a football game. literally they are so IGOR coded it PAINS ME. YOU GOTTA LISTEN TO IGOR MAN SO YOU CAN SEE MY VISION BUT THE VISIONS THERE THE IGORISMS ARE THERE AND THEY KILL ME. i will literally push all my wips aside to write the one bed fic i swear to fucking god
A BROTP I have with said character:
LANCASTER AND LOVE MAKE ME A LITTLE CRAZY OKAY. JUST. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH OHHHH THEIR BOND. the fact that they start so opposite and love not really wanting to trust him or talk to him to like. TO LIKE HER ACTIVELY SEEKING HIM OUT AND MISSING HIM AND WANTING TO SPEND TIME WITH HIM. IT JUST MAKES ME DIE MAN IT MAKES ME WANNA DIE. the dnd ep really gets me bc she trusts him so much, even when he did That, and it really goes to show how much her opinion on him has changed. the fact that she’s the only one to humanize him in the beginning of his -3 imprisonment is everything to me THEY MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME YOUR OFFICER
A NOTP I have with said character:
i have yet to peek into the fandom for this podcast but if i see a single person shipping lanc w d-1 i will start throwing tables at heads
A random headcanon:
okay so i’ve been thinking A LOT about what lancaster’s favorite redbull flavor would be. because there are a lot of fucking flavors of redbull and he isn’t just drinking the regular redbull bc Why Would You Do That so like. i’ve had to use my EXTENSIVE knowledge of redbull flavors—as a redbull connoisseur myself—to decide what flavor screams Orion Lancaster Findusalive. and i THINK i have the results of my findings. i think his absolute FAVORITE would be peach-nectarine because it’s really sweet (like INSANELY SWEET) and heavy on the peach flavoring to the point that i don’t even think the nectarine is in there. and idk he just seems like a peach guy to me. i think second favorite is probably watermelon bc it is objectively The Best redbull flavor on the market and he would be a fucking fool not to like it. and then third favorite would probably be something like blueberry or juneberry (the two are almost identical in flavor to me). those are my findings as the certified Redbull Guy
General Opinion over said character:
he makes me want to EAT DRYWALL. GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i genuinely dont think theres anything else i can say other than that. there are so many layers to him and so much going on i knew from the MOMENT i started that he would be a character that stuck out to me. and the more i hear from him the more i am certain of this. this is a certified ollieguy to me but make no mistake he is also a michguy. not as much as klein but close!!!! very close. my little onion <3
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who-is-shades · 3 months
raz dnd 40
hi been a minute raz was getting bitches-
zen and teya move senna away from undynes body. parsley is gonna feed rouge an eyeball? wheatley is trying to collect and bury bodies. he yells at parsley for trying to feed them to rouge xD
teya cuts sennas hand with her dagger? yep still bleeding. we dont know how quickly lycantrophy takes place. "see you arent a monster yet!" "im always a monster." wheatley somehow hears this and smacks the back of her head xD
senna asks wheatley if he can turn some of that silver box into chains. and to use any leftover silver to make silver bullets. she knows they wont be able to kill her, but android would. he understands. wheatley looks at teya like wtf stop her.
senna asks when the next full moon is. currently waning at the moment, thanks sp. senna bonks her head on wheatleys shoulder and says their gonna be the death of her xD senna the attack wearwolf xD wheatley runs off to continue burying the bodies.
teya feels like shes being watched. the head of a scarecrow?! senna calls parsley and wheatley over cause fucking cirmes is around. teya huffs and storms over. its mostly destroyed and slowly looks at her. a broken path and broken bots. just a massive mess.
we find cirmes dismembered body?! senna and parsley notices some movement and draws her weapon. cirmes arm is just. sitting there. senna cauciously picks up the arm. it twitches! senna walks toward teya and says the arm is still alive?
teya sees the mask is sown to his face gross. she asks him what happaned. cirmes sighs and says he wishes they thought he was dead. he asks if we would put him together. teya agrees but she takes her skeleton back first lol. welp time to put him back together. he didnt expect teya to be so cooperative. wheatley puts one of the hands near rouge. senna says she might get a tummy ache.
android asks why all these bots came to kill him. he says it might be due to his current research. he came by interesting information. the death of gods. ancient writing. something dead but not quite.
The Primordials. Eternal Slumber. he wants to know why. escape deaths grasp. must be an important one if zorbolt wanted that info. the location?! the bots did get it after they tore him apart. robotgod is totally listening in lol.
"my heart doesnt beat anymore." "did it ever?" "good one." he was training the villagers here for doctors before the bots came. zen pulls out a map and cirmes gives us directions. he points to a very dark patch. a place of fire and lava. interesting. home to dragons? charred earth. senna and wheatley side eye each other lol.
parsley wants to play catch with his head xD SP asks for fetch XD rite of passage! wheatley takes the head away, parsley grabs it back. insanity i swear. teya casts gentle repose on him before handing him to parsley xD he wants to make cirmes catch his own head?!
senna pushes the body back together while wheatley plays keep away. teya directs the body toward the chaos xD head spiked to ground oof. senna picks up the head and takes it toward the body. parsley is clinging to him and senna comments on him being into dead guys. oh no he thanked us including parsley. fey rules.
senna asks if he knows anything about wearwolves. can he cure it? or test for it? he holds a glowing spherical stone that looks like a moon. he puts sennas blood on it. no reaction nice. senna slumps in relief. 'im too old for this shit.' he says parsley mightve gotten lycantrophy for fucking wearwolves xD
cirmes says he wouldnt mind teaching teya necromancy but she has absolute 0 interest whatsoever. zen is still communicating with god. most necromancers cirmes know are unpleasent lol. teya hopes they never meet again. wheatley and senna go to take care of the bodies.
teya goes to punch a tree xD taking a page from sennas book! parsley is just standing there lol. senna and wheatley are digging a big pit. been a long day lol. android is of no use lol. dumping the bodies in time. senna has to keep using presti to clean the blood. android sighs and tosses in bodies.
parsley tells teya that cirmes owes him so if she can think of anything let him know lol. teyas upset cause cirmes is a chump. she wants to burn his house down lol. oh no. guys why is it always arson. what do you mean fireball?!
teya instantly uses hidden step. senna sighs and says they should go check since they can hear the explosion. cirmes rapidly tries to save his research. wheatley uses absorb element to absorb the fire. wheatley says hes gonna hit teya with this. he uses the token to find her. parsley grabs teya and runs! senna just sits on a box shes done for the day lol. she DOES haste wheatley tho xD
he hits her in the stomach for 13 points of damage branding punch wtf. then immediately uses cure wounds xD he yells at her for being reckless. 'you done?' he just screams and berates them. he doesnt want to lose them. she huffs and walks off. he follows her. she hidden steps. he sprints back to the house. she hides up in a tree.
parsley asks senna where their gonna set up camp. not here in town man. senna tells him to find a good spot while she keeps burying the bodies. finished nice. senna says a prayer and goes to find parsley. camp time nice. teya falls out of the tree xD senna asks if shes hurt. wheatley uses cure wounds anyway xD
"ok dipshits this way." "following king dipshit." time for soup! parsley fucks off into the woods jesus christ. zen tells us robotgod is rerouting us cause he wants to check out the dragon region. the body of a primordial is very valuable, although its still alive just asleep. it fell asleep since it lost all of its followers. primordials can walk the land but normal gods arent like wtf. maybe zorbolt wants to turn it into a battery.
sennas big plan to try and do her dragon training is make them come to her. mountain full of gold, field full of fat cows and stuff, dragon warriors that worship the dragon. he seems to like the gold. senna walks up with her bitchin dragon knights. he puffs smoke in her face lol she kinda deserves that. she changes herself to look more dragony with wings and shit. they both proceed to breathe fire at each other. the knights rush in.
senna starts getting enveloped by her own sent back and its getting hot. everyone can see her dragon features growing irl since she basically gave herself an offering. 'ok wanna be a dragon be a dragon.' more scales bigger tail. she coughs up some smoke. she has claws, slit eyes and TINY WINGS FUCK YEAH. senna goes into a tent to alter her dress so the wings have breathing room.
"be honest. how bad does it look." they say she looks cool but probably not good for her. she turns around to show off the longer tail and wings. she tries smacking wheatley a bit with the tail. zen gives her a sleeping potion cause she really needs it lol. how does she sit with that tail?!
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lordofdragos · 2 months
Oogh I should really be copy and pasting this part or something... Anyway! This post is about me playing through In Stars and Time, and I highly recommend you do not look if you haven't played the game before! If you think you may at any point play the game DO NOT LOOK BELOW
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Is this actually helping...? Aren't we kinda robbing the person of their agency Like they haven't given it to them yet... Oh well. Love wins!
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This is one of my favorite dialogues!!!
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This picture part is gonna ruin me at some point I already know
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The game does the time blip thing when you open the door to the keyknife but Don't I need that…? I can't just open up the doors up when I loop right I always start at Dormont because I'm a weirdo but Then I wouldn't be able to get the stone… right…? Hrngh… might have to use game mechanics at some point… lame…
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Bathroom conversation huh because I'm not cheering to myself? Sure . . . Ah. I'm pretty blind aren't I. That... makes a lot of little things fit.
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That's the spirit!
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Sif says something when they sharpen? It's the name isn't it I SEE THE PIECES BUT I CANT PUT THEM TOGETHER YET ARGH THE CARVING TOOLS ARENT HERE ARE THEY The party looking at Sif run around like a maniac looking for the carving tools room (it ain't here) then calling Loop It's Joever Well King time I guess The shield should still help right?
Oh yeah Claude is Mirabelle's roommate I was right!
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I have fought so many battles so definitely enough for them to notice and for it to not be weird honestly
I can... not take the fritters...? That would destroy Bonnie I think GAH THIS GAME THE TASTE IS ALREADY FADING FOR SIF ITS SO OVER
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. . . I'm asking.
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Yeah so he's talking about that huh...
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bro? I can't do that?
Yeah ok you need that shield like 100% uptime it does so much less damage and you will instantly die without it
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G-Good? Anxiety meter rising... Let's keep that shield up no need to save my very large amount of salty broths anymore
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BONNIE STOP TALKING SHIT THE KING IS GONNA NOTICE YOU I should probably break this tears...
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I mean There is a point there A bad point but it kinda exists Like when Mirabelle mentioned how her friend at least had their dog with them so they'd be happy This is giving me chills man I don't feel good OH WAIT THATS NOT LIKE A PHILOSOPHICAL DEBATE THATS A HINT TO USE THE SHIELD AGAIN How do I function sometimes honestly?
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also uh Stars.
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No music.
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I suddenly feel like I should get a new real life hobby Some change can't hurt I guess...
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The King is gonna punt Bonnie like a football that's what I would do in his position
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Bro if the game is like "Um actually if you were a higher level you would've hit him hard enough and won" I will have words
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He was talking about that huh... HOW DOES IT ALL CONNECT
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Alright one final post after this one
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gulliesforever · 1 year
god. one thing i LOVE about amir that he has no self preservation. i was thinking abt the episode GIRLS. specifically the moment where the 2 girls at the bar say amir looks better but amir is like - “um no its obviously jake ur wrong” and jake agrees…
it got me thinking…. Thinking about how much amir is willing to take for himself vs how much hes willing to go for jake, yknow? like amir gets mad sometimes when he perceives an “insult” but its not bc hes defending himself as much as he is acting out. but amir actively DEFENDS jake when it comes to some traits he doesnt even TRY to defend in himself - his looks(girls as mentioned, and subtle comments like Swag where hes like “i only hang out with the hottest guys”)… how people address jake (like in Ice Breakers, Bitcoin, jake’s sick). there are exceptions to defending jake but to me those arent really about something like jake’s personality/looks that he cant change, and more a reaction about how he treats amir (trust fall 2) or jake acting like J-Witz for other ppl (some insecure jake eps, esp the recent ones)
And for the most part he plays along with Jake being the better one of the two. Ace and Jocelyn… hes the SIDEKICK. “You consider me dumb!” In normal conversation. Going along with being the Troll Named Rod in Tiny Wings. APOLOGIZING TO JAKE IN CORDUROY PANT. In Table Read where ALL his main characters ARE JAKE…!! Small things like that. He KNOWS and WILLINGLY ACCEPTS his role as being the guy who gets beat up and looks like shit to everyone else because who CARES about their opinions when ONLY jake’s matters??
in a weird way, he’s entirely selfless. amir doesnt do things for the benefit of himself. like yeah. he has murderous tendencies. he hurts people. but all of it is either for attention (mainly to be able to tell a story to Jake), random insane urges(<3), or a form of like??? overdoing stuff which self sabotages him????? Which he’s aware of vaguely????
its just… amir holds such little value on his own appearance, life, and wellbeing to the point where he just doesn’t consider he matters. him being hurt and betrayed is another tuesday. But he would defend jake no matter what. because jake doesnt DESERVE that. and whys that? its because amir LOVES him. because amir loves jake and that CLEARLY means he deserves everything. all his self love goes to jake. even if it hurts him in the long run or makes him look dumb. yknow. because whatever. who cares. EVERYTHING hurts anyways and whats another day hurting himself??? And that fucking makes me INSANE.
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⚠️WARNING: Good Omens Season 2 Episode 5 Spoilers below the cut!
Don’t click on the read more if you don’t want spoilers!!
Lmao Shax is NOT getting a legion of hell
“I have a permit” “this just says ‘I can do what I want’” kinda energy
“Can I watch?” Crowley is sooo along for the shenanigans
Okay no but this circles around to that lovely headcanon that he doesn’t actually mind selling or giving away books as long as it’s to the right people
At least his French is better now
Shax scary o_o
“You’ve been together long? You and your partner?”
Oh he looks DEEP in thought
Shax is going to commit murders. And then take the stairs
Theory while the theme song plays: is it a play by Gabriel and Beelzebub to restart Armageddon? Gabs goes missing, everyone is watching the situation, hell sends an army to attack an archangel, war ensues??
“Smited? Smote?” “Smitten” yeah someone here is smitten alright 👀 two someones actually
*leaves* *grabs the bottle of wine on the way out*
Ohhh Nina honey please please please leave her. This is some Grade A Toxic Shit
I want to give Nina a huggg
Crowley holy shit
Gabriel holy shit
“My head isn’t built for that” kind of like how Job’s wasn’t built for that? Is he human now????
If it happens again it’ll seem like an institutional problem? GABRIEL WHAT. THE FUCK.
“Do you want a hot chocolate” 🥺🥺🥺
Oh my god the angels know absolutely nothing about humans
Uriel and Michael have a wonderful silver and gold vibe happening here
Crowley shut the fuck up you are nice
oh Aziraphale you are either so oblivious or so incredibly ace or both
Aziraphale really said WE ARE HOSTING A BALL
Ohhh Nina I am giving you the biggest hug. You’re better off, queen 🥺
“For once in your life, trust somebody” “You’re weird!!” Correct response. He is weird. But yeah listen to him.
Oh no Maggie you need to run. Like. Now.
Thank you Crowley 😭
Okay Aziraphale this is uh. Weird. This is getting creepy fast.
Is she… you know… a seamstress 👀
I now understand why choreography was needed for this episode
Aziraphale’s face when watching them dance,, it’s the toesy-woesies face,,,
Gabriel is being flirted with en masse and is entirely oblivious
Shax I swear if you interrupt this I will find a way to reach through the screen and strangle you myself
“I know I’m hard work” “I’m not afraid of hard work” Maggie and Nina have my whole entire heart agghhh
Aziraphale you are really not underestimating how much trouble you’re actually in
Oh fuck oh shit oh no
“You came to me. I said I would protect you. And I will.” Someone explain why I am about to cry.
oh no the two tiny half miracles were too effective
Oh my god he made it up I love him. I love him so much this is 🤌🤌🤌
Oh hi Mr. Brown you’re about to get murdered.
“Have you got your hand in” “oh I’ve got more than that” “I bet you do”
“Make your own plans” “Oh I am! But rescuing me makes him so happy!” I AM GOING INSANE. I HAVE NO WORDS. I JUST. GIVE ME A FUCKING MINUTE.
oh hi Muriel!
“Good job! You arrested me!” “You’re arresting me, why would I be trying to trick you?” If this upsets Muriel I am legally obligated to throw hands
On to episode 6, I am slowly losing my mind 😀👍
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
2/2 ‘So he showered but he couldn’t wash his hair? Is this kid sticking around?’ ‘this moment with Emy and Linds was nice. A true ted talk. Now back to what we all care about, Brian and Justin. Do they have a name like brangel- nevermind bad example. Forget i said anything’ he is now laughing at Mikey and actually enjoying him ‘they know they can’t just keep the kid right? But that’s funny. He’s actually funny when he’s not annoying as fuck. Or obsessed with Bri Bri’ ‘Okay Emy can actually plan a good party! Of course Mel is being bitter that she isnt the star. Why is she like this?! Okay Teddy, from one drugged up patient to another, dont mix with alcohol! And you can’t take too many! Gotta follow the rules of medical law’
THE REUNION SCENE IS FINALLY UP! ‘Mr Kinney!! OH THATS A KINK FOR SURE AT THIS POINT! Yes, please do come in! In more ways than one. *he is literally sitting on the edge while fully shaking* HE WANTED TO SEE HIM! HE SHOULD TAK- OH MY GOD HES NOT TALKING ABOUT WORK IS HE?! IF THATS THE CASE I AGREE! YES! Yes he would be making a bigger mistake! Fuck yeah! Cmon Bri Bri take him back. I allow it! OH HE UNDERSTANDS AND KNOWS?! HE FUCKING UNDERSTANDS AND KNOWS! FINALLY! Come on Bria- hard hours ha! Oh i bet it will be a pleasure after that boring bullsh- SIR?! oh we are in kinky town arent we? *pauses tv after Brian says no more violin music* oh fucking finally! Dont play it in my presence either. I think i have lifelong ptsd because of it. HE PROMISES! LOOK AT BRIANS SMALL SMILE! Oh are they about to fuc- OH THEYRE GONNA FUCK! FINALLY! LOVERS SPIT! I KNOW THIS SONG! I LOVE THIS SONG! THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG EVER! OH MY GOD! THIS IS GONNA FUCK ME UP ISNT IT?’ *watches the scene with his chin in his hands and a goofy ass smile* *said so softly i almost didnt hear it because he blasted the tv loud as fuck* ‘my boys are back.’ *waves towards the tv* ‘this is the best fucking thing to happen to me in such a fucking long time! Play it again please! Rewind it!’ He then watched the reunion scene again with the same goofy smile ‘i feel like i could cry tears of joy. It was the worst of times for me without them. You have NO idea how hard that was for me! And now theyre back. Oh i gotta tell mom! She’s gonna be so happy for me! *walks away while humming the song to himself* i will never listen to this song the same way again’ He then sat outside at night for 30 minutes while smoking and had Lover’s spit playing on repeat on his phone. I’d day he’s happy about the reunion.
Your brother is so not into Hunter. I'm curious if that will change when he starts flirting with Bri Bri.
Now back to what we all care about, Brian and Justin. Do they have a name like brangel- nevermind bad example. Forget i said anything <- LOL because you can't tell him about Britin because that gives away... Britin
Gotta follow the rules of medical law - I am curious what the rules of medical law are. Besides not mixing alcohol with prescription narcotics.
*watches the scene with his chin in his hands and a goofy ass smile* *said so softly i almost didnt hear it because he blasted the tv loud as fuck* ‘my boys are back.’ Can we bottle up your brother and sell him to QAF fans. For what, I don't know. But I love how invested he is. It makes me feel less insane for how much I love this show and this ship.
I'd say he's happy about the reunion is the understatement of the century.
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