#native noel gruber agenda
maycontainsimonella · 3 months
spreading my native noel gruber agenda because he’s literally me and i’m native!! (disclaimer i’m Anishinaabe not Dené so please correct me if i get anything wrong)
Noel and his grandma (from his mom’s side) are close, from a young age he’s always called her his setsuné (he’s half Dené) from Fond du Lac first nation near Uranium. He speaks a little bit of his ancestral language but isn’t exactly fluent in it.
He one time got in trouble for teaching Ocean a whole bunch of swear words in both French and Denesųłiné and when Ocean found out she was pissed as hell. (He only told Mischa what they actually meant for the longest time).
He’s two spirit, he identifies as two spirit and gay. Just before his death he did some research and had a heart to heart with his grandmother to feel more connected to his heritage.
For his fifteenth birthday, his mom gifted him a pair of rainbow beaded earrings, to show she cared, and promised to get his ears pierced someday, she never got the chance to. She buried them with his body.
I’m so sorry that got angsty at the end.
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maycontainsimonella · 3 months
Nischa Oneshot - Getting together drabble lol
keep in mind this is definitely not beta read and was thrown together in like half an hour! enjoy!!
Noel was sitting alone on a bench in the schoolyard when he first realized he had feelings for his best friend.
It was late, a cool breeze was starting to get through his sweater vest. The transition from summer to fall was beginning, very early on in the school year. Noel was dreading the walk home, He was dreading being alone with his thoughts.
He was dreading being alone with him. The one boy whose opinions mattered most to him. Mischa Bachinski.
Noel waited, everyday like clockwork after choir practice, until Mischa came out to greet him. Sometimes they’d walk out together and sit, talk for a few minutes then walk home together. He felt like he was holding Mischa back. Mischa was sweet, honourable even, always looking out for Noel, getting into way too many fist fights with catholic hockey boys.
He was Noel’s hero.
Mischa lived a few streets down from Noel, with his neglectful foster parents. Noel despised them, with a burning passion. Mischa didn’t like going home either, yet, the best part of the day was, according to him, going home. Noel didn’t really understand why at first.
Noel would stand with Mischa at the end to his own street, give Mischa a good farewell fist bump as Mischa looked at him with the saddest puppy dog eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something but really couldn’t.
Until one day he finally gathered the courage. Mischa asked Noel a very simple question.
“Poet.” Mischa called him that as a term of endearment, they were standing together at the end of Noel’s street like always.
“Can I stay at your home? Just for this night.”
Noel felt frozen, it was like his heart stopped whenever Mischa made eye contact with him, his guts felt like molten chocolate.
“I mean- maybe my mom is out for a little vacation, I’ve been home alone for the past couple days. I don’t know how she’d feel about me having someone over.” He looked at the cement beneath their feet, trying to think about something, anything else.
“My parents had fight over something stupid, I do not want to get in middle of that again.” Mischa seemed to mumble. He was noticeably softer with Noel, everyone felt it. Including them.
“You know what sure. It’ll be fine. I think I have some pyjamas you can borrow. Might be a little small but.” Noel said, a smile appearing on his face. Mischa wanted to stay the night with him, as friends, nothing else.
“You are the very best, Poet.” He pulled into Noel into a very sudden hug, which Noel awkwardly soothed him through, then they made their way to Noel’s house down the street.
When they both walked inside, Noel started to heat up a frozen pizza for the both of them, Mischa flopped down on Noel’s mom’s expensive couch with a hard thud. After setting a timer for the pizza, Noel sat with Mischa, Mischa had pulled out his phone and was very wrapped up in it, with a concerned expression.
“What is it? Do your parents need you home?” Noel asked with a small amount of concern in his voice.
“No, they really do not care. It is my Talia, she is saying she is wanting to- open relationship? She says she met a girl she likes.” Mischa looked at Noel, less with an expression of pain but confusion. “What does this mean?”
“Well- opening a relationship is like saying you’re allowed to date other people while also dating each other? It’s different for everybody. If you feel comfortable with that then go for it!” Noel said, he offered the best advice he could to Mischa when prompted. They didn’t call him the most romantic boy for nothing.
“Okay. I shall tell her this.” Mischa was on his phone for a bit before shoving it into the pocket of his baggy jeans.
“Gotcha. Now what do you want to watch Misch?”
Mischa smirked at Noel, like he’d just came up with the most evil idea in some sort of lame comic book. “Why don’t we watch the movie you like, Blue Angel person.”
“Oh that’s a great idea! I’d love to!” Noel put on the movie, plated up their frozen pizza and they ate in silence, there was occasional commentary from Noel while Mischa nodded while shoving his face with pizza.
Eventually the movie was over, and they were just sitting on the couch. They were co-existing, and it was peaceful. Noel wondered how he’d gotten so lucky, to befriend the angriest boy in town.
Noel broke the silence before Mischa could. “So where are you going to sleep?”
“Couch is fine.”
“I’d feel bad… do you want my bed? I can stay on the couch if you want Misch.”
“What if we just stay on bed together?”
Suddenly the room felt small, Noel’s chest was pounding and he felt blood rush to his ears in a fierce blush. Mischa was also bright red, Noel didn’t exactly know why.
“It is solution! We share bed, then no one fights about it.” Mischa said, trying to manoeuvre his way out of a difficult situation.
“Yeah- yeah I guess but…”
“But what poet? You know you can tell me anything.”
“Isn’t it weird because I’m-“
“I told you poet, I am not homophobic. Macklemore.” Mischa had in fact told him, in fact it had become a joke of theirs to say Macklemore at anything remotely gay.
“No it’s not that. Mischa- I think- I like you.” Noel closed his eyes and braced, waiting for Mischa to slap him or something. At least now he could be rejected and not pine for weeks.
“I like you too. You are my best friend, poet.”
“No Misch it’s a little more than that, like I have feelings for you.”
“I think I do as well.”
Noel looked up at Mischa shocked, adjusting himself on the couch to face Mischa a little more.
“Is that okay, poet?”
“Yeah actually- that’s great.” Noel brushed his hair out of his eyes, a gesture to try and ground himself.
“Can I- can I kiss you poet?” Mischa sounded slightly unsure, like he was trying to diffuse a bomb.
“…mhm.” Noel said after a little bit of debating, he locked eyes with Mischa and slowly closed them as he felt chapped, rough lips chafe against his. It was slow and sweet.
“Do you want to go out? Like on actual date?” Mischa said, after pulling away.
“Yes! Yes I think I’d really like that.” Noel said, giggling to himself like a preteen girl.
The next day at school Ocean could tell something was up, she was eyeing them like a bird of prey, and not the fun Harley Quinn kind.
Choir practice went as normal, and Mischa started walking home as well as spending most nights at Noel’s, after a proper first date to an ice cream parlour of course. They’d share, thoughts, feelings, opinions until it grew too late to keep their eyelids open.
Then they rode the cyclone, relationship still kept very secret. It was new and private, neither of them wanted to spoil that. They’d tell people when they were ready.
Noel’s mom never got to see the happiness he found with Mischa, but somewhere, deep down she knew he was safe.
Safe in the arms of the angriest boy in town.
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