phantasticallysecret · 8 months
I say this as someone who is explicitly and deeply anti-rpf, but last night I had an incredibly vivid dream wherein Dan and Phil got married. and instead of announcing it like normal people, they just started wearing rings in videos. dnpgames returning has clearly made me extra mentally ill
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forgive me father for i have sinned https://www.instagram.com/p/CkcN4wut6bl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pretty distasteful that some people are using dan’s coming out as a jumping off point to post about whatever problematic thing he’s done. like why can’t you let this breathe? I’m not saying don’t call him out for stuff or whatever, but using his coming out as your jumping off point to be like “yeah he’s queer but that doesn’t matter because xyz” is just. rude, imo. 
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I just wanna say that 2012 me is shook af about dan’s last video
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Friendly reminder than Dan is a real person and his coming out and mention of his past relationship with Phil is none of your business and if I see any of y’all making this about phan or harassing him about phan I’m gonna fight you. This is his life, not a novel you can pick up and put down as you please
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me being proud and happy for dan for coming out:
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me realizing rpf fans are going to use this to be more creepy about his friendship with phil:
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don’t make posts joking about dan’s video. don’t make “*pretends to be shocked*” memes about him deciding to talk about his sexuality. don’t invalidate his or anyone else’s journey in regards to understanding, realizing, accepting, sharing, etc. of their own sexuality. the internet has made assumptions and jokes about his sexuality for years and the fact that he’s brave enough and willing to share it with us now is his decision and shouldn’t be made into a joke. coming out, especially in such a public way, is extremely personal, regardless of who you are. respect that and respect him.
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hey uh holy fuck
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danny gonzalez, drew gooden, kurtis conner, ryan trahan, and cody ko are all basically the same person with slightly different energies, and yet i watch them all anyway
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ryan higa, that wild son of a gun, he sure does have ADHD
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matpat said gay rights
but that’s just a theory, a gay theory 
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This is so cute, the first time Matthew talked to fetus Ollie. And how happy they look.
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do you ever feel like you don’t have a personality?
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Peter Kingston!!! is so talented!!! I love his voice!!! I’m so excited for his new music channel!! I’m so proud of him!
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I love when people list off their favorite youtubers or youtubers they want to meet or something and they list “dan and phil” or “jack and dean” as one youtuber
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“It was “Procrastination.”“
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