#why is my body falling apart again lmao i thought i could will my way out of it
robinsnest2111 · 2 months
feels like I dislocated/sprained my wrist in my sleep... wtf
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star4daisy · 22 days
931 - detective - @stag-microfic tw: mentioned murder
happy birthday sweetheart, I tried to make this sweet I promise but you did say they could comit murder lmao @ecstarry
“Detective Potter, what brings you here?”
The man in question gives him a look as if Regulus should know, he has to hold in his urge to smirk, keeping his eyes wide and innocent as he looks at the detective from below. 
“Another girl is missing after leaving the bar nearby.”
“Oh,” Regulus pretends to be surprised. “What a tragedy.”
Potter hums, “Yes it is,” his eyes never straying from Regulus’s, considering all of his reactions.
“That doesn’t explain why you’re in my flower shop, though,” he points out.
“Bartender said you were open the night she disappeared, figured you could’ve seen something.”
“Nope,” he pops out the word, “I was in the back cultivating my garden.”
“I’m sure you were,” Potter’s voice is full of scepticism. “Would you mind if I checked this garden of yours?”
“Let me think,” Regulus makes a mockery out of it, pressing his fingers to his temple. “Do you have a warrant?”
Potter looks frustrated with him, “You know I don’t.”
“Then I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Regulus smiles sweetly at him, batting his eyelashes for good measure.
“Why are you doing this?” Potter looks so done with him. 
“I can show you my apartment upstairs, though,” he replies cheekily, ignoring the detective’s question. 
Potter snorts, “Hard pass.”
Regulus's smile dies on his lips. “Good luck on your search then,” his eyes narrow, accompanying Potter to the door.
“I’ll be back,” the detective warns.
“I’m sure you will.” They always do.
It’s past nine p.m. when he’s about to close the shop before being stopped by a certain pain in the ass - not even on the fun way - detective entering his shop again.
“What are you doing here, detective?” His tone is harder than it had been during the day.
“I’m off the clock,” Potter assures him.
“Oh?” Regulus knows he can’t keep the interest out of his voice.
“Yeah,” his stare is way more leisurely than when he studied Regulus before. “I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he flips the closed sign on the door.
Regulus can’t help his satisfied smirk, “Of course you were.”
Potter closes the window curtains before approaching him slowly. “You should be more careful, though,” he warns.
“What about?” Regulus doesn’t bother to keep the smugness out of his voice, satisfied with getting what he wants, he usually does.
“Who you tell things,” the detective messes with the cord that holds Regulus’s apron around his waist, pulling on it harshly until it snaps open falling to their feet. “You never know when one of them might decide it’s not worth it to keep your secrets anymore.”
“Why would they?” Regulus teases. “When what I can give them back is so much sweeter.”
 Potter swallows heavily, “How sweet?”
“Why don’t you try it for yourself?” he challenges. “Thought you said you were off the clock.”
“I am,” Potter leans in closer, finally giving in to the temptation, he runs his nose over Regulus's neck slowly, drinking in the smell he craves. It makes Regulus shiver and practically melt on the taller man's arms, the effect one has on the other is undeniable any time they step close. “And that’s why I’m giving you a fair warning. Be careful, love.”
“Well she shouldn’t have flirted with you in front of me,” Regulus retorts snidely, crossing his arms defensively between them.
James laughs against his cheek, taking Regulus’s arms in his hands and putting them on his waist, not allowing his boyfriend to keep any barriers between them. “Did you dispose of the body?”
“Of course, I’m not stupid.”
“I know you aren’t, baby, but people might start getting suspicious.”
Regulus scoffs, “Who would suspect the flower shop guy?”
James kisses his cheek, then his jaw, every time coming closer to his mouth, “Don’t get confident, love. That’s how everyone gets caught.”
“But you are not going to allow that, are you, Detective Potter?” Regulus raises an eyebrow in challenge.
After all, there was a reason why he had chosen to seduce the acclaimed James Potter in the first place, it didn’t matter if he’d fallen in love with him along the way, the end result was still the same. Regulus counted on his protection.
“Of course not, my love. I’d never let them come close to you,” James promises him earnestly.
Regulus finally turns his head and kisses him slowly as a reward. “Thank you, sweetheart. Have I told you how much I love you today?”
“No,” James's smile is so wide it’s blinding. “Tell me.”
Regulus smirks when he pulls James in by the collar of his shirt as he walks backwards to the stairs. “Why don’t I show you instead?”
James looks more than happy with the alternative, he’s always so willing to go along with everything Regulus suggests, which is one of the things he loves the most about him. He hadn’t even blinked when Regulus killed the first guy for flirting with James in front of him. 
Hell, Regulus was pretty sure James had gotten hard when he realised how far Regulus was willing to go for him. When he knew that was how Regulus proved his love for him. They both had very different ways of showing it, Regulus by killing and James by protecting him. 
But none of them felt any less loved by the other, they just expressed their devotion differently. Regulus wouldn’t choose it any other way. 
He is the happiest he’d ever been when he is by James’s side. That’s never changing. And to them, that's what matters the most.
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gimmethatagustd · 11 months
okay I’m here like two business days later with that request because my adhd brain forgot about it lmao
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GHOSTFACE!! YOONGI!! I added the picture of yoongi because I had a very ~specific~ yoongi look in mind when thinking of this loll. I’m thinking Halloween party vibes?? or any other way that a costume would make sense. idk I’m making this request late at night so my brain is half turned off. I’m kind of letting you take the reins here and make it as spooky as you feel comfortable with. like I said I’d love to see your take on this because I love your mind <3
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You've had your eyes set on Yoongi for as long as you can remember. What you didn't know is that he's had his eyes on you, too.
↳ pairing: yoongi x f!reader
↳ rating/genre: BTS | 18+ | halloween | friends to... (?) | light smut | angst | dead dove
↳ wc/date: 1.4k | October 2023
↳ warnings: dubcon, knife play, blood play, yandere vibes, mc is afraid but also turned on, mc is confused and so am i, slut shaming, humiliation, lowkey gaslighting/victim-blaming, a toxic relationship at the least, vaginal fingering, open ending, i wrote this half asleep and without editing
↳ notes: i have no idea what the fuck this is 🥲 pls forgive me. idk how this happened
↳ masterlist / taglist
↳ what was jai listening to? freak - sub urban ft. rei ami
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Halloween 2023 Masterlist
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Clink. Clink. Clink. 
The wind kicks dry leaves across the sidewalk, swirling them around your feet. Twisting your torso around, you glance over your shoulder as you walk. One of your red stiletto heels falls in the crack between the slabs of concrete. Pain blooms in your ankle when you wobble. The sound of you sucking a breath through your clenched teeth is the only thing disrupting the still, crisp autumn air. 
Until you hear it again. 
Clink. Clink. Clink. 
It sounds like metal on metal, perhaps the jingle of keys or buckles knocking into each other as someone walks. 
Alcohol warms your cheeks and chest despite how revealing your red corset and miniskirt are. Still, you know that the sound following you ever since you left Jungkook’s Halloween party is real and not some alcohol-induced paranoia from walking home alone at two in the morning on Halloween. 
Jungkook hadn’t wanted you to walk, but finding an Uber so late at night would be impossible, and everyone else at the party had been too drunk to drive you home. 
Two blocks isn’t much at all.  
Clink. Clink. Clink. 
The sidewalk is empty when you twist around and try not to trip again. Streetlights cast shadows across the grass that could be people. Or animals. Or monsters. Creatures of the night. 
Taking a deep breath, you quickly unlock the gate that opens to wooden stairs leading to the backdoor of your apartment on the second floor. You rush up the stairs as quickly as you can in the stupid heels your best friend convinced you to wear because they’re sexy, and you both thought they might help you catch the eye of a certain boy. 
It wasn’t worth the trouble, though. The certain boy barely looked your way. 
For a second too long, you stall, fumbling with your keys to find the one that will unlock your backdoor. Your fingers feel numb from the cold, and your reflexes are dulled by whatever was in the punch Hoseok made. Perhaps that’s why you don’t know what looms behind you until its body has yours pressed against your door. 
Sticking your hands out, you try to stop yourself from hitting your face. It works, but now your arms are trapped between your body and the door. Your keys fall with a hollow thud, and for a heartbeat, the world is silent, like every creature in existence is holding its breath. 
Every creature except for the one crowding you against the door. It breathes, hot and heavy, against the shell of your ear, scattering goosebumps across your skin. You’re burning up from its body heat, the creature big and firmly pressed against every inch of you. 
But what makes your knees tremble isn’t the oppressive force of this thing sticking to you like a second skin. It’s the clink and then something cool and sharp pressed against your throat. 
You can’t swallow down your nerves without fear of your throat bobbing against what you guess is a large knife. 
“Are you scared?” a voice whispers. Soft lips brush the tip of your ear. Then a nose, buttoned and cold, drags along the side of your neck. “You’re being such a good girl, didn’t even scream.” 
Fear clutches your heart, but that voice strokes a fire in your core. It’s sick how you shiver against the man’s chest because you know it isn’t only because you’re scared of him. 
“You’re not funny, Yoongi,” you say with a shaky breath and do your best not to move too much when you talk. 
Yoongi chuckles into your shoulder, where he’s nuzzled his face. “I wasn’t trying to be funny.” 
The knife glides down your throat at the point with not enough pressure to break the skin but just enough for it to feel uncomfortable. 
“Are you gonna let me in?” 
It’s not a real knife. Yoongi is your friend; he wouldn’t threaten you. Or, at least, you think he’s your friend. He’d ignored you all night, though. 
“Did you seriously follow me all the way here at two in the morning just to scare me?” You elbow him out of the way so you can bend down to retrieve your keys. 
“Yeah,” Yoongi admits with a gummy smile. 
Inside your apartment, you can get a better look at him. His costume is just his regular clothes with a Ghostface mask, though he isn’t wearing the mask anymore. It’s tied to one of his belt loops. The side bumps against the metal of his belt when he walks. 
Clink. Clink. Clink. 
“You’re ridiculous.” 
Yoongi’s grin grows. “Jungkook didn’t want you walking by yourself.” 
“Then why didn’t you walk with me instead of following me around like a creep?” 
You kick off your heels and take ginger steps toward the kitchen, the balls of your feet throbbing. Out of the corner of your eye, Yoongi shrugs. His pretty black hair falls against his shoulders and curls into his eyelashes when he tilts his head to watch you. 
“You knew I was there,” he doesn’t ask, just smiles when you roll your eyes. 
Catching your wrist, Yoongi stops you from crossing the living room to the kitchen. His grip on you is bruising when he yanks you into his chest. It’s claustrophobic and makes your stomach churn when you twist your wrist, and Yoongi doesn’t let go. 
“I’m thirsty.” Your voice comes out as a whisper, can’t manage to get any louder. “Let me go.” 
“Interesting,” Yoongi murmurs. “I’m thirsty, too.” 
You follow his eyes when he drops his chin to peer between your bodies. At the same time, you feel the cool edge of the knife drag up your thigh. The tip eventually catches on the edge of your miniskirt. In one swift motion, Yoongi flicks the knife up and cuts through the thin, stretchy fabric. A thin line of blood sprouts from the shallow cut his knife makes up the inside of your thigh. 
“Oh my god,” you whimper, watching little dribbles of blood trickle down your leg. Heat spreads from the cut across your thigh and unfurls in your stomach. 
The dim lighting of your living room reflects in warm tones within Yoongi’s dark irises. Squeezing your wrist even tighter, he walks you backward until your legs hit the edge of your couch. 
“You liked it,” Yoongi points out with a tut of his tongue, his tone condescending and judgemental. The shame it stirs in your chest makes it hard for you to breathe. “Let me press you up against the door. Mark you up with this,” he twirls the knife around, making a show of how loosely he grasps it. 
Yoongi brings the knife to your lips to silence you. The tip glistens with your blood. 
“Keep quiet like a good girl for me, okay, sweetheart?” Yoongi kneels on the couch in between your spread legs. The position forces your ruined skirt higher up your thighs, exposing your sheer red thong. 
You watch in amazement as Yoongi drags the tip of his knife up your inner thigh until he reaches the edge of your thong. Lightly, he drags the tip along your clothed pussy. It doesn’t cut you, but you can’t stop shaking because it could, and you don't know what that would mean for you if you admitted that you kind of want it to. 
“Why are you–” 
“Shhh, don’t play so innocent,” Yoongi murmurs. He leans forward to press a soft kiss to your forehead. “You dressed up so pretty for me. Look so good in red; I wanted to see more of it on you.” 
The knife presses against the crease of your inner thigh and slices upward, giving you another shallow cut while cutting you loose from your thong. 
You moan when Yoongi drags his cold fingers along your folds, dig your nails into his forearm when he plunges two fingers into your pussy and makes your muscles flutter.
“So wet for me, fuck, you’re such a slut,” Yoongi moans as your pussy greedily sucks in his fingers despite the press of the bloodied blade against your throat. 
"Yoongi, please," you buck into his hand, urging him to fuck you faster. Your thighs sting from the cuts, and your legs are wet with little streams of blood, but you've never felt so close to an orgasm so quickly in your life.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take good care of you.” 
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Halloween 2023 Masterlist
all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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scuddisher · 9 months
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Price finds out you've been having second thoughts on your intimacy with him, searching for other men's services in the area—but he's convinced you're partnered with him for a reason.
RATING — MATURE & EXPLICIT (18+) PAIRING — gigolo! john price x gn! reader GENRE(S) — drabble, gigolo! au, yandere! au, smut WORD COUNT — 1k WARNINGS — mature content, language, jealousy, highly possessive john, loads of under-toning SMUT WARNINGS — sexual content, dom! price, edging, doggy-style, missionary, unprotected intercourse, creampie, bruising, mainly filth lol RELEASE DATE — DEC 14TH 2023
AUTHOR’S NOTE — me: i’m not gonna write for cod. i’m not gonna write for- [GUNSHOT]. this has been in my brain for WEEKS but now it’s finally written out <3 i live off of any type of modern-worker price concepts lmao they’re keeping me going rn.
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“You know what sets me apart from others?”
John had you wrapped around his finger. Like a ring given in matrimony—the one you'd shiver over every time you had to take it off for some necessary chore where it could be damaged or lost. He knew his importance to you was real, it was what kept you coming back. But he had never taken into consideration that his services weren't enough for you.
Not with the way he had you clenching around his length, like now. “Why I am so good at my goddamn job?”
His ego had grown the more you had spoken. Broken sentences admitting to him that you had gone to see another man, asked for the pleasures of another's touch that wasn't him—you were his only regular.
John already knew, he was already hearing the gossip amidst the others. He had already found the strangely familiar phone number hidden deep inside of your drawer. In his world, of dark nights and long-time pleasure—he knew the signs of when a client was putting a distance between them and him.
You felt him twitch up into your heat as your breathing stuttered. Ears ringing loudly but only listening to the sounds of John spilling words through his gritted teeth. You knew you had crossed the line.
“What makes me the fucking best?” His words were harsh like a growl, yet spoke softly into only your ear as he pressed you into the mattress below him and felt your hips jerk back into his hot loins.
He had been fucking you for two hours. And this was once something you begged for. Once, his intimacy—now, obsession.
You felt yourself shivering from the cold air, the only major heat being the rough man behind you. His body was sweaty, hair sticking to himself along every part of his body. His happy trail soaked with drops of sweat running down his abs, stomach sucking in every time you clenched around him. You were dizzy from all that he had done to you.
And yet, he got another rise. Had released his load into you twice now, stretching you even further on his cock. That twitch of your body, mouth agape and claiming his name on your tongue. “John!”
Each time he pulled his length from you, the stickiness of his cum was enough to make you jerk and nearly orgasm until you felt the bruises he left on your hips throb in pain from his calloused fingertips pressing into them again.
You felt the cold air of his dick leaving you, could only whine as his hand pulled at your head until his lips were on your ear. And just as you felt the rush of his hot cum hitting the skin of your ass, he spoke again.
“Because I focus on my own pleasure, not yours. And that makes you my toy.”
Your whine was enough to have him turning you over to look at him, his touch becoming gentle as he heard the hisses and whispered words from your lips. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”
“Sorry.” He was still John. “Sorry is a tough word for you to use, isn't it?” His accent had grown thicker by each syllable. He was playing with your emotions. “Did you apologize to the man you called out that late night?”
There it was. The jealousy he had pent up, rocked his hips into yours until he almost forgot, only to see your big eyes staring up at him with tears falling down your cheeks to remind him.
“The one whose number you dialed instead of mine? Met in the latest hour of the night? Asked to pleasure you in some new way to get your fucking rocks off?!”
His beard was still covered in the wetness of your arousal, mixing with his spit and displaying itself on your skin each time his words turned angrier. Everything he had done to you tonight, it was all to convince you.
His mind was lost in his own thoughts as he spoke aloud. “Could he even make you cum? Know how to use you? Did he even get a touch before you realized he was someone else and not me?”
His hand moved from your heat, feeling you throb against the little friction he gave you until it found the pulse of your heartbeat at your neck. His thumb pressed into the spot, begging to feel how fast your heart would beat when he finally told you what he wanted to say all night.
“I'm the only person in the world that can make you cum like this.” His hard length was in his free hand, pressing into your heat once more until you were all-consuming. You saw the flinch in his face as he felt your walls feather with overuse, but he still found himself filling you up.
You felt his hips stutter once he was balls deep. The way his cock twitched from being sensitive like he hadn't used every hard-on he had gotten that night to prove his point. Now was his final show.
The ring of your arousal around him only caused a louder squelch and he pulled from you and thrusted himself back in. His speech only turned guttural when he felt how tired you were, how well he had taught you this lesson.
And as your body took him in and then kept going, your rise finally crashed down on you.
“You’re the o-only person who I have seen this many times in my field of work.”
You squeezed him, milked him of one more gushing orgasm, and then fell right down into your own. “Your body only knows me now. This—” He winced feeling your entire body turn into mush as your orgasm finally swept over you. “This is only for us.”
His words quieted as his head fell into your shoulder, mouth kissing at your neck. You could only cry, only whine his name softly. He finally claimed what he wanted to since the first day your shaky little fingers dialed his number.
“I'm the only one who can give you what others cannot.” He spoke so gently, pressing his entire weight onto your form below him and into the mattress. “My love.”
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© scuddisher — all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, repost, or translate any of my works without my permission. do not post my content on other sites, especially claiming them as your own! reblogs and feedback are seriously appreciated <3
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ectoodle · 4 months
Hello! I wanted to ask what made you fall in love with bingqiu?
Hey there!
Ah hmm that's an interesting question, I've never thought about it actually. I like bingqiu a lot, but I never considered it as falling in love with the ship? They're a fun ship to play with and they have a wide range that's pretty flexible so I'm always in my comfort zone drawing them.
I suppose most of the art I draw for bingqiu are a love letter to them, though. And I think that's pretty telling of my brain rot for them 😂
I think the food the fandom cooked up really helped a lot. SV fic writers are on a whole other plane of existence when it comes to analyzing binghe's character and filling in on his journey of healing with sqq by his side. I'm the annoying type of audience that gets bored when the main couple gets together at the end...so when scum villain ended the way it did, mxtx may as well have german suplexed me on the concrete. scum villain is a story that subverts its tropes left and right and the ending was no exception! I love that bingqiu getting together at the end was not an automatic happily ever after, but rather, they still are putting in the work and effort to understand and stay in each other's lives. The glimpse of that path we get in the extras really did solidify my desire to see how bingqiu will continue to stay together--bingmei vs bingge extra was probably the finishing blow for me tho lmao. I couldn't stop thinking about what the heck happened to bingge after he left the sv world that I read a bunch of fics about him and needed to soothe the angst with sv bingqiu
on a side tangent, bingqiu parallels another of my all time ship, nozomizo from liz and the blue bird. mild spoilers if you haven't seen liz, but nozomizo had a similar codependent relationship that needed them both to grow apart as individuals in order to stay together. bingqiu separated unwillingly and binghe's growth as an individual was fueled by betrayal, despair, and that dying glimmer of hope that maybe, maybe shizun could accept him now that they're equals. but they don't. because binghe still hasn't emotionally grown to get past his temper tantrums (thanks xin mo) and sqq is still failing binghe by constantly misunderstanding him. but bingqiu still choose each other, choose to love and support each other, and they refuse to be separated again. whereas nozomizo was a healthy separation with a promise of reunion, bingqiu was fighting through the muddy trenches with a vague hope that the other is reaching out their hands too. i thought it was neat how differently both ships handled their codependency that still guarantees a happy ending, no matter how dirty and bruised they got along the way.
I also think sqq's compassionate narration in regards to binghe's suffering got to me lmao. He truly does care for binghe, and even if naysayers argue it's not romantic, it's undeniable that binghe is special to sqq. although not the best choices, most if not all of his choices were for binghe's best interest (thanks system). sqq had so much heart for binghe that it affected me through the screen too. binghe's abandonment issues and fake wet tears have captivated me. his gap moe as a chuuni emo demonic overlord and wife with a maidenly glass heart has bewitched me body and soul. i want luo binghe to be happy so badly!!
i think that's why bingqiu fascinates me. most of the bingqiu arts i draw are like slice of life vignettes, so without the meat and bones of fanfic diving into bingqiu's messiness, i would not have ascended to this level of brain rot for them...
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fexalted · 1 month
I'd love to hear about "go - and you and i" & "st - the balancing of the sun"!!!
wip title ask meme
(didn't get to this earlier bc i have been taking some ill-advised naps and remaining comatose for hours on end, so thank you for your patience sgdnshfks)
and you and i: so, in my mind i wanted this to be a fic about the ways aziraphale and crowley love each other and how it physically (and perhaps metaphysically) feels different for both of them. but apparently i spent too much time writing it in my head and not enough writing it in the actual file, bc i only have like two scenes and a handful of random sentences lmao (don't be like me) also as a fun fact: the title comes from the Yes song of the same name! absolutely gorgeous track, the lyrics never once mention the word "love," but it has so much love pouring out of it that it doesn't need to
here's one bit of it, feat. aziraphale and grief (don't worry crowley's not dead or anything, they just had a falling out):
You throw yourself into work, taking on as many assignments from Heaven as you can, and running the bookshop in between. In the off hours you catalogue and reorganize and repair anything that needs it. It helps, you think, to have distractions, things to push that all-encompassing grief out of the way so you can breathe again. No time for frivolous things like theaters or bakeries or rereading your favorite poetry collection for the hundredth time. No time to think about anything that might remind you of Crowley.
And it works, to a point. It gets easier to not think about him.
But it always catches up to you, often when you least expect it.
You'll be sitting at your desk, ready to take up the task of rebinding a book, not thinking much about anything at all. And then you'll blink and all at once your vision will have gone completely cloudy, and another blink will have tears flooding uncontrollably from your eyes, and you'll push your chair back quickly to avoid any droplets falling on the book, and fumble to press a handkerchief to your face as you're overtaken by heaving sobs.
And so you'll remain for a length of time that could be anywhere between minutes or days but feels like a century—but it hasn't even been a century, and you've been apart much longer than that before anyway so why does it still hurt so much—
After that time has passed, you'll pick yourself up, and wipe off your face. You'll take the damaged book in hand, closing it carefully and delicately, once more hiding the inscription that Crowley had written on the inside cover when he gave it to you. And you'll put that book away, not back to its rightful shelf, but tucked away far out of sight but never quite out of mind, with all the other things you can't bring yourself to look at anymore.
And then you'll go back to work.
the balancing of the sun: this is the mccoy-centric sfs fic i've shared some of before! title comes from the song "on the silent wings of freedom" by Yes. admittedly the chaotic instrumentation does not fit the fic's vibe at all, but the lyrics bro..... "on the darkest night so painful / do you hunger for love / midst the torture of being one" like!!! i'm out of my mind about it
anyway i hadn't made much progress in several months but i went in and finally nailed down the opening paragraphs just for you 😘:
The worst part of this whole mess, in your opinion, isn't that Spock stuck his katra in your head. It was disorienting as hell, of course, to suddenly feel a disconnect from your thoughts and actions, like they were no longer entirely yours. Going from having complete control one moment, to feeling like a mere passenger in your own body the next is not an experience you'd recommend. But to tell the truth—though you'd be hard pressed to ever admit it aloud—there was something... relieving, almost calming, about finding out it was Spock's presence in your head. You may wish he'd had the decency to ask first, or at least would've given you a heads-up beforehand, but no, having Spock in your mind isn't the worst part.
And it's not the subtle but all too noticeable way your friends look at you now, like it's not really you they're seeing. How when words come out of your mouth in a different tone and cadence, you can see it in their faces, somewhere between hope and heartbreak, before you're even aware of what you'd said or how you'd said it.
Nor is it this fool-headed mission to Genesis you're all on now, however guilty you may feel for having gotten them roped into this, however much you might wish you'd been successful in chartering a flight out there alone. They broke you out of holding for this, they stole the Enterprise for this, they're putting their lives and careers on the line for this, because of you. The danger of it all aside, you're already dreading the court martial awaiting each of you if you make it back to Earth in one piece.
No, the worst part, you think, is what it will mean to succeed. To recover Spock's body from Genesis, bring him home to Vulcan, and lay him to rest—body and soul.
Because to do so will mean losing him all over again.
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spaceratprodigy · 1 year
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The Siren Song of Devil's Peak
yes I am using this drawing as a cover image again lmao it cracks me up and I didn't feel like making something else. I think it's still rather fitting ✏
"Welcome back, Captain" Ada greeted as Faith stepped through the door of the Unreliable, her companions not far behind her.
Faith had been more quiet than usual.
She didn't want to be here, didn't want to be alone with her thoughts. The stillness of her room had been suffocating. She had been spending more and more days away, wandering anywhere she could on Monarch.
Her friends, however, were tired.
They needed a break, food, for Ellie to make sure they weren't falling apart. Faith needed it, too, but her body wouldn't let her stop. She was ready to head back out.
"Hey Boss," Felix chimed "are you feeling-"
"I'm fine" Faith cut him off sharply, immediately looking down in shame. "I'm sorry."
"Cap, we're worried about you. You need to rest" Parvati said, her tone more concerned than usual.
"I'll be fine, I need to go back out there."
"For what? Boss, you need to stop. We have to talk about this" Felix interjected.
"We don't have to talk about anything. You two get some rest, I'll see if Nyoka and Ellie-"
"No!" Felix's worry was turning into frustration "look, I'm sorry but.. I don't want you to get hurt. You can't keep running away."
"Cap.." Parvati was softer now "you're not in a good way and this isn't healthy."
Faith knew they were right. She was avoiding the fact she had to confront the problem in front of her sooner or later. That's why she won't sit still, why she keeps running headfirst into the Monarch wilds against everyone's warning.
Can't feel how much pain she's in if she's too distracted defending herself from things trying to kill her from all angles.
"Cap, you need to sort this mess out. I know he hurt you, but.. you and Max need to talk about this."
"Hah!" Felix was annoyed "you mean Max needs to come down here and apologize for being an ass. Boss, why are we even keeping him around after the way he lied to you?"
"Felix, I don't wanna.." Faith began but trailed off.
Because I don't want him to leave.
"At least talk to us about it. We're your best friends and we want what's best for you." She knew Felix was being sincere.
"Yeah, Cap. We're family, we don't want you goin' through this alone."
Faith didn't know what to say. She appreciated how much her crew, her friends, were trying to help her. Her heart was just in so much pain. She was confused, scared, she didn't really know what she wanted.
I want Max.
"I.. I.." she was trying. "Thank you.."
"Captain," Ada's voice rang through "you have a call coming in from Devil's Peak Station."
Parvati and Felix glanced at each other nervously.
"Hey Boss.. maybe you shouldn't take that call.." Felix began to say, anxiously rubbing the back of his neck.
"Why? Hiram's my friend" Faith was surprised at her companions reactions.
"Well, yeah.. but.." Parvati was trying to think of what to say "last time you were hidin' out there, you and Mister Blythe were gettin' real close.."
Faith was waiting to see where this conversation was leading.
"We just think that maybe.. havin' him in the picture is makin' things.."
"Worse" Felix butted in.
"Well, No! I mean.. not worse.. just.. complicated?" Parvati's voice cracked.
Faith stood there in silence, crossing her arms. Her friends were babbling, unsure of how to get their point across gently.
"Boss, please just listen to us on this one" Felix finally said.
"There's a lot of hurt and raw emotions in the air right now. We just think the closer you get to that Broker fella.."
"Everything is going to be fine" Faith finally spoke "Hiram and I are.. just friends."
Why did I hesitate?
Felix and Parvati noticed, giving each other another worried glance.
What are they so worked up about? Faith thought, walking away to answer the call.
They're acting like I'm gonna fall for the guy or something.
We're just friends.. Right?
Her heart was beating hard now.
Oh stars..
She answered the call and Hiram's face popped up on the screen.
"Ah, Captain! There you are. Thought for a moment you may have forgotten about me."
The snark in his voice would have been of annoyance to others, but she had come to learn this was him being rather playful. In his own way, of course.
"I could never, Hiram."
"Are you still on Monarch by any chance?"
"Suppose I am, what would The Great Broker ever want with me? Need someone to get their hands dirty for you again?"
She knew how to play right back.
Hiram flashed her a small smile, immediately finding his serious face again.
"Come to my station, will you? I want to speak to you directly."
"Oh! How unusual of you to want to do business in person" Faith teased, unsure why she was trying to sound her flavor of freelance professional, Felix and Parvati's little talk was making her nervous.
"Let me get my crew and-"
"No" Hiram said sternly "I wish to speak to you." He swallowed, trying to keep his cool.
"Sounds a little dangerous doesn't it?" Faith rarely went anywhere without backup.
"You've done it before. Just to seek me out. All by your lonesome, might I add" he gave her a subtle grin "be a doll and do this for me, yes? I'll be expecting you."
Hiram hung up before Faith could get another word in.
Sly bastard.
Faith turned back towards the door, already knowing Parvati and Felix were still standing there. Waiting with concern. Knowing better than to leave their captain alone again in fear of what trouble she might get herself into next.
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bripops · 9 months
omg I'm so giddy I cannot decide which WIP to ask you about because they all sound flipping amazing but maybe 3 or 6, whichever you feel happiest with rn? (ps first time caller, long time listener -- just wanna say I'm a huge huge fan of all your fics)
3. hopeless, breathless, burning slow [horny dirk gently treatise]
So this one is actually published [ao3 link], but I put it in there because it was published recently and I thought the working title was funny lmao. It was honestly a classic example of this post that's like "yeah bro it's a character study. the 2 thousand words of blowjob is vital to the study of the character" where I wanted to write Dirk getting absolutely railed but I also wanted to talk about why getting absolutely railed is a profound, important thing to him. 5,000 words later, that was the result lol
6. it's dangerous (I'm falling) [megstiel fuckfest]
okay so I've been on the megstiel hype squad forever and got the idea a few years back for a s7 canon divergence AU. the basic plot is that after Cas takes on Sam's madness, he ends up giving his grace to the Winchesters to use as a nuke against the Leviathans, and Meg ends up in the same caretaker role for him because he's not quite human but he's also definitely not an angel and needs to be kept out of the way while they figure it all out. the two of them end up in a shitty apartment trying to figure out where Castiel's limits are, which is of course a deeply satisfying experience for Meg that turns sexual REALLY quickly. they bond over shared trauma, daddy issues, teaching Cas how to smoke a joint, and sexually charged sparring scenes. here's a snippet:
“Tell me about the stars, Clarence,” Meg said lazily, looking up at the sky. The city lights washed out a lot of them, but they could still see a few burning above the haze. 
“What would you like to know?” Castiel asked. 
Meg shrugged. “I dunno,” she said, “weren’t you there when they were created or some shit? Gimme something that’ll come in handy at trivia night.”
“You don’t go to trivia night,” Cas said, “and the stars came before I did. They were part of let there be light. I have no memory of their creation.”
“Make something up then,” Meg said. “What about that one?”
She pointed up, and Castiel was more or less able to follow to the star she was looking at. It was particularly bright, blinking in the night sky and if he focused, he could almost make out the shift in color.
“That’s a binary star,” he explained. “It looks like one point of light, but it’s two stars orbiting around a common center. In a few million years they’ll collide and be destroyed on impact.”
“Well shit,” Meg said, pulling another joint out of her pack of cigarettes. Her lighter flickered in the dark and she inhaled deeply. Wordlessly, not looking away from the sky, she held it out to Cas.
He shook his head first before realizing she wouldn’t see it. “No thank you,” he said, “I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough.” His throat was still raw from coughing his way through the first joint.
“Oh come on,” Meg said, propping herself up on her elbows and looking over at Cas. “I’m sure you have a few more hits in you.”
Castiel shook his head again now that she could see him do it, and enjoyed the way his body hummed with the movement. He was relaxed head to toe, his fingertips tingling and his skin hyper-sensitive to every shift against the blanket, every brush of the breeze on his face.
Meg took another hit, and blew the smoke into Castiel’s face. He grumbled, closing his eyes against the sting, and Meg laughed.
“How about we shotgun it,” she offered.
“I don't see what firearms have to do with this," Cas said, frowning. Now probably wasn't the best time to check if he could still shoot a gun; he hadn't even brought one.
Meg laughed. “Oh my god, you’ve been alive for thousands of years and still act like you were born yesterday. C’mere.”
Cas shifted up so he was propped on his elbows too and looked at Meg curiously.
“When I breathe out, you breathe in, okay?”
“What--” Castiel started to say, but she was already taking a drag.
Cas watched her do it, transfixed by the easy way her lips wrapped around the joint and how her chest rose as she inhaled. When she’d taken enough, Meg leaned in close until she was just a few inches from Castiel’s lips. He wondered, in a fuzzy-minded daze, if he was about to be kissed.
Instead, smoke poured out of her mouth, and remembering to do what he was told, Cas breathed in. He filled his lungs, but it burned less, and he was too distracted by Meg’s closeness to mind much.
“Better?” she asked with a smirk.
Cas exhaled, watching the smoke spiral towards the sky.
“Much,” he said, lying back down. He had a full-body buzz that felt like TV static on his brain, making his limbs heavy and his eyes close. He felt Meg shift next to him, and when Castiel opened his eyes again she was leaning over him, almost nose-to-nose.
It was a testament to the weed that he didn’t startle, just blinked up at her.
“Want another?”
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a-little-unsteddie · 1 year
what's one specific detail you love in your dragon age au? someone's role or a plot point, anything goes 👀
AJFBEHDBA i understand the pain of trying to choose just one detail now. so. i’m not gonna. the dragon age au doesnt have a plot, it’s just for me to have fun with writing lmao, but i did go through and decide which character had which roles in the story. so!! here are my faves, in no specific order!
chrissy info - mage (bloodmage, possessed)
chrissy grew up in a very secluded community, and was labeled as an outcast due to the fact she lets a fade spirit possess her body and because she uses blood magic, arguably one of the worst kinds of magic you can use. she leaves the community and moves to hawkins in hopes that people will treat her better. she doesn’t use blood magic to harm people willy-nilly, she uses it against enemies during battle and nowhere else. the main reason blood magic is frowned upon as an evil/bad magic is because you can use it to control people, but she only uses it against enemies. her spirit used to be endlessly angered by the fact that chrissy refuses to use the magic elsewhere, but eventually has been tamed and calmed by how good chrissy is. she was actually introduced to the magic by jason, because it was her community that he had traveled to. he convinced her to start using blood magic, and because you kind of corrupt your magic after using it once, you can’t really stop using it. anyway, she only gets away from jason because a) jason leaves and b) her community(family) kicks her out before he returned
wills info - mage (healer)
will grew up in hawkins with the rest of the younger party, apart from max. he presented with magic quite early, compared to most other people, and secretly he thought it was because a spirit followed him around. he caught glimpses of wispy blue out of the corner of his eye, but never properly saw any spirit. when he came of age where mages usually presented, he ended up actually falling into the fade (because of how magically inclined he is, he’s technically a spirit walker because el is actually his deceased twin—she died as an embryo, causing joyce to believe she miscarried a child before will, but they were in the same pregnancy. anyway, because he’s so close to the veil, other powerful mages could sense him and thus henry sensed him and wanted to kill him, used his owndemon to do it but failed obvi, he’ll try again in the fic before being captured and turned tranquil) and the only reason he was able to escape was because the spirit who had been following him around helped him find his way home, and then called herself eleven, why, will never found out, but often she went by el instead. he’s particularly close with mike, obviously, and the boy was the first person outside of family and hopper that will saw.
els info - mage (fade spirit)
eleven was never born, although she remembers when will was born and it was like she was too. as a young spirit, she didn’t really know what else to do besides follow will, her living twin, around. she understood they were connected, and felt power coming out of not only her but will too, although she didn’t know what to do with it, being as young of a spirit as she was. she didn’t really have a form, but she could look however she wanted to. as she watched will grow, she grew with him, even as her understanding of what she was came to fruition, she continued to follow her brother. when the day came that she could sense her brother was in the fade, she didn’t hesitate to find him because he wasn’t supposed to be there too, and then she was helping him escape from henry and his pride demon and eventually how to escape the fade, except when she got will there, he asked her to come too, and she agreed. and then she was will’s age and she was a little girl but also not and she had a whole family, something she longed for in the fade, so she sticks around.
dustins info - echanter/tinkerer
dustin wasn’t magical, but he could infuse things with magic, which is how he creates his weapons/trinkets, and argyle teaches him a lot. he grew up in Hawkins, and he is the first to see robin and steve in the city and befriend them. he’s not sure if ‘befriend’ is the right word, though, because he’s pretty sure he refused to leave steve alone and then they were close as brothers. dustin’s mom let him and robin stay at their house for a while, so steve often goes to the hendersons to have dinner with her. dustin loves it. he’s also the kind of person who finds a dead body of some monster that was killed hours earlier and does experiments on it, and uses it to do other experiments. he’s very smart, and he knows it. he’s also strangely gifted at creating enchantments that by all means should not work, but do, and this is mostly because he’s self taught, aside from what argyle teaches him.
eddie info - warrior (lyrium, gauntlets)
eddie is an elf, and he doesnt have memories before the ritual in which gave him his markings, so he doesn’t know much about his past. all he knew was serving under Jason, as the mages personal bodyguard, mana container, etc. he was also kind of like a show pony, so he was always dressed up (but still deadly, should the need arise). then, Jason is invited to go to a different kingdom across the ocean, and couldnt bring any additional people, so Eddie was forced to be left behind. and in the three years that Jason is gone, Eddie learns abt freedom through the Hellfire Guild, but then Jason returns and hellfire is gonna fight for eddie and jason is like ‘lol watch this’ and then orders eddie to kill all of hellfire and then he DOES and then runs away from jason to Hawkins, where he hides away in an abandoned mansion, which is owned by Wayne, who took eddie in once he made it to Hawkins and gave him the mansion upon his death. the man had been sick when they met, and by then, the sickness was too far along to heal. eddie starts the fic out hating steve because he’s a mage and throughout the fic learns to tolerate and then love him.
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colossalsharks · 1 year
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[Scrap spoilers maybe?]
I went to see Scrap with the wife. Our expectations were probably a 5/10 because indie films are usually a huge hit or miss. But I gave it a five b/c Hottie McHot Pants is in it and the wife agreed to the rating. Well, we kinda feel foolish now because the film was actually fucking great. Wife got emotional a few times, especially during the fertility-related conservations. But the overall delivery, the humor…it all felt honest. And real. Not actually something from a movie but real life. My admiration for Anthony Rapp came back in full force and honestly, it was such a pleasure to see him in something that was relevant (?) meaningful (?) to me at this point in my life. Again. But he’ll always be Mark Cohen to me.
Vivian Kerr. Christ she was great. Her delivery of Beth was so raw and real and even though it was hard at times to continually like her and support her self-destructive behavior, I like that she kept fucking up and it didn’t immediately fix itself. Actions have consequences and I’m glad that she learned that the hard way. And I’m glad Ben, the enabler, didn’t stop enabling her but she learned to do what was right on her own.
However, this did scare the fuck outta of me for parenthood. To go through the grueling fertility process and the ups and downs and drugs and time spent and effort and tears and everything else…only for it to not work. God, that was heartbreaking to watch. But it wasn’t even that, it was the fact that the film discussed the social aspects of families and family planning and IUI/IVF. The lack of control in the entire process. The motherfucking waiting. The social resentment of other families. Seeing people perceived as fuckups just have noncommittal thoughts and processes to conception…and then birth a child with no issues. It was kinda like an out body experience. We went through it but to see it on a massive ass screen? Then to feel slightly validated because Stacy (Lana Parrilla) is asking herself what kind of mother she’s gonna be? Why are they doing this? Not being able to handle another round? Fearing disappointment? Afraid that her marriage would fall apart if she didn’t birth a child? Seeing Beth shirk her responsibilities as a parent when that’s all Stacy wants and doesn’t understand how a mother could do that? Yo that shit got me fucked up.
Also, nothing like a movie highlighting the struggles of family during a huge new life chapter. Highly recommend paying to see something so you can hurt your own feelings.
On our long walk back to the Path, wife and I said that we couldn’t watch it again until the baby was born. We already have so much anxiety lol. We also said we would only watch it again from the comfort of our home because we want to dissect everything lmao.
Overall, 8.5/10. The delivery, content, and acting was 10/10. The time jumps confused me and I thought it was my goldfish attention span, but wife thought the same. I wish there was a little more clarification on the timeline of things but that’s because I’m anal retentive and need to control and know everything. Would purchase the DVD or whenever it comes digitally and add it to our never ending collection.
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riverstardis · 2 years
sweet child of mine:
poor ethannnn😫😫
cal asks ethan where he’s been, saying his phones been off and he’s been worried sick, but does that mean that cal hadn’t seen him since the end of the previous ep and if so does that mean that this is set only the day after or what??
charlie thinks ethan’s upset because of emilie’s death
lmaoo jacob grabbing connie by the waist and trying to kiss her while she’s on the phone to henrik
okay jacob just implied that it’s been a week since the last ep so did ethan disappear for a whole week???
max talking about something being zoe’s favourite film to jez who just looks at him blankly and max goes “right, you’re new” and explains who she is lmao i love seeing new characters getting caught up on things
lofty sent a gift of cupcakes he baked himself… yeahh you might wanna be careful eating that louise. there you go, he used salt instead of sugar sjskfkfk
lol big mac and noel speaking via louise even though they’re right next to each other
lmaoo zoe asks dylan how he’s getting on and he starts talking about lofty and about how he doesn’t understand why he had to quit and zoe’s like what are you talking about and he goes “well, ben” and she says she meant how he’s getting on with a report😭😭
cal apologises to iain for “grand theft ambo” so i guess this is his first day back after the time off. iain says it’s forgotten and says “sorry to hear about your mum” see iain’s another one who like connie 100% knew that emilie had huntington’s and presumably knows its inherited. now i’m not saying he should be asking them about whether they’ve been tested or whatever obviously that would be weird but it would be nice if the present day writers were aware that iain’s the only character (out of the ones who don’t know) who is at least somewhat aware that ethan could possibly have it. not that it really matters since it’s looking like ethan’s not even getting an exit storyline🙄 (unless how little the show’s been on means that his last ep’s been pushed back a long way after the usual 4 months since it was filmed🤞🏼)
“are you my mummy?” “i am” “is your job in a prison?” “yes it is” “you just said yes!” “urgh you are like the best at the yes no game ever” well that’s one way to quickly introduce a guest character isn’t it💀💀
oh i used to have one of those cheap ass tesco tablets that that girl’s got lol
ah this is the guy who kidnaps connie
connie says she didn’t expect ethan to be in today and puts him on minors. what about cal? she can just tell that ethan’s not okay
ethan’s sudden outburst when dylan asks him if he knows where the magnet lofty gave him is but then when he realises who he’s speaking to he says he heard the news and “she died with dignity, i suppose that’s something isn’t it” “dying with dignity? what does that even mean? we come into this world alone. we all leave it alone. at some stage our bodies fall apart, they let us down, and whether we’re 32 or 92 it’s always a sad, lonely process. dying is horrible, dylan. there’s no way to dress it up. you of all people know that.”😥😥😥 and then he walks out and then doubles back to say that the magnet’s in the bottom drawer and dylan’s just like🧍🏼‍♂️
i wonder if dylan remembered this when charlie told him ethan had found out when his birth mum died and thought well that explains that😭😭
also dylan seems extra autistic in this episode for some reason. maybe he just had a vaccine🤔 /j
grace and jack prank calling noel skskdkfk
ethan’s looking up huntington’s again :(
charlie finds ethan in the staff room and goes “it’s a tough hand, no doubt about it” and ethan goes “thank you charlie but i’m not my brother, i don’t need therapy sessions” well that’s a LIE
i can’t tell whether charlie knows ethan’s tested positive at this point or not because “tough hand” sounds like he does but then he could just be talking about the situation in general and he definitely didn’t seem to know at the start of ep so when did he find out? but then if he doesn’t know at this point then when, in all the time between here and the 2021 parts of begin again, does he find out because we sure as hell don’t see it on screen? basically we have no idea how or when he found out. typical🙄
ethan saying “some people make all the wrong decisions when it comes to their children” to jacob. hmm last time i watched this was during the time he’d given bodhi up soooo yes indeed
lmaoo grace asks jack what’s up with big mac and noel and he says “lovers tiff” and she goes “what, they’re gay?”
jack and louise lock big mac and noel in a store cupboard until they talk it out shskdkfk
jacob literally ripping a whole pipe off the wall with his bare hands for connie😭😭😭
aw lily asking ethan to look at an x-ray and you can practically see her psyching herself up before saying “i’m sorry about your mother. even if you didn’t have a particularly good relationship with your parent, it still hurts” he’s busy watching cal flirt with someone and goes “sorry what?” and she goes “i know what your going through” she only just lost her dad so she thinks she does know but obviously she doesn’t know what he’s actually upset about and he just tells her to leave him alone
i love lily sm because you can see that she’s not really comfortable with this kind of thing but she’s still trying so hard to be there for him🥺
aww connie :(
lmao cal trying to get ethan to talk to him by saying he can cope with him blaming him but he’s still his brother and right now all he’s got and ethan goes “you know, when you fail at being a doctor, or give up, you should go into counselling”
then cal pushes him a few times and tries to get him to hit back but he just walks off :(
aww grace sees connie and jacob kissing and runs off :(
lmaoo max tells robyn he’s found them a new housemate because jez asked him earlier and she goes “his bed isn’t even cold yet!” and max is like “lofty’s not dead robyn” 😭😭
okay both zoe and dylan were watching max and robyn talk then and then they look at each other! don’t tell me they’re not trying to parallel how dylan feels about lofty with how zoe feels about max🤡
grace says connie promised it would just be the two of them and the reason she went to new york in the first place was because connie was prioritising work over her so she knows she can’t fit everyone in and something has to give and she doesn’t want it to be her again :(
she tells connie to break up with jacob or she’ll go back to her dad
okay cue the begin again flashbacks! between this ep and the next is the only possible place for them to be set because it’s after noel and big mac make up and before “be more cal”. but as i said before it still doesn’t really fit because ethan is not speaking to cal at all at this point but in begin again he was upset about the huntington’s but wasn’t avoiding cal. also it’s kinda funny that he was going to resign again when it had only been a few weeks since he last tried to😭 another thing is how stevie said it was emma’s birthday a few months ago but it was her birthday in begin again so they got that date COMPLETELY wrong
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emptylittlebug · 1 year
In: Adderall, Wellbutrin, McDonald’s large vanilla iced coffee (230), pizza rolls (420), ranch (140) 790
Out: 10,274 steps. Fitbit says -2816
Total: -2026
I woke up feeling awful. My whole body aches. I hate this adjustment part. If I want to stop going through it the only answer is to stop giving up and just keep going.
I got the coffee to hopefully help the aches. I feel like I got hit by a car… I’m going to need some Tylenol if it doesn’t work. I can’t spend my day feeling like this. Ughhh.
Also have a stuffy nose. Did I mention I hate this adjustment part?… ugh.
Can’t give in. Can’t stop. Won’t stop. I’m too obese to be having these side effects of… “eating less”.
It’s 9pm. I stopped feeling terrible about an hour after I made that update.
I had a pretty chill day.
Got 3 hours of overtime for work! Pretty excited about that.
My daughter is insisting I lay with her until she falls asleep (she’s 6) so I’ll finish my 10k steps later.
I can’t believe I’m not even the tiniest bit hungry.
— just venting about life and money for the rest of this so skip if you want —
Since I worked 3 hours over I didn’t get any crocheting done today. I’m not happy about that. But maybe I can get something made before I go to bed tonight. Not many more days until the craft show. Plus my stores aren’t selling much at all because they are so empty. I need to worry about the stores more than I do the shows. Idk why I don’t.
Today I spent a while looking on Zillow for houses. Problem is… idk where I want to live. Since my job is remote I can literally move anywhere I want to. But.. I can’t afford the houses I want in the areas I want to be in lmao. I thought about moving back home (an hour and a half away) but my kids dad just moved down here to be closer to them and he’s been helping out SO much I’d hate to mess that up. I do want to be down here. I do Not want to stay because of him or move closer to him. I do like it around here. I’ve only lived her for about 18 months. I do not feel safe in the part of the city I live in and we definitely have outgrown a 3bedroom apartment. Myself and an almost 14 year old son, 10 year old son, 8 year old son, and 6 year old daughter. Right now I have my room, the 14 and 10 year old share a room, and the 8 and 6 year old share a room. But the 14 year old NEEDS his own room. Puberty and all that. So I’ve been looking for a 4 bedroom for us. Moving to another apartment or rental is not an option unfortunately.
I either need a huge increase in income or I need a lot more saved up than I have currently to afford a 4 bedroom around here in a better part of town/the city.
I think that’s why I worry so much about the shows. It’s a lot of money in 1 day instead of a steady way lower amount of money monthly.
I need the steady. But I also want the lump sum to throw into savings faster.
I need more hours in the day.
My work did tell me today I can get up to 10 hours of overtime per week if I want them until they tell us differently. I could definitely use that extra $270/week! Hopefully I’ll stay disciplined enough to throw all the extra in savings. We will see I guess. I’m bad about wanting to throw it on credit card debt, which isn’t bad, but i really need it in savings right now.
I guess I’m more stressed about that than I realized. Damn.
I did find a house back home I could easily afford and it has everything we’re looking for. But. It’s back home.
I think I need to see a therapist again. For the first time in my life my anger is starting to get out of control. I’ve never been an angry person. But it seems like I go from a 3 to a 10 in a finger snap lately. I’m worried what that’s doing to my kids learning/development. I don’t want them to have any more anger issues than they already do… I really really need to work on it and I need some strategies and help. I had to give up therapy when I moved here. I miss my old therapist. I don’t think she’s still working there though, I looked her up on fb (I already know 😂) and it says she works at the school system now. I thought about texting her and just saying hey but I realized I only have her work cell number and it might not still be her number. I would be absolutely crushed if I texted it and someone wrote back they weren’t her. Idk.
Well I think my daughter is asleep now. Off to do 7.2k steps I go!
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yoooori · 3 years
3 Player Punishment
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genre: smut
renjun x jaemin x haechan x fem!reader
kinks: degradation, male receiving!oral, threesome(? is that even a kink), creampie, gagging
relationship is established
1500 words (exactly), 8275 characters
a/n this took me 50 minutes and it's 1:30am rn lmao
you whimpered when you felt haechan tug on your hair. usually jaemin would chuckle when he saw you in a helpless position like this, but this time even he was looking sternly at you. "aren't you such a dirty slut?" haechan hissed, giving another tug.
you were on the master bedroom's bed. the room was dim as none of your three boyfriends had the light at a higher priority than seeing you fucked and punished. on your stomach, you strained your neck to see them.
renjun cupped your chin and tilted it up to have eye contact. "what do you have to say?"
"i'm very sorry," you whimpered. "please don't go too hard on me."
muted chuckles could be heard from all of them.
"did I hear that right? 'please don't go too hard on me'?" jaemin asked.
"you really should've thought of the consequences before you teased us the entire dinner, y/n. in front of our friends, what's more." haechan said. "now, go on all fours."
you complied immidiately, afraid of risking even more punishment. renjun had his pants off, his cock up and ready for your mouth. he cupped your chin and thrusted his cock into your mouth, your gag reflexes protesting against it. renjun didn't stop until all of him was inside of your mouth. he knew you liked it with the way your eyes looked at him with desire even with tears flooding it.
you could see a small, sly smirk form on jaemin's face as he sat at the corner of the bed, already using his hand to pump his cock. jaemin loved watching haechan or renjun fuck you. he'd wait until your eyes were messy with tears and then come over to fuck your overstimulated brains out.
"haechan," he called out to haechan, who was taking off his pants. "be sure to fuck her really good, alright?"
"don't worry about it." haechan growled.
with renjun rapidly thrusting himself into your mouth and your gag reflex working as hard as the devil, you could say nothing but squeal vainly.
haechan positioned himself, giving one big slap to your ass as he did. he slipped himself in, gave himself 2 seconds to convince himself that you won't be physically hurt, and went animalistic. thrusting into you quickly, grabbing your waist, eyes on your ass, haechan's breathing was quick and loud.
tears escaped your eyes. you felt otherworldly as you felt haechan pounding you from behind and renjun cursing from the front with his cock pumping inside of you. your head felt so light, and the first 2 minutes haven't even passed.
"fuck," renjun groaned. "dirty slut. how many times have you took this dick in your mouth like this? f..fuck."
haechan slapped your ass again, making even more tears leave your eyes. "y/n is nothing but a dirty whore, always wanting to get fucked- hmm?"
you could say nothing but let the tears fall.
"such a beautiful sight for me to enjoy," jaemin heaved loudly. "my little slut with two holes filled."
you looked at jaemin, and felt like you could orgasm just by the sight of him. his eyes met yours, his filled with lust and desire. his hand quickly pumped his cock. his chest heaved as his eyes took in the masterpiece of a sight in front of him.
your eyes were glued to jaemin- whether it was his cock or his eyes. yours were desperate. you so wanted this- renjun and haechan's cock in two of your holes. you felt so euphoric. you felt so full.
haechan could see this.
"you like this a lot, isn't it? that's why you were acting like a complete-" he hissed and grabbed your ass tightly. "-complete whore. couldn't even wait till we got home."
"such a naughty girl." renjun heaved, his eyes unable to look sane with your mouth working magic on his cock.
you cried on renjun's cock, feeling your need to orgasm grow bigger and bigger. you needed to cum soon.
"what is this?" haechan growled, now tugging your hair. "you want to cum?" he felt your walls tighten even more around him.
"don't let her." jaemin instructed.
haechan sadistically grinned. "of course i wouldn't. sluts don't get to pick and choose."
renjun hissed. "shut the fuck up and fuck the shit out of her."
you couldn't take it. the sight, the sound, the feeling of being so filled with haechan and renjun-
you cried loudly into renjun's cock. he groaned at the vibration, thrusting faster. "i'm gon- cum!" you cried, but no one could hear it.
haechan hissed and gave a spank to your ass when he felt your walls squeeze his cock. "cumming all over my cock? you're clenching so tight around me, y/n."
"fuck, i'm going to cum." renjun growled. using his two hands to grab your head, he thrusted deeply into your mouth. your mouth felt destroyed, but you loved it. your entire body felt so overstimulated with haechan's pounding still continuing, but you wanted renjun to destroy your mouth as much as he could. even more, you wanted his cum as deep down your throat as possible.
with hissing and groaning, you looked at renjun's eyes with a small sense of accomplishment as he pumped his load into you. he scoffed when his eyes met yours. still, he pulled out his cock and lied on his back, panting.
as for you, you were gasping and readjusting to not having your throat completely filled by renjun. haechan's thrusts didn't slow down. if anything, it went faster. haechan groaned loudly, his hands digging into your ass. he relished the sight of your body, loving everything about it.
you whimpered and whined, begging him to quickly fill you up. it was overstimulating.
"i'm going to cum soon," he looked at jaemin. jaemin nodded, a sly smile on his mouth. you gulped at the sight of the smile.
haechan gave one final spank to your red ass, thrusted in as deeply as he could, filled you up, and pulled out. he panted, a satisfied smile on his face. he moved to clean himself out, leaving space for jaemin.
jaemin moved onto your collapsed body. cum covered his crotch and hand, but he seemed to ignore it. not when you were in front of him, at least.
"think you can handle me?"
"not too fast, please" you said weakly.
he laughed, amused. "i'll try."
jaemin slipped inside of you easily. he waited for a couple of seconds, gauging your limit. then he started moving. he started at a slow pace, but as time went on he rapidly increased the pace. he was now going nearly as fast as haechan did, much to your gasps and pleasure.
jaemin never really felt physical pleasure from fucking alone; it was making you feel as pleasured as possible that turned him on.
"aww," he cooed, wiping away your tears. "i thought you wanted this badly, y/n? and when haechan and renjun are done with you and it's my turn, you cry so much?"
you wailed and buried your head into the bedding. "so much- so much, so much"
jaemin smiled, amused. "you did want to feel three cocks, baby."
you wailed with overstimulation, already feeling your insides clench at jaemin's cock. you felt stretched and out of your mind, but you knew that you needed jaemin's cum deep inside of you, just like haechan's.
"cumming so fast?" jaemin laughed at your pitiful figure as you arched your back and whimpered loudly. "shh, you want to wake all the neighbors up?"
"need your cum" was all you could say.
jaemin's eyes widened with amusement. he complied, figuring that haechan has fucked you enough. quickening his pace and looking at as much of your fucked face as he could, he came inside of you. a lot of it overfilled and spilled out of you, and he made a point to finger it back in when he pulled out.
renjun crawled towards you and picked you up. he went back to the middle of the bed and lied you down on his stomach. haechan took his left, jaemin his right. the room was quiet apart from your loud attempts to regain a steady breath and to wipe away all of your tears.
"we should do that again sometime." haechan commented.
jaemin laughed. "are you saying you want y/n to be a dirty little whore?"
renjun huffed. "you guys talk too much. let me and y/n sleep."
"alright, sorry~" both haechan and jaemin apologized playfully.
within 2 minutes, all of the 4 of you were dead asleep in a tangled mess of limbs.
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miekasa · 4 years
1+1 (levi ackerman)
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↯ pairing: levi ackerman x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: modern au, fluff...... again....... is it getting boring and predictable yet lmao, once again the dog’s name is captain and no i do not regret it
↯ word count: 2.5k
↯ summary: levi ackerman is a cuddler, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. (aka me once again pushing my physical affection is levi’s love language agenda because he’s a poor, touch-starved little man).
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i. the lap pillow: person A sits upright, while person B rests their head in person A’s lap. head pets and hair playing option, but highly encouraged.
Levi spent an obnoxious amount of time picking out the perfect couch for his apartment. He might have paid a little bit more than what he’d originally budgeted for, but it was worth it; his soft, plush couch and accompanying cushions were equally comfortable and beautiful, matching the interior of his living room, and posing at the perfect nap spot when Levi was too tired to make it to the bed, or wanted to lounge around with Captain for a while.
Or, well, it used to be worth it. Because now, Levi would rather lay his head on your lap than on his stupid, expensive couch and all its cushions.
Sure, the couch still provides comfort or refuge for the rest of his body, a comfy cavern to stretch his limbs or crash on after a long day, but with you there, all the benefits go to his head; literally, because when his head is in your lap, you stroke his face, comb through his hair, pad your thumb against his lips—whatever, Levi doesn’t really fucking care, because all of it is heavenly.
“Do you want to go to bed?” you question softly, hand raking through Levi’s hair. He’s lying on his back, not even pretending to have been watching the TV, as to let you have maximum access to his hair and face.
“No,” he says shortly, shifting his foot around to allow for your yorkie puppy to curl up at the other end of the couch, “Comfortable here.”
You try to hide the chuckle from escaping your lips. Levi certainly wasn’t shy about how much he liked your affections, especially within the closed walls of his apartment; but it always amused you just how simultaneously clipped, yet clingy he could be about it.
“Your neck is going to hurt, love,” you tell him, slowly moving your right hand from his hair to trace along his eyebrow, then down his cheek.
Levi huffs, ever so slightly. Then, gently, turns on his side, rotating his body and head, so that his cheek is now pressed along your thigh, legs curled up to his stomach, allowing Captain more space to curl into a ball at the base of Levi’s feet. He bends his arms, both coming to rest on your thighs as well, just an inch from his face.
“It’s fine like this,” he grumbles, voice thick with sleep—and a bit of frustration, because you’ve ceased playing with his hair at this point, “I’m going to take a nap, don’t move.”
You can help your laughter from escaping, “I don’t really have a choice, now do I?”
He hums in affirmation, shifting around just a bit to his comfort. You smile at the way he wiggles his toes, Captain taking it as an invitation to snuggle closer to Levi. You rest your right hand against Levi’s shoulder, lightly massaging his muscles as to not disturb his drifting to sleep, and resume your focus on the TV ahead of you.
Just when you’d thought Levi was on his way to falling asleep, he lets out a discontented grunt, moving his arm backwards to grab at your wrist, and with gentle, but firm force, moves your hand that was massaging his shoulder to the top of his head. He says nothing, only moves his hand back to its previous position, and once again shifts to readjust his napping position.
You get the message, and with a wide smile, you carefully begin to thread your fingers through his hair again; and with a satisfied purr, Levi snuggles his head into your lap, and finally drifts off to sleep.
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ii. the half spoon/chest rest: person A lays flat on their back, while person B curls into their side, laying their head on person A’s chest.
Levi rarely falls asleep before you do, so he’s had quite a bit of time to observe your sleep habits—as non-creepily as possible, of course.
You’re a pretty normal sleeper—again, not that he spends his time watching other people sleep, or anything—but you do have your own quirks; most of which Levi finds endearing on some level or another. Like the way you always have to have a minimum of three pillows on your side of the bed, even if you don’t sleep with all three of them at the same time. And the way your arms subconsciously curl up, usually around a pillow if Levi isn’t there, or even around yourself if there’s no object for you to grasp.
One of your sleeping ticks he isn’t particularly fond of is the way you move around. Not sporadically, and thankfully, not to a point that leaves you sprawled across the mattress at an obscure angle, but just… around. He especially hates when you roll away from him, because you usually roll away and never roll back.
Which is why Levi is generally fond of cuddling positions in which he’s holding you, as to make sure you don’t, quite literally, roll out of his arms. Because nothing pisses Levi off more than waking up and realizing you’ve rolled away and taken to snuggling against your pillow instead of him. He’s much better than a pillow. Warmer, too. Not mention, a real, actual human being.
Right now, you’re tucked almost expertly into Levi’s right side, head laying on his chest, your right arm over his stomach, hand just barely tickling the exposed skin from his shirt riding up. Levi likes the feeling of your shallow exhales rippling against his shirt, and the warmth of your cheek pressed against his chest.
He’s about to fall asleep himself, when he feels you shuffling, and oh no, not on his watch. Before the worst can happen, Levi secures his right arm over your shoulder, as to hold you against him. The urge to roll seems to leave you then, the only movement is of your right arm, which you bend at the elbow, now laying your palm against his pecs.
Levi exhales, content. Now he can sleep peacefully. Well, almost. There’s one more thing he likes about this position, and it’s his ability to use his free hand to reach down, scoop under your knee and drape your leg across his waist—and he does so happily; smiling to himself as you subconsciously burrow yourself further into his side.
Much better, Levi thinks, letting his eyelids flutter shut. It was time for bed, after all, and he had a feeling he’d be waking up warm and cozy in the morning.
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iii. full contact cuddle: person A sits or lays on their back, while person B rests almost directly on top of them.
“I don’t get why you like this so much,” you say, words mumble, as you shimmy up Levi’s body to lay your cheek against his chest, “How do you possibly benefit from this?”
If you asked Levi, this was probably his favorite way to cuddle. Something about having almost all of your body weight on top of him, your head against his chest, and his arms wrapped completely around you just made him feel warm, and cozy, and content. Plus, the added bonus of you laying directly on top of his dick.
He could say all of that, but instead he opts for a minimal hum, and, a simple, “It’s warm.”
“Yeah, because you’re warm, Levi,” you point out, but burrow into his skin anyway. You’re not exactly complaining, laying on Levi is nice; especially a shirtless Levi, with how warm his body runs. And, well, for other reasons, too.
Once again, you’re met with a non-committal hum. Levi just holds you for a bit, listening for the way your breathing slows and evens out, feeling for signs of your body slowing down against his.
After a while, he shifts his arms, moving so that they’re no longer stacked atop each other, but with his palms both resting against your back, creeping under your shirt. “It’s the weight,” he replies carefully, moving his right hand to rub against your skin, “It feels nice.”
“The weight?” you question, lifting your head to look at him, your chin poking into his chest. Levi looks down to meet your eyes, a small nod in reassurance.
“I can’t… explain it,” he tells you truthfully, “I just like the feeling of you against me. It’s not symbolic or any shit like that, it just, feels good. Sometimes feels like we’re… I don’t know, connected or some shit. I can feel you breathe when I breathe, and all that.”
It’s a poor explanation, and nothing close to what he wants to be able to convey, but you understand him anyways; you always do. You have to hold back your overgrown smile, just barely letting the corners of your lips turn upwards at Levi’s response. You extend your neck briefly to place a short kiss against his jaw, before turning to head to lay back on his chest.
“No, I get it,” you reassure him, snuggling against him for extra measure, “Feels nice to just know you’re there.”
Levi hums in affirmation, his hand squeezing at your waist affectionately—a silent thank you for being able to read between his lines. You lay like that for a while, your exhales tickling against Levi’s bare chest, while his hands massage at your back.
“Besides,” he says, his hands slowly venturing down past your waist; he squeezes at your hips, adjusting you so that your center is directly on top of his, and encouraging you to lift your upper half, so that you’re looking down at him, a full view of the wicked smile on his face, “I kind of have a thing for you being on top of me.”
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iv. the seated snuggle: person A sits upright, maybe slouched a bit, while person B cuddles into their side; a hand wrapped around A’s waist or arm, and B’s head resting against A’s shoulder.
Levi likes his alone time, but even when he’s focusing on himself, he’s acutely in tune with you and your emotions. And to be honest with himself, he spends a lot of his alone time thinking about you—consciously or not, you find a way into his brain, and Levi has long since accepted that you’re a permanent, and very welcome presence in his life, one that can be more powerful and enjoyable that his own solitude.
Even when he’s sitting on the couch, right leg bent and tucked under his left at the knee, a book Hange had recommended in his hand, with a shitty hospital drama playing as background noise on the television; even then, when he’s relaxing and enjoying his novel, he purposefully feels out your presence and gauges your emotions.
Though, if you asked him, it shouldn’t have taken a rocket scientist to understand that you were feeling a little out of it today—maybe not quite sad, but moving a bit slower, perhaps tired, or annoyed by your day at work—despite the cheery lilt in your voice. But Levi knew, he could feel it, that something was off; but he could also feel that this something wasn’t getting talked about today, or that, perhaps you just didn’t have the words to express it right now. 
Levi greets you as he would when you come through the door, tilts his head up when you lean down to give him a kiss, and lets you pad into your bedroom to change and shower. You shuffle around after that, making your way to the kitchen to reheat the dinner he’d cooked earlier, and flitter between your bedroom and the living room after that.
And Levi knows; he knows that you want to talk to him, but that you wouldn’t dare to interrupt his alone-time, because you know how important it is to him. What you fail to understand is that you’re just as, if not more, important to him because you give him space.
So, Levi waits until you’re hovering by the doorway of the living room again, and then, without looking up from his book, silently opens and extends his left arm. He counts three seconds before you come shuffling over to him, wasting no time tucking yourself into his side, and resting your head on his shoulder. Levi hums when he feels your cheek press into his neck, and wraps his arm securely around you.
“Long day?” he questions, eyes still on his book, but reading at a marginally slower pace now.
Your eyes flutter shut at the question, working harder to snuggle yourself into Levi, wrapping your arms around his waist, “The longest.”
Levi hums, finishing his page, and tucking the ear to mark his spot before closing his book. He turns his head to press a kiss into your forehead, and pulls you a little closer against him. “It’s over now, I’ve got you.”
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v. the times together/pretzel: person A rests with back against a wall/couch/object, and person B mirrors their positions; both A and B’s legs are intertwined, while they look at each other.
Levi will only take a bath after he’s showered, because there’s no appeal in sitting in your own wet dirt. That being said, post-shower baths with you are something he looks forward to, especially after a long, drawn out work week.
You both sit facing each other, legs bent and intertwined, your empty champagne glasses resting on the tiled floor beside the tub. Levi lets you make bubble beards on his face, and smiles as you splash them away and placate it all with a crescendo of kisses.
“I love you,” you smile between presses of your lips, the palms of your hands squishing Levi’s cheeks together—and he just lets you, because he loves you.
Levi thinks it’s his turn now, though he has no interest in bubble beards, or mohawks, simply mirroring your actions to cup your face with his hands, pull you closer, a whisper on your lips.
Wet thumbs pad against your cheeks, and Levi thinks that even like this, with only the flicker of candle flames illuminating your face, that you’re beautiful, and the best thing he’s ever gotten the opportunity to love and care for in his life.
So he lets you know, “And I love you.” And he means it; and you know he does.
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aiiwa · 4 years
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✗ REQUEST: i’ve been seeing all over tiktok the whole lay between your s/o thighs trend (idk if you know the trend) but i wanted to see it with the hq boys. so could i request iwa, kuroo, bo and suga🥺.
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― iwaizumi hajime, kuroo tetsurou, bokuto koutarou, sugawara koushi.
⤷ genre: fluff
⤷ warnings: suggestive content (everything i write at this point is suggestive lmao), i got lazy proof reading this but i’ll come back to it
⤷ word count: 3.1k
― a/n: i was very soft writing this hehe, also;
me to me: let’s limit this to 500 words per character
also me: almost writes 1k just on kuroo.
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after two long weeks apart, with iwa having to travel overseas for work, he had finally come back home to you. work trips weren’t uncommon, but often left you alone, missing him more and more with each day apart.
it took everything in your power to hold yourself back from jumping on him, the moment you caught sight of his bulky figure walking out of the airport terminal.
and now the two of you were on your way home. after bickering over who would drive, iwa now sat leaned back in the driver’s seat, large hand engulfing yours on your lap and the other gripping the leather steering wheel; skillfully maneuvering your car down the snowy streets. fiddling with his long fingers entwined between your own, you bring his hand up to your mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.
glancing at you from the corner of his olive eyes, you could see his soft smile under the flickering glow of the streetlights. he gives your hand a gentle squeeze, before his focus turns back to the road.
ten minutes pass relatively quickly, with iwa shifting the gear into park outside your shared home. he trails close behind you, warm breath tickling the side of your neck and duffle bag slung over his wide shoulder, as you unlock the front door.
“welcome home.” you whisper, tilting your face up to look at him.
iwa’s quick to drop his bag, spinning you around by your hips to pull you flush against him. wrapping your arms around his neck, you giggle at the feeling of his hands dipping lower to give your ass a loving squeeze.
“i missed you, baby.” he breathes out, before leaning down to capture your lips.
the kiss is sweet and slow, you indulge yourself in the familiar feeling of his soft lips; before his tongue darts out to trace against the pout of your bottom lip, asking for permission. you moan into him as your tongues brush against each other sensually, dragging your hand from his nape to caress his jaw; you jolt away as your palm brushes against the icy cold touch of his ear.
“haji! your ears are freezing!” you hiss, both hands now tugging at his ears.
chuckling lowly, he grabs at your wrists lightly. “ah, i know...why don’t you warm them up for me?”
overwhelming thoughts of how exactly iwa intended for you to warm his ears up, clouded your flustered mind. in a flurry of movements, he lead you into your bedroom; freeing you from the tight denim of your high-waisted pants, and having you perched up and leaning against your fluffed up pillows. the fuzziness in your head starts to clear up at the sight of iwa stripping off his long sleeved shirt, exposing the toned muscle of his stomach and chest.
crawling towards you and parting your legs, he presses a kiss to the inner side of your knee, before he flips over and slides his read right between your legs. you blink once, then twice, watching as he grabs your thighs, wrapping them around his neck and squishing his face.
“well, this...isn’t exactly what i was expecting.” rubbing your thighs against his ears to get used to the freezing touch.
iwa hums contentedly, patting the side of your leg. “mmm, don’t worry baby, we’ll save that for a bit later okay?” heat rushes to your face as he calls you out on your thoughts. “i just wanna lay here and feel you like this for now.” you push your hands against your face, feeling how warm your cheeks are, before iwa grabs at your wrists softly, bringing them over to kiss your palms. “just lie with me, okay baby?”
with your hands caressing the sides of his face, you nod, smiling softly. “okay, haji.”
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working together with kuroo for japan’s volleyball association was amazing. for the most part that is. it’s how the two of you met, he’d charmed you into a first date by his second week, and it was almost three years since then.
you spent every day with your boyfriend at work, and every night together in bed. but sharing a busy week schedule filled with back-to-back meetings, interviews with athletes for potential promotional videos, and late nights in the office filing the never-ending build up of paperwork - meant weekends were very much looked forward to.
lazy sundays being your favourite.
the day usually started well into noon, both of you enjoying the extra undisturbed hours of sleep - since the blare of kuroo’s six a.m. alarm wasn’t ringing in your ears. he’d greet you with a drowsy rasp - “good morning, shorty.” - making you giggle before dragging him to share a steaming hot shower with you; . and with a towel wrapped around your head, bare legs on show underneath the hem of your boyfriend’s large shirt, you’d sway in front of the stovetop flipping pancakes while a shirtless kuroo sliced up your favourite fruits - music from his playlist playing softly in the background.
if the weather allowed it, you and kuroo would sit out on the balcony of your apartment; basking in the warmth of the sun, admiring the way his hazel eyes reflected gold. yet this sunday, a storm was raging outside.
“why is she giving a rose to that prick yamato? fuji deserves it way more than him!” kuroo calls out.
you were only half invested in the bachelorette marathon playing. rain spat against the fogged glass; heavy lidded eyes followed the trails made by the racing raindrops. you were tucked snugly into kuroo’s side, a long arm wrapped around your shoulders, and legs tangled under the softness of the new periwinkle comforter you’d bought the other day. kuroo’s laptop rested on his lap, and you jostled about as he shot an arm out to point at the screen accusingly.
“are you seeing this, y/n?! now she’s choosing sachihiro! over fuji?!”
humming half-heartedly in response, you squeeze yourself closer to kuroo; dragging your hand over his bare chest, and resting it over his heart. you could feel his heartbeat against your palm, thump-thump thump-thump, and the steady rise and fall of his chest began to lull you to sleep.
the sound of your soft snores, pulled kuroo’s attention away from the show.
“shorty, you sleepin’?”
at your lack of reply, he chuckles lowly, shifting around to put away his laptop. you were always the first to fall back asleep, especially after eating good and coming back to bed to cuddle. pulling you closer to him, he smiled at the sigh you released against him; before pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead and resting his cheek on his pillow. the smell of your strawberry shampoo wafting around him, was the last thing kuroo remembered before he joined you in the dream world.
laying on your side with half your vision obscured by the fluffy pillow under your head, you blink away the sleep as you gaze outside the window. the rain had come to a slow drizzle, with the skies still fairly bright meaning only an hour or so had passed while you were asleep.
“tetsu?” you call out.
usually the rooster head would be pressed right up against you, but you couldn’t feel or see him. attempting to twist your body around, you find your movements constricted. it was only when you tried once again to lift your leg up, that a hand slid around your knee to halt your movements.
pushing yourself up a bit, and resting on your elbow, you glance down to find your boyfriend’s head between your thighs, back of his head pushed against your pelvis. because the two of your are on your sides, the full weight of your left leg over his shoulder has his cheeks smushed together; but kuroo seems completely unbothered, in fact he’s just scrolling through instagram on his phone. when you reach a hand down to tug at his inky hair, only then does he glance up at you.
“are you alright down there?” you ask. “can you even breathe?”
“i woke up here, and i don’t plan on moving any time soon.” kuroo hums, the vibration from his throat are ticklish against your inner thighs. “i’m living my best life, wanna see my new lock screen?”
without waiting for an answer, he shows off his new lock screen - which really happened to be a live photo displaying a collection of pictures with kuroo’s face squeezed between your lush thighs. you can’t help but laugh, kuroo’s cackling joining you. slightly embarrassed at the thought of someone catching a glance at his lock screen, you pull at his hair; complaining about the possibility of being exposed.
kuroo slaps your hands away from his hair, still chuckling. “i don’t care, shorty. i look good between your thighs, don’t you think so?”
flustered, you yank on his hair again. “shut up, rooster head.”
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while waiting for bokuto to come back home to you from his training with the msby jackals, the last thing you expected was to receive a call from his teammates. it was your day off, and as you were loading the last of you and bokuto’s laundry, your phone began to vibrate - the bright grin of a certain tangerine-haired cutie flashing across the screen.
“hi, bokuto-san- ah, um, i mean y/n-san!”
you chuckle lightly at hinata’s correction. ever since you announced your engagement with bokuto, the younger male had started addressing you by your fiancé’s surname. in the background you can hear atsumu yelling out to you, followed by sakusa complaining about his loud mouth. you were more than familiar with bokuto’s close friends and teammates, from the countless team dinners and nights of drinks hosted at you and bokuto’s townhouse, you shared a solid friendship with everyone.
“ah, shou-kun, everything okay?”
“um, well i just called to let you know that bokuto-san didn’t have the best time at training today.”
‘oh no, poor kou,’ you thought to yourself, heart tugging at the thought of bokuto being sad. his somber moods were a rarity these days; it had actually been almost a year since he’d been in a slump, and he usually loved his trainings, so that meant today must have been extra tough on him.
“i see, thank you for telling me shou-kun.” after listening to hinata’s retelling of the events at training, with side commentary from atsumu and sakusa; you all exchanged goodbyes before ending the call.
with the chance to avoid being unequipped for bokuto’s gloomy return home, you were grateful for hinata’s thought to warn you. it gave you an hour, from his shower to the drive back home, to prepare some of his favourite things. normally it involved inviting akaashi over, but with him out of town, it left you to your own devices. though after being with bokuto for so long, it wouldn’t be that hard.
you knew your man like the back of your hand.
he was probably starving after practice, and what better than to cook some barbecued meat for him - his favourite, with the special sauce you always made just for him. after making some side dishes and rice, you set the table for the two of you, leaving the meat to stay warm in the oven while you went for a quick shower. bokuto made it know how much he enjoys the smell of your cherry bomb body wash, yet today you opted to lather on his orange body wash. knowing the smell of him on you made him crazy, you dried yourself off and decided to wear his old shirt from high school; the baby blue of ‘the way of the ace’ shirt, with the faded black characters.
you had just finished throwing your softest blankets and fluffiest pillows onto the couch in the living room, when you caught the sound jingling keys at the front door. leaping over the back of the sofa, you ran just in time for the door to open.
“kou!” you exclaimed, leaping as soon as you see his bulky figure enter through the doorway. his gym bag landed on the wooden floors with a thud, as he caught you easily in his arms. “welcome home! i missed you so much, baby!”
bokuto’s hold on you is tight. “hi, y/n…” there’s none of the usual chirp in his voice, and you squeeze him closer to you, peppering kisses on his face.
“are you hungry? i made your favourite.”
offering him a small smile at his slight nod, you slid out of his grasp, taking his hand to lead him to the dining table. when he saw the table set, barbecued meats on display, he tugged you to a halt; staring at you with round, golden puppy eyes filled with appreciation. you sat on his lap as he ate, with your arm hooked around his neck; allowing him to feed you, as he listened to you talk about your day. and when the two of you were done, bokuto offered to finish off the dishes while you lounged on the sofa waiting for him, netflix loading on the wide screen television.
distracted by the trailer of some netflix original film, your caught by surprise when bokuto slides face first between your thighs. with his cheek pressed against your pelvis, he shifts your legs over his broad shoulders, thighs almost obscuring his face from your vision if it weren’t for the frosted tips of his hair sticking out. running your fingers through the slightly damp, silken strands; you felt you relax in your embrace, releasing a contented sigh.
“kou?” he hums in response, arms sliding around your thighs as he nuzzles his face into your smooth skin. “i know today wasn’t the best, but there’s always a tomorrow. just remember that i love you so much, and i’m here...okay baby?”
lifting his head slightly, thighs resting by his jaw, he sets his chin just below your navel. staring up at you, he takes your hands in his, slippings his fingers between yours.
“i love you, y/n.” he whispers, slightly mumbled. “thank you for everything.”
giving his hands a loving squeeze, you start explaining the new movie you want to watch. and with his interest piqued, the two of you spend the rest of the afternoon in the comfort of each other; bokuto tracings patterns on your leg, and your hands tangled in his hair.
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it had been almost a month since you and suga’s return from your honeymoon. after spending an amazing three weeks on a tropical island with your newly wedded husband; strolling along sandy beaches, scuba diving in clear blue waters, and spending warm nights making love under the stars - it was safe to say you were missing the time away relaxing.
so when daichi called your husband during the week to make plans for the long weekend, you were more than happy for a mini getaway to tokyo with your old high school friends.
and that’s how you found yourself, guava oil spread across your skin, stretched out by the poolside, and sipping your umeshu tonic through a pink swirly straw. the boys had decided to take a dip and cool off in the pool, while you and kiyoko had taken to some sunbathing. it was a little after midday, scorching sun at its peak; and the golden rays captured the sparkle of the princess cut diamond of your engagement ring resting between two matching, diamond encrusted bands.
“you’re going to blind everyone with all those diamonds, y/n.” blinking away the daze you’d caught yourself in, you chuckle at kiyoko’s teasing.
“speak for yourself, soon-to-be-mrs-tanaka.” you shot back, nodding at the glimmering engagement ring on her own finger.
the two of you giggled like little school girls, cheeks flushed and eyes closed in mirth; only stopping when a sudden wall appeared, blocking the warm sunshine, and shadowing over you. the wall being none other tanaka, suga following behind.
“kiyo~!” tanaka coos, leaning over his fiancé. “you look hot- uh, i mean it’s pretty hot, y’know.” 
kiyoko simply raises an arched brow, listening to tanaka’s rambling; which quickly turned into the latter throwing the her over his shoulder, and running back towards the pool. she hadn’t even protested at his manhandling, taking to sending you a look that said ‘what can i do?’. with the two of them gone, your full attention was set on the sight of suga.
now standing next to you, his hazel-brown eyes glanced over your laid out figure in appreciation; entranced with the way your bikini top dug into the soft flesh of your breasts, drawing attention to the deep valley of your cleavage. your own keen eyes took in the sight of his slender build; admiring the way his soaked canary trunks hung low on his hips, polyester sticking to his thighs and leaving little to your imagination. with his chest exposed, glistening under the sun as droplets of water slid down his toned stomach - it suddenly felt as if the air had become ten degrees warmer.
“hey there, this seat taken?” suga asks, tilting his head and running a hand to push back the damp, grey strands out of his face.
“oh, this seat?” you ask, gesturing to the lounge chair you were occupying.
your brow’s furrow slightly in confusion, though you gasp when he trails ticklish fingers over your thigh, before squeezing the soft flesh. “no, this one.”
chuckling, you hold your left hand up, wiggling your jewelled ring finger in front of you. “sorry sir, i’m a taken woman.”
suga just grins at you cheekily, leaning forward to press his soft lips against your own. this kiss is brief, but the lingering taste of his mango chapstick and chlorine has you a bit dazed; allowing him to part your legs and slide himself right between them. laying on his stomach, your legs rest by his sides, his fingers teasing the hem of your bikini bottoms.
“ah yes, that you are, sweetheart. and i’m the lucky man who gets to call you mine.” with his cheek is smushed against your thigh, his words come out slurred; but the dreamy look in his eyes as he stares up at you is clear.
“and i’m lucky to have you, koushi.” you whisper in return, the weight of him over you is comforting and you find yourself leaning back into the lounger; as suga nestles himself closer into you.
“mmm, i love this...laying right here between your thighs, sweetheart.”
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© 2020 AIIWA. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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amphxtrite · 3 years
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aaron hotchner x fem!reader
warnings: smut, oral (fem receiving), face riding, wet dream, degrading, sir kink, fingering, masturbation, food.
do not read if you are uncomfortable.
summary: a wet dream leads to a steamy morning after Hotch finds out.
word count: 2.3k
a/n: I’m so in love with Hotch, do expect more of him lmao.
hope you enjoy :)
“Fuck you taste so good, darling.” Hotch groans.
You nod bashfully as you move your hips faster in a circle as Aaron’s tongue swirls around your clit and up your slit.
“Such a dirty slut grinding against my face like that.” Hotch chuckles, pulling his tongue away from your aching core. You whine in objection.
“Use your words darling, let me hear how much you want it.” He growls, licking a long stripe up your cunt as latching onto your clit, chuckling as you squirm around in desperation, sending delicious vibrations up your core.
“Oh fuck Sir, please eat me out, make me cum! I need it so fucking bad.” You cry desperately, circling your hips faster as Hotch obliges, tightening his grip on your hips to pull you further onto his face and dragging his tongue in and out of your tight slit, moaning loudly to send shockwaves up your belly.
Sunlight pours into your room in a soft beam as your eyes flutter open. You slowly sit up and yawn, glancing over at your boyfriend fondly as he snores softly under the covers, when suddenly, your dream comes crashing back down on you. 
You bite your lip to hold back a soft moan as you recall the way Aaron’s tongue felt against your aching clit. You could feel your heartbeat travel to your core at the mere thought.
Another soft snore pulls you out of your thoughts and you avert your gaze down to the sleeping man beside you. His short black hair had grown out giving him an almost boyish look, his warm brown eyes lay hidden as he dozed and his lips lay slightly parted. The usual look of determination on his face was replaced with peace as his face relaxed, and with the sun pouring down onto his face and bare chest just barely peeking out past your comforter. 
You swallow as almost tauntingly his tongue darts out to wet his top lip before retreating back behind his teeth, he was just starting to stir, but you couldn’t stand this anymore.
You nibble on your bottom lip as you debate waking Aaron up, but he slept so peacefully and you couldn’t bring yourself to do that, especially after a case.
You sigh, feeling tired just thinking about your last assignment.
Oh, but the heat between your legs was getting too much to bear!
Begrudgingly  you decide to just get off by yourself. Waving your hand over Arron’s eyes you come to the conclusion he was out cold, you should be alright.
As quietly as possible you swing your feet off the bed and pad down to the guest bedroom, just to be safe. You exhale gently and remove your pajamas until you’re only left in a pair of panties and climb onto the bed.
You kneel so you’re facing the wall behind you and allow one hand to leave your breast and travel down your body until it’s down the front of your panties.
Hotch’s low voice rings in your head.
“You taste so good, darling.”
Your fingers begin moving around your clit in circles and figure eights, moving closer towards your slit as you whimper gently and begin delving deeper.
“Good morning, love.” 
You squeak in surprise, pulling your hand from your panties and staring in shock-horror at a groggy Aaron standing in the doorway.
“What are you doing in the guest room?” He questions tiredly, stretching one arm out as he rubs the sleep from his eyes.
“D’you want—” He begins, voice faltering as his eyes finally focus on you, finally noticing your topless frame and your flushed cheeks.
You smile nonchalantly and avert your gaze to the wall beside you, suddenly finding the cream wallpaper to be far more interesting.
“Well I wouldn’t mind waking up to a sight like that every day.” Hotch smirks as you roll your eyes gently.
“What’s got you all hot and bothered this morning love?” He teases, walking closer and gathering you into his arms.
“N-No reason.” You sigh, burying your face into the crook of his neck to hide the growing flush on your face.
“No, tell me darling, I’m rather curious.”
A shudder runs down your spine at the pet name and you feel your heartbeat travel to your core again.
“I-It’s fine really.” You exclaim, trying to laugh the situation off and squirm your way out of your boyfriend’s grip.
“No, you’re not getting off that easy.” Aaron chuckles, running his hands up and down your bare back, licking his lips as he imagines what wet fantasies had you so flustered.
“I— had a dream.” You confess, glancing up into Hotch’s, now dark, brown eyes
“Oh? Why don’t you tell me about it, lovet?” He chides, sitting you back down on the bed and standing above you.
“Was it my fingers?” He starts, sliding his hand up your thighs slowly. You shake your head ‘no.’
“My cock perhaps?” He questions. You shake your head again.
“My tongue, then?” Aaron asks, licking his lips.
You pause and finally, nod gently.
Hotch takes your chin in between his fingers and tilts your head to come eye to eye with him before whispering.
“Dreaming about me eating you out, love? How exciting.” He chuckles, hooking his fingers on your panties and pulling them down your thighs.
“I— I was riding your face.” You admit, feeling your confidence grow.
“I see. Tell me more.” 
“You called me a dirty slut and made me beg for your tongue.” You stammer, gasping as Aaron leans closer and nibbles down your neck.
“You do love it when I call you a little slut don’t you?” 
“Yes, Sir— fuck I do.” You whimper desperately, squeezing your thighs together as you feel your arousal grow.
Hotch smirks at your words. You always loved teasing him by calling him sir, even before you started fucking.
“Then sit on my face poppet, let’s make that dream come true.” Aaron smirks darkly, laying down on the mattress before guiding you into a sitting position on his hips and waiting. Your face must have resembled a tomato because Hotch cocks an eyebrow at you and beckons you forwards. “Don’t be shy darling, you want me to eat that little pussy of yours don’t you?”
You nod shyly and Hotch leans up to place a tender kiss on your lips for a second before lying back down.
Your eyes trail up Aaron’s bare chest, admiring each muscle and scar along his chest and abdomen. You roll your hips teasingly and nibble on your bottom lip when Hotch grabs your hips firmly and narrows his eyes.
“Nice try y/n, but I’m in charge today.” Hotch smirks, watching as you swallow sheepishly and nod. 
You inch upwards slowly, letting your pussy graze Aaron’s chest, watching his eyes drink in your figure.
Once you maneuver yourself over his arms, he catches you off-guard, wrapping his arms around your thighs and jolting you forward onto his mouth.
Your breath hitches and you move your hands to the top of the headboard so you wouldn’t fall. 
Turns out you would need it because once Hotch got his grip he pries your legs apart, he immediately takes your clit into his mouth and flicks the sensitive numb around with his tongue.
“O-Oh fuck.” You moan, moving one of your hands down into Hotch’s soft black hair and pulling gently.
Hotch hums in response sending waves of euphoria up your abdomen and clouding your vision, causing your grip to tighten and your hips to sway.
“S-Sir, please go faster.” You whine, grinding your hips down on Hotch’s tongue only for him to pull you back.
“So impatient, grinding on my tongue like the dirty little slut you are.” He chuckles, licking a soft stripe up your slit.
You whimper needily.
“Please sir-” You pause, your mouth forming into a soft ‘o’ as Aaron’s tongue delves a little deeper.
“Please sir what, love? What do you want?” He taunts, attaching his lips to your clit and sucking on it slowly.
“Oh please sir, f-fuck me with your tongue, you make me feel so so good-” Your breath hitches again as Aaron nibbles on your clit and laughs.
“Now was that so hard, whore?” Hotch snarls, pulling you fully back onto his face again and burying his tongue as deep as he could into your pussy.
You gasp as shivers go down your spine. Hotch’s tongue darts in and out, swirling around your tight hole as his calloused hands rub down your thighs as you grind.
“Oh my god- right there sir, fuck-” You cry, grinding, rolling and bucking your hips, all in an effort to get closer, to feel more.
Your hand leaves Hotch’s hair and travels up your body, you take your breasts into your hands and knead  forcefully sending your pleasure over the top as you feel Hotch’s tongue and moans send shockwaves of ecstasy through every inch of your being.
Your heartbeat pounds in your clit and with every thrust of Hotch’s tongue another moan of pleasure leaves your mouth, mixed perfectly with the sound of his.
The familiar feeling of a burning knot in your stomach begins to poke at you and your hand grasps onto Aaron’s hair.
“Mh- Sir. Oh fuck, Sir I’m close.” You whine, bouncing your hips up and down.
Hotch chuckles and moves one of his hands from your thigh to under your body and positions it under your core.
In one fluid movement he moves his tongue back to your clit and slides two digits up your wet hole, easily pushing them all the way in and starting to curl them, hitting your g-spot over and over again.
“Oh f-fuck. Just like that.” You whimper.
Aaron’s lips release your clit slowly as his fingers continue to pump and curl inside you.
His smirk grows as he watches your desperate form cling onto his hair and roll your hips trying to get more.
“You should see yourself, love. Absolutely pathetic begging for me.” Hotch growls, sliding a third finger into your core.
You whine in response, unable to form a coherent sentence with Aaron’s fingers thrusting in and out of you.
Hotch chuckles darkly and suddenly slams three digits inside you hitting deeper, grazing your cervix and causing you to throw your head back in pure euphoria.
“O-Oh please Sir- I-I’m so close. Please, more.” You beg, bouncing on Hotch’s fingers as the burning tight coil in your stomach edges you closer to release.
“Fuck- were you begging like this in your dream darling? Tell me how much you want it, you dirty slut.” Aaron demands, swirling his tongue around your clit again.
“I need it sir- please, I-I need it so bad, please let me cum.” You whimper, feeling tears prick at the corner of your eyes as you inch closer and closer to your release. You were so close, but you needed more.
Hotch smirks into your pussy and begins sucking forcefully on your clit.
He swirls his tongue around, nibbles, sucks, and sends the full force of his moans up your core. 
The waves of ecstacy crash like waves on you, making it difficult to say anything. 
With long digits still pumping and burying themselves deep inside you, curling to hit your g-spot, you throw your head back and curl your toes as you finally whine.
“P-Please, may I cum, sir?”
Hotch picks up the pace in your core and with one final flick of his tongue he commands.
“Cum for me.” 
The coil in your stomach suddenly bursts and white flashes in your vision as a string of incoherent moans leave your mouth. You throw your head back, tighten your grip in Hotch’s hair as your breath comes out in heavy pants.
When your sight returns your legs are shaking, but your hips still sway in a circular motion to ride out your high. Hotch drags his tongue up your slit repeatedly, while his fingers move at a slower pace.
Your clit pulsed each time Aaron ran his tongue over it, and you could tell he was enjoying the small squeak that left your mouth each time.
Once he was cleaning you up and having his fun, he shifts his attention to your thigh where he places a sloppy kiss against it and uses teeth to help him leave a mark.
Feeling all your strength leave your body, you feel yourself fall backwards onto Aaron’s legs, you did your best to slow your fall, but your land with a thud in between Hotch’s outstretched legs.
“Are you alright, love?” He asks, sitting upwards and pulling you back upwards into his arms.
“Mhm, never better.” You sigh, snuggling into his warm chest.
“Was it anything like your dream?” Hotch teases, tenderly caressing his hand down your neck.
“Aaron, it was even better.” You giggle dreamily, wrapping your arms around Hotch’s neck.
“Even better, huh?” He grins smugly, evidently proud of himself.
“Even better.” You sigh, letting him have his moment.
Hotch gives you one of his famous smiles, one you almost never get to see on the job, but one you always see when you’re together. The one that showed a little teeth and spread to his eyes.
“I love you.” He murmurs, leaning into you to rest his forehead against yours.
“I love you more.” You smile, rubbing your nose against his.
“Impossible.” He chuckles, scooting to the edge of the bed before standing and shifting you into a bridal style carry.
“Let’s get you back in bed.” Hotch murmurs, carrying you back to your shared room and tucking you in under the covers.
“I’ll go make some breakfast, rest okay?” Aaron smiles, pressing a slow kiss to your lips.
He pauses as he pulls back, meaning to pull back and leave, but he can’t help but connect your lips for a little longer and feel your fingers run through his hair and down his neck before he breaks the kiss, presses a soft peck to your cheek and walk out the door leaving you flustered, warm and with butterflies in your stomach. 
You would never get tired of that.
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