#why tf would i need a student loan
itsanit · 1 year
Being a college student is just being spammed by loan companies telling you that “ohhh you’re so special, you’re just a special little boy,,, you’ve done what few in the past have ever been able to accomplish,,, you qualify for a student loan,,, please let us give you a loan,,,, please put yourself in debt for us,,,, URGENT: TAKE OUT A STUDENT LOAN URGENT: LET US INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT URGENT: IF YOU DON’T TAKE OUT THIS LOAN I’LL FUCKING KILL YOUR FAMILY URGENT: FOR A LIMITED TIME YOU CAN TAKE OUT A LOAN WITH A 24% INTEREST RATE INSTEAD OF THE USUAL 25%
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
Hope you’re okay Ella. Whatever it is that is making you anxious i hope it passes🥺
I’ve struggled with anxiety quite a bit and I’ve realised that there’s certain things that trigger it off so once i realised what those were, i avoided them or tried to find ways around them. As for coping strategies, when i can sense i’m starting to get anxious i do anything to distract myself so I’m not thinking about being anxious. I do things that make me happy and this usually works. I try and think about all the things i have to look forward too aswell. For example these past months when i was anxious, i would just think about TFS and how excited i was for the next chapter and that was my something to look forward to. Also talking to someone helps because it reminds you that you’re not alone. Listening to other people’s perspective helped me too because i eventually realised that the things i was anxious about were trivial and i was just overthinking if that makes sense?
Sometimes it’s good to take some time out for yourself too because stress makes anxiety worse and it’s a vicious, never ending cycle. I know it’s hard sometimes to not stress because of life you know but stress and anxiety can have lots of physical implications aswell and we don’t want it to get to that stage. I’m here for you if you ever need anything♥️♥️
Thanks for this bby🫶🏼 I’ll put my answer under the read more tag bc no one needs to see me complaining haha
Gosh I’ve never really struggled with anxiety but I have financial concerns right now (have had them for months tho) bc student loans and it’s just .. I feel like I’ll never see the end of it. Mind you I’m Canadian so I owe like 9.4k ish so it isn’t that bad but I do owe a few grands to my parents too and it’s just the worst. I can’t sleep/eat bc of it lately and I’m like bruh why, I’ve started working and things are finally looking up like why is it still making me so anxious?? (I do have health concerns too, nothing too serious but it still sucks and has an effect on my mental health too)
About coping mechanisms, I’ve always used writing as one and it does help but lately I’ve been so busy and I have barely no time to write (though I write really fast so in may be 2h30?? in total I wrote 9.5k for the tfs sequel) so I feel bad bc I don’t write as much as I wish I could... As for speaking to people, I find that soooo incredibly hard bc I don’t want to burden anyone you know?? I feel like everyone has their own thing to deal with and they don’t need my stuff on top of that
And yeah I really wish I had time for myself but next day off/for myself that I can have is next tuesday.. like :’)
Thank you so much for your reply🫶🏼 you’re right, talking about it does help! It’s just v scary to me (am I tfs jungkook woah)
I hope you are doing great🫶🏼 you deserve to be happy and smiling and always calm and relaxed✨ anxiety begone cause I’ll fight it with my own two hands🫡
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bloomyn · 4 years
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x reader
tags: fluff
warnings: none
summary: you get knocked tf up 
your eyes widened at the word that spilled out of the doctors mouth a little too cheerfully. triplets? and you had just thought mother nature was being nice to you by taking your period out for a bit.
“i’m sure this must come as shock but--”
you tuned the doctors words out, more worried about the nauseating feeling starting to build in your stomach. just the thought of having three kids made your legs tremble. 
“miss are you okay?”
you want to tell the doctor that you were fine and you just need a minute, but then you promptly decide to vomit all over the linoleum floors. 
hajime’s pissed. 
if oikawa hadn’t been the one to hold him back there would’ve been blood everywhere.(pretty ironic since he worked in a hospital) those interns were just so damn stupid. he knows being in the medical field is hard enough, but it’s even harder when you’re dealing with pesky, arrogant, interns who think they know all because they’re fresh out of medical school. he really ought to teach them a lesson one of these days. 
oikawa had offered to buy him a drink, but hajime knew better. drinking would only get him more pissed, seeing you on the other hand? just the thought of your crinkly smile has him soft.
“i’m home.” he says to no one in particular slipping his shoes off. your shoes are already neatly placed on the rack and he can’t help the smile that makes its way onto his face. he’s whipped so what. 
your shared apartment isn’t really one to admire. one bed, one tiny bath, a kitchen (if you could even call it that). student loans and a low paying job don’t get you much in tokyo, but its the pictures on the walls and the hand embroidered pillow you had given him as a gift for valentines day three years ago that makes it a little more bearable.
“[name]? baby?” he calls, peaking into the bedroom a bit worried at your unresponsive figure. he makes his way toward the bed, pulling his shirt off on his way there. he groans falling into the mattress (he’d have to call his mom later to thank her for the memory foam pad she had given you two for christmas), turning on his side so he can wrap himself around your figure. “what’s wrong” he says against your shoulder. slowly you turn back, facing your husbands worried face. running his thumb over your overly-bitten and swollen lips, he plants a kiss on your forehead. 
you don’t want to tell him. not yet at least. you’re only three months in, oh god why does that sound like so long? but then you remember your scene at the doctors office and the idea of telling him goes flying out the window. so you deflect.
“just--really tired,” you mutter against his chest, “long day.”
and your loving husband just hums against you, pulling you closer to his perfect physique. how he maintains it as a resident at one of the busiest hospitals in japan is beyond you. 
“oh are you feeling better?” he says, sitting you up so you’re straddling his lap. you freeze. this morning, the first thing you had done was go to the bathroom to throw up, that was your reasoning to go to the doctors in the first place.
“oh-oh yeah it’s fine.” you stutter, “it’s probably just left over nerves from my interview”
hajime grins, pressing a short kiss to your lips, “you’re obviously going to get it you know.”
you smirk back, completely forgetting about your little situation, “yeah i know.”
“you brat.”
flipping you over, he begins his attack on your neck while his hands roam your waist. giggling, you run your hands through his scalp pulling him closer to your lips. 
“you’re so beautiful baby.” he whispers on your lips. jolting away you pull the covers up against you. hajime’s eyes widened, had he done something wrong? were you not into it? but then he spots the growing wetness on your lash line. 
you think you might cry, no, you’re definitely going to cry. you know that hajime loves you. you know that. but right now the two of you are living in a crappy apartment with no AC with new jobs and now you’re pregnant? with triplets? you don’t even notice the tears until hajime’s wiping them away for you. 
“hajime i-” you croak, unintelligible words garbling out of your mouth. 
he doesn’t show it but on the inside it feels like he’s crumbling. you’re the love of life, and you’re crying right in front of him and he can’t even do anything, and it hurts more when he realizes that when he had gotten home ; you weren’t just tired, something was weighing on you and you couldn’t tell him. you felt like you couldn’t tell him.
you suck in a deep breath. “i need to show you something.”
you’re sitting across from him, eyebrows still wrinkled, fingers tapping away with worry. 
“close your eyes.”
“just, close them, please.”
reaching into your bag you pull the flimsy piece of paper out. you can make out the three tiny bodies, all curled up against one another and one hand subconsciously rests on your stomach. and then a pair of arms wraps around you, placing their hands on your tummy. jerking up, you’re met face to face with a smiling hajime. 
“so, triplets?”
its later that night when hajime pops the question.
“why didn’t you want to tell me?”
he’s in a similar position from earlier. you’re back is tucked into his chest, his hands roaming your stomach. you shrug.
“i got scared. we’re not exactly living in an ideal situation for three babies to be running around, er crawling. and i threw up in the doctors office when they told me so i didn’t even want to think about what would happen if i told you.”
at that hajime laughs. you knock a punch to his arm, and give him a playful pinch on the cheek.
“triplets.” he muses out loud, “they’re going to have the best parents you know.”
“japans hottest resident at the university of tokyo’s hospital and a new writer for the asahi shimbun.”
you whip around, and hajime grins at your expression.
“attending? since when?”
“oh,” he sighs, “maybe six hours ago.”
you punch him for real this time. 
hajime thinks this might be the best day of his life. he’s just become an attending at one of the biggest hospitals in japan, his wife is pregnant with triplets, triplets! he’s pressing kisses on to your bare belly, when he suddenly stops. 
“we cannot tell oikawa about this”
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mayatheamazon · 5 years
“She” is actually a male hacker posing as a 19 year old girl’s private Snapchat under the name Lizette. Avoid VALERIE HOLLIDAY as well.
Sincerely, a victim.
so yesterday morning this girl on snap (super pretty, was going to meet up with her in a couple days) wanted to confirm we were meeting.
I said that yes I believe I can convince my parents to go out that day and then she goes off on me, acting as if I was blowing her off when it was the opposite?
she goes on to slut shame me for having 10 partners throughout my life, get pissed that my upper-middle-class self is “so rich and priveleged,” and discredits my talking about working my ass off as a host in a busy restaurant to pay off my student loans as “an easy job, taking the jobs from those who need it, and being so rich” that I “deserve to be targeted.” And the vacation pics I put on my snapchat story because my friends like to see my life was “flexing my wealth.” Bitch tf. I wear cheap clothes and don’t even rly shop ever. I love to give back and I mind my own fucking business. If anything I use my privelege for good and give my friends clothes when they really need it. I never ask people for anything in return. Even if I’m the friend who drives around all the time paying her own gas and car expenses.
I agreed that my family was more fortunate but only because they started from the bottom, survived the 2008 housing crisis BARELY but only because they saved up wisely and had rainy day funds, and still give back. My dad is a small business owner who gives jobs, not takes them. And I’ve always been raised to not be a spoiled brat, to always give back, and to check my privelege.
I’m literally 18 and just graduated and everyone in Orange County has some wealth but obviously when I move out it’s going to be with my own money. I will Be budgeting and eating ramen and having to work multiple jobs but I will do it and not give up on my passions. I’ll be the burnt out gen z-Er that I already am. I don’t lay around.
My days are always filled with me being extremely productive.
Always on my feet. Being anything but lazy.
So for her to call me a spoiled brat when she didn’t even know me....
Idek. I know of my privelege as an American teen who has a car, has a job. I feel rich because I have a good supportive family, a roof over my head, and an open heart. That’s what matters to me most. Of course I’m tucking rich compared to countries with hella inflation and poverty and severe class separation.
The girl starts screenshotting and saving all the private pics and videos I naïvely sent her. Then, while still slut-shaming me, verbally abusing me, and all that shit, she DEMANDS $150 from my own minimum wage paycheck or else she sends my nudes to my parents and managers at work.
She tells me the street I live on too. Calls me stupid. Says that she is actually a man in India who hacks and targets “rich girls” (meaning the girl I was seeing was his previous victim!!!!) to “redistribute wealth”
like some edgelord guy who’s read V for Vendetta or Fight Club and relates to the problematic characters without knowing that OH, Robin Hood’s equivalent in the modern day would be actually targeting rich big business owners who use their privelege to overwork and underpay their employees, or maybe the Hollywood men who use their wealthy white male privelege that we hear about in the #MeToo movement.
Instead of being chaotic good, he’s acted pretty sexist and chaotic evil if you ask me.
Fuck off, buddy. So I sent the money. Was friendly the whole time besides saying the hacker better leave me alone after this, and calling him a dipshit. Asked what food he was buying with it. Said hummus. I joked with the hacker that “I fucking love hummus”. Tried to be a good sport about all of this. Even on the Venmo I said “have a good day XX” (ok that might be sarcasm but DUDE my nude was his profile pic so I can afford to be salty). He’s probably going to use “Valerie Holliday” to catfish as me because that was the Venmo name.
Maybe you can say I’m a “priveleged girl who’s only for wealth redistribution/caste separation reduction if it doesn’t affect her” but the fact that in comparison to the people in my area that is NOT Beverley Hills, I’m not rly that rich??? and the victims of this guys actions should never just be victim blamed?
So guys. I love Bella Thorne. I love the women and men who’ve had to engage with hackers like this who steal their private info and make them feel powerless. Now I’m one of the victims but I don’t just want to be a victim.
I laughed at this and didn’t cry. You can say I took a little breather from my stizz to just clear my overthinking mind and take this as a lesson from the universe. I am pretty trusting of people—too much sometimes—and I’m just grateful I didn’t get hurt and that it wasn’t more $ from my bank account so I can still repay my dad for graciously helping me financially now and again.
I’m glad I didn’t budge on my own opinion of myself and know that I’m not just a spoiled brat. What separates those from me, is that idgaf if I have to do real work like cleaning my dog’s shit, and I am extremely aware of tons of problems in society. Fast fashion is something that I really wish to help stop in the future. So that factories can stop child labor in countries like India, where the hacker was from.
It’s sad because I asked the hacker why he does this besides “redistributing wealth” like the chad he is and he said “what moral compass?” Obviously I’ll never know what this guy has went through but I know that I’m getting money by working.
I mean. Maybe he’s the spoiled brat, typing some hacker codes to bamboozle money from teenage girls he thinks are so “rich” and “evil.”
I’m calling Snapchat soon but I’ve been busy at work and got severe pinkeye this morning but enough is enough.
We gotta stick up for those who’ve been through this shit. It’s SUPER LAME.
Here are the pics of the chat btw (1-5) and Valerie Holliday’s Venmo with my pic on it on 6 of 6. I mean...cool hacker flex. I said he did good at being a hacker but damn he’s an awful human.
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financiallymint · 6 years
I asked 42 students about Personal Finance. Here’s what they said + Resource Pack
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Personal Finance is a subject which is not talked about enough in college; students graduate unprepared and are hit with money issues they didn’t even see coming (I actually have to pay back my education???). And that’s simply because we don’t have financial education in the curriculum.
So I went on Tumblr and asked 42 students what exact areas of personal finance do they wish they knew more about. Although some answers won’t surprise you, the general trend might. That’s why I ask you not to read each answer (although feel free to do so), but to skim the page noticing the words in bold.
I asked these 42 awesome students this exact question:
What do you, as a college student, wish you knew more about in terms of money and finance?
…here are their answers:
Alice Young: Whenever I have any doubts on money for example taxes etc and have tried asking my bank, their attitude has often been that I’m just a student and I never seem to get a full answer to a question I ask. I am clueless about most things on the finance side, I guess we aren’t told much about it at university and I always think I’ll learn things as and when I need to, really.
Adult Talk:  I definitely would say that I wish I knew more about credit cards before coming in to college because I had to spend hours doing research before I applied for a credit card. I didn’t know anything about the interest rate, when you were charged for interest, how much you started with, etc. because my mom never had a credit card. What I wish I knew more about now would be student loans because I’ve never taken out one and if I need to in the future I’ll have to speak to a financial adviser and do research again.
Ampersand-study: I’d really like to learn more about taxes, it’s ridiculous how little is said about them at school. And maybe finances related to work? Stuff like different key terms, budgeting, different types of bank accounts, a bit of student finance…
Seachellstudies: I wish I knew more about banks, credit cards and paying for stuff more. Every time I want to purchase something I have trouble because im very unfamiliar with these financial stuff
Crispacademic: I wish I knew more about ways to make money without working corporate and as a full time student. Does taking paid surveys pay off? Should i think about opening a mini business? What are ways i can earn some side money without killing myself with stress?
Stuuuuuuddyyy: TAXES, I have no idea how they operate. And I’m pretty sure my previous employer was doing me out of money for this exact reason.
Studysydney: So for me, I wish I knew more about how a student loan will impact me financially in the future, for example will it affect me getting a mortgage? A car? I’m worried how a large debt may prevent me from having these things. I also worry about how I can budget and how much I will need to survive at university.
Triana-studies: For me personally, it would definitely be how credit works and credit cards. Students aren’t taught about the basics of finance unless they start taking a course on it and we college students are smack in the middle of it all, what with getting our first debut and credit cards and taking student loans. But i would love to see more info on credit as it is so important for young people to start establishing credit as soon as they can and it smart ways.
Istudiously: So i would say what I wish I knew more about (although i have learned by doing haha) is like paying bills and writing checks and like opening a bank account and all that stuff, we never learned about stuff like this in school :/
Neuroticmedblr: I honestly wish I knew more about the different types of student loans and repayment options back in undergrad lol. Good luck with your mega post!
Optomstudies: I guess basic accounting? Like making sure accounts check out and double entry?
Samstudygram: budgeting: going from being completely dependent on my parents’ funds to being pretty much financially independent was like a shock. i realized that i had no idea whatsoever how to decide how much i should be spending on groceries, toiletries, clothes, etc. and i learned the hard way that trying to figure out your personal finances once you’re already on your own is tough. figure out how much money you have (as well as your income if you’re going to have a job or be getting financial support from your family) and figure out how much you will allow yourself to spend on groceries, toiletries, gas, discretionary things (like clothes and eating out), as well as how much you need to be saving.
Sweaters-tea-studying: But still I try my best to save where I can and I wish I knew more methods of saving money and financial tips from people, and for school to really educate younger students how to manage money wisely. My parents had always dealt with managing the money so as a college student, fresh out of home, I do find myself spending money a little bit overboard sometimes. I struggle to use money in a stable way and in a wise way without kind of yoyo-ing around, spending it on shopping and then skipping meals to make up for it.
whenstudyblooms: I think that being frugal is important but it’s very easy to forget about saving money. Especially when hs students are preparing for college; not only do they have to prep academically but also financially. I’m not an expert with the financial aspect, so I would like to know the best way to balance money between spending on different things when I get into college.
notebooks-are-my-bestfriend: and to answer your question, I would say the hardest part is budgeting. In the UK, the student loan comes through according to the universities semester/term and once the loan is deposited in the bank account, it is so easy to spend it on stuff you don’t need. So, I would say that hardest part financially is budgeting and not knowing what to do with big sums of money.
studying-minerva: Taxes, Credit Cards, Managing savings, and how to get the most out of your budget.
warmhealer: I guess I would say taxes? I think that’s something that is never explained in an accessible way.
merostudies: I don’t know enough about taxes (specifically, what is the limit one can make and still get all of their taxes returned; also, how tf do you fill out Turbo Tax). My student loans have been fairly straightforward, but my parents figured that out and explained it to me and we didn’t have to take out much so it’s been fine. For credit cards, I’ve also been good. So I guess mostly taxes are the confusing part to me, but overall I can’t say I have a lot of experience in anything since my parents were a huge help.
biologee: i think that what i struggled with the most was with having to take out a loan. i didn’t feel as if i’d been prepared for this since i knew nothing about the different types of loans and which one was better for what i wanted and the lifestyle i was looking for. i remember feeling super overwhelmed when i first started researching, and i wished somebody would have told me beforehand what to look for or even what most of the words i was reading meant. the other thing was preparing an actual budget after receiving my loan. i was living by myself for the first time so i had to factor in rent, food, water and energy, everything! so balancing that with how much money i could spend on my studies and on myself was a bit rough for me in the beginning (and sometimes still).
badasstudies: I wish there was more open information and education in schools about funding and how to approach it because it’s scary.
bokuto-studying: Good evening! I’m from Belarus and I would be interested to know about taxesin other countries
futuredentist: I’d probably say that I wish i knew more about all the bursaries available from universities to help with financial difficulty etc. A lot of the time, students aren’t aware of the financial help available to them and they end up struggling a lot.
studyingbackthen: I wish I’d known more about how UK student loans affect your financial future. Students with loans are finding that they can’t get mortgages and the like despite assurances that student loans wouldn’t affect this. It wouldn’t have altered my decision to go to uni but students need to be made aware of the reality of £50k of debt and have the chance to seek other sources of financial support through college.
Sapphire-studies: to have a student budget planner which lets you know everything you may possibly have to pay for so its less unknown what your costs will be when you start. let you know you’ll need to put down a deposit when you start renting somewhere, and that you may have to account for formals and buying presents and other little things you forget about and add up to a lot.
studyelement: Mainly I wish there was a one-credit course, or some sort of seminar explaining exactly how your student loans work, and what will happen after college. At the moment, students are taking out large loans and not realizing the consequences or how to prepare to pay these loans once they leave college.
Isabella-study: I think students should know more about term deposits.
Nightlystudying: What I struggle most with is probably taxes, medical costs and insurance costs (as well as food heh). I especially wish I would have known more about all the different kinds of insurances and which ones I really need!
Universtudy: I definitely would choose how to make investments (RRSPs, etc.) because it’s a big part of planning for the future, but you need certain skills to invest wisely and not everyone has those skills, so it’s hard to learn and plan for!
Overworker: anything to do with taxes would be useful-how to pay, which ones you need to pay etc. But also stuff about investing/saving, what’s the safest way to invest or keep money if you’re trying to save, what’s risky place to keep your money.
lillastudies: I really wish that there was some basic education about how student loans work and how you will be paying them back, not to mention how to take advantage of them in the best/most efficient way… because when you’re new to student loans, the whole process can be super confusing and way more stressful than it has tonne!! Also, some sort of education around credit cards and how they work would be great too, because it’s not necessarily common knowledge…
rowanstudysspace: I wish I knew more about student bank accounts and student overdraft actually. Also general stuff about loans, but I guess it’s different for everyone from different countries?
sophocused: I’m most worried I’ll be clueless about taxes when the time comes though
koko-studies: I guess learning about taxes a little bit more can be useful. I think it will be particularly useful for students in Canada because one of my friends studies there and she has to calculate her taxes. I think students should know how to manage their loans.
danceractorplumber: I noticed that people usually don’t know about available scholarships and financial help programs. This probably falls under student loans, but in my country college is free, so idk. But as an art student – I need to know how to ask different organisations and foundations for funds for my projects. You know, how to write an application, ask professors for recommendations and whom to ask, for how much. It can be very complicated.
study-by-heart: I think the most interesting thing about finance and beeing a student is, how to set up a decent budget for yourself and to develop some strategies in order to save some coins.
motivatemycollegelife: How can I save money? What are the things that I buy but are unnecessary? How can I control my income without wasting it?
quaintstudies: i think i would love to know more about investements & stocks, and how to plan my savings for the long run
just-refuse-to-be-stopped: I wish I knew how damaged my credit score would become. I never realized it would affect my day to day life this much in the near future. But also to try to give when you’re been given. Don’t let that initial fear of seeing the numbers make you question. It only matters if you’re happy with what you’re working towards.
wanderluststudyblr: It would be nice if people told us about Taxes – what, how, why, credit cardsin regards to HOW EXACTLY do they work (and how to not be broke and not get in trouble w/the bank), and about Student Loans!! Loans are something like, “alright, I know it’s a THING, but HOW do they work?”, like, how long they usually take to pay off (it depends on the money, yeah, but we have little to no conversations about them!), how much interest can pile up, how long you should pay them off in – to save money and stuff. I think student loans are the thing that really isn’t talked about – and I know little to nothing about.
thefashionableintrovert: I think what I wish I had known more about is budgeting for a side-hustle or job and creating invoices and clear payment plans as an entrepreneur for clients/customers. For example if I do graphic design for a small business how will I go about charging? Per-Project or per hour.
studydriven: Honestly everything! I know next to nothing about finance except that college is expensive and taxes are a thing. I should probably take an online finance course or something before I leave home haha.
S-u-u-n-y-blr: I wish I knew more about taxes. I still don’t know how to properly file them and have my dad do them. I was taught how to balance a checkbook in high school but not how to do taxes!
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Do you know how many times the word ‘taxes’ appears? 18 times. And ‘student loans’? Or ‘budgeting’? I haven’t counted but I know it’s a lot.
It genuinely pains me to see how badly the schools educate us on money, one of the biggest factors of our lives. We work for money, we spend our money, we live on our money. And yet most of us have no idea how to manage it!
If you’re a college student, understanding the importance of being financially literate will help you manage your debt, save and earn money and learn how to reach financial freedom, in other words be able to do what you enjoy. And it all starts with financial education.
The real question then becomes: how do I financially educate myself? Well, fret not, as I have pitched in and created this MEGA Personal Finance Resource Pack for college students wanting answers to all their finance questions. It’s a huge compilation of content ranging from understanding taxes (about time) to inspiring student debt success stories.
All you have to do: enter your email below and voila, you have THE guide to starting your financial education, aka your path to freedom. (Oh and the Resource Pack has resources for both UK and US students :))
Some of the students I asked also pitched in with some advice they’d give to fellow students going through college. I thought it would be great to share here:
Adult Talk: A piece of financial advice I’d like to give: apply for all the scholarships and the FAFSA as soon as you can. I didn’t think I’d ever get enough to cover my expenses but I did. It’s super important that you apply for anything you can and as soon as you can.
Triana-studies: A small way for an example would be to make your big purchases for school, like all of your text books, with a credit card. You use those expenses from school to slowly build some good credit.
if you don’t start building your credit early, you’ll have a hard time later on because of a low credit score. so start sooner rather than later and just get a card from your bank with a relatively low max. try and stay below 20% of it’s max and treat it as a debit card (only spend what you KNOW you have. don’t start accumulating debt because you have to pay it eventually). this will help you get a jump start on your credit score.
paying for college: student loans, scholarships, fafsa, it’s all a lot to take in. if you can, figure it out before your first bill comes in. ask a parent or a school counselor to help run you through everything because there’s a LOT.
know how your college will want payments. some colleges split the cost of tuition up over the whole semester so you owe about $2,000 per month, while others want all $10,000 (or however much tuition is) all in august. also find out if your college can set up a payment plan to help slow things down for you if you need to.
the sooner you start saving, the better. not just for college, but for living. the first time i was on my own and went grocery shopping, when i saw my total on the register i bursted into tears. i knew food was expensive but not this expensive. if you start saving now, you’ll be able to have money for necessities and maybe even the occasional chipotle. also save for emergencies. once i figured out my budgeting i felt confident in my finances. for once i wasn’t scared to look at my bank account. and then i went out to my car and discovered two parking tickets; and THEY AINT CHEAP. saving money could help you out if you get sick, get a flat tire, get a ticket, if your computer breaks, etc. because IT WILL HAPPEN. so do what you can to be ready.
scholarships: they can be hard to get. but don’t worry; as you get farther through university there will be more and more scholarship opportunities (and they’ll give you more and more money). if you don’t get any scholarships your first year, don’t worry. it’s not the end of the world. because as long as you keep applying and keep your gpa you qualify for more and more as you get older.
community college: there’s NO SHAME in starting out at a community college (or even going there for your whole degree). while the education quality may not be up to par with ivy league schools, a credit is a credit and community college can give you a credit for WAY cheaper than a state university.
don’t stress it. college is expensive. everyone knows that. It sucks that it is, but it’s just our reality. but YOU CAN GET THROUGH IT. there’s scholarships, fafsa, work study, etc. that can all help you out. don’t let financial fears scare you away from getting an education.
As a college student myself, I also get the frustrations of not understanding the financial world. All I know for the moment is we have to keep learning and keep exploring. And then money will stop becoming an issue, it will become an interest, a hobby even.
Read more like this over at Financially Mint
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rubyvroom · 7 years
the last six months: a summary
* received word that we were losing our apartment in the most roundabout and confusing way possible, by getting a lease six months short of a full year. At Christmas. Nobody wants to explain to us why. We have to track down our building manager and sit her down and ask what tf is up. 
*Turns out we are losing the apartment TO HER. Because she is losing her place, and she is buddies with the landlord, so she talked the landlord into kicking us out and giving it to her. Now, we have lived in this apartment for 12 years and we thought we were friends with the landlord, so this was fairly shocking. Lesson #1 Kids: you are never friends with your landlord. Never. Anyway, I would have been inclined to feel bad for said manager, who is older and her husband is sick and they are clearly having financial issues, but she gave us such an “I don’t have to explain anything to you” attitude that I have permanently crossed her over to Fuck You Forever category. Also she refused to explain exactly when and exactly how all this was gonna go for another bunch of weeks, and also refused to refund us our security deposit and our last month’s rent, because it was ten years ago and we can’t prove we paid it. After, again, twelve years of being perfect tenants and taking great care of the place. Yeah, fuck you lady. Our finances are no picnic either and sadly we are NOT buddies with a landlord to hook us up, as the next six months proved.
*for this reason, we’re gonna neglect to mention that we have had bats in the house again. Yeah, she can figure that out AFTER she’s moved in. Have fun with that. 
*Anyway, cue months and months of looking for a new place to live. Friends, Boston real estate is BRUTAL. There are twenty other people looking at any one place you mange to get in to see and they will snatch it out from under you before you’ve pulled back the shower curtain. Every place wants first, last, security, broker fees, key deposit, your firstborn son, etc. We are used to finding places to live on Craigslist by searching for roommates, this is what we always did in the past before I moved in with Mr. X when his roommate moved out. Looking for a place just for us two, no roommates, involves dealing directly with Real Estate agents, building management companies, and landlords. All of whom, Lesson #2, are not there to help you, each other, or anyone but themselves.
*Whenever we did find a place that was not an actual hole in the ground and put in an application, we would get stone cold turned down. My credit score is shitty, and Mr. X is a freelancer without a steady paycheck, so we might as well have had leprosy. This despite the fact that I actually fully paid off my entire student loan this year as well as ALL my credit card debt, so I actually owe nothing to anybody. We have fantastic references, great rental history, and steady income. Does anybody care? Nooooope. They see that number and our application goes in the trash. Not that anybody would tell us this, mind, without me repeatedly calling to ask if they’d called our references yet and if they needed a paycheck stub. They just stopped calling and wasted our time rather than just tell us we were out of the running. This happened over and over and over.
*Couple other Fun Things That Happened: The place with the american flags and the Mystery Landlord who lived on the third floor but nobody ever saw - we chickened out on applying to that one because it sounds blatantly like Jordan Peele’s next horror movie. There was the place that suddenly was no longer available once we had parked on the street in front of it and texted to let them know we were there. Did he look out the window and see an interracial couple and suddenly go Nope? We’ll never know, but we got enough Weird Vibes at places we looked at to have to wonder. There was a summer sublet that was lovely and belonged to a professor who would be sending the summer in France, and we were this close to signing it but put an application down on a 1yr lease instead, and by the time we got turned down for that we had lost the sublet too. There were more real estate agents than I ever want to see again in my life and a whooole lot of basement apartments with no windows that made me want to cry.
*We got down to one month before we lose our current place and had already had our application rejected multiple times. We looked at an apartment right on my birthday that was beautiful, just down the street (so still in our neighborhood), and right in our price range. Put in the app, talked to the landlord, had long conversations with the landlord, landlord called all our references who gave us glowing reviews, were discussing move-in dates, and then she ran my credit report. Literally asked me to explain individual items on my credit report to her satisfaction. Then wrote us an email (after all this talk on the phone) to say that the place was no longer available because someone decided not to move out. 
*I lost my shit. I cried. I am not a crier. We talked about moving into separate apartments with roommates again. We talked about putting our stuff in storage and couch surfing. We talked about me going out to North Carolina to live with my parents and him moving in with a friend (this to me was NEVER an option, but it was raised). Then we buckled down and went back to work. Entire days surfing the 18 different apartment listing sites. Contacting real estate agents. Me pleading for help on Tumblr. Making appointments on the phone and checking them separately to cover more ground. Pretty much around the clock stress and work.
*Lesson #3: After all this, it became clear to me that anyplace I get to live with Mr. X is gonna be home. Everything else is bonus. So we were gonna make something work, no matter what.
*Two weeks before d-day we put out three more applications on places we could easily see ourselves living in. By then we’re so pummeled by the process that we were totally prepared to be rejected again, but wouldn’t it be funny if the one time we put in multiple applications several of them were accepted…?
*It was. It was funny. All three places wanted us. On one we got the hook-up from a real sweet twentysomething real estate agent in a managed building with a good commute, another we met the current tenants who were doing the searching for their landlord and hit it off, and the third we went out to see on a whim right after it was posted and it turned out to be gorgeous. So then we had to decide, in really short order, what to do. Still scared of losing all three of them and ending up with nothing, I had already put a deposit with the real estate agent on the managed building apartment. So if we didn’t take that one we would lose a month’s rent. But the last place, the afterthought place, really stuck in our minds, and in the end we ate the cost of the deposit and took that one. 
*SO. Our new place. It is the best place we saw anywhere this whole time. The BIGGEST place we saw this whole time. 3+ bedrooms, y’all. A dining room. New kitchen. New bathroom. I am pinching myself. I was trying not to jump up and down while we were looking at it. Landlady was doing up the place herself, showed the place herself, lives in the building herself, was cool as shit. We got on that fast. Applied that night. She accepted, we’ve been over there, signed the lease, it’s all set.
*Two more things fell into place: we got an extra week at the old place, because building manager does not have her shit together to move in yet. They were actually hoping to get a whole other month’s rent from us, but happily, we are outta here on Saturday after pro-rating a week of rent. This allows our new landlady to finish painting the last room, and also we don’t have to move on the first of the month which is always madness. 
*Last thing? Astonishingly enough, after preparing ourselves for six months for our rent to go up several hundred dollars a month and have to tighten our budget and give up things, and after getting rid of a significant proportion of our belongings because it looked like we would be living in a basement 1-bedroom for the forseeable future? And after Mr. X pretty much gave up on the idea of having a home studio for his freelance work? Our new apartment with room for an art studio is CHEAPER than what we pay now. 
*Holy shit, right? Lesson #4: Sometimes a few ulcers later it all works out. 
ps. THANK YOU to all my tumblr buddies who supported me during my crazy stress over all this, and particularly the people who offered direct help and advice. @undeniablyotiose @liaratsoniii @mcnamak, other people who I’m probably forgetting, people who sent videos and supportive messages, bless your souls, thank you for the help. 
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iheartsurveys · 7 years
Are you currently wearing anything red? The shirt I'm wearing is burgundy ish Have you had a deep conversation with anyone today? Not really What would you say is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever tasted? One of my roommates freshman year had spam flavored nuts, and someone dared a friend to try them but he was too afraid too so I did it and holy fuck it was awful What was the last food you got a random craving for? Grilled cheese and onion rings Has anyone/anything made you angry recently? Mad about some hockey drama. Who did you last go to the cinema with? Same answer as always, I'll let you know when it changes lol What was the last song that got stuck in your head? Better Than That by Sub-Radio When was the last time you listened to it? Yesterday I think, or maybe the day before Who was the last person to say something thought-provoking? Idk On your Facebook friends list, who was the last person to have their b-day? Elise How old were they? 23 What did you/are you having for dinner tonight? Spinach and mozzarella ravioli Is your best friend in a relationship? She is How old were you 5 years ago? 18! Crazy What is something you enjoy doing, but aren’t good at? Singing Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with ‘C’? My stepdad What colour are that person’s eyes? I think they're hazel Name some healthy foods that you enjoy eating. I love a good salad. I like green beans and asparagus. Carrots and ranch are delish. And I enjoy most fruit What is your favourite Studio Ghibli film? No clue what that is Do you have a favourite hair accessory? What does it look like? I don't use hair accessories other than hair ties What’s your favourite type of insect? Butterflies are cool but from a distance lol What’s your LEAST favourite type of insect? All of them Who was the last person you Facebook messaged? Maybe my mom? I forget and I don't feel like looking What’s his/her favourite food? Maybe eggplant parmesan Did you have a good day yesterday? What did you do? It was chill, I didn't do much just hung out at home When was the last time you went to a fancy dress party? Maybe frat formal last April? Who/what did you dress as? I just wore a sequined dress What genre was the last film you watched? Did you like it? I still think the last movie I watched was the breakfast club which I guess is a comedy/drama? I love that movie Have you made a sandwich today? What did you put on it? No If your best friend was a fictional character, who would he/she be? Why? I'm not sure Do you remember the last time you overheard part of a random conversation? Probably Sunday at Firefly Did it make you feel awkward? No What were you doing at 10 o'clock this morning? Letting the dogs out How many vowels are there in your first name? 3 What was the last song you listened to? Does it mean anything to you? Something by Sub-Radio I'm sure since I've been listening to them a lot since Firefly. It doesn't have any special meaning What flavour was the last cupcake you ate? Probably chocolate When was the last time you complimented a stranger? Not sure What’s your favourite milkshake flavour? Chocolate Have you had an interesting or amusing dream recently? I had a dream about living in a super cool house the other day Do you know how old your favourite actor is? 40 something Is there anything worrying you right now? Not really If so, have you talked to anyone about it?
N/A Is there anything you desperately want, that you can’t have? To not have to pay student loans lol When will you next see your best friend? Hmm not sure. Maybe next weekend Apart from sleeping, what do you plan to do tonight? Post this survey and browse social media one last time What’s the age difference between your parents? Like 3 weeks You can only have one flavour of ice-cream for the rest of your life. Which do you choose? Maybe vanilla, just because there's so many toppings you can add to make it interesting. Well actually you could do that with any flavor really but yeah idk I'll still say vanilla Are there any foods you’ve been craving, or eating a lot of, just recently? I said grilled cheese and onion rings earlier, that's pretty much it When was the last time you wanted to do something, but didn’t do it? Today Why did you choose not to do it? I was feeling lazy When was the last time you ate an apple? Like a month ago maybe What’s the nicest thing your best friend has ever said to you? Idk she's said a lot of nice things to me Have you ever experienced a hangover? lol oh yes What was the last food or drink that you tried for the first time? I had a buffalo chicken wrap at Firefly Did you like it? It was good but messy What is your least favourite pizza topping? All of them, I only like plain cheese pizza really What do your friends think of the person you’re currently interested in? I'm not interested in anyone Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ’S’. Steak The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? Watched tv Who was the last blue-eyed person you spoke to? My mom Is there a person you’d like to speak to right now? No Why that person, specifically?
N/A When you woke up this morning, what was on your mind? That I needed to let the dogs out At this moment, what are you most looking forward to? Sleeping lol I'm super tired all of a sudden Do you have any scented candles in your home? What scent(s)? I have a kiwi passion fruit one and a pineapple one in my room, and there's a lilac one in the living room Are you planning any special outings with family or friends? I'm going to a baseball game with some friends on Friday Who were the last 3 males you talked to? My stepdad, and people at Firefly Do you ever wear lipstick? What colour(s) do you prefer? I love pinkish nudes If you have a pet, when did you last pet him/her? Like 3 hours ago maybe Do you have a favourite Celine Dion song? My Heart Will Go On, obvi << same Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ‘C’. Cheese Does the person love/like have a car? What colour is it? Don't like anyone Have you ever received a compliment on anything you’re wearing? No Have you had any caffeinated beverages today? Nope What was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time? A wine slushie Did you like it? Yes it was so good Have you eaten any chocolate today? What kind? Ice cream The last person you kissed - are they older or younger than you? He's younger When was the last time someone wanted you to do something, and you refused? My mom wanted to go work out today but I wasn't feeling it What’s your favourite feature of the person you’re currently interested in? N/A How many people have you hugged today? No one Do you have a favourite hair colour or eye colour on your preferred sex? I tend to like guys with darker hair and lighter eyes, but I don't discriminate Do you remember the first CD you ever bought? I don't actually. I remember getting an *NSYNC one for easter or Christmas when I was little Is there anyone on your mind atm? My dog because I just heard him bark and I'm like why tf are you barking at 1 am The last song you listened to - does it remind you of anyone? No Is your birth year an odd or even number? Even Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today? Nah What did you have for lunch yesterday? Leftover cheese pizza Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? What's their sign? I think my mom, she's a Gemini How many different towns/cities have you lived in? 6 or 7 What are your parents’ middle names? Mom doesn't have one, dad is Paul Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s? No but they're step sibs soooo How many pets do you have? Would you like any more? Omg so we had 4 right, 3 dogs and a cat. So my mom had been talking recently about getting another cat because she thinks Isabella is lonely. I said no she totally doesn't want another animal she wants more attention from us, and that she's a princess she would hate to share things........I go away for 5 days to a festival and what do they do, they get a cat on "trial" for 2 weeks to see how it goes which could lead to adoption. Low and behold, Bella isn't fond of him. So idk what's going to happen because the new cat is actually super sweet and chill and we all like him. But I think they're crazy like we don't need 5 animals!!!! Who would've thought me, the "child", would be saying hey people we don't need anymore animals Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks? Still Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm? Caroline by Sub-Radio is a jam Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night? Can't remember Which friend do you confide in most? Britt Who was the first male you talked to today? What colour are his eyes? My stepdad, I think hazel Are you wearing any accessories in your hair? Describe them: No When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong? My stomach was bothering me on Monday If given the chance, would you change anything that’s happened today? No Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person? Alyssa; were fb and insta friends but we don't talk Do you like your middle name, or does it embarrass you? It's fine Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift? No Have you received any compliments about your appearance today? Lol definitely not Have you ever written a song or poem for someone special? No Have you ever had an argument with the last person you text messaged? Nothing major What colour is your shampoo bottle? Blue Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? No Do you have any ice-cream in your freezer? What flavour is it? Yes, chocolate peanut butter ice cream. << hey me too Have you spoken to any of your neighbours today? No, but the people across the street just got a new puppy so I want to even though the husband is an ass lol
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sage-nebula · 7 years
Tag Thing
I was tagged by @kcgane, and in an effort to distract myself from the things currently going on that are giving me panic attacks, I’m going to go ahead and fill this out! (Tbh I was going to do it anyway, since I saw the tag on mobile when I was out earlier, but now I have extra incentive to do so because I really need to calm tf down for the sake of my own health.)
Name: Scrawlers.
Star Sign: Taurus.
Height: 5′0″.
Age: 27
Favorite Color(s): This shade of blue and this shade of green. (I do like other shades as well, of course, but if we’re talking about favorites, well, those are the faves.)
Time Right Now: 9:45 PM.
Last Thing I Googled: “hp updates”
Favorite Fictional Character: ALAN, my valiant dragon son, no question. My love for him is boundless.
Dream Trip: Japan.
What I’m Wearing Right Now: Clothes.
Follower Count: 1,472 at present.
Posts: 30,972. Believe it or not, this used to be a lot higher before I purged my blog last summer.
Why Did You Make Your Blog: I wanted a place to store nice Tales Series art, and since all the art was on tumblr anyway I figured it’d be easiest to make a blog to reblog the art to.
Do You Get Asks on a Daily Basis:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I used to get them more regularly before I turned anon off.
Why Did You Choose Your URL: Because I’m a writer and my handwriting is messy af.
Countries You’ve Lived In: United States, United Kingdom.
Languages You Speak: English, and a little bit of Japanese. I’m much better when it comes to written over verbal in terms of Japanese, since that gives me the time necessary to look things up / translate slowly. 
Favorite Film: How to Train Your Dragon and How to Train Your Dragon 2. I really can’t choose between them, because in my head they’re just the same story with a time skip thrown in there. (Like, obviously different / new things happen in the second film due to the time skip, but it’s still Hiccup & Toothless’ story, which is what’s important to me.)
Last Thing I Bought Online: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, if eShop downloads count.
A Recurring Dream: It’s hard to say, because it isn’t so much that my dreams reoccur as it is that the settings of my dreams reoccur. Like, I’ll be having a dream, and then I’ll realize that I’ve been there before. And it’s not a place that I visit in real life, but rather, it’ll be something like a school that doesn’t actually exist, but that I’ve been to multiple times when dreaming---things like that. Often times the scenarios will be similar, but they won’t play out completely predictably. And that said, scenarios can reoccur as well, even if the settings are a bit different. For instance, I’ve had numerous nightmares of having to live with my biological mother again, in the different places where I’ve lived since leaving her house. The settings change and maybe even the events do, but the scenario is still the same. Things like that.
Phobias/Fears: Asphyxiation, whether through suffocation, choking, drowning, et cetera. That’s probably the biggest one, tbh. I also really don’t like insects / arachnids and panic reactions can be triggered depending on the creature in question.
How Would My Friends Describe Me: My former coworker K described me as “a scrappy, fierce little woman” once when describing how he thought I’d be able to handle myself in prison. (I can’t remember why we were discussing that, but I’m sure there was a reason.) Various other friends have also described me with words along the same lines: fierce, intimidating, et cetera. In the past I’ve also been described as perceptive (“scarily perceptive,” my ex once said), blunt, smart, and kind. Various other things too, I’m sure.
If I had $$$ to spend what would I buy first: Is this, like, an unlimited amount of money? If so, I really, really, really, really, really want my student loans paid off orz. If it’s not an unlimited amount, uhh . . . off the top of my head, I don’t know. I’m sure there are things I want, but I can’t think of them right now. Food, maybe?
I tag: Whoever sees this and wants to do it.
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Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
"Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is a good price for a 2007 SV650s?
I am looking to buy an SV650S. So far this decisions has been been placed on price, insurance cost, easability in riding (based on what I have reasearched), and overall looks. Once I get to the dealership it will get my final approval based on the feel when I actually get on it. But assuming that I still love the feel of the bike, how do I begin the haggling process. This is the first bike for me and I don't want to be taken advantage of. Currently near where I live, Los Angeles area, one is being adverticed as a new 2007 for $6199 OTD. Could this really be an out the door price? Can I haggle on an OTD price? Am i only allowed to touch and sit on the bike at the dealership? Could I ask them to throw in gear in the deal such as a jacket or a helmet or something?""
""Could $5,000 cover the healthcare insurance premium for a family?""
If McCain's credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and market the heck out of it? Obviously, it won't have all the bells and whistles, but people would be covered. There is the issue of the tax on the premium, but it still seems like a good idea. This link was interesting - it describes both plans clearly: http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/10/news/economy/tully_healthcare.fortune/""
Is it possible to obtain a learner's permit without having my parents' insurance rates go up?
I am a 16 year old in NY and my parents do not want me to obtain a learner's permit because they are afraid that their insurance rates will go up and they cannot afford it now. Now, a friend told me that I could go to the NY DMV without my parents and get a learner's permit. Is this possible? I would like a learner's permit not only for the ability to drive, but also as a solid form of photo ID (like, instead of a passport). What should I do about this? PS. My parents won't be convinced.""
How much does car insurance really cost?
Some companies like Dashers offer insurance for 18 dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ is that good enough?
What's the average cost of maintenance of a recreational aircraft (piper archer III)?
How much you would have to pay annually to maintain a hobby like this one. Including fuel, hangar, insurance, etc.""
Is it cheaper to insure your child under your insurance even if they have thier own car?
Is it cheaper on your child to insure them under your insurance even if they have their own car? We have leased a 2011 Chevrolet Cruze for our 18 year old daughter and after researching some rates that were as high as $500 per month, we thought it might be cheaper to insure her under our current policy as an additional vehicle. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? This is in the state of TN, and the lease and vehicle will be in my daughters name, we're just making the payments on everything. She is a student at a college less than 50 miles away. She does live there however, and only comes home once or twice a month.""
Help! driver's license and auto insurance?
so I just got my driver's license (im 18), but i don't have a car yet. im driving my mom's car, is that ok? do we need to call the insurance comany and tell them to add my name to our car insurance? do we need to pay extra money? thanx for ur time! p.s. we r in Maine""
How much motorcycle insurance cost in Ontario?
per month
How can i get auto insurance? Complicated story.?
Ok so i currently DRIVE a 2005 Mazda 3. When I originally moved to Florida 3 years ago, My good friend, who I moved to florida to live with, so graciously loaned out the car for me. My credit was and still is horrible, so at the time the loan was put solely under his name. Thus, the car is registered in his name. Three months ago, My friend moved to california with his Fiancee and I moved back to where i grew up in pennsylvania. Well long story short, I'm moving back to florida to get in state residency for college. While i was up in PA, Geico cancelled my insurance cause i was out of state for too long i guess. I had insurance with them under a family plan with my friend when we lived together in Florida. So basically the car is registered in Florida, the owner(my friend) lives in California, My credit is to crappy to change the loan into my name or even have me as a cosigner, and I need to somehow get insurance back so i can drive my car back down to florida next month when I move back. Any suggestions at all as to how i can get Insurance, while still having my friend as the only person on the loan/car registration? Again the car is still licensed and registered in florida, where i'm moving. ANY HELP AT ALL IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!""
Wanna buy car insurance?
I wanna buy car insurance . My age is 26 year old but this is my first insurance that's why my insurance is very expensive plz tell me which insurance company is cheap
Trouble with my car insurance....?
I have decided to buy a Golf GTi and today looked into how much it would be to insure. I went on the compare the market and go compare and to my surprise the prices were arounf 5000-8000 and some of the bigger companies wouldn't even insure me. I'm 20 years old But i did get a quote for 2300 fully comp from PREMIUM CHOICE (which i've never heard of). SO what i'm asking is...is it really a big deal who you're insured with? and what are the disadvantage of getting insured with little known companies? My dad seems to think that these smaller companies aren't to be trusted and if you were involved in an accident they wouldn't be interested or they could go bust in 2 months and take your money. Have you got any tips on how to get around this insurance chaos? It's such a rip off.
What does Term Life Insurance mean with no surrender value?
If I had a 15 year Term Life Insurance at $100,000. with no surrender value. What would it be at the end of 15 years. Can I collect the full amount on this type of insurance?""
Health insurance for my daugter?
ok heres the deal, icurrently have my 14 month old daugter on my insurance that im offered at work i only pay like 9 bucks for myself but for her i have to pay 80 dallors a week its killing me is there something i can do about this? My insurance is Kaiser permanente. Would it be beetter for me to take her off my insurance and go directly to Kaiser and try to get it? THANKS""
What if 21st Century Insurance considers my car totaled?
Ok...My car was parked at my work which is privately owned. An ex employee who was inebriated, backed into the driver's side quarter panel. Now, my car has a HUGE dent and it won't lock. I left it at the body shop and the adjuster told me it might be considered totaled. My car was in immaculate condition, mechanically, as well as cosmetically. In addition, my car has less then 93,000 miles on it. What should I expect? I am a student and I rely on this vehicle for my only means of transport. I know the insurance company is going to take advantage of my ignorance on insurance jargon. PLEASE HELP, I NEED ADVICE!!! Thanks~""
Is this typical for insurance for a 17 year old?!?
I just bought my first car Saturday. My dad went to the DMV to get it registered and insured. Then, he called our insurance company to get a quote for how much driver's insurance is for a 16 year old female. If you take driver's ed, watch a state farm video, and have a G.P.A above 3.0, comes to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! That's with driver's ed, and a G.P.A above 3.0! Now my parents are really upset, 'cuz that's thousands of extra dollars a year--not on gas, not on the vehicle itself...Just insurance! They're not sure I can get my license now b/c of it. This really frustrates me. I will be 17 in a couple months, and I really, really, really want to get my driver's license. I have a car, I'll buy the gas, but the insurance is astounding! So my question is, is $88 A MONTH typical for other companies/ or in other states (We're in AZ).""
Who is the cheapest car insurance in NC?
I am with nationwide, but want to change, I have a car and an suv with full coverage and renters insurance, bundled thur them, I am trying to see who is the out there that is lower in cost, my mom likes Gieco, but I see all the ads about progressive......who do you think?""
Gettting car insurance for more than one car?
si my big brother has a BMW series 3 and got the insurance done for it through my dad i've not long passed my test and have been ask to buy a MG TF and was wondering would i still be abel to get insurance through my dad as well even though my big brother had insurance through him for his car?
Rough estimate of my car insurance cost?
Hello, I'm 17 years old, male, never been in an accident or anything, and I am currently insured by my parents. If I wanted to get my own car insurance, roughly how much would this cost me? Thanks.""
I was wondering about my insurance?
i was wondering if my insurance will cover a tubal reversal? i have blue care its a goverment paid insurance cause i can't afford it.. i was really wonting this done and i have searched high and low on the computer and can't find anything so if u can help me out thanks a lot
Are dual sport bikes cheaper on insurance?
Well me being only 17 and only having a minumum wage job. I heard it was cheaper to own a bike. Don't get the wrong impression, I can afford a car and insurance. It's it cost too much money. I have less thsn 100$ every MONTH to myself. I should habe over 650. So anyways. I want to get a bike. Since i'll only be commuting. Social,work,school. Is it worth it. And if so what kind of bike shoukd I get. I'm 6.3 and big. Woukd a 250cc be a good start?""
How much does my car insurance go up after speeding ticket? ?
How much does my car insurance go up after speeding ticket? ?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost me for 6 months being 16 driving a 2008 kawasaki ninja 250R??
Can a daughter cover her mother in her company's health insurance?
A friend of mine is expecting her daughter to get a full-time job after graduation in summer of 2007. She is a 58-year old widow and doesnt have health insurance. She is planning to have her daughter claim her as a dependent in the coming tax year in order to cover her in her daughter companys health insurance once her daughter gets the job. I told her the above condition is impossible. Her daughter can claim her as a dependent, but not able to cover her in the group health insurance, such as company's health insurance. Would like to hear other comments and opinions.""
If your car is in storage do you still have to carry car insurance?
If your car is in storage do you still have to carry car insurance?
Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???
Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???
Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
What's wrong with car insurance?
I am a safe driver. I've never had a car accident or ticket. As a consequence of my choices, I pay very low rates for car insurance. Other people I know have had accidents and many tickets, they pay a lot for car insurance. In this system, each person pays a different rate based on the consequences of their choices and actions. So what is wrong with this system? Why can't we use the exact same system for health insurance? If I eat right, exercise, and wash my hands then I will rarely get ill and should pay very low insurance rates. My neighbor eats junk food, smokes, and never exercises, has lots of medical issues and will for as long as he lives, shouldn't he pay a much higher rate for insurance? Why would anybody want a government system in which we will both pay the same rate? That is blatantly unfair to me since I make good choices and wont get sick as often. Furthermore, I have the choice of lots of different car insurance companies (Geico, Allstate, Nationwide, Progressive, etc.), this competition drives lower costs and better service. Why would I want to give up choice in favor of a monopoly? What is wrong with our car insurance system that somebody would not want the exact same system for our health care?""
How do i pay car insurance at 18?
Okay, so i'm about to turn 18. I'm moving out and into my Boyfriends home(He's 20). He still lives at home, but his parents love me and want me outta my parents home, so i am! But i need to know how to switch my car insurance over so that i can keep my car and pay my own insurance. I refuse to get put on to my boyfriends parents policy. Is there a way for me to get the bills and pay for it, without my parents or his parents having to worry about it? (Please don't tell me that i shouldn't be moving out at 18. I'm responsible, and i've had a job since 15. I've been saving every penny for this moment.)""
Maternity and Health Insurance?
If you have health insurance but do not have maternity insurance. Does the health insurance cover any of the hospital. etc fees? Example...Hospital stay?
2005 Pontiac G6 GT Insurance?
I have a 05 G6 GT. I am an 18 year old male living in kansas and I want to know how much monthly insurance should be? It is a 4 door car.
How to make car insurance cheap as possible!?
im 17 and just passed my test and i need to get cheap insurance. i have a 1.0L 05 plate corsa and i need to get it on the road asap. its my aunties car she had given it me but wont let me use it till i get insured. i need help to make it as cheap as possible so please help!
Is there a website where I can use a calculator to get an estimated insurance quote for a car I may buy?
I want to figure in the insurance as part of my outlay in this purchase without a bunch of insurance agents harassing me, calling me, emailing me and so forth. It would help me make the final decision on which vehicle I purchase.""
Does NCD for a motorbike insurance work on a car insurance?
Hi, Does Non Clam Discount earned on motorbike insurance work will work for a futher car insurance? I'm a fresh young driver with no NCD and the first price for a car insurance is 6500 a year, so I can't really own a car with this rate... Is it possible to insure a motorbike (around 600) for like 2-3 years and then used this 2 or 3 years NCD to have the discounts on a car insurance? It could make me save a lot of money if it is possible!""
How can i get my car insurance down i am 19 and i cant seem to get it cheaper then four grand?
i have a 1ltr vauxhall corsa club it is group 1 insurance i have no driving offenses point or illnesses the car has no modification and it is still 4000 pound and that was for a 10 month policy 395 a month will something like 400 deposit its just unfordable
""Gas, Home and car insurance in my tax return expence?""
I'm a self employed programmer, I work in my home (don't have office) my question is can I consider my home rent or car insurance-gas as my job expences in tax return forms? I'm useing my car to see some of my customers (not always).""
Question about MA car insurance?
I have a car parked in my apartment's parking lot that doesn't run. Can I cancel the insurance on it so I don't have to pay for it every month? I'm in the process of trying to sell it. When I cancel the insurance, do I have to return the plates, too? I don't think it's legal to have a car with no plates parked in a parking lot.""
Are Honda Preludes considered sports cars to insurance companies?
Im looking for a Honda, and i keep finding Preludes, i love the car but i have been told i cant get one because they are considered sports cars and sports cars are more on insurance, can anyone help me!? Are they really considered sports cars?""
How much do you pay for car insurance? (teenagers only please!)?
I'm turning 16 next week and was hoping i could get my license right away, but my parents can't afford to pay for my car insurance. It would be really helpful if teens with basic liability coverage could give me an estimate of how much they pay for car insurance. Thanks!""
Do insurance companies raise rates if they know you are dyslexic?
If you're had an evaluation and it comes out as positive. Would insurance companies be likely to charge you higher rates?
Cheap health insurance? Im a middle 30's single male. Is there a place I can compare quickly like car insuran?
I filled out one thing but it turned out to be almost a phishing scam. Im about to do COBRA, but I think I can get something cheaper. Im also in SC if that matters. Any guesses?""
Question regarding rental car insurance in the US?
Even though I don't live in the US I have a valid credit card issued in the US, I will be traveling to the US and renting a car I have asked and been told by the credit card company that using the credit card provides insurance. I have two questions: 1.- Would the insurance be valid even if I don't have a US driver licence? 2.- Would the car rental agency allow me not to purchase the insurance even though again I don't have a US drivers licence?""
Which insurance company is cheapest for young drivers?
""How much is renters insurance in Salem, Oregon?""
How much is renters insurance in Salem, Oregon for a five bedroom house?""
""Insured car, uninsured driver?""
I have a free-loading bother in-law and I was just wondering. If he uses the family car which is insured but he does not have car insurance, can he be liable in any accident situation? Please tell me yes, so I have a reason to refuse my car to him. Anything from if he is at fault or not at fault, injury, coverage, or settlements... Thanks""
Needing Short-term disabilty insurance?
My husband and I are planning on having one more child in a year or so and I am looking for short-term disabilty insurance, b/c my work does not have it. Anybody know a good insurance??""
How do I go about getting life insurance?
I need life insurance, who do I need to speak with?""
""How much would it cost to get insurance (if you can) on a $100,000.00 car if your 18?""
Just asking for an estimate. If i cant get full coverage, could i just get liability?""
Lower my car insurance?
My car insurance is high, $1060 for just 6 months because of 2 accidents in the last few years. I am 21 and drive a 2000 Honda Accord Ex V6. I've shopped around and no other company's are lower so don't recommend that. Do you know any tricks to getting your car insurance lowered??""
I totaled my 2010 Mazda 3i how much should I expected from insurance?
I was just squished between two pickup trucks with the driver behind me at fault and having a suspended license. The body shop said the total damage is $13,700 and the insurance company just labelled it a total loss. My car is just over a year old with about 55,000km on it with no prier damage on it. How much should I expect to get back as I am financing the car and cant afford to keep paying if they don't pay it out. ( Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)""
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
What papers do you need for car insurance?
Alright I don't know too much all I know is I'm determined, I want a car with car insurance on it. My dad has a car in which he is going to let me have and I am going with him next week to get car insurance. What papers do I need to present in order to get the car insurance because I want to be ready. I'm not sure what insurance I want yet but I believe he might be putting the insurance in his name and mine being that I am a young driver.""
Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
Getting a check from both insurance companies?
I recently got in a car accident, and both insurance companies (mine & the other party's) sent me a check to cover the damages, each check is enough to cover the full damage. What should I do? a. Use check from other party's insurance, and return the one from my insurance company. b. Use check from my insurance company, and return the one from the other party's. c. Keep both checks""
Why is there a huge difference in insurance quotes if all info is the same?
I'm shopping around for insurance quotes because I thought my car insurance was too high. Progressive gave me a very low quote, which I was happy about. It was what I thought I should be paying compared to friends I've talked with. All the other quotes from the other insurance companies were in the same price range and very high. I began to worry that Progressive had some incorrect info, so I called them back, we went over all the info again, and everything is right. They even emailed my quote to me and it's all correct. Should I be worried that the quote is so low or is Progressive just being competetive?""
What is the normal procedure for a car accident without insurance?
3 weeks ago I hit a womans car in Sydney with my friends 4WD. I did not have any insurance on my side and now the woman's insurance wants me to pay for the damage. They gave me a call saying the damage was AU$ 5760 but if I would pay AU$ 2900 in the next 4 weeks that would be it for me. Now Insurance companies are not known to be humanitarian organisations so why would they let me get away with less money? I also talked to an Australian friend today who said the woman's insurance would have to give me three quotes on how much the repair of the car would be before they start doing anythin. Being a traveller I feel like the Insurance company tries to take advantage of my minimum knowledge of Insurance issues. So could someone please explain me the usual procedure for something like this?
Motor Scooter Insurance?
I'd like to hear an estimate for how much motor scooter insurance would cost if I have/am: *16 years of age *Own a 49cc motor scooter *Will use it basically year round for: School, business, pleasure purposes *Took a drive safe course *Have a car license *Decide to get completely insured (All out) If someone would give me realistic numbers for monthly/ yearly costing, I'd be very appreciative.""
Car Insurance question ( British Columbia)?
My boyfriend was driving me car and crashed it. Everything is on my insurance.They said the cost of my insurance will be up for three years. and then it will go back to normal. If I don't get insurance for those three years will it go away or will I still have to pay it when I go to get insurance after the three years?
Where have you been able to obtain the cheapest car insurance from?
Is it better to go through an independent agent or is it better to just go directly to some of the larger companies?
""In Texas, if you sign to buy a life insurance but change your mind, can you get your money in full amount?""
Last night insurance agents are able to pressure us into buying equity index universal life insurance, this morning we realize that it is too expensive and we'd rather have term life, what can we do? It is from World Financial Group agent.""
Car insurance for teens?
i want to get a 2004 spyder eclipse two door, and i'm on my parents insurance (farmers insurance) because i'm 17, and was wondering if anyone knows about how much it will be a month.......""
Do you need auto insurance to ride and motorcycle insurance to ride a motorcycle?
Ok i have a couple questions But first off all im 15 1/2 (all ready have motorcycle and car permit) 1) when i get my license do i have to buy auto insurance to have motorcycle insurance, Because my dad said to have your license and to ONLY drive a motorcycle you need both insurances. (even if i dont drive a car) 2) do i need to have motorcycle insurance to drive a motorcycle with a permit? (since you dont need car insurance for driving with a permit) Thank you!""
California unemployment insurance?
Can I still receive unemployment benefits if I return to school? I know you have to be available to work full time. What if I don't tell them I'm going back to school? I know they have job training but I'd like to go to a fully accredited school. Please help. Thank you
""I'm traveling for a month, do I need car insurance?""
I'm going to be traveling for a month, during which nobody will use my car. My insurance expires right before the month starts, and I want to switch providers after that, but is there any good reason to continue paying insurance for that month at full rate when nobody's even going to touch the car? Or, is there another way I can save money?""
How expensive is it likely to be for a 17 year old to get caravan insurance?
I have obtained my licence e.t.c for caravan towing and was wandering if you knew how much it would cost me to get insured on a caravan?
Car insurance question.?
I am wanting to get a car at a dealership, and one of the papers they need is to show proof that I have car insurance on the car I have now. So here is the deal with the insurance, I am under my sisters policy, but my car is shown as she owns my car. Will this still work for the dealership? Technically I do have insurance under my car. Please any advice would help, thank you(:""
Does anyone know of a health insurance company that pays the Medicare B premium?
I live in the formerly great state of California. A friend has her Medicare B insurance premiums paid by her insurance company. She was employed by a school system in California. Is there such a plan for non-school retirees? My current insurance says everyone must pay the Medicare B premium.
Cheap Insurance (San Antonio)?
can you tell me any cheap auto insurance for a 95 model here in my area. san antonio tx
Do you buy insurance before you buy a car?
Say you picked a car that you want. And negotiated your deal? Who do you get insurance? I never had a car before.
Adding teenager to car insurance?
I'm turning 16 in a few months and my parents said if i paid for the extra cost they would put me on their policy and i was wondering how much money it would be. We have Geico
Im 16 and im wondering what is the cheapest insurance for the following cars?
im thinking about getting a used car probably a 2005-2007 scion tc or ford mustang 2005-2006 or a nissan 350z 2003-2007
Can you have two car insurance companies with out them finding out?
I need an SR22 but my parents insurance company (Allstate) is saying I must go somewhere else or my payments are going to sky rocket. I only need the SR22 for two months so I figured I'd just get a second policy for two months, stay on my parents' as well, then just cancel the second policy when I don't need the SR22 any more so I can avoid losing the great rates I have on my parents'. Would my current insurance company find out if I got a second policy and cause me to have to reevaluate our current policy (which is the main thing I'm trying to avoid). And lastly, if you can't have two policies on one car could I leave my name on both and just take the car off my parents without having to reevaluate our current Allstate policy?""
Where can I find cheap auto insurance?
I have a spotless driving record and pay my premiums on time every month. I signed up for AMICA insurance a few years ago because they only cared about your driving record so my premiums were low. Two years later they decide to do a credit check on all of their customers and they saw I have a wage earner. Regardless of my spotless driving record and my dependability on making all of my premiums on time they upped my premiums substantially because of bad credit. Its not fair. When I signed up they did not do credit checks and went solely on your record. Where can I find an insurance that charges you fair premiums based on safe driving record?
Question on buying new insurance policy with previous insurance company?
Recently I was involved in a collision where the other driver was at fault and their insurance company paid out for my written off vehicle. Now I have 7 days to find another car before my courtesy car gets taken away, so after using money supermarket website the cheapest quote that came up is with my current insurance company. But the issue that makes me concerned is that I recently also go a renewal quote as my insurance is about to run out and the quote was ridicously HIGH but why it is so much cheaper if I go through the comparison website? so does this mean they will make me pay that high fee of I'm not joking 29,509.43 even though the other insurance company paid out and I was not at fault? On the website the quote is 1,454 for the year which is a bit more than what I paid last year but I don't mind but I'm just worried if I bought that online would they later ask me a different price that I must pay.""
Stopped for no car insurance but we do have insurance car seized not fair?
11.30pm last night pulled over said no insurance.Did not have insurance document in the car,just the license.Because of the time they seized the car because they could not phone the insurance company.Told them only way i can get proof is bank statement as i was 20 miles from home,but that was still not good enough.I have paid insurance by direct debit for the last 2 years and no problems.so i am well cheesed off this has happened. Have produced the lenience at local station,and shown them documents,they phoned the insurance company and have now give released papers to pick up the car.I am very unhappy with this whole situation and now out of pocket. Is there anyway of claiming the costs from police or insurance company,whoever it is to blame,as there is no way i can be liable for something i am paying for,and to pay 30in taxi fares another 20 to get to the car compound and another 170 to release the car.There must be a way i claim this money back as i feel i am in the right.plus have to fight the 200 fine and 6points also totally unfair and messed up situation this is. I just can't except the inconvenience and the costs that i have to pay when i am legit on the road.surely i can claim if anyone knows""
What's the cheapest option for car insurance for a teen?
I just recently passed my driving test and I'm completely taken away by the prices I've saw for car insurance on my parents Astra, I'm getting prices up at 7K. I've decided to go out and buy a category 1 insurance car (or any that's a low category) so it will be cheaper to run but the only problem is, I don't have a job at the moment so only have savings. It wouldn't bother me not taking out my own policy because I understand that can be more expensive but is there an alternative for me until I get a job and earn money to get the policy so I can collect NCD's? One of my friends use to have his own policy on his family car, a big car like ours, until he had an accident and the price shot up. Now because he can't afford the monthly costs he just takes out 1 weeks insurance at a top when needed and this costs him around 40. What I don't understand though is that he's 18, the same age as me, and I thought you werent able to do short term insurance as a new driver? Although I think he somehow takes it under his parents policy? I'v no idea how this works if someone could shine a light on it? Another friend also had a Nissan Micra and was paying around 80-90 per month which I thought was very cheap (also the same age as me) for an insurance which makes me wonder if he is on his own policy? My dad will be getting insured on my own car also and be using it for work at nights. If anyone could come up with some solutions for me that would be great!! :) Thanks""
How do insurance companies insure replica cars?
i am looking to buy a replica lamborghini because i don't have an extra 200,000 dollars layin around. but i know that insurance is a ***** if you own a lambo. The one i am looking at has a bmw V12 engine. so would it be considered a bmw or...?""
""What happens if you have health insurance through your job, then have to get new health insurance?""
If you have health insurance with your employer then quit, how can you get new health insurance with your new employer because aren't they going to see all your pre-existing history from your old insurance company?""
Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
Insurance for a mobility scooter?
Would anyone be able to recommend a UK company who can provide insurance for a mobility scooter, preferably payable monthly via direct debit? All I can find is companies that want immediate full payment, which is not an option for my 70 year old mum.""
Functions of life insurance?
what is the functions of life insurance
Which way is the cheapest for car insurance?
Im 17 in december and once i pass my test im gonna buy a small car 1.1/1.2 etc. I have heard that if i put my mum as the primary driver and me as my secondary driver it is very cheap (with directline this is) Is there any other cheaper ways?
Where can I get a cheap-ish car insurance quote online?
Where can I get a cheap-ish car insurance quote online?
Getting a ticket for no insurance?
how much does it cost for getting a ticket for no insurance in california ?
About how much is Valet parking insurance in FL?
garage liability insurance
Low income health insurance?
One of my friends recently came to US from a different country. She sold whatever she had and came to US with 25000$. Recently since she was sick she had to go to emergency room for three days. The problem is she did not have any kind of health insurance. Somebody in the hospital told her that she might be eligible for special kind of low income insurance. Her salary is 900$ per month and she get some help from her brother to be able to pay for rent and living costs. Here is my question: does having 25000$ in the bank account disqualify her for this low income insurance? Do they expect that she pay nearly all these 25000$ for the cost of her visit to emergency room? She was asked to provide all the documents regarding her bank accounts, rent she pays and documents showing her income. She is living in Bay area.""
Why can't I get car insurance?
I passed my driving test on the 11/10/12 I am not the registered owner on the V5 Log Book, my father is already insured on the vehicle that will be handed over to me as a shared car yet, I can't get my own insurance because I had one claim as a provisional license back in 2010, would it be better to go as an additional driver on my fathers policy or somehow resolve the problem as be the policy holder myself. Also my father admits he will be no longer needing the car when the insurance expires, but what do I do? just to be able to drive my car as I've only recently passed and want to go out for a drive!!!! Will the log book eventually need to be in my name so I can insure it? Also I'm having great difficulty with the claims, I can't seemed to be insured just because of a motorcycle accident claim that wasn't even my fault! thanks.""
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old?
Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?""
My dentist wants me to pay up front and have my insurance company reimburse ME?
I just went to the dentist today and had a filling. I have dental insurance, but the dentist wanted payment up front for the services. The receptionist said they require payment in full for the services on the day of service, and then they will send the insurance claim in to the company and eventually I will receive a reimbursement check. Isn't that what INSURANCE IS FOR??? So you DON'T have to pay????? I don't handle the cash in my family, so after much arguing about requiring payment up front, the receptionist agreed to let me walk out withouth paying, but expects me to have my husband pay by tomorrow. It just doesn't seem right that the dentist gets cash up front for the work, and then makes ME wait to get reimbursed by the insurance company... what the heck?""
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old male?
I currently am under my mom's car insurance and I have a 2000 Ford Focus. I plan on trading that in for a 2012 Ford Focus, and I was just wondering how much it would cost for me to insure that car. My monthly insurance payments aren't that expensive. I just don't want to be paying more than I can afford.""
How much would a personal health insurance policy cost for a family of 5?
My friend is thinking about quitting his job to play poker for a living. I abolutely don't think it's a good idea because he has three kids, so you don't have to tell me that... Although over the past month of doing that in AC, he is averaging $450/day, and he is smart about how much he risks and an amazing player. Anyway he had a union job with great medical insurance; but if he did this for a living at $450/day... he'd still be making like three times what he did/year. His medical insurance would have to be purchased individually now. I was wondering if anyone knew what that could cost for a family of 5? I'm thinking like 6-10K per year... that sound about right?""
How much on average is car insurance for young drivers in florida?
i'm a 20 yr old female just trying to budget to figure out how much i need to save for when I get my car. I plan on spending about 2000$ on a used car, but am trying to add in the price of tags, tax, insurance all those up front prices so I figure out how much i need to save up and how many hours i absolutely need to have per week. So, just a rough estimate like $100...$150...something like that. Don't feel like doing price check to price check online with the quotes since I have no clue on the car yet..don't want it to be anything under maybe a '95""
Car Insurance help please?
I'm 19 year old male. I got my license for the first time (1 month ago) in NC. I was added to my moms insurance (i don't have a car) and first they told me it was $300 every 2 months for me, now they are saying its $445. I am trying to save up for a car to buy in January and I don't drive my moms car. I asked the insurance company can I be taken off the policy and they said Turn your license back in or show proof of insurance with another company... I rent a car about once a week from ZipCar (Insurance included) and I don't want to turn my license back in. Anyone have any experience?""
Aetna student health insurance cover accutane?
Does anyone know whether Aetna STUDENT health insurance cover accutane? I don't know whether regular Aetna and Aetna Student are the same. also, for guys who have taken accutane, do we take the ipledge too? if so, how long do we have to wait before taking our first pill?""
Aircraft insurance rates with DUI/DWI?
If one is a partner in a small airplane, what effect would a potential DUI/DWI have on current insurance rates?""
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
Where can I find affordable health insurance without a deductible that makes it pointless to have insurance? We live in Nampa Idaho. We are on a tight budget but I can probably make room for a couple hundred dollars. I would need family coverage for myself, husband and 2 year old daughter. I have tried looking around online and all of the insurance plans are about $400+ a month and still have a deductible of $2500+ per person. I have looked into welfare and their income limit is $317 a month, and they have no options for paying a monthly premium for people that can't afford the other plans. I just wanted to see if anybody had any recommendations for something that might be a little affordable. We have chronic health conditions so we do tend to use a lot of medical services.""
Car Insurance quote suddenly disappeared?!?
I've just been obtaining quotes for a couple of cars I may buy - I'm 19 and looking to buy my first car. I was on moneysupermarket.com and noticed Admiral were consistently the cheapest company - so I kept changing some details to make the quote lower if possible, just messing around really. After around 10 quotes or so (with them being the lowest each time) I noticed that admiral was no longer displaying a quote and was now in the section shown as no quotes produced along with around 60 other companies. Why is this? Have I broken a limit of some kind? But why would the other companies still be there displaying quotes (albeit they're higher which isn't to my liking!). It's confusing and frustrating, can someone tell me why this has happened? I think I've told you as much info as possible but I'll add more detail if asked. Thanks.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Florida?
I wand to know what is the cheapest car insurance in tampa FL this is my first car insurance and i am 23 what is the avrage for people in my same age pay for thier insuranse and i have a clean record the car will be Acura 2.2 CL 1997 2doors
On average how much would a body kit raise insurance?
Like on a mustang! Thank you for your time and may God bless you :)<3
How do you get car insurance?
I am on my mom's car insurance with Geico but it is no cost because I had my permit. I just got my license like 2 days ago. Will I have to notify them? I'm going to get a car next week probably, so you have to have car insurance to actually buy a car don't you? Could someone explain the process to me? Thx =]""
""Lowest insurance with DUI, California?""
I just need to find out from real life members I did some checking around with the big companies and found out that Nationwide was cheaper Me 38 with the DUI my insurance went from $70 bucks to $89 a month. I think that is high and I only have the state minimum, which in California the department of motor vehicles pounds you. Anyone else can recommend someone cheaper. Before I checked with Geico, Allstate, Farmers, AAA, and Progressive, 21st century all liars. Also I know what happen Im taking responsibility so NO NAZI MADD responses.""
How much would insurance cost. The car is a 2000 Lincoln Continental.?
How much would it cost I would mostlikely be put on my parents policy. Just wondering how much it would cost. Im 16.
California unemployment insurance?
Can I still receive unemployment benefits if I return to school? I know you have to be available to work full time. What if I don't tell them I'm going back to school? I know they have job training but I'd like to go to a fully accredited school. Please help. Thank you
Isn't the real problem causing a health care crisis in USA that cost of healthcare/insurance is too high?
Health care costs are out of control and so is the cost to insure. Because of the high cost of insurance many employers no longer offer what used to be a very common employee benefit. So now we millions of americans who are uninsured because they cant afford to go out and pay 600, 700,800, 900 dollars a month for private health insurance coverage. The rich and the fortunate ones with group insurance are taken care of. The ones who dont work and are on medicaid are taken care of, but the ones who are above the poverty line and work but are struggling as it is to make ends meet cannot afford the high insurance premiums and are left uninsured. We need to find a way to make health insurance and health care more affordable ..this is how people will get insurance on their own and the government will not have to tax us more to provide more free health care.""
Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
Gorum Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71434
0 notes
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"insurance quote intact
insurance quote intact
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can the car insurance find out that I have been in a car accident?
I have just gotten a new job and I said I havent been in a car accident, but I did twice. Are they gonna find out about it when they add me in their car insurance?""
""Hi, Maintenance cost for 2001, BMW 318 sei series?""
hi, I am thinking of buying my frist car, and i was thinking of a second hand year 2001 BMW, about 80000 miles, just wanted to know whats the servicing and maintenance cost for a BMW is like? Is it expensive ? does it break down often or is it a solid car? Otherwise i might look for a japanese model or a hyundai coupe. I was thinking of peugeot 206 as well and VW golf. hows the insurance for all of these car? Which car is better for a fresh graduate like me?""
How much should it cost to insure a new teen driver?
I'm 16 and my parents just put me on their insurance. I have 2000 escort and I have the basic liability coverage. I have got the good student discount too. The total came to be about $53 dollars. Is that about the average? My parents originally said it would be about $100 dollars.
Need insurance to cover pregnancy?
Does anyone know of insurance companies with coverage in Georgia that will cover a pregnancy without having to wait a year? I make too much money to get Medicaid so I really need some help. I can't exactly afford to pay out of pocket for every expense. Thank you.
Am I being cheated by the car insurance company?
I was on a bike and I accidentally hit someone's car and broke the back windshield. Nothing else on the car is damaged except windshield. Later the car owner's car insurance company (state farm) send me a payment of $1700, and they have a subrogation service (Afni) to collect payment. First of all, I believe it DOES NOT cost $1700 to replace a back windshield, like I mentioned, nothing else was damage except the windshield on the back. How is this amount calculated? The subrogation service has been pressuring me to pay the amount. I will pay for the damage but I don't believe I have to pay this much. Could this be the owner of the car falsify the claim? What should I do? I don't have car insurance, I was on my bike. It was a total accident.""
What's more expensive in America? Healthcare or Health Insurance?
I keep hearing Americans spend more on health care than other industrialized countries. and I also hear they spend more on health insurance. So my question is: On average, do we spend more on Healthcare or Health Insurance than other countries? Or de we spend more on both?""
Car insurance scenarios?
i need help with a few car insurance scenarios, please. 1) A seventeen year old male has just purchased a used Corvette. Three insurance companies have turned him down. Is there any type of plan that will let this person buy insurance? What type of coverage will this person probably only be able to purchase? 2) A friend has just bought a two year old mid-sized car. What type of coverage would you recommend? 3) You just purchased a ten year old compact to drive back and forth to school. What type of coverage should you buy? If you could explain why, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm not exactly sure if the information given is enough to explain, based on what I know.""
17 year old getting insurance in NY?
I am planning to buy a car in a couple of months. Probably a Honda Civic/Accord from 1994 and up. I dont have more than 3500. How much will insurance cost to pay by myself? Added on my parents?They currently pay 130 a month. I have 90 average in school and a 10% discount fot compleating a drivers ed program.
Hey how much is Honda CBR 125 insurance?
Hey I am 17 years old, living in Ontario. I want to buy a 2007 Honda CBR 125. I have my M2 and was wondering if anyone with similar information could let me know about how much I would be paying per year on insurance.""
USAA car insurance while deployed?
it is illegal in MA to have no car insurance. I can take my car off the road but it costs $120 to get new plates. Does USAA have an option for insurance cheaper than the minimum allowed by your state. How am I going to drive anyway when I am deployed??? thanks
""How can a high school senior, living on their on get affordable health insurance?""
My friend is emancipated from her parents, is 18 and needs to find affordable health insurance -she can only work part time as she's going to high school as a full time student.""
Can you purchase Life Insurance on someone without their knowledge or approval?
Would not the documents require the Insured's signature? How can someone 'get away' with this? Is it not considered unethical or illegal? 110509 8:42
Saving up car + insurance HELP !?
My partner is having driving tests every week, and she is a more advanced driver. I just like to get advice on this matter, financial ? I do got a job, part time mainly. I do earn around 180 +- a week if I am lucky, She has student loan, 800 every three months and that's not much since she has to pay university fees. normally around 9k. now it's around 4.5 thousand pounds I guess. She wants to get a car insurance and a car, we are troubled what to do since if she wants all of that it will be loads more. Since insurance is 600 pounds every year ? petrol and other costs MOT. Road tax ? Just some examples, there might be lots more to worry about. I will help her to get all these things, She thinks it would be easier to get a second hand car, that will hopefully handle 2/3 years ? I do not believe that's a wise choice since that would be much more expensive for extra costs and repairs. On top when she is done with Uni and she has to get a job, it's more sufficient to still owning a proper car to get you everywhere. The body could be damaged, and the chance of a accident is higher + extra costs. Can anybody help us out ? A second hand for 2/3 thousand with a insurance of 600 a year ? or not ? Lemme know ! Thank you !""
Cheapest car insurance company for my situation?
What company can provide me with the cheapest insurance? I am -19 years old -a student who is taking a semester off -female -hispanic -broke as hell My car is a white 1995 Geo Metro manual with a new lcutch and a bunch of brand new repairs on it.
How do points on licence affect insurance premiums?
I was caught on camera doing 70 mph in a 60 area. Hands up, my stupid mistake, first offence after nearly 40 years driving. I will have to pay any fine imposed but, paying extra for insurance is sort of a doule whammy. No doubt it will cost extra for insurance now but, roughly how much?""
How much would insurance be on a 1993 mazda miata mx-5?
i am a 17 year old that has already had one speeding ticket if that helps.....but how much do you think the insurance might cost?
What is the best insurance for a 16 year old?
Got limited money
How much is auto insurance for a minor?
I'm about to get my license, how much is it to add me (16) to my parents car insurance? Don't give me anything like, It's different for everyone. I know. Just tell me what you are paying, or what you used to pay.""
What is the cheapest car insurance premium quote?
That you know of , for an 18 year old male driving a group 1 car. Thanks.""
Car bill of sale/insurance?
Im 18 with no licence Im actually in the process of trying to get my licence well my question Is can a family member Put me under there car insurance so i can Register my car since the Bill of sale Is under my name? Im not planning on driving the car until i have my licence
Cheap car insurance for teens?
I'm 17 and interested in either a Clio, Punto or Polo. I've looked everywhere!""
I'm on a fixed income with 3 cats. Does any cat owner know of a good affordable cat insurance plan?
*I purr..fer to hear from people that already have a good affordable cat insurance plan.
Gettting car insurance for more than one car?
si my big brother has a BMW series 3 and got the insurance done for it through my dad i've not long passed my test and have been ask to buy a MG TF and was wondering would i still be abel to get insurance through my dad as well even though my big brother had insurance through him for his car?
Health Insurance Questions?
Hi, I'm a freshman in college and this was the first time I've had health insurance and I have a couple questions I can't find answers to online. 1) Does health insurance apply to a visit about a week before you got your insurance card (and maybe a week before it was valid, I'm not sure) 2) If you didn't provide an emergency room with your health insurance information and they've sent you the full bill, can you still notify them of the insurance? Thanks!""
16 for 2 months and havent recieved my national insurance card?
I have been 16 for 2 months and i still haven't received my national insurance card. I haven't moved house or anything. (sorry if its in the wrong category :L)
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insurance quote intact
Car road tax and insurance costs?
Can anyone direct me to a website which will tell me the insurance group or cars. Also one which will tell me how much road tax per year. Looking to buy a car but would like an idea of these costs first. Looking at a Honda Civic se executive... 1600cc... 2003 model.
How will my first speeding ticket in Florida effect my insurance?
Ok I'm 19 and just got my first speeding ticket on the way to work today doing 9 miles over. So my question is how many points are added to your license for doing this much over and is there any way to avoid getting these points? If not, how will this affect my insurance? Is it going to skyrocket, even though this is my first speeding ticket ever?""
How to calculate insurance quotations?
i want to know how insurance quotations are prepared?is there any software to prepare such quotations?what are the factors to be taken into account to prepare such quotations?
""(new driver) quoted 3600 /year for insurance, do they really expect me to pay that? lol?""
past my driving test about a month ago now, im insured on a family member's car as a 2nd temp driver which is pretty cheap but its short term insurance, im driving this car just fot more experience, i want to buy a Vauxhall Astra in about 2months and i did a check on the insurance and got a quote, heres the details 3,645.42 Instalments Deposit: 769.08 Monthly: 11 x 318.15 Total: 4,268.73 Do they really expect me to pay that? Im employed full time, i earn about 1000 a month, if i get the astra (on finance) thats about 200 /month for the car, 300 /month insurance, 80 /month parking and not to mention petrol, lets say 60 a month, Its way too much, MY QUESTION, Is there any other insurance options for me?""
17 Year Old Car Insurance?
Hi, I'm 17 male - just wanted to know how much would the insurances be if i bought a 1.2car""
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
Where i can get car insurance groups explain?
Where i can get car insurance groups explain?
Double up on individual health insurance?
Can you have more than one Health Insurance Plan for your self? I have to buy my own insurance, but even the best individual insurance is crappy and I wanted to now if people ever buy two insurance plans? The insurance i have now only lets me see the doctor twice a year. If I got another insurance plan would it pick up where the other left off?""
Why can't I change my health insurance plan?
I tried calling my health insurance this morning to change to a better plan (Blue Shield) and they won't let me. Why is this? They aren't the ones paying the monthly payment, copays etc.""
""Planned Parenthood, No insurance?""
What are the chances that if My girlfriend and I were to go to Planned Parenthood, and we both don't have insurance, and are under 18, we'd get some tests and things free or covered? Her family is both parents and 3 kids, but she doesn't know their income. And my family is just my mom and 3 kids. We want to know if Pregnancy tests, birth control, and maybe even Abortion could be possibly free. Please don't freak out that I threw abortion in there, it's only in the worse case scenario, and I want to know just in case, please don't go off on me, and please, just answer my question. Please and thanks. We're in california btw, for those who need that info.""
Whats the cheepest car on insurance for a 17 year old and how much?
whats the cheepest car on insurance for a 17 year old and how much
Car insurance Help for a 17 year old?
OK i'm not a troll to start off with i'm just have good bit of money, anyways i i'm 17 and i live in Ireland i have 7.500 euros to spent on my first car and car insurance anyways this is the car i want http://www.carzone.ie/search/Toyota/Celica/1.8-VVTI/201203206625052/advert?channel=CARS so do u know a car insurance that would insure me and i can go up to 15.000 euros if need to""
Should everyone be required to buy healthcare insurance?
I say no. What if I can afford it? It should not be required but it should be AFFORDABLE!
Does any body know what is going on with Obama and the whole health insurance thing?
Okay so I live in California. I am young and can't afford health insurance rite now. Does any one know if Obama is going to follow through with this whole health insurance thing. If so when is it supposed to kick in? And how will it work exactly? Will every body have free health insurance? Some one please explain this becuase I am realy confused.
Motorcyle insurance ?
I just wanted to see what riders ages 17 between 21 pay for a year and for what kind of coverage with what kind of bike, and what insurance company people go with. also if you have taken an msf course or not.""
My daughters car insurance has more than doubled because she got 9 penalty points in the last year. she wants ?
me to get insurance on her car and then get her put on that insurance. if she gets more points while she is under my insurance would that affect the price of the insurance on my own cars or would only if she caused an accident make my insurance go up. i could get a years insurance on her car for less than the price of 1 monthly installment she would have to pay for her own insurance. what do you think. if she gets 3 more points she will be disqualified from driving . if that happened while she was on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up even though she would be off my insurance if she did get disqualified. what i have wrote might not make sense. i want to know if i do this for her and she gets disqualified while being on my insurance would that put my insurance prices up for all my cars or what or would it only effect my insurance if she causes an accident. while shes on my insurance. * 41 minutes ago * - 3 days left to answer. Additional Details 40 minutes ago we live in the UK. sorry this is very long i found it hard to write what i was really trying to ask. 33 minutes ago i know if she causes an accident while she is on my insurance ot would effect how much my insurance costs but if she was to get disqualified while she is on my insurance would that effect me inurances oin anyway. if she gets disqualified then she wont be on my insurance anymore. 14 minutes ago only 3 of her penalty points are for speeding. she told me the other 6 points are because there was a mix up with her insurance last time and she was uninured for 4 days and was caught by the police. she got 6 points for that in court a few months ago. she said she that she had phoned them and accepted the policy they sent her to renew it and thought it would continue automatically but she hadnt been to the office to sign for it so she got caught for that. she was only uninsured for 4 days because of her mistake that time. sorry if you already answerd this but i put it on US yahoo answers by a mistake and it didnt show up in UK yahoo answers so i needed answers from people who knows about car insurance in the UK
Can other people drive my car with my insurance?
I am going on a road trip with a friend but I don't want to drive the whole way. I have AAA insurance, will it cover my friend if she drives my car part of the way? She has state farm insurance if that makes any difference.""
Approximately how much does malpractice insurance cost for a Psychiatrist?
Just wondering about the average annual, or monthly, cost for the insurance. If anyone has a specific number for the state of Florida, that would be much appreciated as well.""
Average insurance price for a Speedfight 2 (16 year old male) ?
could anyone please tell me the average insurance price for a Peugeot Speedfight 2 red wrc 50cc moped 2006 ---- for 16 year old male, no modifications just 3rd party, locked up at night with the cheapest price?? any help/info is helpful -- thanks alot :)""
Should I file a claim with my car insurance or pay out of pocket?
I am making payments on my car and currently have full coverage car insurance. About a week ago, I was driving my car on the freeway. It had been raining earlier that morning. A car beside me switched lanes in front of me suddenly. (She did not hit my car) but she caused me to loose control, my car hydroplaned spun out and hit the center divder on the freeway. No other cars hit me. My car has damage to the tire, rim and the right rear of my car from the back door to the bumper has scrathes and damage. I did not file a claim at first because the cost of my insurance is already $108 (because of a ticket) and I did not want it tod go up. But after paying to replace the tire, the rim and some other issues with the axile for $606....and the tow service which was $125; I'd like to know if any one has an idea of which would be more beneficial. Should I pay the $1000 deductible and have my car fixed through the insurance company, even though my monthly payments will increase? Or should I just continue the repairs out of pocket?""
State funded autk insurance for low income?
just wondering if there is a texas program for low income disabled people to get auto insurance coverage
Affordable Dental Insurance in NY?
I live in Queens NY and I have no dental insurance. My mother works but she doesn't make a good amount and my father is unemployed. She has medical insurance, Aetna, but it doesn't cover dental and I need to have 1 stupid root canal done and it will cost 2000 w/o insurance. Anybody, I need help. I am also a student in college, so any help, I really need it.""
""Geico Car Insurance, help? what do i do?""
Hey guys, my parents have three cars and all have geico insurance, but we're about to be out of country for a month or two and not even going to be using the cars for one or two months.. Is there a way that we can cancel/pause the insurance, so we won't have to pay insurance for a month. I mean we're not even gonna be using the cars, so were losing 1,200 dollars for absolutely nothing.. And if you can, can you explain it or just give me a link? thanks""
18 Year Old Male's Car Insurance?
Hi, I passed my driving test in September 2010. I've been looking at insurance quotes for small run arounds like Renault Clios, Vauxhall Corsa's, Volkswagen Polo's etc but cant find anything lower than 6000, and thats without evening paying another 1400 for the car itself ! I've been thinking about getting insured on my dads Toyota Corolla, its a 1.4 diesel hatchback and he's had his license for 30 years and his premium is 400. If i were to get insured on it the price would be 2500, do you think thats worth it or is it better to shop around and get insured on my own name ? I just want to use the car now and then rather than using it regularly because i dont really need to right now..""
Car insurance before buying a car?
I live in Pennsylvania and am new to car buying. Do I need to have car insurance before buying a car from a dealer? And if yes, then would I be able to buy the car immediately after getting the insurance?""
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insurance quote intact
How long will car insurance...?
I'm a learner driver and have my driving test today.If i pass my test, how long will it take for my learner driver insurance to finish after i cancel it for me to start another insurance policy?""
My auto insurance is almost $400?!?
Ok, I am a 21 year old female and I just bought MY first car. I got a 2012 Ford Focus. I've had 2 speeding tickets since I got my license years ago. Well once we got the car I got my own insurance as well. The lady told me it would be $380 a month for my insurance?! That's more than my car payment. I'm having a feeling that this is a little outrageous and I need some opinions on this. Thanks!""
Is there a time frame for insurance company's to issue check after vehical has been declared a total loss?
I live in California, and on July 17th my street bike was stolen(only means of transportation) i promptly filed a police report and claim.Here it is Late october and i am still bumming a ride and taking public transportation to work.I have been told 10 business days by my insurance adjuster(his reply to when i will get paid off) for the last 2 1/2 months.Is there a way i can check if he is telling the truth this time?Are there any laws that make an insurance claim be paid off in a reasonable amount of time?sorry if this comes across as a rant and not a question lol i am at my wits end.""
How to get cheap car insurance?
Hi guys, i really need your a good and effectivr advice about this, please if you know something that would help post it here! Im 20 year old, have a car Peugeot 206 1.1 litre - cheap market value (1000ish). I live in London. Since 17 years old im looking for insurance - unsuccessfully. The best quote i get is 4000ish. I have no criminal record, no accidents no claims - nothing! And im fed up with so many people driving at my age and I cant- i just dont understand why exactly mine is so bloody expensive! Ive tried every variation just to see what im missing - pass plus for example only helps to the extent of 100. Its just crazy - 3 years and i still cant drive - what the hell is wrong with this - home come everyone is showing off by how cheap insurance they have and i cant get anything? Whats the secret? Ive tried every combination - me as the main driver/named driver/owner/just user etc. cheapest is 4,000!! Whats wrong with me? Anybody knows whats the trick, how to solve this issue? Thanks!""
How much do most people pay per month for life insurance?
How much do most people pay per month for life insurance?
Cost of insurance for minor with acura rsx-s?
oh fyi I am not trying to get my own insurance plan I am adding on to my family's
Blue Cross/Shield health insurance?
Is this Insurance corporation a good one or a bad one to have as a health care plan?
Where can I find affordable health insurance in the state of New York?
Where can I find affordable health insurance in the state of New York?
What happens if I'm driving someone else's car and it doesnt have insurance?
I have insurance but the car I was in doesn't. Is there a way out of this?
Can your parents pay your car insurance?
Keep in mind, they don't have a car!! I know i sounds crazy""
Renters insurance?????
My landlord is asking me to get insurance for my dog but its not for like health and stuff its for something else. She told me about renters insurance. And i don't know what to do. Plz help
Is car insurance cheaper for used cars than new?
I hear a lot that when getting you're first car that you're supposed to buy a used car and not a new car because auto-insurance is going to be cheaper. Is there any truth behind this?
Insurance on a 1998 Toyota Camry 16 y/old about to be 17?
Ok so i need your help. I am 16 years old and about to be 17 im going back to the u.s. and have a old 1998 toyota camry waiting for me (btw yuck) ok and my parents said to drive this until my insurance lowers and theyll get me a new car by graduation which is next june. So my question is how much do you think my insurance will be? Its a fairly old car and not in a good condition and i have had 1 accident which was pretty big but not completly my fault like 60%
Car insurance in Florida?
Do i need to have a Florida license in order to have car insurance for a car registered in Florida?
Would insurance be cheaper then normal for this car?
Would insurance be cheaper then normal for this car, its a 1993 ford mustang 4 cylinder auto, because its old and a auto 4 cylinder? Plan is to insure it with the auto four banger in it, then do an engine swap imported v6 turbo, with manual transmission, new drive shaft, differential, exhaust, etc.. what they don't know.. they don't know lol""
Who provides cheap car insurance for young people?
I am 19 (nearly 20) and live in Leeds. I have a 2002 1.6 ford focus valued around 4000.00. My insurance at the mo is with Quinn and only 3rd party fire and theft and is 85.00 per month. I have 2 years no claims and want fully comp. Anyone got any idea's where I can get it cheaper? The price comparison sites aren't helping that much, any ideas?""
How much does insurance cost for a gas station in NH?
If I was to open up a gas station in NH how much would the insurance cost per month or year? Assuming I had an average amount of coverage and was running it as an LLC.
How much is insurance on a Chevy Camaro?
I'm 20, ill be on the car by myself.the camaro is a 1998, and in great condition.""
Insurance company denies the damages?
my car has been involved in an rear end crash and the insurance company of the other party denies some of the damages , that are actually done because of the accident. the auto body shop gave me an estimate of 4 to 5 000 $ . my car doesnot cost that much . the insurance company is offering only 633 $ and disagrees with me to total the car . there was no damage prior to the accident made to the car on the rear end side. they argue that the other car that hit me does not have even a dent then how come my car have this much damages. i know that my car did not had n e damage on the rear before the accidednt. based on the automobile source they think that the actual cash value of the car is 1900 , and they have didcted all other damges , that are not because of an accident. please guide me what i should do in this case.""
I need a cheap insurance company.?
My friends problem: Well my mom decides that im not going under her insurance today, meaning I have 4 days to find a cheap insurance company and get my car insured. If anyone could tell me what they drive and how much they pay and what company it would be greatly appreciated.""
Wht car insurance is better for full coverage and cheaper..... ?
car insurance help....
Looking for an insurance company to insure me using VIN/chassis number?
I have bought a beeline Veloce GT50 49cc scooter (still in shop till insured) i cant get plates on it until i give them my insurance documents but im finding it hard to get an insurer to insure me online using the VIN Number / Chassis Number. so im stuck in a loop. no bike untill insurance is had and no insurance untill licence plate number is inserted onto online forms. This is for uk provisional so no answers from outside of uk please. thanks
Is Future Generali(Future group) insurance good?
Hi, I am planning to take a life insurance policy, can I go for Future group's new venture Future Generali or is it safe to go with LIC.Kindly suggest me on the basis of how good they're in Service, and claims. Thanks, Jagadish""
Do I have to make a down payment on my auto insurance?
I am going to get insurance through State Farm and I was wondering if I will have to make a down payment on the insurance and if I do how much will it be?
Which auto insurance do you recommend?
I had a Scion XA 2006 and I just got a MINI Cooper 2007. I was insured under my parents insurance at AAA but with the change of cars our insurance would increase twice as much. I'm going to leave their policy and open my own. I'm 22 and I'm a full time student (GPA 3.5), which insurance do you recommend? I have road side assistance with AAA.""
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insurance quote intact
How much is teen car insurance?
Im 16 and get my license next month. my parents are asking i pay car insurance so im looking for a rough estimate of what it would cost if i have my own car or not. im a girl with straight As and I've never been in any legal trouble. thanks!
""If I buy a car and plan to restore, is car insurance usually alot cheaper? Can I still drive it occasionally?""
I am planning on buying a 84 blazer and fixing it up, it runs and stuff, so I can a discount on insurance if I plan on restoring it?""
How much car insurance ?
Hi, i am a 17 year old. i am wondering how much could i realistically expect to pay for insurance on a Infiniti G35.. i understand it will be high.. but i will have a job , so im trying to play with the numbers to see if i can handle it. how much would it be a month? i understand the affects i have on it. 17 sports car foriegn car Male but i have a 3.0 gpa took drivers education. apparently these raise and the others deduct. how much could i realistically expect to pay a month.""
17 and HIP insurance?
Im 17 and I need some type of health insurance because my parents dont carry on me. My mom is applying again for HIP health insurance because she missed her reevaluation. So can I apply for HIP health insurance? thanks!
What if I don't want to have Obama's health insurance or any health insurance?
I have had health insurance through my employer for the past 10 years. It covers everyone in my family and I pay about $70 a month for it. It's very affordable and I hope to keep ...show more
How much do you guys pay for Honda S2000 car insurance?
I got a quote for 490 for 6 months. Full coverage from state farm for a 04 Honda s2000. Is this good?
How can I get car insurance?
I just turned 18, i'm going off too college but I have a stable part time job. I make about 500-800$ with a car payment of 300$ And i want to buy a policy for myself. Before i look into that I wanna know about how much should I expect to pay extra monthly?""
How much will my second speeding ticket make my insurance rates go up?
I received a speeding ticket in January for 90 in a 70 (I-5 on my way down to San Diego), and today I received another ticket for 86 in a 65 on Freeway 85 in Cupertino. The first ticket is being taken care of with traffic school right now, and since I can't go to traffic school again so soon I'm assuming the 2nd ticket will increase my insurance rates. Does anyone know how much they will increase? I'm 21 and am on my parents' insurance (USAA) because I'm in college, but I will be paying whatever the difference in premium is so I'm trying to get an idea of what the damage is here. Also, I know I messed up, so no need to tell me in the answers. I thought I'd learned my lesson after the first ticket but apparently I still haven't, so at this point I'm just afraid to get into a car.""
""What would insurance be for a 16 year old white male, clean driving record, good grades, and would be driving?""
What would insurance be for a 16 year old white male, clean driving record, good grades, and would be driving a 2000 Chrysler Sebring Limited? What if he got his parents to put it under there insurance that they were full time drivers, and he is a part time driver?""
What would insurance be for me with this car?
2004 nissan sentra se-r, silver, 4 door, manual transmission. I'm 17 years old and would drive the car to work and school about 5 days a week. I have never gotten a ticket or been in an accident.""
Whys my insurance suddenly so high?
right ive just turned 17 and yes i know blah blah blah but what ive been doing is on gocompare just looking for possible cars on ebay then checking the insurance to find the cheapest ones. now iv managed to go from over three grand to cars which were about 1800 but then today every single car iv check was over 3k even cars yesterday quoted 1800 i also noticed that elephant and admiral used to be the cheapest by thousands but now they dont cover me and when i went to admiral direct they quoted 4k i havent changed any details any ideas why this is :)
Which is the best homeowners insurance?
i live in california and im getting a home and now i need home insurance which is the best thanks
What is the most affordable life and health ?
What is the most affordable life and health ?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
""Wat types of car insurances are there for a 18 year old in Canada, how much do they cost?""
Wat types of car insurances are there for a 18 year old in Canada, how much do they cost?""
What is the average employee portion of a health insurance policy?
What percentage of the health insurance costs do most companies cover (I recognize that this can vary greatly, but I am looking for general numbers)? For Cigna - what is the average monthly cost for a family consisting of parents and one child (likewise, I recognize that this can vary greatly - I am just trying to get a ballpark figure)? I ask these as my current employer (250+ people) is offering Cigna insurance for about $750 a month which covers my wife, myself and my daughter. They claim to be covering 50% of the health insurance plan, but I am having a hard time buying the explanation that health insurance is just expensive...especially as my sister and brother are paying $50-70 a month for individual insurance. I do not want to have to go and get a quote somewhere and can not find a site that has general information like this - any thoughts, advice, sources of information would be welcome!""
Is my son even covered under our car insurance?
My 21 year old son not only is no longer in college he also got married 3 months ago. I have not canceled him from our multi-car policy, I guess just so he will have car insurance (liability, required in our state), but I know he was supposed to be removed when he got married, as he is no longer in our household. I also would like to remove him so I can benefit from a lower premium. He keeps saying he can't afford it, so I keep paying the bill each month, that includes his car on it. I guess I am asking if he got into an accident would the insurance even be good, as he isn't even living in our house and he's married. I may have wasted my money these last 3 months anyway, but don't want him to get caught with what appears to be uninsured, without a valid insurance card in the glove box.""
What characteristics in a car make the insurance lower?
i am 19 year old male in Ontario buying my first car. and insurance prices are REALLY HIGH! i was just wondering when picking out a car, what i should be looking for that will result in less costlier insurance rates. for ex: certain makes? year? THANKS! also if you have any tips for me, that would be much appreciated!""
Classic mustang AAA insurance?
How much does it cost (annually or monthly) to insure a classic mustang (1964-1972) with AAA?
Car insurance question?
I am 16 years old and I will be getting my liscence soon. I am really excited to be able to drive and not to the bus to clas anymore and be able to meet my friends whenever but my parents are making me pay car insurance on my own and they will get me a car. Probably a toyota or something like that. How much will it cost I do have a good amount already saved up but i would like to get an idea of how much it will cost me thanks
Auto Insurance Coverage - How much coverage should I buy?
Next week, I'll be switching to another auto insurance. My previous limits with another company were: -minimum MD state 20/40/15 for Bodily Injury, Uninsured Motorist, and property damage -PIP $2500 -250/500 for Comprehensive/Collision, had road service, towing, and rental. I don't have many assets. I'm a renter and I live from paycheck to paycheck. I have no accidents, no tickets, and no violations for the last 8 years. I'm a cautious driver. I drive a 2003 Honda Civic. The new insurance company is offering me $759/year for the limits 100/300/100 Bodily Injury Liability and matching for Uninsured Motorist + Property Damage, 250/500 for Comp/Coll, road service, towing, and rentals, PIP 2500. I've seen different answers that say 100/300/100 would be better for those who own a house and have a better income. What do you think is a recommended coverage going?""
What kind of car has cheap insurance?
What kind of car has cheap insurance?
Which company has the best insurance leads?
Which company has the best insurance leads?
Does anyone know exactly what Car Insurance Quote is?
I just can't find the right answer on Google. Please help me if u know...This is really urgent...Thanks a lot.
Why do sompanies like State Farm require you to pass a credit check?
What are they looking for because I do have a few things like a medical bill here and there but nothing more than 5,000 total""
insurance quote intact
insurance quote intact
0 notes
What’s The Best Auto Insurance Company?
"What's The Best Auto Insurance Company?
I'm a 16 year old male in Southern California... I'm looking at:   1993 Honda Accord   1990 BMW 525i   1991 Nissan Stanza   1992 Acura Legend Sedan   1996 Volkswagen GTI    which company is trustworthy, cheap, and helpful?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How does having a salvaged title affect insurance?
Does it cost more? My dad told me that you're unable to get full coverage with a salvaged title.
Home Owner's Insurance?
I'm hurt my foot not even a year ago. May 22, 2012. I was at my neighbor's house when her husband called, She was outside in her pasture fixing a fence. I went to take the cell phone out to her. I forgot to put on my shoes. As I was walking, I was about 5 feet from her and my older brother. And I fell to the ground. A Re-bar about the width of a pinky went through my left foot inbetween the toe by the pinky going 4 inches inside. I had to stay in the hospital for 8 days. Almost losing my foot. I have no feeling in my toe but at the top of my foot, just touching it causes me to feel pain. Is it possible for her Home Owner's Insurance to pay at least half or all my medical bills? I owe over $36,000. This also Happened in Oklahoma, and I moved to Missouri back in November (don't know if that would affect my chances). My mother decided that she didn't want my neighbor to pay for it. And I'm disagreeing.""
Do you get motorcycle insurance before or after you buy it?
Do you get motorcycle insurance before or after you buy it?
""What would it cost for 15 yrs insurance, life?""
I don't smoke, drink, just like to fish.""
What are best and/or most affordable insurance companies?
In Oregon. And does anyone know the minimum if I am 21 and have had one accident? For 1996 Ford Taurus car Thanks
How much life insurance should we get?
My husband and I both work; our income split is about 60/40, he being the higher paid. We will both turn 50 within the next year. No children living at home. No substantial debt: Car loan: $185 monthly Student loan: $102 monthly Mortgage: $2,000 monthly No other debt. We never carry a credit card balance. We have about 3 months worth of savings in the bank. Should I base our life insurance on how much we make, how much we have in debt or both? We are living paycheck to paycheck, and if either one of us were to die suddenly, the other would only have a few months to sell the house before we could no longer make the payments. In this market, I don't think that's realistic. I was thinking that we would need enough to pay for a funeral, pay off the smaller two loans, and still have enough to live on for at least a year if the house doesn't sell. Does that sound right? Or should we not worry about paying off the loans...just calculate enough to replace the other's income for XX many months? If so, how many months should we plan for? Finally, at what rate is life insurance taxed? Is it added to your income and then taxed at the rate for your total income for the year? or is there a flat rate tax? (I think I know the answer to this one, but I want to make sure).""
Visa debit card for rental car insurance?
I read that Visa covers the damage/loss insurance of rental car. Is that just for credit card? How about debit card? Thanks!
I need to find cheap car insurance?
I am looking for car insurance and from where i am at right now with geico i will be paying over 300 dollars and thats the cheapest i could find. im currently 17 i have a permit not a licence and im about to turn 18 in a month. would it be cheaper to wait till im 18 should i get my licence now? im so confused......
""I pay right now about $160 for car insurance a month. It's with progressive, and this is the cheapest I can""
get and it doesn't cover much at all it will only the cover the other car if i cause an accident. I live in midtown atlanta so this is why insurance costs so much, but does anyone know anything I can get cheaper? Is safe auto a good deal? Help please!""
How much does insurance cost for a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt for a 16 year old who went through drivers ed?
How much does insurance cost for a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt for a 16 year old who went through drivers ed?
Liability car insurance in California?
What happens if somebody fully insured rear-ends your car (they are at fault), and you only have liability insurance (no comprehensive or collision). Do you get your car repaired by the at fault insurance company or you lose?""
How does life insurance work?
i talked my dad into buying life insurance but he says that i just want him to die but i told him only to take out a 50 thousand dollar policy for the funeral and other expenses nothing else i don't need a million dollar policy and how does life insurance work if i talk my dad into getting a 50k policy does the insurance pay it all at once or does the insurance give it month to month or year to year explain it all just in case he wants to get more which i highly doubt he will but anything from 25k to 50k will be find i don't need a million dollars to plan a funeral and how much do you think it would cost to make him have a 50k policy and i asked this question before and i got the response 50k is too much i see people who get 5million dollar policy im not trying to get rich im just trying to get enough to pay for the funeral if i really wanted something i would ask for more because im paying off his 500 thousand dollar house with my money and my pay so he can at least appreciate what i do for him
Gettting car insurance for more than one car?
si my big brother has a BMW series 3 and got the insurance done for it through my dad i've not long passed my test and have been ask to buy a MG TF and was wondering would i still be abel to get insurance through my dad as well even though my big brother had insurance through him for his car?
Car insurance for a 16 year old girl?
I will be getting my license in march. I will be driving a 1998 4 door buick regal. I was wondering how much insurance may be. My parents have clean records and excellent credit. I maintain a 3.8 GPA but the insurance company doesn't give rebates for that.
Do you pay a lot of money for car insurance where you live?
Wher so you live an dhow much does it cost. I live in NY it the sh*t is HIGH.
Anyone know pricing on auto insurance for a Cadillac CTS 2003?
Anyone know pricing on auto insurance for a Cadillac CTS 2003?
Can I register and insure a car in Florida but use it in California?
I'm from Miami but live in San Diego for school, so I'm only in California for half the year and don't want to completely get rid of my Florida residency - nor do I want ...show more""
I'm a first time driver and need an insurance company that is cheap! Any recomendations?
Passed my driving test today and I am looking for cheap insurance (like everyone else!) and I am hoping some wonderful people can help me out! I currently have a 1.25 ford fiesta from 2001. I am male, 17 years old and require my own policy. I appreciate any help :)""
Best New York Health Insurance?
i got married 2 months ago, I m waiting to start the process for green card! at this time I wanted to get a good health insurance, my husband doesn t know aythin about it so please help me!!!""
""Why is it that I am still able to be sued for an auto accident if I live in Florida, a no-fault state?""
I've been in 2 accidents. The first was very minor; I rolled into the bumper in the car in front of me at a stop light and scratched their bumper. No damage was sustained to my car, but I am at-fault. The second I was cutting through an intersection that was at a red light and was about to pull into the left-turn lane when the woman in the car that was coming down the lane wasn't looking forward and hit the driver side door of my car. I was already halfway in the lane trying to straighten out into the left-turn lane but I couldn't move when she was coming, because if I moved back I might have hit someone and if I went forward she would have hit me anyway. At the scene the policewoman told me I was at fault, but when I talked to my claims adjuster, she told me that there is some negligence on the other party's part because if I had just randomly pulled out into traffic, the other party would have hit the front of my car, not the driver-side door. I am being sued by the first person and I found out just now I am being sued by the person in the second accident as well. I was told that since I am registered under my parents insurance, the other party can see that they have a lot of assets they can sue for from my parents. My question is, why are they able to sue me so easily? I've done research, and I know Florida is a no-fault state, meaning drivers cannot sue each other unless serious injury occurred, such as loss of life, limb, permanent injury, etc. In both accidents, I did not get ticketed, and I believe no police report was written, only exchanges of information.(Police were called, however. I did not leave the scene) Also both of the other parties did not ask for an ambulance or medical assistance(I know about the feeling pain later thing) but I'm sure if someone was suing for something as serious that can be listed as loss of limb or death, they would have showed some indication of injury at the scene. Both people stepped out of their cars and were fine, however.""
Do insurance companies raise rates if they know you are dyslexic?
If you're had an evaluation and it comes out as positive. Would insurance companies be likely to charge you higher rates?
Question about car insurance in London?
My sister has gone overseas for a few weeks and has left her car at my house where I am taking care of it. I am not insured so I don't drive it. My housemate has insurance on her own car, would she legally be allowed to drive my sisters car? I heard somewhere that she could drive it, but she'd only have 3rd party coverage. Is that true?""
Do you pay car insurance every month or every six months?
Need it for the class I'm in now. Help quick!
Are insurance rates high for classic cars?
Are insurance rates high for classic cars?
Help with car insurance for me?
Hello, I am wondering what the estimated cost of my car insurance will be for every month. I know I should just go to an online website but i did it once with my moms car which is obviously not mine because i didnt have one then and they kept calling me for 2 weeks straight or I should just go and ask them. But I want you to just give me a guesstimate and what you think. Age- 17 Gender- Male Car I drive. 2001 Dodge Stratus SE. 140000 miles if it matters. I live in eastern mass No driving record because I just got my actual car today. And again I know i should just go but I Want to know what I am in for.""
What's The Best Auto Insurance Company?
I'm a 16 year old male in Southern California... I'm looking at:   1993 Honda Accord   1990 BMW 525i   1991 Nissan Stanza   1992 Acura Legend Sedan   1996 Volkswagen GTI    which company is trustworthy, cheap, and helpful?
Possible cancer without insurance?
My fiance has a visible tumor (it's visible--it was benign and removed before but came back). He lost his health insurance a couple years ago, and he seems to only be progressively be getting sicker (we don't know if it's because it's a cancerous tumor or his stress levels are insanely high). Either way, he obviously needs to see a doctor--but we have no insurance and we don't make enough to afford insurance (we might make little enough to qualify for medicaid--for this question, assume we do). My question is, what options does he have? We can't afford treatment. He doesn't want to go to a doctor w/o insurance because they won't help him since he can't pay and he will lose the job he has and what little he does make. Please, are there special programs? I know his condition does not qualify for the fast SSI claims as I looked into that already. Would medicaid be enough? Are there special cancer programs? Is there anything? Or is he really going to be left to die? He's only 26. Also, we live in Colorado (since that might make a difference).""
Do I need Liability insurance?
I live in So california, and just brought lots In Texas,Arkansas and Utah.The lots are vacant land. Im being told that laibility insurance might be wise. is there someone out there who knows for sure.""
""I want a 2005 mustang for my fist car, how much would the insurance be ($prices?) I have state farm insurance?""
I really want a 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT a GT) for my fist car. Please give prices of how much the insurance would be if I had state farm insurance. Thank You, and please give me good prices so my dad will get me a mustang!!!""
College Health Insurance in New York?
I am a full time college student in New York and have always been a resident of New York. In a week on my 19th birthday my health insurance through, Child Health Plus is going to end. I am unemployed and my parents do not have the options of family health plans. I do not know what to do I need to have coverage to be safe, does annyone know where I can get affordable health insurance as a student and at my age in New York.""
Does MY CAR INSURANCE cover!?!?
I crashed my friends car. She has liability on her car so now she is screwed with a beat up car. I have full coverage on my car, now would I be able to use my insurance to cover her vehicle that I crashed?""
""I accidently backed into a car, but the owner doesnt want me to turn it in to my insurance?""
She doesnt have car insurance and is scared she'll get into trouble. Its at least 500 worth of damage. Do i have to pay her out of pocket? I pay insurance for a reason!!! My deductible is only 100, and i dont feel i should pay anymore than that.""
I need 3 insurances anyone know good insurances?
I need three insurances. Does anybody know any very good insurances? The insurance I have is freaking crap, so I want to change everything, so I need 3 insurances. I want the best ones but I know those ones are high price that's what I was told, so I just need 3 very good ones with a reasonable price. The 3 insurances I need are cosmetic dental, pet insurance, sports insurance. Went to the dentist and found that I need little work and all of the work is cosmetic. Insurance that I have doesn't cover cosmetic things. I have 3 pets and I need pet insurance. The last one I need is a sports one. My insurance won't cover sports or fitness. I need sports insurance that is great. The sport that I'm trying to get into is wrestling yes professional wrestling like WWE type. I need sports or extreme sports insurance that will cover on those type of extreme sports. I was told that There is a insurance that covers everything sports, cosmetic and pet insurance but I don't know how true that is, but if there's a one please tell me. Anyways anybody let about these 3 insurance that I need. Thank You so much to whoever read and answers my question and helping me. Thank You.""
Health insurance in CA?
I'm a college student thinking of getting health insurance that is affordable. What health insurance should I get? And what's the cost of the insurance per month? Thank you
Cars that have cheap insurance?
im 18 and just passed my driving test, but unsure of what car(s) are cheap on insurance and road tax, is there a site i could go on to find the information i require?""
Insurance estimation for a 1998 - 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse for a 17 year old?
Hi, i am 17 years old, active duty in the military an i am trying to buy a Mitsubishi Eclipse, although my mom keeps telling me that my insurance will be through the roof. Does anyone have an idea of how much it might cost me? For full coverage, in California? I understand that the Eclipses have a high death rate because they are quick, an teenagers tend to test the waters a little bit. However i am a responsible driver but i do want either an Eclipse or a Trans Am. Your time is much appreciated:) thank you!!""
How Much do you think my car insurance will go up on a new car ?
OK I just bough a new car today......its a 2011 model and i traded in a 2002 model .....Im 19 years old...over the past 2 years of driving my insurance has been $100 a month and last month it went down to $75 ....i know you may not know how much just an estimate .
Best life insurance policy?
Which is the best life insurance policy for tax saving and investment for employee?
How much should a Insurance CSR make?
I live in a little town in California, I have been working for well established Insurance agency since May 2012. I just recently got licensed so now I carry my P and C license. I am getting 12 an hour plus health insurance, am I being under paid? Im not getting commission even though I have brought new business in and have written policies. Your answers are very much appreciated. Thank you.""
Car insurance for a 1973 corvette?
I'm 14 now but am starting to work. I want to buy a 1973 corvette. I would get it when I'm 16. What would the car insurance be for that car with my age?
How Much is Insurance For a 16 Year Old Girl?
16 year old girl Good school attendance record.Grades could be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and Stepdad have Allstate insurance What is the general price range? And for these cars,can you estimate(I'm NOT getting these cars just curious)I am getting a used Dodge avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge Avenger I already asked this in the insurance section but I want more opinions/answers""
Where can I compare legal malpractice insurance like car insurance quotes?
I am a new lawyer and need to get receive coverage. Any attorneys out there know how much I'll pay? Who has good rates?
Anyone know the best insurance companies for young drivers?
I know obviously insurance for the young is gonna get rocket high anyway compared to older people for the same old 'statistical' reasons as always although I don't intentionally drive like an idiot or least intend never to and I do take safety as a big priority and everything, I've passed my test just over 2 years ago with a clean license but still find insurance even for my micra (1 litre 1994 M Reg) costing me a minimum average of 1000 annually, and just below a grand like 900-950ish is roughly the best I've got for my micra from directline but wondering if anyone would know anyone better cost wise? Also why is there so much discrimination against young/new drivers when its actually only the small minority who take the worse of risks and drive like w*****s making it sky high expensive for the rest of us, I can understand it may be statistic but unless u actualy do drive like a so and so I don't see why 'everyone' should be punished with rip off premiums for the sake of the minority number of idiots""
How do obese/fat people get health insurance?
I am self employed and live in missouri and am having trouble finding health insurance.
Who generally has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I need a place I can trust. My state farm insurance guy who does my car put an offer on the tabel that was huge. I'm 23 years old, male, great driving record. I feel like he is trying to take advantage of me with the price. it was going to be $800 a year. Also, what is the bare minimum you need to ride a bike? Medical, liability? Any tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Mike""
""Insurance companies have told me I now, do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. What can I do?""
I no longer have health insurance. My employer could no longer afford the premiums and I cannot afford Cobra. The 63 day preexisting conditions deadline has passed. I had a heart valve repaired in 2009 and donated a kidney for my wife in Feb. of 2011. Insurance companies have told me I now do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. Under the new Health Care Law, what can I do and who can I contact to get affordable coverage?""
""In Texas, does the responsible insurance company have to pay for the storage fees for our totaled car?""
I was just recently involved in an accident and the insurance company that is responsible to pay for the damages is saying that I need to move my car from storage, because they do not have to pay for the car to remain in storage. Since I live in an apartment complex the car would have to be moved twenty minutes away, which is going to cost quite a bit and then we would have to move it again to an auto body shop back to the area I live in. So I called the place where it was stored to get a quote on how much it would cost to move it and the guy said that our car looks to be totaled and that for them to tow it I would have to pay out of pocket and I will never see that money again. Also, he said, in Texas, it is state law for the insurance company to pay storage and towing fees, he said the insurance is just saying that to get us to move it so they don't have to pay those extra fees. I don't know who to believe and I couldn't find anything online about it.""
Car Insurance Question?
I came to north Carolina at the beginning of August from FL to stay with my aunt while I got my finances in order and she recovered from her back surgery. I plan to stay here until a bit after the new year. When I moved, I arranged to have my mail forwarded while i am here. Also around this time, I started searching for a new insurance provider because my rate had gone up with geico. I decided on progressive. When signing up for progressive, I signed up with my Florida drivers license number and my new nc mailing address. A couple of months later I received a letter from the state of Florida saying that they were notified my geico insurance policy was cancelled and to provide new proof of coverage. I went online and provided the information but apparently made an error when selecting the insurance company name. I accidentally selected protective insurance company instead of progressive. I was made aware of this error when I received a license suspension letter yesterday. Since then I have notified the state of Florida Of the error. I then received notice that my insurance was still not acceptable because Florida requires that if I have a florida registration, i must have a Florida policy. I called my insurance who confirmed that although they provide Florida coverage, I was under a nc policy even though I provided them with a Florida drivers license number since my mailing address was currently nc. I have had no lapse in coverage, but my insurance company cannot switch it back to florida until I am living there again at the beginning of the new year and can provide a valid address of where I will be living. I do not know where I will be living when I get back yet because I will have to find a new place to move into. Does anyone have any advice as to what to do in this situation? When I first moved to FL and transferred my tags, it cost me almost 500 dollars, so if i transfer them to NC for the time being, i will then have to pay 500 dollars again once I go back to FL""
I have got automatic driving license 2 days go and I`m looking for car insurance?
i just checked with direct gov to understand the insurance policy then i checked the compare sites to get a better deal depending on the car that i will buy , the problem the least ...show more""
Will my homeowners insurance drop me if my dog bit someone?
So last week the side gate to my house was left open and my dog got out. She bit one of my neighbors down the street, I'm guessing out of fear (she is a rescue dog). The bite wasn't too serious, but it did break the skin so my neighbor went to urgent care to get bandaged up. We apologized and offered to pay any medical costs upfront, but my neighbor preferred to let our insurance companies handle the claim. My dog hasn't bit anyone in the past, and isn't considered a dangerous breed (labrador, border collie mix). We've let her off leash at the dog beach and dog parks with plenty of other dogs and people running around, and she hasn't shown any type of aggression. What I'm worried about is my insurance company dropping us from their coverage, and us subsequently having trouble finding homeowners insurance in the future. We tried convincing our neighbor to let us settle without getting the insurance companies involved, and explained the situation, but with no luck. Does anyone have any answers or advice about the whole situation? Should I make a claim first and let our insurance company know, or should I just sit and wait for the whole situation to play out? BTW I live in California and my homeowners insurance is Wawanesa""
I have cancelled my car insurance?
I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Also , I have SORN available . . Thank You""
What's The Best Auto Insurance Company?
I'm a 16 year old male in Southern California... I'm looking at:   1993 Honda Accord   1990 BMW 525i   1991 Nissan Stanza   1992 Acura Legend Sedan   1996 Volkswagen GTI    which company is trustworthy, cheap, and helpful?
""Does anyone know of any home insurance companies in pensacola,fl?""
Im trying to get a quote for homeowners insurance in pensacola, fl. all the big companies (progressive, state farm, farmers) say they do not provide homeowner insurance in florida. does any one know of any company in pensacola, fl or just florida in general that i can get a quote from.""
Infertility insurance?
Does any one know of a good provider or some one with an insurance rider for infertility? I have great health insurance, except it dosent cover that! I should say that I live in Kentucky. Thanks""
""My homeowners insurance dropped me, what am I going to do?""
I had two claims in two years. They won't renew, my policy has expired and I can't find anyone that will cover me. Anyone sell insurance? I had a claim last summer when a limb fell through my camper. The insurance paid out $500. October 2007 I had a pipe burst in my foundation they had to pay out $22,000 that time. Right now I'm uninsured and nervous.""
I'm 19 years old and I need insurance. How do I go about getting it?
I need cheap or free insurance
Cheapest insurance company?
I want the cheapest no fault insurance for my car, 1994 beretta""
""If your home is valued at 73,000, why would your insurance company raise the coverage to 101,000?""
If my house burns down, would they really pay out 100,000 or just the property value ?""
About how much do you think my car insurance will cost?
my parents just switched to liberty mutual, I have a car, a blue 99 manual chevy cavalier and I'm 18. I'm trying to figure out how much money from my job I need to save up before I get my license, because I have to pay my own insurance and I've had my permit for a year and a half because I couldn't find a job until last month. I just want a guesstimate please!""
Which car insurance companies should I look into?
I'm looking for car insurance and was wondering which companies you would suggest I look into and get quotes from? Which company do you have and what do you like / not like about them? Thanks!!
USAA or Amica for auto insurance?
As far as I can tell, these are the two top auto insurance companies... Which do you think is better, and why?""
Car insurance in new york?
if i hold a junior driver licence in new york do i need to have insurance if i drive my moms car? also if i do does my mom insurance go uo? i am 16 with a jr driver licence! http://1proxyweb.cn/car-insurance.html
What is the cheapest van insurance for a 18 year old with no previous insurance with a full lience?
What is the cheapest van insurance for a 18 year old with no previous insurance with a full lience?
""Silly car insurance cost, why so much?
I am a 40 year old woman who is taking my driving test next week. I have run through some quotes for a car (nothing flash or sporty) and the cheapest I can find is 1450 fully comp. I thought this was some kind of joke but it appears to be true. Why is it so much? I'm not a young person but this has priced me out of affording a car for the foreseeable future. I've just wasted 4 months learning. Why on earth is it so much and why are they getting away with it? It would be cheaper to take the risk and get a fine if I was unlucky enough to be stopped surely? Not going to do that before anyone gets on their high horse but just saying.
Will my insurance increase of I get a body kit.? ?
Im planning on getting a 1.4 pug 106 and I was going to get a DIMMA kit for it and 205 gti alloys. Will my insurance go up..?
What is the best medical insurance for already pregnant woman?
I have to purchase my own health insurance because I left my job recently only to discover that my small group aka my employer doesn't cover COBRA, when you leave voluntarily. At the time we had a makeshift HR dept. so I can't really blame them for not knowing...anyway , now I have to seek out my own insurance and I want to know what is the best plan out there since I am coming out of pocket. I can't have OB care until I get this. Please don't judge me I was a working executive assistant for a small company and decided to leave to pursue my dreams and get out of the rut of a comfortable job without a future! Help, thank you!""
""Are 4 door, 4 cylinder Honda Civics cheap for auto insurance?""
Are 4 door, 4 cylinder Honda Civics cheap for auto insurance?""
Why is it so cheap to live in America? but your hospital treatment is so expensive?
do these insurance schemes really cover you for major surgery?
Cheapest car insurance for 1.4L Polo - 17 years old.?
i have a 2001 Volkswagen Polo 1.4 Automatic i cant get any automatic small engine cars, the smallest is 1.4L, theres the 1.0L auto Vauxhall Corsa - but i don't want that, everyone has it. What company does the cheapest insurance? Quinn Direct have gone bust. UK""
What type of businesses that are good to call for all kind of insurances?
Like Health Care Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee Benefits""
I want to finance a car. Can the registration and insurance be under my brothers' name?
Will a car dealership allow me to register the car under my brother? I want to put the car in my brothers name because the insurance will be cheaper. His credit is in better than mine.
I just got my license but no insurance?
i got my license few weeks ago and i would like to start driving my parents car , they have insurance under there name but not mine yet, and my dad doesnt want to add me on there till later on due to the cost, so will i be able to drive their car with the insurance under their name ? I live in Cali, LA. thank you""
How can I cancel my geico car insurance?
I pay for my geico car insurance every six months because I save some money instead of paying monthly. Here is a thing I am going to out of US for 3 months and I do not need insure my car however I already paid for the 6 months.
What is a cheap car insurance company?
I am currently 18 years old. I am getting my licence on June 16th 2010. My car is under my dads name and currently it is uninsured, he wants me to insure the car under MY name because he will not be driving it anymore. What is the CHEAPEST insurance company for someone like me? I have to get the car insured before June 16th so that i can take my licence test. Thanks in advance.""
Question about motorcycle insurance in the UK?
I just got a quote for the motorcycle I intend buying when I pass my test. Seemed a bit excessive at almost 900. I'm 23 and have ridden a 125 for a year with no claims. The bike is insurance group 13. My question: Does the fact I don't have a full license yet and haven't bought the bike affect insurance quotes?
Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
What sites are best for car insurance comparison? I am trying to find a site that has the widest range of quotes and policies so I can pick insurance cover that is right for me, the plan I have that's due to expire soon is terrible and I feel really ripped off. It's just proving really hard to find something affordable and with good quality cover. Has anyone tried a car insurance comparison site that offers quotes from more than just the usual four or five insurance providers?""
Wantings to buy Renter's Insurance?
I want to have renters insurance. How long do I have to wait to make a claim
What's The Best Auto Insurance Company?
I'm a 16 year old male in Southern California... I'm looking at:   1993 Honda Accord   1990 BMW 525i   1991 Nissan Stanza   1992 Acura Legend Sedan   1996 Volkswagen GTI    which company is trustworthy, cheap, and helpful?
Why is my car insurance going up?
I can't understand why my car insurance is going up and I've never claimed.... I am 24 years old and passed my driving test in 2007. I brought my first car in september 2008 which is a Vauxhall Corsa 12v 1Ltr. I still have the same car but each year the insurance is going up and up and I'm only going for third party fire and theft. 1st year - 77 2nd Year - 111 3rd Year - 130 - 199 I can't understand it.
Why can't responsible working people get low-cost health insurance?
Here's my big fault: I have no fatherless children, in fact, I have no children. Yet I have to hear a girl that I work with (who makes more than I do) talk about how she has state health insurance (I believe Medicaid) at an extremely low cost, since she made the decision to have a child with a man that she knew was a criminal, and is now serving time in prison. (And oh yeah, I drive an 11-year-old car, she just recently got a new one. But I know, that's easy when you get a free ride for the necessities.) So, why can't there be affordable health insurance for everyone, even if you did not choose to pump out a child (or children) you knew you could not afford to take care of?""
Auto insurance history question!?
I'm trying to get auto insurance for the second 6-month period of having my car. I don't get the question in applications for auto insurance (or getting a quote): Have you had auto insurance for the past 3 years without break or lapse in coverage? Well I have my first car for almost 6 months (fully insured), so I check no . but then it gives me two options: how long were you without coverage: a) more than one month / never had insurance b) less than one month I guess this question is trying to find out if I had a break in coverage. There isn't any break in my car insurance but I only have 6 month history! Is it OK if I say yes to the first question (Have you had auto insurance for the past 3 years without break or lapse in coverage) ? Thanks in advance""
Cheap car insurance for people under 25?
I'm trying to find the cheapest car insurance since i'm under 25 in new york. I'm looking to pay no more then 400 a month just don't know where to find a good deal. Please advise
Monthly car insurance?
Hi I own a 2004 Saab in New Jersey. I am returning to NJ next month and would like to drive it. I own the car, but I need a car insurance plan for one month. I am 18...Is this possible to do? Or is there a rental car option for 18 year olds?""
Will obamacare lower health insurance premiums?
how will forcing more people to purchase a finite resource (increasing demand) cause the price to go down?
Buying health insurance for the first time?
I'm looking to buy health insurance, but not sure what type to get. I'm very healthy and have no children so it would be just for myself. Should I do a co-pay plan? HMO or PPO? Not sure.""
Canceling car insurance?
i got some car insurance for a car i was purchasing today as i did not want to drive it home over 100 miles with out none , i only took it out yesterday but when i went to pick up the car it had obtained some problems that it did not have before so i have not brought it. i was told when i got the insurance that i would have 14 days to cancel it but when i rung them up today to cancel it they have said i can not and i will have to pay all of the premium in full, i explained to them why i was needing to cancel it and was told it is not their fault and i still have to pay all outstanding monies , is this right . this is with swinton if it matters.""
How to report uninsured car in CA?
Someone hit our car in a walmart parking lot. Our tail light was broken and the estimated cost to replace it is $420-$500. Since it is under $750, we didn't report to police or DMV. However, the driver didn't have insurance card in the car and gave us bogus information about their insurance. We only have their license plate and a walmart security person as witness. How do we track down this person or report uninsured driver/car? We are in San Diego, CA.""
I'm uninsurable! How can I lower/get car insurance?
I am a insurance company's worst nightmare. 17 year old male, I have a job in a rough town, no experience and to top it all off I only finish work at 11pm so ill be driving at night. I have not passed my test yet but need the car for work. Whenever I use go compare or compare the market I am either quoted a stupid amount 10,000+ or I am uninsurable. I cannot get a box monitor installed because the car needs to be home at 11and I don't finish work untill then.""
What car is best for young male insurance wise?
K im 18, goin to uni next year, male ive looked up quotes for renualt clio 1.2 2000-2003 models and got 8400 annual as cheapest. for peugeot 106 1.1 i got 11,000 annual cheapest..... vauxhall corsa 1.2 i got 10,000 cheapest. the cars im looking at are garbage.. worth 800 tops. Why would i pay over 10 times the price of the car to be allowed to ride it for a year, i know im 18 i dont care if im a risk(which im not, im not a speedfreak,) theres risk and then theres idiocy. What are the key things to get a low qoute?""
""Someone reversed into my car, is it better to go through maaco instead of insurance? its jus ta minor scratch?""
i was at a stop sign and i was abou tthe 4th car, well the 3rd car decided to reverse to leave and backed up and hit the front of my car. its not really that bad but its still a big scratch. is it best to just have her pay my estimate at maaco? or deal with insurance? i don't want to get jacked up insurance rates because someone doesn't know how to reverse.""
How much would my Car insurance cost?
Im 16 years old, i have my class 5 liscense, and i have completed a drivers ed course that supports safer driving. I want to buy a 1999 Acura integra, it doesnt have a vtec engine, and everything is pretty much stock, except sound system and rims. how much would i pay for insurance monthly?""
How old should my vehicle be before I drop collision insurance?
How old should my vehicle be before I drop collision insurance?
Florida motorcycle insurance?
So I have a small 49 cc scooter that is street legal and I drive through the roads like everyone else. In Florida it's not necessary to have insurance on this small of an engine bike, so I don't. My question is, in the case of an accident that's NOT MY fault such as a car rear ends me at a traffic light or any other incident, can I still claim anything? Will the other persons insurance still fix or replace my bike? Will the other persons insurance cover me in any needed doctor visits?""
How do you rate Car Insurance ads?
From Best to Worst I rank Geico, 21st Insurance, Progressive, All State, Nation wide""
Where can I get free insurance calculators and insurance compare quotes software to place in my blog/site?
Hello friends I have a wordpress blog about insurance.How can I get free insurance calculators and get insurance quote softwares to place in my blog/site.Help me friends.
Private health insurance = cheaper and better care?
Statistics show that US citizens pay almost exactly 2X per capita for health care compared to countries with government-supplied general health care. As with so much of our ...show more
Insurance cost for Corvette?
Hey I'm 16 and have quite a bit of money saved for a car so im gonna get a decent one nd i was thinking a corvette. I was wondering about (I know no one knows exactly) how much the insurance is going to be on like a 00 or 01 model. Also if you know insurance cost of a 350z too that would be great. Thanks for the help
The cheapest kit car insurance company?
I have a drink driving offence and need a good cheap insurance company for kit cars thanks
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
Paying 10k a year for car insurance?
with a great driving record for 3 cars total is that even possible to charge that much. I have been told that if I move to Illinois it will cost that much.
No health insurance? need prenatal care and sonograms?
i don't have any health insurance and have become pregnant, what do i need to do until my health insurance can kick in or until i can have the baby then get affordable health ...show more""
How does a 13 year old tell their mom they want to have a baby??? HELP PLEASE :)?
Im 13 and it may be a little weird but im ready for a baby. how do i tell my mom?
Car insurance for teenagers?
Im 18 and I own a used car. Never a trouble maker. I have a part time job. I want to know what insurance I can get for my car that is affordable.
What's The Best Auto Insurance Company?
I'm a 16 year old male in Southern California... I'm looking at:   1993 Honda Accord   1990 BMW 525i   1991 Nissan Stanza   1992 Acura Legend Sedan   1996 Volkswagen GTI    which company is trustworthy, cheap, and helpful?
0 notes
infiniteuncertainty · 7 years
this whole experience of planning a trip to see these boys has been SUCH A HOT MESS OMFG. SO if yall dont know already - hi hello I am BTS TRASH and going alone to see BTS. that’s right! I have zero friends that would be interested enough in going so I didnt care. I had already said I wouldnt care if BTS was going to hold a US tour I would go solo and not give a flying FRICK. (lmao) BUT I am INCREDIBLY inexperienced with - well I was going to say traveling alone but basically traveling in general lol - so I had asked my dad (since my mom and her bf have already toted my ass around 2 for my kpoppin shit) if he would get me tickets for christmas like that was all i wanted cause BOY THEY BE PRICEY AS HELL AND ME BEING A BROKE COLLEGE GRAD LMAO I NEED HALP. SO - long story short he ends up buying tickets as a surprise like we were on the phone when they went on sale and nothing was coming up so we gave up - well corrrection *HE gave up. ME on the other hand continued searching for 5 more hours and managed to find a P2 STANDING sooooooo instead of calling him to tell him…i bought it. LOL I KNOW I KNOW WAY TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS MAKAYLA but look ticketmaster has a countdown clock and he was at work so i just did it. It ended up being like 250 which granted I did have enough to buy my ticket I just was saving my money for yaknow like BILLS AND LIVING SHIT but whatever BTS > LIFE . SOOOOOO once purchased I call him up and tell him and he drops the bomb on me that he in fact did buy two PLATINUM P4 TICKETS TO THE SHOW.  YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. 
so I may sound ungrateful brat but here is the thing - these tickets ARE EXTREMELY OVERPRICED FOR BASICALLY NO REASON. LIKE HE SHOULD HAVE NEEEEVVVVERRRRR TOLD ME HOW MUCH HE PAID BUT HE DID CAUSE HES DUMB BUT YEAH SOOOO here i am now with my p2 standing and 2 p4s ALL FOR THE SAME DAMN DAY T__________T  so still to this day I have been DESPERATELY trying to sell these damn things or better yet TRADE them for fridays show but UGH WHY MUST THEYY BE SO DAMN EXPENSIVE UGHHHH  like I get it - he was trying to do something nice for me but he literally just did not bother to look into the pricing for what each section was OR IDK LISTEN to when I told him I wanted to be in the PIT ?? but oh well - it is what it is. Im sure he looks at it like well you could have traded or sold MY ticket but yaknow what I made friends with some people to meet up with for thursday soooo IDK it all just turned in to this big stressful mess and basically I AM NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN BC i know how they are. 9/10 something is going to happen to put someone in a bad mood and i will want to GTFO. so I’e already decided next kpop related event I want to go to I will either: A.) convince a friend to tag along with me B.) GO TF BY MYSELF like this was supposed to be a fun weekend away with my dad and his gf and whatever but i already knowwww something is gonna go wrong and im gonna want to jump tf out of the car like TUCK AND ROLL OUT loloololl  WHY IS BEING AN ADULT SO HARD WHY CANT I GET MY SHIT TOGETHER 
ANYHOWWWWWWW~~~~~ IM STOKED AF TO BE SEEING MY FAAAVES PERFORM FOR LIKE 3 HOURS AND MEET MY NEW FRIEND GABBY WHO IS ALSO TRAVELING FROM OHIO LIKE WTF HOW CRAZY COOL IS THAT  shes younger than me though but either way ARMY STICKS TOGETHER!  Im looking forward to the experience of waiting in line all day or at least whenever the hell i get there to hop in line (WHICH IS THE OTHER THING IM STRESSED TF OUT OVER) BUT YA KNOW WHAT - its gonna be a fun time!  I’m sorry dad that you spent so much money and now you and libby will be siting in the seats and ill be on the floor. I know you were trying to be a good dad and get an amazing gift! but please dont ever spend that much on me ever again. Unless its a car. or a drumset. or paying off my student loan. ☺ XOXOXOX IF YOU’RE STILL READING THIS FAR AND YOUR A FELLOW ARMY ALSO ATTENDING THE WINGS TOUR IN NEWARK 3/23 AND MAYBE YOU’RE ALSO IN P2 BACKGA!! HMU!~~
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