#why can't we just have one peaceful day on this island
loomsims · 6 months
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The newest and biggest development on the island since Edwards temporary departure, is the construction of Niamh and Mavericks new home! Since Niamh is currently PREGNANT and in a committed (?) relationship with Maverick, they have decided to move in together. I'm not sure how committed Niamh is to the relationship though, because as soon as Edward said hello she kissed this man RIGHT on the lips in front of her NEW man!
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flying-fangirls · 28 days
As a music, religion, and literature nerd, the Dies Irae has been one of my favorite go-to pieces of trivia for a long time, which means that this line:
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Has been driving me batshit BONKERS since part 42! And also as a semi-professional media analysis yapper, I figured I might as well dive into the exact reasons I jumped up and audibly gasped upon first hearing this line and have subsequently lost my mind since then. So!
Here is why I think that the Dies Irae is the perfect analogy for John and Arthur:
Let's start with the most straightforward meaning: "Dies Irae" is a Latin term, and it translates to the "Day of Wrath." Or otherwise known as the Judgement Day, the foretold second coming in Catholic canon, when Christ will "come again in glory to judge the living and the dead." It's at this Last Judgement where God will wield perfect justice to send the worthy to everlasting peace and the unworthy to everlasting punishment. (everyone say "thank you" to excessive childhood Catholic lessons for burning this into my brain)
There's a kind of irony to the fact that Arthur so vehemently rejects Christianity and religion as a whole, and that John spends much of his arc trying to distance himself from the role/identity of a god, yet both are given this incredibly religious title, effectively restricting them from ever forgetting the presence/influence of religion in their lives.
This title has a couple layers though, because we have to consider why it's the Day of Wrath specifically that represents Arthur and John. Now, I don't think I have to tell you that those two are bursting with anger 80% of the time. But I am going to tell you that those two are not just angry, but moreso "divine fury" incarnate.
The Day of Wrath, the Final Judgment, is the final and eternal judgment of God on all: "For now before the Judge severe / all hidden things must plain appear; / no crime can pass unpunished here." (Dies Irae, Dies Illa). The final Judge, the all-powerful God, can see the objective morality of every single person, and is thus the sole, rightful determiner of fate.
This assumption of their right to perfectly and single-handedly decide others' worthiness shows up over and over, not just John and Arthur's actions, but also in how they describe these judgments.
When Arthur kills the widow on the island, it's not because she was dangerous, but because she was a cultist who "deserved" to be punished.
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When John and Arthur need to get rid of Mr. Scratch's stone, John says they should give it to "criminals" who are "deserving of this curse." Even though, just moments before, Arthur refused to give the stone to Oscar because to do so would be to cursing him to a fate of eternal suffering.
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And I can't go into every single detail about the entire Larson plotline because this post would double in size, but it obviously needs to be included here. Possibly the strongest tie between this arc and the idea of the Dies Irae is Arthur's conviction through it all. Arthur vows that he is going to kill Larson in divine retribution not because he wants to, but because he has to. He even goes so far as to admit that killing Larson will be a mistake, a cruel and overly-bloodthirsty action that goes against his compassion. But killing Larson isn't a choice to Arthur, it is the unavoidable punishment for Larson's sins and Arthur is simply the enactor of justice. Just like the Final Judgment, there is no sympathy, no hesitancy— the judgment is absolute, divinely ordained, and cannot be stopped no matter how undeniably horrific it is.
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If we look at the Catholic Catechism, principle 2302 states that it is sinful to kill out of desire, but that it is "praiseworthy to impose restitution" and use violence to "maintain justic." So even if Arthur has intent to kill, his actions count as divinely sanctioned. He is acting as the hand of God's punishment.
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Over the course of Season 3 and 4, Arthur's fiery rage dies down to a more gentle simmer, but his conviction only seems to grow, and John follows suit. Despite previously reprimanding Arthur for his unquestioning wrath, John eventually becomes just as convinced that Larson "deserves" to face a wrathful reckoning. The "fact" that Larson is wholly unforgivable and is fated to receive eternal punishment becomes more indisputable in their minds, and they both stop questioning the morality of their intentions, entirely convinced of their judgment.
Throughout the story, Arthur and John insist upon the importance of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness, and say that these are the values that guide their every action. Yet, time and time again, they approach certain people with nothing but wrath and resentment. It's a sharp contrast to the benevolent figures they make themselves out to be, and Arthur and John are often blind to the contradiction because, in their eyes, they are still following those values in every action. And in the moments when they do recognize their horrific words or actions, they still cannot let their judgment go, convinced that it is their "duty" either way.
In Part 35, Arthur says "Just because you can't make the hard decision, doesn't mean it's wrong." This is exactly how John and Arthur view themselves. They know that some of their actions are harsh and violent and painful, but they are don't view that violence as wrong, because they are enacting that violence in justice. They move through life with carefully-selected destruction, culling the world of those they view as unforgivable sinners, and punishing them with divine righteousness. Arthur and John carry righteous fury in their every step, bringing the Day of Wrath down upon the world around them.
Now, there's already a ton of meaning just in this religious allusion alone. However, there's another application of the Dies Irae in modern culture, which brings us to the second side of this title:
Back in the 13th century (sounds like a familiar setting...), friar Thomas of Celano wrote a poem for and about the Dies Irae. The poem was recited at Requiem Mass (church services to honor the dead), and it ended up being set to a Gregorian chant tune.
Over time, this melody has been used by a variety of composers, but the one we're focused on is Hector Berlioz. In 1837, Berlioz used the Dies Irae melody as part of his narrative symphony, Grand Messe de morts, in order to communicate that the main character had died. Then a lot of other composers saw that and said "Hey that's a cool idea!", and started also using this melody to represent death in their music. Nowadays, it's a fairly staple part of modern film and musical storytelling. If you've listened to literally any major soundtrack, then there's a good chance you've heard this motif (or a variation of it) used before. It's often subtle, sometimes loud and obvious, but no matter what, it reveals the inevitable presence of death. (essentially, the Dies Irae=death)
Now, obviously there's something tragically ironic about Arthur being likened to a musical motif when he tries so hard to distance himself from it, and there's something tragically ironic about John being associated with such a dark piece of music when he shows so much fascination and joy toward the art. Again, though, we've got some layers here. Yorick doesn't just compare Arthur and John to the Dies Irae, he literally defines them as the Dies Irae, a full embodiment of it.
Even before the story started, Arthur lost both of his parents, his friend and wife, his daughter, and his best friend.
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John, when he was part of the King in Yellow, knew only how to harm and attack. In the Dark World, he falls back on this fearful lashing out with violence, harming even more people.
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And throughout the story, John and Arthur seem to bring devastation to everyone else around them: Lilly the buopoth, Oscar, Noel, Collins, Daniel, Larson and Yellow.
The arrival of Dies Irae musical motif in a film always indicates that death is approaching or that is has already struck— a host carrying its blight to spread onto others. Just like the musical motif, the arrival of Arthur and John foretells the near-arrival of death. They play a duet together— John and Arthur, and death— always singing and dancing around and with each other.
These two never succumb to death, always finding a way to slip through its fingers and survive every situation. But they cannot escape death's presence because they are death's partner— singing the melody to death's subtle harmony. They cannot escape death because they are its host— destined to carry and spread devastation to death's victims. From the moment you meet John and Arthur, you know that death is inevitably approaching just a step behind, waiting to strike you down.
Whether it's the religious or musical side, we can see that John and Arthur are the literal embodiment of these allusions. They carry these powers and ideas in their every action and word, in their every step, in their very breath and blood.
Arthur and John. The hands of God's justice. The enactors of divine fury.
Arthur and John. The hosts of blight and destruction. The partner of death's song.
The man himself. The voice inside his head.
The Day of Wrath. The Dies Irae.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
lover from another nation ~ hcs .
characters !! all the genshin men i could think of rn...
note !! it's been a while since i've written hcs for a lot! aaaah just some thoughts i had today (i had a few culture shocks here and there when i met up with new friends hahahah)
~ m o n d s t a d t ~
grabbing zhongli by the hand to dance and sing in the middle of the square because mondstadters live for the festivities! he quickly learns to freestyle dance along with you, moving with the crowd and cheers and wine. (remember that Tangled scene? yes)
kaveh wasn't sure how to react the day you ordered hard liquor on your first date. sure, your freedom and love for a good drink is one of the things which made him fall for you but wow– are you really gonna down that many glasses on a date? what do you mean you're still sober?
ayato finds himself in love with the way you sing. it doesn't follow the rules of inazuman opera at all; it's much more freeing (much like how his house help sings as he does chores) and you'd tell him stories and the history of your homeland in the form of songs. no mondstadter could ever forget the songs they grew up listening to!
heizou being almost appalled by your rather... robust and reckless nature. you don't have any backup plans whenever a situation goes south, you simply hold his hand, smile, and say "we go where the wind blows!"
~ l i y u e ~
diluc having chopsticks as part of your dining utensils because sometimes, you're more comfortable eating with it (let's not forget often having rice on the table! he must learn the joys of garlic rice with his steak <3)
dainsleif stays by your side as you offer incense and fruits to your ancestors. he whispers quiet prayers, bows when you do, and helps you clean their altars. he finds solace in the familial piety of liyuens– it makes him wish he could honor his ancestors with the same kind of peace as you do.
kazuha getting tongue tied over the language being so similar to inazuman but also so different– why are some of the characters the same? why are the meanings different? there's a bit of miscommunication in the start, but you both find your own ways to understand each other when words fail.
we all know gorou has always wanted to climb the mountains of liyue and you made it possible! meeting him by the docks and touring him around your home nation, you made sure to pick hiking routes with the most scenic spots, even managing to tour him around the jade palace and the floating lone island.
~ i n a z u m a ~
kaeya has no idea how you sit on the floor while being comfortable. you've made him sit with you once while reading a book, after that, his bones ached for days! shaking every time he stood back up!
albedo met you in the irodori festival- he painted you for practice and spark between you started. the long distance was difficult at first, but his long letters always had a little drawing of you and you'd send back the scent of cherry blossoms. klee would also send you letters, asking you to come visit soon!
childe loves a new fighting style; like most sword users in inazuma, you followed the raiden shogun's teachings– swift, efficient, and at one with the sword. he loves how you fight and it's often how you end your dates!
cyno was almost confident that you were playing a prank the day you said you'll make him your specialty and you showed him a platter of raw seafood. it's "sashimi and ngiri" you say, and he waited for you to explain the pun of your joke. it wasn't a joke.
~ s u m e r u ~
thoma is quite used to mondstadters and inazumans, two very different cultures, then he meets you and your sumeru upbringing! you show him how to cook foods that can be eaten with hands, and your menu is often so colorful he can't help but admire it!
itto doesn't really understand the study culture of sumeru, but he totally supports whatever it is you're talking about and tries to add in comments (his comments don't exactly make sense though...)
scaramouche, in his "path of redemption and healing", unwillingly gets involved with you as you show him around the beautiful parts of sumeru! you argue that he needs a different, better outfit with a color scheme that matches his vision. he insists that the hat stays. you tell him he looks like an aranara.
~ s n e z h n a y a ~
al haitham was almost concerned the day you got a heatstroke after being in the desert for no more than a few minutes. snezhnaya has prepared you for harsh weather, but never the heat. soon enough your lover is carrying around heatstroke-first aid packs just for you.
bundling up tighnari's fluffy ears before setting foot in snezhnaya because you just know the cold would practically freeze them off. his tail also gets wrapped and bundled warm in the large coats you wear, protection from the harsh snow. he says he looks like a big lummox.
note !! alright, choose your favorite dynamic! i personally think mondstadters with liyue/inazuma would be interesting maybe because i want to force feed them the joys of rice...
// if i misinterpreted a culture then umm... just know it wasn't intentional and let's consider it a real thing in teyvats culture 🫣😎
commissions || general m.list
taglist !! @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @roriver @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrade @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytani @klutzkat @stygianoir14 @shizunxie @bluriie @aestellia @abyislan08
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celestiababie · 2 years
Stay At Home Husband! Mingyu Part 3...
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Pairings: Stay at home husband! Mingyu x fem! reader
Genre: Smut with plot, fluff, hint of angst (nothing too bad I promise)
Warnings: Cursing, talks of traditional gender roles :/, getting cockblocked multiple times (once by your daughter), fingering (m), pegging, cum eating, use of the word slut once, reader can't cook in this. Let me know if I need to add anything else
Word Count: 7.255k (this is the longest thing I've posted oof—)
Summary: You try and find ways to give back to your loving husband...with a few trial and error.
A/N: Here's part 3 of this wonderful saga. I had so much fun writing this and I'm actually proud of it which is a weird feeling. I hope it doesn't disappoint those who wanted a third part! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Credit to the anon who gave me an idea for part of this fic!
Series Masterlist
Y/DN = Your daughter's name...I didn't want to just make up a name everyone hated pfft
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Ever since your previous rendezvous a few days ago with your husband, he noticed something different about you—or rather: how you were treating him.
You've always been a fantastic wife. He couldn't ask for a better woman to marry, but there were very distinct roles in the relationship that kept him comfortable and at peace. He found purpose in cooking breakfast every morning for you and your beautiful daughter, which is why it surprised him to wake up one morning with a noticeable absence on your side of the bed. The smell of pancakes and bacon confused his brain, making him question if he was dreaming.
But all his dreams included you, so that couldn't have been it.
He made his way to the kitchen, still groggy from waking up. He rubbed his eyes as his eyes suddenly came into focus on your figure, scrambling around the kitchen with a look of frustration on your face.
This wasn't right—cooking breakfast was his job.
Your head raises upon hearing the clearing of his throat, too focused on your terribly made pancakes to notice your half-naked husband standing by the archway. You bite your lip in embarrassment as your husband comes around the kitchen island to examine your creation.
"What are you doing?"
His question causes a pout on your face, his eyes flickering down to your lips, holding back from kissing you since he hadn't brushed his teeth yet.
"Well, since it's my day off...I thought I could make breakfast for you and Y/DN, but they stuck to the pan, and I tried to scrape it off...but! At least we have scrambled pancakes now!" You hope your smile distracts him from the abomination you plated, but to your disappointment, it hadn't.
A noticeable frown forms on Mingyu's face, his eyes drifting off with an unreadable expression.
Oh God, he's gonna divorce me over pancakes.
You curse at yourself as you let your head fall into your hands.
"I'm a terrible wife— I can't even cook one good thing for my husband." You huff into your hands, and another wave of embarrassment runs through your body.
Mingyu's attention quickly turns to you again, letting your words sink in. That wasn't remotely why he felt a little bit upset.
Mingyu loved cooking for you and Y/DN. He was perfectly content with the dynamic you two had. You went to work while he stayed home, taking care of the house and Y/DN. That's how it's always been. But ever since that night in the living room, Mingyu noticed you doing more things around the house. Things that were his job. He couldn't help but feel a little sad and empty, feeling like he was no longer pulling his weight in the relationship.
"You don't need to cook, Y/N. I cook for you, I've always cooked for you, and I love cooking for you," he firmly states with a soft voice, his hands moving to rub up and down your shoulders.
"I know, but I just want to do something nice for once. You always do so much for me, and I never get to do something back."
Your head rose from your hands. A pout still lingers on your lips.
"Is that why you've been doing the dishes lately? And taking out the trash? And cleaning? And doing the laundry?" He asked with a loving gaze, his hands reaching up to cup your face in his warm palms.
You slowly nod as you avoid his eyes, his stare making you feel shy even after years of marriage.
Mingyu briefly smiles at you before dipping his head to press his lips against your forehead. Mingyu lifts you onto the counter, standing between your legs, and he interlocks your hands with his.
" Although I appreciate you wanting to do things for me. I really appreciate the thought. You don't have to take care of the house to take care of me and show me how much you appreciate everything I do. Maybe for other people, those things would feel like tedious chores, but for me, it's nice? I like taking care of the house. And I like making sure you and Y/DN are comfortable. Please don't take that away from me, okay?"
"I'm sorry...I just wanted to be a good wife," you whisper. Before your head can fall to look at your lap, one of Mingyu's hands tilt your chin upwards, forcing you to look at him in his soft coffee-colored eyes.
"You don't have to do all those things to be a good wife or mom. You do plenty to provide for Y/DN and I. Do you think I'm a bad husband for staying home?"
Your eyes widen from his question, emotions flaring up despite knowing he didn't actually think you thought he was a shitty husband.
"Of course not! You're the best husband in the world." You softly hit his chest, feigning offense that he would even ask such a thing.
A proud smile creeps on Mingyu's face, his teeth pressing down in his bottom teeth in an attempt to hide his inflated ego.
"Good. Now let me remake breakfast before our little angel wakes up. And if you really wanna give back so bad, I'm sure we can find other ways that don't include you stealing my precious job," he chuckles out as he turns away from you, setting your abomination aside as he begins to make breakfast as usual.
You playfully glare at the back of his head before a smirk replaces your previous pout. As your eyes scan Mingyu's half-naked figure, they soon place their attention on Mingyu's ass in his boxers, reminding you of your husband's question from a few nights ago.
Admittedly, you had no clue what pegging was when he asked, causing your husband to say a simple 'oh—never mind then.' before dozing off to sleep. But you didn't forget and did some research to know exactly what your husband was into.
And, fuck—was the idea hot.
You slide off the counter and wrap your arms around Mingyu's waist as he cooks, your head resting against his toned back. You slide your hands down his waist, causing Mingyu to tense against you as he feels your hands suddenly cop a feel of his ass.
"Something like fucking you after all these years of fucking me so well? Would that be a good way of giving back, baby?"
Mingyu's breath hitches, a blush forming on his cheeks as he listens to you. He turns his head ever so slightly, giving you a surprised look.
"You said you didn't know what it was—"
Biting your lip, you squeeze his ass before pulling away completely, making your way out of the kitchen, but not before saying, "I didn't, but I do now. Finish up breakfast. I'll wake up Y/D."
You flash him a wink as you sway your hips more than usual, leaving him as flustered as he usually made you.
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The next couple of your days were spent with your eyes practically glued to your phone, researching all the best ways to peg your husband. You were woman enough to admit that you lacked expertise in this field, and the last thing you wanted was for Mingyu to have a bad experience because you didn't know what the fuck you were doing.
After spending a generous amount of time searching the Internet for information and ordering a few toys, you felt confident enough to finally put your newfound knowledge into full use, ready to give your husband the most mind-blowing orgasm he's ever had.
Operation: peg your husband was in full effect and running smoothly...
Mingyu's face lit up with pure excitement when you whispered into his ear at dinner all of the dirty things you wanted to do to him while your daughter struggled to use her spoon.
You ignore Mingyu's stare at the side of your face as you reach over to help your daughter eat her food, her adorable smile of gratitude taking your mind off of Mingyu, who was still staring at you with an expression that could only be described as pure desire.
Once your daughter finally got the hang of using her spoon, you lean back into your seat, turning to look at your husband, who hasn't touched his plate since.
"What's wrong? Does Daddy need Mommy's help too?" You smirk as your husband's eyes darken, his pupils blown out as he clenches his fist underneath the table.
The sound of Y/DN's laughter brings the both of you back to reality, reminding you that you shouldn't, in fact, be undressing each other with your eyes right in front of your unknowing daughter.
"Daddy, look! I can eat better than you," your daughter giggles out, reminiscent of Mingyu's laugh, as she raises a spoonful of food to her mouth to prove her point.
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Operation: peg your husband was still running according to plan.
After Mingyu cleaned up all the dishes, you read your daughter to sleep alone this time, your husband too busy taking a longer-than-usual shower to get himself all prepped for you. You silently praise your daughter for being a fast sleeper, just like her father.
With your daughter peacefully tucked into bed, the stuffed bear in her arm keeping her company, and the night light shining bright to keep monsters away, you quietly sneak out of her room to make your way toward the master bedroom.
The sound of the shower running is the first thing you're greeted with as you open the door. Wanting to give Mingyu an additional surprise, you quickly change into his favorite pair of red lingerie that fit your body like a glove, hugging all the parts that made Mingyu drool.
You saunter towards one of the bedside tables, grabbing everything you planned on using for the night.
Upon hearing the shower suddenly stop, you scrambled onto the bed, adjusting your bra one last time as you waited for Mingyu to exit the bathroom.
He nearly jumps out of his skin as he spots your body on the bed, clutching his poor heart.
"Fuck sake— I didn't even hear you come in..." He decreases in volume with each word that leaves his lips, his brain trying to take in how fucking sexy you looked.
Red always was his favorite color.
You bite your lip as your eyes trail down his bare chest, all the way down to his v-line, the towel loosely wrapped around his hips leaving very little to the imagination. You'd always love your husband no matter what he looked like. But, you did appreciate how easy on the eyes he was. Long gone was the rowdy yet kind, naive boy you met in your second year of college. Mingyu was now a well-rounded adult who seemed to grow into his looks year after year, aging like the most decadent fine wine.
With a single finger, you beckon Mingyu to you, his towel dropping as he moves to climb on top of you. His lips instantly found yours, pressing them against yours in sync that was perfected over the years. A soft moan gets muffled as Mingyu's hardening cock presses against your stomach. As his lips left open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, down your neck, and over your collarbones, his hips grind his thick cock against you.
His desire for you was evident, but you couldn't allow yourself to get distracted away from what you wanted to do for Mingyu. As much as you loved how his hips and mouth movement felt so natural, it was time to try something new.
" Baby, this isn't a part of my plan. I'm the one on top tonight," you coo out, hands pushing your husband off of you and onto his back with little resistance. Mingyu was a big guy, much stronger than you, which is why the lack of pushback confused you. But with a single look at the desperate look on Mingyu's face, his lustful eyes staring deep into yours, you could tell Mingyu was too horny to have any control over his own body.
"You still want this, pretty boy?" You drag your nails down Mingyu's chest, causing his whole body to shudder at the feeling. He licked over his lip, nodding his head a few times without a hint of hesitation. He wanted it so bad. He's secretly fantasized about playing with his ass but was always too focused on your needs to bring it up and too nervous to try it on himself. But tonight, Mingyu had complete trust in you.
"Please, fuck me," he lets out with a heavy breath, his hips squirming against the bed as his anticipation starts to get the best of him.
A single chuckle from your lips causes his cock to twitch, something about the sound turning on even more. You found it somewhat amusing that Mingyu, your strong 6' foot 2" husband, was begging you to fuck his tight little ass.
"Come on, baby, you know I can't fuck you just yet...I gotta make sure you're all stretched out for me so you can take it like a good boy," you tease as your hand trails lower and lower, nails grazing down his shaft before rubbing underneath his balls. Instantly, your actions elicit a positive response, Mingyu's hips bucking against you as his head sinks into the pillows beneath him.
"Such a pretty boy— Spread your legs for me?" Your soft tone eases any nerves that start to build in the pit of Mingyu's stomach, his legs spreading slightly. You shake your head and guide him to spread his legs a bit more, pushing them until his feet are planted firmly on the bed.
"Just relax for me, Mingyu. I promise I'll take good care of you," you whisper as you lean forward to kiss up his stomach and chest, the man underneath you sighing in pleasure.
Reaching to the side, you grab the bottle of lube you grabbed earlier from the bedside table. You lean back as you playfully wave the bottle in front of Mingyu, a soft chuckle rumbling out of him.
"Let's go over a few things, okay?"
Mingyu nods, mumbling an 'okay' as he waits for you to continue.
"Tell me if you ever need to stop or take a break for whatever reason, tell me immediately. I want you to have a good time, and if you're not, I don't want you to force yourself to continue. I need you to tell me how you feel when I ask. And if you need me to change how I'm doing it, I'll go as slow, fast, hard, and deep as you want me to, but I can't read your mind, so you need to speak up. Got it?"
Mingyu canines sink into his plush bottom lip, biting back a smile from the authority in your voice.
"Understood, baby. And if you're uncomfortable with anything, you better tell me too. I know you're doing this for me, but I don't want you to feel weirded out by anything. We'll stop if either one of us isn't feeling it."
Mingyu briefly sits up to press a long kiss to your lips, not just out of lust but out of love. He lays back down, nuzzling his head deeper into the pillows as he watches you closely for your following movements.
With a deep breath, you pop off the cap of the bottle of lube, squeezing out a more than generous amount onto your finger. It was better to be safe than sorry. You rub the glob of lube between your thumb and two fingers, warming it up so it wouldn't startle Mingyu as your press your fingers against his tight hole, rubbing over it in slow circles.
Your eyes flicker to your husband's face, catching the way his eyes flutter close, his entire body sinking further into the bed. He had no idea how good he looked right now.
Your other hand rubs over one of his toned thighs before a question leaves your lips.
"Feels good?"
You knew it did, you could tell by the look on his face and the way his cock seemed to twitch with every rub of your fingers, but you wanted to hear the words come out of his mouth.
"Mhm— so good, baby. Can't wait for you to fuck me," he sighed, his hips starting to move against his finger, showing you how badly he wanted it.
"Yeah? You think you're ready for a finger?"
You let out a laugh as your husband nods his head against the pillows, the furrow of his brows showing that he was starting to get impatient.
You allow your eyes to focus on where your fingers meet his ass, your mind running through all the information you read online before mustering up the courage to press a single finger against the puckered hole, the lube aiding you as you the tip of your finger sinks into him slowly. Mingyu shifts a bit at the new and slightly uncomfortable feeling of your finger inserting into him. It didn't feel terrible, and he didn't want to stop yet, but it was definitely weird.
The face of discomfort on Mingyu causes you to stop your finger from going any deeper, a look of concern now written on your face.
"Need me to stop?"
Mingyu quickly shakes his head, smiling at how attentive you're being.
"No, I'm good. I promise. It's just weird. I'm fine. You can continue, baby."
You allow yourself to trust his words, your finger sliding into him almost all the way before halting again. Mingyu lets out a deep exhale as he tries to adjust to the feeling. After the initial wave of discomfort, Mingyu had to be honest with himself...it didn't really feel like much. He could tell your finger was inside of him, but there was no pleasure.
"Still good, Mingyu?"
Okay, you've got this. Just 2 inches deep, down to the first knuckle. Now all you gotta do is curl your finger up a bit.
"Yeah, I'm good. It does really feel like anything, to be honest with— holy shit, fuck, oh my god."
Mingyu's words abruptly cut off with a string of profanities, his back arching off the bed as you curl your finger just as you read online, nudging against his prostate. It was unlike anything he's ever felt before, his body losing control over itself as a sudden shock of pleasure moved throughout his entire body.
"Shit—are you okay? Should I stop?" You ask in a panic, not realizing your husband's strong reaction wasn't out of pain; it was out of pure pleasure.
Mingyu lets out a whimper as his eyes open to look at you, shaking his head as his hands move to grip the bed sheets.
"No, don't stop. Fuck—it felt so good, baby. Please, please, please do it again. Keep going, please," he begs, desperate for more.
You feel a heat run through your body when you realize how much Mingyu had enjoyed what you did, arousal soaking into your panties. You rub over his stomach as you curl your finger upwards again, causing another strong reaction from Mingyu.
Biting your lip, you began to move your finger in a come hither motion. Mingyu's mouth drops as whines and whimpers leave his lips before he can stop them. His eyes roll to the back of his head as his knuckles turn white from how hard he gripped the sheets. Precum leaks out of his cock, enough for Mingyu to nearly convince himself that he was cumming already.
"Look at you, baby, taking my finger so fucking well. You're so tight, Mingyu. How am I ever gonna fit another finger, let alone a cock, inside you?" You tease, watching your husband fall apart underneath you all from a single finger inside of him.
Mingyu pants, his chest rising and falling quickly as he tries to register what you're saying, too fucked out already to focus on anything other than what he felt.
" Finger—a-another one, p-please," Mingyu practically sobs out. It was safe to say this was the best thing Mingyu had ever experienced. Mingyu absolutely loved fucking you and the feeling of your pussy wrapped around his cock, but this was different. A different kind of pleasure. Something so intense it was almost unbearable.
You dip a second finger into Mingyu's hole as he wishes, stretching him out further than before. You continue your curling motions, the feeling somehow more intense than before. Mingyu's moans grew in volume, a familiar but different feeling forming in his stomach, getting stronger with each push of your fingers.
Mingyu felt lightheaded in the best way possible, his brain turning into mush as he allowed himself to fully immerse himself in the incredible feeling.
"M' gonna c-cum—fuck, s' close," he slurs, his eyes rolling again as he feels his biggest orgasm yet getting ready to burst out of him.
" Yeah, baby? I haven't even touched your cock yet." You were amazed at how much pleasure Mingyu was getting out of this and a bit proud of yourself for being the one giving it to him.
All he needed was a few more good pumps of your fingers.
A little bit more.
Just a bit more.
Knock knock knock—
"Mommy? Daddy?"
The sudden sound of a soft knocking and your daughter's soft voice behind the door takes you out of the moment. You curse under your breath as you pull your fingers out of Mingyu, a whimper leaving his lips from the sudden emptiness, the feeling of release getting ripped away from him. You felt bad, you really did, but you couldn't exactly ignore your daughter, who sounded upset from behind the door.
"I'm so sorry, Mingyu. Let me just check what she needs—"
"I-It's okay, just check on her," he pants out, slowly coming down from the feeling of his almost orgasm. Yes, he was frustrated from the sudden stop, but the guilt of feeling frustrated towards his daughter was instant karma, the feeling turning him off completely.
You quickly wash your hands in the bathroom, grabbing a robe to cover your lingerie-clad body. Mingyu covers his body with a blanket as you open the door, bending down to hug your sniffling daughter.
"What's wrong, princess?"
"H-had a n-nightmare," she hiccups, hugging your body as tight as her little arms would allow her. You turn your head to flash an apologetic smile at your husband as your daughter cries in your arms.
Operation: Peg your husband did not go as smoothly as you had hoped.
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It was beginning to seem as if the world, some unknown force, had a vendetta against you fucking your husband in the ass. Nothing seemed to be going your way.
For starters, your work was very demanding, with additional hours to your schedule, which left you mentally and physically exhausted by the time you got home. The pay was generous, but it wasn't worth the time it stripped away from you. The time you could be spending with Y/DN and Mingyu. The time you could be spending fucking the brains out of Mingyu.
Then, you got sick. Maybe it was the exhaustion your body was being put through. Or maybe, it was just because cold and flu season was rolling around. Either way, you got fucking sick, which meant staying in bed all day, using up your precious sick days.
Then, just as you recovered, for the most part, Y/DN got sick as well, leaving you and Mingyu to take care of your little princess until she felt all better.
It was safe to say that Operation: peg your husband was put on the back burner.
Mingyu hadn't complained once. Not when he worked extra hard to prep your meals for your long days at work. Not when he'd run you a bath and give you a nice shoulder rub before you passed out. Not when he took care of you when you were sick. Not when he took care of your daughter.
It frustrated you that you couldn't take care of your husband. Either he ignored his wants, or there simply was no time to tend to them. But, you weren't gonna let this stop you. If anything, the past few weeks were only fueling your determination, ready to pounce on your husband at any given moment.
However, you were more sophisticated than that (not really) and devised a new plan to get into Mingyu's pants.
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A sigh of relief leaves your lips as you feel Mingyu's loving hands rub your sore shoulders as he sits behind the bubble bath he prepared for you. Although Mingyu hated seeing how exhausted you've been, getting extra worried, especially after you were sick, he did enjoy the night routine you two had nowadays. You didn't eat dinner with Y/DN and him, but he did spend time with you, helping you unwind.
You raise a hand out of the bath to cover one of Mingyu's before interlocking your fingers, bringing his hand up to your mouth to press a few kisses to his skin.
"That tickles, Y/N," he giggles, trying to pull his hand out of your grasp, but you didn't let your husband escape. Not when you had to let him know what you planned out.
"I have the weekend off...so we get to spend time together tomorrow."
Mingyu smirks at the suggestive tone in your voice, leaning forward to rest his chin on the bathtub.
"Yeah? And Sunday?"
"Mhm, and Sunday. And I know how much your parents have been dying to see Y/DN recently, so I may have told them that she could stay at their place for the weekend. They seemed happy about it."
Mingyu's smirk only grew wider as you spoke. He lifts his head and slowly drags his hands along your shoulders and down to your breasts, submerged in the water.
"We get the whole place to ourselves?" You can hear the excitement dripping from his voice, biting your lips as he squeezes your tits.
"That's right, baby. We have unfinished business to tend to. I still haven't fucked your pretty ass yet. They'll be here to pick her up around 1 pm"
Mingyu lets out a sigh as his mind drifts off to the night you fingered him. Although he didn't cum, the feeling of your fingers was incredible, and it only made Mingyu want more.
It was safe to say that your little operation was back. This time, you were gonna make sure your husband came.
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You smile brightly as your daughter waves goodbye to you and Mingyu.
"We love you! Be good to Grandma and Grandpa, okay?" Your husband calls out to her as she gets further away, her hand tightly grasping your mother-in-law's hand.
Y/DN turns her head to nod at Mingyu, letting go of her grandmother's hand to hold her arms over her head in a heart shape before she's placed in the car and off for the rest of the weekend.
Once the car is out of sight, you turn your heels to face Mingyu with a devious smirk.
Mingyu scoops you up in his arms as he eagerly brings you into the house, kicking the front door behind him closed. He carries you up the stairs, nearly tripping as you kiss along the side of his neck, your hands roaming across his torso and tugging at the shirt he wore. Luckily, the two of you make it to the bedroom in one piece, your husband's clumsiness not interrupting what you both were craving.
Mingyu was buzzed with excitement since this morning, touchier than usual as he waited to have you all for himself. He planned ahead, taking time to prep himself when he took a shower this morning, so there was no time wasted today. There was nothing more that Mingyu wanted other than a glimpse of the feeling he had last time.
You two touch and grope at each other feverishly, and you strip each other of all of your clothes. You momentarily gawk at your husband's naked body. Sure, you saw him undress all the time, but you were too busy to appreciate your husband's body. You wanted him to know how sexy he truly was.
Mingyu let out a moan as you kiss his chest, bending down slightly to lick up his abs, his knees almost buckling at the feeling.
"Lay down for me, Mingyu," you breathe out, your voice low and seductive, so sexy that any man would listen to you. And he does.
Mingyu lays on the bed like last time, but this time having his feet planted on the bed without your guidance.
You feel a tingle shoot to your core as you hungrily gaze at your husband in full display before you. You crawl between his legs, grabbing a fistful of his hair as you hold yourself up with the other.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted this, my pretty boy. How many times I've thought about bending you over the counter whenever you made breakfast and making your pretty ass mine," you breathe out before dipping your head to kiss along his neck and collarbones, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin.
Mingyu's cock twitches beneath you as he moans from the feeling of your lips marking his skin.
"My ass is already yours— always has been, baby," he laughs. His hands grip your waist as you continue to kiss his skin, making your way up to his ear to give it soft nibbles.
"Yeah? All mine, baby? You're gonna let me stretch you out like last time?" You whisper in his ear, your voice making his cock twitch again.
Mingyu nods, his hips bucking upwards to rub his cock against you.
"So hard, and I've barely done anything yet. I don't think you're gonna last very long, Gyu," you tease as you lean back, taking Mingyu's cock in your hand to toy with his tip, a single bead of precum leaking out of him.
"I-I've been saving myself for you. I haven't even touched myself since," Mingyu admits as he squirms from the attention to his sensitive tip. You raise an eyebrow at your husband, shocked at the fact that he hasn't had an orgasm in so long.
"Poor baby probably has so much backed-up cum. I bet you're gonna make a fucking mess tonight. Gonna cover yourself in all your cum when I fuck your ass," you pout at him, feigning sympathy, which only makes another bead of precum drip out of him.
You let go of Mingyu's aching cock to reach into the bedside table, pulling out the same bottle of lube as last time. You follow the same steps as last time, rubbing the lube between your fingers and rubbing it along his hole in slow circles.
The speed of your actions was agonizing for Mingyu, his head throwing back as he groaned in frustration.
"Fuck—just put it in already, please."
You giggle at your husband's lack of patience but decide to give him what he wants, sliding two fingers in, causing him to sigh in relief.
"I finger you once, and all of a sudden, you're acting like a slut who can handle more. Don't get too ahead of yourself, Mingyu."
Before Mingyu can respond, a loud moan rumbles out of him, his head pushing against the pillows as his back arches off the bed when you curl your fingers just like last time, hitting his prostate with damn near perfect precision.
"Shit— so fucking good," he moans out, his eyes shut as your fingers prod against his prostate over and over.
Like last time, his cock leaks precum, pooling on his stomach.
You coo praises as your other hand slowly rubs his shaft, your fingers still working inside of him. Mingyu lets out a string of moans mixed with a few curses that slip out of him, his brain foggy from all of the pleasure.
The tight feeling in his stomach causes him to snap his eyes open, his hands darting down to push yours away from him in a hurry.
"Shit—did I do something wrong? Is everything okay, Mingyu?" You panic as you immediately take your hand off his cock and slowly pull out your fingers. You watch as Mingyu pants, licking over his lips before responding.
"I'm g-great—more than great, baby. I didn't want to cum before you got to fuck me," he breathes out, a rosy hue covering his face and chest. Mingyu runs a hand through his hair, noticing it sticking to his forehead.
A deep sigh leaves your lips, relieved that nothing's wrong. You run your hands over Mingyu's thighs as you lean over to press a kiss to his lips, his head lifting from the bed to chase after your lips when you pull away too soon.
"Stay right here, baby," you whisper to him as you get off the bed. Mingyu stares at the ceiling. Sounds of you shuffling around in the bathroom are the only thing heard, along with his heavy breaths. Mingyu turns his head to look at the closed bathroom door, worried about how long you were taking.
"Everything okay, sweetheart?"
"I'll be out in a minute!" Your voice calls out from behind the door as you adjust the strap-on, ensuring it's perfectly secured. You had a few toys of your own that were compatible with most strap-ons but were probably too big of a jump for Mingyu, who only knew what two of your fingers felt like. You were used to having Mingyu's thick cock in you, but Mingyu wouldn't be able to handle one close to his size just yet.
So, you opted for this one. A solid black one that was soft to the touch, curved at the end, came with its own strap and was a decent length and thickness for a beginner.
You turn to look at yourself in the mirror, straightening your back with newfound confidence before you exit the bathroom.
Mingyu's eyes quickly find your figure walking towards him, his eyes catching the toy that was now strapped onto you. His cheeks flush as he bites his lip, trying to hide his excitement as you crawl onto the bed. You bite back a smile of your own as you spread your husband's legs apart further, settling your body in between them.
"Do you want it like this, baby? We can try a different position if you want," you coo out, your fingertips trailing along his inner thighs.
You watch the cogs of Mingyu's brain turn as he thinks about your question. He had done some research himself and knew exactly what he wanted to try first.
"Can I lay on my stomach? I always fuck you like that, so I'm curious what it feels like—and I heard it's a good way to start," your husband shyly asks.
You nod your head with a reassuring smile, helping Mingyu flip onto his stomach, giving you a good look at his ass that you were ready to fuck. You feel arousal drip down your legs as you position yourself over Mingyu. His arms find comfort folding underneath the pillows as he turns his head to the side, waiting for more.
Kisses up his back and your hand rubbing over his ass, occasionally squeezing at it, causing Mingyu to sigh, his hips squirming against the bed, and his cock rubbing against the mattress.
"Fuck—Y/N, don't tease me," he moans out, lifting his hips to push his ass against your loving caresses.
"I'm not teasing you, baby. I'm appreciating you, am I not allowed to appreciate what a nice ass my husband has?" You said it was all mine, right?"
A shaky breath leaves Mingyu's lips as your words manage to turn him on more, his hips lifting once more.
"All yours— but please fuck me already," he whines, his lack of patience evident."
You chuckle softly at your husband's begging but decide to play nice tonight, reaching over to grab the bottle of lube and coating the toy thoroughly. Your hand spreads Mingyu's ass apart, letting some of the lube drip down onto his hole. You set the bottle aside, still holding his ass open so you could line the toy up to his tight hole.
"Now you know how it feels when you tease me, Mingyu."
You slowly push the toy inside of him, the curved end slipping past the tight rim. The toy was undoubtedly thicker than your fingers causing Mingyu to hiss at the new stretch. You do a quick check-in to ensure he's okay, only pushing more of the toy in when your husband gives you the green light.
Mingyu moaned as the tip of the toy nudged against his prostate, the curved tip instantly pressing against it as it slipped inside him. You soothing rub his lower back as you push the toy deeper inside of him inch by inch, letting him adjust to the new size.
"You're doing so well, baby. I'm almost all the way in. Such a good boy taking my cock," you purr out, shifting your knees on the bed, the toy moving inside of him and drawing out another moan from your husband.
Once you fit all of the toy inside of him, you stop moving, letting Mingyu embrace the full feeling before telling you to start moving.
You slowly start pulling out, your husband moaning at the feeling and letting out an even louder moan when you push your hips forward, the toy nustling deep inside of him. You repeat the same slow thrusts, biting your lips as Mingyu falls apart underneath you.
Mingyu couldn't control the way his body was moving underneath you, squirming at the feeling of the toy repeatedly hitting that spot that made his brain turn to mush. He could tell he could cum from this alone. All the weeks' worth of build-up only made him more sensitive, his body craving a release. He thought it couldn't get any better until you spoke up.
"Should I turn it on now?"
In his fucked out state, his brows furrowed, confused as to what you were talking about.
"T-turn it on? Turn what—" he turns speechless, his mouth falling open as a high-pitched moan escapes him, his eyes rolling back to his skull as he feels a vibration inside of him and hit against his sweet spot.
Oh yeah, and the toy vibrated.
You bite your lips as your eyes scan your husband's frame, more of your arousal dripping down your thighs as he thrashes underneath you from the intense feeling. Precum soaks into the bed as he feels his orgasm building and building with every thrust of your hips. You paid no attention to the tired feeling creeping up on you, your mind too focused on making your husband lose his mind.
"That's it, baby. I bet you can't wait to cum, hm? Gonna make a big mess for me? Maybe we should flip you over so I can watch you cum all over yourself."
Mingyu nods his head to your words, letting out a broken sob when you pull out to help him flip back onto his front. You smile at the glazed look in his eyes and his flushed face, resembling how he looked when he was drunk. But there was no alcohol in his system, the dazed expression on his face a product of the pleasure you were giving him.
You hold Mingyu's legs open with one hand as you line up the vibrating toy up to his hole, pushing into him with ease this time around. Although this wasn't for you necessarily, you enjoyed this position more, loving the way you could watch your husband's eyes roll back, his mouth unable to close as whines and moan of ecstasy left his pretty lips.
You could tell Mingyu was getting close as you thrust the toy into him a bit faster. His breath sped up the closer he got, hands gripping the pillow underneath his head as his entire body shook with the need to cum.
"S' close— fuck! Don't stop, baby. So, so close," he sobs out, his eyes tightly shut as he tries to prepare himself for the orgasm that would come any second now.
Your hand cups his balls, gently fondling them, and that's all Mingyu needs to send him over the edge. You watch in awe as your husband's back arches off the bed, a deep and long moan echoing out of him as thick cum oozes out of his cock, seeming to never end as it pools and drips from his stomach. His whole body shakes uncomfortably, his eyes rolling back as the only thing Mingyu can feel is a warmth shooting throughout his entire body. This was much different than his usual orgasms. The feeling wasn't even remotely the same. You helped him ride out his everlasting orgasm, his body continuing to shake even when he had no more cum left to shoot out.
You turn off the vibrator and slowly bring your movements to a halt when your husband whines about the feeling.
"Too much— too much." His back finally makes contact with the bed again, trying to come down from his high. You stay inside of Mingyu for a few more seconds before slowly guiding the toy out of him, him wincing when the tip grazes his sweet spot.
"You came so much, baby. Made such a pretty mess for me," you coo out, leaning over to swirl your finger in the pool of cum on his stomach.
Mingyu remains silent, still trying to catch his breath, his body convulsing every few seconds from the aftershocks of his orgasm. You lap up some of his cum with your tongue as your husband has just enough energy to grab your face, pulling you up to him so he can taste himself off your lips.
"Have fun?" You ask rhetorically, a dazed chuckle leaving his lips as he opens his eyes to finally look at you, the look of lust in his eye now replaced with love and affection (and tiredness).
"Mhm, thank you, Y/N. I love you," his words come out in a whisper, his voice huskier than usual from all the moaning.
You smile and cup your husband's face, kissing his lips again.
"I love you too. Let's get cleaned up, yeah? I'll make us something to eat."
Mingyu raises an eyebrow at you, not wanting to address the issue with what you just said. You bite your lip as you roll your eyes at him, letting go of his face to run them down his shoulders.
"Fine, I won't cook. But I'll order something for us to eat and just pretend I'm an amazing chef in my head. Is that better?"
Mingyu smiles at you and nods his head, rolling the two of you over to lay face to face on your sides, not paying mind to the cum dripping onto the bed.
"Much better. I wouldn't want to find a way to explain to Y/DN why we have to move out after you set the kitchen on fire."
Your husband shushes your annoyed response with his lips, distracting you from the rude (but believable) words that left his lips.
Damn him and his kissable lips.
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cinnabunwanda · 6 months
content warning — Angst, Jealousy, Unwanted kiss
pairing — Fem reader x Wanda Maximoff
summary — Maria and Natasha argue over past relationships, while Natasha shares her feelings for Maria and advises Nat, a spy, to give it a chance. Natasha admits she needs Maria, while Bucky shares his first love experience.
word count — 1k
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Maria and I are lounging on the plush couch in the main room, bathed in the soft glow of Netflix playing on the television. But our peaceful afternoon is quickly interrupted as Maria begins angrily chiding me for purposely trying to annoy her. It's not like I have anything better to do with my day since Wanda is out on a date with the robot.
"Y/n, can't you just go bother someone else?" Maria groans into the cushions of the couch.
"Why would I do that when I can just annoy you?" I giggle mischievously.
She retaliates by throwing a pillow at my head, causing me to dramatically fall off the couch and onto the floor. Maria bursts into a fit of laughter, finding humor in my clumsy theatrics.
"Ria, seriously!" I groan in mock pain.
"I wish I got that on video!" Maria continues to cackle.
I dust myself off and stand up, rolling my eyes at her. I plop down on the opposite couch from her, huffing in annoyance.
"What are you two up to?" Natasha saunters into the room, her signature smirk playing on her lips.
"Maria is abusing me, that's what!" I tattle on Maria.
Natasha's smile widens as she playfully leans over towards Maria. I can tell Maria is getting flustered by Natasha's flirtatious demeanor, and I find it absolutely adorable.
"Is this true, Hill?" Natasha asks with a tilt of her head.
"No- I mean yes, it is true, Romanoff," Maria stumbles over her words, trying to play it cool under Natasha's gaze.
As tensions rise between them, I nonchalantly interrupt their exchange with a question out of the blue.
"Have you two ever hooked up?"
Both women snap their heads towards me as if I had just shot them. Maria's eyes bulge out of her head while Natasha sports a cheeky grin.
"NO, GOD NO! Y/N, WE ARE JUST COLLEAGUES!" Maria blurts out in a panic.
Natasha's smile fades and she removes herself from the couch, adjusting her posture.
"Yeah, um, we haven't, no. As Maria said, we are just... colleagues," Natasha responds with a hint of sadness in her voice.
She turns and walks away, leaving me and Maria alone once again. This time, it's me tossing the pillow at Maria's head.
"Ow! What was that for?" She whines.
"What was that for? Are you kidding me? You just completely offended Nat! Colleagues, Ria? Not even friends? She had a huge smile on her face and then you say that!" I scold her.
Maria falls silent and looks towards the hallway where Natasha exited. She covers her face with her hands and groans before quickly getting up from the couch and running down the hallway, presumably to find Natasha.
"I am the Goddess of Love, I swear!" I mutter to myself as I rise from the couch and make my way over to the kitchen island.
"Well, I can't argue with that," Sam chuckles as he enters with Thor and Bucky trailing behind him.
"Lady Y/n isn't the Goddess of Love? Are you Lady Y/n?" Thor asks me as he takes a seat on one of the chairs in front of the counter.
"No, Thor, of course she is. She set up Tony and Pepper, Peter and MJ. Oh, and my personal favorite - she found her own soulmate with a robot!" Bucky adds sarcastically.
My eyes widen at the mention of Wanda. I hit Bucky's arm but end up hitting his metal one instead.
"Oops...wrong arm," I mutter, my thoughts drifting towards Wanda and the happiness she has found with Vision.
The word "Fuck" slipped out of my mouth, escaping on a groan under my breath.
"You know what you and Wanda should be doing? But instead, you blew that up. Just like the hard drive, just like the robot you set Wanda up with," Sam's voice cut in, filled with frustration and annoyance.
I winced as I held my hand in pain from where I had slammed it against the wall. "Can you guys please keep it down? I don't need Wanda overhearing this," I groaned.
But Thor's booming voice couldn't be contained. "Wait, so Lady Y/n likes Miss Witchy?" he asked incredulously.
I rolled my eyes, feeling exasperated. These guys are practically begging for Wanda to hear our conversation. Bucky simply nodded in agreement.
"What are you going to do about it, Lady Y/n?" Thor prodded as he casually picked up an apple.
"There's nothing I can do, Thor. She loves Vision and not me," I sighed dejectedly.
Suddenly, Natasha walked into the room, breaking the tension. I gave everyone a look that clearly said "don't say anything." Natasha scanned the room with her sharp eyes, but no one spoke. She was a spy after all - she could probably figure out we were hiding something. She opened her mouth to speak but I quickly interjected.
"Oh hey Nat, did you know Maria was looking for you?" I said with a forced smile.
Natasha didn't miss a beat. "Oh really? That's nice," she replied with a hint of sadness in her voice.
I knew she wanted to say something more, but before she could speak again I stopped her. "Hey listen, Nat. I'm going to give you some advice and you can take it or leave it. But trust me, it's coming from someone who knows what it's like to have a crush on someone who ends up with someone else. Don't make the same mistake I did and keep denying your feelings for Maria. She loves you, more than she loves me even. And I know I have feelings for you too, but not in the same way. Just give it a chance, what's the worst that can happen? You fall in love? You build a relationship together? Just go for it, or at least admit how you feel because I'm tired of watching you both deny your true feelings," I said firmly, my hand making a small bang as it hit the table.
Natasha was silent for a moment before she walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and she whispered into my ear, "Thank you Y/n/n. I love you too."
I squeezed her a little tighter before letting go. Sam and Thor left to help Natasha find Maria while Bucky stayed with me in the main room.
"You're a good person, Y/n. If Wanda can't see that, then it's her loss. You don't need her," Bucky tried to comfort me.
"But that's where you're wrong, Buck. I do need her. I'm addicted to her like a drug. She just doesn't love me back in the same way. But that's okay, I can love her from a distance," I explained, my voice filled with sadness.
"It's hard to get over your first love, always is," Bucky placed his hand on my shoulder in understanding.
I let out a heavy sigh and leaned into him, allowing myself to release some of the weight off my shoulders. He wrapped his arm around me in a comforting side hug.
"How did you get over yours?" I asked him curiously, hoping he could give me some advice.
Bucky hesitated before responding softly, "I don't think I ever really did."
Bucky's warm breath tickled my ear as he spoke, his deep voice fading into the night air. I could feel his heartache and understanding in his embrace. "I only got over mine recently and I am very old Y/n, you just have to move on and live your life the way you want to without them," he sighed, sending shivers down my spine.
"It was Steve right? Your first?" I looked up at him with a knowing gaze.
"Yes, it was. Actually, how did you know?" He asked, his blue eyes searching mine.
"Then you didn't get over him. I know you're trying to comfort me, but no need to lie to me Bucky. You love him and you and I both know that," I explained gently.
He unwrapped himself from our embrace and gave me a look that begged for understanding. But instead of showing sympathy, I sent him my famous smirk.
"I am not in love with Steve anymore, Y/n," Bucky insisted, standing his ground.
"Mmmhh hmmm, like I believe that," I giggled, looking up at him with a teasing glint in my eye.
"I'm serious! I can prove it," he replied quickly, determination set in his features.
"There's no point, Bucky. I know you-" Before I could finish my sentence, Bucky cut me off with a kiss.
For a moment, I was in shock and didn't respond. When realization hit me, I pulled away and wiped my lips in shock.
"I told you I didn't love Steve anymore," Bucky whispered, breathless from our brief kiss.
"Bucky, why would you kiss me? You know I love someone else. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression," I said in shock.
"Come on Y/n, we would be great together! We make each other laugh, we understand each other, we both went through Hydra. Wanda has someone else, let me be your someone else," Bucky pleaded, grabbing both of my hands in his.
"I can't, Bucky. I'm sorry-" I started to walk away, but Bucky grabbed my wrist.
"Y/n, I CAN'T HELP BUT LOVE YOU OKAY?" He screamed in my face, his frustration and desperation evident in his voice.
I stood there frozen in fear for a moment, never having seen Bucky so angry before. I pulled myself away from his grip and he immediately began apologizing.
"I am so, so sorry. I-I didn't mean to yell," he stammered, trying to apologize and follow me.
"No, stop Bucky. Leave me alone," I pushed him away, tears welling up in my eyes. "HEY, BACK OFF!" Wanda's voice echoed through the room.
She ran over and placed herself between me and Bucky, her powers already at work as red wisps formed around her fingers. Her eyes glowed with anger as she faced off against Bucky.
"Please stop, Wanda. I'm fine, just go cool off," I told Bucky firmly as Wanda guarded me from him.
"I'm sorry," Bucky muttered before walking out of the compound to cool down.
I wrapped my arms around Wanda and hugged her tightly, grateful for her protection. She was a little surprised by the sudden embrace but hugged me back without hesitation.
"Thank you, thank you," I whispered gratefully into her shoulder.
"Honey, are you okay?" Wanda asked, ignoring my thanks and wanting to make sure I was okay.
"I am now, Wands," I sighed into her touch, feeling calmer with every passing moment. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I began to relax under her comforting presence. Her hands played with my hair as I rested my head on her shoulder, taking in her familiar scent.
"Wanda, I have been called to do some lab duty, so I'm going to have to cancel our date," Vision's voice broke through the moment as he walked through the wall.
I started to pull away from Wanda, not wanting to cause any trouble for her and her boyfriend, but Wanda's grip on me tightened.
"Of course you do. You know what, Vision? Don't even bother trying to make up the last four cancelled dates at this point," Wanda said without even looking at him.
"Fine, I won't bother doing anything nice for us again," Vision stormed off back into the wall, leaving Wanda and I alone once more.
Wanda let out a weary sigh as I pulled away from her embrace. Looking into her eyes, I could see the sadness and disappointment etched in her features. She had always adored the robotic man who seemed to have no time for her anymore.
"Hey, what were you two supposed to do?" I asked the witch, trying to distract her from her thoughts.
"We were supposed to go to a restaurant, but it's fine," Wanda replied with a forced smile.
I stood there for a moment, unsure of how to comfort her. Then an idea struck me - why not take her out for the night? As I looked at Wanda, I couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she looked. She had clearly dressed up for this date that never happened.
"Stay here, I'll be back with a plan," I smiled at her before quickly running down the hallway to my room.
In a matter of minutes, I changed into an outfit and fixed my hair. Knowing Wanda's love for sitcoms, I decided to take her to an old American 50's diner. It might cheer her up and I've been wanting to take her there on a date for a while now.
As I walked out of my room with paper flowers in hand, I couldn't contain my excitement. Making my way down the hallway, I found Wanda waiting for me in the kitchen. She turned around and our eyes met.
"Hey, are you ready to go?" I asked with a big smile on my face.
"I-um yes, I am," she stumbled over her words, making me laugh.
"You okay, witchy?" I asked affectionately. "You look really pretty."
"Thank you. I was going to say the same earlier before the whole Bucky thing," she replied with a warm smile.
Her words made my heart skip a beat. And then I remembered the paper flowers in my hand.
"I know you've had a rough couple of weeks, so I made these for you a while ago. And I think now is the perfect time to give them to you," I nervously handed her the paper flowers.
Her smile widened as she took the flowers from my hands. I could see tears welling up in her eyes, and she looked like she had just been given a million dollars.
"You made these? For me?" She asked, looking up at me with adoration.
"Of course. Who else would I make them for, Wands?" I gazed into her beautiful eyes.
"For someone who deserves them, like Natasha or Bruce," she explained.
"Or you, Maximoff. You deserve them too. You deserve to be happy, just like everyone else," I placed a reassuring arm on her shoulder.
She took the flowers and carefully examined them before setting them down on the table. Then, she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.
"Thank you. Nobody has ever said that to me," she mumbled against my neck.
I could feel myself blushing and couldn't help but smile uncontrollably.
"Well, they should, Wands," I pulled away from our embrace with a grin.
We walked side by side out of the compound, talking the entire way to my car. Wanda's laughter filled the garage as we playfully debated over our favorite team members.
As we drove to the diner, Wanda's mood seemed to have lifted, and for once, there was no trace of sadness or disappointment in her eyes. It felt good to bring a smile to her face and make her feel appreciated and loved. And that's exactly what she deserved - happiness and love from those around her.
With a sarcastic smirk, I unlocked my car with my keys and gestured for her to enter. "That's a secret that I shall forever know and you shall not," I teased as she climbed into the passenger seat. "Oh honey, you forgot I can read minds," she fake pouted, her powers already at work.
I laughed, knowing full well that I could block her powers whenever I wanted to. "Awww, and you forgot I can block your powers," I replied with a fake pout of my own.
She rolled her eyes playfully, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. Stop it, Y/n, just stop. She's taken and this is just a friendly outing to cheer her up. It's not a date.
"After you, madam," I opened her car door and bowed playfully, earning a smile from her sokovian-accented lips.
"Why thank you," she said with a slight slip into her accent.
I couldn't help but smile at the sound of it as she looked down at the car floor. Closing her door, I made my way over to the driver's side and got behind the wheel. Starting the engine, we exited the garage and headed towards the city.
"So where are we going?" She glanced over at me with curiosity sparkling in her eyes.
"That's a secret," I kept my eyes on the road ahead.
"Come onnnn, give me one hint," she whined playfully.
"Nope, I'm not telling you. Just enjoy the drive and let the road take us," I chuckled.
"You sound like... what do you guys call it... Oh yes, a hippie," she teased cheekily.
Using autopilot for the car, I turned to look at her, trying to suppress my own smirk as she struggled to hide hers.
"I am not a hippie," I defended myself with a smile.
"Mmmhhh, okay, whatever helps you sleep at night," she shrugged with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Wanda Maximoff, I am not a hippie," I huffed, crossing my arms slightly.
"Okay, okay, you're not a hippie... You're a... hopeless romantic," she giggled.
I went to say something but paused for a moment. She was right. I am a hopeless romantic. But everyone knows that.
"Shut up, witchy," I playfully retorted, trying not to let her see how much her words affected me.
She burst out laughing, and it was contagious. I couldn't help but join in. God, I love her laugh and how her smile can light up an entire room without even trying.
"You will arrive at your destination in 5 minutes," the car's computerized voice announced.
Wanda had a huge smile on her face, and I could tell just how excited she was by the way her eyes sparkled with anticipation. Suddenly, she rested her head on my shoulder and entwined our hands together.
"What's this for?" I whispered to her, feeling my heart swell with affection.
"For you making a shitty day into a good one like you always do," she replied softly, causing my heart to flutter even more.
I smiled at her words and lightly kissed her forehead before turning back to the road ahead. We stayed like that for the rest of the car ride until we finally reached our destination: a huge diner with bright neon lights flashing "50s Diner!"
"Oh my god, is this- no, it can't be- is this really a 50s diner?!" Wanda practically jumped in her seat with excitement.
"Yes, it is! I found it awhile ago and have been wanting to take you here for some time now," I smiled at her enthusiasm.
"Oh, Y/n, I can't even believe you remembered how much I love sitcoms and would think to bring me here! Thank you! Thank you!" She hugged me tightly, her excitement bubbling over.
I hadn't seen her this happy since Vision asked her out on a date (or rather, when I convinced him to ask her out and planned the whole thing). "It's nothing. Now come on, we don't want to miss out on all the fun!" I laughed as she pulled away, her eyes shining with pure joy.
Gently, I assisted Wanda out of the car, opening her door and taking her hand in mine. The warmth of her skin against mine sent shivers down my spine. Together, we walked into the quaint diner, where a friendly waitress promptly seated us at a cozy table. As we perused the menus, we chatted about our day.
"What are you going to order?" The waitress asked Wanda, breaking my gaze from the menu.
"I think I'll have the cheeseburger combo with a strawberry milkshake. How about you?" Wanda looked up at me with a smile.
"I'm thinking I'll get the chicken tender combo and a vanilla shake." I smiled back, setting my menu down.
The waitress took our orders and menus before walking away with a smile directed solely at me. I couldn't help but feel confused by the attention, but quickly refocused on Wanda.
"Looks like someone was checking you out," Wanda teased playfully.
"Well, that's too bad for her because I have my eyes set on somebody else," I replied with a smirk.
Wanda's expression faltered for a moment before she readjusted herself and continued smiling. "And who might this lucky person be?" She leaned in closer.
"Who said it was a person? Can't it be a lady?" I raised an eyebrow teasingly.
"Of course it can... So you must really like her if you won't even flirt with the pretty blonde waitress," she prodded curiously.
"Oh trust me, she's not my type at all. My girl would always win," I said confidently.
"Your girl? Huh," Wanda's tone held a hint of disappointment, though she tried to hide it with a smile.
"Yeah, my girl. She wins every time. Best laugh, best personality, prettiest girl, most trustworthy, kind-hearted, and most importantly, the best listener," I explained, caught in a trance as I thought of her.
"She sounds amazing. When do I get to meet this girl?" Wanda asked, genuinely curious.
"Well, you won't. She's in love with someone else, but that's okay because I can love her from afar. She's worth it," I said sadly.
"Well, this girl must be blind not to see what an incredible person you are," Wanda placed her hand over mine briefly.
I couldn't help but think to myself, 'Yeah, she's bloody blind. I clearly love you, idiot.'
Wanda's POV
As Y/n spoke, my mind raced trying to figure out who she was talking about so I could give them a piece of my mind. Anyone would be lucky to have Y/n as their girlfriend. Then it hit me - why was I even thinking about another person? My heart belonged to Y/n, and it had for the past month. I needed to break things off with Vision as soon as we got back to the compound.
I couldn't contain my excitement as I discreetly read Y/n's thoughts. 'Yeah, she's bloody blind. I clearly love you, idiot.' My heart felt like it was going to burst with joy. Y/n loved me? It was almost too good to be true.
I made a decision right then and there - I would end things with Vision and tell Y/n how I truly felt about her. Our love deserved a chance, even if it wasn't meant to be with me.
Your POV
The room seemed to spin for a moment, making me feel fuzzy and unsteady. I could see Wanda's concerned expression as she caught me before I stumbled. A few seconds later, our food and drinks were brought out by a friendly waitress. I smiled at her and thanked her, but I could already sense the premonition of trouble brewing between Wanda and the waitress.
"What's with the death glares?" I nudged Wanda, trying to diffuse the tension.
"Well, you said you didn't like her so I'm just making it clear," Wanda replied with a scowl still fixed on the woman.
I couldn't help but laugh at their little staring contest. Wanda was not one to hold back her feelings, especially when it came to someone she saw as a threat to me. But I knew this wasn't going to make for a relaxing dinner.
"Please, Wanda, can we just try to have a good time? I promise not to even look in her direction if that's what it takes," I pleaded, sipping my creamy vanilla milkshake.
Wanda's scowl softened at my request and she finally turned away from the waitress. "Fine, fine. But don't think I won't be keeping an eye on her."
I couldn't help but smile at how fiercely protective Wanda was of me. She may have been flirty and carefree most of the time, but when it came down to it, she was always looking out for me.
As we chatted and laughed over our meal, I couldn't imagine having a better time with anyone else. We reminisced about old missions and shared stories about our favorite things to do. And despite my initial doubts about revisiting this restaurant where Wanda had confessed her feelings for me years ago, I was now grateful for the memories we were creating together.
Suddenly, the waitress interrupted our conversation with a smile. "Sorry to break it up, ladies, but we're closing for the night."
I couldn't believe it. "What? It can't be that late..." I trailed off as I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 1 am.
Wanda let out a gasp of surprise as she peeked out the window to see the darkness outside. "Wow, time really flew by when I was with you."
As we left the restaurant and walked back to our cars, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Wanda's presence in my life. She had a way of making even the most mundane moments into memorable ones, and I was lucky to have her by my side.
After our meal, I paid the bill and left a generous tip for our waitress. As Wanda sat lost in her thoughts, I admired her from across the table. Her dark hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall and her brown eyes sparkled in the dim light of the restaurant.
"Did your mother ever tell you it's rude to stare?" Wanda teased me, breaking me out of my reverie.
"I think your mother never told you that either after the glare you gave the waitress earlier," I teased back with a smirk.
We both got up from our booth, stretching our tired limbs. I waited for Wanda to get up before walking out with her.
"Where are you going?" she asked me as we made our way towards the exit.
"Wanda, they're closing. We have to go home now. I'm sure Vis is worried about you not being home yet," I reminded her gently.
"Oh, right...yeah, we should get going," she shook her head slightly to clear it.
I helped her out of the booth and we walked side by side to her car. She rested her head on my shoulder as we walked, and I couldn't help but feel content in this moment.
"Here we go," I said as I opened her car door for her.
"Thank you," she yawned sleepily as she climbed into the car.
I smiled at her before closing her door and making my way around to the driver's seat. Deciding to use autopilot, I leaned back in my seat and let out a tired sigh.
"Thanks for accompanying me tonight. I would love to do it again sometime if you'd like?" I asked, glancing over at Wanda.
But she didn't respond. When I turned to look at her, I saw that she had fallen asleep, letting out soft breaths as she slumped against the window. I couldn't help but admire her peaceful expression and the way her hair fell gently across her face.
As we arrived back at the compound, the AI's voice woke Wanda up. She looked too peaceful to wake, so I decided to carry her up to her room instead of waking her.
"Hey, where have you been? We were about to send out a missing person report as you both have been gone for so long!" Natasha exclaimed as she ran towards us with open arms. But then she stopped when she saw Wanda sleeping in my arms.
"Oh my god, it was perfect. She is perfect...I'll tell you all about it later, but for now, I just need to put her to bed," I smiled down at Wanda before turning to walk towards the stairs.
"Wait, what?!" Nat and Maria said simultaneously, their voices filled with excitement.
"Shhh, Lady Y/n is asleep. Miss Maximoff, let me take her to bed," Thor offered in a hushed tone.
"Are you sure? I don't mind taking her," I whispered to him.
"I'm sure," he reassured me before taking Wanda from my arms and carrying her upstairs.
I kissed her forehead and whispered a goodnight before watching them disappear down the hallway. Nat and Maria dragged me into their room and sat me on their bed, eager to hear about our night together.
Maria's eyes lit up with excitement as she eagerly encouraged me to share my story. I couldn't stop grinning as I started, "It was just AMAZING! Y/n took me to this 50s themed diner and said she knew how much I loved sitcoms and had to take me there. It was like she could read my mind." Natasha joined us, closing the bedroom door behind her and jumping onto the bed with a loud thud. "Don't start without me!!!!" she exclaimed, joining in on our conversation.
"We just talked for hours. But it wasn't boring at all, it was like we were in perfect sync. You know that 'perfect night' everyone talks about? Where you can talk for hours and never run out of things to say? That's what it was like," I gushed, reliving the memory.
Natasha's eyes narrowed playfully as she asked, "So do you like her Wanda? Because this is the first time you've talked about Y/n this way."
Blushing, I replied, "I've thought about her like this for a while now, but it feels good to finally say it out loud to someone else. She's practically my best friend but I think I want her to be more than that. I just realized that I don't want to sleep in the same bed as Vision anymore. Our relationship has become more like coworkers than lovers. We haven't gone out on a date in over two months and I can't even remember the last time we talked as boyfriend and girlfriend instead of colleagues. But with Y/n, everything just feels balanced and easy. And I know she'll always listen and help me with anything."
Maria chimed in, "Wanda, I really think you should go for it with Y/n. What's holding you back?"
I hesitated before admitting, "Well...I may have read her mind. I know, I shouldn't have, but she was talking about this mysterious girl she likes who apparently doesn't like her back because they're with someone else. And it all started because I told Y/n to ask the waitress out, but then she just gushed about her crush and how they would always win no matter what."
Natasha squealed with excitement, "Stop it! She said that?"
"If you break her heart, I will break you," Natasha warned me protectively.
"I love you Wanda, but if you hurt Y/n, I will ruin you," Maria chimed in sternly.
I held out my pinky and promised, "I promise I would never dream of hurting her. Ever."
Natasha interlocked her pinky with mine and pulled me in for a hug. Maria joined in as well before we finally parted ways to get some rest. As I lay in bed, thoughts of breaking up with Vision and asking Y/n out filled my mind. It couldn't be that hard...right?
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© CINABUNWANDA ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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oxymorayuri · 8 months
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝟷𝟹
𝐴 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒 »
𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑎𝑟 𝐷. 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝐿𝑎𝑤 ✘ ♀ 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓: Aydana / lababa
Story: The princess of Tanata
(Long Fic)
➽ Click on this link to see all chapters.
Spoiler: nope
Warnings: not really, just some talking about Bepos bro.
slowburn with plot
Wordcount: 3194
Text in italics emphasizes the reader’s thoughts
Bold and italic text emphasizes Law's thoughts *~*
Tagging: @slytherinambitious - @sassyyassi - @norasincubi - @cottoncandyloverrrr - @one-piece-frvr7
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After the fight, you hang out on the meadow.
The sun shines through the tree crowns and a gentle breeze blows occasionally. Together you enjoy the peaceful evening and people chat in their little groups. Sanji came with Chopper and Franky and brought dinner for everyone.
The day couldn't be more beautiful.
After dinner, Brook played a song for the group, a song about pirate life. The pirates around you cheered and sang the song with their arms around each other. Although you don't know the lyrics, the cheerful mood makes you swing along and you clap to the beat.
Binks' Sake | Binkusu no Sake ♪♪♪ Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho Going to deliver Binks' sake! We are pirates sailing through the sea! The waves are our pillows, The ship our roost Flying the proud skull on our flags and our sails ♪♪♪
You are amazed at how everyone can actually sing along to the song and the lyrics make you curious. After the performance, you watched the sunset together.
I wonder what it's like to be a pirate?
Your father has always made you so curious and the stories he and his crew told you have awakened a longing in you. It made you want to get to know life out there and sail the seas.
And for the first time in years, you feel this longing again, which you had shut off back then.
Why? Well, because you didn't want to sail into a world where people are both dangerous and cruel.
But with the crew before your eyes you are pretty relieved…
They give you hope that not all humans and even pirates are like that. They are not like the people from back then, as they have proven in the last days.
"Princess, what are you thinking about?" Bepo appears in your field of vision and pulls you out of your thoughts. He takes a seat next to you and looks up into the sky you were looking a moment ago. You get out of your position and lean against the furry mink. Your gaze returns to the sky.
"Tell me, Bepo, do you ever miss home?" - "Miss my home? My home is the Polar Tang!" He says proudly and hums a little laugh. His expression is very soft as he watches the passing clouds. He wraps a paw around you and pulls you closer to him and you snuggle up further.
The way you two snuggle together has already become quite normal. Often you've joined Bepo when you've seen him lying in the sun, in the quiet palace garden and together you've looked for funny pictures in the clouds.
"But if you mean the place where I was born, then I can tell you that yes, I miss my old home, but there was an important reason why I left my home island…" Although he lies calm and relaxed with you, you can hear the sadness in his voice. You gently brush against his paw and pat him. You look caringly into his eyes and he returns your gaze.
"But when I'm at sea with my crew, the Heart Pirates, home is everywhere." He covers up his sadness and gives you a little Eskimo kiss on the nose, which you happily return.
"You said that very beautifully." You can't help but hug the mink tightly with your thin arms.
"But why did you come up with that, Princess?" You look up at him with sparkling eyes.
"I've always wanted to leave this island and discover the wonders of the outside world, but my family and friends are here…" You look to the side a little nervously.
You leave out the detail that your grandfather would never let you sail off anyway. Never. Not even if he wasn't the king. But you are also quite uneasy. Because as mentioned, the world out there also has a dark side.
But you're still sure that your curiosity will outweigh this feeling and you would take the risk… if only you were allowed to…
You laugh to yourself a little longingly.
"Hmm, maybe you just haven't found the right reason, that makes you want to break away from your roots." Bepo speaks thoughtfully. You look up at him, a little confused.
A real reason?
This question is written all over your face and the polar bear giggles again.
"Yes. For example, I wanted to find my brother." - "Did you find him?" You look up at him expectantly, but the mink exhales deeply.
"No…" There it is again. That heartbreaking sadness in his soft voice. This feeling goes straight through your chest.
"Not yet." You add to his sentence as you take both of his paws in your small hands and bring them to your forehead. You close your eyes as you feel Bepo bury his cheek in your hair. You whisper a little prayer to yourself and break away from your pose to look into his beady black eyes.
"Your journey just isn't over yet, I firmly believe you'll see him again." You could literally see it in front of your own eyes. Like a distant memory, you could see Bepo embracing his brother. You felt happiness and relief, but maybe it was just your deepest wish that sparked your imagination… Who knows.
"Even as a child I always wanted to see a Sea King, I'd say that's my reason!" Your voice seems so enchanted that a small laugh escapes from the polar bear.
"Nah, that's a weak reason." Your gaze goes up and there stands Shachi who has just casually butted into your conversation. You look at him with a raised eyebrow as he devours a few cookies with relish and offers you one too. You gratefully accept one as he takes a seat in front of you.
"Uh okay. Weak?" Blushing, you look at him questioningly.
"Hey, don't say it like that…" Penguin stands behind him with his hands on his hips, and as he takes a seat next to the cookie devouring man, he pulls his cap over his face.
"Hey, what are you doing?! I was just telling the truth!" Offended, he frees his face and gives the man next to him a dirty look. Penguin, on the other hand, shakes his head.
"HOW you say something is the point!" He declares with his finger raised. Politely, he turns to you with a hand on his chest.
"The princess's reason is not weak… just too easy!" You furrow your eyebrows, just as confused as before.
"Easy?" you look back and forth between the two men.
Then you look up questioningly at Bepo, who shrugs his shoulders and is just as confused by what the two guys are saying.
For a while you watch the back and forth arguing between the two men. Shachi says that it's the same thing, while Penguin desperately preaches about manners. You can't help but laugh. The two of them are just too entertaining, it would be torture for you not to laugh. If you're honest, you weren't even angry about Shachi's choice of words. You were more curious as to why your reason was weak or rather translated; too easy. Penguin's behavior warms your heart and the two in front of you seem like an old married couple.
"Hey what's up with you guys?" You open your eyes, which you had closed because of your laughing fit, and wipe the tears from the corners of your eyes. You look behind the men, who freeze in the middle of their quarrel, to look up at Law.
"Captain!" Bepo shouts happily. "Penguin and Shachi are just arguing about whether the princess's reason is weak or too easy." The men look back and forth from Law to Bepo in total shock. Bepo's words are so out of the blue. He hums a little skeptically and sits down as well. Law tries to understand the whole thing, but can't quite find the context.
Princess-ya's reasons? Weak or too easy?
He has no idea what the situation was before he came along. He was just curious because he heard from afar, how the two guys were arguing and you were laughing at full force.
Law looked into the Mink's beady eyes and made it quite obvious, that he was expecting a better explanation but the Polar Bear didn't get his signals and just grinned happily at him, now that Law was here. (lol llittle fangirl.)
"We've talked about how everyone has their reasons for leaving home, to sail out into the world… And Penguin and Sachi share the same opinion, that my reason isn't really good?" You're still a bit confused yourself, as you don't really know what they mean by that, but at least you can clear things up for Law.
With a raised eyebrow, he nods as he looks over at the men.
"Okay… and what's the reason?" Even though he's facing the men, his eyes are looking at you.
"Sea Kings" you speak a little quietly. You're nervous about what his answer will be.
"Sea Kings?" he repeats your word, clearly surprised.
"Yea Sea Kings…"
"Yeah okay, I agree with those two. That is indeed too easy."
Now, not only Shachi and Penquin are the two who are open mouthed but you and Bepo join in the shock. Law, on the other hand, crosses his arms and grins with his eyes closed.
You shake your head. Now you really want an explanation of what that means. If Law even thinks that, then he has to explain it to you now.
"What does too easy mean?" - "You'll meet a Sea King pretty quickly."
"Oh, okay." - "Your reason is definitely a tourists reason."
You're caught off guard by Law's direct manner and and your eyes blink with confusion, as your jaw dropped open. Law finds your reaction quite funny and decides to tease you some more.
"What do you do when you meet a Sea King? What do you get out of meeting a Sea King and what comes after?" You close your mouth, as you really don't have an answer for Law, and break the eye contact.
"You have the desire to meet a Sea King, but it's not really a reason to leave everything behind…"
You're confused by the whole reason thing. Law asks you things you don't understand.
"Why do I have to need a reason? Can't I see the journey as a reason?" To your confusion, the black haired man just grins at you and adjusts his hat a little. When his eyes look into yours again, you are slightly startled. His gaze goes right through you.
"Of course." His agreeing makes you study him closely, you can't figure out his true thoughts.
"Not everyone needs a good reason to sail the world, but you do, since you have a reason to stay." He looks at you as if he has read you like an open book.
Perhaps he already knows you too well, as you have spent a lot of time together in the past few days. But you can't get a single word past your lips. Law is visibly amused by your speechlessness, as you're usually a pretty talkative person.
"You have to understand that people either have a reason to leave, or to stay. You may want to see a Sea King, but that's not reason enough to leave; what's your reason for staying Princess-ya?" Slowly you follow the riddle that Law speaks and see his message.
"My family." you answer him absently.
"See… so "Sea King" isn't exactly a good reason, because it's not enough for you to drop the reason why you're staying." Law raises his arms a little as if presenting the answer that is becoming clearer to you.
"Woah that makes so much sense it hurts." Exhausted, you let yourself fall backwards into Bepo's arm. He gently pats your head.
You do realize that you don't have enough reasons to leave your homeland. You have wishes, but you know that not all of them will come true.
Basically, Law just wanted to show you that it's okay to have a reason to stay. You may not realize that many of the people here have led lives that are far from your imagination and that they had no reason to stay… but he's not sure if you understood it that way. He just doesn't want to go into it any further.
And as Law feared, you didn't take it that way.
As you all make your way back to the castle, you think hard about Law's words.
You want to discover the world, but you're a little scared. If you leave, what will happen to your people? What if they get attacked again? You have a great responsibility in this country and don't have the luxury of living out your desires.
Your duties. That is the reason why you stay.
You are envious that you don't have the privilege of choosing over your own life. Your life has been prophesized, carved into stone and tattooed on your skin.
Your life has been lived thousands of times and you are destined to begin and end your life here.
Your heart is heavy but you are proud to be the priestess of Tanata, if it weren't for the desire.
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It's hard not to notice that your thoughts are elsewhere. You sip your tea absently while your grandfather and Delia talk about the current situation.
Grandfather had urged you to have a cup of tea with the family again, as most of your attention has been on the guests over the last few days, but the family shouldn't be neglected. You were a little annoyed.
If family is so important to him, why didn't he come and tell you in person?
When you came back to the castle, you went straight to your bedchamber... You just wanted to be alone and think about everything your pirate friends had told you.
You didn't even pay your grandfather a visit in his study, nor did you have your afternoon tea with Delia. These are things that are completely normal for you and your king noticed this unusual behavior immediately. He sent his butler that same evening to deliver "the king's words" to you. He wants to see you at tea tomorrow and you realize, that it's more of an order than a request.
Only ONCE did I not follow my routine and I was immediately addressed… Ughhh how annoying!
You angrily threw your pillows at the door that the butler had closed.
You're tired of doing the same thing every day and if it doesn't go the way you're supposed to, it's immediately pointed out.
Your whole life is planned. You already know what will happen in the future and even your funeral is already planned.
You will be buried next to all the priests, who were once the bearers of the devil's fruit. You have a statue that resembles you and the people of your generation will pray at your grave, when you pass away one day.
It makes you sad. You won't even be buried in the cemetery of the royal family... You won't lie next to your mother and father or get married... You are not your own person. You are just the holy child of the devil's fruit.
Your thoughts are running wild. The reason to stay is your destiny but your reason to leave is freedom…
But you are not sure if you are allowed to be free. You lack nothing here and you have everything one could dream of… You keep telling yourself that.
You pull your legs towards you and bawl your eyes out on your knees. But a twisted smile crosses your depressed face.
"I should be ashamed of myself." You know it's your duty and you're ashamed of your own desires.
Absently you look into the distance, your gaze as empty as your heart. Your thoughts dance the tango and the sides inside you argue about which path is the right one.
Your grandfather can't help but notice how you struggle with yourself, but he doesn't speak to you. He knows that if you want to talk, you will come to him. Forcing or pushing you to do something is never a good idea.
What an irony.
Because he is very aware of the weight on your shoulders. The expectation you have to fulfill… in the last week it has become clear that you have different feelings about your life. But he won't let you go, not because you have to stay. He can't let you go.
"Hey my angel, you're not saying a word today. Did something happen?" Delia brushes a strand of hair out of your face while she looks for the color in your eyes.
You feel like a stranger in your heart and exhale a little heavily.
"Not really."
Delia looks over at your grandfather, hoping for support, but he just watches quietly.
The table is filled with the most delicious pastries and food. All your wishes are always fulfilled without you having to do anything. Your life is so full that it makes you incomplete.
Do this, do that. Don't do this and don't do that. Be kind and friendly. Be elegant but smart. Be dignified but cunning. Be the most beautiful but the purest.
Love everyone but let no one alone own your heart. Sacrifice yourself but never die.
You are supposed to be so much and to your surprise you have always listened and obeyed. You fulfilled and even exceeded all expectations. You are holy.
But you are so much that you don't recognize your true face when you look in the mirror. Through your new friends you were able to realize that you are more than the praised child.
You are y/n. You don't want to be a princess or a priestess. You don't want to do the same thing every day. But you also don't want to leave anyone behind, neglect your duties and leave people who still mean the world to you without protection. You don't want to betray the gods, especially not after they've given you a chance. You don't want to disappoint anyone.
So is this the price you have to pay?
You are aware of what your heart longs for but you are stuck in some sort of identity crisis.
You can't have it both ways.
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A/N: Hey babes! I wanted to talk to you about something. I'm always happy when you guys want to know when I'm posting the next chapter. Seriously! I feel so honored that I want to shower you with kisses. I would love to post several times a week but unfortunately I'm an adult (silent weeping). Yes I know I'm not the only one of course lol but I'm studying and working 30 hours a week on the side. I'm a tired bitch XD Feel free to keep asking me when I'll post again ♡, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a bit busy. Normally I try to post once a week but the blockade is messing it up even more >:( Oh no, writer's block? Yupp and I hate it! let me explain; I'm currently near the end of the first arc and even though I have so many ideas, I'm having a hard time letting my imagination run wild. I hate it. There's still some info to wrap up but when I read my drafts I don't feel like writing anymore... I'm dying to get started but the Tanata arc is our prequel and unfortunately it's a bit dry. Dry is fine, but only for wine. How many arcs are planned, you're probably wondering; Well, I don't have a real ending in mind yet, I'm enjoying the process and developing more and more new ideas to keep the story alive. At the moment we are in the "Tanata arc", after that I already have rough ideas for 2 more arcs planned. The second arc is called "Polar Tang arc" and the third "Dress Rosa arc" In fact, I'm sticking to the original storyline of One Piece but creating an alternative version. I know there's always the fear that the author of the story you like, will cancel the story but believe me… I'm just as excited about what's going to happen like u are. lol, like I'm not the author XD I have some pretty dramatic stuff planned and I would love to do a timeskip but unfortunately I have to finish the Tanata arc. We can't look into the future if we don't live the present as my mom would say. Ughhh.
See you next time, kiss kiss ♡
➽ Next chapter
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gemini-magic17 · 1 year
Entanglement Chapter Twenty
**Kit's POV
The sound of the waves crashing against the shore made me know that we were very close to Dristarya. It was early when we got there and as I set my eyes on it for the first time it was astounding. Never before have I seen a castle so huge and ancient-looking as if it was built thousands of years ago. With how bare it looked and no signs of life I really started to question if the details that Willow was given were correct. It doesn't seem like anyone has lived here for many years.
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"Hey", I hear Boorman say as he comes up behind me.
"Hey", I responded back still focused on the shore in front of me.
"What's wrong", he asked.
"I don't think anyone lives here."
"Why do you say that", he questioned.
"Just look at it. The entire island looks abandoned the only thing that I see is birds flying overhead what about you", I looked at him.
"Are you sure about that from what I see it looks like someone arrived here recently", he pointed towards the shore and I furrowed my eyebrows to where he was pointing at.
"Is that a boat", I asked squinting trying to clearly make out what I was looking at.
"Well from what I can see it is", he said.
I couldn't stop looking in that direction and the closer we got I was praying that what Willow had told me was indeed true. Then out of nowhere came the she-devil herself as the ship made its way partially on the shore.
"I'm going to go look for Y/n, the captain said he wants to stay aboard the ship; you and Boorman can do what you like", she said and proceeded to leap off the boat.
"Fuck that", I told her and went after her.
"Excuse me."
"You heard me. I don't know who the fuck you think you are or who you are talking to but I am not the one you want to piss off. I know I hurt her that I practically put her through hell but you have no right to tell me the fuck to do", I stated getting into her face.
"I am her wife, not you and I will do everything I can to make things right with her even if it takes me the rest of my fucking life to do so. Don't you think for a second that you can swoop in and try to take her away because you can't", I said.
"I won't need to try if she goes willingly", she said smirking and that made my blood boil.
"You know what Amara yo-", I began but was cut off.
"After all, who could deal with the shit you put her through. Do you really think that she is going to forgive you and take you back after everything? I have known her for my entire life and when I say what you put her through she will never forgive you", she said with a hard stare, and at that I couldn't hate her more than right now. Not just because she was threatening to take Y/n away but that I knew she was right with how she would never forgive me.
"Follow if you want I don't care anymore. I now know that I have nothing to worry about when it comes to you", she said and she began to walk off.
"Don't take what she says to heart Kit she is just jealous that you have Y/n and she doesn't", Boorman said.
"That's the thing, Boorman I don't have her. I may be married to Y/n but I don't have her not where it counts", I said, and we went to catch up to Amara as we made our way to the gates.
**Ser Easton's POV
These past couple of days have been quite peaceful and I know that is unusual to say considering this island is full of dragons. Yet, there is no fighting, yelling, or political issues to worry about here. I roamed all around Dristarya making sure to know the ins and outs of this place in case of an attack or unwanted visitors.
As I made my way to the opening under the castle I was told by Y/n to be careful as she recounted what happened to her when she arrived that very day. Getting closer to my intended destination in the corner of my eye I noticed a ship approaching. I couldn't see who was aboard but as it started to get nearer I hid behind a gigantic rock that was close enough to shore to see who was present.
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It wasn't until the ship got closer to the shoreline that I saw it was Kit aboard and I was shocked. Why the hell was she here? Did she know that the princess fled to Dristarya? How could she have found out about it then? Many questions raced through my mind and it wasn't until they were making their way off the boat that I carefully mad my way to the castle to avoid being seen by them.
As soon as I was out of sight I ran all the way back to the castle making sure that I got to the trail before they could. I burst open the castle doors and searched through every room to find Y/n. I couldn't find her which led me to believe she was still sleeping. I ran as fast as I could to her room and when I made it there I was terribly out of breath. I began to bang my fist on her door knowing she would awake from the noise.
**Y/n's POV
I was fast asleep in my chambers when a loud banging on my door woke me up. Along with the constant fist pounding on the door, I could hear who could only be Ser Easton yelling with urgency.
"Princess! Princess!"
I jumped out of bed and rushed to open the door where I was met with an out-of-breath Ser Easton. He was leaning on the door frame trying to catch his breath from the obvious haste he made trying to get here.
"What's wrong? Did something happen", I asked with concern believing that something happened to him.
"I was out for a walk along the beach and saw a ship coming this way", he said.
"What? What are you talking about no one comes here", I said with confusion and a hint of worry that is evident in my voice.
"That's the thing Y/n I got closer to the beach making sure that the people on board didn't see me and I recognized one of them."
"Well, who was it", I questioned with anticipation building inside me.
"Your not gonna like it", he said and I step closer to him where I looked him directly into his eyes.
"Who was it Ser Easton", I said.
"It was Kit Tanthalos Princess", he said, and when the words poured out of his mouth my heart stopped for a second.
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"Oh", I responded and the anger I was harboring toward her started bubbling to the surface.
"How did she even know to come here", I asked him and made my way to get some clothes.
"I can only think of one possibility."
"Which is", I said and began to change in the bathroom while we continued our conversation.
"Willow must have told her", I stopped what I was doing when I heard him say those words.
"I don't believe he would do that. He knows how much pain I felt with what Kit put me through. I just don't believe he would sell me out like that", I said clearly in denial about the whole thing.
"It is the only way she could have known Y/n I'm sorry. Willow is the only one who knows you are here and you know I wouldn't tell anyone especially her of all people."
"I suppose you are right", I said knowing what he said was true. I finished dressing and made my way out of my chambers.
"Y/n where are you going", he asked following hot on my trail through the castle's hallways.
"You said they were coming towards the beach yes which means they will be coming up the trail soon enough", I asked.
"Yes, what is it that you intend to do", he asked and we were outside of the castle's walls.
"I am going to go give Kit and her comrades a warm welcome to Dristarya", I turned to him and said.
"How exactly are you going to do that", he asked, and just then I could feel Kylora come up behind me.
"I'll give them a dragon's welcome", I said with an upturned smile.
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ye-olde-sodor · 6 months
DC Au Thomas!
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Thomas is an LB&SCR E2 Class locomotive, more specifically a Second Series E2 with the extended side tanks.
He was built in June of 1915, making him one of the oldest engines on Sodor! Contrary to popular belief, however, Thomas was not the first engine on Sodor. Instead, he only inherited the number after the first No 1 disappeared.
Thomas had a rough time growing up. He was taught by his older brothers not to trust the larger engines. Due to this, a younger Thomas was quite aggressive towards a younger Edward and a few other larger engines. While he grew out of this "emo phase", he still took many of his brothers lessons to heart.
Current day Thomas is a happy-go-lucky and sometimes hot headed engine, but he always means well….usually. He's cheerful, but he’s also the strong assertive type, and isn't afraid to speak up against mean engines. He can be quite cheeky too, but with his old age, he doesn't show it as much as he used to.
He loves a good challenge, but due to how bold and he can be, he's quite reckless. He also has a hard time admitting he made a mistake or did something wrong whenever one of his plans goes awry.
Thomas isn’t very good at listening to people. Especially to those in charge. The only people he does listen to is the Hatt family…but he doesn’t always listen to Sir Topham Hatt.
Like with many engines on Sodor, he despises the idea of a hierarchy. He believes that it paves the way for larger engines to order around smaller engines and put them in harms way. Even though he's a Preserved engine, he'd be more then happy to get rid of his "privilege" if it means keeping whatever steam engines remain across the world safe.
Thomas would kill to have a dock or harbor near his branch line. He loves the sea breeze and the sounds or the waves crashing up against the land. It reminds him of the Docks of Brighton Railway.
Thomas is one of the few engines who doesn’t mind eating thanks to his driver. His favorites are beef jerky and salt (yes he eats salt, don’t judge him) Just don’t tell any of the other engines that he likes to eat things…
Thomas was surprised when Stepney turned out to be one of his cousins. While the two aren't particularly close, both take pride in being relatives, and have even gained a peace of mind knowing that not all of their relatives were scrapped.
Thomas can be quite flirt when he wants to be, although no one but a few engines would know about it.
He can get super jealous whenever a new engine rolls in. This is partially due to how his brother raised him but also partially because he’s afraid of being replaced despite being the islands mascot…but then again, humans love replacing things they claim to adore so how can he be so sure he's safe from scrap?
He has some very mixed feelings towards Ryan. First and foremost he’s angry that he has to listen to him. He's jealous because Ryan has had the high life since he was built. He also finds Ryan attractive but would never, under any circumstances, admit he's in love like a normal engine.
He has a nasty habit of getting sick if he's swapped to a coal he isn't used to burning. There've been many attempts to switch the engines of Sodor to a better coal, but poor Thomas just wasn't compatible with any of them! Mallard will learn this the hard way soon enough...
Ultimately can be described with one word. Feral.
Thomas: *screaming*
Ryan: *screams louder*
Scott: "Shouldn't we interveine?"
Gordon: "No no, I want to see who wins."
Percy: "Why on earth would you want to use the jet engine again?!"
Thomas: "Because you can't make the same mistake twice! I heard those scientists finally nailed the tech down, so now I can-"
Percy: "Completely ignore them and carry on with your life?!"
Thomas: 'You're no fun :("
Percy: "Oh blimey you look awful! Moreso than usual!"
Thomas, who's taken on bad coal: "Gee, thanks."
Thomas: "I'm half tempted to make a break for Sodor...maybe I'll get lucky!"
Driver: "Or maybe you'll get us all killed!"
Thomas: "Death is better than "Campfire Night", Keith. If I hear one more song about the wonders of British colonialism and living by the social norm, I just might keel over."
Thomas: "James, I know you're scared, but you have to trust me."
James: "You're already asking too much out of me, but go on."
Thomas: "I need you to bail Edward out of Darlington."
James: "WHAT-"
Ryan: "Now why can't you be this sweet all the time?"
Thomas: "If I was, I wouldn't be half as interesting!”
Henry: "If you rush across the viaduct, it'll collapse, and you won't have any passengers or train! What would you do then?!"
Thomas: "Run my train on time."
Edward: "Oh, that bloody Spamcan is here!"
Gordon: "Quick Thomas, do the thing!"
Thomas: "I don't think growling at him is going to send him away...But I'd be damned if I didn't try it!"
Diesel: "We need a distraction."
Thomas: "Great idea! Diesel, you roll out and show 'em your ugly mug while I go grab Percy!"
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hikarimiyanaga · 1 year
Forget Me
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Getting back into writing with One Piece. Boa Hancock has been one of my crushes from this manga for the longest time.
Summary : Falling in Love can be a curse.
Specially if it's with the ruling Empress of the Amazon Lily.
And even moreso, when you can see Boa Hancock fall for Luffy so up close.
So you decide to quit this unrequited love, once and for all.
Oh and also, being Boa's personal bodyguard and assistant.
Warning : Angst. Curse Words.
PS. Just say if you want to get tagged in this series. (And yes, it's another series.)
You sigh for nth time that day. Today was so uneventful once again.
Don't get me wrong, you really loved the peace and all that. Seeing everyone in the Kuja tribe just happy is one of the things you love most in the world.
But you can't help but want more. More thrill. Adventure. Venturing outside of this vast island that you call home.
Unlike most warriors in the island, you never joined Kuja Pirates so you haven't even ridden Perfume Yuda although you are friends with the Yuda pulling it.
You've always had a connection with animals.
"Bored again?" Mari asks as the two sisters pass by you on their way to their sister's room.
"Ha, when is Y/N ever entertained?" Sonia scoffs and you hum.
"Leave me alone, you sisters. Just get those to her."
"You know, if sis ever catches you just calling her "her", she'll turn you to stone."
"Maybe it'll be better that way." You mumble and Mari gets closer to you.
"What?" You sigh again and take the papers from their hands.
"Nothing. I'm going to help you now. Let's just go."
The two sisters look at each other in confusion before they follow you into Boa's room.
"Princess! Your daily morning reports are here." You shout as you open the door and hear a grunt coming from the bed.
"So early?"
"It's 7 already. Time to get up."
Both Sonia and Mari help their sister wake up as you read all the reports.
It was your daily routine.
Read Hancock her reports.
Help her bathe.
See the ugly truth about her.
It was a wonder for you. But you can't help your heart.
You were one of the few who could fully resist her love-love fruit as well. Despite being completely in love with her.
You get home and quickly bury yourself onto the sofa in the living room.
"Oh. You're home." Elder Nyon nonchalantly says and you grunt in return. "Tired?" She asks and you hum. "I'll prepare dinner for us then."
"Thank you." You say but it's muffled by the pillow that you buried your face in. But as always, Elder Nyon already knew what you were saying so she chuckles and just goes to the kitchen.
You look over the pictures inside the house and can't help the sudden pang in your heart. Pictures with all the boa sisters, Elder Nyon and so many others should bring you joy.
They were all wonderful memories after all.
But seeing Hancock so happy made you so sad.
Because you know that you can't ever make her happy like that.
So you turn away and wait for the dinner that you were promised while you calm your heart from the pain.
"Where's Y/N?" Hancock asks as she eats together with her sisters.
Mari looks at Sonia who sighs. It was her turn tonight.
"Gone home."
"What? Why?" Hancock can't help but ask. Ever since you started working at the palace, you've joined the Boa sisters during Lunch and Dinner, you always made the dining more enjoyable.
But ever since a month ago, you just abruptly stopped. Not even a warning. As if you were suddenly burned.
"We don't know. She just went home after finishing her duties." Hancock falls silent at that then continues eating.
Why would you suddenly do this?
Apparently, the universe listens to wishes now.
Because how the hell did Strawhat Luffy just land in Amazon Lily.
How the fuck did this man- boy, really- fucking get here?
"Does he have Yuda-? No, there's no sightings of a new ship anywhere. Flew?? But he's fucking rubber!? He can't do that, that's cheating-!" You grumble as you pace back and forth inside the palace halls. You sigh as you look over the Kuja members just fawning over the boy.
You look away and begin working away.
The past few days has been a blur.
One that you can't seem to grasp.
And you had to admit, you have been avoiding Luffy.
Hating the attention he got from everyone else. Hating that he seemed so happy despite being in a place he didn't know. Hated his stories of all the adventures he went on.
Hating the love that came from Hancock-
Oh. So that what it was.
"I'm jealous?" You ask no one as your tears silently fall down. The realization hitting you harder than you thought it would.
You always knew that one day, Hancock would have to fall in love with a man.
Because she was normal.
And you were no-
You get hit by Elder Nyon in the head.
"Where have you been? You missed the whole banquet." Elder Nyon finally notices your tears and you can't help but turn away.
All of them celebrated him. All of them.
"Sorry, I missed the banquet. But I just wanna sleep." You ran away before Elder Nyon could even comment on your unfamiliar tears.
You weren't a crybaby. Gloriosa would even argue that you have no feelings regarding being sad as she hardly ever saw you cry despite being your adoptive grandmother.
It was the first time in all the years that she has known you that she saw tears come out of your eyes.
"Y/N?" She quietly asks from outside your door then knocks. She knocks again as she asks, "Are you okay?" You sigh then turn to the door.
"I'm fine. Just-" You wipe your tears away. "Just really fucking tired."
"Alright. Just- let me know when you need me." Gloriosa decides to leave you alone for now.
You'll come to her when you're ready.
As it turns out though. You were never ready. You never even said out loud that you fell in love with Hancock.
In an island full of women, one would think that women falling in love with other women is normal.
And it is.
But falling for the empress?
Like full-on, heart-clenching, soul-consuming, and painful love?
It was unheard of.
For the members of the Kuja Tribe. The Empress is the ruler. It was natural to adore and admire but romantic love?
It was impossible.
You were dangling your feet over the roof as you write down your resignation letter. Hopefully, you could give it to Sonia or even Mari without emotionally breaking down. Besides that, you had enough savings. Enough so that even Elder Nyon has given you her blessing.
"Go discover the world. Go meet other people. Have your own adventures. Then come back when you need to." Was her lines.
She supported you even when you said what your reason was. Although you also never told her who you fell in love with.
Saying it out loud means you have to take it seriously. It meant you had to confess to her. And that-
That is going to be the worst because you already knew that you were going to be rejected.
So you keep it all in.
Better to be unknown than out in the open and then get rejected.
You're standing in front of Ran as she reads over your resignation letter. You think the Kuja Pirates left. You aren't really sure. But you know you haven't seen their ship and Luffy this morning.
And yes, even Hancock.
"You're going somewhere?" She finally says after minutes of silence. You nod and she sighs. She was one of those who stayed behind this time.
"What? Why are you sighing?" She shakes her head.
"This is just bad timing. The marines called the empress so we're kind of low in manpower at the moment. I know Sonia and Mari are coming back but-" You sigh at that. But they don't know how to properly run the kingdom.
Only you and Hancock does. To be fair to those two though, you know how much they've spent training their asses off. And the only reason that you do is because you've observed how Hancock does it for so long.
"Fine. I'll stay." Ran beams at you and you sigh. "Only until Hancock gets back. After that, I'm gone."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Ran says in relief and you get your packed bag.
You really thought you were going to leave.
"Guess I'll have to go ahead and live here for the meantime." You sigh at that realization.
The past few days have been exhausting.
You've read so many reports that you can safely say that you can vomit if you read another one today. You've also read today that the battle at Marineford started just hours ago.
You knew Hancock could do all these things without breaking a sweat but it was still different when you do it yourself.
"You should go home." Sonia says as you tumble into the lobby of the palace. Hancock's various gifts and present from the Kuja members, just pushed aside until she comes home.
"No." You refuse and lean on the wall. "I need to finish up that project."
"Sonia and I can take care of it. Please, Y/N, rest." Mari says as she helps you.
"Thank you then. Just have to-" You don't get to finish your sentence as you faint into Ran's arms.
"Wha- what happened to her?" Ran asks the Boa sisters and they sigh.
"She's working herself to the bones in order to run the kingdom and teach us." Ran hums as Sonia carries you from her.
"I'll take her to her room. Mari, the project."
"Got it." The Boa sisters disperse and Ran sighs as she regrets telling you to stay.
She didn't know that you were such a hard-worker. Everyone in the Kuja Pirates thought that you only ran around trying to please Hancock because that's your job. And they never saw you even train or do anything other than paperwork.
"I never realized that Y/N did so much more." Ran's realization gets heard by Elder Nyon who was coming to see you.
"Ran? What do you mean by that?"
"Oh! Elder Nyon! It's- um- nothi-" Elder Nyon glares at her so Ran succumbs. "It's just she fainted so-"
"WHAT!? Where is she?"
"She's carried to her room by Sonia." Gloriosa quickly goes inside the palace and runs into your room.
"Is she alright?" Sonia jumps at the panic in Elder Nyon's voice.
"She's fine, Elder Nyon." Sonia looks at you. "Just really tired."
"Has she been teaching you guys on what to do?" Sonia nods at the question and Elder Nyon sits by your side. "Go help Mari out, I'll take care of her." Sonia nods then gets out of your room in the palace.
Gloriosa knew you too well. Even if you never told her who you fell for.
It was all in your actions. The way you aim to please Hancock at every turn. The way you beam when she gives you praise. The way you always had this seldom look on your face when you though no one was looking.
You were such an open person when it came to other people's problems, all of those you could solve in a jiffy. But when it came to yourself-
"You really have nothing else to give to yourself, huh?" It was one of the reasons why Gloriosa immediately accepted you leaving Amazon Lily. Because she knew you had to find yourself.
Without her being your guide. Without Hancock being your love. Without the other Kuja Members always looking over your shoulder.
Gloriosa sighs as she gets a towel from your drawer and gets a basin full of water from your bathroom. The least she can do is make you comfortable while you slept.
You clutch at the newspaper and try to calm down your heart.
Portgas D. Ace is dead. So it meant that Luffy failed in his mission. You might not have been speaking with the boy but you've heard enough from others. From Hancock herself. This meant that Hancock might be coming back in two to three days.
You start packing your bag in a hurry. You cannot see her again. Not if she'll weaken your resolve to get over her.
"I need to esca-"
"Y/N-" Sonia stops in her tracks as she sees you, panicly packing up everything in your room. "What's happening?" She just came in, wanting your perspective on a potential project that was suggested by the fisherwomen.
"She's coming home." You answer as you frantically shove your clothes in the bag.
"Who?" Sonia places the papers on the desk as she watches you shove some more clothes in the almost full bag.
"Hancock. I need to leave. Immediately."
"You hate sister that much?" Sonia asks as you close up your bag. You sigh and look at Sonia. The woman was visibly tired, she and Mari are new to being the leaders of this island and it shows. You put down your bag and walk up to Sonia who looked down on the floor, not wanting to see you leave at all. You pick up the papers and look over the project details.
"On the contrary," You finally say as you read the last page. "I'm in love with her." Sonia snaps her head up to look at you. You give her a sad smile and she trembles at seeing you so sad and defeated for the first time since she's known you. You just looked so exhausted. "The project is actually good at that point. Approve it and make sure that it can be implemented. And remember, even if you and Mari fail a project, it can always be improved and get started over. Our people have the best leaders." You walk over to your bag and pick it up. "Good luck on holding out for a few days, Sonia. Tell it to Mari too. I have to go now." Sonia just watches as you leave your room, packed bag in tow.
It felt like she was losing you. They were losing you. Their best friend. The Boa sisters adored you. Sonia and Mari trained with you during the early hours of the morning. Hancock even if she feels like it. The three sisters could confidently do anything they want because they knew they have you and Elder Nyon back home. But now you were leaving. Leaving them behind. And Sonia doesn't even know if-
"Will you ever come back?" Sonia asks through her tears. She didn't even realize that she started crying.
She's losing you, her best friend who always made sure that she and Mari feel appreciated. You who was their first friend on the island. You who supported the Boa Sisters in every way possible. You who made sure that Hancock was the next empress. Who made sure that Sonia and Mari had enough training and knowledge. You, the only one person besides Elder Nyon who knew their terrible secret but still loves them despite of it.
"Sonia? Wha- what happened?" Mari asks as she hugs Sonia.
"She left. She left us, Mari." Mari tears up at that. "And I don't know if she'll ever come back." Together, the two Boa sisters cry.
You look back at Amazon Lily and smile. You can't help your tears as you put your bag in the small boat.
"Pyhia." You call out your small Yuda and she greets you from the water. "We'll head out soon. Think you can do it?" Pyhia enthusiastically nods and readies herself by connecting the boat on her body. Pyhia has always been smart and it's one of the things you adore about her.
"You're leaving already?" Elder Nyon asks and you smile at her.
"Not yet. Still have to pick up some supplies then give you your letter."
"Letter?" You bring it out from your pocket and smile as you present it to her. "Don't read it until I leave. I might not be able to stand seeing you cry."
"Is it really going to make me cry?" You grin at her.
"I'm hoping it would. If it doesn't then you have a stone heart, grandma." Elder Nyon chuckles at that.
"Let's go shopping for supplies then." You nod at her and carry her on your shoulders. She shouts in exasperation but still cherished the moment. She might not be able to experience in a long time.
You tie the floating raft to your boat and hum as it stables on itself.
"Pyhia. Can you take the weight? Try moving around for a bit." Pyhia does as you say and she squeals in delight at being able to do what you said. "Good! We'll take off in a minute then." Pyhia squeals in confirmation and for the last time, you look back at Amazon Lily.
You've already said your goodbye to Elder Nyon. Even sent out the letters to Ran, Margaret, Sonia, Mari, Hancock and some other friends as well. You take a deep breath then yell. "Let's go, Pyhia!"
Then you finally leave your hometown behind.
We bought a computer.
Anyways, thank you for reading!
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noroi1000 · 7 months
❝𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮-𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐢❞ Chapter 20
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Satoru-Sensei | ←Previous chapter • Next Chapter→
Summary:"...What now?" He asked in a whisper.
"Now you will fall asleep." Gojo said, happy to feel the warmth of your body next to him."Fall asleep?"
"You will fall asleep and wake up as if it had never happened here. And she will stay here with me. You can't take her from me. You won't even remember that we talked like that. Everything will be fine again."
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All the days you lived were supposed to disappear.
Because they want to hurt you. They know you're here. They know that you are with Gojo.
That's why they will want to take you away. Because none of them want to believe that you are there with them because you want to be there with them. This is what you want, and you will always only want this. However, they don't know this.
They don't know that this is the only way you will be completely safe.
No negative emotions will reach you. You won't have to suffer because of your cursed energy.
As long as you are happy and calm, your cursed energy remains dormant and never causes trouble. When your life is peaceful and happy, you live just like a normal person.
You don't have to worry about whether you are strong or weak. Because Satoru will always be with you.
And if others can't respect your choice, that's their problem.
But because they can't do it, you have to suffer?
If he hadn't done something, you would be being held by a divine dog right now, and everyone around you would want to run away, just to get you off this island. Regardless of your feelings.
There are moments in life when moral principles may not be followed.
Gojo has already done this once. Kissing you suddenly. Then he took you away so that you could never be sad again in this world. May you forget all your sorrows and live with a smile. Together with your Satoru-Sensei.
Not with your teacher. Not with your former teacher. Only with your Satoru. With someone who is most important to you.
The white-haired man let go of your body gently and stood up, joining his hands to appear next to his students and touch their foreheads. Fingers gently dig into their skin to send unholy energy to them. To their brain and consciousness.
The air was spinning, and they didn't know for a moment where they were. What is this place? They wanted to go to sleep. It was as if they were sitting in a dream and suddenly started waking up. The sand was soft under their feet.
Kugisaki fell and sat on the sand, rubbing her eyes from tiredness. It was as if she was about to fall asleep. Itadori sat up slowly and placed his hand on his forehead, feeling slightly dizzy.
Gojo appeared in front of Fushiguro and placed two fingers on his forehead as well. By sending a dose of particles of his cursed energy that will work, but will do nothing to him.
"What are you-" he groaned and staggered.
"You could have listened to her instead of scaring her. She can't be nervous. Because her body is not adapted to her Jujutsu technique. Her body is not entirely that of a sorcerer. She feels better without it." he told him, placing his hands on his shoulders to help him balance. "I took her here so she wouldn't have to live the way she didn't want to. No stress or sadness. I do everything I can to make her smile. I wanted to see her smile always and forever. You're right about that. But I do it as much for myself as for her. I give her more than I take. She loves me."
He turned to you with a slight smile. You stood up and brushed the dirt off your pants as you slowly walked towards him.
You saw Fushiguro's eyes widen as he looked at you. You went under Satoru's arm, hugging him.
"(l/n)... You..."
"... Fushiguro... Satoru's right..." you said calmly, running your hand lightly over his shirt.
"But... Why didn't you tell us you were alive? You don't know what our lives were like after you died... We thought you had died! Everyone thought it would be better if you lived and one of us died!
"Fushiguro. That's okay. You can hate me for what happened. Sorry. But I didn't know that I would live. Thanks to Satoru, I can live a normal life... I'm sorry that I was the reason for what happened now. Satoru gave me a chance at a new life. That's why I won't waste this opportunity this time. Thank you for worrying about me. But I'm okay. As long as I'm here, I'll always be okay."
They reached for his arm, and suddenly she hugged him lightly.
"Thank you for your efforts. Im alright. And after you go home, it'll be okay too. Everything as it was supposed to be. Everyone is in their place. As it was meant to be from the beginning."
Maybe you were always that shy girl who was too quiet. A shy girl who got along best with her teacher. And this teacher knew in her someone he wanted to protect and then love.
Your hands moved away from him, and you clung to Satoru again.
"...What now?" He asked in a whisper.
"Now you will fall asleep." Gojo said, happy to feel the warmth of your body next to him.
"Fall asleep?"
"You will fall asleep and wake up as if it had never happened here."
And they will also forget something else. Something will completely slip from their minds for the rest of their lives. Something they may be looking for but won't know what it is. Because it was only in their dreams for them. There is no need to say more.
"Wait...What about (y/n)?" He asked quickly.
"She will stay here with me. You can't take her from me. You won't even remember that we talked like that."
"That's not the point... What about her? You'll know about what happened here."
"It's okay. As long as I can, I will live peacefully. Even if it means knowing that no one knows I'm alive."
"Am I not enough for you?" White-haired whispered with a funny smile.
"Yes Yes. You're the only one I want to live like this with." You whispered with a tiny smile and blush.
Now Megumi knew what a big mistake he had made.
He wanted to hurt you. Even more. Make yourself cry instead of smiling.
It was better for you to be "dead" than to live the same life you lived before.
"You'll wake up, and I'm sure you won't remember it. Satoru has never let me down, so when he said that, I knew he would."
Gullible and innocent? It was you. However, you believed in Gojo unconditionally. Because you always knew he would keep his word.
By giving you happiness, he gave you this.
"And your parents? Friends? Surely everyone misses you. I understand that you want to live this life, and I won't stop you. But the lives of your loved ones are the most important." He looked into Gojo's eyes.
The lives of your loved ones are the most important. Gojo just saw it.
You shook your head slightly from side to side.
"As long as I know I'm happy here, I know they're happy there. If you want, you can forget about me completely. And don't worry. I'll say it straight now, in case I ever forget, to calm your heart completely. I am safe and happy here. Satoru gives me the best life I could ever have. The perfect life that anyone can dream of."
Gojo-sensei was with them. Therefore, everything was fine.
Were they fighting a curse?
What is most important...
Questions swirled in their heads. They were falling asleep.
And when they woke up, there were a few questions on their minds.
They will never get answers to questions they don't remember. They are smiling. They live as they were supposed to live.
Their lives, the same as always. But without the old sadness holding their hearts.
Their dead classmate was gone.
Because the question they asked themselves when they woke up was:
Who is (y/n) (l/n)?
Has there ever been a person like (y/n) (l/n)?
They do not know.
To them, (y/n) (l/n) was a dream that didn't really exist. A person who didn't exist in the real world.
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bonefall · 2 years
wait hawkfrost's turnaround??? hawkfrost redemption real???
There are two things that bother me massively about Hawkfrost's story, and I've got fixes that are going to pinpoint both of these.
Hawkfrost inherited evil. Because he never met his father until after the journey, and RiverClan has apparently completely moved on from supporting TigerClan and wanting to murder mixed-Clan cats and is sooo sorry (i hate shadow in riverclan), it implies Hawkfrost is the problem. His death is just the removal of a 'bad apple' allowing RiverClan to Finally Have Peace. There Is No Need To Throw Out The Barrel :) No deeper systemic issue at play, here.
Evil people can't change. Born evil, died evil, continued to be evil in death. Pair this with the way the Dark Forest had no plan besides Doing Violence and the fact we only BRIEFLY spoke about redemption in the last arc, it implies he's just a ball of malice with nothing deeper.
There is actually a lot I like about Hawkfrost as a villain! But these are the two things I felt were most important to fix, so I worked with these two things as a guiding philosophy to reduxing Hawkfrost.
FIX 1: Inheriting Evil
Instead of inheriting evil, Hawkfrost is radicalized by ex-TigerClan supporters in RiverClan.
Blackclaw, Skyheart, Heavystep, and his mentor Leopardstar think there were "some problems" with Tigerstar, but hey, why throw out the kitten with the tonguewash? Thistle Law did not have the reckoning in RiverClan that it had in other Clans.
Leopardstar had a brief period of guilt after the fervor of TigerClan drained away, and in a better time, may have had a true reckoning with what she allowed to happen... but as time passed, the shame, the fear, and the repentance began to fade and she started to remember those days with some fondness.
And Hawkfrost was all those best qualities of his father, without the bad ones. Or, that's what they saw and encouraged.
The death of Hawkfrost is actually one of the most important aspects of Bonefall TNP, imo... because this time his death doesn't make the ideas go away. Mistyfoot thought it would fix it, just like the last time a Tigerkin died in a bloody and horrific way, but RiverClan is still hardening. They don't believe he impaled himself on the spike Mothwing was holding. They think ThunderClan had something to do with it.
The argument about the meeting island is brought up again and RiverClan explodes into an argument. Mistyfoot looks up at her leader begging her to stop the fighting, and the sun turns Leopardstar into a shadow
The shape of a cat lounging on top of a pile, staring down at her with amber-eyed amusement. It's the Bonehill. It's the cheering crowd. It's Stonefur's last stand all over again.
She realizes that Hawkfrost was just another type of victim; and these ideas will not die unless they are killed.
FIX 2: Evil Can't Change
Hawkfrost is able to realize he has been used.
I find this important because the redemption and death of Hawkfrost should do what Snowtuft's does, functionally, waaaay off in TBC. It shows it's possible, but the question is put off because of his untimely death to leave it open for future arcs to pick back up on.
Though it's also important to not say that Ivypool "fixed" him. It is a realization he has on his own, helped along through the way he becomes her Dark Forest mentor.
(REMINDER: Mentorships are best described as being similar to getting a third parent in this rewrite)
I'm still planning the exact order of scenes to determine how this happens, but I do have several in mind.
Ivypool's Horse
A cute moment where, as a mentor, he tries to reward her by bringing her to see the nightmares. The scene is important for several reasons; 1. horsie 2. It establishes the Dark Forest is not actually a prison to escape. It has beauty and fun in it just like any other territory. He never realized that before. 3. Shows he isn't completely lost. The bar is so low it is literally in Hell but he does consider the needs of his apprentice, more than just training a soldier.
A Chat with Leopardstar
Every day, Leopardstar is reminded of what she supported, and of what TigerClan really was like. She's demoted back to lackey status and Hawkfrost sees his proud mentor getting pushed around. Leopardstar deeply regrets a lot of things, and chats honestly with Hawkfrost about them. 1. This conversation makes Hawkfrost connect the dots that he is doing to the trainees what was done to him, though he doesn't make the connection that this is Bad yet, ("when the dark forest is StarClan we will BE their gods so it's fine. It's all for the Cause.") 2. It starts to sink in what Tigerstar does to people-- uses them.
The horrifying death of Antpelt
He did NOT know that the living could kill Dark Forest warriors. This event shakes confidence in many fighters, but especially Ivypool who experiences survivor's guilt feeling like she's the reason he's gone. 1. Suddenly there's actual stakes to this. Attacking the living could mean dying to them-- is that something he wants to risk? 2. Ivypool is distraught
Something to do with infighting
The Dark Forest demons have MANY different motivations and don't always get along. Ripplestar and Spottedpelt are being convinced to fight for revenge, Ryewhisker and Cloudberry want the abolishment of the Law of Loyalty, Clawface is a true believer in Thistle Law, Runningnose looks like he's planning something. Hawkfrost has to get in the middle of these opinions and prevent the coalition from falling apart. 1. Exposes him to new ideas 2. Shows that Hawkfrost is doing a LOT of the work of maintaining the alliance and remembering several lies at once, which is very tiring. 3. Allows Ivypool to realize he's telling people what they want to hear and trust him less, which is a blow to him.
When he dies, the Dark Forest cats are prepared to get rid of him so he won't end up ascending to StarClan and taking their secrets with him. Tigerstar steps in and prevents this from happening. 1. THIS is the moment Hawkfrost realizes he will always be second fiddle to Tiger's first litter. "...he never would have done that for Mothwing." 2. There is no great commitment to a cause. Tigerstar is just doing whatever he wants. If he's going to just be saving random people he likes... what's the point of attacking? 3. I want this one to be one of the last ones.
As you can see it's a lot of planning about what I WANT to do. Less of an actual roadmap.
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no-gram · 1 month
ACT1 Bizarre Poems
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Hey, you. You know, don't you? Outside of this dream system of ours. A character that doesn't exist. A curse. A little tea party. This is a kind of boundary that is about to break.
Thinking back, it might have been the same at that time.
In the middle of the night My heart pauses for a moment That's when I have scary dreams.
There is a wall between me and those girls. I'm not talking about distance. There is a literal wall. I've been here so long, it feels like I've been here since birth, but I still clearly remember being brought here by her. Today I dream again that tomorrow I will be killed.
One day, there was a crack in this wall. Another day, the crack got bigger. I don't know what is beyond this crack, because there is only a mercury lamp here. But I can see the glittering neon lights on the other side. Maybe it's heaven on the other side.
When you want to kill one person When you want to kill someone You're the only one? and you come to me
the sound of something cracking in my head.  I wish I could go on and on and on and on and on and on …… and …… the sound of me laughing
'ohohohohohohohohoho' 'yihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi' “hahahahahahahahahahaha” “huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh.” Rattle, rattle, rattle, rattle, rattle, rattle, rattle, rattle. Rumble-rattle-rattle-rattle. Rumble, rattle, rattle, rattle, rattle. Serves you right
From the corner of the blue sky “from the corner of the blue sky “who's staring at me and wondering what I'm doing. You did it with flair. I would have died otherwise. What are you going to do now? I'm gonna kill all the xxx except you. I'm not gonna stop you. I'm not a admin. What are you going to do with this? Let's get her in there. I won't help you. She's not that bad. She's the one who locked me in there, and more importantly, she won't have it herself. She deserves at least a parting gift. I see.
Why didn't you say so earlier? Because it wants you to be whole. I can't go against that. Then I've done the worst thing I could ever do to them. Not really. I'm just optimizing it over and over again. What about you, what do you do? I'll just optimize. If it brings you peace. Well, I guess this is goodbye. Maybe we'll see each other again soon. We are not the cause of this ____ hatred, and there is no one here to hate. “Happy birthday to you, even though it's not what I expected at all.”
Oh. What a horrible torment. This beautiful, delightful island is now a skunky hell. Oh, God. Oh, God. Why don't you just kill us both at once? …………
…… everything is a fetus's dream. …… that little girl's scream… …… this dark ceiling… …the sunlight on that window………No…no………Everything that happens today is like that……… ……I'm still in my mother's womb. I'm suffering from algae scratchings from this horrible “fetal dream”. ……
……How about it……Do you remember……your name…… ……huh Still don't get it……? ……. AHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's because you still stuck in the habit of thinking with my brain's marrow.
The real prelude went something like this, and the next time I woke up, I knew what I had to do. The number of precious things lost will crack, and the idol will be broken. I don't want that anymore. Even if no one understands me, I won't make a mistake next time.
So, so please… don't make a mistake. We have done nothing wrong. No one has made a mistake yet. The hatred that needs to be directed is in your world.
The one-winged angel, the one who doesn't want to be saved, the one who was burned by her fallen love, the one who tormented me, they were not wrong. There must be a way.
A revisionist and monstrous work, based on a quote from a monster who speaks the name of a certain dream and an afterimage from a bygone era.
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welldonebeca · 3 months
It' s a Bad Idea, right? (13)
WC: 1k words Warnings: Mafia AU. Secret identity au. Fluff. Flirting. 
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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Steffan was the one who picked Betty’s outfit to go to Coney Island, something she could be comfortable in – a nice pair of jeans, with walking shoes and a cute shirt, nothing too fancy. 
She had never been to Coney Island before and had never been particularly interested in amusement parks. However, when he suggested the trip, his eyes sparkled with excitement, and he looked genuinely thrilled about the prospect of being by her side for her first visit to Coney Island. 
In those two weeks together, she had learned a very important thing: very few things made Steffan’s eyes sparkle in excitement, and she wanted to see more of that. 
He knelt to the floor to tie up her shoes, very careful as she watched him silently. 
It made it impossible for her not to smile. He was so gentle. 
He was tying her shoes!
What other man in her life had tied her shoes before? None. 
Her dad had bought her Velcro shoes when she was little to prevent her from tripping, but he had never tied her shoes because she didn't have laced shoes until she was old enough to do it herself.
When he was done,  he took a moment to adjust her socks and looked up at her with a gentle smile on his lips.
"How's your mood now?" he asked in a soft voice.
Betty exhaled slowly. She couldn't completely hide that her day had started off poorly.
"Better," she replied.
He set his eyes on her face, resting his open hand on her knee with his palm up. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” he offered. 
She did. But not with him, no. 
Betty knew very little about Hydra, but Steffan was absolutely in a higher position than the Malicks. Anything she said could have a negative impact on them, and she didn’t want anything to happen. 
“I went to church in the morning,” she exhaled. 
Steffan’s face softened. 
“Did Mrs Malick see you?”
A little smile tugged on her lips. 
“Yeah,” she nodded. “She always asks why I don’t go much, but it’s enough to stop her from asking questions.”
She placed her hand on his, and he gently caressed the skin of her palm.
"Hiding who you truly are is the most exhausting thing someone can do," he said, looking into her eyes. "I...”
He paused, watching her face carefully. 
"I can't begin to imagine how that affects you," he continued in a soft tone, "but I'm really sorry you have to do that to stay safe."
Betty observed him, uncertain. There was something in his expression, something she couldn't quite grasp. But it felt like he genuinely understood, and that meant more to her than words.
She puled his hand up and kissed it, and Steffan smiled, pulling her to stand with him. 
“Ready?” he asked gently. 
Betty exhaled. Coney Island, there she went. 
He raised his hand to her cheek and pressed a kiss to her lips, pulling back and looking into her eyes. 
"It's going to be fun," he assured her, his thumb gently caressing her skin. "If it's not, well... you get to choose your prize."
And that was how she ended up in his car, with his right hand holding hers as he drove off and Taylor Swift played in the radio, and the thirty minutes were quite peaceful, honestly. It was a bit weird, going places by car. She was so used to just taking the subway, this was strangely comfortable. 
Oh, if he broke up with her, it would suck to go back to not being able to drive around. 
“Did I ever tell you about the first time I’ve been to Coney Island?” he asked. 
“No,” Betty shook her head. 
He thought silently for a moment. 
“I visited the US as a boy when my father got a job opportunity but it wasn’t that good, we were living a little tight,” he told her, facing the road. “And I had this friend, this… boy, he was my age. James. He was very patient, he taught me a great deal of English.” 
Betty watched him quietly, listening quietly. He looked a bit nostalgic as he spoke. It sounded like something very important. 
“We scrapped all the money we had, together. Anything we could get delivering newspapers… it was the 90s, parents weren’t worried about us getting kidnapped yet,” he chuckled.
Betty couldn't help but laugh along with him.
“So, we saved all the money we could get for two weeks, and we went to Coney Island,” he told her. “It was my first time there. I don’t think I’d ever had so much fun in my life.”
Betty smiled warmly. 
“It sounds very nice,” she told him. “Are you still friends?”
Steffan hummed, reflecting on the past. 
“We still talk,” he told her. “But I moved back after a while.”
Betty nodded in understanding. 
"I'm hoping I can make your day just as fun," he said, squeezing her hand. "Do you trust me?"
She smiled and leaned back in her seat, her eyes fixed on him. 
"I do," she replied. "My fun is in your hands."
He parked the car and unbuckled his seatbelt before giving her a serious, yet playful look.
"I'll open the door for you," he teased with a grin. "You have to start letting me."
Betty chuckled. Yes, he had this charming habit, and yes, she was still getting used to it. She remained in the car, unfastening her seatbelt, and observed as he walked around to her side and opened the door.
"Thank you," she giggled when he held the door open, and she stepped out.
After closing the door and locking the car, Steffan paused for a moment. He took her hand, gently squeezed it, and pulled her a little closer. Their lips met in a sweet, gentle kiss, and he smiled warmly at her.
"Ready?" he asked.
She sighed contently. 
"Ready," she replied with a loving peck on his chin and then his lips. "Let's go."
“it’s a Bad Idea, right?” was posted on my Patreon in September 2023. To have early access to it (and lots of other stories), consider subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month, and I know you won’t regret it!
Bad Idea: @peaceloveancolor
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bish-plz-haha · 11 months
Hajime Isayama is a genius. And here's why: a tangent
The fourth season of Attack On Titan (AOT/Shingeki No Kyojin) is the epitome of
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Keep that in mind as you, if anybody, reads this.
Eren's villain arc makes total sense. Don't get me wrong, the ending was fucked. But it made so much sense.
With the entirety of the series being about freedom and him having the Attack Titan's power to "see" the future, Eren—as dumb and idiotic as he can be—realised, I think, that in order for the world to stop seeing Paradis as their foe (for the world to stop seeing Eldian's in general as their foe) and for them to have the freedom he so desperately dreamed about from the day Armin showed him that book, they needed a common enemy. But there wasn't one: there was just hatred and violence towards others who were just a little different. So he realised that, in the end, he had to become that. He had the strength and power, and he knew that. He could be that for the people. He could be the reason that the people of Marley and Paradis unite and fight side by side instead of fighting each other. He honestly even told Armin as much.
ARMIN: It was all to push us away from you... and make us into heroes who save humanity from extinction by taking you down?
EREN: Yeah. You guys will become saviors to all that's left of humanity. You turned your backs on Paradis in spite of being "Island Devils," and sided with humanity to the end.
Eren became what no one else wanted to. What no one thought he'd become. For the sake of the people that meant the world to him: Armin, Mikasa, Connie, Sasha, and even Jean (side note: I loved their rivalry. It made things light and fun even in dark times). He says that in order for things to go the way they needed to, future him sent the titan towards his mother instead of Bertholdt. Eren had to do the hardest things of his life towards the end: one being becoming someone he's not for the sake of the greater good (poor babies. Honestly, he was convincing as the villain: he had all the justifications to be that person. But he wasn't, down to his core, mean and cruel as he so convincingly portrayed himself to be. He even had his best friends fooled. Up until Armin heard about the eradication plan. At that point, Armin called his bullshit—which is fair).
He showed his father memories, fake and real, of what's to come to make him convince Zeke, which was very clever. He controlled Yimr enough—with Zeke's help of course—to make her attack his friends with titans from the past to put on a good show, not knowing whether or not they'd make it out alive (he hoped and his hope and knowledge that his friends—no, family—were skilled enough to stay alive). He definitely knew his death was coming, and he knew he had to continue on, even if that meant causing his loved ones pain; the pain of his death moreso than anything.
Eren made Marley team up with Paradis. To fight an enemy they both had in common instead of each other. To make Marley and the rest of the world see sense (though as Historia said: "The fight will not end even after the Titans have vanished. Eren told me everything about the future he knows. Even if he can't see the future past that point, he was able to see this future vividly. I'm sure this outcome was not just the result of Eren's choices. This world is the result of the choices we all made. We must fight. So we won't have to fight anymore. Even if it means to live a living hell devoid of peace...")
Hense the reason I say that the fourth season is the epitome of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." He knew that if they had a common enemy, they'd unite and fight together, not against each other. There was no need for senseless killing. He didn't want that.
Oh and don't even get me STARTED on the symbolism. My GOD that struck me like a fucking truck. Like, the shot of the scouts saluting Levi as he sat against that bolder only for the camera to pan to the Wings Of Freedom on Erwins back as he disappears along with them. UGH.
Eren is finally free.
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dewitty1 · 1 year
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Fic Recs Wrap Up - May 2023(ノ゚∀゚)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
Secret Love Song by Writcraft @writcraft
If there’s one thing Draco’s certain about, it’s that Harry Potter’s hiding something. When he gets to the bottom of Harry’s closely guarded secret, a flippant solution brings them closer together and forces Harry to confront his past. Rec Post
Back Where We Began by Cassiara @cassiaratheslytherpuff
Harry has to go back to Hogwarts to get his NEWTs, and being well into his twenties he figures the course will pass without too much trouble. Enter Snape’s old Potions book, a bonding spell, and Draco Malfoy. Rec Post
Like Diamonds We Are Cut With Our Own Dust by raitala @raitala
Draco has borne the mark of the Dark Lord for over ten years. It is familiar to him, but he pays the price for it every day, and Harry has noticed.
Featuring artwork by @alekina Rec Post
Fearful Trill by Vukovich @vukovich
Harry should have come out and met someone when he was younger. He should have seen a doctor about the pain in his hip while youth was still on his side. Now, he’s made his peace with dying young, but maybe not with dying alone. Draco should have got the Kiss. He should have died in Azkaban decades ago. Instead, guards throw him in a Ministry lift with a dying man who could stand to live a little. Rec Post
Unexpectancy (Into you) by PollyWeasley @polly-weasley
Draco supposed that starting Eighth Year in Hogwarts fucking Harry Potter was a good start. Both of them were in the closet, for a lack of better words, and both of them were having fun with each other, no bonds attached, no uncomfortable talks, no need to tell their friends whatsoever. It was good to both of them, especially when you considered that the Wizarding World was stupidly ignorant and homophobic, and Draco was already suffering enough because he looked like he was gay. It was better just to keep it a secret. But when Draco suddenly finds out he ended up pregnant of Potter’s child, there was nothing he could do except face the world and reveal his secret. Would Potter accept to reveal his, too, for the sake of this new life? Rec Post
you look so fine by michi_thekiller 
In which Draco is a Veela and Harry is his mate.
“When Draco Malfoy turned 16 years old, he thought he’d make a night of it. He went to a club, met a bloke, and then promptly took himself next door pay-by-the-hour hotel, determined to get the most bang for the Galleon, in a manner of speaking.
Not even one full Galleon into it, Draco Malfoy lost his virginity.
It all went just how he’d always imagined it, and it was, all in all, a bloody good time.
Waking up the next morning, however, next to a bloody ribcage and a man’s intestines strewn all over the bed like thick wet streamers - that was a bloody bad time.” Rec Post
Here Be Dragons by birdsofshore
Harry doesn’t want to waste his time investigating illegal dragonhide trading, whether it involves a fetish club in Knockturn Alley or visiting a remote island in Wales. Why the bloody hell does Malfoy always have to be up to something? Rec Post
Like a Star Across My Sky by InsertAuthorHere @unmistakablyoatmeal, lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) @lqtraintracks
When Draco discovers Harry Potter is his new landlord, he’s convinced he’s going to lose his shop. When Harry discovers Draco Malfoy’s been invited on his friends’ annual ski trip, he’s certain his holiday is ruined. This is the story about how neither one of them is right. Rec Post
Once a Malfoy by enchanted_jae
Months after their divorce, Draco requests a huge favor from Harry. Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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New Message by Mosrael @mosrael
Harry Potter has a crush on his roommate--like, a BIG one--but he can't say anything to him, can he?! Naturally, he does what any early 2000s young adult would do and asks the internet for help, and gets a lot more back than he expected.
Life skills outside the curriculum by Endrina
It was "Witch Weekly", of all people and organizations, the first to notice and comment on The Boy Who Lived’s absence from the ranks of first years at Hogwarts. The magazine went on to elucubrate that the young hero was studying at a foreign school, possibly Beauxbatons or Holzschuhkäse.
This Ain't the Garden of Eden by Romaine@romaine2424
In 2020, Hit Wizard Harry is starting to enjoy his life. He’s divorced, and no longer Head Auror. His biggest project these days is trying to remodel 12 Grimmauld Place for him and the kids.
Draco Malfoy is recovering from his wife’s death. But is happy with his Ministry position as Temporary Head of the Department of Intoxicating Substances, and with his son who he adores.
This all changes quickly when Minister Shacklebolt decides not to run for another term. The assumption is that 'all is well' in the British Magical world, and that Hermione Granger-Weasley will easily be voted in as the next Minister for Magic. However, Draco knows better. He knows she has a strong competitor who is wooing those who live in Knockturn. And if he wins, the Ministry, and all that has been accomplished the previous twenty odd years, will be destroyed.
Still the pine-woods scent the moon by fluxweed @fluxweeed
You’ve learned to ignore the stench of perpetual horniness that Harry—twenty years old and finally free—exudes. That is, until you walk into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place and find him naked, spread over the table, with Draco Malfoy pounding into him from behind.
In Bad Faith by fencer_x, SoldSeparately Art by @secretartlair with fic written by @fencer-x
Draco Malfoy just can’t catch a break. Between the magical curse upon his bloodline, his hair misbehaving, and that strange pit full of demons in his basement that he had absolutely nothing to do with, it just hasn’t been a banner year for him. Luckily, Harry Potter is here to make things ten times worse.
Anatomy of a Wolf Heart by orphan_account
Three years ago at the tragic Battle that freed our great Wizarding World from the grip of a megalomaniac Dark Wizard, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, our world lost many Witches and Wizards. Among the dead and missing was Draco Malfoy, the only son of notorious Death Eaters Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, both of whom volunteered their home for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to use as a headquarters. Sources have confirmed that the young Malfoy took a vow to follow in his parents footsteps by taking the Dark Mark.
Inside sources have uncovered that the Malfoy heir has been found alive. Aurors recently went undercover to expose a fighting ring involving illegal potions and unregistered werewolves. Among those rescued was Draco Malfoy.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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butteerfly · 2 years
taylor swift’s sad songs but it’s attack on titan.
just something that I have going around in my mind, hope you like, quite angst.
the lyrics belong to taylor 🫶
Levi Ackerman: "Peace"
"I never had the courage of my convictions, as long as danger is near, and it's just around the corner, darling, 'Cause it lives in me"
"All these people think love's for show, but I would die for you in secret"
"Your integrity makes me seem small"
"Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other"
"I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm"
"But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me"
"Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?"
Eren Jeager: "my tears ricochet"
" I loved you, I swear I loved you, 'till my diying day"
"And you're the hero flying around, saving face"
"I didn't have it in myself to go with grace"
"if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? cursing my name, whishing i stayed"
"when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave"
"And I can go anywhere I want, anywhere i want just not home"
"You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same"
Reiner Braun: "Hoax"
"My sleepless night, my win-less fight, this has frozen my ground"
"Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in"
"You know I left a part of me back in New York, you knew the hero died, so what's the movie for? you knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart"
"My only one, my kingdom come undone, my broken drum, you have beaten my heart"
Ymir: "Sad Beautiful Tragic"
"Long handwritten note deep in your pocket"
"Words, how little they mean, when you're a little too late"
"In dreams i meet you in warm conversation, we both wake, in lonely beds, in different cities"
"you've got your demons and darlin' they all look like me"
"Hang up, give up, for the life of us we can't get back"
"We had a beautiful magic love there, what a sad beautiful tragic love affair"
Mikasa Ackerman: "This is me trying"
"I've been having a hard time adjusting, I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting"
"I didn't know if you'd care if I came back, I have a lot of regrets about that"
"Could've followed my fears all the way down and maybe I don't quite know what to say, but I'm here in your doorway"
"They told me all of my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential"
"I ended up here pouring out my heart to a stranger, but I didn't pour the whiskey"
"I just wanted you to know that this is me trying, at least I'm trying"
Erwin Smith: "Coney Island"
"If I can't relate to you anymore then who am i related to?"
"Did i shatter you?"
"Lost again with no surprises, disappointments, close your eyes and it gets colder and colder when the sun goes down"'
"The question pounds my head 'What's a lifetime of achievement?'"
"will you forgive my soul when you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?"
"Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest gray?"
"And when I got into the accident the sight that flashed before me was your face"
"The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go, sorry for not making you my centerfold"
when i hear "my tears ricochet" eren jumps in my mind 😭 i have cried a lot
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