#why did I do it on my phone? bc I am lying in bed and didnt want to move
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obstinaterixatrix · 11 months ago
Do u know any good mob psycho 100 fanfics?? Or authors??
well obviously my sister but I’m guessing you’re the same anon so 1) you already know her fics 2) you want different recs from what’s on her list (some of them being fics I rec’d to her lol). recs will skew heavily seri/rei and I’m just going through my bookmarks so it’s gonna be most recently read to oldest read. also seconding sister’s recs of bobmoss and crookedturtle. but I’ll add a fic from each anyway because I already wrote something for one while I was drafting this (oops)
Recollection by CowardlyBean
This is the journal of missing 31 year old Reigen Arataka, distributed with permission from friends and family. The version presented in this document has been kindly edited with added commentary by a loyal customer of his. -Editor’s Note
gen, experimental and in progress at 14k so definitely deserves more love than it’s getting. inspired by house of leaves; as the summary says, it’s some rando writing annotations about reigen’s journal, but Something Weird Is Going On. the 4th chapter updated so I actually need to catch up. also, sister rec’d this fic to me
Like Acid Reflux, or Love by partingxshot
Dating Reigen is like dating a single dad—only with more children, weirder scruples, and an extreme ruthlessness vis-à-vis group takoyaki discounts. He's not hot enough for this.
OR: "Me, You and Steve" by Garfunkel and Oates but with fifteen million teenagers.
OR: Outsider POV exploring Reigen’s dedication to his gaggle of bizarre children through an ill-fated dating attempt.
OR: Serizawa gets bruxism.
gen(/pre-relationship seri/rei), oneshot, 7k. oc/reigen breakup lmao. extremely funny concept, extremely good execution
Dream Dial by Alakazamboni
For the better part of nine years, Arataka has proudly worked in customer service at a behemoth of a company. At least, that's what he remembers, but a strange illness and a mysterious caller keeps trying to convince him otherwise. It doesn't help that this caller has the power to distort reality.
seri/rei, in progress, 16k. great uncanny atmosphere, and also reigen is trapped in time prison as a miserable office worker. hasn’t been updated for a while but read it anyway, the stoping point is fine
What We Make by crookedturtle
Reigen and Tome are kidnapped from the Spirits and Such office to be used as leverage against Mob. They have two goals: to contact the outside world, and keep each other safe. In doing so they engage in a dangerous game of lies and manipulation with their captors—a game with potentially deadly consequences.
gen (bg seri/rei), complete, 36k. Good for whump and high stakes interpersonal maneuvering & drama. I liked how the story extends beyond rescue and goes into how everyone navigates the fallout
Man's Best Friend by bobmoss
A cursed dog gets left at Spirits and Such. Anyone who pets it is doomed to die a horrible death.
Reigen, of course, pets it.
seri/rei, oneshot, 4k. funny and cute and sweet :) there’s a very charming tentative & tender vibe
heart line by ruthwrites
It doesn’t really matter, he reminds himself. He’s making a change, just like all of Reigen’s clients. What’s on his hands isn’t set in stone. He just has to make sure Reigen doesn’t see it— even if it might feel nice to have that steady attention, Reigen’s hands that are so much nicer than Serizawa’s folding around his.
(or: Reigen starts offering palm readings as a service, leading to Serizawa having to confront his feelings for his boss.)
seri/rei, oneshot, 6k. getting together fluff, a fun light read that also highlights serizawa’s insecurities—the internal narration has good character voice
If you won't believe me when I say it, believe me when I don't by deathdefied
Two years after Reigen invited Serizawa to work for him, he still can't quite categorize his feelings for his coworker. Instead of actually dealing with those feelings like an adult and talking to his friend, he decided to get really paranoid and overthink everything Serizawa does.
seri/rei, complete, 26k. reigen drives himself nuts lmao
Obvious by skeilig
Tome’s perspective on Reigen and Serizawa’s developing relationship.
gen (but about seri/rei), oneshot, 3k. I like outsider perspective getting together fics, especially when the perspective character is like ‘I’m actually not invested in this except when it affects me directly’
Cover Me by flecksofpoppy
Reigen’s shadow seems longer as the days move forward, more solitary. The cuts on his face heal and the ache in his bones go away, but a new sting replaces it. It’s loneliness, the thing he had managed to avoid ever since a primary school-aged kid who could make cups float stumbled into his office so many years ago.
seri/rei, oneshot, 3k. getting together fic that shows off a little of reigen’s gloomier side, it’s cute
loved you just a little too much by shcherbatskayas
You learn how to let go.
(It doesn't come naturally.)
gen(ish), oneshot, 2k. 2nd person character study of serizawa’s relationship with touichiro, I liked the ambivalence; effectively captures development over time with a relatively short wordcount.
offering genuine help with genuine results by suitablyskippy
“The curse was pretty clear on me not telling lies,” concedes Reigen. “It was pretty clear on me telling the truth. But,” as he lifts one finger, already sliding into the same educational tone he generally uses for imparting wisdom to Mob about life and love and the overall holistic benefits of making sure he’s always available for unexpected overtime work on weekends, “telling the truth isn’t necessarily the same as being honest, is it?”
“You’re the professional liar,” says Dimple. “You tell me.”
(Being cursed to only tell the truth and being cursed with Dimple as an employee are pretty much equally bad, as far as Reigen's stress levels are concerned.)
gen, oneshot, 2k. the tags include friends with no benefits whatsoever, which is very apt. Very funny to have reigen and dimple be petty and shady
a slightly more miraculous miracle by suitablyskippy
“Rumour has it that something impossible’s happened. Something that could never have happened. That shouldn’t have been able to happen.” In a single slick move Mezato produces a tiny voice recorder from an inside pocket, flips it open and active, and holds it up before Mob’s mouth to ask him, in a tone of devastating intensity: “Do you know anything about… a miracle, Mob-kun?”
Mob doesn’t hesitate. “We had maths homework to hand in,” he says. “But now we don’t have to. We don’t even have to go to the lesson.”
(The sun is shining, the birds are singing, Salt Middle School has been closed by an unexplained miracle, and the only thing wrong in Spice City is the fact that nothing is even slightly wrong at all.)
teru/mob, incomplete, 55k. for the most part I haven’t been repeating authors on this list, but listen. listen to me. I need you to listen. it is extremely unlikely for this fic to ever be completed. but hark, lest this sad probability turn you away and leave you dispassionately scrolling to the next fic, I need you (you specifically) to know that if I were in the same room as you, I would be wrestling the phone/mouse/trackpad/touchscreen/etc from your hands and furiously clicking the link. when I bookmarked this fic in 2017 I described it as having “some breathtakingly sensical prose and the funniest misunderstandings I’ve ever read”. trust me from seven years ago. open your heart.
skylight by inexhaustible
unconnected snapshots in what might, in some worlds, be something a little like recovery.
seri/rei, oneshot, 2k. character study that nails the tension of an escalating romantic atmosphere.
come on, come on, come over (take it off your shoulder) by mortarsmayfall
Reigen's free hand cradles Serizawa's head, curled under his ear just so to turn it for a better angle. He feels his pulse pound under Reigen's fingers, shivers just the slightest bit. If Reigen notices, he doesn't say anything about it.
seri/rei, oneshot, 2k. when I first read this I saved it as a private bookmark because I was so embarrassed by the sheer intimacy of haircuts with severely unresolved sexual tension. I’m guessing this was written after studio bones gave us reigen cutting serizawa’s hair. crumbs no more; for once we had a feast to enjoy. short & sweet getting together fic
Off-White by reigreitz
Some habits are tells.
seri/rei, oneshot, 1k. snapshots of pre-relationship and established relationship scenes, I’m quite fond of it. on my first reading I’m pretty sure I remember not paying attention to the habit piece at all (even with it being right in the summary) so at the last scene I was hit by the double whammy of ‘oh so that was what serizawa was reacting to’ and ‘AW… THAT’S SWEET…’; I think the fic does a great job of hiding/not acknowledging certain things the perspective character knows and is reacting to, which makes it fun to reread and pinpoint what exactly serizawa’s previously more opaque train of thought was. like, it’s the same stuff, but you get to read into more nuance.
the seven stages of falling in love by reigen arataka by matsunoble
You suppose one of the weirdest times to realize you've fallen deeply and irrevocably in love is when it's fuck o'clock in the morning and you're blearily checking your fridge for leftover curry.
seri/rei, oneshot, 3k. I was quite taken by the mundane (and sometimes unappealing) descriptions of love, and I like when serizawa has the upper hand
Mr. Psychic by beefstatic
Looks like trouble in Spice City...
seri/rei, oneshot, 4k. Serizawa Acts Like An Intimidating Bodyguard During Tense/Shady Situations. fun emphasis on that potential aspect of his character, I like how it’s done.
Late by hamlingo
For the first few days after hiring Serizawa, Reigen couldn’t help but be alarmed when the door opened at eight o’clock sharp in the mornings. He got used to it eventually, and in a month’s time he was more surprised when the door didn’t creak open right on time.
This was one of those mornings.
seri/rei, oneshot, 2k. this is actually among the first seri/rei fics I bookmarked so I can say with relative certainty that on may 20th 2017 I decided that maybe seri/rei was not just a joke of me indulging my own spurious unreasonable whims. fun character study and has that enjoyable tension of pleasant pre-relationship uncertainty.
Quiet Talks by krypkaktus
At some point, Reigen cutting his hair twice a month had turned into a mutual habit.
seri/rei, oneshot, 600 words. another charming snapshot of pre-relationship uncertainty, pleasantly embarrassing unresolved romantic tension.
walk in by ruthwrites
It was then he realized that the reason Reigen and Serizawa were standing so close was because they were kissing.
Mob was not really sure what to do with that information.
(or: mob leaves something at the office, comes back, and walks into something he wasn't supposed to)
seri/rei, oneshot, 3k. an extremely popular fic for extremely valid reasons, this is a shining example of the outsider POV shipfic where the perspective character is like. I’m 14 and did not want to see you guys kissing. and the couple is like. we also did not want you to see us kissing, this is excruciatingly awkward.
tomorrow isn't always another day by suitablyskippy
It’s like Reigen’s been waiting for the question. He stops dead on the pavement, grips Mob by the shoulders, and stares down into his eyes with an expression as haunted as though every ghost the pair of them has ever exorcised has taken up residence behind it. “Mob,” he says. “Mob,” he says again. “Tell me, Mob. Look at me and tell me. Tell me truthfully. Do I look cursed to you?”
Mob looks at him, and tells him truthfully. “No.”
“Well, you didn’t look very long,” says Reigen. “Let’s just stand here for a moment, like so, and you can have another look, a nice long look, and really think about it...”
(There's nothing strange about being called back to exorcise the same haunted photocopier six days in a row. It must just be a very haunted photocopier.)
gen, oneshot, 18k. I didn’t mean to rec the same author three (3) times but this is also one of my top faves. extremely funny time prison where nobody is on the same page ever.
space voyage by Anonymous
Tome Kurata is slightly famous—or notorious, more like—for being... a weirdo, to put it simply. She's definitely a person of interest. Just not exactly in a newsworthy way, which is obviously the only way that matters.
mezato/tome, oneshot, 1k. charming pre-relationship contention, they’re the same type of self-absorbed and tunnel vision (affectionate)
I was thinking of not writing up recs for sister’s fics but since one author got three (3) fics on the list I’m gonna also put 3 of my fave fics of sister’s
Reigen's Comprehensive Fool-Proof Guide on How Not To Be Next Door Neighbors With Your Employee (because that'd just be creepy) by MalkyTop
Reigen hires Serizawa and they somehow end up as roommates.
seri/rei, complete, 17k. a fic sister wrote for ✨ME✨ that shows off reigen’s neuroticism and his decidedly not-normal attempts to come across as Extremely Normal, The Most Normal Man Alive. there are so many comedic setups and payoffs. there are so many shenanigans. reigen gets frog-boiled into romance. actually, I drop that term a lot but I’m not sure it’s a common enough to intuitively understand. it refers to the boiling frog metaphor
If At First You Don't Succeed, Find a Loophole by MalkyTop
Reigen keeps dying; Serizawa keeps trying to save him.
seri/rei, complete, 18k. sister was insane for this because she trapped all of her readers AND herself in time prison by releasing one chapter a day. it was really funny to witness because I was the only person not in time prison by virtue of editing privilege. while we were watching mondays: see you next week (an office time loop movie), sister was saying she was impressed at how effective/efficient the movie was at picking which scenes to repeat. this is to say, as someone who notices these details, sister was very intentional about when things changed and how things changed from the perspective of a character completely unaware of time prison. also, the emotional momentum is extremely good, I loved reading serizawa’s increasing desperation from reigen’s context-less perspective.
in absentia* by MalkyTop
After what was supposed to be a routine exorcism, Reigen wakes up in the wrong body.
serirei, complete, 26k. slowburn bodyswap with mystery and intrigue. a solid casefic! I can be biased and right. there are metanarrative elements that I find fun and that, in my opinion, highlights how sister did in fact get a degree in philosophy. there’s also some fun subtle and messy characterization notes, like when serizawa asks reigen not to cook for him. it’s hard to talk about what I like about this fic without giving away a lot of specifics, so go read it.
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tastesousweet · 10 months ago
⭒ blurb : stream hype
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bf!hamzah x poc!reader
summary: based on this ask!!! just a lil blurb where yn gives hamzah and viewers a try on haul during a stream
mickey speaks: ok i did smthg different than the tiktoks for this one but i love writing these & im glad u love them too 😭💗 i need hamzah as my boyfriend like NOWWW
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hamzah’s streaming in the corner of your shared bedroom when you get home from a day out with your girlfriends
he can hear you make your way through the house before you peek your head into the room with a smile, “hi, i’m home!”
he’s immediately grinning at the sight of you, “heyyy, look who’s back” and motions you to come closer with his hand
he’s not shocked at alllll when you have handfuls of shopping bags with you when you open the door fully
you place them on your bed with a large sigh before coming closer to greet hamzah
he remains seated as you hug; his face tucked into your lower stomach and loving arms wrapped around your hips as you play with the bits of hair peeking from his beanie
he whispers “i missed you” hoping the stream doesn’t catch it since he’s further away from the mic
they totally hear that shit and the chat is flooded with remarks about how cute the two of you are
he pulls away and looks up at you as you talk, “missed you more...do you need me to grab you anything? i’ll probably go watch something and give you a haul whenever you’re done here.”
“no, im good. i won't be on for too much longer”
"m'kay," you nod your head and make sure to greet the viewers before you exit, bending down so you’re in frame and showing off your lovely smile and energy (that hamzah admires in the monitor) “hiiii and byeeee!” you wave and blow a kiss. hamzah’s smile never fades as he watches you.
as soon as you’re gone hamzah reads over the chat, which is full of people begging for you to come back, “seriously??? am i not enough for you guys?”
after a while he gives in and pulls out his phone to call you, showing the camera his screen with your name and photo on it, before putting it on speaker for them to hear
“hi, are you okay?” your smooth voice comes through the scratchy phone audio
“yes, but the people are not. they want you to hang out in here” he smiles and bites his lip in anticipation of your response
“are you lying?”
his face screws up, “why would i lie??”
“well why’d you call instead of yelling for me?? im just in the other room,” you giggle
“because this is fun-er.”
“okay, im coming”
you hang up and hamzah laughs
you have a chair pulled up next to hamzah as you both sit and interact with the chat for a bit
you tell them multiple stories about your shopping trip and he suggests you give everyone a haul
you waste no time getting up to grab your bags from the bed and bring them over to his set up
as you go through and unfold various tops, bottoms, and dresses he adds plenty of commentary and “lemme see”s while holding them in front of his face
“this thing is not gonna cover your ass, are we serious???” he holds up a mini skirt with a laugh
and you grab it from him with a playful shake of your head, “i was gonna wear it for my other boyfriend anyway”
hamzah just stares at you with a smirk until you look back over to him, “what?!” you giggle.
“don’t play with me, girl” he smiles and leans back in his chair, “go ahead and show them the rest”
when you get to a particular dress you just about squeal, “h, you’re gonna looovvveee this one! i almost sent you a pic in the dressing room it’s so perfect.”
“show me, show me!” his eyes are wide now and his mouth spreads into a grin.
you reveal a soft, coconut white dress with leafy ruffles tied into roses (me when my describing skills shut down bc what does this even mean bruh)
“oh wow…” he looks from your glowy face to the dress held beside you and back. “can i see it on you?”
you nod your head, “yeah i took pics at the store,” you go to grab your phone.
he kisses his teeth, “now why would i wanna see some pics when i have you right here??”
you look up at him from your phone and begin to laugh under your breath. you look over to the monitor and your face gives away the joke you’re thinking of, “uh huh, okay. look someone said ‘the sassy man apocalypse has gone too far’” you point to the screen
hamzah looks for a second and then adds to the joke himself, “oh em gee, they’re saying ‘girl go put on that damn dress we wanna see already, with the rolling eye emoji!!!’” he covers his mouth as if he’s shocked, “are you really gonna take that bae??”
you try not to laugh at the pet name he uses, “hamzah whyd someone just say ‘take that fuck ass beanie off your head before you speak on a bad bitch, lil boy’?” you act just as shocked as him, “they’re some haters for real…”
hamzah deadpans and gives a side eye to the camera
“okay you can look now” you tell him and he slowly uncovers his eyes.
he immediately pretends to faint at the sight of you in the material that hugs you so perfectly
“oh fuck, my heart- it’s giving out, everything hurts. i can’t- breathe-!” he gives out a breathy monologue and you laugh at him before moving further away from the camera to give the viewers a better view
you turn around and ask them what they think all while hanzah fakes his death nearby
you eventually find a spot across his lap and tap his cheek telling him to be normal
“my bad my bad, i need to lock in.” he exaggerates a shake of his head
“you like it though?”
“of course i like it, look at you!!!!” he points at the both of you in the monitor
“good, i think ill wear it when we go to curaçao”
“that’ll be perfect- can you get up and do another twirl for me please? i missed it”
you pout but when he squeezes your thigh you get up and does as he asks
“guys isn’t she the prettiest??” he gushes
you blush in the form of a large smile and bend down away from him to grab another item to show off, to which he jokingly makes various sexual gestures and faces at your ass that is left pointed towards him
when you turn back around hamzah pretends to adjust a watch, which is actually just him hovering awkwardly over his wrist
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hoshigray · 2 years ago
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Alright, y'all, here's the plan: you're not quite aware of what Toji does for work, yet you keep quiet. But one night, the man comes home bleeding, and you can't keep your worries to yourself anymore. However, for your protection, Toji isn't ready to reveal his assassin business to you. And, in the heat of the moment, ends up saying something that hurts you instead...
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A/n: (Reuploaded bc I forgot smthn) This prompt was picked from a poll to celebrate the 300+ followers milestone (pssst tysm for 450+ you lovelies :D) two weeks back. Truthfully, I don't think this is my best work after proofreading, but I did my best. Probably bc 1) it's longer than I intended, and 2) I procrastinated waaaaay too much with this. I don't even think I made sense halfway through, lol, but fuck it, we ball. Anyways, like last time, there is art drawn by me (@hoshigaby) but it'll be found deep in the fic :33
I hope you enjoy the ride and reblogs + replies are much appreciated!! Also, don't be alarmed that Y/n in the drawing looks of a dark complexion, feel free to use your imagination if it doesn't suit you. But do not edit it; be an adult and ignore it if it's not your taste.
Cw: Toji x fem!reader - arguing/yelling - fingering (fem! receiving) - mating press - Daddy kink - first Toji is sour, then he's sweet bc he's whipped for you :) - clitoral play (pressing down and a pinch) - praise - breast fondling + nipple play - pet names (angel, baby, darlin', honey, kid, mama/ma, princess, sweetheart/sweetie) - Megumi mean-mugging his father while Tsumiki and Shiu Kong tell him to do better lol - mentions of blood and stab wound; isn't fully healed so reopens.
Wc: 5.8k
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"Uhh, are you sleeping on the couch?"
"Yes. Yes, I am."
You scrunch your brow at your phone, looking at the two people you're talking to through the screen. "I know you're not about to get on my case over where I'm sleeping."
On the L-shaped couch lay you, cuddled up with a fluffy blanket and memory foam pillow, one hand holding your phone while another wrapped around a stuffed plushy. You were on a video call with your best friends: Utahime and Mei Mei.
Utahime, lying on her bed with a face mask, replied to you. "Oh, I'm definitely getting on your case because it's supposed to be the other way around!"
"True, but I like the couch anyways." You puff at the woman who's not satisfied with your answer. "Plus, I'm on the L-part of the couch, so it's practically like a bed!"
Your other friend, Mei Mei, chuckles at her screen. Icy blue hair pulled up in a bun with reading glasses positioned atop her forehead, probably counting her tips on her desk like she always does before bed. "My my, this is the fourth night this week. What did your man say to make you this upset?"
Memories of what happened before come back to you, and so does the exhausting irritation you've been trying to keep at bay.
It was a quiet night like this one as the rain fell hard on the silent streets. You've just put Tsumiki and Megumi to sleep and waited in the living room, watching a movie to pass the time. It was pretty late into the night when you heard the door open as drowsiness settled in. Nevertheless, you got up to greet the man you'd been waiting for coming from the entrance, but you weren't prepared for the sight that instantly woke you up.
Toji Fushiguro, groaning and leaning against the wall with his black jean jacket drenched from the rain. A hand was clenched on the left side of his torso, deep red tarnishing his plain white shirt. He was heaving in an attempt to even his breathing, but when he caught a glimpse of you standing before him, he was quick to try and play it off with a worn-out grin. "Hey, baby." His familiar deep voice was strained in subtle agony.
Worry bubbles within, and you rush towards him. "Oh my God, Toji, what happened!?" You remind yourself to not be too loud as the children are still asleep, so you rely on whisper yellings while walking him up to your shared bedroom.
Even in the room, Toji doesn't explain himself. Just silent hushes and cajoles that he's alright. "I'm fine, honey. Just tell me where's the first aid box." Pointing at the bathroom cabinet, you watch him leave your side to grab the kit. The crimson spilling from him is caused by a stab wound he reveals when he sits on the bathtub, lifting his shirt. You can feel your eyes water, imagining the pain he's going through when he hisses from putting on rubbing alcohol on the gash.
The words you want to say feel so forbidden. Your fingers fidget amongst themselves with the irregular beat of your chest. Don't say it, Y/n. Keep your mouth shut. Don't—
"Is this from work?"
Green eyes shoot back in your direction, and you immediately feel yourself sinking into a pool of regret.
Talk of Toji's occupation wasn't something you brought up much. Even at the beginning of your relationship, he didn't indulge in any insights about what he does, so you eventually quit after a few failed attempts. However, with all the nights he's come home while you sleep or the new scars you point out yet are brushed off, your anxiousness for him keeps festering. And seeing him with his own blood on his hands made you wonder how many nights he has pulled off doing such without your knowledge.
Toji's eyes go back to his wound. "Don't worry 'bout it." The stern tone of his voice has your blood turn cold. He didn't want to entertain this, especially in the wee hours of the night.
And yet you still persist. "No, Toji, I'm serious." You can see him glare at you through the raven bangs shading his forehead. A warning. But it doesn't stop you. "I'm getting worried about you."
From there was when the argument came. Every point you've made to him was shut down at once. His cold responses pierced you. Usually, you'd do what you can to avoid this type of confrontation. But now, it hurts even more when he doesn't cooperate with you, your concerns disregarded like rubbish.
"Damn it, Y/n!" Toji barks at you, seething through the physical pain as a fist bangs hard on the bathroom cabinet. "Why's it so hard for you to stay out of this?"
"Well, if you would tell me things instead of pushing me out the way, then maybe I wouldn't have to!" At this point, you're fighting the tears from falling. Your face hot with frustration, but you still speak. "Toji, I've done so much for you and the kids, and I—"
"No one told you to do—"
"Yet I STILL do!" It's your turn to yell. "I care about you deeply, same with Tsumiki and Megumi. I don't ask for much, Toji. But I want you to open your life to me just a little, even when you're hurt like this!"
His emerald eyes remain rigid despite your pleas to him. And what he said next had you still to the core. You can recall the beat of your heart corrupting your senses while the tears stride down.
"If you were goin' to be a thorn on my side like this, I wouldn't have let you be in it in the first place."
"He said WHAT!!??" Utahime shrieks after you retell the situation to your friends.
You nod your head. "I just looked at him, and he looked at me. Then I turned, picked my pillow up, and headed downstairs to this couch."
To say the dark-haired woman was livid was an understatement. "And tell me WHY this fucker isn't the one sleeping on this couch, again??"
"Even if I did tell him to sleep on the couch, he probably would say something like, 'Tch, why should I? I pay bills for this damn house,' and yadda, yadda." This is true, apart from the man being injured, so having him move would've been immoral. "Plus, I just really wanted to get outta the room, so I went ahead and moved myself out."
"So? You pay bills too, what the hell!? Good God, Y/n," Utahime shakes her head. "You sure we can't pummel this dude?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I'm getting used to ignoring him when I see him around the house. But, oh my God, guys, his kids," the phone panned down to the plush toy and the pink, fluffy blanket. "Miki saw me sleeping here the other morning and gave me this blanket. And Gumi — he's such a sweetie. He gave me his favorite froggy toy to sleep with to scare off his dad from 'bothering me in my dreams.' "
"Hmm, how adorable." Mei Mei comments. "Funny how such darlings can come from a guy like that."
Utahime nods rapidly and throws in her opinion. "Listen, Y/n, you shouldn't think you outta be in every part of that man's life. Even so, he should at least know how to compromise. I mean, come on, you take care of him, the kids, the house, and go to work with us. All of that just for you to sleep on a couch!?"
"You're not gonna let this couch thing go, aren't you?" The pale blue-haired woman chuckles again, and Utahime sighs. "But she's right, Y/n. It takes a certain kind of person to have the patience to do what you do in a relationship with a single father and two children. I'm sure Utahime would've left with all her hair out."
The dark-haired one gets up from her bed and takes her device with her, heading to the bathroom to finish her skin care. "Now, why am I the one used as an example?"
"Because you're the most vocal about a relationship that isn't yours." A sly smile is painted on Mei Mei's face after she hears a 'hmph!' from the other as Utahime removes the mask and washes her face. "My point is that you like this man — love him even. But that love shouldn't cost you to be so emotionally drained. Perhaps he understands this, except it wasn't the perfect moment for you two to express yourselves. Maybe talk to him when you two stop the silent treatment."
All you do is hum aimlessly, too wrapped in what your friend said to give a proper response. Then you yawn, your body signaling you to finally rest. "I'll sleep on that thought. Night, girlies~~" You wave and send kisses to the other two. They do the same as you leave the video call, placing the phone on the coffee table and snuggling up with the blanket and plush toy.
You try to distract yourself by thinking of what you'll do tomorrow. You gotta get up and make breakfast for Tsumiki and Megumi before waking them up, then head to the station and take the bus to work. Maybe you can finally try that new café close by with Mei Mei and Utahime for lunch. And when you return home, you should whip up something fun for the kids to eat.
Perhaps, make something for Toji since he sometimes forgets to feed himself when you're not around. Or if he's leaving for work, wish him a safe trip back home like always. And...if he's down for it...you can find the right time......to talk...about......
The moment you closed your eyes, it felt as though you were sleeping on your own bed again. When you turn to your side, your body descends into the feeling of cold sheets beneath you. It was pretty comfy! Plus, the blanket—
Your eyes slowly open to the sight of bedsheets underneath you. Navigating out of the sleepy stupor, you make out parts of your surroundings to know that you're not in the living room anymore. You slowly rise up to face the door of the bedroom. Your shared bedroom.
A sudden cough alerts you, forced as if to grab your attention. A chill crawls up your spine. Oh God, no. You turn to the side to see the man accompanying his side of the bed. And there he was, Toji, lying on his side with his head resting on a hand, looking dead at you. His raven hair looked damp from a recent shower, sporting only a grey wifebeater and dark sweatpants.
"Hey," is all he says to you. No smirk and no nickname followed with the greeting. Just a simple address to you with his green eyes softly watching yours. You almost fall into their inviting spell the more you look at them.
Nonetheless, it's not compelling enough since you remember he's the man you fought with four days ago — the same man you weren't prepared to see right now. You quickly turn away from him and lift the comforter to exit the room. However, Toji grabbed your wrist before your feet could touch the floor, his grip too strong for you to pull away from him.
You avoid eye contact with him, your back facing him. "Toji, let me go. I'm going to sleep."
"Then sleep."
"On the couch, Toji." You try and pull again. Nothing.
"Fuck that, just sleep here. I didn't carry you up here for nothin'."
You shake your head as you exhale through your nose. Of course, he carried me here. "Whatever happened to you not wanting me to be a part of your life?"
The words that left your lips surprised you and the grip around your wrist tightens. You didn't mean to say them, but it was the truth because they were his own words. Or did you?
Still facing away from Toji, you're unable to see his reaction. Oh shit, is he angry? Is he going to let me go after that?
"Darlin', please..." His deep voice hushed for only you to hear. "I just really need you with me here. Just for tonight...." His hold lessens, leaving you to decide whether you should stay.
The silence is uncomfortable for both of you — especially for Toji, who has you where he wants you to be, where you're supposed to be. As seconds pass when he doesn't hear from you, the nervousness that used to exist before your relationship rises back into the pit of his stomach. And his soul drops down when you remove your wrist from his hand.
Though, to his surprise, your hand lifts the comforter up while your legs move back on top of the mattress. You lay back down with a sigh, your back still facing Toji. "Did you give Miki back her blanket?"
Toji exhales quietly, situating himself back on his side of the bed. "Yeah, and Megumi with his toy."
You hum, and the silence fills the room once more.
Toji looks at nothing but your figure next to him, watching the rise and fall of your shoulder as you breathe silently, your face nestled comfortably on the pillow. To think it's been half a week since he last saw you in this room is hard to believe.
That night when you left him really stuck with him. The image of your face covered in tears was all he envisioned, the same with you grabbing your pillow and exiting the room. After tending his stab wound, he went down to talk it out. Yet when Toji saw you sleeping soundly on the couch with dried tears painting your pretty face, he didn't dare wake you up and just went to bed.
And it was worse the following days. Not only did he have you avoiding him at every chance, but he had to deal with the judgmental looks of his children. Never in his life has he seen Megumi give him glares that meant business. If looks could kill, Toji would be finished. And Tsumiki, his sweet little girl, now pesters him about being nice to Y/n, saying he should think about their feelings and apologize.
But what about his feelings? Does no one understand that he was just trying to keep you out of business that you didn't need to fret over? He's very aware that his job is not a normal one. It's dangerous, and anyone around him can get hurt or worse. Hence, keeping you away from this part of his life keeps you and his family safe. If not knowing he's an assassin keeps you from harm's way, why change that.
At least...that's what he thought, not what he said.
Even Shiu Kong, his handler, had something to say after telling him what had happened during lunch today. "Wow. I knew you were trash, but I didn't know you were that dumb, too." The man snickers when Toji shoves a middle finger his way. Shiu lights another cigarette after discarding the one he finishes. "Well, how were they supposed to know you were watching out for them? If someone you love comes to your front door bloody and sick, whose safety are you worrying about?"
Toji says nothing to that, letting the other man resume speaking some sense into him after taking a long sig from his cigarette.
"Look. I can't promise that this angel of yours wants to stay with you after what you said. That's all up to them. But until they decide that, I hope your dumbass realizes when someone sticks with you literally through blood and pain, that's someone who cares for you to the Moon and back. Not saying you should tell them what you do, but a nice word or two of comfort is all they need. If you're not that big of an idiot, reconcile and let them know you care about them."
"...Reconcile and let them know you care about them..."
If there's one thing that Toji has trouble with, it's knowing how to use his words. It was a tiny problem in the earlier stages of your relationship, but as time flew, you could guess how much the tall man cherishes you by his actions rather than words.
The older man knows that you know he loves you. But now, when he's pushed into a position where words are necessary to portray his real feelings for you, he feels stumped.
"If you were goin' to be a thorn on my side like this, I wouldn't have let you be in it in the first place."
Toji grimaces at his own words replaying in his head. Why the fuck did I say that?
"Whatever happened to you not wanting me to be a part of your life?"
Your words ring in his mind. Why did I fuckin' say that for? What the hell is wrong with me? What did—
He returns to reality, eyes moving back to your still silhouette.
"I know you're still awake, so I'm gonna ask this." Toji braces himself for whatever your soft voice muttered. "Whatever job you're doing, is it a dangerous one?"
Shit. The dreaded talk is here, and Toji cannot escape it.
"Are you good at your job?"
"It's the only thing I'm good at."
You nod your head aimlessly to his answer. Then you turn around to face the anxious older man. The moonlight peaking through the window blinds illuminates your face beautifully while Toji's breathing slows.
"I don't think that's true," you continue to answer. "You're good at being a father to Tsumiki and Megumi. Not the best, but a decent one nonetheless. You're also good at caring for me; letting me live with you and your family proves that. And lastly," Toji gulps with a dry throat.
"You're good at loving. You say you're lousy at it, but there's love in everything you do for me. It's there when you look at me whenever you think I'm unaware. Or when you silently grab my hand when in crowded areas. Or," a small chuckle exits from you. "When you carry me up from downstairs to the bedroom."
Toji's jade eyes lock in with yours, waiting for you to avert your gaze away from him. But you don't. You keep looking at him. You keep spoiling him. This type of recognition is something Toji never thought he deserved, so you giving it to him so effortlessly makes his growing guilt eat him alive.
"I care about you so much, Toji." You shift closer to Toji and bring a hand to his cheek, causing the man to lift his brows. Your face is only a few inches away from his. "What happened yesterday really scared me. All I could think about was the wound and all the scars you have. Where they all came from and how deep they are. Or......you never coming back."
"Baby..." Toji absently refers to you with a sweet name, placing his big hand on top of yours on his cheek. He lets you finish.
"I know you can't guarantee coming back to me unscathed, but I just want you to promise me something: please let me know you'll be okay. When you're gone, I can only hope you make it back home safely. So, just promise to not get yourself killed." A sheepish smile is used to ease the serious tone. "Even if I'm not in your life, I'm sure Tsumiki and Megumi would be pretty upset to not have you around."
Toji scoffs. "Trust me, I'm sure they'd leave me the moment you step out the door." That makes you laugh, and it has the man swooning hearing it. His hand moves to your cheek, and you allow him to stroke it with a thumb. "And I wouldn't blame 'em. Havin' such a beautiful and loving angel slip through my fingers?"
"I'm sorry for what I said and scarin' you like that. If you aren't here with me, as part of my life and all, then I don't think I can't make a promise like that. You're too good fr' me, and I'm sorry if I didn't seem to appreciate you until now."
And you know he's genuine with his plea, his green eyes gauging your reaction to see if he's worth another chance. All you do is sigh and lift yourself up, wipe his wet bangs from his forehead, and kiss it. "Not the best apology, but I accept it."
He drones, relishing the feeling of your lips on him again. "So, are we cool, kid?"
"Yeah," you peer down at him with a smile, and he does the same. "We're cool. However, if you ever yell at me again, don't be surprised when I pack my bags."
"Oh yeah?" Toji raises a brow. "I'll be careful, then."
"You better." Hushed chuckles are shared to comfort the silence, enjoying the closeness between you two that felt like forever to have again. Just the two of you with you giggling above him and the light from the window cascading an ethereal glow to your features. Your teeth shied behind pretty lips, lips he wanted to kiss.
And you catch him looking. You notice him wanting you, needing you. Just as much as you need him. You slowly lean down to his face, planting your soft lips on his rigid pair.
Toji's surprised by the action for a moment, but he moans into your mouth and pulls you into him closer. The kiss starts off nice and slow yet quickly changes to one filled with passion and desire. Teeth clashing, tongues exchanging, sweet moans paired with aroused groans.
As you two are lost in each other's lips, Toji carefully maneuvers you on your back with him on top of you. Your legs find purchase around his waist as he rocks into your core, rocking your hips together in a steady rhythm by the second.
His hand snakes down to your lower region, fingers brushing past your pajamas and onto your panty-covered vulva. The intrusion has you breaking the kiss with heavy breaths filling the silent, moonlit room. He busses your chin down to your neck as shaky mewls slip out your mouth.
"Haaah, Toji, we shouldn't. It's late—Hmmm..." Your whimpers don't stop him from pulling your pajamas and undergarments off.
"It's okay, sweetheart, lemme make it up to you." He says in-between kisses on your clavicle, pulling up your shirt to reveal your bare chest. His free hand fondles a breast before his mouth goes for the other. "Let Daddy take care of you..."
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The sudden combination of his thick fingers intruding between your nether folds and his mouth sucking and licking your sensitive nipple has you whining in bliss, your hand gripping his wet raven hair resulting in a satisfied groan from the older man. Toji missed this — missed you — close to him, under him on this bed.
One finger plays with your wet chasm for a few moments before it's inserted inside. A shriek is let out as your cunt adjusts to the digit. "Mmmph! Oh God, Daddy, your fingers...Ahhh!"
A soft 'pop' leaves from Toji's mouth when pulled back from sucking on your nipple, his tongue lapping around the sensitive nob. "What's that, mama? My fingers feelin' good?" You nod rapidly, but that's not the answer Toji's looking for, so he bites on your nipple gingerly yet hard enough for you to jolt. "Daddy wants your words, angel."
"Yesss, yes, your fingers feel soo good," You mewl to him, and Toji chuckles dangerously low while rewarding you with another digit in your slick-coated hole. His abrupt middle finger joins his forefinger in attacking your velvety walls, and your voice shifts higher in ecstasy.
The sounds of Toji's tongue licking around your nipple coincide with the squelches between his fingers and your gushy slit. Your brain starts to short-circuit.
"Ahh! Ahhh! Daddy, I can feel—I'm gonna," Toji's fingers pick up the pace. You're so close to release, you can feel it.
"Gonna be good and cum on Daddy's fingers, right, baby?"
"Mhmmm, I wanna co—Oh, Jesus, I wanna come. Hoooooh..."
"Then go ahead, princess. Mess 'em up." Toji comes up to kiss your forehead as his fingers go irrationally fast, and a thumb sneaks to press down on your unattended clit. With a choked cry, you spasm and cream on his thick digits. He watches you finish, loving the image of your head pushed back on pillows and your body arching towards him.
He dismisses himself from you once you're done, licking his fingers of your essence and taking off his wifebeater and pants. The image of his free cock has you biting your lower lip in anticipation as you discard your shirt to the bedroom floor as well. When you look at Toji, you notice the bandaged patch on his left side. He sees you glimpsing, quick to ease your concerns. "I'll be fine, darlin'. Won't go too crazy." Looking at his scarred body in a new light, you nod and follow his lead.
Toji carries your legs up to move to the right of his shoulder, situating you two into a mating press. His dick aligns with your glossy cunt. Precum meets slick and lubricates the two sexes pushing into each other. Toji coaxes you. "Too tense, ma. Relax fr' me." You prepare yourself with even breaths, and the man pushes into you with each exhale.
The head of his cock enters, a cry departs from your lips, and Toji hisses with the tightness of your slit. His hips go slow, making sure your walls accommodate every vein and dent of his dick as it ventures deep within you. Hits to your G-spot have you babbling incoherent prayers, gripping the sheets under you.
When his cockhead finally meets your cervix, you sob his name in rapture. Toji smirks, dialing the pace of his thrusts up. "Mmmm, Christ, yr' tight pussy. So fuckin' perfect fr' me."
Every stroke prompts a euphoric moan from you, drool escaping your lips as your mind turns into putty. The noises of his pelvis smacking on your ass feel so wrong to hear, yet you can't help but grip around Toji's girthy length. It gets worse when he presses his entire body weight on you, forcing you to take his cock and abusing your tender cervix with every deep rut.
As for Toji, he's enjoying seeing you writhe and pant under his bow. The corner of your eyes sprinkled with tears, your mouth wailing in euphoric chants, the way your cunt clamps around his dick when he grinds his hips deep onto your come-covered folds. He can never get enough of this, enough of you, driving him so fucking crazy.
"Daddyyy, I'm gonna—Ahhaaaa!!" Toji's now going at an erratic cadence, his cock churning your insides as his heavy balls slapping your folds being the only things you can listen to. Your whines get higher and higher while chasing your climax. "Cu-cumming, I'm gonna cumm—Ohhh!!"
"Hnngh! Oh, shit, fuck, fuck. Me too, kid, me too," Toji groans into your ear. God, his deep voice makes your brain mush. "Oooooh, want me to fill you up, mama?"
Your head nods frantically, tears now staining your face. "Yessss, please, Daddy!! I want it!" Toji hears your pleas and smashes his mouth into yours, moans swapped between lips with tongues daubed in saliva. A hand is moved down to your clit, pinching the spot between Toji's forefinger and thumb. And your pussy tightens around his cock one last time before you peak onto him.
The fluttery spasms of your walls clenching around Toji have him finish in three deep strokes, spurting his seed inside you before he relaxes his heaving body on yours. The kiss breaks with you two huffing and panting, the final moments of your high finally depleting out of your nude bodies.
His green eyes take in your dazed expression, calloused fingers wiping your tears away. "How's that for an apology?"
"You pervy old man," You chuckle to yourself, so out of breath. "You're more of a man of action anyway, so you pulled through. "
"Hehe, I'll take it." He cups your jaw with his big hand, your eyes locked in with his. "I love you so fuckin' much, baby. Sorry for ever making you think otherwise."
You blink once. Twice. Your hands come up to his face, and a finger swipes away black bangs stuck to his sweaty forehead. "I love you too, Toji. I would've left your ass if you weren't."
Toji smiles and leans in to kiss your swollen lips with his scared ones; however, a sharp pain stops him, prompting the big man to yell out. Worried, you try to assess what's wrong. Then you see it: the blood-stained bandage on his left side.
A gasp catches his attention, and Toji turns to what you're gawking at. His body freezes, seeing the trail of blood exit from his reopened wound.
"Ahhhh shit..."
"Well, well, well," Utahime smirks at you through the screen. "I see you're not on the couch anymore."
You smile sheepishly as you lie on the pillows and headboard of your shared bed. Tsumiki and Megumi huddle beside you, napping blissfully around your presence under Tsumiki's pink blanket.
"Yeah, we made up last night." To avoid disturbing the children, you reply in whispers.
Mei Mei hums. "I see that. I assume you two had a nice talk about it?" You open your mouth, but no words come out. The two women quirk up a brow.
"Oh? I take it that there was more than just talking." Utahime chimes in, her smile going ear to ear while your eyes avoid the screen. "No wonder we didn't see you at work today. The dick so good it saved your relationship, huh?" She laughs at you hushing her up for using crude language while the children sleep. "Well, happy you two figured it out. But don't think I won't come over there and beat his ass the next time I see you on that couch."
"I second that," Mei Mei agrees. "But Uta can do the beatdown; I'm more interested in what he has in his wallet."
"Not much, I'll tell you that." you correct your friend. "I'm the one who takes care of his finances for safe-keeping."
"Well, that makes things easier for me."
The three of you laugh through your devices. Then you hear heavy footsteps drawing closer from the stairs. "Oop, he's back now. I'll talk to you guys later!" You hurriedly wave and kiss your friends goodbye before ending the video call. The bedroom door opens, and there he is.
Toji flashes a quick smile at you before it vanishes once he sees his kids nestled around you. "I was hopin' to get some alone time with you."
You giggle as you brush Tsumik's hair away from her pretty face. "You're back early. Is your wound okay now?"
"Hmph, yeah, thanks to you pushin' me out the way and grabbin' for the first aid kit." Toji pokes fun at you for the event from last night, where you immediately pushed the brawny man off of you and ran for the tools necessary to treat his open injury the moment you saw blood. You chuckle and watch the tall man climb into bed. "Doc said it should fully heal within a week or two. Why the squirts here?"
"They were happy to find me back in the room for a nap, so they joined me and kept me company." Megumi snuggles close to you for warmth, and you pick him up to your chest.
"Well, they're takin' my spot."
"I don't think they care."
Toji pinches your nose for your snarky remark, and you wriggle out of his fingers with quiet chuckles. His hand then cups your face and pulls you to face him, his emerald eyes softly gazing into you.
"You know I love the hell outta you, right?" His deep voice sounds sweet to the ears. You purr into his hand. "And I hope you know I'm the same for you." He nods. You smile.
He hesitates for a split second, but Toji leans close to kiss your tender lips. Only for a tiny hand to come smacking him in the face, halting him from further movement. To the shock of you both, Megumi was back awake, sending a mean look at his father.
Toji groans in annoyance. "What was that for, brat?"
"For making Y/n sad." Megumi keeps his hold on you secure as he and Toji mean-mug each other. Queuing Tsumiki from her slumber, defending you from her father. "Apologize or stay away!" The little girl warns the older man.
You're quick to break up the mini-fight amongst the Fushiguros. "Alright, kids, no need to worry about me. Your dad already apologized to me by promising to take us out for dinner tonight." Childish faces beam in delight while Toji shifts to instant puzzlement. "Now go get ready and put on your shoes!" Tsumiki and Megumi do just that, rushing out of your shared room and to their own.
When you can't hear the pitter-patter of little feet anymore, you feel big strong arms haul you into Toji's embrace, attacking you with tickles. You try to squirm your way out, but it's no use when he uses his body to cage you in. "Who told you to make promises on my name, huh? You tryna be bratty with me, kid?" He grins at your ticklish suffering.
"Then don't you—Oh God, stop!" It's difficult finishing your statement while fighting back laughter and screams. "Don't you ever yell at me again!"
He stops tickling you, thank God. You catch your breath as Toji looks at you under him with a proud smile. "I don't plan on it, sweetie. Now c'mere."
Toji finally has his lips placed on your soft ones, and you happily return the favor by wrapping your arms around his neck to pepper him with delicate kisses. But the romantic atmosphere vanishes when the children come and dogpile on Toji after hearing your ticklish screams, forcing the older Fushiguro off of you to deal with his kids with tickles of their own.
Observing the children laugh and squirm under Toji's merciless fingers, a soft smile adorns your face watching the domestic display before you and thinking how lucky you are to witness such a thing. Well, that's before all three of them turn to you and bring you another ticklish horror.
And despite the torture, your screams and giggles are filled with pure joy and contentment, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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mariahcarreyyy · 1 year ago
If you were to make this a series, I come bearing the following suggestions;
How did they get into a throuple? Reader being a major flirt with both Lando and Oscar. Oscar gets fed up with it, so he fucks her to work his jealousy off, but Lando walks in. Instead of being hurt… Lando starts jerking off. ORRRR
Reader and Oscar are together, and Lando gets pouty about not being included in things anymore. Then Oscar’s like- you know what, fine. (Could also be Landoscar, or Lando x Reader at first)
Fluffy aftercare blurb/segment
A fic in which Lando and reader are all buddy buddy with Carlos bc they’re friends with him and Oscar is Not Happy™️. They are punished accordingly. Lines that come to mind; “I’ll fuck you so good that you can’t even think about anyone else”, “You brats really like to get me riled up”, “We weren’t doing anything wrong!”, “Say you’re mine or else you don’t get to cum for a month”
Lando and Reader planning an extra slutty surprise for Oscar’s birthday
BUT OFC ONLY IF YOU WANT TO DO ANY OF THEM sksksksk I have been fed by the fic it’s really the best thing I’ve read this year so far you are so talented ok. I am obsessed. A literal goddess.
Ok that’s it I’ll stop rambling now
OMG THESE IDEAS ARE INCREDIBLE CAIT WAS NOT LYING😰😰😰😰 thank you for em bby will def be using them YOU are the goddess🙏🩷🩷
the first one...lando getting caught fucking himself into the circle of his fingers after he lets out a particularly loud groan from behind the extremely thin drivers room...then oscar telling him to join🙈🙈🙈 damn i just got chills
i can totally imagine oscar being so nonchalant about suggesting lando join him and readers relationship
"its like you guys dont love me anymore," lando whines when you and oscar cancel on another plan to do some weird shit like bowling together instead. "Why don't you just join us, then," oscar suggests, scrolling lazily on his phone. Lando smiles and moves to grab his bowling shoes, "Oh, okay." "No, as in a couple." Its nearly comical when both you and lando shriek, surprised but not at all disgusted by the idea, "WHAT?!"
The lines for the jealous!oscar thingy with lando and you😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 will 100% be doing that thank yewwwww!! reader and lando are so oblivious of oscars jealousy, bless them-- they'd be so confused at how oscar's normal grumpyness morphed into a real grumpyness.
They keep asking him whats wrong but he just waves them off until they get back home and he shoves both of you on the bed, ripping off his shirt while incoherently cursing carlos under his breath.
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depressopax · 1 year ago
Before it's too late
Nacho Varga x gn!reader
Fandom - Better call Saul
Yoo! I haven't posted in ages, been feeling down and mentally exhausted 😭 Also been writing on my very own novel for a school project AHHH Basically been writing, procrastinating, writing, etc etc... But so far so good!
Now then... ✨Angst time✨
Pairing: Nacho Varga x gender neutral reader Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort Warning(s): BCS SPOILERS! Based on s4e3 “Something Beautiful”. Major character injury. Mentions of death and violence. Blood. Guns and bullet wounds. Cuss words. Mentions of surgery. Reader is gender-neutral and has they/them pronouns Words: 1.6K Summary: Based on s4e3, in which Nacho gets shot by Victor and is left in the desert. After being saved by the Cousins, reader rushes to the vet office to see him.  English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ||
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The sun is burning in Albuquerque today, making the concrete and highways threateningly warm. It’s an early morning and will only get hotter. The streets are empty and people are either sleeping safely in their beds or avoiding the burning morning-light. It’s a perfect day to stay in the shadows or - for those who have the option - close to the fresh breeze from the AC. 
Not everyone has that option. 
But bleeding to death in the desert is a rare case, too. 
This is how I die. 
Nacho thinks. He’s lost track of time. The man is lying on his side, facing away from the sun and hoping it will protect him from a sunburn. It’s the last thing he needs right now. 
The wounded shoulder is enough. His hands are bloody and so is the warm sand he is facing. 
Dehydration and blood loss. - That was not the way he thought he’d go down.
If it weren’t for the sharp pain in his shoulder - that’s slowly spreading throughout every inch of his body - he’d feel angry and humiliated.
Gus and his men left him to bleed out in the middle of nowhere. The damn Chicken Man. 
Arturo is dead. 
Nacho? About to join Arturo in the afterlife. 
His mind is bitter and he’s losing the battle of patience. 
“Do it quick, before you pass out” - That was the words of Gus’ lap dog, Victor. He was quick. Directly after he was left bleeding, he dialed the number to them. The Cousins. 
Where are they? 
He’s lost count if it's been days, hours or minutes since he got shot. All he knows is that he is slowly going insane. The sun burns his neck and he lets out a grunt, opening and closing his dry mouth. There's a taste of iron on his tongue due to his dry, chapped lips. 
Water. His vision gets blurry and with gloomy eyes he looks at the wet, red sand under him. 
They’re not coming. Those fuckers aren’t on their way. 
I’m dead. 
The realization hits Nacho, fueling the pain he’s already feeling. 
Guilt washes over him. What will happen to his dad if he dies? That, and…
He whispers your name hoarsely. 
You. His beautiful partner. The one who’s always been by his side, the only one that knows about and doesn’t judge him for his fucked up choices and his chaotic life. The person he’s been so distant and cold towards lately. Worst part is… 
They have no idea how much I love them. 
“I love you” - A sentence yet to be said. So many emotions are left unspoken, so many things left unsaid. 
Without thinking or caring about the consequences, Nacho reaches for his phone. With shaky, bloody hands, he dials your number and listens to the waiting tone. 
“Ignacio?” A soft voice filled with concern says. Nacho smiles. 
“Did I wake you up?”
“Yea… But don’t worry. What’s up, Nacho?”
The silence lingers. What the hell is he supposed to reply? 
“I gotta tell you something.”
“Nacho… What is going on? Are you ok?”
“No… But listen, mi amor.”
“I love you.” Silence again. His voice cracks from the emotions “...I love you so fucking much.”
“Why does it feel like you’re saying goodbye?”
“...Because I am.” His voice is barely a whisper anymore. “Take care of my father for me, will you?” 
Your voice breaks on the other line. 
“Where are you?”
No reply. You realize it’ll stay that way. He is too stubborn to let you help him. As if accepting defeat, you break apart.
“Don’t cry, mi vida…” He whispers.
“Please don’t die. Please.” 
I promise. Nacho wants to reply. But the last thing he wants to do right now is give you false hope. So he stays quiet. His ears are ringing and he wonders how he still has blood left in his body. 
“I’m sorry.”
“I love you, Ignacio. I love you…”
He smiles in relief. That was all he needed to hear. 
It’s all said and done and now he can at least die with some peace.
“And I love you.” 
He hangs up.
When a character faces death in movies, they see their life flash before their eyes. 
A cliche. Nacho thought up until now.
He envisions the few happy and peaceful moments he’s had in life. Most of them involve his dad Manuel, and you. The first date, first kiss, first time… 
Maybe it’s the sun or maybe he’s actually walking into the light, when suddenly a shadow covers it. He grunts. 
In the distance, he can hear two men talking to each other in Spanish. Someone lifts him from the ground. 
Exhaustion catches up with Nacho and everything fades to black. 
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You almost kick open the door to the Veterinary Office. 
How you even got the address is a miracle.
Maybe because you’ve called Nacho’s phone at least twenty times within the last hour, or maybe because they know Nacho has a partner? That seems unlikely. Nacho has made sure to keep the relationship secret from everyone, to protect you. Only people that know that he is your boyfriend are Manuel Varga and your family. 
The last explanation… Maybe, somehow, Nacho’s Cartel colleagues are humane enough to let family and friends say farewell to their dying loved ones… 
Apart from an elderly lady and her cat, the waiting room is empty at this time in the morning. The receptionist looks startled when she sees you. But then again you can’t judge her. With puffy and red eyes and the almost wild expression on your face it’s no wonder people are concerned. Without waiting for her to greet you, you rush to the office whilst the woman shouts after you. 
Nothing can prepare you for what you see. 
It’s your boyfriend - lying down half-naked on a metal table whilst the vet, Caldera, performs surgery. Two men in suits stand next to the tense vet, watching over his every move with caution. As the door shuts behind you, the three men turn to look at you. One of the twins raises their guns. 
“What happened to him?!” A voice barely noticeable. The man lowers his gun as his brother mumbles something to him. The vet goes back to work and Nacho squirms on the table. They’re killing him. 
You know that's not true and makes zero sense. 
But what makes sense about this situation either way? 
You don’t realise that you’re shouting allegations until someone grips you and drags you out of the room. Before you get kicked out of the office, a weak voice calls your name. 
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Minutes turn into hours, morning turns to day and then afternoon. You remain seated on the cold tile floor hugging your knees against your chest. The anxiety grows stronger and it feels like you’re about to drown in worry. When the door to the office finally opens, you can barely stand up. 
It’s impossible to read the expression on his face. The scrubs he’s wearing are stained red. You can feel your stomach twist. 
“He’s alive.” 
Nacho wakes up from his feverish dreams. His mind is foggy and his eyes feel heavy. The sedatives are wearing off and his whole body aches, especially the place where the bullets penetrated his shoulder. 
He is in a cold room with his bare back resting against an even colder metal table. He feels like shit. With a raspy voice, he repeats the only word he’s been able to say lately. Your name. When a warm hand intertwines fingers with him, he finally breathes out. 
Your sobbing wakes him from his trance. He opens his brown eyes and looks at you through heavy eyelids and black eyelashes. He manages to give you a weak smile and in a raspy voice, he greets you.
“Hey, mi vida.”
“Hey, my love.” You reply and manage to smile through the tears. “You’re alive…” 
With those words said, you burst into tears again. The cousins and Caldera look uncomfortable with the emotional outbursts and the scene between the two lovebirds.
“...Let’s give Varga and his partner some time to talk.” the vet says. He’s quick to leave and the twin men don't protest. 
Once finally alone, Nacho brings a weak, trembling hand to your cheek. He feels the soft skin against his palm and feels a sense of relief. When you lean forward he doesn’t think twice before pulling you into a kiss, and then another one. 
He’s alive. 
“I love you. I should’ve told you earlier, I… I’m sorry.” 
Your boyfriend tries sitting up and winces in pain. 
“You don’t need to apologize.” 
He can no longer hold back the wave of emotions. The shock of watching Arturo die, the stress Hector and his nephews have caused him, for years. The worries for his own life, but mostly for his dad, and you. It all comes crashing down. And now… Gus is a threat.
Nacho knows his life just got more complicated and a lot more dangerous. 
He’ll have to tell you everything. 
But for now… 
He cries. He lets you hold onto him. 
Nacho squeezes you close to him, to make sure you can’t slip away. 
Once he’s healed, he’ll go back to duty. He’ll protect you.
But for now… He lets you protect him. 
When you whisper “I love you”, he feels at peace. 
You’re his shelter and his home.
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Did my mentally unstable a- cry when writing this because I love Nacho so damn much?? Yes. 2am emotional damage
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spirits-child · 2 years ago
Yk i love oversharing with u guys so here it goes, the story of how i am 0 smooth so i scape out of romantic shit but then get scolded by Lady Aphrodite. 
Yesterday I went out with a guy. I like him since LAST YEAR okay, last year, and Lady Aphrodite gave him the blessing of now, being with me. We are not dating, just hanging out but we both know we like each other. Yesterday it was our third date, he’s so him and i like him sooo much so when he dropped me home I didn’t know how to say goodbye. So I knew I wanted to kiss him but IM TOO AWKWARD TO INICIATE IT. So I said, Roy, you worship Aphrodite, you got this. YOU GOT THIS.
I, in fact, did not get it. 
I tried starting it by turning my body BUT THEN I GOT SCARED, so I grabbed my shit, said, em, good night, laughed like a crazy non-gendered entity and ran out of that car so freaking fast. LIKE RAN. I used to do track, well, those years being in the track team payed off because i was at my door in 5 seconds, rushing my sister to open up because I knew this man was staring at me from the car.
So I arrive to my apartment and my phone buzzes because of a message from him. “Why did you leave so fast?”. I PANICKED. SO ME, MISS/MR VANILLA SAID OH “i wanted to like, hug you, but like i didnt know if it was awkward”. I said, ok, IM SURE HE WILL THINK THAT.
But then while doing my night meditation and divination, Aphrodite came to me (SHE NEVER DOES) and basically scolded me JJAAJAJA. So I went back, wrote like “im going to bed so im telling you this bcs i cant see your message until tomorrow, but it was more than a hug” (duh dumbass, like im so bad at lying). SO OFC HE SAYS “Did you think i did not notice? Well, I did. It’s fine, we’ll see each other soon”.
O M G.
ANYWAYS, thats my story on how i fear kissing men. Live laugh love, be gay.
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yersina · 2 years ago
Tbh I wanna ask the whole thing but to stick to the realm of reasonability may I ask 7, 10, 14, 23, and 29? And anything else you might want to answer if there's any. 🦭 [decompresses from the lack of pressure]
[weird questions for writers]
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Ohhh what an interesting question! I think what I love most abt writing—why I still write even if it only results in unfinished wips—is… hm how to put this… an execution of an idea? Putting my own spin on a concept? Bringing smth to life from my mind and onto a page? Like I just love thinking about things, and writing gives me a way to share that w other ppl or put it into words, and that’s what’s best about it!
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
LOL uh the first definition that comes to mind for a piece of writing ‘haunting’ me is in the ‘god why did I write this’ sense, in which case I’d probably say my fanfic from my hetalia days……. A full ten years ago at this point…… But I’m also an advocate for not being ashamed of your writing no matter how old or cringy it is bc we all had to start somewhere right? And it still brought me joy at one point even if it doesn’t anymore, so I wouldn’t exactly say that it really does haunt me per se haha
The other sense of ‘haunting’ is probably ‘I think abt it a lot’ in which case—my wips haunt me. OTL
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
I do! Not as much (read: at all) anymore bc my friends and I have all diverged in terms of preferences and also physical location, but in high school, sometimes I’d even give my kindle acct in order to share ebooks haha.
But I’ve also always been a library person, and my physical collection is exceedingly small. I also don’t tend to reread anything? So I only buy books if there’s a reason I’d want to display it and/or come back to it. And it’s hard to lend books if you don’t own them haha. I would lend them if I had any though!
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
So. Most often I’m on my bed (full size, cheap, IKEA) and on top of my blankets (cheap, Amazon). I do most of my work in bed and lying down lol and also on my phone bc if I waited until I had my computer I would get nothing done. It’s probably either late at night or very early in the morning (bc I am unfortunately both a night owl and an early bird—no sleep for me!), so the light is rather dim. I have several larger stuffed animals w me on my bed (one is ice bear from CN, one’s a weighted dragon plushie, and one’s a really loooong shiba-dog-thing that’s probably close to my height) that I can prop my head up on or squash beneath me, depending on my mood. I also have an extra pillow to put against the wall for if I do decide to do anything while sitting up (currently cuddling it as I write this). A lot of what I own is a shade of blue or green. There’s a string of white Christmas lights around the wall next to my bed bc I can’t stand the brightness of the overhead light. Currently there’s a half-finished quilt rolled up beside me.
Really tho I write anywhere inspiration strikes me. Once I wrote a decent chunk while sitting in my car in the parking lot of a homegoods lol
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
Hm… my inspiration probably comes most often from other people! I had a ton of fun with all the sctir prompts I got a while back :) A lot of my favorite ideas that I’ve executed comes from putting a spin on an existing trope or concept, or from seeing smth around tumblr or twitter and wanting to write my own version.
My inspiration well runs dry very often, actually. I’m a huge binge-writer—most of what you see from me is stuff that I wrote within a couple days, which is why most of my fics tend to be short. I’m definitely not one of those ‘write a little bit every day!!’ kind of people—that would never work for me, and kinda drains my soul. Trust me I’ve tried lol (case in point: I managed to do an entire nanowrimo a couple years ago (the whole 50k!) and never touched or looked at that fic ever again. Was a fantastic exercise, but just not the way I work). Usually if I have an active wip, I do try to go back to it every couple days, just to make sure I don’t forget about it entirely haha. If I’m not actively working on an idea, I try not to let it bother me too much; the waiting is as much a part of my writing process as the actual writing. I’m all for making it easier for yourself—fanfic writing is a hobby, not a job, and I’m here for my own enjoyment more than anything else. I want to lean into it most when I’m happiest, yknow? :)
Bonus question for fun: 11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
Yes absolutely!!! This isn’t to say that you should ruthlessly get rid of what you love most in your writing, but definitely don’t be too attached to every single word you write. The writing advice that I’ve found most helpful so far in my writing journey is: if you’re stuck in your writing, the problem isn’t with the current scene or paragraph, it’s what happened before. I’ve also had an English teacher suggest to us once that we should try rewriting something from memory to pare down to what’s most important (bc anything you don’t remember isn’t essential). I start over all the time if smth’s not working for me and I delete and go back if I get stuck. If I’m getting rid of smth that’s longer, I do try to keep it around or move it to a separate doc in case I need to use it later, or to try and incorporate into a different scene so that I’m not dropping it entirely, but I’ve found myself doing that less and less as I go. It’s annoying, maybe, but I don’t grieve haha
Kill your darlings, for sure 🔪
(ALSO the best part abt fanfiction is that even if a scene that you really love doesn’t work in the main sequence, you’re allowed to write spin offs and side stories and extra scenes as much as you want to lol. Like killing your darlings doesn’t have to mean you resign it to never seeing the light of day, maybe you just fake their death and move them to a different neighborhood skdnejcbjdd)
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golden-bubblebee · 3 months ago
Bubbles watches Supernatural pt7
Season 4 babey. (Pt1)
Okay, current theory; castiel rose dean from the dead
Okay but when dean calls the phone company and bobbys like 'how d you know he would use that name' and dean replies 'are you kidding me, what don't i know about that kid
MAJOR feels
Oh my god castiel wtf
Okay magic boy
Such a chaos child
Fucking called it. It was Cas who brought Dean back
Thats beautiful can you imagine the winchester boys drivin round in a hippie van
Dean breaking my heart again
Im in pain
Cruing crying crying
No I'm actually sobbing
As in making noise sobbing. Literally
'On november second 1983. Promise me you won't get out of bed. No matter what you hear.
You know what well and truly freaks me out
Grandpa winchester, when possesed by the yellow eyed demon really really reminds me of john winchester
Prolly bc he also reminds me a lil of Negan from twd and theyre the same actor
Okay I know the guy is posseded by a demon but this is very wrong (Mary and grandpop winchester kissing to seal the deal)
Ive heard castiel speak about 4 times now and his voice still catches me off guard
Im sorry what??? My guy Dean just ripped an ear off
Nawh little baby sam being all flabberghasted meeting cas
Nawh not Dean turning big brother comforting Sam when hes dissapointed abt the angels, evem tho Dean doesn't believe the same way
Sams bday is 2/2 hihi
I love that 'busty asian beauties' is a returning theme in spn
Dean I love you
'We are teddy bear doctors!'
Thats a dad right there
I knew something would be up with teddy
But I did -not- expect a whole as grown man to live in this childs room
Nah the depressed alcoholic teddy bear got me cracking upp
I need Sam and Ruby to fuck nasty
oh my god nah 5 minutes later my wish got granted
Nooo sam you coward
They really said 'sam gets to fuck a demon, well then, Dean gets an angel
Love that sam and dean don't even believe in death anymore
Teenager Dean hurts me
Him not realising that not having a curfew and being home alone with his brother for 2 weeks isn't, in fact 'a sweet setup'
Okay Losechester is kinda funny
I need Sam and Ruby to fuck nasty again
Obsessed with Bobby having a phone line for each of their covers
He truly is dad™
Noo sam with the Siren doctor is just sad
Hes so absolutely besotted and none of it is real
The doctor isnt the siren, but the other FBI agent is
He is, after all, Deans dream guy
Nah who does this stupid siren think he is
Does he really think he can make Dean 'I went to hell for sammy' winchester kill the guy? Lmfao
Oh my god I Just realised
I'm finally a true tumblrina
I have reached superwholock
I think my castiel feelings are starting
'we need u to torture demon, uwu'
'no I dont wanna'
'i also dont wanna, but you need to'
'u wont like who i'll be afterwards'
'I know, uwu, Im sad I dont wanna make u do this. Also, btw, Im so attached to you even tho weve spoken like. Five times, that god is downgeading me'
Okay but what even is up with akastairs voice
WHAT IN THE FANGGANG IS GOING ON HERE (an amazing vampire Sterek fic written by aclosedficisneverread)
Why is this genuinly like the fic
'its okay sammy, you can have it'
Horny bloodsucking
Both of them enjoying it
sam joined the fanggang
Wtf they are fucking angels and they couldnt be bothered to use waterproof spray paint? Why use shitty chalk
'oh you are losing the war? Let me kill my soldiers as punishment so we defo cant win'
Oh my god uriel you sound like a middle child
Its not blame that falls on you, Dean, its fate
Aaaah How am I Meant to be normal about them
How did I completely miss the moment castiel went frim castiel to cass for Dean
Uhm wtf feverdream
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Okay but this bit is so good. That little music + jareds facial expressions convey so good that this is not our Dean
He better be 7 miles deep undercover
Sam is gonna be in that elevetor aint he
Im sorry but why are the winchesters set up like an office romance in this episode
Running into eachother in the lift
Glances across the office
Like, if you forget they are brothers, this is soo suggestive
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My theory is that cas put em in an alternate universe so that Dean can have his peace
But it also isnt plausible, bc what abt the seals
'There! I just found the jackpot! Real actual gosthunters with instructional videos!'
Okay but imagine coming across a real life ghosts and following a yt tutorial by those idiots
It was the angels!
Just not cas
To teach the boys a lesson
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izzyy-stuff · 7 months ago
Okayyyy! Here it goes!
Idek if this is actually considered as 3sum but would a yeonbin in 1 fic be alright w/ u? 👉👈 idkt if this is considered cheating, but will u give it a shot? 👉👈
It's goes like where yeonjun is reader's bestfriend and soobin is his dearest childhood friend whom they became close with bc of yeonjun. Reader actually loves yeonjun and they most likely go over their little boundaries sometimes, like sneaky makeouts, the..deed..., however, they are not dating. Mutual pining, maybe? Then one time, yeonjun has to leave the town and he left reader at soobin's custody. They do drink sometimes, and since reader was left by yeonjun at soob's apartment they grew closer to each other. Causing spark and temsion between them, sometimes they threw dirty glances at each other until one night of a drunken game, they are also over the boundaries. Idk, am i making sense? 😭😭
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bsf!Yeonjun x fem!reader x Soobin feat Chaewon (le ssera), Yeji (itzy), Hyunjin (skz), Heeseung and Jake (enha), and txt members
in which You let your best friend break your heart many times, simply because he always managed to put it back together afterward, until it got to the point he couldn't fix it anymore, no matter how much he tried. You only felt grateful when he left the town for vacation and gave you some space, making it easier for his best friend to approach you and fix what he broke.
wc 8.5k
warnings smut content, fwb, a bit of angst, not at the same time but both of them have smut scenes, alcohol, drunk sex, protected & unprotected sex, size kink, yeah soobin is big (are we surprised), and yeonjun is described as thick, oral, thigh riding, vaginal fingering, cum swallowing, hand job, Soobin takes your panties as a "trophy"
↪ izzy speaks... okay I probably didn't make it exactly like you wanted, but I tried my best to follow your idea while adding my own in. This is my first request so I am thankful a lot to you for giving me this idea, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing <3 Also the biggest thank you to @beomiracles for beta reading! I love you sm
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You stood in front of your closet, looking through your clothes for the third time already. It was unbelievable how many garments you owned but still had nothing to wear. “Come on, we don’t have the whole night,” your best friend whined, making you glance over your shoulder in his direction. Yeonjun was on your bed, lying on his stomach as his eyes followed your every movement, the YouTube video on his phone long forgotten by now. 
“I don’t know what to wear, though,” you sighed, walking over to him. You signed for him to move, so he did. You were the one lying on your stomach now while he got up, going to pick something to wear for you on his own. “I don’t know, you look gorgeous in anything you wear,” he mumbled, your cheeks heating up immediately. “But what do I look the best in?” You asked, hiding your face behind your phone, pretending to be texting so he wouldn’t see your flushed cheeks. 
“What fits you the most, hm?” He hummed, turning around again, an unbelievably annoying smirk on his face. You frowned, trying to see through him to understand what he was thinking about. “Personally, I think you look the best naked, with my arms wrapped around you,” he smirked, leaving your closet wide open and walking back to you. “But we can’t let you go out like that for others to see, can we?” 
“Oh, shut up, Jjun,” you said, trying to focus on your phone instead of his tall frame in front of you. But the truth was, it was impossible not to think about him. With the way his eyes looked at you, the way his lips moved when he said your name, and especially the way he felt, it would be weird not to think about him all the time. 
“Why? Don’t you just love it when our bodies are so close?” Yeonjun teased. You didn’t even need to look up to know there was a smirk on his face. There always was. He wouldn’t miss a chance to tease you, no matter what it was about. That was just something that came with being his best friend. 
“I can’t say I hate it,” you admitted, finally raising your head from your phone. “But,” you started, glaring at him. “We have somewhere to be. So go choose an outfit for me, or I’ll get overwhelmed by the amount of dresses I have.” 
Yeonjun shook his head at you, a sign of disbelief and entertainment in his eyes. You could see through him entirely after the years you two have been friends. Yeonjun was a simple man when you thought about it. To make him happy, all you had to do was agree with him and give him building blogs or good sex. 
When you met him in high school, you had no problems agreeing with him. You didn’t necessarily care if his opinions were accurate or not, but when you saw the sparks in his eyes as he talked about something he was passionate about, you swore you could feel your heart skip a beat. It was enough to make you agree with anything he said. It didn’t matter what it was as long as you could see the smile on his face from how excited he was because someone shared the same opinion with him. 
In your second year, you found yourself by his side at all times. You were the person he ran to when he passed his exams with a high score. You were there when he and his best friend got into a fight. And you were there when he got his heart broken for the first time. Even though it hurt you as much as it hurt him, you comforted and told him she wasn’t worth it if she couldn’t see what she lost. You told him he deserved better, secretly hoping he might finally see you as something more than a friend. 
It was your high school graduation when you, for the first time in those four years, thought that maybe, just maybe, he also saw you as something more than just a friend. 
You smiled wide as you ran into his arms, a diploma in your hands. He laughed with you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he spun you around, making all your friends chuckle, too. “You made it!” you exclaimed, your hands wrapped around his shoulders as you gazed into his eyes, unable to hold back your smile. 
“I told you I would, didn’t I?” He smiled, not taking his eyes off of you. Yeonjun was a year older than you, meaning he had graduated already. And even though he promised you he would make the time to show up for you on your special day, part of you didn’t believe him. You knew he had more important things to do.
It was only when his other best friend spoke towards him that he let go of your waist, his arms falling to his side. You stepped back, allowing your hands to drop to your sides as you glanced at the tall male. “Hey, Bin,” you greeted him, your smile now tinier but still visible. “Hi,” the dark-haired male waved toward you, his dimples appearing. 
Soobin was your age, but you never paid him much attention. Actually, you were pretty sure you wouldn’t even know who he was if Yeonjun hadn’t introduced you last year when he got closer to him. Without even realizing it at first, you three ended up hanging out together all the time after that, just like any group of best friends would. And even though you considered him one of your close friends, he could never be as close as Yeonjun was. You were sure of that. 
“Okay, should we go?” Chaewon wrapped her arm around your shoulders, smiling at the two taller males opposite you. “We still need to change,” she commented, looking around as Yeji joined your small party, she too, greeting the two males.. 
The two girls were also your age. But unlike Soobin, you noticed them in your first year of high school and became close friends soon after. They were your girls that you could run to whenever you had a problem, and you always felt grateful to them for that. 
“Change for what?” Soobin questioned, his eyes wandering between you and your two friends. “Well, even though this is nice and all,” Yeji started, looking down at her graduation dress. “I would much rather change into something cuter before we go eat.” 
“I hope you guys don’t have anything planned, do you?” Chaewon asked when she saw the surprise on their faces, realizing you forgot to mention this piece of information to them. 
“I am free,” the older male nodded. “I just…didn’t know we were going anywhere,” he said, glancing from the short-haired girl at you as if he wanted to scold you for not telling him. Awkwardly averting your gaze, your lips turned into a regretful smile. 
Yeonjun sat in his car, Soobin right next to him in the passenger seat when you walked to his car, sliding into the middle seat in the back so your two friends could sit on each side. It was the first time you felt Yeonjun’s eyes on you differently. 
He always looked at you as if you were one of his boys, which you truly hated, but this time, as you fixed your hair, laughing at something Yeji said, you looked different, better. He wasn’t sure if it was because of how your dress hugged your body perfectly, letting him see all the curves previously hidden from his view, or how happy you looked, but the way he saw you changed, and you both knew it. 
You felt his eyes on you during the whole dinner, unable to fully focus on anything else. It was embarrassing. You had no idea what was going on in his head. You didn’t know if you should be scared or happy about it, and it terrified you. You tried to convince yourself that it was just because you had something on your face. That must have been it. But when you went into the bathroom, his eyes still on your lower body as you walked away, you knew it wasn’t that. There was something more to it. 
And you soon found out exactly what. 
“I am sorry, guys. I promised Hyunjin I would be out like five minutes ago. He wants to introduce me to some new guy again,” Yeji quickly apologized when she paid for her food, grabbing her handbag to leave. Chaewon called herself a taxi soon after, leaving you, your best friend, and Soobin at the table of five. 
“I should call a taxi too,” you mumbled, reaching for your phone on the table. “Oh, come on. You know I can take you,” Yeonjun stopped you, looking away for a second to pay for his part of the bill. “You two live on the other side of Seoul,” you reminded him, but it didn’t move him at all as he merely shrugged. 
You got the passenger seat this time, leaving Soobin in the backseat. You felt awful about them taking you, but you knew there was nothing you could say to make Yeonjun change his mind. He would much rather drive through the whole country than have you get alone with some stranger. You loved that about him, how protective he could get. It made you think about how clingy and protective he would be as a boyfriend. 
“Thank you for the ride again,” you smiled, opening the car door to step out. “And for showing up,” you whispered, not paying attention to the male in the back. “Always,” your best friend grinned, watching you walk out of his car. You waved at him one last time, finally turning to Soobin to say your goodbye, but his eyes were glued to his phone, so you didn’t bother, letting your hand fall back to your side. 
As soon as you reached your front door, you heard your name, making you turn around. You blinked a few times, trying to figure out what he needed. Your best friend stood in front of you, his eyes wandering all over your body as if to memorize the image of you in his head. “I just,” he started, tilting his head with a gulp as his eyes met yours. “You look nice today. Stunning even,” he stated, causing your cheeks to turn pink. “Thank you,” you mumbled. 
Yeonjun opened his mouth again but closed it as soon as he saw you do the same. “You go first,” you shook your head, unsure what you wanted to say. Probably just some nonsense that you would regret later on. He hesitated, looking back at his car to assure himself Soobin was still occupied with his game before he took a few steps closer, leaving almost no space between the two of you. “This dress…you seem like a college student already,” he commented, saying the first thing that came to his mind. The truth was, he had no idea what to say, just like you. 
Neither of you said much more after that, suddenly getting awkward with each other as the mood shifted. Thankfully, there was no need for you to say anything to understand. You read each other well after the four years you’ve been friends. You could see the need - lust even, in his eyes. 
“Soobin is in the car,” Yeonjun said softly, reminding himself more than you. “But,” he started before you could say anything, running his fingers through his hair. “Could I come by tomorrow? I think I need to see you,” he admitted. You had to blink a few times to comprehend what was happening. You thought it was clear, but at the same time, it was so confusing. He confused you. That was something he’d always been good at. 
“Sure,” you agreed. 
Back then, you had no idea what you had gotten yourself into, but you soon found out it might have been one of your best decisions. 
Of course, as long as sex was all you wanted from him. 
Yeonjun came over the next day like he promised, jumping onto your couch to watch the TV. You watched him from the corner of the sofa, biting the inside of your cheek. You wondered if you had read him wrong after all. You thought you could see through him. You thought the tension and need were obviously there, but now that he was inside your apartment, acting as if nothing happened, you weren’t so sure anymore.
At least until he finally made a move. 
“Do you think it would be okay for me to kiss you?” He mumbled so quietly you weren’t sure if you heard him right. “What?” Your eyes shot up to him, full of confusion. “I want to kiss you,” he repeated, hesitantly looking at you to see what was going on in your head. 
Before you could say anything, Yeonjun got up from his place on the couch and walked over to you. You watched him with anticipation, staying quiet as you saw him bite his bottom lip. “Then do it,” you whispered, watching him lean down. 
Your hand found its way up to his neck, making him come even closer as his lips met yours. One of his hands tugged the strands of your hair behind your ear, cupping your cheek while the other rested on your waist, keeping you as close as possible. You slightly opened your mouth when his hand moved from your waist to your back, roaming your skin, allowing him enough room to slip his tongue inside your mouth.
You let him kiss you. Touch you in places that you had only dared to imagine in your wildest of dreams. You were sure this was all just a figment of your imagination. After all, there was no way the Choi Yeonjun would be kissing you right now. Right? 
You were the first to pull away, causing him to groan in disagreement. You watched him, your head full of possible scenarios of what could happen next. If you were to be honest, you hoped this wasn’t how things would end. 
Fortunately, you felt his lips on yours again right away, making you smile. “That dress from yesterday,” he mumbled against your lips before he kissed you again, unable to stay away for too long. “Mhm,” you hummed back, your hand making its way up under his shirt, slightly brushing over his abs. “Wanted to tear it off you so bad,” he admitted. “Just tear this off,” you proclaimed, smirking when you felt him shudder. 
You could see him hesitating as he pulled away. His eyes were soft and full of pity as he looked at you, and you finally saw through him utterly. That was all he wanted, you realized. He wasn’t kissing you because he would feel anything towards you. He just wanted your body. You weren’t sure how you felt about that. But one thing was definite. You needed to feel his lips again. And preferably a lot more, too. 
“Can I do that?” He asked. “Please,” you nodded. Maybe it was a bad idea that could lead your friendship with him to the end, but you needed him more than ever at the moment. 
Before you could even consider it properly, his lips were on yours again, this time more aggressively. The kiss was rough but still passionate. His hands held onto your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist before he picked you up with ease, making you yelp. “What are you doing?” you asked, quickly draping your arms around his shoulders so you wouldn’t fall. “The bed will be more comfortable,” he answered bluntly, making his way around your apartment until he reached your bedroom. 
“You would stop me if you don’t like anything, right?” He asked once you were lying on your bed, looking up at him. “Jjun, I have wished for this for as long as I can remember,” you confessed. “So stop worrying and just finally fuck me.” 
He hesitated again, your words getting stuck in his head. Numerous questions surfaced in his head, making him rethink the situation again. Did you have a crush on him or something? Was it a bad idea to fuck you if you’ve been in love with him? And most importantly, why didn’t he know you liked him? 
Yeonjun shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. “Yeonjun, you have the green light,” you assured him again, biting onto your bottom lip when you felt his hands on your waist, carefully moving his fingers on your skin under your shirt as he pressed his lips on yours again. This wasn’t the time to think about all that, he told himself. Not when you were lying so beautifully under him, begging him to fuck you. 
You gasped as his right hand slid under your bra cup, groping your breast softly. You could feel him smirking against your lips, and before you could even react anyhow, he was pressing his knee between your legs, making you moan out immediately. “That’s good?” He asked, glancing down to see you trying to move your hips forward on his knee. “Yeah,” you immediately nodded. 
He pulled away for a moment, scoffing when you groaned in disagreement. But you soon found out it was worth it as he pulled off his shirt, revealing his upper body to you. You gulped, your eyes landing on his chest before flickering to his abs. You knew he had been working out lately, but you had no idea he would look like that. “You’re going to stare a hole into me.” 
“I-” you tried to justify yourself but shut your mouth again when you saw the look in his eyes. You sat up just like he did, moving higher on his thigh to get closer to him before you tugged your own shirt off, causing his eyes to fall on your breast. And he was the one pointing out your staring, you scoffed internally. “Wanna take off the rest? You said you’ll tear it off, remember?” You reminded him playfully, watching his eyes shoot back to meet yours. 
You found his lips on your collarbone soon after, sucking on your skin while his hands wandered all over your now naked body, examining every inch. It still felt unreal to him. If Yeonjun was to wake up now and find out this was all just one of his twisted dreams, he wouldn’t be surprised. 
Sure, he never paid you any particular attention, and he couldn’t say that this was something he had always dreamed of, but that was because you were his best friend. He knew better than to ruin his dearest friendship by hitting on you. 
At least until now. Now that his hands were roaming your body, being able to grab on your ass as much as he wanted as you tried to get yourself off on his thigh. “Jjunie,” you moaned out, feeling yourself getting closer to your climax. He only hummed in response, slightly glancing up at you. “Lie down again,” he commanded, making you whine as he pulled his leg away. 
You still listened to him, lying on your bed while he hovered over you. “Shit, you’re so wet,” he commented, his fingers sliding down your folds as he kept his eyes on you, making sure you were okay. “Feels like you could cum right away if I just touch the right spot,” he smirked, pressing his thumb on your clit while his middle finger teased your throbbing entrance. 
You gasped, throwing your head back into your pillows as you released on his fingers the moment he thrust his middle and ring finger into your cunt. “Wanna taste yourself?” He looked from his fingers back at you, his playful tone of voice getting stuck in your head. You were convinced you would say yes to anything as long as he spoke to you like that.  
As if acting on instinct, you parted your lips. You could see Yeonjun smirk again as he moved back up, his fingers immediately finding their way to your mouth. “You’re so fucking pretty,” he mumbled, watching you suck on his fingers, your saliva replacing the cum that was on them seconds ago. 
“Pretty enough for you to finally fuck me?” You asked, keeping your eyes on his. You were the one smirking now when you noticed his cock twitch at your words, waiting to be used. “Do you have–” 
“I don’t,” you interrupted him. “But it’s fine. You can go in raw,” you assured him. “Do you say that to all guys?” He questioned, but it didn’t take much longer for him to align himself at your cunt, his tip teasing your entrance. “Just to the ones hot enough,” you proclaimed, your voice breaking in the middle of your sentence as he thrust into you, spreading your knees apart. 
You clenched around him right away, the feeling of his veins touching your walls making you moan so loud you were certain it would reach your neighbors. Yeonjun wasn’t necessarily big when it came to length, but he was thick, and honestly, you loved that more. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groaned, still holding your legs apart as he moved in and out of you. He pulled out completely, watching you whine for him before he thrust into you once again, going faster than before. 
“M’close,” he grunted, fucking your cum back into you. You finished for the second time a bit ago, and now it was finally his turn. “Pull out,” you cried, even though you hoped he wouldn’t listen to you. You needed him inside for longer. It felt too empty without his cock. 
Your legs were shaking when he let go of them, pulling out just like you asked him to. You carefully got up, kneeling in front of him. You looked up to meet his eyes before you wrapped your hand around his cock, rubbing his pre cum all over his length. “Mhm, doing great,” he praised you. You grinned, looking up at him once more, seeing his head thrown back. You let go of him, licking your lips when he whined in disagreement, getting his tip into your mouth instead. 
“Fuck, you were so good,” he breathed out, thrusting his hips towards your mouth once more before he pulled out, his cum leaking out of the corner of your lips. “My pretty girl,” he mumbled, watching you lick the corner of your lips so you could swallow even the last bit. 
That was how it all started. Your secret make-outs, movie nights that turned into something spicier, the dirty messages he would send you while you were at work, and the heartbreaks. 
You knew the two of you wouldn’t date. You realized that back when you fucked for the first time. You two were friends with occasional benefits. That was all. 
Still, it always made your heart ache when you saw him talking to a different girl. 
And today was no different. You sat on the green couch in the corner, a cup in your hands as your eyes wandered all over the room. “What are you thinking so hard about?” You snapped out of your thoughts at the familiar voice, looking up at the younger male. “Looking for Yeonjun,” you proclaimed. “What about you? Shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, drinking your ass off with your friends, Beom?” 
“I ran away when Heeseung tried to give me a mix of beer, wine, and some soda,” he explained. “He went crazy, so Jake is trying to get him to calm down now.” You frowned, “Beer mixed with wine?”
“Like he said, he went crazy,” Taehyun joined your conversation, patting Beomgyu’s back with a quick “Happy birthday.” You shook your head in disbelief, looking around the room again. “Yeonjun just went outside with Soobin and some other guys if that’s who you’re looking for,” he informed you. “I see,” you mumbled, sipping on your drink. 
You were tipsy when you decided to go out and find your best friend. You promised him you would tell him once you felt like leaving the party, so that was what you were planning to do now. Even though you liked Beomgyu and thought of him as a good friend, once Yeonjun left you alone, there was nothing for you to do. 
“Soobin!” you exclaimed when you saw him standing on the side. He looked up at you immediately, a smile forming on his lips as he waved at you. “Yeah?” He asked, watching you walk to him. “Have you seen Yeonjun anywhere? I need to tell him I am leaving,” you explained. Soobin breathed out, nodding when he saw the desperation in your eyes. “He’s…over there,” he proclaimed, pointing towards the front fence. You glanced over there, your lips shut as you noticed the brunette beside your best friend. You saw her laugh and stroke his arm, realizing he must have been flirting with her. Of course, he was. That was what he was best at. 
You squeezed your cup in your hand, stopping yourself from walking over to them and turning at Soobin again. “I guess I shouldn’t interrupt him now,” you muttered half-heartedly, shooting the taller male a small smile. “I am just going to go. I’ll see you around.” Soobin opened his mouth to say something, but when he saw the look in your eyes, he couldn’t bring himself to do so. “See you,” he mumbled, watching your back as you walked away. 
Soobin looked towards his best friends again, sighing when he saw him kissing the brunette. Yeonjun was unbelievable, in his opinion. As someone who knew about what you and Yeonjun had between each other, he just couldn’t figure out why he kept acting the way he did. He had a gorgeous girl who loved him all to himself, but he still needed more for some reason. 
You slept over at Chaewon’s that night, telling her all about how you were tired of him at this point. You loved him, but you hated everything he did. It was surprising how many different emotions you could feel towards one person. 
You ignored all of Yeonjun’s calls and messages the next day, ignoring his questions about whether you were okay and got home safe. He cursed at you for not telling him when you left, saying he was - and still is - worried about you, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to text him back. You just needed to clear your mind in the comforts of your bed. 
But all your plans were ruined when you came to your apartment building and saw your best friend sitting by the front door, his head hung low as he scrolled on his phone. “You’re kind of in the way,” you stated, walking closer to him. “Oh, sorry-” he apologized immediately, moving to the side when he noticed who you were, a sigh escaping his lips. “Thank God you’re okay.” 
“Of course I am,” you said, the words rotting on your tongue. It was obviously a lie, and you were sure Yeonjun saw through it. “So what are you doing here?” Yeonjun stood up from the ground, taking something out of his pocket. Your eyes widened at the notice in his hands. “You’re kidding, right?” You asked, panicking. “Nope. Your landlord let me in so I could take some of your stuff. It looks terrible,” he informed you calmly, pointing at his still-wet shoes with his eyes. You wanted nothing more but to slap him at the moment. Why was he so calm about your apartment being flooded? 
“Fuck,” you sighed, running your fingers through your hair. “Okay, give me my things. I am going to call Chae again,” you mumbled, rethinking all the opinions you had. “Did she say for how long I need to stay away?” 
“Around a week,” he answered. “So come on, I have your suitcase in my car already,” he said, and before you could react, he was already walking towards said car. “Wait, what? No, just give them to me. She isn’t that far away. You don’t have to drive me.” 
“I am not driving you to her apartment,” Yeonjun shook his head, opening the door on the passenger’s side first, waiting for you to get in. “You can stay in our apartment. My room will be empty for the next week, remember?” Right. His vacation with Kai. You reminded yourself. “Oh, come on, it’s not like you never slept there.” 
You wanted to argue, tell him that he was pissing you off lately, but he had won over you again. You just couldn’t refuse him for some reason. So you walked over to him, sliding into the passenger seat and looking down to your lap while you waited for him to start the car. 
“Hey, what’s going on? You were ignoring my calls and texts, and now this?” He asked, stopping at a red light. You squirmed in your seat, refusing to look at him after you shook him off when he placed his hand on your thigh, just like he did every time you were in the car with him. “It’s nothing,” you mumbled, taking out your phone so you would have something else to focus on. “Do I look like an idiot to you? Did something happen when you left the party?” 
“You happened, asshole,” you admitted, turning your head towards him. Yeonjun blinked a few times, the anger in your eyes surprising him. “I did? What did I do?” He asked confusedly, his eyes flickering between you and the traffic light. “Are you seriously asking me that?” You scoffed. “I don’t know. Maybe I am pissed you use me like your fuck toy just to sleep with other girls at parties instead of paying even the tiniest bit of attention to me,” you burst at him. Yeonjun opened his mouth to argue with you, but before he could do so, the car behind him was honking at him, making his eyes focus back on the road. 
You stayed quiet for the rest of the ride, too flustered to say anything. The way he couldn’t bring himself to say anything to you only made you want to take your things and run away. How were you supposed to stay with him during the weekend and then sleep in his bed the following week? This was definitely a bad idea, but somehow, when you noticed Yeonjun’s best friend at the door, waiting for you to get out of the car so he could help with your stuff, a part of you wanted to stay more than ever. 
“Hey, are you okay?” The taller male asked softly, walking to you while your best friend got to the car trunk to get out your suitcase that he had packed. “We’ve had a little…argument. Don’t worry about it,” you smiled, hoping for him to catch your drift and drop the subject. 
“You came to help, right? So stop chatting and take this,” Yeonjun interrupted, throwing a plastic bag at Soobin. To your surprise, and probably his too, he managed to catch it without a problem. “A little argument, huh?” He questioned, shaking his head as he watched Yeonjun walk inside with the rest of your things. Yeonjun’s back looked tense, no matter how you looked at it. He was pissed. 
But what were you supposed to do about it? It wasn’t your fault he made you feel like shit. Maybe it was, though. When you thought about it, it was all your fault. If you hadn’t fallen for your best friend, you wouldn’t be here now, in this position. If you had told him no the first time you made out with him, it would all be okay. 
“Uhm, you’d probably want to take it instead of me,” Soobin proclaimed, bringing you back to reality. You had to blink a few times to realize what he said before you glanced down at the plastic bag in his hands, your eyes widening right away when you saw your panties on the top. It was a bag full of your underwear. “Yeonjun!” You yelled at him, snatching the bag away from Soobin in embarrassment. 
Soobin chuckled as he watched you run after your best friend, ready to beat him up. The way your cheeks turned red when you noticed what he was holding and how you tried to apologize was going to stay in his head for a while. He was sure of it. 
You sighed as you got inside, the anger you felt suddenly disappearing when you saw the look in Yeonjun’s eyes. He was standing in the middle of the hall, your things on the floor next to him. It was his eyes that managed to say everything his mouth couldn’t, and you hated it. You despited how he thought he could just look at you lovingly, and you would act like nothing ever happened. But you hated even more the fact he was right. You just couldn’t hold a grudge against him for some reason. It was one of his charms, you supposed. Or maybe it was because of your heart again. The stupid silly heart that always excused anything he did to you. 
“I hate you so much,” you muttered, closing your eyes so you wouldn’t have to look at him. You weren’t sure if you should cry or scream. “No, you don’t,” he said, making you look at him again. “Do you?” The look in his eyes was broken as his gaze met yours, making your heart ache. 
“I am…just going to go to my room,” Soobin mumbled, quickly getting past the both of you when he finally got inside, too. Right, you weren’t alone, you reminded yourself. “I don’t know,” you answered finally, squeezing the bag in your hand tighter. 
Neither one of you said anything after that. You grabbed all your things from the floor, only looking at him briefly before you walked past him into the living room, placing them in the corner where you knew they wouldn’t get in the way of anyone. You would die in this house. You were sure of it. There was no way you could survive being around him for the next two days. 
You woke up with your alarm, announcing that the morning had come again. You turned it off immediately, rolling to the other side of your - Yeonjun’s - bed. You knew you should get up. There was a reason why you set the alarm after all, but not only was your body still too tired to get up, but your mind kept convincing you it was a bad idea to send him off. 
To your surprise, the two days you were so worried about were calmer than you expected. Yeonjun didn’t touch you at all and even let you sleep in his bed while he stayed on the couch. He barely spoke to you and only looked you in the eyes when necessary. It was obvious that he was avoiding you, but for some reason, you didn’t mind. You needed to clear your head, and that was done the best without him around. 
The problem was he was everywhere. 
Of course, he was. It was his room, his home. You couldn’t just erase him when you were staying in his house. 
You turned around so you would be lying on your back when you heard the muffled voices behind the door, staring at the ceiling. You couldn’t properly figure out what the two boys were talking about, but you figured it couldn’t be important enough for you to leave the room. 
But there were words that reached you even through the door. “Take care of her, yeah? I think I messed up too bad this time.” It was Yeonjun’s voice. You squeezed your blanket, closing your eyes as you fought a fight with yourself about getting out of bed to say goodbye to him after all. 
You didn’t go, though. You decided it was for the better. You needed to get your mind off your best friend and, most importantly, your heart too. You had to stop loving him, and this was the first step in doing so. 
“How is it that your cooking keeps getting better and better?” Soobin commented, almost finished with the lunch you prepared. You smiled, embarrassed as you thanked him. “You’re exaggerating,” you mumbled, but he only shook his head, praising you once more. 
“What are you doing?” You turned around to face him, the water still on, washing off the leftovers on your plate. “The dishes,” you answered, not paying much attention to him and turning back again to finish what you started. “You already cooked us lunch. Dishes are supposed to be my job,” he stated, stealing the plate from you. “You can go sit down now.” You wanted to argue, but he was already pushing you out of the kitchen, refusing to hear you out on this. 
It has been like that since Yeonjun left. The two of you had never talked that much despite hanging out with each other often, but it suddenly changed now that it was just you and him, without your best friend to steal your attention. You must say you liked this side of Soobin. 
A part of you was worried you would be bored without Yeonjun around as it was always him you talked to when the three of you were hanging out as a group, but now that he was gone and you could actually get to know Soobin, you found out you have things in common. 
“Should I pick the movie, then?” You suggested. It’s only been three days, so you weren’t sure if you could call it a tradition, but watching a movie or a show has become something you always did after lunch. “Sure, go ahead,” Soobin agreed. You nodded, looking around the living room to find the remote control. 
It was a peaceful afternoon. It always was with him. With Soobin, it all seemed easy. You didn’t need to worry about what to wear around him just to impress him. You could talk about anime with him without him looking weirdly at you, and you loved that. It was the little things you could do with him that you knew you couldn’t do with any of your other friends. 
You found yourself wishing he could be your roommate after the end of this week, too. 
“I should get going,” you proclaimed as the third movie of the day ended. Soobin looked up at you immediately, pausing the credit scene that was running on the TV. “You’re going out?” He asked, confused. He knew for sure you hadn’t told him anything about it. “Yeah,” you nodded. “With a few people from high school. They decided to do this little meet in a bar. And I heard Heesung might be tagging along, too. I heard he begged one of the guys from our old English class to let him join,” you laughed. The thought of him begging to get invited was hilarious to you. “Do you want to come? They are your old classmates too, after all.” You suggested. 
“I am fine,” he shook his head, disagreeing. It wasn’t like he would get along with many of their old classmates. Actually, except for your friends, who he got close with only after Yeonjun made him tag along any chance he got when you and your friends were hanging out, there was no one he would talk to. He didn’t blame them for not inviting him or anything. After all, he never took the effort to speak to them, either. “I already agreed to play league with Beomgyu tonight anyway.” 
“I see,” you mumbled, nodding slightly. “I am going to get dressed, then. Don’t disappear into your room just yet. I want to see you before I leave,” you warned Soobin, not waiting for his reply before you hopped into Yeonjun’s room. 
You bought a new dress the day before, and it was perfect for this opportunity. You weren’t sure where you were going yet, as everyone agreed to decide on the spot, but it was perfect for any kind of party, and you knew better than anyone that they couldn’t go much without alcohol involved. So, whichever bar in town you would end up at, you were ready for it. 
And you were right. You knew there wasn’t a better dress you could wear when you saw the way Soobin looked at you as you ran around the apartment, trying to remember where you put your handbag. The way his eyes followed your every movement had you smiling. You couldn’t lie; you enjoyed having that kind of attention on you. Especially coming from someone as hot as Soobin. 
You were drunk when you left the bar. You knew you were drunk when you almost tripped as you got out of Hyunjin’s car, thanking him for driving you back, but still, you found yourself on the floor of Soobin and Yeonjun’s apartment, with a drink in your hands again. 
“Is it my turn now?” Soobin wondered, watching you. He was tipsy himself by now, but he was still okay. Which he wasn’t sure if he could say about you. “Shouldn’t we go to bed instead?” 
“No,” you shook your head immediately. “I am fine, I promise.” You were lying just partly. Yes, your head was spinning a bit, and you needed a glass of water as soon as possible, but you still could think straight. Or you believed you could. 
“Alright,” he nodded, thinking about what to say. Two truths and a lie. It sounded silly when you suggested it at first. It used to be a game he played with his friends back in middle school, so he doubted you when you came into his room, telling him to go play with you, but now that he was sitting here with you, a shot of vodka in front of him, he could see why you suggested it. 
“I used to like you when we were in high school. I won against Beomgyu today when we were playing League. And…” he stopped for a moment, looking you up and down once again, pretending he was still thinking about it. “You look so good tonight that all I can think about is fucking you on that couch.” 
You froze for a second, blinking a few times to assure yourself you heard him correctly and it wasn’t just your mind playing games with you. Sure, there was a lie hidden in what he had just said, but he couldn’t be lying about that, could he? 
“You…” you hesitated, tilting your head to the side. “You didn’t win, did you?” 
“No, I didn’t,” he nodded, raising the shot of vodka. “You got it right. My turn to drink,” he proclaimed, not hesitating as he drank the full shot at once. “Your turn. Say your sentences,” he encouraged you, placing the shot glass in front of him again. “Wait, no, stop,” you shook your head. Suddenly, it felt as if you had sobered up. “You said you liked me? And you want to fuck me?” 
“Your turn,” Soobin repeated himself, ignoring your questions. You took a deep breath, holding onto your glass tighter. “Alright, fine,” you agreed. It would be obvious to anyone around you that you were pissed, but he didn’t want to pay attention to it. It would be better if he never mentioned anything about it again. You wouldn’t remember it in the morning anyway, would you? 
“I have a black cat. I dressed like this to impress you. I want you to fuck me on this couch.” You finished casually, batting your eyes at him innocently. 
Whatever was going on through your head at the moment was working. Soobin cursed at himself in his head, closing his eyes so he wouldn’t need to look at you. It was all too much for him. The look you gave him, the way your lips parted, and even the way you played with the hem of your dress. You were going to be the death of him.
“I know you don’t have a cat,” he reminded you, but you only smiled at him. You knew he knew, he realized, scoffing. “You’re unbelievable,” he shook his head. “And drunk. You’re not thinking straight anymore. Go to bed.” 
“I am completely okay, Soob,” you argued. “No matter how much I drank today, I know what I am saying.” 
“No, you-” “Please,” you interrupted him, your beg sending shivers all over his body. This wasn’t what he expected. How could it be? But he couldn’t say he would be against it. Heck, he even told you he wanted to fuck you. 
Soobin swallowed the lump in his throat, looking at you again. “Please, what?” He asked, knowing he already lost whatever battle his head was fighting with his hormones. “Please fuck me,” you pleaded, your puppy eyes getting into his head immediately. 
“For fucks sake,” he mumbled, getting up from the floor. Your eyes followed his every movement, watching his back even as he disappeared into his room. You closed your eyes when he got out of your sight, sighing. That was not a reaction you expected. 
Your eyes lit up when you saw his figure again, coming closer to you. “You can still go back to your room, and we can pretend no one ever said anything,” Soobin proclaimed, but you only shook your head, looking up at him. You grabbed onto his hand, looking at the condom he was holding. “You’re already prepared. Why call it off now?” 
And just like that, you were sitting on the couch, your head thrown back, and your legs spread open. Soobin’s head was in between them as he teasingly sucked onto your clit through your panties, evocating a moan from you. Your dress was long forgotten, somewhere on the floor, and one of your breasts was out of your bra, but your attention was on something else at the moment. It was impossible to think about anything else but Soobin when his hands were squeezing your thighs, making sure your legs would stay open for him. 
“Please, Binnie,” you whined. “Mhm,” he hummed, his fingers finding their way to the hem of your panties before he yanked them down with one swift motion. He held them up, making sure you saw how soaked they were. “I am keeping those,” he stated with a smirk, making your eyes widen. “What? No!” You tried to argue, but the moment his lips were making out with your clit again, you gave up. He could take all your panties for all you cared if he kept making you feel this good. 
“What did you say?” He asked. “Take them,” you cried out, unable to hold back your moans as he started fingering you, soon bringing you to your first orgasm of that night. 
“There is no way,” you breathed out, watching Soobin put on the condom he brought earlier. “There’s no way what?” He questioned, coming closer to you again. You shook your head violently, putting your hands in front of your pussy as if you were trying to protect it. “You can’t possibly fit.” 
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll make it fit,” he assured you, chuckling when he saw the look on your face. “If you think you need it, we can set a safe word.” He suggested, cupping your cheeks. He wasn’t sure how to behave if he was honest. He knew he was big, but no one had a reaction like you yet. “No, I am fine,” you shook your head as if you were trying to prove yourself to him. “I was just surprised.” 
“Are you sure?” He asked, his fingers slowly rubbing your clit again. You closed your eyes from the pressure, quickly nodding to him. “I need you inside, please,” you begged him, and before you could realize it, his tip was already in you, making you gasp. 
“Can I move?” You nodded, your nails digging into the skin on his forearm as you held onto him. He groaned, sliding deeper into you. He was only half way in, but the way you clenched around him was already driving him crazy. He wasn’t sure how long he could last. 
“Just a bit more,” he said, noticing you were calmer when he talked to you. He never was someone who would talk much during sex, usually only letting out quiet groans or curses, but if it meant you could stop clenching around him so much, he was willing to give it a go. 
“You can go faster now,” you breathed, moaning out when you heard him groan. He didn’t need to be told twice and did as you said, finally going at a speed that suited his needs. He didn’t mind going slower while you were getting used to his size, but he knew he needed more than that to finish. 
“S-Slow down, I am close.” You gasped as his thrusts became even faster, harsher. You could tell he was reaching his high, making you clench around his cock once again. “You’re taking me so well,” he praised. The feeling of his veins on your walls was your last bit, making you cum around his cock. He was driving you crazy. 
“I am almost there, too,” he said, his groans becoming louder. 
With a few last thrusts, Soobin reached his orgasm, too. But even after he came, filling the condom with his cum, he didn’t pull out. And frankly, you were glad. You needed to feel him a bit more. 
He brushed off the messy strands of your hair off your face, looking at your fucked out face. You looked perfect, even ruined like this. It almost made him hard again. “Sleep in my room tonight,” he proclaimed, catching you off guard. “What?” 
“I don’t want you to sleep in Yeonjun’s bed anymore. Please,” he pleaded, leaning down to you. He was only centimeters away from you now, his cock still deep inside you while his breath landed on your lips. “Please,” he repeated himself, breaking the distance between you and pressing his lips on yours. 
It was the first kiss you exchanged, but you hoped it wasn’t the last.
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⋆✶ izzy's tags @beomiracles @seoulzie @adel222 @inkigayocamman @flowzel ✶⋆ want to get notified? join taglist here!
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charlotteiscrying · 11 months ago
i started tapering off my methadone at the start of march ! my addiction dr told me i should go down 1mg, wait a month, go down 1mg, wait a month, etc. i said lol no, that’d take 40 months, im going down 5mg, waiting a month, etc. i couldn’t even tell i took less. absolutely zero withdraw :,)
i will be completely sober around september how the math works out. i am so beyond proud of myself. i cannot wait to be totally off this. and hey, at least i don’t still gotta quick alcohol ! ooooo, you haven’t changed at all, you are right back where you started before you met me. drinking every day, drinking copious amounts of hard liquor everyday, n repeating the next. drinking so that you can not feel.
you made me feel so much, in such a short amount of time, and such not good feelings. you COULD have just had that conversation you didn’t want to have. if you never loved me, a 5 min convo on facetime would have saved me all this hurt. you actually chose the polar opposite, you chose to get my hopes up as high as possible. you told me you’re moving back home, that you can’t wait to be able to drive to me whenever. we had the sweetest, nicest, best facetime we had had in months, you said i’m sleepy i wanna go to bed, i said alright get some sleep ily, you said “I dOnT lOvE yOu” n hung up. i would not call that breaking up w me. i would simply call that confusing as hell. bc yk damn well you had said that same sentence to me a million times. how was i supposed to read your mind that that time was any different ?
regardless, you know what you did, you know why you did it, you know what came of it. you hurt me more than any other human ever has, in my entire life. you didn’t have to hurt me. you chose to. that’s what hurt the most. you couldn’t just have a 2 min convo on the phone, say “yea i truly don’t know what i want, but i do know i don’t love you, and i don’t want to be with you anymore. i never loved you. i’ve been lying this whole time. i was never serious about that ring. i lied to you abt that on your birthday. thank you for all the good times, but this is goodbye.” i would have been sad, but i would have been happy that you at least were man enough to say it to my face. how hard would that of been, huh ? or do you genuinely believe i don’t deserve that. i don’t deserve to know.
i don’t even want you to hurt now. i can’t even bring myself to wish harm on you. i truly just hope you’re happy. i hope karma comes around to you, and i know it will, but i don’t want you to hurt. i wish you hadn’t hurt me this bad, but i don’t want your life ruined. i don’t want you to be in prison for the rest of your life. do i think you deserve that ? more probable. but do i want that for you ? no, not at all. that is why i will take your secrets to my grave with me. you don’t deserve me to keep them to myself, but i always will. you trusted me enough to keep them secret, even though you hurt me worse than i’ve ever hurt before, i will always keep them secret. i don’t know if that makes me even more insane. it probably does. i wish i could wish harm onto you. i wish i wanted to see you hurt. i just don’t. you put me through more pain than detoxing off that fentanyl did. than my entire 7 year addiction did. i so desperately wish you hadn’t treated me how you did, but i want you to live a long happy fulfilling life. away from alcohol and percs and all the bad stuff. i hope you and that motorcycle get to live together happily ever after, amen.
i’m moving out so soon :) i’ve actually SAVED a LOT of money, i have enough right now to cover first and last month’s rent, the deposit, and i’ll still have several bands left over. next is buying a car, again.
i’m slowly rebuilding my life. you truly left me with nothing. this is the second time i’m having to start over from nothing. this is the 4th time i’ve had to save up from nothing to buy a car for myself. in 2 months my phone plan will be paid off, im taking my phone off my moms plan and putting it on my own line. i’m staying on my moms insurance till im 25, then i’ll get medicade. i think i know where i want to rent. i’m so excited.
i’ve gained 30lbs since the day i went to detox. i’m 107 lbs today. i was 87 lbs that day i showed up at the hospital. i love how i look more than ever. i am so happy with myself, my brain, my body, my heart. my boobs have tripled in size, my ass is HUGE, i’ve been working out everyday for months now.
my skin is CLEAR. i have ZERO acne on my face right now. i do my skincare every night, even if im falling asleep exhausted, i still get up n do it. i’m showering at least every 3 days.
i’ve been posting on onlyfans more, only solo stuff, my entire onlyfans is just me :) i had the best month i’ve ever had on there. without your dick being in a single video. i just hit the top 10% of all onlyfans creators, after less than a month of being active again. i’m un-device-banned, i have snap on this phone again !!! i’m gonna buy a microwave just to nuke that red phone in.
i got asked to walk in baltimore fashion week, i said no lol, but a modeling scout actually scouted me, is trying to get me in that industry as well. i got the opportunity to be in a vans commercial, not a ad, a mf commercial that’d play across the entire country. a fashion nova commercial too. i’m not sure if im gonna say yes. i’m still thinking on it.
i am just so happy. so many doors are opening for me, this is just the beginning. i’m taking myself all the way to the top. my black x is burnt he fucked pre-porn me. you are burnt you fucked drug addict, unhealthy, underweight, titless me.
i’m gonna keep making progress. i’m gonna keep taking small baby steps. i’m gonna continue saving, continue tapering off my methadone. pretty soon i’ll be totally sober, n you’ll be worse than ever.
n that’s another thing i realized. you didn’t even get through detox on your own. you pussied out on day 3, tweaked on 5 drs, beat them up till they shot you up with fentanyl !!! then you mf died, so the drs detoxed you, while you took a nap. you couldn’t even get through fentanyl withdraw on your own. i did :) you went psychotic for a week n you couldn’t deal with it. you’re permanently fucked up now bc of it. your brain will always be altered because of it. i live in psychosis. i’m psychotic everyday. you got to experience what i do, for a tiny fraction of the time, and you went so insane you died !!! imagine your brain bein like that 24/7. that’s why i remember every second of detox, i didn’t go insane, ive always been equally this insane. but i got through detox. i pushed through the pain. i felt all the emotions, all the anxiety, all the hurt, and i learned to push past it. not to push it down, to feel it, and to move on. to use all that pain as fuel to fire me.
i am invincible. i don’t need anyone. i don’t want anyone. i’m good alone. i have so much to prove, and im gonna do it. thank you for reminding me who i am. you fucked up doin that :)
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skinni-girls-eat-books · 1 year ago
Thursday, January 18th, 2024!
7:28am saw a pic of him on his brother's sc, looks the same as before. It was his brother's birthday yesterday and it looks like he had a lot of fun and I'm seriously proud of him. He deserves that shit.
As for any stirred feelings of him... Ofc he's gonna look completely normal in public, that's what they do. If he couldn't hold it together in public, he wouldn't have what little things he does have right now. I can totally see it now, like the bachelor party all over again where he blows his whole bank account OR lil ms bitch just paid for everything OR they really had the audacity to let the birthday kid pay for everything himself bc tbh he probably could and he's nice enough to not even mind genuinely. Who knew lil bro would be the most normal of the bunch, but again that actually makes me happy that he's normal lmao. But yeah, that karma will come little by little, slowly, death by a thousand cuts like he did to me. Enjoy your fun, we all know you're truly miserable on the inside you sociopath mf. When you go home and get in bed at night with just your thoughts, I know everything eats you up, completely drains you having to be so fake all the time. So, enjoy your parties before you become old and can no longer put up your facade. I'll be here, thriving bc I have always shown people my true self and *I don't lie* Lying will age you quickly my friend.
2:31pm I want to text him so much shitty stuff. I want him to know how much he fucked me up. He put so much anger and frustration and resentment in my life I hate him. I lost all respect and trust for him and can't believe he just ran away from it all. Fucking coward. Idk why I'm so angry today. Too much on my plate just too much I don't care about too much I don't want to do. I hate everything and everyone and literally just fuck everything. I deserve so much fucking better and I know now and I'm so angry at my former self. I can't go back, I can just go forward. Karma karma karma stupid fucking bitch. Fuck you fuck you fuck you I wish I could fucking choke you and inflict physical pain onto you so you could be shaking like I am right now. Shaking with anger and frustration I hate you I hate you I hate you.
8:29pm had a phone call with my school friend, even though we were talking about our project it felt good to just have an actual conversation with someone.... A normal person with no strange motive for talking to me. Loneliness does not look good on me. It literally makes me go crazy a bit. Just look at that stuff from earlier I've literally been mad all day long and it's just been building up inside of me. Insane I'm literally driving myself insane!! I just want normal give me normal boring please!!
11:32pm fuck leaving things until the last minute wtf is my homegirl doing like.... Girl I just did all the slides and you are literally AWOL I have no idea what the hell is going on 😂 my booty is literally sore from sitting here, I have no damn clue how in depth they want us to go with this, it's literally a fucking powerpoint, I feel completely clueless lmao. There's only like 2-3 big drugs used for this disease and just like ok..... And two much rarer medications for rare etiologies. I just want to crack open my bottle of wine, get dicked down and sleep in my own bed tbh 😂 I low-key hope that guy is on the same page or just kinda *forgets* about our conversation. I just can't with men rn. Tryna come over here for what?? Lmao I'm not about to have me a stalker no sir ik this pussy is good you wanna make me breakfast n shit aaaaaaa booty call on a Wednesday aaaaaa
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saninthebuilding · 2 years ago
"i got you" - bakugou
summary: life is shit. but there's bakugou
word count: 1k
warnings: swearing, emotions (ew), angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, self-deprecating thoughts, rough head-space, mental health issues (?), pre-established relationship
a/n: self-indulgent late night drabble bc i am so tired. in need of editing, which will be done later. i just needed this right now.
a/n 2.0: edited!
hope you enjoy it <3
i could feel it getting worse again.
the slow pull of life weighing me down as the days went by. it started with not feeling as hungry as i normally would- and i was a foodie, so that was a huge red flag. of course, me being me, i ignored it, excusing that feeling for feeling full from previous meals. then it progressed into me not enjoying my everyday hobbies, like drawing and reading. and now it has gotten really bad, because i was unable to summon the energy to do simple daily tasks, like getting out of bed.
i was slipping.
lying down with my head on my pillow, i stared up at the ceiling, my mind blank.
why did i come up here again?
i didn't know.
i didn't know anything anymore.
what the hell was i doing?
shaking my head, trying to get my thoughts in order, i forced myself to focus. to pay attention to the colour of the ceiling. to acknowledge how soft my bed was beneath me. to breathe.
since when was that so hard?
my phone rang from somewhere beside me, but i ignored it. i had no wish to reach over to grab it, just to entertain whoever was on the other end of the line.
hell, i couldn't even entertain myself anymore.
but it rang again.
and then again.
and again.
groaning, i rolled over and snatched it up from the folds in my sheets, only to put it on silent and shove it away from me.
falling back onto my pillow, i let out a heavy exhale, feeling my back press into the mattress beneath me. my chest rose and fell in time with my deep breaths, and i closed my eyes.
oh right. i was trying to go to sleep.
letting out a harsh laugh that lacked true amusement to an empty room, i turned onto my side, placing my hand under my cheek
this week had been hell.
my parents had been chewing me out for something stupid that i'd done a week ago. i had no clue what it was, probably something i said when i wasn't paying attention.
you never pay attention.
my teacher was on my ass about getting an oral presentation done, even though she knew i had some form of anxiety when it came to public speaking.
you can't even talk to people properly? pathetic.
and worst of all, i had been slacking in hero training these few days. it was clear the lack of food, sleep and overall energy was catching up to me.
gritting my teeth, i closed my eyes in an attempt to get rid of the constant stream of self-deprecating thoughts in my head.
if i really tried, maybe i could get better.
if i wanted it bad enough, i could be happy again.
could i?
because i was just so tired.
so fucking tired.
of everything.
sleeping for the rest of my life sounds nice.
a knock at my window jolted me upright, my vision blurring for a split second due to the sudden movement. i spun toward the noise, only to see a spiky-haired blonde crouched on my windowsill, glaring at me through the glass with angry red eyes.
shit. what's he doing here?
bakugou kept glaring at me, his gaze practically screaming all the things he would do to me if i didn't open the fucking window. reluctantly, i forced myself to my feet, swaying a little as i walked over to open the window.
"to what do i owe the pleasure?" i asked, putting on a teasing tone.
bakugou saw right through it.
"cut it out and let me in," he grumbled as he jumped down from the ledge and into my room. "you let yourself in" i muttered, but shut the window behind him nonetheless.
"why did you ignore my calls?" he asked, the irritation he was feeling making itself known through his voice.
"i was sleeping" i said, the lie coming easily. or trying to.
he rolled his eyes, turning away from me, but stopped short. he took one look around my room, assessing the messy bed, my training clothes dumped unceremoniously on the floor, and my homework spread out haphazardly on my desk, and before turning to me.
surprisingly, his gaze was soft, prior annoyance forgotten.
"what the fuck is going on?" he asked quietly.
and it was those words that undid me.
i felt everything i'd been pushing down come rushing up, and i only managed to take two steps towards my bed before collapsing to the floor.
bakugou caught me before i hit the ground.
"oi, oi" he breathed, his arms wrapped around my upper body in an attempt to keep me upright- "what the fuck happened?"
i buried my face in his shoulder, inhaling the scent of slightly burned caramel that seemed to follow him wherever he went, and felt tears beginning to stream down my face.
i was crying. great.
he guided me to sit on the bed, before leaning back against the headboard with me. without question, he pulled the covers over the both of us, before holding me close, and letting me cry.
the silence in my room was almost deafening, save for my muffled sniffling due to his black tank top. i could feel his biceps under my arms, and his chest firm against my hands.
screw him for having his muscles out at this ungodly hour.
"you know," he said after a while, "you could have told me. i would have come here long before it got like this."
trying hard not to hiccup, i shook my head from where i lay on his chest. "no, i-"
"don't be stubborn with me" bakugou groused, before shifting so he could look down at me, "you wouldn't be bothering me or some shit."
i stared up at him, before turning away.
"i'm sorry."
"shut it. the fuck you sorry for? i got you, alright."
and despite everything, i let myself smile just a little.
"i love you" i whispered.
there was a moment of silence, before he hugged me to his chest and placed a soft kiss to the top of my head.
"i love you too, y/n."
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immasock · 3 years ago
Iam going to take my word and just dump every idea that pops into my mind here that has piled up in my mind these few days, you might aswell close your requests before I bombard your inbox.
1) Platonic relationships with MC whose atleast 12 - 16 years old
I want hcs from them of having MC watch a horror movie with them then when hoes to sleep, MC wears a white victorian nightgown then shows up beside the brothers' beds in the middle of the night staring at them while they sleep before they actually ask to sleep with them bc they are scared 😂😂. Imagine if they get 'slightly' startled or scared lolol
Wait no that’s hilarious-
I am LIVING for your ideas oh my god
I’m still working on that first one but I gotta do this one
Teen!MC Scaring the brothers after a horror movie
Pronouns: They/Them (but MC does wear a white gown)
It’s movie night in the HoL and no one knew what to watch. You were scrolling through the options when you found a human realm classic. The Ring. Now you weren’t the BIGGEST fan of horror movies but you did like them. So you clicked on it. As the movie went on, everything seemed normal. Mostly everyone seemed to enjoy it. Sure they got scared at the scenery and the jump scares but that’s what the movie is for
Later that night, after everyone else has gone and fallen asleep, you’re still lying awake. You just can’t seem to fall asleep. You just have a bad feeling from that movie. So you get up in your white, Victorian nightgown, and go to your favorite demons room. You slowly open up their door and creep up next to their bed
You stand there, staring at them until they wake up
This old man was dead asleep
For once
Man’s never gets to sleep
So why you gotta do this to him-
He wakes up
For whatever reason
He opens his eyes and the first thing he catches in his peripheral vision is you, standing over his bed, in a white gown, staring at him
Man is freaked out
He gasps before realizing it’s you and giving you a dirty look
Do you know how late it is?
Why are you up?
Oh. You can’t sleep?
Well no wonder
You ask him if you can sleep in his bed with him and he decides he’ll wait to scold you for scaring him in the morning
For now it’s late and you both need sleep
So get in
He is such a scaredy cat I love him
He hadn’t been able to fall asleep either
So he was on his phone
However he was so engrossed in whatever was on his phone that he failed to notice this child in a white gown sneaking up to his bed
When he finally does notice tho
He screams
And I mean shrieks
It probably woke someone up if I’m being honest
“Human what the hell are you doing here?? Geez you nearly gave me a heart attack!!!!”
He has half a mind to not let you sleep in his bed with him
But if he’s being real, he’s scared too so he very quickly agrees
Just don’t pull a stunt like that again
Another one that isn’t asleep either
Not cause he’s scared but because that movie cut into his game time and he has to make up for it
He is also way too absorbed in his game to notice you
When you pop up behind him and ask if you can sleep in his room he nearly dies
Man’s jumps out of his chair, falls over, and is still screaming
He realizes it’s just you
Which does not make it better
He starts to ramble about how you made him die in his game and how it took him ages to get to that level so now he has to start over
You’re just standing there like “okay but can I sleep in here tonight?”
He agrees since he isn’t gonna be using his bed but points out that his bathtub probably won’t be that comfortable for you
You don’t care
Of course
And make yourself as cozy as you can before falling asleep
Do you have a death wish?
He doesn’t want to hurt you
He really doesn’t
But when he wakes up to you staring at him like that, he comes very close
Can you blame him tho?
You startled the avatar of wrath
He doesn’t actually do anything to you but, because he’s startled, his demon form instinctively comes out
And then he realizes it’s just you and that you’re asking to sleep in his room cause you can’t sleep
Once he calms down he offers to read you to sleep
But because he’s petty he picks a horror novel
You’re standing at his bed
Staring at him
In your little white gown like the tiny menace you are
And you poke him
He’s a heavy sleeper
You had no choice
He wakes up
Already not happy that his beauty sleep got interrupted
But then he sees you
And screams
Like a little girl
It’s very funny and it kinda hurts your ears a bit
Some of his brothers definitely woke up
You ask if you can sleep in his bed and, once he’s done scolding you about how you shouldn’t wake people up and how he needs his beauty sleep and that this is all really bad for his skin, he agrees
I think Beel is a light sleeper
He hears you come in and go to his bed
And he feels you staring at him
He opens his eyes and looks over to you
The sight of you is a little creepy but it doesn’t effect him all that much
He kinda just asks you if you’re okay and when you ask if you can sleep in his bed he hold up is blanket for you
Unlike his twin he is a very deep sleeper
Not even the HoL burning down could wake this man up
So you don’t even bother
You crawl into bed with him and fall asleep
When he wakes up in the morning tho
He feels another person next to him and looks over to see who it is
What he wasn’t expecting was you
He jumps
Man’s is wide awake
This wakes you up and so you’re confused as to why he looks scared
He yells at you for scaring him like that
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scott-mccall-the-hot-girl · 3 years ago
back at it again with more unfinished blurbs for potential thiam fics! pls interact with this
title: ancient history
concept: inspired by ancient history by set it off. liam & theo live together, becoming close to liam is one of theo’s biggest fears because comfortable feels like a crime. liam biggest fear is that theos big fat mouth will mention what happened in that elevator. theo takes a trip to a college during this time to get a feel of the world beyond beacon hills.
( part 1 | part 2 )
7:43 PM
LD: did you know my mom said the phrase "i miss theo" 27 times today?
TR: missing jenna hours
TR: how many times did you agree?
LD: i'm glad you are gone
TR: not to be presumptuous but i know that's a lie?
LD: can you hear my heart beat in east ass fuck?
TR: you wish.
TR: also it's the valley liam, not fucking kalamazoo
LD: i found out kalamazoo is a real place the other day. i almost peed my pants.
TR: if you piss anywhere near your bed i'm not coming back
LD: you do have your own bed
TR: i have a couch
LD: better than your truck?
TR: my truck is free of your snoring
LD: but snoring is better than the couch?
9:32 PM
TR: did you know campus has their own build your own crepe bar
LD: i fucking love crepes
TR: i'll bring you one
LD: it will be cold!
TR: does jenna know how ungrateful you are?
TR: she loves me!
LD: she only tolerates you because you do the dishes
TR: i don't even have a mother liam, this really offensive
LD: shut the fuck up
TR: i'm going to bed
TR: alone!
TR: free from any beastly noises that radiate from your side of the bed!
LD: goodnight asshole
3:25 AM:
LD: i said that i misses you 34 times today
LD: i lied, then i lied again bc you said you knew i was lying. i can't tell if your joking.
LD: i think i need to talk to my therapist bc i can't sleep without you
LD: but i'm tired as all fuck, that's probably why i'm sending you these!
LD: embarrassment to deal with later
LD: for now i'd like to inform you i'm not ready for you to go to college & if you laugh at me when i cry at graduation i'll shoot you in the asshole.
LD: like straight through the asshole.
LD: i think i'm really selfish.
TR: you are the farthest from selfish
LD: fuck you go to bed
LD: i'm having a moment
TR: define the selfish thing for me?
LD: i wish you could have chosen me instead bc then i could hate you now with good reason & i would have gotten you, just had the opportunity... even if it was fake.
LD: oh fucking christ
TR: you are an idiot
LD: thanks theo! love the support!
"Did you fall asleep like that?" Theo asked hesitantly.
Liam, flat on his back, phone in hand, sprawled out like an overgrown starfish choked violently on whatever sleep drawn spit settled in his throat, Theo chuckled.
"It's seven in the morning! You had at least two more assembly's to sit through! What the fuck Theo! Why are you home? Oh god Theo you are home…"
Because like he said, it was seven and the morning so of course, after a very long trip back to Beacon Hills Liam was yelling. If you asked him four minutes ago he probably would have been happy to see him too.
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missmorosis · 4 years ago
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being stupid at 3am
-> feat. oikawa, kuroo, bokuto and bonus. tsukishima
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word count: 800
genre: fluff, crack-ishhh
no bc these are all actual conversations ive had with myself at 3am HEHDHD
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"Mmm, do jellyfish have brains?" you asked, your eyes spaced out as you spoke your thoughts aloud. It was a genuine question, and you needed an answer.
"Wha-" You saw Oikawa, who was lying down next to you, turn to face you in your peripheral.
"Y'know, they're all clear and stuff." Your eyes met his. "Where's their brain?"
"Wait. Y/N." Suddenly he was wide awake, and he bolted upright, reaching for his phone. He opened up Google on his phone, his fingers typing fast to find an answer.
He misspelled "jellyfish" in both excitement and sleepiness, instead spelling it as “jelylyfsh” but the search engine got the idea. He pinched his screen to zoom in onto an image of the bowl shape of the jellyfish, and low and behold: there was no visible brain, like you expected.
"WHERE IS IT?" He looked back at you with wide eyes.
"Maybe they don't have a brain? They just vibe in the ocean, brainless. Like... zombies," he reasoned, sticking his arms out ahead of him, mimicking a stereotypical zombie. Most logical answer possible.
"They just..." you looked for the right words, "...bop around." You leaned back into your bed, moving from your sitting position into a sleeping position. Your eyes traced the edge of the ceiling as you thought about what jellyfish truly did.
"I wish I could be a jellyfish." He flopped his head onto your stomach, you becoming his personal pillow. His arm hung off the edge of the bed, casually swinging as he thought. "You could sting who you wanted and you don't even have to think. You just dance and float all day,” he sighed, his hands moving animatedly as he spoke, and you hummed in agreement.
You loved this "free" and "silly" side of Oikawa: something you saw the most past 2am. He had always worried about being perfect during the day, around his fangirls, classmates, and such, and while he still had fun, he wasn't as carefree. Maybe that was why you wanted to stay up later.
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“Who decided that ‘gen z' was known as ‘gen z'?" you voiced. It was just on your mind, and Kuroo blinked at you, squinting his eyes because he had trouble keeping them open. "Like... did we all just collectively decide on that?"
"You're still awake?" he asked. You nodded, clearly wide-eyed.
Sleep was not one of your intentions; you just wanted to know why "gen z" was "gen z," and who had decided on it. It couldn't just be an overnight decision if everyone in the world referred to your generation as "gen z."
"Go to sleep," he muttered, his voice small and raspy with sleepiness. He trapped you with his leg, pulling you closer as he tried to pull you into sleep as well. He tucked his nose into your shoulder, mumbling other thoughts incoherently.
"But who decided?" you pressed.
"I don't know, but we can find out in the morning." You groaned: you needed to know now rather than in the morning.
"It's already morning," you reasoned. You gestured to your clock, ticking away on the wall, which flashed "3am" to back you up.
"Technically yeah, but 3am is still considered night for many, since people go to sleep at this time." His eyes were closed, but his mouth kept moving, which you somehow found attractive.
"Tetsurouuuu, I need to know." You pouted, but he couldn't see, of course, since his eyes were closed.
"You'll know... in the morning." You huffed. "Sleep."
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"Why are hippos purple in like little kids's books?" Bokuto asked randomly, and you hummed.
"That's why I'm saying!" You talked with wide hand gestures. "What about elephants, why are they blue? Both are gray, anyways." He nodded eagerly in agreement. "Why do you ask?" He looked at you proudly before sticking a piece of paper in your face.
"I'm coloring!" Bokuto cheered, and you grasped the paper he shoved into you. It looked like something straight out of a kindergartener's homework. It was like a safari of colors if it was on a paper.
"You're coloring... at three in the morning?" He looked to the wall clock, confirming that it was indeed three am.
"I guess so." He shrugged, as if coloring some printable coloring page from the internet was more important than sleep.
"Can I join you?" You smiled, and he grinned back even wider.
"Of course!" He handed you some blue for the skies, and the two of you got to work.
The crayon compared to Bokuto's hand was tiny, and you were surprised to see how carefully and gracefully he was able to fill out the lines of animals. Impressive.
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bonus: tsukishima
"Why do donuts have hol-" you started, but Tsukishima put one hand out blindly to cover your mouth.
"Okay." There was no arguing with Tsukki.
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Haikyuu Taglist: @floralkawa ​ @ray-ofmoonlight ​ @sushijimawakatoshi ​ @bokutsumie ​ @felixsamour ​​
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apricotgojo · 4 years ago
hello love! I got bored and thought of this. So it’s the readers bday and they like Adrien. Adrien like the reader and marinette hates that he does. So like reader is planning on throwing a party bc it’s their birthday so marinette decided to throw a party on the same day at the same time. And since reader is kinda new, everyone decided to go to Mari’s party. So that happens, but when Adrien gets to readers party, they’ve done gone batshit crazy, like screaming, crying, smashing things, idk just losing their shit. Not like in anger, they’re just really hurt by it. No hawk moth tho😩 hawkdaddy go on vacay or sum🤺🤺 Mk sorry this is long and it’s late and I’m kiiinndaaa drunk and in da feels anyway bye bye
HELLO ANON! SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT BUT HERE IT IS! I never thought that i would have to write about mean marinette but here i am LMAO. i hope you like it bb <33
Pairing: Adrien Agreste X Reader
Warnings: Swearing. 
Tags: angst, Marinette is a bitch in this oops, alexa play pity party by melaine martinez. 
“Love, Adrien.”
“Wow, that’s really cringey Adrien.”
“Shut up plagg, I need to confess to her some way or another.”
Adrien Agreste is sprawled out on his bed and he just finished writing a birthday card for you. Yes, it was quite cheesy but he decided that today was going to be the day he confesses his feelings towards you. He’s had his eye on you ever since your first day of school and you’ve both gotten closer to each other, flirting constantly but never making a move. Needless to say, he was head over heels for you and was too much of a pussy to ever admit it. But tonight was the night.
You invited him over to your house for your birthday party along with your other classmates and he didn’t even think twice to agree – especially since his dad is at a fashion expo in Spain. All he wanted was for you to have the best birthday party you could possibly have. You really meant a lot to him.
  his thoughts disappear when all of a sudden his phone beeps.
  ‘Sorry, can’t come tonight.’ You frowned as you stared at your phone, seeing a text from Marinette. You and her weren’t really that close to be honest but you still wished for her to come and have a good time. You sighed and plopped down on your bed. It’s your sweet 16th and you wanted it to be perfect. You hoped that enough people would show up. It was your first birthday here in Paris and although you haven’t been here for a while, you thought that you already made close connections with your classmates, especially a certain blond.
All you wanted was for him to show up mostly, maybe tonight you could make a move. Maybe tonight you could possibly hold his hand, maybe dance with him, maybe give him a kiss on his soft cheek or a small peck on the lips-
Your face heated up at that thought and a grin appeared on your face. You hugged your pillow and quietly squealed. Tonight was the night and nothing could possibly ruin it.
Or so you hoped.
 Everywhere was decorated with fairy lights, balloons and glitter. Music was already playing and there were drinks and snacks for everyone to enjoy. You were wearing the outfit you’ve been planning for ages and you were sitting down, leg bouncing as you wait for people to arrive.
Did you get the time incorrect? you did mention to everyone that you’re meeting up at 7pm. It was 7:15.
Maybe they were running late? But how could it be that all of them were running late?
You furrow your eyebrows and grab your phone. You go on Instagram to see if anyone posted anything about their whereabouts.
Kim was live.
You click on it and see him walking through a crowd of people.
“Marinette, this party is amazing!” you hear him shout.
“Thanks Kim.” You hear her say.
Your jaw drops Anger starts bubbling inside of you.
Kim turns the phone up and shows Nino on the dj stand. He waves to the camera.
“Adrien! say hi to my live.” Adrien appears next to Kim. He was caught off guard. He smiles sheepishly and waves at the camera awkwardly.
Your phone drops out of your grasp and tears start rolling down your cheeks furiously.
 Adrien was looking everywhere for you. it was already 8pm and he was wondering when you’d show up. He held your gift and note close to his chest, he wanted to personally give them to you.
“H-hey Adrien..” The voice of Marinette makes him turn around to face her.
“Marinette! Where’s the birthday girl?” He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
Marinette stares at him for a moment and nervously chuckles. “oh- well- she uh- she can’t make it!” He shrugs and laughs again. “did you get something to drink? We have pomegranate juice, peach lemonade, spr-“
“what do you mean she can’t make it? Why the hell is the party still going?” Adrien questions, looking around in disbelief.
“Adrien i-“
“Marinette, your plan is totally working, can’t believe everyone fell for- “ Alya stops speaking when she notices that Adrien is in front of her and purses her lips.
Adrien stares at Marinette for a moment, narrowing his eyes and shaking his head. “On her own birthday? Marinette, this is so not like you.” He was disgusted by her actions.
“Adrien wait!” She calls out. “I can explain.”
“I don’t know why you did this, or what the hell is wrong with you but this was really low. I’m out of here.” He glares at her before walking away from her.
 You were out of control. You cried, you screamed, you threw everything you saw in front of your eyes until you fell on your knees, sobbing.
You couldn’t believe Marinette would do this, you couldn’t believe everyone would do this to you, especially Adrien.
You thought you’ve grown close to the people in your class but you were wrong. They didn’t show up to your birthday party, they lied to you. Your heart was broken.
You held your knees close to your chest as the music lowly played behind you. It was mostly drawn out by your sobs and sniffles.
You hear footsteps approaching you and you look up, with red puffy eyes and see a familiar blond through your blurry vision.
It was Adrien. You look away and sob even harder at the thought of him seeing you like this, with everything destroyed around you. Why did he come here? Did he want to taunt you further?
He kneels down next to you and rubs your shoulder, moving you to his chest and causing you to nuzzle your face there.
“I hate this. I hate today, I hate Marinette.” You mumble. Maybe hate was a strong word, but you didn’t care at that moment.
You look up at him. “Why did you come here Adrien? Do you want to make me feel even more embarrassed than I already am?” You croak out.
He shakes his head. “Please, I swear to you Marinette told me that your birthday party was moved to her place, she told everyone that.” He sighs and shows you his phone so you could see the message Marinette sent him.
“Fucking bitch!” You exclaim and hide your face in your hands again.
“Hey, hey. I got here as soon as I found out she was lying. All I wanted was to celebrate your birthday and make you happy” He says quietly.  “I’m so fucking sorry that this happened.” He says and rests his head against yours in a comforting manner.
You look up at him and wipe your eyes, sniffling. “Well, there’s nothing I can do now. It’s ruined.” You mumble and sigh. “I thought Marinette was my friend you know?” You mutter.
“I know.” Adrien nods and looks down. He stares at the card in his hand and bites his lip, his heart racing at the thought of giving this to you.  “Maybe this will make you feel better.” He says, a small smile twitching on his lips as he hands you the envelope.
You widen your eyes and look up at him as if hesitant to open it. You open it though and you begin to read it.
Ever since the first time I saw you, you absolutely took my breath away. Ever since the day I first saw you, I thought to myself that I have to get to know you better. I did. And that may have been one of the best decisions of my life. You have a beautiful mind, a beautiful soul and a beautiful heart. To be honest, I think I keep falling for you every day. Happy birthday Ma belle, i hope you have the best one yet.
Love, Adrien.
Tears start rolling down your cheeks again, but this time it was because of his sweet words. Your heart finally felt whole.
You look up at him with glistening eyes and give him a wobbly smile.
He smiles sheepishly at you. “Will you go on a date with me?” He asks.
You didn’t even answer, you just leaned in and placed your lips on his.
It was small, but you felt fireworks burst inside of you.
You pull away and watch him flutter his eyes at you, his cheeks glowing red.
“Does that answer your question?” You ask.
He chuckles and kisses you again.
Maybe your birthday wasn’t so bad after all.
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