#why not just platonic siblings???? i dont get it... im not gonna think about it. :)
thanks to a friend, i've been able to play Oreimo portable(on android tablet)~ it's been... wild glkask
a collab you'd never expect was included xD
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rzyraffek · 1 year
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Fallout4 characters with teen!sole
Bestie you are litteraly describing one of my oc's! Of course its purley platonic😊 teen!sole is also from valut and was in fidge for last 200years. I refer to them as 'kid' bcs thats how some of characters would probably treat them anyways. Also its a screenshot vuz I accidentally deleted the ask and luckily had some sort of proof
The only guy here with any expirence with kids
Dad vibe
Type of guy who says "We need to cut it off" after Sole tells him their hand hurts
Will teach them how to shoot, hunt ect
Also scold them every time they talk with any shady people??? Like he really doesnt want them to end up like him with whole 'gunners incident'
He thinks that Sole would get along with Duncan well!
If Sole calls him 'dad' mans gotta be so happy
Secretly worried about their saftey, like Commonwealth is dangerous place for trained adults, and for kids ESPECIALLY ones who have no knowlage about defence or weapons
But he never shows his worries, just hangs around being cool dude he is😎😎
Rich cousin/uncle vibe
You like this cool hat you saw like week ago? Boom see it apear inside your closed 2days later
His love language (quick remidner that love also can be platonic🙄😎) is giving them little gifts when they don't see him or leaving notes with remiders on them ^^
Quick reminder that he and his wife wanted to have kids! So yeah Sole makes him wonder if thats how it feels to have kids tbh
If Sole calls him 'dad' bro will freeze and panic, probably pretending that he thought that was a joke but he's sweating so hard rn
Wtf a child? Here?
Bestie you really shouldn't be here
If Sole is in this cringy teen phase when they do drugs/cigarettes, watch him say stuff like "drugs=bad" meanwhile taking some mentats
Your friendly local drug dealer vibe
Dude gonna teach them how to manipulate assholes, trow knifes, gaslight and still look stylish
If Sole ever tells him about their parents he will be angry, like ??? Why would anyone do anything to a kid???
He will litteraly pay fahrenheit to watch them when he's busy
"Fire, pretty sky and a lot of storytelling in middle of nowhere" vibe
Im 100% sure he knows how to play on guitar and will try to teach them
He will try to act mature and lead them to the right path but he won't try to be their "new perent" unless Sole is clear that they see him as father figure, he will never even bring this up.
When they call him 'dad' mans will be the happiest minuteman in history. Also if kid will even mention their past caretakers he will just tell them to forget about them cuz they aren't coming back and they are never going to hurt Sole anymore
How on earth some kid killed Colter? No one knows but Gage is impressed.
He gets annoyed by lack of knowlage and skills, ye ye he gets that they are like 13 or something but come on hes not going to do anything for them. Huh what do you mean you are from valut? Before the war?? Damn kid and im happy to be alive. Stop lying
*sighs* "jesus boss let me do it"
Older brother vibes.
"How many times i have to tell you, dont hang out with pack members they have bad influence on you AND do not even think about going near Nisha"
He needs to learn ALOT he dumped his family and even if he had younger siblings he never really took care of anyone, never, so yeah it is challenging
If Sole somehow calls him 'dad' they were probably incredibly tired or something very emotional happened. No matter how it happend Gage will ignore it and later overthink when Sole wont be around, like ??? Me??? Gee what kind of parental figure this kid had?? Should I check on them more often??
Uhh erm a child ee greeting?
At first he sees Sole as lil civilan and just tells them where to find nearest safe place/diamond city cuz hes very very busy and cant take care of child while on duty. If kid hangs around more he will probably warm up
Of course he will ask about their parents but when Sole tells him some upsetting stuff he won't ask again, he won't tell them to go home either. He will just idk let them vibe
I can imagine Sole just tagging along his missions by just begging him to hang out with them constantly. They quickly get along. Very lonley soldier and kid who lost everyone.
One of those 'depressed dude adopts random child he found in middle of knowhere' prompt
When Sole calls him 'dad' he gonna get emotional fr fr pls civilan he's on duty he cant cry rn 😭
Yall I loved writting for gage i might do part 2 with Gage just trying to figure out how kids work. Also another pole cuz I still have no clue how to delete those on phone. And as always, I used x reader tags ONLY to reach bigger audience 🦊
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hanatagami · 2 years
Batfam! Reader x Platonic! Damian Wayne - cuddle sessions
this is probably some wishful out of characterness but i dont really care, i just want some fluffy damian sibling time in my life screw capitalization
and please dont look at the tags i dont know if im doing them right
i also haven’t checked for grammar errors
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so im gonna show a damian under some very specific conditions
its gonna take you being a very affectionate person
but also someone who doesn’t tease, or knows when not to cause if you do it even once this is never happening again
its gonna take him being absolutely completely sure you wont tease him, or utter a single word about it to anybody in the house
he also has to be completely sure you won’t say no, like 120% sure you won’t say no
heres what i think thats gotta happen for cuddly sibling damian
first is to show an example of how much you want to crush him with affection but don’t because he wouldn’t like it
the scenario i imagine to start this is a competition between all the wayne siblings
the winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser
you are the fortune winner, damian is the unfortunate loser
well he wouldve been unfortunate if it was anyone else
ignoring all the suggestions from the others that would most certainly piss damian off, you already had your heart set on something
“You gotta let me hug you for an entire minute!”
que jason laughing (just ignore him)
the others get a big smile on their face for multiple reasons i dont feel like getting into
but damian grumbles and reluctantly steps up to you
(dick is in charge of the timer)
you crouch down and proceed to wrap him in what you want to make the best hug in the world
you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him to your chest, cradling his head in your arms
you gave a good amount of squeeze, a good comforting amount of squeeze
you don’t think you’d get a chance like this again, damian would never let himself lose again no matter what it takes if you have a good chance of winning
lost in the feeling of finally being able to smother your youngest sibling with affection you didnt really take notice of his reaction
you didnt notice how his body melted into your embrace (though only just a bit)
you didn’t feel how his breath on your neck began to slow down and relax 
or how his eyes began to droop halfway
you were lost in your own little word- and so was he
in fact when dick decided to break you out of your trance, it seems you both had gone passed the promised time without realizing
you had assumed damian was keeping count and would shove you off immediately after it hit the 60 second mark
but he didnt
and by the embarrased look on his face you could see he had MEANT to, but for some reason forgot
you had never seen his composure so broken as jason took the chance to immediately poke fun at him
(tho damian didn’t know that jason was also a secretive fan of hugs from you)
it was a good time 10/10 would hug again
lets skip a bit
but just know theres been a lot of thinking while damian has been on his  lonesome
he liked your hug a lot more then he thought he would
it was so warm and comforting and he had found himself unconsciously leaning into it
his mother wasn’t an affectionate person, being an assassin didn’t allow such luxuries
bruce wasn’t much better, though he tried to be
and by the time his siblings and him got any kind of close he was already uncomfortable with such affections
he never realized how truly touch starved he was cause at this point in his life he didn’t see why he would indulge in such niceties, it was unpleasant
but it more pleasant then he expected, and he had let his guard down which was a critical mistake in both assassination and vigilantism
but there was an itch he now couldn’t scratch with that mindset
he’d been going back and forth with himself for days about asking you to hug him again
(cause lord knows he wasn’t asking anyone else)
and after a particularly stressful day, people at school just bugging the hell out of him, and not being allowed to go out on patrol that night cause bruce noticed his stress
and damian could only assume bruce thought he’d take it out on criminals
which damian was too proud to admit was possible
So imagine your surprise when Damian just bursts into your room, slams the door shut, and turns towards you with his eyes squeezed shut and his arms out
now this is what i meant about teasing and joking, a teasing “no” or any other funny comment and he’ll be humiliated and outta there faster then he was in and he will never come back
its a good thing you knew that right?
you couldn’t help the smile that spread on your face as you approached him and gently wrapped your arms around him
you could tell he was grateful you didn’t say anything
you’d have to guess he has been wanting this for a minute cause it didn’t take him long to completely snuggle up into you
You hadn’t realized he was so craving of affection, and you hazard a guess he hadn’t known either
it was a couple minutes before he broke away from you
when he looked up and saw your warm smile he turned completely red and sped out the door
how cute!
and now to your greatest hopes, it had started becoming a common occurrence!
your youngest brother is now actively seeking out your affection and its an incredible feeling
after the first couple times you had actually gotten him to speak to you during or after
and then a couple times after that, you had gotten him to stop speeding out of your room
he came the most at night, after dinner when everyone would be too busy working or in their room to notice his venture to yours
it was now common for you to silently hug him with one arm with him sat with you in your chair while doing homework or studying for college
or when you play something he’ll sit in front of you and let you rest your head on his
one of your favorite memories is him falling asleep on your lap on accident and him being so embarrassed when he woke up he pretended to still be asleep
you could feel the heat in his face so you decided to do him a favor and pretend you hadn’t noticed and instead moved him to your bed
though you couldn’t help the small kiss you planted on his forehead, knowing he couldn’t bring it up without outing himself
he’ll have to live with it
and you were surprised to find out he was the kind of brother who would sneak into your room at night
now you never caught the reason why, but you at least knew he didn’t want you to know
he came in and laid next to you when you were “sleeping” and left before you “woke up”
you assumed he was facing some inner demons when he did this, and wanted the small comfort but didn’t want the embarrassment of waking you up and asking you
you and alfred now have a hidden code, not that alfred knows (he probably does but you didnt tell him, but you were sure him and bruce had noticed and got a good idea as to what was happening)
well its not much of a code but when alfred asks for you or damian for one thing or another, you can send him something along the lines of “hey, ive got damian helping me with something” and alfred seems to get it and leaves you two alone for now
im not gonna say how, you and damian dont even know he does, but bruce has pictures
which is crazy cause you’ve never taken one, even while damian is asleep, cause this isn’t something your ruining
but bruce has pictures and he keeps them safe and secure for only him and alfred to see
seeing damian be so close to you makes him so happy
not that he’d say, him and damian are alike in that way
but alfred knows though
he always knows
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Being Bloodhounds Younger Sibling pt. 2
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Reader: Gender Netural | "you" | Platonic
Notes: the gif makes me smile, bloodhound smiling 🥺
Warnings: none really? Fighting?
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To be honest, when you seen Bloodhound ontop of Fuse like that you were tramatized.
Just immediately closing the door.
"I understand your pain now Arthur."
Finally someone gets his pain.
So in traumtization buddies, you feed him instead, along with giving Bear a snack because he ate already
You best be sure when Fuse and you get placed on a team he's like:
"So. Eh..heh...hows your day going."
"Good. I suppose. But your face reminds me of the time my sibling was ontop of you."
"Ah...eh...houndy likes to feel poweful."
"My sibling is powerful. You cannot handle them. They go soft on you."
Fuse figures out soon that you dont exactly know what your talking about....
But that kinda makes Fuse think. Is bloodhound easy on him?
Fuse tries to get to know you the best you'll let him. Your standoffish, keep to yourself, Pathfinder is someone thats only really gotten close to you, both physically and mentally.
Its true you've stuck yourself to Pathy while out and about, he showed you kindess and was simply pure of heart
So he was allowed to hug you, allowed to get in your personal space
He just has a vibe that makes him want to be around.
Despite you not suppose to be as he's technology
You see alot of Vantage, Fuse and Bloodhound together.
You figured Vantage is there daughter but wonder why you hadnt been introduced yet.
But before you could bring any of that up your older sibling comes knocking at your door.
"Come in."
Bloodhound walks in taking off the mask and helmet, setting it down, "Come. Sit."
Y/n and Bloodhound take a seat on the floor, "i have something for you."
Y/n watched as a box was handed towards them.
"They will aid you."
Y/n was silent as Bloodhound opened the box, "They will help you hear again. Better, easier."
Y/n looked at the book and shook there head.
"Y/n please."
"That is against our ways."
"Y/n." Bloodhound spoke grabbing there hand, "We cannot keep ignoring our future. Rayma has made them for you. They blend in with your hair and skin, they will be hard to see."
Y/n was silent as they watched Bloodhound take them out the box. They trusted Bloodhound with there full heart and mind, and allowed there sibling to fit them to there ears.
A loud ringing came with the word as Y/n quickly pulled them out tossing them away holding there ears in pain.
"Sorry! I'm sorry-"
Bloodhound was quick to grab them from the floor, "too strong I suppose. I will turn them down."
Y/n watched as Bloodhound fixed they twisted a little nib, "Lets do one for now."
With time, Bloodhound adjusted them perfectly to your ears
But they couldnt help the look they were given, you looked lost
Maybe this was the final straw? There really was no going back to the old ways
Bloodhounds thankful to Rayma/Rampart,
And like always they help you adjust
And its werid being able to hear everyone so clearly now.
Pathfinder's excited for you, like holding your hands jumping around excited and Wattson joins in
You dont exactly know whats going on
But to thank Rampart you carve something nice,
You stick with a Prowler, the type that stalk the snowy mountains.
While your carving Pathfinder comes over to talk to you on the drop ship.
"So thats bloodhounds sibling?" Vatnage asked.
"Yeah. That the's rumour goin around!" Rampart smiled, "To be honest though mate, we'll never know by looks. No ones ever seen ol' houndy's face."
"Im gonna go say Hi!"
Vantage happily marched her way over, Y/n silent despite Pathfinder's constant talking.
"Hello! Im Mara!"
Y/n looked up then back down at there carving.
"Ooo you carve too? Im a carver myself." Vantage cheered watching Echo relocated infront of Bear.
"Bloodhound is with Fuse. I believe they are the upper deck." Y/n spoke, "Do not eat the bat."
Bear backed up and pouted, Y/n going back to work.
"Wow. You knew before he even opened his mouth! Thats pretty keen!" Vantage cheered, "But I heard your Bloodhound's sibling. You're a hunter too then?"
Vantage was answered with Silence, "You're name's Y/n right? What was your village like?"
Silence again, "Silence is fun too! I'll sit with you and carve with you!"
Y/n was quiet, they always were, after all they had no social skills outside there sibling relationship.
But with this Y/n couldn't help but feel....replaced.
Bloodhound had Fuse, and Vatnage.
They an odd little makeshift family
You didnt wanna ruin anything bloodhound had made for themselves, but the idea of them kinda just going off and leaving to make a new family kinda hurt
You'd never admit that though.
"Hey! Mara!" Mirage cheered making his way over.
"Mr. Witt!" She smiled, "Mr.Witt! This is Y/n! They're bloodhound's sibling! Well. I think they are atleast. Y/n! This is Mr.Witt! He's super cool!"
"I just came to introduce myself to the g-gor-to the pretty new person." Mirage flirted.
"Do you think you are pretty?" Y/n questioned.
"A little yeah." Mirage smiled, leaning on the nearby crates just to slip and fall, Y/n watching him scramble to his feet.
"So! Me? You!? Pork chops?" He smiled, "I have booze! Wait- that sounds wrong- I'm a bar tender! A good one at that!"
"If you're asking me for a partnership you must ask the eldest of my house."
"Oh! Yeah! Parent consent's...cool. even at our age...anyway-"
"Bloodhound is on the upper deck." Y/n responded.
"Bloodhound is eldest." Y/n informed, "It is bloodhounds word."
Wait....he's....gott ask...
He'll admit. Bloodhound, sweet, nice, but in situations like the games, and serious moments they're pretty uh....spoopy
Bloodhound looked at the man, "ah you have met my sibling. I do hope they did not stab you, social skills are not there strong suit."
"No! No! No!"
"I wanted to take them to the bar. Ya know. Hang out with them."
"The bar is not there strong suit i assure you. If you wish to hang out with them truly. Ask to go on a hunt."
"Aye! Witt ya ol' fella!" Fuse cheered coming up with two bottles in his hand, handing one to bloodhound, "if I'da known ya were gonna be here I'da brought you a bottle."
"Im not staying long. Just askin about Y/n."
"Yeah? What's up with the kiddo anyway? Stab anyone new?"
"Witt was hoping to go on....a hangout as he called it." Bloodhound commented.
"Ya wanna take Y/n out on a date?" Fuse commented, "Good Luck."
"What is that ment to mean?" Bloodhound spoke.
"What? Nothin. Y/n...the kid's...just uh." Fuse told, "Diffrent....ya know?"
"No. That is why I inquired."
"The kids....hard to be friendly with. Kids...off putting, rough around the edges."
"You are saying my sibling is rude-"
"Then what?" Bloodhound asked standing up.
"I told ya! Y/n's rough around the edges!" Fuse spoke in defense, "Hey! Maybe witt will smooth em out, huh?-"
"Y/n does not need smoothing out. None the less a man nor woman to do so." Bloodhound argued, "here."
The bottle was shoved in Witt's chest, he catching it quickly, "Goodbye. I need to check on Arthur."
"Houndy! I didn-"
But bloodhound was already gone.
You were confused as Bloodhound came back upset though No one could tell but seemingly you
You chased them down worried.
"No need. I am alright." Bloodhound reassured, "I will be back-"
Y/n grabbed Bloodhound by the shoulder stopping them, "Last time you said you'd be back you left....for a long time."
Bloodhound sighed, "I. I am sorry."
"You have apologized enough. I just want to you to tell me whats going on. I can not stop you if you wish to leave."
"A small tussel with Fitzroy is all." Bloodhound responded, "I supoose I am a little defensive as of recent."
So you go to sit with your sibling. Its nice to be in each others presence even in silence.
You're for sure targeting Fuse next match.
So it helps that next match you get put with Revenant and Mad Maggie.
"I want Fitzroy's head."
"I like you already skinsuit."
Talk about trail following. Dude your like ontop there team.
Fuse, Loba and Bloodhound all on one team
So you'd for sure have to take out Fuse secluded.
Luckily your able to single him out, throwing him against a wall.
"Woah now! Houndy wouldn't like you killin' me eh?" Fuse tried to persuade, a joke in the tone of his voice.
"You upset them."
"Ah. That. We talked that out I swear!"
"Hm." Y/n hummed in thought, "Oh well, better luck next time."
finisher for the kill? absolutely
But then Maggie's shouting she's down, and Revenant follows quickly after.
"One last egg! Callin it your family!"
Oh...Is Bloodhound the last one standing?
you can be sure there's an epic standoff.
"May the all father guide my victory."
"And may the Ragnarok falling be as brutal as yours shall be this day."
Bloodhound chuckled, "You were always one for the fall."
"The fall is just as important as the rise." Y/n spoke in defense, "you taught me that."
"You listened well for having been impaired," Bloodhound praised, let us see if your tongue is as swift as your knife."
"Verbalailty is something you reached me not to lean on as well." Y/n spoke, both taking a step forward, "I do hope your age has not impaired you much."
With the last words, they charged at one another, cargo bots that also acted as cameras in the games focused in on the two.
"Hey! Hey! wait!" Wattson called, "Look!"
The two teams stopped the firing, and they all looked at one of the larger screens that were usually meant to show legends, playing the battle out.
"You never bring a knife to a gunfight," Bangalore spoke.
"I don't think it's the gun Y/n's worried about," Wraith told in defense.
"An interesting fighter indeed," Ash praised, "but stupid, very, stupid."
Y/n was knocked on their side, groaning, knife and axe were knocked away.
"You fought well little one." Bloodhound praised, "But I must finish what I have started."
Bloodhound was quick to grab their own axe, Y/n getting to their feet as they stood ready to defend.
Cue the epic battle music
You werent giving up easy, and neither was your older sibling
Think about the Kratos verus Thor fight from the beginning of the game, and...just...thats you guys
But when weapons get knocked away, slidding off the side of the platform is when you both finally realize your just above lava
You got pinned to the railing but managed to fill bloodhound over you barely catching there hand before they fell into the lava below.
"What are you doing!?" Bloodhound argued, "let me go!"
Y/n looked down at them, they'd kill Bloodhound for victory? For Slatra...
"I. I can't!" Y/n argued.
"Y/n! Let me go you've won!" Bloodhound defended.
"I cant! I can't!"
"Why not!?"
"I can't loose you!"
Its like morality had struck you, you were killing your sibling.
"Y/n. Let me go." Bloodhound ordered, "I will be alright. Remember. It is just a game. I will see you back on the ship."
Y/n looked down, loosinging there grip, "You promise?"
"I promise."
So, you dropped Bloodhound, winning the smaller battle, and picked up both teammates.
"Ya crack an egg, good on you kid."
"yeah. Thanks..."
Okay everybody going back to fighting now
Sure enough, you did
You didn't win, placed in the top three though.
You could care less though and ran straight to Bloodhound hugging them tightly.
They congratulate you on your success, you were doing quite well for being new
no matter how old you get praise from your older sibling is always reassuring
Mad Maggie out of all people consoles you, sitting beside you
"You took a big step eh?" She spoke, "It gets easier kids, don't cha worry! Take it from me."
"You're people."
She looked at Y/n and chuckled, "Eh, Salvo's one hell of a dog's arse if I say so at the moment."
"You're people are lucky to have a warrior such as yourself."
"Suppose I'm a bit of a fuck up. Especially when it come to the family."
Y/n looked at her as she handed over a bottle, "One for the top three."
Y/n nodded taking the bottle, "I suppose, I am a fuck up as well."
"Don't let it get ya down-"
Maggie went silent as she watched Y/n chug the liquid from the bottle, "ugh!" Y/n gaged pulling it away "Burns-"
She only laughed as their gagging self.
Here comes Mirage asking you out again,
"On a hunt."
"You hunt here?"
"yeah sure why not."
It's been a while since you went on a hunt, and so you invited Bloodhound excitedly.
Vantage wants to go and even cuts in asking.
You are still iffy about Vantage: you can't help it, just human nature you suppose, being jealous.
But here comes octane wanting to join too,
"A group hunter sounds refreshing. Y/n?"
You nodded and said you were inviting one more person too then.
So when you're all dropped off and given a few days rest, you all gather at a ship, and there you come dragging Revenant
Mirage wishes he just invited you to read in his room at this point.
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inevitablestars · 3 months
for the character thingy, lily 👀
LILYYYYY big thoughts here!! zar i am so glad you asked
this ask game
starting with how i feel about her. i feel things so many things i love her so deeply so very deeply and i end up going insane about her a lot. there's just so much potential for tragedy without even taking into account the actual tragic fate of canon and that makes me insane. also just sibling. she's a younger sibling and not enough people explore her and petunia so i will take it upon myself to do just that !!!
people i ship lily with: (in no particular order and with more detail than necessary)
dorcas - dorlily will always be tragic to me idc if they are happy eventually it's always tragic
regulus - if i think too much about regulily i might explode :/ they are just like tragic again but also perfect in every way that makes no sense at all they don't intentionally fall in love ever it just happens by accident and then one day they're in love and no one saw it coming and just !!! also the younger sibling with a strained relationship with the older sibling thing .... why are more people not insane about that more people should be losing their minds with me
james - a classic! teenage love that's sweet and they just work. like james loves the way he loves and lily deserves that kind of love!! not as insane about these two but like they're always going to be good
mary - slowly have been falling out with marylily but i do still like them. even more fun if its unrequited on either end but great still as friends to lovers or just being sweet! when its requited there isn't as much angst which is usually what draws me to ships even more but like still fun
pandora - also not top of the list but still good! they're insane together and bring out the worst in each other (positive) and just very fun!
non romantic otp.... this is hard it really depends on the situation... bc like remus is right there and they deserve to be best friends and have an unspoken language together and be someone the other confides in. but then there is also platonic regulily which also drives me insane. and then lily and sirius are best friends you cannot tell me otherwise and the deserve that! like also back to siblings sirius and lily finding each other and helping to heal part of them with loving each other for the sibling that cant or won't and it's :( i love them
unpopular opinion on lily.... obvious answer is regulily but im not gonna talk about ships in this but im gonna go with idk if its unpopular but i feel like i dont see it that often but i feel like lily is kind of a bitch (again, positive) like if you take canon yeah she's a mom and thats the only trait she gets which is stupid. she's not soft at all unless you are one of her people and then she will adore you forever and ever and treat you like a princess but to anyone else especially anyone that is rude to her or her people she can and will kill them
one thing i wish would have happened to lily in canon - okay like i was just saying she should have more of a personality, but that aside and just considering a canon setting... she should have been the one to pick the secret keeper. like yeah all of them would have been in consideration including sirius and peter but lily would have been better at picking like clearly no one was thinking who are lily's friends that would be able to do this it was always just oh james! his best friend (also lily's bff but i digress) and then oh no not james' best friend let's go with his other friend! like cmon lily would have been smarter than to pick one of the three people closest to them that everyone knows is close to them :/ also she should have lived that would have been cool of her to also survive a killing curse
i um. i rambled quite a bit so i apologize for that... idk what happened :/
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qloof · 1 year
Idk if we can still do the 5 things ask but. 5 favorite platonic dynamics.
deity the can of worms you just reopened in my brain
platonic / non-romantic dynamics !! (not in any particular order bcus im awful at ranking)
Dynamis & King & Tithi - people whove known me for a bit probably have read some texts or threads on twitter about me rambling about them. this dynamic is the case of "there's a few frames of them together and some interactions; im gonna place them all into a pod now" and me taking the little characterization they have and stretching it so far. but idgaf !! it's my brain i get to do what i want !! i've got a sort of brother/familial dynamic with them. i remember some scenes where Tithi held onto King and adjdjdjdj it was just very adorable and it's stuck with me for a while. and we also have one of the ending scenes where Tithi is with Dynamis at Mist Mountain. Tithi is the center of this dynamic really, because King and Dynamis don't really have any direct/1-on-1 interactions in the show. i like to imagine the Tithi-Influence-Banter Dynamis and King would have; Dynamis being the more "responsible" older brother and King the more daring and reckless middle brother. Tithi takes from both of them, and Dynamis ends up scolding King when they both get into trouble. the thing i like a lot about them though too is that i get to expand on Dynamis a little more. bro has been stuck in a temple all his life and grew up having to live up to his life's purpose !! it's all over now !! let the man have fun !! heal his inner child as he King drags him to events with Tithi !! i don't think i can project my eldest sibling experience on him though. (that's for vita...sorry vita...). in canon this dynamic probably wouldn't work out the way i have it in mind because they all live in separate places, but i think even then they could have a close bond. Tithi would look up to both King and Dynamis and be happy whenever he talks to them and visits them.
Zhouxing & Bao - this one has been brewing in my brain a bit i need to talk about it more purely shitpost material (/hj). they would start off with the most one-sided beef (from Zhouxing). yeah they dont have any interactions in canon really except for that one indirect one. but again this is my brain. same guy different fonts; one gets bitches the other is bitchless; Zhouxing has to deal with another guy who basically holds the same role as him from an opposite team/group; they both lost to the same green guy Zhouxing starting the beef is sooo funny to me. obviously the two of them would be a bit hostile/suspicious of each other at first because of Beylin Temple history, but this is all after the Nemesis Crisis so there's a truce now. this new Bao guy is clearly on his level and Zhouxing needs to challenge him in everything. he has to prove that he's the superior pretty guy (by annoying the shit out of Bao). Bao doesn't catch on to what's happening for a while until Zhouxing does something crazy and Bao snaps and is like "dude what the HELL is your PROBLEM?!" (Bao is now committed to the fight). At some point after, they get along. Bao is like "dude if you just told me you wanted to fight I would've fought you." They become homies (sort of) (they still sort of hate each other) (not seriously though). this is one of those "guy who's silly and guy who's serious" kind of dynamics and that's probably why i like it a lot adjdjdjdj. Bao is more of a no-games sort of guy before the Nemesis Crisis and probably a little bit after. but those days are over !! time to put him in the middle of a found family (WHZ) and figure out how to fit in with the Rizz Blader being his rival (that he had no say in) from it.
Masamune & Lera - MLM WLW SOLIDARITYYYYY !!!! AND ALSO HOSTILITYYYYY !!!!! they're the "they didn't allow us to be friends in canon because we would be too powerful" duo. they're the meme of the lesbian flag stick figure kicking the gay flag stick figure. they will tell anyone that asks that they think the other is insufferable, but they always have a blast whenever they chat. Laz has spoken about them before and I adore them <3 I think Lera would find Masamune very annoying but also he's entertaining and he's so easily amused by everything that she can state the most random facts about anything and he'll either jaw drop in amazement or in complete utter despair. They both seem very chatty i think they could talk to each other non-stop for hours. they definitely share the beef and gossip about other people.
Tsubasa & Yu - (explodes into tears) one of the best dynamics in the entire show (and one i actually have canon to go off of !! wow !!). the way they have a rocky first start but later develop as a duo with a really close bond is so :(( tears in me eyes :(( Tsubasa and Yu not seeing eye-to-eye throughout their interactions in Fusion, but later getting along and supporting each other after the Dark Nebula falls. Yu starts to stick to Tsubasa and values him very much, and vice versa (which makes Tsubasa's conflicts in Metal Masters more heartbreaking for me </3) . They are the brothers ever <3 Tsubasa picked up a stray cat (fox, really) and he follows him around sometimes <3
Dynamis & Pluto - deity ik you don't give a fuck about them but I DO !! AND IM GOING TO BE UNWELL FOR A MOMENT !! (as you can tell i am heavily influenced by Alexis) (and also i like to grasp for straws) (i am going off by both implied/very far-reached canon and solar swap au). this will probably be the shortest explanation for those reasons. and also i cant put my thoughts into words to how these guys make me feel. i just. the. the way that those two in canon know each other and have had to known each other for years. they knew their destinies and that they inevitably would fight each other at the end of it all. they've definitely got some crazy history and it's FUCKED UP that the show didnt do anything with that (i say for the thousandth time)
these were the five i could think of at the top of my head at 11pm eecks dee
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 5 months
pinkmoonmutual i think i have come to u about my adoring fixations on older men before. I woke up from a dream where I was hanging out with this guy I really like and it was so wonderful and perfect and exactly what I want from him....a very nice dream to have, and it fits into what ive been working on recently which is human relationships and figuring out what I want and how to have it... its difficult for me because I love people SO MUCH often after a very short amount of time, this is especially true of older people because I crave sibling affection I didn't get growing up but it happens with people my own age too. and ah idk I'm never sure how to express it to people because love and intensity are things most people only want and expect from romantic attraction. and I'm not opposed to that but especially with older men this becomes difficult because the people I love are not interested in dating people 10 years younger than them and really it would be inappropriate (this guy was my professor! not gonna happen!) and i just end up feeling really creepy and weird and not knowing what to do with this huge adoration and affection inside me. so tricky I really wish you could just be /in love/ with someone and tell them and have them see it as a nice thing and not me trying to get sex or romantic commitment from them. i wish i was a little dog so i could just curl up at his feet and have it be simple. guuuuhhhhhhhh honestly i just wanted to tell you about my crush. I only knew this guy for like a month and a half so its a bit silly but hes so pretty and smart and cool and really inspired me to live and pushed me in the direction im currently going. its just tricky tricky im probably over complicating it but do you think there's more to love than the relationships that people in our world expect? I love people like theyre a god TT .. even talking about it here feels vapid compared to how it is for me. anyway nice dream thanks universe and i hope the pinkmoonworld is nice today <3
i understand u <3 it is a vary nice day in pinkmoonworld thanku for the wish~~~i know this dilemma tho sigh , my thoughts below..
i always felt like my admiration of people was extreme & consuming , i still do to a certain extent its a big part of the reason WHY i became a bit withdrawn like i struggle w how attached i get to others. i dont want to ask for anything in return but i feel shame when people find me creepy lol. And even then, that shame isnt rly the reason i've become untrusting with my heart, cold ppl r the least of my worries, i understand them.. moreso it's dangerous for me when i encounter someone who recognizes i am This Way & instead of being plainly disinterested or aloof they consciously decide to Use my affections in a sinister manner for their own advantage. that's what's mainly caused me to bcome distant even tho i want to love those ppl too.
so despite distance i still need some outlet for these loveful feelings so i guess i've spent the past 5-ish years working on ways to be overly compassionate in a safer manner.. And a big part of that is that i rly find the purest form of love to be platonic love, when theres not really any expectations or prize for being close to someone yet u still are, that kind of love speaks the deepest to me. and it's funny because really shortly after i surrendered my quest for romantic love, like completely surrendered , is when i met SLIMBO, and thru my efforts to be a really good friend to them we ended up falling sooooooo deeply sincerely in love like nothing i;ve ever known. if we had rushed into a relationship idk if it wld be the same , like having it slowly blossom over the course of a few years w no pressure, it's the foundation upon which we could be SO deeply sure we would always be together.
So the way u speak of loving ur crush, i'd say, just continue to act kindly towards him and everyone else u encounter, with no expectations of them.. people really need this like i think everyone needs to know what it feels like to experience a True Friend a selfless friend. it's rare! i rarely meet anyone who i feel doesn't want *something* from me that i cant give them. and i dont even want to hold that against them! im just saying, what U feel is rare so u should embrace it. allow yourself to exude love as much as u can and that frequency will return to u, just like how it did for me and slimbo...And other friends ive made along the way ^_^ Follow you heart.. maybe he's older but who knows what could happen. i've dated ppl 10 years older than me cus i have always acted like grandpa. sometimes ppl will just see u for ur soul.
and maybe ur dream is pointing u in a right direction, idk, i confessed my love to slimbo a few days after having a dream that we held hands. Ofc we had been friends for 2 years by this point so the time felt right, not every dreams mean u should confess, but i feel like having a sweet dream such as that can be a sort of telepathic experience sometimes.. show a connection between you and him on the astral plane. Take time to enjoy life n enjoy having a crush too cus it can be really fun to feel that crazy over someone :] thats my thoughts.....good luck with your heart, PMD9 out !
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buried-stars · 5 months
OH LET'S FUCKING GO. goro akechi, amame doi, fuka yamagishi, gyu-hyuk lee, maya fey, mukuro ikusaba :3
Sexuality Headcanon: this is a gay man. we all know it to be true. Gender Headcanon: some kind of trans and non-binary swag going on here... A ship I have with said character: eiichi mukuhira because oc/canon isn't dead A BROTP I have with said character: frankly his (potential) friendships with all the PT make me feel insane in one direction or another, but special mention to the sumi goro brotp. i so desperately need more platonic content between them that doesnt have any romance as a backdrop. goro's like "i don't have friends" and sumi says "yeah we're BEST friends :D" A NOTP I have with said character: its so hard to be a goroboy who doesnt like any ship with him. but any of the girls or akira makes me want to start attacking people with hammers A random headcanon: after royal he becomes roommates with annshiho. i love it when lesbians adopt a pathetic little man. shiho is still trying to figure out whether or not he's joking about having killed people (he's not) General Opinion over said character: you know exactly how i feel about him and if i start trying to summarize it here im going to end up with an essay so instead im just gonna glitch out of existence
Sexuality Headcanon: LESBIAN!!!! Gender Headcanon: she/they-isms A ship I have with said character: mamebiki is the only one that could ever matter to me. waaauuuggghhh A BROTP I have with said character: i want to believe her and iris rly are besties. show it to me uchikoshi... A NOTP I have with said character: gen is a father figure to her. fuck you. A random headcanon: AI3 PSYNCER AMAME I KNOW IT TO BE TRUE General Opinion over said character: incredible how she went from being a joke side character in the first game to one of the most interesting and complex characters of all time. i adore her. she did nothing wrong.
Sexuality Headcanon: ace lesbian Gender Headcanon: i honestly dont think ive ever thought about it...? A ship I have with said character: funnily enough i don't have one! maybe minako idk A BROTP I have with said character: i think her friendship with yukari is really sweet A NOTP I have with said character: i will never get the appeal of her and natsuki. even in 2017 i was like "why do we want her to date the girl who harassed her to the point that she thought she killed herself" A random headcanon: she carries minako's old earphones in her bag all the time General Opinion over said character: my sweetie <3 she silly. i don't have a ton to say because it's 5:30 in the morning but i like her a lot
Sexuality Headcanon: undoubtedly gay. look at him Gender Headcanon: CANON* he/she. (*it's a typo but i can dream) A ship I have with said character: gyuyoon makes me feel like im trapped inside a salad spinner (affectionate) A BROTP I have with said character: gyu and juyoung... they're so besties A NOTP I have with said character: either of the girls :P honestly i can't see him with anyone besides do-yoon A random headcanon: his eyes are brown those are colour contacts. General Opinion over said character: mr sad eyes sopping wet tragic oarfish id do anything for him. he did a lot wrong but hes still my guy. get him help pronto
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian (do you see a pattern) Gender Headcanon: trans girl :D A ship I have with said character: emamaya my beloved <33 A BROTP I have with said character: phoenix and maya are the fucking blueprint. i adore them so much. siblings of all time A NOTP I have with said character: i mean aside from obvious garbage i am a massive frnmy hater. we all been knew A random headcanon: kurain is a vegetarian village so maya's love of burgers come from them being forbidden at home General Opinion over said character: ive loved her since the day i picked up aa1 way back in 2014. my dear darling
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian of course Gender Headcanon: non-binary <3 A ship I have with said character: gee! i sure wonder! who could i, the person who popularized ikuzono, possibly ship with mukuro? it's a mystery. A BROTP I have with said character: chapter one trio still does something to my brain tbh A NOTP I have with said character: known nk hater since 2015 and this will never change A random headcanon: she's afraid of clowns General Opinion over said character: i just want her to be happy
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deltastra · 2 years
Woohoo! Gonna give my silly little thoughts on Chapter 117 before the next chapter comes out!
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HE WON. HE GOT TO SEE AND TOUCH A PENGUIN. IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM!!!! God I love this innocent goal of his. Forget boobs! Let the man touch a penguin!
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Wait what. IT REALLY WAS ETERNITY DEVIL? I’m stupid… so what is Fami’s power?
Either way, she knows how to strike deals with other devils too I guess. This may be a problem!
I hope we get follow up from Yoru about her siblings. She said Fami was lying but I just don’t believe that? That and, do all the sisters really hate each other? I just find that unlikely.
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OK IN HER DEFENCE, HUNDREDS OF AQUATIC LIFE ARE PROBABLY DEAD! But seeing Yoru smile over Asa’s mindset is a nice change of pace. They are slowly getting along. Asa and Yoru’s dynamic is one of the most interesting things about part 2 so far. Yoru is more understanding of Asa now but she doesn’t excuse it. It’s a very interesting relationship.
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Maybe I’m reaching here, but I see this as a type of play on the troupe where the hero reveals their powers in the open, but their “love interest” was “distracted” and couldn’t see it. If it was a play on that troupe, it was hilarious. Denji not seeing the shitshow that’s happening because he’s too distracted over a penguin is just…him.
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Ooo a stare down. Fami might see Yoshida as a threat and Yoshida definitely knows what’s up…these two might end up as bitter enemies
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These panels right here makes me want to bring up why I love reading chainsaw man rather than watching it.
It just feels like I’m reading a movie…
This short exchange, while lacking in words, speaks volumes over how you can interpret the convo. It’s kind of like a comforting awkwardness and the reliance on facial expressions just makes the manga more engaging to me.
Anyway, Asa is sad that the date sucked, Denji was okay with it cause of the penguin! How cute! But poor Asa feels so defeated here…
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Can we talk about how when a girl told Denji she will fulfil any one request of his, all he asks is for another date? It’s just, so cute.
He didn’t ask for anything sexual, boy’s grown. I feel like now he just wants the feeling of love in general again.
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Once again, facial expressions speak more than words. I love this so much. For once, Asa “disappointed” someone and they didn’t turn on her immediately. I can only imagine how comforting this felt to Asa.
If this is a romance that’s blossoming, I love the more mutual grounds their relationship is building on. Sure it might all turn to shit later but that’s Chainsaw Man for ya. Right now however, I’m loving it.
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This won’t work…
If I remember correctly, Yoru said that Denji has to fall in love with Asa in order for her to turn him into a weapon. But she stated that she could feel Asa’s love for Denji, not the other way around.
In addition, I don’t think Yoru understands human emotions that well. Denji asking her out on another date doesn’t automatically mean he has fallen in love with her. He just likes her to a point where he’s willing to give it another shot. Hell, I’d say that maybe Asa hasn’t fallen in love with Denji either. She was probably just little happy over how things turned out. I know I’m being a killjoy sorry ;-;
But my point is, Yoru cant turn Denji. So yea, this is gonna be pretty awkward now lol
Overall, this was a cute chapter. Yoru came back and kicked ass, Asa was the one who saved the day and Denji got to see a penguin.
I am serious when I say that I do find the relationship that is building between Denji and Asa compelling. I don’t really care if it’s platonic or romantic, it’s just…nice?…to see them on more mutual terms.
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mediocre-noodle · 2 months
im gonna send the character cast rq uhhmm ye
dallas (you know this guy!!! this dude!!!)
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Alibi - The Jester/“Zinnia”. all pronouns. literally,, when i was thinking of the identities to give xym, i just wrote down “whoops! all gender” and i think that says a lot about rot. trans, nonbinary, pangender, pansexual, asexual, panromantic. AuDHD (autism + ADHD).
heavily implied to be in a relationship with dallas during walls arc and up to their death in the wilds arc. its all i think about. however idk how to define it. idk if theyd be in a queer-platonic relationship (which is the only one i’d give bc im projecting onto dallas and dallas is the same flavor of aroace i am). i also feel like they wouldnt use a label. theyd just be like “we are best friends. we would live for each other. we would die for each other.” maybe some kind of alterous attraction but i wouldnt know— im quoiromantic/nebularomantic (aromantic microlabels). so since i cant think of it, its just gonna be like unlabeled but Its There and its FUCKING OBVIOUS LMAO (it gets worse when i imagine the scene of: alibi bleeding out in dallas’ arms as they scream for a medic among the screaming crowd, trying not to get trappled by people scrambling for safety from the royal forces. dallas is applying pressure to the wound like skip told them. why isn’t it working? why is it not working—?!) (dallas just turned 16 two months ago. alibi was only 3 months older.)
they wouldnt actually have their title of The Jester unless i tweak some things bc those titles are from the rebellion arc, which alibi had already died and wouldnt be there for. the flower titles do have meanings though. theyre from my floriography book, i can pull it out and share if you like?
it’s legal name is charlemane, but they actually don’t mind it. dallas would call them charlie in serious moments.
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Asmodae - The Shield/“Cypress”. legal name: raelynn marie hellings. she/her. cis, lesbian. autism.
largely inspired by astrid from HTTYD! the badass-ness!! the take no shit!! the snark!!! while still being kind!! aaHHABAHHS! now that i think about it, also a lil bit of natasha vibes.
they are always down to fight and WILL fuck you up. they are the protector. they are the one to confront the bully and be like “what did you say about my sibling?!”
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Juno - The Dahlia. legal name: june absidee goldborne. they/she/fae. genderfae. idk their romantic + sexual orientation actually— i didnt think about it. autistic *vine boom* adhd *vine boom* anxiety *3 fast vine booms*. hispanic— one parent is something similar to mexican except mexico doesnt exist in this fictional world. i dont have a world map made. the walled-in city doesnt even have a name 😭 has either/both POTS or EDS (cant decide). uses forearm crutches and sometimes a wheelchair!
hella good sniper. the long range fighter of the group. fae is very sweet and hyper-empathetic. instead of being shy, they’re just awkward (relatable)
she’s also known as The Black Dahlia. can unassemble and reassemble a gun in *really fast time idk i dont touch guns*. mercenaries wish they were as good as them when it came to guns.
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Skip - “Clematis”. legal name: silas (no last name made). he/him. cis, bisexual. autistic.
THE OLDER BROTHER YOU WISH YOU HAD. THAT I WISH I HAD. AUGH. (RIP skip actually imagine getting tortured— huh what? did i say something? :3)
he jokes around a lot, hes snarky, hes sassy, hes sarcastic, hes caring, hes protective, hes— *chokes on air*
hes the one that gave dallas the name/title striker. hes the adult that believed in dallas (older by like,, 7 or so years i think)
The Family/The Eyes
dallas!!! wooah!!
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Aji (ahgee - ă-jē) - The Apogee. any pronouns. literally agender. panromantic asexual. AuDHD.
it normally takes the form of a human teenager or child. xey are older than one could imagine, as they were created when the first world came to fruition.
many actually have a betting pool on how old she is. none of them are winning.
he is very parental tbh -> “no. no, aji. we can’t take in another kid.” “BUT LOOOOKKKKK! THEY WERE ABANDONED AS A SACRIFICE TO THEIR MORTAL GODS— CMONNNNN PLEASEEEE *puppy dog eyes*” “ugh fineeeee”
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seraphina! nicknamed sheriff by dallas (seraph said weird). she/they. panromantic lesbians.
as i mentioned, their backstory is dallas’ OG one— er,, a few details of it.
backstory ->
she was like. an amalgamation tbh. mostly human but has enough elf genes to perform minor spells. but then was kidnapped and was experimented on and grew wings when she was still alive. (they stuck into her death and then her ascension where she grew a total of 6 wings. thats the common wing amount for those in The Syzygy.)
there was a trafficking ring for people who were experimented on. she was one of the only older kids in the ring (that survived) so they were babysitting and im :[[[ aWHg my heart
she was sold to a wealthy rich man. the angel from original poem. the angel that saved them is Apogee? probably. or one of the Five. (these are the details from the poem) (since writing the notes ive decided its most likely aji or dallas)
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Memphis. they/she/he/it. agender + pansexual. AUTISMM BRR BRR BRRR where da hoes at (/ref)
no backstory or anything theyre still new but OhhOho My goD tehyre. zjsnsjsnntheyre so pretyt theyr Hot- theyre AHHWHSB /p.
these guys look SOO COOL!!!!!!! i want to befriend tgem ALL……….. im obsessed with aji’s design :000000
i want to give them all a big ol hug
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cacaitos · 1 year
 so this is i think one of the last rants i had left, also abt incest so like.
what is it about incest that makes it even appealing in the first place...??? like this is not an essay i’m genuinely just ...???  and like writing the thought process so im gonna try to keep it as short as i can.
mostly abt fiction and fetish as smth that hinges on the social nature of a type pf relationship. what i mean is that tho incest exists as an action, im talking of the fetish part that through the conceptions of what a, say, sibling-like relationship is usually known of gets inserted into another relationship or are elements that are framed to arouse.
moving on, what i don’t get is what even, unique to a filial relationship, is supposed to be attractive.  like for starters let’s forbode noticeable agegaps and intergenerational incest bc age taints over the incest combined or not (like even for ppl born basically at the same time they assign them power over other thru age, but i mean what i see it’s the main appeal point abt that little sister-older brother for example, or niece/uncle/stepparent thing is the age-power dynamic that the incest is subservient to or as an aid). 
even staying purely horizontal here, see how people talk about cousins, even in things that have absolutely nothing to do w incest; a counsin they see only every 5 years, [aunt’s name here]’s family, their family; politically like close enough to keep X family resource inside but far enough to get external resource or relationship or benefit, those incestuous flings ppl seem to have as in ‘we’re not THAT close’ ‘that’s not THAT much blood relation’. frequently theres a sense of distanciation, sometimes they’re talked as if theyre not or just barely family, like theyre some rando.
honestly similar can be said of how ppl talk abt step siblings, or half siblings or adopted ones, even unrelated to incest, it’s just a tendency to Other family members like that much theire detriment sometimes. but w all this as far as reasons go abt justifying incest or why they just gravitate to incestuous relationships in fiction/fetisg even **if for not-so-malicious intents, to me there’s the Despite-of and the Because-of. So the ones where the incest is minimized of just that the pair are revealed to be related later on (real or fictional) for example are Despite-of. In contrast the Because-of is where i’m still perplexed about.
like anyone can say abt using incest as a narrative tool to say Y and Z abt The Human Condition, relationships or horror etc like sure ig, w good writing it’s meant to say smth significative. very big brain and all. or bc an exemplar coincides w more common and popular, unrelated to incest, tropes. But. i don’t think that’s what porn actor are thinking about. and i say actors or porn directors and not porn writers bc writers are still obligated to develop a story in its own right (regardless of writing quality) while porn, video, comic, images, whatever can exist on its own and whose context can be summarized in a single title w/o any story whatsoever.
WHAT about the idea of siblingry, in its most simple platonic ideal, is what’s sexy, regardles if the people are actual siblings or not, bc the title could also be put over ppl that didnt even have the concept of incest in mind and were not involved in the titling at all. again unlike age, or physical or any other type of power dynamuc that usually has v defined roles, WHAT can you insert abt siblingry, that’s unique to it, into a sexual or romantic relationship that appeals to some basic taste, need ot whatever.
i dont need to follow the thought process of a pedophile or a chaser of any kind to, at the very least, recognize the demographics they pursue and recognize why they do, or rather what allows them to predate them. you can at the very least understan that looking after vulnerable people or marginalized demographics is very convinient, be it individually (say, a drunk person), or as a class/group (lgbt teens). but can you describe A Sibling. even based on stereotypes, try to visualize a sibling. what does it look like, what age are they, like not even one related to you just the idea of a Sibling etc, its all relative. you can say the same abt parents ofc but more often than not, you can visualize an average age, reasons they couldva had children, that theyre parents BC they have children, thats a relative thing, but you dont need  to know the age of the kid or how they look bc the subject is Parent, not Child, no matter the stage of life either of those are in, theres a clear division of roles. but people have no control over siblings, theyre just givens outside their own control that you have to live with. it doesnt necesarily mean a cordial relationship or a jealous or a confrontational or competitive type of relationship, in my opinion.
it doesnt click yet in my mind what even the most basic, path of least resistance popular reason about it is that makes it, all in all, a very popular fetish, i try i really do. like if it’s just Bc It’s Taboo reasoning, literally you tell a kid not to do smth so theyre gonna do it stronger logic, i hope i don’t lose contact from the eyeroll im gonna do.
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archer3-13 · 1 year
There enough of a gloat of asks here that im just gonna bundle a bunch of ya'll anons into a single post. sorry in advance.
Anonymous asked:
God, save me. seriously ? we are talking about dragons. while intys could still justify that since the dragons are deities they can fuck their sibs, we don't know how dragons makes babies in Engage. maybe they can stay in a platonic relationship all their lives. Veyle and Alear did it.
technically dragons arent actual gods, just very powerful beings that get worshipped as if they were gods. especially in modern fe.
Anonymous asked:
"though the anons as of late have also weaned me onto a sombron x mirror sombron crack ship. so. thats a plus. i guess."
which raises the question of how their respective kids would react to that ?
probably with absolute horror and utter confusion, which is honestly an aspect of the hypothetical ship i really enjoy. the utter bafflement from the kids.
Anonymous asked:
It probably is better if it discourages people. asides from the fake incest kink the game placed him into, could you imagine what would happen to regular Elyos if Alear married Rafal and then hurts their finger ? this would be the end of the world.
see, the issue doesnt lay on whether the eng translation is discourging it or not as both versions come to the same conclusion: its not incest because the two sombrons are different. Rather, the issue in terms of translation as i understand is that the eng version in its eagerness to over clarify the matter accidentally made it more confusing, thereby doing the opposite of what they intended.
Anonymous asked:
I would dare to ask : even if banging the counterpart of your potentially dead half siblings was incest, who cares when Sombron can bang his other self ?
hence why i ship the two sombrons anon! see you understaaaaand.
Anonymous asked:
Reject Sombron x alt sombron, embrace Sombron x Lumera.
No i dont think I will.
Anonymous asked:
"I suppose it would anon yeah, though i believe others have also pointed that out in this endless parade of asks." doesn't surprise me, when you try to expand their reasoning you obviously comes to this conclusion. and also to the conclusion that the 4 winds are just as guilty as the 4 hounds since they "are the same person". and using the "it would just not be the dad they knew" argument is the same thing as saying they have different dad. that aside, why is everyone obssesed with Sombroncest ?
thats the joke anon as to why i and a handful of anons are obsessed with it, its hilariously fucked up and more interesting then twinlear incest discourse.
Anonymous asked:
Alright, how would the engage cast reacts if : 1) they were given a chance to bang with their mirror self 2) given the chance to bones their sibling's mirror self 3) the reaction of Celine seeing her brother hooking up with her evil twin 4) the fell twins and fell siblings reaction in seeing the Sombron orgy
the only definitive i can give you is that goldmary is the most pro clone fucker of the main playable cast, and everyone would look upon the great sombron orgy with horror and probably a little bit of shameful hidden lust.
Anonymous asked:
I honestly would give an arm for a fanfic about a family dinner between the fell siblings, the fell twins and the two Sombron... just level of cringe exploded. (bonus point if Alear demands daddy to pass the salt, and that 3 hands try to grab it : Sombron, alt Sombron and Rafal)
Honestly that sounds like a pretty good fic anon. id keep that on the backburner of possible writing prompts to go for.
Anonymous asked:
"Its an inherently nonsensical and difficult to defend position if were actually looking at it from a textual angle."
well that's what happen in normal times when you decide to not listen to what the canon says. i am actually surprised they even tried when Alear and fell Alear are a thing.
I suspect its because twinlear is low hanging fruit well fell alear requires familiarity and ya know. playing the game.
Anonymous asked:
This whole thing is just another "this ships makes me uncomfortable I need to explain why but my arguments are crapp because they don't align with the canon" like we had with Robin x 2nd gen or studenleth. not liking a ship because it feels weird is fine but when you try to fight the canon, you already lose as you are not the writer of the story and only can rely on AU (and yes, there is already people who don't like the whole deal so they rewrite the twins's backstory to get rid of sombronian shenanigans). I can understand why : shipping Alear with Clanne feels more disturbing to me than seeing them shipped with the twins. I cannot explain why though
i certainly dont blame people if they dislike the ship, but your right that it looks silly and is real Sisyphean task at that point when one tries to stumble ass backwards into an argument as to why one is superior for disliking a ship.
Anonymous asked:
I wonder who is bored enough to try to prouve that the dating options in a game that is rated pg 13 is actually incestuous. I mean they tried with Awakening and Fates and then brough up grooming with Three Houses but geeez. the only way to back this up are dna nonsense the game never mentionned and clearly doesn't care about. I honesly think this would never have happened if Female Alear was allowed to bone Male Alear.
anon your last sentence there threw me for a loop, but to answer your question i dont think its necessarily an indication of some lacking aspect of character to get hype fixated on things. i get hyper fixated on things all the time, and fandom wouldn't exist without peoples hyper fixations. i would say in cases like these though its less 'people are bored enough to argue' about these things and more 'people are trying to control fandom space like a school pecking order'. in fandom.
Anonymous asked:
It's maybe not so bad, after all. I mean Nel is cute and sunshine, but rafal, even though he is not the kid of or Sombron, still looks like and reeks yandere vibes as much as main game Sombron... i don't want to imagine what would happen to Alear if they went "i can fix him" other than the "you're the most jealous men I ever knew" meme. oh, and if Alear died, Rafal would destroy the world... twice.
hey, the yandere thing has its appeals in fictional ships and some people like the obsessive angle in their fictional characters makin out. a lot of people like that angle really. ship what ya wanna ship at the end of the day though.
sides i can't talk considering half of the things i do ship are insane obsessive weirdos being insane about each other.
Anonymous asked:
Sombron x Sombron is really crack because you don't know if it would happen with them in human form or dragon form. speaking of dragon form, how do ya find the dragon design in Engage ?
I actually always rather like sombrons cobra design, it helps distinguish him among the villainous dragon designs and i think it suits his character in the manner that he's less about raw powering his way to victory and more prone to subtlety, manipulation and playing it smart [even if he is a powerhouse at the end of the day, and the writing of his plan doesnt always make sense]. in that manner hes a solid combo of medeus and gharnef which makes sense and works in his favour.
as for the other designs, nel and rafal are sombron lite designs that work for what their going for, and well i really wish we got to see more of lumineras dragon design what we do get to see is fairly standard but work well.
tikis is pretty obviously based on her warriors dragon form design but more fa'ish in the sense it looks more chickenish this time. which, i dont mind cause the chicken destroyers of worlds are adorable.
the generic enemy dragons ya come across are fine for what their suppose to be, though it does make me wish we had a manakete unit to play with in the base game. that woulda been cool.
Anonymous asked:
The choose to make fell dragon looks like king cobra and made quite a choice because those are the species that are monogamous and protective of their kids when Sombron is far from that... the only thing they have in common is that female cobra lay between 20 and 40 eggs but we don't even know if fell dragons are born from eggs... are they ??
joking aside, i imagine they went with the design less because of the biological nature of a king cobra and more so because of its cultural and symbolic significance. namely hypnotism which sombron uses rather prominently in the plot and which cobras are often connected with due to portrayals of snake charming. aside from that its also a very distinctive snake with its frill thing and a poisonous one.
Anonymous asked:
people saying that this is "just as kaga intended" are wrong. Lord kaga would never take such roundabouts way with incest, never offering a "techincally it ain't incest" and thus denying all canon relationship with the characters. by the way, do you think FE 4 remake will be M rated ?
idk anon, kaga if anything set the precedents for skirting around incest implications but in a very obvious way in fe that the series has dutifully followed to this day. deirdre and arvis are if anything more of an outlier being a very direct case of incest.
but speaking of fe4, i seriously doubt it'd get slapped with an m rating. putting aside the incest, well its a dark game its not any more explicit then any other fe in terms of content, and taking the incest into consideration even thats not particularly explicit in its depiction. it undeniably happens, but even then its a while into the game before its clarified that it did indeed occur and its treated with a tragic gravitas as opposed to being hyper sexualized.
Anonymous asked:
what you say about tree houses is true though. now when people stumble on the og support and ending for Veyle and Alear they think the og had implied romance in it because "partner " in japanese doesn't necessarily means romantic but if you cut that word that has a certain conotation in english, it becomes suspicious. same with the dragon child mentionned in their ending : the fact that the localization emphasized it was an orphan make it souns like they censored it because the jpn dub was being less clear about it, hence they believe that Alear and Veyle made a baby. in short : you can't win with the fe fandom, everthing backfires
You certainly can't win if ya go about things the way treehouse does. I dont doubt there would be discourse over these things mind, but ever since treehouse got involved in fe translations these matters have been particularly egregious. so i dont largely blame the fandom outside the bad actors.
i blame treehouse for making things worse.
Anonymous asked:
when recycling the future past dlc but with mirror dimension instead of alternate timeline backfires into fandom fight. Real question since Engage has a manga adaptation, do you think they will put the twins (I hope not because how is it gonna make sense ?)
i suppose it depends what happens with the manga adaptation, where it goes and what it might alter to fit its format. its possible we'll see them, but in a completely different context for instance.
Anonymous asked:
wait a second.. if the parents of your alternate self are also your parent does this means you are your alternate self's brother/sister ? and if their siblings are also your siblings does this means you are your own siblings ?
i dont know about that last little bit, but according to anti/puritan logic i suppose you would be your own sibling anon. thereby making it both selfcest and incest if ya fucked your mirror alternate self.
Anonymous asked:
people be fighting over a dlc that is not even well written. like if Alear is Lumera child in mirror verse than it means they must have had a different name since Past Alear says it's main game Sombron who gives the kids name according to their dead biological mama that sadly aint Lumera. (and I think that the 3winds had different parents to explain why they don't have the same name, but it's just me being clever, i doubt the dev though of this)
I agree the internal story logic is confused anon, but i would note that a story need not necessarily be logical to work if the emotional appeal is there.
and in that regard fell xenologue is a mixed bag, admittedly in part because its internal consistency is kinda muddled. fighting the mirror royals, seeing and engaging with their personalities, the atmosphere, even the intellectual implications of the twist all work i would say [atleast for me they do]
but how we get to this points is underwritten, the twist doesnt quite work in implication because of the questions it rises, and the actual heart of the story going on there with nel and nil and rafal feels somewhat disconnected from its world and sloppily handled.
i would have been fine with a delay on the dlc if it gave em time to hammer out the finer details of the xenologue, but as it is... mixed bag.
Anonymous asked:
it's always the funniest ship that get "moral outrage" like sure dating someone who looks like and is possibly genetically composed like your dead half sibling is super awakard irl but in a fe game it opens the door to gold comedy scenario. And Sombron x Sombron would just add comedy because if the twins end up dating Alear secretly when their dad are busy "doing stuff"
some people just dont appreciate fine comedy, as one can point to many historical and contemporary examples to prove.
though i dont begrudge people who seriously do ship the twinlear stuff, as its pretty harmless overall at the end of the day.
Anonymous asked:
if their only argument is dna, then screw. there is no evidence at all within the game that Sombron and Sombron have the exact same dna information. One could make the argument that Alear is still Alear yet they both are very different genitically, same thing for Zephia and Zelestia since Zephia is more OP than her mirror self. One coul perfectly make the argument that Sombron and Nel are different than their mirror counterpart when it comes to biological info using whatever argument precisely because the game never mentions DNA and no one could prove it wrong, all the more so as we don't see miror sombron's face and have no idea of how regular nel looked like if she did existed but I find it weird that Nel knew there was a other version of herself in the regular world since she never came here. just to say : anyone can play this little game. and since the canon text never mentions dna, no one can prouve that Sombron is genetically the same as his mirror self other than using the design but even that can easily be swayed by the other informations that the game gave us.
its Schrodinger's incest at the end of the day, which is in part why its silly for people to try and logic their way through it. except ya know, the fact that textually they dont even have the room to begin with.
Anonymous asked:
And here I though that Marth was Alear's dad this whole time
marth adopts all manner of divine dragons, so he can be alears foster father. caeda whole heartedly supports this and the two of them spend a lot of their free time supporting and hanging out with the kids. jagen considers it a headache but goes along with it anyways cause he secretly likes being the gruncle of so many divine dragon kids.
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maschotch · 3 years
Okay okay okay, so I saw your opinion on Hotchreid (and I also saw your tags saying you wanted to have a discussion but also like only maybe cause the ship is a squicky one for you, so I totally understand if you don't respond to this).
So, at least for me, there's enough evidence in the show to say that Hotch is only 10 years older than Reid. In the episode where we meet Sean, Hotch says something along the lines of Sean being 25 years old, and Hotch is only 10 years older than Sean--this is in season one when Spencer just had his 24th birthday. So, to me, Hotch is 10 years (maybe 11) older than Reid. Does that make the age gap better? Probably not. But in the real world, once you're older, having a lover who is 5 or 10 years older than you isn't that big of a deal (I personally know older family friends who are 9 years apart and they've been married for 45 years and counting).
I totally see the father-son dynamic between them, too, and I freaking LOVE platonic Hotchreid. Hotch being there for Reid as a father figure is one of my favorite things, and I love the fics where Reid goes to Hotch for help or support.
Okay okay so, I honestly cannot tell you why Hotchreid is my favorite ship--because as much as I joke that it's my daddy issues, I legit can't stand Daddy Kinks (no hate to those who love it). For me, I think their relationship would happen by accident. It starts with them having intelligent and fun conversations (it's well known that Hotch is very intelligent as well, though maybe not with an IQ of 187, haha). I can see them eating dinner in Hotch's office while discussing law and science and psychology. It just *grows* from there, becomes something fun and teasing, until one day they both realize that they want more than just friendship. For me, Reid sees Hotch as his intellectual equal. He's always been younger than his peers, so he doesn't see the age gap as an issue (though Hotch would, for a while).
I dunno if I explain this well enough for you to understand, lol, but yeah, that's how I feel about it. That being said, I am in therapy c; LOL! And I still totally get why Hotchreid isn't everyone's cup of tea. I personally cannot understand Hotchniss or Demily because to me, they seem more like siblings than lovers (in both cases), but I get why people love them.
Anyways! I hope you have a wonderful day <3
i have given up on criminal minds ages tbh. the writing is far too inconsistent to even try to argue with it so im just gonna say that if thats the ages you think, then thats what they'll be for the rest of the discussion! bc who am i to say their ages when i have no fucking clue how old they are akjsdhlgs
i understand that there are some real life age gap relationships that can be perfectly healthy. and age gaps definitely dont matter as much when you're older! someone middle aged dating someone 5 years younger/older is no big deal. someone 20 dating someone 5 years younger/older can be pedophilia. my own personal bias against age gap relationship are probably not as inclusive as they should be and im aware of that.
reid and hotch are certainly on the same mental intelligence level. reids higher askjdg but that doesnt translate to emotional maturity. its very clear that, at least early on, reid is definitely not very emotionally developed. he definitely improves as he gets older
Tumblr media Tumblr media
this is the dialogue that crosses a line for me and prevents me from seeing it as romantic. hotch plays an active role teaching reid how to be an emotionally capable individual. and even though reid was over 18 when they met, even though reid is very intelligent, he is still developing as a person. and hotch is helping him through that
i just think that when someone is helping another person grow and fully mature as their own individual for the first time, they have great influence over how they end up. so anything romantic coming from that.. thats just.. grooming
to be fair, im very very very VERY conscious of this as i engage with media and interact w fandoms. im a star wars fan, and a lot of popular ships follow a similar dynamic: falling in love with the person who helped you grow up. and thats just... thats so inappropriate to me. even if the older person would never intentionally abuse that, its still a wildly unhealthy power dynamic that makes me really uncomfortable. its just something im hyperaware of in fandom spaces because its such a common trope that people sexualize.
with the rest of the team, its not as relevant because they were already developed in that particular arena. they've all had relationships before, they've all lived their own lives and had their own experiences and their own ideas of whats right/wrong and who to love. hotch wasn't directly involved with their development as a well-rounded individual.
i appreciate you explaining to me your thought process behind it, so i just wanted to expand on what specifically i cant wrap my head around so that you can give your reasoning on why this isnt a concern for you. if you have a response, please send another ask because i really do want to know more.
and i totally get the sibling thing for emily/hotch and morgan/emily. i agree on morgan/emily being more a sibling thing. and im totally fine with hotch/emily being completely platonic like its no biggie for me. im not really a big "shipper" but its fun to think about sometimes, and they're just the ones thats easiest for me to think about probably because theyre my favs and i do nothing but think about them all day
AJSDLHF actually in therapy :* me too~ lets get better ~healing and love
thank you for the ask tho fr. its not something ive ever really tried to think about, so any reasons to enjoy it are lost on me simply.
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aries-writes-shit · 3 years
Hello hi uh i hope you are doing well and are staying safe and sanitized during this whole pandemic, um I hope the matchup is still up, if not my apologies uh ig I'll get started :) (platonic or romantic is fine by me, I dont mind either or cuz I honestlydont know what I want heh...ya..) My name is Dioceline (any pronoun is fine by me but people usually go with (she/they), my nickname is Dio or Small as most of my online friends call me. I have been told that I'm very impulsive and funny but im also emotional and I stand up for what I think is right and know when to be serious. I usually take the lead of things if no one else feels comfortable enough to deal with it which has landed me into some trouble in the past but id do it again for my friends because frankly I love and appreciate them and I make sure they know it by drawing them things they love or write poems about what I love about them and what I find beautiful about them every couple of weeks. Im not very big on socializing in person but I'm very bubbly and eager to meet people online (my socialbattery does brain pretty fast so I I ti take a quick nap or go on YT for a bit before I can go back to being stupid), I'm shy at first in person but the longer you get to know me I start to get annoying and very touchy feely cuz I'm ✨touch starved✨. Im 5'7 and a half and I like to flex that I'm taller than most of my family because its known that Mexicans/Hispanics are short asf. I am a Capricorn but I don't really feel connected to my sign so I'll give you my enneagram and my mbti! I'm an Infp-T and my ennegram is 2 wing 1. My music taste is all over the place at all times and I listen to anything as long as the lyrics speak to me or the instruments sound good asf (guitars are my favorite instrument, any type of instrument with strings speak to my soul) but I have been listening to a lot of old rock singers/bands recently like Queen, AC/DC, Hombres G, ABBA, Roger Taylor, Bon Jovi, and a lot of other singers/bands. Now since I've been the middle child of 5 other siblings before my little brother was born I have developed a strange humor, it's very mixed and changes a lot but I adapt and go with the flow of anything as long as it makes people happy and laugh. I usually flirt in very awkward ways like throwing horrid pickup lines at friends or pulling the fuckboy face while saying that they look like the snack that smiles back. It's a form of breaking the ice with a people after ive concluded that I want them in my life cuz idk why but I do so ya (in a platonic way ofc). I tend to get a little overprotective and take the parenteral roll when I hear that one of my friends haven't ate or is being insulting and ir being made uncomfortable. Now for appearance, I smile with my eyes, have a cupid's bow and I have lip asymmetry on my left lip. I have a lot of beauty marks on my face and arms, I have dark brown hair and eyes. I'm on the curvier side, I have really big thighs and my chest is pretty big to so it makes it look like I have somewhat of an hourglass figure which is cool ig. I usually wear shorts and baggy sweaters that are 2 times to big for me, most of my clothes is black except for a couple of red and grey shirts/sweatshirts that I have in my closet. I love music, drawing, painting and pretty much anything to do with art. I also really like Chemistry/Science, English, and Philosophical talks, I like learning about the ocean and space but im to scared to actually go into the ocean and my family never really goes out cuz money issues and stuff but it's nice to see it on the internet. I also really enjoy the company of animals and plants :) ok I think that is all, sorry it was so long I tend to ramble and say things that aren't necessary. OH idk if this would help at all but I want to be a family therapist and will be joining the army next year after I graduate so I can get my degree without getting into terrible debt. Ok now I think that is all, hope you have an amazing day/night and stay safe!
Woah 😳, Why are yall so cool?
I think ima match you with....
C!Philza and C!Techno
Oh no, two protective anachists, what they gonna do
In all seriousness
These two are 100% very protective of you
One of them is always with you
Either making sure your safe
Or just making sure you dont do something to crazy
You play the guitar?
Expect to preform pretend concerts to Phil, Chat, Techno and all technos animals
If neither of the boys can be with you, philza's murder, Chat, as he calls them, would follow you from a distance
Phil would paint with you 100%
Techno wouldnt paint with you two, but he would watch
Philosophical talks with techno
But their like, in like the middle of the night
"Why do you think were here on earth"
"Woah, thats a good question"
Definitely would concern phil, when you two talk about the meaning of life out of nowhere.
They would definitely support your choice of becoming a therapist
And the military as well
Despite fighting for a government
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bisexualhobi · 4 years
Now you might as well continue this bc im invested. What's your take on the others bond regarding hoseok? I dont really ship anyone, but I do feed off of their dynamic. I actually appreciate vhope a lot, their dynamic is friendly, compared to Namseok, and i love how their energies mingle. While Namseok has this familiar throbbing tension and adoration. Their action seemed slightly controlled around each other, and it's honestly like watching two teens dance around eachother.
OH WOW omg this is such a good question but it also opens the gates to me flooding your dash with 20 pages of analysis on each hobi relationship.... so i will try to keep it SHORT!!!!! let’s get it! i will talk about them not in order of which ones i like more or not, but in order of who i know the most about/feel more comfortable analyzing
this one is SO special because it can work either platonically or romantically. they are so tender, so attuned to each other’s needs. 
i’ve actually thought abt them a lot because as much as people love to talk about vmin being soulmates (which they are!) jimin and hoseok are imo just as much soulmates. or kindred spirits if you will. 
THEY’VE BEEN ROMMATES FOR SEVEN YEARS!!!!! who tf does that and doesn’t get tired of each other? soulmates that’s who 
to me jihope is just,,, that comfort of having someone know you down the marrow. 
they are dancers before they are idols. they are two people trying to find a sense of purpose in the world through dancing. 
jimin is SO tactile and you can really see how he’s slowly but surely coaxed it out of hobi to be comfortable and actually seek that sort of affection. it’s beautiful. 
to me jihope is seeing yourself reflected in another-- that sort of slow realization of “oh. it’s you. it’s always been you.” 
they are both over critical of themselves but think the other one is perfect..... so it’s really an echo chamber of “you’re the best dancer” “no YOU’RE the best dancer” “NO YOU ARE!” 
they can bicker like siblings but also talk about their deepest fears/thoughts in hushed tones under the blanket while they spoon on the same bed... it’s beautiful. 
jimin is the best best friend for hoseok in my head. he IS that bff that gives hobi a friendship bracelet and will still own it 20 years from now. he’s the “i’m gonna be your children’s godfather” best friend. they are just unbearably soft.
listen. l i s t e n ! the golden duo. the favorite maknae and the ace hyung. they are just... SO giggly with each other. so so funny. 
jungkook is an introvert, so the way i see it he probably was someone that took his time before opening up, before having the confidence to just go up to one of his members and touch. especially at the beginning, when he was a wide eyed 16 year old. but with hoseok it’s just. IT’S NATURAL. it’s like seeing the waves lap up the shore, or two otters holding hands in the river. 
i have a headcanon that jk is synesthetic or at least ND on some level because of how sensitive he is to smells (i am on the autism spectrum and i can tell you smells are a BIG thing for people like me,,,, not saying he’s in the spectrum but i love thinking of him as synesthetic). 
so every time i see him bury his nose in the soft hairs of hobi’s nape i just. i melt into a puddle on the ground. THIS MAN CAN’T TAKE THE SMELL OF HOTEL ROOMS TO THE POINT HE HAS TO BRING CANDLES OR COMFORT ITEMS WITH HIM ON TOUR and he’s been caught several times in 4k sniffing hoseok like a puppy. 
i will wrap it up now but i’m just gonna say... jungkook is hobi’s baby!! but he’s like that overgrown puppy who still thinks of himself as small when in reality he’s,,, a samoyed trying to fit himself on hobi’s lap. 
in real life i truly see jungkook as having some of the strongest/deepest bonds both with namjoon and hobi. 
for fic purposes, i see kookie as this boy who is SO protective of his hobi-hyung he will do anything for him, be it a friend, a lover, a confidant, etc. 
hoseok really lets his guard down with him bc he’s the maknae. and seeing kookie grow from this shy boy to this big, confident man who is finally doing what HE wants for his own happiness instead of what people want from him.... it’s overwhelming for hobi. 
they are the golden duo and they have my heart period!!
oh wow this was my first ship in the bts fandom,,,, good times. i was like HOLD UP! who are they and why do they act like that around each other and most importantly.... WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THEM??? 
i firmly believe that if hobi was in the maknae line vhope would be AS popular as tkk IF NOT MORE!!!! 
i think tae is the one who most openly will flirt or just go out of his way to make sure hoseok knows how much he admires him and it makes hobi SO flustered. he will literally smile like aww that’s nice :) and then run the other way. that’s why i LOVE how taehyung gives zero fucks. 
it’s a lot like jungkook’s crush on namjoon. it’s just SO transparent and they both have ZERO chill so they end up making namseok feel awkward af because they’re like haha what the fuck... 
i also have a small headcanon that tae is neurodivergent. idk why or which type of ND but he just strikes me as.... having some tics and even patterns of speech that remind me of my ND friends. and sometimes that comes off as having no filter/being awkward and you can see in the rest of the group how sometimes they literally have NO idea how to respond to something taehyung did. 
but not hobi. he is always SO patient, so comforting, always makes sure to show tae is being heard. 
i think they are just AMAZING for each other because their personalities are so complimentary. it’s also the sweetest thing when hobi does something like break out in dance or singing in the middle of an interview and tae WILL laugh and he WILL follow hoseok. 
that’s called mirroring. vhope do it more than any other pairing in the group. 
in fanfic terms,,,, they have SO much sexual tension you can cut it with a knife. they truly compliment each other amazingly well, and the sheer amount of sex appeal taehyung exudes is just *chef’s kiss* for flustered/innocent hobi tropes.
i will continute with yoongi and seokjin in a second part!! i’ll add it here as a reblog
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jubberry · 4 years
Its really hard not to talk about vanya’s s2 plot without talking about vissy so im just gonna do that.
I really liked them! The way vanya just lights up around her, and the way vanya looks at her when she was rubbing her hands was Peak Soft. I love the story of.. Vanya helping Sissy realise she can find love outside of what she has (like she’s worth more than what she has with Carl, and that she can find someone who can love her and love Harlan too). It feels like she’s been trapped on that place for a very long time, and at least with Vanya, she gets to realise she can have more than that, and Vanya wants to give her more than that.
I can buy the fact that Sissy never thought Vanya was bad after she saw how the extent of her powers. Why? Because of all people, Sissy would understand that just because you were born with something that has the potential to be bad, doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. Harlan’s autism sometimes makes him react in ways that can be destructive, but that doesn’t mean Harlan is a bad person. And Sissy knows that Vanya is good, because she knows Vanya from the 1 month they’ve been together and how much Vanya is capable of love and patience with how she cares for Harlan.
But the biggest problem is that Vanya has AMNESIA!
The rest of Vanya’s plot was about how she can further Sissy’s story, and character, and not the other way around. Vanya is the one who keeps chasing after Sissy because she loves her, she’s the one who keeps trying to convince her to run away with her. Vanya plopped in Sissy’s plot and she is used to further it along, but Vanya’s character was never really helped to improve in the same way because she doesn’t really remember anything that went wrong with her before.
We don’t get any meaningful scene where Vanya talks to Sissy about her family or the apocalypse. She never talks about the fact that she has powers, how that revelation might make her feel, and how the extent of those powers actually caused an apocalypse in another timeline. There’s nothing that Sissy’s character provided for Vanya specifically that actually helped improve or develop her as a character. The thing that Sissy provided was just a home where she is loved and accepted (therefore she’s happier) but like... that’s a really generic quota that doesn’t necessarily even needed to be filled with a romance. Vanya could’ve had a platonic, maternal/paternal relationship with someone and that would’ve tied well to her story in s1, because her biggest issue in s1 was being ostracized from family, and not feeling the love of a parent.
How can Sissy help Vanya feel like she’s loved and accepted when she doesn’t even remember that she’s been ostracized? Right now, Vanya only feels love and acceptance from Sissy because Sissy was kind enough to give a stranger a home. While thats sweet, it doesn’t really tie to season 1 in a meaningful way.
Sissy doesn’t even know Vanya plays the violin. The violin is a BIG part of Vanya’s character. The violin is what Vanya used to distinguish herself, how she can make herself extraordinary despite the fact that reginald has consistently told her, and made her feel that she cant be anymore than that. Playing the violin is Vanya reclaiming her personhood away from Reggie and the UA. Even Leonard understood that. Leonard got her first chair because of that and reached out to her using her connection with the violin and her relationship with her family.
Sissy doesn’t know the Vanya whose filled with envy and anger that she can never be good enough. Or the fact that she was so desperate to be seen she wrote a book about her experience at the expense of her sibling’s reputations. That is part of Vanya’s character, even without the powers. Sissy doesn’t know the nasty stuff about Vanya, the amnesia doesn’t let her have that. They don’t have scenes where Sissy helps Vanya contend with the struggles of her past, or scenes where Vanya learns to contend with what happened before, and become a better person. Vanya’s storyline was just about her love for Sissy, it feels really seperate from the rest of the tua plot until the last end. And even with the plot with her powers and Harlan, the romance didn’t need to be there for it to happen. Vanya would’ve saved Harlan regardless, and would’ve unwittingly given a bit of her powers even if she wasn’t in love with sissy because you know.... thats a drowning kid.
Despite that, I also think the amnesia is what made the romance work. Because if Vanya was never given a clean slate, then she would still be reeling from her relationship with Leonard and the events of last season. I dont think the writers can convincingly sell a romance if Vanya is mentally still not in a good place to be there (but tbh... they completely forgot Diego’s still mourning Patch and let him hook up with Lila so maybe they’ll do it anyway).
I just think Vanya’s plot this season was all about her romance which didn’t really contribute much to her character. We get 1 scene where they address her trauma, and 1 scene where they all band together to help Vanya but like..... it’s at the end. And there’s really no other conversation where Vanya knows whats going on because amnesia, so Vanya doesn’t get to have the progression she needed to reflect and become more accepting of herself. It sorta just all happens at the end, which is a shame because Vanya’s trauma was such a big plot on s1. And then the romance didnt even matter in the end because she had to leave Sissy. 
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