#why nobody likes my mo ran
dramatic-mice · 2 years
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different mo rans
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
i go on novel updates i find something that fucking sucks i read 300 chapters of it and i quit before the ending that i read the entire thing for (it ends at chapter 304) then repeat. sisyphus grindset
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rainybubbles · 1 year
How do you accidentally confess to COD men ?
Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, Gaz, König, Alex, Price
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written)
S O A P :
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-"I can't lose you, Soap. Shit, you're important to me," you say while crying.
-"...I'm flattered, but can you focus on fixing my leg first?" he says.
-You blinked awkwardly.
-Let's start over and try to understand this, shall we?
-Well, you were a nurse working on a military base.
-When all the doctors asked you to wake up at 3 AM, you knew something had happened. You ran to the infirmary and saw Soap.
-He was heavily injured.
-Your heart skipped a beat.
-You and Soap had known each other since his enlistment.
- You were just an apprentice nurse, and he was a cadet. He always burnt something, and you were there to look after him, even when he accidentally burnt the ass of his sergeant.
-You had a crush on him since that time, but you decided a long time ago not to act on it.
- Soap was clearly not interested in you, and he had gone out with a lot of people.
-You can definitely say you're not his type at all, and you like your bond the way it is.
-But now, seeing him like this, it was different. Your heart was overwhelmed, and your mouth spoke before you could filter what you said.
-"I can't lose you, Soap. Shit, you're important to me," you say while crying.
-"...I'm flattered, but can you focus on fixing my leg first?" he says.
-You blinked awkwardly.
-"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm not ethical at all. You need help, and I'm talking nonsense."
-You helped the doctors and quickly went outside when you finished, in order to think about what had just happened.
-"Shit, it was so awkward. I really thought we were in a movie or something," you said, angry at yourself.
-"Well, honestly, it was fun to see you like that. I mean, it could have been the climax of a movie if Ghost had started to play the violin, and a slow-mo started on your face," a voice joked.
-You turned around and saw Soap.
-"You're supposed to lay down. You can't walk."
-"What can I say? Seeing you make miracles," he says with a smirk.
-You sighed and walked towards him, offering your arms to lead him to a bed. He smiled.
-"I'm sorry for what happened. I shouldn't have said that," you said.
-"But you mean it?"
-"That's not the point. It was not the moment, and I know the answer. It was just cringe."
-"...damn, loving me is cringe?" Soap said teasing you.
-"That's- you know that's not what I mean."
-"Yes, I know. I feel the same, by the way."
-"But you..."
-"It's been three months, I realize. I know it's longer for you."
-"You noticed," you realized, all these years thinking you were good at hiding it were in fact obvious to him.
-"Yes, but you decided not to tell anything, so I never acted on it. But I...I feel the same now, and you almost confessed, so can you give me a chance?"
-"You mean when you can take me on a date and not bleed to death?" you said, looking at his injuries.
-"Yes," he chuckled.
-"Okay," you whispered, scared that it was a dream.
-"Okay," he repeated with a smile.
G H O S T :
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-"WHAT DO I DO NOW ?!" you screamed and looked at your friend.
-"Just...explain to him."
-"Oh yeah and how do you explain why I send him a fucking eggplant emoji at 4 AM without anything ?" you screamed panicked
-"Tell him the truth." your friend casually says.
-"He won't believe me. Like 'hey I sent you this emoji not because I want to fuck you, but because my brother sent me a lot of memes with eggplant so every night we sent this emoji to each other laughing. And I made a mistake and sent this to you, not him. Nobody does that. He won't believe me." you sigh."Oh fuck, he rode the text."
-"Well...he's your crush no ? I mean you talk about him often so if anything happens it could be good."
-"Yes he is, but I don't want to confess, not now. Fuck, I only met him like three times and only thanks to Soap. We're just acquaintance. I only have his number because I'm Soap's emergency contact."
-"And now he thinks you want to fuck him." your friends resumes
-"Thanks for your help." you say sarcastically."Shit he's writing, what would he say ?"
-"Well I bet on a peach emoji."
-You looked at your friend and showed them your middle finger.
-"What if I make things awkward and-"
-"You are always awkward."your friend interrupts you.
-"...thanks for your support." you said ironically.
-"I mean the worst is that he says no and when you'll meet again the only thing he remembers will be this fucking emoji. That's fine."your friend says.
-"No. I don't want to be the eggplant emoji in his mind."
-"It's too late."
-A ring interrupted your conversation.
-"It's him." you said looking at your notification.
-"And ?"
-"He sent a comma."
-"A comma?" your friend asks lost
-"what does it mean ?"
-"I DON'T KNOW ! Does it mean he stops to breathe, or I should breathe or-"
-"Or he made a mistake and typed wrong."
-"No, he's good with his hands."
-"I don't want to know how you know that." your friend says looking at you
-"...I wasn't implying anything weird. He's a fucking military." you answered.
-"Ok. So what do you do ?"
-"I could send a comma too ?"
-"Yay revise your punctuations with Y/N and Ghost." your friend says ironically.
-"I...oh fuck, he sent another text."
-"And ?" your friend asks
-"Does the eggplant be used to convey a desire to meet me or is it some weird shit like Soap does usually,"you read out loud his text
-"he texts like a grandpa." your friend comments
-"Fuck you." you say.
-"Calm down, I'm just saying the truth. You should answer it's because you want him."
-"No way, I told you we're acquaintances. I have a crush yes, but we don't know each other well and I-"
-Another text from him.
-"Because it's okay in both cases." he texted you.
-"Oh fuck." you say with your eyes widen.
-"You can say that again !" your friend laughs.
A L E J A N D R O :
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-Being a soldier means living in a community. And even if sometimes you're lucky and have your own little room, it's obviously not a hotel.
-So when Alejandro was doing a patrol to check everyone was asleep, he didn't expect to overhear you.
- But it was normal, the walls were thin and he could hear Rudy's snore from here.
-So yes, he heard you talking in your sleep.
-Except it was a fever dream you were having, and it was his name you were whispering.
-He froze.
-He didn't want to intrude, so he stepped back, but it was too late.
- He heard you clearly because of those thin walls.
-The next morning, when all his soldiers were eating together and you were present he couldn't stop looking at you. He didn't know what to do.
-He was not a moron, and he didn't want to confront you about that, but keeping this silent was also horrible.
-"Everything is good, Ale?" Rudy asks.
-"...I overheard something."
-"Let me guess, two soldiers making out? It's like the fourth time this week. Are they rabbits or what?" Rudy sighs at the new cadets.
-"No, it was not two soldiers," Alejandro answers.
-"Oh." Rudy realizes, "oh. Well...it's also common to do it solo. Why are you making this a big deal?"
-"Because they say my name."
-Rudy chokes on his bread and starts laughing.
-"Why do you find this funny?" Alejandro whispers angrily.
-"Because you seem all flustered. You're usually a smooth talker, but you seem so shy about it. It's not the first time a soldier has a crush on you, Alejandro."
-"I know, but it's different."
-"And why is it different?"
-"It's them."
-Rudy smirks.
-"I see."
-"But I can't say I overheard them, but I want to tell them I feel the same. How do I do this when all I could think when I see them is this memory?"
-"Be honest, you don't know how to lie. You're an honest man, Alejandro."
-"You're right, I have to tell them," Alejandro says. He's brave, he can do that.
-"They're coming, good luck," Rudy says and winks.
-You sit at your usual place, greeting everyone, and look at Alejandro.
-"Is everything okay?" you ask him when you notice his expression.
-"I overheard you," he says blankly out of nowhere.
"...can you be more clear, because I have no idea what you're talking about?" you say lost.
-"Last night, I was checking if everyone was asleep and I overheard you saying my name in a feverish dream."
-You raise your eyebrows and smirk.
-"Is that so?"
-He notices the smirk.
-"Why are you smirking?"
-"Because I was on cleaning duty this night; it's Mina who was in my room."
-"Yes. I guess you have to talk to her," you say.
-"You're right. Sorry, I didn't know."
-"That's okay, but if I may ask, what were you planning to do after telling me this?" you tease him.
He notices your playful tone and smirks back.
-"That you don't need to dream, you can have me in real life."
-"Smooth, really smooth, Alejandro."
He smiles.
-"So it's a yes?"
-"Yes, but you still have to talk to Mina. I wasn't joking; it was her in my room last night."
G A Z :
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-It was a night mission.
-You were waiting with the 141 for the order to go.
-It's been hours since you were waiting, and you knew after this mission you probably couldn't see the 141 again.
-Because you were in a different unit, and your collaboration was only for this mission.
-So you knew it was probably the moment to shoot your shot with Gaz.
-You inhale and go to his figure lying in the dark.
- "Gaz, I know we get along with each other. I can't count how many nights we spent just talking to each other on the base or even how many times we laugh together.I...I'm interested in you in more of a friend way. I know it's horrible to say that now, but afterward, it will be too late. So yeah." You say.
-You only hear silence as the figure doesn't move.
-You feel your heart aching.
-Shit, is he rejecting you in silence without saying anything?
-You look at the ground.
-"I think you should activate your vision nocturne, soldier. Gaz is at your right."
-Shit, shit, shit.
- You open your eyes wide.
-You...you just confessed to Price thinking it was fucking Gaz.
-"Shit, I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean that obviously. I-"
-"Calm down, soldier. And go talk to him. We still have time here, but look at who you're talking to." Price teases you.
-You nod and walk towards Gaz ashamed.
- "Are you okay?" Gaz asks.
-"I just made the worst mistake of my life."
-"What did you say? Did you say to Price he had a nice ass or what?" Gaz jokes to light up the mood.
- You stay silent.
-Gaz opens his mouth. "No, you-"
-"It wasn't his ass. But yeah, I basically confessed to him, because I mistook him for someone else. ?Because obviously in the dark without night vision you can't see anything."
-Gaz laughs.
-"Stop laughing, it's horrible. I'm the worst, he probably will report me."
-"No, he knew it wasn't for him, didn't he ?"
- "Yes, but it...I'm feeling so ashamed."
-"With who do you think mistake him for?" Gaz asks.
-"I don't answer that question. I have made enough confessions for today."
-"Come on, tell me."
-"Let me guess then."
-"We're only five here, I don't want to let you guess."
-"Gaz, I said no."
-"Because if it's him, I don't think he-"
-"You. It was you." You say to shut him up. "Happy, now?"
-He stays silent. You look at him.
-"Yes," he says, smiling. "Even though I'm jealous that Price got the whole speech, it felt like I'm only having the crumbs." He teases you.
-"Shut up," you smile.
-"But I'm happy, I feel the same."
-"Good, because I have enough rejection for today."
-"Ohhhh, Price's rejection is not a good experience?" He jokes.
-"I could never again look at him in the eyes," you say.
K Ö N I G :
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-"I thought you were just getting to know him," Soap says.
-"Yes. And that's why I was doing."
-"So could you explain how König ended up with his vest burnt if you were just talking ?" Gaz says skeptical.
-"I...well I was lighting the vanilla candle and he was here, with his eyes and I-"
-"You were checking him out and didn't pay attention to the matchstick, isn't it ?" Soap asks.
-"I was absorbed by his eyes ! They're like so beautiful and he was so close, I-"
-"You burnt his vest." Gaz says.
-"Thanks for the reminder, Gaz. I know now my chances are ruined with him. Shit. The worst is that I can't tell him why I accidentally burnt his vest, so now he thinks I hate him."
-"Well you could find an excuse." Soap says.
-"What excuse could explain a burnt vest, Mr. explosion ?" you asked.
-"You wanted to test if his vest was fireproof." Soap tried
-"..." you said.
-"..." Gaz said.
-Soap sighed.
-"Ok it's not a good one. But I'm trying to help, okay ?"
-"I have to tell him the truth. I don't want him to think I hate him. He's so gentle with us."
-"He's here. Go !" Gaz said as he pushed you.
-You opened your eyes wide. You didn't expect you would have to do that so soon.
-You walked anxiously towards him.
-When he saw you, he stepped back a little.
-It hurt you, but it was fair after the incident.
-"Hey, König, I- I wanted to explain what happened."
-He looked at you and just nodded, waiting for your explanation.
-"In fact I burnt your vest because I was admiring your eyes.I was gazing at you. And I didn't concentrate at all on the candle and I let the matchstick fall. I'm sorry."
-He opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say.
-"I- you were gazing at me ?"
-"Yes, I find you beautiful. But it's not an excuse for what happened. I should have paid more attention to the candle" you said honestly.
-"Thanks for the compliment and the apology"
-"I hope that you don't have any grudges, or you don't think I hate you. I wanted to make it clear."
-"Oh no, well, I know it was an accident. You seem..." he stopped himself to find the right word to described how much you were screaming and scared "terrified ?"
-"Yes." you confirmed.
-"So I knew it was not intentional, but I didn't understand why. But now I know."
-"Cool, so we're okay ?" you asked.
-"You don't want to know ?"
-"Know what ?"
-"If I find you beautiful too ? If I'm gazing at you sometimes ?"
-"Oh, no. I mean I didn't expect anything, so don't feel pressured or anything and-"
-"Because I do." he interrupts you.
-"So if I ask you on a date ?"
-"Cool, cool, cool," you said anxiously but happy
-"Tonight ?" he asked.
-"YES ! I mean, yes of course."
-He smiled under his mask and left. You walked back to Soap and Gaz.
-"So ?" Gaz asked.
-"I have a date."
-"WHAT ?" Gaz said.
-You laughed. You didn't know why, but you definitely knew you were lucky he said yes.
A L E X :
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-You were a barista at a coffee shop. You were taking Alex's order as usual, since he was a regular when your colleague interrupted you.
-"I prepared the order of the regular hottie you were talking about."
-You looked up at Alex.
-You looked at your colleague.
-He opened his eyes wide.
-"Oh shit" your colleague said.
-"I'm sorry Alex." You said, "This one is on the house and the next time my colleague will serve you. Sorry again." You gave him his coffee and left in the backs now not only your chances were ruined, but you could be possibly fired.
-Shit, it was unprofessional to talk with your colleagues about your crushes on some clients.
-But this was worst because the said client knew that now.
-He knew he was the hottie.
-"Hey", your colleague said after few minutes "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
-"That's okay you couldn't guess he was here. In fact you could because it was his order, but yeah..."
-"But I'm happy."
-"Happy ?" you said a little angry by his remarks now.
-"He let you that." he said giving you a paper.
-"What..." you took the paper and saw a number :"glad to be called a hottie by a hottie, call me."
-"oh wow"
-"It's like a romantic movie !"
-"Absolutely not."
-"YESSSSSSSS" your colleague teased you.
-"I'm just glad to not be fired right now."
P R I C E :
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-You were an interpreter. During a long, boring brief, you were chatting with Gaz.
-"Nikolai, Lasswell, Price. Kiss, marry, kill," he says.
-"Lasswell is married, Gaz." you answer.
-"Then Ghost."
-"I kill Nikolai."
-"You dare to kill him!" Gaz says shocked.
-"I mean, I like him. He's a good guy, but I don't know him well. So yes, kill him, kiss Ghost, and marry Price."
-"Your judgment is so biased," Gaz says laughing.
-"You only marry Price because you like him."
-"Yeah, that's the point of the game. It's based on preferences, Gaz," you say.
-He smiles.
-"You don't deny what I say."
-"It's because that's obvious, I have a thing for him. Plus, everybody knows Price is like the perfect husband material."
-"Hmm, thanks for your comment," a voice says.
-You and Gaz look at each other.
-The whole room is staring at you.
-Lasswell points the microphone at your right, which is still on.
-"Fuck," you say and your voice echoes throughout the room.
-"Sorry about that," Gaz says, and he switches off the microphone.
-"We are so dead," Gaz says.
-"I am so dead, you mean. I'm surprised if they don't replace me with another interpreter at the end of the day."
-The meeting ends, but as Gaz and you are leaving, you hear Price calling you.
-You hesitate but walk towards him.
-"You know what I'm about to say."
-"Yes, Sir, it was inappropriate, and we should have paid attention to the brief. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. As you can guess, my goal was not to let this slip," you answer.
-Price nods.
-"Good. You can leave."
-You leave the room.
-You thought it was the end, Price clearly rejects you.
-Yet a few weeks later, when the mission ended, Price approached you.
-You were sitting at the bar with the 141 celebrating the success.
-"So you're not working with us anymore," he said.
-"Yeah, that's the end of my mission." You answered, smiling.
-"So it's not inappropriate if I ask you on a date?"
-"A date? Wait, you-"
-"I keep my work and personal life separated."
-"Shit, so if you didn't say anything, it was because we were colleagues."
-"And because it was fun to see you defeated," he chuckles.
-"You're mean." You laugh. "But that's a yes."
If you want more my Call of Duty masterlist : here
My masterlist : here
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soft-mafia · 1 year
Can we have where the S/O was sketching Captain Buggy in secret, because she has a thing for him and she didn't want him and the crew to know about it. Until she lost it until the crew took a glimpse while laughing; they figured that she had a crush on the captain. She hid in the Crow's Nest in shame until Buggy finds her, after hearing what she's been doing in secret
Crush [Buggy x Reader]
warning: fem reader, nude drawing descriptions
a/n: this is such a cute idea😭😭 also this is me coded bc I low key draw Buggy half naked sometimes
part 2
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Y/n was sitting in one of the crow’s nests on the Big Top, hunched over her sketchbook, scribbling out another fantasy she had of Buggy.
Yeah, it was weird drawing her own captain half naked with a visible happy trail but— was she hurting anybody? No, of course not, besides nobody had to see these drawings except her. Y/n was beginning to get a little flustered sketching out the muscles, defining them.
She had a little smile on her face, but it was all interrupted by Buggy calling everybody down to the deck. Y/n left her sketchbook up there without thinking and quickly climbed down.
A while later after they had to make a pit stop somewhere to stock up on food, Y/n was carrying crates of meat when she heard some other crew mates snickering and giggling. She wondered what the hell was so funny, so she glanced over— but then a look of horror washed over her face.
“What a pervert!!” One of the men said, flipping through the pages, “Do you think she joined the crew just to get a piece of Captain Buggy?” Another man laughed. “Awww she has a little crush on him.” Another one said before they all burst into laughter.
Oh my god?! Is that my sketch book?! She nearly dropped the crate, so she quickly set it down and ran back onto the ship, panicking and feeling humiliated. Oh god.. this was awful, what if they show the captain?! He’s gonna kick me out of the crew!! This is so embarrassing I’m gonna throw myself off the ship, I can’t do this!!
Y/n hid in the crows nest, curled up in a ball, crying into her knees from embarrassment.
“Hey Captain!! Take a look at this!!”
Buggy’s attention was directed over to the group of men with Y/n’s sketch book, “Huh? What is it?” Buggy grunted and snatched it out of the man’s hands. His eyes went wide and nearly popped out of his skull when he saw the sketches.
Why was he such a hunk?! Damn he wish he looked like this, is this how people saw him? If it was then this was an absolute win. “WHO DID THIS?!” Buggy shouted, “WHO’S SICK JOKE WAS THIS?!” There were so many pages!! Who even had time to do all of this?!
“That girl, Y/n. I think she has a little crush on you, captain.” One of the pirates jokingly cooed, which made Buggy’s face go even redder.
Y/n could hear Buggy screaming from where she was, it made her curl up and want to die even more, “Ugghh!! Why did I have to leave that fucking book up here?!” She cried to herself. “Y/N!!! WHAT IS THIS?!” Buggy said once he got back onto the ship. Y/n sniffled, peeking over the side of the crow’s nest as she looked down at Buggy, “I’m sorry captain! I-I didn’t mean to..” oh god how could this situation get any worse.
“DIDN’T MEAN TO?!” Buggy took another look at the drawings. Damn he was hot, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘DIDN’T MEAN TO’?!”
Y/n hid in the crow’s nest again, crying harder. He was going to kick her off the crew.. she knew it.
Upon her cries, Buggy sighed and decided to climb up to where she was. “Cmon-.. don’t- don’t cry.” He kneeled down and gently patted her head, he looked back at the sketchbook, still amazed with how handsome he was.. “These are really good..!” He flipped to another page which was just him.. completely naked, his eyes went wide again. That fucking penis was bigger than his, why was it was so vascular!! He cleared his throat and closed the book, handing it back to Y/n, “You really captured my likeness.” He giggled, his cheeks redder than a tomato, “Maybe you can.. draw me.. maybe a bit more buffer, taller? Just a suggestion..” he coughed again.
Y/n took her book back and sniffled, “Y-You’re not gonna kick me off the crew? You’re not mad?” She couldn’t even look up at him.
“What? Why would I do that? It’s kind of a stupid reason to kick someone off..” Buggy laughed and sat beside of her, “Of course I’m not mad. But.. am I really that hot?” He chuckled softly, making Y/n even more flustered. “Maybe I can model for you sometime eh?” He joked, but then kind of regretted it.. no way did he look as hunky as those drawings.
Y/n hid her face into her sketch book, “This is so embarrassing..” she whined, “They’re never gonna let me live this down.” She could still hear the sounds of those crew mates laughing.. it made her internally recoil.
“Yeah.. not a chance.” Buggy laughed, then patted her back, “But hey, if you ever want the real thing, you can come to me whenever you want.” He grinned, winking at her.
Her face went red again and she hid it further into her book.
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thegreymoon · 3 months
i'm not an anti 😭😭😭 it's funny that you're absolutely missing my point. there are plenty of works about noncon fantasies. it's rare to see an author single out her shou's sexuaI abuse and depict it as erotic while in the SAME story speak about the horrors of sexuaI abuse/sIavery when it comes to other characters. i dont think this is an unfair criticism and definitely not anti nonsense. just because you disagree with me doesn't make me an anti but i digress. my point wasn't call out noncon fantasies in fiction.
You literally said, and I quote:
lmfao?? erotic novels can be written without ertoticizing sexuaI abuse. she couldve done the same with consensual scenes.
This is typical anti nonsense. Sure, we can write erotic novels without eroticizing sexual abuse, but how is that relevant? You cannot write non-con kink into it without it and Meatbun is not being shy at all about what kinks she's into. This is a book she wrote, first and foremost, for herself, and then for the rest of us who share her proclivities. People who would like to read something else - for example, vampire fic, a comedy of manners or a zombie apocalypse - are free to go and find such a book because, in theory, Meatbun could have written any of these things instead of erotic fiction of the non-con variety, but she didn't because she didn't want to, and if she had, non-con enjoyers probably wouldn't be reading it to begin with.
If you don't want to be mistaken for an anti, you should not come into someone's inbox with their rhetoric and expect them not to see you as one.
I sat on this ask for a couple of days and decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and answer in good faith. I did not miss your point, I just thought you were an anti, and in my opinion, dead wrong, so I didn't feel like typing out a proper reply. There is nothing contradictory about the way Meatbun treats non-con vs. rape within the context of this particular subgenre. It is, in fact, a very common trope, where whatever is happening between the main couple is not seen as something that cannot be overcome (or even enjoyed) because the fantasy itself is about relinquishing responsibility for your own sexuality with someone you want all this to happen with. The point is that Chu Wanning enjoyed it because it was Mo Ran, and Mo Ran did it because he loved Chu Wanning. It is the foundation of this kink.
Now, I don't know if you don't typically read fics like these, but contrasting it with actual rape that is not a part of the fantasy is actually extremely common because it reaffirms that the main relationship is an exception, therefore special and safe in spite of the fundamental violation. With actual rape, nobody wants that to happen, not the characters and not the readers, and it is treated as horrific (which is why in fic, we typically use non-con and dub-con warnings for the erotic variety and the rape warning for actual unwanted rape, even though non-con and dub-con don't exist IRL, where it is ALL rape). Yes, there is a contradiction here, but it is something that is super common within this subgenre and something that the readers definitely want to see, in part to validate that what happened between the main couple is the exception to the rule.
Chu Wanning is not going to enjoy being raped just by anyone (though there certainly are books/erotica out there that play with this idea too and 2ha is actually on the very mild end of the spectrum here, which is why I find it hilarious that so many antis get their panties in a twist over it), which we see when he is assaulted by Shi Mei. Just like Chu Wanning, we are supposed to feel visceral disgust (though I do not deny that there are people out there who are into this too, which is totally cool, you do you) because it is happening outside the main pairing, which is treated as special. Mo Ran is supposed to rescue him from the bigger villain because the readers find his possessiveness reassuring and the fact that his relationship with Chu Wanning (consensual or not) is the exception. The encounter ends with Chu Wanning's chastity preserved and Shi Mei defeated and humiliated, which makes the readers feel good.
The rape of the girl that led to Mo Ran burning down the brothel is supposed to be horrific, and it is supposed to give us insight into Mo Ran's actual personality, where we see that when he is not under the influence of mind-altering magic, he finds the act horrifying. He is not a habitual rapist and if it had not been for the extraordinary circumstances (i.e. the mind-bending magic and the fact that he actually loved and wanted Chu Wanning more than he needed to breathe), the violation would never have happened. It is the exception because he loved, just like Chu Wanning wanting and even eventually enjoying it is the exception because he also loved him in return. It is not narratively contradictory, because, within this subgenre, it is actually very consistent, again, because this is an erotic non-con novel and not an actual commentary on the evils of rape.
Anyway, I apologise for calling you an anti if you really aren't one and I hope that me answering your question seriously this time around makes up for it.
All the best! :)
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duckymcdoorknob · 9 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 18: 𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬
I had to throw Lee Finral in there… Oopsies.
Oh no! Angst queen struck again and made it h/c! Whatever will you do?!
Anyways. Welcome back to tkcember. We’re about halfway through these fics. I’ve got 9 left after this.
—this do have some tickles below the cut ngl—
Tags: @chrimsss @giggly-squiggily @rachi-roo
It was no surprise that sometimes Asta got into a funk. He’s never once cried in front of his team, and he tries to stay as chipper as he can, but sometimes he just has his days.
This particular day had been absolutely horrid, with the young boy accidentally waking an hour later than he usually did. This threw his entire schedule off kilter.
He had to train twice as fast, which made his muscles sore and tender. He hobbled inside of the base, holding his sore shoulder. (2,000 swings really did a number on his dominant arms.
He missed breakfast and had to ask Charmy to cook something for him with his tail between his legs—Of course, the woman didn’t much mind, always happy to provide a meal.
He wordlessly ate his late breakfast and sighed. Maybe the rest of the day would be better?
To his dismay, it was very much not.
Asta ran his face through his hands as he took a bathroom breaks few hours later. It wasn’t fair. Why was the universe so against him? He had to hold in his anguish so he wouldn’t take out his frustrations on his teammates. He smacked his cheeks a few times and plastered on a smile.
“It’ll be okay! It’s just like a game of pretend. As long as I keep smiling, nobody will notice anything’s going wrong!” he chimed to himself in the mirror.
He finished washing his hands and exited the bathroom. His smile was painfully fake, but nobody who wasn’t focused on him would notice.
What he didn’t know is that his senior had heard his “affirmation” through the door as he passed by…
The whole squad sat down for lunch: rice, meat, and peas—courtesy of Charmy— with some almond sugar cookies for dessert—courtesy of Gordon.
Asta’s eyes lit up as he noticed the cookies; things were definitely making a turn for the better.
Anyone attentive would have easily noticed Asta’s off behavior. He was unusually quiet, and eating very carefully. (He did not want to risk dropping ANYTHING. Gods know that would likely be his last straw and he’d start crying right here and now.)
The anti-magic user finished his bowl of food and engaged in light conversation, only replying in short sentences. Finral watched his junior with a slight frown; Asta looked so uncomfortable, and had that stupid fake smile plastered on his face.
When it was time for the cookies to go around, the ash-blonde reached excitedly for one. As he brought it up to his mouth, it cracked in half and fell on the ground.
All eyes turned to look at him in confusion. Normally, he would’ve whined and reached for another one, but the boy’s chest was heaving a bit as his lip wobbled.
‘Not good’ Finral thought as he opened a tiny portal near his waist. The other end of the portal appeared at the same height on Asta’s side.
As tears pricked the corners of the anti-magic user’s eyes, they were quickly blinked away as a squeak left his lips. A pinch to his side had brought him back to reality. “Aaaaaa! I dropped it! Gimme another one! Please please pleeeeeease!!” He had tried acting like he normally did and made grabby hands at Noelle, who promptly scoffed and put one directly between his teeth. “fenk yew!”
The spatial mage smiled. Mission accomplished.
Asta ate the cookie happily, and Finral could tell that it instantly improved his mood a bit. Though, as his senior, he couldn’t help but be a bit mischievous… The brunette waited until the boy had finished chewing then opened another portal. He skittered his fingers across Asta’s stomach.
The ash-blonde giggled and slapped a hand over his mouth, glaring daggers at his senior. Finral smiled innocently at him, waving with the hand that was not currently tickling the boy.
“What are you doing?” he hissed, “this is so nohohot fahahair!”
Finral held a finger to his lips and grinned sweetly. He let two fingers pinch around the anti-magic user’s torso. Asta rested his head on the table as he giggled quietly.
Vanessa cocked an eyebrow at the resident feral child being uncharacteristically quiet. Her gaze shifted to Finral, whom she noticed had his hand through a hidden portal. She smiled in realization as she saw Asta’s shoulders heaving with laughter; Finral really was a really sweet guy.
The brunette snaked his hand under Asta’s grey tee shirt and traced his fingers up and down the swordsman’s sides and middle.
“Fihihihinrahahal.” The ash-blonde whined sotto voce, “Ihihihit tihihihickles!”
“What did you say, idiot?” Noelle quipped, turning her attention to him. It was at that point that she noticed the portal, and Asta’s giggling figure. Her face flushed as she went quiet. Asta looked… adorable like this!
“Fihihihinrahahal- plehehehease.”
Noelle looked at Finral until he caught her eye. She looked around the table to make sure all other parties were distracted before pointing to her own underarms.
The spatial mage smiled and shot her a wink of understanding. He mirrored the girl’s actions, taking notice of how many were watching. It seemed that Vanessa, Noelle, and Gordon had caught on and were spectating his little game.
Now, Finral was not an evil person; there wasn’t a lick of malice in his body. But he had to get Asta back for not respecting his authority all of those times… He had to find a way to get everyone to notice how giggly the ash-blonde had become.
It was time to go for the kill. He opened another portal and snaked his other hand under the boy’s shirt, bringing both up to tickle under his arms.
Asta squealed loudly and sank in his chair as he giggled helplessly. “Fihihihinrahahahal! Stahahahappihihihit!”
“Ey, Wheels, what’re you doin’ to the kid?” Yami asked, standing up and walking to the spatial mage.
“Nothing sir! I’m not sure what’s going on!” The brunette feigned innocence, trying to hide the portals he had made with the rest of his body.
“Ohhhh so that’s what’s happening?” Yami Cheshire grinned, “Let’s see if you can take what you can dish out.”
“Yami, no! Wait, hold on! Let’s have a civil, adult conversAHAHAHAHATIOHOHOHOHON! WAHAHAHAHAIT!”
The entire squad had definitely discovered the game, unfortunately at the expense of poor Finral’s dignity. The two mages laughed helplessly as the rest watched them with smiles.
After a few minutes, both parties were completely exhausted, with Asta lasting longer than Finral… as usual… In the spatial mage’s defense, Yami was absolutely ruthless, and went for his death spot immediately.
Everyone started to clear from the table, helping Charmy to clean up—or running away from duties in Luck and Magna’s case— and rinsing the dishes off.
Finral quickly grabbed four cookies from the platter, portaling them to his nightstand for later. He scribbled a note onto a napkin and portaled it into Asta’s lap, disappearing to his room shortly after.
When the ash-blonde had gone to stand up and take a break in his room, he noticed the small napkin and opened it as he walked the halls toward his bedroom.
‘My door is always open if you wanted to tell me what’s troubling you. Sorry about earlier… I couldn’t stand to see you fake smiling and not do something about it’
The boy’s threatening tears returned to prick the corners of his eyes as he turned on his heel toward his senior’s room.
When the ash-blonde arrived, the door opened to reveal a sympathetic-looking Finral, holding a cookie in his hand. The boy fell forward into the brunette’s chest, causing him to portal the cookie to safety. He knelt down and wrapped his arms around the boy, kicking the door shut with his foot.
“Don’t hold back,” he murmured, rubbing Asta’s back reassuringly, “Tell me what’s going on, Asta. It’s okay, just cry it out…”
So, he did.
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Steam rose from the hot spring like a thin, white veil, winding upwards through the cold night air. Stars glimmered above, the sky clear, so clear that one could see the dim band of the Milky Way stretch over the horizon, a colorful gash of stardust and nebulae.
Wei Wuxian glanced up, mesmerized with the sight for a few moments before stepping into the hot water, skin prickling pleasantly at the warmth. Lan Wangji waited for him there already, eyes closed as he relaxed into the water, skin rosy with the heat. He didn't appear to have noticed Wei Wuxian about to join him, so he decided to maintain the advantage and sneak up on his husband and scare him a little.
However, though he waddled soundlessly into the water, he found himself hoisted into Lan Wangji's arms just before he pounced - all while Lan Wangji's eyes remained closed.
"I thought you fell asleep! Here I was trying to scare you, and you ruined it!"
Lan Wangji cracked an eye open. "I could pretend to be scared now."
Wei Wuxian leaned against his husband's chest, laughing. "We both know you're a terrible actor, Lan Zhan."
A few moments of comfortable silence followed, the two sharing an embrace in the quiet space. Wei Wuxian's eyes drifted towards the sky again, taking in the multitude of stars.
"Lan Zhan."
"When I was little, there was a legend I heard in Lotus Pier, about the stars in the night sky. It was said that the stars above are people that died but that did not want to leave their loved ones behind. So, the gods turned them into stars, so they could watch over the earth. And if you ever miss someone that's gone, you can talk to the stars and maybe your loved one is there and they'll hear you..."
Lan Zhan opened his eyes, looking to the stars himself. He had talked to them many times, but not in a tender way - he had raged to the heavens about his fate, about Wei Ying's, about A-Yuan's. He had asked why such a good man had to die in such a gruesome way, why nobody could see the truth the way he did.
He had been angry, resentful, grieving - never had it ever crossed his mind to try and seek Wei Ying among the stars. He should have, if anybody deserved to live on into the heavens, it was him. Still, Lan Zhan could only be glad he hadn't, returning instead on earth, to him.
"I've been thinking a lot about Mo Xuanyu recently... I've been having these dreams that I think were his, and it's... difficult."
Lan Zhan ran his fingers through the ends of Wei Ying's hair, watching the strands dance into the water as he let go. Then, cupping some of the warm water in his palm, he gently wet Wei Ying's back, warming up the drying skin.
"I think... based off these dreams and what I remember reading in the notes I found in that shack at the Mo manor, that Mo Xuanyu wasn't a man, or at least didn't feel like one. There was makeup on my face when I woke up, and I also found some tattered clothes that I didn't think much of at the time, but now I think they were parts of dresses...I keep dreaming about being made fun of, hiding something important, feeling out of place..."
There was a pause yet again, and Lan Zhan found himself wanting to leave a kiss on Wei Ying's forehead. "You are feeling troubled by this knowledge."
"Yeah, but it's not - I don't have any problem with that, you know, I just don't know how to refer to... him? her? Them? I'm one of the very few people that still remember Mo Xuanyu and probably the only one that tries to honor their memory. And I feel like I've been disrespectful of them in many ways, even just by referring to them as a man..."
"I think they would understand. They did not reveal that information to you right away, either." Lan Zhan replied, after a long moment. "They simply summoned you with a purpose, and allowed you to live in their body as you please after that purpose has been fulfilled. But, of course, we must be mindful to refer to them in a more respectful way now that we know of this facet of their identity."
"Yeah... I just hope they didn't get too upset about being referred to as someone they were not." Wei Wuxian's eyes flitted to the sky again. "Wherever they may be."
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fandomwe1rd0 · 4 months
Wrote some angst about what happened after the after-credits scene in "Rattlestar Ricklatica"! Rick feels guilt!
The drive home was silent. Normally they would both be talking or one of them would be sleeping while the other drove. But both of them were awake, neither of them knew what to say. Morty rubbed at his black eye. It hurt. His head was spinning. He saw Rick occasionally glance at him and then pretend like he wasn't. When they got home, they both sat in silence for a moment. Rick opened his mouth and said "M-" then Morty immediately scurried out of the car.
He stayed in his room then Beth called them for dinner. Morty tried to get some sunglasses to cover up the eye. Beth looked at Morty "Morty, we don't wear sunglasses indoors, or at the dinner table." Morty said "W-w-well uh mo-" Beth took them off, dropped the sunglasses and gasped when she saw his black eye. She put her hand on Morty's cheek "Sweetie, are you ok? How did you get that black eye?" Morty gulped and opened his mouth to speak, but then he saw Rick glare at him. "N-nothing Mom….just got it on one of my adventures with Rick…s-someone attacked me and Rick stopped them" Morty forced a chuckle "I-I'm glad that me getting a black eye is all that happened. I-it doesn't hurt that much." Morty lied through his teeth. It hurt like hell. His head was spinning, but Rick was right. There. Morty didn't know what Rick would do to him if he told the truth, he didn't want to know. Beth gaze softened "Ok sweetie…I'm pretty sure Dad has a device that can fix it, why don't you go with him to his garage and get it?" Morty shook his head. The last thing he wanted was to be alone with Rick. Beth asked "Is something wrong sweetie?" Morty shook his head "N-no Mom! I-it just doesn't hurt that much so…" Beth held Morty's hand "Ok…but you should still get something cold to put over your eye, ok?" She kissed Morty's forehead and smiled at Rick "Thanks for protecting him, Dad." Rick looked down "Mhm."
Morty went over to the freezer, he grabbed a bag of frozen pea, he jolted when he heard Rick's voice "Morty can we ta-" He rushed out, forgetting to close the freezer door, and told Beth "I'm not hungry, I'll be in my room if you need me bye Mom!" Although he said it so fast, he's sure Beth only half understood him. He saw out of the corner of his eye that Beth gave Rick a look that basically said "What's wrong with him?" and Rick shurgged. He knew exactly what was fucking wrong. Morty ran to his room and started to catch his breath. He knew going to his room wouldn't do much, Rick would just burst it whenever he wanted. "Privacy" was a forgin concept to him. He eventually fell asleep crying.
Rick sighed in his garage, running his hands through his hair. The thoughts of what happened today ran through his mind. Maybe he was a little too harsh on him. But it wasn't like he wanted to give him that fucking black eye! He had to! He sighed, he tried talking to the kid, but he always just ran away, not like he can blame him, but damn, as if he needed a reason to hate himself more, his favorite fucking person was terrified of him. Hell, he could barely be in the same room with him without freaking out. He went to Morty's room and knocked on the door, probably the first time he did that rather than just busting in. Nobody answered so he just came in anyway.
He saw Morty curled up under the covers, he always looked so peaceful. Eyes relaxed, mouth drooping slightly open, jaw slack, he winced when Morty turned. Showcasing his black eye. A physical reminder of how big of a piece of shit he was. That purple-blueish bruise was haunting him, basically screaming "You're a fucking monster, a stupid fucking piece of shit, you deserve to fucking die." Despite not having a voice. He hated that it was right. He took a device out of his labcoat and healed it, that was the least he could do. He took out his memory gun and toyed with the idea of erasing his memory. But a darker part of himself whispered "Keep it, at least he'll know not to fuck up again." SHUT UP! He sighed, he hated that voice, he hated even more that he agreed with it. He's a piece of shit, a fucing stupid piece of shit. He sighed and sat at the foot of the bed. He put his face in his hand, and only put it up to look at Morty. fuck, that kid was always fucking up, after so many adventures, he was still so naive, he did the quote-unquote "right thing" to a fault, it would be admirable if it didn't put them in danger. But seeing Morty right now, it really showed just how much of a kid he still was, he was definitely harsher than he should be at times. He was a shitty grandpa, but fuck. This was PRIME'S grandson! Why the fuck should he care!? Prime killed his baby! HE stopped himself and took a deep breath Fucking piece of shit. Judging Morty because of his grandpa, what the fuck is wrong with yo- He slapped himself. SHUT UP! He looked over to Morty again and gave a little smile as he patted Morty's head, probably the closest thing to affection that he could show Morty while being sober. He whispered something to Morty that he could never tell him, hell, tell anyone while they were awake "I'm sorry." He left the room, closing the door behind him.
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dangermousie · 1 year
We get the first proper flashback to the 0.5 storyline and what a doozy it is - TXJ’s coronation as he has CWN bleed slowly out on the steps.
1. I actually love how in this main timeline, Mo Ran gets to experience a lot of what he inflicted on CWN in 0.5 one - I keep thinking of how he actually volunteers for that blood cross to slowly bleed out instead of CWN (the moment where on my initial read where I went...but wait wait how did THIS guy ever became TXJ?!?!) and it feels like expiation and balance somehow even tho neither of them ever thinks of it this way for different reasons (CWN doesn’t have 0.5 memories yet and Mo Ran is not morally ready.) 
2. The way TXJ insists he’s never got a good word or a kind moment from CWN and it’s so tragic because he had plenty but the flower erased them all.
3. Mo Ran accepted the flower to save and protect CWN. He did such an enormous, selfless, incredible thing. And then the flower made him forget not just his sacrifice but his desire to protect and turned him into the monster who hurt CWN the most in that life. And that makes me want to howl. No wonder at the end TXJ sliver never fully integrates into Mo Ran - the trauma MR went through is horrific and TXJ is personification of it; and it allows Mo Ran 2.0 to maintain some distance from that part of him which helps healing (and also, this is the only way MR could ever truly believe CWN loves every part of him, even the most twisted and damaged - because TXJ in the end of the novel and extra is distillation of that and CWN loves him just as much.)
4. When CWN is about to die and Taxian Jun loses his mind and the novel says his hatred is so strong at the moment, he feels horrific pain. It’s not hatred, is it? Ooof. And how he can’t lose CWN because then he’d have nobody to hate and his life would be meaningless. The way the flower was able to twist and pervert his devotion but never destroy it is something else.
5. And the scene cuts away to our Mo Ran, Mo Ran 1.0, standing all night outside where CWN is kneeling after his punishment. And CWN does not know Mo Ran is doing it, and Mo Ran himself does not know why he’s doing it but just the mute unacknowledged devotion guts me.
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iwanttofuckereh69 · 1 year
now reading 2ha vol 2
ch 55 - 71
… but the careless thought would fly through his mind and soon be lost, like the drizzle of rain falling into a deep pond.
Mo Ran’s entire existence put into words perfectly
1. now im sad 😭
Ahhh the way Shi Mei’s death is described is gut wrenching. I was so sad reading that. But yeah, at least there are more details to what happened. It seems like Chu Wanning couldn’t do anything to save him that day. Or rather, he had to choose. I feel like if he tried saving Shi Mei, he wouldn’t hold the barrier. So he chose, faithful to his principles. It ties to Chu Xun’s sacrifice that seems to be supposed to show how hard of a decision it must have been both on Chu Xun and Chu Wanning. My guess is Mo Ran either didn’t realize at the time that CWN had to choose one over the other or he couldn’t understand why he would sacrifice his disciple to protect all those people he himself doesn’t care about. 
But damn that description hurt. Mo Ran’s heart was truly aching. And that comparison to a snowflake, equally beautiful and equally unimportant. Ehh
@thegreymoon if this is "moderate and usual amount of suffering" then i dont know if i want to continue!!!!
(jk, i like when it hurts 🙂)
2. Chu Wanning is even more awkward than i was in high school which should be considered an achievement
Tbh I like moments of Mo Ran’s longing for Chu Wanning. And how he reacts when he sees Chu Wanning finally after all this time CWN spend “in seclusion”. Its lovely, but also hes so dumb for not realizing. This whole whatever was going on between them during New Years Eve celebration was just lovely but also so awkward. Chu Wanning deliberately giving him a copper coin dumpling? Absolutely cute. But also so awkward and just 😬 Instead of finding thousands of weird ways to flirt maybe just tell him? Idk its an outrageous idea, but idk give it a try maybe?? And omg that awkward moment when he wanted to invite mo ran to watch fireworks but… yeah. I felt it in my bones. 
3. Breaking news, Mo Ran, despite being 32 yo in 16 yo body mentally somehow ended up being 5
Sometimes it feels to me as if mo ran desired CWN not as a person but as an object. And he is even comparing him to an ugly box that nobody wanted with perfectly fine food inside. An ugly box only he himself dared to open to discover the treasure inside. And he is so childishly jealous when now that box is on display for everyone to look at. Its almost silly. But also yeah, its another time he treats CWN more like a thing he owns. And nobody else should see any worth in that thing, because its only his to consume. There is a fine expression in my native language for a person like that, and funny enough, its also dog related. But I couldn't find any translation that would convey all the nuisance. It’s for a person that won’t let anyone else enjoy a thing even if they themselves have no intention of enjoying that thing either. It reminded me of this quote:
Eventually, like a beast, he had known only one thing: that Chu Wanning was his. Even if he didn’t care for Chu Wanning, he was still his to sunder and to ruin. 
And like… Right now, Mo Ran seems to me like an annoying jealous kid that wants CWN for himself out of pure spite. Because CWN never gave MR attention he thought he was owed or that he deserved. I want to punch him just a bit.
4. Shi Mei is totally Chu Wanning’s wingman
Like he always tries to show Mo Ran that CWN isnt all that bad XD And I won’t believe he didn’t realize after all those completely awkward confessions and random hand holdings that Mo Ran has feelings for him. Like I won’t believe he wouldn’t see right through him especially on that boat. And I think he is smarter than MR and saw that CWN isn’t indifferent to Mo Ran after all. I want to say he would be happy if they’d get together but BASED ON COMMUNITY’S REACTIONS i feel like i will look like a clown lol. But oh well thats my very biased impression of Shi Mei. 
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Never back down never what? NEVER GIVE UP!
Also it dawned on me while reading that you’re totally right @02cm, Mo Ran totally is wasting his chances with Shi Mei. I mean it happened before but that boat scene striked me as so annoyingly obvious. Like, he knows Shi Mei dies after he gets back from that “summer camp” in peach blossom springs. Its not gonna be long till that day and he can’t be sure it won’t happen again. And he is waiting around, unable to express his feelings that he was supposed to be so sure of. Is it… perhaps… a live showcase of Mo Ran’s only two brain cells almost connecting? Almost! Not quite there yet, but we’re on the right path. 
5. This book makes me feel disdain towards the characters and then feel bad for them in the matter of chapters njnjgviuvnjuigi im not well
I'm so heartbroken with the story of how Mo Ran was punished when he tried to steal the haitang flower for Chu Wanning because he had a crush on him. And CWN never let him speak and explain himself and punished him instead. I mean it’s kinda understandable but it makes me sad knowing that MR had such pure intentions... Also, that bedtime story about ox… Mo Ran sees himself in that boy? Because it seems like he always took the beatings no matter if he deserved it and nobody was kind enough to actually listen? And it seems like it will happen again now that he's being framed for murder.
6. Me when MR gave Xia Sini butterfly hair clip and made his hair:
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THIS HAS NO REASON TO BE SO CUTE. Also i'm actually enjoying that smol Chu Wanning arc despite being weirded out at first. It gave CWN opportunity to be more relaxed around MR and the rest. And just like he can enjoy sweets as much as he wants without having to worry about losing his face, he can also just chill a bit because oh boy, my guy needed it so much
7. Someone really dislikes Mo Ran and is actively plotting his demise (which im not even surprised with). It’s either someone he already managed to wrong after reincarnating or someone of those many, many people he offended in his past life that somehow also got reincarnated into the past. What are the odds?!
Also, if Chu Wanning and Chu Xun are related (rather closely given how they look alike) and Chu Xun died and Chu Lan died and it seemed like there wasn’t anyone left out of their bloodline… how. Also what’s the self sacrifice gene because it clearly runs in this family. 
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
My thing with Yu Wu/Remnants of Filth:
The novel feels too much like it attempts political intrigue mixed in with cultivation action, and it fails at the former while making the latter weaker as a result. Also, the action is undercut too much by Mo Xi’s quite frankly boring domestic issues, and his internal struggles get old real quick when it doesn’t feel like growth happens for a while. In 2ha, I only accepted this seemingly stagnant growth in Mo Ran because of the back-to-back missions that kept piling and all the never-ending action. Also, 2ha is twice as long, and my reading benefitted from me being able to skip to Mo Ran acting like he had sense, which was halfway through the story; 1,500 more pages of story was left to sit wit Mo Ran 2.0.
In Yu Wu, it’s split up by hundreds of pages of “let’s give Gu Mang chores!” “Let’s convince people I don’t want to protect Gu Mang by always trying to publicly protect him!” “Let’s cry about how amnesiac Gu Mang is so different from old Gu Mang!” “Oh look, more chores!” Mo Xi doesn’t feel like he starts acting with sense until the last 600 pages, of which we get another, what, 100 pages of domestic fluff? And then we pingpong back and forth between real shit and domestic fluff with amnesiac Gu Mang pt. 2 before the climax begins. There’s not enough time for me to sit with a Mo Xi putting clues together (for which he doesn’t, he’s just told things) and he and Gu Mang working as a team, or at least one of them competently trying to discover shit (which tbh would only be Gu Mang, but unfortunately the narration is mostly stuck to Mo Xi…).
I also can’t fully enjoy Mo Xi struggling with his morals, love for Gu Mang, and hatred of Gu Mang’s “treachery” when the only sure actions he takes makes him look like an idiot waiting to be slaughtered by the rest of the imperial court. I mean, grievously injuring yourself as if that’s something Gu Mang would want or that it would help his cause in any way, then waltzing into a torture session sanctioned by the emperor that was occurring while you were injuring yourself for no goddamn reason to rescue the most hated man in your country? I almost died of secondhand embarrassment, like??? Why would Meatbun make him do something so idiotic???? When Chu Wanning rescues Mo Ran from his execution in 2ha at the hands of the descendants of the gods who nobody in the cultivation world dared to go against, he took Mo Ran to hide, and they were both shunned by the greater cultivation world (but not by the people who knew them and their goodness). In Yu Wu, Meatbun was right to say that Mo Xi’s 3-day “house arrest” was a mind-boggling and anticlimactic conclusion to PUBLICLY GOING AGAINST THE EMPEROR, HOLY SHIT. Like, Meatbun obviously wanted to include political intrigue, but girl you cannot write political intrigue!!!
And on that note: I feel like we are given vital pieces of information entirely too late. Gu Mang having a mother figure he looked up to could have probably been mentioned at least once earlier than it was. In 2ha, we learn about Mo Ran’s background early on, but it’s how the story begins to change with more detail and color that we readers find out that, though we’ve known this story from the beginning, we didn’t actually know shit about Mo Ran’s story. In Yu Wu, we’re told Gu Mang is an orphan with only another similarly-aged slave as a friend; Aunt Li comes in way too late to really reap the satisfaction of foreshadowing. More hints about Princess Mengze’s true nature could have either 1) been dropped earlier or 2) been dropped better (having a servant say that a woman giving up on her feelings feels “too fake” sounds more like misogyny than a hint…). The treachery of the emperor, ugh… now for me, the “hints” that he was gonna be a bad guy looked exactly like the hints that Murong Lian was gonna be redeemed, and I didn’t like that one bit. Murong Lian does get redeemed, and the emperor dies a villain. The emperor being cruel and callous in public but a simpering mess in private felt like it should have been reversed, because him treating his court like entertainment did not give me the “I fear for their approval” vibe that was apparently the emperor’s whole hangup. And going back to Murong Lian: that wasn’t a redemption arc. “Mommy didn’t like me” is not a redemption arc to redeem a character WHO GLEEFULLY TORTURES SLAVES AND IS GLEEFULLY AN ENSLAVER, and Meatbun should know better because no character in 2ha that did anything comparable to Murong Lian got redeemed or forgiven by in-novel characters. So wtf happened here?
Also, the thing that was never fully redeemed for Murong Lian and also my biggest gripe of the book: Gu Mang. I absolutely love his character. Love how his hidden memories are hiding like actual layers of secrets upon secrets. Love finding out what he was truly thinking and going through, but I hate how OTHER PEOPLE have to put the pieces together for Mo Xi because he’s too much of an idiot blinded by his own emotions to think about anyone’s motivations and be proactive in discovering the truth. But the worst thing is how Gu Mang gets put into so many situations of torture by every character, including Mo Xi, for seemingly no reason other than us readers getting to watch him be tortured as an amnesiac who acts like a child. Most of the time I felt like that Simpsons meme where the kids are begging for someone to stop being beat cause “he’s already dead!” Anytime a new character showed up that Mo Xi didn’t already trust, I would think “oh great, another Gu-Mang-gets-tortured! arc…” That’s not enjoyable, for me. Especially given at the end, Gu Mang is actually revealed to be one of the smartest, most tenacious characters in the whole book. Mo Xi’s character feels weak next to that, and it makes the whole book feel weak as a result.
This would have likely been a better read if the narration followed Gu Mang instead of Mo Xi.
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pulpwriterx · 2 years
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Ben Solo had a rough night.
He had made a lot of money, because people at the Mos Eisley Cantina who didn't know him bet on the Wookiee he fought.
In the light of day, sober and hung over, Ben was glad to have the money, but he had no idea what the fight had been about.
Speaking of the light of day?
Why the fark was he awake
BB-9E was zooming around his bedroom, bleeping and tootling so excitedly that Ben hardly knew what he was saying.
Something about somebody burying or dumping something in his sandy front yard.
Swearing, Ben got out of bed, and got his blaster rifle off the wall.
He opened the window, squinted at the figure squatting on the ground and fired a warning shot.
Rey's solemn reverie and meditation on the death of the entire Skywalker family was interrupted by a blaster bolt smashing into the sand just in front of here.
"Kriff!" she exclaimed, and jumped up.
"I thought you said nobody had lived here for a long time!" Rey said to the elderlywoman.
"I wasn't done talking yet. I was about to say that the old Skywalker place is occupied again. And the man who lives there isn't fond of trespassers."
Another shot.
"Hey! You! Leave Mrs. Baker alone and get off my land! Dig that shit up and get the fark out of here! I'm setting the rifle to stun and I won't miss the next time!"
Rey knew that voice.
She smiled, in spite of herself.
"He's got a horrible temper. And he's moody, and self-absorbed. I hate myself for loving him. But? He's also the finest man in the whole damn Galaxy."
Mrs. Baker shrugged.
"He's a Skywalker, dear. They're all like that."
Rey turned toward the abandoned-looking farm house.
"How the hell are you still alive? What's it going to take to kill you?" She shouted
"A hell of a lot more than you and anybody in your farkled-up family can do, sweetheart!"
"I'm coming in!"
The rifle went back inside the window, and it shut.
As she and BB-8 got closer to the Skywalker farm, the door opened and Ben leaned in the doorway.
He had grown a beard, his hair was longer, and he was barefoot and dressed only in a bathrobe.
But he was smiling at her, again.
"I hate you, you miserable bastard!" Rey told him, as she walked under his arm, and through the door.
"I know. I have an interesting new scar where you ran me through with my own lightsaber. While you're on your knees, about to suck my dick? I'd like you to kiss my scar, first."
"Fark you, flyboy. You can eat my whole entire ass."
"Really? I'd love to. You were just never into butt stuff, before
Ben shut the door.
He took off his robe and hung it up.
"Can you please put that robe back on? And stop saying filthy things to me in your black y-fronts!"
BB-8 and BB-9E we're having a happy reunion.
They both zoomed off to the kitchen.
Ben smirked at Rey.
"You're so cute when you're all angry and sweaty. What if I just get down on my knees and lick your pussy, right here in the foyer, and you can call me names and pull my hair and come on me. I love it when you do that."
"Ben, I..."
"See my new scar you gave me? I had it tattooed."
The tattoo was of a bleeding heart with an arrow through the scar.
The heart said "Rey" and "Always."
Ben was having a special event in his y-fronts.
Rey didn't have a lot of experience with men, other than this horny, impossible fool.
Most of her sexual experience was with a dildo she had bought on Jakku from a Rodian peddler.
Neither the one other man she'd been with or her toy ever made her feel like Ben did.
"Why are you so horny?" She insisted.
"You know me. I'm always angry and horny. I really do want you to kiss my scar. I don't know why."
Rey shoved him away.
"What about what I want?"
"Anything you want, sweetheart. Anything."
"I want a bath. And some food. And I need to sleep."
"Okay. I will make you food. And you can use the refresher. And my bed is yours? But first. You have to kiss my scar, and suck my dick, and let me lick every drop of sweat off your hot little body. Especially your dirty little pussy!"
“Ben. Why are you like this? I want a bath. And some food. And I need to sleep. And once I have had a bath and some food and we are in bed together? We’ll see.”
Now he was mad.
“We’ll see? We’ll see? We’re a Dyad in the Force, we’re in love, and I’m your first, last and only boyfriend,  back from the dead, and all I get is we’ll see?”
Rey got angry, too.
“Yeah! We’ll see, you selfish son of a bitch! I have been deeply in mourning for you for four months! Four months! Wandering around the Galaxy with BB-8, taking transport ships, and odd jobs as a scavenger and just drifting! Trying to get used to being alone, again, after everyone I came to love over the past year farkling died! And you’ve been here, all along? This place is really nice, inside! Look at that bantha leather furniture! It’s the middle of the day and you were asleep! Didn’t you ever even think about me? Once?”
Ben pointed his finger in her face.
“I farkling thought about you all the time! I figured you would be a Senator by now? It’s not exactly safe for me to wander around the Core Worlds, is it? I was trying to think of a way to contact you without calling attention to myself so the Republic Senate or whoever the fuck wouldn’t throw my ass in jail for the next hundred years!” he shouted.
Rey suddenly smelled food from the kitchen.
Eggs, and bacon.
“OK, Round One is over. Breakfast time.”
Rey knew that voice.
The color drained from her skin.
“Yeah. That’s right! I didn’t kill the Old Man! I ran him through the fleshy part of his side, guided him into the carbonite freezing chamber and kept him here, safe, until the war was over.”
Rey stalked into the kitchen.
“And you unfroze him, first thing? Han? Did Ben unfreeze you, first thing?”
“Almost. He went to the bar at Tosche Station and got smashed, and then he came back here and unfroze me. He was crying, drunk and confused. The kid has no farkling idea why he isn’t dead. Tell her, Junior.”
Ben sat at the table.
“I remember you crying. And then it was cold and dark, but as I fell asleep. I felt warm and happy. The next thing I knew? I woke up here, in my bed. I felt like a speeder bus hit me, but? All my wounds were healed and I had fresh scars. I went to Tosche Station, to the tavern, and I ate something, and got drunk, and I unfroze the Old Man. I had all this weird extra Force energy that wasn’t mine that I couldn’t absorb, so I used it to heal his minor wounds. I didn’t know what to do, Rey. I never made plans for the future. I didn’t think I would have one.”
Han brought the food to the table.
Rey stabbed at her eggs, and jammed bacon into her fist, taking bites from each.
Ben bent low over the table, crouching over his plate, and although he ate with utensils, he shovelled his food into his mouth.
"Cute couple. OK, kids. Some of us gotta get to work, today. Ben, I hafta go talk to that asshole Fett, make sure our agreements are still good, and give him his cut of your last bounty. I'm taking all your weapons and Rey's with me in the speeder. And Rey? The couch and chairs were Boba Fett's. The kid is his new favorite person. He bought some new shit, so he gave us the old shit."
"Niner! Help me do the dishes." Ben shouted for his droid.
He got up.
"After this? We'll hit the 'fresher and then get some sleep. Eventually."
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"My obsessive lover"
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Chapter 1
Its just a dream, but it feel so real.
All this day's I waited for him but I think I have mo move forward.
Akirashi Millier........Akirashi Millier......! PRESENT! i said when i heard my name called by our teacher.
I admit I'm always daydreaming at school I can't blame my self I'm pretty much a problematic person jk! I just like daydreaming actually, that feeling that you can make your own world and can control every thing there, not in the reaworld. The real world is Cruel, Unfair and full of greedy ness inside.
My only hope in this world is my Best friend and the world that i made. World i can control and do things that i never imagine i could do. And one of the things that help me escape from my miserable life.
December 20, 2018 Thursday
Christmas is near I should really think of a great gift for my best friend M.A.(short for Mark Arnold hehe.)
Hhhhmmm...What should i give to him this Christmas???? He has so much great gifts to me ever since and i only give him thankyou. gosh what a good friend i am:))
Well he's parents are pretty rich so it's nothing to him, but for me it's so precious. He's been my friend since grade school until now. He's handsome too and also kind and very smart no wonder all of our classmates admired him. Ughhhhhh!!!!!! I irritably said.I can't think of anything special.
I guess I just gave him a thankyou this year again then I don't have money namn din eh haysss:(( but i think he'll understand it. I never said to him to give gift to me after all he just want to give it.
Rich kid be like.
December 21, 2018 Friday
Umaga na namn T-T , I said with a sigh....
New Day, new hell for me.
I just wanted to sleep forever without waking up again.
Early in the morning i heard mom and dad shouting like cat and dog Every morning nalng hayssss.......
Pa! Ma! ano bang pinag aawayan nyo dyan it's still early in the morning your acting like a two kids fighting over a toy! I shouted that stop them from fighting.
Just don't listen to us and cook some food!! hurry up!! she said that make me more upset to them. They just fucking ignore me like I'm just nobody ughhhhh!!!!! i said with an irritated sound.
I usually the one who cook food for us cause my mom can't do it cause she's tired na daw? Such a lier she's just here in the house doing nothing! How the hell you'll be tired?
While my dad is the one supporting us for our daily expenses, My dad work at a restaurant he's the assistant chief there, I learn my cooking skills from him.
My dad is a good father actually if he's not drunk. He's probably at the bar drinking in weekends and come home late and instantly throw some utensils and plates. He's pretty crazy when he's drunk but I still love him though
I went to school late because of so much work in our house I'm the one who's preparing everything kase. That's why. Luckily all guards in my school are kind and know me so their making an exception for me. Lucky right?
Mark! I shouted but i guess he doesn't hear me... MARK ARNOLD MENDEZ! I shouted again and finally he look to me.
He ran towards me then I slap his arms,
Are you deaf? I said with a sarcastic look to him then he just laugh at me.
No of course not, I'm just talking to someone on the phone Aki. He said with a calm voice then smile at me.
After that conversation we decided to go to he's house for our project in our English subject. But before that we first go to the mall and get some supplies, dahil rich kid sya mall talaga ang na isip nyang bilhan:) SANAOLL T-T.
Our project is by two and dahil were best friend we chose each other.
Are you ok Aki? you look worried? Is something bothering you? Are you worried about our project??? He asked. I'm not worried about the project I'm worried about home mapapagalitan na naman ako pag uwi neto.... I sigh.
Don't worry sasamahan kita mamaya pag uwi para dika pagalitan ni mom mo he said., I just smile when he said that, but still mapapagalitan parin ako neto, i tell to my self.
After namin ma tapos in our project i head home na and he insists to drive me home, with thier driver of course i just agree and hope that mom is not mad at me.
When I enter the house its so quite,
Mom??? Dad??? are you guys home? I said
Maybe you're mom is asleep?? M.A said
So I check their room and I see dad full of blood all over him and mom is nowhere to be found.
I was shocked and I can't bearly move I went blank after seeing this horrible situation.
Then M.A. come to me....
Akira, What's goi.............. he pulled me and hug me Then I start crying I can't believe this is happening mm..my.. dad is swimming with his own blood....
Aki! Aki! He said but I'm still in shock. I'm trembling and shaking like crazy!
Hello 911? Help us there's been a murder incident here! M.A. said with a shaking voice I know that His been shock too.
The Pulis arrived and questioned both of us, I'm still shaking and crying, then M.A. hug me and said....
It's ok Aki..... Every thing will be fine..........
Then suddenly my mom arrived.
She's confuse what is happening and then the Pulis officer explain it to her. Then suddenly she comes towards me and slap me in the face. Ahh! i said... What was that for? M.A. said.
This is all your fault! She shouted, it's all your fault!!!!!! You fucking bitch you killed him you're the one should be dead!!! she shouted again right to my face.
Why? i didn't killed dad what are you talking about mom? I said while crying....... I feel like my heart's going to explode after hearing all those things mom said to me. Why it has to be me? Why it is always my fault??? I....I didn't do anything wrong why it's always me you blame. You all blame??? I feel so empty and the one I can only run to is my best friend. My one truly friend.......
December 22, 2018 Saturday
I'm at Mark's house he's parents let me stay after knowing about what happened to my dad
I heard a knock at my door and then.......
Aki.... open the door please..... He said it with a pleasing voice.
I open the door and he hug me then i started crying again.
Mark......... Sss.she said it's m..mmmmyyy fault mark its all my fault but I didn't do anything! I said while crying and he's still hugging me. How could she accuse me like that like I'm not her daughter!?
Shhhhhssss... Don't cry i think she's just shock thats why she said that to you. It's not your fault Aki... he said
I hope that he's right i really hope.....
December 23, 2018
One of the Pulis officer come to Mark's house where i temporarily stay. And they want to talk to me so i agreed.
Miss Akirashi Millier can you tell to me the whole story about what happened??? The officer said.
I was at Mark's house cause we are making our project in English but before that we go to the mall to buy things we need. Then pumunta na kmi dito sa bahay ni mark, then after doing our project I quickly go home and mark insists na ihatid nako sa bahay and para mag explain din kong bakit gabi nako naka uwi, then i open the door of our house and I called mom if they were already home but no one answers me then mark said that maybe they just asleep so i go to their room and i found dad with blood all over him i don't know what I'm going to do and i just went blank when i see his dead body laying on the ground.. Then i cry when saying those words it's like bumalik lahat yun sa isipan ko and its so traumatizing and scary.,.......
Then after that the officer thank me then say his goodbye to us then I go back to my room.
December 24 2018 Sunday
I wake up 9 in the morning I can't sleep last night its hunting me.
I go out to my room and M.A's house is full of Christmas decorations and there's so much presents under the Christmas tree it's so mesmerizing and huge.
Good morning sleepy head, M.A. said
Good morning too...... I said with a low voice
Did you sleep well last night??he asked
No, i answered I can't even sleep well even in my dreams i can see it. I see my self killing dad Mark! I said with a shaking voice (I'm about to cry....)
Then Mark slowly walk towards me and hug me gently, we're only 12 years old but it seems that he really understand what's happening to me and understanding the situation I have right now. I'm so grateful to have him. Or so I thought?
10........9......8...7.....6......5...4..3..2....1 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
Merry Christmas Aki!!, M.A. said with a cheering voice and a big smile to his face that makes me smile. We both go outside and look at the beautiful fireworks display.
At that moment i forgot about anything and just feel happy while watching all those fireworks. Its beautiful.....
After watching the fireworks display, I suddenly remember mom. Is she doing alright right now? Safe ba sya? Whats going on in our house kaya? Is she watching fireworks too??
Go to sleep na Markie & Aki
Tita Meicy said, Yes mom. Mark response
Aki! Can we sleep together?? M.A. asked
Sure! But why? I want to protect you. For now on I'll be your knight and shining Armor You're protector! he said, That makes my heart fluttered.
And I'll be always there for you if you need me, You're my Queen and I'm your knight. Then after saying those words he bow to me like a knight giving respect to his Queen.
Promise?? I asked, Promise crossed my heart. he said, then put his right hand to his chest.
I smile then hug him.
Thankyou Knight Mark. I said
It's my pleasure you're highness he said, that makes me feel the most luckiest girl in the whole world.
We sleep together and for us it's nothing cause we are still 12 year old and I really need someone by my side and his the one I have right now that understand me better than anyone else.
December 26 2018 Monday
Tita Meicy c.can I go home??? I asked her
Sure thing honey. but first you should say bye to markie ok he'll miss you. she said.
Of course po thankyou po tita.!
Uhh..hmmm.. Mark. I said with a low voice
Yes Aki? I just want to say goodbye cause I'm going back home na I miss mom na kase thankyou pala sa lahat M.A. you're my best best friend talaga!.
Welcome always you're highness
Mag ingat ka pauwi ha, he said
Opo naman thankyou ulit M.A. see you nalng ulit! I said then wave to him
He wave back to me and I see the smile on his face. Such a great friend I have there.
Mom I'm home!?
Oh.....Aki you're home come here now. She said with a tone on her voice,
I was confused but do I have a choice?
I slowly come to her then........
Why did you come back you little bitch??? Then Hitting me with a huge plywood
Stop it mom! I shouted but she didn't stop.
It's all your fault now you're going to suffer! You should be dead you bitch! And hitting me again² then she stop I was thankful but she suddenly grab a knife in the Kitchen and when I saw her I quickly run outside the house I was so scared and I'm running as fast as I could I'm afraid to look back that she might be behind me. I ran and ran until I was in the Police Station then I called for help.
Help me! Help me! my mom is trying to killed me!!! I shouted to the office who is busy and facing the other side, then he face me and I was shock when I see the face of the man it's..... Its my dad's face! Pa?! Then he quickly grab me and trying to choke me then he get a knife and he..hhhee... He stab me! Ahhhhhh!!!! i shouted and I look at dad's face and I see my face i see my self...
Created by:BrightAndLovelyAkira❤️
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pochaunnuswalker · 1 year
And ain't no coat of amir dumb somebitchesvtry me and another non guilty is about to die. Muthafucka and I don't need nobody's help yaw so goddamn stupid do yaw even know the meaning of Hanna the barbarians classics she ran and he-man yaw so goddamn stupid so imma shoot that bitch too take it how you want even the. Legals you so goddamn broke d umb desperAAtw and retarded. Cause first off you a nobody and ain't levee been shit to society itsselfgodddaknit new lawsuit no matter the law'uits and name ofem they are trtlying to reinstate slavery becaususe they are nobodies thinking a good person like me gone take care of em no and never will rape stalking etc still stick too fucking dead dumb broke the cause ofslavery etc is why theres slavery in the future it's PL a ce and Kno we your slave history I'm a good slVe master and ain't got to do shit and I'm not fucking dummies try me 999999999:times there by a mo u my of 900 trillonbtrillon bc dollars and counting bitch try me
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everydayesterday · 2 years
A few days ago, I subscribed to the New York Times because of a ridiculous deal ($4/mo. or something like that), and because I subscribe to their free daily newsletter and usually enjoy that.  I’m already regretting subscribing.  Today they ran a feature on “free speech” after an event at Stanford University featuring an incredibly conservative judge where he was shouted down by student protestors (and rightly; you can guess how he feels about same-sex marriage, abortion, and the trans community).  The Times had a “selection of commentary” on the issue in today’s newsletter, which featured... 4 conservatives, one centrist, and one liberal (all were men, in case you were curious).
Surprise, surprise: only one of those voices got it correct (you can guess which side of the political spectrum he is on).  Elie Mystal said, correctly, that “Everybody has the right to speak; nobody has the right to be heard over the din of the crowd.”  The judge was allowed to speak, so why not the protesters?  
The others, and Stanford administration, felt that the students should’ve shut up and taken it, and sided with the judge, who proceeded to insult the protesters.  
Not to mention that the concept of free speech really refers to whether the government can silence someone’s views (the school’s law dean actually referred to the First Amendment in later commentary; an associate dean who called for diversity in commentary is since on leave), and not simple arguments in public.  I didn’t see anything about the judge being thrown in jail for making his speech, nor would I expect to; rather the opposite.  This was a private event, so Stanford can do as they please, but to bring in the U.S. Constitution as some sort of justification... fuck off.  That’s not how it works.  It’s not about decorum.  
The Times’ opinion section is an echo chamber for conservatives and libertarians under the guise of being apolitical.  I knew it had that reputation, but this still pisses me off.  So, I’m cancelling my subscription.  I’ll take their free newsletter for the actual news, but I’ll keep my money.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Death of Vance Rodriguez - Wikipedia
Is sporting a heroes job no he's sporting a Scott McCracken look. So it says that he hired Biden to get the mix going and really it's the max who did it but he's got an ego problem and an ID problem and a whole other slew of problems that make some dangerous to me. His nickname was mostly harmless it was also denim and is in blue jeans I was running around doing menial jobs and menial tasks most of the time and I call him Reverend blue jeans because people say as jeans are different and then he's somehow related to me and they check out and they say no he's not he's also a preacher who travels from town to town and tries to kidnap people and girls and kids like some of the reverends who are Satanist did and they're traveling reverence and I grew up with a whole bunch of them who mom and dad were hanging around with and he had youth group and we went to different priests and a lot of them were wearing denim and I'm pretty sure that's what it means and he's the one sending that signal and code it was years ago and they failed but he's still running it now and it fails badly and he does a few things that are different but not many and I can't really say that what I can say is is getting caught at whatever he does because he's sitting here belching it out all over me and he gets nailed. Right here he went out to the park and some people say that he died on purpose and I believe it. And he feels his brain Will survive and he can recuperate his body because he's nuts. And it's saying it now that he can survive it and he did it and I'm a weakling and all the stuff because he's in the insane person not only is he insane, and somehow managed to harm the wife of thrym who's my granddaddy and Thor's granddaddy, but he was exposing the thorium balls as being there and was stating it like once or twice a day and had me say it once or twice a week and he's a boob a charlatan a weakling and an ass and if you took everything over something would happen like it happened he just getting rumped or society would fail just like Tommy F wants. There's no place to go is no secretive place to stash me he has no escape route he's just an ass and some people say that you got information from Tommy F1 scans on those objects that are huge and what my people say is tell me if had scans and we think nobody got to them if you did it would explain his idiotic behavior and his quest to kidnap our son which is really overtaken his whole Force NOW Thor and Freya say that last line
I'm here too listening to all this garbage coming out of this retard's mouth and he doesn't know anything about it well there's no much about it and it could be a farce fake scans all that other stuff that he says and he wouldn't know it he went ahead and ran some tests that's why he was in the tunnels and scanned and checked the objects and I think she can take the ships but I just kidnapping my husband which is a lie so I looked at it further and he means to kidnap our people and me cuz I was there mocking him and he's been trying the whole time since you're talking and talking thinking is hiding it today my husband said something profound you match the mo of someone trying to grab us and it's someone who's lower level it happens all the time and we grab them and it's always that and you're nothing special by far. He got real pissed off and he left and he meant for people to see it and we said who cares you're pissed off you're a baby so tell me if caught wind of it and he went after him start nailing him I was nailing his people and I mean a lot of them wholesale says you keep rabbiting on me and that's why he hit tons of them and he was hitting him and here comes the idiot from the mailbox harassment he doesn't daily I didn't get anything and we noticed something he is a huge a****** my husband unrelenting. I'm going to write him up and suggest that we can fire him again right now
What a moron that guys so we're going to start taking more of his businesses and punishment for his attitude and behavior and he can run around and say stuff. We have several companies we're going to take when is Everlast the other is Ryobi and the other is DeWalt whom our son counted on was counted on to make design changes to make it a success in taking these companies we take his personnel and we get the information and we get their data on their computers as well and we get other personnel and using them as bait and more we also get the factories the material and everything that was built and the supply line and the supply chain and where they mine it from each and every time. There are a few other companies that were taking over right now and most of them have to do with construction and there are big firms like perini like perini Turner Suffolk construction we are also in negotiations with Bechtel Kiewit and several other of the firms that were out there at The Big dig the big ones Parsons is one of them and yeah these companies are doing huge projects some of them are covert and they think that they're going to keep doing that without us doing anything because they're stupid Morrison Knutson and cashman are two more and he wants to say it of course and what we do is we take all the equipment from covert projects and we just leave and they show up and they don't know what happened. At one point we said we're going to leave the parrot there so it can ask what happened we just left the voice message so they went to John rima Lord immediately and said you're coming to me and telling me someone stole my company and it was me. They said tell us what the birds doing there or we're finally charges you're always with the bird and he said I don't know it seems someone recorded it according to your earlier statement I said good we'll be back if you're wrong and they didn't come back please sitting there in fear of people who are losing their shirts because of him because he's causing the problem. And they heard it and it came back I said what is it the problem that you're causing since I keep inciting him and someone's taking the stuff and it won't stop I said why won't you stop he says I can't they're not letting me he says I'm instigating him and I'm the one who should be in control and I'm the one instigating him on purpose and they said why would you do that and he said cuz I have Superior AI and he rolled his eyes this is what is that supposed to do and there's nothing it just means I have Superior AI they said good we're going to take you in and they said into where I said into the police station because you're harboring fugitives you're encouraging the enemy they did bring him in and he got arrested he got booked for it and is told not to speak to anyone and bja came down with CIA agents and question him and said you're encouraging the enemy which one and he started listening off and he said why I said you're fired clear your stuff out and I'm going to fire you from all your military posts too you start doing it and they started to have a war and it's still going on.
This is why it's valuable to speak to our son we got that ball rolling and he's also going to prison tonight and it's going to be in there and then out for like 3 days and for Links at a time and they're going to be forcing him to do labor and he's going to be sick and out of shape and the middle of Florida is miserable there's no air there and people get sick and die all the time. It was tired of hearing him it's a forced labor camp and his will go out there and they're going to kill them and get information and this is one of the big things that happens in our lives to free us from this moron. We're also taking over Makita and hole and it's because the product is decent and he keeps ruining it and raising the price I'm going to change it back to the better quality it was and we're going to change the price back to where it was. Also going to improve it a little of course and will improve the price point a little and I'll start selling a lot of it everyone needs it also taking over Fiat and that was begun because the movie and he thought he was going to win and make a ton of cars and he didn't make anything nobody wants to buy them they're too expensive for teeny little car supposed to save gas on and runs just as much gas it's for fools. So we're going to change Fiat and it's going to go to our format without all the fuses. And EMP proof. We're also moving on Porsche and Ferrari and John remillard took them over and we are going to take them over shortly and BMW and Mercedes and we've been doing it slowly but we're speeding it up this guy is too much of an ass till it have anything we're taking over a huge restaurant chains he owns Burger King and he lost it and he's trying to ruin them they're giving them ideas and it's saving them. And we also are taking over some of his Chinese stuff cuz he was making those cheap bikes and nobody buys them anymore so a question of and we're pulling their websites off cuz people call up and order them and they don't get them and they blame us and they're not doing it correctly and purpose but we're doing we're pulling them off let me just say the website's not there so we don't know what you're talking about you get the wrong number and we are also taking over Lincoln automobile and we're keeping the name and we're taking over Oldsmobile they are keeping the name there and there's a couple other oddballs like Chrysler which we started taking over and we sort of fizzled out on but now we're taking it over fully huge companies are falling of his and we're taking them over. There's one giant company that nobody mentions it's now falling to us and everybody thinks it's a joke except our son it's exceller metal and it's the Indian company and it's a huge steel company number two in the world to us steel and he won't be able to process anything to make ships or spaceships or anything because the way we do it and he thinks he will but she won't and he dies and they die fighting over the minds when nobody's there and they're not even going to use the mind cuz they won't be able to hold it. We're taking his shops from Arizona today he's petered out and he's not going to fight over anymore and their hours I'm going to take other shops that are his that we're doing the Hot rod shows and other chopper shops and his chopper factories and it's producing some and that's going to be our custom shop. We're also taking over pharmaceutical companies and biogen Astro it's not Amgen and more their hours now and more much more and putting up obelisk in his areas right now when it's dark out and tonight when it's dark out where they're not back now
Thor Freya
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