#why did i make luffy so lil ... you know why
benevolentcannibal · 1 month
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tall goth and just a lil guy
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sen-ya · 4 months
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part 4/7
the lil law bein held by luffy is v important to me
[op comic masterpost]
[pg1] Panel 1: Law: ...
Panel 2: Law: ...Bepo knows. Luffy: Penguin and Shachi too I assume? Law: They better not. I swore Bepo to secrecy. He only knows cuz he's the one who figured it out. Luffy: Got it
Panel 3: Luffy: So you wanna start with the pros or cons? Law: Pfft, you know. Luffy: Okay. I don't think it would make you feel very good. Law: I'm already sick all the damn time. Luffy: You know what I mean Law [talking over Luffy]: I know what you mean.
Panel 4: Luffy: We sail on different ships Law: I don't know obstetrics Luffy: My family doesn't have a great dad track record Law: Most of my crew doesn't know that I'm trans, so I'd have to come out Law: We're pirates Luffy: You can't count that, there's already kids on my ship Law: Fine Law: We can't make our crews stay together just because we want to. Law: People might think my crew is under yours and that would not go well. Luffy: So if we wanted to stay together we'd probably have to leave for awhile like Usopp did. Law: What if she's got white lead disease?
Panel 5: Luffy: You already cured tha-- wait did you say she? Law: Oops. Luffy: Oops? Why oops? Law: Listen, I needed all of the available information. Luffy: Any more to share? Law: Um. It's been about 12 weeks. Luffy: Since what? Law: Okay nevermind I have no more information that will mean anything to you.
Panel 6: Luffy: ...Why does that make it different? Law: ...I don't know, but it happened to me too. Not that it means it's a girl. But assigning a pronoun...I think I've gone soft. Wouldn't have meant anything a decade ago.
[pg2] Panel 7: Luffy: Me too. I think this'll be easier if we just say 'it.' Law: You're right. But I tried. And even when I do, when I close my eyes I just see this kid that looks like you.
Panel 8: Luffy & Law: ...
Panel 9: Luffy: Fuck Law: I know Luffy: You can't just say shit like that. Law: I'm sorry.
Panel 10: Luffy: Well now we know it's an option. We could always plan for it later. Law: But it also could be a fluke. Honestly with all the shit I do to my body it's a wonder she made it so far without me knowing. Luffy: It's cuz she's mine.
Panel 11: Law: Fuck Luffy: That was supposed to be an inside thought Law: You don't have those. This is a terrible idea. Luffy: I agree Law: So we agree we shouldn't do this.
Panel 12: Law & Luffy: ...
[pg3] Panel 13: Luffy: Everyone expects us to be docked here for a week. So I don't think we have to decide right now.
Panel 14: Law: Yeah. Yeah good point. Law: And if I can just use the Sunny's library...I'm sure Kaya's got some books in there that would...offer perspective.
Panel 15: Luffy: And we can keep thinking of pros and cons!
Panel 16: Law: And at the end of the week we can both write down what we think we should do Law: and we can compare answers.
Panel 17: Luffy: It's a plan! Law: It's a plan.
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feelinmatcha · 17 days
DESCRIPTION: hcs on having an unreciprocated crush on your best friend, sanji A/N: told my best friend of 8 years who is taken that im in love with them and its the reason why im no longer gonna contact them until i get over this silly lil feeling (i think shes it for me tbh). but!! im writing this because i miss them so much and breaking no contact with them is wrong!!! 🎵: i love you, i'm sorry by gracie abrams
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just the way life goes I like to slam doors closed
when he's hurt or in trouble, you're the first to offer help or a comforting hand on his shoulder
on special occasions, like his or his mothers birthday, you'll anonymously leave a letter on the kitchen counter that would leave him tearing up in the most embarrassing way possible
you write letters filled with your true feelings, incorporating one for every other day. you label the dates, of course, in case you lose track of how many months its been since you've starting having such feelings for him
during late-night conversations, you find yourself pouring out your heart, sharing your dreams and fears. he listens with a cigarette pinched between his fingers, eyes sparkling with genuine interest, unaware that these moments are your way of expressing your hidden feelings
Trust me, I know it's always about me I love you, I'm sorry
you dream about him on the daily to the point where you're waking up to feel the space next to you cold
even with the subtle playful flirting, he doesn't see it as anything more than just friendly banter
when you're around him, it's like everything pales in comparison. you steal glances over the fire, the crowd, luffy's head in the mornings, and even early in the mornings when he's prepping for breakfast
when he gets upset over another failed pursuit of a relationship, you offer the same advice all while sharing some of your own romantic desires
'Cause that's just the way life goes I push my luck, it shows
you insinuate your feelings at one point, since its been almost a year
it was on a particular evening when the rest of the straw hat pirates were out on the deck, watching the swirls of blue and pink in the sky, while your loverboy sulked over nami for the millionth time this month
"you could always just ask her, sanji. it's just nami."
"yes, that's exactly why i shouldn't say anything. it's her!"
"we've been sailing together for how many years, you know her just like you know me and usopp, she's--"
"she's not like you, or usopp!" he groans, ignorant of the way your lips turn downward into a frown at the tone of his voice
"anyone would love you." you say softly
"you're just saying that," he runs a hand down his face. the tears threatening to spill over and his unkempt hair makes this situation so much worse than all of the other times he's cried over a woman. "you're part of the crew, of course you'd think that."
even through the threads of countless lives, your soul would search for his in order to endlessly love him through every echo of existence
a pang blooms in your chest
Thankful you don't send someone to kill me I love you, I'm sorry
it's been a year and a half since you've got feelings for the cook
nothing got better, but at least you're semi thankful for sanji not having the balls to confess yet
even if he did, nami knew of your feelings
she would spend at least one hour a day pestering you about your feelings for him and you didn't have the heart to tell her that he was in love with her instead
because he might just cut contact with you for that
You were the best but you were the worst As sick as it sounds, I loved you first
"why do you love him anyway?"
zoro asks you this one night when he catches you slaving over the counter, trying to prep the dishes and ingredients sanji will need for the next morning
you're rearranging your plans to accommodate sanji's needs when you stop on an island
you decorated the kitchen space with little touches that cater to his tastes-- framed recipes, kitchen gadgets, and cozy blankets draped over the usually chilly kitchen chairs
once every other month, you collaborate on ship projects like redecorating a space or choosing what else to grow up behind the main mast next to nami's mandarins
you don't know when it started but you started to express your affection through gestures like tucking his shirt in for him or fixing his collar from across the table, usually in a more private setting
most mornings he meets you in the kitchen at 4 and getting greeted with a steaming cup of his favorite tea
I was a dick, it is what it is A habit to kick, the age-old curse
"you're going to spend the night at hers?" with a sparkling drink cupped in her hand, you look up at him, a furrow in your brow. "sanji, we're leaving tomorrow morning. why do you think we're not drin--"
"why are you so insistent that i stay?" he rebutted. the girl that was gonna take him home shied away, like you were his mother berating him for something like swinging too high up on a swing
because i love you and i hate seeing you love everyone back but me, you hoped to say
"everyone said it was fine, so i'm going."
when he left, nami consoled you as you tried your best not to burst into hot tears
and when you saw zoro across from you, looking slightly hurt for you, you knew it was time to bury these feelings in the ground
I tend to laugh whenever I'm sad Stare at the crash, it actually works
after you avoided him for a week, which he thought couldn't be possible because they were on a ship, he begins to realize that a chunk of his life quite literally washed away like a plank in the ocean
the frame of you two sat would sit on the dining table after everybody had left, having been previously used for a recipe until you decided to change things up a bit one day
and when sanji saw it that day, he was glad and pointed out that its a nice picture and a good reminder of how fun that day was
to you, the photo was once a symbol of hope and affection but now it felt like a reminder of the emotional distance between the two of you
you threw it away the night you returned back to the ship, knowing he was in bed with another girl
Making amends, this shit never ends I'm wrong again, wrong again
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NOTES: plsplspls ignore the errors im writing this at 12am ^^
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
monster trio reactions when reader got pms and gets really sensitive and angry?
Ooh, absolutely!! I hope that this is okay!!
[Heads up!: afab/fem aligned reader, period talk, mood swings, the boys are good boys if not a lil confused]
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Luffy ㅡ probably the most confused of the three when you go from your usual cheer to irritable, wants to know what's bothering you. Apologizes for things you didn't even know he did ㅡ like eating the last of the cheesecake or stealing your pillow and replacing it with his. Thinks it's him that you're mad at, and when you tell him no, you're just generally upset with everything right now, he offers a solution in either wrestling with him or flat out yelling at the top of your lungs from the top of the Sunny's figurehead. He does it all the time (usually out of excitement) and it makes him feel better, so why shouldn't it work for you?
"Won't the others get mad?" You ask as Luffy helps you up onto the lion's head, his hand still curled around yours when you settle beside him.
"Nah, why would they? Not like anyone else can hear us. C'mon, try it!" He grins at you, squeezing your hand in encouragement.
It feels strange to do something like this and it takes a couple tries to be loud enough that Luffy thinks it'll help ㅡ but he does end up being right. Even though now your head hurts a little and your throat is sore, you do feel better about the churn of hormone fueled irritation.
"See?" Luffy beams as he reaches to help you down, using it as an excuse to hug you. "I told you it'd make you feel better!"
Zoro ㅡ probably the worst of the three in handling it. Not because he doesn't care or isn't worried, but because he has a hair trigger temper and his first instinct is not to figure out what's going on, but to fight fire with fire. Which leads to arguments, which leads to ㅡ
"Stop yellin' at me, damn it! Not my fault you woke up and decided to be like this!" Zoro shouldn't be yelling at you, he knows that ㅡ but you started it. You've thrown him for a loop the last couple of days because of your attitude, and now you're about to throw him for another. You sniffle, and it's with absolute bafflement that Zoro realizes you've gone from pissed off to crying. "Whㅡwhy are you crying?"
Your response is garbled, and he panics a little as he pulls you to him, and you hiccup. "Come on, stop cryin'. What's with you, anyways?"
"Don't feel good," you mumble into his chest and Zoro wants to point out that picking fights isn't the way to go about feeling better, but he bites his tongue.
"C'mon, let's see if Chopper has anything that'll help and then nap, okay?" He's gruff but gentle, and when you do end up falling asleep with him for a much needed afternoon nap, he has no complaints.
Sanji ㅡ somewhere in the middle between baffled and concerned, but also the most likely to figure out what's actually going on as far as why you're so irritable about everything. Goes out of his way to fix things that will help ease cramping/more than happy to fix something if you're craving it.
"Here you go, mon petit chou." You blink as Sanji hands you a steaming mug of something, and you give it an experimental sniff.
Sanji nods. "I read somewhere that it's good for cramps," he says, then eyes you. "How are you feeling?"
"Better," you answer, and he watches as you take a tiny sip, humming at the taste. "Thank-you, Sanji."
He beams. "Anything for you, mon petit chou."
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clemkruckinnie · 1 year
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only you- opla!nami x reader
a/n-not requested! just a lil smth for my fav tangerine 💕💕 also luffy says lesbian rights
“Luffy, i’m telling you it’s not-“
“Talk to her!”He encourages you, shoving you forward. “It’s just Nami.”
He misses the incredulous look you give him, and before you can make a break for it, Nami’s looking up at you.
“Can I join you?”You manage to find your voice again. Nami nods, moving her hand from next to her so you can sit. The two of you enjoy the silence for a moment, watching your crewmates, your friends, and everything feels perfect.
Everything except the tension between you two, that is.
It had been so obvious that even Luffy had asked you what was going on. He was met with a snort from Zoro, a glare from you, and the conversation had ended there. That is, until he’d found you alone during the celebration of the victory against Arlong, put 2 and 2 together, and forced you to face what was between you and Nami.
There’s no way out this time, though. Not with you and Nami so close, and alone for the first time since she’d left.
“I missed you.” Aside from your question moments before, it’s the first thing you’ve said to her in private since your reunion.
“I missed you, too.” It’s a start.
“Your tattoo’s healing already.” You point out. You’d always wanted one of your own, having been too scared of needles to go for it. Your hand is hovering before you can even ask if you can touch it.
“Can I?”
Nami shrugs, “You’ve touched it before.” You remember when you’d bandaged her wound up, the act feeling vulnerable, tense, almost raw.
Your fingers ghost over the blue ink, tracing the shape she’d chosen to cover the last trace of Arlong’s grip on her.
“Beautiful.”You whisper.
“It’s simple.”
“Not just the tattoo.”
You don’t realize the words have left your mouth until Nami looks at you, through you, and you feel yourself freeze in place.
“I-“ You pause. You can’t say you’re sorry for what you said. You’re not, and never would be, not anymore.
“Why did you forgive me so fast?” Nami’s voice is uncharacteristically soft as she asks you.
“Everyone did, it wasn’t your fault.”
“You’re different.”
Nami’s bluntness almost takes you by surprise, but at this point you know her too well to be swayed by it. Her eyes give it away—she’s scared.
You bite your lip, your mouth wanting to move faster than your brain. It’s always been a flaw of yours, and you’re trying so hard to fight it off, so hard to turn what you’re about to say into something cohesive, but it’s too late.
“I can’t be mad at you. I can’t. Not when I felt the way I did the first time you looked at me, not when I felt like someone had taken a piece of my soul after Luffy told me you’d-“
You can’t tell if the memory hurts you or Nami more.
“The way I feel with you, I haven’t felt it with anyone else.” You explain. “And I think you feel it, too.”
Nami looks anywhere but your eyes for a moment, but finally looks back up again, big blue eyes gazing into your (e/c) ones.
“I do.” Nami admits. “That’s why I stayed away. You scared me.”
“I scared you?” You laugh softly. Nami nudges your shoulder, making you laugh again, louder.
“Yes! Yes, you did.” Nami continues. “You made me feel something new. I thought i’d taught myself not to feel strong emotions, but you made me-“ Nami trails off. “Not nervous. Natural. I looked at you and it was like we weren’t supposed to be apart.”
Your heart flutters at her words, smiling as the heat flushes through your face.
“I think that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.” You admit, looking down at your hands.
Nami reaches over, taking your hands into hers, admiring them. She’d watched you fight like hell with these hands, and use the same ones to tenderly bandage her arm. Tough and strong, but tender and soft—just like you. Without thinking, she holds one up. Then, she presses a soft kiss onto your knuckles.
Your breath hitches as you realize the meaning behind the action.
Nami looks back up at you with that same vulnerability in her eyes. You can’t bear it any longer, leaning in softly, kissing her so delicately it’s almost like you hadn’t in the first place.
You ignore your crewmates’ cheers as the two of you smile, pulling away, foreheads still together.
You two will have a long journey together, but the One Piece has nothing on the orange-haired treasure across from you.
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luffyvace · 8 months
Luffy x male reader hcs ☆
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Cuz yeaaaaa I never see this?? I’m sure there’s some male luffy simps out there somewhere !!
come get your food I know you exist!! <3
Now luffy’s not gentle with anyone
but if your a guy he assumes you can handle yourself, weak or not
Why? Because your a man! And men have to do what a man has to do
Luffy has mentioned multiple times to protect nami
because she’s a young girl! (Not a grown woman—she’s eight-TEEN)
robin is strong and has a devil fruit so she’s different!
nami has average feats besides some decent durability
but yeah so he’s not gentle at all
you may get treated like zoro and usopp
you two probably seem more like best friends than a couple
luffy drags you EVERYWHERE on your adventures!
like literally you don’t remember a time where you two are separated
which leads me to believe one of his love languages are quality time
playing together, fishing together, fighting side by side, exploring together
did you notice how many times I said together??
yes!! Because your never apart!!!
so, what’s the other love language??
why physical touch of course!
luffy has no concept of personal space
as we know
so he’s always slingshotting onto you, hopping on you back (even if your smaller), dragging you around, whatever!
he does this subconsciously of course
The crew gets this as well but with as touchy as he is with you, you can tell you two are the couple of the group
don’t bother with dates unless you want to have a eating competition
that’s a date he’ll gladly take on without RUINING
In fact he wins!
every time-
no matter what type of competition it is luffy will never hold back
not even to make you feel better 🤷‍♀️
if you’re just as hyper as him you two are the chaotic duo
nami is always scolding and punching you both
not that you learn your lesson or anything
you guys are always doing stupid stuff like challenges and pranks
and bothering your fellow straw hats when you get bored
With a more rational boyfriend
luffy doesn’t calm down at all
nor does he listen to you any better than nami
he drags you around on his silly adventures whether you want to or not
in fact that may be how you joined in the first place!
(you remind me of law—platonically)
Luffy always laughs and says “come on m/n it’ll be fun!” Whenever you express you don’t wanna do something
yeah he’s not a great listener
but he is good at picking up on feelings!
so if your genuinely sad he can tell straight away you aren’t your normal self, even if your the world’s best actor
m/n being more sentimental/emotional actually kinda goes hand in hand with luffy since he can pick up on those if nothing else
although you’ll be going through a roller coaster of said emotions-
at least he listens to your demands a little more
Unlike zoro for example as to where he doesn’t get to finish his sentences 🤦‍♀️😬
if luffy ever gifts you something it’ll either be so perfectly accurate (you probably think someone helped him but he did it by himself and didn’t think much of it)
or 😬😬😟
“gee..thanks luffy..”
”no problem m/n!” 😊👍
if your weak luffy won’t train with you-
you either train with zoro or get stronger with time
it’s not that he doesn’t want to
it just doesn’t cross his mind
he spent 10 years training, he thinks he’s pretty good
All he needs now is experience and adventure!
but if you ask him? Sure!
(im warning you this is training and he doesn’t hold back, especially since your a guy)
idk why luffy thinks guys can handle everything??
like dang you could be a lil gentle..?
anyway yeah
if your strong? Great!
now you can fight along side him :)
luffy tells you about everything and anything
Even stuff you don’t wanna know..
YUP I’m ending it there 😜
Hopefully my male readers enjoyed this!~ more op content coming soon💗
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Your post about Shanks ‘babysitting’ Yassop is so cute 😭💕 This literally gave me a thought about Shanks knowing Zeff and his little precious eggplant (Sanji)
Like, the Red Head Pirates goes to the Baratie and meet the chef, Red Leg Zeff, who has his adopted son in the ship. The little boy is respectfull and always wants to help. And Shanks just- starts to talk and play with the boy. They come to the restaurant often because of how much good the food is and everytime, Shanks plays with the kid.
Zeff also talks A LOT about his son, pround of how he is good at cooking and fighting. The Red Head Pirates ends up don't going to the Baratie for like, 2 or 3 years, and when they come again, Shanks notice the boy isn't there, Zeff tells Sanji is in the crew of some rubber boy with a Straw Hat and Shanks is like "THIS BOY IS MY SON-!" and they start to talk about everything who happened.
Bonus: Zeff starts to talk about some boy who Sanji talks a lot in the letters and Yassop, who is near to them, just yells "THIS KID YOU'RE SAYING IS MY SON" and turns out they discover that the kids of all of them are in the same crew.
Shanks: Where's your little cook? I wanted to have one of his dishes. He's getting better than you, old man. Zeff: Watch your words or I might kick you out of here. And he's not so little anymore, he's nineteen. Shanks: HE'S WHAT???? Benn: Sometimes, when years pass, people grow up. If you weren't sure- Shanks: Haha. So funny. Okay! So where is that young man? Zeff: Ugh- New pirate took him with him. See the world and shit. To find the All Blue, he said. Shanks: Look who's following his father's steps! You must be proud, huh? You'll never say it, but I know! A father always knows. And who's that new pirate around? Wouldn't hurt to know. Zeff: Strange kid. Says he wants to find the One Piece. Devil fruit user. Rubbery body. Straw hat? Reminded me of you. Luf- Shanks: LUFFY! THAT'S MY KID! Benn: He's not your son. Shanks: HE'S SORT OF SOMETHING LIKE MY KID!
And then they stay there for a long time, the Red Hair pirates enjoying the food while Shanks and Zeff have this conversation close to them. That's when Zeff talks about what he knows about his son's crew, because Shanks literally knows nothing besides the basics and what Mihawk told him about Zoro. (Making this about Sanuso because you can't say that Sanji talks a lot about Usopp and not expect me to write it like this).
Zeff: Kid got himself an interesting team. Green-haired guy that almost gets himself killed. Idiot. Eggplant hates his guts, or so he says, but he has never been too good at hiding shit so it's obvious he cares about the swordsman. He talks about a girl too. Loves her. Believes he's gonna marry her. Most precious thing in the world, he says. A treasure of navigator, apparently. Usually, he's annoying when it comes to women, but this is too much even for him. Shanks: Oh! Young love! Are you sure she isn't the reason why he joined them? Zeff: Nah, it was your kid. He's persuasive. And I wouldn't call it love. At least not with her. Shanks: Care to explain? Zeff: Lil cook talks about a young man. A sniper. He's... Fond of him. I don't know how to explain it, but I know him. There's just something about the letters... Heck, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. But Eggplant and this kid, Usopp- Shanks: WHAT?! YASOPP! Yasopp: WHAT DO YOU WANT??? Shanks: YOUR KID'S DATING LIL COOK Yasopp: Wait what- (basically falls off the chair) WHAT?! Is he in his crew? Is he alright? Is he as cool as me? Of course he is! Wait, did you say something about dating? Zeff: They're not dating. Yasopp: Of course Usopp would date a cook, he has always loved food- Shanks: Yes, because when you left the only thing the kid could do was eat- Yasopp: Shut up! Is he alright, red leg? What does your kid say in the letters?
And they spend like, hours talking about them together, being all proud of their children <3
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
Thinking abt skypiea Sanji latey, lil wings and athena on his head sound soo cutee, maybe he fell down from the sky island and found his way to Zeff? Or maybe Sora was a skypiean judge managed to capture to further his bloodline and Sanji has inherited all his mothers sky traits?
Idk im just soft for the wings
I love that so much, though I doubt child Sanji would have survived the fall if he did do that but I think the second option fits really well with either clown!Sanji or Redhair!Sanji. So that's the one I'm going to focus on but I will probably make a loved!Sanji out of this as well. Genius, anon, simply genius.
Sanji being born with little wings and antennae on his head. Judge immediately knows he's likely a failure as Sora holds her babies and sobs that they're all alive. Still everything is mostly the same except for Sanji's wings are just as big a target as his hands and his antenna are threatened often. Sora tells him the legends of Skypiea and sings him the lullabies and teaches him the language as well. When she dies, Sanji is given a tune dial of his mother singing a lullaby by a maid who keeps it hidden for him.
Sanji is thrown in the dungeon and escapes with the helmet on in the East Blue. He's just running like Reiju told him to and he wishes the wings he had were useful. That he wasn't weak. I'm going with Shanks and Benn finding Sanji first.
Shanks and Benn feel the fear and other feelings from some woods nearby so they go check it out and find the eight year old and take him to the ship where they get Sanji out of the helmet. Sanji's wings are hidden under the rags he was in but Shanks knows what he is. And he's headed to the grand line where this would be more the norm for everyone there than the East Blue. Benn reminds him he doesn't want kids on his boat but Shanks insists this is an exception.
Shanks explains his former crew's time in Skypiea and how they would be happy to get the boy back and Sanji says he doesn't have family there, his mother was the wife of Vinsmoke Judge and she hadn't been there for a while. Sanji doesn't know if he has anyone anymore because he's supposed to be dead and asks why they saved him. Shanks and Benn's hearts break a little at that and say it was the right thing to do.
They make it to jaya and then Skypiea. They find no one related to Sanji and the bugs are terrifying the poor kid. Like beyond normal fear of bugs. And the bugs are big but Sanji was freaking out at the small ones so they go back down and Shanks is holding Sanji while Benn holds him and the ship.
They head to Sabaody and stick a hat and coat on Sanji because they're not going to let home get taken as a slave. They roll up to Shakky's to get information and drinks and when Rayleigh rolls in I gotta imagine everyone but Shakky and Sanji are staring at each other in shock until Rayleigh laughs and says of course they followed in their footsteps and got himself a brat and Shanks mutters his agreement. Sanji keeps fidgeting with the hat and hates his antennae being covered after the helmet and Yasopp says when they're on the ship he can take it off. Rayleigh says he can take it off now and pulls Sanji's hat off making him and Shakky gasp. Shanks tells him off and gives Sanji the hat back.
Sanji grows up with the Redhaired Pirates who embrace what he is. Shanks will spend hours if Sanji lets him stroking the kid's wings. This Sanji never learns about Luffy or Usopp and he runs into them and the crew at Sabaody while chatting with Rayleigh and Shakky after all the shit at the auction house. Before they get pawpawd away. Sanji is smiling and chatting with them easily with his wings and antennae free which makes the crew ask him a bunch of questions about why he's not in Skypiea and how he knows Rayleigh.
"I'm the brat of Redhaired Pirates. I'm out gathering some information." Sanji answers with a grin.
"You know Shanks?!" Luffy yells excitedly.
"Wait, they let you go with them?" Usopp asks.
"They didn't have anywhere they could safely leave me with the whole being Skypiean thing." Sanji shrugs.
"Lame, he didn't let us go." Luffy whines as Sanji gives them a questioning look.
"That's Roger's old hat, Shanks gave it to Luffy. Usopp there is Yasopp's boy." Rayleigh tells him.
"Ah." Sanji says lighting a cigarette. "Mutiny it is then."
Rayleigh laughs and the Strawhats demand more information which Sanji doesn't give them. When he gets back to the crew he tells Shanks about what happened on Sabaody and the Redhaired crew goes into action faster than they ever have. They make it to Marineford just after the White Beard fleet.
"You're not going to commit mutiny after this." Shanks tells his crew as they step onto the island.
"Let's see how this goes and then we'll decide, you deadbeat." Roux chuckles.
"Don't miss a shot or you're off the crew too, Yasopp." Sanji tells him as the war begins.
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cheesesoda · 1 year
Hii I’m sorry if my request ideas aren’t good but I figured I’d offer you up something! Maybe something where Sanji meets a girl who even though she identifies as a girl she’s very Tom boyish and averse to feminine things not because she doesn’t like them but because growing up in an environment with a bunch of strong male pirates she didn’t want to be seen as weak or lesser. But basically this all leading to Sanji helping to show her that it’s okay to indulge in her feminine interests and not have to try and look and act like a boy as a defense mechanism?
a/n: OKAY THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD y/n out here being a lil relatable ngl 🧍‍♀️lol thank you sm for the req! i hope u like it bae 🫶
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sanji x tomboy!reader
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
cw: some internalized misogyny, language
“they’ve been arguing for hours! ugh, would they just be quiet?” nami groans, laying back in her deck chair next to robin. “oh, my dearest nami-swannnnn~ robin-chwannnnnn~ i’ve brought you some drinks!” sanji spins onto the deck with a tray holding 2 tropical drinks. “thank you, sanji-kun!” nami smiles as she takes her drink. suddenly, a loud crash and some incoherent yelling is heard from the crow’s nest. sanji, nami, and robin all turn their attention to the source of the noise. “what’s going on up there?” sanji asks. “y/n and zoro are arguing again about who’s stronger.” robin explains, taking her drink from the tray too. “i’m not sure why she cares so much about being the strongest. i mean, her determination is admirable but why?” robin queries.
later that night…
it’s the middle of the night and sanji is cleaning up his kitchen. everybody has gone to bed. well, almost everyone. as he’s putting away the last dish, he hears some distant mumbles. he frowns and goes to investigate the noise. he finds that it is once again coming from the crows nest. he creeps up the ladder cautiously and is met with the sight of you. you’re lifting the heaviest weights you could find. he’s about to ask you what you’re doing up so late since you hadn’t realized his presence, but for some reason, he just watches. you grunt in exhaustion and drop the weight. “fuck!” you pant, burying your head in your hands. “i’m so weak. dammit! they were right, i should’ve been born a man. then i wouldn’t be so damn useless. i need to be stronger! stronger than zoro! or luffy or sanji or any other man!” you cry out in frustration. sanji decides not to say anything, knowing that you’d breakdown if anyone saw you so vulnerable, so he leaves you in the crows nest and heads to his room, still thinking about your words.
the next morning…
sanji gets up at 4AM to start prepping and making breakfast for the crew and luffy’s endless stomach when memories of what you said last night flood his mind. “i’m so weak. dammit! they were right, i should’ve been born a man. then i wouldn’t be so damn useless. i need to be stronger!” his heart churned at the thought of you thinking that way. as if on cue, you come into the kitchen to accompany sanji while he makes breakfast (as you usually do). “good morning, my lovely y/n-chwannnn~” he swoons. “morning, sanji.” she smiles tiredly. “are you alright, y/n-chan? did you not sleep last night?” he asks, when he notices the grey circles underneath your tired eyes. “i’m fine.” she responds.
later that day — 1PM
“okay so two people are keeping watch on the ship. it’s usopp and franky’s turn today so the rest of us will go explore the island. got it?” nami explains to the crew as they dock on an island. everyone agrees and begins to wander around the island. “oh y/n-chwannnn~ may i accompany you as you shop?” sanji asks. “sure.” she says. after walking around a bit, they walk past a dress shop. “nami-swan would look beautiful in that orange dress!” sanji exclaims as he rushes into the store, you reluctantly following behind him. once he finishes buying the dress, he finds you admiring a beautiful (and very feminine) f/c dress. “you’ll look stunning in that dress, y/n-chwan! you already look like a goddess though!” he says as he approaches you. “huh?! what? i wasn’t looking at it! why the hell would i be looking at a dress? what do you think i am—some girly girl? and stop calling me y/n-chan like i’m just some weak girl! don’t treat me like i’m a woman!” she stammers in embarrassment. before storming out of the store.
later that evening — 5PM
after searching for you all day, sanji finds you sitting alone on top of a hill overlooking the sea. he walks up to you silently. without turning around, you can tell he’s there. “don’t just stand there. say something. don’t treat me like i’m some fragile thing that might break.” you groan. after a moment of silence, he sits next to you. “y/n-cha- … y/n, why don’t you cry?” he asks. “what?” she frowns, snapping her head to him. “why don’t you cry? in the entire time i’ve known you, you have never cried in front of me, or any of us. why?” he clarifies. “what do you think i am? weak? crying is for the weak. crying never helped me when i was sad, so what’s the point? it just makes you look pathetic.” she scoffs. “…why do you care so much about strength?” he follows up. she looks at him in disbelief before closing her eyes and laying her head on her knees. “you’re the strongest person i know. and yes, you’re stronger than the marimo. but there’s so much more to you. why does it matter so much?” he says. there’s a brief silence before you take a deep breath. “before i joined the straw-hats, i was part of another pirate crew. the jack pirates.” [a/n: help idfk what to name it lmao] “i was with them since before i can remember. i was the only girl on the ship and that made them think of me as less. as if i could never be taken as seriously as them. they’d tell me i should’ve been born a boy, that i would’ve been useful. i would’ve been strong. but no, i was born a girl. useless. annoying. weak. i guess that’s why… i just wish i was equal to them. i wish i could be as strong as them.” you explain. you’d never told anyone any of that before. “is that why you act more masculine than nami and robin?” he asks. “i guess…” you mumble. being this vulnerable made you uncomfortable. “i see…” he whispers. “follow me.”
“where are you taking me?” you protest. “don’t worry, my love! it’s a surprise.” he smiles back at you, holding your hand. the pet name makes you blush but you brush it off. finally, you reach the ship again. “why couldn’t you just tell me we were going to the ship?” you ask. “i have a surprise for you on the ship.” he grins.
he leads you to his room and hands you a bag. “what’s this?” you raise an eyebrow. “just open it.” he urges you. sighing, you pull out the item from within the bag. it’s the f/c dress you were gawking at earlier. “sanji, you don’t seriously think i can wear this-“ you groan. “being feminine doesn’t make you any less strong, y/n. everyone else is still gone and brook and usopp fell asleep. please, try it on.” he says softly. you contemplate what to do until you get up silently and walk into bathroom. after a few minutes (a few = 10) you come out of the bathroom nervously. sanji’s jaw literally hits the floor, but he composes himself. gorgeous was practically an insult if he were to describe you. you were more beautiful than a goddess. “for lack of better words: you look beautiful, y/n.” he whispers as you both look at you in the mirror. “beautiful…” you repeat under you breath. the compliment was one you hated to hear, but for some reason, you didn’t hate it as much anymore. “you’re beautiful in this dress and without it, just like how you can lift the heaviest weights on this ship whether you’re wearing a dress or not. you’re so beautiful and strong. you’re a goddess, my love. if only you could see that.” he says genuinely. you turn around and face him. you had always had a massive tiny crush on the cook, but you’d never say it because love is for the weak. “call me y/n-chan…” you breathe. “y/n-chan…” he smiles, matching your soft tone. “my perfect, strong, beautiful y/n-chan… my love…” he whispers so softly that nobody could hear it except you because of how close you were. he brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear and cradles your cheek. ever so slowly, you inch towards each other more, glancing at each other’s lips every few seconds. your lips meet in the softest of kisses but filled with so much love. when you pull away, his hand stays on your face and somehow your hands made their way on his chest. “i love you, y/n-chan, i love you so much. just as you are.” he whispers to you. and then it happens. a tear rolls down your cheek. a part of you that you never were allowed to embrace was finally released at the hands of the man you love. you wrap your arms around him as you softly cry into his dress shirt. he reciprocates the hug. “i love you too, sanji. i love you so much.”
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
More Like a Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey Egg
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1093 is a pretty action heavy chapter, so it leaves a lot less to ruminate on. The Kizaru fight is oodles of fun. The Dawn Stamp to all the illusions after getting them lined up is a classic, reminds me a little of Kuwabara vs. Byakko from YYH. And I love how much Luffy looks like a lil gremlin when he goes big. He'll always be just a lil guy to me. We'll also see a lot more of Egghead as we jump around and sadly nothing that bolsters the idea this was Toki's island. We even add a new Egghead-specific vegetation in some happy lil Diablo cacti. I think we've seen them already but you know...hard to remember every plant you see. And now I kinda want to take this break to talk foliage on various islands. Remember the spotted flowers would be the golden hint.
Still, I wouldn't toss that idea just yet. We only saw one bay on Toki's unnamed island. The placement still adds up, as does the timeline for Vegapunk getting started on his projects.
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We did play with this area another way though, since Bonney incidentally gave us a detail about the timeline. And this is the big gun from this chapter. I've backed off of pointing out shared themes because it was getting repetitive, but this is a huge one. Type of thing where even non-obsessive weirdoes like me are catching on. We strongly imply Bonney's actual age is younger than first assumed. This is why you never horndog about people with skewed time. I do see people stumbling on this so keep in mind Bonney could be a "young girl" and like...14. This would all make sense.
That makes Bonney a humongous tie with Momonosuke as well as Kiku & Yamato who play with that theme in different ways. So tomorrow we're having a fun Tale of Two Hannya about that. Ooh, and while we're at it lovely Thriller Bark callback in Luffy thinking of Perona's ghosts with Kizaru's illusions. It's a long crescendo but the type of stuff we've been looking at all along is still escalating.
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Sentomaru looking cool as hell here, and I'll say Vegapunk's reckless abandon rushing to save Bonney is reminding me of Usopp in the Raid. Good on him actually, he's seemed to be a little careless about allies all arc and knowing Bonney is actually a child makes a lot of sense out of how he treats her.
Last thing I'll say here is this. These have been some big chapters fleshing out Jewelry Bonney. We've been keeping an eye on her all Egghead because of her basic setup lending itself well to picking up Kiku's thread. Just remember...we took a lot of arc to get here. We've done the same so far with Stussy and Sentomaru and Vivi in the cutaway. Bonney being an actual child pushes her more towards ending up in a "family" structure as an ending. Happy end for Kuma, Vegapunk taking responsibility, something like that. If it were just her in all these side story spots I'd be over it, because I like Jewelry Bonney a lot actually...but when it's juggling multiple stories like this that play with established Wano themes, you can't ignore when someone who threads the needle on all of them was the one with the strange ending.
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shirohige-pirates · 1 year
Just Like Fire
CisFem Reader x Portgas D. Ace
CW: angst, language, erotic, violence, serial killer, stalking, poisoning, over-bearing controlling parents, attempted forced marriage, possible dub-con, Munchausen by proxy (aka Factitious Disorder), wildly cute and fluffy despite the warnings. 18+ only
Summary: You're Sabo's biological sister in this AU. After college you moved in with your dear brother and his two sworn brothers in order to avoid going back home. You and Sabo despise your family equally.
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Chapter 14: Steady
The steady beep of the heart monitor was a common sound for you to wake up too, even if it had been years since you had passed out and been hospitalized for it. You had been extra careful during college, because any incidents would’ve been used to bring you back home.
You let your eyes open slowly, and adjusted to the dim lighting in the room.
“Hey, lil’ spark.” Sabo says softly, taking your hand into his as you continue to come around. “You with me?”
“Thing so.” You mumble thickly, licking dry lips. “Think so. How long?”
“Only about,” Sabo looks at his watch and does some quick math. “Thirteen hours. I think that’s a record recovery time for you, especially given what all you went through.”
“What… happened?” You question, struggling to sit up a little, but Sabo puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Stay back, I’ll lean the bed up for you.” He says, and the soft click of a button brings you up slowly. You notice two lumps snoring in a single chair in the corner. Ace is tucked into the back of the chair with his legs draped over one arm rest, and Luffy is laying over him, drooling against Ace’s knees as the rest of his limbs are sprawled out.
“Good news is, Dr. Law met us at the hospital entrance and took over your care immediately. He removed, well, two poisons. He took some of what came from the medication, and all of what came from the food you ate.” Sabo explains slowly. He gives you a moment to think about what he’s already said.
“It wasn’t bad food.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
“… Why?”
“Considering it effected just about everyone in the building, forcing several offices to send people home early, the current assumption is that it was a tactic to clear the building prior to setting fire to it.”
“Why not just… wait? Until night?”
Sabo shakes his head. “I don’t know. Maybe someone was making a point? Maybe some casualties were the goal, just not too many? Sorry, I don’t know enough yet.”
“S’only been thirteen hours.” You say giving him a weak smile. “Ace and Luffy?”
Sabo smiles widely. “They’re okay. You have quite the grip, sister dear.”
You tilt your head. “Huh?”
“You wouldn’t let go of Ace.” Sabo explains, his grin becoming more Cheshire cat-like as you feel your face heat up. “He had to ride in the ambulance with you, and Law had to use his curse to separate you when you arrived at the hospital.”
“I would like to sleep forever.” You pull the sheets up over your face. “Sabo, please.”
“Sorry, but my own feelings aside, I think Ace would object.” He admits with a soft chuckle. “Shall I tell you embarrassing things he did to help alleviate your mortification, sister dear?”
“… Please.”
“He said you called his fire pretty, then went on to ramble for a solid five minutes about how he would become flames forever if that’s what you wanted. It was quite poetic. Burning for you, being a guiding light, I should’ve recorded it. He basically confessed to Luffy and I.” Sabo explains, shooting quick glances to the sleeping forms in the corner and making sure they were still asleep.
“When he realized what he had said, he burst into flames and set the sprinklers off.” Sabo’s trying to suppress a laugh at the memory. “We had to switch rooms and Law was quite irritated when he brought you in from the ICU.”
You put a hand to your mouth, trying not to laugh. “That’s adorable.”
Sabo nods in agreement before looking over at them again and leaning in close. “Despite his usual demeanor, he has his own demons, lil’ spark.”
Sabo leans back and pats your hand. “Regardless, I am here for you. If this is what you want, let nothing discourage you.”
“That’s quite the praise.” You say with a smile.
Sabo shrugs. “He is, despite his belief, an exemplary human. Ah, but are you hungry? I’m sure I can find something for you to eat. It’s 4am, in a couple hours the cafeteria will be open.”
“Cafeteria food.” You say it with a groan and Sabo pats your hand.
“I can promise their food will not have been maliciously compromised, but I can go to a 24-hour drive thru if that is preferable?”
“I don’t think you can bring outside food in.”
“You cannot get caught bringing outside food in,” he corrects.
“Mmm, a hotdog then? Some design of warm sandwich sounds good.”
“Hotdogs aren’t sandwiches.” Sabo argues.
“Bread, meat, stuff – don’t argue with me, I’m in the hospital.” You grin.
Sabo makes a face and then chuckles. “Very well. Let me wake the guards before I leave.”
“Let them sleep.”
“They’ve slept.” Sabo insists. “I won’t leave you unattended.”
You roll your eyes, but smile anyway. You can’t argue with your brother being concerned for you. You were literally just in a burning building a few hours prior.
Sabo flicks Ace’s forehead and he wakes up with a snorted gasp, rubbing his forehead as he looks up at Sabo with aggravation. Sabo nods toward the bed and Ace sees you are awake. His expression brightens so much you can feel the heat rushing into your face from it.
“Oh he-guh.” He falls back into the chair, as his attempt to get up makes him realize Luffy had passed out on top of him. He heaves the younger man off him with a grunt, and despite the heavy thud, Luffy seems unbothered by being relocated.
“I’m going to find something for her to eat, keep an eye out while I’m gone.” Sabo says.
“Yeah, sure.” Ace agrees, stepping over Luffy and coming over to the chair Sabo had been using earlier. “Anything new?”
“No, not so far.”
“Sleep when you come back.” Ace calls out as Sabo leaves the room and you see your brother flinch. He gives Ace a disgruntled look, but doesn’t say anything back.
“He hasn’t slept yet?” You question Ace.
“Nah, but he’ll be okay for a couple more hours. I’ve seen Sabo pull an all-nighter back-to-back before.” He explains, giving you a smile before it turns into a yawn. “How’re you feeling?”
“I – uh… f-fine.” You stammer. Being aware of how explicitly he liked you, made his proximity raise your heartbeat. He was in his fireman’s pants and boots, a tight, white A-shirt that must’ve been under the uniform jacket that Luffy was currently laying on.
“You did good, you know?” Ace says, giving you a soft smile. “You didn’t hurl, and you held on tight. Just like I needed.”
“Sorry.” You mutter quietly, pulling your eyes away and fidgeting with the edge of the blankets.
Ace looks confused. “For?”
“Er… Sabo said it took… um… quite the effort to, uhm, free you.” You could almost feel yourself sweating, and even worse, the heart monitor was beeping noticeably faster.
Ace is biting his lip, trying not to laugh. “I wasn’t complaining.” He admits, giving you a small grin when you manage to look at him. Even in the dim light of the room you can see his cheeks turning pink under the freckles.
“You had other responsibilities, I’m sure.” You manage to say after a moment.
“Ah, I wouldn’t have been able to concentrate anyway. I’m glad it worked out how it did.” He admits.
You cover your face with your hands as the heart monitor beeps faster, causing an alarm to go off. A Nurse comes in from the night station and you point to Ace, and Ace points to himself.
“Sorry.” He says, as the nurse comes over and turns the alarm off.
She smiles at the two of you and goes about giving you a quick check. Once she’s satisfied, she takes the heart monitor and turns it away, muting the beeping sound and giving you a wink before she leaves.
A silence settles over you, but you keep stealing glances at each other and shy smiles turn into soft giggles and awkward laughs. You haven’t said anything, but you both want to, and you’re both giving each other the chance to start.
“I called your fire pretty.”
“You did.”
“It is.” You insist. “Can I see it again?”
“Yeah… uh, but not here.” Ace puts his hands up and points to the ceiling. “I could set the sprinklers off again and I don’t want to risk it.”
“Again?” You prompt, and when he looks at you, you can’t hold back the knowing laugh.
Ace turns so red you’re surprised he hasn’t caught fire. “Sabo.” He says, eyes narrowing.
You nod, covering your mouth and trying not to laugh. “He told me and then, um, gave his… su-support.” You stammer the words, but manage to keep your eyes on his.
Ace stares at you for a moment, and when his hair flickers, he puts a hand over it.
“We can talk, once we get home.” You say, fidgeting absently with the bed sheets again. “If you don’t mind.”
Ace’s mouth opens and closes a couple times, and he makes a few weird noises before he laughs at himself a little. “I – I don’t mind at all. I… oh man.” He stretches and looks around the room letting out a long breath of air. “I don’t know what to say now. I kind of want to run around the hospital a few times.”
He puts his hands over his face and leans back in the chair.
“You could.” You prompt.
“Nuh-uh. Not until Sabo gets back.” He answers.
“I… I can’t imagine an entire building was poisoned and set on fire just for, uh… me.”
He leans forward, and his face is uncharacteristically stern. “Probably not, but we don’t know. Until we know I’m not taking the risk. Neither is Sabo. If I stepped out for a few minutes and came back and you were hurt, or worse.” He shakes his head. “Not risking it.”
You don’t have time to say anything in response, before a new voice catches your attention.
“Good, you’re awake.” Law says, stepping into the room. He looks at the heart rate monitor, pressing a few buttons on it to turn the beep back on. “How are you feeling?”
“Hungry, but good otherwise.” You answer. You were glad to hear the steady beep of the heart monitor.
The blue shift covers you and Law, and he begins to scan you again. “I didn’t remove as much of it as I would’ve liked.” He says flatly. “But under the circumstances, I wanted to err on the side of caution.”
“I understand.”
“Everything seems stable. I want you to eat and rest today. I don’t know what your work situation is going to be, given the fire, but tomorrow I’d like to still come by.”
“I’m being released then?” You question in surprise.
“Yes. You’re awake, you’re stable, your scan has come back as expected.” Law explains, as the blue shift fades. “People don’t often stay at my hospital for observation Miss (Y/N), but even so I’m quite certain you won’t be left unattended until I see you Wednesday.” He looks from you to Ace but doesn’t say anything more.
Despite your efforts, the heart monitor beeps a little faster.
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koritoraa · 2 years
At a haunted house with them ❦ (w/black reader)
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A/n: Everyday is Halloween 🎃
Ft: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, & Law
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❦ Luffy
❧ Just know he’s here to have a great time & only a great time nothing else. So weather you agree to go or not doesn’t matter to him cuz he’s grabbing you out the house anyway.
“Boy I don’t feel like going to no damn haunted house today, I don’t want nothing to pop out and scare me like last year. That was terrifying.”
“Cmon y/nnnn if that happen then you know I’m gonna kick their ass like I did before. So don’t be scared we’re going.”
“Okay fine I’m only going cause ya cute & you convince me.”
❧ Okay so boom he came in the haunted house not expecting to be scared but to laugh & have a great time but something just jumped out. Just know he’s either gonna yell so loud and run with you or knock the person in the costume out.
❧ When he’s not yelling his eyes out or fighting with the workers, he’s definitely gonna ask them questions in the middle of them doing their job. He’s just so nosy & wanna interview them but then you have to snatch him up and leave…
“How long you been working at this job ? & do you have any food I’m hungry ? ”
“Uh I’m just here to do my job so I’m not supposed to be answering any questions.”
“Well I’m just asking, you don’t have to be so rude.”
“Luffy let’s go, stop be so annoying to that person other people are waiting in line, I’ll buy you whatever you want so let’s go already.”
“K but I will be back, so next time be ready to answer all my questions costume dude!!”
“I guess I have to it’s not like I have a choice.”
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❦ Zoro
❧ Must I even say what’s gonna happen as soon as y’all enter ? yeah you’re right Zoro is gonna find himself somewhere else one minute y’all entering the house the next minute Zoro is calling you asking you where you went, Naw you asking him where he went.
“Bae, where you went I can’t find you?”
“No where did you went ? Zoro why the hell is you in a pumpkin patch if you was just walking with me a second ago?”
❧ Once you found Zoro and bought him back to the haunted house now it’s time for you to put a leash on him cause this a big house and you rather not be trying to look for him all night.
“bae imma have to put this leash on you real quick cause i don’t have time to be looking for you until the next day.”
“Really y/n ? That’s not even necessary I only got lost one time.”
“Lie again and see what happened, now lemme put this damn leash on you without all that back talk.”
❧ The only reason why he even pulled up at the haunted house with you is because he didn’t wanted you to go with anyone else only him & since you might be a lil chicken he had to be there for you & to turn to the side and laugh so quietly at your reaction to a skeleton falling on your head & pulling your wig off. All Zoro could do..well the only thing he could do is hold your wig while you break that toy skeleton in half and stomp out of the haunted house. Just know that he had a word with them ppl.
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❦ Sanji
❧ first of all he’s here to keep you company & just incase you get really frightened. He’s also here for the entertainment but mostly there to be around you.
“I’m glad that I arrived so you don’t have to be scared, I’m right here to protect you.”
“Good I’m glad that your here with me, but I have to do the same.”
“Omg your so sweet y/n but there’s no need for that.”
❧ Okay I’m not gone act like he would not be scare cuz he would be at least a little. As soon as he get jumpscare he’s gonna quickly hold onto to you then ask if you’re okay. Nah you need to ask HIM if he’s okay.
“Sanji you’re okay ? You jumped back way too fast and hit your head so are you good ?”
“Yes, of course darling I just trip I wasn’t really scare or anything.”
“I didn’t said anything about being scared so that’s probably why you jumped back fast then.”
“No it wasn’t that my love haha, just was being a little clumsy”
❧ Other than that I just see him walking through the hunted house looking around making sure everything’s alright, while you holding onto him. Y’all just enjoying y’all time together it’s like a lil date for you two anyways.
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❦ Law
❧ all he wanna do is enter the haunted house watch you have a good time and leave he ain’t here for no extra bs.
❧ The only “scared” reaction you’re getting out of him is just him jumping back a lil and grabbing onto to your sleeve then playing it off.
*creepy girl screaming inna distance*
“Damn what the hell was that noise? you heard that ?”
“Yes scaredy-cat”
“I wasn’t even scared, I was just asking a question.”
❧ Other than that he’s walking with a straight face and enjoying hanging out with you while holding your hands really tight just incase you get a lil scared not because he’s actually the one that’s scared asf.
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raine-kai · 1 year
OPLA Japanese Dub Ep 1 Thoughts
Due to life interruptions I never did the full watch through in the Japanese dub that I'd intended to do, so I am starting it now.
I'm actually pretty happy that I had about a month between watching it in English and watching the Japanese dub, because it's given me time to get used to the way I see the characters in English before throwing in the wrench that is their anime personas evoked by the voice actors.
Hoo boy do I have thoughts.
Gold Roger's introductory lines are a little weaker, a little more awkward in the dub. They strike as good a balance as one could expect between the original lines, and having to match the mouth movements and beats of the English, but it creates awkward pauses that just give it less oomf factor.
Gosh Luffy's introduction was strange. Luffy is using words that I would never imagine him to know in the manga/anime, and it was a little jarring at first.
That said, lines that are more geared towards English-language jokes like "Mutiny!" and "It's only my first day!" were edited to be comments like, "Well that didn't work" and "Oh well, it'll work out" respectively, which also grounded me a little more back to anime-Luffy.
The Luffy-Koby dialogue felt a lil more expositiony in Japanese than it felt in English to me, but not in a way that was too distracting. It is exposition, and it's hard to make that flow naturally in a dub.
One of the insults Luffy throws at Alvida was ドS, and my instinctive response was "omg Luffy, who taught you that word????"
Zoro's anime voice coming out of Mackenyu's mouth was a lil weird at first. Because Zoro also speaks slowly in English, in shots where his mouth is visible when he's talking, there's the Gold Roger issue again where his lines feel oddly paced due to having to speak slowly and match the mouth movements.
Nami's voice actress bringing her manga personality into her live action counterpart was a little weird to hear at first, because that whole joyfully conniving side of her seemed largely toned down or absent in the live action, to me. By the end of the episode I was used to it, though.
I have a feeling it's going to be so much harder to like Helmeppo with his anime actor's voice 😂
The Luffy-Zoro meeting when Zoro is tied up scene worked so well, I love this version of Luffy, though Zoro's lines still at some points felt a little oddly paced.
When Luffy tells Zoro, "I'll go high, you go low" in the Japanese dub, it comes out more like, "I'll be on top, you'll be below" with less innuendo than that denotes in English, but definitely with an implication of the power structure that Luffy will have with Zoro. It surprised me a little that Zoro wouldn't object on principle, but then again, different version of Zoro.
I'd also just like to say that as someone with a history with both the LuNa ship and the ZoroLu ship, as well as some guilt-reading of ZoroNami I've done through the years, I can't help but look at some things through shipping goggles.
The way that Nami doesn't try to betray or abandon Luffy at any point through this episode strikes me as very <3
The line "so that's where it goes!" when Zoro puts Wado Ichimonji in his mouth was changed in the dub to "OOOOO, kakkoiiiii" in a way that felt way more enthusiastic than anime Luffy ever was praising Zoro.
Nami cutting in to remind them that they have to get away was just said in a way that made me feel like she, too, sees that Luffy and Zoro are having a meet cute. (Which, frankly, is easy to headcanon—it would explain why she is so fast to call Zoro Luffy's first mate, and perhaps why she is less inclined to be suspicious of them, seeing that they are building a fast, strong connection.)
The music continues to be excellent.
The way the map gets filled in through the ending credits is lovely and I'm glad I have time to watch them through this round <3
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hang on gotta ramble about the strawhat interpretations in this show and how wonderful they are in the live action. also y'know, put any worries to rest?
i was so worried at first that they'd only focus on making him a stoic badass and all the wonderful bits about zoro that makes him zoro would be lost
i didn't need to worry
zoro THINKS he's a badass. and yeah sometimes he's right. but it becomes very clear very quickly that this man is a fucking disaster. an absolute mess.
he's KIND.
a dork. sees a lil girl with her tray of horrible riceballs and is like 'omg a child. plz nooooooooo', and then instantly like 180s and is all 'brb cheering up this lil goober, nothing can stop me.'
he PAYS ATTENTION. he notices shit! y'know, that thing that zoro does? that characteristic? yeah! Also nice to see where his mind goes when him and nami try to guess each others' backstories; like her, he assumes the worst in people.
he emotes. he mopes over lack of alcohol like a fuckin idiot, he laughs open and freely often, he smiles, he gets startled, he has a thousand yard stare when he realizes just what kind of bullshit he's involved himself in when it comes to luffy.
hIS DEVOTION TO LUFFY. aaaaaaaaaaa. this is the big thing right? zoro's big turning point and it did not disappoint. He's genuine and raw with his delcaration to luffy, knowing the support luffy needs at that moment (aaaaaah, see? he notices things!) and reassuring/encouraging him. ffffffffuck. Then later on he fuckin checks up on luffy to see if he needs to talk. Will follow him to th ends of the earth into hell and right back out again vibes. it's perfect.
he's entertainingly petty. quick lil word jabs at sanji, unprompted. beautiful.
what is there to say? if you don't already know, just watch. This is luffy. this is the best luffy. this is a precious bab personified sunshine. Everything you ever liked about luffy? Here, accounted for, amplified.
Namnams the boss
reminded me why i initially adored nami in the first place.
she's herding cats 24/7
assumes the worst in people, very cynical, is all 'nuuu fuck you y'all are garbage', but then when you blink she's exposing her bleeding heart gooey center, regretting everything about everything.
trying not to care, but cares so fuckin much omg, she's kind. she's so kind.
oh Ussop. Ussopp. Fantastic.
all of usopp's best traits, TAKEN UP TO 11
full of life and energy and joy like luffy, backs down and regrets life choices on a daily basis, cARES SO MUCH AAAAAAAAA
can we get a collection of his stories? he's really entertaining. like VERY entertaining, also if you're not paying attention to what he's saying you could easily initially buy what he's selling... until he brings his lies into ridiculous territories xD
excellent at quick thinking. thinks on his feet, fly by the seat of his pants, he'S USOPP.
also. ahem. he's very pretty.
does not want to be in the fight scenes but runs in anyways.
he's not gross. he's not creepy. he's not a raving misogynist. omg.
it feels like his main reaction to pretty womenz is being completely enamored. like he's just mesmerized by his own idea of women as a fantasy fey being glittering in front of him.
actually charming? WHAT? he knows how to actually be charismatic/charming? TO A WIMMENZ? WHAT IS THIS NOW? WHERE HAS THIS BEEN, ODA? HEY. TAKE. NOTE.
sooooooooo full of smiles and laughs.
wears his heart on his sleeve, ALL emotions out front nothing hidden, nothing held back.
KIND. hmmm, i'm noticing a trend here.
very obviously cares about people.
still an idiot, like, this was a given. i want to make it clear he's not some suave fucker, no, this boy a dorkus who rolled high in luck and smiles and it's been helping a lot.
so emotional. and unlike most media where 'emotional' on a dude looks like rage grump murder hobo badass, here instead it's like a fuckin breath of fresh air. it's not toxic. it's just... genuine? is that the word i'm looking for? hmmm.
it's obvious he cares deeply for luffy. and fuck man, i really miss that for sanji.
i'm sure i had more to say, but i've rambled enough for now.
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collapsedteam · 2 years
Gadgets for Skipping Class (Ch.2)
Title: Gadgets for Skipping Class
Author: Collapsed LIL @collapsedteam
Characters/Pairing: Eustass Kid, Trafalgar Law, Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar Lami, Eustass Kid/Trafalgar Law
Tags: One Piece, AU - High School
Rating: PG-13
Chapter/Status: 2/2 (read Chapter 1 here)
Word Count: 6,477
Summary: Kid’s only occupation is inventing gadgets that will help him skip class.
Notes: The prompt was to write a YA story with Eustass Kid. Rating is mainly for coarse language.
AO3 / FF (You can also read the story under Read More)
Chapter 2
The corridors were teeming with students waiting outside their classrooms for their next class to start. Kid and Luffy were reviewing Law’s notes before the exam to make sure they had not forgotten to study anything.
“What does it say here?” Luffy asked pointing at a word.
Kid squinted to try to make out what his friend had written there. “Fuck, Trafalgar,” he said. “There’s no way our teachers understand your handwriting.”
There was no answer. Both boys looked around them in search of their friend. Law was standing a few meters away from them talking on his phone. Kid and Luffy exchanged glances. They knew exactly what the other was thinking—they had only seen their friend using his phone at school once, and it had been one year ago, when Kid’s ultimate belt had been overshadowed by his appendix.
Law approached them after hanging up the phone. “Guys, I’ll go to the nurse’s office and be back in a second.”
“It’s closed,” Luffy said, grinding Law to a halt.
“What?” the blue-haired boy asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, my big bro has told me something about the nurse not being able to make it to school today.”
Law hesitated for a moment, he reached the back pocket in his trousers, where he kept his keys, and started moving his feet slowly towards the stairs. “Ok, I’ll go run an errand and I’ll be back in a minute.” He turned around and speeded up.
“Trafalgar!” Kid shouted. “The teacher’s about to come! You won’t be allowed in class once the exam starts!”
Law gave his friend a thumbs-up sign without looking back and disappeared down the stairs.
Kid and Luffy gaped at each other. Their friend was acting really strange—at least stranger than usual. The corridors emptied gradually as the teachers arrived. There was not much time left.
“Straw Hat,” Kid said, “I think it’s time for a revival of Kid’s gadgets for skipping class.”
Luffy’s face lit up at his friend’s words. “Do you mean it?”
Kid looked at him with an ear-to-ear grin. “We won’t have Trafalgar getting a fail grade, will we?”
Law looked up and down the corridor to make sure no one was there and poked his head round the girls’ bathroom’s door.
“Lami,” he whispered, “are you here?”
A waving hand appeared from behind one of the doors in the bathroom. Law sidled up to the door and handed a sanitary pad and clean underwear to the girl.
“How did you get the panties?” she asked astounded, unwrapping the pad.
“The nurse’s office was closed, so I had to go home,” the boy answered.
“What?” The girl’s shriek made Law flinch. “Why didn’t you ask the girls in your class?”
“My little sister couldn’t ask her classmates, but she expects me to do it?” Law joked.
“I already told you,” Lami grumbled, “I don’t know if any of them is on their period yet.” She paused. “I don’t wanna be the first to get it.”
The silence suddenly flooded the bathroom. It was Lami’s first year attending that school and, although she had already made some good friends, she was still not ready to confide everything to them.
Law was leaning on a wall waiting for his sister to finish. The class was probably halfway through, and he had absolutely no chance of taking the exam, so he decided to stay there until Lami was ready to go back to class.
“Law,” Lami whispered, “I’m scared.”
“Don’t be,” her brother answered. “It’s something natural—there is nothing to worry about.” Law moved his face closer to the bathroom door. “And I’ll be here for everything you need, ok?”
Almost half a minute went by until a soft, trembling voice came from the other side.
“Thank you,” Lami sniffled.
Law sat on a bench in the corridor waiting for Lami to come out of the bathroom. There was not a single soul to be seen or any sound to be heard anywhere. He had never seen the school so empty. It was his first time skipping class and wandering through the corridors when the other students were in class. He was actually surprised he felt no remorse or guilt at all. He was not even worried about getting a fail, he could only think about his little sister and the best way to fade her fears away.
The bathroom door finally opened, and Lami came out. The moment Law stood up, she hugged him.
“Do you want to go for a walk around the playground while we wait for the class to end?” Lami asked, her arms still holding her brother.
“What if somebody sees us?” Law inquired.
“Don’t worry. There’s no one there at this time.” Lami headed towards the stairs while her brother insisted on wanting to know how she knew such a thing.
Law had to go back to class to pick up his things. He had dropped Lami in the dining hall with her group of friends and had elegantly dodged their personal questions. When he arrived at the door, it was opened, and he could hear some scrubbing noises. He peeked inside and saw Kid wearing a pair of plastic gloves and boots, sweeping a wet floor covered with patches of white clouds.
“What the heck happened here?” asked the blue-haired boy.
Kid raised his head and beamed. “Hey, Trafalgar! Did you solve that issue?”
“Eh? Oh, yeah…” Law walked preoccupiedly, looking around the classroom, trying to figure out what had happened. “But what is all this white powder?”
“I may—or may not—have discharged a fire extinguisher in class…” Kid explained with his head down.
“What?” Law’s voice sounded unexpectedly high-pitched as he quickly moved his hand away from the powder he was about to touch with his fingers.
“I needed an emergency gadget to prevent the exam from taking place.”
Law cast his friend a look full of reproach and rolled his eyes. “I thought you had left all that behind,” he said.
“Look, I’m not planning to go back to all of that, okay?” Kid complained. “But it’s not fair that you’re always helping us, and we can never do a single thing to help you out.”
Law looked confused. Helping him? What was he talking about?
“Look…” Kid paused, realizing it was the second time he began a sentence like that and that asking Law to ‘look’ when he had not raised his head once since he had begun his confession was maybe a bit unfair. Kid gave Law a sidelong glance and saw that his friend was staring back at him. He took a deep breath and went on, “You’re always lending us your notes, you explain to us everything we don’t get… you even called an ambulance for me last year! We just wanted to put the exam off because you wouldn’t make it in time.”
Law’s eyes were still fixed on his friend’s. He opened his mouth to say something, but Kid interrupted him.
“I know you’ll say we didn’t have to, so you’ll be glad to know we have just managed to start the exam half an hour late, we had only thirty minutes to answer all the questions and the whole class probably hates us by now. So please don’t tell me again about how useless my gadgets are.”
Law’s mouth was closed again. Kid was getting increasingly nervous.
“Where’s Straw Hat?” Law finally asked.
“Oh, he should be asking the cleaning service for alcohol and several other things to clean this mess.”
Law simply nodded and looked around the room. Kid went back to sweeping, still worried about his friend not saying anything. Law was not mad at his friends. He was maybe slightly glad that they had risked their comfort to help him. Maybe even a bit disappointed that he had missed the show. But he was never going to confess it and make them think it could be a good idea to attempt to do it again if he ever needed it. Law was an excellent student, but he also had his share of disciplinary actions, mainly because of his rudeness and bad manners. He could stand a bad grade in his transcript, and he could endure facing his parents. Just like that time he had gotten a tattoo on his upper arm without telling anyone but Kid and Luffy. He remembered how Kid had held his hand from his first groan until the very end and how he, despite his grumpy nature, had not complaint even once about his grip, although Law had been madly digging his nails in his skin. And he said they never helped him out?
“Can I help in any way?” Law asked at last.
A great weight lifted from Kid as he heard his friend speak―Kid knew him well enough to see that he was not mad at him. He shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t think so. Not until Straw Hat comes back, at least.”
Law began to take short, slow steps around the classroom as Kid went back to sweeping the floor. Law was not sure if his head was too full or too empty of thoughts. There was something he had been wanting to tell Kid for some time now, and he thought that could be the perfect time. But, although he tried to arrange his ideas and words in the right order, his brain did not seem to feel up to it. The only useful words he could make out among a heap of disjointed thoughts were: Tell him, tell him, tell him.
“Eustass.” Law was now standing just a couple of steps from the red-haired boy.
His friend mumbled something Law did not need to understand.
“I like you,” Law blurted.
Kid looked at his friend with a frown and asked him to repeat what he had said. He was not visibly nervous or uncomfortable, so he had probably not heard Law’s words.
“I like you,” Law repeated, looking Kid in the eye.
The red-haired boy stood still for some seconds, his eyes fixed on his friend’s. His cheeks slowly began to take on a glowing red color until his ears and his hair could no longer be told apart. He parted his trembling lips, hoping that Law would interrupt him somehow before he had made a fool of himself, but his friend was merely staring at him like he had just explained how to fix a car engine. Not that Kid thought Law could give such an explanation, but who would have thought he could make such a confession, right? Kid started mumbling some unintelligible syllables when Law finally interrupted.
“Do you like me?”
Good. That would make things easier for Kid. Hopefully.
“W-well, yeah,” Kid finally managed to say. He swallowed and tried to focus on making his blush disappear. “Yeah, I do like you.”
“Can we kiss?” Law’s expression had not changed a bit since the first question.
“Fuck, Trafalgar.” For some reason, his friend’s seriousness was making it easier for Kid to loosen up. “Don’t make such a straight face.”
Law raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t really m—”
“Yeah, I heard what I said,” Kid interrupted, suddenly recovering the reddish glow he had managed to suppress.
In Law’s lips appeared a slight smile that made Kid forget about everything else. He took a deep breath while Law walked the two steps between them and placed his hands on the outer edge of Kid’s shoulders. Kid wrapped his arms around Law’s waist and waited for his friend to do something. Law had his eyes on Kid’s lips, too nervous to go on now that he had made it that far. His lips felt dry.
Kid made a sudden move with his head slightly tilted until he had his lips pressed against Law’s. He felt the blue-haired boy’s body relax in his arms as Law slid his hands to wrap them around Kid’s neck, holding him closer and making them both shudder. Law could feel Kid’s breathing escape through his nostrils and softly tickling his cheek. He could also hear his own respiration. Was it always so nosy when everything else was silent? Law hoped it would at least smother the throbbing of his heart. His thoughts were interrupted when Kid parted his lips lightly, brushing Law’s, and began to stroke Law’s bottom lip gently, repeatedly capturing it between his lips, as if he were insistently sipping his favorite drink. Law felt his lips wet again with Kid’s saliva when a slightly waxy taste seeped into his mouth. Was that how Kid’s lipstick tasted? It was a bit weird, but he liked it.
Law had not expected so many things to go through his head during his first kiss and still enjoy it as much as he had. They stood close to each other after their lips parted, their arms in the very same position they were since merely a minute before.
“That…” Kid paused to lick his lips. “That was good.”
“Yeah…” Law could feel his breath deepening now that the kiss was over.
“If you’ve finished with that, what about helping me a bit over here?”
Both boys jumped at the sound of Luffy’s voice. They pushed each other away―Kid quickly resumed his sweeping and Law hurried towards the cleaning supplies his friend had just brought. He put on a pair of plastic gloves and took a sponge to clean the desks.
Kid glanced furtively at Law, and Law looked back at him. Both boys chuckled and went back to cleaning the mess caused by Kid’s gadget.
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garoujo · 2 years
emmie ship your moots!!
i have loads of moots but i thought i’d do the ones i talk 2 or interact w most so i’m sorry if ur not included it’s cause i’m scared i annoy ppl ajagaja ^_^ ! <3
@blueparadis WAKASA ! imma say wakasa cause i know you’ve been w him since the very start . you both love eachother very much and i’m here for it the way you’ve stuck by his side this whole time ! that is some real loyalty there and that’s why he loves u sm <3
@21-06-1996 CHAMBER BUT ALSO SHOYO ! look i know nothing about valorant but hearing rekha scream about chamber makes me so happy ajagaja ! i know you made this man’s day when ur mic was on that one time and he’s probably thought about you ever since . he’s in love 2 ! also everytime i look at shoyo my heart screams that he’s yours <3
@tobiote TOBIO ! i’ve never found so much comfort in someone else’s selfship like i do coco’s sob . they give me such french cafe , intertwined hands and lingering looks across the table vibes like it’s all so comforting and whimsical ! like i’d go to tobio + coco’s house wen shuji is being annoying and i know they’d listen to me rant while coco has her legs laying across tobio’s lap n he’s tracing little messy tobio hearts in 2 her skin >//<
@sanomnjiro LUFFY ! see if you asked me like a month ago i would’ve said rindou and yeh like him 2 but also idk you & luffy seem so fun 2 me and i like totally love that !
@killsaki KISAKI ! not only did dallas completely change my whole opinion on kisaki’s characters but nobody knows kisaki like they do okay ! even just watching them talk about tetta makes me all ajagaja like their relationship is my everything . dallas is his soft spot and it makes me feel all warm and soft <3 but i’m also gonna say shanks n sanji from op !
@itachislut OIKAWA ! nic understands the love we have 4 this pretty boy and i could watch her freak out about him all day . it makes so much sense in my fantasies it’s wat she deserves ! he would treat her right okay i’d make sure of it <3
@oomiya TENDOU ! look i rly see yamaguchi 4 u 2 haley but there’s just something about you + satori that make me :( like imagine u have ur own lil coffee shop ( cause yk ur like coffee shop!au in a person 2 me ) and he makes the chocolates n treats that u sell and whenever i visit u guys are just being so cute . and he’s doting over u behind the counter n feeding u new recipes i’m <3 tears in my eyes at the doorway . u always smile so big w him and i love that 4 u <3
@clovcly AL-HAITHAM ! stop you both are just so cute and everytime i see ur lil selfship arts my heart totally does like a back flip ! he’s like really hot but has a lil evil in him but ugh that’s so what you deserve like i know he just dotes over you sm <3
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