#bts wings tour ticket sitch
infiniteuncertainty · 7 years
this whole experience of planning a trip to see these boys has been SUCH A HOT MESS OMFG. SO if yall dont know already - hi hello I am BTS TRASH and going alone to see BTS. that’s right! I have zero friends that would be interested enough in going so I didnt care. I had already said I wouldnt care if BTS was going to hold a US tour I would go solo and not give a flying FRICK. (lmao) BUT I am INCREDIBLY inexperienced with - well I was going to say traveling alone but basically traveling in general lol - so I had asked my dad (since my mom and her bf have already toted my ass around 2 for my kpoppin shit) if he would get me tickets for christmas like that was all i wanted cause BOY THEY BE PRICEY AS HELL AND ME BEING A BROKE COLLEGE GRAD LMAO I NEED HALP. SO - long story short he ends up buying tickets as a surprise like we were on the phone when they went on sale and nothing was coming up so we gave up - well corrrection *HE gave up. ME on the other hand continued searching for 5 more hours and managed to find a P2 STANDING sooooooo instead of calling him to tell him…i bought it. LOL I KNOW I KNOW WAY TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS MAKAYLA but look ticketmaster has a countdown clock and he was at work so i just did it. It ended up being like 250 which granted I did have enough to buy my ticket I just was saving my money for yaknow like BILLS AND LIVING SHIT but whatever BTS > LIFE . SOOOOOO once purchased I call him up and tell him and he drops the bomb on me that he in fact did buy two PLATINUM P4 TICKETS TO THE SHOW.  YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. 
so I may sound ungrateful brat but here is the thing - these tickets ARE EXTREMELY OVERPRICED FOR BASICALLY NO REASON. LIKE HE SHOULD HAVE NEEEEVVVVERRRRR TOLD ME HOW MUCH HE PAID BUT HE DID CAUSE HES DUMB BUT YEAH SOOOO here i am now with my p2 standing and 2 p4s ALL FOR THE SAME DAMN DAY T__________T  so still to this day I have been DESPERATELY trying to sell these damn things or better yet TRADE them for fridays show but UGH WHY MUST THEYY BE SO DAMN EXPENSIVE UGHHHH  like I get it - he was trying to do something nice for me but he literally just did not bother to look into the pricing for what each section was OR IDK LISTEN to when I told him I wanted to be in the PIT ?? but oh well - it is what it is. Im sure he looks at it like well you could have traded or sold MY ticket but yaknow what I made friends with some people to meet up with for thursday soooo IDK it all just turned in to this big stressful mess and basically I AM NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN BC i know how they are. 9/10 something is going to happen to put someone in a bad mood and i will want to GTFO. so I’e already decided next kpop related event I want to go to I will either: A.) convince a friend to tag along with me B.) GO TF BY MYSELF like this was supposed to be a fun weekend away with my dad and his gf and whatever but i already knowwww something is gonna go wrong and im gonna want to jump tf out of the car like TUCK AND ROLL OUT loloololl  WHY IS BEING AN ADULT SO HARD WHY CANT I GET MY SHIT TOGETHER 
ANYHOWWWWWWW~~~~~ IM STOKED AF TO BE SEEING MY FAAAVES PERFORM FOR LIKE 3 HOURS AND MEET MY NEW FRIEND GABBY WHO IS ALSO TRAVELING FROM OHIO LIKE WTF HOW CRAZY COOL IS THAT  shes younger than me though but either way ARMY STICKS TOGETHER!  Im looking forward to the experience of waiting in line all day or at least whenever the hell i get there to hop in line (WHICH IS THE OTHER THING IM STRESSED TF OUT OVER) BUT YA KNOW WHAT - its gonna be a fun time!  I’m sorry dad that you spent so much money and now you and libby will be siting in the seats and ill be on the floor. I know you were trying to be a good dad and get an amazing gift! but please dont ever spend that much on me ever again. Unless its a car. or a drumset. or paying off my student loan. ☺ XOXOXOX IF YOU’RE STILL READING THIS FAR AND YOUR A FELLOW ARMY ALSO ATTENDING THE WINGS TOUR IN NEWARK 3/23 AND MAYBE YOU’RE ALSO IN P2 BACKGA!! HMU!~~
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