#why was he sending laura and carrie to town
exdivine · 4 months
im so happy women agree with my irrational hatred for charles "pa" ingalls
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widowshill · 10 months
A-Z Fandom Asks: N, P, R? (that wasn't planned, just. happy accident?) please and thank you!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
my number one is r/v obviously <3 i do actually feel kind of spoiled with the shippy stuff ive found in some old blogs though, i tend to adopt the rarest of rarepairs so i'm not complaining. but more is always better! and i'm steadily converting people to the cause 🏴‍☠️
generally speaking i think the pre barnabas episodes could always use more love. it's quite different tonally to later on and I can understand why folks might skip it for those reasons, but I fervently protest the idea that they're boring ! I'm biased of course because my faves are the 1966'ers, but there's so much delicious character work going on, and I think ... you need the rotted b&w gothic foundation for the technicolor house of horrors built on top of it, if that makes sense. i also think barnabas is kinda :/ it should be pre and post laura collins if we're all being honest with ourselves here.
hmmm. possibly a symptom of like, only being here / a tiny bit on twitter and not on like, actual forums, but i would love to see more long ass ds metas. love to read the insanely smart things b.lack s.ails people (and p.otc!) post on the reg. need that about haunted maine ppl
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
okay well you can guess where i'm going to go with this west indies piracy au go
The Collinses are descended from merchant wealth in England and currently control a small port city in the Bahamas. the family's connections to the Marquess of Winchester manages to land Roger an appointment as governor, although everyone knows the title is only a formality: his sister runs everything, including Roger. once prosperous, a combination of over-fishing, hurricanes, and an earthquake twenty years past has left the town desolate, and the sand beneath their feet liquefied. rather than abandon what she has built, Elizabeth is determined to hold on, but without any support from England for what they feel has no hope to turn profitable, the family turns to investing in forced trade.
enter Burke Devlin, a privateer employed under a letter of marque signed and sealed by Roger Collins. Devlin is the best, most profitable, and most infamous of their captains, often dining with them at their table and a close friend of the governor. For a while they enjoy mutual prosperity with Spain's wealth, and pirate labor. But the world is growing more respectable around them, and what was once the fringes of civility is gradually becoming its center. The way to survive is no longer with the pirates. When Burke is captured and tried for piracy, his benefactors turn their back on him: he is sacrificed, essentially, as a figurehead for the port and governor's respectability (vaguely à la Kidd). Even his wife sends written testimony against him, and remarries before her husband officially swings, to his former friend and sponsor, Roger.
Burke manages to escape before his hanging, and turns to piracy in the Mediterranean – after ten years, in 1698, he comes back to raid the Collins shipping fleet, with the eventual goal not of razing Collinsport to the ground, but of installing himself as governor there. One of the ships he captures carries a special passenger – the new governess, sent for from England – and he personally delivers her to their doorstep, but not before she can witness how different Captain Devlin is from the terrifying stories about him and his crew.
the governess also brings news from England: William III has passed a new law against the pirates in the West Indies. any person to aid and assist, or maintain, procure, command, counsel, or advise the pirates, are condemned to the same loss of property and life as the pirates themselves.
meet also:
maggie evans, the no-nonsense tavern wench, and her sweetheart, the honest merchant sailor joe haskell that hates pirates and everything they stand for
carolyn stoddard, who has a copy of Exquemelin in both French and English and has memorized every word, and is violently jealous of vicki for dining with a scary pirate captain. she'd like nothing better than to be kidnapped out of the governor's mansion. her cousin david loves the stables and knows everything about horses ... including how best to spook them.
sam evans, former court painter, now art forger
julia hoffman, naturalist (and other sciences as required)
bill malloy, who oversees the merchant fleet and the warehouses, and carries carolyn home from the docks or the tavern by the scruff of her neck, if he has to.
laura collins, sent away to bedlam for hysteria, managed to come back, and is now setting boats on fire as a hobby
the blairs, hailing from massachusetts: james, a well-respected lawyer eventually revealed to be working with devlin, and his cousins, nicholas and cassandra, political and religious exiles who spent some time in maritinique, where they both adopted quimbois practices.
jason macguire, irish smuggler, and willie loomis, former indentured servant working out his sentence in america. they have a run in with cousin barnabas, who's been making his questionable fortune in the east indies rather than the west, and who definitely does not do any cannibalism.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
ROGER AND JULIA. in other places, eleanor and flint >>>> also elizabeth and barbossa. i feel like this is forming a pattern of some kind hang on
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dees-writing-corner · 2 years
wedding bells - friday
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pairing: best friend!mingi x fem!reader
word count: 1443
previous | masterlist
If any of you want to be added to the taglist just send me a message <3 A/N It's here! I've rewritten it! Still in the process of rewriting the remaining chapters tho 😢 Also, I am literally soooo sick right now. I don't think I've felt like this since I was 10 😭
“Mingi. Your phone.” 
I rolled away from Mingi and buried my face into the pillow. 
I heard shuffling from beside me, followed by silence. 
“What? - Yeah, she’s here. - Why? - Yeah, yeah, I’ll tell her.” 
I felt Mingi put his arm around me, pulling me back into him. 
“Who was it?” 
“Minho. They were wondering where you were. Apparently, Laura needs you to be her maid of honour.” 
Whatever sleepiness I felt flew straight out of the window when I heard that. Propping my chin on Mingi’s chest, I looked at him in shock. 
“Her maid of honour had to fly back home because of a family emergency. She needs you down in half an hour.” 
Dropping my head back down, I let out a whine. 
“I wanna sleep. Still tired.” 
I could feel Mingi’s chest rumble as he chuckled before he nudged my head with his nose. 
“I know, love, but we’ve got to get up. Minho needs me for best man duties today as well.” 
Throwing my arm around his waist, I buried my face in the crook of his neck. 
“Don’t wanna move.” 
We were both lying there peacefully until we heard someone opening and closing our door, followed by the bed dipping beside me. 
“Why did your cousin just invite me to their wedding?” 
Turning around, we were met with Hongjoong lying on his side, propping his head up on his arm as he looked at us. 
Raising a brow at him, “Good morning to you too. Now, do you mind?” 
“Not really.” 
The words he said, paired with the cheeky grin on his face, sent me into a fit of laughter. 
“Joong, c’mon, what if one of us was naked or something?” 
“It’s not something I’ve never seen before, so I don’t really care. Now back to the point, why has Minho invited me to the wedding?” 
Mingi sat up, stretching a bit, “They’ve got an extra seat because Y/N’s now the maid of honour, so they probably thought, because you’re here, they’d just invite you.” 
Crawling over Mingi, I got out of bed to get ready. 
“You two carry on talking while I go and get ready to meet Laura.” 
Making my way to the bathroom, I could hear the two discussing about a track they were working on for a project. 
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“Okay. We might have a slight problem.” 
That was the first thing I heard when I walked into the bridal suite. 
“You wouldn’t happen to have packed a navy-coloured dress before you came, would you? If not, we’re going to have to drive into town to buy you a dress.” 
I paused for a second, trying to remember if I had. 
“Umm, give me a second. Let me text Mingi.” 
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Putting down my phone, I took a seat next to Laura on the sofa. 
“Mingi’s going to bring it over to show you.” 
I could see the tension go from Laura’s shoulders as she let out a relieved sigh. 
“Oh, thank god, it probably would’ve taken us ages to find a dress for you.” 
“Hmm, hun, why am I your maid of honour? You’ve known me a total of like, 6 days. And I’m not saying I don’t want to, but ya know.” 
“Well, we’ve spent so much time together, and you’ve done so much for us, so I thought you’d make a good maid of honour. Plus, it was either you or Elle who, even though is family, I don’t want her as my maid of honour. I’m sure neither do you or Mingi because Mingi’s going to have to walk down with her.” 
Grimacing, I shook my head, “Yeah, no.” 
“Yeah, no, what?” 
Looking up, we saw Mingi walk in with the dress hanging from his arm. 
“Oh, yeah, here’s the dress.” 
Laura held up the dress with a bright smile, “Oh, this is perfect! The shade is actually exactly the same as the other ones!” 
I smiled as I watched her place the dress next to the bride’s maid dresses. The shade was indeed the same. 
Feeling arms wrap around my waist, I tilted my neck to the side, feeling Mingi brush his nose against the side of it. 
“What are you doing?” 
I let out a small chuckle, putting my hand over his. 
“Nothing. Just happy I get to hold you like this.” 
He placed a small kiss under my ear, when we heard someone clear their throats. 
Looking up, I saw Laura looking at us with an eyebrow arched. 
“You two seem extra lovey today. What actually happened last night?” 
Feeling Mingi tightened his arms around me, I get his hand a gentle squeeze. 
“We talked some, actually, a lot of things out last night. And I’m glad we did.” 
Turning around, I gave him a peck before walking out of his hold. 
“Now go, you’ve got best man duties.” 
Turning back around, I sat back down onto the sofa, Laura plopping down soon after. 
“How’re you feeling about the wedding tomorrow?” 
“Nervous. Excited. Literally every emotion known is flowing through me right now. I can’t believe I’m actually getting married!” 
Laughing, I put an arm around her shoulder. 
“I can’t even imagine what you’re feeling right now. God, I don’t even think I can imagine getting married myself.” 
“Ya know? I wasn’t kidding about you and Mingi getting married. I really do believe he’ll ask you to marry him. He really does love you.” 
With a soft smile, I looked at her. 
“Yeah? Well, I love him too.” 
“Have you told him that?” 
“Yeah. Last night, after many, many tears.” 
Nudging her shoulder, “You wanna know something? I caught feelings for Mingi about 6 months after we met. He was seeing someone at the time and I would help him plan his dates. I did that up until he asked me out.” 
Laura gaped at me before letting out a laugh in disbelief. 
“You helped the guy you LIKED plan his dates?! What?” 
I chuckled at how absurd it sounded but nodded anyway. 
“Yeah. I was like, as long as he’s happy then it’s fine. And after he confessed to me, I was like ‘what’ followed by ‘then why the hell have I been planning your dates with other girls’. His response to this was ‘because I thought you liked someone else’.” 
We both laughed at this.  
“Oh my god. I can’t!” 
We carried on sharing some funny stories, laughing so hard at some that we had tears rolling down our faces. 
With both of us more relaxed, we finally started to go over the details for the wedding. 
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It was about 10 in the evening when Laura and I finished going over everything for tomorrow. This included meeting the bride's maids, who I have now become friends with because they are literally some of the best girls I’ve ever met. 
Walking into the room, I let out a tired sigh, “I’m back.” 
Mingi got up from where he was perched on the armchair and guided me further into the room. 
“You been busy? I haven’t seen you all day.” 
Hugging Mingi around the waist, I buried my face into his shoulder. 
“We had to go through everything I had to do at the wedding tomorrow. There’s literally so much. God. I don’t think I want to get married anymore.” 
I could hear Mingi choke from above me. Pulling away, I looked at him, arching a brow. 
“What? You plan on marrying me?” 
Mingi looked away from me and I could see his neck and ear becoming increasingly redder as the seconds ticked by. 
Letting out a small laugh, I turned his head back towards me. 
“I’m just kidding, love. We’ll just see where the future takes us.” 
Getting up on my toes, I pressed a kiss against Mingi’s lips. 
“I’m going to clean up. The day has completely drained me.” 
Pulling Mingi in for one more kiss, I let go and made my way towards the bathroom. 
After taking a quick shower, I walked out and saw Mingi sat against the headboard, scrolling through his phone. 
Sliding under the duvet, I wrapped an arm around Mingi’s waist and laid my head on his chest. 
“Have you set an alarm for tomorrow? We have to be up by 5.” 
I watched as Mingi set the alarm before placing the phone on the nightstand to charge. 
Turning the lights off, I snuggled into Mingi’s side. 
“Goodnight Mingi.” 
Pressing a kiss into my hairline, “Goodnight, pretty.” 
Closing my eyes, my mind drifted to Laura’s comment about Mingi and I this morning. 
Maybe we will. 
taglist: @jhmylove @hongjoongsmainbitch @rielleluvs @marievllr-abg @cookiechristie
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trilliastra · 3 years
[*drops a sterek fic after two years and runs away to hide*]
It’s all Cora’s fault and Derek will remain of the opinion that his life only went downhill the moment his little sister was born.
It starts with Sara, his sister’s friend, whose boyfriend turned out to be a jerk and would not let her inside his apartment to collect her things unless she took him back. And Cora volunteered Derek to help.
Derek didn’t really mind it at first, Sara only needed a guy to look strong (which he is), angry (which he was) and able to carry her stuff from place a to place b (which he did). But some weeks later Sara met a friend with an equally stupid boyfriend and said friend had another friend and then Laura heard about it and it suddenly became a thing.
Georgia, Nelly, Carmen, Lola.
“I could help, you know?” Derek had said after the fifth time he noticed the blossoming purple bruises on the back of Isaac’s neck, his scrapped knuckles. “If you need to get rid of your –” he lowered his voice, “boyfriend.”
Isaac had looked at him, wide eyed, before he confessed he isn’t gay and the problem was actually his dad. “Oh,” Derek had said, thinking for a moment before adding, “I could help with that, too.”
Turns out Derek’s intimidation skills were lacking when compared to his own father’s.
“You’re doing a really nice thing, Derek.” Isaac says one night, helping him with his hand. Asshole boyfriend of the night thought he could bag a few punches before letting Phill grab his laptop back. Derek was faster, and stronger.
Isaac moved in with him and Boyd two weeks after his dad was sentenced. He didn’t want to, at first, was still incredibly shy and scared of everything, including Derek, but he opened up to Boyd pretty quickly. Despite his built (and the fact he can bench press three times his own weight), Boyd is the softest person Derek has ever met.
“Sure.” Derek sighs.
“But?” He asks and Derek sighs again, looks away when Boyd walks into the room.
“I had a date.” Derek confesses and Boyd whistles in sympathy.
“How many times has it been, again?”
“Three.” Derek winces when Isaac presses the antiseptic over the cut. “I’m – I really like him.”
“You could just tell him.” Isaac says. “He’s a cool guy, I guess.” He shrugs, smiling. “Sometimes he’s an asshole. But not in a bad way.”
Derek huffs out a laugh. “Yeah.”
Stiles is an asshole, he likes teasing Derek when they are discussing ethics in the workplace and every way capitalism is stepping over immigrants, they banter and they quote books back and forth and while some people (his sisters) roll their eyes when Derek brings up some history fact, Stiles nods along, brings up another history fact that Derek didn’t know (or sometimes pretends not to know, just to hear Stiles talking about it), hands moving around as he explains his point or badmouths a historic figure that owned so much money ‘their great-great-grandkids are still swimming in the gold they stole from the natives’.
Derek is in love.
“What did you tell him this time?” Boyd asks, munching on his chips. He shakes the bag in front of them and while Derek takes a couple, Isaac shakes his head, still not used to being allowed good things.
Some memories are hard to forget.
“That my mom had stopped by to visit.” Derek says. He hates lying, he is not even good at it. The first time he tried to tell Stiles he looked like a wet cat after he got caught up in the rain, white shirt sticking to his chest, Derek’s cheeks had gotten so red, Stiles asked him if he was okay.
“Dude.” Isaac says, shaking his head in disappointment as he finishes bandaging Derek’s hand.
“I know.” Derek gives back, collapsing on his bed with a groan.
This is all Cora’s fault.
Okay. Stiles texts back when Derek has to postpone their date again. Derek can feel the disappointment through the message, mirroring his own feelings.
How about tomorrow night? Derek tries, stares at his phone for minutes until he realizes Stiles probably won’t text him back.
“Please.” Maria says, holding her cat with a bright smile as they talk in front of a coffee shop. She is trying to convince him to accept a coffee and Derek is trying to convince her he doesn’t need it. “How can I thank you?”
Derek sighs. “I didn’t do anything.” And it is true, her boyfriend wasn’t working when they arrived at the coffee shop and when they opened the door of the apartment upstairs, it was empty save for the cat that Maria is currently hugging.
“You were there for me.” She smiles, tucking her hair behind her ear and Derek already knows what’s coming.
It’s not the first time, probably won’t be the last. He has been invited for ‘thank you’ coffees, dinners, sex. It never felt right, though. Not with the guys, and especially not with the girls.
Sorry. He always says. Some of them are attractive, he supposes, but he was, and still is, very much gay.
“I’m—” he starts, but Maria’s eyes widen and when Derek turns around, a guy is stalking towards them, eyebrows furrowed in anger.
“You bitch!” He shouts, startling most of the costumers inside and the shop and the people walking around the street. “What are you doing?”
“Taking my cat back!” She yells back and Derek steps closer, eyeing the guy’s fists as he starts to shake with anger.
The guy notices his move and turns his glare to him. “And who the fuck are you?”
Before Derek can answer, Maria chimes in. “My boyfriend.”
“What the fuck?” It takes Derek a second to realize the words didn’t come from him, but from someone in the crowd, one of the onlookers that gathered around them to watch the scene unfold.
Two seconds after that, Derek realizes the person talking was Stiles.
That explains a lot. It’s the last message Stiles sends him before blocking his number.
Derek tries to call, talk to him after class, but his friends keep him away, Lydia going as far as brandishing a can of pepper spray in front of him, eyes shining with an unspoken threat.
“You should follow him to his dorm.” Isaac offers, weakly.
“Creeps do that.” Derek says. “I don’t want to be more of an asshole than I already am.”
“You’re not an asshole.” Isaac says, clasping his shoulder in sympathy. “I could – talk to him? If you want?” The offer makes Derek smile, touched. Isaac is still extremely shy in front of strangers, but just the fact that he considered doing it for him is enough.
“It’s fine.” Derek says. It isn’t fine, and they both know it, but he will pull through. Eventually. “It wasn’t meant to be.”
It’s harder that Derek anticipated, seeing Stiles during classes and not being able to talk to him, to tease him when Mrs. Schilder glares at him for using a pun that makes the entire room burst out laughing from second-hand embarrassment.
He is beautiful, Derek thinks at least ten times a day, and smart and kind and funny and Derek could see them being together for a long time, falling deeper in love as the time passes.
He should be used to not having good things. He grew up as a middle child, as a gay teenager in a small town where some boys were so far deep in the closet, they couldn’t find their way out, he should be used to not keeping the things he likes.
So why does it hurt so much?
“She needs—”
“Call someone else.”
“You are really going to leave her—”
Derek slams his book shut, kicks his chair back as he stands up. Cora’s eyes widen when someone tells him to be quiet and Derek simply ignores them. “I need to study for a test. Call someone else.”
Helping someone should feel good, it should make him happy, not feel like a burden. He is more than an angry guy with a strong body. He doesn’t even like confrontation. He started working out to burn his energy, to let out some of this anger that he’s been constantly carrying inside and he kept working out because he enjoyed it and now – now even that is ruined.
“Why are you being so selfish?” She asks and Derek knows, deep inside, that she doesn’t mean it like that, that she’s just as angry as him, humiliated by the fact he’s calling her out in the middle of the library. Still, that doesn’t matter now. Now, Derek is angry and sad and done.
“Fuck you.” He says and walks away.
His initial plan was to make it to his apartment, bury himself under the covers and not leave his room until his mother comes to give him an earful. Because she will, undoubtedly, when Cora tells her about it.
But Derek doesn’t make it to his apartment, he doesn’t even make it outside the library, simply makes a u-turn and heads for the dark zone, a space under the stairs leading to the storeroom where couples usually go to make out. There, he collapses on the ground, taking deep breaths, and buries his face in his hands.
This has been a long time coming, he thinks. He’s been on the edge for a while. This entire experience has made him remember how awful it was to pretend to be someone he wasn’t, to be only liked for his body or for his ability to pass the answers to the test without the teacher seeing him.
Some memories are hard to forget.
“Are you okay?” Derek flinches, surprised to hear Stiles’ voice. “Oh,” Stiles whispers, noticing Derek’s red eyes, the tears streaming down his face, “bad day, huh?”
“She was not my girlfriend.” Derek blurts out, head a mess of emotions: fear, anger, loneliness, regret.
“Dude,” Stiles frowns, confused, “I know Cora is your sister.”
“No.” Derek shakes his head, frantic. “The other day, at the coffee shop. I was helping her with her ex-boyfriend, I do that sometimes. He— he was an asshole and she needed help getting her cat back and I look strong and I know how to –”
“Woah, woah, slow down.” Stiles raises his hands, alarmed, and Derek realizes his own hands are shaking and he can’t breathe. “In and out,” Stiles whispers, “can I—can I touch you?”
Derek shakes his head, focusing on his breath. Panic attack, he remembers, suffocating. No touching. “Okay,” Stiles agrees, easily, “should I keep talking?” Derek shakes his head again, keeps his eyes on his hands. Talking is too much, listening is too much, breathing is too much. “Do you want me to leave?”
“No.” Derek manages to gasp. He doesn’t want to be alone.
Stiles nods, leans against the wall next to Derek and starts fiddling with his shoelaces, twirling them around wordlessly. Derek doesn’t know how much time it passes, but he keeps watching Stiles’ fingers moving distractedly, patiently waiting for him. With him.
“I’m sorry.” Derek manages to say, eventually.
Stiles sighs. “I know.” He closes his own eyes before turning to Derek. “You don’t have to explain.”
“I—” Derek swallows heavily, “have to.” He answers, before shaking his head. No, that doesn’t sound right, “no, I—I want to.”
They leave the library together, Stiles standing up first and offering his hand to help Derek up. Stiles doesn’t let go as they walk towards Derek’s apartment, squeezes his hand from time to time as Derek tells him about everything.
“You could have told me.” Stiles notes.
“I don’t know why I didn’t.” Derek confesses. “I guess I didn’t want you to see me as that guy too. Beefy Derek.” He laughs, humorless. “That’s the nickname my sister came up with a few months ago.”
Stiles groans, stops walking, forcing Derek to stop as well. “You are so much more than that.” He assures, touching Derek’s face softly though his eyes shine with certainty. “I love your brain, your cute jokes, the fact that you get my stupid history facts because you like history just as much as I do, and especially the way you care so much. College, people, the world.” He pulls him in for a quick, assertive kiss, and Derek immediately feels so light he could fly. But he won’t, because Stiles is keeping him grounded by the softest touch, the smallest smile.
“Cute jokes?” He manages to ask, arching an eyebrow. When Stiles laughs, he smiles.
“They are.” He insists.
“Okay.” Derek accepts the words easily, because everything seems easy when it comes to Stiles. “If I ask you out on a new date,” he says, “will Lydia pepper spray me?”
“I will stop her.” Stiles reassures, squeezing his hand again. “But before,” he adds and Derek feels his stomach turning with anticipation, “you have to know that I kind of hate your sister right now.”
“Oh.” Derek says. “Okay, I can—I can see that.”
“I’m sorry.” Stiles says, though he doesn’t sound sorry at all.
“Me too.” Derek agrees.
When Derek tells him about Cora’s apology and the earful his sister got from their mom, Stiles excuses himself to go laugh in the bathroom while Derek shrugs and goes back to eating his share of the pizza.
By the time they get married, Stiles and Cora have become best friends. Derek hates it (he doesn’t).
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Welcome To The Pack: Sinking Fangs
Summary- 10.2k Alpha Steve x You. Things have settled back on Pack Lands. Over a month has passed since you and Steve returned from Wakanda and now there is just one last thing to deal with to put the ordeal of your time with the Pierce Pack to rest, deal with Council Member Ross. Brock now has a new asset on hand and gives a preview of how efficient he is. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics​
Warnings- Violence, Killing, Sex. 
A/N- Wow, thank you all so much for reading this. Really it has been a passion project of mine, and Im so happy I could bring my wolves into the MCU verse. We are at the end of this story with Alpha Steve and the Little One. I hope it delivered all that you had hoped it would and enjoyed it as much as I have. Reading your comments and asks have meant more to me then you could possibly know. Happy Howling 🐺
 Chapter 9 (part 2) / Masterlist 
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The chill tickled his senses and that was what woke Steve up that morning, his hand sweeping over the bed to find you not there, but your warmth was still clinging to the bed sheets. You haven’t been up for long. Rolling to his stomach, he moved to resettle, listening for where you might be in the cabin. But all was silent, all he could pick up was the drip-drip of the coffee maker in the kitchen, so you had been there just before, there was no rustle on the couch no sounds of your feet springing off the cabin's wood floor though. But the heavy autumn air did draw his attention to the wide-open door to the deck. Rolling up to rub at his face to waken further, Steve leaned down and grabbed sleep pants nearby to tug them on. He advanced on the deck and took a look around. 
The deck was frost-covered, as well as the towering pines housing the migrating songbirds sheltering overnight and that one grey squirrel that seemed to claim the back deck as his since you started feeding them. Steve’s eyes scanned for you, and the Wolf immediately picked up your warm scent, eyes dropping to see where the soles of your feet and toes had melted a trail across the frost covered deck. Following it, he went down the stairs to the lower deck that stretched out over the lake, and there you were, at the very end with an afghan wrapped around your shoulder, legs peeking out from underneath it. Steve could see where you were arched onto your toes to keep the rest of your feet from touching the frost covered wood. Getting a quicker spring to his step, Steve approached you from behind. 
“Y/N, what are you doing out here so early? You must be freezing.” His Wolf growled in agreement when you looked over your shoulder. Even as cold as you looked, your eyes were bright with excitement. “I heard geese overhead, and I wanted to see them flying south.” Once he reached you, his arms went around your waist and drew you back so that you would lean into him, your feet moving to step on top of his to protect them from the frostbitten boards and the fog coming off the lake so early in the morning. His head tilted up to look in the clear blue sky above, something about the cold made it look sharper. Sometimes he forgot that son of a bitch Pierce kept you locked up so long in his compound, like an animal in a zoo. 
You missed out on the way their world would shift between warm sunshine filled lazy days to everything preparing for a long sleep. The woods were now constantly rustling with animals seeking food to store away, leaves windblown loose to swirl in patterns before falling to the forest floor to provide shelter for the tree roots. Overhead the sky would be swarmed with birds, quick off the wing as they left for winter bound destinations. Ice would soon form on the lake edges, sending the lake dwellers down into the depths to wait out the winter. And right now, your head tipped back to watch the obnoxious geese as the massive birds flew in their arrow path, carrying them out of sight. 
“Winter will soon be here,” Steve said with a smile, for it was his favorite time of year. As wonderful as all the others were, the snow brought a serene calmness to The Pack. Letting the Wolves loose for days to run across the snow. It was a time his Beast was most at home in the world. The biting winds and harsh cold he was made for. While the forest snapped from the intense ice and cold, he tracked through it, laying claim to all that was his and reminding nearby packs that a strong Alpha and his wolves claimed this territory. Then for his human side, he had a warm cabin, and now his Little One filling his home and his bed. Steve finally felt that maybe things were falling into place. 
You turned to face him, wrinkling your nose at him. “You know who else will be here soon ? Ross.” You reminded him with a worried look and Steve gave a soft growl at the man’s name, a pain in his ass if there ever was one. He had put him coming off for well over the past couple months since you two had returned from Wakanda. But Tony finally pushed him for this meeting, to go over what had actually happened to Pierce’s pack, and You. Pack on pack violence wasn’t tolerated among the council, supposedly. So Steve needed to explain his reasons for attacking. It was all bullshit, considering what you went through alone. 
“Don’t remind me Little One.” Steve gave a huff, warm breath washing over your face as his head dropped, burying his face in your neck, inhaling deeply. “The sooner he leaves the better. Come on, now my feet are cold.” He chuckled and drew you away, and back up the stairs towards the house once more. 
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The morning was a bit more tense than usual. Steve was quiet, you felt like his concentration was discussing matters with his Wolf, knowing he would have to keep himself under control with the Alphas coming into his territory. Initially, he was going to refuse this meeting, but Tony convinced him that it would be a show of good faith to the council if he allowed them access and actually explained what happened. The ex Pierce pack now belonged to Caine, who told the members the council sent what happened already. But Ross couldn’t let it go. Wanting to still hear from Steve. Finally, the Alpha relented, unsure if it was entirely the right thing, but it was done with. He wasn’t one to back down from his word. 
“You still going up to the yard?” You asked cautiously, knowing Steve was a bit all over the place, and his head lifted at your voice, checking his watch. 
“Yea, guess I better get up there if I want to get at least one truck off to the mill.” He drained his mug and set it in the sink, grabbing his jacket as he drew up to you. “Shoot me a text if anything happens while I’m up the mountain.” His fingers grasped your chin and placed a kiss on your lips, you nodded with an encouraging smile. 
“Of course Steve.” You nudged at him and tilted for one more coffee stained kiss from him, and when he left, you listened to his heavy footfalls take him down the porch and then moments later one of the pickups at the garage start-up. Once he was gone, you moved to settle on the couch, pulling your phone out to call Natasha. This had become the morning routine, once Steve headed out, you checked in with the Red Wolf. 
After a few moments, Natasha picked up, you could see here setting her phone up on a nightstand before going back to packing up a duffel bag. 
“Hey, you coming home for a bit?” you asked hopefully. She had been gone since she left you and Steve in Wakanda, and only heard from her now and then till you started to actively video chat her once a day. If she would pick up the phone that was. Some days when she answered it would be from a car while driving, a motel room, middle of the street. And the days she didn't, you weren't sure if you wanted to know where she was holed up in her search for the missing pack members.
“No, not yet, I picked up another lead last night, and about to go check it out.” 
“Natasha, Steve wouldn't be upset if you came home. It's been weeks and every trail you come across leads to a dead end.” You say into your phone while propping it on the coffee table. 
“No, I'm sure of it this time. He really fits Bucky’s description. Tall, dark hair, slight limp to his walk. Sounded like he passed through town.” Natasha sounded hopeful. So many times Natasha was sure she finally found Bucky, and it always led to a dead end.
“Was there anyone else with him?” You questioned, and her face got a bit crestfallen, shaking it slowly. 
“No, nothing about the others. Has Laura said anything about Clint contacting her?” 
Another shake of the head no. “Nothing, no one has seemed to hear anything. Steve’s even been reaching out to other packs. Someone named Fury is coming soon, he works for the Council, and is going to try to help figure out where they went.” 
Natasha’s green eyes widened a bit. “Fury? Well damn, Uh, how did Steve feel about that?” your eyes narrowed at your packmate, yes you were still fairly new, and was reminded of that in moments like these. 
“From what I understand, Steve called him himself. Why? What do I not know?” You questioned, and Natasha shrugged. 
“You know Steve, he's not on board with the whole Wolf Packs need to be “policed” like the council wants to do. But Fury, he's one of the better ones. Kinda walks his own line, you know? Steve worked with him way before he was an Alpha, at an agency called Shield.”
This piqued your interest, even your Little Wolf stirred, cause Steve rarely talked about his past. “What was Shield?”
Natasha searched the drawers one last time while she remained talking. “Oh it was Wolves trained in special skills, usually combative and logistics. They would be dispatched into problem areas for wolves and humans alike, working with the military. Bucky was a part of it as well. Their team was called the Howling Commandos.” Natasha snapped the drawers shut, and went to sit on the bed, picking up the phone. “Course this was way back when. I'm a bit surprised Steve hasn’t talked about it?” 
“No, but honestly Steve doesn't talk much about his past.” You worried your lip a bit and the Little Wolf brushed against your mind. 
<He will talk about it when he's ready.>
Natasha gave a shrug. “He will sometime, Steve’s time with his ex wasn’t easy. He probably just wants to forget some of that. With your help.” Natasha smirked at you, and you gave her a roll of your eyes, your Little Wolf snickering in agreement with your friend. “Have you thought about making it all official?” She eased out the question, and you wish you could give a resounding yes. You had considered asking Steve many times about it since you two have returned home. 
But something held you back, the idea of being connected to someone mind and body scared you in a way that seemed so unreasonable considering you and your Little Wolf knew you wouldn't ever want another Mate. Steve assured you many times that he would share that bond with you, but only when you asked for it, and never pushed or made you feel guilty like you should ask. Plus the way you and Steve were right now, it was comfortable and content, you hated the thought of asking for more and ruining the rhythm of happiness you found with each other, even though in Wakanda you were more than ready. 
“I know Steve would the second I asked him, it's me waiting. After living with Pierce for so long, Nat honestly it scares me. If Steve connected, I would belong to him. I know he wouldn’t do anything I wasn't okay with, but knowing he could. Fuck that just scares me.”
“Y/N, does he even know you feel this way?” Natasha asked softly and you shook your head. “Talk to him Y/N, Steve will want to know what you are thinking.” 
Your Little Wolf curled around in your mind, growling softly. <She’s right, we should communicate with our Alpha.>
“Think about it Y/N, you open up, maybe Steve will as well.” Natahsa grabbed her duffel and shouldered it. “Listen, I will be home soon, okay? Don’t worry about me, I'm used to being out on my own quite a bit.” 
“Doesn't mean we don’t still worry.” you chuckled softly and gave a wave into the phone screen. “Talk to you tomorrow Nat. Bye.” 
After hanging up, you settled back into the couch thinking over yours and Natasha’s discussion with the bond. Maybe it was time to bring it up with Steve, about why you were hesitant. 
Maybe he’s hesitant to? I know he has offered but-
<But nothing Y/N, his past is his past and even with the bond, he can choose not to share it. You know some things still stay private unless you choose to share them. Same goes with Steve and his Wolf. Besides… you're not just a little curious about before he was Alpha?> 
Of course I am, I just never really brought it up. 
The Little Wolf huffed out in frustration and shook out her fur as she moved to a stretch. <You have wanted it since before I came home, you were just waiting for me to come back.>
How do you know about that? 
<Cause I was never actually gone, just trapped.> she responded, starting to trot away from the front of your awareness with a whisk of your tail. <Now it's simply fear holding you back. The Alpha deserves to know.> 
You huffed a bit at your wolf being so dismissive. Pushing up off the couch, and going back to the bedroom to go get ready for the arrival of Ross to the pack. 
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Up on the mountain, the lot was just finishing up, Steve waiting with hands on his hips, watching as Sam worked the Skid Cat to load the last of the logs on. Once the last one was on, he pulled himself up the side and started working on strapping them down for transport when Sam parked the skid cat nearby, and hopped down to go join Steve. Pulling himself up the other side, both men working quietly tightening the straps till everything was safe to be taken down the mountain. 
“Your awful quiet today Man.” Sam finally broke the ice while twisting to take a seat at the top of the pile, Steve making a similar move to sit next to him. 
“Lot on my mind I guess.” He pulled off his heavy duty work gloves, and slapped them down beside him.
“This to do with Ross or Y/N?” Sam questioned while falling back to his palms planted on the log behind him, relaxing for a moment. 
“A bit of both. Ross, I'm just ready to get him off Pack Land.” Steve admitted, and the Wolf growled lowly at the mention of the man's name. “Y/N, were good and starting to feel comfortable, and settled after everything from this summer. But is this what she wants for sure?” 
<Course it is, our mate is happy Steve.> The Wolf pinned back his ear at the humans worries, sighing. 
Sam listened and gave a nod. “I remember feeling that way with Sara when we first started. ‘Was she happy, would she want this to be her life.’ Nerve wracking. I wanted to ask her, but fuck I was scared that she was gonna tell me it was temporary.” Sam flashed a grin. “Then I sucked it up, and brought it up one night. Damn, she jumped me in all of two seconds, told me I was an idiot and that she wasn't going anywhere.” Sam chuckled at the memory, and Steve gave his own amused laugh. “Anyways, I had nothing to be worried about, and I don't think you do either. Y/N looks at you man with those god damn heart eyes all the time whenever she catches a whiff of you. And Ross, I know you're not happy about it. I'm glad i'm not in your position right now.”
Steve rolled his eyes at him. “Thanks Sam.” 
“But you're gonna sail through it, tell Ross what happened, he's just being a prick cause you're not rushing to sign his accords.” Sam moved then to push off, sliding back down to the ground, and motioning to the truck's cab. When one Alpha refuses, others will not be afraid to say they agree. He’s afraid of more Alphas and packs agreeing with you. Come on Alpha, you're stalling. Let's get our shit finished, your best friend gonna be here soon.” 
Steve grabbed his gloves and jumped down, growling at Sam. “You're an ass.” while stuffing his gloves in his back pocket and yanking the door open to get in. 
“It’s a gift I’ve worked on for years.” Sam grinned, grabbing the walkie talkie and listening for the static. “Steve and I are taking the last load, clean up guys.” Once he got the confirmation, he got in, and Steve put the truck in drive and headed down the mountain. 
It wasn’t long till Steve was once more pulling into the Packs compound and it hit him as soon as he opened the door. The Alpha himself bristled in Steve’s mind scenting the other Alphas on his land, and he had to push the Wolf back from the front of his consciousness, the beast set off by not just one outside Alpha, but two. Sam coming out the other side, side eyed Steve a moment to make sure he didn't lose control because he saw the situation before Steve did. Sam was well aware the moment Steve saw them, just from the growl that raised from the depths of his chest in a menacing tone before dying down. 
On HIS porch, with HIS mate was Ross, Tony, and a female. Steve was unsure of who it was, but he was more focused on three wolves surrounding you that were outsiders. Heavy handed, he slammed the truck door shut, and all heads turned towards him to see him stalking towards his porch. 
Tony immediately moved to a stand, clapping his hands together. “And there's the old boy now! We were just about to go up the mountain to find you Steve.” Ross gave a cold nod in agreement, and the woman sitting next to him, Steve finally recognized Ross's assistant, Judy. Steve’s gaze shifted hotly from the wolves to you, taking you in. You seemed relax, one leg crossed over another, your hand wrapped around a coffee mug, and everything in you seemed to say that you were comfortable yet alert. Immediately as soon as you saw him looking at you with such an intense look, you set your cup aside, and eased to a stand, bushing past Judy and going down the stairs to reach your Alpha, smiling in that welcome home way. 
Immediately Steve loped an arm around you and pressed his lips to your temple with a whispered hushed tone just for you. “Everything okay?” you hummed a yes, exchanging the sentiment with a nuzzle to his shoulder before turning back to your waiting guests. 
“They just arrived minutes before you and Sam, Alpha.” You say cheerfully, the other three following you off the porch and standing around. You can feel Steve against you, not growling, but the vibrations of silent rumbles shifted through him. Your hand lightly slides under the back of his shirt to press against his lower back, and you feel him calm down, a deep inhale clearing his mind. 
“I was expecting you all much later, and I have a business to run, orders to be placed and people to keep employed within the compound and from the town below. But I’m here now, shall we go inside to talk?” Steve offered with an extended hand towards his front door. Ross once more seemed to look at Steve with disdain, making the Little Wolf in you bristle at the rudeness to your Alpha, but Steve chose to ignore it so you did as well. Judy though was another matter, the woman standing just to the other side of Ross with her tablet for notes, and she seemed to be eyeing Steve in a whole other way. A way that made you self conscious that he didn't have your bite showing any other unmated wolves he was committed. It made your jaw ache as you clenched it shut, your Little Wolf pacing now, panting slightly being on edge.
<She's a threat, I can smell her desire.> The Little Wolf's ears swept back flat against her skull, yellow eyes sharp as they watched Judy flaunt a bit in front of Steve, flashing her neck with sweeps of her hair over her shoulder and lowering her gaze in a way that wasn't necessary for anyone other than her Alpha or Mate. Now that Steve was here, you could smell the change in her, the heated desire this woman had for him. Steve must have felt you tense, cause his hand flexed on your hip and fingers pressed in the curve. 
She is only a threat if we allow her to be. Your attention turned away from her back to Tony and Ross. 
"Yes let's finish up with this." Ross snapped a bit and proceeded up the stairs. 
 As they headed inside, Steve dipped his head to Sam to whisper in his ear. Sam nodded at whatever Steve had said and stepped away from the group. You watch as he leaves, until Steve's touch pushes you gently up the stairs, wanting to keep you with him during this. You embrace for going inside, assaulted by the scent of all the extra people, but the one that was really irritating you the most was Judy. Who flung her hair once more over her shoulder, showing off the slim column of her neck. 
Your teeth bared slightly, although you flashed her a smile, digging for a hair tie in your pocket. “Here, your hair seems to be bothering you.” you held out the offending tie to her and she looked at your hand with a slight wrinkle of her nose, and plucked it from your fingers. 
“Thanks.” she muttered, but was quick to walk away from you. You noticed she flung your hair tie back on the kitchen island counter and stuck to Ross’s side while they settled on the couch. Judy’s nose dropped to her tablet, suddenly very busy. 
Not a threat but she's annoying as hell. Steve isn't even paying her any attention. You stated confidently to you Little Wolf as Steve dropped a kiss to your shoulder while going to the bar to pour some tumblers of the Wakandian liquor to offer the guests. 
“Be careful, it's strong.” he said as he passed it to Ross, Tony and Sharon. The last two he kept for you and him, once he settled in his leather chair, you perched on the arms chair allowing Steve to keep a possessive hand on your thigh. You sip it, licking your bottom lip afterward to clear the droplets collected and smirked to yourself when Steve’s fingers flexed and dug into your muscle before loosening again. 
Yes we are. You thought while sipping the strong liquor once more. 
Tony, you noticed, was well aware of what Steve had given him and took a tentative sip. Ross though, shot back a heavy swallow, and started sputter and grabbing a kerchief from his pocket. “Christ Rogers, what was that?”
“It's Wakadian Liquor, courtesy of King T’Challa. So, what is it you want, Senator Ross? You felt the need to come all the way to my Pack to discuss my packs matters?” 
Ross set his glass to the side, and your gaze followed to see that he completely missed the coaster, and your eyes flashed in irritation at his ignorant behaviour. 
“Well as you know, the council over the American Wolves don't condone pack on pack violence. I understand the unique situation with Pierces ex lone wolf.” Ross said, gesturing towards you. 
Steve snapped forward in his seat, a warning growl rising from him. “Her name is Y/N, and I accepted her as part of the Mountain Pack the day she arrived. She was never a lone wolf or lived in the no man's land. Y/N was on the run, for her life. Running from a mad Alpha looking to sell her. She was a victim, she didn't choose to cross boundaries. Treat her as such.” 
To be called a lone wolf insinuated you had abandoned your pack and disrespected your Alpha. A wolf gone rogue and living between pack lines was a dangerous wolf, traveling to find a new pack was acceptable. But to live entirely feral,was rare and often those beasts went a little mad, losing their sense of human side.  
Tony rubbed at his face, easy to tell that the two Alphas were going to start bristling at one another, and interrupted with a slightly cheerful voice. “Okay gentleman, let's be sure we keep to the purpose here.” 
Ross nodded, this time taking a much more careful sip of his drink. “I apologize Y/N. I'm not unsympathetic to your situation.” He stated towards you, which you nodded slightly in acceptance while Steve thrummed his fingers against your thigh, impatient now. “As I was saying, there are proper procedures we must take to investigate Pierce and properly hold him accountable. Now, he’s dead. And he can't pay for his crimes. So Alpha…” Ross snapped out. “What prompted you to take those measures without notifying the Council.” 
Steve slid his arm around your hip while leaning forward, moving to sit on the edge of his seat, instinctively you felt the Aloha growing angered, and slid from the arm of the chair onto his knee. You could feel his coiled muscles underneath you and you leaned back enough to feel his chest pressing partially against your back. “What prompted me, Senator Ross? The fact that Y/N had to come seeking safety while being hunted. Trackers crossed my lines, uninvited, went into my house, uninvited and tried to abduct Y/N.” Steve inhaled deeply, dragging your scent to calm his Wolf down before continuing. “Then I am told about unmated wolves being held captive and sold to the highest bidder, against their consent. But none of that matters, right Ross? Leave it to the council to sit on their asses waiting for something more? How about this, Pierce threatened to attack my pack.” Steve shifted back, easing you both back. “I went to him instead, offered to talk first. It didn't end that way. I'm not going to have any of my family threatened, especially when from what I've been told, the council had all this information and more on file. And YOU all were still waiting? For what?” Steve challenged back. 
Ross glared at Tony before clearing his throat. “I don't know where you might have heard that information, but I can assure you Steve that the council has nothing but all Packs welfare in mind. That's why we were made in the first place. 
“Enough!” Steve snapped his teeth behind you. “I see now that the Council was made to try to control the Packs, do away with the need for Alphas. That's what this is about right? I refuse to sign your Accords, and by me not doing so, you have other packs who are also refusing. The matter with Pierce is just showing how fucking sloppy you all are, half ass work, rather watch until its the prime opportune moment to make the Council look good.” Steve snarled out, jostling you a bit in his lap as his arm tightened around you, probably unconsciously at this moment because his anger was starting to roll from him. 
“You're severely misjudging the Council Rogers, and although your opinions of us are not unknown, I say you best be watching what you say. You originally were for it, and we're still doing good for everyone, even if it's behind the scenes. Just because you and your Wolf got all tripped up saving a bitch in distress and breaking the Law.”
You felt Steve surge behind you, but you were quicker this time, your Little Wolf raging enough that your eyes flashed yellow barely containing her now. “You are in the Alphas house Senator, shut your fucking mouth if you cant be civil!” you snapped out, looming over the seated man when you pulled out of Steve’s hold. He went to stand, and you pushed him back to sit on the couch, Judy next to him giving a yelp in surprise, and you snarled at her enough for her to pull back into Ross.  You turned into Tony next, who threw up his hands in surrender. “Stark I like you, you helped Steve and I when we needed it most. But how dare you bring this man to our home.” Your hand waved over Ross. 
“Y/N, I'm sorry… “ Tony started genuinely but you cut him off, turning towards Ross, your anger still on the surface. You felt Steve move up behind you, but he never tried stopping you. 
“And You,” you inhaled deeply and growled as you exhaled. “You left us there to be tortured and abused. You left Pierce out of control, for what? More evidence? Know how many times Pierce tried to sell me off? Do you want the details of how that happens? I can fucking show you for your files. I know you saw his wall of skins. How many you think he did that to while your precious fucking council was waiting? You know how many he skinned alive?” At this Steve rested his hands on your shoulder, angry tears welling up that you wiped away furiously before continuing. “I remember every single one of them begging for mercy, their howls and screams. It will never go away.” All three of them listened while horror crossed their faces. “Steve, listened to the bare minimum of it all and knew it couldn't continue. So don't ever, EVER come here again trying to accuse the Alpha of anything other than saving the rest of our lives.” You took a deep breath, and your glare fell on your last victim. Judy saw you snap towards her, and she shrunk into the cushions, her hands shaking a bit as she dropped her head to look away from you. “And you know that I'm with Alpha, bite or not. All the neck flashing and bare minimum presenting yourself as a possible mate does nothing but make you look like a fool Woman. I'm assuming you think you're going places working for Ross. Sweetheart, find a new Alpha to work for.” You could feel yourself getting closer to losing control and you straightened, your back slamming into Steve just behind you, and his hands tightened on your hips to steady you. 
“I think my Little One said everything she needed to Ross. Leave, get off my pack’s land and don't ever show your face here again, you are not welcome.” Steve said quietly, the tone dripping with anger and a threat. 
“Now Rogers…” Ross tried again to make his point across while Tony and Sharon both went to stand and remove themselves. Steve roared out from behind you, and you hitched your chin up in your resolve. “NOW!” From outside came threatening howls from around the cabin, a clear sign that they were no longer welcome, and Ross snapped to a stand, straightening his jacket. 
“We're leaving, but mark my words Rogers this isn't over. There's the matter of your missing pack mates. Know where your trusted White Wolf is?” Ross snarled, and Steve started to make a move to lunge at Ross when Tony started to push them out. 
“Were going Steve, Y/N, Pepper says hi.” Tony shoved them both out the doors, and from the glance you saw, several wolves were lounging in front of your cabin, Sam being right on the stairs and Sara just below him. Sam remained impassive, just his ears perking at the opening of the door. Sara though rolled her muzzle to flash her fangs at the trio descending the stairs. 
Sam followed them down with Sara pacing right along with him, all three hurried to their parked vehicle as other wolves followed along. Several other packmates flowed silently into the treeline bordering the road that would lead them off the grounds. 
As the vehicle sped, they were followed with howls all along the driveway, going for several miles, keeping track of where the intruders were. You and Steve remained listening, relaxing a little more the further they got. Steve's hold was loose around you and his head dropped to nip kisses against your neck, breathing in against you while you and the Little Wolf listened with perked ears until Sam and Sara both announced with their own howl the threat was gone. You sagged in against his chest, for a moment and tipped your head back to look up at him. 
“I could have ripped his throat out.” You rumbled, and Steve looked down with a slight amused look on his face when he rubbed your stomach under your shirt, feeling yourself clench under his hands. 
“I know Little One, apparently they lit a fire in you.” A hand wrapped around your neck to slip up to your jaw, tilting your head to the side so he could drag teeth along your neck and followed by the soft warmth of his tongue. Your adrenaline was quickly shifting from anger to lust and desire. “Seeing you get protective was fucking hot Little One. I could fuck you so hard right now.” He bared his teeth against your wayward pulse. Everything about Steve screamed danger for others, for you it was exhilarating, the slight squeeze on your neck left you whimpering as you clenched your thighs together. “Get in our bed Little One, now.” He released you and you spun to face him, grasping his face to lick over his lips and biting that bottom one with a tug while his hand snapped sharply across your ass to send you on your way inside. 
Steve followed you in and watched you disappear down the hallway before he turned to lock the front door. Gritting his teeth as he leaned his forehead, feeling the Wolf shift through him with hunger for you, he was already rock hard when you lit right into Ross, Tony and Judy. Now the need to claim you was overriding all his other desires for you. Snapping back from the door, he stalked down the hallway, his nose lifted to follow your scent. Which built a hunger in his lower gut. 
He was raging hard, everything said that you ached, wet heat for him to get lost in. And when he stopped in the doorway, he saw you kneeling in the middle of the bed, arching yourself while your hands traveled to your back to unclasp your bra. Steve didn't even give you a chance. 
He couldn't help it, he was on you, his hands pulling you in closer to the edge, and a snap of his fingers against your back and sliding his hand around your ribs, he pulled the bra off your front to sharply inhale, catching the sight of you blinking up at him with those wide eyes shimmering back and forth between you and the Little Wolf. Hands moving to cup your breasts, thumbs flickering over the round pebbled tips while descending to claim your mouth, riding you down till you were smothered underneath him on the bed, caging you effectively underneath him. “Fuck you drive me wild Little One.” 
You could feel his teeth sink into your shoulder to keep you still and make you hiss out “Isn’t that my job?” which made Steve bite just a bit harder and make you growl while arching just a bit. Your hands fisted in the soft cotton of his tee and started to shred it till you could pull it away while his hands had your hips pinned in place, slotting a knee in between your spread thighs to grind the hard muscle into your cunt, which had your jolting underneath him. 
Once you got rid of his shirt, yanking the last of what was left over his head that he had to lift himself away from where he was marking you, you rubbed your aching cunt against his thigh again, dragging your nails down his muscled back while arching underneath him, seeking out that friction of his body against yours. 
Steve’s hand snaked once more around your neck, slamming you back into the pillows so he could look down at you, panting as inhaling you wasn't enough, he wanted to taste you, breath you in and get lost in the intoxication that made up you. “Flip over, to your knees Little One.” Leaning over you and brushing his lips against yours while you gave kitten licks to his lips, opening to let his tongue fill your mouth in a hungry kiss for one another. Steve couldn't contain the snarl of need erupting from him, the twitch of his cock constrained in tight jeans. Your nails dug into his back, dragging down while digging in, maring the spanse of his back in deep red welts. You gasped out when he moved down to suck his mark on your neck. “Steve, you gotta let me move.” you chuckled, pointing out the obvious. Steve had you effectively captured underneath him. 
The Alpha gave a warning nip to your pulse before pulling away, smirking down at you. “Sassy Little Wolf.” His palms slapped against your ass cheeks, digging his fingers in and pushing you off his knee. “One more time, flip over and let me see just how wet and needy you are Little One.”  Steve commanded, and pulled back while you twisted to your stomach, his hands sliding along your sides, and grasping your layers remaining to jerk them down over your ass and off your legs. 
Finishing with unbuckling his belt and sliding pants down while your ass swung back and forth to get yourself in position for your Alpha, breathing out deeply while dropping your head to the mattress. You could hear his hungry groan as he moved in behind you, his hands cupping the soft globes, spreading them so nothing was possibly hidden from him. You sighed feeling the cool air brush against your heated swollen cunt, and snuck a peek over your shoulder to see Steve biting on his lip, his eyes hungry while his cock pressed against the lower part of his stomach, dripping from his own desires. A finger trailed along your weeping cunt, sliding so easily into your channel, even when you tightened around him, dropping your head against the mattress once more with a pleading whimper. “Alpha please.” 
Steve stroked your fluttering and clutching walls, his finger slick with your want, and he easily stretched you open with another finger. His other hand smoothed up your back, and grasped the back of your neck, long fingers grasping around the column and dragging you up so that you were leaning on your elbow, your head tipped back to look up. 
“So pretty for me my Little One, taking my fingers so good.” He gave a stroke against the soft spongy spot that made you clench around him, breathing in deeply as he dropped his forehead against the center of your back, breathing out to keep himself under control as his muscles rippled under taunt skin. You started whimpering and mewling whenever his calloused fingertips sunk back into you, snapping your back while pushing back to meet his movements. “Your Alpha is going to fill you up, leave you dripping with my cum so everyone knows who you belong to.” 
Fuck you wanted that, wanted him so hard and deep in you that you would ache moving the next day, that his claim would be all over your skin, bruises from his mouth, and his seed rubbed in till it was all you could scent, leaving you dripping with need. “Please Alpha, make me yours.” you panted, and started clenching around his fingers, the coils in your belly threatening to snap. Twisting your head to muffle into the mattress, you started crying out and curling your toes while Steve started to run his tongue up your back till his chest was draped over your back, nuzzling the back of your neck with soft growls while pressing his words into your soft skin with kisses and sharp nips. 
“Come on my fingers and I will give it to you.” tilting his head and sinking his teeth in enough to hold you still while you let go, his fingers dragging out your orgasm until you wanted to sink into the bed in bliss. “Nu uh uh, Little One.” Steve removed his fingers from your clenching core to hold your hip up, pushing up to take the weight off your back. “Im not done with you yet.” He assured you while you dragged in deep breaths and gave a nod. “That's my good girl, my perfect Little One.” Grasping his base, he dragged his swollen weeping cocks head through your swollen folds, tapping against your clit to make you jolt while he pressed against your entrance. Tight as you were, when he started to press into you, he was able to slide right in, burying himself to the hilt, and you flexed around him with your own groan underneath him, biting against a pillow to muffle yourself. Steve's hand moved to press against your stomach, feeling himself thrust into you, a jolt of his hips rocking you. 
“Fuck Little One.” He growled and you pushed to your elbows, flexing yourself around him. A few shallow strokes went faster and harder, his hands holding your hips in place to keep him from driving you into the mattress. Steve felt so heavy and full in you and around you, it was taking your willpower to keep from falling apart feel each demanding thrust into you, but you met him back, your hands digging into the sheets and your head tipped back to get lost in the sensation of Steve claiming your body, every hitting thrust into your cunt breaking down those walls of doubt just a bit more. There wasn't going to be anyone you could want like this, except for Steve. Even now in the midst of taking you as his, he was still taking care of you, above you was him grunting out praises in how good you were to him, a hand dipped in between your legs, and rolled your clit to bring you maximum pleasure. 
In the midst of this, the need to belong to him flooded you. More then the endorphins sex brought, but genuine resolve that you were ready for it, all that belonging to the Alpha would bring. You couldn't imagine not being here with Steve, and not just these moments, but all of them. The good and bad, you would remain at his side should he want you, and you wanted his immense strength to lean on as well. You finally managed to gasp out from the pleasured haze “Steve, Do it… Claim me, make me yours.” 
Steve faltered over you, his hand flexing on your hips when he thought he heard you tell him to give you the bite, to officially claim you as his own. He clenched his jaw to keep from sinking a hold into you. It was a struggle for a second to keep the Alpha from taking over, he collapsed over you, pressing you down into the mattress, and hissing against your shoulder. “Little One, you want the bite?” His tongue dragged over your ear while you whimpered underneath him, nodding while twisting your head to the side to see him. 
“I'm ready Steve, I know Im yours.” You whispered, Steve’s gaze scanned you, from your swollen kissed lips from earlier to fluttering eyelids, but your eyes kept contact with his, nodding again to affirm that is what you wanted with him. Pushing up to his hands, he placed a deep kiss to the crook of your neck with a deep inhale against you, committing your scent of sweet honeysuckle and arousal to memory. A scent he would never get tired of. Pulling back further he eased his aching cock from you, leaving you lifting your head in question, a slight panic in your voice that he was leaving you. “Steve-” 
“It's okay, Little One, turn around. I want us to do this together.” His hands smoothed over your hips, and along the scars on your back till his hands folded over your shoulders and eased you back to kneel, your back pressing against your chest. “I got you Little One.” He nuzzled against your neck where he always favored, ever since he was first with you. Flicks of his tongue and press of his lips made your racing heart start to ease. 
Reaching behind you to press your fingers through his hair at the back of his head and tug on it to lift him from your neck. You hum gently while easing around to face Steve and cup his face in your hands to crash your lips to his, gliding tongues and teeth. You both tilted into the kiss to deepen it while Steve rode you to your back, his hands planted on each side of your head and his mouth traveled to the corner of your mouth to your jawline, a nudge of his nose had you tilting your head to the side so he could drag his tongue over your pulse and leaving his scent on you. “You sure this is what you want Little One?” He growled, and you squirm underneath him to wrap your legs around his waist with a nod. 
“I- We have never been more sure of anything before Steve.” you whispered and when he lifted his head to meet your eyes, you tilted your nose up to bump against his, your fingers remaining tangled in his hair. “I love you and want everyone to know it.” Your fingers slid down his neck and rubbed against his shoulders before gliding along his biceps. 
“I love you to Little One.” he shifted to one arm to grasp your hand, weaving his fingers with yours, then to the other with the same action. Steve eased himself forward to slide back into you, feeling you gasp and arch underneath him feeling him thick and full inside of you, the slow roll of his hips, dragging him back and forth. “Fuck Alpha…” You buried your face in against his arm as you rolled back to meet him. “What should I expect?” you whimper, flexing your fingers against his. 
Steve nipped lightly against your neck and you tipped your head back for him. He growled softly while lapping at your skin, rolling once more to fill you, press deeper to connect you two. “A complete connection Little One, we will feel one another with strong emotions even when we're apart.” another nip, and another sigh as your nerves flared with anticipation. “We won't have to be shifted for our wolves to be together.” Another promising nip and ghosting of lips against the hollow of your neck, sucking a mark there as he sped up his hips, grunting as he held back the desire to cum inside of you at that moment. “Are you ready for that Little One?” Steve asked, not willing to go through with it if you were having second thoughts. 
You were overwhelmed with love for the man claiming you, and you tightened around him, drawing him in closer. With his barely held control, it made him growl with his next thrust. “Mark me Steve Rogers.” A flash of your neck made his eyes flare yellow in the moment, and he dropped to scent against your neck. 
When he found the spot he wanted, one that was his favorite place to bury his face into because it was soft and warm, everything you were in his life, his tongue soothed over it, and a soft growl to prepare you rolled through his chest before his teeth laid claim, breaking through your skin. You immediately arched into him, curling yourself around his body with a pleasured scream. It left your Little Wolf howling while you came from the intense pleasure, and his body surged forward to keep your orgasm rolling through you in waves. It felt like fire and ice burned from your clenching core, and laced your body with licks of contrast, making you wither and hold onto Steve more. You sought out Steve's firmness to keep from losing yourself, and your head buried in against his shoulder, breaking a pleasured sob into the muscle. His hand broke from yours and cupped the back of your head, each surge rocking you into your mate. The urge to return the bite overcame you, and on his shoulder you laid your own mark, which sent Steve spiraling over the edge. His hips started to stutter to a stop while he buried his seed into you, groaning as he sunk over you. 
The explosion in your mind was another pleasure all its own, leaving you seeing spots in your vision even when you had your eyes screwed shut and your hand not pinned down with his hand, was wrapped around Steve’s side, clutching yourself to him till there wasn't any space between both of your sex blissed bodies. 
Your Little Wolf was tentative in the new connection you and Steve shared, lowering to her belly waiting to see if the Alpha would come, and sure enough the silver Alpha nudged against her, the Little Wolf rolling and nipping under his chin while rubbing against him with excited whines and yips. 
You could feel him, not in the same way you felt your own Little Wolf, but the sensation was thrilling. Steve was the first to let go, gentle with a rub of his hand along your hip and a soothing caress of his tongue against your broken skin to clean off the blood the bite brought. He groaned at the warm iron taste. You unclench your jaw and let go as well, placing a kiss against the mark while sliding your hand up and down his back gently which was still rippling under your fingertips, tracing the marks you left on him gently. “I can feel your wolf Steve.” you whisper in his ear, and Steve lifted his chest off yours, tucking himself up on his elbows, his hands cupping your face, and thumbs gliding over your cheeks, smiling down at you. 
“I feel her to Y/N, she's as much a part of me as he is of you.” Tipping his head to catch your lips, he circled an arm around your waist while pulling up, bringing you with him till you were straddled against his lap while wrapping your arms around his neck to stay in place. Steve couldn't stop his hands from gliding over your curves, the smooth skin along your lower back and over the swell of your hips and down along your thighs. You tentatively touch your neck, feeling the raised heated skin from where Steve bit you, your fingertips tracing the indents where his teeth sunk in. “Do you want to go see it YN?” Steve asked as he grasped your hips, ready to ease you off him now that he was no longer knotted in you, and was safe for you to move. 
“Yea, I want to see it, this is the first bite that was my choice, I want to admire it.” You gave a shy grin, and Steve felt a burst of satisfaction in his chest. You were so happy in this moment, and he was effectively feeling it as well. Easing you off his lap and you tumbled out of the bed, to approach the dresser mirror, lifting your hair back to see where Steve claimed you as his. 
In the mirror, Steve could see your face break into a smile, placing your palm over it. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed, and you twisted on your toes to approach him. Spreading his thighs for you to step through, he let his hands slide up the back of your thighs while your own fingers slid through his hair and down till your palms pressed against the underside of his jaw, tilting his face to look up at you. “Thank you for choosing me Alpha.” 
Steve's fingers dug into the back of your thighs. “I would choose you again and again my Omega.” for the first time, he labeled you as his other half, the omega wolf to his alpha wolf. In the connection, you both could hear your wolves singing your bonding song. 
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“Oh it's going excellent, the asset was well worth the wait.” Brock smirked into the phone as he looked in the large cell used to contain their weapon. “Hold on, I will show you how efficient he is.” Turning the phone around, he tilted the phone so the camera could face into the cell, and he barked out an order. “Go get that Stark man… the one they call Happy. Let the Winter Wolf have some fun with him.” Quickly the hydra agent he ordered went to collect their victim while Brock continued to speak into the phone. “It took a while to break him in but once we did, we unleashed a killer. I had no idea he even had it in him, and makes me wonder now if Rogers has that in him as well. They were trained in the same unit.” Brock heard the scuffle of footsteps behind him, and he swung open the cell door to shove Happy inside, sending him spiraling against the cement floor. With a clang, the door slammed shut and Happy pushed himself off the dirty ground, looking for any way to get out. 
“Rumlow, you know this is foolish, Tony will never let this go.” he grunted as he turned towards the bars. Rumlow crossed his arms over his chest, and smirked coldly. 
“You think Stark scares me any? Bigger picture Happy. Tony is nothing, an Alpha coming to the end of his time. Along with all the other packs across the country. That council shit they all live by will be brought down.” 
“Your fucking crazy Brock, I always knew it.” Happy growled softly, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck bristle. “Steve was right to take over your Pack.” 
Brock gave a laugh, banging on the bars to make Happy jump. “Rogers, don't worry I have something just for him. Right now your time is up.” He backed up a bit and re-directed the camera. “Let the asset out.” 
There was a clank behind Happy, and he spun around, reaching up to tug at the collar preventing him being able to shift. Fear flooded him with a sour bitter taste in his mouth, cause he could sense the danger coming for him, still hidden in the shadows. Happy’s Wolf was chained, but his fear made him struggle against the magic binding him with panicked whimpers, while Happy tried his best to see where the attack would come from. A loud snarl echoed from the room and Happy backed into a corner, trying to get as far away as possible now, giving his own warning to stay back. “Get back!” he panted in panic, still now knowing exactly where the beast would be coming from. The large White Wolf padded out, his yellow eyes honed in on Happy while licking his jaws with a bright pink roll of his tongue. “Bucky, fuck we know each other.” Happy tried pleading. Brock behind him burst into a laugh, remarking. “That isn't Bucky, not anymore.” The White Wolf flickered his ears back and forth, studying the quivering man before him and Brock’s almost bored tone filled the silence. “Ubiystvo” Kill. 
It all happened so fast, just enough time for Happy to throw up his hands to try to block his throat, and a streak of white became a mauling set of jaws and rage filled snarls rose over Happy's screams while it tore into him, teeth cutting into flesh and snapping through bones. Within seconds the White Wolf got to his throat and gave a whiplashing shake of his victim, crashing his body against the bars, Happy went limp and dropped to the ground as blood flooded pristine white fur, and red seeped to pool around the wolf’s paws. Brock couldn't help the grin plastered on his face, the wolf before him waited for directions. “You can go back now. Get!” and with that, the White Wolf turned and retreated back to where he came from.
Someone spoke on the phone, and Brock brought it back up to his ear. 
“Oh yes, he will be in the field any day now. We just have to affirm his trigger words and Soldat will be ready for use.”  
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It was several days after Steve had given you the bite, your fingers unconsciously slipped along the fresh healing mark while you sat outside around the fire with other members of the pack later in the evening. The bite had ended up sending you into a heat which Steve kept you sated till finally you both came up for air days later, deciding that it was best to let the rest of the pack know you two were actually still alive. Sara gave a knowing grin before she brought her beer bottle to her mouth to drink and once you settled down next to her, she handed one over to you. “Welcome to the Pack, officially now Y/N.” She said and laughed softly while throwing her arm around your shoulder when you sputtered on your beer bottle, glaring at her. Your eyes glanced across the fire at Steve while he wandered around, catching up on what's been going on since the two of you had been locked up in the cabin together. 
“Thanks Sara, it was time. I know this is home, and I don’t have any desire to be anywhere else.” You took another swig while Steve from across the large bonfire seemed to catch a scent, tilting his head while talking to some of the logging crew. His eyes roved over the crowd till they fell on you through the flames crackling between them, and Steve smiled to himself before he turned back to his packmates. 
“I will see you all up there in the morning, first thing.” he excused himself from the small group and wandered slowly around the fire, talking to a few others till he reached You and Sara. 
“Ladies…” He greeted on the sly, pulling you up out of the chair and falling into it to pull you in his lap. 
“Alpha, been a while.” Sara said slyly while Sam came up behind her, plucking her beer bottle from her hand and taking a swig from it. 
“Now Baby, be nice. This is still the honeymoon stage.” Sam teased and Steve tightened his hold a bit, shaking his head at your friends. 
“Weren't you just telling me a couple days ago that it just gets better?” Steve asked, and Sara tilted her head back to look up at Sam. 
“Aww, you really say that? Someones getting lucky later.” Sara sprang up and wrapped her arm around Sam's neck, nipping at his chin playfully. Steve turned his attention back to you, his chin brushing along your neck where he left his mark, pride swelling up that now everyone could see you were officially his. He was content, feeling your Little Wolf so close to the Alpha in this new bond. You purred softly feeling the brush of his beard and tilted your head with your eyes closed, enjoying the sensation he was making along your skin. 
Your fingers danced up his arm, over his shoulder and cupped the back of his neck, nuzzling back into the crook, cuddling up against him. You could feel your Little Wolf sigh in content in this moment, her muzzle stretched over the Alphas back. Her ears flickered back and forth feeling you stir in your mind. 
<You know we’re happy right, this is what it feels like.>
You snicker against Steve's neck listening to her. I know what it feels like. 
<I just wanted to be sure, because Im not letting this go anytime soon.> She curled up closer to her Alpha, who lifted his head to check on her before settling back down. 
Neither am I.
“What are you and the Little Wolf discussing?” Steve asked against your ear, and you lifted your head to smile at him. 
“About how happy we are Alpha.” you cupped his face and nipped at his lips, letting your forehead press against his. “That this was the best choice I’ve ever made for myself.” 
His hands were heavy when they pressed against the small of your back, making you arch into him, the fire crackling before you, the pack all around you… Steve had to admit, he was pretty fucking happy to.
The End 🐺
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399 notes · View notes
New Life Pt.15
Word Count: 1,807
Characters: Derek Hale, Stefan Salvatore, Laura Hale, OC Characters, Reader
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Reader; OC x Reader
Warnings: angst, cliffhanger, small fluff, mentions of blood
A/N: ---
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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Your breathing was shaky as you pulled into the driveway of the Salvatore house, Dean’s body lying unconscious next to you.
You rested your head on the steering wheel, closing your eyes for a second before running your fingers through your hair. You were was still racing, your arm was stinging from the scratch Dean left on you.
You put your hand on Dean’s shoulder, feeling tears rush to your eyes before you clenched your jaw, wiping it away.
Stop being weak
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him out of the car. You rang the doorbell, struggling to keep your grip on Dean.
“(Y/N)?” Stefan was shocked to see you on the other side of the door. 
You tried to take a deep breath, to calm yourself.
“I need your help,” his face fell as he nodded, running to you.
He lifted up Dean, frowning.
“What happened?”
“He’s a vampire.”
“I promise you, you'll feel better after you drink this,” you took out your knife, making a small cut on your hand before putting your blood in a cup, handing it to Dean.
You watched as he paused, before drinking it. He began to cough loudly, 
“What was that? It still hurts,” he groaned.
“Just…” you saw his eyes go dark, while you clenched your jaw.
Black veins appeared around his eyes before he let out a shaky breath, falling back onto the bed.
Stefan sat across from you in the Salvatore House, both of you keeping to yourselves. You could see him glance at you from the corner of your eye. Your leg was bouncing, you bit your nails sighing, before running your fingers through your hair.
He carried Dean to the basement cellar, waiting for him to wake up so you could explain what was happening to him. You told him you gave him your blood, not sure what else to say.
“Do you think I made a mistake?” you broke the silence, while Stefan took a seat next to you.
“You just wanted to save his life,” Stefan replied softly.
You nodded before you ran your fingers through your hair.
“Where's everyone else?” you asked.
“Laura and Zach are out, they’ll be back tomorrow. Damon left a few days ago, I don’t know why.”
Your phone began to ring, receiving a call from Derek. 
“Hey,” you answered the call.
“Where are you?” his voice broke as you frowned.
“I’m… what's wrong?” you asked.
He sniffled, before clearing his throat.
“Em wanted to break up, she… with Dean and all this stuff,” your face fell before he laughed softly.
“Well, I can’t stay with Dean anymore, Emily probably doesn't want me there either,” he said.
“I’m so sorry, Derek-” you started.
“Doesn’t matter, it was coming anyway. Where are you?”
“I’m at home…” your voice drifted off, seeing Stefan look up, motioning to the basement as you nodded. Dean was awake.
“What? Why? Is everything okay?” Derek asked.
“Just…get here fast,” you hung up the call, before following Stefan downstairs.
Your arms were crossed, you remained quiet as Stefan walked into the cellar, talking quietly to Dean. You listened in to a few sentences Stefan said.
“Is there a cure?” you heard Dean ask softly.
“No, there isn’t,” you didn't need to look at Dean to see the pained look on his face.
You could feel guilt in your chest as you wrapped your arms around yourself, before sighing. If Dean made his own choice, he would choose not to drink human blood, and you knew that you needed to keep knowledge of what you did away from him.
Stefan motioned to you, letting you know to enter.
“Hey,” your voice was barely above a whisper.
Dean gave you a weak smile, before wrapping his arms around you. You buried your face in his neck, shutting your eyes tightly.
“I’ll train him, I’ll help him with everything. He’s going to stay right here for some time,” you nodded softly.
“First, we need to track down a witch. There’s still a Bennett Witch in town, I need to convince her to make another ring for Dean. Stay indoors until then,” Stefan explained.
“Good, it’s already…” Stefan looked at the clock, seeing it sometime past three.
“You’re not gonna go to school tomorrow, is that okay with you?” Dean nodded, before sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I have an AP exam, but I’ll come home after,” Dean rested his head on your shoulder before you heard Derek walking down to both of you.
“Oh my god!” Derek ran to Dean, wrapping his arms around him tightly.
“H-How are you alive?!”
“What happened?” Derek exclaimed.
You looked at Dean before sighing.
“Sit down.”
“I think I aced it,” Derek leaned on your shoulder, as the two of you walked into the house.
“Well, we’ll know in two weeks,” you muttered.
You yawned, before running your fingers through your hair.
“Did you go to sleep at all last night?” Derek asked.
“No, I wanted to keep Dean company,” you sighed.
The two of you walked into the kitchen, while you grabbed the coffee pot.
“What about the night before that?” he asked.
“I don’t remember,” you replied.
“Jesus, (Y/N). When was the last time you got any sleep?” you shrugged, while Derek took the pot away from you.
“Go get some sleep,” he said.
“No, I’m gonna go downstairs and hang out with Dean,” you shook your head.
“I’ll hang out with him. Just take a nap or something.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
“Come on,” Derek tugged on your arm before you glared at him.
“If you take a nap, I’ll stop bugging you,” he raised an eyebrow.
“Fine! Jesus fuck! You’re so annoying, oh my god,” you exclaimed.
“I’m aware. I’ll see you later,” he made sure to watch you walk up to your room, to your bed.
Stupid Derek
From the second your head hit the pillow, you closed your eyes, completely passing out.
“You think (Y/N)’s acting weird?” Dean asked. 
The two boys sat on the floor, across from each other, bouncing a ball.
“(Y/N)’s (Y/N). She’s difficult sometimes, but you… I mean you chose to date her,” Derek replied, resting his head on his hand.
“Well, I don’t know. I feel like there’s something she isn’t telling me,” Dean shrugged.
“She probably isn’t telling you something. (Y/N) doesn’t like telling anyone anything,” Derek said.
“Yeah… maybe,” Dean sighed, holding the ball before Derek scoffed.
“This is boring,” Dean groaned.
“Hey, you’re the one that chose to drink blood, now you get to suffer the consequences,” Derek chuckled softly, shaking his head.
He continued looking at his feet, not noticing Dean’s face fall into a frown.
“What the hell are you talking about?” he said.
“What do you mean?” Derek raised an eyebrow, before noticing slight panic in Dean’s face.
“I was dying, I kind of didn’t have a choice,” Dean scoffed.
“You could’ve chosen to not drink human blood, you would’ve died, but still. This is the price of being supernatural. I think a little boredom is worth this,”
“What are you talking about? I didn’t drink any human blood. I drank Damon’s blood, that’s what turned me in the first place.”
“No, when you die after drinking vampire blood, you come back in a transitioning stage where you either drink human blood to become a vampire, or you die,” Derek stood up, before Dean copied his actions, walking to the door.
“I didn’t have that.”
“Then you wouldn’t be a vampire, unless…” Derek’s eyes widened, realizing.
You forced Dean to drink without him realizing it, and Dean realized the same thing.
Fuck, Derek thought.
“Just… I’ll be right back-” before Derek could finish his sentence, Dean used his speed to run out of the cellar, locking the basement door behind him.
You got up from your bed, sighing.
It had been only 45 minutes, and you found it impossible to go to sleep.
You could feel guilt in your stomach, about Dean. You didn't even give him a choice, he didn't know that he could have a choice. After knowing Dean for so long, you knew he would choose the worse option, you didn't know how you would bear it if he died.
You decided to shoot a text to Emily.
Hey, how do you feel?
Derek told me about the breakup
As you pressed send, you heard your door being pushed open. Things moved too fast for you to process, before you knew it, Dean’s hands were on your shoulders, pushing you against the wall.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” you yelled.
“Did you force me to drink human blood?” he asked.
You could see the veins twitch, appearing for a second around his eyes while you softened.
“I…” you paused, feeling his grip on your arm getting tighter.
“Just answer me!” he yelled.
“Fine. I did,” you tried to keep your voice calm, nodding softly.
“How could you do this to me?! What is wrong with you?!” he yelled.
“I was trying to save your life-”
“It’s my life! Not yours! I can do whatever the fuck I want with it! I had a right to choose if I wanted to drink human blood or not, why the fuck didn’t you tell me?!” 
“I'm sorry…” you could feel tears rushing to your eyes as you clenched your jaw, trying to hold them back.
“You’re so selfish! You can’t let anyone else have a say in anything, can you? Everything's always on your terms, and what you want, isn't it?”
 “No, that's not-”
“You turned me into a vampire, (Y/N)! You turned me into a monster, who needs human blood to survive. Why?! Are you that sad and lonely that you need to force someone into your life?!” his hands were wrapped around your throat as you tried to breathe in, finding it difficult.
“Dean…” you choked out.
“I hate you.”
You used your strength to make a fist with your hand, hitting Dean as he stumbled backward.
You quickly reached for your knife, holding it out in front of you.
“(Y/N), you couldn't do it if you wanted to,” you felt a shiver go down your spine, the thought of Jay instantly coming to your head.
You saw Dean fall unconscious, while you frowned, dropping your knife.
Laura stood behind him, a worried look on her face as you felt your chest aching.
“(Y/N),” she ran to you, wrapping her arms around you tightly as you held back your cries, burying your face in her chest.
She stroked the back of your head, pressing her lips to your forehead as you held back your tears, scrunching your eyes tightly.
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love-bokumono-fics · 3 years
WIP Wednesday - Pioneers of Olive Town
Being such a new game, Pioneers of Olive Town doesn't have a huge selection of fic, much less multi-chapter fic, but that doesn't mean there aren't some gems to be found in the WIPs already out there!
WIP Wednesday is a chance to focus on those fics still in progress, and send some love and encouragement their way. Keeping up with a Work in Progress, much less a long running one, is no easy feat. So let's shine the spotlight on the Pioneers of Olive Town WIPS!
Daybreak, Hope and a Hairstylist - by BabyChocoboAlchemist; Pioneers of Olive Town, A New Beginning; 6k, WIP, 3/5
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply, Category: M/M
Relationships: Allen/Ralph, Allen/Emilio, Allen/Jack, Allen/Damon, Allen/Iori; Characters: Allen, Ralph, Damon, Emilio, Jack, Iori, Sally
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, First Love, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Feels, Psychological Trauma, Male Homosexuality
Summary: Allen, Echo Valley's notorious hairstylist, leaves the comfort of the valley behind for new beginnings. Carrying with him a world of heartache and burdens from the past, he reaches out in the hopes of forging new bonds and finally finding his other half. He begins a new life as Karina and Jeanne's new hair stylist, hoping to find the one mean to complete him-and the one he's supposed to become. Will his other half be Ralph, Damon, Emilio, Iori or Jack? Watch as our hairstylist encounters Olive Town's bachelors on a series of romantic escapades. (Why am I writing a bunch of crackpairs? Well, because Allen intrigues me, I'm going to play Olive Town soon, and I want to make someone smile.)
How a Single Tree lives in a Forest of Change - by Mya_Stone; Pioneers of Olive Town; 15k, WIP, 9/20
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Other
Relationships: Ralph/Player, Ralph/Reader; Characters: Ralph, Jacopo
Additional Tags: Budding Love, Slice of Life, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Adding Flavor to a Plain Character, Protectiveness, Canonical Character Death, chronic injury, Slow Burn Romance, So Much Pining you could call it Evergreen, Sorry tree jokes, Mild Angst
Summary: Ralph was a man of few words, and that made him suited for his solitary job as a forest ranger. When he did have to entertain Olive Town's tourists, they took up more of his time and energy then he cared to spend, but their donations made it worth it. Even if his life wasn't everything he had ever dreamed it would be, he could admit that he was content. When a new face shows up to town, intent on taking over the abandoned farm in the valley, it hardly phases him. After all, that farmland is mostly forest anyway, what use could you have for a ranger? But as seasons pass and Ralph realizes there's more to you than just your winning smile and endearing attitude, he also learns your reasons for moving here aren't as simple as you originally let on. With your arrival, the town begins to change, and Ralph can't say it's always for the better. With his quiet, content life thrown in disarray, Ralph has to decide if Olive Town is better off with or without you. If he doesn't speak his mind, that decision will be made for him, and the quiet life he'd learned to love will be lost to him forever.
Lady Of Grasstrail Farms - by FromADenOfBeasts; Pioneers of Olive Town, 43k, WIP 34/?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M
Relationship: Female Farmer/Lars; Characters: Original Female Character(s), Female Farmer, Lars, Laura, Angela, Clemens, Damon, Jack, Emilio, Reina, Victor, Gloria, Simon, Jesse
Additional Tags: My First AO3 Post, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, spoilers obviously, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Supportive Big Brother, honestly the best big brother ever
Summary: Pioneers Of Olive Town AU where Lars is single. That's not all that happens but it is the reason I wrote this. A young woman named Vallon quits her job and follows her heart to Olive Town, where her family has roots deeper than she ever thought. Now she has to contend with new neighbors, ancient magic, and getting the hang of farming a wild land. Can she cope on her own, or can she at least find someone to share it with? Formerly titled "Why Not, Lars?" (Please note that this AU was planned so that absolutely nothing has occurred between him and Beth.)
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sourwolfstories · 5 years
Hi! I know you're probably slammed with requests but i was wondering if you could rec some long fics without smut or skipable unimportant smut scenes? I'm sex repulsed and it's surprising difficult to find fics that don't make me uncomfortable
Okay so these are all at least 20 or 30 thousand words long each and are all either rated general audience or teen and up and I made sure to go through all of them so they shouldn’t have any smut or sex but if I did miss anything please let me know. Hope you enjoy!
Ghosts In The Suburbs by KaytiKazoo
Stiles gets cursed by a witch and can see dead people.
Here’s to the Static by matildajones
Stiles spends most of his college break in a coffee house where he stares after Derek Hale. For some reason, Stiles is unaware of the fact he’s quite the musician, and Derek amuses himself at Stiles’ obliviousness.
Cupboard Love by mklutz
He’s carefully balancing the sandwiches and the two biggest tupperware containers he could find that both had functioning lids when the front door opens and he almost drops everything right there in front of the stupid fountain.
If that’s Derek Hale, he’s definitely not a mountain man.
Strangers Like Me by Alphaboner
“Stay back! Don’t come..don’t come any closer! Please don’t! Wh..what are you doing?” he let out a little laugh when Derek started to play with his toes “Ah-haha, no, please, don’t, that tickles!” Derek’s hand traveled from Stiles’ toes to his leg “No, get off, get off!” …to his belt “GET OFF!” he kicked Derek in the face, leaving him confused and aching, looking at Stiles with a scowl.
Get Back Up by Hepzheba
After taking the blame for his so-called friend Jackson and his stupid pot, Stiles is forced to work for the Hales at their horse ranch the summer before his last year in high school. At first he absolutely hates it but he comes to realize that there is actually is something fun about this ranch thing and that horses are more likable and complicated than he’d previously thought. He also comes to realize that it’s not only the horses that are interesting; there’s also Derek Hale.
Scowl and Sarcasm by dr_girlfriend
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single alpha in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a mate.
Whether or not Derek Hale felt that way was hardly a concern to the neighborhood — the very fact of his arrival was enough that the surrounding families seemed to consider him the rightful property of one or another of their eligible sons and daughters. That was, of course, before they met the man.
Only You, Sterek by im2old4thisotp
Derek gets the name of his soulmate off a Ouija board when he is ten. He’s obsessed with finding them, but then his life irrevocably changes. He erases the name from his life and determines to live free of those stupid words, “fate” and “destiny”.
But on the eve of his wedding, he gets a phone call that will change the course of his life forever, and show him that maybe destiny does have a hold on him, after all.
Or, the Sterek rewrite of the movie “Only You” that you never knew you wanted.
sorry about the elbows, sorry we lived here. by dreamer_of_dreams
“You’re doing it again, Derek. You’re running away. I know, alright? I’ve always known… You looked at him the way I wished you’d look at me. You came close some days, when you’re folding my tank tops and we’re talking about small, insignificant things. And I thought that was enough for a while. But it was plain to see, you were sitting around, waiting for him to call you home. He never did and you just carried on.”
“I wasn’t really waiting for him to call. I knew he wouldn’t. I don’t know how you got that impression.”
“Hmmm…Maybe because when we both thought you were dying, I leant over and kissed you… and you whispered his name.”
Just the Same by ericaismeg
Something is seriously up with the captain of the lacrosse team. There’s just no way Derek Hale is human.***“I was wondering if you’re even human. You move so quickly. I mean, it’s ridiculously fast. No human should be able to move that fast, y'know? It’s unfair for us. I mean, it’s obvious you work out, and I don’t, so that could be why, but like…I was just wondering if you were human, that’s all.”
“Stop talking, Stilinski, or I'll—”
“Put me on the bench all season?” Stiles asks knowing full well that Derek Hale can’t threaten him with shit.
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Halevetica
What if all the crushes you ever had found out how you felt about them… all at once?
Stiles Stilinski keeps his love letters in a box his mother gave him. They aren’t love letters that anyone else wrote for him; these are ones he’s written. One for every boy he’s ever loved-five in all. When he writes, he pours out his heart and soul and says all the things he would never say in real life, because his letters are for his eyes only. Until the day his secret letters are mailed, and suddenly, Stiles’ love life goes from imaginary to out of control.
If I Followed You Home by tryslora
Stiles is living on his own in New York when he sees the unthinkable: one woman pushes another onto the tracks just before a subway comes. With Scott not moving in for several days, he is on his own with his grief and horror, and he decides to find closure by attending the dead woman’s funeral where he discovers that (1) the guy he’s been crushing on is the dead woman’s brother, and (2) her family somewhat adopts him, and (3) the woman who killed her might just want to kill him now. Life just got complicated.
Wolf Pack: Beacon Original by Beerwolves, fearfrost1211
When his father landed the Deputy Chief of police position in Beacon Hills, Stiles moved to his new town gladly, embracing the chance of a fresh start. What he didn’t expect was to find himself hopelessly drawn to the gruff Vice President of the local motorcycle gang, the Wolf Pack.Derek Hale, resident bad boy of Beacon Hills, spent his time helping his sister lead the Wolf Pack and working on motorcycles at his family’s automotive garage. Then, one hot summer afternoon a bright-eyed boy walked into his life and turned his world upside down.
There’s No Escape for the Potato Man by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“Who is this? Where’s Erica?”
“Wrong number, asshole!”
“Stop calling me an asshole,” the man on the other end snapped aggressively.
Stiles could understand. He’d be pretty aggressive too if he’d murdered someone and texted a wrong number to ask for help burying the body. This guy obviously failed How To Be a Serial Killer 101.
“What kind of idiot thinks I murdered someone?”
“The kind of idiot who got your text messages, you fucking dumbass!” he retorted hotly. “Maybe double check your contacts before sending a random stranger details on your nefarious plans to dispose of a freshly cut up body!”
“What?!” the guy on the other end demanded, crossed between horrendously confused and livid.
home isn’t a place by Spikedluv
Ithaca, New York is known as a sanctuary within the supernatural community, and Cornell University is where creatures such as Kitsune and Selkies can safely attend college. Though Stiles doesn’t think he’s anything special (despite having a ‘spark’, whatever that is), he attends on Satomi’s recommendation; he wants to learn everything he can about the supernatural world so he can return to Beacon Hills and help Scott.
The last person Stiles expects to run into at Cornell is Derek Hale. Derek is gruff and grumpy, but despite that Stiles is drawn to him. When someone begins murdering supernatural students Laura Hale takes Stiles under her wing. Between attending class, hanging out with Kira, adopting a dog, and keeping score for the baseball team, Stiles investigates the deaths to figure out who’s killing his fellow students before he ends up a victim himself.
Through it all, Stiles learns the real meaning of ‘home’.
SuperWing, Stucky and SlaDick, Oh My! by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“Well,” Nightwing said with an awkward laugh, “this is embarrassing. You are definitely not the Superman I was expecting.”
“You mean I almost missed out on having Nightwing leap into my waiting arms?” Derek asked teasingly. He couldn’t help it, the guy was adorable, and while he wasn’t exactly light, he already knew it was all muscle. This guy definitely worked out.
Nightwing let out a loud, boisterous laugh that had people around them turn to look, but he just grinned down at Derek before speaking.
“In that case, didn’t mean to keep you waiting.” He waggled his eyebrows and Derek let out a small huff of a laugh. “I should probably, uh—get down.”
Thanks for Thumper, But I Prefer Cheeseburgers by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
The wolf’s head whipped around so fast, Stiles felt like he was watching The Exorcist.
Stiles wondered if he could just stand still enough to make the wolf think he was a tree. A very bright red and jean-clad tree. He doubted it, but one could hope.
He knew it was a lost cause when the wolf turned fully, lips pulled back from its sharp teeth—so very sharp, good fucking Lord!—and began walking towards Stiles.
“I didn’t see anything!” Stiles shouted, both hands out in front of himself and sweat instantly breaking out across his skin. “I swear to you! I didn’t see anything! I didn’t see anything! I won’t tell anyone! I won’t! I’ll keep this to myself, until the day I die! I promise! I promise!”
An Unexpected Familiar by BabyWeWillRise
Homework over break sucks, right? Harris is at it again with making Stiles’ life horrible by giving him an essay over Christmas break and Stiles could not be anymore displeased.
Except…this stupid assignment leads him to something he didn’t think he was missing.
After his mother died when he was eight, Stiles (and his father) ran away from reality without looking back.
Now, ten years later, when the eighteen year old runs into a familiar face, he’s thrown back into a life he had completely forgotten about and is welcomed with open and loving arms.
To say he’s freaking out would be an understatement.
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imagine-avengers · 4 years
Biker Part Seven- Bucky Barnes Series
7/10 This is part seven of my Biker Bucky series. The previous parts can be found on my masterlist, as will the other parts once they come out!
Elizabeth had woken up cuddled against Bucky on his couch, the two of them covered with a gray blanket that laid on the back of the couch normally. She had stayed and had breakfast with Bucky before he drove her to her home where she had showered and changed before doing some housework. Around eleven Clint showed up to drive her to lunch.
“You sure you don’t want anything Clint?” Elizabeth asked as they pulled up across the street from the restaurant.
“I’m fine, just make sure to get something on the patio so I can see you.” Elizabeth smiled.
“Anne is already out on the patio.” Elizabeth climbed out of the car and made her way towards her friend. “Anne.” She grinned seeing the women that was once her neighbor.
“Liz.” The two hugged before sitting down and catching up. After their lunch arrived, Elizabeth glanced back to check on Clint, whom nodded at her. “Who’s that?” Anne asked noticing Elizabeth glance at Clint.
“Oh uh,” Elizabeth was cut off by a man sitting at the table with them, a man she knew well. “Rumlow.” Elizabeth stated.
“Elizabeth, it’s a pleasure. Introduce me to your lovely friend.” Brock looked at Anne who looked between the two.
“Brock, this is Anne, Anne, Brock. Now how dumb are you Rumlow? A public meeting, with me of all people? In Brooklyn of all places?” She asked leaning back in her chair. “Now tell me exactly what it is you want because I guarantee once James finds out that you’re here, you’re a dead man.” She stated with a smirk before looking to Anne. “Don’t mind us Anne, we’ll only be a minute.” Elizabeth glanced to look for Clint but had noticed he was knocked out in the backseat of the car.
“Sorry, the bodyguard wasn’t part of the plan. He’ll be fine, killer headache. And sadly, both Rogers and Barnes are, let’s say, in a meeting with some of my men.” Rumlow leaned over the table closer to Elizabeth. “Didn’t know Barnes would be so protective of you and send you with a bodyguard.” Rumlow stated as Elizabeth laughed.
“You really think he’d let me out alone, Rumlow? James is anything but dumb.”
“Here’s what you’re going to do for me. You’re gonna tell Barnes that I want him and his organization out of Queens, out of New York really.” He stated.
“Yeah, and why would I do that Brock? And you think James would listen to you, or me for that matter?” She asked which caused Rumlow to laugh. “I couldn’t get the man to commit to marrying me, much less what you want. And you think James hasn’t been informed of you showing up? Just cause you found Clint doesn’t mean there weren’t two more behind him, hidden here before you showed up.”
“If you don’t tell him to leave town, well, things will get messy, for all of you, including sweet Anne, here.” Rumlow looked to Anne before standing up and leaving. Elizabeth waited for him to walk away.
“What the hell was that?” Anne asked as Elizabeth stood.
“I’ll explain in the car, come on Anne.” Elizabeth grabbed Anne’s arm and pulled her to the SUV that she and Clint had driven. Once both were in the car and Elizabeth checked on Clint she began heading towards the bar whilst trying to call Bucky.
‘This is Barnes, leave a message’
“I swear to fucking god Buck, if you don’t answer your damn phone I’m going to kill you myself.” Elizabeth hung up and tried calling three more times whilst driving through Brooklyn, she attempted to call Steve too, but the same thing happened before deciding to call Natasha.
“Hey Liz, what’s up?” Natasha answered after the second ring.
“Something happened with Rumlow at the bar. I need you to meet Peggy to get the kids and then the same with Laura, take them to the safehouse. We’ll be there as soon as we can.”
“You got it. You good?”
“I will be when I find Bucky.” Elizabeth hung up before calling Peggy.
“Liz, it’s the middle of the day, I’m at work.” Peggy answered the phone even though she was in the middle of teaching a class.
“You need to get the kids. Nat is going to meet you out front, Call Laura, tell her you and Nat will meet her at the shop and then you’re getting the kids and going to the safe house.” Elizabeth stated as she neared the bar.
“Liz, what’s happening? Why didn’t Steve call?”
“I can’t get ahold of him or Buck. Rumlow, something happened with Hydra okay? Just take the kids, get to the safe house with Laura, do not open the door for anyone but Steve, Buck, Clint, or I. I’ll call Nat once I find Steve and Buck. Be safe.” Elizabeth hung up and glanced at Anne who was freaking out. “Anne, I’m sorry to drag you into this.”
“I uh, thought you were just a nurse.”
“I am, but I’m also the girlfriend, if that’s what we wanna call it, of the leader of a biker gang. A gang that basically runs New York.” She stated as the pulled into the parking lot of the bar. She noticed immediately that the lot was empty except for four lone bikes, all of which she knew. “I need you to help me get Clint inside.” The two carried Clint inside together and left him lying on the pool table, Anne standing beside him as Elizabeth grabbed a que stick and moved towards the back room where she found Sam and Thor both knocked out just outside of it. She checked their pulse before entering the back room she noticed both Steve and Bucky bruised, but no longer unconscious.
“Sweets.” Bucky and Steve had drawn their weapons when they heard her coming.
“Bucky.” Elizabeth dropped the stick and moved towards where he was standing, well barely standing. Throwing her arms around him and hiding her face in his shoulder. “Your phone kept going to voicemail, I was worried.” Elizabeth looked him over. “You good?”
“I’m good, just got hit in the head with a gun.” Bucky shrugged as Elizabeth glanced at Steve.
“I’m good too Lizzie. Thor and Sam?” Steve asked.
“They’re fine, just knocked out. Rumlow’s guys didn’t kill anyone. They took out Clint too, Rumlow showed up for lunch. He wants you guys out of town, said things will get messy if you don’t leave.” Elizabeth didn’t let go of Bucky as she talked.
“I need to get Peggy.”
“Nat’s already got her and the kids, I sent Laura too. They’re gonna be fine, we’ll meet them there.” Elizabeth looked back at Bucky. “But my friend Anne, Rumlow talked in front of her, she’s in this now.” Bucky and Steve looked to each other.
“We’ll all take a few days at the safe house and figure things out. We got some scouts who can look out. I’ll call Tony, he’ll have his eyes on the web to see if Rumlow tries anything.” Steve stated.
“I’ll call Scott, see what he can get us for groundwork.” Bucky stated. “Can you check on our three that are knocked out?”
“You got it.” Elizabeth rested her hand against Bucky’s cheek before the two men headed to their offices to make calls whilst Elizabeth grabbed a few bottles of cold water from the mini fridge before dumping them on Sam and Thor.
“What the fuck.” Sam groaned sitting up.
“What happened?” Thor asked as he shot up.
“You both got knocked out.” Elizabeth shrugged. “Ice your heads.” She moved out of the room and found Clint sitting up on the pool table while Anne tried to give him a few aspirin. “He won’t take that Anne. Clint here hates pills. Worst patient I ever had.” Elizabeth examined his neck which was now bruised from being suffocated. “Lucky they didn’t kill you.” She said handing him a bottle of water. “Sent Laura and the kids to the safe house. We’re all heading up there in a few, Steve and Buck are putting some things together here to find out how Rumlow got in.” Clint nodded.
“I’m more concerned on how the fuck he got passed Hawkeye.” Bucky’s voice came from the door of the back room. “Or how he got knocked out and left my girl unprotected.” Bucky moved towards them as Clint jumped off the pool table.
“Who’s that?” Anne asked leaning towards Elizabeth.
“James, my boyfriend.” Elizabeth said softly.
“Bucky, they snuck up on me, they had to have been watching to know my,”
“Moves? How you operate? Yeah Barton, trust me, you’re predictable. Maybe it’s time we cut you loose,”
“James, enough, this wasn’t Clint’s fault, you know that. It could have been anyone and Rumlow would have done the same thing. Don’t be a hard-ass.” Elizabeth stepped towards him. “Clint did nothing wrong, he was outnumbered and in the city, he couldn’t very well have done anything without incriminating himself.”
“We’re set!” Steve called from the back room.
“Barton, you’re with Steve. Sam is with us. Thor, call Loki, get his ear to the ground, see what you guys can find out.” Bucky stated. “Anne, nice to meet you, I’m James. We’re all going on a trip for a few days, and don’t worry we have clothes for you.” Anne looked at Bucky and stepped back before looking at Elizabeth whilst shaking her head.
“I, no, I didn’t sign up for this.”
“Anne.” Elizabeth stepped towards her. “It’s gonna be fine, James and Steve will take care of us, don’t worry about it, you’re safe.” Elizabeth looked back at Bucky. “Come on, lets go. I’ll call Nat.” Elizabeth looked towards Anne again before leading her out of the building. “Nat.” Elizabeth spoke as Natasha answered the phone.
“Is everyone good?”
“Yeah, all fine, little banged up, but fine. We’ll be leaving here in a minute. Gotta drop the bikes at the shops then we’ll be on our way. Let Peg and Laura know that Steve and Clint are fine.” Elizabeth spoke with Natasha for another minute before the two hung up.
On the five hour trip to the safe house, Elizabeth sat in the backseat for the first half with Anne before she and Sam began talking. At the halfway mark, Bucky pulled the car over to fill the tank up.
“Alright, Sam we’re switching spots.” Elizabeth stated to the gap tooth man whom sat in the front seat. The two switched seats and Bucky rolled his eyes at them as Elizabeth climbed over into the seat.
“You’re a child.” Bucky stated as they began driving again. “Call Adam, tell him I’m taking you on a weekend trip.” Bucky said glancing over at Elizabeth whom nodded and did as told before turning the radio on. Sam and Anne continued talking in the background whilst Elizabeth leaned her head against the window of the SUV. After a half hour Bucky had glanced over before reaching and taking her hand in his, causing the two to make eye contact before pretending it wasn’t happening.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Okay, so first off, Happy Birthday to your cat!  I hope he got lots of his favorite treats.  Glad to hear that today went as well as can be hoped for you.  And overall today wasn’t too bad here.  We got several big truck deliveries, but when I deal with those I tend to deal less with customers, so it sort of balances itself out.  We’ve been told that we’ll be closing early all week because of the protests, so that’s been ramping the anxiety, but the internet has provided a number of pleasant distractions on my breaks.
Secondly, I would pick Noah for the one that has the second set of twins, for mainly two random reasons; 1) because last time it went Chris, then Noah, so it feels like it should do the same this time, and Chris already had Ben, 2) because it keeps the number of kids per family more balanced- 4 & 3 rather than 2 & 5.  Idk, my brain just gets weird about symmetry and balance in things and I’ve never figured out if it’s an ADD related thing or just a me thing.  Also, the idea of him trying to do his job while pregnant, with Chris and ESPECIALLY Peter trying to be super protective at the same time is just amusing to me.
And actually, thinking about that and the preview for the next chapter made me think of a couple things that didn’t make it into my reviews.  When/how/from whom did Chris learn about the fire? Did Gerard or Kate tell him in a gloating sort of way and kind of tip him off that something was hinky about it, or was it through other hunter contacts, so the thought of outside involvement came later?  
Was he still pregnant with Ben, or was it later on?  Did he contact anyone in Beacon Hills about it for further info at any point before he showed back up in town?  Because I was trying to think about some of the things that could turn up later for angst (why I was doing that to myself is anyone’s guess, but here we are…) and it occurred to me that if Noah was going to have any lingering upset over Chris leaving it would most likely (to me) be from the time right after the fire.  
He’s just lost Claudia, and went off the rails from it, but at least he had Peter, and Laura, and the other Hales.  Now Peter is in a coma, Laura’s left town, and the rest of his adopted/found family is dead.  He has no idea where Chris is, or if he’s safe from whoever did this (does he know about what happened between Chris and Peter before Chris left again?, and he’s dealing a set of even more heavily traumatized twins right now.  I feel like even the most understanding person is gonna have some stuff to work through there.  (Also, Jesus, poor Melissa [possibly for multiple reasons])
Uhhh…sorry to send things into a drama tailspin there for a moment.  Allow me to try and brighten things back up with the original impetus for me to make this a submission and not an ask; because you mentioned X-Men Halloween costumes and I have Thoughts.  *takes super deep breath*  Because omg, yes, so very many options.  
Side note - I would be so happy if someone dressed as Nightcrawler.  He is my precious fuzzy elfin bb, and I love him to bits and get so tired of him getting left out of things (looking at you Funko.)  I feel like Stiles or Peter have the best attitude match (maybe, MAYBE Jackson), but don’t know if anyone would want to deal with the amount of makeup involved.  But, anyway, just, the possibilities.  
Stiles telling Malia she can’t just take the easy way out by going as Wolfsbane, so she takes one of her old white A New Hope Leia dresses and cuts it down into an old school Mystique costume. 
 Peter pulling rank and telling Derek he’s the Alpha so he gets to be Wolverine (this even works better height-wise [I didn’t realize you didn’t know their approximate heights.  I’d looked them up before for…reasons.  Having seen them standing next to each other repeatedly, I’m pretty sure any actual height advantage Ian has comes strictly from his hair], although when Stiles points this out he earns himself a hell of a glare.)  
Naturally that means Chris has to be Cyclops, because, well, calm and serious.  Noah realizes this means they expect him to be Jean Grey.  (N: “Why can’t I ever be a character that wears normal pants?!” C: “Well I have to be the boring one all the time” P: “I mean, you are the closest to a telepath of the three of us.  Don’t you want us mock fighting over you?” N: “…if we do this I get my pick of the Phoenix costumes.”)  
Stiles and Noah trying to fight over getting to be Gambit so they can do exploding playing cards, but getting told they can’t be Gambit unless they can do the accent correctly (Gambit isn’t Gambit if he’s not Cajun, that’s just how it is, I don’t make the rules.)  While part of me thinks it’d be funny to see Jackson as Nightcrawler because of the tail thing, I think Stiles would be more entertaining.  
He’d make little smoke bomb things to fake the sulfur and brimstone effect of his teleporting.  All the family members with enhanced senses would HATE him because they STANK something fierce, and it LINGERED.  But anytime one of them tried to tackle him to get them away, he’d yell “BAMF!” throw on to the floor and run like hell.  
Jackson would be Iceman so he could make it a crossover costume with the character from Top Gun so he could wear aviators and a leather bomber with his outfit.  Allison could dress like Shadowcat from the early Excalibur run, and she could see if Ben would dress up as Lockheed with her (because that would be adorable).  
Derek would decide that if he can’t be Wolverine and glare angrily at people the whole time, he’ll be Colossus so he can just stare with silent disappointment the whole time.  Scott would decide he wants to be Cable (because “…he just looks so cool…”), so Melissa and Chris would dig through their old hunter gear to help him make his costume.  
Melissa could be Jubilee, and rig up little flash bangs to fake the plasma bursts (unlike Noah she has absolutely no qualms about proving that she can still rock a pair of short shorts.)  Lydia would either be Rogue to show off that SHE at least can manage a believable accent, or Emma Frost for the looks that costume would gain her from Allison.  
Alternatively; both sets of twins argue over who gets to be Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, so they decide that one pair will do the classic comic version, and one will do either the Evolution cartoon version or the MCU version (though they are allowed to switch out the Quicksilver for the other film version if they choose).  
Lydia claims Mystique instead (it’s tempting to make her Banshee, but that seems a bit TOO on the nose), or maybe one of the other Phoenix looks (when I say Phoenix looks I mean Jean’s Phoenix or Dark Phoenix suit from the comics, because I LOVE that outfit), and Ben dresses as Beast (because that would also be adorable).  *finally stops to take another breath*  …umm…so anyway, yeah, as a perennial X-men fan I think it’s safe to say I love this idea, and am so grateful for you putting it in my head…  …sorry about the wall of text, I may have got a little carried away…  …again…
I loved every single sentence of this wall of text, so never apologize. (Although I did break it up a little before posting because that makes it easier to read for other people.
I think all of my ideas for the middle of this fic where either based on questions you, or @artemisa97​ asked me in reviews. So honestly, keep them coming if you want to ask them. They help me determine where the problem areas are, what kind of kinks I need to work out, so honestly, even the sad ones are a great help.
And yeah, I hadn’t looked up their heights yet, I just assumed Peter and Chris were a bit bigger than Noah, but I was delightfully wrong!
I do have one more gem to share, a height comparison of some of the boys and to show you just how tiny Ben is compared to the others.
Tumblr media
Blue - Noah (182 cm / 6 ft)
Purple - Chris (177 cm / 5′10)
Red - Peter (178 cm / 5′10)
Yellow - Derek (183 cm / 6 ft)
Green - Ben (111 cm / 3′8)
Turquoise - Jackson (170 cm / 5′7)
Ben’s height is about average for someone between the age of 5 & 6, Jackson’s height is a little on the short side, but I’d imagine that he’d still grow a little until he’s like 20 and end up being around 175/176 cm.
I’d imagine Stiles to be a little taller around 172 cm, Allison is a little shorter at 165 cm and Malia is around 168 cm. (They will all still grow a bit, averaging between 173 (Allison) and 178 (Stiles) )
And the one thing I will say about whether or not Noah gets the twins, without getting too spoilery, or maybe it is, I’m sorry if it is but I can’t help not share.
Is that eventually both Noah and Chris have the same amount of kids from Peter. And one of them has twins. I’m still debating on names, in the deleted scene I named them Mikhail and Adeline, I currently have different names picked out. 
And I think the balance thing is ADD related, because I had the same issue with planning the story XD. So yeah, Peter gets to have a lot of kids, and adopt a lot more into the pack, because Season 2 is kinda canon in this universe, in the sense that Isaac, Erica, and Boyd are still turned. Kira comes along, and of course Lydia. Considering what I have planned for Danny and Mack, I might add them to the pack as well.
And omg I LIVE for those X-men costume ideas <3 Omg. I love it. Considering Stiles’ abilities he would definitely be Nightcrawler and would probably use a quick spell or two to get the makeup in place. (A druid invented this fantastic spell to always get eyeliner on fucking point and shared it in their spellbook. Spoiler alert; said druid was Noah in his teenage punk years. Turns out, it works for other makeup too.)
And I’m in fucking love with all of these ideas actually, I can’t really say which I like more.
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sterrenkijker · 5 years
Fourteenth session: “The gang gets some horses and Paola gets a smooch”
after a 1.5 month break we’re back. with emotions. lots of them.
The three of them got their instructions for their first official mission and go to bed, or at least Nidria and Erato do. Paola tries to sneak out of the room she shares with Nidria but accidentally wakes her up. When Nidria asks if she’s okay, she just says she is and leaves without telling her anything else.
She heads to a more familiar part of Paetha, and even though it’s been a while since she has been here she manages to find the house she’s looking for. She peaks through a few windows but sees nothing, and she sits down on the curb and puts her head in her hands until she notices a light has appeared behind one of the windows.
She looks into the kitchen again and sees the person she came here for: a tall elf with brown hair that has grown longer since she last saw him who doesn’t notice her until the gravel under the window makes a sound and he turns around. 
He drops his food and stares at her as if he cannot believe she’s really there, takes a few steps to the window and then comes to a halt again, asking her how she’s here.
Paola really doesn’t want to see him mad. She tells him she couldn’t come see him sooner, but that she’s here now. Sidney really wants to know why she didn’t reach out to him for so long, but she clasps his hand between hers and begs him not to tell anyone from back home what has happened. He promises that he won’t, but that one day she will have to. 
She tells him she has become a paladin of Helm, the god of justice, and got a calling, and that she needs to help people. After showing him the holy symbol of Helm she also pulls out a ring she carries on a necklace and tells him she’s kept it since he left it, and she hasn’t forgotten everything he said to her. She tells him she has to leave in the morning but that she’ll come back. Then she leaves, but not before kissing him.
Back in the tavern, Nidria is asleep and doesn’t wake up when she returns. Paola stays awake for a little while and dreams when she finally falls asleep; she dreams of her home in Olyogroth burning around her, hearing sounds of screams and clanging metal. After her house collapses she sees the figures of her mother, her father and all the people she knew.
“Will you avenge us?” her mother asks.
“Of course!”
After she says that, her mother hands the sword she’s been carrying to her, before she and the rest of them fade away and Paola wakes up in a sweat.
Nidria wakes up around the same time and notices that something is up, most of all that Paola has a new determination in her eyes. Paola doesn’t tell her when she asks how she’s doing, but Nidria tells her that she can always come talk to her.
Erato notices the same thing when they have breakfast but before he can mention it, the mail arrives. Nidria gets a letter from Rosalind telling her that she’s okay, which she shares with the group; they get a letter from Katya, who’s back home with her children; and Erato gets a letter that throws him off. He’d wanted to send a letter but now has to rewrite it and scribbles a quick message to give to the messenger. 
After that, they head out and leave Paetha, to find Vincent’s farm a mile or so outside the town walls. They approach the front door when they spot him in the cow pen and Erato calls out to him. Vincent joins them and after Erato awkwardly asks if he can help them out vis à vis transport to Yelsari, Vincent realises they are part of the organisation. Paola is the only one who can ride a horse, Nidria can talk to horses and Erato can do neither, so Vincent gives Paola a horse for more experienced riders, and Nidria and Erato a horse who’s a lot more calm. Nidria chats with the horse for a bit and they learn from Vincent that their names are Hemlock and Biscuit.
.. bit time i guess but my mind is still reeling 
Laura: “so everyone goes to bed.... unless you want to do something?”
Lydia: “oh do you want me to tell you?”
Lydia is so used to being quiet during sessions because her character doesn’t talk much that this was really a culture shock for her lsdkjfskldj welcome to playing dnd
so a lot of emotional conversation was happening and it was really good and my friends are super talented and myranda cried but a part of me could only think about the food Sidney dropped
no trains in Paetha.... no trams either :(
Erato is too young to rent a car and thus to rent a horse?? I guess
“do you have a long horse?”
s i x  f o o t  v e r t i c a l  l e a p
heroic horse name generator. that’s all
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trilliastra · 6 years
Nobody knows exactly how it works or why some thoughts pass through the invisible connection and others don't. The romantics say it's destiny, fate, while the scientists keep researching, experimenting and groaning in frustration when they can't find the answers.
Destiny, science – Derek doesn't really care about the reason, he just wants the fucking music to stop.
“He's singing Taylor Swift.” He groans, thumping his head against the table he's supposed to be paiting. Boyd looks up from where he's sketching their new project and snorts. “Again.”
“At least it's not Mariah Carey!” Erica yells from the front room and Derek takes a deep breath.
“Small mercies.” He mutters under his breath and goes back to work.
He doesn't know much about his soulmate, only woke up one morning and knew it's a guy around his age with brown hair and brown eyes. If only he could have a name to work with, he sighs, reaching out for his bottle of water.
It's not always annoying, Derek concedes. Mostly, he enjoys having someone in the back of his mind, always there, always with him. Sometimes he can feel a happiness that's not his when he's feeling particularly down and other times he's the one that tries to send some comfort through their connection, when the sadness invades his mind.
They share their dreams sometimes too, Derek had some vivid nightmares about an unknown woman dying in a hospital bed and others where he kisses a red-haired girl he never even met.
“You'll find him.” Boyd says, suddenly, and Derek startles, looking up at his best friend. Sometimes he forgets how observant Boyd is.
“Yeah.” Derek sighs when his friend touches his shoulder. “I know.” He says, but he's not entirely sure that's true.
He dreams about him that night. They are holding hands and watching the sunset at his family's old cabin – Derek's favorite place in the world. They stay quiet, only enjoying each others company, and Derek feels the love so real and strong that when he wakes up his chest is aching.
“Oh, baby.” His mom says when Derek shows up unannounced for breakfast and immediately drops his head on her shoulder. “You'll find him.” She says.
“When?” Derek sobs. It's hard to feel so complete and then have it taken away from him every day when he wakes up.
“It will happen, baby.” His mom keeps saying, rocking him back and forth. Soon his dad joins them and Derek only sobs harder. “I promise.”
Derek wishes he could believe her.
“You look like shit.” Erica says when he steps into their shop and the old lady appraising the chairs Boyd finished making last week glares at her.
“We have a customer.” He points out and Erica rolls her eyes, running one hand over her growing belly. “I'm fine.” He promises, kissing her cheek and managing a passable smile.
“You do look like shit.” Boyd affirms, handing him a mug of coffee. “You can go home, you know?” He says, softly. “That table is not due for another week.”
“I need to keep myself busy.” Derek only says and Boyd keeps to himself for the rest of the morning, even though he and Erica keep giving him worried glances that Derek manages to ignore. When he's working he tends to forget everything around him, focusing only on his hands and the wood.
He loses track of time, whistling to himself as he works, only stopping when Erica comes running into their workshop, wide-eyed. “The baby just kicked.” She announces, hands on her belly, as Boyd moves faster than Derek's ever seen, scrambling to his feet and reaching out for his wife. “Oh.” She says, giggling. “Did you feel it?”
“Yeah!” Boyd smiles, turning to him with mad eyes. “Come feel it!”
Derek swallows hard when he touches Erica's belly carefully. “Shit.” He blurts out when he feels the baby moving, can't help but laugh along with his friends. “This is –”
“So fucking weird.” Erica admits, grinning, before hugging him. “You'll get your happy ending too, Der.” She whispers, using his old nickname.
Derek shakes his head fondly, pulling back to watch his two best friends smile at each other. They had a hard time too, he remembers, too many misunderstandings keeping them apart for the majority of their junior year in college.
We are humans, Derek remembers his dad telling him when Laura's soulmate left her for another girl only to come back two years later begging for forgiveness, we are not perfect.
Soulmates are a very special thing, but it doesn't always mean happily ever after. Derek's been surrounded by many couples in love, but he also heard the gruesome stories – pain, heartbreak, murder.
Derek smiles as he watches Boyd kneel in front of his wife and press a kiss on her belly. He doesn't want perfect, he just wants a happiness like this.
“You're frowning.” Erica pokes at his forehead, her feet on his lap as he sketches a dresser for another customer. Boyd left a few minutes ago to buy their lunch, so Derek had to be the one to handle the drawing even though it isn't his best skill. “Is he singing another Taylor Swift song?”
“No.” Derek says, handing the drawing to the customer and receiving a smile in return. “It's some weird song about a beacon on a hill? In California?”
“Oh my god.” Erica chokes on her water, laughing.
“Yeah.” Derek shrugs, he already knew his soulmate has questionable music taste. “He's weird.”
“There's a town called Beacon Hills in California.” Their customer says distractedly, still looking at the sketch. “My wife's grandmother lived there.”
Derek blinks. “What?”
“Yeah.” The man says, arching an eyebrow as he looks up at Derek. “It's near Sacramento, I think.”
That's – no. “Fuck.” Derek blurts out, ignoring the man's horrified look.
“What?” Erica asks, looking at Derek with wide eyes.
He stands up suddenly, heart hammering inside his chest. “I think my soulmate just gave me his address.”
Derek buys the plane ticket on impulse, only remembers to tell his parents when he's already boarding to Sacramento that same afternoon. He doesn't even read the replies just turns off his phone and proceeds to freak the fuck out during the four-hour flight.
It's – too good to be true. What if he's reading this wrong? What if this is just a stupid song like that one about a llama that he sang for a whole day a few years ago? What if – he doesn't want Derek?
“I can't do it.” He calls Erica as soon as he arrives at the airport.
“Yes, you can.” Erica answers. “He wanted you to find him, Derek.”
“But what if –”
“No more what ifs.” She practically yells. “Don't think about anything, just get into the car and drive. It will be worth it, I promise.”
“You can't know that.” He insists.
“Can too.” She sing-songs. “I'm pregnant, I know everything.”
Derek snorts. “That's not true.”
“Last week I knew it was going to rain.” She points out and Derek can hear Boyd saying 'that's true' in the background. “See?” Erica says. “Just let yourself be happy, Derek.” She whispers softly and Derek feels like crying.
“Okay.” He finally agrees. “Wish me luck?”
Derek almost drives right back around when he notices the police cruiser parked in the driveway, but he remembers Erica's words and takes a deep breath. It will be worth it, he whispers to himself and knocks on the door.
He only has to wait a minute before a guy around Derek's age is opening the door. “Can I help you?” He asks, leaning against the door frame and smiling at him.
Derek smiles back, looking into those brown eyes he's been dreaming about. “Your music taste is awful.”
The guy blinks before letting out a full body laugh and throwing himself at Derek. “You found me.” He whispers against Derek's neck, clinging to Derek's shirt desperately.
“Yeah.” Derek whispers back, holding him just as hard. “I finally found you.”
“I felt it, you know?” Stiles - his soulmate - tells him once they are inside the house, lying on the couch together. “You were so - lonely. Especially in the mornings.”
“It was hard to wake up after the dreams.” Derek confesses, presses his hand over Stiles’ heart. “I had everything I wanted and then -”
“I know.” Stiles says, touching his cheek. They just met and still, Derek can’t imagine a more perfect feeling. “That’s why I made the song. It was a long shot, but -”
“It worked.” Derek says.
“Yeah.” Stiles goes silent for a moment, before pulling back to look Derek in the eye. “Do you think we would have found each other? No matter what?” He asks. “Even without the song?”
“I don’t know.” Derek answers, honestly. “But we found each other now, right?”
Stiles - his soulmate, his, only his - smiles. “Yeah. We did.”
“See?” Erica says, smiling as David reaches out for Derek. “I told you it was going to be worth it.” She winks, watching Stiles and Boyd carry a box into the house.
Derek tickles his godson, smiling back at her. “Yeah, as usual you were right.”
“And you better never forget that.”
“Oh,” Stiles says, circling Derek's waist with his arm and making stupid faces just to make David laugh, “I want one.” He says.
Derek shakes his head – they've had this conversation before. “One more year.”
“Fine.” Stiles whines, pressing a kiss on Derek's cheek. “I love you.” He whispers in Derek's ear, before pulling back and going to help Boyd with another box.
I love you too, Derek doesn't need to say it out loud to know that Stiles heard it anyway.
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catflowerqueen · 5 years
Bag Swap AU
The main differences in Laura’s behaviors and attitude towards Grovyle in the bag swap AU, at least before the truth of her identity comes out.
 In the version where it takes place after the expedition, she is far more confident about the situation because she actually knows where they are and where they will inevitably end up. She doesn’t bother trying to escape that much—though she will make a few attempts in the beginning, especially before she starts to recognize the surroundings they pass through on the way to the lake—since it actually works to her advantage not to let Grovyle she knows what they’re headed for, since it means it will be a two-on-one situation once they hit Uxie. Or at the very least she will have more of a chance of warning him. The two will probably end up talking more, and earlier, and she will hear more stories about Relatia. Her demeanor will also remind him more about his partner in terms of general attitudes while travelling—he is used to a silent, wary companion, after all—but her general aloofness and more calculating attitude will throw him off a little bit. And she may be less inclined to help him out in battles—especially towards the beginning—as a sort of passive-aggressive type deal—which isn’t to say that she won’t help him at all, because she isn’t just going to let him get extremely injured in cold blood or anything, but she is less dependent on him in terms of general safety since actually knows where she is and how to get back home if something did end up happening.
But also… Grovyle is going to keep her treasure bag in both versions, and she knows that it would be hard to actually get too far without one. She probably could do it… but it’s just easier to go along with him for the moment.
 In the version that takes place before the expedition, Laura definitely struggles more. She makes more desperate attempts to escape in the beginning, which slowly peter out the farther away they get from home since she is less confident about her ability to actually get back without help. She does her best to memorize where they are and try to navigate and remember the route they’re taking, but some things are bound to be lost, especially since she doesn’t exactly know where in relation to Treasure Town they are besides “east.” She is also trying to stall, as she is hopeful that the Wigglytuff Guild may eventually intercept them. But she isn’t staking all her hope in it since she isn’t one hundred percent certain this is the route Chatot was talking about when he first announced the expedition, and she also figures that it may have been delayed anyways given by the fact she was kidnapped. She also is more proactive in helping Grovyle fight this time around—as much as she can be, given that she ends up tied up for longer here—since she is more dependent on him for things like safety since she can’t easily make it back on her own if she does successfully escape.
 They probably won’t start talking in earnest until she gets injured protecting him—at first because they are both distrustful of each other, but after the injury they’re stuck a while waiting for her to heal, and Grovyle is guilty about her getting hurt in the first place since it wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t been hindered by being tied up… and also that she wouldn’t have been in this situation in general if it weren’t for his having kidnapped her. Likely he tells her a little bit about what he’s doing as a sort of apology—which he may have been doing a bit more vaguely earlier on to try and ameliorate his guilt, but he definitely goes into more detail now—and she starts to calm down a little even if she still doesn’t fully believe him. Also, this situation hit home for both of them that their current travelling situation is really bad on both sides—it’s too dangerous for grovyle to let her go, but it is equally dangerous for him to keep such a tight leash on her the way he’s been doing… and it isn’t that great for Laura to help him if he’s lying about the situation, but it’s also dangerous for her to keep running like she has been—especially if it turns out he isn’t lying.
 The two will probably get into a discussion about ethics—specifically Lima and Stockholm syndrome—and Grovyle will probably wonder internally if this is the way Dusknoir felt all this time, and then become slightly annoyed/disgusted with himself over the comparison, even as he decides it probably is.
 Throughout it all, Grovyle is going to be reminded of his partner through Laura’s determined spirit in her struggles, as well as her innovation in her escape attempts. For example: she fashions a sharp rock into a sort of knife, which she will use to either attempt to stab him or to cut through the ropes. Most pokemon wouldn’t think to use tools like that—at least not immediately—but it is something that human would try.
 Laura’s early struggles are what prompt most of the rumors the guild hears in regards to the “strangely behaving, sceptile-line family heading east.”
 Things that will happen in at least one of the versions:
-Laura will briefly contemplate escaping via tree climbing before Grovyle—catching her brief glance at the trees and getting reminded of his partner’s tendency towards heights—nips it in the bud by informing her that he also has excellent tree climbing skills.
-Laura, while still in the tied-up stages of this journey, will save Grovyle from an attack from behind (which would have knocked him out) by head-butting the enemy. This will leave her with a mild concussion, and when Grovyle is trying to ascertain how bad it actually is she will ask him when, exactly, did he teach himself the move double team, and why is he using it now that the battle is over, and how did he manage to teach their surroundings the move, too? …Meaning of course that she now has double vision, and Grovyle has to carry her for a bit until they can find someplace that she can rest for a bit until she heals up. In the post-expedition version this likely will not be extremely serious, but will probably be what prompts him to start opening up—a combination of general guilt for her plight getting injured as a kidnap victim and situational guilt because part of the reason he left himself open like he did was that he forgot this treecko wasn’t actually his partner, so he was expecting defensive battle tactics from her which he really shouldn’t have (even though she did, surprisingly, deliver them).
If it happens in the pre-expedition version, then this is also the reason he starts to open up a bit, but it’s more out of a desperate attempt to keep her awake while he tries to heal her—since she definitely gets more injured in this version for… various reasons, the least of which is that she is pretty much always in a mildly injured/exhausted state from her many escape attempts, and the fact that she has been helping him so much only intensified his feelings/memories/muscle memories of fighting alongside his partner, especially because Laura is getting so adept at using makeshift weaponry here. So he probably tells her the Time Gear legend amidst his many apologies, and she gets hooked. And then starts demanding he tell her more, totally milking the fact that he’s super guilty about the whole thing, while they wait for her to heal. Because, again… he isn’t heartless. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone in the past world, because they don’t know any better, so he doesn’t want to leave her. Also… he keeps irrationally (or so he thinks) being reminded of his partner whenever he looks at her, so he can’t bring himself to the logical conclusion that he should just do what he can for her and then send out a rescue request/do something more… drastic to fix the problem that having a hostage is causing.
-Laura is going to get the chance to actually handle the time gears at some point. Possibly when Grovyle is explaining what they’re actually for. Her reaction is going to be interesting—probably a lot of awed wonder, and he may have to repeat himself because she’s going to be totally absorbed by the sight/feel of them, but unlikely anything that would tip him off about her true identity—either in regards to the fact that she’s his partner turned into a pokemon or the fact she is the Rainbow Child and, thus, has a deeper connection to them in general.
 Because isn’t it interesting that the Player never got to actually touch them in-game? Grovyle certainly did, but aside from him… it was the partner who picked them up from the ground when Grovyle dropped them after dragging Dusknoir to the future. And it was the partner who ultimately put them in place at Temporal Tower.
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The Witch and The Wolf Pt.2
Word Count: 1,644
Characters: Derek Hale, Reader, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey (brief), OC Characters
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Reader
Warnings: some angst, not much
A/N: Enjoy
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You groaned loudly, as you smacked your fist on the table.
“Any luck?” your mom came into your room, asking you.
“Nope! It says there are only three werewolves in Beacon Hills. Derek, Scott, and Peter. And all I got from this was another headache.” you whined.
“And a nose bleed.” your mom handed you a napkin.
“Oh, oops.” you wiped your nose.
“What makes you so sure that it’s not Peter?” your mom asked.
“We saw Peter. There’s no way it’s him. He didn’t even reply. He’s paralyzed.” you answered.
“Well, what if this werewolf had another witch cloak them?” your mom suggested.
“Well, it’s possible but highly unlikely, most witches and werewolves are enemies. Only very powerful witches can do that, and they still need to channel power from something big. I would feel that.” you said.
“Maybe you should rest for the night.” your mom offered.
“But Mom…. they killed Laura,” you said softly.
“I know, Laura was like my daughter as much as she was your sister, but tiring yourself out won’t do any good for anyone.” your mom said softly.
“It’s fine. I’m not even tired,” you said. Wrong time to yawn.
“That was a joke.” your mom gave you a look.
“Okay, how about you go to bed, and I’ll see you in the morning,” you said.
“I’m working tomorrow,” she replied.
“Goodnight Mother.” you gave her a small smile.
“I never wanted you to get caught up in the supernatural like this,” she said.
“Mom, it was gonna happen. Look, I’m a witch, my best friend is a werewolf. You’re an ex-hunter!” you exclaimed.
“I know, we can’t get what we want. Okay, fine I’m going to bed. Goodnight (Y/N).” she waved before walking off.
You walked into school, half asleep. You stumbled with your locker, leaning head first into it as you closed your eyes for a second.
“(Y/N)?” you heard Scott's voice from next to you.
“Oh, hey there!” you quickly got up, turning to him.
“Are you okay?” he asked you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just haven’t slept all night.” you yawned.
“Do you know Derek?” he asked.
“Yeah, I do. I’m sorry I didn't tell you guys before,” you said.
“Why? Why are you friends with him?” he asked.
“Well, we basically grew up together. Our moms were best friends and I was close with all the Hale siblings.” you shrugged.
“Derek’s so…..” Scott started.
“Yeah, I know. But how are you? I know about Friday.” you asked him.
“Oh, so you know I’m a-” you just nodded.
“Yeah,” you gave him a small smile.
“I’m a witch,” you said.
“Oh, that’s cool,” he replied.
“Are you okay?” you asked.
“Yeah, why?” he asked.
“Well, you look and this feels really awkward. But, all I have to tell you is that Derek’s not a bad guy,” you said.
“Well I don't know about that but okay.” he nodded.
“How was your date with Allison?” you asked.
“It was bad. First, I started to lose control and just left her at the party! And then, it turns out her dad’s a hunter.” he sighed, leaning against your locker.
You became alert.
“What? What’s his name?” you asked cautiously.
“It’s Argent,” he said.
You felt your heart drop.
“Oh my god! Of course, it was!” you exclaimed.
“What?” Scott asked you.
“Nothing, you won't understand. Ugh.” you groaned.
“Uhm, okay. I’ll catch you later. I have to apologize to Allison.” he said.
“Alright, bye kid.” you gave him a small smile.
You went on through the rest of your day, getting ready to leave after your last class ended. As you headed out of the door, your teacher asked to speak with you.
“Yes, sir?” you asked, looking at the clock.
“So, (Y/N). You’re good at Physics. You’re the top of your class,” your teacher started.
“Well, I guess I’m okay at it,” you shrugged.
“You’re good at Chemistry too.” your teacher said.
“Well, yeah,” you raised an eyebrow.
“There’s another student who’s struggling in Chemistry. Some of the staff were suggesting you tutor him.” your teacher said.
“Uhm, yeah, sure.” you nodded.
“Great. His name is Isaac Lahey.” your teacher said.
“Yeah, great. I’ll see you tomorrow.” before your teacher could finish, you ran out of the school.
You ran to the old Hale house, looking for Derek.
“Did it work?” he asked as you entered.
“N-No, but I’m thinking….. It might not be a wolf…. because the Argent’s are in town.” you panted, catching your breath.
“What?” Derek asked, walking to you.
“What if they killed her?” you exhaled.
Instead of a reply, Derek clenched his jaw, punching his through the wall.
“Damn it!” he yelled.
“What are you gonna do?” you asked.
“I’m gonna kill every last one of them,” he said angrily, pacing around the room.
“You can’t do that,” you said.
“They killed my family!” he yelled.
“I know, but it wasn’t them. It was Kate,” you said, trying to calm Derek.
You could hear him growl.
“Well, what about Laura?!” he yelled.
“I don’t know, maybe it was Chris. Or maybe it was the Alpha. Hunter or not, we still have a wolf situation on our hands.” you said. You put your hand on his shoulder.
“I’m going to kill all of them” he breathed.
“You’re gonna have to go through me. You don’t know if Allison is innocent or not. She’s a kid, Derek.” you said softly.
“So was Cora. So was every other kid in my family. They’re all dead now.” he barked.
“I know, but killing them all will only send more hunters after you,” you said.
“Are you seriously defending the family that killed my family?! Murdered your best friend?!” he shouted at you.
“I’m not defending them! Allison is just a kid!” you yelled back at him.
“Out of all people, you should understand,” he said, you could feel his breath on your face.
“Maybe I just don’t like the thought of killing an innocent kid.”
“She’s not innocent, she’s a hunter.”
“What happened to you?” you asked him, shaking your head.
“What the hell are you talking about?”, he asked
“The Derek Hale I knew would never even think about hurting an innocent kid. Whether or not they were a hunter.” you pushed him away from you, walking out of his house and walking back home.
“Okay, so what happened?” you asked, sitting on Stiles’ bed.
“Scott basically broke Jackson’s shoulder and now they need Scott for the game,” Stiles explained.
“Great.” Scott sighed dramatically.
“Okay, well, Scott just needs to find an anchor of some sort. Someone, something. Something that brings out the humanity in him,” you explained.
You saw Stiles’ face drop, looking at Scott’s screen during the facetime. You looked at him confused, walking to the screen. Then you saw a shadowy figure in the back.
Stiles frantically typed ‘There’s someone behind you’ 
Before he could reply, he was pressed to the wall. You gasped in fear of your friend before realizing it was just Derek.
“Derek,” you said.
He ignored you, saying something to Scott. You rolled your eyes.
You watched Derek jump out of the window as Scott put his hands on his knees, breathing frantically.
“What did he say?” Stiles asked.
“He threatened me.”
“Why’d you threaten Scott?!” you yelled at Derek.
“He’s gonna get us all killed, (Y/N)! I saw his lacrosse practice today! He lost control! He shifted!” he yelled at you.
“So you told him he can’t play lacrosse or else you’ll kill him?!” you yelled.
“He’s an idiot! I’m not gonna end up dead because of him!”
“So?! You still played basketball, no matter how many times Peter warned you!”
“That’s different! I’m a born wolf! I have more control than he does!”
“Then I’ll help him!”
“Really?! You!? You can’t do anything!” he yelled. That was the last straw for you.
“Leave. Now,” you said, your voice low.
“Oh my god! I didn’t mean it like that (Y/N)!” he yelled, annoyed.
“I said leave!” your voice echoed through your house.
“Fine!” he yelled back, storming out of the house.
You finished tying up your hair as you opened the front door. Standing in front of you was a tall kid, who was about 16 or 17 with curly gold hair.
“H-Hi, I’m Isaac.” he gave you a nervous smile.
“Oh, hey Isaac! I’m (Y/N).” you smiled, shaking his hand.
You looked at the younger boy, who looked scared out of his mind. You could tell something was wrong, but you didn’t know what.
After Isaac left, you got a text on your phone from Scott. He called you to Derek’s house.
You arrived there quickly, looking confused at the three police cars and ambulance there. Derek was wearing handcuffs, being taken to a police car.
“What the hell happened?” you whisper yelled to Scott.
“He killed the girl in the woods,” Scott replied. You looked confused, thinking about what Scott said. There was no way that Derek killed someone. 
As the police left with Derek, you slowly approached the ambulance, that was carrying the body to the truck. Shivers went down your spine as you looked at the body, looked at her face.
“Oh my god!” you shut your eyes, burying your face into Scott’s arm. Looked at Laura Hale’s dead body. Tears fell quickly from your face.
“(Y/N)? What happened?” Scott asked.
“I-I know her. Derek didn’t kill her,” you said softly.
“I’m sorry (Y/N). I didn’t know you knew her.” Stiles said, standing on your other side.
“That’s Laura Hale. Derek’s older sister.” you sniffled.
“What?” Scott said.
“So he killed his own sister? What type of psycho does that?” Stiles exclaimed.
“He didn’t kill her. But I think I know who did.”
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Sterek Pokémon Trainer AU
Derek runs a Pokémon Clinic with his sister and Stile is the apprentice at the local Gym, training to take over his father’s place as Gym Leader.
For @loveyprophet
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Derek blinked his eyes open to the familiar surroundings of his apparent, the golden light of day bleeding in through the window. He kicked his feet out from under the sheets and got out of bed, going about his morning routine.
He could hear Laura opening up the clinic downstairs, the sound of the door chiming and quiet voices drifting into his apartment.
He made his way downstairs, stopping to check in on the Pokémon who had been left in their care overnight. He crouched before one of the cages, looking in on the Vulpix with a broken leg. He was fast asleep, curled up under the soft blanket with his sister snuggled up next to him to comfort him.
The other Vulpix lifted her head, blinking her glossy black eyes as she looked up at Derek. She let out a quiet ruff before carefully stepping over her brother and prancing over to the cage’s door.
Derek unlatched the door, opening it.
The Vulpix climbed into his arms, snuggling up against him before prancing back into his cage and gently nudging her brother awake.
“Hey, buddy,” Derek cooed, watching the Vulpix blink its sleepy eyes. “I’ll let you sleep a little longer and then I’ll get you some breakfast, okay?”
The Vulpix let out a sleepy mew, lowing his head back onto the blue bandage wrapped around his leg.
He shut the cage door again, moving from Pokémon to Pokémon as he checked in on them.
“Der,” Laura called from the front desk.
He let out a sigh as he rose to his feet. He stepped out of the back room and made his way down the hallway, past the doors that led to other rooms and stepped out into the open lobby.
An Altaria stood in the lobby, watching him intently.
“I’ll feed the Pidgeys,” Laura volunteered, holding out a brown paper bag full of treats. “You can deal with your favourite patient.”
Derek rolled his eyes.
Altaria chortled, catching Derek’s attention.
“Alright, alright,” he said.
He couldn’t help but smile as knelt down on the floor and held out a treat for her.
The Altaria crept forward, the soft cloud of her body bouncing with her steps. She craned her neck, taking the treat from Derek’s hand. She let out a delighted chirp, wiggling on the spot.
The door chimed as it opened.
Derek looked up at the young man that came bursting into the foyer.
He froze as he met the boy’s eyes, watching as the smoky quartz depths shimmered like gold in the streams of daylight. His chestnut-brown hair was a tousled mess and his eyes widened like a startled deer as he met Derek’s gaze.
“I’m so sorry,” Stiles said, his pale, mole-speckled cheeks flushed. “She snuck out the front door when I wasn’t looking.”
Derek bit into his lip, fighting the urge to laugh.
Altaria fluffed up her cloud boastfully.
“I’ll talk to you later,” Stiles scolded, pointing at Altaria, but she was unphased.
Derek had to admit, Stiles might be the only Pokémon trainer he actually respected. The young man seemed to have a way with his Pokémon; he let them roam free outside their Pokéballs. Like every ten-year-old, he had set out on an adventure with his best friend, Scott, to become the greatest Pokémon trainer, but after a few years, he returned home, wanting to take his place with his father in the Gym.
His Pokémon had become part of the town: the Gyaradose in the lake that had saved kids from drowning; the Jangmo-o that wandered about the street, keeping bug Pokémon off farms in exchange for berries; the Dratini that slithered around town, letting kids pet him and walking them to school every morning; the Charizard who helped the elderly cross the road or carry groceries and made sure that people got home safe; and, of course, the glamour-queen Altaria who made her way into the Pokémon Centre every morning to score a treat from Derek.
Stiles’ only Pokémon who wasn’t a dragon type – aside from Charizard, but Stiles would argue that until he was blue in the face – was his Bulbasaur; the puppy of the town, who ran around and begging for belly rubs. He and Scott had found the Bulbasaur in the woods near their town, hurt and abandoned. They took him in, but when Scott and Stiles went separate ways, Stiles came back home and took his place as a trainer in the Gym, the apprentice to the Gym Leader – his father.
He was an incredible trainer, and his Pokémon were unlike any other.
Derek admired the way Stiles treated them, and he and Laura loved it when the free-roaming Pokémon would visit the sick Pokémon in the Pokémon Centre.
“It’s alright,” Derek said reassuringly, reaching out to gently pet Altaria’s head. “I like it when she visits.”
Altaria let out a delighted chirp before wandering back out the door and down the street towards the Gym.
Stiles let out a heavy sigh, his expression a mix of frustration and embarrassment. “I’m so sorry.”
“Stiles, it’s alright,” Derek said, a sweet smile playing across his lips. “We still on for tonight?”
“Absolutely. I’ll meet you here at seven?”
“Seven, it is,” Derek said.
“I’d better go make sure she’s not terrorising anyone else,” Stiles said, gesturing over his shoulder in the direction of Altaria. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“See you tonight,” Derek farewelled.
“Bye, Stiles!” Laura called from the back room.
“Bye, Laura,” he shouted back. He offered Derek a sweet smile and a small wave as he turned and chased after Altaria.
Derek couldn’t help but watch as he watched Stiles leave.
  At seven o’clock, Derek left the Pokémon Centre in his sister’s hands, grabbing his favourite leather jacket from upstairs before meeting Stiles at the front door.
The young man had an old wicker basket in his hands and a bright smile on his face.
“I brought a picnic,” he said. “I thought we could go eat it down by the lake.”
“That sounds perfect,” Derek said, returning the smile.
He stepped over to Stiles’ side, walking beside him as they made their way down the small trail out the back of town and down to the lake.
Stiles made his way out onto the wooden pier, setting the basket down on the creaking wooden boards. He pulled out a red and white picnic blanket and laid it across the pier before sitting down on in.
Derek smiled as he sat down next to Stiles.
Stiles dug into the basket, pulling out plates of sandwiches, fruit platters, and cheese and crackers. “So, uh… how was your day?”
“Good,” Derek said. “The Pidgeys that were abandoned when their nest fell out of a tree have all their feathers and they’re ready to start flying. And I spent half the day with a Rattata asleep in the pocket of my scrubs. How about you?”
“Good,” Stiles answered. “It was a quiet day so my dad just ran me through Leader stuff… I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”
“Everyone gets nervous on the first date,” Derek said. “If it’s any consolation, I’m nervous too.”
Stiles let out a soft chuckle, bowing his head as a soft pink blush coloured his cheeks.
“I, uh… I really like you,” Stiles admitted.
“I like you too.”
Stiles met his gaze, the dark brown depths lit with gold as they caught the light of the setting sun.
“I really want to kiss you,” Derek confessed.
A sweet smile played across Stiles’ lips, making Derek’s heart flutter.
“Please do,” the young man pleaded.
Derek reached forward, his fingers gently brushing the soft skin of Stiles’ mole-speckled cheek. He craned his neck and brought his lips to Stiles.
Their lips barely touched as a wave water crashed down over them.
Derek steadied himself against the pier, shaking his head as lingering droplets of water fell down his face. He looked up at Stiles, “You okay?”
The young man was rigid, fighting back the anger in his eyes. He slowly turned to look at the lake, fixing his glare on the Gyaradose that towered over them. “Really?”
The Gyaradose let out a low chuckle, sending ripples across the lake as he sunk back down into the water.
“I hate you,” Stiles said—although they both knew he didn’t mean it.
Gyaradose let out a huff as he sunk beneath the water’s surface.
Stiles let out a measured breath, running his hand through his hair and combing it back from his face.
“I am so sorry,” he said.
Derek wasn’t paying attention, he was too distracted by the sight before him.
Stiles’ shirt was soaked through, clinging to his surprisingly firm body. The dark fabric accentuated his thick biceps, rivulets of water coursing his forearms as droplets of water clung to his face, glistening in the glow of the sunset. His wet hair was a tousled mess, raked back from his face as his dark eyes met Derek’s.
“It’s alright,” Derek said, snapping himself out of his stupor. He ran his hand through his hair, pushing the wet strands away from his face. “My place isn’t too far if you want to dry off.”
“Thanks,” Stiles said. He looked down at the decimated picnic.
“I’m sure it would’ve tasted great,” Derek said. “It was very thoughtful, thank you.”
A small smile lifted the corners of Stiles’ mouth as he started to cake it up, tossing the soggy sandwiches into the lake and stacking the plates in the wet wicker basket. He picked it up and followed Derek back to the Pokémon Centre.
Laura was standing behind the counter when they came in. Her expression was a mix of humour and shock when she saw them.
“What happened to you two?” she asked, fighting back her laughter.
“I fell in the lake,” Stiles lied. “Derek jumped in to save me.”
“Aw, my little brother, the hero,” she said, kissing Derek’s cheek as he walked by.
Stiles followed him upstairs and into Derek’s apartment. He set the wet basket down by the door and waited, watching Derek move through the open space.
The man disappeared into the bathroom, coming back with two towels. He passed one to Stiles. “Why did you lie?”
“Because it sounded like a better story than ‘My Gyaradose splashed us because you tried to kiss me’.”
“Fair enough,” Derek said. “I’ll see if I can find some dry clothes for you.”
He stepped into the corner of the apartment that was cordoned off as his bedroom, pulling open the drawers and digging through the piles of clothes. He pulled out a shirt and a pair of jeans, offering them to Stiles.
“Thanks,” the young man said, taking them from Derek and setting them down on the back of the couch as he pulled his soaking wet shirt over his head.
Derek froze. He knew Stiles was strong; he had to be if he spent days on end carrying his Pokémon around, but never in his wildest dreams would Derek have imagined Stiles would look the way he did.
If he had looks good in a soaking wet shirt that clung to his body, then he looked gorgeous without a shirt at all. As he dried himself off with the towel, Derek got a full view of his body; his thick biceps and toned abs. He watched as the muscles flexed and relaxed with his movements, his skin covered in moles that charted constellations across his skin.
Derek dragged his eyes up to Stiles’ face, watching as the young man met his gaze and cocked an eyebrow.
“Sorry,” Derek said, shaking himself from his trace. “I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just… You look… wow.”
Stiles let out a low chuckle.
“You look ‘wow’ too,” he replied.
Derek burst into laughter.
“Do you want to get this awkwardness over with and try that kiss again?” Stiles asked.
“I’d like that,” Derek said.
He took a step closer, closing the distance between himself and Stiles. He craned his neck, brushing a chaste kiss against Stiles’ lips.
The young man’s eyes fluttered shut, his lips quivering slightly as he tilted his chin and chased Derek’s lips.
Derek drew their lips together again.
Stiles let his breath fall from his lungs as his shoulders dropped. He turned slightly, looping one arm around Derek’s neck while the other cupped the man’s cheek, pulling him closer.
Derek reciprocated, settling a hand on Stiles’ hip and the other cradling the back of his head as he gently guided the younger man backwards.
Stiles’ back bumped against the wall, pinning him in place as Derek pressed their bodies together. Stiles let out a delighted hum as he melted into the kiss. He wove his fingers into Derek’s hair, gently balling the soft tufts into his hand.
Derek had kissed a lot of people before, but this time was different. He couldn’t explain it; it just felt right. His breathless lungs filled with searing pain, but he desperately didn’t want to let go.
Finally, he drew back, gasping for breath. He couldn’t help but grin at Stiles’ euphoric expression, his brown eyes misted as he slowly blinked them open and looked up at Derek.
“Wow,” Stiles said breathlessly.
“Wow,” Derek agreed.
Stiles smiled, a soft pink blush colouring his cheeks.
Derek tilted his head, kissing him tenderly.
There was a shrill squawk from the doorway.
Derek drew back, looking over his shoulder to see Stiles’ Altaria, puffed up and ready to fight.
“Don’t you dare,” Stiles said warningly.  He turned back to Derek and whispered, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. They’re just being protective,” Derek said. “It’s kind of endearing.”
“It’s also kind of irritating.”
A sweet smile played across Derek’s lips as he leant in again for another kiss.
Altaria let out another squawk, making them both jump.
“Stop it,” Stiles told her, quickly stealing a kiss from Derek.
Derek’s smile widened. “Since you made the lovely picnic, I’ll make us dinner. And if Altaria lets me kiss you more, I might even give her a treat,” Derek said loud enough that she could hear.
Altaria chortled as she wandered into the apartment more and curled up on the floor by the couch.
Stiles rolled his eyes.
Derek let out a low chuckle as he cupped Stiles’ cheek again and bringing their lips together again in a sweet, tender kiss.
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agent-shield-blog · 6 years
Books and Boys
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Valentines day is always more enjoyable when you can spend it in a place you love, with someone you care about.
Pairing: Reader X Loki Featuring: Reader X Loki X Steve X Tony Warnings: None
From the ages of eight through eighteen, you would never find me sitting somewhere reading a book. It was not if I had a hatred for them, it just seemed that I had no use for them. At those ages, I thought I was the most fantastic thing to be seen and was above the simple act of reading. However once I had settled into my powers and adjusted into my new home at the Avengers facility, I had found something lacking in my life. And the answer had been as clear as rain. Books.
The less I gravitated away from my once normal life, the more I needed something to give me an escape. Something that could take me away from the loud moments of reality, which could often be too overwhelming, and bring me to a world, where the path was clearly written out, and nothing in my power would alter the road ahead.
But as much as I loved books, there was someone else in the tower who had the utmost respect and adoration for the stories that laid within his bookshelves. Loki was an advent reader, and almost always was caught with a book in hand, no matter where the location. At first, I thought it odd, but the more I came to find the love of books, the more I realized why Loki was so drawn to them, especially after the life he had lived.
Loki and I became good friends after a while. We quite enjoyed each others company in which we could discuss literature and authors. I was even lucky enough for him to show me some of the writers from across the nine realms, and even a few pieces from light years away.
It was a cold day in New York but it being February that was no surprise. The cold would linger for a few more weeks until spring would appear, but until then I would embrace the cold with open arms seeing as I had no one to warm me with the offer of their coat or someone to lean in close to share their warmth. Everyone in the tower seemed to have someone there romantically. Tony had Pepper, Natasha and Bruce, Clint had Laura, heck Peter was even seeing some girl from school. But there was one person I could count on for this Valentine's day to be just about as lonely as me, and that was Loki.
Now I had nothing against Valentine's day, in fact, I took pleasure in the idea that somehow one day could influence so much emotion. Although I didn't like the fact that some people put all their effort into one day, instead of the whole year. But this Valentine's day I was going to make it enjoyable, and my grand plan involved making someone else's day too.
“Loki?” I entered the library with the fullest of confidence that Loki would be perched somewhere with another new novel in hand. Hopefully, the one I had recommended to him, although I was. A bit nervous that he was going to tear it apart, like so many of my other favorite books that I had recommended to him.
“Over here.” His monotoned voice always carried well within the library. With a few swift turns, I found Loki sat in front of one of the windows, with his feet perched up on the ledge. I sat down and grabbed the book out of his hands, careful to mark the page with his bookmark before closing it shut. Loki brought down his feet as he knew I was about to chew his ear off about something, and his relaxed state was to soon be no more.
“I have an extraordinary surprise for you, and it involves our love for a certain common interest of ours.”
“Oh? And what would that be?” I stood up from my seat and motioned for Loki to do the same. Slowly Loki stood from his chair, giving himself a moment to stretch out, before following me through the rows of books.
“Well if you don't know by now I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”
“Seems only fair. But may I ask of what is the occasion of this surprise.” I smiled at him as I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the main lobby. I could tell by the confused look on Lokis face, that for once he had no idea of the future events to happen ahead. Which was something I thoroughly enjoyed.
“I’ve never been below the tenth floor before. Why are we heading to the lobby?”
“Now what's the fun in a surprise if I tell you?” The doors smoothly opened and in the lobby stood Tony and Steve, anxious to get on with the day so they could get ready for the dates that they had planned for the evening. I took a look back at Loki who was still more confused than ever, but he still followed me forward closer to the pair.
“Alright reindeer games, I will say this once, and only once because I am kind of in a hurry here, I can't be late for a date with Pepper again. We are giving you the special one time opportunity to go with (y/n) out into the city. But understand there are many rules and many more consequences if you break these rules.” Steve took a step forward and reached for Lokis hand. He drew back Lokis sleeve and put on a tracking bracelet, making sure to fastly secure it into place before taking a step back.
“I’ve just put a tracking device on you, so don’t think about getting any ideas. (y/n) has found to do this wildly nice thing out of the kindness of her own heart, so understand that if you betray her trust, you are going to be sorry that you ever arrived on this planet. (y/n) Is your chaperone for this evening so what she says goes. With the push of a button, we all get a call that will include us with your location so you won't get far. Also Tony has programmed this tracker that if it goes a certain distance away from (y/n), it will set off an alarm, and again we all get calls giving us your location.”
“So, you know the rules, now do your best to not disrupt Miss Potts, and I’s evening. Because not only will you disrupt our night, but everyone else's too.” Tony picked up our coats and was quick to hand them to us and send us off through the door. Tony had a reputation for being late on dates, and since he was late last Valentines day, it seemed like he was going to do everything in his power to be on time this year.
Loki followed me to the town car where our shield agent slash chauffeur was waiting. I waved my hand to get Loki to get in first, and I soon followed. For once it hadn't taken much convincing to make this trip happen. Of course I was nervous that Loki was going to try something as he always did, but this excursion was really going to be a treat that would hopefully occupy Lokis thoughts long enough, to not give him any ideas about escaping out into the city, and by reaction causing the others to have to leave their dates.
I could tell by the curiosity in Lokis eye that he had no clue about where he was going. He had only seen NYC once before, and those were under very different circumstances. Now with nothing but a gorgeous blush pink sunset, and couples flocking the streets, I could tell Loki was finding some enjoyment in the city he once tried to destroy.
Finally, when we arrived at the front of the building, I could feel my heart begin to race. Although Loki and I were just friends, I couldn't be more excited to give him this gift for Valentine's day.
“Loki I would like to welcome you to the main branch of the New York Public Library.” I was fast to grab Lokis wrist, and we exited the car together. Although I wouldn't call it a smile, I swore I could see Lokis lips curl just a tad, not wanting to give away the excitement he honestly felt.
“I have read and heard about this library, but I didn't think that today I would have the pleasure of getting to see it, especially with you.”
“Well I figure it was the one place that you were bound to love in this city, I mean come on its a beautiful place filled with beautiful books.” We continued up the stairs to the library entrance where our tour guide was waiting to greet us. It had taken Tony some extra work to vet a tour guide that would be appropriate for touring an alien who tried to demolish the city only so many years ago, but once Tony contacted them, they didn't mind at all, of course seeing that there were a few security details not far behind. We of course agreed and had gotten a shield agent stationed at every point of the tour, leaving myself and the tour guide a little less to worry about.
After the quick greeting, the guide showed us around the public areas of the library giving us all the historical information about the building, and a few pieces about the books that it held. Of course, what I knew I was looking most forward to was the restricted areas. I had always wanted to go into them but never had the opportunity to find the time or the people to convince. But of course, with one call from Tony Stark, dreams could turn into reality with the snap of a finger.
As we continued into the restricted area, I watched Lokis eyes grow as we passed through all the books. As much as he loved to brag about his personal collection that rested back in his room on Asgard, he would have to admit that the number of books that we had passed, had far exceed his collection. After all, some of the books we were now seeing were the only copies of some transcripts and novels, per the writer's wishes. We each had the opportunity to take a look at some of the exclusive material, and although we didn't have long to read. Every paragraph that flowed through my mind left me with more love for words and the art it could transform into.
As we got to the end of the tour, we were allowed access to one of the smaller sections of the library, that was closed for the night to the general public, except for us. Loki and I split off as we wandered the shelves looking for something to peruse during our last hour at the library. I chose some Hemingway because I was always a sucker for him. I slumped down in one of the seats, and before I opened my book, I took careful note to Loki as he carefully brushed his fingers against the books before stopping at a Jane Austin novel. I was quite surprised as he often told me that she was far too overrated and that her work was merely nothing more than child's play. But as he slowly brought back Pride and Prejudice from the shelf, I was quick to turn open my book, not wanting Loki to become annoyed and put the book back.
Loki meandered for a bit more before taking a seat next to me and opening his book. We probably stayed silent for a good thirty minutes before I partially closed my book and turned my body towards him.
“So how are you enjoying the book so far.” Without looking up, Loki mumbled out a response,
“It’s better then I thought it would be I must say.” I smirked to myself as I reopened my book.
When the time finally came, I walked back to where I had found my Hemingway, and carefully slipped it back into its home. When I walked back over to where Loki was, I saw him quickly finish the chapter before he too returned the book back to its original spot.
“Ready to head back to the tower?”
“Never.” Loki scoffed to himself as he looked at his feet. I knew this had to be hard. I had just given him a taste of freedom, but now he was stuck going back to the tower. Although it had a lot to offer, it couldn't beat the streets of New York. And the only other taste of freedom would be on our next scheduled trip to the upstate compound in late June.
“It took a little bit of work, but I’m sure we could come here again sometime.” Lokis head lifted suddenly, a smile peeking across his face.
“I know I’m the god of tricks, but if you are deceiving me, I won't be happy.”
“I promise you I would never use books to tease you.” Loki took a step forward closing the gap in between us. Before I could take another breath, Loki swooped into pressing his lips deeply into mine. He brought his hand up to hold the back of my neck in place. When he finally let up, I took a second to catch my breath.
“I’m good for more than just reading and talking you know (y/n)?”
“I just gathered that.” I said, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks. Loki grabbed my hand and held it gently to his chest.
“I actually had done a little research about this day before you asked me to come here. I appreciate you taking the time to show me this place. And for getting me out of the tower for the first time. In appreciation for the trip and to showing me such kindness, I say this in the utmost gratitude, and I will deny this if you tell anyone I said this but, (y/n) (y/l/n), will you be my valentine?” I giggled lightly under my breath. Things had taken a pleasant unexpected turn today. I looked up at Loki and smiled, before placing a kiss on his lips, barely touching just to tease him a bit, before drawing back.
“Loki I would be honored to be your valentine.”
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