#why is a cold beating my ass so bad lmao.............................................................
devotion-disorder · 4 days
my meds are working like a charm (my sore throat is already gone WAHOO) but damn it rly makes me feel like this
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depresseddepot · 10 months
my big monster beast wild man of a cat (toby) got into a fight with the baby (odie) and this is the first time the baby has gotten his whole ass kicked and he is so confused
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pictured: the bitter brothers (toby is green, joey is orange and white, odie is brown and white)
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sevenpoyo · 1 year
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school headcanons for because i only got 3 more weeks
margo’s is so long even tho she got like 2 minutes of screen time bc i love her so much and she’s my gf
Margo Kess, 1610Miles, 42Miles, Gwen Stacy, Pavitr Prabhakar
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margo kess / spiderbyte
ain’t shorty on zoom in the movie?
my girl dont attend class, she once shut down the entire blocks power so she would have an excuse to not be in class
eats in class all class everyday, only shares with you
takes really good notes and never studies them
like???? ma’am??? share???
all her electives are programming related and she pretends to busy while playing centipede all day
sends you 50 links to stuff you might like while ur in math
she got papers that let her opt out of gym
no matter how much you beg ur gonna be alone in gym and she doesn’t feel bad about it
popular with no friends type
like everyday 50 ppl stop you both and say hi
she only knows like 5 of their names she can’t stand half of them niggas
empty ass backpack like she got one notebook and one binder
all a’s and b’s like bitch how
her memory is absolutely ass but she can remember every story you told her or stuff that happened when y’all hang out
don’t ask her what she did in her class
don’t ask her if her class also has a history test
she don’t know
she don’t care
but she do know that when you were 8 your cousin burned ur thigh while y’all were playing iron vs knife fight
(u were dumb as hell for picking knife everyone knows iron always wins)
i looked it up on her word everybody uses those virtual avatars
she’ll shit on your class choices so damn hard
she just likes making fun of your choices fr
like half of ur conversation go;
damn i’m tired
u was up doing stupid shit last night you don’t get to complain
stfu that’s why ur a bitmoji
that’s why ur granny beat ur ass for something your brother did when you were 9
i hate telling u shit
then stop telling me shit
(i have no clue how accurate this is to her character but i need to write about her i’m in love but damn it’s long)
1610 miles / spider-man 2 lmao
book bag full locker full but never has a pencil
writes notes assignments and homework in paint pen ink don’t ask this nigga for notes
(he gets nigga treatment but not my queen margo bc i got favorites)
he miss mad classes but somehow still solid attendance record???
somehow always present in the record he miss 40 days and get caught on like 6 of them
unless his mom make breakfast and lunch on her day off for him he eating the most random shit from the bodega closest to visions
like what do you mean you got a cosmic brownie and a cold chopped cheese from last night ? it’s literally 7 in the morning no i don’t want none
makes you hype him up every time he slap boxes people and he’s so ass at it
he be ashy with no lotion atleast 5 times every month it’s embarrassing
he calls visions his white people school to his parents and his friends
once he said it to gwen and they sat in literal complete silence for like 10 minutes
prolly took music theory because he thought it would be easy and switched out of that shit so fast
i’d be so mean to him for enjoying physics
like this nigga trying to make something of him self
lil einstein ass nigga
he understands color theory but can’t explain it
12 half full sketchbooks but at school he literally draw on computer paper he don’t let the sketch book leave his bag
i know he’s ass at watercolor, he always spills shit, the colors always end up brown
try’s to be interested in your class choices bc he wants to know stuff he can talk about with you
when you first meet he can’t take meaner jokes bc he thinks that you mean them
but one day he’s gets comfortable, and brutal
no one in your life is safe when he looses a video game
except your mom
rio taught him better than that
42 miles / the prowler
comes to school with no school related supplies in his bag unless you count art stuff
finds a pencil on his way to class
has a change of clothes, rat tail comb, 3 bottles of water, a camera, a flashlight, lotion and cocoa butter.
like bro ur going to Ap Art not a camping trip
once he pulled out a griddle and and pancake mix and y’all started making pancakes in class
forgets his metro pass every day and gets so pissed ab it
runs into people in the hallway bc he’s never paying attention
idk if he goes to visions but if he does he calls it his white people school with his full chest to anybody even if they’re white
he be leaving halfway through the day all the time like bro you miss algebra 2 every damn day
uncle arron always talking him out of school with some bullshit reason
bro’s had his tonsils out 8 times on the school’s records
He will get ur parents to put his uncle on ur pickup list and you will be out of there with him
he will YELL if someone step on his shoes no matter what the situation like the school could be on fire and he fighting in the burning building
also his uniform is so pristine
his pants stiff
that button down is bleached ironed pressed and allat
this mfer is an online shopping addict u just know he be on amazon in class
will offer you the weirdest food combos like no i don’t want to put tajin mangoes on my beef patty i’m sick of you nigga
not school related but he’s super good with kids (both miles fr) but he’s the #1 little cousin defender and apologists
he ride for them always one of ur little cousins could sucker punch u and he be like
‘they just want u to play with them’
he takes a preforming arts class for fun prolly
loves sports but doesn’t play one understands the stats well and would help if you played one
wakes up at the asscrack of dawn on weekends
plans costumes for school spirit weeks but always checks to seen if he’s gonna be the only one wearing a costume for it
never eats lunch unless his mom makes it he be hungry all day and be complaining
his socks are never in uniform (yes some uniform schools have sock rules)
gwen stacy / spider woman / ghost spider
idk what to call her
she has every snack you could ever want in her lunch bag
hates her music theory teacher
she literally has the most pristine locker with a calendar and a mirror and all that shit will write down test for you and important dates for the both of you
goes to school plays and shits on the story, like she ain’t pay 5 dollars to be there
some of her teachers hate her
like ma’am ur beefing with a whole 16 year old rn
she hate english teachers but love creative writing teachers
she keeps all her books in her locker never brings them home never brings them to class
always comes through with an extra pad no matter what
she also always has hand sanitizer
in like 4 extracurricular after school things and complains so bad
ur starting to hate that shit to ur sick of hearing it like girl quit then
10/10 cameraman she has every fight and every drama in 10khd and she will share them if you ask
she chews her pens and nails
has her drumsticks out always teachers have banned her from taking them to their classes
can watch tv on her phone but look focused you think she’s paying attention but then you look over and she’s watching good luck charlie
pavitr prabhakar / spider-man india
always late for class never in trouble
always eating and sharing food and never in trouble
how is he blessed like this? it ain’t fair
eats from the school vending machines or begs other ppl to share
will always have and share the homework answers no matter what he’s an angel
his sock always have holes in them like sir please get that shit together
gym try hard ik goes insane in football/soccer
very encouraging for shit u don’t wanna do he believes in you
you him and Gayatri talk so much shit but are somehow all well liked
he tells you what teachers are dating (he can just tell)
he has toothpaste in his bag for some reason?? i can just feel this one
his aunt will let you come over after school she’s so sweet to you.
always got a job at school assemblies
he’s reading poems or shaking hand or leading in the school pledge or something
Pav’s is short because i have no fucking clue if school in India is different form america and Barbados
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zaptrapp · 5 months
Ea’s Bad Batch Finale Rant
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Here we go, doing this as I’ve done for ep.1. Of course SPOILERS AHEAD for the last episode (sigh, it’s all done and gone isn’t it?). Warning, this is going to be chaotic and emotional... so yeah, deal with it haha.
The intro… the eerie music… chills.
Is something bad about to happen or…?
Please leave Wrecker alone.
We are not starting on a good note, why’s Wrecker so beaten up???
This is not good, I’m not good.
I mean I know why, because of last ep beast, but c'mon why Wrecker...
“Clone Force 99 ended when Tech died” fuck If I’m not crying wow….
Crosshair shaking so much… nah I’m out already what the fuck is this.
Crosshair wanting to sacrifice himself, YO CHILL?!?
Hunter please discipline your children.
Dr. Hemlock x Rampart or did I just imagine the sexual tension?
But what if...
Enemies to lovers Dr. Hemlock x Rampart lmao please someone, anyone?
Kids please beat the shit out of miss Dr. PLEASE KIDS!
Omega being so smart, her character development, the courage! SLAY GIRLIE
now we're talking
"Is it Omega's or Echo's handiwork?".... "Omega's." LMAO they know Echo doesn't fuck around that much hahaha
Emerie i give you one last chance.
green kid I feel you so much, I'm also afraid of heights hahah
here we go with the Incredible 4 (aka the super clones? enhanced clones? brainwashed clones? whatever....)
they give off a lot of "Avengers Unite!" vibe
ready to slay aren't we?
When I said slay I didn't mean slay the bad batch, just to be clear.
annd Hunter is a goner
Annnnd Crosshair is a goner too i guess?
Creepiest point the show has ever been what the actual fuck is this supposed to be a children show?
Yup Wrecker is done too.
Yo the scene where Emerie and Echo see his squad being taken away. I got chills, you can fucking see his reaction, the shock.
Emerie don't fuck this up and get those kids to safety thank you.
Nala Se and Rampart too?! slay
Omg Rampart stfu for one second or just go away you're useless anyway
Not the squad being tortured
"We'll survive, but you won't" -> OOOOOOHHFFFFFFUUUUCK
Hunter be mine
Oh wow Nala Se I see where you're going with this.
Too bad we didn't have more Hemlock x Rampart interactions, boyfriend died, sad.
Aaaaaand 2 are down.
Bye Rampart and Nala Se, you actually were on my dead bad batch bingo list.
Rest In Peace Nala Se🙏🏻 you got redeemed.
Rest in Sass you bitching ass imperial Rampart 🖕🏻
UH Hemlock this was such a bitchy thing to do.
and here goes the chaos
Wrecker is so fucking menacing. HE IS PISSED
OK WRECKER IS MAD MAD and also scary scary now…
Hunter with that spear makes me feel things.
Uhhh he got it coming from a mile away
And Clone CX-2 is down….
So, uhhhh…. That wasn’t Tech uh……
Tech was….
….Dead dead?
Like actually dead this whole time?
NO ECHO fuck god
“Take a shot everytime the bad batch is on the verge of getting killed”
-> not me being absolutely wasted and with my nerves asking for mercy
Please Hunter, Crosshair, kill that bitch ass Hemlock
major disney villain vibe in the storm with the hostage secured to his wrist yada yada...
"DROP YOUR BLASTERS" well well well
Why is Hemlock’s screaming voice kinda sexy tho
I'm so sorry for what I've just said.
CROSSHAIR PLEASE bciakwnfbhc I’m dying too here
You can do it YES you can do it
Crosshar leaning on Hunter like he did with Tech in the clone wars season 7 HAHAHAHA YUUUUP I've been fed.
Uh that was personal
Guys... that's enough. Yup I-I think he's dead now. Yes, definitely gone. Uh, you can stop shooting, he's cold. He also just fell off a cliff... HE DEAD DEAD!
evil space imperial boyfriends reunited in hell
The way Omega chooses to hug Crosshair first, as a DadHunter! stan I feel a bit betrayed but comprehensible… he just saved her not missing the shot.
with one hand tooo, kudos
group hug I'm so teary
Wait so they did it?
Oh wow I bet my money on Hunter and Crosshair to die but I was wrong?? This is… refreshing.
Look at them kids!! And the clone cadets, and the rescued clones!!!
Look at them all cozy and happy
Nah Echo my man where are you going?
Rex mention pt. 2 or something...
Rex should have been there in the finale but ok i guess... a bit disappointed but still
Nah Echo should have been there for the last shot.
It’s over uh?
look at them, finally happy and free. WE DID IT.
Not the flash forward I cannot handle it
Ok Pabu!?
YOUNG ADULT OMEGA fuck yesssss
oh she looks awesome
deceased. dead on the ground. dead like hemlock.
She’s a rebel pilot
"You're our kid" I'M SCREAMING
he chose to be a dad, I knew it
She chose to keep fighting
They should have included Wrecker and Crosshair in this where are they??
But also it’s as it began, Hunter and Omega and their father-daughter bond
“Bye dad, imma be a pilot and save the galaxy” aka “imma move out from the basement and live on my own”
Oh Hunter you’re an old man now…. My heart is aching but also it means he got to live a peaceful life until the rest of his days.
the beard, the long hair, the gray hair.... i wonder how crosshair and wrecker are doing? and echo?? and howzer? AND CODY?
like you cannot leave me like this? hello?
This is gone full circle now.
Goodbye Bad Batch! It’s been a pleasure!
(I’m still crying)
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This might be an odd brainrot but hear me out. How much of a world of pain would they be in if say... five cookies were to try to rescue S/O from the clutches of a Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie?
Ok so I’m a bit confused on the wording…so I might not have completely understood. (No blame- I’m just a little dum dum)
I’m not sure who “they” was meant to be, but I’m gonna assume it’s the 5 cookies???
Ok so the 5 cookies…I don’t think it was specified so I’m just gonna spin the wheel-
We got:
KniGHT CooKie
Captain Caviar ✨
Mkay so we got 2 Dilfs, a pretty princess who will beat you up, a cookie without a limb and loves birds, and…a knight.
(We should make this a game- just spin the wheel and see which cookies fight against Yan whoever lmao)
Tw: kidnapping, mention of ‘blood’, Pure Vanilla is literally insane, MC gets restrained
Ok so I know Moonlight is def stronger than Pure Vanilla so let’s ist say they’re equal for the sake of convenience.
The team of the 5 cookies were absolutely worried when their good friend literally just got kidnapped by so called “Cookie of pure hope”. What had made the healer so fucking salty that he had to kidnap them??
Thanks to Almond’s ultimate detective skills, the group had managed to find the king. He was cradling MC so tightly, like a deranged madman as his maniacal eyes stared at them.
Poor MC was quivering with fear, their arms bound to their sides. Everything about their expression screamed help.
“…Why are you here? There is no need to attack, they are simply delighted to be in arms.”
Not writing on my laptop so it’s orange ;-;
“PURE VANILLA! I demand you release them immediately! You know what happens if you don’t!”
For once, Moonlight was far from calm, a look of anger crossing her face. She glared at the blonde cookie as if he were vermin.
“Haha! Never.”
He sarcastically laughed, before frowning again, holding MC tighter to his body.
“…My king, what has happened to you?”
Black Raisin was horrified to see healer so troubled. He didn’t look like himself, his heart seemed to be…cold, for once.
“Love changed me. I realized I needed to be harsher against this cruel world who labels my love as ‘insane obsession’.”
“That’s because it is! A sane cookie wouldn’t kidnap someone for the sake of love! Your heart is tainted, Pure Vanilla!”
Knight Cookie charged for Pure Vanilla, but his sword was deflected by a sudden object. The knight flew back slightly by the impact, falling down.
Almond helped him stand, and the group saw a big ass Vanilla flower monster, its body towering over behind Pure Vanilla and MC.
(I’m literally bullshitting this story help-)
“Haha…This little guy here is a prototype. Since my magic isn’t for combat, I decided to make myself a guard to help me out here. He’s a good boy isn’t he?”
Pure Vanilla smiled, not in his usual innocent fashion; it was crooked, a cruel smile.
“This bastard…Looks like this won’t be an easy rescue.” Almond mumbled, as the group readied their weapons.
“I would never let you steal my precious dear from me. They NEED me. I’m their comfort. You villains!”
Pure Vanilla exclaimed in a crazed voice, seemingly offended of being underestimated.
Pure Vanilla stood, the eye of his staff wide open.
Caviar held up his ginormous cannon, sighing, “You’re almost as bad as that Black Pearl mermaid-“
And the ending will be up to your imagination!
If I miss interpreted the brainrot plz tell me, bcs I am willing to rewrite to its proper form.
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turtlesocksv2 · 2 months
4 Minutes Ep 2 Liveblogging
ok i'm not even going to look at my dash, i am going straight into this. I have been home for all of 10 minutes but I cannot wait.
oh somebody just got their ass beat Cain and Abel style.
So her son committed suicide because of gambling debts. We know who's running an online gambling operation. I see the dots, I am starting to connect them. also LMFAO at Tyme he does NOT know how to deal with patients it looked like it was physically painful for him while she was talking and he was trying to figure out what the fuck to say/do. and in the end, he does the least. Take these pills and tomorrow there will be another, DIFFERENT doctor who is NOT ME that you can tell this to.
Even the nurses gossip about how intimidating and cold he is. Very interested in Tyme's doctor ex-girlfriend just from that throwaway. Girl, do not drop out of your specialty over a boy!!!
Heyyyy it's my other boy Mio! I hope he gets to be unhinged here as well. And lmao at Title being an Awful Boyfriend Jet is really getting typecast as The Worst Dude. Ohohoho, sneaky sneaky with the phone recording, good job Dome!!!
god this flashback/dreamsequence/thinking about his powers scene is so visually interesting. i love it.
Title, your girlfriend is missing and people are suspecting you are involved maybe don't have a dance party in your car??? waiting for your bestie to help cover it up??? he fucking is keeping her locked up until she won't break up with him anymore oh my god. Jet really DOES play The Worst Dude every time. Great, you could stand to be a little more concerned your friend is a kidnapper here, this is why the goddess of time is telling you to experience character growth and be a doper person.
good on Great for kicking Title's ass and taking Dome to the hospital.
Lmao at Tyme fixing his hair and tucking in his scrub top before seeing Great as a patient. the nurse calling him out about it without saying anything is Peak Comedy. this fucking loser.
Tyme, Great is in no condition to be dealing with a Hot Doctor who is Looming like that. he has a head injury! the way Tyme just gets all up in his space...I am losing my goddamn shit at the heartbeat sound effect going on while Tyme is inspecting the wound. God this conversation is excruciating in the best way Tyme is down so bad it's hilarious.
Oooooh, JJay is a cop. Oh that's going to be delicious when we get KornTonklaWin drama from it.
Oh, is Tonkla Title's brother? that's interesting. Win has much better bedside manner/victim comforting than Tyme does. Korn's brother killing Tonkla's brother...the drama.
Oh but now we're getting a confrontation between Great and Title...hallucination? was the dead body not Title? anyway, the ticking clock effect works very well here. love these little audio touches that add so much.
Tyme here to save the day! so Title is indeed alive unless Sammon's getting Real Weird With It which I would respect. Once again, it is physically painful for Tyme to express human emotions "I was just worried" ok stalker. he's such a fucking disaster.
Nepo Baby Kitty returns!!! so fluffy, so majestic, would cuddle and feed sponsored treats.
uh-oh system crash at the illegal gambling operation is probably not great!
oof, Korn, just don't answer at all. no wonder Tonkla's gonna leave your ass for the hot cop.
the cello players are really insane, actually. This mafia uncle has flair, I like it.
I've only known Fasai for 2 minutes and I love her already. Mafia Queen!
...Is Bas going to be Ass Out every episode? Because I'm not complaining, love that for him.
Poor Tonkla, waiting desperately for his Ain't Shit boyfriend/sugar daddy/whatever to call him. But wait, what's this? Hot Cop Win is at the door? Sammon always delivers the "ACAB...except for this one Hot Cop that is only half a bastard." be grateful that Tonkla isn't breaking into your car to steal evidence and do his own investigation, Win!
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The Last of Us HBO - Episode 2 thoughts
Warning: Pure yapping ahead! More thoughts and things I've noticed watching the show, it's not serious and I don't invite arguments (fellow yappers are more than welcome though)
(continuing with my episode by episode analysis of the tlou show, it's a long one folks! all chronologically written as i was watching the episode. spoilers under the cut)
Fantastic opening - love that we get to see the initial discovery in Jakarta and that they speak Indonesian only! It removes the show from a purely American pov and makes it international, which is something I personally missed a little from the game so it's a welcome addition
The little detail that the military men walk so fast, she has to jog a little to keep up
I like the fact that they didn't even try to cover the dead body at all - why would they?
Same girl I'd have that exact same reaction too 💀💀 visceral as shit
The following visual of the cordyceps reaching out of the corpse's mouth.... Eugh
Ibu Ratna's reaction after hearing 14 workers are missing - her shaking so badly she has to put her cup of tea down, her face reads of pure undiluted horror 🙌👌 - worth mentioning that the casting of Christine Hakim is absolutely top tier (she's basically the Dame Judi Dench of Indonesia fr) and she really brings a gravitas to the role
I find it fascinating and refreshing that the first thing the military man does is to ask about a vaccine or medicine to fix this situation, but the scientist/professor, instead says with absolutely certainty that there is nothing, and then proceeds to say with an eerily calm and assertive tone and face that they must bomb the city. Terrifying yet wonderful that they've finally used a different format to this conversation
Ibu Ratna stifling her sobs and asking to go be with her family, because she knows there is no other solution - Brava
That soft, gentle opening shot of Ellie curled up in the sun on a lush bed of green, a single butterfly crossing over *chef's kiss*
Her turning to see Joel and Tess, sat in the shadows on chairs, Joel with his gun drawn lmaooooo that's comedy right there
Ellie's sass at the interrogation 🤌
"There's not gonna be anything bad in here?" "Just you." "Oh, funny." 💀😂
The fact that Joel broke his hand beating that guy to death - the way Tess looks at Joel, all knowing and vaguely soft
Tess defending Ellie indirectly by wanting to continue with bringing her to the state house - Joel wanting to return to the QZ and saying it would be better for FEDRA do shoot her than them 💀
"You need to stop talking about this kid like she's got some kind of life in front of her." Damn Joel, Tess' face says it all
Joel: struggling to break of a piece of EXTREMELY dry and chewy jerky, Ellie: sammich
Ellie in the warm light, Joel in the cold dark, and Tess in the middle of the two?? Gorg
It's so funny how terribly Joel and Ellie get on at this point, like, they basically hate each other my god
"If she so much as twitches.." *Ellie immediately starts twitching* and then Tess's "Don't." She is so done with these two already lmao
The iconic scenery 🙌 the two massive skyscrapers with one leaning on the other? Oooohhh yeah
The fact that Tess stops and answers Ellie's questions :')
I can't stop looking at Ellie's bag it's just so accurate I love it
"Well, I mean, you got some balls on you, sister." SLAY girls support girls ✨
The specific way Ellie says "no" at the boyfriend question 💅
It's interesting that Tess' reaction to hearing the description of what we know to be a bloater, is "shit, I hope not", insinuating perhaps that she and Joel haven't dealt with those before, but then the way that she looks at Joel after Ellie asks about clickers tells me they know exactly what she's talking about with that one
Immediately after we hear a loud ass creepy scream in the distance, okay!
The set designers got this shit so extremely right goddamn, the hotel gotta be one of my favourite locations fr - I love that they still included this location even if it's at a completely different place in the original story, it works so well here and with Tess added on, the humour is great and the way the characters interact is fun and interesting (Joel's little hop into the water especially gets me, he's such a shit lmao)
Ellie is genuinely so fucking funny I love this kid
Joel offering his hand, immediately snatching it back once she's mostly up cause it's his broken one (but you can see it's more than that)
"Fuck, holy shit." "Come on, it wasn't that bad." "You try climbing ten fuckin floors with our knees. See how you feel." 😭😭
Joel's face at being left alone with Ellie lmao
"Nice knife." great conversation starter Joel, but also, reference to his pocket knife Sarah held in the previous episode? He doesn't have it, when did he have time to grab it after all, but yeah. Maybe I'm overthinking this lmao
"Where'd you learn to do that?" "The circus." *Joel rolls his eyes with such exasperation taht I can feel it through my screen*
"How long do infected live?" "Oh, I thought you went to school." "It's a really shitty one."
Joel avoiding answering the question about the FEDRA dude he killed due to Tess returning is peak writing
I really enjoy how the infected are portrayed in the show - they're not just individuals, they're part of a hive mind in a way, the mycelium connects them all one way or another, and they act like it (the way they all react to sunlight and extra so because they all react to each others pain as well, wow)
Added onto that, this extra lore about the way the cordyceps works is fantastic, it makes it even scarier that, according to Tess, you can accidentally wake up and attract infected from somewhere totally different - this means you're never actually safe 💀
Really love how Tess is so damn nice to Ellie all things considered. Still answering her questions, telling her she has to be careful, that just because she's immune doesn't mean there's no danger
"I have a spare hand." "Congratulations." 😭
I do love how quick Joel is to run over to Ellie whenever something happens (her swearing, falling over, gasping loudly)
The look that Joel and Tess share - they think they know and they're probably right
Dad mode™ activated
That building is anxiety central for me
Joel is so jumpy and twitchy it's a little funny tbh, I like it
Ellie's "oh shit whoops" face
Joel helping Ellie up :')
The sound effects 😭💀😭 they got the same team that did the game clicker sounds to do the show ones and I can TELL
The anxiety is palpable!! My stomach is in knots!! The entrance of the first clicker is terrifying!!
Joel's silent, almost sign language like, explanation for Ellie 😌
The clicker actors are fucking amazing jesus christ. And the special effects and makeup? So GOOD wow absolutely grotesque <3
Not me gasping with Ellie
If I were there I'd probably just hide under a table and hold my breathe 😭
I find the clickers to be quite bird-like, in game and in show
The silence as Joel reloads his gun, the sudden much closer clicking, the flashlight shining directly in its face 🤌
Joel now being the one to step on something crunchy 😩 THE WAY THE CLICKER LAUNCHES ITSELF AT HIM AND ELLIE ACROSS THE DISPLAY
Ellie crying out with pure fear and Joel holding the clicker back more so it's on him not her - HIM PUSHING HER BEHIND HIM!
Impressed by how calm their reactions all are to seeing Ellie get bit (?) again (I thought it was more of a scratch at first but I assume it to be a bite due to their reactions to it)
"That was scary, this is wood." HA
The way Tess looks at Joel when he's busy wrapping her foot with diligence and care
I think this is the first sign that Tess had been bit, Joel seems to be looking at her like "what the hell is your problem" but listens and goes to watch Ellie anyway
The view line 😭🤌 love how we basically get this exactly from the game, including Joel looking at his watch :'(
The music 🙌
Second time you can really notice that Tess is differently - she handles Ellie harshly for basically the first time ever and totally ignores Joel
Joel moving Ellie away from the dead body
The squelching of the blood EUgH
Go makeup team go!
Oeiii screaming match :( mom and dad are fighting
The step back speaks volumes
"Oops, right?" just stab me it would hurt less, Anna's delivery of that line is heartbreaking
In fact little quick note of love to Anna Torv, she's such a fucking amazing actor and I love her portrayal of Tess so so much, she brought warmth, strength and balls of steel to the character fr!!
The fact that Tess basically confesses her feelings here, proclaims the knowledge that she feels something for Joel that he was never entirely able to reciprocate back, my god - her BEGGING him to take her because she knows nothing about the future but she believes that Ellie can change it in some capacity
Pedro's eye acting here is so potent, he says nothing but his eyes and face say it all
The mycelium!!!!!! Terrifying that in show canon, infected can basically call for backup!!! Brilliant addition and makes them so much more intimidating (also I HATED seeing the mycelium creep under that infected person's nails that really got a shudder out of me)
God bless the extras
Tess my beloved you make me cry so much you're amazing and you deserved better 😭 she's brave as fuck for this
Joel shaking, his lips quivering because fuck, she's going to die, and now he has to be fully responsible of this kid and he can't do this without her but he's gotta - the anxiety and fear in his eyes, his firm resolution after she says "save who you can save", the way he SNATCHES Ellie and walks away, Ellie fighting him tooth and nail but he knew she would, thats why he grabbed her like that.... I'm honestly just in so much awe and pain from this scene
The fear is Tess' face is so 😭😭
FUCK NO THAT ALMOST MADE ME THROW UP I WASN'T EXPECTING THAT JESUS FUCK. That was disgusting what the fuck 😭😭 don't know how to feel about watching the fucked up kiss of death like, eugh
The feeling when after failing to light the damn thing, she finally gets it, feels almost like a relief after all of that
Joel "big sad brown eyes" and Ellie "big traumatised brown eyes" will be the death of me
This is such a fucking sad ending to Tess' character but also, satisfying since she didn't die in vain
That final shot of Ellie alone with the burning state house in the background, sun beating down and a soft breeze in her hair, damn
If you make it to the end, thanks for reading! It's literally just my running thought process whilst watching!! Do you agree with some of my notes, was there anything you noticed that i didn't? Comments and reblogs welcome <3
Episode 1 thoughts:
Episode 3 thoughts:
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dxsae · 27 days
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henlo, i'm bee 🐝 (22, she/her, gmt+) and i'm so excited to be here as a big fan of the boys and district x's setting !! today i bring oh sae to the table, an antihero and a criminal who punishes criminals. that said, his sense of what's right or wrong is ambiguous and his golden heart is kinda twisted. i have so many plans for him so i'd love to write with every single one of u, please like this post and i'll jump to ur inbox first! but i'll eventually reach out to everyone soon hehe (˶´ ˘ `˶) here's his profile (warning: wall of text) and i do have a plots page if u r interested! below is a quick summary of sae and some plot ideas, but i'm a girlie that loves brainstorming more sooo enjoy ur stay! it's midnight here so i'm off to bed now zzz
26 y/o, manager at toast & coffee 24-hour diner and has a very tight bond with the restaurant's owner
born & raised in district x, middle-class family
lives with mom, dad's in jail. has a bad relationship with them 'cause they hid dad's criminal background from him and his dumbass believed them for 14 years
( tw: murder ) his power manifested when the criminals invaded their home and sae murdered them when he was 14. dad took the blame and went to the detention center
has always wanted to be the type of nice, kind-hearted marvel heroes but his hatred for criminals is too much that it turned him into a violent dude
still applied to the pinnacle institute at 20 'cause he wanted to fight criminals in daylight. was the last one on the acceptance list, tried so hard to pass his classes only to be expelled from attacking his bully
fed up with everything, decided to go on his own path and beat criminals in his own style. slowly, his moral compass became broken and he became what he hated the most: a criminal. but they pay him good, so why not?
in between jobs, he often patrols nearby areas to keep an eye on any criminal he sees. he's always in the mood to kick some ass because punishing them guys is a hobby now. that's how he's the "batman of red lane"
would blow up their heads for entertainment
the type to crack bad jokes with a straight face. he isn't cold like his demeanor, he actually enjoys chatting and being goofy but keeps his distance. he makes sure the wall he puts up is visible without the need to mention
because he's a criminal and sometimes a monster, peeps would assume that he's selfish and irresponsible. in fact, he's very committed to whatever he's tasked with and u can always rely on him.
"i got promoted for a reason, dummy."
sometimes would intentionally explode random stuff to scare his buddies off. he thinks it's funny
moved on from whatever complicated relationship he has with his parents but the wall is there. can't act like they didn't give him trust issues
is under nepa's radar and he's aware of that
gets away with committing crimes because whoever paid him to do the jobs usually takes care of the aftermath as part of the deal
enjoys helping people. some are shocked to see him helping a grandma cross the street
after being expelled from the institute, sae doesn't plan his future anymore. prefers to go with the flow. right now, he's just tryna see if he could make it until 30
plot ideas (some will be taken from my plots page!)
partner in crime, criminal buddies, or supporters in general because he can't make genuine friends with his way of living... he's lonely yall
or "friends" who are very wary of this friendship it's fun too like u are teasing him then stop midway because who knows what if he blows ur head off next
rivals/enemies! sae's easily anyone's rival LMAO. u could hate his moral compass / think he's fked up / hate antihero tropes or he probably did something bad to u or the people u know
someone who thinks he's just a trashy criminal tryna play the hero game
encounter with the batman of red lane while he's on the nobody-asked-him-to patrol
n.e.p.a agents who try to recruit/trick him because his power would be useful for their experiments. he's going to be very sus of every agent he meets let's see what will ur muse bring
frequents at toast & coffee. he's very nice to his customers so u can puke on the floor and he will clean it up for up
pinnacle institute classmates! friends, foes, study buddies, crushes, people who know the truth about his expel and actually feel bad for him
i'm also a sucker for neighbor plots 🤲
just some basic ideas to get you inspired! let's develop more together
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
Random Smutty Musings about one Toshinori Yagi
written with chubby!afab folks in mind cause tis what I am and what I think in terms of most
additions gifted by the glorious @birds-have-teeth shall be bracketed by --
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I was casually thinkin of Toshi while running errands today and how different his libido would be from his younger days.
Like that it probably wasn't uncommon for him to get hella aroused even with the slightest provocations --and also I dunno I just see him remaining a virgin until later in life cause saving the world is a big job and while he's personable and extroverted and maybe he ends up going on some dates cause he wouldn't know how to politely say no to folks, he never gets pretty far cause of whatever reasons.
And basically was just thinkin about how sweet it'd be coaxing him through some of his first experiences and then how needy he'd be after them but also not wanting to bother you aaaaaaall the time just cause his body has a ridiculous drive.
and then later on with the reunion, he's not as horny persay but he's so needy being so touch starved. And anytime you're together he wants to be touching you.
I dunno exactly how old he was when he got OFA but regardless this man is definitely a virgin until at LEAST mid-late twenties and honestly I'm more inclined to say early-mid thirties if that (which is when I'm hc meeting him in my lil daydreams)
Thanks to One for All he has a low refractory period (cause plot magic lmao), but cause he gets to rely on that he also just cums so fuckin easy and doesn't even try to hold it back--I mean he does cause he gets incredibly embarrassed, and the sensitivity can be a bit much but yeah
Just imagining eventually putting him through some stimulation "training", teasing and stimulating him in all the different ways and having him try to hold himself back, try to please you but also beat his own records. He's so so soooo overjoyed everytime you praise him for making it to a new standard
--him whimpering and groaning in that deep staccato voice of his--
He's got his eyes closed, face scrunched up, fingers clenching onto something and your eyes are on a timer you set as you lazily stroke his cock. He makes it past the time and you coo up at him about how well he did and he sucks in a deep breath and erupts all over your hand, trembling all over and then blinking down at you (why's he so fuckin tall even sitting down??) flushed and already murmuring sweet lil apologies
--And he’ll whine that you have to stop praising him because it’s making him cum faster and and and- --
which just has you laughing softly and complimenting how damn cute he is when he's all flustered!!!
he leans forward to try and hide his face in your hair. But you don't let him, casually capturing his chin with your non messed hand, giving him a chaste lil peck on his lips.
"Nuh uh, good bunnies clean their mess up first." You say before lifting your other fingers up to his lips. Somehow his cheeks flush even deeper and he casts his eyes to the side--since he can't turn away-- and opens up his mouth obediently, pink tongue licking his cum from your fingers.
More new to sex Toshi thoughts...
Toshi who is now assailed by his relentless libido ALL THE TIME. And how even after a really intense session that leaves you zonked out with that 'dead to the world' typa sleep, he dozes off a bit beside you but couple hours later wakes up hard as a rock again, humping against your ass like the needy lil bunny he is
he tries to stop cause you're asleep and he'd feel bad waking you up just because his dick won't chill the fuck out. and so he rolls out of the bed, to put some distance and goes to the bathroom hoping a cold shower will end his arousal
it doesnt. his body feels so warm that the freezing water barely registers. feeling out of options he figures he'll just jerk himself off real quick then be good to snuggle back against you until you wake up.
that plan doesn't work out either. his hand just doesn't do the trick anymore. and even using some of the shower gel to make his palm feel for soft like yours doesn't help as he's trying to imagine you jerking him off.
He's so frustrated and isn't aware just how loud his whimpers of desperation have gotten. Even over the spray of the shower, they're loud enough to make your subconscious believe something is wrong, pulling you from sleep.
You shuffle into the bathroom, bleary eyed and naked. Toshinori goes suddenly quiet when you open the door and sleepily rasp out his name.
"Toshi, e'rything okay?"
No. Everything is awful and he needs you desperately. He swallows down thick saliva that apparently leaves his mouth completely dry because his voice is a coarse, frayed bare thing when he finally utters, "Yes. Fine."
He presses his back against the shower wall, forcing his arms to his sides and palms against the wall as well. Hoping the frigid tiles will seep some sense and control back into his body.
Sleep is steadily releasing it's grip on your mind so you've become aware enough to notice there's no steam in the bathroom. Odd since you both appreciated nice warm showers.
"Is something wrong with the hot water?"
The tiles isn't doing shit to help him out. You've said in the past that you find his neediness cute and flattering, but even with you now awake, he feels like he shouldn't immediately start begging you to touch him just cause he can't help himself.
He's in his head longer than he realizes because without any kind of response, you've slid aside the frosted glass and were now staring at him with a worried expression.
Your eyes sweep his body, taking in the redness all over. You assume it's from the cold water cause you can immediately notice the temperature after opening the sliding pane. But then, maybe it's from something else because you're taking in the sight of his cock standing at full attention --even though Toshinori is bashfully trying to hide it with his large hands. As if you all hadn't been fucking in all kinds of angles and positions some few hours earlier.
"What are you doing?"
"I..." He's not really sure what to say. There's a lot but he settles on the simplest truth. Croaked out of his still dry throat, "I was, trying to make it go away."
In one swift motion, you're turning off the water and reaching out your hand. "Why not just jerk off?"
"I was. It doesn't feel as good as when you do it. I couldn't..."
Your brows lift in surprise as his voice trails off. "Awww," you flex the fingers of your outstretched hand, encouraging him to step out of the shower. "My sweet, Bunny can't get off without me now?"
One large hand engulfs yours as Toshi moves to awkwardly step from the shower. His other hand still trying to cover his impressive erection. A deep groan is his other response. Too embarrassed by his neediness and inability to make himself cum to attempt another worded response.
When he's fully out of the shower you reach for a dry towel and pull it around his body before pressing yourself against his chest. "Y'dont have to be embarrassed, Bunny. It was real sweet of you to try and take care of it all by yourself while I slept. You're always so considerate."
Your head tilts back, and Toshi recognizes the unspoken request for a kiss when you pucker your lips. He immediately obliges, wrapping you up in his arms now that the towel is covering up his shameful failure. The tenderness of his cool, chapped lips brushing over yours is a complete contrast to the swiftness of him pulling you closer.
While he's pressed his lips softly to yours, he waits for you to take the lead in the kiss. Letting you decide the depth and intensity, while he's just grateful to have your body tucked against his again.
And consider this!
somnophilia thoughts with this, telling toshi that the next time he's stuck in this lil dilemma he could use your body to get off, if he wanted to.
either rutting against your ass or fucking between your thighs.
even with permission though, I don't know if he would. if anything I feel like he'd just eat you out until you wake up. whether that's a few minutes or way longer. just content to feast on you and give you orgasms while you're still unconscious, grinding his cock down against the bed being the only attention he gives himself
like the image of waking up as your muscles tighten up, back arching a bit as your hands fist in that wealth of pretty blond hair, them long fingers of his pumping in and out in that perfect rhythm you taught him as his mouth sucks on your clit.
he moans against your cunt as you sigh his name all soft, body relaxing back onto the bed.
his fingers are still lazily working you as you look down to see him smiling up at you. face glistening with your slick, blue eyes dark from how blown his pupils are, so aroused by giving you pleasure
waking up to him actually fucking his cock between your thighs. Oh so close to where he really wants to sink that pretty cock of his into, but not so sure he wants to go that far, even with your permission. cause even this still feels wrong to him, that he's taking pleasure from this without giving you something equal or better in return.
but he's just gotten back from a long long day of heroing and you're already sound asleep.
braced himself up behind you, holding you close and nuzzling into the back of your neck as at first he's just casually grinding his hips against you. and of course it doesn't take much to get him fully hard, pretty cock leaking pre
you wiggle a bit in your sleep and he thinks maybe you'll wake up and he can fuck you properly but no such luck. but your legs do open and close in a way that traps his cock between your thighs. (maybe you're not so asleep as he thinks)
the pre is the only lubrication he has as his hips move, pushing his cock back and forth between your soft thighs. his hands move under the oversized All Might shirt you're wearing as pjs. you don't usually wear his merch and so it gives him a bit of a thrill when you do. He knows you love him, Toshinori, and while you don't fawn over him as a hero like the rest of the world does, he loves knowing you do like and accept that part of him to.
his lips nip, kiss and suck along your neck and shoulder as those big hands of his fondle and grope at your tits and tummy, just wanting to somehow have all of you in his grasp, his hot breath starts to beat against the back of your neck more quickly as your thighs squeeze down around him.
he's huffing out strings of nonsense words against your neck. affirmation of how good you're making him feel, how thankful he is that you've given him permission to do this. that you don't find him pathetic for needing to do this. how much he adores you. how much he loves you.
you're definitely not still asleep but pretending for the sake of your own fantasies. it feels so good knowing Toshinori is this desperate that he can't even wait until you're properly awake--not that he's caught on that you are now very much awake.
your hand slowly moves between your thighs, making a gentle curve that cups the head of his cock when it slides past the expanse of your thighs.
toshi gasps. his own hands squeezing where they hold you. his hips nearly stay pressed to the backs of your thighs as he focuses on making quicker more powerful thrusts as your hand curves more firmly around the part of his cock peeking from between your flesh.
he's so gone. trying to imagine he's fucking into the tightness of your pussy even though it's not nearly wet or warm enough to be.
but what finally tips him over the edge. makes him spill that big load of cum he's been holding in all day is when you groan out, "cum for me, Bunny."
his hips stutter and he releases. coating your hand, thighs and the poor sheets in a wealth of cum, whimpering against your neck as you jerk him off through the aftershocks of his orgasm
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screampied · 1 month
girl how did you burn your finger with a chocolate?? 😭
LMAO honestly i dont remember how i got stronger but uhh yaa you need you acsend them first i think 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ if you still cant beat it its umm a skill issue i think!! /jk i love u vagina i recommend you lvl them up at least to lvl 15, ik farming the materials can be a pain in the ass but that’s the only way to make them stronger 😔
and oh about caleb!! ahahahahaha………. i won’t spoiler 😂😂 finish the chapters first and tell me about it later!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Rafayel’s scenery anon
girllll /gn i was literally up late super hungry so i decided to get a snack right ✨ so i took a hershey’s out the fridge, i can’t stand eating cold chocolate it’s just a ick for me so i heated it up for like maybe twenty seconds. i touched it when it was finished ANDMT FUCKING POINTER FINGER BURNED OMMGGG. the way i screamed my dogs were looking at me crazy icant 😭 literally hurt so bad (chocolate was 10/10 tho :D)
PLS R U CALLING ME TRASH. update tho omg i beat the sylus battles 🙂‍↕️. i was using xavier but i used sylus and omg he’s so strong. i beat the main storyline battle too BUT WHY THE FUCK IS THERE MORE ???? UR TELLING ME I HAVE TO FIGHR A DRAGON bye they can keep that
awww man. okay 🧍🏽‍♀️I WILL ILL PLAY MORE LATER after i finish work xx
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limetameta · 1 year
the funniest established lore as to why everyone lived until 1999 in Retired Prometheus that otherwise in canon shouldn't have being the fact that Death was just SO pissed off at Voldemort for being American in Montenegro that she put her entire job on pause to talk shit about him with Alexio . to date i don't think i'd be able to think of a funnier reason
Alexio, in the 50s: I have a proposition - let's just stab the shit out of him and beat him? You can possess me and punch him through me.
Death, in the 50s: That's just not GOOD enough, you know - I'm a perfectionist! (double funny when you realise that I HAVE TO METICULOUSLY PLAN EVERYTHING OUT GRANGER is this AU's Death)
Death in the 90s, not leaving Montgomery's sight and thus making him chronically cold: *glaring at him like that dog glaring at its reflection* I am going to kill you so bad. I am going to make you kill yourself, just you wait. Bastard. Cunt. Fucker. Irreverent asshole thinks he can split his soul so many times and NOT DIE?? YOU SLIGHT ME, FOOL? YOU THINK TO SLIGHT DEATH, DO YOU???
Alexio, in the 90s, whenever Death visits him: Can we please just stab the shit out of him?
Death, perfectionist,: Absolutely not. Something's fucking personal here and I'm going to kill him slowly. I am going to have his precious Abraxas kill him - he's already being prepped to unite all three of the hallows, lmao, that bitch ass is going to be so easy to manipulate.
Alexio: You're being convoluted for no reason. I know you're ageless and bored - but this can go simpler. We jump him. I dissolve his soul - fuck the horcruxes - and we stab the shit out of him with this shiv I've been making for fun since 1945. *shows shiv* *it's not a shiv* *it's a basilisk corpse he's been sharpening with another basilisk corpse*
Death: Pffft, noo. You're just not thinking about the BIG picture, Alexio!
Alexio: Are you doing your job? You know, taking the people you're supposed to take?
Death: I have an automated system that sorts the ones who die. *the system is broken as fuck - walburga tampered with it*
cut to when abraxas dies and when death offers him that like super obviously fake deal that oh NO NO SIR, TIS EVERYONE OF FAIRY BLOOD WITH A CHANCE TO RETURN - YOU JUST GOTTA SAY SO *abraxas refuses the deal, he's like sweet release of death i yearn for thee*
death: holy fuck holy shit my entire plan my entire meticulously crafted plan is in shambles!! he was supposed to return and end tom riddle wtf wtf wtf wtf !!!
alexio: again - again - i will keep bringing this up for as many times -
alexio: there have been other people who have made horcruxes - take me for example-
death: OH BUT IT'S PERSONAL - OOOH BUT WHEN I LOOK UPON HIM I SEETHE I HATE I LOATHE I WISH TO DESTROY (when you're an ageless being who's lived from the beginning of the realm you kind of forget that you were once human and had actually MET tom riddle and gotten so attached to him and gotten SO FUCKED over by him while you were young once and impressionable - but my godd it must be the horcruxes, yesss, you seethe, you loathe, you hate him)
cut to death seeing walburga trying YET AGAIN to escape the after life : BITCH GO! GO! GO AND TAKE ABRAXAS WITH YOU!!!
abraxas is now a hallow holder - abraxas is now death's pawn
death's entire get tom riddle to fucking commit die hinges on abraxas malfoy being there to goad him on and guilt trip him into it OR kill him! it's poetic!
alexio: i fear this shit is going to go so badly for you my love
cut to abraxas almost dying on the island
death: FUCK'S SAKE! *grants him immortality as long as tom riddle lives*
narcissa kills alexio
alexio sees death for the first time, really sees her: o death how beautiful you are
death: *takes a milisecond to actually fluster* THE CHIPS ARE IN PLACE, ALEXIO, WE MUST MAKE HASTE I MUST HAVE ABRAXAS KILL HIM
alexio in the after life: babe what the fuck is this shit *looking at the broken system* you have so many people you haven't picked up??
death: fine! *arranges the grimmauld place battle* they'll do my job for ME!
i par down the cast from like 30 characters to 10 during that fucking arc
hermione dies
abraxas kills harry. tom riddle didn't stop him. hermione unites the hallows and frees death, frees herself eheheheeh. death, now free and unblinded from her shackles, takes a big ol look at hermione - whom up until this point was just some random girl to her: oh wow. oh my. would you look at that! this shit is getting cyclical! *takes out a note that she made all the way back in the day when she began being death, sees it's a giant circle* yeah, i finally get what this means! look at this shit! ha! and to think i almost had you killed for good because you're a time traveller and I DON'T fuck with those because what are you trying to do, huh, fucker, trying to go back so far in time that you become the creator of a whole ass realm? really bucko, you think i'm just gonna let you do that? oh wait i did that. ha!
hermione, meanwhile, fucking GRIEVING, for harry. that whole ass ending happening. her dedicating her entire life to trying to travel back in time, building up her tolerance for it. experiment after experiment dedicated to going farther and farther back in time until she finally does that thing and goes so far back that there's nothing there except for her. so she starts making her own world. and when the time comes that she meets tom riddle again, she's going to be so pissed off at him - and she's going to conclude it's because this punk ass bitch made so many horcruxes - because by that point harry potter and hermione granger will be names she won't even remember. plus i mean harry's eyes are killing curse green and that's a whole ass death motif so i imagine one of the first things deathmione did was craft death to be in the colour of her best friend's eyes.
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lucyandthepen · 1 year
sweet cream, cold brew is so soooo *deep breath* fucking good. i surely need mark lee rn im not kidding at all. love this kind of slowburn aka their feelings for each other just get more obvious each time but none of them actually makes a clear move. ESPECIALLY markkkkkkk good god i'll bite him. no because I'd think twice too, it's like -- it really seems he likes her but also.... not? I SCREAM out of frustration but truly because of that the impact of them finally saying the things that should've been said and done long ago is wayyyy bigger than i expected. their little moments are so cute and sweet as if they're not (initially (????)) lusting for each other esp the mc 😭😭😭 huge thanks to youngho's existence (i honestly do kinda feel bad for him tho NDHDHDH i DO wish she actually gets him a present eventually and even treat him or something 😭) and jaehyun's nosiness they finally came thru lmaooo just wanna highlight that one when they were out buying those blind boxes..... THEY'RE SO FREAKING ADORABLE. but fuck mark lee being this shy, usually tripping on his words.... polite and nice and just overall mark lee but once already inside the bedroom and has already bared it all ....... dear god i want him too . (PLUS WHEN HE KEEPS GLANCING AT THE MC'S TUMMY WHEN SHE STRETCHES OR SOMETHING......... BITCH SO SLICK BUT COWARD FOR STILL NOT MAKING A MOVE BACK THEN. HIM HAVING THAT KIND OF THING THO.... WHEW. WE KNEW. we knew. oh my god)
*can't wait to binge all these new releases of yours can't believe i missed it >:(( i'm sure this is so late now but welcome baaaaack i've missed u here <3
hey jae! i hope it's okay that i call you that; i just find some importance in being able to connect using names or aliases together, so i always check just to be sure! i am so so happy you had a fun time reading this fic; it's my longest yet and i've honestly been so self-conscious about how winding and slow it seems, so i'm really happy you were able to enjoy the slow burn!!!!!!! i absolutely approve of the idea of you biting mark because HE DESERVES IT! >:( shy cutie pie with actual game?????? WE LOVE TO SEE IT!
i was also really worried about this mc because she's one of the more assertive ones with clear goals (i.e. get in mark's pants, even if she can't say it out loud in just so many words LOLOLOL) but lettuce be real... we need a pushy gal every now and then because mark was teetering on the edge of being obvious and being aloof and WHY WOULD HE DO THAT! (answer: he's a wittle baby........... a precious chicken nugget..............)
poor johnny really got his ass beat (figuratively) while he was minding his own business for WHAT!!! despite the fact that he was very nosy... his heart was in the right place SIGH i actually really love writing johnny in my fics — in this one and last night on earth — because there is an unparalleled SASS to him that i am a key enjoyer of!!! and jaehyun really pulled through with them big ears n bigger mouth WE LOVE IT!
smut aside, my favorite scene had to be the mystery box too!!!!!! just... something so sweet and pure about him sharing this little hobby of his with her because he wanted them to be closer and he really viewed her as a friend after some time :( i love his big ................................... heart LMAO
i am a big believer as well in mark being someone whose skill comes out the best when he's asked to step up to the plate fully so basically i just think he's someone who's always bound to surprise and i feel like that really just stems from how goofy and awkward he is but on stage............... he is a MENACE to society (and our hearts) so we love to see shy, polite, blushy mark let his instincts and possessiveness and kinkiness (tummy bulge may have to be a running headcanon for me with him from now on i fear......) finally come through!!!!! DESERVE!
i am so so sorry for my absence, but i am so happy to be back and so happy that people have been so nice and understanding even if i disappeared for a while. :( i am always so grateful to hear from you, and i hope that i continue to make things we can all enjoy (and possibly thirst over?? SJIDFSJDI). i hope you have a wonderful day or night, wherever you may be, and that we can talk more (see: endlessly) either like this or in private! <3
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taegularities · 1 year
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕💕
First of all...
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okaaaaay 👀👀👀 I don't like seeing sad Jungkook (or sad Rid for that matter) but short hair Jungkook makes me crazy, so I'll take it.
Also I wanted to ramble about who I'm a bigger simp for, since you posted that cruel poll making me choose.
So basically, I'm really really obsessed with c&f Jungkook and I can't even pinpoint the exact reason why? I've said this before but I've never been more whipped for a man who I don't fully trust so quickly. There was just something about him that had me from the beginning, even with his very questionable looking intentions. So I'm a big simp for him in a more base level way? Like it's almost involuntary lmaooo.
And then for cmi Jungkook... I mean he has my whole heart. He might be my favourite fictional Jungkook ever actually... Literally all sides of him (that we've seen so far) I'm in love with. Just writing about him right now has me going 🥺🥺🥺. I'm ready to protect him at all costs and he also makes me crazy (in all kinds of ways). maybe i'll save the love letter for him for the cmi anniversary i mean what?
I love both of them a lot though. Thinking about both the c&f epilogue and cmi8 gives me emotional whiplash.
Other than that though, how are you doing, Rid? I saw that you're feeling a little sick and once again I'm ready with all the virtual blankets and tea and hugs since I can't take care of you irl 🥺 I hope you get through it very very soon!!!
I've been feeling very emotional and a little melancholic myself recently. But today I listened to d day and it actually made me feel loads better, Yoongi just always knows how to comfort 🥺 I also got started on a paper that I'm excited to write, for which I received unexpectedly good feedback while I was still at the planning stages! Trying to focus on the good things and set up a good base for when my exam season starts.
I hope you feel better soon Rid, sending you all of my love 💞💞💞
IVI LOL, you really do point out the subtlest things !!! did not think anyone would catch that haircut bit, but look at you :'))
i think you're a simp for c&f jk bc you know a good man when you see one... despite his initially questionable behaviour, he truly is a sweet bean who tends to act monstrous (in bed) at times lmao so i understand the obsession... :')
and i know, cmi jk is just 😭 thank you for loving him so much, tbh he might be my fav jk i've written so far too :(( my lil baby :(( and i can't wait for his return :((((
thank you, ivi !! :') i hate that this happens, idk why i get colds so frequently ?? like i spent most of yesterday and today napping and it sucksss lmao i want to be productive, too :') but i'll take the blankets i love you 🤍🥺 so happy you've been well !! despite the melancholy... i get that feeling. there must be something in the air, bc everyone's been very emotional these days. i'm so glad you have stuff you can look forward to, though, and i hope that mood stays bc you deserve it 💕
(also i've been wanting to say this — i know you said i don't need to be, but im so sorry for being slow with answering at times... you send such thoughtful and incredibly kind thoughts and then i feel bad. but i want to answer just as thoughtfully and the current time has been beating my ass lmao sorry again but i love you rambling and will always get to it bc i love you so fkn much 😭🥺🤍)
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weebsinstash · 2 years
"Or I could be paranoid and he's just a lonely weirdo and I'm looking too deeply into it."
YOU'RE NOT LOOKING TOO DEEPLY INTO IT HE'S DEFINETLY A CREEP. Don't give him the benefit of the doubt!! He's an internet stranger!! Trust your gut!! You being nice is easier for him and it will just give you more anxiety as you keep talking!! Time to ghost him.
And here is my dumb fucking ass "yeah I'm psychologically analyzing this guy and I think its really weird he's asking me about my father" AS I THEN GIVE HIM UNNECESSARY DETAILS ABOUT MY CHILDHOOD, LIKE
I am a walking amalgamation of hypocrisy. I am just really. Ugh. I dont want to use a stuffy word like 'flabbergasted' but. I didn't. I didn't realize I was this bad. I didn't realize that I was capable of like, I don't know if I want to say "actively putting myself in danger" but, you kind of probably get what I mean right? This just kind of. Makes me concerned for myself lmao, like ACTUALLY no joke I find this entire interaction really disturbing. I am sitting here not feeling good about this and having every suspicion imaginable and here i am Still Fucking Talking To-- MY GOD HE NEVER EVEN VERIFIED HIS NAME. I brought up he never told me his name and I said something like "im assuming from your url thst your name is david?" And he never said yes or no so YEAH I DONT EVEN KNOW HIS NAME
Who tf asks for someone's phone number without even introducing yourself. And when he first started messaging me and asked for my phone number I told him that I wasn't super comfortable with that and "it sounds like you're trying to pick me up" and his literal response word for word is "so what if im trying to pick you up 😅😅"
god fuck shit piss I am going to beat my own ass why am I even doing this to myself. Fucking crazy. I think I am actually going fucking crazy. Time for the weed I meant to smoke out here in my ice cold garage SEVERAL HOURS AGO before I got distracted by This Absolutely Bizarre Adventure
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
i love your flustered s/o writing aaaaa!! is it ok if you do one for baji too?
baji keisuke with an easily flustered s/o: headcanons
[𖤐] hello hello anon! thank you so much for requesting!! these ones are always cute to do because like?!?!?!?!?! it just is!!!!!! hope you enjoy!! <33
❧ masterlist
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✂︎ honestly, i feel like in the beginning of your relationship with baji, he’s also going to be a bit flustered whenever the two of you hold hands or kiss. he’ll do his best to hide it and will look away afterwards, but you can always tell by looking at the red on the tips of his ears.
✂︎ of course, after a couple of months, this will start to go away and he’ll become a lot more comfortable around you, throwing his arm around your shoulder whenever he sees you and giving you a kiss on your temple. he’ll be confused though when you suddenly start getting embarrassed, telling him that you need a moment to calm yourself. had he done something wrong? did you not like physical contact?
✂︎ he’ll be genuinely concerned about whether or not he did something wrong until you shyly explain it to him. the next moment, the worry that laced throughout his features would suddenly vanish, and he would just grin at you and tell you that you’re way too cute for your own good, (probably did it on purpose just to see you get embarrassed again).
✂︎ from then on, he’ll always be doing things to try and catch you off guard, (it works every time). he’s always going to be sneaking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, or pulling you close to his side while the two of you are out. he’s not doing it out of malicious intent, but just because he thinks you look really cute when you get embarrassed, (he also gets a slight ego boost that you’re flustered because of him LMAO).
✂︎ baji is definitely the type to pinch your cheeks and kinda stare at you with an amusing look on his face, and he’ll always do this whenever the two of you are just hanging out wherever. there isn’t really anything that triggers this, but he just does it so that he can see you slowly get more and more embarrassed because of the way that he’s looking at you.
✂︎ if you ever voice the fact that you might be uncomfortable with him being close with you in public, he’ll be a bit sad about it, but he’ll respect your decisions, (as long as you cuddle him whenever the two of you are alone). he understands and respects your boundaries, but he’ll insist that you at least link pinkies with him so that you “don’t get lost”, (it’s a lie, he just wants to be touching you, even if it’s something small).
✂︎ during the cold seasons, he’ll probably take your hand and stuff it in his coat pocket with his own hand, and he won’t even know that you’re getting a bit flustered because he can’t tell whether you’re cold or flustered. because of this, he’ll accidentally fluster you and won’t even realize until he realizes that you’ve gone quiet.
“(y/n), why are ya so quiet- oh...my bad!”
✂︎ gets extremely pissed off whenever you get flustered because of somebody else, and he’ll probably beat the shit out of them, (if it’s a friend, you’ll definitely have to hold him back LMAO). he doesn’t really blame you, but he blames the person who took advantage of your easily flustered nature and is ready to kill them.
✂︎ probably snaps blurry ass photos of you whenever you’re flustered, (because he’s running from you) but he actually has one of them as his lock screen because he likes to look at you. sometimes, he’ll even just stare at his lock screen and get pissed off when his phone turns off, (doesn’t realize that he should just go to his camera roll LMAOO).
✂︎ just thinks you’re really fuckin’ cute, and will tell you so literally every single time he sees you.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
- “get your son/daughter”
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𝕙𝕠𝕥 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤: 𝕚𝕟 𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕙 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕒𝕤𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘
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Bakugo Katsuki:
your son had been sent home for getting in a fight and you and bakugo were furious
although he was kind at heart, your kid had always been rough around the edges
but this was unacceptable
katsuki fixed a harsh glare on him, silently promising punishment
you on the other hand were going off
your son sunk further into the chair as he was scolded
as you went on about his recent bad behavior, he finally got fed up with your rant and groans,
“okay mom, I get it. can you just shut up about it already”
it’s like the jazz record stops
jeopardy music starts playing
you can literally feel how cold the air suddenly gets
your kid realizes what just came out of his mouth and looks to his dad as katsuki looks to you and then to his son and then back to you
he watches you watch him
there’s a moment of complete silence before your son screams as you literally lunge after him
youre fast but katsuki’s faster
he had years of hero training to thank
he catches you just before you reach across the chair and you just go ballistic
even tho bakugo’s pissed, he tells your kid to apologize
bc he’s lowkey struggling to hold you back 💀
it just such a mess from there on out lmao
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Shinsou Hitoshi:
it was clear to hitoshi on this very day that your daughter held zero value for her own life
bc if she did
there was no way
absolutely no way she would’ve cursed at you
not in this christian household
“that’s so fucking annoying” your daughter muttered in response to you telling her she couldn’t go to a party tonight
it was quiet and supposed to be for her ears only but your daughter was never good at whispering
hitoshi froze with a sandwich halfway in his mouth
your daughter, processing her mistake, widened her eyes in horror
there was something about the way you blankly stared at your kid that made everyone in the room’s hair stand up
“did you just...cuss at me? me? in my own house?”
she starts to profusely apologize and wilts w each word bc you just stare and stare and stare
you hold your ear and lean in
“no, repeat to me what you just said bc I don’t think I heard you right”
(when they tell you to repeat, do not do it)
you take a step towards her and shinsou grabs your arm to keep you in place bc he wasn’t in the mood to see a homicide today 💀
“D/N, go to your room. you’re not going to the party,” he says and your daughter is thankful for a way out
“yes sir,” she she yelps before high tailing her butt outta there 😭
you turn to your husband w the straightest face
“you know that’s your daughter, right?”
“i know, babe” 🙄 (it’s not like you went 50/50 on her or anything)
“good. so you get her, or I do” you calmly say before going back to the dishes
shinsou only laughs
he loves your crazy ass
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Kaminari Denki:
your three sons thought they were the fbi or some shit and could sneak back into the house undetected
so imagine their surprise when the chair turns to reveal you
arms crossed, bonnet on, robe secured, and belt in hand
“so where you three been at 2 am in the morning?”
they look at each other with wide eyes, bottom lips quivering to say something
“uhhh w-we went out to get something for dad!”
then another chair twists around to reveal kaminari
legs crossed, hair up, robe secured, and belt in hand
“is that so?” he asks, brows raised in surprise
that’s when they started shivering
the second oldest tries to cover them and says, “y-yeah! dad, didn’t you mention that D/N said she wanted that um uhhh toy last week?”
the final chair turns and reveals your youngest 8 yr old daughter
hands folded, scarf wrapped, robe secured, and belt in hand
she innocently tilts her head and chirps, “when did I say that?”
at this point, it was over for them and they knew it based on the dark looks on their parents’ face and the evil growing smirk that appears on their sister’s lips
they start throwing each other under the bus, talking over one another, and trying to explain why they were “forced” to leave the house even when they were told not to
you raise your hand, and there’s an immediate silence
“three things are gonna happen,” you say. “your sister is going to pick the belt, your father is going handle you three today, and I’m gonna go to bed bc I’m tired. but best believe when I wake up, youre asses are mine. do I make myself clear?”
your three boys want to cry as their sister conveniently picks the thickest one. “y-yes ma’am,” they sniffle
with a satisfied hum, you get up and take yourself and your daughter to bed who leaves with a taunting wave over her shoulder
denki waits for the sound of the bedroom door to close before looking at his three idiots w a tired sigh
him: “....you know I gotta beat your ass, right?”
them: “yeah :(“
you didn’t see much, but you and your daughter had a very peaceful sleep that night
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