#why is owens so insanely nice and loyal to them
jancys-blue-bayou · 2 years
I’m working on a three chapter fic set between s3 and s4 (which will divert a bit from canon) for a fic request and I hope/think it’ll turn out good but please don’t request anymore fics set between s3 and s4 or concerning the Byers move in some way because still nothing about how the Byers move and how they wrote it and depicted it makes sense at all so all my writing attempts about it end up making my head hurt trying to finagle any logic into the situation and/or having to just go la la la lets just ignore all the issues since canon did.
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blicketdabest33 · 6 months
Y'all remember that MCYT PJO au I asked for help with awhile ago? WELL HERE'S THE CABINS AND MY EXPLINATIONS BEHIND THEM!!
#1 Zeus Cabin: Jimmy, Joel Jimmy: He's a Zeus kid, but everyone somehow forgets about it. Joel: He's competitive and strong. Also, because Jimmy is his half brother through godly parent, i get to make a fun bit about him dating Lizzie. And one of his origins in Afterlife SMP was a thunderborn
#2 Hera Cabin: Scott Scott: Scott's whole thing is loyalty. Hera is the goddess of marriage and is insanely loyal to Zeus. However, I feel like Hera should get at least one affair. So now Scott can use peacocks as weapons.
#3 Poseidon Cabin: Skizz Skizz: Poseidon kids tend to be really, really loyal to a fault and heroic, both qualities I think Skizz possesses.
#4 Demeter Cabin: Sausage, Shelby, Bdubs, Stress Sausage: This man built Sanctuary in a jungle and has flowers in his hair. He sells wood. There is no other place to put him. Shelby: Mushroom gnome, spooky mangrove witch, powerful storm witch, i need not continue. Bdubs: Moss man. Stress: SHE HAS FLOWERS
#5 Ares Cabin: Martyn, False Martyn: His planet is Mars, which is the roman version of Ares. He ended Limited Life in such a violent way, i can't help it. He was also red for the majority of Secret Life. False: I just feel like False should get to kill people more often.
#6 Athena Cabin: Grian, Pix, Owen, Xisuma Grian: This sums it up pretty well
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Pix: Smart man. Archeologist and definitely a nerd. I wanna see him skipping out on training just so he can read history books. Owen: He likes to explore and discover new things in Pirates. In Rats, he's a tinkerer. In New Life, he's an explorer who wants to study hybrids. In Empires, he's a Llama who's curious about how humans work. Just a very curious character overall. Xisuma: Admin. I'm not elaborating.
#7 Apollo Cabin: Gem, Oli, Lyarrah Gem: She is an Apollo kid because of her Empire in S2. She's the sunlight princess. Apollo kid. Oli: MUSIC. MAN. Lyarrah: She writes the captions for the hermitcraft recap.
#8 Artemis Cabin: Pearl Pearl: Y'know, Artemis could've just like... had a kid, even though she took that oath. It wouldn't even have to be with a guy. Gods can change to whatever gender they want. Anyway, Pearl gets to be an Artemis kid because her symbolism is moon, she loves dogs, and will commit murder and hunt at night.
#9 Hephaestus Cabin: Doc, Mumbo, Tango, Impulse, Cub, Zedaph, Fwhip, Iskall Doc: Redstone Mumbo: Redstone Tango: Redstone Impulse: Redstone Cub: Redstone Zedaph: Redstone Fwhip: Redstone AND has a red scarf (don't ask me how that's relevant) Iskall: Redstone
#10 Aphrodite Cabin: Keralis Keralis: Okay, I don't know why, but Keralis gives me the vibes of a very charming person. His voice is nice to listen to, so imagine how useful it'd be if I gave him charm speak.
#11 Hermes Cabin: Scar, Etho, Joe Scar: Trader Scar, scammer extraordinar. Etho: All i must say is Shady-E's. I get "jack-of-all-trades, master of none, often better than master of one" vibes from him. He's funny, he's mischievous, it just works. Joe: Comedy man. Excellent delivery. And, yet again, i look at this man and go "That right there is a multi-talented man with a habit for mischief."
#12 Dionysus Cabin: Joey, Beef Joey: *points at his season one empires theme* i need not say more Beef: Idk, food. I don't really have a reason. I don't know too much about Beef.
#13 Hades Cabin: Zloy Zloy: Zombie man. He writes the Hermitcraft recaps in the dark at 2am with nothing but pure spite.
#14 Iris Cabin: Katherine Katherine: SHE. HAS. COLORS. and also I couldn't put her in Demeter cabin because Shelby is already there and i am NOT excluding Nature Wives from this au
#15 Hypnos Cabin: Bigb, XB, Wels Bigb: Sleepy stuff, right? WRONG. Gaslight. Go in everyones dreams, make fake prophecies, peace out, and cause chaos. XB: I look at his fanon design, I see an alien, and I go "aha he sleeps" Wels: This guy (@dingdinghq) said so and i completely agree. Something about sleeping in S6.
#16 Nemesis Cabin: Edit: wels not here no more
#17 Nike Cabin: Ren Ren: VICTORY. I don't know much about Ren's story in the Life Series, but I look at this man and see someone who has won a lot.
#18 Hebe Cabin: 
#19 Tyche Cabin: TFC TFC: Man goes mining and gets really lucky. That's it.
#20 Hecate Cabin: Lizzie, Cleo, Jevin Lizzie: Witchy vibes. Also, Arson. Cleo: Arson. She uses her magic for Arson. Jevin: He's a magic slime. Also, Arson. All Hecate kids love Arson.
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natalynsie · 1 year
Boyfriend (Noco Oneshot)
Read full on ao3: Boyfriend - natalynsie - Total Drama (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
“How could you think she's not hot?” Cody asked.
Cody, Noah, Izzy, Eva, and Owen were walking back from their English class and headed to homeroom. Noah was getting quite sick of Cody's blabbering, but put up with it.
“I mean, Cody's right, she is pretty hot,” Izzy stated, putting a hand on Noah's shoulder.
“What about me?” Owen asked.
“You're not hot, you're cute!”
“And me?” Eva asked.
“Oh, you're hot as fuck.”
Eva smirked and Owen rolled his eyes.
“Back to the topic,” Owen began. “I don't think Gwen is hot.”
“You're too gay to be a part of this conversation,” Noah joked. “But I agree.”
“I shouldn't have to keep repeating myself! I'm not gay!”
“Noah, you're gay too,” Izzy said. “Don't think I don't see you staring at Cody's ass.”
Noah had to take a moment to process that. Noah had never stared at Cody's ass. Except for that one time but that was once. “What?”
“I'm kidding,” Izzy reassured. “Sort of. You aren't in the ass-staring phase. Yet.”
“Izzy, I'm not into Cody.” Noah usually enjoyed Izzy's observations, he found them quite entertaining, but he found this one strange. Noah didn't like Cody. He thought he was cute, but not much more than that.
“I think Gwen is not hot, Cody is insane, and he's been quiet ever since Izzy started calling Noah gay,” Eva stated.
“Something bothering you, Cody?” Izzy asked, turning back to Cody.
“Oh no, nothing, I don't care. I just didn't know what to say,” Cody informed.
“Okay, we keep on getting off topic,” Izzy noted. “Cody, what are your sexual fantasies about Gwen?”
Cody's face erupted into flames. “WHAT?”
“Good lord, let's keep this PG,” Noah sighed.
“Okay… Cody, what are your non-sexual fantasies about Gwen?”
“I'm not sharing that information with you,” Cody said. “All you guys get to know is that I'm crazy about her.”
“Yeah. We already know. Let's move on,” Noah complained. “Personally, I think Gwen is a bitch and you should stop obsessing over her.”
“What makes Gwen a bitch?” Cody asked. “She's super nice.”
“Yeah, what gives Noah?" Izzy questioned.
Noah took a breath in. “Well for starters, the way she broke up with Trent was terrible. Then she went and kissed Duncan. You don't just do that.”
“Courtney and Duncan weren't even dating!” Cody exclaimed. “Everyone keeps treating her terribly for that as if it were her fault Courtney was crazy!”
“Yeah, but Courtney's her friend. You don't kiss your friend's ex.”
“That's true,” Eva responded.
“Well yeah, but everyone's entitled to a few mistakes,” Cody said.
“She made more than a few.” Noah folded his arms.
“You're just mad he's not into you,” Izzy accused.
“I'm not into him!”
The group walked into Ms. Andrew-O’Halloran's homeroom and sat down at their table just as the bell rang.
“Well, unlike Noah, I think Sierra's in her ass-staring phase,” Izzy stated, glancing over to Sierra’s table
“Please don't tell me these things,” Cody replied.
“Okay. Question. Are you in your ass-staring phase with Gwen?”
“No. I don't stare at girls' asses.”
“Respectful. Reasonable.” Eva nodded.
“Yeah, real respectful of me not to be as low as Sierra,” Cody said sarcastically.
After that, the group decided to talk and rather do their English homework. Noah was writing an essay about themes in the last play they’d read, Macbeth, he was getting distracted by his thoughts.
Why does Cody like Gwen so much? Noah wondered. I just don’t get it.
Noah truly believed Cody could do better. He was cute, but Noah believed not everybody saw Cody the way he did. Noah tended to only pay attention to appearances once he’d met a person. If he didn’t know someone, he wasn’t able to really tell his opinion on their appearance. Along with that, personality always seemed to taint his opinion just a little. He thought Heather was a little prettier when he’d first met her.
But what Cody also had to offer was his personality- he was clever, and loyal, and dedicated. He truly tried to make people happy, no matter who they were to him. He was open-minded that way.
Cody even treated Sierra nicely. If Noah was in Cody's shoes, he would've told Sierra to screw off first thing. But Cody was still nice to her.
Noah may not have finished his math homework, but he got to do some thinking.
Noah headed to his Spanish class and sat down in his regular spot next to Gwen. Believe him- it was not his decision. If it were up to him, Noah would be sitting alone or with Cody. But, unfortunately for him, his Spanish teacher was insane and gave them a seating chart in high school.
So, he just had to put up with Ezekiel behind him, Courtney at his table, Bridgette and Geoff making out in the back row, and Trent and Gwen always passing notes to each other behind the desks. All he got to do all class was give Cody, who sat next to Trent a row back, bored glances.
The last class had been dedicated to speaking assessments, which would be continuing all week. Noah had finished his packet yesterday right before his own assessment. Figuring there was nothing better to do, he simply watched Gwen over her shoulder while Cody's table was out for assessments.
After a minute or so, Gwen turned to face Noah. “What do you want?”
“Nothing,” Noah responded blandly.
“You clearly want something.”
“I'm just thinking.”
“About?” Gwen asked. Courtney had moved tables, sitting with her friends in another section of the classroom working on science.
“The fact that Cody likes you is crazy.”
Gwen gave Noah a confused look. “Huh?”
“Well, you know he likes you.”
“Yeah no duh. Why do you think it's crazy.”
“I think it's crazy because he could do better.”
Gwen seemed to be holding back a laugh. “Look, Noah, as much as I love Cody, not in that way by the way, I don't think he could score very high. I'm not hot stuff, but Cody is probably worse.”
“Yeah but his personality is definitely better.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“You know.”
“Are you talking about the thing with Duncan? Because it's not my fault Courtney's so insanely overprotective.”
“Courtney is your friend. Or at least she was. You could have treated her better.”
“Courtney sees me more like a statistic than a friend. That's how she treats all her friends, if you haven't noticed.”
Noah shrugged. “Either way, Cody is better than you. At least he's loyal.”
“I don't know if you're trying to make me mad, but it's not gonna work.”
“I'm not.”
“Then what are you doing?”
“Just saying.”
Gwen smirked. “You just wanted an excuse to talk about Cody, didn't you?”
Noah felt heat rise to his cheeks in embarrassment. “No. I just wanted to call you out.”
“Oh come on Noah, you aren't fooling anyone. You just went on a rant about how he could 'do better'. That's basically code for telling others you have a crush on someone.”
“Is not!”
Gwen giggled. “You're so oblivious to your own crush, it's hilarious.”
“I’m not oblivious, I don't even like him!”
“You trying to prove you don't like him is just making it worse.”
“Whatever,” Noah turned to the window. It was a bland view of the brick building over, but currently anything was better than looking at Gwen.
Noah figured Gwen was just being crazy today. Like Izzy that morning. Noah was no way in the world into Cody.
“Are you jealous that he likes me and not you?” Gwen asked.
“This conversation is over.”
“I'm gonna take that as a yes.”
Cody's group returned from assessments, and Cody once again returned to his table as the teacher called out Bridgette and Geoff.
“Hey, Noah, do you by chance have the answers to the packet?” Cody asked, and Noah turned to face him. He was doing his typical pleading eyes, which Noah usually gave into for non-gay reasons. But today was not one of those days. Noah couldn't risk Gwen thinking he was into Cody.
“Uh, no,” Noah responded, and Gwen snorted.
“What's going on?” Cody questioned. “By the way, Noah, I saw you finish that packet.”
“You two are so funny to me,” Gwen stated.
This statement just seemed to confuse Cody more.
“You should shoot your shot, man,” Gwen said. Who she was saying that to, Noah was unsure, but it definitely didn't help the red in his cheeks.
“Oh, fine,” Noah handed Cody his binder. “It's in the first pocket on the inside.”
“Thanks?” Cody responded.
“No problem.”
Noah returned to staring out of the window and not talking to anyone. He thought about what Gwen had said, and officially decided that she was crazy. There was no way he liked Cody. Absolutely no way.
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owenandnoahtdi · 5 years
Top 10 TD contestants
Because opinions change in a year
Hello every one, I am here to shove my stupid opinion down your throat with my top 10 favorite Total Drama Contestants. I might do other top 10s for other things, like top 10 TDWT songs, you know, junk like that. Anyway, without further ado, on with the countdown.
Honorable mention: Scott
I like Scott, really l do. But I don't have a likeness to villians.
10. Katie and Sadie.
I know a lot of people hate these two, but I find potential that was never used for them. They could've been a team in The Ridonculous Race, replacing the best friends teams. My main problem with them is how far apart their eliminations were. I expected a one, two episode difference. But no. There was a FIVE episode difference. Five. A bit much for a contestant that will BREAK OUT IN HIVES if her bffl is seperated(which was a complete lie). As much as I complain, I still love these two and would love to see them compete agian. Imagine if they made it to the finale.... Katie vs. Sadie....
9. Lindsay.
In my 16 years of being on this earth, I've noticed there are two kinds of dumbass: funny dumbass and pathetic dumbass. Lindsay for me falls under funny dumbass. She has a lot of memorable moments, including the infamous two faced lying little bleep scene, her action eliminations, and her wholesome relationship with Tyler. Speaking of Tyler....
8. Tyler.
Ah, Tyler,the shows main punching bag. Seriously, he gets hurt a lot in this series. But I digress. Tyler is very loyal to his teammates and tries not to let them down, which is a great quality to have, but sometimes he's too loyal. And villains like Alejandro and Courtney take advantage of that weakness and use it against him. If Tyler can learn when he's being manipulated, I feel like he has a lot of winner potential. Plus, his relationship with Lindsay was so goddamn wholesome, You could really tell they loved each other.
7. Cody
I feel like in the first season Fresh(or CN) did not know what to do with Cody, which is why he got far-ish, but had little screen time. And somehow, people loved him. But World Tour is when Cody hit the spotlight, thanks to Sierra. Sierra(who I will talk about another time) brang Cody to be one the main focuses of the entire season, which was a huge step up from a background character.
6. Geoff
Oh how I love Geoff. Geoff is a walking college party. He's always happy, he's good natured, and he loves his teammates. Plus he had the BALLS to strip down to his underwear on INTERNATIONAL TV. I'm impressed.
5. Ezekiel
Show of hands, who expected World Tour to be Zeke's redemption arc? Zeke had a ton of potential to be voted off at the halfway point, but no. What do they do? Turn him into a freak show monster. Shame, really, I feel like he had something, not to win, but at least do better than island.
4. Leshawna
Leshawna.... What do I say about her that hasn't been said? She was the first person to stand up to Heather, was friends with 95% of the cast, and had a banger of a song. And I'm gonna say, her dancing isnt that bad. Ive see worse. Trust me.
3. Izzy
Izzy, E-Scope, Explosivo, Brainzilla, whatever you want to call her, was the wild card of the franchise, which could've hurt her as a character, but that didn't happen. She's truly insane, and that added a sort of element of suspense when she was on screen. You don't know what she's gonna do, what she'll say, and I love it.
2. Noah
Oh Noah, you cynical bastard, you. Noah, like Cody, didn't get much screen in island, but shined in World Tour. And by shine, I mean GLOWED LIKE THE GODDAMN SUN. He had some great one liners, such as "So you do have a brain?", "ooo, Stalkerlicious" and the famous line, "Come fly with us, come DIE with us!" And was hilarious. Noah told anyone exactly what they thought of them.
1. Owen
Yes, I know he's utterly disgusting, but he barely farted at the beginning of the show. He's nice to everyone, and I think that's why he won the first season. No one voted him off because they didn't have a reason. I mean, would you have voted him off? No. No you wouldn't. And I know you wouldnt, because you wouldn't have a reason. I'm not saying hes a saint, because he has gotten his hands dirty, but not willingly. He's a great person and my favorite contestant on total drama.
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