#why the hell is New York so damn far away from me??
ipwarn · 12 days
I am going to apologise in advance for who I am today/tomorrow/over the next month. This site has been so quiet. Especially on my dash. The Darren fandom itself has shrunk a lot and I totally understand why.
But I have missed the fun of posting and fully celebrating these things with online friends. The return of Elsie means I get a small taste of that back and I hope others join me. But to everyone else, I am sorry about the possible spam coming your way. And while I will tag everything, please don't feel bad about unfollowing me if you have left fandom and have no interest in any of this. I don't post about (current) TV shows or movies, I don't listen to music and I don't know who any celebrities are.
My interests remain sadly consistent. I post about D and Broadway and everything theatre-related and nerdy. Also Glee... because yeah.
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love you
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kookygranger · 9 months
Fairytale of Hawkins: Part Two
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
A cheesy hallmark Christmas fic inspired by @bettyfrommars's tow truck!Eddie and prompts #1 & #6 from Betty and @allthingsjoeq's Holiday Prompt Party
Summary: A petting zoo, Secret Santa and mistletoe never being around when you need it.
Warnings: reader doesn't have family, reader and Eddie are in their late 20s/early 30s, swearing
Word count: 5.3k
Author's note: Okay, it's 11:54pm on Christmas Eve where I am and this is far from perfect, but I wanted the people who enjoyed the first part to have this for Christmas so here it is. I hope you're all safe and you get moments of peace and joy these holidays.
Part One
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You were handsome You were pretty, Queen of New York City When the band finished playing They howled out for more – Fairytale of New York, The Pogues/Kirsty MacColl
3 Days 'Til Christmas
“So uh, what’s goin’ on with you and Robin’s friend?”
Hawkins town centre is frosted with a light dusting of snow that fell in the early morning hours. Picture perfect, like a Hallmark Christmas card. The hum of festive cheer in the crowds doing last-minute gift shopping and partaking in the charming small-town seasonal activities is mostly drowned out by an argument between Dustin and Lucas, Max and the younger Sinclair sibling rolling their eyes in annoyance. They sit, impatiently waiting for the rest of the party to show up, on the edge of the fountain frozen over with the cold snap that swept through town at the beginning of the week.
Steve’s perched on the back of a bench a few feet away, ignoring the squabble as Eddie toes the ground in front of him.
“First of all, I know you know her name. And B, nothing is going on, she’s a great girl and a really good friend to Robin.” Steve shrugs, “We both told you you’d like her.”
Eddie squints, his leather jacket opening to reveal a dark red sweater as his pocketed hand gestures in question, “Why me specifically?”
Steve shrugs again, “Rob and I both thought you’d hit it off. It just feels…right. Don’t you think?”
“I mean yeah, yeah she’s beautiful. Cute as hell when she gets flustered. But she’s a city girl–used to more than this, right?” He looks around at the small-town square, filled with little kids dressed in matching sweaters and flustered mothers pushing prams with clenched smiles. “She’ll be gone well before the ice on the road thaws.”
“So? What’s wrong with having a little holiday fling?”
Eddie sucks his teeth, “I don’t think I can.”
Steve lets out a low whistle, “You’re that head-over-heels already?”
“No.” Eddie shakes his head, cheeks flushing pink from more than just the bite to the wind, then sighs. “Think if I have a fling I might just get there though. This is Robin’s fault she shouldn’t’ve talked her up so much!” Steve chuckles at his friend’s distress. “Doesn’t help that she looks like a damn angel when the snow’s kissing her eyelashes.”
Steve rubs his face, “Jesus Christ.”
You and Robin had vowed to hold off drinking for the rest of the holidays after your night at The Hideout, which was followed by a day spent on the couch, groaning about loud noises as Gremlins beamed across the TV in the darkened living room. When you’d finally managed to peel yourselves away from the nest you’d made out of blankets, large diet sodas and greasy fries from the drive-thru, you decided to cross off making Christmas cookies from Robin’s list of “holiday activities that could make the grinch’s heart grow.” She assured you weren’t the Grinch in this situation but it certainly felt, pointed.
The misshapen sugary treats weigh down your tote bag as you walk arm-in-arm with Robin towards the designated meeting spot.
“I keep making a fool of myself in front of Eddie.”
Robin smirks, “You’re doing fine.”
“I can just be so,” you hold out your hand in a vague gesture and grimace, “sometimes, you know?”
Robin laughs, “Oh, I know.”
She squeezes your arm that’s wrapped around hers and shakes her head, “Everybody loves you I promise. And if they don’t yet, they will.” You both round a corner, the fountain and a group of animated college kids coming into view. Steve waves from across the street, Eddie turning his head in your direction then away again quickly when you make eye contact.
“C’mon now everyone keep up.” Steve claps his gloved hands together, his cheeks pink and his brows furrowed in faux admonishment as he leads the group towards the petting zoo set up for the weekend in the parking lot of Bradley’s Big Buy supermarket. You can tell by the glisten in his eyes how much it means to him to have all of his found family in one place.
You laugh softly when he claps Dustin on the back and the younger boy tries to shrug off his embrace.
“He’s in his element this time of year.” Eddie falls into stride next to you, the both of you now bringing up the rear of the boisterous group.
You nod, a small smile permanently etched on your face from the company. “I can tell.” You walk the rest of the way in silence, watching the antics of the strange mix of personalities in front of you with a distant bemusement as you tried and failed to come up with something to say. Had you called him sexy at one point the other night or did you dream that?
The stench of hay and something less savoury wafts over you as you all enter the car park under a bright red banner with ‘Petting Zoo’ written in white cursive on it. You’re about to ask Eddie if they did this every year when a middle-aged woman stops you with a brochure held out in front of you.
“Have you found Jesus?” She’s standing by the entrance in a matching woollen navy-blue coat and skirt, heels on her stocking-clad feet and hair quaffed perfectly in a bob accentuated by the pearls on her ears and neck.
You don’t even think about your response before it slips out, “Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise he was missing.” You can see Eddie smirk out of the corner of your eye. It was just meant to be a light-hearted joke, but the woman clearly didn’t see the humour.
She purses her lips in a thin line and snatches the brochure back out of your reach. “I should’ve known you were one of his type.” You keep walking along, her voice changed back into a sweeter version as she asks the next person the same question behind you.
You turn to Eddie, his eyes downcast and shoulders higher than they were a second ago. “What type are you?”
He rubs the back of his neck underneath the black knitted scarf that matches his beanie. “Uh, devil worshipper according to this town.”
“Oh, I’m actually lapsed. Found all that sacrificing was getting in the way of my day job you know?”
The smile that catches at the corners of his mouth makes your tummy flip.
“I know whattya mean.” He nods, all dramatics with his feigned seriousness, “So much laundry with all those blood-stained clothes.”
“Right? Such a hassle.” You both laugh as you look at each other. “Do they actually think that?”
Eddie shrugs, “It was worse when I was in high school, but I still get the odd bit of holy water thrown in my direction.”
“Why?” You shake your head and frown, serious this time. “Just because you listen to Motorhead?”
“That and I was the leader of the Dungeons and Dragons club in high school. It’s a game for nerds really, but it kinda got swept up into the satanic panic that was going around at the time.”
“That’s so…dumb.”
He huffs a laugh through his nose, watching your feet walk in sync together. “Yeah, I guess it is.” His head snaps back up, “Wait, how do you know Motorhead?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” You bump his shoulder and scoff, “Did you just judge a book by her cover Eddie the devil worshipper?” He opens his mouth to speak but his reply is cut off by an animalistic snort that has your head turning in curiosity. You gasp as you spot the furry brown creatures leaning into patting hands over a wooden fence, “They actually do have reindeer here!”
Eddie grins as your face lights up. “Did you think they were lying?”
You shake your head, “I thought they’d just be regular deer. I’ve never seen–“ You grab Eddie’s leather-clad arm in your excitement and he looks down at your touch before you bound off towards Robin who’s laughing at your reaction.
El and Max have to coax you into actually patting one when you get closer, the antlers much more intimidating in person. They giggle as you squeal and pull back your hand when a cloud of condensation escapes from the deer’s nostrils as it huffs loudly.
You turn to laugh with them, distracted as the reindeer leans in closer, your body tensing when you feel its hot breath on the back of your neck before it snatches your scarf from around your shoulders. The girls yell as you whip around to see it trot off, barely processing what just happened when you feel a warm hand on your back, Eddie’s frame coming into view as he slips past you and jumps the fence. He’s able to grab the scarf out of the creature’s mouth and sneak back onto your side of the fence before anyone who works there even notices.
You’re speechless as he hands your scarf back to you, El and Max cheering along with Robin and Nancy who’d noticed the commotion.
The younger girls are giggling again when Max interrupts the silent look you and Eddie share while the scarf is held in between the both of you. “You’re a real knight in shining armour this week Munson.” He looks up at Max as she and El walk away, looking for their boyfriends to ask if they’d brave a reindeer pen for them.
“Thank you, Eddie.” You take the scarf from his hands, grimacing at the wet patch on the light fabric. “Don’t know if you can get reindeer drool out of cashmere though.”
He snorts, “Maybe you shouldn’t have worn something so expensive to a petting zoo, princess.”
You brush off the nickname, not entirely sure if it was meant in jest. “You know I’m a feminist, I’m gonna need you to stop coming to my rescue Eddie.”
He smirks, “I don’t think that’s feminism, I think that’s stubborn independence to the point of detriment.”
He was taunting. Flirting really, but Eddie forgets it takes time for people to figure out he’s not just being grumpy all the time. That he isn’t as mean as his initial wariness of people might suggest. For a second he forgets that you haven’t always been a part of this group – that you don’t know him like the others do.
The awestruck look that had graced your face drops. “Jeez okay, I didn’t realise we were reading each other.” His eyes go wide as you shrink into yourself. “You know, I realise you probably don’t like me very much and you might feel like I’m ruining your time with your friends at Christmas, but I am trying Eddie.”
He hates the way your eyes begin to water.
“Robins told me so much about all of you, I know how much you all mean to each other and I really didn’t want to intrude on that, but she insisted that it would be okay. She’s letting me spend the holidays with her family because I don’t have one, and I don’t want her to regret that.” You look down at your feet, “I’ll make sure to stay out of your way from now on.” 
Eddie clenches his eyes shut as you walk away to find Robin or anyone else who won’t mind you joining in.
“Nice work Munson.”
Once the group have had their share of reindeer petting and eaten the cookies you and Robin had brought along with some hot cocoa from a nearby stand, everyone gathers in the town square again for the annual Secret Santa. You’re huddled together with Robin, head leaning against hers as you steal each other’s warmth and the group gathers in a circle, Steve tossing pieces of paper with everyone’s name written on them into his beanie.
Eddie keeps stealing glances at you as Steve goes around the group, dramatically holding a gloved hand to each of the teens’ eyes and yelling, “No peeking!”
Eddie feels shit. He can’t believe he’s made you feel unwelcome. Well, he can. He knows he can be guarded when it comes to letting new people into his life, but you’re one of Robin’s best friends – spending Christmas with her because you don’t have anywhere else to go and he’s made you feel like he doesn’t want you here. Asshole.
When Steve gets round to you and Robin, he holds the hat out to her then moves on to Jonathan and Argyle next. You figure you’re too new to the group to partake in this tradition, which seems fair. Steve rounds out the wonky circle with Eddie, dropping the beanie with a “whoops” before fumbling on the ground with it, then holding it out to Eddie. You notice him squinting his eyes in suspicion, wondering what’s going on between them when Steve comes back to you.
“Lucky last,” he smiles that charming cherub grin of his and you reach into the beanie to pull the last piece of paper out.
Of course it would be.
Steve reminds everyone of the budget and secret part of Secret Santa with a pointed look at Mike, who frowns in offence before the group starts heading off in different directions.
Robin moves to stand in front of you. “Who’d ya get? Do you need help? I can bend the rules for you seeing as you don’t properly know everyone.”
“Yeah, I feel like I’m a bit disadvantaged.” You laugh nervously, “I uh, I got Eddie.”
“Oh great! He’s easy. Big nerd, you know what he likes.” She starts counting off on her fingers, “Music, DnD, Lord of the Rings and all that fantasy stuff.”
“Yeah, I guess.” You shrug.
She hooks her arm with yours again, “C’mon let’s go together, I got Nancy. I feel like you’ll be better at picking something for her than me.”
After an hour and a half, you’re about ready to give up. You helped pick out a faux-leather journal and fountain pen set for Nancy from Robin, but you haven’t been able to find anything remotely good for Eddie’s gift. Everything feels impersonal like something he could’ve just picked up himself and the last thing you want is for him to be disappointed that you got him for the gift exchange. Just another friend-only activity that your presence has ruined.
You’re currently browsing through a second-hand bookstore, hoping to find something you can curl up on the couch in your apartment with during the rest of the holidays, while Robin’s popped into the bath and body shop across the street to look for a gift for her aunt.
Your eyes scan the hardbacks in the fantasy section, fingers running lightly across the spines when they come to a stop on a light green book. You tilt the book from the shelf, admiring the mountains and dragon carved in navy blue adorning the border. This could be perfect. Carefully opening the worn cover, you find an inscription written in the yellowed pages that makes you smile. You close the book softly and head to the counter to ring it up. Maybe he wouldn’t be disappointed.
Dear Henry,
In celebration of our mutual liking – I hope Bilbo becomes a friend as well.
Happy Birthday,
Love, your Arwen
Christmas Eve
The butcher paper wrapped gift sat heavy in your palm as you’re greeted by Steve in his living room when you and Robin walk in. You hold up the present in question, keen to get rid of it before your clammy hands ruin the red satin bow decorating it, and Steve points you in the direction of the pile under the colourfully lit tree. You take a moment to admire the personal ornaments, the glint of a red 20-sided dice reminding you of the other inhabitant of this apartment.
The famous Harrington Christmas Eve party had been talked up by Robin for months. In her attempt to get you to Hawkins, she promised you a preview of the King Steve you’d heard her tease him so much about (which he vehemently denied was a thing), potently spiked punch (which you would not be partaking in) and impromptu games out on the street that would cause noise complaints from the neighbours.
And now that Steve and Eddie shared an apartment? Apparently, rowdiness was a prerequisite.
You’re more nervous than you should be as you settle in, taking solace in Jonathan and Will’s quiet company on the couch as you sip on a non-spiked mug of egg nog. It isn’t until half an hour later that Eddie even shows up, despite this being his apartment.
He walks into the living room, cheeks red from the cold, snow still sprinkled on his shoulders and in his hair. He’s followed closely by Dustin who’s rugged up in an assortment of knitwear that looks like it was definitely made by a doting family member, and grins when everyone greets him.
“Finally, you two.” Steve walks in from the kitchen with a bowl of freshly poured potato chips. “Everyone’s here, we’re getting ready for Secret Santa.”
Eddie just nods at him, offering you a tight-lipped smile when you catch his eye before he walks over to the tree to place something under it with his back turned to you.
While everyone gathers in the living room, he ducks out. Returning without all the extra layers, his crisp white t-shirt takes you by surprise and your eyes wander to the silver chain around his neck.
Pull it together, honestly.
“Okay, I’m first!” Robin walks across the room to the tree by the front window, only to be stopped by Steve’s arm.
“What? Why are you first?”
“Well, someone has to be dingus. Why not me?” 
“Uh, maybe we should let our guest be the first?” Everyone turns their head towards you and the attention makes you sink further into the couch.
“Oh, no Robin is always first.” You wink in her direction, then frown. “Wait, did that sound weird?” You look at Jonathan and Will who both chuckle, the older boy giving you a shrug.
After Robin tears through her present the decision is made to go anti-clockwise around the room. The closer it gets to Eddie who’s sitting on the couch opposite you, the more your palms begin to sweat. You don’t think your heart could take him being indifferent to his gift, and you hated that you cared so much about what he thought. What was this town doing to you?
When Steve hands Eddie his gift your back automatically straightens, perched perilously on the edge of your seat you grip the mug of egg nog in your hands. He takes his time with unwrapping, not diving straight in and tearing like you would’ve expected, even draping the ribbon around his neck once he’s untied it. When he gets to the gift the room is mostly silent, save for the Christmas carols playing from the stereo in the corner. You’d already clocked The Kinks, The Damned and Ramones – sure that the boy who held your last ditch gesture in his hands had picked the tunes.
Eddie’s face is stoic as his fingers run along the cover of the book. When Dustin and Mike, sat near him spot what it is they share exclamations of “Sick”, but you’re more interested in the metalhead’s opinion. You take in a deep breath as he opens the well-preserved cover and you watch his eyes read the inscriptions.
After much back and forth you’d decided to leave your own message next to the original one. Writing in pencil in case he wanted to erase it.
He rubs his freshly shaven jaw then his eyes find yours across the room. They’re soft. Pools of awe that match the tone of his quiet voice.
“Thank you.”
You offer him a small smile, “You’re welcome.”
“How did you know it was from her?” Dustin pipes up from his seat on the floor.
“Lucky guess.” His eyes hadn’t left yours until then, and you watch him scan the message again.
Dear Eddie,
I know you’re already well acquainted but I thought what better company on a long winter’s night than the second best party to go on adventures with (second only to your own of course).
Merry Christmas,
You feel his eyes on you as the rest of the gift-giving takes place around you. Wiping the sweat off your palms now that the moment was over, but the tension you’d felt hadn’t lifted from your chest – only tethered itself to the cause that was sitting across the room lightly brushing his thumb over your offering.
You’re the last in line to open your Secret Santa, but the attention of the room has been caught up in the gifts that have already been revealed. You’re admiring the new camera bag Jonathan is turning over in his hands when Steve taps you on the shoulder. He holds out a small parcel that fits in the palm of his hand and winks at you when you take it, before walking over to sit by Dustin.
You look down at the parcel wrapped in shiny red paper, tugging at the twine tied around it when you feel the weight of the couch shift beside you.
Eddie takes up more room than Jonathan who’s now sitting on the arm of the sofa across from you with Nancy’s arm draped over his leg. He’s manspreading a little, but the only reason you notice is because of the close proximity of his knee to yours.
“You got me,” he gestures to the gift in your hands, “I mean I got you. Well, I guess both are true.” He holds up his new copy of The Hobbit and smiles softly.
You look down at your lap again and begin to unwrap your present, Eddie’s leg bouncing next to yours. A glint catches your eye as a pair of dangly ruby earrings is revealed.
“They’re not real obviously,” Eddie scratches his jaw, “and Robin said you’d be happy with anything, like a snow globe or candy but I saw these in the drugstore and thought they’d look good on you.”
You smile, “Eddie they��re really pretty. Thank you so much.”
He blows out a puff of air, “You like them?”
“I love them, honestly. Oh, look we match!” You hold out the earrings next to the ring on his finger sporting a small ruby stone.
His cheeks are dusted in pink as he smiles, “Yeah, I guess we do.” You ask him to hold the earrings you had in before as you swap them. “You don’t have to put them on now.”
“I know, I want to.”
His tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip, mesmerised as he watches you put on his earrings. “What does C.G. mean by the way?” He opens the book in his lap again.
“City girl.” The frown on his face troubles you momentarily before he speaks again, doe eyes pining you down once more.
“Thank you. It’s really special. You’re really–“ He trails off, eyes searching yours as you wait for him to finish his sentence. But he doesn’t. Instead, he gets up so abruptly that you flinch. “I gotta uh, find something…I’ll be back.”
You turn to Will who had been not so subtly watching the whole exchange from the other side of the couch and gives you a sympathetic smile when you say, “I still don’t know where I stand with him.”
For the next twenty minutes, you only see glimpses of Eddie as he darts in and out of rooms. Stomping around like he’s on a mission, a crease etched deeply in his brow. While Nancy and El are admiring your earrings in the kitchen, you hear a squeak of shoes on the linoleum before you see a blur of brown hair disappear around the corner.
You excuse yourself, finding Eddie alone in the hallway, leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed and head tilted to the ceiling.
“Eddie, are you okay?” He shakes his head and huffs out a bitter laugh. “What’s wrong?”
“There’s always goddamn mistletoe at these things. Steve always gets drunk and tortures people with it, but then this year? Of course there’s none!”
You step closer, now standing in front of him but he doesn’t meet your eye. You’re confused. “Why do you need mistletoe?”
“So I have an excuse to kiss you.”
Wait, what?
“Why don’t you just…kiss me?”
His head snaps down, eyes flickering back and forth between yours with a frown. “Can I?”
You bite your lip to stop the enormous smile threatening to creep onto your face. “Yes Eddie, you can kiss me.”
He pushes himself off the wall, crowding your space and reaching a hand out tentatively to touch your face, thumb gently stroking your skin like he had the book. He searches your eyes for any hesitation before he leans in slowly until your fluttering lashes tickle his cheek and he can’t take it anymore. The kiss is as soft as the snow falling in flurries outside, one elongated peck before you're both leaning in for another, and another. Turning tender as he reaches his other hand to pull you closer by the waist. You can taste peppermint on him, probably from one of the candy canes hanging on the tree, but it’s the warmth from his chest and the heady scent of his cologne and smoke that clings to his shirt that has you lost in him. So lost that when his thumb gently pulls down on the side of your mouth, you let him in with no hesitation, his tongue now spreading his warmth from the inside.
“Wow, that got R-rated really quick.” You jump and lean back, not moving far with Eddie’s grip still on your waist. You look down the hall and catch Robin nodding with a look of slight disgust on her face next to a smirking Steve standing there with his arms crossed.
Eddie bows his head and sighs, “Really? Think you can maybe take the commentary somewhere else Harrington?”
He holds up his hands in defence, a leafy twig with white berries hanging from his hand. “Hey, I was just coming to give you two a push, but it looks like the party’s already started.”
Eddie pinches the skin in between his brows, “For fuck sake.” You cover your mouth with your hand at the sight of the deep blush creeping into his cheeks, which deepens even further when you both hear Dustin yell from the other room.
“Did he kiss her yet?!”
Eddie groans and moves his hand to the small of your back to guide you out the door, flipping off the audience at the end of the hall before grabbing your coats off the hanger. He helps you into yours and leads you outside the apartment building by your hand.
For the first time since you arrived in Hawkins, you don’t notice the cold that greets you, focused entirely on Eddie’s warmth as he crowds you against the brick wall of the building. He holds one arm above you, almost enveloping you in his soft waves when he leans in.
That intense gaze has you shying away again, opting to play with the zipper of his jacket instead of looking back.
“You really liked your gift that much huh?”
“I really like you.” He tilts your chin up.
“I didn’t think–“
“I’m sorry if I made you feel unwelcome,” he frowns. “I have trouble letting people in.”
You shake your head and he moves his hand to stroke along your jaw. “It’s okay, this is a very special family I’ve walked into. I understand why you’d be wary of anyone disturbing that.”
“You fit right in. I promise.”
“Thank you, Eddie.”
He smirks, “Also, I’m just really, really bad at flirting when it comes to drop-dead gorgeous city girls.”
You grin, “I think you’re probably better at it than you think.”
He leans in, lips a breath away from yours, “Yeah?”
Christmas Day
The screen door shudders under your touch as you knock on the trailer, your gloved hand coming back to wrap around the translucent cake plate tucked into your chest. You hear muffled footsteps before the inside door swings open to reveal a beaming Eddie on the other side.
“Hi,” you smile.
You step back to let him open the screen door and he meets you with half a step out, grabbing the plate from you before placing a gentle kiss on your lips that has you desperate for more.
“Hi, sweet girl. C’mon in.”
You follow his warmth, “There’s only half left of the cheesecake. I’m sorry Robin and her family already ate most of it, then I kind of hid it when I realised I didn’t have anything to bring over – I think it tastes pretty good though. And I brought this wine, which is all they had left at the store and it only came in this gigantic bulk size, I think it might be half water–”
You feel Eddie’s smile as he presses his lips to yours again, “It’s okay sweetheart. You didn’t have to bring anything.” “I know, but I wanted to make a good first impression and we both know that I…don’t.”
He chuckles, “Trust me, I was blown away as soon as you stepped outta that car.”
You roll your eyes, snappy reply dying on your tongue when you hear a door open and an older man walks down the short hallway towards you. “Hi, Mr Munson.” Eddie squeezes your shoulder as you step forward with your hand held out and introduce yourself. “Thank you so much for having me, I hope I’m not intruding on your Christmas.”
“Nonsense,” he frowns at you, the resemblance uncanny, and brings you in for a tight hug. “Please call me Wayne, darlin’. Honestly, Ed’s been bouncing off the walls waiting for you to come so you might be able to do me a favour and get him to sit still.”
“We were just watching Gremlins.”
“Oh, I love that film! I didn’t get to appreciate it the other day because I was hungover–I mean…we were busy baking cookies.” You feel Eddie’s chuckle on the side of your face.
“She brought baked goods and wine, Wayne. All for lil’ old us.” He squeezes your shoulder again.
“It’s not any good.” You hold out the cheap bottle to Eddie’s uncle.
“Oh hell, anything you can uncork, uncap or unscrew, I’ll drink it.”
You laugh, shoulders relaxing under Eddie’s subtle massage.
You feel light.
Floaty and fuzzy with the laughter coming from beside you, your body sinking into the worn couch and Eddie’s gentle stroking of the back of your hand grounding you in the moment. The Munson’s, like almost everybody else in Hawkins had welcomed you into their home with open arms.
It was Christmas and you were curled up on the couch with a boy who meant something to you. Allowed to be a part of a family if only for a short period.
“So little miss, you headin’ home tomorrow?” You turn to Wayne, who’s sitting in his armchair, eating a piece of the cheesecake you plated up for him with Eddie’s help.
“I was planning on it, but you know the airport gets so busy during the holidays and Robin’s still gonna be here so…I think I might just stay till New Year, actually.”
Eddie’s head snaps from the TV set towards you. He grips your hand a little tighter to get your attention.
“Is that right?”
You turn to him, “Yeah. Are you–are you gonna be around?”
“No,” he shakes his head, frowning in that way that’s starting to make your heart flutter, “I gotta work. Lotta damsels in distress needin’ me to rescue them from the side of the road.” You feel the heat creep up your neck as Wayne rolls his eyes at his nephew.
“Wanna ride shotgun?”
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Tagging: @eddieslooneymoonie, @micheledawn1975 – thank you for asking!
107 notes · View notes
satlun · 4 months
Best Mistake: John Constantine x fem!reader
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Genre: emotional hurt, fluff and angst Trigger warnings: suicide attempt, depression, possessive behavior, supernatural, violence, swear words
It is difficult to tell if the relationship between you and him is truly what you want. You fight, break up, and then make up again and again. Even on little things, you both can just bring it up and end up with fighting almost every time. It is more of a loop, you might say. Every time these things happen, it wrecks you on the inside. Until one day, you cannot stand him anymore because he is too toxic and no good. You need to leave him.
Note: this is my first time writing short fiction in English, English is not my first language so if it sounds wrong/ weird or my grammar is wrong please correct me. I really want to improve my English. So don't be shy to correct me. Plus I think it's kinda CRINGE 😭 but I tried guys so please enjoy 😂 ***It might not make sense about hell thing but it is good to just let it be like that soo please don't take it too serious and enjoy! 🥺
Credit: gifs from Pinterest (cannot find the original post :/) https://pin.it/5fjM23VUA , https://pin.it/54AXo4AMa
Los Angeles, 2005
“Could you stop and listen to me first!?” John said with a sigh of irritation as he grabs your arm firmly while you're packing your bag, ready to leave.
You don't seem to stop what you're doing. This is the last time, it must be. You believe that is for the best. “I’m leaving, John. I mean it.” You said with simple directness.
“You're not going anywhere. Not without me.” The fact that he cannot live without you. He had been alone for almost his whole life before he found you. His life was miserable before you came and fulfill him with something that had never been given. It is just hard for him to just let you go like this even he is still mad at you. He pulls you closer to him because you don't seem to stop packing your stuff. Then you lose your balance and stumble into his chest.
“Yes. Without you.” You replied without any hesitation before pushing yourself away from him. For now, you just hope that you are heartless enough to leave him like you just said. You don't want to stuck in the loop again because it hurts your heart.
“And what about me, huh? Is that what you're going to do it again? Leave me for a few days and then come crawling back to me?” That's why you really hope that your heart is strong enough to leave everything behind. Even John.
“Well, not this time. I’m going back to New York.” New York where your parents live. Maybe leaving this big city and go, go far away from here will make you forget him faster. Far from here as much as you can, to the other side of the country.
That makes him even more unimpressive. He doesn't like the way you're about to leave him and go that far. Far enough to never see you again. He looks at you intensely as he pins you abruptly against the wall behind. “Who do you belong to?” That's the pop quiz of him. Every time you both fight, he brings up this question to remind you who you belong to.
You're tired of this question because it won't make anything better. It just keeps making you annoyed. “Stop asking me this question, John. I'm tired of it, it won't make anything better!” You shouted at his face. “Don't you understand that we don't get along? I tried, John. It’s still the same. Never change...” you try to hold back your tears.
“Just answer the damn question, [y/n].” He still insisted on the same question. “I belong to no one!” You snapped him immediately. Not even in a second you took to answer him. He just looks away with difteen face without saying anything. Before he can do anything further, you push him hard making him stumble backwards. You grab your bag and lead to the door without looking back because you just can't. If you look back, you will definitely walk back to him. It was always like that.
He follows you to the door, before you can reach the knob, he already push you against the door again. Push you hard that you can feel the pain on your back, You groaned in pain. “Fuck off, John... what the fuck is wrong with you!? You are acting like a possessed man. Why? Being an exorcist makes you go insane now?” That the worst thing you have ever said to him.
He can't believe what you said. “Is that it, huh?” He raises his eyebrows as he says back to you. “Now you think I'm possessed? That I'm not in my right goddamn head?” He grabs your collar bone firmly against the door. He uses violence again, that's the part you hate the most. His voice changes in a very unpleasant tone. He is real mad. “Maybe I just want to teach you a damn lesson, and you're making it hard for me.” You look at him right into his eyes. You still remain silent. “What? Cat got your tongue now? Talk back to me. Do it!” Remaining silent makes him even more angry. He pushes you hard against the door again but this time it's just too much for you to handle because your head was slammed on the door as well. Your eyes start to flutter slightly. You almost lost your balance as you try to grab his shoulder. He also grabs your waist for you to stand straight. “You belong to me. Understand? And you're gonna stay here with me.” He demanded you. “Fuck you, John... I belong to no one...” because of the pain of your head made you say so quietly as if you just murmur. You can feel that you are about to lose your consciousness. However, his eyes still fixated on you. “Yeah? Is that so? Say it again.” says in sarcastic voice as he grabs your shoulder and pin you to see your face clearly. He is pissing you off even more, you spits on his face because you can't stand him anymore. “Wrong answer.” He said. You are about to pass out now. Your both hands are on his arms, finding something to hold yourself from falling down as you rest your head on the door like a body without a soul. “You're so goddamn infuriating.” Before he can finish the sentence, you pass out beneath him. He grabs you quickly before you fall on the ground and then carefully picks you up to a dinner table then puts you down on the table. He doesn't even move you to bed, he just lets you lay down right there.
An hour later, your consciousness is back. You slowly get up and look around the room, you are looking for him. That's your first instinct. “John?” You called out his name unintentionally. There's no sign of him. You growl in pain again because your head hurts, both of your hand touching your head. While you're trying to remember about what happened before you passed out, John comes back. He opens the door and walks towards you with something in his hand. He puts the cigarette that is on his mouth down on an ashtray next to you. “Open your mouth. Wide.” He said. You're so confused right now because your consciousness is just got back. “What? What is it?” You look at something on his palm. “Tylenol. Open your mouth.” He demanded. You don't hesitate to open your mouth widely because your head hurts so bad. John puts the medicine in your mouth and pour drinking water after. The Tylenol didn't even reach your throat yet, he grabs the back of your neck and kisses you. One of his hand reaches out to your white shirt and unbuttoned it. You are shocked so you decide to push him away, he stumbles backwards. “What is wrong with you?” You said with confusion while John wipes your saliva off his lips. “You passed out and that what you have to ask?” He said. You don't understand what he is trying to tell. “You made me wait like a goddamn dog, and that's what you ask me?” He was just worried about you so much and it made him pissed. He is the type of guy who doesn't know how to say like a normal lover when he is worried. He just use bad words to express it. “Fuck off, John. Sex has nothing to do with this. Don't even think that you can use sex to bring me back because I don't.” Because you both always use sex as the solution to fix the shit that you both made up. You end up having sex with him and all of your madness goes away like nothing ever happened. “I don't want to have sex with you right now, [y/n]. You just put me through an hour of hell, worrying about your stupid ass.” He walks closer to you with your unbuttoned shirt, showing your cleavage. “What? Then why the hell did you kiss me then? It doesn't make sense.” You said back to him because you know damn well that he just wants to use sex to solve things like he always does. “Because I couldn't help it.” He holds his gaze on you. “I couldn't think about anything other than you being okay, and it pissed me off.” He said with a serious tone. He doesn't seem to be angry anymore except worrying about you. He always knows how to make you come back to him, the way he said that is just make you weaker. You decide to stay silent and listen to him. “Damn you, I'm sick of your bullshit. I'm gonna stay with you.” He insisted. “You pissed off that I might not be okay? You're the one who slammed me and made me pass out, John.” You reminded him that because you just don't understand him even you already tried to. He leans forward and puts both of his hands down on the table aside your legs, he faces you. “You can't handle even a slap without passing out. You're the most fragile thing I've ever met.” You don't get about what he says again, what he is trying to say? "You have no idea what I feel when you pass out like that, how worried I get about you. I swear, sometimes you make me feel like I want to tie you to my goddamn bed and make sure you can't get up!" He says murmured yet quite loudly. You bite your lips because of a little confusion. He is crazy. That's the only thing you can think of right now. Tie you up? That's insane. “What the fuck- You're insane.” You talk back. "Because you're reckless and careless, you give no regard to your own safety, and you're going to die because of it." He says aggressively, looking down at you with his eyes. All you do is keep staring at him because that's just too much for you.
John takes a hard exhale, running his hand through his hair. “We always have fights. That's just how we are. But you need to understand that it's different when you're unconscious and I can't even talk to you.” You can feel the worry through his voice. You know that you are everything to him even you both are in this toxic relationship that you both made. It's like a dilemma. Sometimes, you feel like you can't move forwards but you can't move backwards either. “Don't you understand that you're everything to me? And I’ll go to hell again to keep you alive.” And that was what he brought up. He saved your life once from suicide. He went to hell to bring back your life. That day he didn't hesitate to go to hell just for you. Your tears run down your beautiful face as he said that because of the vision of you being in hell is still remaining clear. John watches your expression as sighs deeply, taking another deep breath before continuing. “And you don't care, do you? Look at us, fighting as always, you passing out on me and me waiting and worrying when you won't wake up like a dog?” He looks down on the floor and murmurs. “Why the hell do we do this to ourselves?” He is blaming ourselves that we always end up fighting even after a little argument. It's how we are , just like he said. It doesn't easy to change in you both relationship.
You're staring at him with teary eyes. You can't hold back anymore. “You know... I’m not gonna last long. You bring me back from hell, that broke the rules. Lucifer will find me and drag me down to hell again. You can't protect me forever. One day, I have to die, John...” John scowls and clenches his fists. “If that bastard Lucifer gets his hands on you again, he will regret the day he ever dared to touch you.” He snapped, his voice cold and filled with rage. “I will not let him take you. I will kill every single demon that comes for you, and I will drag you out of hell every time if you end up there. Even if I have to walk to the pits of hell to find you, I will do it." He touches your hand. “I will do it again.” Your cheeks are full of tears. John slowly wipes out gently. That's why you can't get over him. His soft side is your biggest weakness. “Fuck you! I hate you, John... and I hate myself that I always lie to you that I really hate you...” John pulls you and let you lean on his chest. It is warm as if you're sitting in front of a fireplace after a long rainy day. All you can think about is that he risked his life just to have us here, sitting and fighting each other. The fact that if he couldn't come back in time, he could die in hell as well. “Damn it! You shouldn't have saved me... you should let me die... why did you do that? I shouldn't have fallen in love with you...” that's all you can say to express what you're thinking. He isn't impressed with that.
“Don't ever say that. Don't you dare wish for something like that. I saved you just to hear you say that?” He keeps saying, trying to express things that stuck in his mind because you said as if it was so useless that he saved you. All of it just because you don't want to fall in love with him? “You think I'd ever be happy letting you die, watching you die like that? Because I'd rather tear my own heart out than watch you do that. If you didn't make it, I'd go with you. I'd let Lucifer take me just so I could be with you.” The mixed feelings that are in your heart is just too much to say anything else. You end up pull his shirt abruptly and kiss him passionately. For a moment, you break the kiss and say quietly and slowly to make it very clear to him. “Don't you dare telling me that you would let Lucifer take you so you could be with me.” You squeeze his shirt and pull closer again. “I can't stand that.” One of his hands moving to grab your hip and pull your body against his. “Well, you'll have to deal with it" He mutters "Because I would." against your lips before kissing you again. “Fuck you, John.” John lets out a low moan, his hand moving to the back of your neck. “What if I die tomorrow? What if Lucifer finds me?” You asked. “Then I'll go to hell, get you, and put a bullet in Lucifer's head myself before I drag you back to earth.” John moans softly as he gives in to your kisses. “Say it again.” You whispered “I’ll go to hell and put a bullet in Lucifer's head...” John repeated while his hand moving to the back of your head and gripping your hair as he kisses you deeply. His other hand slides down to your thigh, his touch possessive and hungry as he pulls you close to him, his body craving you completely. “Finish the sentence, John.” you demanded. “And I will drag you back to earth...” He whispers against your mouth, taking another bite of your bottom lip. “Fuck-”
Note: I recommend you to read this next click here. It's like a sequel. It's not necessary to read both because you can understand the stories without one another. So up to you!!
Note: I just found that False God by Taylor Swift has the lyric that quite relate to the story omg!! Let me show you.
“We were crazy to think. Crazy to think that this could work. Remember how I said I'd die for you?”
“And I can't talk to you when you're like this. Staring out the window like I'm not your favorite town. I'm New York City. I still do it for you, babe.”
“I know heaven's a thing. I go there when you touch me. Honey hell is when I fight with you.”
“But we can patch it up good. Make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness.”
“But we might just get away with it. Religion's in your lips. Even if it's a false god. We'd still worship.”
“Still worship this love. Even if it's a false god. Even if it's a false god. Still worship this love.”
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thewriterg · 1 year
pairing(s): Leonardo x afab!reader, Raphael x afab!reader, Donatello x afab!reader, Michelangelo x afab!reader, heretic!reader (witch and vampire), soulmate AU
summary: Fighting an army of foot clan soldiers by yourself was easy but seeing your mates and their father that you began to call your own in pain was one of the hardest things you’ve ever been through you’ve ever been through on your over three centuries of earth and you could never see your mates in pain, not ever.
word count: 10.8k+ —damn boy she’s thick— 😎🤏👴🏿
warning(s): mentions of death and suicide attempts, violence, blood, descriptions of weapons, angst, they’re all 22-20 don’t hit me with that minor bayverse turtle bs, crying, feeling a soul bond dying?, pet names, kisses, and language
A/n: —GIFs; @tkappi & @aurora-the-kunoichi— So I rewatched TMNT 2014/16 the best one beside 2012 btw 🙄 and I’m actually taking this from a draft of mine from like two years ago…
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You stood surrounded by over a dozen foot soldiers in the alley just above the sewer occasionally throwing daggers and ripping flesh with your bare teeth you had no desire to drag this fight on any longer than you had to you did however feel the strong tug of your bond pulling you to protect your mates
your mates
Little over three years ago you would’ve never even thought of thinking of such you were a witch yes and you did your studies over the subject but it was brief something you couldn’t get into because you simply would not have something like that of your own
Well you could see how far that got you
At the end of 2016 and beginning of 2017 you had a very awaken feeling in your heart and stomach and the longer you tried to pull away from it the more empty you began to feel so you began to travel with no reason why and after a long five months you were in New York
The turtles didn’t have a clue what was going on in their bodies they had passed mating season and it was almost like the hibernation like symptoms they experienced in the winter because they in fact did not hibernate
From lively, upbeat, hyper, and energetic the reptiles turned into slow, easily irritable, cranky creatures. They had no motivation to train as hard as they usually did, had endless arguments snapping at each other, sleeping for more than twelve hours at a time if Splinter didn’t wake them, and despite an empty feeling in their stomach and chest they had no desire to eat
Leonardo couldn’t utter another motivational speech as he was before when his team were experiencing said dilemmas as he was the last to get hit with the dreadful feelings he could barely drag himself out of bed to use the bathroom so why would he force his brothers to train?
Raphael was snapping at anything that made a noise around him or even seemed to breathe in his direction on the regular he would occasionally bump heads with Leo but now no one was safe from the Red Clad turtles rage and he spent most of his time in his weight room pounding his fish into a worn and abused punching bag
Donatello couldn’t tell you when’s the last time the group had showered nor could he tell you when’s the last time he invented or fixed something hell he couldn’t even think of the last time he even began to touch his equipment he along with Leo often slept the longest even after Splinters attempts of getting them both up
Michelangelo who was usually the most talkative and hyper of the group had fell silent and drained he hadn’t rode his hoverboard in weeks and couldn’t even begin to try to think to pick up a spray can or pencil to draw anything he instead was up all night and asleep all day
The problem was that they were at the end of spring they were not in winter so they should have not been experiencing those said feelings
Splinter had had enough he knew his boys were strong and would eventually shake the feeling like they always did but they didn’t usually get like this until the colder times of the year and it was indeed blazing hot
When the thought crossed over his mind he denied it quickly they were animals such thing couldn’t be possible as he thought it was but as time went on it made more and more sense
Animals had mates and mating seasons yes, his son’s experienced it every year that wasn’t the issue it was the who would fulfill the roles as each of the terrapins mates that confused him the books of turtle mating didn’t cover enough ground for him to get the answers he needed so he was soon once again standing face to face to face with the bookshelf he hardly touch that taught him wisdom and the art he knew today
The mutant rat had picked up a book he had yet to read the only book he hadn’t read it had a brown leather cover and it was thick and full with unread pages he carefully dragged his pawed hands over the front carefully making sure to watch his claws
He’d read the book front to back making sure to read over each page at least twice but he was most efficiently reading over soul ties and sealing soul bonds
Soon enough weeks after he was sure Splinter had all of his sons in front of him and even though they felt this way this odd, empty, pitiful, way they all held their respective positions on their knees their three fingers pressed up against their other pair and head bowed even though they slouched as they all could hear sleep and the voidness beg their names out with a screeching voice
“I have a gift for you all, something as a serve of hope” The mutant spoke in his usual prideful, wisdom filled, tone as he began to explain the tale bits and pieces at a time until the puzzle was made up and the picture was made out in front of them
Leonardo was glad he had an explanation or even a start of why they were feeling this way he could slowly feel some of the weight on his his chest and deep within his plastron
Raphael was skeptical even though he never doubted his Sansei he raised him, never lied to him, trained him, kept him safe when he was defenseless, but he couldn’t help but be skeptical. Even if he did have a soulmate what type of being with a brain and sense of surrounding would want to be with a freak like him?
Donatello was on the middle side of the fence he had his doubts what if they were just going through an early ‘hibernation’ period? Though Donnie wasn’t as open to it as Ralph was he did have a slight fear of rejection but he also had a feeling of excitement? Maybe fuzziness and warmth at the thought of being loved unconditionally that was made for someone just for him.
Michelangelo was ecstatic he would have an angel by his side. What if they were a Jedi? What if they were looking for him too!?
“How do we find our mates!? We should look for them! I gotta find my Angel cakes!” Mikey was out of his kneeling position he was ready to do anything his chest hurt a little less and soon he would realize it wasn’t the discovery but the newly found distance that lifted the weight
“Mikey we can’t just go on a side quest to find people we don’t know” Leo intervened is brothers rambling also getting out of his position of kneeling as the other two turtles followed in suite
“That’s your problem bro it’s not a ‘side quest’ it’s the main mission” The orange clad turtle stated in a matter of fact tone with a smile on his face
“And if we actually meet these people-”
“They’re our mates not jus’ some random people if you wanna be lonely all yer life that’s on you but you can’t make decisions for us” Ralph interrupted with a gruff coolly voice the pair began to argue as Donatello sighed heavily Along with Splinter who suddenly bursted from his quietness
“Silence! Before I send you all to hashi!” The mutant rodent shouted and the room fell silence the only thing erupting from the room was Mikey slightly whining about not doing anything but the group knew that it would just about alway be a group punishment
“You need to find an efficient plan that still allows you continue your duties while finding you’re peace” Splinter spoke wisely before retreating his steps to his room to meditate
“What if we send two of us at a time to search for them while the other two stay here to patrol” Donnie spoke up it wasn’t the most effective plan but it was the best they had the purple clad turtle had finally had relief of the dreadful empty feeling he didn’t plan on going back
“That’s not a bad idea… We should all go back to patrolling for now and then after a month or so we can get everything under control and then we can carry out the plan” Leo finally spoke up after a moment of silence as everyone subconsciously nodded eventually they all went their separate ways with a bit more hope than they started with
They had their Sansei to thank for that
As weeks passed the brothers were too caught up in protecting the city to carry out their plan the reptiles all stood around in the dojo listening to the TV as the channel nine news played filling the silence
There had been ‘animal attacks’ going on all over the city multiple pictures of punctured wounds showed up on the screen and none of the brothers were dumb enough to believe the story that was being sold the wounds were too… clean to be from an animal attack their was two punctured spots with usually a bit of bruising around them and was often found around the neck just below the jugular or on the wrist barely missing a vein
“What if there’s a vampire out there just… feeding from people” Mikey stated in awe at the thought before Ralph through one of the terrapins nunchucks at his forehead while he hissed rubbing over the sore spot
“Vampires aren’t real idiot” The red clad turtle rolled his eyes as he placed is sais in their holsters at his hips
“You don’t know that! What if they could be hiding around us in plain sight” The youngest brother dragged as the group began to move towards the tunnels
“Well the news hasn’t report anyone sparklin’ like a disco ball ‘cause they’re in sun and these bites that people are getting aren’t turning them mad so I think that answers that pretty well” The raging turtle resorted with an eye roll as Mikey sucked his teeth
“Can you both be quiet!” Leo hissed as they quickly traveled through the tunnels the last thing they need was Splinter to hear their conversation bouncing of the metal as they traveled to the surface somewhere they were indeed not supposed to be
Soon enough the group was traveling over the roof of buildings watching over the streets of New York they weren’t as busy as they usually were but they were never empty
“Please, you’re taking too much” Donatello heard it first a small voice slightly whimpering followed by Leonardo as they alerted their brothers silently landing on the next roof close to an alley
“Shut up” A women’s voice erupted from the shadows and suddenly the noise of the first voice was gone the only thing left signaling life was heavy breathing
You hadn’t had blood from the vein since you were around 220 it had been a while 146 years to be exact but even if you happened to be angry at the world for an unknown reason you weren’t stupid leaving a trail a bodies with bite wounds wouldn’t be ideal for laying low
You could’ve gave your victims some of your blood heal them up so they no longer had a mark to show for the attack but humans were idiotic and you didn’t need a baby vamp on your hands because they had found some way to die in twenty four hours
So you settled with this
You could feel different presences around you as you finally let up on the man who you had pushed against the wall tuning in on the heartbeats around and there were four not including the blonde in front of you but they didn’t sound human
Before you could comprehend a hand was on your shoulder crushing your collar bone you quickly gripped what you could make out as a three fingered hand throwing a packing kick to the things knee before swiping under its hold the wind whispering and whooshing behind you
Leonardo slightly faltered in his stance at the attack on his knee as a figure sped around him at a inhuman speed but it in fact was a human and he could feel string of his heart tug slightly but couldn’t think on it too much as Ralph called out to him
“Alright fearless that was your way hears mine” The red clad turtle stated in a gruff voice as you finally stood still in the middle of the alley that voice… it made your ears ring you couldn’t pawn on it long as you got swept off your feet your head hitting the concrete as the light post flickered so neither opposing sides could see each others identities and before the unknown creature could lay another hand on you you had your hand in the air before swiping it right as the being crashed into the the brick wall the sounds of trash bins falling filling the empty air
“What the hell” Ralph groaned quick to get back on his feet while Mikey stood beside him helping him up and was soon going back to the battle
No matter what the team threw at the unknown woman she was back up in an instant and seemed to be healing? Leonardo was sure he felt one of his katanas graze skin on her arm but he watched as the wound quickly mended itself together at a concerning rate
Whatever they were dealing with was not human
“I told you, I called it! It is a vampire!” The youngest brother cheered after coming from checking on the stranger along with Donnie the man was slightly bleeding from his neck and was experiencing some after shock symptoms but other than that was fine
“Mikey!” The other reptiles called as the youngest rolled his eyes mumbling about getting no credit before joining the fight with his brothers
Leo and Ralph were on their knees in front of the girl clutching their heads in pain as she held her hand out towards them and Mikey couldn’t help but realize she looked… human? other than her baring fangs and the prominent purple colored veins under her eyes her skin wasn’t paper white, she didn’t wear a cloak she wore… black jeans and a leather jacket?
“Donnie!” Leo called out groaning and gasping for air the pain going through his head was like a hundred needles stabbing at his brain is this how he was going to die?
“Sorry bro wrong turtle” Michelangelo grinned taking one of Raphael’s fallen sais before throwing it into the women’s shoulder blade as she let out a hiss and the orange clad terrapin was soon too on his knees in pain
Suddenly the light post flickered on and as You saw all three of the mutant turtles in front of you your invisible assault on the brain faltered as you looked at them closely your brain screaming at you to protect them, to touch them, to heal them.
You began to take a step forward before there was a cloth forced down on your nose and mouth and your face burned as you smelled the familiar plant clouding your senses
You felt weak as you struggled against the rough yet warm embrace that held you down the plant was one of your very few weaknesses how’d they even know? Where did they even get it? As your vision became blurry, your face stung and burned, and you’re eyelids became heavy and soon you were limp in this familiar yet foreign embrace
The turtles watched as Donatello held a black cloth to the woman’s face and how she went limp in his hold they also watched as their brother stared at the stranger with a foreign care and something else they could quite figure out
Leonardo was the first one to get on his feet as he approached the pair something simply drawing him in and Donnie fought the urge to growl at his brother to get away as he subconsciously held the body tighter It hit then hit the leader like it did his brother as his mind screamed at him
Protect mate!
“It’s her” The terrapin whispered as he reached his arm out to touch her skin Donatello took a step back a low growl in the back of his throat as started at his brother with wild eyes
“Are you tellin’ me I ‘gotta share a mate with you idiots?” Raphael’s voice was deeper than it usually was his accent a little heavier as he stared at your limp body suddenly next to his brothers with some sort of anger at your unconscious state
“Dudes tell me you feel that too” Michelangelo questioned staring down at you and they could. The bubbling sensation in their plastrons, the protective nature screaming in their head, the odd feeling of the word spinning, and that nothing else no longer mattered
“We have to take her to the lair” The red clad turtle said suddenly ignoring his brother rabid animalistic gazes as he took a step forward to to get a better look at your features the skin around your mouth, nose, and chin slowly mended together itself together at a way slower rate than it was before Leo took note standing by his brothers side
“That herb, that’s her weakness. Donnie what Is that?” The leader questioned now inspecting the black cloth in his hands it didn’t burn or hurt him like it did you
“It’s an oil I made from a plant called Vervain, it’s a strong natural sedative. I figured if we did actually come into contact with an animal than it would be easier to put them down than tackle with it” Leave it to the purple clad turtle to think of every scenario they could be in
“What the hell are you doin’? It’s burning her idiot” Raphael growled now grabbing his brother scaled wrist as he went to sit the cloth back on your face and Leonardo snatched his hand away before responding
“We need to keep her unconscious until we get to the lair. I don't know if you're aware but she's not human or did you forget how she had you on your ass?” The leader rarely swore and it made the hot head get defensive but he was unusually uneasy
His mate was the one who drank blood from civilians.
His mate was not human.
His mate was not just his mate.
“Oh and she didn't have you on your knees begging like a pussy?” The red clad terrapin sneered as the two brothers stared at each other intensely nostrils flaring
“Guys we need to get her to my lab I don't care how we do it but we need to do it quickly” Donnie nugged Leonardo and Mikey tugged on Raphaels arm pulling them away from each other and the leader went to approach the blonde haired male who sat next to a trash bin with a newfound terror in his eyes softly shaking
“Do not tell anyone what you saw tonight. If you do, we will find you.” The reptile stated darkly after making sure the man was fine to walk and had a sense of surrounding
Soon the turtles were back on top of roofs the night winds grazing their scales as they jumped from one building to another quickly keeping Donnie infront as he held your unconscious body in his arms
When the group reached the manhole they were quick to run through the tunnels with silent feet and what would've been and fifteen minute walk to get to the lair was a five minute run as landed silently in in the dojo tip toeing to keep their Sensei unaware of their presence as they safely made it into Donatello's lab
“What are we gonna do to hold ‘er? She’ll just run again if we don't have ‘er held down” Ralph stated and for once Leo agreed while Mikey stood above your unconscious figure laying on Donnies bed, you were so beautiful, nostalgic even. He felt the strongest urge to protect you, the weight in his chest was empty, he felt complete.
You couldn't get away, you couldn't leave them and they just got you.
“What if we tied her down to a chair? You know how they do in those interrogation scenes in the action movies!?” The terrapin said suddenly causing his brothers to look at him pondering
“It's a good idea but, if she can push over Ralph and Leo like she did back there than ropes would be a piece of cake” Donnie shook his head slightly meeting his older brother's eyes as Leo spoke
“Do you still have some of that oil you made?”
You felt your mind drifting in and out of consciousness as the voices around you suddenly went silent you blinked the fuzzy feeling in your brain away as your eyes open vision blurry and you began to take you hand to rub at it to be met with a searing pain around your body if you weren't up before you were now
You roughly thrashed around you restraints Vervain laced ropes clever you had to admit you felt too weak to break out of the chair you were strapped do
“Woah trouble slow yer roll there”
“Please don't hurt yourself anymore than you have ”
“Just relax Angel cakes you're all good ”
“We're not gonna hurt you”
It was pretty ironic that this..mutant tortoise in front of promised you such thing as your flesh repeatedly burned and healed itself
“Let me go” You hissed baring your fangs as purple veins traveled underneath your eyes and your once y/e/c eyes were now replaced for pitch blackness you fought the warm feeling in your chest that was pulling you to these… things
Donatello and Michelangelo watched you in curiosity in this weak state you resemble more of a shaken scared animal then whatever being you were taking on four mutant turtles in the alley thirty minutes prior suddenly the brothers all watched as Leonardo dropped to his knees in front of you staring you dead in your pitch black eyes
The feeling of a tug was no longer there as the feeling now pushed you roughly into this unfamiliar yet certain embrace and the veins under your eyes slightly faltering before you looked away from the Leaders gaze
You were fighting it he though amusingly
He took his hand bringing it up to your face to force you to old hold his gaze ignoring the hiss that erupted from your throat instead just steadily keeping your gaze and finally his brothers took note of what he was doing and followed in his steps coming Into and eye level position with you
Your pupils dilated, the veins vanished from your eyes, and your fangs retracted as you looked at all of them taking it in as a small voice in your head injecting familiar words into your brain
protect them
hold them
heal them
It was never the same from that day but you were… whole, complete.
You were fighting over twenty foot soldier by yourself as the boys fought underground you were simply holding these ones off quickly discarding each that couldn’t seem to get a hand on you sweeping through the grounds with a speed quicker than light
You swept your foot under a masked man making him lose his balance falling on the concrete with a sickening crunch the last small group of soldiers came sprinting towards you and you fought the urge to roll your eyes
You held your hand out as they dropped to their knees some screaming in pain as others groaned and whimpered you held your hand there for a second before turning your wrist quickly as quaking cracks erupted the air around you as bodies fell to the floor limp
You turned on the heel of your boot as you went to open the manhole to the sewer two colossal vans surround both exits of the alley releasing large herds of assassins and soldiers yelling out random codes if Mikey or Raph were here they would squish or poke your cheeks because you ‘looked mean’
Not because you were a vampire over 300 years old and a menace to society
“Any last words freak?” One of the most formal dressed soldiers called out to you surrounded by a dozen more the whole herd pointed their assault rifles at you the red beams bouncing of your clothes you figured he was Lieutenant a weak one but a lieutenant nonetheless
“I do actually” You stated simply and you could see it took some of them back while you held your hands up in the air as a surrender as they waited for you to speak
Raphael pulled himself and April through the crushed rocks and debris that had collapsed from the ceiling as they began to approach the end of the makeshift tunnel an ear piercing scream shook the gravel under their feet the red clad turtle smiled slightly before continuing his path as the brunette shakily stood in her spot
“Shouldn’t someone go help her” She questioned with a concerned look on her face as Ralph turned to look at her smirking before shaking his head before beginning to pull them the rest of the way out
“That’s a battle scream princess you know that out of anyone, nothing worried about” The terrapin knew if you were next to him you would definitely probably kick his ass for calling someone else one of your pet names but how he loves how you glared
April slightly shuttered at the thought to put it in a short term you didn’t get off on the right foot, you hated her when you first met to put it in the most appropriate words she could
You fled around buildings at a inhuman speed looking for the four brothers you went down to the lair and hadn’t found them there Splinter how ever was wide awake and was the face you were met with when you hopped down from the tunnel so now here you were speeding from rooftop to rooftop trying to find the terrapins
“That guys gonna be drinking out of a sippy cup for months!” You listened closely around a mile away you could hear Donatellos voice tracking through the air over the voices, cars, and overall noise of New York
Inhuman speed and hearing just another benefit
“That’s what I’m talking about brother, shadows in the night completely unseen” Was the last statement you heard before a camera flash fluttered across the roof maybe catching your frame in the corner
You didn’t wait before in a blink in an eye you were in front of the girl taking her by the collar of her jacket railing over the roof dropping her onto the hard ground
“You think it’s okay to take pictures of people because they look different from you little girl?” You questioned as the brunette shook slightly in terror watching as your pupils dilated eyes turning pitch black while veins crawled actively underneath your eyes
“花/Hana” Leonardo tried softly sitting a three fingered hand on your shoulder as you snapped around to look at him giving him a soft hiss standing up to your full height from crouching over the girl which didn’t look like much compared to the over six foot turtle (flower)
“You said no more secret patrolling” You stated darkly walking towards the turtle with a slight threat in your step as he backed away the brothers winced they knew they weren’t safe either
“I kno-” The blue clad turtle began
“You all said if you patrolled again you would tell me first” You hissed again jabbing your finger into the leaders plastron as he chuckled nervously
“Listen trouble, we didn’t mean for it to happen like this were sorr-” You were in front of the red masked turtle with a blink of an eye April watched as you practically teleported in front of the turtle with a speed she couldn’t quite comprehend as a human
“Are you sorry because you did it or sorry because you got caught?” The brunette had a slight fear for the turtle beings you all knew each other no doubt as she watched the most buff turtle nervously laugh under your rough gaze
Raphael didn’t have time to respond as you were back in front of her dragging her to her feet and she could see the peak of your fangs as you spoke
“You are going to leave, and you aren’t going to tell anyone what you saw tonight. If you do I will find you” You were back in front of her now looking her directly in her eye’s pupils dilating as April let the feeling of her body take over she didn't have a say a foot forced one in front of another as she came back down the latter she came from beginning to walk the streets of New York
“Did you have to compel her?” Was the last thing the brunette heard as she began to walk home
The pair made it out the tunnel as Raphael told the woman to stay put as she hid in Donatello's lab peeking from behind the door watching as the red clad turtle run off to go help his brothers
Leonardo attempted to go assist Splinter but he was soon stopped in his tracks as a small group of foot soldiers tased his scaley body as he spoke in soft groans falling to the floor at the harsh electrical impact shouting for his brother
“Hang on Leo, I'll be right there!” Donatello wanted to help his brother in the moment her really, trull did but it was a bit difficult when he was swinging his Bo-staff blocking bullets from assaulting his body as at least four different foot soldiers shot at him Raphael finally emerged from the shadows taking two of the men dressed in all black knocking their heads together holding out a hand for his brother
April watched as Shredder began gaining gaining the upper hand on Splinter throwing the rat on top of the dojos platform slowly strolling towards him steel claws slicing through the thick air that fell over the lair
Adrenaline pumping through the news reporters veins as she gripped and pulled on the handle on one Raph's sais that had gotten stuck in a wired basket before sprinting towards the armored bot like man stabbing him in the control system on his back as it sparked from the impact he turned around quickly
“You stupid little girl” The deep robot like voice degraded taking a threatening step towards the girl
“April!” Splinter called out quick to get back on his feet wrapping his long tail around the brunettes frame throwing her out of the dojo into safety as she landed with a whimper at the newfound pain in her ribs and forearm stumbling behind Donatello's steel desk out of the open
“Sensai!” Leonardo shouted sprinting towards his father as the rat landed near a concrete bared gate with a thud
“No, my sons stay back!” The mutant rat crawled to the small lever on the wall dropping the gate the terrapin began hitting his katanas against the bars watching as his father figure got dragged away by a metal fist before he scrambled loose limping back toward the gate
“Save yourselves!” He croaked
“Sensai, Dad! Dad! What are you doing!?” The blue clad turtle cried out
You watched as the turtles struggled to get the bar gate open from blocking the dojo you rushed over quickly holding your hand out raising it with a strain as the makeshift door slid open
They all looked back at you and could’ve sighed in relief they knew you could hold your on but as your mates they were always worried
The group of terrapins rushed in as their father was held in front of them shoulders slumped breathing shallow and irregular the only sign of life was pleading look in his eyes for them to run, to get away from here
“Drop you weapons or your… father dies” The gruff robotic like voice spoke into the air pausing in a moment of disgust as foot soldiers surrounded them
Just as the turtles were about to abandon their arms of defense a voice spoke out into the open
“You let them all go, or I’ll kill myself.” You stood above the railing looking down on the Dojo as the attention shifted towards you including shredder as his head turned with a metal shriek
“What the hell are you doin’!”
To put together your statement you had a piece of wood from a broken leg chair directed in front of your heart and as you stepped forward a little into the light Donatello noticed the blood continuously seeping through your clothes
Why the fuck weren’t you healing?
“We both know what I am, that’s why some of your men have wooden bullets?” You questioned even though it was more of a statement and the terrapin’s stomachs dropped with nausea
you could only be killed with wood piercing you heart if one of the soldiers had just a few extra seconds then…
“We also know that I’m stronger than anyone in here so… you can get the turtles with me hunting you down, and not stopping until I’m tearing you apart or you can leave them and take me on your side” You couldn’t meet your mates gaze it would tear you apart so instead you looked dead into the black shield where the man’s eyes were supposed to be
Shredder dropped Splinter from his cold grasp and the turtles immediately began to protest as Raphael was quick to step forward two foot soldiers were quick to turn on their tasing wands with a threatening crack
Shredder suddenly jumped onto the platform above landing in front of you with as the ground trembled beneath you dressed in all silver armor he stared down at you and you made sure to hold his gaze as he held up his cold hand up to you face as his knives rested under your chin and you dropped the makeshift stake from your hands
“Turn it off, no further harm will come to them” He stated gruffly almost as if he was trying to comfort you he had done his research on your kind it was difficult and took years of critique but he’d mastered how to build up and break down your species you knew what he wanted Shredder didn’t have many things but he did have his word
“So, Turn it off.” He repeated
“No! 花/Hana” Leonardo struggled against the grip of four foot soldiers as they tased his plastron and you breathed in a shaky breath closing your eyes feeling tears slip down your cheeks as memories of all you together flashed through your mind (flower)
“Fuck! Princess don’t do it!” Raphael groaned out a yell on his hands and knees his figure jerking as shock waves spread through his body
“Please dove!” Donatello deeply whimpered probably getting the worst of it all as he shook at the taser on his shoulder a little too close to his neck
You opened your eyes and the assault on the turtles ended your expression was lifeless, like a never ending void that went on and on, that you couldn’t get out of.
“No” Michelangelo whispered breathlessly you were without your emotions, without a humanity.
You jumped from the platform into the main room of the lair taking a few steps forward before swiping your hand to the right in front of your body making foot soldier go flying some landing with sickening cracks as you went to stand in front of the turtles
“If you get in my way, I’ll kill you all myself” Leonardo watched as something lit in your eyes before it quickly died down to a nothingness
Shredder watch you with a slight… curiosity he wouldn’t allow you to kill terrapins that was simply against your deal but your emotionless state amused him
“Take care of your master” He stated gruffly and you held onto the silver armor before you were gone zipping through the lair and suddenly there was no trace of you Shredder included
“Fuck!” Raphael screamed into the empty air throwing the closest thing next to him which was a wired basket and hit the wall bending the metal
“Sensai, dad” Leonardo along with Donatello crawled over to the mutant rat who lied down on the floor in defeat pink tail slightly swaying against the floor with light ‘thumps’
“Please don’t do this, tell me what to do” The leader sniffled watching as his teacher, his protector in early years of life, his father seemed to crumble in his hold
“A little beating never stopped this old rat” The older mutant wheezed out while the purple clad turtle looked him over with his goggles a few cracked and bruised ribs wouldn’t be enough to put down Splinter and Leo and Donnie chuckled watery hearts still heavy
“You all need to go put a stop to the Shredders madness and rescue your mate” He stated carefully and all of the brother tuned in listening
“We can’t just leave y-”
“I’ve never informed you all of this because I was in… denial, self loathing even.” The rodent cut off the blue clad turtle and he knew that was a warning so he stayed quiet watching as he slowly raised his body to sit up
“When I was researching about the intertwining of souls I studied that the bond meant more than life itself. I was angered for a short time as your protector. It was… sore how once you found your mate that you would figure you all no longer needed me but then I was at peace knowing that a beings soul was yours to protect and vice versa. I could die tomorrow and as long as Y/n is unharmed you will all be fine and whole” The rat occasionally stopped in the middle of sentences to breathe in sharp breathes as the brothers listened closely water lines slowly filling including Raphael who stubbornly wiped it away
“What are you sitting around waiting for!? Go on now, if my daughter isn’t home by nightfall you all will be sent to the hashi!” Splinters tail threateningly swiped at their feet while Michelangelo laughed brightest out of them all as they began to run to the exit tunnel
Leonardo looked back to see April now at Splinters side as they helped each other with wounds and soon he was out of lair into the world
“Wait, I’m coming with you!” The brunette panted behind the four mutants standing in the alley
“Absolutely not it’s dangerous, and you’re hurt” The leader in blue immediately denied their mate wasn’t in a good headspace hell their mate didn’t have a sense of humanity last thing he needed was no be worried about another body to look after
“It’s a sprain light fracture at most and I have a ride it’s broad daylight how are you gonna get there without being seen?” She stated stubbornly and Ralph tried to cover a chuckle with a poorly concealed cough
“Fine. But you stay in the car”
“Figuring the turtles will come to rescue Mrs Hamato-” Eric Sacks stood in front of you as you watched him walk through the lab going over the plan for the fourth time in a little less than an hour
“It’s Y/l/n I’ve said for the third time now stop threading on my patience Eric respect your elders or I will make a meal out of you” You we’re in front of the man in a blink of an eye hand wrapped around his throat at a bone crushing grip the man weakly nodded before you dropped him out of your hold and Shredder chuckled darkly in amusement while you went to go stand next to him
“We capture the turtles, take some of their blood. If it looks like you’re taking too much from them… I will end your life capeesh? Wonderful” You sarcastically smiled stepping out of the lab into the hallway
“If your emotions happen to get in the way of this, the deal will be off” The heavy metal softly shrieked in the quiet air as Shredder stood behind you and you sighed in annoyance
“I think what you fail to realize is when I turned off my emotions my humanity went with it I don’t feel mad or sad or anything” You briefly spoke before walking out of the man’s sight
“Ram the gate” Raphael interrupted Verns ranting of course Aprils ride was a dweeb who talked their ear off nervously the whole car ride as the brothers began to get in position
“Ram the gate? This channel six propert-”
“I said ram the gate!” The red clad turtle yelled as the brunette man winced pressing his foot on the gas as the wood broke in piece against the van April and Vern who sat in the front seat ducked from the bullet breaking the windshield flying past their temples making a sharp turn running over some foot soldiers in the process
The turtles burst through the side of the Van Leonardo taking care of the few foot soldiers in front of him alone as the rest of them watch the terrapin flip through the air kneeling when he was done as Raphael rolled his eyes as they moved through the building
“Feeling flashy today Fearless?” The red clad turtle grunted out sarcastically settling to use his fist instead of his Sais and the leader shrugged with a small smirk on his face
“Watch he’s gonna do his Batman voice!” Mikey laughed handling his nunchucks lightly as they caused damage and destruction
“I watched that movie once!” He exclaimed as they all rushed through door they came into contact with four glass cages and the sound of heavy metal hitting the floor
“So we meet again turtles, the cages are for you” The bot stated dark jerking his arm down to reveal a claw full of knives and swords and Raph and Leo immediately took their swords from their holsters charging at the shredder and they quickly landed on the floor below
As Mikey and Donnie went to follow your whimper stop them in their tracks as they quickly looked around to finally spot you curled in a corner a stake plunged deeply into stomach as the pair ran over crouching over to your aid
“Donnie, Mikey, please.” You whimpered and their heart broke straight down the middle as you gripped onto the purple clad turtles forearm whispering something incoherent as he leaned his down to listen to you better suddenly you elbow connected to his jaw as he landed less than a few feet away from you stunned before scientist were quickly tasing him making sure he wouldn’t get up
“Jeez Angel cakes that was a low blow” Michelangelo was quick to get on his feet dodging the chair you tried to smash over his head as you quickly stood up snatching the stake out of your stomach dropping it to the side as your skin mended together healing itself
“Come on babe please don’t make me do this” The orange clad turtle pleaded as you hissed at him fangs on display, eyes pitch black, veins crawling under your eyes
“Fuck” He muttered to himself placing his nunchucks in their place on his belt ready to try to hurt you as least as possible even though he knew you could take it
Mikey along with Donnie were the fastest on the team with their more lanky and thinner figures they still however we’re not faster than you as Michelangelo tried to block a good amount of your hits until a sudden kick to his plastron had his stance faltering
You finished the fight with jerking your neck to the left as the youngest turtle slid in front of the scientist and was quickly held in the glass cage
The two weakest were out the way two more to go
You jumped down from the railing landing in front of the two blue and red brothers who had an upper hand on the Shredder they suddenly look towards you Raphael’s assault on the metal armor slightly faltering
“Miss me?” You mocked sweetly before taking a dagger from your boot throwing it to hit Leonardo’s shoulder if he had stood in place for a second longer Shredder took this as an invitation to to kick Raphael’s plastron from his position on the floor as the two were back at it
Leo had charged at you throwing you under all of his body weight he knew you easily lift him but it was a good distraction as you struggled under him before finally flipping positions as you straddled his waist throwing direct blows to his jaw
The blue clad turtle took you by your hip before flinging you off of him as you landed a few feet away you were a little slower than usual and not using your powers as much and the leader realized you were getting tired you were a heretic usually even if a vampire was witch before they transitioned they lost all of their magic but you were a siphon witch and now that you were a vampire you siphoned the energy from yourself
So it wore you out a little more when you used your magic and Leo couldn’t call the last time you had a blood bag which you had substituted from living people
“I told you to stay out of my way” You stated darkly holding a hand out as the leader dropped towards his knees groaning slightly
“Never, not while you like t-this. We’re always gonna be there for you” You through the terrapin up towards the ceiling dust and debris falling towards the ground as he landed with a harsh ‘thump’
“Shut up” You hissed swiping your hand through the air as he landed back on the floor above crashing into a cage as you stood in front of him moving your fingers to put the broken glass back in it place
“Raphael!” April screamed as she watched shrewder gain the upper hand on the hot you quickly sped to one of the now filled canisters sitting it in its brief case before you were out of the building
“Little girl” The man tainted darkly turning to look towards the brunette before Raphael stabbed his metal chest plate earning his attention back
“Focus on me” He grunted and would soon wince at the decision of words as he held onto the metal armored leg while Shredder began to slug his jaw repeatedly
“Donnie! Donnie!!” April screamed through the thick glass banging her hand against it roughly the fight or flight feeling pumping through her veins to heavily to wince at her sprained wrist as the mutant terrapin finally looked up at her glasses slowly sliding down his face
“What do I do!?” She questioned desperately as the turtle muttered something incoherent she pressed he ear to the to hear him better
“Adrenaline” He muttered his head slightly lolling forward as she rushed to the machines harshly tapping on the plus button for the adrenaline stimulation
Raphael struggled underneath the weighted pressure on his shell he could it creaking and cracking underneath the weight of Shredders foot as he finally fell from his knees and hands to his stomach before Vern turned away running towards April as She banged her fist against the machine
“GET UP!” She screamed anguished just beige the three turtles gasped at the air returning to their lungs Leonardo not as affected as he was last to get trapped
The turtles broke out of glass too much energy in their system to simply stand still as they flipped and ran in circles uttering and babbling nonsense
They turned ran into the railing causing it to cave under their weight making them fall to the next floor but they payed it no mind getting right back up helping their brother to his feet while they kept repeating the same question as he groaned to a stand
The terrapins explained to their brother why they had to go to the finishing each others sentences as they ran around him in circles
“Come on let’s do it for Sensai and Y/n” He stated deeply running out of the building his brothers hit on his tracks making up their on little game of ‘who can catch raphie first?’ he rolled his eyes at it but figured it would tire them out a little so he kept his legs moving
The brothers made it on top of the building as You stood next to Shredder clicking the keys on the keyboard to initiate the toxin for release over New York
You didn’t take a second glance as Shredder turned skeins facing all four terrapins and it could’ve pulled a groan out of him
“Buy me some time… You break the deal and I’ll kill you” You stopped the armored man before continuing your journey of hacking through the systems
“cowabunga!” Michelangelo exclaimed as the turtles ran at Shredder before they were quickly kicked and put down to kiss the floor as Leonardo stood in front of him and he pulled his katanas from his back before nodding as the pair ran towards each other
Shredder slammed the leader on his shell getting a stomp on his plastron before attempting to throw a punch to his jaw the blue clad turtle dodged the hit repeatedly before blocking his face with his katana’s as the steel clacked against each other before the steel made man took him roughly by the shell throwing him off the side of the building
Donatello was next as he held his staff out and Shredder took to blades from each of his hands before putting them together to make double bladed wielding sword and the two clanked both weapons together but the purple clad turtle was soon to thrown off the building
Michelangelo was second to last trying to buy his older brother more time with his cracked shell as he swung his nunchucks freely using the the retractable blade on the side of them the stab into his armor and hop onto his back trying to weld the sharp steel back before he too was quickly thrown off the building with a speed high enough to get him whiplash
Raphael was last more of a distraction than anything as he wasn’t much of use alone parts of his cracked shell covered with duck tape he really wished you could heal him the moment and ended with the same fate as his brothers
Shredder turned back towards you walking back by your side as you set the timer for five minutes before the turtles were back on the building
Suddenly you were out of his sight with a blink of an eye but he paid it no mind as the turtles rushed at him one by one gaining enough momentum to push the armored man off the side of the building
“You know how to work this thing?” The red clad turtle stated gruffly as Donnie set his eyes upon to computer trying to find a place to start to decode it
“It’s a simple command line interface it hasn’t been used in fifteen years, I read about it online but this kind of thing takes time” He stated carefully typing on keys while Raphael watched as Shredder pull himself over the building onto is feet
“I’ll buy you some time” The red clad turtle along with his two other brothers blocked Donnie and themselves from being his blocking Shredders knives with their own defense weapon
“BAM! System disabled! Who wants Italian!? I’m buying! Tiramisu for everybody!” The purple clad turtle cheered soaking his hand flat down on the laptop before he was quickly cut off watching as Shredder called back his knives before throwing them back into the towers weak metal as the canister finally tipped over
“Fall in!” Leonardo shouted as the brothers rushed under the tower taking a corner groaning under the weight
“If the spire falls and the toxin makes a ground impact, it’ll contaminate a ten block radius” Donnie shouted out into the open trying to keep his mind off the weight on his shoulders quite literally
“What’s the odds of us stopping that from happening!?”
“Uhh 0.000000003%!”
“I’ll take it! Nobody moves no matter what.” The blue clad turtle stated finally as Shredder walked to the group Leonardo being his first target as he took a metal fist to the plastron without dropping his arms from holding the falling tower
Suddenly the armored man was pulled back with a force too strong to be human and the turtles could cry at the sight of you standing in all your glory holding a hand out as his metal shrieked against the floor dragging towards you as you put a foot on his metal chest plate
“You traitor” He said with a slight wheeze voice still deep and robotic like as you hummed before speaking
“I just don’t fancy the world going under a pandemic because of silly little chemical, you mortals truly amuse me… You will never be a god Oroku” You chuckled darkly and Leonardo realized you humanity still wasn’t on they’d have to fix that when this was all said and done
Without another word you jerked your neck as the man slid off the side of the towers and you approached the tilting towers and the terrapins felt the pressure leaving their shoulders as they watched you hold both of you hands out with a grunt holding the tower up putting back in place breaking the canister as the red air pressed against a sort of force field pressing back into itself before it finally distinguished
You dropped to your knees blood dripping from your nose as you panted heavily and the brothers rushed towards you bombarding you with questions touching you skin a hand was suddenly on your cheek before you were flooded with darkness
The brothers attentions snapped to April while she gasped loudly mutagen held in her hand as she had just watched the leader in blue snap your neck with a sickening crack
“woah, woah, slow yer’ role there. Vampire, immortal, can only die by a stake to the heart ring a bell by any chance? She’ll be up ready to kick my ass in an hour” Raphael questioned somewhat sarcastically before continuing with his infamous smirk on his face as the news reporters breath immediately slowed
“We gotta get out of here… Thank you O’Neil” Leonardo stated finally carrying your unconscious body in his arms and the brothers one by one said goodbye in their own way and the brunette watched as they finally jumped from one building onto the next the people on the ground below too focused on Shredders unconscious body to see the four mutants silhouettes gone into the light of day
She knew however they would see each other again
“It’s been four days Donnie” Raphael huffed pacing back and forth as they all watched you on the nanny cam or vamp cam as Mikey called it you were tied to a chair shoulders slumped, vervain pumping through your veins, and slowly healing
“It’s tedious process Raph I’m trying to speed it up as most as we can” The purple clad reminded his brother pushing his glasses up on his face
The was the problem the process was too tedious and they all remembered the stages you had to go through so they could find a crack in your humanity
First they had to weaken you which is what called for the vervain pumping through your system like as a makeshift IV Then they had to cause you pain and it was hard for all of them but after multiple days seeing not doing so hot you all know where they were a little less reluctant to, trying to make you feel any emotion possible anger, rage, anything.
But you however figured out very soon that the brothers couldn’t actually do any serious damage to you around four hours ago
You screamed out a groan in agony as Leonardo held the shutter to the window open letting the sun lay on your skin burning you while you struggled against your restraints squirming your daylight ring sitting on the table across the small room that kept you able to walk in the sun freely before finally shutting it waking to stand next to his brother
“You’re gonna thank us for this, once you turn it back on, you realize life of no emotions blew” Raphael stated gruffly before you cut him off
“You knew what else blew? Having to worry about your every move and baby you just because you don’t follow simple directions” That was a low blow but the red clad turtle didn’t let it show on his face as he nodded a sarcastic smirk on his lips as he rolled his eyes
There was a small silence before you were suddenly out of the chair opening the shutters letting your skin burn as you screamed Leonardo quickly rushed to fire extinguisher blowing the cold foam over you blazing body as you dropped to floor wheezing out a chuckle
“I’m the girl you love, I’m your mate. You wouldn’t do anything to actually hurt me you just proved that. So what do I really have to be afraid of?” You stated dryly as Michelangelo and Donatello rushed through the door having watched everything on camera and after the purple clad turtle made sure you were okay he dragged to your feet your arms behind your back before finally sitting you back in the steel chair sticking the needle connected into a tube that connected to the main IV and he made sure up dosage on how much Vervain solution pumped into your bloodstream as you let your head fall backwards sighing deeply and the four brothers left a room without another word
Mikey now sat in the corner on the floor in the fan room as it was his turn to watch you for the night and when he heard you rattling against your chains he knew everything was in motion and just how he expected you were in front of him in a flash not as fast as you usually were with all the vervain in your system but it would do
You pulled him up to his feet and without another word he felt your fangs pierce his neck vision getting a bit blurry as you took blood from him and he soon fell to his on all fours before rolling on his back breathing heavily
“Oh come on I barely drained an artery. Come on get up I’m hungry, my heads fuzzy, I can’t think straight I need more.” You taped his side with your foot ushering him back to his feet as he continued to lie in his unmoving position
“Y/n stop” The orange clad turtle raised his head to lol at you for a second before falling back to the floor with a thud as you mocked for forgiveness
“But you’re so good” Just as you dragged the youngest brother to his feet ready to bight the jugular of his neck you were pushed against the wall your head slamming roughly against the concrete
“Hey! You’re cut off, done! Stop it!” The leader in blue growled in your ear as you struggled against his grip screaming at him for you to let him go
“‘Nough” Raphael stated loud enough for your attention to shift towards him as he shoved Donnie away from checking over Mikey’s body dragging his little brother to his feet as his head fell to the side eyes struggling to stay open
“Yer, actin’ like a little spoiled brat you know that? You think we cant punish you? Maybe not but I can sure punish him”
“You seriously think this is gonn-”
“Shut up! I’m done playin’ nice. Turn yer’ emotions back on Y/n or so help me God I will give ya’ somethin’ ta’ be sad about, I will kill him right in front of you” The red clad turtle cut you off gripping his younger brothers frame against his
“Raphael” Leonardo started
“Don’t Raphael me, she don’t love anyone? Fine prove it, and If I’m wrong what difference does it make? He’ll be outa my hair.” He dropped the orange clad turtle to his knees as he incoherently groaned and whimpered looking towards you for a response
“You’re bluffing.” Not a second later you watched as the red clad turtle twisted Michelangelo’s neck the sickening crunch bouncing off the walls as he fell limp to the floor Leonardo let you out of his hold and you gasped taking a step forward before rushing over to him scrambling to take a seat as you cradled his head you head in your lap
“How ‘bout now you feelin’ anything now? You angry I just turned your buddy into roadkill?” As you took quiet gasps running your hands over his scaled face having taken his orange mask of as sat on the floor beside you
“Or are sad that the guy that everybody loves is just a bag of bones? Trying to imagine when he was a little kid? Warm heart, big goofy smile, brightest laugh, biggest imagination” Raphael pressed as You choked out a silent sob while you pressed your forehead to Mikeys and the apologies spurting from your tongue would never be enough you thought
“My baby, my baby.” You sobbed hardly chest aching heart pounding in your ears and Raph crouched down to meet your eye level
“It’s a good thing he’s wearin’ this then right?” He lifted the youngest terrapins arm to bring in your line of sight and what was on it was a T-pad that Donnie had been working on and he pressed the button of the realistic ‘crunch’ that had sounded through the air
“You feel that weight lifting off yer’ chest? That’s joy ‘cause he ain’t dead, that’s emotion baby, that’s humanity” You took a sharp breath in letting the rest of your tears fall down and Leonardo dropped to his knees behind you wrapping an arm against your shoulder
“You’re okay 花/Hana everyone’s okay” The leader shushed you (flower)
“Why isn’t he waking up?” You sniffled hopelessly looking up towards Donnie as he sadly look down at you before doing the same as his brother taking a seat next to you pressing a kiss to your forehead
“Just a little blood loss he’ll be fine, you can speed it up if you want” He spoke quietly and quick you brought your wrist to to your lips biting into your flesh before you pressed it to Mikey’s mouth letting the blood coat his lips and slide down his throat
“I’m so sorry, I was just trying to protect you I didn’t mean for this to happen for the first time in centuries I was actually scared. I-I didn’t know what to do” Donatello read your vitals starting to come down you were just in a bit of shock it was expected
“Don’t be so harsh on yourself Angel cakes if it made you feel better that was totally hot” The orange clad turtle spoke from his position and rushed to hold him tightly his skin mended together the only thing left was smeared blood against his neck
“Can’t believe that plan actually worked, yer a little wuss you know that?” Raphael’s voice cracked slightly eyes watering as you stared up at him with a relieved watery look on your face and that’s all it took for the buff raging red turtle to join in the forming turtle pile around you
WOO after about just under a week and a half of writing I’m done
*cracks neck*
time to take another three week break 😊
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wwenhlimagines · 1 year
Corn Maze/Haunted House with hook ?
Fall Fluff Prompts
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Growing up in the midwest, you always found October to be one of the best months to hang out with your friends. There was so much more to do than any other time of year, and you enjoyed every bit of it. One part that your boyfriend Hook didn't quite understand your fascination with was the corn mazes. Being from New York, he wasn't used to going to some random corn field at night and trying to find the way out for fun. However, you were so excited to go to one, so he happily took you to one.
He drove the rental car to a corn maze near the next Dynamite location, and you both got out with your hoodies, jeans, and comfy shoes on. He apparently didn't do his research well enough to know this one was a haunted corn maze. You saw the sign, and you smiled to yourself, hoping he didn't catch on until you were already into the maze far enough.
The wind was starting to make it a bit chilly, so you cuddled into Hook's side as you started walking into the maze. "Don't worry, baby, it's just corn, right?"
You try to stifle your giggle by making it sound like a shiver. "Yes, but it's chilly out here. I need you to keep me warm."
He smiles and wraps his arm around you, and bear hugs you from behind. "I can definitely help with that. Maybe we get lost in here on purpose for a bit, and I can really warm you up."
You see some slight movement ahead of you and prepare yourself for Hook's reaction. Suddenly, you hear the chainsaw, and the person dressed up as a zombie jumps out in front of you. Hook's grip on you tightens as he jumps back slightly, and a high-pitched squeak blares in your ear.
You start laughing so hard you double over as Hook holds your waist, still trying to catch his breath from the jump scare. "What the fuck? I thought this shit was just a maze of fucking corn."
You turn around and hold his face in your hands. "You didn't see the sign that said Haunted Corn Maze, did you?"
He groans and throws his head back in frustration. "Fuck, I wouldn't have brought you here if I saw that."
You kissed his neck as you hugged him and tried not to laugh. "As long as you keep me warm, I will protect you from the scary bad guys."
He groans but kisses your forehead, "Fine, but this never gets out to the lads. They will torture me if they find out."
You kiss his lips and nod before turning back around, leading him through the rest of the maze. You both jumped at a few places, but overall, you had fun, and Hook survived his first corn maze adventure. "So, are we making this an annual tradition now?"
Hook glared at you as you settled back into the car. "Why the hell do you find this shit fun? Is getting lost and scared in the middle of a corn field the only fun thing to do in the midwest?"
"No, but it is definitely the most exciting part of the year. Next year, we can stick with pumpkin patches and hay rides if you want to enjoy the non spooky stuff."
"You are lucky I love you so damn much. Otherwise, I would have left your ass out there."
"You wouldn't dare to leave a damsel in distress."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah... can we just go back to the hotel and warm each other up like I suggested?"
Your hand squeezed his thigh as you kissed him. "What are you waiting for?"
His head snapped to the road as you drove away from the corn maze and towards the warm bed waiting for you both to return.
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Tags: @730hook @99hook @hookswifeeyy @hooksredrum @hooks-martin @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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smilingformoney · 10 months
Rickmas 2023: Day 7. Stormy Reunion | David/Charley (OC)
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Read now on Ao3 or below the cut:
Charley Tate could literally be under the water in a bathtub and she’d probably be drier than she was right now. Hell, at least she’d be naked and warm, unlike now, with her soaking wet clothes clinging to her skin and the below freezing temperature turning her nose, fingers and probably her toes bright red. That was if she even had any toes left - she couldn’t feel her feet at all, so they may well have fallen off and she’d not have noticed.
She’d been waiting on the street corner for a taxi for the last twenty minutes, but no empty cars passed her by. She shivered, arms wrapped tightly around herself, and wondered if it might be better to go back into the train station and wait there until morning.
A car approached, and she peered hopefully through the rain in the hopes it was a taxi, but it was just a police car. Maybe she could get herself arrested - a night in a prison cell might be slightly preferable to freezing to death on the street corner.
The police car slowed down, and she thought for a moment she was going to be arrested - surely the cop didn’t think she was soliciting herself in this weather, did he?
With all the rain on the windows, she couldn’t see through, so she had only to wait for the window to slowly roll down to see her visitor.
“Can I help you, Officer?” Charley asked as politely as she could when she had to shout to be heard over the rain.
“Charley?” came the reply, a deep, baritone voice she hadn’t heard in years, but she recognised it straight away. She bent down slightly to peer into the car.
“David Friedman? Is that you?”
“Yeah it’s me, the real question is what the hell are you doin’ back in New Orleans and why are you tryna catch your death?”
“Can I answer those questions in the back of your car? Preferably with the heating on full blast?”
David sighed, but he gestured to the passenger door. “Get in the front. I ain’t arresting ya.”
“Thanks, Dave!”
Charley hurried around to the other side of the car and climbed in, sighing with relief when the warmth of the heating hit her face.
“Damn, Charley, you’re soaked. Good thing I found ya. Here.”
David shrugged his jacket off and handed it to her. She wanted to tell him not to bother getting his jacket wet for her, but she was far too cold to worry about manners now.
“Oh my god, Dave, you are my saviour,” Charley groaned with relief, slumping back in the seat. “I owe you big time. A new jacket, for one.”
“Yeah, well, don’t take this for granted. I’m a cop, not a taxi driver. Where to? Your folks’ place?”
“Naw, they downsized soon as I left. No room for li’l Charlotte anymore. I’m stayin’ at the Empress.”
“You’re what?! Hell naw. If you managed to get there without dyin’ of pneumonia, you’d die from some infection or another from that place. If you ain’t got no place to stay, you’re stayin’ with me.”
Charley’s heart did a somersault, and she tried to ignore it. She hadn’t seen David in three years, and she’d done her mighty best to forget him in that time. So of course, as soon as she came back to New Orleans, he was the first fucker she ran into.
“You don’t have to do that, Dave. I can handle the hotel –”
“It’s my place or the precinct, doll. I ain’t leavin’ you there and gettin’ up tomorrow to see your obit splashed across the front page.”
“Aww, I knew you still cared!”
“Naw, I just ain’t bothered with the paperwork.”
She glanced over at him, and although he was trying to act cool, she could see the twitch of a smile on his face even as he peered through the rain to head towards his place.
“So you gonna tell me what you’re doin’ in New Orleans, Charley? Last I heard you were off to New York to make it big.”
Charley shrugged, wrapping David’s jacket around her shoulders a little tighter, and she couldn’t help noticing he still wore the same oaky aftershave he’d always worn.
“Didn’t make it. Clearly. Sold everything I had just to get a ticket home.”
“Wait - everything? You ain’t even got a bag on you, Charley.”
“I got a wallet! Not that there’s much in there. Just enough to keep me in the hotel for, like, a month.”
“Well, you ain’t steppin’ foot in that hotel, so you can use that cash to buy yourself some damn clothes for one.”
“I gotta stay somewhere, Dave –”
“Yeah, my place.”
“What? No! I’ll take ya up on it tonight, Dave, but I can’t stay.”
David waved his hand at her dismissively. “Shut the fuck up, Charley. You stayed enough times before.”
“Yeah, but that was… different.”
David glanced at her, then turned his eyes back to the road.
“Don’t have to be,” he muttered.
Charley frowned. “What?”
“I said, it don’t have to be,” David repeated, clearly agitated at having to repeat himself. “Different, I mean.”
Charley sat up in her seat slightly, looking at him curiously. “What makes you think I want it to be the same? Maybe I got me a boyfriend back in New York.”
David scoffed. “Oh yeah? Then why ain’t you stayin’ with him?”
She didn’t answer, and chose to stare out the rain-soaked window instead. She could just make out the illuminated store signs as they went by, and she recognised every single one of them. New Orleans had hardly changed in the three years since she’d left. Hell, even David hadn’t changed.
“Charley, I’m serious about stayin’ with me long as you need to,” David said, breaking the silence. “It don’t have to be the same if you don’t want it. I’m sure us southern country bumpkins don’t stand up to the fancy folks in New York –”
“I tried to date,” she said, interrupting him. She looked over at him again, admiring the gorgeous profile of the man she’d said goodbye to three years ago. “But I never liked them fancy folks, Dave. I suppose my type is more… rugged.”
David glanced at her, and for a moment their eyes met before he turned his attention back to the road, but she saw enough of the old familiar fire in his eyes to know her old flame still wanted her.
“I gotta get gas,” David muttered as a gas station came up ahead.
“How’s Jess?”
“Fuckin’ big. Comes up to my waist now.”
“She still with her mom?”
“You askin’ if I got back with my cheating wife, Charley?”
“Just askin’. I know it was hairy when I left.”
“Yeah, she’s with her mom. I get her on weekends, though. ‘Specially now that Matty’s in jail.”
“Matty’s what?”
David smirked at her as he pulled into the gas station. “Oh, yeah. He was involved in all sortsa shady shit. Colluded with Senator Hornbeck an’ everything. I’ll tell ya all about it - after I get gas.”
“Aw, Dave, ya can’t leave me hangin’ like that!” Charley whined, getting out of the car with him in hopes of hearing the story sooner. “What’d they do?”
“Later, Charley,” David insisted, nodding subtly to another man who was pumping his gas within earshot.
Charley huffed and leaned against the car, hugging David’s jacket closer around her as he started filling the gas tank.
“I always knew Matty was up to no good,” she said. “Past just stealin’ your wife.”
“Yeah, thanks for remindin’ me,” David replied.
“Aw, c’mon now. If he hadn’t, you wouldn’t have had a brief but passionate love affair with a cute bar singer, now, would ya?”
She grinned at him flirtatiously, and he rolled his eyes, which she knew meant she was charming him.
“Wait here,” David told her, tossing her the keys after finishing up. “Don’t go drivin’ off in that.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Detective.”
Charley paced around a little, trying to keep warm as she waited for David to come out of the shop where he was paying. When he returned, he was carrying a coat.
“Here,” he said, handing it to her. “You’re still shiverin’.”
“Dave! You didn’t have to do that –”
“I ain’t letting you freeze to death before I even get you home, doll.”
She looked at him, a smirk on her lips. “No? What you plannin’ for when you get me home, then, Dave?”
“Somethin’ like this.”
He closed the gap between them, pushing her up against the car, and her previously cold lips lit up with a fiery passion as David kissed her, just as greedily as she remembered. Christ, she’d missed this. Missed his lips on hers, the way his strong arms wrapped around her much smaller frame, and trapping her against the car just made her feel smaller, more trapped, and a hell of a lot more aroused.
A car horn honked, and David pulled away, panting, desire burning hot in his eyes.
“How much further to yours?” Charley asked, similarly out of breath.
“Half an hour.”
“Fuck that. Find a layby and take me in the back, Dave, just like old times.”
“Ohh, I fuckin’ want to,” David growled, his hands wrapped around her waist, ignoring the continued honks from the car behind. “But you’re still soaked, doll, and not in the good way. I won’t rest easy ‘til I get you somewhere with central heating. Then I’ll make you scream ‘til you’re beggin’ me to stop.”
“Then get to drivin’, mister.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
When they arrived at David’s place half an hour later, Charley was a lot warmer and drier, but when she got out of the car she still left a considerable wet patch behind. Her arousal had died down a little as they talked for the rest of the journey and David filled her in on how Matty Grimes had landed himself in jail, but it didn’t take long to reignite it when she entered the familiar house, which hadn’t changed much in three years, and David hoisted her over his shoulder, making her squeal in surprise.
“David Friedman, you put me down!” Charley demanded, but he only laughed.
“I will, doll, I will.”
He climbed the stairs with her over his shoulder, and she knew exactly where he was taking her. Sure enough, he turned into his bedroom and put her back down on her feet as he pushed the door closed with his foot.
“Them clothes are awful wet, doll. Better get ‘em off quick.”
Charley did her best to peel off her t-shirt, but it really was stuck to her, so David helped her and with much laughter and fumbling the two of them managed to get her wet clothes off and tossed aside, leaving her standing naked but for her bra and panties, while he was still fully dressed.
“Gonna arrest me for indecent exposure, Detective?” Charley teased, fingers dancing along his tie before tugging at the knot to loosen it. “Or are you gonna join me?”
“I’m not in the shape I was when you left,” David warned her as he pulled his tie over his head before starting working on the buttons of his shirt. “Three years of post-divorce depression’s not great for the gut. Plus I’m an old man, Charley, it’s hard to stay in shape.”
“You think I fuckin’ care if you put on a few pounds, Dave? I think I made it pretty obvious I think you’re fuckin’ hot. And you ain’t that old.”
“I’m fifty-three. You’re, what? Twenty-somethin’?”
Charley shrugged and unbuckled his belt for him. “An’ I was twenty-somethin’ last time, too, that didn’t stop ya.”
She went to pull his pants down, but David grabbed her wrist, forcing her to look him in the eye.
“Three years ago I was drowning my sorrows in drink every night at Banana Joe’s ‘cus my wife was divorcin’ me to get with my old partner. I see some pretty li’l thing singin’ with a band up there and she starts flirtin’ with me after. ‘Course I’m gonna take her home. My fragile ego needed the boost. But you were right to leave, Charley. I ain’t boyfriend material. Clearly, I ain’t even husband material. You had your dreams and you followed ‘em, and I’m sorry they let you down. Now, I fuckin’ missed you, and if you want me to, I will stick my cock in every damn hole you got ‘cus I am still a sad, lonely old drunk who’s no good for nobody. But if you think you’re gettin’ some boyfriend outta this, then I’m sorry to disappoint, doll. ‘Cus I ain’t lookin’ for no girlfriend.”
“Are you done?”
“Excuse me?”
“I said, are you done? Or are you gonna tell me more ‘bout how you don’t love me and you just want a good fuck? ‘Cus I didn’t come back for you, David Friedman. I didn’t even wanna come back. But I had nowhere else to go. Now, you wanna offer me a warm bed and a good fuck while I find my feet in this town? Fine. But I ain’t looking for no boyfriend neither, Dave. I’ve had a hell of a week, and fucking you might well make it all worth it. Now, are you gonna remind me what your cock tastes like or not?”
David grinned hungrily and released her wrist from his grip.
“By all means, doll. I’m all yours.”
She rolled her eyes at him, but she sunk to her knees and pulled his pants down as she went. Charley moaned hungrily when his erect cock popped out of his boxers, just as big as she remembered it.
“See, now they ain’t got cocks like this in New York,” she teased as she took the base of his shaft in her hand and held it still while she licked around his tip, teasing out the precum. “All that shoutin’ and runnin’ about - they’re compensatin’ for somethin’. But you ain’t got nothin’ to compensate for, do ya, boo?”
“Awful lot of talking and not a lot of cocksucking down there,” David replied, and she grinned mischievously.
“Sorry, Daddy.”
She opened her mouth and let him in, and they both groaned as his shaft pushed past her lips and towards the back of her throat.
“Mmm, that’s it… only wanna hear you suckin’. Get a real good taste of it, Charl. Mhm… ah, fuck. Just what I needed after a - ah! - long day…”
His hand tangled itself in her hair as she bobbed back and forth, relieved to finally taste him on her tongue again. She didn’t care that he was a good thirty years her senior, or that he was a cop, or that he was the grumpiest man in existence. She didn’t wanna date him, after all. She just wanted to suck his cock, to fuck him and be fucked him by him, to feel his stubble rubbing against her thighs as he ate her out.
Sure, in the short time they’d spent together, they didn’t spend every moment fucking. Sometimes they ate, or showered, or watched TV. Sometimes they even talked, and she even found she liked talking to him. But he was in the middle of a messy divorce, and she didn’t wanna touch that with a bargepole, especially since she was still fucked up from a cheating ex.
Now, that was three years ago, and she was over that scumbag. She hoped David was over his ex too, but she supposed it was harder for him because he had to co-parent with her. Still, he must need a stress relief. An eager young thing desperate to make him feel good, because she’s just as fucked up as he is and approval from him makes up for all the ways she’s fucked up her own life.
And approval was definitely what she was getting right now, if David’s moans were anything to go by. He always had been a very vocal man. Whether muttering dirty things in her ear at the bar or grunting as he fucked her into his bed, David Friedman certainly made his feelings known.
“Oh, I’m gonna cum all down that throat of yours,” David groaned, his hand now holding her head in place as he fucked her mouth desperately. “Ugh - oh - fucking hell, Charl… fuck!”
His hips snapped forward and stilled, his cock stuffed as far down her throat as it could go, and she could only moan as she felt him fill her up with his hot cum, trickling down her throat just where it belonged. It must have been a while since he last jacked off because he shot a good load down there, and she made sure to breathe through her nose as he did.
She whined a little when he pulled out, and David just laughed at her as she instinctively followed him.
“Christ, I fuckin’ needed that,” he said with a sigh of relief, his head lolling back slightly as he caught his breath.
Charley, meanwhile, was eagerly lapping up what he’d left on her lips, and he laughed when he looked down at her.
“Thirsty li’l thing, huh? Don’t worry, darlin’. I ain’t that old - I got another round in me. But first, get your ass on that bed. Reckon it’s my turn to remind myself what you taste like.”
Why on earth had she ever left for New York, she asked herself half an hour later when she was wrapped up in David’s arms, both sweaty and out of breath, laughing at the ridiculousness of the fact she’d hardly been back two hours and had already found herself in his bed.
“Welcome back to New Orleans, Charl,” David said as he pulled you in tighter. “You better be fuckin’ stayin’ this time.”
“Oh, I ain’t goin’ nowhere, David Friedman.”
“Good.” David kissed the top of her head, a lot more gently than she’d expected.
“Is it?”
“‘Course it fuckin’ is.”
“Alright. ‘Cus I gotta be honest, Dave, I couldn’t get you off my damn mind. I sure as hell didn’t come back for ya, but I sure hoped I’d run into ya. Didn’t expect it to be so soon, mind.”
“‘M glad it was,” David mumbled sleepily. “Missed you.”
His eyes were closed, so he didn’t see her smiling coyly.
“Missed you too, Dave.”
But he was already asleep.
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creamytinydays · 5 months
The Crush: Spiderman x Everlark - Chapter 7 Sneak Peek
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Summary: Mild-mannered student by day, famed thief-turned-hero the Black Cat by night, Katniss Everdeen is juggling taking care of her sister and protecting New York City all while not trying to fail Criminology 101. If that weren’t complicated enough, she’s got a crush on two guys - Spiderman, and the cute nerd she sits next to her in class. What’s a girl to do?  
Rated Teen
Tagging some wonderful readers in case they want to take a sneak peek at the last Chapter, which will be posted by Tuesday, April 23! Thank you all SO MUCH for reading <3
@iamareader-01-blog @purpleblueberries @daydreamsandcaffeine @honeylime08
The next week is absolutely miserable. I’ve been subsisting on a diet of ramen, ice cream, and reality TV. I tried to shake off my mood by polishing all of the diamonds in my vault, but I barely got halfway through before I gave up. My heart just wasn’t in it.  
The only time I see Peeta all week is during Criminology 101, a few days after the break-up. He sits as far as humanly possible away from me in the cavernous lecture hall, his shoulders slumped, as he mindlessly taps a pencil on the desk. I keep my eyes averted, but when I do summon the courage to look, he’s staring out the window.
I faithfully continue patrolling every night, hoping flirting with Spidey will do me some good. After all, now that Peeta and I are over, I can flirt with Spidey totally guilt-free.
Which would be great, except I can’t find him.
Spider-Man isn’t patrolling by his favorite pizza shop in Midtown, or hanging upside down from the Brooklyn Bridge. He isn’t on top of the Empire State Building, which I had to check by taking the elevator while in costume with some very confused tourists.
Spidey’s never disappeared like this. Sure, we don’t patrol every night, but this is completely new, and worrying. What if he’s in trouble?
I double my efforts, searching the city, and even calling Poison Ivy to see if her underground network has any leads, but there’s nothing. No chatter about his whereabouts, no sightings posted on the message boards. So a week passes, and I’m very close to freaking out and calling hospitals and morgues, when one day I’m prowling the top of the Flatiron building and Spidey lands softly beside me, cool as a cucumber.
“Hey Cat.”
“What the hell!” I try to punch him in the shoulder, but he dodges. Damn those Spidey reflexes. “Where have you been?”
“Oh, come on. You left me!”
He sighs. “It’s been a shitty week.”
“Yeah? You and me, both. It would’ve been better if I’d at least known where you were! I thought you were dead in a gutter somewhere!”
“Aw, I had no idea you cared about me so much,” he says, but there’s nothing flirtatious or playful about his tone.
I narrow my eyes. 
“Go AWOL like that again and I’m going straight back to Tiffany’s, the hero life be damned-”
“I needed space from you, OK?” he exclaims. “I’m allowed to be upset!“
I’m so confused that I don’t even know what to say. I card my fingers through the platinum strands of my wig. I’m running through various theories such as Spider-Man has been abducted and replaced with an alternate dimension Spider-Man, or maybe he’s just lost his mind in general, but before I can figure it out, Spidey has tackled me to the floor.
“Stay down,” he says, but it’s too late. There’s a metallic whirring sound above us, way too close, and I realize why Spidey knocked me to the roof. We both attempt to scramble out of the way, but sharp metal talons seize me around the ribs, gripping so tightly I’m fighting to breathe.
“Well, well, well,” says the Vulture.
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kay-wren · 29 days
I'll Come Running - R.C. - Chapter 43
"What the hell just happened?" Pope asked as he was propped up against the Twinkie.
"I saved all your asses." Jessie retorted sternly, clearly over their bullshit. Jessie went straight to Kiara to take Charley back into her arms, Rafe and JJ following close behind her to usher everyone into the van.
Nobody knew what to say to Jessie's remark... she was right, but was that really how they wanted it handled?
"We didn't have to shoot anyone!" John B protested, clearly anxious about the situation.
"Didn't we John B? Didn't we?" Jessie asked angrily as she gave John B a death glare. "You know what," Jessie sat Charley down on the ground to play with whatever she found. "I'm tired of you guys acting like shit like this wasn't gonna happen. You go on treasure hunts, you get guns pointed at your heads, you do drugs, you pawn gold... people get killed! And just like so many years ago, I'm the only one that has the balls to protect you guys despite you dragging me through the shit with you that I never asked to be apart of! I don't need any more shit from any of you!"
Everyone was speechless, simply looking at Jessie trying to register how they should feel. JJ and Rafe however had already heard the speech, and they stood there awkwardly with their hands in their pockets.
"You guys can be mad at me all you want for leaving all those years ago without so much as a goodbye... but never forget one thing... I will always do the hard thing. Don't act so surprised like you don't even know me! You think I just went to New York and became some soft ass bitch? No! I ran with a group that's done far worse than what I just did." Jessie seethed, looking around at everyone. "And I'd do it again." Jessie stated calmly with a slight chuckle. Jessie was clearly done talking, yet nobody spoke up except for Rafe.
"You guys are taking Jessie and Charley back to JJ's, and JJ and I are staying here until you bring my truck back." Rafe stated calmly as he scratched the back of his head, trying to break the tension.
"What about the cross?" Pope asked.
"Oh would you forget about the damn cross-" Jessie started but was cut off by her brother.
"We're gonna get the cross... but we've got bigger issues to take care of first."
"Issues, oh yeah, issues! Issues my ass! Don't act like what I just did is an is-"
"Jessie," JJ raised his voice slightly in annoyance, giving his sister a wide side eye. "Shut up."
Rafe once again decided to try and de-escalate the situation... mainly just his wife.
"Look, Jess... no one's saying you didn't have a right to do it... we-they're all just a little shocked right now."
Jessie had no more words, instead she just scoffed and opened the door of the twinkie and called Charley over to her. The Pogues followed behind and Rafe and JJ both gave John B a sympathetic look as he drove away.
It was now just the two of them, the two men that loved Jessie the most in this world, the two men who would always come running to her rescue. This was a perfect example of that.
"Sooooo..." JJ trailed off with pursed lips as he kicked the leaves on the ground.
"Don't act like you didn't know this would happen." Rafe immediately interjected with a disgusted look on his face. He began to walk around, putting his hands behind his head to stretch and sighed deeply.
"She's just like you, ya know." JJ stated plainly.
"And what's that supposed to mean." Rafe spat.
"You'd both kill anyone or anything that was in your way, neither of you care what anyone else thinks about you... you're perfect for each other. You're like.. Bonnie and Clyde." JJ said through a laugh. "I never wanted to admit it but... you're both some hard headed ass bitches that can burn the whole world up simply because you choose to do it together."
"Then why have you always hated us being together?" Rafe asked sarcastically with knotted brows, now looking at his brother in law with hands on his hips, expecting an answer. JJ paused for a second before his half smile faded away.
"Because those same traits are exactly what can so easily be each other's downfall."
There was a hush between them, and Rafe knew what JJ was talking about. He had experienced the downfall.
"You both have gone through your whole lives looking for different vices, you both have very addictive personalities. If you don't keep it in check, that's how you end up hurting each other to the point of no return... literally. You two have the ability to be star crossed lovers or to be an atomic bomb. You hold each other's hearts so tightly you could strangle them to death in a minute."
Rafe said nothing once more, only looking down at the ground and scratching his neck once more with a slow nod of understanding.
"I was never scared that you didn't love her, dude... I was scared that you did."
Rafe just chuckled under his breath.
"JJ, I-I think that's the deepest thing I've ever heard you say." Rafe joked, clearly not knowing what to say. "But thank you... I think?"
"It was meant to be a compliment." JJ half smiled. Rafe reciprocated by smiling as well, both of them looking around and laughing as if they had made it.
"But, uh, you should know that I know you put that hole in the wall at Tanneyhill..." JJ said awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
Rafe's face dropped, clearly embarrassed and feeling the whole heartfelt conversation they had just had was flushed down the toilet.
"Yeah... I uh... got a little angry."
"We all get a little angry sometimes, man, but I trust that Jessie's wrath will always rain harder than mine, and that's what's keeping me from pummeling you right now." JJ only half joked. Still, Rafe laughed.
"Yeah, she uh... doesn't let me live much down."
"Oh I know. She can handle her shit."
"Clearly." Rafe replied with a swift nod of the head towards the entryway of the church. JJ laughed in response.
- - -
John B had finally made it back to the house, dropping the girls off and bringing Pope along with him to grab Rafe's truck back at Tanneyhill.
Not many words were exchanged between everyone on the way back to the Chat. Jessie simply exited the van with her daughter on her hip and walked faster than the rest of the girls to get inside first.
"Mommy, I wanna play." Those were the first words out of the toddlers mouth since the debacle. Jessie was grateful Charley clearly had no clue or at least had forgotten what unfolded based on the carefree look on her sweet face. Jessie sat down on the couch, Charley in front of her playing with the toy cars on the coffee table. She put her hands in her hair and looked down at the ground as she felt the couch sink on both sides of her, knowing Kie and Sarah were sitting down with her, both of them still at a loss for words.
Jessies emotions were throwing the girls off, she didn't seem sad or remorseful... she seemed laser focused and angry... at the Pogues most likely. Despite Jessie's unreadable expressions, she decided to snap out of whatever she was feeling and play with the toy cars with her daughter, carefully spinning the wheels of the bright red car towards the other hot wheel Charley was holding.
"No don't crash them, mommy!" Charley laughed as she sped her car away from Jessie's, who was pretending like she was chasing them. Jessie laughed in response, clearly entranced in her own little world with her toddler.
"Jessie..." Kiara finally spoke up barely above a whisper. "How are you not freaking out right now?" She asked with a look of disbelief. Jessie looked up to make eye contact with the girl to her left and simply shrugged.
"You wouldn't freak out either if you were protecting your family." Jessie simply put it, going back to playing cars with Charley. Kie simply looked over Jessie and made eye contact with Sarah. Ironically, Sarah didn't seem as shocked by the response as Kiara did. It's almost as if Sarah had seen the same... numb look in Rafe's eyes before... the same calm, chilling demeanor. Sarah couldn't decide if she understood Jessie's stance or not.
"You're probably hungry aren't you baby?" Jessie asked in an unusually cheery voice to her daughter.
"Yeah!" Charley enthusiastically replied as her eyes grew wide and her hands went up in celebration.
"Let's get you something to eat." Jessie responded as she got up from between the two girls and made her way into the kitchen. She fixed Charley a turkey and cheese sandwich with ketchup on the side, just how the toddler liked it. She of course didn't forget to cut the sandwich into four triangles. As Charley sat contently in the chair scooted close to the island to eat her sandwich, Jessie opened the fridge once more to help herself to a beer. Jessie and Sarah both watched Jessie open the glass bottle effortlessly against the counter top and take a large swig of the beverage. Considering it was the middle of the day, and Jessie wasn't much of a drinker (at least not anymore), to say they were shocked was an understatement. Still, the two girls were too intimidated to say anything. However, Jessie looked over to catch a glimpse of the looks of judgement and confusion on the two teenagers' faces.
"What?" Jessie snapped as she extended her hands out.
"Nothing." They both said and physically shook the looks off their faces, realizing they probably looked really judgmental. Jessie shrugged off the encounter by taking another drink of her beer and walking to her old room with a posture that showed she was still unphased.
Jessie sat on her bed and sighed, her head hung low. She realized in that moment she really needed a massage, her shoulders were so tense her head and neck started to hurt. She took a deep breath as she looked back up at the small wooden desk in front of her, the same desk she barely did any work at years ago, the same desk that was pretty much only used to house her dad's drugs. That reminded her... had that drawer been opened since she left? More importantly, were her buds still in there? Jessie hadn't thought about smoking since she found out she was pregnant, quickly learning to resist the urges and never picked the old habit back up even after Charley was born. She always viewed that activity as one that was almost sacred in a way, as if not smoking was a symbol that she was a new person.
Still, she couldnt help but feel like the same old Jessie in that moment, sitting in her old room, drinking whatever alcohol she could find, stressed as hell by whatever she had gotten herself into or tried to get someone out of. She felt like she sat there for hours contemplating her next move, but really it was only mere minutes before she inched her way closer to the desk. She remembered the room being so small she didn't even have to completely get off the end of the bed to open the tiny drawer. She opened the drawer to reveal all the old shit she had left in the desk, a notebook, pens, some old sunglasses, none of the items what she was hoping for. She felt like an addict again, as the sight of not seeing what she was looking for suddenly made her upset. She continued to delve her hand deeper into the back of the drawer, eventually finding what felt like a long, wadded up piece of paper. Bingo. The joint she found did not look anything like the ones she had rolled in high school, thank goodness. She was scared to smoke something that old. She figured JJ must've used her stash at some point, but of course made it a point to always have some on standby. She silently thanked her brother.
Jessie rolled the fresh joint in between her fingers, imagining the hit being way better than the four year old bud she expected to see in the drawer. She hadn't smoked in so long she imagined it would be like smoking for the first time again, her tolerance most likely had dwindled down drastically, but who was she to know until she tried it?
As she considered the pros and cons of lighting up, her mind wandered to Rafe. She remembered that drugs were exactly what drove her away from OBX in the first place. She hesitated, but then again, Jessie was never nearly as addicted to this stuff as Rafe was, right? And, it's not like she was snorting lines... this was just a little weed, right? Still, Jessie couldn't help but feel bad considering she left Rafe because of his drug problems, and ever since they got back together he had been off of them himself. But, then again, she could quit whenever she wanted to, addiction to drugs was never truly her problem. Or so she thought, until she was presented with just the right amount of stress and the perfectly rolled joint that just so happened to be so easily accessible. She convinced herself now was the time to do it. Still, she hesitated for her fears deep down inside her that this would start another battle of epic proportions that would affect both her and the people she loved. She had seen what one simple joint had done in the past. So, instead of smoking, she simply stuck the joint in her back pocket, not completely sure what she was planning on doing with it just yet.
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use-your-telescope · 9 months
When Everything's Made to be Broken - Chapter 11: Where I'm Hidden Away
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Summary: The mission went well, so why is Theo in such a bad mood? Loki’s determined to find out. 
Author's Notes: OH SURPRISE EARLY CHAPTER DROP! I had every intention of posting a different chapter that’s already finished, but the more I thought about the order of things, I felt like this chapter should come first. 
If you enjoy, please reblog!! I'm a lil' blog and reblogs really help me out <3
Content Warnings: Short descriptions of nausea/migraines? Nothing explicit, though. 
Word Count: 7,406
Read on AO3 | When Everything's Made to be Broken Masterlist
Song: Just What to Say (feat. Chrissy Costanza) - Dashboard Confessional
I went through this door For no other reason than it wasn't open And sometimes I'm foolish Enough to believe encouraging things But most times I'm cautiously less optimistic A face in the crowd, I wish to be found I worry so often for those who escape I wonder out loud, I sleep at odd hours And I write 'cause I never know just what to say
Theo should have been relieved that the mission went well; hell, she should have been ready to celebrate. 
She was one of six Avengers sent into the field to deal with a batch of bad actors who were somehow connected to the damned beasts who got her into this mess in the first place. Not only did they effectively wipe the floor with the beasts, but they acquired additional intel that would likely prove to be highly valuable in the weeks to come.
However, a week of constantly remaining at attention, heavy reliance on magic, and anxiety turned up to one hundred left Theo absolutely drained. Exhaustion pulsed through her veins. The throbbing between her temples certainly didn’t help, nor did the aches that rolled through her body with every bump of turbulence. It was safe to assume she had pushed herself a bit too hard - really, she’d toed the line of over-exerting her magic for weeks - but the lack of sleep and cortisol overload absolutely made her feel a hundred times worse.
Any sense of time was long gone. Jet lag had a way of flipping everything on its head, and the navy sky as they descended into New York had Theo convinced it was well past an hour when anyone would be awake, which gave her hope that she could succumb the siren song of a quick shower before collapsing into bed and hiding away for a day or two to recoup. 
The last thing she expected to see at the descent of the jet’s ramp were all the team members who stayed back, looking far too awake for it to be the middle of the night.
Theo rolled her shoulders and drew in a deep breath before rising to her feet. Static clouded her vision, as the floor tilted beneath her; she paused, blinked the static from her vision and grit her teeth before dragging herself from the jet, only to be met by Wanda bounding forward. “How was it?”
“Asking me how a mission went is like asking how a root canal was.” Theo dryly replied, doing her best not to grimace at the extra painful throb that shot through her skull. “Even if everything goes perfectly, it’s not like I enjoyed it.”
Wanda faltered, frowning at Theo. Guilt tugged at Theo’s chest - there was no reason to snap at Wanda. Then again Wanda knew that Theo wasn’t the kind of person who enjoyed field work.
“The early missions are always hard, but they do get easier.” Wanda sympathized, turning to walk alongside Theo. “We’re doing a movie night tonight - shower up and come join! It’ll help take your mind off things.” 
Under better circumstances, Theo would have happily agreed to join. After all, ever since ‘family time,’ she had spent most of her free time hanging out with the other Avengers; just as Loki promised, they accepted her presence with open arms. But when she was on the verge of a migraine and beyond exhausted, the last thing she wanted was to be around anyone else. The only things that sounded remotely pleasant were a silent, dark room and her bed.
Though Theo did not admit it aloud, her lack of desire to watch a movie must have been written all over her face, because Wanda silently raised both brows at Theo and cocked her head slightly, as if daring her to say no.
Was Wanda aware of Theo’s promise to Loki?
“Fine.” Theo huffed, adjusting her bag on her shoulder - for whatever reason her skin felt especially sensitive, and the strap of her bag digging into her flesh exacerbated the feeling. The change offered little relief, instead irritating a new patch of skin while making her arm ache. “Just give me a chance to shower and unpack, okay?”
And take some Aleve… Not that she needed to tell Wanda that.
Maybe Wanda sensed that Theo wasn’t in the best mood, because with a tight smile and a gentle squeeze of Theo’s bicep, Wanda split away to talk to Vision.
Theo was the first to the elevators, not wasting a moment before pressing the buttons for her floor.
“If your response was any indication, I suspect you are less than keen to partake in the evening’s activity.”
Theo jumped at the voice and whipped around; every inch of her body protested from the sudden motion. She winced, immediately reaching up to massage her temples while leaning against the wall. 
Loki stood before her, arms crossed over his chest as he gave her a once-over. His black joggers and thick socks were exactly the sort of attire Theo would expect him to wear for a movie night, though he paired it with a soft, crew neck sweater that on anyone else would have appeared strange in such a combination. On him, however, it looked right at home.  
“Have you been following me this whole time?” Theo managed between gritted teeth as her head continued to throb.
“Perhaps.” Before Theo could protest, Loki had slipped her go-bag from her shoulder and hoisted it over his own. He offered her a sheepish, almost apologetic smile. “What happened?”
“What do you mean?” The question was punctuated with the chime of the elevator’s arrival. They both stepped inside. 
“You seem unusually tense for a mission that by all reports, went well.” Loki kept his attention on the doors as they closed and the elevator began its ascent.
“Nothing happened.” Theo rolled her eyes. “And I’m not tense. I’m tired.” 
“Simply tired?” Loki countered, “You seem rather… unwell.” 
Great, just what Theo needed - the Avengers to think she was a wimp because she came back from a mission feeling like crap.
“Tired, and a bit sore. It’s not a big deal.” 
It wasn’t a lie, so at least Loki couldn’t call her out on lying. But it wasn’t the full story, and the way his brows drew together told Theo that he wasn’t falling for her half-truths.
“I see.” 
Silence fell between the pair, heavy and ripe with trepidation, only intensifying as they drew near Theo’s suite. Loki kept glancing at Theo as if he wanted to say something, but Theo kept her attention focused on the ground in front of her. 
“I understand you are tired, but you should strongly consider attending.”
“I already told Wanda I would,” Theo muttered as she reached for her bag, which held the key to her suite. Just before she could grab one of the bag’s straps, Loki lifted the bag beyond her reach.
“You’re withholding something.” He said, dangling the bag in front of Theo like a carrot on a stick.
Theo groaned. “Who cares?” 
“I do.” Loki answered as if it were painfully obvious. “If you are injured, you ought to seek care.”
“I’m not injured, okay?” Theo snapped, jumping up to try and grab the bag that Loki held just beyond her reach. “I’m tired and you aren’t helping–”
Theo landed wrong, her ankle rolling and giving out from beneath her. Just as she braced herself to hit the floor, Loki swooped in and caught her.
“Are you certain?” The faintest hint of a smirk flickered on Loki’s face, though he looked apologetic about the slip. But apparently he wasn't sorry enough to just give her the damn bag, because he still held it beyond her reach.
“Well if you keep making me jump for my bag, I might end up injured,” Theo grumbled. She gave up on the attempt to grab her keys, instead using magic to unlock her door. The throb that shot through her skull confirmed that yes, she had been leaning a bit too much on magic over the last week, but that wasn’t surprising. She ignored it, pushed the door open and took a tentative step forward, carefully bearing weight on her ankle as she determined if she actually hurt herself.
Luckily, her ankle gave no signs of lingering discomfort. She let out a quick sigh of relief.
Theo spun back to Loki and held out her hand. “My bag?”
Loki lowered it down, allowing Theo to grab one strap; however, he refused to let go. “You’ll join?”
What was such a big deal that Loki insisted she watch a movie with them? It was a movie, not the fucking Cannes Film Festival.
“God, yes –” she groaned, rolling her eyes as she tugged on the strap. “I already said I would join!”
“Good; I look forward to it.” With a wink, Loki released his hold on the bag. He bowed to Theo, spun on his heel, and departed.
What the hell was up with him?
It didn’t matter - if Theo had any hope of making it through a movie night without a full-blown migraine, first thing was first: Aleve and a shower.
Thirty minutes later, Theo dragged herself from her suite to the living room. Clad in leggings, an oversized sweater, and fuzzy socks, she wrapped the blanket that usually lived the back of her couch around her shoulders for extra warmth. A persistent, insidious chill haunted Theo from the moment she emerged from the shower, so it was all she could do to prevent her teeth from chattering. Her damp hair certainly didn’t help things - given her magic had already been pushed to its limits, she had to skip using magic to dry her hair and settle for braiding it back on her own (which, with the stiffness of her fingers, brought its own kind of misery). 
At least the heat from the shower helped with Theo’s sore muscles. Sadly, The Aleve did nothing to help her head, so she braced herself to spend the whole night grumpier than hell as every noise and flash of light stabbed into her skull.
Almost everyone seemed to be caught up in some sort of side conversation when Theo stepped into the living room. Almost every seat was accounted for, except for one seat beside Loki. It wasn’t surprising - everyone had a regular seat that they gravitated towards, and during the other evenings that Theo hung out in the living room, she inevitably ended up in the spot beside Loki. 
Without greeting anyone, Theo went straight to the vacancy. She unwrapped the blanket from her shoulders, settled into the corner of the couch, and snuggled up beneath the thick, fluffy throw. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying her best to relax despite feeling like actual garbage. 
Next to her, Loki leaned forward and retrieved a small glass of amber liquid from the table. With a sheepish, almost apologetic smile, he offered it to Theo. “I thought this might help you unwind.” 
Though the scowl didn’t drop from her face, she accepted the drink, taking a swallow and mumbling a thank-you.
“Are you feeling any better now that you’ve had a moment to yourself?” Loki inquired.
“Absolutely fucking peachy.” she grumbled as she shot Loki a dirty look.  
Sure, Theo knew that he was trying to be nice; however, any sound made her headache worse, and she had no desire to talk to anyone. Besides, the larger group had only just started the long and arduous process trying to decide on what to watch, which meant they had to endure an obscene amount of petty bickering before the movie could even begin.
Loki’s eyes shot wide, like he assumed Theo’s mood would completely reverse just by taking a shower. Or maybe he was surprised that she couldn’t be bothered to hide her displeasure, given she hadn’t been quite so tetchy with Wanda. 
“I will take that as a no.” He reluctantly nodded, returning his attention to the larger group.
Notes of smoke and caramel coated Theo’s tongue, the whiskey creating a not unpleasant burn in her throat with each sip. Her stomach, however, was not a fan - the general queasiness that came from overdoing it on magic grew with every swallow of liquor. Yet the nausea didn’t deter Theo, as she had no interest in letting the others know that she felt like shit. After all, if she couldn’t handle a simple mission, what good was she?
Despite the squabbling of her teammates, Theo felt herself fading fast. Now that her blanket retained some heat, it was easy to curl up and melt into the couch cushions. She barely even noticed when they picked out a movie, much less that it was Beauty and the Beast. 
The near-slip of her glass from Theo’s fingers jolted her awake; not wanting to risk a repeat and potentially spill her drink (which would absolutely attract attention), Theo ignored the protests of her stomach and downed the remaining whiskey from the glass. She quickly, yet casually leaned forward to set it on the table; a brief touch of cool air infiltrated her blanket nest, giving Theo the chills once more. With a quiet groan to herself, Theo buried herself under her blanket and prayed that her stomach wouldn’t revolt. 
While the opening sequence of the movie flashed across the television screen, one thought repeated itself in Theo’s mind: this was going to be a long night.
My friends all believe me When I say I'm busy with pretty big things I cancel most plans I hurt someone's feelings I feel like I'm starting And just when I'm starting, I'm starting to stray And every day, I take a white page And try very hard to know just what to say
It had been quite some time since Loki had been subjected to Theo’s thorns; however, on that evening it was as if she sharpened them just for him.
From the moment the quinjet touched down, Theo’s usually wry, humorous demeanor was nowhere to be seen. All six Avengers emerged from the jet covered in filth, with shoulders sagging and bags beneath their eyes, yet only Theo wore a scowl and a glare that cut like a knife; the others casually chatted, laughing and joking as they greeted the Avengers who remained in New York. The brief exchange between Theo and Maximoff, though not cruel, certainly carried a certain edge to it.  
Curiosity, and perhaps a bit of concern, led Loki to investigate the cause of Theo’s displeasure.
His initial attempt to ask Theo about her sour mood was, at best, a partial success. Though Theo simply claimed fatigue, when Loki accused her of withholding information she attempted to deflect instead of deny the accusation. Irritating the already irascible sorceress had not been Loki’s intention, nor had he intended to cause Theo to fall and potentially injure herself, however the exchange had, at least, given him some clues. 
Still, Loki’s remorse led him to prepare Theo’s preferred beverage for her, as a peace-offering of sorts. It was not until he passed her the glass that he noticed her bloodshot eyes, the deep indigo bruise along her cheekbone, and the almost ghostly pallor of her usually pale complexion. 
How had he missed those details before?
On any other occasion, he would have expected Theo to partake in the chaotic, spirited debate over what film to watch; after all, from what Loki knew of Theo, she loved to stir up some lively discussion. Yet, the woman beside him remained silent. At first, her attention followed whoever spoke as she silently sipped her beverage; however, as the debate carried on, she stopped following along. Her eyes sort-of glazed over, lids drooping as she sank into the cushions of the sofa. Her hold on her beverage loosened, the glass slowly sliding from her hand as she seemed to fall asleep.
Just before the glass slipped from her fingers, she shot upright and peered around with a rather mortified expression, checking to see if anyone caught her. After a moment, when she concluded that no one noticed, she drew in a deep breath, downed the entire beverage, then returned the glass to the table, all the while wearing a rather blatant grimace. The slightest tremble of Theo’s arms as she drew her blanket around herself caught Loki’s attention, as if she felt a bit chilled.
By that point in the evening, Loki concluded that Theo had been partially truthful: fatigue certainly contributed to her prickly mood. Still, he wished to know what else bothered her to the extent that it elicited such behavior. 
The answer would have to wait, however - the others had finally decided on and started the film. Silently, Loki let out a sigh of relief when familiar images appeared on the screen. Of the many films which Loki had been subjected to over his time on Midgard, he had to admit Beauty and the Beast was one of the more tolerable selections.
Slightly wheezing breaths and the hint of a snore - loud enough for Loki to hear, but far too quiet to draw the attention of the larger group, drew Loki’s attention back to Theo. She somehow fell asleep sitting up, with her head leaning awkwardly to one side and mouth barely open. Her blanket somehow slipped off one shoulder, fleece material pooling in her lap. The faintest crease between her brows lingered, as if her displeasure followed her into her sleep.
For a brief moment, Loki considered waking Theo so that she might adjust into a more comfortable position. If she remained in her current position, she undoubtedly would wake with a sore neck. 
Given her previous mood, though, Loki decided it might be better to simply leave her be. Besides, she would not be the first Avenger to doze off during a movie night.
About ten minutes after Loki noticed the sounds of almost-snores, Theo’s fingers started to twitch, drawing Loki’s attention back towards her. Her face pinched and twisted, while her breath picked up its pace. After another minute or so, she shrugged as though trying to shove someone off. The movement caused her blanket to slip down so it no longer covered her torso. The momentum threw her off balance; she slumped towards Loki, but still, she did not wake.
A strained whimper, barely audible over the film, escaped her, then a second. 
Theo was having a nightmare.
If Loki were in her position, he knew he would want to be awoken before he attracted attention. The risk of angering her by waking her was worth the benefits of preventing her from coming undone in front of everyone. 
Loki braced himself for a verbal lashing before he gently shook Theo’s shoulder and murmured her name. 
Theo startled awake. Panic briefly flashed across her face, her wide eyes skittering about the room as her chest heaved with each breath. Finally she looked at Loki, still appearing rather disoriented as the film ran in the background. 
Even with her previously sour mood, the sight of her was almost endearing.
“I didn’t wish to wake you,” Loki whispered, “however it seemed as if you were having a nightmare.”
Theo narrowed her eyes at him, still looking a bit dazed; after a moment, she broke eye contact, then busied herself fixing her blanket. In the dim light cast by the television, Theo’s hands trembled as she smoothed out the fabric. A faint sheen of sweat glistened on her brow.
Whatever haunted her dreams must have truly given her a fright. 
“You’re shaking like a leaf.” Offering Theo what he hoped was a gentle smile, he ducked to try and catch her gaze. “Are you alright?”
Theo didn’t reply, but continued to glower at him beneath heavy lashes. 
“Yes, yes, I know, you’re cross with me,” Loki muttered and rolled his eyes. He leaned back, draping one arm across the back of the sofa as he settled in. “Very well. I will leave you be, if that is what you wish.”
Just when Loki was about to return his attention to the film, Theo slowly uncurled herself and shuffled a bit closer to Loki - close enough that he could easily wrap one arm around her shoulders if he wanted. She tucked her feet beneath her and curled up in the blanket once more, then leaned a bit closer so her temple lightly pressed against Loki’s shoulder. 
The gesture seemed like the sort of thing one might do if they couldn’t muster up an apology, but wanted the benefit of the other person’s support.
Something deep within Loki considered pulling away with a sharp rebuke; after all, Theo had been less than polite throughout the evening, treating his concern with disdain. A younger Loki wouldn’t have thought twice about it. Yet with time came wisdom, and Loki recognized that he himself had behaved in a similar manner in the past, when he needed something but wasn’t willing to admit it, and he recognized Theo was not exactly herself at that moment. So, instead, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and traced his finger tips along her bicep, a gesture which Frigga used many times to calm a younger Loki’s racing thoughts. 
Tension practically oozed from Theo’s body. At first, Loki wondered if he pushed too far, and if Theo only agreed to placate him, despite her own discomfort. But, as time passed, she relaxed, even leaning in so she pressed more firmly against Loki’s side. Her eyes slowly fluttered shut, head bobbing forward as she dozed off again.
All the while, Loki continued his ministrations, smiling to himself as he felt the tension leaving Theo’s muscles. For someone who was not renowned for his ability to soothe others, for once he was surprisingly successful. 
Yet, a few moments after her head bobbed forward, Theo blinked her eyes back open and sat up a bit. She took a deep breath, scrubbing her face with one hand in an attempt to stay awake. 
Meanwhile, the others sang along to “Be Our Guest,” too entertained to notice the interaction on the sofa. 
It occurred to Loki that Theo must have been exhausted if she could doze off amidst what had turned into a rather rambunctious sing-along session; yet for some unknown reason, she refused to fall asleep. Perhaps she mistook Loki’s remark about waking her as pressure to remain awake, or maybe she did not wish to have another nightmare. Regardless, the cycle of almost falling asleep repeated itself, though Theo’s eyes remained closed for longer with each reiteration of the cycle.  
After the fourth time Theo sat up and scrubbed her face, Loki could no longer sit idly by and watch her struggle to stay awake. She needed the rest. Though Loki suspected that directly telling Theo to rest would not go over well, he could certainly encourage her to settle into a comfortable position that might facilitate slumber. 
“You seem uncomfortable,” Loki pulled Theo a bit closer as he whispered in her ear. “You may rest your head on my shoulder if you wish.”
Theo tilted her head towards Loki, squinting at him through glassy eyes. 
“My hair’s not dry,” she mumbled after a pause, her words blurring together. “It’d get your shirt wet.” 
Loki couldn’t bite back a smile as he rolled his eyes; with a flick of his wrist, he used a hint of his seidr to dry Theo’s hair. 
“There, now you have no excuse.” He murmured, flashing an encouraging smile.  
Theo stared at him blankly, as though she did not comprehend what transpired.  
Loki sighed, giving her another gentle nudge as he guided her head onto his shoulder. 
“You are rather stubborn,” he whispered, though he didn’t put any heat behind his words.
“Mhm…” Theo closed her eyes, humming her response.
Loki resumed tracing shapes along Theo’s arm, hoping it would help with lulling Theo to sleep. Though he kept his eyes trained on the television, he paid little attention to the film.
The more Loki saw of Theo’s exhaustion, the more he regretted his decision to push Theo to join; in hindsight, he ought to have let the poor woman sleep. Then again, he would not have been able to stop her nightmare if she had not joined, so perhaps it was not a terrible decision; even so, he could have handled other elements of their interaction differently.
Caught up in his mind, Loki barely noticed when the weight on Loki’s shoulder grew heavier, or when the tension in her body had completely dissolved. The return of the slight wheeze, which gave each of Theo’s slow inhales and exhales a rougher, uninhibited quality, pulled Loki from his ruminations, at which point he realized Theo had finally allowed herself to fall asleep.
If he didn’t know better, he’d have sworn she had taken some sort of sedative with how deeply she slept; even with the team chattering and singing along to the film, she didn’t stir. Yet, Loki still did not feel as though everything was as it should be.
In his many interactions with Theo, he never noticed a wheeze or any sign of trouble breathing; perhaps Theo had caught some sort of Midgardian illness while she was away, which left her feeling unwell. That would explain the lack of color in her complexion, as well as her expression after finishing her whiskey. The more he thought about the possibility that she may have been ill, the more he noticed how Theo radiated heat, even through her blanket. He brought one hand up to rest on Theo’s forehead, only to find the skin burned beneath his touch.
Theo was ill - that must have been the cause of her behavior.
Loki’s stomach twisted itself into a knot. The last place Theo should have been was a social event; she should have been in bed, and they should have been ensuring she was amply stocked with medicine, fluids, and whatever else she might need. 
And even worse, had Loki not pestered Theo into joining them, she would have been resting in her own bed, not fighting to stay awake on a sofa while a dozen superheroes sing along to a silly, animated film that could be viewed whenever they desired.
Norns, Loki truly was a fool.  
By that point, they were near the end of the film - interrupting to get Theo to bed would provide little, if any benefit. Though he could not undo his previous behavior, he could use his seidr to cool his body, which he theorized might help with Theo’s fever; he barely thought twice before doing so. 
Just before Loki reached his lower temperature, Theo shifted in her sleep to lay her head on Loki’s chest, with her forehead resting in the crook of his neck and one arm slung across his stomach as if to embrace him. Loki stilled for a moment, ensuring he hadn’t accidentally awoken her before he lowered his temperature the rest of the way. 
Theo slept for the remainder of the film, not moving once despite the racket in the living room. Even after the film concluded, the added light from a nearby lamp did not wake her, nor did she seem to notice the uptick in volume as conversation filled the air. Unwilling to risk disturbing her, Loki remained perfectly still.
Romanoff was the first to notice. At the sight of Theo curled around Loki, her eyes nearly burst out of her head. Barnes was the next to notice; he narrowed his eyes at the sight, nodding to himself. Third to notice was Maximoff, who absolutely beamed at the pair while leaning into Vision.
Instead of acknowledging their observations, Loki pretended not to notice; he only allowed this because Theo clearly was not well, and his actions worsened the situation. 
Stark, unsurprisingly, was the first to actually comment.
“Maybe we should call her sleeping beauty, not Rapunzel.” He quipped, smirking at the sorcerers; next to him, Potts mirrored his smirk perfectly.
“When did she fall asleep?” Maximoff kept her voice low, gaze flickering between her two friends with a coy smile.
“Near the start of the film,” Loki answered, careful to remain quiet so as not to disturb Theo. 
“How close to the start?” Potts asked, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands.
“Shortly after ‘Be Our Guest.’” Loki glanced down at Theo, who felt absolutely boneless from how deeply she slept. 
“She slept through that much of the movie?” Belova whispered, though it was perhaps too loud to truly be considered a whisper; it was as if she wanted to shout, but refrained from doing so. 
“Did she not sleep while in the field?” Loki replied with a question of his own.
“Now that you mention it…” Rogers faltered, his brows pinching together. “I don’t know if she slept more than an hour or two each night, and then on top of fighting she used magic to heal all of us multiple times, including on the way home. She’s probably exhausted.”
“Actually, she looks a bit pale,” Banner pointed out, “Even for her. Any chance she might be sick?”
“I am far from an expert on Midgardian biology, but I suspect she has a fever,” Loki observed, secretly grateful someone else reached the same conclusion. “Not to mention her breathing sounds a bit… off.”
“Friday, what’s Theo’s temperature?” Maximoff called out, glancing up at the ceiling.
“Theo’s temperature is currently 102.3 degrees Fahrenheit,” FRIDAY replied. 
“Must be how she melted your icy heart,” Belova muttered under her breath, earning a snort from Shuri and poorly stifled laughter from the Sergeant. 
Other than rolling his eyes at Belova’s comment, Loki ignored her. There were more pressing matters to attend to; getting Theo to bed and ensuring she took some medicine top among them. 
“Theo,” Loki murmured, giving her shoulder a nudge. “Wake up. The film is over…”
No response.
Other than a faint whimper, Theo did not stir. A closer look revealed damp strands of hair clung to her skin, undoubtedly the result of her fever. 
At that point, waking Theo seemed pointless; she clearly needed to rest, and any one of the Avengers could easily carry her to her quarters. Locking eyes with Maximoff, Loki quietly sighed.
“If I bring her to bed, could you fetch some medicine?” 
With a nod, Maximoff darted into the hall on a quest for a glass of water and medication. 
Carefully slipping out from beneath Theo, Loki effortlessly scooped her up and rose to his feet. Theo didn’t even notice, sleeping soundly through the trip down the hallway. Maximoff met him at the door to Theo’s quarters with medicine in hand, leading the way to Theo’s bedroom; she pulled back the blankets on the bed before Loki carefully eased Theo on the mattress. 
“I’ll leave the medicine here for whenever she wakes up. If she’s sleeping through all of this, she probably needs the rest.” Maximoff set the pill bottle and glass of water on Theo’s bedside table. “Do you think someone should stay with her?”
“You can go–” Loki covered Theo with the blankets, taking care to ensure she was properly tucked in. “I’ll stay.”
It was the least he could do, all things considered.
“Are you sure? I feel bad, I was the one who pressured her to join.” Maximoff crossed her arms, frowning as she watched Theo sleep.
“You simply suggested she attend,” Loki corrected, glancing around for a place he might sit. Without any chairs, it seemed his best choice was the other side of the bed. “It would not have been feasible for you to notice she was unwell from such a short interaction.”
… Unlike Loki, who not only engaged with Theo the entire journey to her quarters, but who nearly caused an injury to Theo as well. He ought to have been more observant.
The scarlet witch sighed. “I guess. Just… if you need anything, let me know, okay?”
“Of course,” Loki conjured himself a book, then rounded the bed to take a seat. “Good night, Maximoff.”
With a final good night, Maximoff departed, leaving Loki to keep watch over Theo. 
Loki leaned back against the headboard, opened his book, and tried not to fret over the mess he’d made.
I've planted some clues That I hope you find easily Things that I find hard to speak clear and true I think there's a part of you Hoping I'm hoping you feel like I do And maybe you're listening Somewhere you like to be Where you let everything heavy just go Oh, I'd like to be there How I'd like to stay, How I'd like to listen How I'd like to think I'd know just what to say
When she woke up next, there was no other way to put it: Theo felt like shit. 
A steamroller may as well have run her over, backed up, and run over her again with how sore her muscles were. She distantly wondered if her skull was going to crack from the pressure between her temples. 
The pain was a significant enough distraction that it took her a minute to realize that despite her last memory of trying not to throw up while watching Beauty and the Beast in the living room, she was now in a bed.
She was in someone’s bed… But her head wasn’t on a pillow. It was too firm to be a pillow, and the shape was wrong. Something twitched beneath her. A muscle? She was laying on someone? Their leg? No, their lap. 
Okay, she was in a bed, and her head was on someone’s lap.
Cool fingers massaged her scalp, smooth and soothing in contrast to the misery in her skull. It was a pleasant, though confusing, distraction.
“Good morning…”A low voice rumbled from above, “or should I say, good afternoon?”
With a small groan, Theo forced her sleep-crusted eyes open. She searched the room to find Loki, raven curls loosely falling around his face as he watched her with a small, fond smile.
Her head laid on Loki’s lap. Loki was in her room, on her bed, with her head on his lap, massaging her scalp like it was the most normal thing in the world. And apparently it was the afternoon? 
What the hell happened?
“You fell asleep during the film last night and could not be roused, so we brought you to your bed.” Loki’s smile grew wider, as if he was proud to know what Theo was wondering without her saying it out loud. However, the smile didn’t last long, replaced with a stern look. “Why didn’t you tell us you were unwell?”
“I was just tired.” Even Theo had to admit that her excuse was less than convincing.
“According to FRIDAY, you had a fever of 102.”
“I what?” That was certainly news to Theo; a headache and body aches weren’t uncommon from pushing herself too hard, but she didn’t think she’d gotten to the point of a fever.
“Were you not aware of your illness?” Loki sounded just as surprised as Theo was, though for an obviously different reason.
“I thought I just had a bad headache from being tired.” It was, technically, the truth.
“So you were not entirely truthful yesterday evening,” Loki asserted, “you had a headache.”
“Yeah, but I took some Aleve.” Theo grimaced, wishing that she’d had the foresight to move the medicine from her bathroom to her nightstand. “Besides, it’s a headache. I get them all the time.”
“It is rather concerning to think you are a healer who cannot tell when you are ill.” Loki’s teasing would have been much funnier if Theo didn’t feel like complete and utter shit.
“Loki, my job is to heal other people,” Theo scoffed. “It’s different.”
“Yes, well, regardless, it is still concerning. Additionally, your breathing was - and is still - sounds a bit unsettling.”
Fuck. She hadn’t even noticed that she started wheezing again.
“Um, about that.” Theo forced herself to sit up, ignoring her body’s protests, and swallowed nervously. The explanation was not one she was ready to provide, but it didn’t seem like she had much of a choice. “It’s not a cold. I have this thing - asthma - it’s like my lungs get irritated easily and they get inflamed, which makes it hard to breathe. I just need to use my inhaler and it’ll be fine.”
It wasn’t anywhere near a comprehensive definition of what asthma was, but Loki didn’t need to know the specifics.
“Forgive me for my hesitancy to trust you.” Loki arched a brow at Theo and shot her a pointed glance.
To prove her point, she rolled over to her nightstand, fished her inhaler out of the drawer, shook it a few times, sat up as tall as she could, and took a puff from the inhaler while locking eyes with Loki. She held her breath, the band in her chest loosening as the bronchodilator took effect, then let out a slow exhale. 
“See?” She took a deep breath, this time noticeably absent of any wheezing. “That would have turned me into a coughing mess if I tried that a minute ago.”
“Very well.” Loki relented, though the way he studied Theo made her wonder if he actually believed her, or if he simply didn’t want to argue. “Do you still have a headache? Maximoff left some medicine for you on your nightstand…”
Theo glanced back at the nightstand; sure enough, a white bottle sat next to a full glass of water, ready for when Theo would need it. She uncapped the bottle, dispersed two pills into her open palm, tossed them back, then washed them down with the water. All the while, she thought back to her original question of what happened.
If she understood correctly, someone brought her back to her bed after the movie. At some point, someone figured out she had a fever. Wanda was there last night, but Loki was there when she woke up, and based on his greeting, it sounded like he must have been there for a while. That meant…
“Wait, were you here all night?”
“Of course.” Loki answered like it was painfully obvious. “We could not simply leave you while you were ill.” 
Theo’s stomach twisted itself in a knot. She snapped at Wanda when she got home, and then she was an absolute asshole to Loki the entire night. But instead of leaving her to be miserable, they made sure she got back to bed, had medicine, and then Loki even stayed with her in case she needed anything. He even gave her a fucking scalp massage.
She was the worst.
“God, fuck, I’m so sorry.” Theo scrubbed her face with both hands, desperately trying to ignore the moisture pricking at her burning eyes and the throbbing in her skull.  
“I beg your pardon?”
“I was such an asshole to you last night - seriously, a bona fide bitch.” Theo dropped her hands to her lap and stared at them; it was all she could do not to make things even worse. “You didn’t deserve it — you were just trying to help me de-stress. You shouldn’t have had to take care of my cranky ass. I definitely didn’t deserve it.”
A cool finger hooked beneath Theo’s chin, lifting her face so she met Loki soft green eyes. “In your defense, I nearly caused you an ankle injury.” He offered a gentle smile at Theo before continuing. “Please, be forthright with me: why didn’t you tell us you were not feeling well?”
He really wanted an answer to the question, didn’t he?
Theo took a deep breath, held it while she scrubbed her face once more, then released it with a sigh. “How wimpy would it sound if I came back and complained about a measly headache?” Self-deprecation crept into Theo’s tone. “Like, oh she can’t even handle a mission where everything went well.” 
Loki frowned, dropping his hand away from Theo’s chin. “You need not fear judgment; you would not be here if you were not capable.”
“Every day, I see people who nearly die when they go out into the field. I treat traumatic, life-changing injuries.” Theo countered, shaking her head. “I shouldn’t bitch about a headache - I should be grateful that I get to come back in one piece and see my friends and watch movies with them.” 
“It does you no good to admonish yourself for such a thing; someone else experiencing something worse does not negate your own suffering.” Loki ducked, trying to lock eyes with Theo once more. “Be kind to yourself.”
Refusing to meet Loki’s gaze, Theo chewed on the inside of her cheek. He was right: comparing who has it worse doesn’t make it suck less. Hell, she had even told other people that very same message. 
But it was much easier to say than to believe, especially when she already felt awful.
Two arms wrapped around Theo, pulling her into a gentle embrace. Instinctively, she pressed herself a bit closer, burying her nose in the fabric of Loki’s shirt and inhaling deeply.  She felt the strong, steady beat of Loki’s heart and heard it in her ear, giving her something to focus on and quiet her turbulent thoughts.
“Are you feeling up to a small adventure?”
Not really, but Theo was curious. She leaned back just far enough to send Loki an inquisitive glance.
“A new cafe opened up nearby that I’ve meant to visit, near one of my favorite book stores. As a fellow literature lover I believe it’s time that I introduce you to my favorite place in Midgard.” Loki explained, and if Theo didn’t know better she swore she caught a small flush of pink on Loki’s cheeks. “We need not go there now, if you are not feeling up to it. But when you are well again, I would like for you to join me.”
Theo’s heart quickened. It sounded like a great time, but she was in no state to enjoy it; even beyond the part where everything still hurt, she was still exhausted, despite apparently sleeping all night and most of the day.
“I would love to go, but maybe not quite yet.” She replied, forcing something that she hoped looked like a smile on her face. “I’m still not feeling great, if I’m totally honest. I’m just really tired, I’m kind of achy, and my head still hurts a bit.”
Before Theo could object, Loki brought one blessedly cool palm to her forehead and frowned. “You still feel a bit warm; perhaps it is for the best that we save the expedition for later.” Lowering his hand, he caught Theo’s in his and gave it a tender squeeze. “Are you hungry at all? You’ve not eaten in some time.”
“No,” Theo quickly replied, “My stomach gets kind of queasy when I get headaches like this.”
Loki hummed. “Is there anything I might do to alleviate your discomfort?”
“I didn’t think princes served other people.” Theo replied, unable to stop the smile that curled on her lips.
A breathless puff of laughter snuck out of Loki; Theo felt the laugh rumble through his chest as much as she heard it. “I am willing to make an exception for you… You must not tell the others, though.” 
Theo giggled. The medicine from earlier had finally started to take effect, providing a much needed respite from her discomfort. She relaxed further into Loki’s embrace, earning a satisfied hum from her companion.
“Thank you,” she mumbled, feeling herself start to drift. “... For being here. And for not telling me to fuck off when I totally deserved it.”
Loki chuckled at the latter half of her comment. “Darling, it’s my pleasure.”
Somebody, somebody blocked the door I know it was me for sure But somebody knows where I'm hidden away I try very hard to know just what to say Just what to say, just what to say I try very hard to know just what to say Just what to say, just what to say I try very hard to know just what to say Just what to say, just what to say
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x20 Kansas
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 770
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
“Hook! Hook! Hook!  Wake up! Killian!” Emma shouted, shaking him, hearing the blinding panic in her voice.
Nothing happened.  He lay there, senseless and immobile. Not breathing. She caressed his face, leaning down close. “Killian, come back to me!”
Still nothing.  Emma knew this was what Zelena wanted.  She’d manipulated them into the exact place she wanted them.  Emma could either let him die or give him mouth to mouth–giving up her magic.
It wasn’t even a question.  She couldn’t lose him.  She couldn’t.
She’d been trying so hard, so damned hard ever since drinking the memory potion Hook had given her, to deny….well, a lot of things, but in particular the pull, the unbreakable emotional tether she had to Killian.  The thought that he had burrowed his way into her heart, that he’d begun to matter to her frankly terrified her.
Oh, she could admit she liked him.  She could admit he’d been her friend and confidant ever since Neverland. She could admit they would have been far worse off in this fight without him around.  And as for his looks, well, she wasn’t blind.  Obviously he was hot as hell.
What she hadn’t been able to admit, even to herself, is that it went deeper.  That she was beginning to care for him in a way she hadn’t cared for anyone, at least since Neal.
And so she’d told herself over and over again that she wasn’t going to let him all the way in.  She wasn’t going to give him the power to break her heart.  When all was said and done, she could walk away back to New York without a backward glance.  Leaving him behind would be no big deal.
And yet he continued to push and push and push.  It wasn’t so much that he was pestering her to be with him.  He wasn’t.  He had always, always let her set the pace of their “relationship” or whatever it was.
It was that he got to the heart of the matter.  Pushing her to move past her denial.  Pushing her to move past her fear.  Pushing her to accept that things had changed and that she couldn’t take Henry away from his family again, at least not without doing damage to both him and them.
And so she’d been snarky–nearly to the point of being cruel–as they’d trudged through the woods to Zelena’s house.
“You’ve taken care of the boy quite well here,” he’d said,  “You can talk about danger all you like, but it isn’t that. So tell me, what is it? Why are you so scared of staying?  I think it’s because you can see a future here. A happy one.”
As usual, he’d hit the nail on the head.  Back in New York before she’d taken the memory potion, he’d told her he knew her better than she knew herself, and once again, he’d proven the truth of that statement.
The fear had risen up and made her respond in a mocking, cutting tone.  One meant to dismiss.  One meant to convey that he was nothing to her.
One that was a lie from beginning to end.
“Let me guess, with you?”
For a split second, she’d seen the pain in his eyes at that, and she’d had the urge to apologize, but then, as usual, all hell had broken loose.  Zelena and Gold had shown up, and well, it all led to this moment right now.
The moment she had to admit, at least to herself, exactly what he meant to her.
“Son of a bitch,” she muttered before leaning down and letting her lips touch his.
There was an instantaneous wave.  She felt her magic lifting from her, like the removal of a cozy coat in the middle of winter.  It left her cold, vulnerable.
But there was something more, some kind of energy surge.  The deep, dark honest part of her that her conscious mind viciously kept under lock and key wondered if that had been it, proof that they’d shared a True Love’s Kiss.
And really, truth be told, what happened between them had been more like a kiss than mouth to mouth rescusitation. 
She’d sat back, looked at him, waiting, her fear mounting as the moments passed by, each one feeling like an hour.
And then he’d coughed, water spewing from his mouth, and the relief that flooded her was stronger than any she’d felt. 
He turned horrified blue eyes up at her. “Swan, what did you do?” he asked.What I had to, she thought. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would be worth letting you die.
17 notes · View notes
thatlovinfeelin · 2 years
Flightless Bird | ten | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, just pregnancy in general, talks of infertility. past mental and emotional abuse. anxiety. talks of women's reproductive systems (idk)
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“My client is not in agreement with these terms.”
Josephine clenched her fists. She’d been in this damn conference room for two hours while her lawyer argued with Michael’s. She just needed this to be over already. He was the one that kicked her out, so why the hell wouldn’t he just sign the damn papers and be done with it?
“I think you’ll find these conditions are more than favorable for your client,” Her lawyer responded calmly, “Mrs. Miller isn’t asking for any assets, in fact she wants nothing from your client. Mrs. Miller’s only request has been made very clear, we feel it’s quite simple.”
Jose could hear Michael mumble something on the other end of the phone. She knew he was there, of course, even if they hadn’t said a single word to one another. They’d been going back and forth through their lawyers for weeks now. But he kept dragging his feet at every turn, making every possible excuse as to why the divorce wasn’t fair.
“You and your client are asking my client, Mr. Miller, to sign away his rights. This is no simple matter.”
“I think you’ll find, given the situation that-”
“Michael, can you hear me?” Jose cut off her lawyer. 
“Mrs. Miller, please.”
“I’d like to speak with my husband, since legally, we’re still married. Michael?”
She could hear him clearing his throat, “I’m here.”
“Why are you being so stubborn? You’re the one that made this happen,” Jose reminded him softly, “I’m not asking for anything more than what you made clear you wanted.”
“Oh, that’s how you see it?” He scoffed. 
“You threw me out, in the cold. I had nowhere to go, because I didn’t have a life outside of you. All because I dared to say I wanted to keep the baby,” She reminded him, “You didn’t want anything to do with either of us, and you still don’t. Stop acting like you do.”
“No, no, you made that choice. You chose to leave.”
“You can keep everything, the apartment, the money, all of the investments we made. I don’t want any of it anymore,” She pleaded, “Just sign the papers, please Michael. Stop the cycle here, don’t be like your father. Don’t use this child…my child…as a bargaining chip.”
“Josephine, you just love to paint everyone else as the villain in your story. It’s always everyone else’s fault, never your own. You told me you weren’t able to conceive, so we made a different life for ourselves. Don’t blame me because you lied and changed your mind.”
Jose held onto her stomach, feeling his words hit her like knives, “You know I never lied about that. You were at so many of those appointments. Michael, please think about what you’re doing. You’re trying to use an innocent little baby girl as leverage. She hasn’t done anything yet, she didn’t choose to exist, but she does. It isn’t her fault.”
The silence seemed to be so loud it almost hurt. Her lawyer sat quietly next to her, waiting for the next move. Up until now, Michael and Jose hadn’t spoken to one another since she left New York. Aside from the text messages Michael sent to tell her to get Jake off of his back.
“It’s a girl?”
She wasn’t sure if she imagined the sound of his voice breaking or not, “I found out last week. She’s healthy, ten fingers and toes. Mi, our marriage was over a long time before she came about. You know it just as much as I do. Don’t punish her for our mistakes.”
“You want me to sign away all of my rights to her.”
“It’s just as much for her as it is for you. It’ll protect you, no one could ever claim you have to pay any type of support. Your name won’t go on her birth certificate, as far as anyone is concerned, I’m her only parent. Michael, you can continue to live your life with no strings. You can find someone who will actually be good at all of the games. I was never fit for that life, no matter how hard I tried.”
“Josephine, I-”
“We loved each other once, Michael. I know we did. But those kids that fell in love and got married have been gone for a long time now. We’ve been holding each other back and hurting each other at every turn. So please, do right by our daughter. The best thing you could ever do for her is give her up.”
“I-” He took a deep breath, “You’re right. The papers will be faxed to you no later than tomorrow evening.”
Josephine sunk back in her chair with tears swelling in her eyes, “Thank you.”
“Yeah Mi?”
“You’re going to be an amazing mother,” He said softly, “Our daughter…your daughter is lucky.”
“I hope one day you get to see her, Michael, but it will always be her choice.”
“Goodbye, Jose.”
“Bye, Mi.”
When Jose came bursting through Jake’s front door three hours later with signed divorce papers in her hands, she didn’t expect to run right into Jake and Phoenix on the couch. They both jumped up, quickly moving away from one another. Which only seemed to make Jose laugh. 
“Sorry, don’t mind me,” Jose held her hands up, “Go back to whatever it was you were doing. I’ll just leave.”
“Hey wait!” The other woman yelled, “How did it go?”
“Well, the next item on the to-do list is to legally change my name back to Wilson,” She shrugged, “Michael agreed to sign the papers. The office sent them over an hour ago, I’m officially no longer married.”
Jake and Natasha were on Jose in an instant, both hugging her tightly. Jose laughed and hugged them back. Her baby might not legally have a father, but she already had some of the best family. In another world, Jose might be scared about doing this without a partner beside her, but she knew she wouldn’t be alone. She would always have Jake, and Phoenix, and Bradley and anyone else that came along with them. She was making her own little family. 
“How did you manage it?” Nat asked her once they all settled into the living room. 
“I think I appealed to the boy I fell in love with. There was still some humanity left in there somewhere.”
“Have you told Bradley?” Jake questioned. 
“No, I came straight home to tell you.”
Natasha pulled out her phone, “I’m telling him to get his ass over here.”
“What? Why? Nat stop!”
“Too late,” The woman grinned, “You probably have less than five minutes.”
“I say she has two,” Jake chimed in, “He’s pretty fast.”
“Why did you do that?” Jose questioned, standing up. 
“Because you like him,” Natasha shrugged, “And you’re single now.”
“I’m pregnant! It doesn’t matter who I like!” Jose argued, “Jake! Help me!”
“Sweetheart, we’ve had this conversation one too many times already,” Jake sighed, “And I’m tired of Bradshaw playing a one sided game of twenty questions about you while we’re on base.”
“He asks about me?” 
“Too much,” Jake rolled his eyes, “In any other situation I wouldn’t be supporting this. I know you’re scared, but I also know the two of you have some kind of bond that I don’t understand. I trust him. So, let your guard down for a minute.”
“You know why I can’t do that,” Jose argued. 
“Don’t use her as an excuse,” Jake was standing in front of Jose now with his hands on her shoulders, “It’s okay that you’re scared, but don’t use your daughter as an out, okay? Be a big girl and accept the fact that you have feelings.”
“Jake, I think it’s a good day to sit out on the back patio, don’t you?” Natasha questioned, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Phoenix, I think that’s a great idea,” He smirked, leaning over to kiss Jose’s forehead, “Holler if you need us, Sweetheart. Play nice.”
“I hate you both so much right now.”
It took five minutes for the knock on Jake’s door. Josephine’s hands were all sweaty by the time she reached for the handle. She didn’t know what she was supposed to say, or what Natasha even said to get Bradley over here. 
It took her less than a second to realize just how nervous she was. Which seemed weird, she never really felt nervous around Bradley. Always an overwhelming sense of calm, yet not her heart was pounding like it might burst.
“Hey are you okay?” Bradley asked frantically the second Jose opened the door.
“I’m fine,” She said quickly, “I promise, everyone is okay.”
“Phoenix said I needed to get over here as-” Bradley stopped and looked at the woman in front of him, “Why are you smiling like that? What’s going on?”
Jose reached forward, pulling Bradley towards her. His eyebrows were pinched together as he put his arms around her. Despite everything, Jose couldn’t think about anything other than the man before her. 
“I’m free,” She told him softly, “He signed the papers today.”
“Jose, that’s amazing,” His voice was so tender it made her heart seem to jump. 
“I meant what I said,” She whispered, “I want you in my life.”
“I’m right here.”
She had to get on her toes, which in her current state was harder than it should have been. Bradley stayed still, not wanting to scare her. But he liked when she seemed braver, he liked when she was like this. Her eyes flicked back up to his for a moment before she leaned in the rest of the way. 
Then it was just them. Just Bradley and Jose, and the sparks that she wasn’t going to ignore anymore.
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Sometimes We All Need A Fun Adventure- Chris Evans shy!xreader fan fic
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Summary: Y/N lives in new york and is over stressed and decides to get on the train for the heck of it and runs into Chris and they have a fun adventure
Warnings: angsty, fluffy, a bit of swearing, mentions of feeling stressed and overwhelmed
~Y/N’s POV~
Ok so I'm not really one for spontaneous adventures but I've been at home the last few hours paying bills and overthinking things sitting in my sweats. I decided to get up and go change my clothes and walked down to the train station and got on a train and rode for a while to get out of my head. I later realized how far I rode from home and I got off at the next station the train stopped at and looked at my phone to see if there were any good food places and I didn’t see where i was going and I bumped into someone and fell over and they said “hey oh gosh I’m sorry are you ok miss?” I looked up said “yea I’m ok.. oh my god.. you! hi..” I got up and he helped me to stand a bit and said “ you sure you’re ok there?” I nodded smiling at him nervously and said “yea I’m alright it was my fault I was staring at my phone, you’re Chris Evans right?” He smiled and said “I am yes, do I get your name?” I looked around and looked back at him shyly and said “it’s Y/N, it’s nice to meet you Chris. Do you know any good restaurants around here? I’m kinda far from home..” Chris looked around and got his phone out and said “well there is a really good sandwich place a few blocks over if you’re up for a walk?” He held his hand out to me and I was a bit nervous but I gave him my hand and we started walking and I told him why I was out so far from home and I felt so comfortable even though I felt shy as hell.
~Chris’s POV~
Damn here is this beautiful sweet girl next to me telling me about her life and I can’t stop smiling at her. We got to the sandwich place after walking for a good twenty minutes and I found us a table and said “here sit down, I’ll order the food for us, what would you like hun?” Y/N looked at the menu and said “hmm.. can I have a turkey and cheese sandwich please?” I gave her a thumbs up and said “you got it coming right up.”
~Y/N’s POV~
Chris and I took our time with lunch and he told me stories and we had such a good time that none of looked at our phones the whole time. We threw everything away and started to walk around just kinda roaming around and i started to get in my head again and I felt anxious but didn’t wanna have Chris see me like that so I tried to act normal but he noticed how I was feeling and he stopped us from walking further once we got to a bridge. Chris had us sit down on a bench and I just stared out at the lake and Chris said “hey Y/N wanna tell me what you’re thinking sweetheart?” I looked back at him and seeing him smile already made me feel better and I shrugged and said “I deal with anxiety Chris.. but its nothing I can’t handle.”
I walked up to the bridge to look at the water and Chris came to stand next to me and looked out at the water and put his hand on mine and said “hey, what’s on that pretty mind of yours?” I blushed and said “I’m sorry.. here I am with a great guy keeping me company and here I am in my head barely talking..” Chris turned me to face him and lifted my chin up so I’d look at him and he said “hey Y/N it’s ok I can tell you’ve bern dealing with a lot and sometimes we all need a fun adventure to get our minds off everything, just know you’re not alone Y/N.” I smiled at Chris and his hand on mine and I realized how I felt about him. I moved closer to him and said “and what if.. I don’t want whatever this is to end?” Chris cupped my face in his hands and leaned in to kiss me and he said “neither do I sweetheart, I really like you and I’m not going anywhere I promise you.”
We stood there hugging each other for a bit longer and it started to get cold and Chris smiled at me and gave me his jacket and said “here lets get you home.” We walked back to the train station and I started to walk towards the train but then I turned around and went to kiss Chris and leaned my forehead against his and said “thank you for the wonderful day Chris, I can’t wait for our next adventure.” Chris hugged me tight and said “we’ll be in touch soon sweet girl I promise, get home safe.” I got on the train and waved to him until he was out of view still in shock that I was now dating my favorite person.
Hey lovelies!! So this fic was inspired by the beautiful movie Before We go 😊♥️♥️ hope you all enjoy xx
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diningwiththeasquiths · 9 months
Jaccard - Part Two
Ended up writing more for this fic. Part One can be read here. 660 words of Carmy dealing with the fact he hired down-on-his-luck NYC Chef to come work for him at The Bear in a moment of madness. Still genfic at the moment, but feel free to squint and imagine whatever ship you like. :)
Instead of sleeping, Carmen fends off panic attack after panic attack throughout the night. Somewhere around 4 AM he starts wondering if his mind made it all up somehow, and Chef Frederick is still a safe 712 miles away from him in New York City.
At least he doesn’t throw up when he gets up in the morning, that’s something right?
He blinks when Frederick actually shows up, right on time and dour as ever. Okay, so not a figment of his imagination. Especially since everyone else can see him too. He introduces Frederick as the freshly hired Chef de Partie and tries not to cringe when offhandedly mentioning they’ve worked together before, but nobody asks any questions. In fact, everyone seems relieved the position got filled, and after saying hi to Frederick they move on to the order of the day. 
He’s giving Frederick a quick tour of the place—fighting the urge to wipe the nervous sweat from his forehead—when Sydney asks if they can talk. Nodding, he wraps up the tour and asks Marcus if he can grab Frederick his uniform, distracted by the dread in his stomach about what exactly it is Sydney wants to talk to him about. It sounded serious.
“Hey,” she greets him, when he finds her in the pantry. “So, congrats on the new hire. Really cool that you came to me first, to discuss that, that was really nice of you.”
Shit. Another fuck-up in a long line of fuck-ups when it comes to being a good business partner to Syd. 
“Sorry, I’m sorry.”
He means it, but damn if it doesn’t feel like a weak apology. He absolutely owes her the whole explanation. Even if he’s actually not that sure what the fuck happened. 
“Look, he was Head Chef at the restaurant I worked at back in New York. I don’t know why I hired him yesterday, the guy made my life a living hell. I mean he really pushed me, but I think he definitely went too far, you know. But now he’s like, financially ruined or something. Something to do with coke, I don’t know. He says he’s clean now, so. Anyway, do you need me to fire him?”
Syd’s been staring at him during his rambling account of why certain things happened the way they did, looking increasingly less pissed and more concerned. 
“We don’t have to get rid of him, I don't think we should, not without good reason. We really need a new Chef. But, a heads-up would’ve been nice, that’s all I’m saying. You've gotta include me in things like that, please. Even if it’s just calling to say you panicked and hired some asshole because you’re too good for this world, okay?”
His mouth twitches into a grateful smile. “Heard, Chef.”
When he steps back into the kitchen, Frederick is getting acquainted with his responsibilities while Tina keeps a watchful eye. Carmen’s obviously not worried about Frederick’s abilities, except for his ability to follow orders instead of barking them at others. The queasy feeling in his stomach returns.
Richie and Fak walking past is a nice distraction, their loud arguing so nice and normal that it’s soothing to Carmen. He isn’t even hearing the words of their argument, just lets the heated dispute wash over him while he goes over the preparations for tonight.
They’re so invested in their petty disagreement that they aren’t paying attention to where they’re going; Richie especially seems to have forgotten all kitchen etiquette. Carmen watches them from the corner of his eye and catches Richie almost bumping into Frederick. 
“Watch it, Beanstalk,” Richie says. He doesn’t miss a beat, barely glancing at the new hire as he continues argueing with Fak, the two of them making their way to the backdoor. 
Tina shakes her head, muttering something to herself in Spanish. Only Carmen sees the way Frederick’s eyes narrow behind his glasses.
Fuck. That better not become yet another problem.
Part Three can be found here.
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thompsborn · 4 months
Don't want to end up oversharing, but I've been following homeward bound from chapter 3 and so much has changed in my life for the better ever since then. I weirdly feel like I've been maturing alongside the fic. I'll be getting my bachelor's degree in two months and I started reading during my first year. You have no idea how special this piece of work is for me and I'm very thankful you've decided to share it with us. I absolutely trust your process cuz each chapter you release is just perfection, whenever you're ready to release more I'll be there to read it. Now getting on with the actual question (sorry for writing so much ijbol), what do you think Harley and Peter think their dream home would be? What style, is it an apartment or a house and all that stuff.
oh my god i ?? i am lowkey crying omg
homeward bound is so special to my heart, i could write pages upon pages about my emotional attachment to this fic, but that would take a whole lot of time and i wanna try and answer your question, but just !! like i know logically people really care about hb too, like i’ve read so many comments and gotten asks and i know it but getting new asks or comments still sends me reeling because it’s so mind boggling and i’m just like?? damn!! thank u sm i’m glad that my post nwm coping mechanism turned general life coping mechanism has been with you like this <3
also! congratulations on getting your bachelors!! hell yeah!!!
okay, okay, okay, so to answer your question, i think it varies on the era of their lives, so like
peter growing up probably always thought it would be nice to have a house one day because he knows his parents had a house that he could very vaguely remember living in, but he was pretty open to home being anything. harley, on the other hand, grew up in tennessee and probably always assumed he’d live in a house because he’s always lived in a house. it probably wouldn’t have been until after meeting tony and thinking about maybe going to new york one day that he even considered the idea of living in an apartment, but even then, he couldn’t imagine it being permanent
by the start of homeward bound things are different. harley is living in the city for the first time, living in a dorm and sharing close quarters with harry, and he’s mourning tony and his life before the snap, still struggling to a world that’s so different from the one he remembers, so for him the concept of a dream home feel irrelevant. like, he’s focusing more on just making it to his classes and his shifts at late night and the unexpected social life that he sort of develops with the friends he was not planning to make, so picturing his future doesn’t extend further than getting through his first year at ESU and signing up for classes, yk?
peter, at this point, has entirely lost his sense of home and assumes he’s never going to get it back (which is why he has not once referred to his apartment as home, outloud or in his head) so he has no dream home because he doesn’t think he’ll ever have a home
i’ll keep this as light in spoilers as possible, but i’ll tag it homeward bound spoilers and give a warning here that this is future hb stuff butit doesn’t actually give away the plot if that makes sense?
the series is called homeward bound for a reason, basically—it’s following the theme of home. the mcu trilogy is titled with home becoming inaccessible (homecoming, far from home, no way home) so i want this series to explore an idea of finding it again
as the series progresses, ideas of home and what it is and what it looks like are going to change and adapt, but in terms of your question specifically, harley and peter are going to wind up with the same idea of a dream home: a small cozy house, not in the suburbs but not in the heart of the city either, within a reasonable driving distance from their friends.
(bonus: harry loves the idea of a penthouse, but in reality would like a house like his moms, or a nice apartment if the location is worth it. gwen grew up in apartments and likes the idea of a house but wouldn’t care if she never moved into one.)
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kaz-playz · 2 years
New York/Illinois but they are in elementary school and the pizza is lunchables
Oh. My. GOD.
Gonna do a thing and make it so their teacher gave illinois a snack and it was a pizza lunchable. + hcs!
"Ms.Green? I'm hungry. Do you have a snack?" Illinois asked.
"Well, did you complete your project?" The teacher asked the fifth grader.
"Yeah, and me and York got it done without fighting this time! Ask Utah, he can vouch."
"No need, I believe you. Well, since you and New York could finally cooperate, heres a special snack right out of the minifridge." This was huge. No one ever got snacks out of the minifridge! Those were for special occasions only.
"Really!? What is it??"
"A pizza lunchable." Ms.Green said before handing the boy a cold plastic lunchable container.
The boy was stunned. "T-thank you Ms.Green." His voice wavered, trying its best to restrain the physical disgust and offence in its tone.
"You're very welcome, Illinois. Now go back to your seat. Im sure New York is waiting."
With that, the fifth grader walked backed to his table. Holding the disgusting, deconstructed "pizza" as far away from him as possible.
"New York." He whispered.
"Look at what Ms.Green just gave me."
"A lunchable?"
"She called this thing pizza. Pizza, New York! What is this?!? I know pizza, and this is NOT pizza. I've never felt so betrayed and disrespected. She called THIS, PIZZA? Mr.Dela is my new favorite teacher." While Illinois ranted, New york sat, glaring at Ms.Green with a scowl on his face.
"Are you serious? She knows how you feel about pizza. She knows how WE feel about pizza, and she literally partnered us. And she's gonna give you this?? If she wasnt from Iowa I'd say she's doing it on purpose. Hell, maybe she is. Look at her. The fuck is she doing?" Illinois looked towards his teacher and found her in an awkward position trying to look natural with her phone pointed towards them.
"So she DID do this on purpose... Why though?"
"Maybe ta' get us two to fight or somethin'? I don't know. But what I do know, is Im not letting you eat that." New York said.
"What? What are we gonna do with it then?"
"Who do you hate the most in this room that would take food from you?"
Illinois thought for a second, "Indiana. Guy's a dick." He answered.
"Give it to him then."
"You know for a huge asshole who is insanely wrong about pizza, you're pretty smart sometimes."
"Fuck you! Just give him the damn Lunchable."
Why is that thing here? Who did this?
Illinois takes the crust and eats em raw like a freak
New York takes the marinara sauce
They share the cheese <3
They refused to construct it. They would rather die
Definitly took a sharpie to the "pizza" part of the box
Neither of them brought it to school, but it was left on their table with a note, challenging them
They almost fought over who got what
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bayisdying · 2 years
Lucky Penny- Chapter Four
(Okay I'm a little sorry) As always feedback is much appreciated and encouraged 🥰
Dogfight football had to be the dumbest thing Lucky had ever heard of. It made zero sense, and it hurt her brain. Plus while she worked out, sports were not her strong suit. She was however enjoying herself by tackling Fanboy as often as possible.
"Why are you so mean to me Lucky?"
"You make such an easy target!"
She couldn't deny the fact that her man looked damn good running around shirtless either.
Poor Fanboy's brain had short-circuited when he saw Lucky in her bikini top and shorts. He didn't even pretend to look away when she had shed the shorts. Standing there looking like a goddess in her tiny, black bikini. He noticed Hangman staring too, he didn't even blame the blonde. Lucky was hot as hell, but Fanboy knew who she would be sleeping next to tonight and it wasn't Jake Seresin.
As the sun went down the group decided to spread out a couple beach towels to chill on. Beers were drank, jokes were told, and Lucky never felt so close to a group of people before.
Now that Maverick was satisfied with their dogfighting skills, they were moving on to actually running the mission's course. After several mess ups, they moved into having four planes in the air at once.
Dagger One was Coyote, Dagger Two was Lucky, Dagger Three was Payback and Fanboy, and Dagger Four was Phoenix and Bob. It was going so well even with Maverick acting like a bogey trying to throw them off their groove. That was until they reached the 10G climb. Lucky watched in horror as Coyote went into G-Lock.
Even when he came back to, Lucky still felt like something wasn't right. That's when the bird strike happened and she plummeted towards the ground.
The last time she had gone home to see her Mom, it ended in the same argument that always happened. Delilah Steele was a strong woman, and she was damn proud to have raised a daughter just as strong as she was. However, she still held a little resentment that her daughter had left her so soon after they had lost William.
Everytime Baylie came home it was the same. They would both play nice for the first few days, filling each other in on their lives. Then her mother would bring up her retiring from the Navy, coming home to settle down, and giving her grandkids.
Baylie wasn't ready to give up her wings, and she sure as hell wasn't settling down in Illinois. Mickey and her had talked a couple times about marriage and babies. They decided that California was only fair, that was where they had met and fallen in love. Plus that way neither of their families would feel inferior to the other.
Baylie had stormed out of her childhood home and flown out to California to spend the rest of her time off alone, in the home she'd created with Mickey. Crying herself to sleep, because she never wanted to hurt her mother.
Now as she spun out of control, she wished she had made up with her mother. Wished she hadn't stormed out, had instead hugged her mother and told her that she loved her one last time.
The last time her and Mickey had been on leave at the same time had been over a year ago. They had only a week until they were both shipped out again and had spent that whole week in New York. It had been around Christmas time so they walked hand in hand around Times Square taking in the beautiful sights, while sipping hot cocoa. They had declared a snowball war in Central Park (Lucky had won, but Fanboy swears he let her win). And they spent every night under the sheets in a hotel room that was far too expensive for the accommodations.
When their week was up it had been a bittersweet goodbye. It never got easier leaving the person you loved behind.
"I love you so much mí amor."
"I know."
"Did you just Star Wars me?"
"I did, nerd."
As the ground came closer and closer she heard that same voice ringing in her ears telling her to eject. She couldn't respond, but she hoped that her nerd knew how much she had loved him for all these years. That if he had ever asked her, she would have said yes.
The very last time she saw her father, she had been saying goodbye. He was so fragile and so pale. The past five months on chemotherapy had destroyed him. She knew it was the end. He wasn't getting better and the cancer had spread too much. It was only two weeks before her high school graduation and she hated that he was going to miss it. That had been his goal, he told every nurse and every doctor.
"I want to see my little girl graduate."
He wouldn't get that wish, but she knew he would be watching from somewhere much nicer than here. A place where he was no longer in pain.
"You can let go Dad, I promise we will be okay." She whispered. "It'll be hard but me and momma will take care of each other."
Then William Michael Steele took his last breath and his daughter's life would forever be changed. She would chase clouds across the sky, knowing that she was as close to heaven as she could get. Hoping that he could see her, and was proud of the path she had forged. Praying for more pennies from heaven.
As she pulled the eject handle, she could almost hear her father's voice.
"That's right, Lucky girl. It's not your time."
I hope you enjoyed! As always thank you for reading and shoutout to my bestest friends on this silly app for loving these two as much as I do!
The Forevers: @kloofspeaks @notyoursbutlewis @roosterscockpit @callsign-milano @callsignthirsty @callmemana @likelyrowdy
The Discord Loves: @mtnofgrace @callsign-dragonbaron @cycbaby @askmarinaandothers @persephonesportal @callsignscupcake @mrsjaderogers @biehnybaby
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