#why arent you idiots posting about her
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cylidae · 2 years ago
There's something important that you have to know about me. If there's a fandom out there that I'm into, I have forcefully entered Charm into it. Does it matter if it's an ancient society? A magic place? No. My half robot lass goes in there no matter what. You don't understand the depths of love I have for this character. My very first fictional crush, my bisexual awakening. Feel free to comment with random fandoms and I'll write a stupid interaction with Charm and one of the characters. You don't have to know who she is. Honestly, it makes it funnier if you have no clue who I'm talking about.
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unb1nding-t-b0y · 6 months ago
Transphobia/ micro aggression idk story cuz I see a lot of posts talking about transandrophobia but not as many stories about experiencing it. (Maybe it's just my Tumblr algorithm but regardless posting will hopefully help that too)
Anyways I'm 21 recently started transitioning and I've been performing at a drag place for a little bit. This elder queen (I don't even remember her name I think she was trans but with drag queens that have spent their lives In Drag it can be difficult to tell even when you hear them talk about themselves because many of these people kinda use male and female names pronouns etc interchangeably etc. I'll use she -her pronouns in the story because I'd rather not accidentally misgender a trans women and ik she doesn't care about being she/hered even if she is a cis gay) Anyways she asks bout me and I tell her my name, pronouns, and identity as one does in queer spaces. Upon hearing I was a trans masc she immediately feels the need to tell me the story of the time she *gasp* almost slept with a trans man. The story goes like this.
Shes at a drag night in some bar and a drag king approaches her and they hit it off. Shes into him and vice versa. They ditch the bar and make out in a car somewhere and when it's getting hot and heavy the dude pulls his strap out and tells her he wants to fuck her. All standard shit. But she goes on and on about how surprised and disgusted she was at both the fact that she's been fooling round with a "woman" and how off-putting it was to even suggest a BOTTOM get fucked with a dildo. She picks up. A. Drag. King. And gets surprised when he's trans. If a lesbian went to a drag night and picked up a trans woman and reacted in the same way people would call her an idiot for not bothering to have the critical thinking skills to consider that maybe that person performing gender up there is performing a different gender than they were assigned at birth. (Side note if you're gonna pick someone up without knowing anything about them you can't be mad about surprises. I swing both ways so a surprise is just fine for me but if you have a severe genital preference maybe fucking ask people before you're making out with them and wanting to fuck. Sorry you hate dildos but you should have checked, and honestly even if it's a cis dude you should at least try to verify that they get tested + use protection etc
Unfortunately the majority of drag kings I've run into have been CIS men. The place I'm in is very supportive and kind to cis men doing bare minimum performances (no choreography, no makeup, usually the dude just takes his shirt off at some point and that alone is enough to be praiseworthy. Or he wears a suit stands around and barely lip-syncs ) whereas drag kings that aren't cis or arent men are more often than not treated as outsiders.
The story also cemented what I was afraid of that ultimately I was viewed as an invader of the space. That for some reason cis queens and cis kings are more acceptable in a space that was pioneered by trans women and drag queens. The trans drag shows Ive gone to haven't had any trans men in them unless they are open call. It's hurtful it's alienating and it's frustrating. I AM STILL TRANS. IF YOUR TRANS INCLUSIVE SPACE ISNT INCLUSIVE OF ME ITS NOT INCLUSIVE. It's frustrating that as a trans man when I enter "trans friendly gay bars" I'm often treated like an annoying presence getting in the way of everyone else's dicks only zone. Sorry I don't have a cock but that shouldn't be a requirement to occupy these spaces and you can't call yourself trans inclusive when you really mean just cis gays and trans girls. At the time I couldn't really articulate how fucked up what she said was so I just kinda said some non offensive topic change and moved on but like most of the other queens ignored or avoided me and that moment I figured out why I always felt like the odd one out. Because I was.
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luvmyoui · 2 years ago
six - out
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previous masterlist next
gp!myoui mina x fem!reader
warnings: cursing
word count: 1,732
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the constant buzzing of your phone roused you from your slumber, you tried to ignore it but the buzzing hadn’t gone away like it usually would. with a huff you sat up and received the call without checking the caller. 
“what?!” you said annoyance clear in your tone.
“check twitter, right now!” camila’s stressed out voice exclaimed from the other end of the phone. 
“okay, okay, gosh what terrible thing happen-” you fell silent when the twitter app loaded on and displayed a linked article stating a question along with a picture. 
the article went on to explain how an anonymous source had sent a picture of the ‘happy birthday isla’ banner that hung behind you, you were squatted on the floor with isla’s cheek squished into yours. seeing the picture you immediately recognized it as one that was definitely taken the day before. you could only curse yourself for letting that man help bring that package into your home and forgetting to close the door. apparently there had been paparazzi waiting outside of your house and took pictures of the decorations while your door was open. 
“y/n? you good?” camila's worried voice pulled you out of your regretful thoughts. 
“y-yeah, just shocked. the thought of this happening never even crossed my mind.” you said, still in disbelief that this could’ve happened. 
“look at the comments though, we can go along with them and lie.” hearing this, with curiosity you scrolled down to see the replies to the tweet. 
sixtharmony4ever: why can't you people just mind your own business omg, leave my girls alone!!!
camilasolostan: wtf??? was y/n a teen mom?! iloveyn: so what if she was, its her life not yours.
laurenmll: why are you idiots acting like she can't have nieces😭😭 user872349: are you stupid, she doesn't have any siblings💀💀 laurenmll: are you? you're acting like she cant have any cousins☠️ laursss: girl lets be real, thats 100% y/ns kid camziezz: literally, cuzns arent twins💀💀
sixthharmonizerrr: these paparazzis seriously need to get a life and let celebs live theirs.
twice4lifee: guys why does that baby look exactly like mina😰😰minaluvzme: IM SAYINN once4ever: NEW SHIP???
minariii: *image attached* cannot tell me they are not the same person, literally give that kid a haircut and its mina.
lovey/nnn: why does the baby look like that one girl from that kpop group?!
harmonizeronce: does mina have a secret brother? twcmina: she literally said in multiple interviews she was an only child. harmonizeronce: thats why i said secret smartass.
seeing people defending you brought a smile to your face, you loved your fans. though you couldn't help the anxiety creep up your spine, what if they found out about mina. rather than worrying for yourself, you worried for mina, it might break her career if it's found out that she has a kid. you knew that the kpop industry was much less forgiving when it came to things like this. feeling another buzz in your hand caused you to look at the incoming call from your manager larry. 
“mila, larry’s calling so i’ll hang up now okay?” hearing a ‘kay’ from camila you hung up and accepted the call from your manager. 
“deny having a kid, say it was your cousins or something and that you hang out with her kid alot. I honestly don't care what you say, just make sure no one knows that it's your kid.” he said as soon as you had accepted the call
“and if i don't want to?” 
“that’s not an option.” he stated. 
“I'm not going to deny my kid, can I just stay quiet? i won't ever deny that isla’s my daughter, i'm not and never will be ashamed of her. sure i had her young but i don't regret it at all.” you responded with finality in your voice. maybe this was a stupid decision, but one parent had already left isla and you refused to disown her by saying she wasn't yours.  
letting out a sigh, knowing nothing he said would change your decision, your manager let out a fine and hung up the call. you let yourself fall back into your bed and just laid there hands and legs sprawled out. hearing the creak of your door opening made you lift your head a bit to see isla standing there. she ran over to your bed, when she reached it she proceeded to lift one of her legs up trying to get onto the bed. you smiled down at how cute she looked, stopping her struggles, you sat up and pulled her onto the bed next to you. with her small hands she pushed you down onto your back and jumped onto you, cuddling her face into your neck. 
“when will i get to see mommy, i only see hew in pictuws.” isla said into your neck, she was very clearly distressed, and you could only think of the day before when she had questioned mina’s want to even see her. 
you honestly didn't even think mina wanted to see her, sure she sent gifts but you doubt she’d want to see isla. she always thought of the child as a burden, as something that you were supposed to care for. the thought brought a frown to your face, you wished for mina to see isla and acknowledge her as a daughter. 
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chaos had ensued in the twice dorms, although mina only shared a dorm with nayeon, all the girls were currently at the dorms. as soon as they had seen the tweet they rushed over, hoping that it wasn't as they thought. 
“so what, you just left her alone with a kid?!” jeongyeon exclaimed, clearly upset at the mere idea. 
“uh- well it wasn't like that, i wanted to pursue my dream and she was holding me back. also i send them money and gifts and pay for the apartment, i’m fulfilling my role as a parent.” hearing this, all of the girls continued their attack, throwing objects at mina. she tried to dodge but there were too many coming and too fast. 
“god i knew you were a douche judging by the amount of girls you bring home, but this is just unbelievable.” momo said, followed by a shoe being thrown at mina’s head. 
“you guys are unbelievable, i'm your member, not her. plus, are you forgetting the part where i literally send gifts, money, and pay the bills?! also she didn't want me to follow my dream!” mina exclaimed, why couldn't they understand her side?
“yeah, and are you forgetting the part where you got her pregnant. whatever she says doesn't matter, as the person who got her pregnant you should have taken responsibility.” jihyo voiced out, clearly annoyed by her excuses.
“I do take responsibility! how many times do i need to say that i give them money, i spoil them incredibly!” mina cried out in exasperation, how many times did she have to say it for them to understand?
the yelling and throwing of things was stopped the moment the door to the dorm opened, their manager walking in. “mina, there better be a good explanation for this.” their manager said, glaring at mina. 
“uhm- there really isn't one, it’s exactly how it seems.” 
“how do you even know y/n?!” their manager exclaimed, not being able to wrap her mind around this situation.
“we uh- we were high school sweethearts, we dated throughout almost the entirety of highschool.”
“what?!” everyone exclaimed, not knowing that they were in that serious of a relationship. 
“wait, so do you know any other celebrities?” chaeyoung asked in disbelief, she had been a fan of the group's music for a while and couldn't believe mina knew them.
“uh- yeah, shawn mendes, he was my best friend since middle school and camila, but she was y/n’s best friend. and i mean camila never really liked me.” 
“you knew shawn mendes?!” chaeyoung exclaimed, being best friends with shawn mendes was insane to her. 
“yeah, i still talk to him from time to time too.” mina said, scratching the back of her head as she explained. 
“mina, i hope you know that we will be going to the US for the billboard women in music awards. and sixth harmony will for sure be there.” their manager said to mina.
“what!?” mina exclaimed, the thought that she might run into you again was now starting to eat away at her. she didn't want to see you, but at the same time she wanted so desperately to. 
“oh yeah, i was gonna tell you.” jihyo said, everyone surprised that mina didn't know. 
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everyone had left by now, and it was only mina, nayeon, and the two beer bottles on the coffee table in front of them. mina usually didn't drink, her intolerance for alcoholic drinks being the reason, but after today she just needed a drink. 
“what do you think? do you agree with everyone else, you think i'm an asshole?” mina asked, not offended but wanting a genuine answer.
“I mean what you did was very assholey, but i mean it’s never too late to change you know? i mean i’ve lived with you for like how long? three, four years? and i mean i think i know you best, and i can say with confidence you’ve had at least a little character development.” nayeon said, taking a swig of her beer. 
“but what do i do? I feel like what me and y/n had is broken by now. I don't think she’d even want me to meet isla.” mina said, she would never dare say her true thoughts. and i mean, could you blame her? 
all she knew about this kid was that she was 3 years old and that it was hers. she didn't even know what isla looked like until she saw the picture on twitter. she felt terrible for even thinking it, but she didn't really care all that much for this kid. you on the other hand, she had known you for a long time, she loved you, she had a kid with you. she didn't regret pursuing her dream but she wished it didn’t include losing you. 
“just talk to her, when we meet her. try to just talk it all out.” 
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taglist: @moon-ellie @lisas-earlobe @cocojy @second-daughter-of-clexa @runassimp@eliii1sblog @yvsvrn send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist!
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howhow326 · 2 years ago
First day of college is tomorrow so
Team Miraculous Headcanons!
(Note: I feel like the temp heros arent fleshed out as much so im only talking about their role on the team and the difference between their civilian and hero persona.)
Ladybug & Chat Noir: you already know.
Rena Rouge & Carapace: Just like the two lovebirds up there, I think there personalities swap in their hero personas. While Alya is the more rational one and Nino the coming up with crazy ideas, Rena is the crazy idea girl and Carapace is the one that wants everyone to think things through. In combat, Carapace is a frontliner like Chat Noir but with meatshield bent. Rena rarely sees combat because she's more of a mission control/guy in the chair/Navigator and yes I can randomly make persona references that supports the team from the shadows with illusions and spying on the villain.
Queen Bee: This might contradict canon but idc, Queen Bee is nice! Like yeah, she still insults her teammates, but not to their faces anymore! Chloe's making an effort to not be bad and she's failing, but it's the thought that counts right? In battle, Chloe is just doing her best Ladybug impression and it's not too bad.
Vesperia: If Queen Bee is Chloe trying to be nice, then Vesperia is Zoe being a savage! The girl has a lot of pent up anger from living with Audrey and Chloe at the same time, so she deserves to cut loose a bit. Vesperia is one of the heroes that uses the most taunts and insults against villains, sometimes to bait them but most of the time it's just her being a little bad. She's a frontliner but with an emphasis on dodging hits and grabbing attention.
Viperion: Luka is approachable, Viperion is not. He has creepy eyes and half of Paris is convinced he's psychic and can read minds (which isn't entirely wrong, he just reads emotions). The bad rep dosen't bother Luka too much, but it gets annoying when his teammates are scared of him.
Pegasus: Despite being a nerd, Max really isn't an uptight person. As long as something dosen't endanger himself, he's open to trying new things. Pegasus isn't. He lowkey believes he's surrounded by idiots including Ladybug (but he obeys her orders cause she hasn't really lost yet). Half of Paris is also terrified by him because he's able to pull off Batman levels of big brain during a fight.
King Monkey: Most of the temp's hero personas have different personalities but King monkey really is just Kim in monkey suit. Max has lowkey sussed out his identity, Kim suspects nothing.
Ryuko: Kagami is calm, which is why no one has figured out her identity because Ryuko is cRaZy. She's like one of those middle schoolers pretending to be their favorite anime character but WITH REAL POWERS! Villains are also scared of her because she has like 3 powers for some reason.
Purple Tigress: What more can I add? We all saw her: a raging cat lesbian. She's a berserker!
Pigella: She's like that one "threatening positivity" post: you will feel better, you have no choice >:)". the Love square between her and Tigress is real also. In fight she's like those really annoying spell casters that hypnotize your party members.
Miss Hound: When Sabrina transforms she just goes full Chloe! All the years of being mistreated come out as her being 10× meaner than any other hero! Miss Hound dodges a villains attack? "And thats why your useless, utterly useless!" She and Vesperia are besties!
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roseychains · 1 year ago
Shut the fuck up omg
You as a child do not know better. Just because you /THINK/ its safe does not mean it is.
Adult content is called that for a reason. Its for fucking adults. Do children read it? Yeah. I even did. Yeah i lurked. But what i did not fucking do was have the audacity to think i had any right to openly participate in adult spaces.
It does not matter that you put warnings. It does not matter if you dont talk to any adults. We shouldnt have to worry about people like you in spaces meant for us at all.
You want to write smut? Share it in private. You are on a public platform.
Would you set up a stall at a convention for your smut? Do you think it is reasonable that you should have a place for yourself at a public events for adults? What fucking entitlement do you have to have to think you should be allowed her just because you want to be or think its fun. Should you be allowed to go to strip clubs or bars?
Why are adults not fucking allowed to have spaces for themselves. You can make your blog private btw. You can make your blog have a password to be able to view. But instead you post your shit publicly. You force yourself into our space because you think you have the right to.
Even it it was legal for you to do (which it isnt) what the fuck makes you think you have the right to make yourself at home in a space you are repeatedly told you are not yet welcome in. Do you think its just " oh adults are just being selfish and i should get what i want just because i want it regardless of how anyone else feels about it? Regardless of the consequences?"
You arent special. You arent mature. And you most certainly do not know better if you cant have the common decency to stay out of a community that isnt meant for you.
If you cant even respect the fact that adults dont want children in an adult space talking about adult topics then what makes you think you have any right to be here. Since you think you know so much do you also think you should be allowed to go to a sex dungeon and just exist and watch even though no one wants you there cuz you're a kid? Should you be allowed to set up a table there with your smut "just in case someone is interested"
The fucking audacity you have. I have to wonder how badly your parents must have raised you. And dont you dare accuse me of bullying you or "im a minor uwu". You wanna act like an adult then you can take confrontation like one too. You want to think you're mature enough to talk about sex but you cant even respect the wishes of the people in the PUBLIC community that said community was made for.
Fuck off. I am so sick and tired of entitled children like you who think they know better. If you did you wouldn't be here acting like an idiot.
Someone’s mad 🥺
Since when do you make the rules on who can and can’t write? Writing is for everyone, fuck off lmao. If it bothered you sm then block me and move on. How entitled are YOU to think that no one else is allowed to write things?? Minors read “young adult” type smut all the time? If it bothers you so much, if I’m “invading” your space, then block me. Christ.
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weaselthing · 1 year ago
have you ever thought to yourself "hey wouldnt it be cool if there was an oc story made by two guys and it was about a haunted waterpark slash arcade in a fake town in a real state". you probably haven't. but if you have youre in luck! more under the cut ok.
rainforest floods is a terrible no good ocverse made by me and my good friend crawford @dykeseesgod. everyone in it sucks and is horrible except maybe one or two side characters. it's set in the podunk middle of nowhere town of timberline, new mexico, and more specifically a waterpark/arcade called rainforest floods (title drop).
also the waterpark SUUUCKS like its budget is nothing they are in debt. the managers havent paid taxes in 15 years. anyway these are the employees. theyre bad
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and these are the co-managers. theyre even worse (and also toxic old man yaoi. these refs were drawn by the aforementioned crawford)
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anyway yeah. they get up to wacky hijinks in what will ideally be a tv show coming out in one million years. they're also horrible and tragic. most of it is bruce's fault. some of its not though!
ok also here's some other side characters.
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^ running gag that nobody knows her name except kelsey who has a huge crush on her.
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^ unnamed girl's younger brother who is constantly faced with horrors and torment at the hands of the rainforest floods employees. dont get me wrong hes annoying as fuck but he didnt deserve to run on that hamster wheel. (ref also drawn by ford)
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^ jeff's girlfriend. also the coolest person in timberline new mexico. worlds most unimportant minor character but she is wonderful and loved by the producers (me and cosmo)
rainforest floods stupidity logic is a thing me and robbie came up with to explain why all the characters are idiots who dont find things out that are important to the plot too soon.
there's a chain gimmick restaurant that andy's whole family runs except him. its like italian food but its like also magicians. their tagline is "so good its practically magic". andy hates it.
kyle has a curse on him so that nobody remembers or recognizes him outside of like. his family. so the rff employees arent even targeting him for their shenanigans on purpose theyre all just weird freaks.
kelsey gives unnamed girl the company landline as her phone number because shes stupid and a ghost and doesnt have a phone.
the employees all get together on wednesdays in the breakroom and compare evidence on whether or not andy and bruce are together romantically. its the one thing that truly bonds them all together.
vincent: is a watchmojo fan, had his first kiss as beethoven in his 12th grade production of dog sees god confessions of a teenage blockhead (2004), gets really christian in some episode subplot, is not a swiftie but he is a gaylor, wishes he was jonathan sims sooooo bad, types like a toddler who was just given a keyboard.
vincent also ruined rainforest floods' lobby playlist
also there's a brand account that we run and post on whenever we feel like it. its more of a sounding board for ideas we may explore more in the future. its fun but it may be a bit difficult to get the full idea with the execution so :-( sorry you wont fully understand our wonderful and hilarious visions
annnd i think that's it. yay worlds silliest yet most tragic oc story. ok bye ^_^
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canonically47 · 7 months ago
review pls
DCAS ep 19 - review
spoilers !!!! (but you knew that.)
tom saying jake sees the best in people was so fucking funny i'm sorry like we both know He Does Not. even the line was like 'despite his anxieties he..' baby ur literally saying 'despite not seeing the best in people he really does see the best in people' you are so fucking stupid
side note tom is actually an idiot, unironically. not haha himbo idiot just an actual fucking idiot. how is he 30. how is he a fan favorite. HOW IS TOMJAKE A FAN FAVORITE SHIP nonono im not talking about this rn im NOT (claws at my enclosure)
ugh i forgot tomjake is like. a thing. and not a very bad made-up fanon ship. and they're giving them a spin-off. for a sec i allowed myself to exist in a world where ONC made good writing decisions. what a world it was
james being jake's biggest hater was amazing. almost unleashed my inner jake hater. there is still time though, trust
kinda sad to see huntess not hang out with anyone but each other. i was waiting on tess interacting with gabellie or something
gabgrellie save me.... save me gabgrellie............
speaking of ellie she looked so off the entire episode. why did her eyes move like that. am i crazy. she looked so ugly
oh my fucking god they fucking burnt yul's face. that's crazy. grett the woman that you are <333 i might actually draw the prick because he looks cool now
i am also sooooooo glad they're not giving him a half-assed redemption arc. they know he sucks ass. at least we have that
krystal saying "that's the good shit" was the most embarrassing thing ever in fact her entire part before dinner was embarrassing. why did she keep. doing that and saying that. girl why are you interrupting the moment you want to get on camera are you an idiot
also she fell victim to the inconsistency bc tell me why she was bitching and moaning the entire season about 'those that really matter' and being all lpvey dovey about her friends but then derek is like 'trevor :)' and she goes 'why arent u professional' girl.
and derek. man. we all know youre lying genuinely fuck you. 'he matters to me' GIRLLL WHEEENNNNNNNNNNN HAVE YOU SHOWN THAT 😭😭😭
now allow me to be even more not normal
please god PLEASE LET THEM BECOME FRIENDS because if they do i will actually write DSVC fic about jajakeden getting together. i made a promise to myself to never write DSVC fic but if they become friends. i will be so. fucking. annoying.
sooooo glad fiore not only did not pick riya but also GAVE HER THE DISADVANTAGE. JAKE FANS HERE IS HOW WE CAN STILL WIN
why did they bring emily back just to make her a bitch.
there are many things wrong with this ep (like derek existing, and also his lines, and also yul existing,,, and the stuff ive pointed out) but its ONC. i'll throw them a bone ig. i'm okay with what we got, it obviously wasn't a masterpiece and it felt fanservice-y in parts (yk that one post or ask or whatever that says season 1 & 2 DSVC was a show a fandom was built off, but season 3 is a show built off the fandom? yea some scenes reminded me of that. coigh cough krystal mildly breaking the fourth wall.) but i'm glad connor only got like 2 seconds of screentime, fiore and alec got along, and the jajames crumbs oh my.. <3
overall, an 8/10 and if my memory isn't failing me this is probably the best rating since ep 13?? but yea it was a good episode i'm fine with it. im surprised they didnt ruin.everything. bc yk its ONC. so yea!!! yay yippee yay!
i am so glad there are only 2 episodes left . istg if i watch the spin offs or new seasons i need yall to shoot me. and remember how i was talking some time ago about rewatching the entire show after DCAS came out fully? yea no. not doing that. when episode 21 comes out i will be cheering because i will finally put DSVC behind me. i fucking hate this show WE ARE ALMOST FREE!!!!!!!!! CHEERING
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mr-nauseam · 28 days ago
For the OC ask
Julia Snow (or a different OC if you'd prefer):
Which canon character annoys your OC?
What canon character gets annoyed by your OC?
Sorry the delay 🙏
I feel are many characters that get annoyed with Julia JAJAJAJA, mostly they get exasperate bc I feel my girl can get people on their nerves easy, but I have 3 characters in mind to these questions, and I will bega with who got BOTH (get annoyed by Julia and made Julia get annoyed, which I must say, its weird) and that honor go to Grandma Snow LMAO
I think in general that terrible woman hate everybody, but like Julia did many mistakes, for example marry Crassus (worst choice, and Grandma have some special beef with Crassus for be so insufferable), then she is ridiculously young, she will be like "omg shut up kid." Normal stuff for Cruella de Vil, however, Julia would end up becoming a hater of Grandma, me thinks after Coriolanus born.
Grandma for the little we saw, didnt see like she hate Coriolanus, probably its in her tiny list of people that worth something, which would be a problem, I dont doubt she would be trying to order Crassus and Julia how to raise their child, she probably was doing what Julia was accused of (I mean try to steal - take as hers other child), and eventually, even if Julia its very passive, she would get TIRED.
More bc she do love Coriolanus a lot, thats HER EVIL BABY (I say evil baby bc I found funny the concept of Coriolanus being a baby that threw toys at Crassus, hiss at him and more, he BORN BEING POSSESIVE, THATS HIS MOTHER, GET AWAY <3) and would get PISSED OFF by that attitude.
Then we have Ma Plinth, who I feel would HATE Julia, or at least be very "what the fuck" with her. Its kinda funny, the Plinth opinions over Julia will be very divided, I think Julia would be very respectful with Strabo, very polite, very sweet, and I dont think she would be rude with Ma Plinth, but because both are womans, I feel a part of her would go like "girls hours" and she would have a confidence to tell Ma certain things that she never would dream to tell a man like Strabo.
So you have him going "how an honorable lady like that can be marry with snow?" and Ma will go "I KNOW PERFECTLY WHY SHES MARRY WITH SNOW." Bc again, Julia would be her particular flavour of bigotred saying shit like "Mrs. Plinth, you are so strong, I couldnt never live in such a place like the districts, it must be horrifiyng there." LIKE... Shes not trying to being rude,,, she really believes thats a nice thing to say uh.
and finally!! Someone that managed both too get annoyed by Julia and made she get annoyed: Casca!
I think Casca get more annoyed when he was younger with Julia. Especially when he was a teen bc Julia was very much a child so she would made him not cool enough. This get stronger by how Crassus meet Julia, bc she was looking for Casca, only person she knew in that ball and he was screaming and crying bc WHATS GONNA THINK CRASSUS OF HIM? (Bc he liked pretend he didnt care and I mean a part of him HONESTLY dont give a fuck abt what that idiot believe but thats a part of him that get developed later. Before college a part of him care for his reputation with his "best friend") but too never was a strong feeling bc Casca get some soft spot in general with children. Like he was in panic but then go "wtf Im being an asshole with a kid??? I SHOULD BETTER EXPLAIN THEM THE THINGS AND GIVE THEM RESPECT." Thats his tiny future teacher side speaking.
NOW. I WILL TALK OF HOW JULIA GET ANNOYED. But Im giving a tw because I will mention domestic violence. If you arent comfy with this subject at all, you can pretend this were end my answer.
Yes. Im one of the people that put in the air the concept of Crassus beat his wife. Probably not a surprise, I been hinted that in many posts (the first and unique draw of Julia for now its very clear about this) but I get I dont have one post saying this explicit. So Im saying rn so we can move on.
A lot of this chose its influence in how I characterize Crassus (violent physical because he never starve, its tall and strong. A militar man) in contrast to Coriolanus (violent pyschological, verbally and emotionally because hes famelic, skinny, shorter. Cant use his own physical force. A president that poison others) + the comments Casca do about Mrs. Snow in canon (all the your mother that believe your father would give her freedom and love, she jump to the fry, only her youth could excuse her, etc).
Coming back to Julia. She as its usual in these cases try so hard to hidde this fact but as always happen, soon or later, someone end up noticing it. And Im sure who do it was Casca or better say, who care and get worry for it was him but she wasnt happy at all about it.
This change a bit if I go by a Snowbottom plot or no, but usually she wouldnt trust in his worry. Shes kinda sure somehow Casca its pretending, its not honest and probably only do that bc of his relationship with Crassus. I mention the Snowbottom plot bc in those cases shes sure he want steal her terrible husband. If its not, she still would believe its only for resentment and hate to Crassus.
Not because he want help.
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vraska-theunseen · 7 months ago
i just can't even express my bafflement at ppl who make criticisms of media that they're "unrealistic" or the plot points are "coincidental" or like the main character surviving or being too powerful because of "plot armor" its just so. you don't like stories you dint like art or imagination or stories. a story is being told to you but youre a little baby actually sorry babies will watch the teletubbies and won't go "umm whts with these mysterious beings in this weird landscape that aspect is just completely ignored by the creators seems like if they wanted to make a good story they would've yknow given us some context and lore about the world" so fucking less media comprehension than a baby. argh i just hate this outlook so much it's so stupid the not understanding that you're being told a story that it's about emotion not suspending your disbelief for PEOPLE WILL TALK THIS WAY ABOUT AVENGERS OR STAR WARS YOU KNOW THESE THUNGS ARENT REAL RIGHT. this idea that everything has to be realistic these story details are too coincidental is so this whole post is inspired by seeing a clip of some idiot skeptic youtuber reviewing glass onion and saying "what a coincidence that cassandra brand had a twin sister and left detailed journals of her life so her sister could pose as her" and "why does everyone know who benoit blanc is amateur detectives are celebrities now?" IS IT YOUR FIRST DAY ON EARTH HAVE YOU HEARD OF A GENRE OR A MOVIE BEFORE WHATWOULD THE STORY BE TO YOU IDEALLY WITHOUT THESE THINGS DO YOU KNOW A STIRY IS MADE UP TO HAVE EMOTIONAL RESONANCE TO HAVE CHARACTERS WHO HAVE TRAITS AND TO TELL A STORY D i have to stop. typing but can you imagine being someone who lives in the world like this nitpicking the existence of plot points in stories i just. unfathonable
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t4transsexual · 2 days ago
making a new intro post
22 (turning 23), he/it, intersex transsexual man. probably genderfluid but i have a job so idrc rn. i aint exactly binary but i aint exactly nonbinary. heterosexual, culturally lesbian but i dont really identify as a lesbian as my main orientation. my names evan
post op for top surgery and hysterectomy. looking into phalloplasty and am going to document that across my social media
radically inclusive in the way that i dont get paid to police queer peoples harmless personal identities and you dont either. get a job
unfortunately went viral on a couple of posts. all my personal grievances that arent really hot takes at all are met with discourse and all my actual discourse posts are met with "hell yeah." no idea why
i have a girlfriend. her names caspian and theyre nonbinary transsexual woman-adjacent? and use she/they. i talk about her a lot because im a wife guy. not actually married but one day i guess
very low tolerance for idiots so if youre an idiot in my space and i get irritated you should simply learn to read and quit being dumb
cis people dni with my t4t posts. why do you want to? this has nothing to do with you. anything else is fine
i will probably ignore your asks unless its a question that i care about answering. that being said if you want me to see something you should send it anyway. i do read all of my asks
if you send anon hate i will immediately delete it. i am liberal with the block button. i have a low tolerance for nuisances
i think thats it. welcome
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erasawordsmithofsorts · 1 year ago
this is a really long post and you dont have to read it, its more of a word vomit towards the end but its really detailing my experiences with 5sos c: (its kind of sad but it means a lot to me that i finally put this into words)
i love 5sos. like a lot more than i could put into words. i have such a long and extensive history with this band that its just so much, like.
ive been a fan of 5sos since july 15th, 2014. i was 5/6 years old sitting on the front porch of my grandma's house with this girl i was friends with. she showed me some of their songs and i was in love. i didnt stop listening to them for years, they were my everything. idols, best friends, family, everything. and the only reason i stopped listening to them ever is because of some really heavy traumatic events that happened to me when i was 8-10 years old.
fast forward a few years, i start dating this guy. this guy really liked 5sos, he got me back into 5sos. my brain was so traumatized, it blocked out most of my memories with this band, with the fans of this band, etc. and him getting me to listen to their entire discography? yeah that brought them flooding back.
yet i still stayed, with him and the band again. this guy became really toxic. we argued every night, he blatantly ignored my needs, he got mad at me for getting more 5sos streams than him, he made fun of me for only listening to their old stuff. he acted like i hadnt told him, "hey, some really fucked up things happened to me in 2014-2016 and i forgot pretty much everything from those years so i kind of obsess over them"
but me and this guy were ldr, my mom took my phone, i texted him through a friends' phone. he starts cheating on me. i come back, my mom is having heart surgery, and he tells me i have to break up with him. so i do.
i break up with him, i go through the shit, i get pissed off, i get upset, i cry. i cry a LOT. and for a bit i didnt listen to 5sos. and then i get back into 5sos, because im not gonna change who i am at my very core because some idiot guy who was 'there first' made it about him. i'll make it about me again, i will obsess over it, i will go back to being six years old crying on the front porch with my best friend. i will go back to being a kid who didnt know why people didnt like her.
and i did. im back there, im who six year old me dreamed of being. sure, i have my days where the only thing i can do is cry and try not to hurl myself down a flight of stairs, but im still here arent i? ive made it to the age i always dreamed about being, havent i? im still absolutely in love with the same exact bands, the same exact places, the same exact aesthetics.
5sos is why im me, like that is such a beautiful and poetic thing to me. im still here because of a band, im still here because some guys that at the time were across the world gave me some motivation to keep going? of course im gonna love them. of course im gonna advertise the shit out of them. of course im gonna know every detail i possibly can about them.
like, i mean yeah, i took a little break. but i was forced to by my own brain. and even then, what helped me start healing form that trauma? 5sos. what helped me start healing from that breakup? 5sos.
tw for s/h + suicidal stuff under the cut! its nothing bad bad, just mentions attempts and stuff but its talking about getting better :3 tl;dr in bottom of the cut!
its so weird to say that "this guy who doesnt even know i exist, saved my life" but its true sometimes. like i was in such a bad place when i was younger that i couldnt function. yearly, i was being checked into psych wards. they never helped. i tried therapy, i tried medication. nothing worked.
and then 5sos came back into my life and i finally felt whole again. i finally felt like i was me again. i had been self harming since i was in the third grade, and once you cope like that for so long, its really hard to stop.
but i finally made the decision to get clean, i finally said "enough is enough, i dont want to be like this anymore. i wanna live and be healthy, i wanna live and be happy, i wanna wear shorts, i wanna wear skirts, i wanna wear short sleeves and tanks, i want to wear dresses without sleeves that show my thighs a little. and would ashton or luke or michael or calum really want me to do this to myself? no, no they wouldnt, get your shit together era." and so i did? i got it together, i made my life work. i started looking for the good again, i started behaving like a little kid that knew no bounds again, i started acting my age. i started loving me again. and thats powerful? thats metal as fuck.
the app that i use to track my clean streak has a section for "reasons to stay clean" i have pictures of my friends, my animals, and most importantly, the guys that finally inspired me to pick myself up off the floor and put myself back together.
because i did, i really had to scrounge up the broken pieces. i really had to dig deep and try and piece them back together. and it took work, and im still working on it. and even though ive been clean from s/h for three months, the urges are still there and every time theres just that little voice in my head that takes on ashton's that goes "hey dont, its not the right way." and every time i feel like the world is over, like i dont have anything else, it's always just a reminder.
there will be something else, no matter what theres gonna be something else. no matter what, the suns gonna rise again. no matter what, something good will come of all your pain, all your struggles, all your heartbreak, all the tears. the sleepless nights, the trauma, the guilt, the anger, the fear, the sadness, all of it. it means youre human, it means youre alive. it means good things are gonna happen, you just gotta wait for it. you gotta pick yourself up and keep going. keep fighting, keep running, keep walking. hell if you have to, keep crawling. keep crawling while youre crying. dont look back, youre not going that way. think of how far your faves have come, think of how your younger self wants to know what theyre gonna grow up to be. think.
its not over, it will never be over. pain is human, youre human. youre experiencing life as it was meant to be experienced, its okay to have off days.
tl;dr 5sos + me have been together since i was six and ashton irwin has quite literally kept me alive and from destroying myself mentally and physically for nearly ten years. cool beans bro
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rainbowdaisy13 · 4 months ago
serious question (not trying to be a dick). if Taylor is wrong for her proximity to and acceptance of people like Brittany Mahomes and the KC owners, yet she endorsed Harris, why is Karlie so great for her political work? yet married to a Kushner? and also now related to Trump? and associates with her sister in law? what's the difference? again, genuinely asking/trying to understand. and apologies if you have already talked about this.
No need to apologize and thanks much for asking without telling me I’m an idiot first 🤙🏼
All I can give you is my own opinion which is this—both Karlie—and Josh by omission really—have made it clear for many years that they are liberal leaning/democratic. As a “couple” neither of them post about supporting Trump, and have gone out of their way to make it known they arent thrilled with the familial association
You can make the argument that you can’t chose what family you are born into, but you can chose who you are friends with/ hang out with. Taylor is showing us that the Mahomes political leanings aren’t a deal breaker for her even though they actively support everything she stood against during Lover and Miss Americana. Dave Portney is worthy of a thank you note and hugs from her family in VIP even though the Wikipediae entry on him shows that he’s an absolute fucking wanker especially to women
Karlie, in contrast has been seen with her Kusher relatives very rarely over the length of her “marriage” and she actively supports politicians and causes that are in direct opposition to them. She has never faltered or changed in her political stance that I am aware of—she is steadfast in her moral compass
Taylor has no moral compass, her choices are based on what benefits her the most at the time, and there doesn’t need to be consistency because she doesn’t actually care
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vorecommunitywoes · 7 months ago
anyway hi pine
Something they said about someone labeling them a groomer aka turning someone into red paste is no excuse to make a callout." absolutely no one called them a groomer, and that was also not the only reason why there was a callout post. they were just fantasizing about being violent towards a hypothetical person calling them a groomer
again expressing graphic violence against other ppl is generally seen as bad and weird
the sfw community is playing this down because they want to be able to interact with porn blogs without consequence, srry to say. the rules only apply when THEY feel hurt, not if they hurt other ppl
"If someone is caling your actioms stupid thats not ableist." calling someone an idiot is not calling their actions stupid, it is imposing ur view of them as someone who is disabled. words mean things. tinysuzy literally said she was "mentally concerned for my mental comprehension", seeing me as someone lower than her, that is NOT criticizing my actions, thats, again, the same as saying u think someone is mentally disabled. if u can explain why comparing someones negative actions to disabilities isnt ableism aside from "everyone does it" that would be an interesting read. using disabilities in negative language affects how u see disabled people, making those connected of disabled people as being something undignified and being OK to use for insults. it is entirely about demeaning someone u dont like or who made a mistake and comparing them to someone mentally disabled. this is wrong, dont u think? why or why not?
"If your disability made you sct poorly, its not an excuse its an explanation." i mean yeah obviously. no one is arguing this! ppl who act poorly as a result of their disabilities can still b talked to, or if it is severely life affecting they should seek support when possible!
",no one is targeting your disability they are targtting your actions" saying ur worried about someones "mental comprehension" is NOT targeting their actions! neither is calling them mentally lesser by saying they arent "the sharpest tool in the shed". that is just calling them mentally handicapped
turn anons off for a while. the threats i dont ever condone but u can easily prevent them and control how ppl interact with u. this seems to generally be a big issue with the community with ppl claiming they cant control who they interact with
"The nsfw blogs we interavted with as a result of us interacting eit rebloged posts can now use amo against this community. Its already happened." CHECK PPLS DNIS BEFORE INTERACTING WITH THEM EVEN IF ITS A REBLOG? this is not a community u can just interact with whoever u see whenever. u have to have basic respect for ppl especially adults. why wouldnt ppl with nsfw blogs be upset about this?
"Adults of this community, you may not like it but you need to look out for the younger memebers especially ones who follow and interact eit you. Its the same for every content creator with a young fanbase. You are no different." but u dont feel the same way about ppl who have nonsexual interests in other topics that ppl usually see as "fetishes" like feet/BDSM. y is that different here?
also again start talking to disability activists about using mental handicaps as insults. are u only saying it bcuz it feels right to you? and not talking 2 other ppl who have different perspectives on this? are u only relying on ur pov or in ur friend group for this or have u been researching? srsly connect with ppl ab this stuff. my pov on this comes from irl groups and friends and personal experiences
"If they use the r slur to you and know youre disabled, , invisble or visible - THAT IS ABLEISM!!" .........is it ok to use it if they arent disabled? what? or is it only ableism, but still not socially acceptable, if they use it on someone who isnt disabled? what is the implication there
anyway an archival of what im replying to cuz i figure its good to keep track of whos saying what in these convos
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raveneira · 2 years ago
Ugh...are ppl really this dumb?
Warning: Anti KawaSumi/BoruSara post, dont like dont read.
Are idiots really believing Sumire is gonna pretend to like Kawaki because of the omnipotence bs? let alone that she might actually start to like Kawaki while pretending? gah yall are delusional...the same ppl who claim to like her character dont even understand her character at all if you believe that bullshit.
Wtf sense does that even make? just because Kawaki swapped lives with Boruto doesnt mean they literally swapped everything about them even down to their romantic feelings, theres no telling how much of their memories are altered, that remains to be seen since we’ve only got a glimpse through Sasuke but that doesnt account for everyone else.
But lets say it is a complete swap and everything that applied to Boruto now applies to Kawaki, wtf does that have to do with Kawaki? HE knows her feelings arent for him so whats your point? if anything Sumire pretending to like him will just piss him off cuz 
1 he knows she doesnt actually like him and 
2 because hes not fkin interested
Plus despite popular belief, Sumire is not a good actress when it comes to hiding her feelings [literally everyone knows despite her attempts at hiding it], she is always sweating and nervous af, Kawaki would see right through her if she tried to play the 'Kawaki-kun' card because you cant fake romantic feelings [in the Narutoverse, Sakura tried and everyone saw right through it even the ppl who werent in on it] so he'd catch on that shes fakin it regardless.
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You cannot fake this, she cannot look at Kawaki and pretend to feel the same love and gratitude that she had for Boruto and be convincing she just cant, because everytime shes looked at Kawaki since finding out he killed Boruto she has been nothing but scared and nervous around him.
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Now that he has everyone out to kill Boruto, do you honestly think shes gonna be able to look Kawaki in the eye like she loves him when she couldnt even look at him before without getting ptsd flashbacks? get tf outta here man.
If anything I see Sarada being able to fake it more than her, she never feared Kawaki nor Boruto so she’d be able to look him dead in the eye without flinching if she had to, but we all know this writings not that generous.
Shes better off just not even trying to fake that, its not like Sumire acted that much different around Boruto than she normally did so she could just be casual with Kawaki and nothing will look off, and if by some very VERY unlikely chance, Kawaki asks her if she likes him just to see the full extent of Adas control, its not like she would just confess that she does cuz she hasnt even confessed to Boruto yet, that and she told Kawaki to keep it a secret, so if she fked up and said yes to try and 'pretend' shes inlove with him, Kawaki would have to be stupid af not to know shes unaffected and playin him.
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Sarada pretending to like Kawaki is even more unlikely than Sumire since she never had feelings for Boruto from the get go [not confirmed ones anyway] so if she truly did have feelings for him then now would be the time to reveal it because if Sumire feels like she has to 'pretend' to like Kawaki to not expose shes unaffected by Ada who, as these fools claim, KNOWS Sumire and Sarada love Boruto, then Sarada would have to pretend too.
So now would be the best time to confirm it once and for all, lets say Sumire pretends but Sarada doesnt, Ada should get suspicious and ask something along the lines of 'whats the matter? I thought you liked him too?' of course it depends on the context of the conversation but you get the point, she'd question why Sumire is reacting while Sarada isnt, which would confirm Ada did indeed see that Sarada has romantic feelings for Boruto.
But if they dont do that and continue to leave it up in the air, then Im gonna laugh cuz these bozos swear they winnin when they keep bein left in limbo just like everyone else, which for the ‘main couple’ and the ‘obvious endgame’ is highly suspicious, Naruto was able to make Sakura and Hinatas feelings known so why not Sarada? literally nothing changes if they do, so to keep leaving it up in the air when it doesnt need to be is legitimate cause for question because why NOT confirm her feelings? it doesnt ruin the suspense because we’d still have to wait to see how Boruto feels so why not just confirm Sarada’s side already? thats the part yall dont wanna talk about because yall know its suspicious, so you brush it off with ‘well they dont need to cuz its obvious’ or ‘Mitsuki/Ada already confirmed it′ when they are the LEAST reliable ppl to go to for romantic confirmation.
In fact, I’d say the fact that those are your biggest and only real go tos for proof her feelings are confirmed actually makes BoruSara look that much more flimsy because these are your sources.
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If those are your sources for proof then those are some sorry excuses for hard evidence.
Anyway this isnt about BoruSara as much as it is about the delusion theory that Sumire is actually gonna try to pretend to like Kawaki, let alone be successful, or even more ridiculous, actually fall for him in the process.
The notion of Sarada pretending too is even more ridiculous, but if she does then atleast yall will finally have some actual hard evidence that she does infact like Boruto, but if not then keep relying on these half assed sources from ppl who dont even understand their own feelings, but you think they can clearly understand someone elses.
This headcanon of yalls isnt a legitimate theory based on any canon fact other than ‘their lives are switched so she has to fake liking him’, its just a last ditch hope to keep an ACTUAL dead ship alive because yes, ksu really is dead but this aint the post for that convo.
Whether or not KawaSara is dead [because I know yall gonna bring it up] depends entirely on how the timeskip kicks off, but ksu died before the timeskip even started but again thats a topic for another day.
If Im wrong Im wrong but I’ve been right so far in regards to Sumire and Kawakis relationship so I dont doubt Im gonna be right again because SOMEHOW me, a non fan, understands Sumire better than alot of her supposed ‘fans’
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years ago
love ur shinaya breakup tbh read all of it and it's honestly accurate i think the screaming match isnt necessarily ooc bc ayano has the capacity to get ANGRY and yell honestly i think it would be more like shintaro raises his voice and then ayano snaps and starts screaming and shintaro instantly is like O_O kind of just freezes bc THIS isnt the ayano he knows (the one he usually sees/i feel like he would know that this part of ayano is a real part of her but he doesnt like it bc some part of him still relies on her to be the usual "ayano" as a form of consistency in his life especially post str bc if ayano acts like ayano then that means things r okay and normal and he doesnt have to think abt the timelines where ayano died and STAYED dead and also specifically ayak) he doesnt know how to deal with that rn so after a bit of being yelled at he basically stops talking and ayano is like WHY ARENT U SAYING ANYTHING and shintaro is just like ermmm well uhmmm which pisses off ayano even more she just starts crying bc she's so overwhelmed and doesnt know what to do with herself anymore and shintaro is awkwardly standing there and then they just dont talk abt it or breaking up but they basically break up after that erm sorry for the long ask
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES god this ask made me so excited i fell off my chair no joke. bc i was reading and i was agreeing so hard i was excited. and i um fell off my chair.
IM GONNA BE HONEST I SAID "OOC" AS SORT OF A DISCLAIMER BC ITS KINDA A HOT TAKE IG.... i was like (looks around) i dont wanna be called out or something. but to me its totally in character. i mean ayano gets angry in canon. i love that its canon that she really plays the nice girl role in front of shintaro (and haruka&takane) but at home with mekatrio we see her a lot more vulnerable/able to be angry.
the way i imagine them is usually ayano ending in tears most of the time but when They Break Up like for realsies it's when ayano is just PISSED. shitshow gone too far mode. and i think it starts off from something completely stupid like always, something casual abt WHY WONT U HOLD MY HAND IN PUBLIC!! like something totally idiotic but like i said in the other ask its just all these bottled up emotions and eventually ayano just fucking explodes lmao. shintaro is totally shocked like u say but i think it's such a relief for him somehow because this is it. THIS is what he deserved all along. THIS is what he's been searching for. ayano being mad at him. ayano making him pay for everything. and he's like YEAH!! YELL AT ME MORE!! I DESERVE IT!!! I CAN FINALLY MAKE THINGS UP TO YOU IF UR ANGRY. and that pisses ayano off even more because WHAT are you talking about??? since when is this about what u deserve?? since when am i some sort of trophy wife you feel guilty for having??? i dont want that!! have you been doing this on purpose!?!?!?!? and she DUMPS HIS ASS
everytime theyve broken up before (on and off slay) it's by shintaro and ayano ends in dramatic tears while shintaro is just like angrily pacing around his room. when AYANO dumps him this time and for good, shintaro is in tears. he's such a mess. takane who's been comforting ayano each and every single time shintaro has made her cry and per her request playing this crazy relationship therapist, goes to her fully intending to do it again. like fully intending to comfort her and talk some sense into her thinking theyre just gonna get back together like always. but this time ayano isn't crying at all, she just breathes in relief and talks about the huge weight she got off her back. and takane's like ...ohhh... this time it's different.
usually, the procedure would be ayano sobbing to takane BWAA PLEASE TALK TO HIM and then takane going to yell at shintaro but this time it's SHINTARO who's like. PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU TALK TO HER.
shintaro on the other hand is such a mess. sorry to bring takane into everything💖 but having him sob in her arms is like the icing on the cake bc his thing with her is not THE problem but one of the (many) problems and shintaro REALLY doesn't learn. he is despaired over ayano and crying on takane again, just like back then. and he loves it in an insane way. because this is so comfortable. this is familiar. it is so so painful. he is so heartbroken but it is so familiar. its not more painful than having ayano by his side because ayano's company terrifies him. her survival is one in its kind in all the timelines, and it has been so terrifying to see something new after seeing the same for so long. especially because the something new is her going out with him of all things?? he has so much regret and self loathing and guilt and FEAR OF LOSING EVERYTHING BC NOW ITS NEW AND IT'S NEVER BEEN NEW AND THAT'S SO SCARY to work through that he cannot enjoy it, he's terrified of it instead and acted the way he did essentially so it'd end the way it'd end. and yeah he's whining about wanting her back and he really does but it's like... you know, the same as back then. lol.
so like ayano, he is also relieved. but in totally different ways. does that make sense. erm. hehe
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eyelessfog · 2 years ago
HELLO. hello. the infodump post was half about kathlizzie and half about eswap gem ans you already know about eswap gem so have a kathlizzie infodump
lizzie fell from the sky dropped into the ocean and doesnt know a whole lot and doesn't remember a whole lot
her only clear memory is a drained ocean and the prisma palace and she doesnt know what the fuck that means so
also so far hasnt found a lot of other fish or axolotl people like her and has found the hard way that they arent very common in this world so shes kind of an ocean hermit
shes mostly watching people form afar, hunting other fish to survive and following schools of cod or axolotls
and she's heard tell of merfolk like her luring sailors with songs and drowning them and eating them
from most sailors she's seen they're usually not very appetising looking so she doesn't have much of a craving for human flesh unfortunately
that is until she finds a sailor with a familiar face and what she's familiar with she is drawn to
but she figures she's drawn to pirate kath because shes a sailor and hey maybe sailors actually make a good meal i guess we'll find out!
she tries luring her in with song at first but kath doesn't even get a chance to turn and look at her because the moment she hears random singing she sails away
lizzie figures she isnt very good at singing and resorts to good ol charm and charisma and decides to approach her little boat directly
kath is immediately startled, she's never seen sirens like lizzie
and mind you lizzie is not actually that good at that convincing and charming kath. like she does this like shes scamming someone yk? but instead she plans to drown them and eat them
kath doesnt know whats up with this weird siren but shes funny she looks her funny words she laughs at her funny words
and before you know it they're just a pirate girl and a siren girl bantering and joking with each other in the middle of the ocean and lizzies completely forgotten to eat her
she says it Out Loud too like "oh wait you have to go? dang i didnt get a chance yo eat you yet"
kath is again startled and reminded oh fuck yeah this is a siren sirens dangerous
and lizzies just "awe this is why i shouldnt talk to my food for too long now im attached i dont wanna eat you now youre so nice and pretty!"
anyways at some point it becomes sort of an arrangement, kath going out on a bit of a fishing trip, lizzie meeting up with her
lizzie also hunts some fish for her too almost like a. dog bringing you back a stick or a frisbee.
kath is endeared by this
oh and btw lizzie has at least One Instance of bringing kath a pufferfish and getting stung ?? puffed ?? pufferfish did the pufferfish thing
and kath had to help her out
they are just two dummies two idiots taking care of each other and also they're autistic thats all ty
REAL REAL REAL REAL. SNIFFLES. lizzie’s little “:( ur really nice and funny and pretty how the hell am i supposed 2 eat u :/“ yeah girlie…… get attached to someone u were planning to eat
god and the bringing fish back…. woman who has gift giving as a love language …. remind me 2 draw them later
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