#why is matpat so easy to shitpost about
pwojo97 · 8 years
Condensed Overwatch Opinion Shitpost:
I’ll be honest, I have a lot of opinions and thoughts regarding Overwatch, but I don’t want to clog up my followers’ feeds with all of it over like a few days so I’m going to try to get it out all at once.
- I don’t like McHanzo. I just don’t get why people love it so much. Originally when the ship started (I think this was before the Summer Games event), they had no in-game conversations, no dialogue, no comebacks, no remarks, it’s arguable whether they work together game-mechanics/strategy wise, they had the least connection of any 2 heroes, and frankly I’m tired of all the gay ships/headcanons (straight people can be heroes too), and honestly I ship WidowHanzo (even they have more dialogue together than McCree and Hanzo used to); so to me it doesn’t make any sort of sense. Is McHanzo an east meets west thing? Is it because they look good together? Those are the only 2 excuses i could think of and I don’t think it’s fine to ship characters together just because they look good. They should look good together regardless of what they look like.
- I can understand why people are upset that all the new heroes were women, but I still think it’s fair that the roster is almost roughly evenly split between men and women; it’s hard to count if the omnics/robots count as men or women because they’re not human so gender doesn’t define them? I don’t know. Maybe put in more of a variety of males characters? I feel like the female heroes all have distinct styles and personalities that wouldn’t necessarily be feminine but just about all the guys have styles and personalities that could be considered more masculine.
- theory: I think D.Va knows she’s in a videogame. There’s a fairly new voice conversation between her and Soldier. He says “War isn’t a game” and she says “Are you sure life isn’t a game Soldier: 76?”. I don’t know about anyone else, but to me that comment was weirdly deep for D.Va. Like she’s had somber voicelines or reactions, but this one was very existential. And when I thought that she might’ve been breaking the 4th wall, it puts all of her other voicelines in an entirely different light. Voicelines like GG, LOL, AFK, and ;) make sense to us in a game situation, the players, but if you assume that if the overwatch world was a world with it’s own social queues, jokes, and rules, it doesn’t make sense. Well, maybe she’s saying those things to her audience watching her stream and it’s been stated that she streams her fights, but nothing that happens in game is canon anyway, but still the audience could be us, so the lines get blurry. Regardless, who is she saying these things for? She’s not on a keyboard or desktop, so AFK and ;) make even less sense but that could’ve been an oversight by developers. This also reminds me of the theory that Rick from Rick and Morty knows he’s a character on a show, so he makes up catchphrases to try to stay popular which would also explain some of D.Va’s voicelines. I don’t know, there’s a theory there somewhere. Get on it theorists. I’m looking at you MatPat.
- Why do most some people in the overwatch fandom hate hetero ships? I understand that everyone needs representation and that anyone can be a hero, but in trying to be as gay and diverse as fans want to possibly be, it’s excluding people who aren’t gay or bi or whatever. I know some people think hetero ships can be boring, but straight people can be heroes too.
- I don’t like how comp works. There’s just something broken about it. When you start placement matches if you’re new to overwatch, you’re queued by level, but when that is all done and you’ve played for a season or 2 you’re sorted by your last season ranking and level is just about totally ignored. Like say you’re silver or bronze at like level 100-300 like a lot of people are and you’re trying to increase your rank. You got a good winning streak going and all of a sudden you see on the other team a silver portrait 3-star gold (which is level 900 if my math is right?) and for some reason that guy is just on the other team the next few matches you see them in and they steamroll you and your team each time. Even I’m almost at level 300 and trying to get to silver ranking (I don’t have that many close friends to form a full team with), so I see a lot of 1-stars, 2-stars, and mostly no stars, but all of a sudden I see like a 5 star appear out of nowhere and just destroy us and carry their team with like something stupidly easy to play (Torb, Junkrat, Pharah, just a hero that’s almost idiotproof). I don’t know, it’s almost discouraging to play comp when I encounter stupid sorting errors like this.
I think that’s it for now. If I think of anything else, I’ll reblog it and add on my additional thoughts.
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matpat said gay rights
but that’s just a theory, a gay theory 
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