#why am i posting this you may ask. well its either blog or go back to googling cognitive behavioral therapists near me.......
ecuwe · 27 days
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found the scent notes for my fav shampoo and it's all my favorite scents 🤯
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aquabuggy · 1 year
“Imagination, life is your creation”
Say, what band was it that wrote that song again? Escapes me… Oh well, anyways,
Happy Barbie Movie Release Day!
It’s nice to feel excited about something again.
It’s not every day you see a toy product centered movie gaining this much positive attention, much less one that deals in the existential horror of being alive. Which is, actually, exactly what I expected out of it and am very happy to see.
Barbie’s probably one of if not the most recognizable and successful product Mattel has, and it’s been that way for decades. But why am I talking about that here? This is a things-full-of-liquid-with-heavy-emphasis-on-water-games blog!
Well, you’re not gonna believe it, but Mattel being a toy company that’s been around for this long, has actually dabbled a bit in our territory! And they actually made a good couple of water games themed around a certain blonde blue eyed doll and her best friends!
So! Without further ado, may I present to you……..
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Polly Pocket Tiny Games!
What? Was that not where you thought that was going?
Believe it or not, there really aren’t many Barbie water games at all, just cheaply reskinned ring toss games with a Barbie backdrop…which is both baffling and disappointing considering Barbie has had COUNTLESS beach, pool, sea, and just general water themes. Polly Pocket though? Got 6. You may recognize these if you’re a veteran of this blog.
Being one of Mattel’s latest ventures in water games, my sources tell me that these were actually received incredibly poorly, averaging at a 2-3 star rating. While definitely cute and unique, reviews often mention that the games seem to be designed more for aesthetics than actual play, and that it’s very hard to get some of the play pieces to actually move. Not too surprising looking at those cramped tanks. Wasted potential for sure!
Ohhh but I can’t just end the post there can I? That’s such a bummer! Well, what if I told you this wasn’t the first time Mattel tried their hand at making water games? What if I told you that in 1989 Mattel was one of the few big toy companies that actually dared to challenge the reign of Tomy’s Waterfuls during the peak of its popularity? Oh it’s very true, and considering you’ve probably never heard of it, you can safely assume how that endeavor went. But it’s intriguing nonetheless!
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[ photo credit- rww121212, lb-squared, whats-in, and gilbe-niema on eBay ]
Trouble Bubbles/Fun Bubbles
Documentation of these online is mostly limited to listings on buy-and-sell sites (As always. I can’t stress how vital these sites are to conserving lost/obscure media.) so there’s not a lot known about these, and not many pictures of them either. What I can gather is that Mattel made at least 6 of these as well, 3 Trouble Bubbles games and 3 Super Trouble Bubbles games. The main difference between the 2 being Super Trouble Bubbles having a small switch that allows you to redirect the jets of water, which is pretty cool and admittedly not something I’ve seen in other water games! Both also have a wind up timer to challenge yourself to complete the game in a short period.
I’ve yet to collect one of these myself, but they look pretty decent in terms of quality and stand out nicely. They never fully took off in terms of popularity but I think they’re pretty cool, especially as a piece of toy history! Not too shabby at all for Waterfuls competition, my hat’s off to them! Not bad Mattel, sad they haven’t recaptured the same inventiveness for their Polly games. But hey, honestly? Nowadays would be a GREAT time to bring back Trouble Bubbles if you ask me. Water games are coming back in style and Waterfuls has been slow in new major products for quite a while. Who knows? It may just be able to snag that crown sometime in the future…
But hey, anything’s possible in this crazy age!
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miiilowo · 7 months
i have been ""poisoned by social media activism"" because im using my platform to boost posts about a literal genocide? come fucking on man. sorry, but i do have the ability to do both watch the news and read articles while also boosting posts for people who spend all their time on tumblr and Dont read the news and may not have the chance to. And like, idk about you but every news channel and article i see is written by zionists and is from the israeli point of view. so i never get to see what is truly happening in gaza, and thats why tumblr and instagram posts are so important. and most posts about palestine are backed up by articles and firsthand evidence, which you'd know if you didnt have so many tags blocked. i mean, i dont spend all of my time on tumblr either. but i post about palestine when i get the chance. this is not something that you can take the stance of "im too busy to post about this" because you post about your favourite medias and random shit all the fucking time. if you have time to post about dean winchester you have time to post about the forced extinction of the people of palestine. you have 10K followers, man. the people of palestine have Asked Us, the people of the world, to share and spread as much as you can. the news does not cover palestine as much as it did anymore, my local radio station went from talking to the situation to completely stopping coverage of it recently. its extremely hard for me to find articles about gaza that arent written from a zionist point of view nowadays. once the media stops covering this genocide, the people of the world are the only hope that gaza has. and this is why i spread posts about gaza, even to my follower base of about 100 people. and you blocking tags because ""you know how to get news about the situation bettwr than the people on tumblr, the illiterate tumblr users who Never check sources and must Never read news articles and their brains are So poisoned by social media activism" as if we arent doing this because the palestinian people have called for our action directly
anon, i appreciate that youre being...slightly. kinder. in this one. i dont disagree with you wholly, but i don't think we're going to see eye to on this, and that's fine. doesnt mean you're a bad person, doesn't mean that i'm one either. you, however, are misunderstanding me, and also repeatedly refusing to acknowledge the fact that i do post about this issue. it may not be the focus of my blog, but i do post about it. i acknowledged in one of my earlier responses that i reblog the ones i see that have sources attached, which you are also conveniently ignoring in this one
i understand that posting about it is important, i do it when i can, but i also dont want to spread misinformation, and i literally do not have the resources to fact check this kinda shit a large portion of the time. My internet connection is so dogshit i can't load a webpage 80% of the time. right now is an exception. i live in an rv with 12 cats and i barely have enough money to get to school and back, let alone pay for high speed internet access, so thats a roadblock. i am not an activist. you are clearly more of an activist than i am, and youre focusing on it more. thats great ! we are not the same person.
spreading reliable information that i can actually trust is important to me, because i care about this issue, more than you likely realize.
i wasnt saying that people on tumblr never factcheck, but i dont have a way to confirm that they did at a cursory glance for half of this shit, and im not going to automatically assume that every single post about palestine was fact checked and refined. i am well aware that palestinian people want people to talk about it on social media. i do post about it. i understand your irritation but the shit youre accusing me of here is being blown out of proportion and i frankly dont want to try and argue with you anymore because i don't think this either of us are going to "win" and its just gonna drain both of us further. i put more effort into reblogging what i determine to be reliable information, you fuck off, stop assuming shit and we both agree to disagree. hows that sound
edit- moved my tags into the main post:
im not gonna pretend im an expert on the issue either. i dont want to reblog something and have it actually be damaging toward palestine because it flies over my head. its very possible that i could fuck up. and id much rather reblog information about whats happening that i KNOW is true, that ive personally looked into, rather than reblog something damaging because i dont fully understand it. i am just a guy. im going to make mistakes. im trying to avoid that. like you said, i have 10k followers.
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mysticvixin · 4 months
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Greetings. I'm MysticVixin. I'm an artist striving to create something good in this world. If not just a single smile or laugh. Seeing as the digital realm is getting infested with generative parasites, me along with many artists are becoming digital rufugees. That is to say I'm not intending to downplay real rufugees by any means. Considering I come from a place of privledge.
Though I'm willing to explain my point. As an artist, especially in a modern digital world, I'm more or less required to share my art everywhere. There is a pressure to be consistant and to have it on multiple platforms. This is because both possible employers and clients need to see your work to commission or work with you.
Which is to say that with the introduction of artificially generated 'artworks' as well as artificial intelligence training stealing the hard work of millions of artists worldwide, it would be like working a 9-5 position for possibly decades only for a new boss to be step in, take all of your work from since you were hired, attempt to reconstruct your handwriting, math, notes and everything you learned then getting a promotion.
In time, you will then be let go because.. why pay an employee when you can just have something better do it for free after already taking and learning everything that you can do and faster?
So what exactly are you supposed to do in that situation when all the largely well known offices you could 'work' for either proudly or discreetly claim that their employees' work is nothing more than free labor to steal and utilize for their companies?
Obviously you would feel forced to take down all of your hard work to avoid the problem all together even if it may already be too late and seek new offices that don't think your work is unvaluable. Or if they mention they have third party bosses that would like to take your work give you the option to opt out from interacting with them.
Thus.. this is why I am here now. Trying to find a space I can share my work openly instead of having to either give my work up to artificial intelligence training, heavily alter and hide my work with harsh watermarks, or attempting to datapoison my work in hopes it would taint anyone that attempts to take my hard work and use it.
With that said, Greetings. I'm MysticVixin. I'm an artist striving to create a name for myself with hopes of bringing some good into this world. Even if it's as simple as making someone smile or a laugh. I'm also an aspiring vtuber/pngtuber trying to create a small close-knit community and audience for myself casually in hopes of making new connections and learning new things.
I believe this platform is going to get back on its feet with the rest of the digital rufugees possibly finding their place here. I personally decided this one due to how accessible it is in terms of posts as well as browsing. At least it trys to stop me from doom scrolling. Not only that it's on desktop so I don't have to type endlessly on mobile.... Unless I want to.
It also just has that casual sort of feel to it that makes me feel a bit more motivated to post my work more casually. Without the added pressure that other social platforms seem to envoke in me. Either because it's too big and largely populated or just not nearly as accessible. [I promise I'm not a hipster.. I think.]
Other things that intrigue me is how I could keep all of my different mediums separated in multiple blogs. For example my photography can be in one, poetry/writing in another, and even just a personal blog to just hang out and shitpost as a few examples. Then my favorite aspect that I would love to utilize is the anon or user 'ask me' posts where I can possibly build a story through them or just obvously answer random questions!
But enough about stroking Tumblr's ego, currently I'm working on multiple personal projects such as revamping my personal website, recreating stream assets as well as my vtuber sprites, and even a digital social 'game' where you guys call the shots in establishing a florishing collection of creatures! Though I'm still figuring out some details on that front.
Some of my interests besides the obvious include playing games from my childhood that some have been completely forgotten, swimming at the local aquatic center in the summer, walking and listening to music while I pick up random things I find on said walks, shiny things, thinking about humanity and existence, over-thinking said existence, roleplaying, spacing out while animating things in my head, politics to some degree, and pretending my life has meaning.
I've also been exploring more into spirituality and am drawn towards religions of nature. I'm not exactly certain of which I would more likely identify with though paganism and wiccan seem to stick the most. Since I was young I have always been drawn to the moon and the tide. So my practice is likely water based in some manner. Seeing as it flows through all living things. I even remember having a phase as a teenager and making a sort of altar for aesthetics and even lighting candles but not really understanding how best to proceed. Though I did make one spell that I can still recall.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. I can't wait to share some of these things with you guys and see where this journey may take us. Now if you excuse me, I got a logo to recreate and eggs to find. [Hopefully you can help me hatch them!]
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snowthornes · 1 year
Greetings, @greatprotector-if . I saw your tag about writing the mc. Do you remember that random galen.txt file screenshot Someone (alas, 'tis me) sent to your asks? Yes. I have kept its contents locked away for all this time but now it is clamoring to be set free. I cannot keep it at bay any longer.
I was about to send it to your ask box, but then I took a step back and Actually Looked at its length and I was like. Madness. To terrorize anyone's inbox with this would be a most heinous crime.
So, it's a post now!
(Warning!!! Short snippet where you talk to a loser who's utterly in love and is very annoying about it. You may feel the urge to launch them out a window. I would support you <;3)
I am going to babygirl galen so hard actually, themk youf or creating them. I've mostly been lurking around in your blog till recently, but I just want to say that the moment I laid eyes on Galen I have been head over heels besotted with them. Thank you for giving them to us, they are the light of my life, the love of my dreams, I promise I will take care of them I will make them so so happy.
I am keeping an MC who's ready to fall head over heels besotted in love at first sight with Galen. They are raring to go. They are going to be so in love and they are going to be so persistently annoying about it.
"I don't think love at first sight is really a thing," a lovely well meaning individual might say, "Wouldn't that just mean you liked their face?"
(Another MC I keep stuffed in the freezer, voice coming muffledly from its depths: AND WHAT ABOUT IT,)
"No, friend," My MC would say, with a solemnity akin to a war general giving an impassioned speech in the name of their cause before they march off to war, "I mean, yes, Galen is lovely. The prettiest. They have the prettiest golden eyes, like the glimmering gold of sunlight coating tree bark and grass blades in sunset, though they often use them to give me the look—"
They pause in their enthusiastic ramblings to stare at you, eyes bright. Your expression has long collapsed, settling into a flat, dead-eyed stare. Why are you here. Why are you still listening to this. They gesture excitedly at you, triumphant.
"—Yes, like that! And they have the broadest shoulders and the thickest arms and the loveliest eyelashes, and sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to hold them—"
"You know, you're really not helping your case," you interject, your dead-eyed gaze strengthening into indignant accusation. You have to cut this wannabe bard off before he decides to wax poetic about this poor Galen for another three paragraphs.
Gods know that you would launch either them or yourself out a window before they finished.
"It— it's not like I'd do that without their permission," they cough meekly, their eyes wandering away from your accusing gaze. They have the audacity to look shy. "Of course I'd court them first."
"Court," you echo flatly. "Did you really just say court—?"
"Yes!" They draw themselves up, gaining steam once again. Their eyes sparkle with determined fire as they outline their wooing plans to you, the resigned listener. "I'll give them gifts, like cool looking rocks and flowers — nothing too expensive at first, since that would probably make them uncomfortable—"
You squint at them. "... Are you a crow?" they steamroll on, undettered.
"And I'll do some wood carving! Maybe some pocket-sized figurines first — wait, what do you think Galen's favorite animal is? Do they even have one? Ah, what about a chicken? Do you think they'd appreciate a chicken—?
"Not a clue, but you never answered the earlier question," you point out. "Why do you like them so much?"
At this, they pause. "I just..." unlike in their earlier spiels, their voice sounds much softer. Stumbling over their words, as if they were about to voice something extremely precious. "They're... them" they clear their throat, and fiddle with the woven bracelets around their wrist. "Galen. They can be grumpy and intimidating and they're kind and they care and everyone knows that. And I just... I like them a lot. Just because."
"Just because," you repeat.
"Yeah." they seem to struggle with themselves for a moment before they draw themselves up, looking at you with earnest eyes. "I want... I want to make them happy."
— And that was my Galen-mancer MC. It was an ungodly hour in the morning, I was possessed by the Galen Brainrot, and I proceeded to write this abomination, immediately passing out at 5am once I finished it. I woke up groggy and dazed with only one .txt file possessing a damning title as a testament to what I'd done. I'm so sorry 💀
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koiifiishy · 8 months
I don't know if I should ask here or on the main blog, but what do you think some of Kou's voice lines would be like(rain, thunder, etc), or his hangout(4-stars vibes sorry)/story quest?
Hello! thank you for this ask ^^ sending it here is okay, no worries. my main is in perpetual shadowrealm timeout (thank you tumblr) so its probably best to send me things on this acc! as for your question, thats a good ask :0c ive vaguely thought about it before but never wrote anything concrete down. i'll throw some random ones out but if you had particular lines you wanted know, please feel free to ask!
also - thank you for waiting so long for this answer :")c i know it was sent sooo long ago. also! i assigned him stephanie sheh as usagi tsukino (sailor moon) for his voice claim :3c if that helps you imagine his voice while saying these lines.
Hello: oh, come on, you already know me! ... fine - i'll tell you again, and this time you better commit it to memory: i! am kou, and i'm not just a nekomata - i'm The nekomata! the best there is! a true yokai! i set fires hotter than the sun, my dancing can raise the very dead, i've feasted upon the FLESH of humans!!! huh? ... no, not recently, you told me not to... i've been behaving!
Rain: y'know, cats and rain don't really mix well together..! can't we go find someplace warm and i dunno - not wet?
Thunder: hey, did you know that if you hold your sword up really high in a thunderstorm, it'll scare away the lightning? it's true, try it!
Favorite Food: chicken! fish! and when you put them on a stick, doesn't it make it more fun to eat? but really, i'm not all that picky - so give me lots of treats, okay~?!
Least Favorite Food: it's not that i don't like it exactly... but i just can't stomach it, y'know. what am i talking about? alcohol! i can't stand it! ugh, not even a cup in and i'm snoozing away, belly up, for all the world to see my fur! it's so undignified... hey, you're not thinking of using this against me, are you...
About 1: hm? what do you wanna know that i haven't already told you? i'm not holding anything back y'know, i just can't remember some things... but you're gonna help me with that, right? you promised!
Memories: sometimes... i get this feeling like i've lost something. something really important, that i shouldn't have misplaced - but when i try to check myself, it's like, i know that it's not just some thing like my clothes or my bracers. it's more important than that... i'm missing something special.
About Paimon: hmph... you know that gnat better than anyone, so why ask me. ... uuugh - i'll stop calling her a gnat when she stops hovering around my head and buzzing in my ears all the time! what - no! i don't hate her. . . i'm just the better companion, obviously. you think so too, right? ...RIGHT???
About Traveler: aaw, do you need a little praise? c'mere, i'll pat your head for you~ hehe. ... i never did thank you, did i. so much has happened between me waking up and now. all of the adventures we've been on together and the people we've met... and the things we've seen and done... i may not always say it, but i am appreciative to be here; by your side, as your friend. ...it's okay, if you need someone to lean on. stay here a little while longer, let me brush your hair...
as for his story quest or hang out (i could see him having either, but i think he'd most likely have a story quest instead of a hangout! nothing too long, but since he's the traveler's second companion a hangout event seems a little redundant - they're usually 'hanging out'! lol) i've thought about it off and on and i think it'd just be a one part quest; he doesn't remember much of his past besides vague things, so it'd probably deal with him regaining those memories.
i imagine that, fitting into a canon game timeline, he'd of regained most of his memories post-chasm yaksha event. that would've triggered a lot of his memories to come back, since the chasm is where a very significant struggle in his past took place. he's an old cat lol. if not at this time though, i can for sure see him regaining all of his memories in the sumeru archon quest line, since memory and timelines are such a big thing there. by the desert and fontaine's storylines, kou has for sure gained all of his memories and i think he'd of had a character quest by then.
i don't have anything concrete, but having him run off for a longer time than the traveler is used to having him be gone would probably be the push for them to find him/the beginning of that quest. something like paimon stating "it's been a while since kou's been around, hasn't it? where did that cat run off to now?!" and prompting the traveler to asking around if anyone's seen him (probs in liyue). little search quest, finding clues while running around liyue. find some clues at the cave that they originally found him in, maybe use elemental sight to see that he's been there recently. follow that out and find kou? something like that!
i dont think i've really written in depth on this blog about kou's background. or like. anything LMAO,,, i just share silly art that i make of him. but his story quest would be very melancholy. tl;dr, he's a nekomata originally from inazuma who was tricked into servitude and was the mochizuki clan's property (assassin? "political helper" lol??) for a few generations until towa. towa stole him away from inazuma and they went to mainland teyvat, mostly traveling mondstadt, liyue, and some of sumeru; focused on liyue though. the cataclysm happens, towa is a healer and good soul and volunteers his help; kou of course sticks by his side and fights that good fight. but towa saw how much it took out of everyone, and how even those that weren't humans couldn't handle this much fighting and suffering; towa didn't want kou's entire life to be spent fighting for others, and decided to use a bit of underhanded trickery himself, to seal kou away.
it was "for his own good", but that doesn't change that kou felt betrayed by it. he was prepared to die and would have welcomed it, if he could have perished protecting towa. he hadn't been fighting for liyue, or for the 'greater good', he'd only been fighting for towa - his "special person". that's who he was forgetting and what he felt he'd lost after waking up, and he only got vague feelings and splintered memories of happier times with him. his story quest would definitely focus on him remembering towa and the events that led up to his sealing and the betrayal he felt by it, and the pain of losing towa not only once but remembering it all over again and feeling like he'd lost him a second time.
like any good quest, there needs to be a fight >:3c which i think he'd be the boss of his own quest, with the traveler fighting him. they fought him once before when he had just woken up in modern teyvat, but by this time i think with him a lot more lucid (even if he's in emotional turmoil) they wouldn't be able to overpower him like they had before. i think it'd be a scripted end to the fight, where kou's pinned the traveler down or something but instead of finishing them off, the traveler feels tears hit their face; straddled over them, kou's chest heaved with sobs. his red eyes shone like rubies through his tears, his mouth twisted into a pained grimace. though his metal claws was poised to strike, the traveler forgot about any imminent danger to themself ; in that moment, all they could feel was a resounding sadness. something like that - kou yelling that he can't handle being left again. he doesn't want to lose the traveler like he lost towa. eventually they're going to leave, when they reunite with their sibling, right? cue traveler consoling him and calming him down, AND A HUG there needs to be a hug after all that.
as is the way, there's of course that moment after the quest where kou's just standing someplace outlooking the scenery wistfully. no further dialog from him, just one of those "he looks like he needs a minute to himself..." traveler inner thoughts pop up.
or something along those lines lol! thanks for the questions :>
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wolfytae-exe · 10 months
Hello cici,
This is the "Ill come again" 🐘 anon
I just wanted to say I love going through your blog(and my other fave blogs) as my morning newspaper hehe.
People keep saying I'm too formal , I don't really know what to say to that I guess I am just like that honestly speaking , I am usually on my own and I don't really have any acquaintances or friends in uni so for me its kind of hard to be casual (especially with past experiences of being casual with others didn't go too well imo).
But coming back to what I was going to say through post , I notice someone asked if Beomgyu has abs or not , I just wanted to talk about that and why having abs in general is pretty dangerous ie; Its not good bad actually It means you just have low fat percentages in your body and the shape of the muscle just shows , having that kind of a body is very dependant on the way a person works on their muscles ie: Constant strain . Having six pack abs may look really good on any person , but they are tedious to manage for eg: You worked really hard on it and if you stopped working on it , it goes away. Abs aren't a mark of masculinity or strength just shows how far you're willing to go for them (especially in pop culture /kpop fanfic spheres tend to ignore that ) . Things like that are also heavily dependant on your ancestry , colonialism and a bunch of other factors. People should watch the show physical 100 , it shows exactly the diff between toned strong people , muscular people with abs and a lot that. It puts into perspective with physical body strength actually is.
By the way Cici this wasn't to you but to that anon who asked the question about abs, it just a obsession topic of mine so I wanted to share a few cents of mine that is all. Please do let me know if I crossed a line with this post.
As always ''I'l come again "
i literally love you 🐘anon, never change your formal talk hehe. also the info about the abs like idk what to say to it besides while i was reading it i was smiling cause it’s obviously something you like talking about, i wanna let everyone know they can talk to me about the things they’re interested in ^^ (especially my nd followers)
but back to the fact you gave, i never really thought about it that way, like it’s less fat n more muscle and not considered healthy, then again muscle building isn’t considered healthy either because of the intense strain of the muscle. I also heard of physical 100 and it sounds pretty interesting so i might just watch it hehe thank you 🐘anonie until you come back again🫶🏽
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cyrassol · 1 year
man i haven't been on tumblr for so long i forgot how this goes, but uhhh here ig??
18+ only, s'il-vous-plaît
i realise this won't stop any minors who really want to be here, but a) please, b) you'll be blocked if i find out or suspect you're underage, and c) if you really want to see sex-related stuff then you should be learning about safe and consensual sex and, let me tell you, DoL and its fandom ain't the place for it my dude
and with that out of the way
hi! i'm cyra, you may use any pronouns but she/her usually works!
i am in my mid-20's, a funny little tidbit that surprises me everytime i remember
artist, despite what my shitty lighting and shading skills may tell you
sometimes, SOMETIMES, i also write
(psst if you want to see anything in particular relating to those things, feel free to send requests, ask box is open)
i am. terrible. TERRIBLE. at DMs. if you send me a message and i never reply or even read (does tumblr give read receipts?), know that it is not about you personally! i just get crazy anxious about text messages in general, so if you want to talk to me please send an ask or tag me in a post instead :) i understand it isn't the same (which is why i prefer it lmao) but it has a much, MUCH higher chance of being seen and replied to!
gdi i keep editing this post and adding shit to it but! i typically only tag characters and my stuff, but if you want me to start tagging specific topics/triggers then all you gotta do is ask me to and i will :)
welcome to my DoL blog! i can also be found on reddit with the same username as here :)
for the curious, info about my PCs are under the cut!
Arden, my main PC. Genderfluid, but she/her is what she uses the most out of convenience. Official sources of income are her dates with Avery and modelling for Niki, but most nights there's also a shadowed figure breaking into Danube street mansions—oh, you've seen it? No, you haven't—and on Fridays you might see a masked figure go into the brothel for a weekly private show. Love interest is Avery, though both have the mindset that theirs is mostly a transactional relationship. Arden's also down bad for Wren, but for now it seems to be unrequited.
Monroe, my baby secondary PC. Herm/intersex, but although he does occasionally dabble in crossdressing for work, he goes exclusively by he/him and masculine terms. Sex worker, and pretty sought-after, too—Briar would lose quite a lot of money if Monroe stopped showing up one day. Unfortunately, it's come at the cost of his reputation, something he's already being blackmailed for. Love interests are Sydney and Whitney, though both relationships are something Monroe entered into extremely reluctantly given his current circumstances (and also because Whitney is... Whitney).
Adeline, my "forsake civilisation, return to nature" PC lmao. Cis woman with the wolf transformation, which she definitely did not get through the mushroom route. Plantpeople enthusiast, but her true love will always be the wolf pack and its leader. She did get kidnapped by Eden once after she got lost in the woods during a hunt and, while she escaped, sometimes Addie finds herself thinking about the hunter with curiosity—after all, didn't she also fight the Black Wolf at first before knowing better? Maybe the hunter isn't so bad either. Probably the only one of my PCs who'll become a parent.
Vincent, my final PC (for now?). Cis man with a huge everything—huge heart, huge muscles, huge... dick. Gentle giant, it's a wonder he ever escaped Remy's farm—probably an accident tbh, must have fallen into the river or something because this man was as well-behaved as they come. Nowadays his mind is pretty much healed from whatever weird trance he'd been in back then, but despite how happy he is with Alex and the farm, sometimes he remembers his days at Remy's with longing—Vince doesn't let himself wonder if it's the place or its owner that he misses, though.
All my PCs are in their 20's, btw! They also all exist at the same time, maybe one day I'll make a post with all their connections to each other and other NPCs :) It'll be... a mess lmao
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sakumasmut · 1 year
this ask will probably very long and pathetic so im sorry ahead of myself </3 YOU DIDNT JUST CHANGE THE POST TEXT TO TALK ABOUT THE GIFT AGAIN,, well obviously i wouldnt say no, and natsume,,, im always open to more natsume content because he is my everything (* >ω<) but you know, as you said in another rb's tags theres seriously so little content of my other favorites that id just feel bad to waste the gift opportunity when i can uhh, magically bring forth more nsfw wataru and leo content because. seriously. theres so little of it!! how!! i went thru their nsfw tags like, these days, and well. ashamed to say the very few there are of wataru, some are from me and even some that contain him and are related to the oddballs are still asks from me!!! no one wants this guy besides me.. ugly sobbing. but also was shocked at how little nsfw content there is of leo? surely hed be more popular so its like.. where is it.. wheres the content!! i did think about you wanting to give me a gift, and i can imagine why youd want to give it (and thinking on par that its not just a late birthday gift </3 but still thanks regardless!!), i was thinking something something with leo and ritsu but.. im not sure what! again if its anything you can just dm me about it or something i suppose </3 or if you do want to keep it as a secret little gift thatd pop up one day i dont mind either! but yeah i realized lately just how sick i am over leo and ritsu. yeah. yyeah. ive been rereading all your content w ritsu and especially the catboy ones.. uwehehe... (´_ゝ`) i kept thinking of scenarios of ritsu inviting leo over in his room with the reader also being there and erm,, wheres mika? i dont know! he can be anywhere he wants to just not here! (i am sorry mika fans. do not make me talk about him or we will reach the forbidden eroguro content. still so sorry for the one anon that didnt know what eroguro is and googled it?? then ended up asking you (゚ω゚) i didnt expect to catastrophically ruin someones life like that... supposedly. my bad) but back to the main thing just uuuuw ive been missing your hcs things that were talking about two characters pursuing the same reader imagine it with leo and ritsu! oh the drama! how jealous filled creatures they both are! incredible! and absolutely phenomenal! but also them both having to share you? think of all the side-eyeing and purposefully paying attention to who you seem to give more attention towards.. they'd be so cute. i have worms in my brain(・ω・`*). imagine if they were both catboys and so needingly desiring your affection. at once! im going to stop before i explode. i just need them both all over me right now i think. ue. i dont have much to say on behalf of wataru. at this point id just take anything with him because itd be such a rare legendary thing to witness.. ohh the holy grail of ultra rare wataru nsfw (no one wants this clown except me and exactly two other people on your blog) as you said yourself once hed be pretty much open to anything!! the opportunities are endless!! why limit them!! but also ouhhhh i have missed the wataru breeding hcs post.. id almost forgotten hes in puffy bunny even. whenever i think about fucking like rabbits phrase my mind just auto fills it in to nazuna. but ah. applied to wataru. ah. yeah. dont really have anything else to add there but amazing post 10/10 hit me like a rock when i saw it for the first time and may the person who requested that have my forever blessings. i will now sign off before i blow up right in this moment —darlingnon
mmm yeah I suppose you’re right, natsume is quite popular (I even have something for him for next month) but like you said there’s not a lot of writing for wataru or leo, so I’d wanna give you some content for them too! I definitely wouldn’t mind adding ritsu to a leo thing though, more the merrier!
honestly I might just surprise you one day? since I don’t wanna promise a deadline and not make it 🙇 but also very flattering you check my older writing fjehsbdn
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vexx-the-egg · 2 years
*puts on shades* Hello there favorite meme blog. I am here once again to ask about stuff that are not memes because it makes sense I swear. How do you cope with the feeling of losing a best friend? For context of the question, nothing has happened between you two, its just the love has seemed to have left.
I'm a bit high rn anon so I apologize if this is a bit messy. But this is a very good question ! And I'd be happy to answer.
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Their are many many ways to coep with losing a freind. Weather it's flooding yourslef with distractions. Reaching out to other freinds for suport. Or suddenly obtaining full enlightenment and letting go of all earthly desires. All of which are good and dandy but don't really ....dooooo anything. And I think that's Wack as hell. So my dear anon here is some extra advice. When it comes to matters of a cold sardonic chill in the place of your warm relationship. All you really need is time. Relationships of every kind, but MOST of all friendships: is that of a turning wheel. Even your most hated freinds enemy can become a close ally. And visa versa. Hard times were bound to happen eventually. No relationship is perfect or without change. It is very likely that your freind may just be contemplating personal change, as a person. And because of that they maybe either dealing with personal feelings or looking for new things to focus on that may be different from what your used to. If it's the second one, all you need to do is re-establish common ground. Try out new things that you may be able to share in common. If it's the first. Then you really really should talk to them. Be honest and tell them that you may be afraid of losing them. If they ask why. Don't be afraid to be honest and tell them about how much they matter to you. Most knee jerk reactions would tell you that this is "cringy" or "controlling" but in order to connect again. Both of you must be deeply honest. Or you risk losing somone you love, without ever even saying the truth. Without knowing if things could have been saved. Theirs bravery and strength sometimes in being honest and you never know when you may be doing the other person a favor. Sometimes it takes some honesty from you for another person to show how they really feel. At the end of the day I can't promis it will work our. But I can promis that no relationship is fully one sided. And its very likely that if you care for this person they probably care for you as well. Who knows they may bee feeling very simulare. Be honest. Be open and be brave anon. No matter their answer things will be alright and good things will cycle back.◇
Non high Vexx will review this later and post notes below:
Sober vexx here! If you made it this far thank you for listening to me ramble incoherintly. Here's an actual clear minded response: Losing freinds can be scary and confusing. But it is something that everyone goes through in their life. Like any broken heart, the key to getting through it is emersing yourself with new experiences and letting yourself feel what you feel. It can be hard, to struggle with the idea of change, but know that like all things this to will pass. If your friend is drifting away then it is important to give them space and consider their feelings as well. As high vexx said you could tell them if you get an opportunity but that doesn't mean things will automatically swing your way. And they shouldn't to be fair, friendships should always have freedom of choice. Just as somone chooses to spend time with you you must respect when they choose not to. Know that this does not mean you a bad person. As people can have a mirad of reasons to want space that don't personaly involve you. If it does happen to involve you, then take it as a learning opportunity. Not a death sentence. Focus not on the bitter end of this relationship but the gratitude you feel, for all the happy times you had with them. Over time new people will cycle into your life once again. Sometimes that can be strangers who make your life better then you could have imagined, sometimes it can be an old freind under a new light. Give it time anon. And things we'll get better
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Good luck anon!
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noirineverysense · 2 years
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I posted 1,160 times in 2022
That's 708 more posts than 2021!
180 posts created (16%)
980 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 995 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#acp - 60 posts
#reblog - 25 posts
#352 is a good boy - 22 posts
#thanks for the ask!! - 21 posts
#351 not so much - 21 posts
#🥺🥺🥺 - 16 posts
#bbu - 16 posts
#whumpmasinjuly - 15 posts
#pet whump - 15 posts
#febuwhump2022 - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#'whose pain is normalized as acceptable and ultimately invisibilized versus whose pain is considered extraordinary or spectacle' yes
My Top Posts in 2022:
It was the little things, really, that she hated. He tortured her of course, but what she really couldn't take was the way he stretched after, like he had done anything strenuous. The way he ate in front of her, not the fact that he did, but instead how his mouth made stupidly loud noises and exaggerated shapes just from eating a sandwich. She hated how he grinned, teeth crooked and lips cracked. It's strange, she'd always found a crooked smile charming, now she just wants to break his jaw.
He would leave her and it felt like a breath of sorely missed fresh air, but then she would hear his heavy footsteps above her. She would hear the occasional laugh or heavy sigh and she would imagine suffocating him until he couldn't do either. She could even hear his bed creak when he settled in for the night, groaning loud under his weight. She would sleep too, except he had alarms set randomly throughout the night. She doesn't know if it's specifically designed to keep her up or if he just doesn't know about the incessant noise that mixed with his grunting snores. Because of course he wouldn't wake up to them. No, he would wake up at around 10 am the next day and he would walk down the steps to start the day with a new torture device to try out. He promised a bat tomorrow, to break her kneecaps.
She would break every bone in his body if she could, all 206, then go back to break them all again.
She hated him and the only thing keeping her going was her burning, festering spite.
28 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
More robot whumpee!
Febuwhump day 16 - "Does it hurt?"
Part 1 Part 2
“Does it hurt?”
Whumpee lets out a scream as the tool prods around their chest, their heart had been replaced by a battery, but there were still various vessels and organs that still felt the cool metal jabbing into them.
“Yes, Yes! Please it’s too much! Stop, no!”
Whumper frowned, putting his screwdriver back into his lab coat pocket.
“Well, it shouldn’t. Pain is useless to a robot like yourself. I thought I had removed all of your pain receptors by now.
Whumpee sobs from where they were, on a table that was starting to fill with deep red blood. If they were still completely human, they probably would have died by now.
“Does it hurt?”
“Please, please stop.”
“But does it hurt?”
The android’s eyes fill with dark, oily liquid, a cheap imitation of the teary eyes of a human.
“N-No. No it doesn’t.”
“And do you know why?”
“Because I-I’m a robot. I don’t feel pain because it’s not useful to the ones I serve.”
The robot gets a pat on the head. It doesn’t feel that either.
“Does it hurt?”
There’s silence. The machine continues to whir, the robot’s lets out a beep as it emptied out some trash before continuing its various cleaning tasks.
Whumper sighs before taking a break on his office chair, watching his robot work with efficiency and without making silly human errors.
Once it had done all its selected tasks, it powered down, it’s glowing eyes now dull. The whirring now silenced. But if you looked closely, you could make out the frozen expression of horror and despair.
36 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
@febuwhump alt 2 - trapped under a collapsed building
He holds it still, strong and steady. The large piece of rubble ready to collapse and kill them all, he keeps it in the air, above them.
His team huddle by his feet. The youngest, closest to him, looks up at him, watching, with fear and adoration dancing in their eyes.
The techie is trying to establish communications, to call for help. She keeps yelling into a small box, hoping for a sign that someone is listening, that someone is coming for them. She doesn’t look up at him, not once. He only ever sees the top of her covered head. She somehow knows that he’s not going to let it drop on her, on any of them.
He locks eyes on his second-in-command whose foot was trapped under rubble. He twists his body to hold on to the youngest, hugging them tight and using his body as a shield if the rubble were to come down. He knew that their leader wasn’t superhuman, just a man with muscles that could tire even if his will didn’t break.
His arms start to shake with the strain, his muscles twitching and aching. The enormous weight he carries on his shoulders and neck, threatens to crush him at any second. He feels his legs start to bend and give out. With a groan he straightens them anyway.
The tech’s voice gets louder still, disturbing some small parts of rubble and dust. She was getting a response finally as she gave their location and other details. The words fall out of her mouth at an accelerated rate until it stops suddenly. After a pause, she looks up at him finally, eyes wide with fear and flinching when some pebbles dropped beside her.
“They said two hours.”
He winces as his second-in-command groans out. The youngest lets out a whimper and holds the other man tighter.
The tech gasps suddenly when parts of the large piece break off beside her. She gets ushered closer to them as tears slip out of her eyes.
He can’t find his voice so he mouths at her instead.
“It’s going to be okay. I’m not gonna let it drop, alright? You’re safe, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”
She nods before huddling with the other two. The leader lets out a small strained sound as he holds the rubble further from their heads.
The second-in-command looks up, eyes creased with worry. “I wish I could help you.” He says simply. He tries to pull his leg out but only lets out a moan in pain for his efforts. The two beside him hold him tighter.
“It’s okay. I’ve got this.”
He has got this. He can hold this piece of rock up. For 2 hours. 120 minutes. 7200 seconds.
Every painful second dragged longer than it felt like it should. His arms were bent and locked in place, his fingers were splayed and numb, he couldn’t feel the roughness of the stone anymore. He couldn’t feel his legs. The only sensation was a throbbing pain, emanating deep in him and an ache in his bones that begged his mind to let them rest.
He feels his arms start to give so he looks back at his, huddled and scared and strength surges through him again. He’s not going to let them down. He promised them he’s going to keep this thing up. So he will.
The minutes tick by in silence, his left arm starts to weaken and the large rubble begins to slide down from the left before he catches it again, just above the tech’s head. He gives a hoarse apology before continuing his duty.
He guesses it’s been about thirty minutes since his tech had made a call and nods to her. She gets the signal and tries to make contact again. It’s a few scary moments of just static before a voice crackles out of the small device.
“We’ll be with you shortly, hold on.”
“How long?” the tech asks tersely.
His sore muscles tense during some muttering before an answer.
Please don’t be longer.
“About 30-40 minutes. Please hold on until then.”
He sighs in relief, that’s less time than he expected. He has no excuse not to hold the rock up until then.
His body aches in protest. He has no idea how he can hold it up for another thirty minutes, likely more. He doesn’t have a choice. He tries to adjust his grip but the position ends up being even more painful and he lets out a hiss.
The team look up at him for a moment, he gives a single nod.
I’m fine. I have to be.
Every minute seemed to drag on for eternity. He lets out a growl and shifts to hold the slipping piece of rock. Exhaustion starts to weigh in him, his shoulders, arms, back and neck screaming at him to let go. He can’t. He licks his dry lips and tries to blink away the black dots in his vision.
See the full post
46 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
You are 100% correct that there is a lack of POC representation in the whump community on Tumblr. However, part of the reason for this is because when white content creators try to interact with characters that are POC, they are often told that they shouldn't. That they shouldn't try to write for POC or even draw fanart of them etc. etc. because they aren't a part of that character's culture and shouldn't be trying to represent it.
So unfortunately, its a double-edged sword. Content creators are told to stick with what they know, so they do.
Also, quite frankly, can you imagine the uproar if a white person created a POC whumpee? If they created an OC who was black, and then proceeded to just have the OC treated awfully, tortured, kept as a slave (like any other whumpee OC that's ever been created.) I just don't see that going over well.
So unfortunately, the creation of content for POC characters is going to have to be done by POC content creators. There is really no way around that.
Anon i couldnt disagree more
Okay firstly POC arent a monolith, we're like the majority of people on earth so some might disagree with me and thats fine. But personally and to the other POC i've talked to, we want to be represented! We didnt come to whumpblr to be forced to relate to white people experiences. I'd happily say the majority of poc do want white people to write us bc like youre the majority here. And specifically in whump, if poc didnt like whump about us, we wouldnt be here. We're not here for white people, we're here for oursleves. We like whump, we here bc we like torture or comfort or pet whump or whatever. We're not here for white people to take inspiration from our irl suffering and use it for their white characters while we cheer them on.
Also like white people have written and drawn characters/whumpees that arent white lol, and there hasnt been that uproar. Also what uproar, there arent that many of us, are white people going to attack you? Why do you care about their opinions on poc? I think this idea of white people being under attack if they write poc is overblown and makes no sense.
Imo stick to what you know is dumb, like most of us dont know what its like to be tortured, yet we're all willing to do often intensive research. Yet we won't put that same energy into characters of colour?
Theres definitely nuance, I would be uncomfortable with a black character as a domestic pet for a white character that was written by a white person for example. Depends on how the writer handles it, but yeah theres nuance but that doesnt mean no poc ever can be written by white people. Like is research into anti racism and culture/stereotypes necessary, yes. But only poc writing characters of colour or #own voices, means our stories barely if ever get written. It leads to spaces that structurally white without any white person even doing the basics of trying to include poc. Also not every poc has a culture massively different to white people.
Like ofc poc writing poc is the goal, but to get there we need to make an inclusive space and that involves white people writing poc, sorry its true.
76 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Whumpblr ask game - opinions
1. What do you like about whumpblr? What do you dislike about it?
2. Who's your favourite OC?
3. Favourite trope?
4. Do you prefer romance or platonic relationships in writing?
5. What do you think draws people to your stories?
6. What do you like about writing on tumblr?
7. What don't you like about writing on tumblr?
8. What do you like about whump?
9. Any unpopular opinions on tropes or whump in general?
10. What made you want to write your wips?
80 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lepoppeta · 2 years
*Sits down at a desk like I've just arrived at a meeting* Tell me about your ships and their theme songs and your thoughts, for any fandom/ships you currently feel like rambling about, even if I personally don't know them. Don't hold back c:
hhh oh boy this… "dont hold back" i could simultaneously go on forever and also… not. what im going to try and do for this is concentrate on songs that could be applied to both sides at once, rather than one individual person referring to the other. im also not going to be too narritively focused. these rules help me to keep the ask response to a minimum; i dont really like writing obscenely long posts, and would rather categorise them more concretely.
(by coincidence, this basically narrows down my ship themes to just my bioshock pairings).
if you want to inquire about particular character themes in reference to their respective pairings, then dont hesitate to send another ask! that goes for anyone else reading this post.
that being said… shakes hand thanks for coming today and expressing you interest. we really love to see that kind of go-getter attitude on this blog!
since i asked you about DELTACLAIR themes a little while ago, i figured id repay you and start with them first. deltaclair i find to be very interesting because has the intense aesthetic of a soulmate au but without any sort of weird macguffin to go along with it; theyre simply two people who had an instantaneous connection and an initial sense of deep, unwavering trust. in a lot of media ive consumed concerning these two, they dont really care about their past actions (either for themselves or for the other), but rather focus on the present and how that can affect the future. its a very interesting dynamic and honestly not one ive explored before in any other fandom.
the night we met (lord huron)
i am not the only traveler who has not repaid his debt ive been searching for a trail to follow again take me back to the night we met
the melancholy nature of this song really drives home the directionless nature of themselves and their relationship. they just seem to exist suspended in time and space and outside of finding eleanor and getting out of rapture neither of them have any especially lofty goals to strive towards. sinclair never comes off as particularly ambitious, more placidly curious and perhaps mildly vengeful. delta is… well, delta.
and then i can tell myself what the hell im supposed to do and then i can tell myself not to ride along with you
despite me noting that they never seen to distrust each other, im sure there was a part in the beginning where both of them were waiting for the inevitable screwing-over. as they slowly get more comfortable with the situation theres still this lingering feeling of "i shouldnt be entertaining this at all" and yet they do anyway and its so brilliant and angsty.
like real people do (hozier)
i will not ask you where you came from i will not ask and neither should you
theres this silent understanding that ive always garnered between these two that some things are better left unsaid. sinclair has no idea who delta was before the alpha series, and delta knows that sinclair (chatty as he may be) is pretty tight-lipped at the best of times. its not that important information is being swept under the rug in lieu of a shallow fantasy, its more a silent agreement that bringing past grievances up isnt particulalry helpful. neither of them come across to me as particularly petty (although one could argue that sinclair is the Pettiest Bitch in Existence).
so i will not ask you why you were creeping in some sad way i already know
(see above for explanation)
devils backbone (the civil wars)
dont care if hes guilty dont care if hes not hes good and hes bad and hes all that ive got
delta and sinclair definitely come across as relitively apathetic about each others seedier choices, and quite readily move them aside for the sake of a survivable present and more important a fruitful future. theres simply a distinct lack of shits given, but in an accutely unyeilding way.
in comparison, JATLAS is extremely passionate and volatile compared to deltaclairs mutual, silent acceptance. their songs also tend to be a lot more narratively involved and arent suspended in space like deltaclairs are. they stand out more as individuals who happen to be part of a pair, rather than two characters viewed as a whole. dismissing the themes that contribute to the story rather to them just as inidviduals, jatlas for now only has one song.
exile vilify (the national)
youve got suckers luck have you given up? does it feel like a trial? does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine?
atlas and jack never expected to be so important to one another. it all happened so quickly and so intensely that neither of them really stopped to consider how they felt about the whole ordeal until much later. they plague each others thoughts for entirely different reasons; jack has experienced a loveless existence (especially after his mother died) and atlas has never met someone who strikes him as fiercely as jack does. theyre the victims of poor luck and overwhelmingly shitty circumstances and all they have at the end of the day is each other.
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skinnyravs · 3 months
Being mis-understood.
Do you ever get the feeling that people just Mis Understand you?
Like, you make a joke and they give you that vibe like: man you are an idiot. Or the times when you say something, and the reaction you get is someone if offended.
Well; I can tel you this happens to me. A lot. Why? I have no clue. I wonder if it has something to do with the different era I grew up in, or just the type of people i used to interact with that are either similar to me or different. But their different still made it easier to mingle.
I know, that I am not the most social person, ever. Like it is a struggle. I am just naturally very shy, very timied and very sometimes I guess you can cal it...off?
I have always seen myself as the silent, observant type that takes it all in and makes up her own mind. Yes sure I may judge but that's because I can only go off what I see. me and talking and being social is not a thing. So its quite a crappy thing that other poeple can do that easily and I'm stuck in the whole eh i dont wanna be social at all. Perhaps this is a bad thing but maybe it isn't.
Not everyone is going to be the social type. Some of us, like me just wanna do stuff and not talk to much and enjoy. Maybe that is why i seem like such a recluse or perhaps come off as being a little arrogant. Trust me, it is not on purpose. I reckon it is simply a personality trait.
Another thing I make very clear ot people is that, I am not going withstand bullshit. From anyone. There was a time, growing up I just ignored shit be it in school and even sometimes work. I would just be like eh whatever. But over the years I could see that a lot of people took advantage of that and I jsut had enough. Eventually, when you work in a medical feidl you come across some ass holes,a nd there are two things happen. - Either stand up for yourself or - let them continue to talk down to you.
Eventually i wasn't having that ad I started to bite back. Sometimes maybe more then I could chew, but I certainly think that was a big thing for me. I didn't want to take a back seat. Sometimes, I think I had always been wanting to just tell people where to go.
My family's history (and it is not a nice one by the way) is what also led me to just be a total bitch sometimes. And if you knew the whole story you might get an idea why sometimes I am.
It is fair to say I am a big believer in standing up and saying what I think. I can be wrong or right it doesn't matter if you are wrong. Sure, the flip side of it, is if you don't like something don't say it. I do also believe that too. But there will be certain situations where; you know what, say it don't hold back. LOL, funny how that is the title of the whole blog as a whole. DON't HOLD BACK. And I mean that.
Just because I ask someone not to do something should not be immediately taken as: Oh she is trying to control me.If I am telling you I do not like what you are doing its because I don't like it and think its inappropriate. How that can be seen as control .makes no sense. There is quite a big difference between: Please don't do this I don't appreciate it. isn't that being polite and not control?
I'm finding this hard to explain; but recent events came up and I have asked for stuff to be stopped. I jsut don't like it and yet it is still being down. For me it is like a total lack of respect for a request. Apparently Im not allowed to do that, because people are saying I'm being rude, controlling and giving htem order. haha...um...what?
If someone came up to me and said: Don't write this and post is. I will ask why amd if they gave me a good reason Id be like: ook i understand your view here but please understand that this needs to be said. And they can either go: oh all right that's ok you explained it that's if ein. Or they could be a total ass hole and say: your an idiot just shut up and move on.
I'm so tired, of everything I say, or do is always being taken the wrong way. Makes me sad that I can never truely be myself anymore and this it just leads to a lot of frustration, anger and disappointment. I, just wanna be able to be myself again. Like I used to be. I lost that along th way because nobody seems to try and understand my point of view anymore. Yet i seem to be the only one trying to work shit out.
It sucks.
0 notes
thoughts-and-all-that · 3 months
how the fuck do you block someone without blocking someone... someone who makes me deeply DEEPLY uncomfortable either follows my main (i checked after posting this, they do follow my main) or at least checks in on it enough that they liked one of my posts, but the thing is... we are in a very small fandom together, and ive talked to them on discord before, and i am trying so hard to be liked by this fandom despite how much it kinda grates on my nerves, and i really dont want them being like. hey why do you have me blocked. and like. starting drama about it
i guess i doubt theyd start drama but i really dont know them well and i. constantly feel like im walking on egg shells with these people cause theyre the types that are like. more sensitive than me. which sure thats not like inherently bad or negative but it gets. irritating when it feels like i have no idea what i can and cant say that might upset them or get me in trouble. like i cant even joke about cults and cannibalism with these people. like come on, its funny to make these shitty things out to be a joke, it makes it feel like they suck less. i mean, im not making light of them, when it comes to real situations of them im obviously not gonna treat it like a joke, but when it comes to the vague idea of them? yeah its funny. theyre just absurd concepts. i mean, come on man.
like, okay fine, its fine that they dont want to joke about it, but you cant even MENTION that stuff around these people. i mean i guess like. i guess its one of these peoples triggers but. what the hell situation do you find yourself in where cannibalism is brought up and becomes a trigger. like obviously i cant ask them that but like. WHAT. like did your mother eat your brother or some shit like... what the hell situation gives you cannibalism as a trigger. the cult one is fully understandable cause cults are common but you dont hear or see real life cannibalism every day. like does this person just have a horrible backstory or something.
i got very off track. i mean i guess it doesnt matter this is literally just a vent blog
its not like i hate any of these people. i may dislike one or two of them, thats just bound to happen with any group of people, but not hate. but as much as i dont want to say it, theyre not exactly my vibe. i mean... i always stuck out like a sore thumb in this fandom, even back in the day, hell, ESPECIALLY back in the day. i stumbled upon a fandom made by and for homeschooled christian kids and that sure was exactly how it sounds! and i... very much was not that. i was a public school atheist kid and i just simply found the content funny and the characters fascinating. i fell HARD for the characters, they... in more ways than one, lived rent free in my head.
a lot happened, i wanted nothing to do with it after, and then eventually i wanted something to do with it again. but ive been cautious this time. maybe a little too much i dont know. i just cant let it happen again. i know it cant happen again logically, and yet the creeping tendrils it left parasitically suckling on my skin creeps ever upward, threatening my very core.
i swear fandoms have changed drastically since 2016. i dont know what it was. i couldnt tell you if you paid me. they didnt used to be like this, filled with the one thing that makes me question my determination to go on. the one thing i cant even talk to anyone about because it makes me feel like im going to die, and other people treat me like ill die for it.
and its everywhere. its all over and i cant escape it and i try so desperately to.
and you know that its in this fandom. it was the first fandom i saw it in, actually. its the reason i feel this way at all. they haunt me. my every action is tinted with this haunting, it changed me for the worse.
i cant get close to any of them because almost all of them say it. and the ones who dont... definitely arent my vibe. the ones who dont arent even the ones i dislike, surprisingly. i used to hate one of them, hell, i used to hate one of the other people too. but things change. people change.
i guess i cant, since its been 7 years and this shit still haunts me so bad.
the reason that person makes me so uncomfortable is that thing. the one and i think only call i did in that server (i probably did one other) was with them and someone else, because i was like. why not! it was soon after i joined and i wanted to befriend the current era of this fandom. huge mistake. confronted with them doing the one thing that curses me. i left silently because they were all ignoring me anyway. what an experience.
ive had so many feelings since i joined that server, thats for sure. my relationship with this fandom could fill a novel. i hope it never does. it wouldnt get published anyway.
i just love these characters. i used to love one of the other people in the fandom. thats its own story. i cant even keep a conversation with them nowadays. how can i? the thing we had in common is gone. i cant tell them the truth. i REALLY cant tell them the truth. they would hate me. i cant handle them hating me. we arent codependently attached anymore but that doesnt mean i dont still care way too much about them. they were the best relationship i ever had, and we didnt even date.
i dont know what i would do if they hated me.
i just really love these dumbass characters. i dont know what it is. their own creators treated these characters a bit like crap. but these characters are so real to me. but not in THAT way.
and sadly ive tried to stop caring, but it didnt work. i mean... i did also want to reclaim them. that situation doesnt deserve to hold them hostage. i guess i could use to have that mindset about a lot more about that situation, but its not that easy. its really, really not that easy.
and because i care so much about these fucking characters, i care about having a decent relationship with the fandom. theres only so many of us, and none of these people are bad, i just... dont fit in. i never really did. but i try to. i dont think my effort does much.
i worry that they think im too much. i treat darker and mature topics like casual jokes, i dont share so many of the same ideas as everyone else, i make a lot of things about me because i dont know how not to. i try to keep up conversations by relating, but i fear it comes off as me trying to pivot it to be about me.
i think some of the stuff they do is silly, not that id ever stop them
i miss the early days, before the other shoe dropped. when i actually did fit. when it was so easy. when me and my friends filled up discord chats with back-and-forth prompts and ideas and writing... how i always wanted any fandom to be for me. why did it ever have to change. why did they have to tell me the truth. i was only 14.
i actually did almost have it with another fandom, too. that didnt work out as well after a little while. it was nice while it lasted.
i cant do that with these people. i wish i could. i wish i didnt feel like oil trying to mix with water.
so, anyway. cant block this person. wish i could. i wont though.
this is just the surface of all of this, you know. like i said, it could be a whole novel.
i have to live with this.
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rise-my-angel · 6 months
I think it is so frustrating and sad you have to not even tag things to avoid getting hate like adding anti tags should be enough but even then I just don’t understand why people are so so so sensitive about opposing opinions. I have a more nuanced opinion of Dany than 99% of Dany fans in that I acknowledge her darkness although I also don’t fully agree with everything you said about her. It’s not worth writing it up bc that’s not the point of this ask (long story short I think she’s inclined to violence at first but we see her being sickened by the memory of it aside from burning MMD which is a special case I could talk at length about, and I am intrigued by that conflict within her character). And I am so wholly unbothered by your interpretation and opinion of the character. I like your content a lot and it’s nice to be able to read opinions that conflict with mine mixed in with things I agree with and I honestly don’t understand why other people don’t feel the same way. Which isn’t judgement. People are allowed to want to see only things they agree with. But it is so foreign to me. We are talking about a book series here.
As an entirely unrelated side question: do you have a post anywhere talking about the reader in your fic or have you left her as more of a blank slate? I’ve never been interested in x reader fic but I love Jon and want to read yours but what I worry about x reader content is that the reader won’t be enough of a blank slate. I am also simply curious about what you have thought up about her whether or not the fic ends up being for me
I'm totally fine with other opinons, but I have had issues before of being harassed over my opinons of Dany before and I would rather not tempt fate because it was pretty brutal last time. I also don't enjoy debate, because I don't use my blog as a platform to entertain that kind of discussion, I like open minded discussion of similar ideas and using different opinons to explain my side. But I do not wish to have a back and forth of totally disagreeing sides, that is not fun to me that gives me anxiety.
I'm fine with people thinking my interpretation of Dany is overly extreme, because I do understand what about her people like and why one may disagree. But debating someone about those issues isn't why I like talking about her. I like exploring a character not defending why I have a stance over and over again. But Dany stans have been unforgiving in the past and I don't want to risk it. And I don't want to platform debates and hostile arguments on this blog.
I made a Sansa post earlier which stemmed from someone whom I follow that made a point I did not agree with, but I did not go directly to them or add to their post. I made my own as to not be negative in a space talking positively about a character or subject. I dont belive in hijacking someones post to argue against what they are saying or going into there inbox to yell at them for it either, I dont think it is a productive way to get your point across. I prefer making my own posts where I can logically display my opinions and why in a well thought out manner, not argue with someone personally.
But Dany stans are not fond of me, and so I sometimes don't tag at all, soley out of anxiey because having a barrage of disagreeing opinions angry in my inbox insulting and demeaning me was what happened last time. So I avoid it to not create a hostile enviroment for my own followers as well.
As for my story, I appreciate you expressing interest but I cannot speak as to the degree of a blank slate reader. I try to not inundate the story with an overly vocal or overly involved reader, I try to blend her into the background of the story without being obtrusive or give her to strong of a vivid personality, but the reader does have a character consistency throughout.
I would suggest reading a little bit of the first chapter, because its pretty indicative of the style in which I portray the reader and make your decision from there. I don't want to mislead you one way or another but the first few scenes should give you a solid idea as to if it is your cup of tea or not.
Either way, thank you for your message I appreciate when someone who thinks differently then I do does not see the value in personally attacking someone for it, and expressing interest in my story, if you read it or not I am flattered either way you are very kind!
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 9 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 9 🕺🏼
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🎨 biamakesart Follow
Hi!! I made a new comic 💜 Like and reblog
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Haha that happened to me and my friends once 🤣
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
Randomly remember when my dad explained to me that him and his then fiancée were getting married. But he didn’t say that, he started to do this elaborate story about some papa bear that was on his way to meet mama bear at the meadow and saw a flying unicorn or something. That was his ”metaphors” for how they were getting married.
Some extra context to this story: I was 18 when he told me this.
👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant Follow
In that case, how did he explain like… how babies are made?
I both want and do not want to know.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
”Imagine a pegasus and a unicorn. They love each other very much, and so they run across the rainbow together. Their love causes it to rain ice cream and everyone is so happy! Soon there’s a new pony appearing when the unicorn shoots glitter from its magical horn. All the magical elfs celebrate the arrival of the pony, which of course is purple and sparkles a lot! Now, do you have any questions?”
10 year old me:
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🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
How did you even go through puberty?!
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
I’m asking myself this every single day.
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🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
When someone has hurt you, remember that everyone has the same bodily functions as you do.
What I am saying is that, whenever someone has made you feel awful, just picture them farting. They aren’t so scary anymore now, are they?
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
I tried this and then I immediately felt bad because I pictured my mom finding out I thought such a ”vulgar” thought about her and shamed me for it
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Then picture her burping after shaming you. Who is ashamed now?
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Camila have you pictured these things about me?
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
#you’re my childhood rival #I need to picture you doing gross human things so I feel superior
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
I remember when my coach told me I reminded her of a singer she loved as a kid. That singer made her heart beat a lot… and that’s why she wanted me to pursue music because I reminded her of it.
Anyway I am theorizing if she had a crush on that singer and now she wants me to give a new generation of girls crushes with my sweet melodies.
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
You're already giving this generation of girls crushes on you <3
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Define ”girls”. In plural. Haven’t seen or heard anyone except for Jim.
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🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Tumblr is fun. I interact more with people I know irl on here than I do with them irl.
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Yeah, especially some people who you barely interact with irl and thus you don’t know them well enough to know it’s very obviously their Tumblr blog 🤣
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
He does not even seem to know the tumblr blogs of people he DOES interact with a lot irl. He may just suck at knowing people.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
I know people!
I wish Gastón was here, he'd defend me.
📸 felicityfornow Follow
🎥 rollertrack Follow
Oh hi. I’m here. I just don’t post a lot anymore I’m mostly here to send memes to people in DMs.
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Can you help defend me from these people who tease me
🎥 rollertrack Follow
I always got your back, man 🙌🏼 But tbh it’s kind of funny how you aren’t figuring out who people are 😝 Some of these are so easy, and it’s people who I personally don’t talk to a lot either irl!
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Come on man… give me some hints
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🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
At the convention now and I found a nice pin that suited me 💜
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🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
I love that so much! Wish I could have gone to the convention with you!
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
Have you found any pin for me?
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
I found three pins, all that I think represent us three specifically. Guess which one is yours
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🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
Please tell me you’re not at the starcon…
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector Follow
Oh i’m at the starcon! I’m not cosplaying or anything like that, and I’m into more niche things that I wouldn’t find here in the first place… however, I often end up finding something interesting, something I didn’t think I wanted. Like those pins, or sometimes VHS tapes of old stuff that are impossible to find, or are impossible to find with that dub.
Why? Are you there?
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
She is. She could go without even asking but not me because my dad can’t have control over her, but he refuses to let me do anything…
She’s also in cosplay >:3
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
I’m not in cosplay!!
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
She’s in cosplay ;) You’ll know exactly that it’s her when you see her
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🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Hey I found something interesting while at the con!
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I have no idea what the actual babygirls are in that competition but I vote for @rollerskatingonthemoon
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
In that case I vote for you back! 😜
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Yay may the best babygirl win!! 😍
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Why are you two like this
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
💍 queenoftherink Follow
See this is why I don’t go to these cons. They make people weird.
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
You’re missing out, we’re cosplaying Team Rocket right now and you would have made a perfect Meowth 😹
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🥸 jeremias-realperson Follow
If my stepdaughter walks out in an astronaut outfit and cat ears, and having a spacy makeup, should I be concerned about that?
Or is it just the latest fashion?
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💅🏼 ja-jazmin Follow
I have a new video idea 😁 And I wanna ask you guys here before I ask people irl.
For people with uteruses: If you told your parents you were pregnant today, how would they react?
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am Follow
*wrecks the entire house in an angry rampage* ”WHAT?! WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!”
🌟 supernova-number-one Follow
”Oh, who’s the father? Ha! Don’t tell me, it was just some random one, huh?”
Then she’d kind of accept it but make comments about me probably being unfit to raise a child (she tried to murder 3 people so idk if she’s the best example of how to be a good mother anyway)
💍 queenoftherink Follow
”I am going to assume you know what you’re doing, and that this was planned. I can provide you a room if you need to, but you have the responsibility yourself.”
It’s funny that I think that because
I live in a mansion with lots of rooms. I could be pregnant with quadruplets and everyone would have their own room
She doesn’t live here anymore
I guess I am just thinking more how she’d react back when she was the owner of the mansion. Like if she didn’t react like that then she’d maybe be supportive and then when the baby is born she tries to get custody of it or at least force me to live with her so she can be close to the child and influenser it.
But today I guess she’d just be like ”I’m happy” or something. She’s going through therapy. So am I because of the fact that she didn’t until now 😀👍
🌼 punk-not-dead Follow
”Oh that’s great, sweetie. Want a cookie?”
(Then we would not discuss it more)
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
I think my parents would be very happy for me, although because of my young age they’d act a bit cautious. But, they’d always be supportive ☺️ If the pregnancy was planned, I think they’d trust me that I’m ready, and if the pregnancy was unplanned, I think they’d support me in whatever choice I make about it.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
”Congratulations! Have you planned this for long? Do you know the donor?”
(in my case, I’d have to plan it and use a donor)
📸 felicityfornow Follow
Mom: ”You’re kidding! No!” *hugs me* ”Ok! Have you planned it? When’s the due date? Have you picked out a name? Have you bought everything for the nursery? Are you breastfeeding or bottle feeding? And you know the father is the father? No I’m just asking, sometimes I wonder if your dad is your dad… no, I didn’t cheat on him, but you know… maybe you were switched at birth.”
Dad: ”HI PREGNANT, I’M DAD! Oh, but wait, is it granddad now? No, because it’s YOU who is pregnant and YOU are my daughter, so yes, correct response…”
And bonus: My mom’s wife
”Aww, kisses in the air! Kisses at your belly! Wow! Maybe the child actually is red haired this time, we all thought you would be, but then your dad’s genes got too strong… or I don’t know.”
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🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Last night I dreamt I got triplets, and I made teeny tiny beanies for them.
Anyway anyone wanna make triplets with me? 🥹
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
I’m up for adopting triplets and we can raise them together as best friends who are co-parents 😂 Like your cousin and his band
💍 queenoftherink Follow
I’m up for having 3 children with you (although I’d settle with 2 tbh) but not at ONCE
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Ok but… hear me out…
You two, and another person, are surrogates who give birth at the same time and then I’ll take all the babies and dress them up in beanies
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Yeah no, either get me pregnant and expect ONE child per pregnancy, or raise adopted children with Luna as your platonic co-parent
💅🏼 ja-jazmin Follow
Wait, why can’t he get Luna pregnant? 🤔
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
I don’t want to
💅🏼 ja-jazmin Follow
But why not? I thought you liked him 😉
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Jazmin, to keep this as simple as possible:
Luna and Simón are best friends and despite trying out some romance in the past, that’s all. They are very close and always will be close, but platonically. That’s why they won’t try for a baby, because they don’t have that relationship. If they raise a child it will be as platonic co-parents. And that child would most likely be adopted.
But me? Well… 😏
… Simón, actually, you wanna try for triplets? I can’t promise anything but come to my room in an hour
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon Follow
Yay I can be a nanny for the potential triplets then 😁 Or one kid. Or twins.
💍 queenoftherink Follow
And Luna please leave the house for an hour or two
🎸 beanie-guitarist Follow
Glad we solved this 🥳
Actually now I’m just excited if I end up with one kid 🤩
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Ok guys tmi
💍 queenoftherink Follow
Your existence is tmi
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🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
I’m sure I can even turn straight girls a little sapphic 😏 /hj
📸 felicityfornow Follow
Hmm, has it ever happened?
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Well we can start with you. When you wanted to promote my singing and you just wrote a long poem about how my voice takes you to other worlds…
I was very flattered but also you turned into Sappho’s descendant with your descriptions 🙃
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Wait a minute…
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
🍓 chico-fresa Follow
Is this Luna’s secret side blog? Why else would Nina write about her singing?
Has Luna been dating Jim all this time?! And she fooled me by saying she ”barely interacted with me” to put me on the wrong path of figuring it out
✌🏼 arodarmivida Follow
HELP no i’m not dating Luna
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi Follow
Matteo is gonna go through every person ever before even considering me
📸 felicityfornow Follow
At this point, I'm wondering if Matteo's gonna find out in the most unexpected and random way.
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