#why does it rain there
shkika · 1 year
Rain world fandom
This has ruined me for months it genuinely drives me up a wall, I've been thinking about it for a while? If you can enlighten me please you are welcome to.
Why the hell does it rain in shaded shitadel?? It makes no sense, there's actual no reason for it to.
The cloud layer isn't below Pebbles, because it would be cloudy/rainy in his underhang and it's not. Plus we can see where the cloud layer actually is. It's higher up his wall.
He covers shaded and there is NO sun, there shouldn't be clouds either he's like a massive umbrella that doesn't work for some reason. Not only did those people have to deal with complete darkness, but he still rained on them and I have no idea why.
If you want to bring gameplay reasons I still don't get it. You could just bullshit something with the green storms perhaps to keep the cycles?
And imagine how cool would it be as foreshadowing. Why doesn't it rain? As you climb his leg you won't realize, but when you reach Pebbles' underhand and wall you understand. You were climbing him and he's a superctructure that covers the citadel.
It shouldn't rain there aaarhg
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avephelis · 2 years
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they get matching t-shirts
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aaphra · 9 months
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candygoop · 4 months
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loadingartist · 1 year
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new comic! 🌞 seize the day
support the comic on patreon and get all the bonus panels (and my exclusive plucked up comic series too)!
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marukfe · 8 months
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Tag urself if u can relate 🌊🌊🤖
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fountainpenguin · 13 days
Is... is one of Dale's triggers being barefoot?
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Is he okay.
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dragonroilz · 10 months
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Only two arms, two legs - but with 22 unblinking, crimson eyes.
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alexthedragon190 · 20 days
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I forgot why I was making this like halfway through the process...
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the-hadal-zone-sys · 7 months
Friendly reminder: if you go through a period of rapidly forming new headmates, that DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE FAKING!! It just happens sometimes. Brains are weird.
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its-rat-time-babey · 2 years
“The Artificer’s campaign has little impact on the overall story” bitch I cannot stress how much of an impact the Artificer had on the entire world. You just need to pay attention to some things.
By the time of the Artificer, Scavengers are basically in the middle of a massive golden age. They have a Chieftain (with a mark of communication (maybe Five Pebbles gave them the mark and citizen ID drone and tried to use them for something but they rebelled and found Metropolis)) with armour made from Red Centipede Scales, they have a permanent home in metropolis above the rain, they figured out how to harvest electrical scrap and broken down Rarefaction Cells from the ruins of Looks To The Moon and pieces of Five Pebbles to make electric spears and Singularity Bombs, they even have specially trained Elite Scavengers, which did exist before in the time of the Spearmaster but it’s still worth bringing them up.
Overall, Scavengers are at a golden age of invention and life in general.
And then they anger the Artificer, who slaughters countless Scavengers, kills their Chieftain and drives them out of Metropolis, locking the gate behind them.
After that, a new Chieftain is never made, armour like the chieftain once wore is never made again, Scavengers suffer a massive population loss, they can’t enter Metropolis without a Citizen ID Drone and Elite Scavengers slowly disappear as the methods used to teach them and the knowledge of how to scavenge and create electric spears and singularity bombs is lost, with the last Elite Scavengers being seen in the Hunter’s campaign, which happens next in the timeline. In other words, the Artificer literally sent Scavengers into a dark age.
It takes until the time of the SAINT for Scavengers to show real signs of recovery, now appearing in larger numbers than before. And even THEN Scavengers never do anything like they did during the time of the Artificer. The Artificer plunged Scavengers into a dark age for countless years, and they STILL haven’t recovered.
And that’s not all. According to the wiki, Scavengers are afraid of Slugpups, most likely because they remember how the last time they killed one they were hit by the full force of an angry explosive lobbing goddess of destruction that slaughtered countless members of their kind. They are afraid of Slugpups in all campaigns, even the Saint’s. So even by the time of the Saint Scavengers know not to mess with Slugpups, presumably because the last time they did so is a legend among Scavengers by that point in time.
Hell, the Artificer’s existence even explains something about the Hunter. The reason that the Hunter starts with a negative reputation among Scavengers is because they look like the fucking Artificer. Scavengers look at the Hunter and see the goddess of vengeance and destruction that they’ve only ever heard of from stories.
Both of them have red fur and a scar on one eye, and will the time gap between campaigns, there’s a good chance that only a few Scavengers that saw the Artificer in person are even alive by that point in time (without even taking into account how the Artificer murdered so many Scavengers that it’s probably rare that a Scavenger saw them and lived to tell the tale), meaning that the Artificer is probably told about in Scavenger stories and her appearance would therefore differ, leaving the most obvious details like the scar on one eye and red fur.
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shkika · 1 year
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These two slug cats have a lot of parallels to me so I really enjoy them. I love how they are the two starting downpour slug cats yet they are complete opposites.
You have Gourmand enjoying life, crafting and making use of the wonderful little things in life. Going back home and sharing those wonders with others. And (in my headcanons at least) Gourmand starts a family even. (The two little slug pups at the end of the campaign).
Artificer's campaign starts with losing family and subsequently losing yourself. Dedicating yourself to spreading the hurt and pain that was dealt to you. Finding your way into the deepest of parts of where the enemy resides until it's not even about the pups anymore.
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nyaskitten · 7 months
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leavily · 6 months
back again
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he eats. he slays. he devours. I think he's cool. uhhh that's all
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woopdeloopei · 1 year
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the thing
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