#why was there a cult. why was everyone evil and traumatised
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lazylittledragon · 20 days ago
nOT QUITE it was actually "baby juno fucking LOVED dandelion so they installed mystic messenger when it came out but was undiagnosed and couldn't wait around for the texts and never got into it and still knows nothing about it"
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barrenclan · 10 months ago
wondering why everyone is so hellbent on rainhaze being a no good evil bad guy who will fight for defiance til the end cause to me he just seems like a soggy old traumatised man whos been backed into a corner and brainwashed by a cult. did i miss something?
I mean, I don't think I've seen anyone really referring to him as "evil", and there's still quite a lot of pathos for him that I see. I don't think of him as "evil". But a lot of the animosity towards him comes, of course, from his murder of Asphodelpaw. Because he himself acknowledged that he knew it was a fully monstrous and cruel thing to do, but chose to do it anyways, solidifying his "antagonism". I don't think everything is so black and white that I can call him a villain, or what have you, but he is most certainly not a hero. But then of course, he has been horrifically mistreated and abused, and without a doubt he never would have done the things he has if he didn't go through that. He's a very complicated figure! Here's some thoughts from the PATFWcord that I thought were well-spoken and relevant:
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I've absolutely loved all the discussion that has come out of this comic, it feels so gratifying when people engage with your work to this degree.
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jules-and-company · 2 months ago
Player - Isabella Carter
turns out i'm sticking to my player's trauma because those precincts are just nests of traumatised people. isa is my personal character. trying to work with this fucking canon so i made it so she’s just not that much of a speaker and that her speaking scenes are just off screen. okay now trauma list
probable C-PTSD after the boom boom explosion explosion explosion case
her partner/best friend almost died (poisonning)
her partner/best friend almost killed her (hypnotised)
i think she permanently lost her chill somewhere in Financial Center
literally chief king committing suicide in front of them and covering them in his own blood
to me king's betrayal + suicide just gave her the most massive trust issues known to man
okay top of my head. hurricane / earthquake / cult / brainwashing / evil technology trying to kill her
everyone in this precinct has done something illegal at one point
frank. just frank. that's seven layers of trauma for isa wrapped up in one
i say that she kept some health issues from so much time spent in the wastes because i can
trust issues. trust issues everywhere
the number of times she was almost killed good god
betrayal of angela
jack being shot so many fucking times
death of dupont
literally saw one of her oldest friends (nathan) dead on the ground the second she came back in town
earthquake ??? hello ???
death of rupert
again top of my head. evil superpowered people / evil technology (again)
several people died ??? like rita i feel like rita would've been one of the most massive hit for isa
david jones. again that's about twelve layers of trauma for isa wrapped up in one
explosion that almost killed her and jones ??? i made her keep scars and a leg injury from it
i feel like there's gotta be some kind of reason why T.I.M.E took her in S5 instead of...having their own version of her in the future ??? unless she's dead in the future ??? we need a subplot
literally everything that she ever knew collapsed because of the alternate timeline
had to come to terms with the fact that amy might have killed someone
there too there are so many instances where she and her friends could have been killed ; she's used to it now but it doesn't mean it hurts any less
how has time passed when she goes back in the present ??? like is it years or is it days or is it minutes WHAT HAPPENED DAMNIT
i think for her ain't nothing weird after the talking cloud of S1. but still
personally i think she would approach the supernatural like some kind of game. she keeps a modified baseball bat with her at all times and investigating haunted places is like a giant game of whackamole. nobody sane does that
the demon queen has been the overdose of weird i think
i think the very calm environment of this season would be the opportunity for her years of repressed shit to catch up on her like ten tons of bricks
did she think that the parisian mafia would be endangering her team ? absolutely yes
i wish there had been some heavy shit in this season i need to make it up now
Adélaïde Daumier - Player of Mysteries of the Past
seeing her new home being corrupted
rise of fascism i think
death of charles dupont
okay you know what. trauma list. for all of them including my own character. since the devs think they’re so fucking funny
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ahijabithatreadsandrants · 4 years ago
i’ll say this once and once only (who am i kidding i’ll repeat this to my grave and it’ll possibly be engraved on my gravestone):
i’m sorry but i’m getting the craziest deja vu between how tamlin treated feyre after UTM and how feysand treated nesta in this book (legit same abuse just in different fonts). this is not to excuse nesta’s previous behaviour but like sis was traumatised??? and they wanted her to jump into work as part of their happy little court like her father didn’t jus die in front of her and she didn’t behead a guy?
alcoholism and sex are common ways people deal with trauma… are they the healthiest? no, ofc not but locking her in the House of Wind (idc how pretty her prison is it’s still a prison) is legit equal to tamlin locking up feyre in his manor. she should have been given interventions, of course, and been offered more help but like to force her to train which may have been triggering so soon after the war is fucking evil. and the audacity of mor and amren to suggest even worse locations (the prison and the court of nightmares) like what the fuckkkkkkkk.
everyone in this book showed their true colours and the entire inner cult SUCKS. don’t even get me started on the lack of reading the mf room when feysand built their palace right after a war. moreover why tf does their so called high lord care about nothing else in the night court but velaris ??? they really said fuck illyria and everything else y’all fend for yourselves. and they want him as high king ?? colonising is not the solution for prythian babes and even if a high king was needed rhys would legit be the worst kind ever since he’s so heavily biased towards his little twinkle city. i would take beron over him as high king fr.
anyways rant over but acosf PISSED ME TF OFF. i literally got so mad i had to put it down multiple times. i don’t think i can handle much more of this. since azriel didn’t annoy me as much as the rest i think i’ll be able to handle a book from his POV as long as i don’t have to deal with the rest of his merry men much.
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theparanormalperiodical · 5 years ago
The True Story Behind The Blair Witch Project (1999), And The 13 Real Urban Legends About Witches That Will Make You Lie Down And Cry
It’s been mocked, and it’s been made a cultural icon.
It kick-started a horror trend, and it kicked itself down to the dregs of the film industry.
The Blair Witch Project (1999) is a point of contention among horror fans - you know, a bit like bringing up trans-rights at dinner with your UKIP Aunt sitting two seats down. But, just like trans-rights, we have to talk about it. 
(Fuck you, Jane.)
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The Blair Witch Project - and her 2 sequels - was the first film to turn on the camcorder and document the search for something supernatural. 
This was the OG clickbait, this was the beginning of horror films claiming to document true events (ahem Paranormal Activity ahem), and this was the end of horror films being taken seriously.
But it was also these three things that grabbed everyone’s attention.
The original film was based on the claim that in 1994, 3 students went missing whilst exploring the supposedly haunted woods of Burkittsville Maryland. 5 years later, the footage they captured was found and put on the big screen.
Were these real events being documented?
Did these kids actually go missing?
And was the Blair Witch real?
Spoiler alert: no, nope, and not at all.
But even if this specific case wasn’t true, the film itself is unnervingly accurate. Like, literally last night I was researching all the different urban legends relating to witches in the US and I was convinced I had awoken the spirit of the Bell Witch. 
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So, considering the solidarity I have with the followers of this blog, I’ve decided to traumatise you, too.
This article is going to provide the summary to the three forgotten ‘n’ fucked-up films that make up the series, tell you why the Blair Witch is an uncomfortably accurate portrayal of witches historically, and finish up with a stroll through the 13 urban legends that are just like the one featured in the film.
Pull on your hiking boots, and hand me the map.
Let’s get spooky.
Here’s A Quick Summary Of The Blair Witch Film Series
Ahh, the 90s. 
Will Smith was gettin’ jiggy with it, and Trump wasn’t President. Times were so much easier back then!
Well, not for budding film students Heather, Mike and Josh, who packed up their filming equipment in a car and headed to Burkittsville, Maryland to make a documentary about the urban legend of the Blair Witch. (The Blair Witch Project (1999))
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They start off by interviewing locals, and capture a few key details that set up the rest of the film and its sequels. It is claimed that Rustin Parr was a bloke who lived in the woods and kidnapped several children in the 1940s. 
Why? Because the Blair Witch told him to do so. Two fishermen confirm the legends of the woods being haunted, and mention some lass called Robin Weaver.
Kidnapped in 1888, she returned 3 days later, claiming the witch was “an old woman whose feet never touched the ground."
Having heard the tales and waited out the warnings, they begin their journey and head to their first stop, Coffin Rock. Supposedly, 5 men were murdered in a ritualistic fashion here in the 19th century, and their bodies disappeared without a trace.
The next day, they continue their travels, and their ordeal begins. They arrive at an old cemetery which is made up of cairns (piles of rocks which turn out to have ritualistic meaning) and camp nearby. Noises are heard round the tent all night, like twigs snapping, but they reduce this to woodland creatures. 
The following day, they realise they are lost and cannot find the car. The activity escalates, but is found to be unexplainable. 
They then begin to fight between each other, and encounter a section of humanoid stick figures hanging from the trees. Their evening entertainment of weird noises around the tent resumes, but this time the laughter of children is added to the remix. Something then attacks their tent, sending them fleeing from their campsite. 
Some people will just never like dubstep.
They return to their tent, and discover that their possessions have been rifled through, and slime covers Josh’s stuff. The fighting ensues, and Josh straight-up fucks-off.
His screams are then heard one night, and Heather and Mike deduce it to be the witch’s fabrication to draw them out of their tent and into her grasp. 
Her trap is confirmed when Heather finds a bundle of sticks the next morning containing a ritualistic goody-bag containing what appears to be left of Josh. 
That same night, she records her infamous apology video in a style not dissimilar to most YouTubers who have been caught being racist/homophobic/[insert any terrible thing]. 
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Once again, Josh’s screams are heard and they follow them to a house bearing demonic symbols and the bloody handprints of children. Not the aesthetic I myself would go for, but it worked for the Blair Witch...
Mike and Heather stumble into the basement, and we witness our favourite vloggers being killed in the manner described earlier in the film:
One child would face the corner of the basement while the other was being slaughtered. The last shot of the film is of Mike standing in the corner of the basement, suggesting that Heather is the first to die at the hands of the witch.
The second film (Book Of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)) follows up on these events a year after the footage was found. A gaggle of fans of the original film troop to Burkittsville to explore the legend and the circumstances of the kidnapping of Heather, Mike and Josh.
This film is messy and complicated, and it’s for that reason that I don’t want to waste 8,000 words on a film that is actually ignored by the film series. So, I’m going to give you a tl;dr, instead:
Basics, this film documents the group of fans and tourists being turned against each other by the witch. They go to the house where shit reportedly went down, and set up surveillance cameras to document potential activity.
It’s the first film, but with hell of a lot more activity. And it culminates with the symbolic hanging of someone who appears to be inciting the demonic rituals scattered across the film as they are reportedly possessed by the Blair Witch.
Unfortunately, we don’t learn anything new in this film - we simply see the greater extent of her powers.
Tired, yet? 
(Bored, perhaps?)
Our journey is almost over, and it ends with Blair Witch (2016). 
This film ignores the events of the second film, and follows a group of documentary makers as they explore the legend of the Blair Witch - but this time it's not about capturing paranormal activity. They go to investigate a peculiar video on YouTube that proves that Heather - the woman from the OG cult classic - might just be alive.
The brother of Heather leads this group, and focuses this documentary on the desire for closure.
Despite skipping out the Book of Shadows, it basically sticks to that exact premise. Surveillance cameras are set up, and showcases the witch’s methods of turning the crew on each other, but on an even greater level. We even see the witch, alongside a couple other creatures in tow...
It finally gives us behind the scenes insight into the paranormal activity, and ends with everyone dying!
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The Blair Witch Is Based Off Of Urban Legends - And Is Uncomfortably Similar To The Stories
Despite its many flaws, The Blair Witch Project does one thing right: we never see the witch.
But it’s the way that her control of the woods and those within it is portrayed that points to the terrifyingly accurate nature of the witch when compared to other urban legends. 
The film’s fictional legend gives up minimal information regarding the Blair Witch:
We know she was responsible for residents - especially children - going missing throughout the 18th and 20th century, and we know that the locals of Burkittsville claimed that the Blair Witch was the ghost of Elly Kedward, a woman who reportedly practiced witchcraft and was sentenced to death in 1785. 
This salem-witch-what-died-but-didnt-really-die-no-one-really-knows is a common basis of the urban legends that will be explored later in this post, but it's the other attributes of the witch that draw her even closer to the claims made around these cases.
The focus of this is that the Blair Witch represents the crone, one of the core concepts of paganism and many other ancient religions. Of the few glimpses we see of a creature that could be the witch and the descriptions of her made by the locals of Burkittsville, we piece together the image of an elderly, monstrous being.
Take this clip from the final film in the saga:
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This unnatural-looking humanoid bears a resemblance to the claims of witches in folklore, such as breasts sagging below waistlines, or bones jutting out of their flesh. Add on top of this the animalistic claims from the original movie - like that one woman claiming she saw her arm which was coated with dark hair - and we arrive at a rather monstrous being.
But this animalistic account does not merely echo her ugliness; it forges the link between the witch and her powers over the woods she resides in.
As the maiden becomes the mother, and the mother becomes the crone, her connection with nature grows. It reaches the extent from which her connection with nature is greater than that of her male counterparts, threatening almighty patriarchy and cursing her as the evil witch she is!!1!
Furthermore, it's not difficult to see the links between the woods she controls, and the imagery of life and fertility. Add a smattering of rumours about kidnapped children, and the house of Rustin Parr becomes a womb. 
(Less PMS, more blood.)
More so, by harnessing the powers of nature, she blurs the boundaries between the genders. Heck, she even goes as far as to blur the boundaries between reality and the reality she creates for her victims! 
She tricks them into falling out with each other, she confuses them by creating this unnavigable wood, and she ensnares them into her invisible trap.
Or, translated into simple terms, the Blair Witch fulfills the concept of the Monstrous-Feminine, a theory conjured up by Barbara Creed. On one hand it suggests women are either portrayed as the victim within horror films, and on the other it suggests that when the woman becomes monstrous, she takes on extreme attributes regarding the female reproductive body.
Guess which one the Blair Witch is. 
But this theory didn’t start with Babs sitting in a room and getting her feminist on - Creed deconstructs notions that can be traced back to the era of the Salem witch trials. Each and every urban legend starts here, when it was #on-trend to burn your local witch. 
The Blair Witch is the puppet master in these films.
And she is not the only one that is pulling the strings.
The Real Urban Legends About Witches That You Need To Know About 
“So, the Blair Witch is some chick who hasn’t shaved in 3 months and has a metaphorical vagina?”
Ok, fair enough. 
The Blair Witch isn’t directly based on a specific urban legend, so yes, delete the sage from your Amazon basket and buy those limited edition poptarts, instead.
Oh, you thought this post was over?
My little ghoul - this is The Paranormal Periodical. You didn’t think I’d let you leave without informing you of that witch roaming around your local area, would you?
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‘Course not. Here are the 13 real urban legends of witches that’ll scare the shizz outta you. 
#1 - Naale Baa
We trade in deep woodland in Maryland for Karntaka, India for this local legend. And within minutes of arriving, you’ll spot the word ‘naale baa’ on the walls - a decoration not dissimilar to that seen in Rustin Parr’s crib.
It is claimed that by writing these words on their walls they can deter the witch that wanders from house to house in search of her husband.
Glammed up in full bridal wear, Nale Ba (as she is also known) supposedly attempts to entice the man of the house, and then curse the family with bad luck.
In the 1990s, this urban legend faced a particular resurgence, and even evolved to claim that she would imitate the voices of victim’s family members to encourage them to open the door. But when the door is opened, you die!
How? No idea.
Am I still scared? Hell yeah.
But I’m not the only one concerned about this witch - claims that multiple men in Thailand just disappeared from their beds in the middle of the night were pinned onto this urban legend.
#2 - The Bell Witch
This is probably the most famous legend regarding a witch puppeteering an innocent family’s life.
The story starts in 1817. A family begin to witness signs of paranormal activity on their farm that targets the man of the house and his daughter, Betsy. A variety of large animals are seen across their farm and follow the family and their slaves. Strange noises then begin to fill the house, like invisible chains being dragged on the floor, or dogs fighting. Betsy repeatedly claims that she can see a little girl playing on the swings.
But this friendly ghost then begins to attack the child, slapping her and scarring her with pins.
The man of the house then begins to demand answers about these spooky shenanigans, and straight up asks the spirit what the shit is going on.
The spirit gives ‘em a lowdown of her backstory - a bit like those clips from the X Factor where they use Katy Perry’s Firework over the top of this 16 year old girl’s turmoil regarding GCSE maths - and claims that she is "Old Kate Batts' witch". 
‘Couple of convos later and they deduce that the farm rests on a Native American burial ground, and the spirit has been disturbed. 
Yet despite the specificity of this legend, the haunting sticks to familial lines we see with Naale Baa and the Blair Witch:
The witch claims she will leave - but she will return in 7 years. She kept her promise, and haunted Betsy when she achieved her womanly purpose of shitting out a baby and having a family of her own.
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#3 - The Perron Family Farmhouse
This case was the inspiration behind the original Conjuring movie, founding one of the most iconic horror film series to date - and it’s clear to see why.
I’ve already done a fully-fledged post on this classic tale, but here’s a tl;dr for people hoping not to delve too deep into the haunting…
The Perron family made the mistake of moving onto the land once owned and now haunted by Bathsheba Sherman, a witch from the 19th century.
With increasingly violent activity beginning to haunt the family - which culminated in the possession of the mother of the house - this has earned its place as one of the scariest tales of terror to feature on this blog.
#4 - Mary Evelyn Ford
She was burned at the stake for her witchcraft. 
She was buried in a steel lined grave, and her casket was covered with concrete to keep her trapped in. 
Oh, and she was 5 years old. 
It is claimed that Mary will wander ‘round the cemetery or stand trapped within the protective fencing around her graveside, making faces at mourners and enticing them towards her final resting place. From there she will suck you into the depths where her body now lies, and use your vitality for strength!
#5 - The Three Legged Lady of Mississippi
The American road trip. 
A classic coming-of-adventure filled with freedom, spotify playlists you accidentally stream via your data, and running over people that are already dead.
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No? Just me?
The story goes that there’s one road in Mississippi which is haunted by The Three Legged Lady. If you honk your horn three times, she will knock on the roof of the car, and race your car to the end of the road, hitting it with her body throughout the short journey.
Her origins, like most urban legends, have been subject to a lot of dispute, but there are 2 claims which follow this tale:
One side to the story claims she was the innocent victim of a sacrifice by a satanic cult, whilst the other side claims she doesn’t actually have three legs. 
She’s holding her daughter’s leg, which was severed off when she was run over by a car. It is said that she is still looking for the rest of her daughter.
#6 - The Skinwalkers of Arizona
Our road trip doesn’t stop there, however - this time we are heading for the Navajo region of Arizona. 
Supposedly, when you’re sailing down the highway, something will tap on your window, and you’ll catch a glance of a skinwalker. These humanoid, mutated beings were shapeshifters that were the witch doctors representing the evil within Navajo society.
This urban legend even featured in a court case when a woman was found brutally murdered!
Heck, there is actually a specific region of Arizona - Skinwalker Ranch - from which you are sure to these mystical beings.
#7 - Goody Cole, The Witch of Hampton
This urban legend sticks to the minimalist aesthetic, but nevertheless has earned its reputation in Hampton.
The story goes that a woman accused of being a witch was found dead in her house, and thus, to ensure this bitch stays dead, they bury her with a stake and horseshoe. She says six feet under, but her powers prevail; she curses those that happen to go past her grave.
Her curses stick to those sailing on the river by her burial site, including that one time she reportedly brewed a storm for an innocent girl enjoying a summer’s day on a sailboat who just so happened to be mocking her past.
Not a good day for yachting with father, then?
#8 - The Curse of Jonathon Buck’s Tomb
Okay, this one’s fucking creepy. 
And I love it.
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Jonathon Buck was one of the main lads in charge of the Salem witch trials, and condemned many a woman to death by burning. Unfortunately, his attempts to rid one woman of her alleged powers failed, and she scarred his tombstone with a burn mark in the shape of a leg.
No, seriously. 
Whenever the tomb is moved, the mark reappears. 
#9 - Mary Nohl’s Witch House
This origins of this tale can be traced to much more recent events, but carries the essence of an urban legend that rumoured witches cannot escape from. 
Mary Nohl was a sculptor famed for her wacky art and weird displays that decorated her house and gardens. The local residents petitioned for it to be demolished, but it was placed on the National Register, instead.
It is here that the rumours began to swell:
The legend claims that her husband and son drowned in a nearby lake, so, she created these sculptures to watch out for them and await their return to their home. But it was discovered that she never had any children, voiding the rumours conjured up by teenagers after late night visits to this spectacular house.
#10 - The Pendle Witches
I’ve already covered this gaggle of witches and the legends they’ve left on Pendle Hill, but here’s a quick recap for those that haven’t already checked out that post:
The Pendle witches were a group of peasants who practiced dark and mysterious magic. From neighbours getting ill, to strange effigies being found containing hair and teeth, there was more than enough evidence to send them to trial.
It was on this hill that they were sentenced to death, and it was on this hill that they were hung for their crimes. But their witchy behaviour didn’t stop with their deaths.
Peculiar happenings still haunt Pendle hill…
#11 - The Surrey Witch
Our next urban legend is also resident to the UK, and even takes its form in the same era. 
In the 17th century, a white witch lived in a cave in Surrey, and was known for lending things to her neighbours. All you had to do was stand on the boulder outside her cave and ask!
But one day, some bloke tried his luck, and asked for her cauldron. She was chill with it, but said he must return it by a deadline. He missed the due date, and lost 5% off his final mark he fled to escape her potential wrath. 
He fled to Frensham church, from which the cauldron has been utilised for centuries. I wonder if the witch is still out there looking for it?
#12 - Tituba, The Voodoo Queen
Okay, so this witch might not have an urban legend tied to her memory, but her past mirrors the Blair Witch’s own story so it’s freakalicious, regardless...
Tituba was actually the first woman accused of practicing witchcraft in 1692. She even confessed to her crimes, and threw two other witches under the bus!
(So much for solidarity, guys.)
But her story follows a unique twist, as she was believed to have come to the colony she later resided in to encourage local children to take up Voodoo. Her focus on children and thus her maternal portrayal is a simplified reflection of the Blair Witches own metaphorical genitalia. 
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#13 - The Witch House, aka The Jonathon Corwin House
Our final urban legend belongs to one of the most historical buildings in Salem:
No, really, it’s the only structure in Salem still standing that had a hand in the witch trials. Not only has it witnessed dark and twisted histories of innocent people, it’s still home to some of them.
Jonathon Corwin - the former owner of the house - was a judge in the trials, and thus carried the memories of the trials with him back to his home, but with reports of torture in the basement and even his own burial down there after his murder, I think we can safely that many myths and legends will circle this house.
Add in a visit from the Ghost Adventures crew, and we can stamp on the Zak Bagan’s seal of approval.
No wonder it’s considered the most haunted house in Salem!
Now It’s Time To Hear What You Think:
Which urban legend is the winner of tonight’s fuck-off-i-cant-handle-the-spooks-man award?
And will you ever watch The Blair Witch Project again?
😍Up for more spooky stuff? Follow this blog and hear a new real ghost story everyday!😍
(Also this is me now.)
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anonanimal · 6 years ago
some thots on M. Night’s ‘The Village’
this is...too long. spoilers obv
This isn’t college so instead of a coherent essay I’m serving up some disjointed paragraphs. I expect literally no one to read this. Please don’t. Ok, here we go.
At first I thought the dialogue was just awful, stilted, and impossible to work with, judging by the terrible performances of several otherwise decent actors, but the reveal that we’re in modern times makes it...kind of make sense. If you squint. They’re all modern people doing their best (and failing) to imitate the speech of last century. At least that’s what I tell myself to keep from fixating on the more obvious conclusion that M. Night badly needed some help with the script that he apparently didn’t get.
The twist was weak as fuck. If there had to be a twist at all, it should have been that the monsters are real, the outside world is modern, and has fenced off this section of forest to keep the monsters inside. A splinter group of humans, left inside for whatever reason, figured out how to coexist with the monsters but are stuck in the past. It can be set in the present day and the monsters can be real, ok? Instead, we got “the monsters are fake social control and it was the present day the whole time!! the buildup was for nothing!! haha you got shaggy-dog’d!!” If I had been at the premiere I would have booed. Roger Ebert really was right that the whole “fake monsters / modern times” twist was barely better than “it was all a dream.” Right up until the twist was revealed I desperately hoped that the monsters were real, because they had been handled so well so far, and that some original, spooky secrets about the monsters and the village would come to light. But instead we got that Margaret Peterson Haddix book.
Slapping a twist ending on this movie really did it a disservice, because there’s no time to explain anything. Instead of leading us on with the horror premise, we could have established that the monsters are fake and it’s 2004 early on, and we could’ve had a cool hybrid horror-drama about...idk, politics or something.
I have a pet theory that Walker killed both his father and the business partner and framed the business partner so he could inherit the money, finance his perfect society, and satisfy his megalomania by being the cult leader he was born to be. He was doing the racist tumblr pastoral fantasy before it was cool. Modern life is too corrupting, let’s all go back to a simpler time when the white people lived together in harmony on huge swathes of stolen land. No more cities, no more towns, only the racially homogenous village.
The one thing I liked about the movie, I loved. I love love loved the way the camera only gives you glimpses of the “monsters,” a blurry image here, a flash of red cloak there, the scratches too high for any animal to make, the way you sometimes only see the back of someone’s head as they look in the direction of the monster. It was the perfect amount of showing us something really is there and giving us the vaguest idea of what it looks like, but holding back so that our imaginations still do most of the work. I eat that shit up tbh.
It honestly kind of felt like this movie started out with the intention of the monsters being real, but M. Night couldn’t deliver on all the interesting shit he had made up (why do the monsters wear cloaks? why do they skin animals and leave the meat? what’s with the red marks on doors? why is yellow the safe color? how was the truce made in the first place?) and hand-waved it all away with his flaccid twist. BOOOO!!!
I’m not even sure if this movie had any themes. The only one I could tease out is like... the dangers of overprotectiveness / romanticizing the past? Motherfuckers tried to create a perfect, peaceful, crime-free society, but I bet all the kids that grew up in the village are pretty traumatised by the constant threat of the seemingly very-real monsters they’ve been allowed to catch glimpses of. The monsters are only referred to as “Those We Do Not Speak Of,” adding to their potency (see: Voldemort). When monsters come to town, the people hide in their cellars, and there’s a throwaway line about drills, indicating they regularly practice their hidey-hole procedure like it’s the fucking cold war. The strain of the uneasy “truce” with the monsters must always be in the backs of their minds. They have the blazing border around them as a constant reminder. They obsessively shun the color red (which they only call “The Forbidden Color” or some shit) bc it attracts the monsters (honestly why did the “elders” make up that one? just another wacky form of social control? wtf. wait. is this all actually a cold war metaphor?????). Those that have only ever known the village are probably stressed af, I bet everyone has night terrors.
Well, if they ever attempt a sequel, the outline is already in place. The village is unsustainable. How will they choose who inherits the truth and the costume-wearing duties? The money financing the protection of the land can’t last forever, what happens when it runs out?
On a final note, I have to say that Adrien Brody’s character Noah seems extremely ableist. The fact that evil still found its way inside their “perfect” society, in the form of developmentally disabled Noah who stabs Lucius out of jealousy over Ivy, doesn’t sit right with me at all. If the intended message with that was “evil...uh...finds a way,” wouldn’t a non-disabled jealous rival character have served the purpose even better? Maybe M. Night was (extremely clumsily) trying to make the character of Noah fit in with the “dangers of overprotectiveness” theme by saying “look, if they lived in modern society he could have gotten proper help!” (which would be dumb tbh bc that ignores how badly disabled people are treated). Here’s a blog post by an actual disabled person that looks at ableism in several Shyamalan films.
Anyway, this could have been a very good straightforward horror movie, or a mystery/drama/thriller, and either format could have been used to tell a story about...idk social control or something, but instead we got a maddeningly unsatisfying half-baked waste of ideas. Maybe in 20 years it’ll get a remake or a “reimagining.” I rate it a generous 2.5/5 stars, not so much for what it was, but *sigh* what it could have been.
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kevin--of-desert-bluffs · 8 years ago
Every so often, it’s not too often, I get someone come into my ask box and tell me off for liking Kevin. They tell me he’s problematic and remind me of certain stuff he’s done. A lot of them especially point towards the ableism he showed when talking about ‘fixing’ Janice. It makes me wonder how they can dislike a character so much, that when they happen to stumble across my blog, they feel the need to tell me that he’s a bad person, that therefore I’m a bad person, like...I know Kevin is a huge problem of a character?
He’s an antagonist, he’s supposed to do and say bad things. That’s what causes problems for the protagonists. I understand, he follows the opinions of this horrible problematic cult and therefore says and does horrible problematic things. They’re the antagonists for petes sake. I get told also that I can’t ‘use the excuse that he was brainwashed’ to justify cutting him some slack, like Kevin isn’t a multifaceted character at all and just a flat villain character who deserves no pity because the reason he did everything is ‘because I’m evil mwhahaha!’
Like yes, let’s just blame this traumatised and mentally abused character for the things a higher more directly evil power made him do and give him absolutely no pity/empathy and never examine his character ever and let’s make sure everyone that likes him knows that that makes them horrible people too. That’s a great idea.
I know Kevin is not a good person. I know he can’t be fully excused for his behaviour still, and I don’t excuse him for it. I don’t think ableism is ok and I do think someone needs to help him recover and tell him why these things are not ok to say. Please just let me like this character in peace. Go away and examine him a little bit, properly, not through the lens of ‘every little problem is inexcusable always’ and if you still don’t like him - fine. But don’t keep trying to spread the 2D version of his character around to spread your undue hate and don’t bring it to blogs that clearly like him, please?
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xottzot · 7 years ago
2017-11(NOV)-29th---Wednesday--Im in a LOT of PAIN--and MAX is VERY GROWLING--and a recap of my hell because of no Fliss.
2017-11(NOV)-29th---Wednesday--Im in a LOT of PAIN--and MAX is VERY GROWLING--and a recap of my hell because of no Fliss.
I'm in a LOT of PAIN. Terrible pain. Fliss has abandoned me to fucking well die of this pain. And the physical pain. And all other pain.
Max has been VERY VERY growling and prone to attack. I've been as gentle and considerate of, (and for him), as I can but it's not me he wants...it's dear Fliss. The SAME Fliss, Felicity Ann Carthew, of Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia, who took off and abandoned us here to die in late 2015....THEN....Fliss said she and myself would and could be togther in Tamworth and live the life we were both always damn well denied to us beforehand in life.....and THEN she just suddenly went utterly quiet and silent and any and all communications from her ceased utterly. No matter what I did or who I tried, NOBODY would NOT do anything to get us back together. - Oh yes, they said so MANY things to me....'you'll be okay, you'll be back together soon'.......EVERYONE said that...doctors, professionals, Fliss's few friends and work people, all the people here in Western Australia said that........But then afterwards THEY could not at all work out why YOU dear Fliss suddenly stopped any and all contact, as if you had joined a mad cult or something andorr had lost your mind and been locked away forever from any contact with your past life....to 'keep you safe'.....
And I was told my somebody else in 2015 via vicious anonymous emails to fuck off from dear Fliss and to kill myself....NOT just once but several times. That was totally unprovoked. - FUCK THE WORLD.......
I don't know who that person was, they REFUSED to identify themselves, but I believe they are online 'friends' of dear Fliss who haven't got a fucking clue whatsoever except the lies they've spun up for themselves.
And poor dear Sam and Max (the big guard dogs of dear Flss and myself), they became extremely distressed, (AND STILL ARE AND WORSE), and their emotions and trust is utterly destroyed because Fliss abandoned us, in 2015 she came back for less than an hour, stole stuff (YES Fliss, you took stuff that I struggled to save up and pay for us BOTH), but you took that away with the aid of those anonymous women you had with you who were ravaging through our cupboards and taking any and everything they could lay their hands on. (I have lost things FOREVER).....
And strangely, they did NOT take the 2014/2015 Xmas presents that you dear Fliss had brought me with love and I dearly appreciated. Those Xmas presents of 2014/2015 are STILL unopened. I cannot bear to open them or to give them away, let alone use them. AND YOU FLISS, said you were coming back here to help us sort through everything of ours to give away to charity, prior to us moving to wherever YOU wanted and we could start a new life TOGETHER. (in Tamworth). - And then....you NEVER DID THAT. YOU NEVER DID THAT! YOU NEVER CAME BACK. YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD. YOU DECIDED THAT EVENT WOULD HAVE ONLY BEEN FOR A FEW DAYS AND THEN WE COULD GO AWAY AND START LIFE ANEW AND HAVE THE HAPPY LIFE WE WERE BOTH ALWAYS DENIED AS A COUPLE.
But SOMEBODY had ordered you to fuck off and leave me totally.....you know....THE VERY THINGS ALL YOUR 'FRIENDS' DID TO YOU AND BACKSTABBED YOU OVER SO MANY YEARS! - And you had a mental breakdown, on top of all your medical and mental ailments going on within you that you kept hidden from EVERYONE, including me.
And you tried to snatch away poor dear Sam & dear Max. You failed that. And then later you 'politely' (as a callous act to others of you being so 'responsible' to others), you handwritten 'asked' me to hand them over to you. (I still have that as proof) - I refused because I knew you were going through a hell of an ordeal with your family, your physical & mental conditions, (which you covered up DELIBERATELY...and still do so), your breakdwn,.....and you went to the east side of Australia....right across the country of Australia from me here...you were GIVEN a flat/house to live in which made you so proud that you were boasting about it to everyone......and you TOTALLY ABANDONED US HERE TO FUCKING WELL BE IN HELL AND DIE AND SUFFER EVERY DAY UNTIL I DIE.
Oh, and you even let slip to be known to others that dogs were NOT ALLOWED where you were living! - So if I HAD HAVE allowed YOU to spirit them away to places unknown, they would have been KILLED BY YOU, PUT DOWN, OR WORSE. They would even quite very likely have been totally removed from you....thus resulting not only poor dear Sam & dear Max LOSING YOU but also losing ME, losing both of us who they have KNOWN AND WHO HAVE KEPT THEM SAFE AND HOMED ALL THEIR LIVES. And them being consigned into a callous unloving HELL they could have had no hope of ever escaping from until they were DEAD. Or SEPERATED from each other, which would have been just as bad.
And YOU (and ANYONE reading this) wonders why poor Max has become vicious and is prone to unprovoked and vicous attacks, upon me, upon his brother dog Sam, upon anyone and anything, and THAT is why I can NEVER EVER take them out ANYWHERE EVER AGAIN IN THEIR LIVES. (they used to LOVE going out for walks and adventures with dear Fliss & I and meeting new people and everything. They were utterly gentle and kind and playful and everyone who met them loved them.)
But now.....since you abandoned us.....Sam & Max and I are in HELL existing with all the criminals about this hellhole. But YOU don't care Fliss!?
One of, if not your most dear closest friends Cath A. of Queensland has swallowed all your lies and delusions, and she refuses to talk or contact me. (I've tried several times.) - I dearly have wanted to communicate with her.
NOW......REVERSE everything around,..........how all this be meted out upon YOU Fliss, (a woman),....but do you KNOW WHAT ACTUALLY REALLY HAPPENS?..... suddenly EVERY BLOODY PERSON, ESPECIALLY WOMEN will jump up and down and shout how terrible YOU are being treated! - But nooooooo, because I am 'the gentle innocent man' in our relationship, I'm painted as somebody evil and shitty and to fucking well die as soon as possible. And YOU dear Fliss absolutely KNOWS that's NOT the truth AT ALL and has never been so! - But you allow it and say nothing in public to counter anything with anyone. You Fliss want your lies and delusions to be the only 'facts'.
You've got EVERYTHING YOU WANT....you have been ACCEPTED BACK INTO YOUR FAMILY & all your relations whereas before you were OSTRACISED BY THEM. And you have a ficticious story to lie to them with and to engender pity and sympathy and to forever get them to like you. - And yet....you're ALWAYS LYING....you KNOW you are.
No wonder your fathers mother (your much-loved grandmother) was so terribly shocked when I in-person quietly told her the truth about you and just SOME of all your troubles when you Fliss and I were a couple and had visited her many years ago together in Tamworth, New South Wales for a small social event. - But your grandmother VERY GREATLY MUCH APPRECIATED me telling her the truth. NOBODY else would and they never did. -- And now I have been destroyed for telling the truth !?!? --- I don't know if she's even still alive. - You Fliss, told me that your mother HATED her.
I have NO FAMILY and NOBODY. - But it seems you don't give a shit about me. You don't give a shit about anyone, not really, though you fake that you do. You've lied and cheated and lied so much that your addled, deranged, medically damaged brain & body is actively viciously telling itself that all the lies you've created just MUST be true.....and so you have consigned me to HELL whilst you live the life of a closeted, indulged, spoilt princess. (anything else of, I have no idea of because YOU NEVER TALK TO ME despite you PROMISING ME that if ever we were ever apart for any reason you would ALWAYS STAY IN CONTACT!)
And YOU Fliss has consigned poor dear Sam and dear Max to HELL....and ME.
And you wonder why I was so VERY reluctant and fearful of ever happening to ever bringing a child with you into this world, knowing that perhaps the very terror of YOU doing exactly what you have done would eventuate!?
And you cosseted OTHER peoples children....Caths's children, your families children, your relations children........
I love you dear Fliss and so want to be with YOU. - I am in HELL. - I hope you are happy. - When I am dead, you will legally inherit the things we used together, YOUR things, and the things we purchased together for us both, and the things that were my very own.....the scant few things I had because I have so VERY VERY LITTLE, and so very very little money or capital.
And you will inherit the love I still have for you dear Fliss, and you will live out your life and go to your grave knowing at every moment, especially since 2015, how badly you treated me....so utterly, and terribly bad by deserting me just after you PROMISED we would be together and have a new life together AWAY FROM THIS HELLHOLE.
And you wonder why I have DAMNED NIGHTMARES EVERY NIGHT and have done so since late 2015 when you abandoned us!?
You VERY much have the horrendous capacity to abandon your own children Fliss. Your own mother told you that. And you told me she said that. And you hated her for saying that. What else you kept secret.
I love you dear Fliss and so want to be with YOU.
P.S. Dear Cath......count your blessings that this never happens to you. No matter how kind and gentle you are, all that counts for NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when you get treated like me and Fliss. - I DON'T DESERVE THIS! - FLISS DOESN'T DESERVE THIS! - YOU CATH DON'T DESERVE THIS! - Tell her from me how much I love dear Fliss and want to be with her as a couple and that I never ever stopped loving Fliss when Fliss & I were together when everyone told me to just give up on her, abandon her, the same shit that probably has been told about YOU Cath at some point too though I dearly hope not. You Cath don't deserve that hell. I don't deserve that hell. Fliss doesn't deserve that hell.
I love you dear Fliss and so want to be with YOU just as you promised us both.
No wonder suicide rates go up more around Xmas time with the absolute shit we have had destroying our lives and keeps destroying me each and every day and night awake or asleep. - I truly envy the dead. I look forward to being dead. I wish I was never born. - Fuck being alive and sufering and being forever falsley blamed and having all promises made to me always forever broken. - I fucking well trust absolutely NOBODY. NOBODY AT ALL. - I was NEVER like that until Fliss went crazy in late 2015. -- I love you dear Fliss and so want to be with YOU.
In case of an emergency physically preventing me, let me say this now then......MERRY XMAS......it will be the the 3rd bloody one without being with my dearest Fliss. <:-(
And to everyone else.....you will NEVER get to read the scifi fiction, the fantasy fiction, or the DS9 fan fiction I wrote, and all of which I spent so much enjoyable time on on over MANY years and which Fliss read (some) and enjoyed. - But not YOU Cath, not ANYONE will ever read them. YOU NEVER ASKED. AND YOU NEVER CARED. I hope to destroy them all because nobody gives a shit about me or anything, least of all what I write or ever wrote for enjoyment. - Your losses. Just add them to the rest of your losses. - FUCK THE WORLD. - HURRY UP AND START A WORLD WAR 3 AND KILL US ALL WITH NUKES. JUST DO IT, DO IT, DO IT! AND STOP FUCKING AROUND PRETENDING. - MAKE SURE YOU DETONATE A NUKE WHERE I AM AND KILL ME WITH IT!
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