#why rush things
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plusanimablog · 2 years ago
Chapter 53: My Anima
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Husky and Nana see her, Nana thinking that she's a real angel. Then she wakes up and GASP, she's the White Shadow!
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Husky and Nana escape the room, recognizing her from last night. They find themselves in a strange room full of plants. Then Nana sees this:
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She screams and runs off. Then the White Shadow flies around her. She freaks out, thinking it's trying to get inside her. Then Cooro and Senri burst in...then Fly bursts in after them, shoving them out of the way. He cries out "Blanca!" and the White Shadow returns to Blanca's body. Nana asks if Blanca is the girl's name and Fly responds in the affirmative. He says she's an angel Anima. Husky demands to know what the hell is going on and Fly offers to explain in a different room, leading them to another track that leads out to Astar. Turns out they're in a tunnel that was made in the capital a long time ago. Only a small part of it is still usable. He takes them outdoors to the Astarian National Research Facility. Then he takes them to the library where they see Marca (surprise surprise, Husky isn't happy to see her). Cooro just recognizes her as the lady who gave them apples. Fly asks her to make them some tea as he leads the kids away.
He finds out they met Lyra and confirms that she underwent Anima implantation at her own request. He also confirms that he can also remove an Anima, turning the Anima user into a human. He says that becoming an Anima is not something children wish for; they unconsciously draw in Animas in order to survive. A child cries, an Anima arrives. The Anima marking is a scar that he can remove with surgery. Animas tend to leave on their own when a child grows up, no longer being needed. But Fly asks why wait? Why prolong your suffering? The facility can help children lead normal lives.
Husky calls him out, asking what exactly is he supposed to do for them? Fly responds by saying that since Nana is good with a needle, he can have her take an apprenticeship under a seamstress. He then cryptically says that if there's someone that you can't see because of your Anima, you can see them again in Husky's earshot. However, he won't recommend the procedure to Senri, saying that being a Kimunkle the Anima are sacred to his culture. The offer stands for everyone else though. Cooro himself says that Nana should do what will make her happy.
We later seen Nana bathing to prep for the surgery. Cooro himself is thinking by the window, wondering if he really will be happier without an Anima. I mean, he had one since birth so he wouldn't know. So Nana is being led to the surgery room to be prepped for anesthesia. She hesitates and admits that since it's the last time, she wants to say goodbye to her Anima. She sprouts her bat wings and bat ears and thanks them for helping her and introducing her to her friends. When Marca asks if she's ready, she flies off, saying she's changed her mind. She's not happy despite her Anima; she's happy because of her Anima. And hey, if it's going to disappear when she's an adult, what's the rush? She then rushes over to see Husky, afraid that he had the surgery and Husky pops out to yell at her for screaming. Nana hugs him and says that she didn't have the surgery. Husky says he thought about it but didn't go through with it; he's happy the way he is. When Nana asks where Cooro and Senri are, Husky says they never wanted to remove their Anima in the first place so they're probably in the waiting room. The chapter ends with them going off to search for them.
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moonlightflower-queen · 7 months ago
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The rulers of the underworld have an important message about mental health
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toffeebrews · 3 months ago
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I managed to draw something!!!
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choccy-milky · 7 months ago
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another batch of MCs as thanks for drawing clora🥹💖💖 once i start working on something i cant rest until i get it done so ive legit been working on these nonstop for the past 2 days from when i wake up till i go to bed.......i can finally rest 🧎‍♀️........THANK YALL AGAIN💖💖💖🙏🙏🙏 MC's in order: @moonstruckmoony @syaolaurant @dwightschrute11 @boxdstars @versailles-black @ccelicaa @ethniee @wrongcog @ashiori-chan @tamayula-hl @celestinawarlock @serpensortiamaxima @silvyadrakkon @jadepalaceyaya @zorro-d-t
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bluuscreen · 8 months ago
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got into danganronpa and decided my first fanart was gonna be a full redraw of some anime promo art because why the hell not, it’s cute :3
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levemetal · 1 month ago
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@sillyxaly suggested Jw adopting SJ and it was too fun to brainrot about with @ace-shenanigans too.
Rest assured, no matter the au variation, as long as SJ is adopted by a tgcf character, he shall be the bane of Jw's existence and make him consider early retirement.
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villainsandvictimsalliance · 4 months ago
Who's going to write that fic where Kurogiri secretly survived and timed himself to take Tomura somewhere else so everyone would think he was dead.
And then they went for Toga, because everyone would also believe she was dead.
And years later they went for Touya after a lot of planning on how to make his dead convincing.
So now they're all living in some mountain, trying to figure out how and when to take Compress and Spinner with them.
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valewritessss · 10 months ago
How do I tell Annabeth haters that they’re not being more feminist for hating Annabeth instead of Rachel? Why do we always gotta hate someone? Can these two girls just exist and not be blamed for shit.
Because first it was “Rachel is getting in the way of Percabeth so she’s a bitch”
But now it’s “Annabeth was so mean to Rachel she had so much internalized misogyny”
Like why did y’all switch up??
I mean good for Rachel but like bad for society this just set us back because wtf
If you can’t blame one you have to blame the other? Honestly they think they’re being such a girls girl for that but it’s just getting worse. God forbid a girl has a crush on an attractive guy and god forbid the other girl who has severe trauma revolving anandonment hates her for it.
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Headcanon that for a few months, or maybe even years after the portal incident, Stanley would have to go sit in his car to cool off when he felt big emotions like panic or anger or sadness because for 10 years his car was his safe space and home
Headcanon that a few days a week at the very beginning he still slept in his car no matter how buried in snow it was, just because he wasn't used to sleeping in a bed in a house and part of him believed he didn't deserve that comfort
Are you guys hearing me?
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b1p-b00p-b0p · 6 months ago
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Day 8 of Fiddtober: Glasses!
Dollar store Halloween props my beloved
Prompt by oobbbear :) (under cut)
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asmodeusamaryllis · 4 months ago
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Gyari, casual outfit ★
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burning2know · 3 months ago
Inquisition had a nice thing going with Solas the lore-master, lying only by omission, being an anti-slavery, rebellion-rousing, fade-obsessed princess. As a lore fiend, I want need that Solas back.
Veilguard highlights that a liar manipulator character who is willing to say Anything to achieve their immediate goals cannot be a vehicle for lore reveals. A character who frequently contradicts themselves without some consistent explanation means that we can't trust Anything they say. Fans will be tempted to use this character as evidence by cherry picking some things over other. But that simply confirms any existing beliefs (confirmation bias). As someone who enjoys sleuthing and figuring out how the world works, the more principled way is to discard everything such an untrustworthy character says for what we can observe and confirm with a more reliable source. Basically, if a character is a liar liar pants on fire, then a discerning lore scholar should be equally skeptical of every statement they've made, only trusting ones that can be cross-referenced.
But the problem with Solas is, he is often our only source, e.g. for how the veil works. Because he's the only kne who knows. Because he msde it. And although he was a biased and unreliable narrator, he had a consistent point of view that IS reliable in DAI. Veilguard's rebranding of him as a liar pulls even that fundamental point of reference from beneath us, and doesn't replace it with another one (saying whatever it takes to serve an immediate goal is not a strong enough viewpoint, in fact, it's incredibly effective at obfuscating one's actual views). And that should retroactively call everything he said in Inquisition into question as well. After all, that viewpoint could easily have been made up. We don't have another ancient elf to corroborate most things he's said. We ONLY have Solas's word. And now that his word is completely untrustworthy, then what are we to make of the lore he revealed?
I have heard the argument that Solas is supposed to be different from the one we know in Inquisition. And that intention was executed effectively. He is fundamentally changed (how or why the game never addressed). But it could have been done without destroying the integrity of the lore that we've gotten from him in previous games. But the choice to make him the god of lies made it impossible, particularly in veilguard, where all the other lore reveals also fitted together badly.
And what is the god of lies moniker but the headcanon of Solas haters and detractors who didn't figure out how he operates beyond "he deceived me"? It was a choice to make that interpretation canon, it was a choice to validate and accomodate their beliefs. And why? Solas detractors didn't need it to be canon before, they didn't need it here. Haters gonna hate. It's what they do.
We lost a huge chunk of the fade lore so the game can gratify Solas haters. That's absolutely tragic.
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thebirdandhersong · 2 months ago
Maybe. people are simply not meant to get 53 tasks done anxiously and in a slight panic.
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fangirlforeversthings · 2 months ago
Would these characters help you k*ll a spider?
Part 2
Clone wars clones
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thekirammanjinx · 4 months ago
People who say they were fans of caitvi in s1 but not s2 I don't get it. Like you have two people of different classes and different backgrounds but didn't want that to be utilized in anyway? Just wanted them to wash over that fact and not make it a point of conflict?
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justyourshadowstouch · 12 days ago
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Take me back to Eden
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