#why not have him date BOTH and also be on good terms no fighting everyone is happy :)
citrine-elephant · 1 year
resident evil, but chris and ada come to an agreement that they can both peacefully date leon and be on friendly terms, there is no hatred between them and all is well
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hangup119 · 19 days
18. all's well that ends well word count | 3k
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YOU’VE BEEN FRIENDS WITH ANTON LEE SINCE YOU CAN EVEN REMEMBER. You met each other as kids, forced to hang out with each other at a house party his parent’s had invited your family to. Given that you two were around the same age in comparison to the other kids who were still oblivious babies or whiny toddlers, it was only natural for you and Anton to gravitate towards each other: wherever he went you would follow, your fondest memories with him being when you both constantly abused your ‘big sister’ and ‘big brother’ privileges to boss the other kids around. 
But in comparison to you who always got a little too mean towards the little kids, Anton was much more lenient; it was why they often favored him over you, which you didn’t really mind. That meant they’d bother you less during parties. But it was still you who hung out with Anton the most and it was you who stuck to his side even if the younger kids didn’t really want you around. Then middle school came, and you two gradually drifted apart until you had your own set of friend groups in high school—you were off with Minji and Sunoo and Taesan and Jaehyun and Danielle, and he was constantly surrounded by other guys you didn’t really care about (all except for a certain someone, of course, but that’s later on into the future). The house parties happened less and less, the little kids grew up and eventually left the two of you alone, and it was only until he found out about your little crush on Seunghan did you and Anton finally start bringing back the friendship that was slowly becoming forgotten. 
Anton is… a good kid, which is why everyone is always drawn to him. He’s always had a heart as big as his head, so perhaps the reason why you’re this nervous about meeting with him after what seemed like days since your fight is because you don’t want to lose him again. Drifting apart is natural, friends fight—you know all that, but at the very least you did not want to end it on bad terms. You don’t want your last memories of your childhood best friend being bitter, which is why you must absolutely not mess this one chance up. 
“…Did you ever, like, have a crush on him?” Seunghan inquires slowly, tapping his pen against his chin languidly as he sits on the floor beside your bed. 
You give him a small, questioning glare. “Why do you ask?” you start, suspicious. “Because you think girls and boys simply can’t be friends?” 
Seunghan shrugs. “Yeah?” 
“Wait, really? You really think that?” your shoulders slumped.
“I mean,” Seunghan says, leaning back on your bed. “Anton’s pretty handsome, surely you’ve had a crush on him when you were younger, right?” 
You consider it. “Hmm… well, I guess I did.” 
“Really?” Seunghan seems more shocked rather than appalled. You hoped that was a good thing.
“In seventh grade, I think,” you clarify, “that was when he started getting…cute, I guess, and he was also getting more involved in swimming. Everyone started finding him attractive too, so it wasn’t just me. It was like being attracted to him was the new trend, or something.” 
“What happened after that?” 
“Well, he got a girlfriend around that time, so I quickly lost all the interest I had in him. I think I was super in-denial about it, too, so it’s not like anything would have happened between us because I didn’t want it happening at all,” you blandly respond. “Anyway, whenever I think about dating Anton, I just keep remembering about how he’d always cling and cry to his mom for hours when something didn't go his way back when we were little. So, major turn-off.” 
Seunghan laughs loudly, and you watch him fondly as he tries to regain his senses. “Seriously?” he asks, tilting his head to the side. 
Seunghan looks at you thoughtfully. “So you lost interest in him because he got a girlfriend, but why wasn’t it the same when it came to me?” 
You pause, blinking slowly at him as shock invades your expression. Seunghan merely stares right back at you, an easygoing smile on his face while he waits for your response. 
“I…” your words lose you, and you desperately try to grab at them. But Seunghan is patient, he waits for you to gather them, leaning his cheek against the cap of his knee while he sits beside you on the floor of your room. “I don’t… know?” 
His smile widens. “You don’t know?” 
You feel your face flush. “Well, I mean,” you start off bashfully, looking away from his prying gaze. “This and that are different… I knew Anton way before I started crushing on him, but I barely knew you. Plus, I realized I just saw him as a brother, but you… we weren’t even friends in the first place…” 
Your face is probably as hot as a whistling kettle after you finished talking, and Seunghan’s amused smile isn’t helping your situation in the slightest. 
“Don’t start teasing me,” you grumble, and Seunghan just laughs again, moving closer to pinch your cheek. 
“But you’re so cute,” Seunghan coos, inching closer while you attempt to push his invasive hands away from your face. “You’re my cute girl, the cutest ever, I just wanna—” 
A loud knock interrupts him, and you jump at the sound. 
“Anton,” you gasp, staring back at Seunghan with wide eyes. 
His silence enables you to aggressively push him away from you, and he gently stumbles back into the opposite way as you scramble to get onto your feet. He gives you an offended look, and you look back at him with an apologetic expression only to be met with a playful roll of his eyes. You hype yourself up as you make your way to the door, before opening it without further ado. 
Anton blinks down at you. “Oh, hey,” he casually says. 
“Hey!” you respond, suspiciously a little out of breath. 
Anton glances at Seunghan who’s keeping himself busy with his laptop by the back, looks at your flushed face, before making a disgusted expression. “Ew, don’t tell me you two were making out just now…” 
Seunghan freezes, the tips of his ears turning red while your jaw almost hits the floor. 
You instinctively hit Anton’s arm. “No, we weren’t, idiot!” 
He yelps, nursing his arm. “Ow! You didn’t have to hit me, jeez… I came here in peace, and this is how you treat me?” 
You cringe. “Sorry…”
Anton quickly digresses. He meets your hesitant gaze, quietly asking, “Can we talk outside?” 
“Oh, uh, sure,” you blinked. There it was—the Anton you knew when you were kids, always so shy despite being in the company of his friends. But the situation is a little more than just that, so you understand where he was coming from. “In the hallway?” 
“Yeah, it won’t be quick,” Anton confirms as you step out of the room, taking one last longing look at Seunghan, who merely sends you back a reassuring smile as if he was saying ‘goodluck!’ to the both of you. (You refrained from eating your fist at how cute he looked.)
Out in the hall, the air turns into suffocating awkwardness you never thought you’d have with Anton Lee. You don’t remember being this… tense around his presence, as if you’re walking around eggshells around him no matter how nonchalant the two of you tried to act. You try to recall the last time you felt this awkward around him, but you can only come up with the brief moment in middle school when you harbored a crush on him that hadn’t even lasted a week. You had felt awkward around him because viewing Anton in a romantic light never really seemed that appealing, but that feeling had immediately washed away when you realized all you ever wanted out of him was his friendship and nothing else. 
Of course, you can’t say the same about Anton. It’s not as if you can read his mind despite knowing him for so long now, but now you wonder if he’s experienced the same feelings you once did. And, in some part of you, you wonder if he harbors any romantic feelings for you right now—even if the rest of your friends tried to hide it, you weren’t oblivious to Jaehyun’s knowing glances whenever you and Anton were in the same room. 
You just didn’t want to acknowledge such things ever again, not when your friendship with him has been sailing pretty well these past few years already. 
Well, until now, that is.
“So…” you trail off, looking at his shoulder instead of his face. 
“I’m sorry,” Anton immediately says, voice quieter than ever. 
“I shouldn’t have acted so weird after promising I’d set you up with Seunghan,” he continues, scratching his nape. “I never meant to insinuate that your feelings for him were shallow. I know how much you like him, but I ended up projecting my doubts into you and ruining our friendship in the process anyway. I honestly really, really wanted you guys to get together because I know that’s what makes you happy, and it’s also what makes Seunghan happy, so—” 
“I forgive you, Anton,” you interrupt, before looking down at the floor. “And I’m also sorry; I shouldn’t have cornered you like that in the groupchat. I just… I just hated the thought of you disapproving of my relationship with him, even though you were only worried about us. And I don’t blame you for being suspicious of me, too, because I was honestly starting to falter during the first stages of becoming close with Seunghan, but I ended up really liking him anyway. And I’m glad you helped us get closer, really; I just wish we went about our concerns differently and honestly.”
“Yeah,” Anton agrees, smiling lightly, “but it’s okay now. You got your man, and I did my job. We’re all good. Right?” 
“Yeah,” you repeat. “Life is good.”
“Eh, well, not… really? I have a composition assignment due in forty-eight hours and I haven’t gotten a single note in,” Anton says dryly. “I need to lock in right now.” 
You push him, and he looks back at you in offense. You smiled, saying, “Lock in with us, then. We were just doing homework, for your information.” 
Anton grumbles. “Yeah, right… I’d still third-wheel anyway.” 
“Don’t be a big baby, ‘ton,” you roll your eyes. “We’re not gonna kiss in front of you.” 
“Please don’t put that image in my mind. I’ll vomit right in this hall.” 
“And I’ll make you clean it up, then I’m gonna tell your mommy how good of a job you did.” 
“Kay why ess.” 
You pause, looking at him thoughtfully. Anton slowly looks back at you, and you send him a small smile. 
“...Thanks for looking out for us,” you say, quietly, “you’re a—...you’re a good best friend.”
“Naturally,” Anton snorts, and you give him a blank look. He quickly feigns a cough, saying, “You’re my best friend, too. Of course I’ll look out for you.” 
It feels like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. 
“...Can you believe that I had a crush on you during seventh grade?” you joke, intending to lighten the mood. 
“Yeah?” Anton raises a brow at you, surprisingly unfazed. 
You blink. 
“Wait, seriously?” 
“Yeah, I knew you liked me at that time,” Anton casually replies. “But then you started liking Intak from choir. By the way, he also knew you liked him—he told me at our last concert.” 
“What?! How?!” 
“...You’re not that slick, you do know that, right? The only reason Seunghan never knew was because you barely talked to him.” Anton explained dryly, sending you a disapproving look. “You were too—admirer-like. It gets sad to look at sometimes. Those four years could’ve been shortened to, like—I don’t know, three months? If you just freakin’ talked to him or something.”
Your eyes narrow. Anton raises his arms up in defense. 
“But all’s well that ends well, right?” he quickly says, voice laced with a tinge of panic. “Let’s not drag this scene out now…” 
You sigh in response, but oblige nonetheless. “You’re right. All’s well that ends well.” 
You smile at Anton again, feeling content. You hope he shares the sentiment. 
Just in time, Seunghan pops his head out from your door, looking both ways before finding the two of you crowding to the right. The creaking sound the door made as it opened forces yours and Anton’s attention towards the interruption, only to find a sheepish Seunghan stare right back at you. 
“You guys have been out here for a while—just checking,” he says, ruffling his already messy black hair. “My bad.” 
Although he tries to play it off with an air of nonchalance, you think you sense a hint of worry in his tone regardless. The thought makes you both uneasy and excited at the same time, which shouldn't even make sense but it just does.
Because Seunghan’s your boyfriend. And sometimes boyfriends get jealous when their girlfriend’s are alone with another guy. God, you shouldn’t be liking that sentence as much as you actually do. 
“It’s all good, man,” Anton assures, waving a hand placatingly. Awkward again, but that’s none of your concern anymore—that’s just how Anton is anyway. He bites the inside of his cheek, flickering his gaze between the two of you. “Um, so… I think I’ll go now. See you guys later.”
“What?” Seunghan exclaims, a little too dejected. “So soon? You should stay and study with us. I know you still have that composition assignment to work on, and if you go back to your dorm now I know Sungchan’s just going to distract you.” 
Anton winces. “Erm… I think I’d rather have that than third whe—” 
You interrupt him. “He’s right! We’re better company than Sungchan anyway. Stay. Let’s get some food or something. And pull an all-nighter or whatever.” 
Seunghan nods excitedly. Anton looks at the both of you incredulously. 
“What the heck? You guys haven’t even been dating for a month, yet you’re already so in-sync of being annoying,” he says. “You’re quite literally making me pick between two evils right now.” 
“So you’re staying?” Seunghan asks, grinning widely. You share the same, hopeful expression. “The lesser evil is definitely us, right?”
“...I’m not so sure about that.”
“Pleaaaaase, Anton, we promise we’ll be good, supportive study-buddies!” Seunghan needlessly insists. And you should be a little irked that your boyfriend’s begging another man to hang out with you two, but you surprisingly aren’t. One more company didn’t hurt, after all. 
So Anton can’t even believe what he’s about to say next:
“Fine, but Y/N’s paying for food!” 
You and Seunghan immediately cheer. 
“Wait, what?” you ask dumbly. 
But you eventually relent as the other two start making their way down the hall, an echo of a nonsensical conversation picking up. At least it didn’t take that much of a resistance from Anton to agree to yours and Seunghan’s invitation, and sure, it would’ve been nicer to just hang out with your boyfriend, but you also didn’t mind having your best friend tagging along as well. He was, after all, most of the reason why the two of you got together in the first place, so you more or less owed it to him. Plus, a hang out will slowly dissolve that suffocating awkwardness that has been circling between the two of you these past few weeks despite having already made up just minutes ago anyway, so really—all’s well that ends well. 
When you finally catch up to them, Seunghan is the first one to speak up. 
“So, Anton, was there ever a time you liked Y/N?” 
The two of you practically choke on air. 
“Excuse me,” you say. 
Anton’s response is quieter. “You heard us…?” 
Seunghan laughs. “Sorry, I got curious…” he says although he doesn’t sound all that remorseful. “Did you, though?” 
“How can you just ask that?” Anton squeaks out. 
“No, wait, I’m curious too!” you exclaim. “I can’t just be the one who had feelings for you at some point—you know how embarrassing that is?!” 
Seunghan nods along. “Yeah! So embarrassing!” 
“You guys are crazy, you’re literally her boyfriend!” Anton cries out, before slowly turning away. “...And yes, I did like her back at some point.” 
You almost trip on nothing. “What?”
Anton awkwardly avoids your gaze. 
Seunghan hollers, and you send him a pointed look. He quiets down.
You look concerningly horrified when you ask Anton. “Wait… you’re for real? When? Why? How?”
“In seventh grade,” he replies meekly. “It just happened, I guess.” 
You and Seunghan almost go into shock. 
“Holy shit,” he whispers, staring at Anton with wide eyes. “You guys could’ve been—oh, my God. Wow.” 
“Wait, so if you knew I liked you, then why didn’t you…?” you trail off, confused. 
Anton rolls his eyes indignantly. “By the time I did have feelings for you, you were already over it. What was I supposed to do?”
“I don’t know—fight for her?” Seunghan suggests. “Such a wasted opportunity…”
“Dude,” Anton says dryly. “If I did that, you guys wouldn’t be dating right now!”
“Oh, right.” 
You snort. “I guess it just means we aren’t meant for each other, huh?” you joke.
Seunghan almost looks sad. “Well, when you put it like that… I guess it really was a ‘right person, wrong time’ kind of situation, huh?” 
“Yeah,” Anton says. “I like this outcome better, though. I like you guys together.” 
You look at him pitifully. “Anton, you don’t have to be sad…” 
“I’m not sad.” 
“We’ll find you a partner soon… for all the help you’ve given us… I mean, they probably won’t be as cool and awesome as me, but at least you won’t be lonely anymore…” 
“No thanks. Can we just go get food now?” 
“No, really, Seunghan and I are always here for you. You helped us, so now it’s our turn to help you—what do you think of Wonyoung? She’s pre-med.” 
“Oh! I know someone who’s friends with her, what do you think? I think you guys would be a good match.” 
“Go to hell, the two of you.”
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SUMMARY. pining after hong seunghan has always felt like an unachievable reality; however, just a few months into your first year of college, it seems that the gods have finally listened to your prayers when news breaks out that your long-time crush is single once again.
AUTHOR'S NOTE. hi guys sorry for the longassshhh wait omg. i cant believe it took me this long to finish the reconciliation chapter but ykw... we're here now and that's all that matters. i will never leave u guys hanging ✊anyways this baby is ending in 1 chapter tehee see u next time.
TAGLIST. @shoberi @miyawwn @starwonb1n @yujinxue @revehosh @alwayswook @rksbae @emohoon @nujeskz @ilovejungwonandhaechan @meowbini @nakam00t @siuewnb @cake1box @dearmarklee @kyusqult @snowyseungs @ffixtionista @odxrilove @hisrkive @saeist @lilysflower1 @onlyhyunjin @eternallyhyucks @syzavxy @calumsfringe @yipyipmorals @user7520 @tojis-luver @ilymarkchan @fae-renjun @otblous @injunnie-lemon @jjk-97 @leeis @brachioswrld @i1uvc4ke @soheendo
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tgmsunmontue · 6 days
Peer reviewed
3k Hangster (one-shot). Mature (to explicit maybe?)
Secretly married Hangster in an academic environment. Outsider POV then Hangster back and forth with a 5+1 feel (“feel” because it’s a 9+1). This was inspired by one of the academics I manage/work with who came into my office and declared “I haven’t spoken to him in three years and I’m not about to start now!” and I just sat there and went… why are you so proud of being apparently incapable of being baseline professional with a colleague?
…            …            …
                “Oh my god! Have you heard what’s happening down in the engineering staff offices?”
                “They haven't set fire to the place again have they?”
                “That was one time. But no, two of our new staff have arrived and it sounds like they’ve about to have a brawl in the corridor.”
                “Yeah! Want to go walk past under the premise of getting a coffee?”
                Jane and Sarah stand and watch. Professor Bradshaw and Professor Seresin are standing almost nose-to-nose, nostrils flaring, eyes flashing in anger and any second one of them is just going to push the other, and the other is then going to be justified in taking a swing. Sarah can see it all playing out in her minds’ eye and she wonders exactly what has set them off. She wonders if this would be a new record for HR, for people to get fired before they even officially start. Because physical altercations are definitely a firable offense, she knows because it’s happened before.
                And they’ve put so much work in finding these professors. They had met them both when they came for their interviews, about a week apart. She’d had to shmooze and try to sell the University and location just as much as the job. Their school might not have big student numbers, but their research is world class and both Seresin and Bradshaw bring a lot to the table in terms of research capabilities and student supervision and mentorship. Now if they could just get along with each other.
                Then Professor Seresin says something under his breath, too quiet for anyone else to hear, but Professor Bradshaw goes bright red, shoves Professor Seresin and stalks off, so it can’t have been anything good.
                Okay then.
                Maybe they shouldn’t have placed the new guys in offices side-by-side thinking they might get on with one another.
…            …            …
                “Do you feel better for a nap?”
                “Fuck you… but yes. And I’m sorry I lost my temper. I was just tired and –”
                “Hungry and stressed and jetlagged. Yeah babe, I know. Thanks for taking over…”
                “You’re welcome. Although I think everyone assumes we hate each other.”
                “Oh. That’s…”
                “Well, we weren’t going to advertise the fact we’re married.”
                “No. But… to have everyone think we hate each other?”
                “What? It’ll just be like when we started dating… everyone getting sick of our shit and wanting to bang out heads together.”
                “Jake… we were post-docs then. We’re professionals now.”
                “Speak for yourself. I plan on pretending we’re holding a grudge about who got the better office.”
                “Jake, you got the better office.”
                “And you can hold a grudge better than anyone I know. So it works perfectly. Also you’re going to spend more time in the workshop or lab and I spend more time in the front of fucking screen running models so it makes sense that I get the nicer office…”
                “You didn’t raise either of those points when we were fighting earlier…”
                “Well, I knew telling you I wanted to fuck you on my brand new desk would shut you up.”
                “You’re lucky I love you.”
                It’s a networking event, mainly aimed at making industry partners aware of what research is currently being undertaken and what potential opportunities there are for collaboration. She’s done her best with the program, to ensure Bradley and Jake can avoid each other. Bradley presented first and Jake is almost last. They’re both on a first name basis with her now after the months of working together, she’s helped them both with different aspects of moving to another country however she notes that they still refer to each other by last names. They’re the only ones to still do that.
                On top of that Bradley seems to be trying to maybe kill Jake with the power of his mind, staring at him with heated intensity like his mere presence is an affront to Bradley somehow. She’s noticed his temper gets worse when he’s tired or his blood sugar dips low and has taken to stocking a bowl of candy on her desk, which Bradley seems to take from every afternoon. Maybe she should go and ensure he’s eaten.
…            …            …
                “You’re so good for me baby… way to make a boring work event far more interesting. Thinking about this inside of you all night while you walked around looking so good in your suit. Fuck…”
                It’s meant to be a social activity, just a friendly game of badminton or table tennis. Except apparently Bradley and Jake are competitive at even the most benign of social interactions and are currently trying to kill each other using ping pong balls. Other staff are backing away with either fear or simple self-preservation, not wanting to be caught in the cross-fire of whatever this has turned into. The taunts they’re throwing back and forth are a little too barbed to be considered friendly, but not barbed enough to be nasty. Either way, no one seems to be having much fun.
…            …            …
                “Pretty sure we’re not meant to be using the disabled bathroom for sex.”
                “Not my fucking fault you’re so hot I can’t control myself.”
                The annual school strategy meeting happens and they just need to keep Bradley and Jake on opposite sides of the room. Her and Jane have got this down to a fine art now, although the idea of trying to keep the two of them in the same room for an entire workday is stretching even their abilities. Fortunately the program leaders for both Jake and Bradley seem to be happy to assist in keeping them separated but also in expediating the material by arranging for half of it to be discussed at a later point. Considering some of the arguing that has already happened it’s a very good thing they don’t have to compete for funding internally.
…            …            …
                “Okay, definitely a benefit of everyone thinking we can’t stand each other, making meetings shorter.”
                “Don’t you feel a little bad that we’re deceiving them?”
                “Did you not hear what I just said?”
                “Professor Bradshaw.”
                “Seresin. What can I help you with?”
                The lack of title is definitely deliberate and if there were guns involved the safety would be off, or the hammer would be getting cocked… Instead Jake is looking amused more than anything else, although there’s a slight hue of pink high on his cheeks which bely his potential anger at the disrespect. It’s not often they’re both in the administration office at the same time, and they’re both gritting their teeth and grimacing. She cannot believe that they’re apparently incapable of being more civil to one another.
                “Just found your phone in the break room and thought I’d bring it up to the office. And here you are…”
                “And here I am…”
                Jake is indeed holding a phone out, pinched between his thumb and forefinger like he might catch something from it. Bradley reaches out a hand to take it and like it’s almost slow motion the phone tumbles from Jake’s fingers just as Bradley is about to take it and it hits the floor.
                “Oops. Sorry. Butter fingers,” Jake says, but he’s smirking and even Sarah is annoyed on Bradley’s behalf. That was clearly deliberate. Bradley is bending to retrieve his phone, rolling his eyes and muttering thanks under his breath, which Sarah decides is far more polite than she’d be.
                “Oh, my pleasure.”
…            …            …
                Jake pushes Bradley up against his office door, locking it and grinning like an idiot as he presses kisses along the curve of Bradley’s jaw.
                “God, you’re such an asshole.”
                “Yeah, but I wanted to see you bend over in those jeans again. Damn Bradley…” Jake says, and he runs a hand over Bradley’s ass again, very appreciative of said ass.
                “Workplace harassment.”
                “You like being harassed by me at work.”
                “Yeah, what do you think that says about my mental state?”
                “That you love me?”
                “Professor Bradshaw won’t be in today. And probably not tomorrow.”
                “Um,” Sarah blinks. “Is he…” Alive? She’s a little scared to ask.
                “He’s got some type of stomach flu, puking and feverish. I said I’d take his classes for him.”
                “That’s… nice of you.”
                “Hmm. I always like it when people owe me favors.”
                Huh. She smiles and nods and decides to send Bradley a message to check in and maybe suggest he doesn’t eat any food that Jake brings him. Just in case.
…            …            …
                “You’re the best.”
                “And you’re adorable.”
                “I’m miserable.”
                “And very adorable with it.”
                “Did you know that Sarah thinks you’re poisoning me?”
                “What? Since when?”
                “She sent me a message saying to be careful about taking anything from you, just in case.”
                Jake rolls his eyes and presses a quick kiss to Bradley’s forehead.
                “If I catch this from you, then you can worry about me poisoning you. But not before then.”
                “Love you too babe.”
                “I’m really sorry Bradley, it’s just with how late notice it is we can’t find another room anywhere close by. I’ve asked that if another room is made available you’re moved to it immediately.”
                “It’s fine. Really. I don’t mind sharing a room. I promise.”
                “What’s wrong?” Jake asks, coming into the office, and he’s looking at Bradley with narrowed eyes and even when Bradley smiles at Jake all he gets in response is a frown and Bradley simply rolls his eyes, like he finds Jake’s action endearing somehow rather than grossly unprofessional.
                “There weren’t any more rooms available, so I’ve had to place you in the same room. Separate beds though!”
                “I’d rather share with someone I know than a complete stranger,” Bradley says.
                “So I have to put up with him farting and snoring in my room?”
                “Excuse you! Like I don’t have to put up with the same from you!”
                “I’m really sorry Jake, it’s just –”
                “It’s fine. Sorry. Didn’t mean to make you feel bad. It’s not within your control. Bradshaw and I can play nice for a few days I’m sure. Can’t we Bradshaw?”
                “Well, we can certainly try.”
                “That’s the spirit!”
                “We can even share a ride to the airport, seeing as we live in the same apartment building.”
                “Who knows, we might come back best friends.”
                “I think people will just be impressed we both come back alive and don’t kill each other.”
                They walk away in the same direction and Sarah bites a knuckle and looks across at Jane.
                “You know, I think they’re starting to mature. That was almost a civil conversation. They only looked like they wanted to hit each other about half the time…”
…            …            …
                “Yes, hi, we’re here to check in. A room for Jake Seresin and Bradley Bradshaw.”
                “Oh! We’ve actually had a cancellation. There’s another room available. Your assistant was very adamant that if there was a cancellation we moved you to separate rooms.”
                “It’s fine. We’d prefer to share.”
                “Hi. Can you tell me where to find Professor Seresin’s office?”
                “Aren’t you one of Professor Bradshaw’s students?”
                “Yeah, but he said I’d be best to talk to Professor Seresin, because he knows more.”
                “Really? Hmm. Well, their offices are side by side, so if you’d been looking at the name plates on the doors you would have noticed you had to walk past Professor Seresin’s office to get here.”
                “Oh. Okay then. Thank you.”
                Sarah turns to Jane, eyes wide and disbelieving look on her face.
                “Do you think they’re thawing toward one another?”
                “Who knows? Maybe that conference they both went to forced them to get on?
                Later, when they’re walking back to the office from their lunch break Jake and Bradley are arguing in the corridor and Sarah lets out a sigh and shrugs. Things had been looking so promising.
…            …            …
                “No Bradley, I stand by what I told the student. I do have a better understanding of the measurement and applications for sensors. I build the fucking circuits and run models out my ears before I even reach the build stage.”
                “Yeah, I know you do, but it’s a final year capstone project. Not a Masters or PhD. You’re overthinking it and making it far bigger than it needs to be. You overwhelmed him with your enthusiasm. I wasn’t telling you no, I was just needing you to dial it down.”
                “Yeah. I know. Lucky I love you.”
                “Oh, they definitely looked like they’d been pushing each other around.”
                “Seriously? At least they’re smart enough to never do it where there are witnesses. Otherwise it would be an HR nightmare. Do you think there’s maybe something more there though?”
                “What do you mean?”
                “Well… I got the receipt for the hotel where they stayed, and they ended up staying in the same room. By choice. I know there was an extra room because I phoned up the morning they were meant to be checking in, and there had been a cancellation. But they decided not to use it.”
                “Okay. That is odd.”
                “Plus there was one time I got mail for Jake Seresin-Bradshaw. Do you think they’ve gone and joined forces for some type of research?”
                “More likely gone halves on a subscription of some type. Those things are like, ridiculously expensive. Their research kind of overlaps right? It’s why they knew each other… didn’t they do their undergraduate degrees at the same University?”
…            …            …
                “A love bite Bradley? Really?”
                “Yep. Now you match about half your first-year students.”
                “You’re such an asshole.”
                “Mmm. I do work very hard at it.”
                “Jake. Fantastic presentation. Just wondering if I could maybe interest you in a drink?”
                Sarah doesn’t give the person asking much of a chance. Jake is always so very calm and aloof at these types of events, perfectly pleasant and professional for the most part. Except when it comes to Bradley, although it’s been a couple of years now and their banter back-and-forth could almost be classified as friendly.
                “A drink to talk about a potential professional partnership?” Jake asks, smile bland and not reaching his eyes.
                “Well, no,” their voice drops lower. “More a potential personal relationship…?”
                “I think my husband might have something to say about that, and also I'm not at all interested.”
                What the actual fuck Sarah thinks to herself. Since when has Jake been married? And to declare it quite loudly in a room full means there’s no back tracking.
                “Oh. Sorry. I didn’t realize you were… unavailable. You’ve never mentioned a husband before.”
                “No, I haven’t. But we have been married for coming up to five years.”
                Five years!!! Sarah thinks to herself.
                “You called?” Bradley asks, voice dry and Sarah cannot fucking believe it.
                “Hi. Yes. I did. Ready to go home?”
                “Ready when you are.”
                Sarah needs to reassess every time she remembers them interacting, because they’re still looking at each other, but now that she knows they’re married it puts a whole different lens on why that level of intensity might be there in the gaze they’re sharing.
                They’ve been eye-fucking each other.
                During meetings, events, social get togethers… when they’ve been pushing each other around.
                Good for them.
…            …            …
                “What made you decide to declare our matrimonial state tonight?” Bradley asks, and it’s a struggle to talk, Jake’s mouth on his neck sucking, biting and kissing. His fingers have already undone the buttons of Bradley’s shirt and pushed it off, now working on his belt.
                “Novelty had worn off. I want the novelty of being able to hold your hand, or kiss you if I want to or…”
                “Or simply say we’re married?”
                “Yeah. That too.”
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yuikomorii · 5 months
might be wrong about this but I think the thing that really differentiates Ayato from his brother is that he actually values life in a ''pure way''. Both Subaru and Shu didn't really have the will to life until they met the MC, Reiji's only will was to overcome his father and become better than his brother due to his jealousy, and even if it doesn't seem like it from the surface both Kanato and Laito were too mindbroken due to their trauma to actually enjoy life in a non-twisted way.
Ayato went through a lot of traumatic experiences just like the rest of his brothers but unlike them, he actually had a pure reason to live, that's why he didn't abandon his brothers and was desperately searching for them when they arrived to Rottienburg (I think that's the name) and prioritized them after he got saved by reiji and was willing to go look for them with no plan ahead and he's never changed. Even after they obviously drifted apart he still wanted to save his siblings (like in Lost Eden) even if they didn't want to save him when he got kidnapped by Kino.
Or when he was the only who saved yui in the anime when she got kidnapped by the mukami (Ik it's only fanservice because the anime shows Ayato as the ml). Or when he was the only one worrying about mc in the Olympics cd when the whole thing crushed down. I know mc has had her effects in everyone (because even reiji got worried in the CD drama when he though someone was drowning, turns out it was just Shu being weird) but at the end of the day, Rejet made it very clear that ayato always was different from his brothers even as kids.
Too long? Maybe, I just like rambling a lot about ayato lol
// This franchise is longer than a decade, it’s time for people to stop pretending that Ayato isn’t different from the rest, because it annihilates his purpose like that. Now I’m not saying that everyone else sucks and Ayato is the only cool character there, it’s just that Rejet wrote him in a way that genuinely gives off main character energy. Heck, even other characters have confirmed that he got *something* nobody else does, which is true.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations, tournesolia
One thing about Ayato is that he might roast and prank you, but the moment you need help, he’ll be the first to lend you a hand. He’s by no means perfect, of course, he has flaws and makes mistakes too, but his good qualities are just so many that they’re easily able to outshine his bad ones.
Another example is the DF prologue scene. The most normal reaction would have been fighting with the wolf, as Subaru did, but instead of trying to get rid of it, Ayato used himself as shield the moment he saw it, so as to protect Yui. What makes this scene so powerful is that not only they weren’t a couple back then, but in the other Sakamaki routes, he’s still severely injured. He values life, yet he still sacrificed himself for her, no matter if she dates someone else afterwards, and guess what? Even after waking up from the coma in the other routes, he holds no grudge against her for that, but rather is on good terms with Yui. I would also like to talk about how self-sacrificing he is in the Daylight CD, but I feel like everyone listened to that one already, given that it was the most liked of the Daylight series.
While I understand that some people out there prefer more rational and/or introverted characters, I can’t stand those who deny the essence of a character. And, for all people who blame Rejet for “making him more special than the rest”, let me remind you that he’s the Diaboy who got the worst journey ending. Let that sink in. :”)
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onlyangel4 · 2 months
getting under to get over (LN4). part 1
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lando norris x !neale reader
after a break up you are desperate to have a good time on your birthday and forget about him and one of your father’s drivers seems to want to help out.
warnings-18+ cussing. mentions of drinking. mentions of the end of a long term relationship. reader was cheated on in a previous relationship. (somewhat) forbidden relationship. smut in upcoming parts. lando has been in love for years. oblivious reader.
part two
today was your birthday, a day that a younger version of yourself often looked forward to. a day dedicated to yourself, doing the things you wanted to do with the people that you wanted to spend time with. all your previous birthdays had been nothing less than perfect. but you knew that today was going to be quite different.
you were freshly single, and you were struggling with it. you had been with your ex boyfriend, harry since both of you were fifteen years old. Meaning that you had never been single in your adult life. yes you had watched your single friends go through the trenches but you had never been there yourself. you had never expected to be single, harry had been it for you. You thought that you would end up getting married and having the perfect life but of course that did not happen.
a few months before you broke up you noticed that your boyfriend had been rather distant, always citing work as the reason why he was not really present in your shared home as usual. You would often to go to bed without him home and wake up to an empty bed containing evidence that your lover did come home but did not stay very long. you had spoken to your friends about your situation, they had urged you to talk to him about it and to find out what was going on but every time you brought it up he shut you down, telling you that he loved you and he was just busy at the moment.
you decided to drop it and when his birthday came up you made your usual, “happy birthday to my love”, post tagging him in a picture of the two of you when you were both fifteen years old. however you noticed that harry had swiftly untagged himself from the picture on your page. But the damage was already done. within half an hour you had gotten a message from a girl telling you that she had been dating harry for the past six months and that she had no idea that he had a girlfriend. This was a massive shock to you. you could not even cope with seeing his face again so instead you packed all his things up and left them on the doorstep, you got the locks changed that afternoon and put a note on the door urging him to leave and never come back. you could forgive him for many things, but cheating on you was not one of them. the house was in your name as your father had brought it for you, so he had no reason to fight with you about everything. se could just leave and never come back. something that you really needed.
for the past seven years you had spent your birthday with harry, so this year was so different. you had no idea what you were going to do, you certainly did not want to rot in bed at home but you also did not want to force your busy friends and family into spending the day with you. you had vocalised your worries to your father over facetime but he had assured you that you did not need to worry about it and that he had a plan.
what you did not know was that your father had planned a birthday party for you and invited all of your friends, he had booked out a very nice hotel in london, the city you lived in, and made sure that everyone who was invited showed up. jonathan felt bad, he had also been blindsided by harry, he had thought that harry was the man for you so he had been very encouraging of your relationship with him, so his ultimate betrayal had also taken Jonathan by surprise. he just wanted to show you how much people did care about you, so he had invited everyone that you loved to celebrate you.
He had gotten you to the venue under the preface that you were going to be having a birthday dinner with him and your mother. You were dressed up because despite it being family dinner you still had a gorgeous red birthday dress that you wanted to wear, even if this birthday was not going to be as exciting as those in the past.
However when you walked into the hotel and was directed into the main venue room all the worries that you had about your first birthday as a single woman completely vanished. People cheered for you and you couldn’t help but smile brightly as you looked around the room seeing all those people that you cared about. Amongst the crowd were your closest friends, your family and even people your father worked with including the two mclaren drivers, whom you loved. Oscar was newer to the team but you still saw him in a brotherly manner and lando was someone you truly did care about.
you and lando had been acquainted ever since he joined mclaren quite a few years ago now. lando had only ever known you as a taken woman, he had met harry quite a few times and every single time he couldn’t help but think that you could do much better than harry. harry always seemed to want to keep you hidden, he was much more interest in talking about himself than paying you much bother. this was something that lando had noticed since first meeting harry and it was something that lando simply did not understand. If he ever got the chance to have a girl like you he would put you on a pedestal, he would make sure everyone knew that you were his. christ, they would have to stop him from telling every passer by that he was the lucky man to have you by his side.
it was safe to say that lando had quite the crush, it was something that started innocently three years ago when you were twenty years old and he was twenty one. he had stopped seeing you as adrian’s daughter and started seeing you as more, as someone that he wanted to be able to hold, someone that he wanted to listen to yap on forever, he embraced all of your characteristics, even the ones that seemed to annoy harry. lando took all of them his stride and he had always hoped that you would notice his treatment of you. alas, you were clueless, you had heart eyes for harry, you were captivated by a man who only gave you half of his attention and it was something that had annoyed lando so much that he had decided to take a step back from you. He had remained friendly with you whenever you visited the paddock but he no longer went out of his way to talk to you because you were taken, and lando could not watch on as you loved a man that was not you.
so seeing lando at your birthday party had been quite the shock for you but it was a good surprise. at the beginning of your party everyone came over wishing you happy birthday and you beamed at everyone just thanking them all for coming, hugging everyone and just feeling completely overwhelmed by all the love that you were feeling. you had thanked pretty much everyone when you felt a firm hand on your shoulder and a pair of lips ghosting your ear, “happy birthday y/n”, a familiar voice spoke and you turned around to be met with the sight of lando. you flashed him one of your famous bright smiles. “thank you lando”, you spoke as you pulled him in for a quick hug. “i’m not going to lie, i was not expecting to see you here, we haven’t spoken in a while”, you stated as you looked up at the driver. “your father invited me, he made it clear that it was not optional”, lando spoke and he noticed your face fall a little at the thought that he was forced to come and didn’t actually want to attend, “but i would have come anyway y/n, i missed you”, he spoke candidly. “i do need to talk to you about something”, he spoke and you tilted your head slightly in confusion, “what is it lando?”, you questioned only to watch the man shake his head at your question. “not now y/n, later. In private”, he spoke tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, looking deeply into your eyes for a moment before turning and walking to go mingle with the over guests.
leaving you stood there, confused, wondering what he could possibly want to talk about in private.
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souvenir116 · 3 months
Okay, we know that Charles and Max are weird about each other on their team radios, so I would imagine an outsider's point of view from Bryan.
When it's announced that he will be Charles's new race engineer, GP invites him to a mysterious meeting somewhere to warn him and prepare him for this. Because GP wants someone to complain to about the two of them who will understand (he tried with Xavi, but at that point, Xavi was so checked out after all the Lestappen trauma, he was on planet Carlos most of the time).
At first, Bryan doesn't take it seriously, but then it slowly sinks in. "What are Verstappen's onboards?" ”What is Max doing, are they on slicks or inters? Let's do the same.” "What is my pace compared to Max?" even though they are 4 positions apart. "Tell me when Red Bull pits." "Tell me when Max is in DRS." "Tell me Verstappen's time in quali." "Tell me the differences between me and Verstappen, where is he gaining?"
So GP and Bryan become friends over this, making fun of them and joking around. And eventually Bryan would figure out that Charles down bad, that it is not just weird homoerotic rivalry. Maybe by getting invited to their wedding or something. Or they could be already married, just making it public and stuff. Oh my, if i was not in middle of the longest fic I've ever written I would jump on this one, but I'm not good with multiple WIPs.
my god imagine how done GP is with their whole nonsense homoerotic acts around each other 🙄 my man suffered enough already... and Xavi being traumatized lol 😭 I'm afraid Charles running to Max with all his being, and forgetting to close his car only to be the first one who congratulates Max for his wdc was the peak he could endure 😔
And Bryan probably wouldn't take it too serious because why would they be crazy about each other? It makes no sense. Until Charles asks what's Max's position when they are literally off points with 10 laps remaining and they just fight for it as if for a win... one of them taking the fastest lap and then the other doing the same. then again. they are really competitive but they are literally p15 and p16 <3
also they only rate each other, therefore it makes complete sense when Charles wants to do the same strategy as Max or challenge his pace while ignoring everyone else... it's only their little karting track, just the two of them, think of it like a romantic date but in their terms where they try to push each other because the win is even sweeter when it's against your childhood rival <3
being invited to their wedding would be shocking for both of their race engineers, imagine their faces <3
I hope you'll have the perfect and calm time to write this fic dear, dont pressure yourself and take your time ❤️❤️
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maycontainsimonella · 3 months
Nischa Oneshot - Getting together drabble lol
keep in mind this is definitely not beta read and was thrown together in like half an hour! enjoy!!
Noel was sitting alone on a bench in the schoolyard when he first realized he had feelings for his best friend.
It was late, a cool breeze was starting to get through his sweater vest. The transition from summer to fall was beginning, very early on in the school year. Noel was dreading the walk home, He was dreading being alone with his thoughts.
He was dreading being alone with him. The one boy whose opinions mattered most to him. Mischa Bachinski.
Noel waited, everyday like clockwork after choir practice, until Mischa came out to greet him. Sometimes they’d walk out together and sit, talk for a few minutes then walk home together. He felt like he was holding Mischa back. Mischa was sweet, honourable even, always looking out for Noel, getting into way too many fist fights with catholic hockey boys.
He was Noel’s hero.
Mischa lived a few streets down from Noel, with his neglectful foster parents. Noel despised them, with a burning passion. Mischa didn’t like going home either, yet, the best part of the day was, according to him, going home. Noel didn’t really understand why at first.
Noel would stand with Mischa at the end to his own street, give Mischa a good farewell fist bump as Mischa looked at him with the saddest puppy dog eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something but really couldn’t.
Until one day he finally gathered the courage. Mischa asked Noel a very simple question.
“Poet.” Mischa called him that as a term of endearment, they were standing together at the end of Noel’s street like always.
“Can I stay at your home? Just for this night.”
Noel felt frozen, it was like his heart stopped whenever Mischa made eye contact with him, his guts felt like molten chocolate.
“I mean- maybe my mom is out for a little vacation, I’ve been home alone for the past couple days. I don’t know how she’d feel about me having someone over.” He looked at the cement beneath their feet, trying to think about something, anything else.
“My parents had fight over something stupid, I do not want to get in middle of that again.” Mischa seemed to mumble. He was noticeably softer with Noel, everyone felt it. Including them.
“You know what sure. It’ll be fine. I think I have some pyjamas you can borrow. Might be a little small but.” Noel said, a smile appearing on his face. Mischa wanted to stay the night with him, as friends, nothing else.
“You are the very best, Poet.” He pulled into Noel into a very sudden hug, which Noel awkwardly soothed him through, then they made their way to Noel’s house down the street.
When they both walked inside, Noel started to heat up a frozen pizza for the both of them, Mischa flopped down on Noel’s mom’s expensive couch with a hard thud. After setting a timer for the pizza, Noel sat with Mischa, Mischa had pulled out his phone and was very wrapped up in it, with a concerned expression.
“What is it? Do your parents need you home?” Noel asked with a small amount of concern in his voice.
“No, they really do not care. It is my Talia, she is saying she is wanting to- open relationship? She says she met a girl she likes.” Mischa looked at Noel, less with an expression of pain but confusion. “What does this mean?”
“Well- opening a relationship is like saying you’re allowed to date other people while also dating each other? It’s different for everybody. If you feel comfortable with that then go for it!” Noel said, he offered the best advice he could to Mischa when prompted. They didn’t call him the most romantic boy for nothing.
“Okay. I shall tell her this.” Mischa was on his phone for a bit before shoving it into the pocket of his baggy jeans.
“Gotcha. Now what do you want to watch Misch?”
Mischa smirked at Noel, like he’d just came up with the most evil idea in some sort of lame comic book. “Why don’t we watch the movie you like, Blue Angel person.”
“Oh that’s a great idea! I’d love to!” Noel put on the movie, plated up their frozen pizza and they ate in silence, there was occasional commentary from Noel while Mischa nodded while shoving his face with pizza.
Eventually the movie was over, and they were just sitting on the couch. They were co-existing, and it was peaceful. Noel wondered how he’d gotten so lucky, to befriend the angriest boy in town.
Noel broke the silence before Mischa could. “So where are you going to sleep?”
“Couch is fine.”
“I’d feel bad… do you want my bed? I can stay on the couch if you want Misch.”
“What if we just stay on bed together?”
Suddenly the room felt small, Noel’s chest was pounding and he felt blood rush to his ears in a fierce blush. Mischa was also bright red, Noel didn’t exactly know why.
“It is solution! We share bed, then no one fights about it.” Mischa said, trying to manoeuvre his way out of a difficult situation.
“Yeah- yeah I guess but…”
“But what poet? You know you can tell me anything.”
“Isn’t it weird because I’m-“
“I told you poet, I am not homophobic. Macklemore.” Mischa had in fact told him, in fact it had become a joke of theirs to say Macklemore at anything remotely gay.
“No it’s not that. Mischa- I think- I like you.” Noel closed his eyes and braced, waiting for Mischa to slap him or something. At least now he could be rejected and not pine for weeks.
“I like you too. You are my best friend, poet.”
“No Misch it’s a little more than that, like I have feelings for you.”
“I think I do as well.”
Noel looked up at Mischa shocked, adjusting himself on the couch to face Mischa a little more.
“Is that okay, poet?”
“Yeah actually- that’s great.” Noel brushed his hair out of his eyes, a gesture to try and ground himself.
“Can I- can I kiss you poet?” Mischa sounded slightly unsure, like he was trying to diffuse a bomb.
“…mhm.” Noel said after a little bit of debating, he locked eyes with Mischa and slowly closed them as he felt chapped, rough lips chafe against his. It was slow and sweet.
“Do you want to go out? Like on actual date?” Mischa said, after pulling away.
“Yes! Yes I think I’d really like that.” Noel said, giggling to himself like a preteen girl.
The next day at school Ocean could tell something was up, she was eyeing them like a bird of prey, and not the fun Harley Quinn kind.
Choir practice went as normal, and Mischa started walking home as well as spending most nights at Noel’s, after a proper first date to an ice cream parlour of course. They’d share, thoughts, feelings, opinions until it grew too late to keep their eyelids open.
Then they rode the cyclone, relationship still kept very secret. It was new and private, neither of them wanted to spoil that. They’d tell people when they were ready.
Noel’s mom never got to see the happiness he found with Mischa, but somewhere, deep down she knew he was safe.
Safe in the arms of the angriest boy in town.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
A couple of replies today!
Anonymous asked:
Edmundedmundedmundedmundedmundedmundnebulacollegeedmund YESSS I have been fed content and I'm so motherfucking happy
The boy looks wonderful in both bunny suits ❤️
Hehehe thank you so much!! I love love love drawing boys in bunny suits, so I am very happy for the opportunity to draw Edmund wearing it…both options~
Anonymous asked:
If Jack and Ortho sees Vil in that outfit, I'm sure they find it attractive.
Of course they will, everyone would~ not only these two.
(related to the latest event)
But I would love to see their reaction to Vil in that outfit as well… I feel like Jack would get visibly flustered, but wouldn’t look away even for a moment.
Ortho would take pictures and record Vil just so he always has the image of Vil looking so good in his head lol
Anonymous asked:
Ok, but those Crewel/Deuce comics, fulfilling another fantasy of mine 😩👌
Actually, the funniest thing is that I've always imagined that those two would have a secret relationship and only would start "officially" dating when Deuce graduated nrc. Like on the weekends, Deuce would tell people that he's going to visit his mom or a cousin, but in reality, he's going to Crewel's place for "extra credit."
Funny scenario: 19/20 y/o Deuce posting on Magicam that he's in a relationship with Divus and all his notifs are from his friends blasting "ayo? 🤨" Then he gets a text from his mom like "DeeDee, you know I will support you in everything and anything but don't make the same mistakes as I did when I was younger, this is how you were born 😔"
(related to this comic; sorry for the late reply!)
Thank you, Anon, I am happy you liked the comic!
Out of all the first years, Deuce does feel like the type to officially go out with a teacher after graduating lol I can’t explain it, but it feels right in a weird way. I wonder if any of the first years would suspect that Deuce isn’t really visiting his mom or a cousin whenever he leaves to spend time with Crewel…
Also! His poor mother, this boy just keeps making her worry lol At least Deuce isn’t going to get pregnant, so that should be a relief…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
If we had a battle of crossovers, who would win: GreenViolet or LilIdia
Hmm, how are they fighting? Is this a fist fight? Then Lilidia, because Lilia would outsmart Greenhill, and Violet and Idia both are wimps who can’t fight lol
In terms of a relationship… it’s a bit difficult to compare them because both couples are kind of confused within themselves. Greenhill is a bit oblivious about Violet’s feelings, and Lilidia are both confused about them being online friends lol so now I imagine these four looking at each other confused because they don’t know why are they even here and what is going on.
If both ships are established relationships though, it would be a tough fight, because Greenhill and Lilia are both competitive.
GreenViolet could win because Greenhill knows Violet better than Lilia knows Idia. And Lilidia could win because Lilia is a war veteran who would get super excited about winning and then teasing Idia about them being the best couple ever…
Anonymous asked:
All You Wanna Do by Samantha Pauly, the live Broadway version reminds me of Alois. Especially the last two minutes…
Wow, listening to this while thinking about Alois was quite a journey! 😬 It really does fit him in a lot of ways, and the last two minutes are especially heartbreaking. Ghhh I love Alois’ story so much.
Thank you for sharing, Anon.
Anonymous asked:
The last ask regarding the Leech parents and their reputation if both of their sons started dating. Out of all the characters you ship them with, which one would make the best impression? My first thought was 🥁 Riddle 🥁
If Floyd would ever settle down (which is hard to imagine with his unpredictable personality), it would definitely be with Riddle. I also think Riddle would make a great son-in-law. Even though Riddle would be very nervous meeting The Leech parents. Riddle Leech has a nice ring to it. Maybe Floyd would take Riddle underwater  to live in the coral sea. Goldfish Riddle confirmed??
But then again, I wonder how Mrs. Rosehearts would feel if her son decided to marry the son of a "Yakuza" boss. Mrs. Rosehearts and Mrs. Leech meeting each other?! 👀
(this is related to this reply)
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! Your ask got me thinking as well, as you can see lol
The Leech parents would absolutely love Riddle! Both because he is hilarious (so uptight, I mean, upstanding!) and because he is genuinely a surprisingly good pick. Just like you said, he is so polite, so well-educated, at times it almost feels too good to be true, how come Floyd of all people brought home such a good boy? They always expected Jade to be the one…  They’ll absolutely let the boys know about it lol embarrassing all of them.
Riddle would be super nervous and a bit scared, but parents are parents, even if they are scary fish mafia parents. So he has to be respectful and polite. Which is honestly only going to amuse Mama and Papa more – Riddle is so tiny and cute with his baby face and tiny hands and stuff, but oh so serious. He’s like a baby doll… they would woobify him a lot lol and tease him in general, but always try to be stealthy about it. Maybe they just don’t want to scare him away because there is no way Floyd finds someone else similar to Riddle lol
Also! Riddle being a goldfish merman is such a fun theme, I love it when people draw him like that. Floyd really should turn him into a merman, poor Riddle is going to be so confused. He is reversed Ariel lol
Oh Mrs Rosehearts is going to hate this so much… Leaving her alone with Mrs Leech is such a bad idea, because Mama Leech is going to play along at first, complaining about how having sons is such a huge source of stress, how rude and ungrateful they are sometimes, and just how much she wants them to just be good and proper at everything that they do. Mama Rosehearts could even think that they are on the same page at first (even though this Leech woman is way too dramatic…)… Mama Leech would just troll her the entire time, just as she does with everyone she talks to… but she’ll like her a lot, she’ll consider her a good friend afterwards <3 and call her every day.
Another potential partner that the Leech parents would love is Idia, and we have some thoughts about them, but I’ll share them a bit later – there is another ask related to this topic that I’ll try to write a proper reply tomorrow. So consider this a teaser and thank you for your patience 👀
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cw for grouching about transphobia/transmisogyny specifically. and kind of homophobia its all variations of the same bigotry soup. Im watching the great british sewing bee. from a couple years ago. And one of the sewists (not sewers GBSB omg) is using a floral fabric and the presenter person comments on it being feminine, and then says (not the exact quote) "Oh I feel a bit sexist for saying that, men can like flowers". So the sewist (a woman) offers a story to the presenter about dating a man wearing floral socks, and ends the story with "and I married him!"
Presenter: "Oh did you!"
Presenter: "I wonder if you'd have to watch your underwear." and laughs.
And the contestant does that barely perceptible freeze, assumedly realises that 1. she's being filmed for national television and 2. doesnt have a good response ready, and pastes on a laugh. And in the editing they stayed on that laugh a little too awkwardly long. For both of them. Because it wasnt a funny joke it was a power joke. In fact the editors didnt need to include it at all.
And what I find interesting in probably an intellectualising-so-it-hurts-less kind of way, is that she was trying to be generous about gender roles, she was feeling sexist assuming that florals were only for girls. And then its like that social conditioning kicked in and she was compelled to make a transphobic joke, so everyone around knows you're 'safe' ie agree with the perceived-powerful-majority and you're not to be bullied. Which is what power jokes are all about, firmly cementing the in-group and the out-group and which side you're on.
Oh a man likes floral? Man-in-a-dress must be a sex pervert getting off on wearing womens underwear. Its the 'failure at being a man' and simultaneous 'but a man who's a failure at being a man, definitely not a woman failing at being a man". And the underwear thing is also autogynephelia though I think its unlikely the presenter knows that term but its the whole sex pervert thing.
Perhaps an ok response could have been "why? he's perfectly capable of buying his own." Taking it back from the shame implication and normalising. Not that I think this woman did anything wrong, we've all been in that situation where we freeze and seem to go along with it because our nervous system chose freeze instead of fight. Zero blame on this contestant who wasnt expecting that kind of comment and didnt know what to say.
And with the presenter, like, she said what she said and is responsible for it. And I definitely think (well,feel) less of her now. Its just interesting to me how she was trying to be inclusive and then its like she tripped her own protective wiring and fell back on transphobia for perceived safety. The moving forward thing to do would be trying to notice and correct those thoughts when you have them so its less likely to pop out your mouth, assuming you agree ofc. Im not absolving her. It also didnt seem incredibly malicious on her part. not excusing, just observing.
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liaareneee · 9 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── Happy Endings
pairing: highschool! hanma shuji x gn! baji! reader
t/w: swearing
synopsis: you happen to have dated hanma shuji and he decides to plan a little visit while during lunch.
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happy endings, the thing almost everyone doesn't get or gets. in your case, you never ended up getting your happy ending. you walked through campus, thinking about how your happy ending was cut short. you sat at a vacant table, pulling out your materials. when you happened to see your ex, hanma shuji, messing around with his friends. you avoided eye contact to not be seen.
to be away of distraction, you moved to another secluded area with a table and started to do your work. you took your earbuds out of you ear and sighed. you grabbed your eraser out of irritation, taking away the pencil marks you just had created. "hey Y/N. long time no see, eh? why haven't you been answering my calls?"
you looked up to see your ex, hanma shuji, standing right in front of you. you avoided eye contact, not answering any of his questions. "come on, love. are you still mad at me for breaking your heart? your brother wasn't too thrilled with it either." hanma laughed. of course, he had to mention your brother.
your brother happened to be baji keisuke, the former 1st division captain of Toman. and the one who passed gracefully during October 31st, Bloody Halloween. ever since you moved onto high school, Toman had disappeared into thin dust.
you looked up to stare at hanma. he smirked and you decided to grab his face, digging your sharp nails into his cheeks. "don't talk bout my brother, like you know him. his name and my name shouldn't be said, even if it's from your disgusting mouth of yours. got it?" you growled, pushing his face away.
"sheesh Y/N. take a chill pill. i ain't here to start any shit. i just wanted to come by because i saw you walking. i wanted to see how you were doing." you scoffed. "how am i doing? the thing you should be worrying about is yourself and your new girlfriend. don't think i wouldn't hear about it, you asshole." you laughed.
"i have eyes and ears all around this place. remember, this school is filled with people who like to gossip. and tell me about it, even if it involves you. or even Toman itself." hanma looked at you, with widened eyes. "Toman? i thought they disappeared into thin air. i thought they weren't all on speaking terms with each other. after Bloody Halloween."
"well, some aren't and some are. the ones who happen to be very close are the founding members. which includes mikey. the one founding member you despised the most. wonder what he's doing right now. he would probably love to fight because some asshole is bothering me."
you smirked while hanma scoffed. "as if Y/N. like you would call him up right now to just kick my ass." you grabbed your phone, going to your contacts. you pressed on mikey's contact, showing hanma. "all in one press, he'll be here in 2 minutes. or even less if i scream into the phone."
hanma grabbed your phone, placing it into his pocket. he sat down at the table and you huffed. you crossed your arms, not looking into his eyes. "Y/N, come on. stop being a huge baby. also, i broke up with the girl because she wasn't like you and she was really annoying. i came to apologize instead."
you snickered. "of course you broke up with her. what kind of apology is this time? hm? the one where you ask me to take you back? the one where you ask to take me back and promise you won't do anything like this again? which one, love?" hanma sighed. "it's neither. i just want to apologize for ruining your happy ending. i know how happy endings suffice your life. i'm sorry Y/N."
"wow, that's different. hm, i'll think about accepting that. thanks though for a good apology. instead of the shitty ones you have been giving me. i guess no one is getting their happy ending."
"i guess both of us get nothing. well, i guess i'll see you around Y/N." hanma said as he walked away. "yeah, see you around shuji." you whispered as he walked away from you.
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ooglywooglies · 5 months
im just going through all the video points and making oppositions to them based on what i think, thats it.
laios useless in the red dragon fight: this is setting up the premise of the story where laios is spacing out because he cannot strategize on an empty stomach which is why the party loses.
there is no urgency to rescuing falin after everyone escapes the dungeon: thats to show that all the adventurers are so used to the dungeons immortality that theyve forgotten about the consequences of death (and also they are not thinking straight bc they are hungry)
dungeon meshi is not slice of life in the traditional low stakes way a slice of life set in the real world might be. the entire premise is about making a fantasy dungeon crawler and its heroes more grounded and showing things that aren't shown in video games, eating, sleeping, bathing, etc. a major theme is life and death, what is needed to sustain life and how death is a necessary part of it.
the tone of the show is not meant to be serious/silly/serious/silly, its not supposed to be wholesome, fun, and heartfelt, though it can be those things, its supposed to be weird and demystifying because its about real life (though a fantasy lense) and real life doesnt adhere to tone either.
resurrecting falin, having a bath and dinner, and then thistle coming to collect her happening in two episodes is not crazy thats almost an hour of runtime
some of the problems with this video are just the anime format which i cant completely fault, i think the manga is better paced and the humor lands better ill probably ignore those points going forward. but i feel like if you dont watch anime very much you probably dont really know them the common genre tropes, like i certainly dont.
the reason marcille is "infinitely more popular than the rest" is a) lilys girl bias b) everyones girl bias and thats it, a lot of people like decently written generically good looking female characters. but thats not even true laios is probably equally as popular as marcille is and senshi is VERY close behind both of them.
laios is literally only generic in looks and if youre going to bring it up you might as well mention how marcille is therefore EXACTLY as generic as laios is, they are some very regular white people. in terms of looks.
laios only cares about monsters and is an asshole: this is an intentional mischaracterization the OTHER CHARACTERS IN THE STORY make about laios, which is a result of his real flaw which is struggling to connect with other people. this is a character flaw, which is intentional and something laios himself is aware of and tries to overcome, it is part of his character arc. laios is also heavily autistic coded, im not sure if ryoko kui is even aware of it or if she herself is autistic and just wrote a bit of her own struggles into laios's character but this reading is widely recognized by people who are autistic so. like its hard to argue with a mass of people who see their disability in a character. (me included)
comparing his deadpan affect to lloyd (i dont know him tbh)s intentional controlled one makes no sense bc i assume lloyd is yknow a super secret agent who IS a super secret agent because of his self control or whatever. laios is just a guy. literally just a dude, who is autistic.
marcille and laios react to falins resurrection differently because they are different characters, showing different ranges of emotion are part of their characterization. having a limited range of expressed emotion in serious situations where emotion is expected of you is also a commonly recognized autistic trait (see me not crying at the airport when my now husband had to go back to his side of the planet when we were dating)
falin is also autistic coded and shares a lot of traits with laios because its supposed to be funny that everyone thinks falin is so talented and brilliant and lovely when she yknow picks up a bug or something but they think its annoying when laios presents the same traits.
refer to point 10 again
they are literally moving through the dungeon as fast as they can. it gets brought up, laios feels guilty about it but hes not indulging in his special interest as opposed to rescuing his sister, the adventure is enabling it. whats he supposed to do brood the entire way? do you think anyone would be physically capable of doing that? see points 1-4 again if not.
just because a different character would do something different doesnt meant the story would be better, the point of THIS story is an exploration of THESE characters
this is retreading a point but "marcille is the only character who feels like a human being" .... girl the ableism - it can be argued that marcille is a bit ND herself but she is laios's neurotypical foil, the entire point of their dynamic is she is the normal person to compare him to, to act like shes the only character that matters because shes the only one thats normal has some nasty implications.
"you or i would-" thats making some assumptions
marcille is tormented the most by the show because the show is about exploring a dungeon, a major character trait of hers is her inexperience, shes squeamish shes young and naive because she has EXCLUSIVELY studied dungeons in books she has only seen the dungeon in person for like a year or two (i dont remember the time frame but we know how time works for marcille anyway). senshi by contrast has been surviving exclusively off the dungeons resources for like 60 years. you mention that marcille grows a lot by the end but its not just about eating food she learns survival skills, she learns ecology.
sorry i need to take a break to just rant, isnt this woman a writer? i feel like all she can only see characters through common media tropes and so dungeon meshi is just breaking her brain because all of these characters are written from a strong foundation they all have roots that inform all of their flaws. i feel like she isnt willing to see them that way because she assumes that because this is an anime the author didnt put any thought into the characters beyond their designs and gimmicks, thats just speculation obvs its just the impression im getting
but like i see the way people talk about kui on here how she feels like one of us because the dungeon meshi characters are her ocs. how theyre not just characters for a story. its like imagine someone talking this way about YOUR OCS, your babies, the characters you put your heart and soul into and especially for someone like kui who has created so much depth for her characters for someone [who also calls herself a writer] to brush it all off bc it got an anime adaptation and anime has tropes.
i really dont like people who approach media from "ive seen this before" and i mean im a little guilty of it but its kind of a useless thought isnt it, for the most part things get made because someone wanted to make it not because it needed to exist. i guess its a hard thing not to think when theres just SO MANY shows and stuff out there but idk, i dont think its a healthy perspective most of the time.
chilchucks a bitch you cant listen to what he says and be like "the narrative is bullying marcille" chilchuck is bullying marcille, chilchuck is a bully
(oh it seems the numbers have reset, oops)
shes talking about why anime sucks again, i havent seen spy x family and i dont care to it doesnt appeal to me
retreading points but i forgot which ones laios thinking falins dragon form is cool is another example of how laios's character essence is that he doesnt think like other people. and i have to imagine that if not for the mind control aspect falin wouldnt be horrified by her dragon form either. neither of them care about the "obvious" socially expected reaction of "horrified" theyre thinking about a) what they like to think about which tends to be ooh monsters are cool and then b) whatever is most practical at this moment - i think its not just lily that struggles with this i think its a lot of people who follow social scripts tend to follow what the main cast of dungeon meshi is thinking so theyre horrified/confused by whatever laios is doing but he just intuits what actually materially matters and what doesnt. him thinking falin getting to have a cool dragon form has NOTHING to do with his feelings about saving her.
"your experience with autism isnt universal" neither is yours???? isnt that kind of the thing about autism (this is from her comments not the video but thats kind of her point about this point in the video is that she doesnt relate to laios's autistic traits) - guys shes saying sheldon cooper gets called out on his shit and grows as a person but laios doesnt... guys i dont even know what i can specifically say to make someone stop believing that because i dont know why anyone could believe that in the first place.
i dont want to write this point bc i dont want anyone to think i dont have any concept of like pervasive preferential trends in media but i think she specifically hates laios because hes a white man with autistic traits. i think if laios was a woman those traits would be not as bad (which is kinda funny bc i was talking about that being a joke with falins autistic traits earlier)
laios is funny to me :) (in the manga mostly)
i think she shouldve read the manga instead of watching half the anime but i guess thats it. if you (anyone reading this) see this out in the wild please dont make assumptions about me based on this post, it doesnt really tell you anything about me or my wider opinions.
i guess you can assume im autistic i did say that part, go ahead and assume that i suppose.
i think i have some clarifications i was gonna make but i got tired so i cant remember where they go or what they are, this isnt really meant to be a discussion its just me writing down some thoughts indirectly bc i didnt want to comment on her video. but its in response to a video so its only fair i guess if anyone wants me to clarify i can try my best to do that
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elisedonut · 2 months
all numbers hehehe :3
Ok so after thinking about it for a few hours i think I have some Answers though this is pretty much all an Au where Remus lives but everything else is canon complaint so expect Teddy being mentioned
1. Which one is the better cook
Depends Better at following recipes and making things that have a legit name - Percy Better at making like 3 random ingredients taste really good - Remus
2. What their love letters look like
I think that Remus holds himself back when it comes to Percy I don't think they're a particularly sappy couple but i like the idea that they leave little memos around the house about reminders and such
3. Which one outlives the other, and how they cope
I do think Percy outlives Remus even in a Remus survives the war au not only is there the age gap and Remus already being a good bit older then him which is sorta whatever in wizard health but he is also a werewolf and also canonically not normally well off enough to really take care of himself for many years so i think it just happens I also think it's something Percy expected so its something that he comes to terms with far before it actually happens so he's devastated but is still able to pick himself back up to be there for Teddy
4.What they do on date night
take out at home? probably dropping off Teddy with Harry or his grandmother for the night
5. How many kids they’ll have
Like I said for Perciver I typically give Percy 4 kids in most scenarios but for them when I think about them its typically a soulmate au (because i love the concept of Remus trying so hard not to ruin this poor kids life by just trying to avoid it in one way or another) or a Remus lives au when its within the first few years after the war so in that case i think like 2 (or three if you have Molly and Lucy as twins again) is more likely
6. How they decorated their bedroom
Cluttered but leaning more Percy clutter then Remus clutter idk if that makes sense
7 Which one is the worse driver
I think once Percy gets past that weird new driver phase that everyone has to get through that they're pretty even
8. What they argue about
As you so amazingly put it before Remus being Remus and Percy being Percy Idk i think they fight pretty often but its always shit where both sides honestly think their doing the right thing and it ends in one side crying and avoiding each other for a couple of days and only interacting when they have to I do think they get better the longer they stay together though they kinda have to get to the point where they actually understand the why the other is saying something over taking the words at face value
9. Which one swears more
hmmmm I have really no clue i want to say their about even I think
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
I think they watch vhs tapes together. of what? idk but by the time I normally think of them together vhs tapes would be getting very cheap so i could see Remus getting ones he found as like a main form of entertainment for him (and probably Teddy) I also just feel like a vhs or dvd player would work better in a wizarding household vs cable personally Especially vhs tbh VHS tapes are not even like electronic you know? I could image someone having made a spell that just works as a projector pretty easily
11. What their first impression was of each other
Respect like as a teacher very "well he seems competent" on Percy's side I dont think Remus thought about Percy much at all until later in the year and it was probably just that he was smart or something basic like that the man was distracted
12. What they do for their anniversary
hmm probably something simple? I dont think they would do anything grand or expensive probably spend the day at home and just try to relax
13. Which makes a bigger deal of birthdays
Percy only by a bit though and mostly for Remus' sake because he will loom into a depression over his life on his birthday unless somethings going on to pull him out of it (honestly Percy does it too though at least for the first few years after the war I think Remus is just more like low-key when it comes to trying to help with that)
14. What nicknames they call each other
Uhh probably none? I could see Remus picking up on Percy being called Perce by his family though and maybe using it
15. What they would change about each other
In Percy's case how much Remus just really doesn't seem to like himself and in Remus' case how Percy tries to work away his feelings when they're not like positive
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serrennedyanonwriter · 3 months
Guess who’s doing the hc thing? Me!
1 | 2 | 3
Anyways, this is part one of ??? I honestly don’t know how many there will be since I’m not only doing certain characters and leaving many out. Please don’t be homophobic/transphobic/etc. If you really hate this, then just scroll. Thank you!
Rebecca Chambers
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I’m going to be honest when I say I hc a lot of characters as aroace and polyamorous as I myself am aroace and polyamorous, and I crave representation.
Anyway, I don’t see her dating a man. She hates them /hj
As for being nonbinary, she gives off the vibes, I don’t know how to explain it.
Continuing on, she’s also aroace as she isn’t really interested in anyone in either way. Like, it takes a lot for her to actually fall in love.
Also, she’s polyamorous because I said so, fight me /hj
Billy Coen
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Straight Ally
Going to be honest when I say I’m biased when it comes to him.
I don’t really like his character, not to say no one can. Like, he has a good backstory, just don’t like the stuff he says to Rebecca, who may I remind you is 18, and judging by the fact the game takes place in July, she recently graduated, and he’s like 26.
He gives me the ick, I’m sorry, and for that reason, I don’t see him as anything but a straight-cisgendered man.
While I can attempt to ignore it as the writers being weird, I can’t do it since then I’d be biased as I’ve not done it for any other creep in the series, and I’m not going to start now.
Albert Wesker
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I mainly hc him as pansexual because of his VA seeing him as such, so it’s kind of semi-canon.
Plus, he hates everyone equally, and I find that to be an amazing reason to be pansexual.
Trans because my boyfriend made me realize how funny it’d be for Wesker to know of Jake’s existence, just ignores it.
Aroace as I don’t see him typically being attracted to anyone in anyway.
And polyamorous because I love shipping him with Krauser and William, so why not make him have both at the same time? /hj
William Birkin
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Remember how I said I like shipping Wesker with him? Yeah, that’s why he’s polyamorous. He has a wife AND a boyfriend.
Bisexual as he’s a men and women kisser /hj
Chris Redfield
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I meant it when I said I’m headcanoning a lot of bitches to be polyamorous for I crave representation.
I know a lot of people see him as a mlm gay, and before I get jumped for seeing him as bisexual, I’m also a mlm gay.
If anything, he’s more attracted to men because come on, we all seen how he looks at Leon in Vendetta, that’s not how you look at a friend-
Demisexual because vibes. I don’t see him sleeping with those he’s not particularly close with.
Polyamorous because I crave representation /hj
Jill Valentine
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Unlike Chris, she’s more attracted to women. She’s always thought she was a lesbian, but eventually, came to the terms she is attracted to men, just rarely does she ever do.
Trans as I view a lot of RE characters to be trans, and I’m not sorry.
Aroace and polyamorous as again, I crave representation + she doesn’t seem to be really interested in anyone throughout the series.
Barry Burton
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Straight Ally
Unlike Billy, I’m not biased for him, I really don’t see him being attracted to men, just his lovely wife.
He is okay with any pronouns as well since he doesn’t really mind a they/them, she/her, xe/xem, it/its, etc. used on him, but he is cisgender.
We’ll get to Moira eventually, but I see her as trans, and Barry was very accepting of her.
Brad Vickers
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He’s questioning as I’d like to think he’s unsure where he falls sexuality-wise. He’s well-aware that he’s not straight, but he doesn’t know fully what he is.
Asexual as I see him not being attracted to anyone like that.
Leon Kennedy
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Bisexual in the way that if he hasn’t canonly flirted with women, I would’ve made him gay /hj
Trans because have you seen him? He sounds and looks like he’s just started taking testosterone in the RE2R.
Demisexual because I can see him wanting to get close before he does anything like that.
Polyamorous as I hc/joke about him having a lot of boyfriends (Luis, Carlos, Chris, Sasha, and Ethan).
Luis makes jokes that everyone else (except Carlos since they’re dating too) is a boyfriend-in-law to him /hj
Claire Redfield
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Bisexual/Trans-Feminine (yes, I’m aware I put the wrong flag, shh, I didn’t realize until now)/Asexual/Greyromantic/Polyamorous
Bisexual as I can see her being with both men and women.
Trans as I find it funny to think that Chris is surrounded by trans people.
Asexual as she dislikes anything to do with sex.
Greyromantic as I see her rarely falling in love.
Polyamorous as once again, I crave representation.
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windupaidoneus · 16 days
the workplace drama in the modern AU must go crazy.
under the cut w the highest hopes that makes it not show up in the searches. no one look at me.
it is downright infernal. the scions & the ascians are coworkers. fourchenault is there. nero is there. yotsuyu is there. asahi is banned from the workplace. the zeroes can be here if you all wish them to be. somehow zenos & emet coexist at similar ish ages. siblings? can you imagine? horrifying prospect. i think it's funny if it's the case. fandaniel has no reason to take on asahi's appearance anymore but he does it to uh, piss asahi off, i guess. guy who puts himself in a situation he doesn't like ("double date" with zenos & hilde/emet. no one is happy about this. he's not at all into zenos or anything this is purely a self destructive act that everyone involved either agreed to to humour him hoping for some reason this was an actual thing he wanted to do, went along because who give a shit or went along because someone begged them to try & humour him. yeah that's hilde zenos & emet in order) to be a nuisance to someone else. maybe he's friends with yotsuyu. maybe that's why he's trying to ruin asahi's life. compels me. on that note i wonder what fandaniel would go by. amon perhaps? seems to be what he'd favour at least like. from what i can tell. he's probably a system. in fact i can't imagine him not plural
i havent decided if athena is alive or dead in that scenario. athena being alive would be horrifying probably. i feel like she would somehow find a way to make going to work as high stakes as endwalker is. due to her problems. it's very scary to think about! emet steals thancred's lunch & gives it to hilde as a "gift" (he is NOT eating that himself & he knows hilde needs to eat more than he does so. he gets the free lunch) every single time someone steals his own lunch. doesn't matter if thancred isn't the one who stole it because emet does not like him
i think estinien steals the lunch more often than not & it's entirely bc he forgot what he brought/if he brought anything at all. causing the eighth calamity by being forgetful & he's just sitting there eating the food without a care in the world
there most certainly is some evil shit going on there but tbh a lot of it is everyone being exposed to cid & nero doing whatever the fuck it is they do. because they're both there. yeah this office has five billion employees (ok some of them are just there in the AU due to their connections w other characters who do work at the office. but i'll work out who does what at a later date). when haurchefant brings pastries for everyone it is a beautiful day where no one fights WRONG!!! all out war. even though he made sure to bring enough for everyone. also hilde & haurche probably dated in high school then parted on good terms at some point. of course bc of hildes #problems. they're still good friends
i like to think the whole thing w hilde & emet is being like. followed with bated breath by a lot of them. because they really dance around it for so long it just becomes the office's sports to watch them will they wont they lmao. nero doesnt give a fuckkkk hes usually mostly here to do repairs & whatnot until he hears thancred complain about it at which point he makes a completely uncalled for remark toward him in which 1. he probably has 0 stakes in 2. he may not even have any room to speak on the matter in question he's just ready & willing to be a bitch to the guy being a bitch abt his brother. yes they are still brothers in this au. good luck to this office
the ascian/ancient beef is unparalleled though. i shudder to think of what nabriales brings to the table.
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zahri-melitor · 11 months
Okay, general roundup of New 52 titles I have read so far, now I am well into 2013 in my read through:-
Batwoman, J.H. Williams run – genuinely great. This is a highlight of the New 52, honestly. If DC had stopped occasionally remembering that Kate Kane is now Bruce’s cousin and had let Kate and Maggie get married, it would be perfect.
Blue Beetle – it’s not the best Jaime run I’ve ever read, but in terms of restructuring Jaime’s origin to simplify it and remove the heavy connection with Infinite Crisis shenanigans, it worked far better than the Rebirth reboot. Let down by getting cancelled just as it started becoming more interesting (aka had finally finished the retread of Jaime’s origin story and started him having new adventures).
Threshold – this was certainly a comic I read entirely to see Jaime in it. If you are lucky enough to know nothing about it, it’s basically a planet of foxhunting tagged ‘criminals’, where Jaime ends up one of the tagged. It’s meandering, pointless and bad. I think if you’re a Lantern fan you’d also think it was bad. Deservedly knocked off after 8 issues.
Justice League Dark – I made it through 6 issues. My biggest takeaways were that everyone here was just so miserable and Boston Brand was dating Dawn Granger for reasons that surpassed understanding. I want to like it more than I do, for the cast it has.
Batgirl, Gail Simone run – appealing and infuriating in turn. There’s some genuinely beautiful writing here (the WWII paper balloons!) and Babs is recognisable as Babs, but it’s horribly let down by the fact that ‘healing’ Barbara means that she’s now both not allowed to operate as Oracle (by editorial dictat) AND she’s having trouble as a street vigilante as she’s still recovering from her injuries. It makes sense but it also makes Barbara doubly incompetent which is maddening as they’ve taken away everything that was hers specifically. Also James Gordon Jnr is always intensely irritating to have around and I am never going to get over giving Babs a villain called ‘Knightfall’ in the run immediately after healing her back. Yes. I got the reference. It’s not that funny.
Birds of Prey – it’s hmmm still finding its feet. Lacks the soul of the original run, but there are flashes of the old magic occasionally. It is hilarious to me that they decided to merge Dinah Drake and Dinah Lance back into a single character for this run, creating a bizarre new ex-husband for Dinah in Kurt Lance (seriously, Kurt Lance, why do you exist you’re so weird) and then within 6 issues or so abruptly realised WHY Dinah Drake and Dinah Lance have been separate characters since 1983 and reinvented a new Dinah Drake mother for the character. Spectacular. Sheer evidence that nobody involved in new 52 was actually spending much time thinking about how an all new origin reboot would affect characterisation.
Batman – I have my differences with Scott Snyder over his run, but he at least manages to make things interesting and spend time interrogating Bruce’s identity. It feels in conversation with the Loeb and Dini storylines around Thomas Elliot and that whole crowd of elite Gothamites. Lots of interesting set ups let down by execution or obsession with conspiracy theories. Love his work with Harper Row as a character.
Batman & Robin – okay folk, I do agree, this is a far far better Batman & Robin run than 2009. I feel like I’ve spent more time with Damian showing me his character rather than being informed by Morrison via Alfred mouthpiece about Damian’s character. There’s some lovely character work in here. It’s still suffering from getting New 52ed but it’s honestly the first run anywhere that’s actually really good for Damian characterisation (plus or minus the Damian and Colin Wilkes fight Zsasz plot in Streets of Gotham or Gates of Gotham).
Batman Incorporated – fuck you Grant Morrison. Nobody reading this title is having a good time. If you’re here for actual Batman Inc characters well I’m sorry, they’re mostly standing around the sidelines of a plot about Bruce, Talia and Damian. If you’re here for Talia I’m so sorry for you. If you’re here to read Bruce and/or Damian you get like 3-4 sweet scenes that I am sure you have already seen in screencapped panels floating around with no context. DC would be a better place if this book hadn’t been approved (also Cyril might still be alive)
Nightwing – this comic so far is obsessed with Haly’s Circus. Now I don’t like the whole Talon retcon (I think it cheapens a lot of things about Dick’s backstory as a character) but I will admit it’s nice to see Dick spending time with his Haly’s Circus friends and Dick’s optimistic side coming out in the ‘let’s just rebuild Amusement Mile as a place that isn’t Joker-haunted!’ Tragically of course because we’re never allowed to have nice plotlines involving Haly’s Circus it gets blown up again and lots of people die. But at least Dick’s back to owning the circus, amirite? (For bizarre ‘Pop Haly left it to him in his will’ reasons rather than Dick buying it out with his inheritance money that is totally not one of the many occasions Bruce has lied to Dick and told him that this trust fund is 100% based on investments of his parents assets, rather than Bruce attempting to give Dick Wayne money again so he stops living out of cardboard boxes in a tiny apartment)
Red Hood and the Outlaws – I have now suffered through three whole issues of this comic (actually 4 but I paged through that one to read like one scene at the end) and it is determined to make me hate everyone involved with it in terms of its disrespect for Roy and Kory. Also all the issues kept trying to convince me that Jason and Tim have always been each others’ favourite brothers, which lol. (If that’s actually ever true for Jason it’s the most hilarisad thing ever).
Teen Titans – I made it through two issues for crossover purposes. I am tempted to come back as I think I will get some stuff out of it once I’ve finished my Teen Titans 2003 read (and look there does actually appear to be some things in here I may enjoy). Can’t believe Kurt Lance shows up in this comic. I swear he’s my new nemesis.
Suicide Squad – I am 100% not reading this comic, I only opened it for crossover issues. What have they done to Amanda Waller. (Also why is Harley Quinn trying to date Floyd Lawton, did editorial suddenly realise how many people are into his deep uh comradery with Thomas Blake and overreact trying to remove the gay cooties or something?)
Catwoman and Detective Comics – honestly I haven’t got a good enough read on either yet from the few issues I’ve read, but ‘Tec is running a Penguin plot and I’m not in the mood for a Penguin plot at the moment.
So far, my recommendations: Batwoman I recommend without hesitation. Batman & Robin has been embroidered in fans’ memories but is worthwhile in any case. Batman is interesting stories sometimes let down in execution and may actually read better if you avoid touching any tie-in issues for a readthrough.
Nightwing, Batgirl, Birds of Prey and Blue Beetle are “these are some of my favourite characters, I want to know even if I don’t always like it” reads. They’re still the same characters, just trapped in a maddening world.
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sillyromance · 4 months
Hello everyone!
Some angsty open-ended thoughts for today.
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A classical pred/prey society where preds need to consume preys, not very often, but it's necessary for their normal metabolism. Although, hunting has its rules which are quite strict and has lots of nuances protecting both sides from violence and abuse: for example, wolfing a random person down at the street is against the law.
A prey girl who is suffering of a disease the chances to cure which are extremely low decides to make a deal with a pred. They will be able to consume her, but only on a particular day which is, actually, around two months ahead (she needs to bring her businesses in order, that's why). Also, to avoid any unwilling consequences, people included shouldn't use their real names. After a long and careful research through different pred/prey "dating" apps the prey is lucky enough to find a good pred man who accepts her terms and even offers her to get to know each other better, so they won't be absolute strangers when the moment of truth comes and they both will feel better about it. She happily agrees - the prey couldn't be honest with anybody in her life for a long time since she didn't want to upset her family and friends with tragic news. And the man... It won't hurt to lead a sincere conversation with a someone who will have you as a meal sooner or later anyway, will it?
He is mature and wise. She is young and a naive as a kid. But they get along just fine. A strange pair, hanging out in a nice cafe (which happens to be a favourite one for both) after work, going to cinemas and art galleries on weekends, chatting on the phone till the middle of the night - and doing a lot of other things two people who like one another do. Time flies like a rocket. And with each passing day, they are getting closer to each other - and closer to the end. Secretly, they both start questioning their deal, but stay silent, afraid to ruin what they already have with disappointment and offense.
He cares - at least, she thinks he does. She now cares, too. Though she doesn't quite believe it, she feels joy for the first time during these years...
One day, the prey finishes her things earlier than usual and goes home alone. She isn't afraid of someone snatching her on the nearest corner - it is still bright outside and she lives quite close to her working place. But as she is walking down a familiar street, thinking of which dish to cook for dinner, suddenly, she feels two huge hands digging their nails into her shoulders and dragging her in a dark sidewalk. Thrown at the floor, she gasps in horror.
A pred. A very huge and scary one belonging to the ugliest kind of their race. The prey tries to scream for help but her pleas are muffed by those dirty, strong hands before she can make a sound. Despite all her attempts to fight her way out of their grip, the girl slides down the bastard's throat and lands in a nasty, stinking stomach. Her gentle skin is instantly burnt with the acids preparing to break her into mush - and she cries in pain, fruitlessly struggling against tightening walls.
At that moment she notices her phone buzzing. Thank goodness! Embracing hope again, the girl answers. It's her pred friend! Of course, how could she be that stupid! Sniffing and sobbing, the prey manages to tell the pred what happened and where she, more likely, is. She doesn't really know why she trusts him to come after her - it must be a sixth sense telling her he will, or just her childish foolishness.
Anyway, he is everything she has right now.
Of course, her captor hears their conversation and tries to silence her, or, at least, run away - but they fail. It doesn't take long before the poor girl is shaken inside the beast as it is pinned against the wall and she catches a familiar voice growling angrily at the pred who made a VERY big mistake forgetting to check their victim's pockets...
And, after a few more disgusting seconds, she is released. Pathetic, smeared in gastric juices, but alive. And her dear pred friend is hugging her, smiling softly, while the attacker is getting arrested by the cops who came along with her savior...
On the next day, they wake up in the same flat. His flat. He took her to his apartments since they were closer - and he is, actually, a doctor. Fortunately, she didn't get much harm. The pred called his girl's boss to say she wouldn't come around because of the incident, so she has a day-off. He has taken one, too. After a tasty breakfast cooked by him, they decide to spend this day at the open air since it's better for the girl's health. Without wasting any more time, they depart and head to a huge park in the centre of the city.
It's a beautiful sunny day. Birds sing among tree brunches, hiding in thick bushes from rare walkers. In spite of it being midday, it's cool down here, under the green shadows falling at the grey brick road running in depth of the forest. Water rumbles beneath fallen leaves, and a wild mouse comes to the spring to sip some - and runs away as it senses the ground shaking under heavy human steps. It smells like rain: sweet and fresh.
They leisurely go down the road; she is holding his elbow and slowly licking her ice-cream while he is talking about funny accidents he and his pals had at the clinic. She feels relaxed; a nightmare she went through some hours ago seems far, far away... But then, she remembers: there are only five days left.
Five days of happiness... And...
At first, she shivers. But after awhile, a gentle smirk appears on her lips.
She interrupts the man.
- You know... Speaking of yesterday... I didn't thank you properly back then...
- Don't worry about it. You were in shock, I understand...
- Please, wait a sec... - She gets a deep breath to prepare herself. - After what happened, I have truly seen that the only person who I would allow to eat me without a second thought... is you.
He stops and gives her a long look. He has almost forgotten.
- ...Why?
She giggles at his serious face, but he hears sadness in her following words.
- Because I love you.
He arrives at the clinic. They slept together that night again; he is too worried about her going anywhere without him. She has to visit a doctor, though. But the knowledge it is going to be the same place he works in comforts the pred a little. White corridors, white coats, white doors and blinding white light overwhelmingly embrace him as he enters the building. Just as it should be. Friendly faces of his colleagues jump out of the chaotic mess here and there; he greets them without thinking, consumed by his swirling thoughts.
- Professor N! - A secretary calls suddenly.
What could happen in the very morning!?
- What is it, Susan? - He asks sharply. She doesn't seem to be bothered by this.
- Hannah called me five minutes ago - her mom is sick, she can't come to the clinic today.
- How many patients should visit her?
- Only four or five. I was said to tell you that they would be in your competence.
He rolles his eyes, irritated.
- Thanks, Susan. I'll keep that in mind.
Finally, the man reaches his room and falls in his armchair, his eyebrows frowning. The mood is spoiled. To distract himself from dark thoughts, the pred stretches his arm and takes the first clinic card in a small tower of them standing at his desk. It seems like this one is from his today "extras". A young prey girl with a deadly disease; though, the progress is visible since two months ago the analyses were much worse. She definitely has a chance to recover... Some say it's impossible to stop this disease, but he has already seen several people who have had the same one and successfully won their lives back. Not without his help. Perhaps, he will take her as a permanent client... He is more experienced at this topic anyway. Why didn't Hannah tell him before?
He looks through the database and finds out the girl is his earliest guest. Nice. Good news for a good girl in the morning.
This delightful thought enters his mind - and exits it immediately. His own lover is desperately ill and he hasn't done anything about it. It wasn't directly his fault; on their first date she said she didn't believe in herself anymore, that she was giving up. He doesn't know much about her condition since she refuses talking about it, though he predicts it is bad.
If only he knew how to help...
Well, when he knew her story, he quickly realised which solution was the most likable if she didn't want to try anymore. That is the reason he agreed to this after all.
The only thing he can do for her now - is to make her end peaceful and pleasant, just as she wants it. It's his duty - and he doesn't speak about himself only as a doctor, but a human being. Unlike that dork - his fist clenches as he feels fury swelling in his chest - he won't let her feel even the slightest pain. He will do only as she commands; he will digest her gently, slowly, reassuring and fondling her every minute, speaking to her till she passes out. And he won't fall asleep until he feels her soften completely within him... Because he simply can't do it otherwise. He loves her too much to show disrespect. To show indifference to her fate.
Oh, if only she could be this girl whose name is on the card... If only he didn't have to...
His internal monologue is interrupted by a hesitant knock.
- Is it professor N's cabinet? My doctor is off today, so...
He freezes.
Standing at the doorstep, she freezes, too.
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