#why am i losing my mind over something like this?
pairing: remus lupin x reader
summary: remus loves you wholeheartedly, even when you threaten to give him a heart attack
warnings: none, fluff, clumsy reader, stressed remus
a/n: short and sweet ❤️
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Remus turned the key in the lock of the flat, happy to feel some relief from the autumn chill as he stepped inside the shared space. The soft thud of his shoes echoed through the hallway as he shrugged off his coat. It had been a long day and he felt a tired stiffness in his shoulders, all he wanted to do was relax and enjoy another evening with you, catch up on anything exciting he may have missed while absent. 
“Darling, I’m home!” He called out, his voice echoing up the stairs. He was curious as to why there was no response, usually, you bounded down the stairs as soon as you heard the door open. He climbed upwards, his footsteps light on the old wooden floorboards. “Love, are you hiding again? Because I have to tell you, it’s a losing battle. I always find you in the end.”
He glanced around the living room, still waiting for an answer, his smile widening as he turned the corner to the bedroom. His eyes scanned over the room, searching for where you could have been concealed. “Dove, what are we—“
He stopped himself as he saw what was happening, heart lurching. You were precariously balanced on a wobbly ladder, one that should have been tossed months ago. He was usually tall enough to reach pretty much anything you needed in the apartment, plus he liked you asking him to. It made him feel needed. 
Your arm was stretched up towards the ceiling, clearly changing a lightbulb, your expression determined and filled with concentration.
“What are you doing?” He asked even if it was obvious, his voice was low, despite the slight panic he felt rising in his chest. 
“I am changing a lightbulb,” you told him matter-of-factly, completely calm as if you weren’t on the verge of toppling over at any second. You spoke to him like it was obvious. “It broke.”
He took a deep breath in, his lips formed a thin line as he quickly strode over to you, eyes constantly watching the unstable ladder you stood on, holding it in place. “Sweetheart,” he began, voice soft and relieved now he was offering some kind of stability. “Why didn’t you wait for me to get home? I’m tall enough to reach it without risking life and limb.”
You shrugged as you turned the bulb, looking down at him with a nonchalant smile. “Because I got it.”
No, you don’t, he thought inwardly, but he thought it would be better if he bit his tongue. Instead, he settled for resting his hands on your hips, ready to catch you in case the ladder decided to give way. 
“Whatever you say, dove,” he murmured as he watched your movements, his tone affectionate. He loved you wholeheartedly. Your independent nature was something that had drawn him to you in the first place and he wouldn’t change it for the world, even if it did give him the occasional heart attack. 
You twisted the new bulb in place, beaming down at him as the glow filled the room, clearly very pleased with yourself. “There!” You said, a triumphant grin on your lips. “All done.”
Remus let out a breath that he didn’t realise he was holding. “Brilliant,” he said, thrilled to get you off of the shaking death trap. “Now, if you don’t mind, let’s get you down before my heart gives out.”
His hands tightened around your waist as he lifted you down, hands steady as he made sure you were firmly placed on the ground. You turn around to face him, your face smug. 
“See?” You tell him, gesturing to the now-lit room. “Told you I could do it.”
He shook his head, brown hair falling over his forehead, his mouth turning into a soft smile. “Yes, darling, you did.” He placed a hand on the side of your head, pulling you forward slightly to press a soft kiss to your temple before pulling away. “But if you avoid giving me a panic attack next time, I’d be very grateful.”
“I try my best,” you say with a giggle, making him melt as the melodic sound fills the room. 
“Good,” he murmured, allowing his thumb to brush over your cheek absentmindedly. “Now, be extra good and make me a cup of tea whilst I pack up in here, hmm?”
“On it,” you say, flashing him an over-the-top grin as you spin on your heel, headed straight for the kitchen. 
He watched you practically skip out of the room, high on the idea of completing this mundane task yourself. He chuckled as he turned back to the ladder, folding it swiftly, the metal creaking under his hands. Picking it up in his arms and about to head towards the storage cupboard when he heard it—a sharp thunk followed by a yelp of pain. 
It’s a wonder your toes are still on your feet at this point. 
“Bloody hell,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, putting the ladder down and sticking his head out of the bedroom doorway. “Everything alright, dove?” 
“Yep!” Your chipper voice came from somewhere deeper in the flat, a little bit breathless but nonetheless cheerful. “All good!”
“Of course you are,” he said to himself, letting out a sigh but certainly amused. He turned back to the ladder behind him, hauling it over his shoulder and descending down the hall, a fond smile forming on his face. God, he loves you.
As he puts the ladder away, making a mental note to get rid of it the next time the bin men come, he can’t help the chuckle that escapes his lips. You were a walking disaster sometimes, but hey, you were his walking disaster. He liked to be kept on his toes. 
Making his way to the kitchen, following the sound of your soft humming, he just stood for a while. Arms crossed over his chest as he admired you, feeling his heart swell, he felt content. 
He only hoped you wouldn’t burn yourself when pouring the water…
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beestriker015 · 12 hours
Black Cat x male hero s/o
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Being one of the several superheroes other than Spider-Man residing in New York, it was only a matter of time that s/o had a run in with Felicia Hardy, also known as Black Cat, which he did during one of his patrols.
“Oh? And here I was expecting the Spider to swing in and spoil my fun as always.”
She says after encountering s/o on a rooftop after her latest heist.
“Well you’ve got me instead, I hope you’re not too disappointed.”
“Far from it. In fact, I’m liking what I’m seeing.”
The feline themed cat burglar responds in a flirtatious tone while taking her sweet time eying the hero up.
“Really now? That makes two of us. You know, I’ve always been kind of a cat person.”
He flirts back as Felicia feels her face heat up slightly, much to her slight surprise.
“Oh I like you. Now let’s see if you can keep up hero.”
She then flees as s/o does his best to keep up before he eventually loses track of her.
“Darn it! I lost her! She may have gotten away this time, but something tells me I’ll be seeing her again, or at least….I hope so.”
Over the next few weeks, s/o and Felica kept running into each other, whether it’s intentional or not, and soon an attraction begins to grow between them.
“I must be out of my mind. How can I be developing feelings for her? Granted she’s not evil or anything like that, but she’s still technically a villain, and I shouldn’t be thinking about her this way. Oh jeez, what am I gonna do?”
Meanwhile, Felicia is much more accepting of her growing feelings for s/o.
“I haven’t felt this way about anyone before, and I can tell he feels the same, so it’s time for this kitty to sink her claws into a certain hero.”
She thinks to herself with a smirk while coming up with a plan.
Later on, Black Cat is met by s/o during another outing (which she planned with the sole intention of catching the hero’s attention) and quickly gets to work.
“Well well well, there’s my favorite hero, looking as handsome as ever. With how often we’ve been seeing each other, you really know how to make a girl feel special. Now it’s my turn to return the favor.”
Before he could react, s/o is pulled into a deep kiss and quickly sinks into it, thus sparking a romantic relationship between him and Felicia.
Despite now being a couple, it took awhile before the two decided to reveal their civilian identities to each other, but when they finally did, it brought them closer as a result.
“So you’re the man behind the mask huh?”
“Yep. My name is s/o.”
“I’m Felicia. Felicia Hardy.”
“Felicia….a pretty name for an even prettier face.”
He says as she can’t help but blush.
“Thanks. You’re not at all bad yourself handsome. Why, I have to refrain myself from pouncing on you right this second.
Now it’s s/o’s turn to blush.
“God, I love you Felicia.”
She looks at him in shock before smiling widely.
“I love you too s/o.”
After saying those three special words for the first time, the two share a passionate kiss and embrace.
Now being in a serious relationship, s/o and Black Cat always have each other’s back despite being a hero and a villain respectively.
Dating a superhero has caused Felicia to gradually become more of a vigilante, helping her boyfriend fight villains if she can.
“We make a great team don’t we?”
“I think so too, and watching my strong handsome boyfriend take down bad guys makes this kitty purr if you know what I mean.”
“I can say the same about you beautiful.”
Even after dating for quite some time, s/o and Felicia never stop flirting with each other, often leading to spontaneous make out sessions.
As far as jealousy goes, there really isn’t any to speak of.
S/o and Black Cat are so enamored with each other that they both know there’s nothing to worry about in terms of other women/men, even taking into consideration Felicia’s flirty nature.
(If s/o ever did get bothered by his girlfriend’s meaningless flirting, she would definitely tone it down for him.)
Dates with these two can literally be anything, but their favorite thing to do is stay at home (whether it be Felicia’s apartment or where s/o lives) and watch movies together on the couch.
“This is nice, after fighting villains all week, it’s safe to say we needed this.”
“Yep, especially because I get you all to myself s/o.”
She tells him sweetly while cuddling up next to him and resting her head on his shoulder.
Because both of them are friends with Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, it’s not uncommon for s/o and Felicia to mix things up by having a double date with him and MJ.
“Dinner was great as always, but I insist that I split the bill with you Peter.”
“You sure s/o?”
“Of course! You and MJ were kind enough to invite us to come here with you, so it’s the least I can do to thank you both.”
“What a gentleman. You got yourself a good one Felicia.”
Mary Jane tells the white haired girl, who smiles in response.
“That I do MJ, that I do.”
Should a villain ever seriously injure s/o, they’ll soon face the wrath of a very pissed off Black Cat.
“Hurting my man wasn’t very bright, so now the claws come out. They say a cat has nine lives, so let’s see how many you have!”
Luckily Spider-Man was there to stop her from doing something she’d regret.
“Cat, you don’t wanna do this! Do you think s/o would be ok with what you were about to do?”
Upon hearing the mention of her boyfriend, Felicia calms down a little and focuses on getting s/o some medical attention as Peter deals with the villain.
After s/o fully recovers, Felicia will become slightly clingy for a while.
“That scumbag was lucky Peter stopped me, because I was this close to using him as my personal scratching post, and let me tell you, this cat has some really sharp claws.”
She says with a pout while holding him tightly to her chest.
“I didn’t know my pretty kitty was so protective.”
“What can I say? I’m the type of girl who doesn’t appreciate someone messing with what’s hers.”
“Oh so I’m yours huh?”
He asks her teasingly, making his girlfriend chuckle.
“Yep, but you already knew that.”
“True, though you know that means your mine right?”
Felicia smirks in response and whispers breathily into her boyfriend’s ear.
“Oh believe me, I do. This kitty is all yours s/o.”
And just like that, things proceed to get a bit…….spicy between the two.
Nearly three years after they began dating, s/o decides it’s finally time to pop the question, and he does so after bringing Felicia to the very same rooftop where they first met.
“This place sure brings back a lot of memories doesn’t it?”
“Uh-huh, it’s where a certain handsome hero came into my life that I feel in love with. I’m so happy to have met you that night s/o.”
“I feel the same way Felicia, which is why I want us to be together for the rest of our lives. Felicia Hardy, will you marry me?”
He asks his girlfriend after getting on one knee while showing her an absolutely beautiful ring.
“I was hoping you were gonna do this at some point, because if not, I was gonna propose myself! Yes, of course I’ll marry you s/o!
She pulls him into a passionate kiss after he slips the ring on, the beautiful white haired (former) cat themed thief looking forward to having her hero boyfriend as her hero husband.
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itstheghostofmypast · 2 hours
Screw You!
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Soulmate/Corporate AU Choi San x (F)Reader
Summary: Never had she met someone who would say their boss was a good boss, but if you ask her, the corporate warlord she slaved away for was the worst. A true hypocrite, with a pretty face, nice smile, and a rotten,ugly heart- an overtime loving prick. One she was stuck with on HER day, happy birthday to her.
Genre: Fluff
Rating: SFW
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.6k
Est.Read Time: 13 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @illusionnet
Banner: @cafekitsune
A/N: Yes, I did write myself a birthday fic- I am not delusional. Also, I had been keeping @justsomekpopstuff 's request literally for this day!
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Soulmates, the concept of love, the proof of your "other half" sounds like a load of fun until you realise there's an expiry date on that fun little deal. The beauty of this ideal world was that each soul is blessed with an ink, an ink that morphs into a phrase or a sentence, one that is uttered by their other half at one point of their lonely lives.
In this fundamentally twisted world, she was one of the few who had been blessed with one of the most horrendous soulmate one liners, "Being on time means, no overtime." One she'd gladly cover up with a long sleeved shirt, a cardigan, coat or whatever she could find- yes, she had once thought of getting a tattoo over it, but apparently that was illegal? Like, okay?
As a child, she'd stare at her forearm before glancing at her parents' palms. Both had a single word on their palms, their names. Her bestfriend had a cute phrase on her wrist, one that had her taste the bitter sweet awe at the back of tongue when she saw the boy mumble that question to her platonic soulmate, "Be my starlight?" It was sweet, adorable, swoonworthy even, but like any normal teenagers, her hormones told her a different story, "You're dying single."
As the years passed by she still clung onto some form of hope, wishing that whoever this was, was some good-looking corporate hunk and NOT SOME OLD MAN- mind you, this thought had only occurred to her when her sister had stumbled across her soulmate by accident at a cafe. The young but clumsy barista had almost dropped her coffee on her. Instead, he placed his hand in the way, smiling through the pain as he hissed, "Ain't hotter than you." Granted, Mingi was a weird dude, but he was the one her sister was destined with and as much as she admired the two pair in their late teens, the girl who had hit 21 had an epiphany, "Fate hates me."
Life went on, though. People around her were slowly reuniting with their other halves, but her- screw Plato's theory of other halves. He didn't know anything. Soon enough, she found herself coming home to an empty apartment, waking up in a cold bed, staring up at the dull ceiling, letting the silence hug her with its melancholic tune. There was not much she could do anyway, everyone would remind her not to lose hope, the ugly, rude, black ink in cursive was a sign of assurity that there was someone out there for her. Yeah, an old balding, stubby man, probably with a beer belly and all that crap- yes, this could be a horrid over exaggeration. Looks didn't matter. Personality did. That was true, but then, even if he was a sweet person, why would her other half say something so pointless? Something so blunt and rude?
Yes, that was the paradoxical dilemma that had her up on alternate nights. What if he is a good-looking hunk, but is a total prick! There was no winning in this situation. To top it all off, she had managed to somehow land herself a small little place on the corporate world- now proudly titled as a team leader, she could gladly say that this world was nothing more than a dog eat dog world and she was the bone fate had been chewing on for almost 26 years.
And when our poor, little, angel-hearted, extremely polite and definitely not bitterly sarcastic protagonist was not wailing about the ink on her forearm, she was daydreaming about choking the man on the 28th floor. The bastard who had been the bane of her existence, joining on the same day together but, oh, since he was oh so great at licking them boots, he'd managed to score a bit higher than her. Misogyny at its finest. Who cared if he wasn't even aiming for the same goal as her? Who cares if he was part of the finance team!? Sure it wasn't his fault the advertising head wasn't a fan of her, delaying her promotion till the old prick had finally retired- still, her current higher up, should have at least suffered the same way! To some extent.
"Some people are just lucky." She grimaced at the way her annoyingly sweet best friend had uttered during one of their afternoon coffees, placing a hand on hers, "And, if we remember correctly, you're the competitive one. I told you not to turn it into a competition." Yes, she did handle that situation maturely, chugging down her coffee, grumbling about how break was almost over, leaving the cafe with a, "I'll tell Seonghwa you've been eying up Choi Stupid from work."
Choi Stupid. Technically, that wasn't his name, but let's call him that. Initially, she had thought he was kinda nice, cute too, but then he was just too nice? How do you get everyone to like you? Can you actually be this nice? No, she was sure he was a snarky, mean bastard deep down- yes, he did manage to get the intern manager to like him as well, yes that man would praise Choi Stupid even if he was in the wrong, even if she did better than Choi Stupid, he was somehow appreciated that day too. Eventually she had just began to ignore him, only give him one word responses, but one thing was for sure, Choi Stupid was as competitive as her, but unlike her, luck had been on his side since the start, which is why his boss was a nice lady, while her's was Satan's retired manwhore- for sure.
And as fate would have it, with the annual dinner approaching, the teams and departments were working insynch, collaborating, especially the marketing and the finance department and although she loved such creative opportunities there was one problem- Choi Stupid by default was her boss during this project. And he had made sure to make her already miserable life ten times worse.
Never had she met someone who would say their boss was a good boss, but if you ask her, the corporate warlord she slaved away for was the worst. A true hypocrite, with a pretty face, nice smile, and a rotten,ugly heart- an overtime loving prick. One she was stuck with on HER day, happy birthday to her.
It all started when she had woken up to the doorbell ringing in the middle of the night, opening the door to her family and friends who had come to give her a surprise birthday party- hey, not her fault her birthday landed on a 'working Saturday'. So yes, like any unlucky, lonely, sad 26 year old she had celebrated her special day till around 3 A.M. before knocking out cold and waking up late for work- the best way to celebrate the new year.
With a sigh she leaned back against the chair, unsure if the creaking was coming from it or her poor back, before glancing at the wall clock, leave it to Choi Stupid to have her finishing up everyone else's tasks- technically the reports were her domain, she was team leader after all, but still, she has been here since morning, she had missed her lunch with her family and her usual afternoon coffee with her friends- what a way to enjoy the day.
There was no one else on the floor but her, a part of her wanted to abandon the work and just leave, but the more responsible portion of her soul was already busy beating her up for slacking off like this. Yawning in defeat, she hunched over the desk, glaring at the screen of her desktop, audibly sighing when the familiar clicking of shoes approached her, ignoring the way they progressively got closer.
She actually forgot about him for a moment, busy reading a report, thinking of what to add when she felt him hovering next to her, "It's bad enough you have me working on my birthday, I don't need you to baby me."
With a heavy sigh, he controlled the urge to roll his eyes, placing the coffee cup on her desk in a civil manner. What was she five? Complaining about her birthday like that, it's not his fault she was late. In fact, he had to stay overtime as well, because of her! Her presence was irritating enough, but the constant pestering of his friends about his lack of significant other had him huffing all day, especially when the boss-man asked him today, "Sannie boy, you better look for her quick, you seem to be sulking these days." He only gave the bastard a tight-lipped smile, easy to say for a man who apparently found his other half at the age of ten - oh how San would give anything remotely like that. Imagine knowing your other half for so long, hell, the only people he'd known for a while her of course, his family and friends....and....her.
"What you staring at, Choi? This part of your overtime punishment?" She snapped him back to reality, snatching the cup off the desk in a graceless manner. He didn't deserve a thank you.
He could only scoff at her reaction, pushing up his glasses before shaking his head, she was hopeless, whoever gets stuck with her probably would be sent directly to heaven- considering his punishment would be to spend the rest of his life with this creature. Giving her one more glare, he mumbled, walking away, "Being on time means no overtime."
Her body jerked at the sudden realisation, twitching as her head whipped in his direction, staring at that disgusting-or not- broad back, her lips moving quicker than her brain to process, her automatic defense system kicking in before she could stop herself, instantly having him freeze in his tracks as her voice echoed, "Oh, SCREW YOU!"
An audible gasped caught his burning ears, though he stood there in place, ever so slowly the pieces coming together, forming a picture that had him laughing at the irony.
Her hand slapped against her mouth, eyes widening when she saw him turn around and glare at her, slowly walking towards her, staring her down hard. Clearing her throat, she tried to mumble an apology- wonderful girl, make sure he hates you the moment you meet him, HELL HOW WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO KNOW IT WAS HIM THIS ENTIRE TIME!?
"S-San I-"
Her words caught up in her throat when she realised what he was doing. Approaching her with careful steps he tugged on his tie in an aggressive manner, ignoring her when she tried to speak as he trapped her between the desk and his body, popping open the first two buttons of his crisp white dressshirt with one hand, his other hand gripping her shoulder, rolling his eyes when he noticed her close hers in fear, hande covering her face.
"Read." His calm voice cut her off, gently giving her shoulder a squeeze, signalling her to do as told.
She peeked through her fingers, scanning the exposed neck line, about to scream, or possibly kick him down south. That is when her eyes caught trace of a cursive right above his collar bone.
"What...the...hell. " With a faint whisper she lowered her hands, not noticing how he was now looking at her with a certain softness, not noticing how his hands were on her waist, too busy to notice how his face was flushed, his ears burning a bright pink when she traced the phrase on his skin with the tip of her fingers, mumbling, "Oh, screw you..."
"I can't believe it, all this time, it was you." He mumbled, letting her have her moment, but not stopping with his, staring at her with a new kind of tenderness, "I spent my entire life thinking this meant my other half would reject me...I was made fun of till this day....I just...If I had known-"
"I thought I'd be married to an old, bald suited man."
His eyes flickered from her lips to her eyes, "What...do you mean..."
"This, you fool, who says this to someone you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with?" She snorted, unbuttoning her cuff and rolling up her sleeve to show the statement on her forearm, letting him gently grip her wrist, bringing her closer so he could read, "I...yeah I see what you mean-Wow, we just had really weird things to say, huh?" He smiled, looking up at her, and for some ungodly reason, those dimpled and stupid glasses suddenly made her heart beat a little too fast for her liking.
"Speak for yourself. What I said was cool as hell." She mumbled, trying to distract herself, trying not to jump into his arms and break down, to think they met three years ago, and never knew any of this.
His brows raised at her statement, almost about to say something before choosing to lean closer to her, smirking at the way her eyes widened like a dear caught in headlights. Her hands gripped the lapels of his coat, eyes closing when he was a breath away - until she heard a soft click and his warmth disappeared.
"Oh, look, I guess you don't need to work overtime anymore." He chuckled, eying how she stood there dumbfounded, staring at the desktop he had turned off, while he placed her things in her bag for her before slinging the laptop bag over his shoulder, "I'd take your purse too...but...the red doesn't go well with my outfit."
A loud cackle resonated across the empty floor, causing Choi Stupid to smile like a mad man at the woman who was running towards the elevator with him hot on her heels behind her.
The doors closed with a ding as he glanced at her, blushing at how she was shamelessly staring back at him, arms crossed over her chest as she leaned against the wall of the elevator with a smirk.
"What?" He asked, tilting his head, knowing he wasn't gonna like whatever was coming next.
"Lady luck ain't on your side no more, buddy."
"Why'd you say that??" He asked, raising a brow, somewhat amused at this sudden boost of energy she was now blessed with.
"Gotta spend the rest of my your pathetic life with me."
"Actually, I think I'm pretty lucky. Not only do I get to do that, I still have an hour or so before your day ends...so technically, I think you're finally getting a bit lucky there...having your other half save you and take you out on a nice relaxing dinner for your birthday."
The doors opened as he walked out, chuckling at her gasp, amusing how quick she was even in those heels.
"Save me!? From who!?"
Opening the car door for her, he gestured for her to sit and smiled while closing it, "From Choi Stupid." Laughing at the muffled whining that he could hear while he walked over to his side of the door. Truly lady luck had never left his side, because from the day he had seen her, he had wished she was the one, even when she was being her gremlin self- a part of him wished it was him.
By the time the two had gotten to the road a comfortable silence had settled between them, and a small smile had graced his lips, especially when he had felt her lace their fingers together, giving his hand a light squeeze.
She glanced at their hands, sighing in relief, grateful and somewhat pleasantly surprised, feeling a bit too giddy when he raised her hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of her hand, before casually beginning to drive again.
What a birthday surprise indeed.
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Taglist: @edenesth @skteezcursed @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp @spooo00oky @bunnyluvr25 @s-h-y-a @ateezswonderland
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dracomalfoy7 · 16 hours
Sore Loser
Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Summary: Y/N comes back to the dorm to see Fred who just lost a quidditch team to her house.
Word Count: 1.4k+
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Kissing, Sexual Activity Implied (18+) sorta?
A/N: You guys if I could I'd write the smut you deserve. P.S Request are open!
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The dorm was eerily quiet as you made your way through the dimly lit halls of the castle. It was late, and most of the students were either still celebrating in the Slytherin common room or had turned in for the night. You could hear the muffled sounds of cheers and laughter echoing through the walls from the victory party still raging below, but it didn’t interest you. You had your own reason to celebrate, and it wasn’t in the common room.
The image of him, his face tight with frustration, flashed through your mind. He had taken the loss hard—harder than you expected. Quidditch matches were always intense between Gryffindor and Slytherin, but this time, the stakes had been higher. Both houses had been tied for the House Cup, and now, thanks to Slytherin’s victory, the Cup was yours.
Fred was proud, competitive, and a Gryffindor through and through. He hated losing—especially to Slytherin, especially to you. The two of you had always had a tense rivalry on the field, but that rivalry spilled into something else off the pitch—something fiery and uncontrollable.
As you pushed open the door to his dorm, you found him exactly as you expected—sitting on the edge of his bed, shoulders tense, his head in his hands.
“You’re here,” he muttered without looking up, his voice low and edged with frustration.
“I am,” you replied, closing the door softly behind you. You took a tentative step closer, trying to gauge his mood.
Fred finally looked up, his eyes dark and filled with a mixture of anger and something else—something deeper. “Came to rub it in, did you?” His words were sharp, but there was a flicker of vulnerability in them, the kind that only you ever saw.
“I didn’t—”
“Because if you did, you can leave,” he interrupted, standing abruptly. His height and presence loomed over you, but you didn’t flinch. You had faced him on the Quidditch pitch before, and you weren’t going to back down now. Not from this.
“I’m not here to rub it in,” you said firmly, meeting his gaze. “I’m here because I wanted to see you.”
Fred scoffed, running a hand through his messy hair. “Why? To tell me how brilliant your Seeker was? Or how my Keeper was shite today?”
You stepped closer, placing a hand on his chest, feeling the tension radiate from him. His heart was pounding beneath your palm. “No, Fred. I’m here because I knew you’d be upset. I just wanted to be here with you.”
He looked down at your hand on his chest, his jaw clenched. “I hate losing to you,” he muttered, his voice quieter now, but still filled with that same frustration.
You smirked despite the heaviness in the air. “I know. But you’ll get over it.”
Fred’s eyes snapped back to yours, the tension between you crackling like electricity. “You think it’s that easy?”
“No,” you whispered, your fingers trailing down his chest slowly, teasing. “I think it’ll take more than a few minutes.”
Before you could say anything else, Fred’s hands were on you—rough, desperate, pulling you closer. His lips crashed against yours in a heated, bruising kiss, all of his anger and frustration spilling out. You kissed him back with equal force, your fingers tangling in his hair as you let him take control.
Fred’s hands roamed your body, gripping your waist tightly, like he was afraid to let go. The kiss deepened, becoming more frantic, more needy. It was the kind of kiss that came after a fight—the kind that was filled with anger, desire, and a need to feel something other than the pain of losing.
He pushed you back against the bed, his body pressing against yours, and you could feel the heat between you growing. You didn’t care about the match anymore, about the rivalry between your houses. All that mattered was this moment—him, you, and the way he made you feel.
Fred pulled back just enough to look at you, his breath heavy. “I should hate you right now.”
He looked at her for a long moment, his eyes searching hers as if trying to find some hidden truth there. And then, without warning, he kissed her again.
This time, it was softer, slower, but no less intense. His hands slid up her sides, pulling her closer until there was no space between them, until she could feel the heat of his body seeping into hers. Y/N’s fingers tangled in his hair, tugging gently as she pressed herself against him, her heart racing as their kiss deepened.
Fred groaned softly against her mouth, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. His hands moved to her lower back, pulling her tighter against him, his grip almost possessive. Y/N could feel the intensity of his need in every touch, every kiss, and it was overwhelming, intoxicating.
But she wanted more. She wanted all of him.
She broke the kiss, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she pulled back just enough to look at him. His eyes were dark, filled with a hunger that mirrored her own, and for a moment, they just stood there, staring at each other, the air between them thick with tension.
“Are you sure about this?” Fred asked, his voice rough, his hands still resting on her hips, but looser now, giving her the space to pull away if she wanted to.
Y/N nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. “I’ve never been more sure.”
His lips curved into a slow, almost predatory smile, and in that moment, all the hesitation, all the uncertainty seemed to melt away. He pulled her back into him, his lips finding hers once more, more insistent this time, more demanding.
Y/N’s body responded instantly, her hands moving to the hem of his shirt, tugging it up over his head. Fred broke the kiss just long enough to help her, his hands moving quickly to discard the fabric before pulling her back into him.
Her fingers roamed over his bare chest, feeling the heat of his skin, the rapid rise and fall of his breath. He was all hard muscle and rough edges, and the sensation of his body pressed against hers sent a surge of desire coursing through her.
Fred’s hands were everywhere—her waist, her back, her hips—pulling her closer, guiding her until her back hit the wall behind them. Y/N gasped as the cold stone pressed against her, but the sensation was quickly forgotten as Fred’s lips found her neck, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down her throat.
Her breath hitched as his hands slid beneath her shirt, his fingers brushing over her skin, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. She arched into him, her body craving more, needing more.
“Freddie,” she breathed, her hands clutching at his shoulders as he kissed his way down to her collarbone.
His only response was a low growl, his hands moving to her hips, lifting her up against the wall with ease. Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist, her fingers tangling in his hair as he pressed himself against her, his mouth returning to hers in a fierce, heated kiss.
It was all-consuming. His touch, his kiss, the feel of his body against hers. Y/N was lost in him, in the intensity of the moment, in the heat that seemed to burn between them. She could feel the weight of all the emotions they’d been holding back—the frustration, the tension, the desire—and it was like a dam had finally broken.
And then, just as suddenly as it had started, it all slowed down. Fred pulled back slightly, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he rested his forehead against hers, his hands still gripping her waist, holding her up.
“Y/N,” he whispered, his voice hoarse, his eyes dark and filled with emotion. “I don’t just want this. I want you. All of you.”
Y/N’s heart clenched at his words. There was a vulnerability in his voice, in the way he looked at her, that made her chest ache. She cupped his face in her hands, her thumbs brushing over his cheekbones as she met his gaze.
“I’m yours, Freddie,” she whispered, her voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging inside her. “I’ve always been yours.”
For a moment, neither of them moved, the weight of her words hanging in the air between them. And then, with a soft, almost reverent kiss, Fred pulled her closer, holding her as if he never wanted to let her go.
You both knew that when the sun rose, the rivalry would still be there. Gryffindor and Slytherin. Winner and loser. But tonight, none of that mattered.
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cads-the-cat · 2 months
Leave it to Sleep Token fans to lose their shit over a person drinking (it's me, I'm Sleep token fans)
Seen it on multiple sites and pages so don't know who the og owner is (credit to them obvs)
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So I was reading articles about John Hurt (as I do when I procrastinate on life in general lol) and I saw a still shot of a movie I’ve never seen still shots of before; so I looked it up. It’s a play. I was worried I wouldn’t find it in full online; but I did, so here it is in all its glory:
He’s just… ugh I want to gently hold his face in my hands he’s just so sad and lonely with his weepy voice and eye bags. I couldn’t process half of what he said but I think this is a warning about always speed-running through life to get to the next good thing. We should appreciate the moment; because in the end, we’ll have nothing at all but our memories. If we rush through life, we won’t have any memories to keep us warm at night when the chill of death creeps up on us in our old age.
Also, spool, spooooooooooollll…….
spoooooooooooooooooooooolllllll [cackles in mentally unstable]
@kaleidoscopr @theindo @possessedbydevils @randomtwospirit
#The fucking banana. I was talking to him through the screen like#“…a banana??? You keep bananas in…. there? You good man? A—are you okay?#What the hell are y—” [cracks up but quickly stops laughing] “Oh— oh honey… you’re not right are you?#No you’re not right. Uh…. Why don’t you sit down; your breathing sounds awful. You sound like you’re gonna die…#OH GOD [loses my shit laughing/cringing ] “Oh— oh ouch. No no no— I’m not laughing at you I just— I like your actor…#a lot… too much probably#and he’s just good at what he does and the timing of it all… this is exactly how I act when I’m home alone#I swear I’m not laughing at you… I just— PUT THAT BANANA BACK YOU’RE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF”#John Hurt#stage acting#Krapp’s Last Tape (2001)#Samuel Beckett#Yeah… funky stage play. Very moving and dreamlike#[This is me gently holding Mr. Krapp and rotating him in my mind like a bowl of ramen in a microwave]#Screaming crying throwing up beating the walls#I am unwell#Ough ough ough#It’s not difficult for me to watch per se#but I’m very much the kind of person who HAS to help when someone’s having a hard time doing something#— especially if they’re old or otherwise infirm — or I’ll feel like a piece of shit for weeks… and this fucking man#this fucking man is so good at being frail and pitiful that I feel genuinely agitated that I can’t reach into the screen and help him#It’s like the torture scene in 1984 all over again where he just barely manages to wrench himself upright on the table#then immediately falls off onto the concrete floor with the most tragic sickening bone-grinding splat you’ve ever heard#AND HAS TO HOIST HIMSELF UP ONTO HIS FEET ALL BY HIMSELF WHEN HE’S MALNOURISHED AND EXHAUSTED#Like ughhhhhh let me pick him up and wrap him in a blanket and carry him somewhere warm and safe and make him an omelette#And I know I write whump and I shouldn’t be this sensitive#but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MR. HURT YOU ARE KILLING ME#Youtube
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localguy2 · 1 year
Suddenly got the craziest fucking idea I've thought of yet:
Zane was originally going to be made to help the elemental alliance in the serpentine wars, per the alliance requesting Julien for something so technologically advanced it'll end the war.
and so Julien started working on Zane during the conflict, and with the elemental alliance providing him with the necessary recourses to create Zane. (metal, wires, screws, schematics and blueprints and other small supplies, a suspiciously powerful and most definitely magical power source, etc).
But the war ends, and the serpentine are sealed away.
So now Julien is left with a half finished robot that wouldn't even have a purpose if it were to be alive, but Julien decides he's going to give it a new purpose.
"If it's not going to be a weapon of war, than it's going to be a weapon of peace."
So he stars reprogramming Zane, from "Mostly human machine designed to fight." to "Almost human machine made to protect those who cannot protect themselves".
He starts adding in extra features for Zane, stuff like breathing, blinking, eating, so he comes off as more human.
he codes in what would be the nindroid equivalent of someone developing a new hobby and getting good at it.
Such as cooking, or perhaps making ice sculptures or even learning how to ride a snowboard considering how he lives in a frozen forest (last one was from Quest For the Lost Powers book).
But he also adds in other stuff to help Zane out in his purpose of protecting, such as a battle ram mode to bust down doors, a lamp head mode to help light out dark areas, being able to shoot out cold air from his hands to cool stuff down without the usage of ice powers (last one was from the start of season 3).
And eventually, he gets so attached to this project of his, that he starts viewing it as more than a machine made to prolong the peace, and by the time he actives Zane for the first time ever, he can't feel but view Zane as a son.
Zane was Julien's life work, "Machine" doesn't do the nindroid enough justice, it doesn't feel right, and it isn't right.
So, even his plans of making Zane a weapon of peace change, and now he views Zane as a son, and as his own person.
Look, I don't care if this headcanon/idea breaks Canon, fuck if I care, but the opportunity is too great, it would would give us an answer to a good number of questions.
one of them being: What was Zane's old power source?
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cappurrccino · 7 months
save me, desert paint by number.... desert paint by number, save me....
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codecicle · 1 year
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been using this to fight most of my anxiety recently. "oh my god the room is spinning my heart is pounding I can't breath" your honor after reviewing the evidence, who gives a fuck lowkey. pop those shock mints and your dick and get on with your day soldier
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delta-piscium · 9 days
can not believe i draw a whole sketch and as if that isn’t enough, to color it, i have to figure out light sources and shadows, cruel and unusual punishment
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princekirijo · 1 year
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Is this image real I need to know
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
“Happy July 9th to those who celebrate” also known as “go cry in a corner Samlaena stans”😅😭because I don’t know about y’all but Last Kiss💜gets me🩶every🖤dang time☠️
#The Assassin’s Blade#The Assassin and the Empire#Sam Cortland#Celaena Sardothien#Samlaena#Aelin and Sam#Maasverse#Swifties#Last Kiss#July 9th#Speak Now TV#TOG series#TAB#I just miss him and them and her with him and before#songs that make me think of them cry over him & because it reminds me of fictional characters & asssociating characters with songs is danger#WHY DID IT END LIKE THIS#beloved#fangirl problems#WHY is it never I love you and ALWAYS I hate packing and THEN SHED LOVED SAM MORE THAN ANYONE ugh I blame booktok#I’ll go sit on the floor wearing your clothes and then QOS with her finding & wearing his shirts#all that I know is I don’t know how to be something you miss never thought we’d have a last kiss#Hope it’s nice where you are😭😭😭 and then he says get up Celaena with a smile AGHHHHHHHHHHHH#I need to go read Rowaelin EoS and regain my sanity again#but then it’s like her and Rowan going to the grave with the pebbles#I’ll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep “can I sleep tonight yes#don’t mind me just crying over Sam again like a true Rowaelin Stan because even Aelin cried over it too with Rowan and ugh this series#I blame booktok for the I am Sam Cortland and I am not afraid audio making me think of him worried over her yet relieved she isn’t there#he didn’t even get to die w her just knowing in relief & grief she wasn’t there cause she was safe & she’d be furious but she’d live#she trusted him & he failed but he didn’t fail her & she’d lose him but she’d live & it was f-Arobynn & every piece of it kills me on repeat
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bibleofficial · 3 months
went to the beach w kp & 4 other indian friends & 3 of us had NEVER surfed before girl WHEW it’s SO fun literally only 20quid to rent a wetsuit & board & i fucking smashed my toes on the sand so much, but also we 1) got the wrong tickets so we got off 1 stop early 2) went to find a bus & the bus that was supposed to be 15 min turned into an HOUR 3) on our way to find a bus back everyone’s phones are dying or dead bc it took us 3hrs longer to get there, cigarettes are out 4) all of the shops in town are closed & the town seems to have ONLY a tesco extra & 1 off license that sells a PACK FOR 15.65 A PACK WHICH IS FUCKING CRIMINAL ITS CHEAPER TO BUY IT FROM TESCO ARE U INSANE 5) the bus back to the other town kept skipping us bc the bus stop wasn’t the ACTUAL bus stop - i had 1 bowl since literally 11a & we got back at fucking 11p 😭😭😭
#diary#i was honestly abt to strangle EVERYBODY#‘do u have a cigarette’ ‘where’s ur vape’ ‘where are we going’ ‘which bus is it’ ‘do u have a ___’ ‘did u bring ___’ girl what am i DORA w#the magic fuckin BACKPACK ??? while ur UP MY ASS dig around & SEE IF SMTHGS IN THERE 😭😭😭😭#i literally broke sobriety again bc i was just#girl i was so agitated & there was 1 TRAIN LEFT BEFORE 11P so we needed to get the 2ND TO LAST BUS OF THE DAY#i deadass was like ‘if we miss that train i will make sure u all go blind’ ‘did u bring a knife’ ‘I DONT NEED 1’#AKSJAKSKAKKSJSKSSJAKJSKAHSKSHDLASKAKDLA#LIKE U BITCHES SMOKED ALL MY CIGARETTES MY VAPES DEAD MY PHONES DYING UR ALL DRUNK IM GOING TO KILL YALL 😭😭😭😭😭#<- me knowing i could never be a parent#tbh if i caught my kid smoking a cig id make em do the ol ‘im going to sit down in front of u w a fresh box of cigarettes & make u finish#the box or pass out’#YES IM STRICT#i think it’s so funny ok unrelated but like they’ll speak hindi & i’ve just#learned it through being around them kind of like i can’t speak it except for some word u know like matachot etc but i’ll Understand the#Context & what’s being Said#ASLKALSKALSKLAKSLAKSLAKSLA like while waiting for the train back 1 of them was talking abt me being a fool to the others - literally they’re#all indian & i had walked away so when i walked back he was still talkin but then i started giggling bc i knew he was talkin abt me & how i#pinched a bit of the kebab to throw to the seagull bc he offered it to me & i needed to bait the seagull w something & i pinched & tossed &#& he looked at me like 😦 bhenchod ! & then the seagull came over & i was like :D hi bestie <3333 but then when i started giggling after i#walked back he was like ‘what the fuck does he just know hindi now’#it makes me laugh so fucking HARD 😭😭😭😭😭 LIKE FUCK U I LIKE TO PARTICPATE IN COVERSATION IDC ABT LANGUAGE#like i’ve been surrounded by yall for the past#girl it’s been like a year i don’t even talk to british ppl or americans#ALSKALSKALSKALKSLAKSLALSLA MESS ! i love to slavsquat & kp hates it bc he’s like ‘we’re in the uk why are u sitting like this’ bc he thinks#it’s ’too indian’ ALSKALSKALSKALJSKAKDLA 😭😭😭😭😭 this hips were made for sitting#we’re definitely going to go back bc it’s SO CLOSE IF WE ACTUALLY USE THE TRANSPORT PROPERLY ITS ONLY LIKE AN HOUR OR SO COMMUTE EACH WAY#bring lunch whatever#i’m exhausted but also socially like bro i had to leave the donner place just to walk around the block for SOME QUIET#i’ve just been sososososo busy LOSING MY MIND
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kresnikcest · 1 year
Somehow I never thought about the Barbie mug shot meme for Tales but I figure the wanted posters are a close enough thing
#hmmm what if ludger and julius got arrested in the bad ending though#i have actually thought about this but mostly as a creeped out outsider pov thing#like you catch two mass murderers. one who assassinated two heads of state and a bunch of other people including kids#and hes like. a lot more upset over being arrested because hes separated from his brother (who seems to be dying from. something.#that sure as fuck isnt normal but none of the rieze maxians can explain. nor are they particularly inclined to help the other guy whos also#accused of anti RM terrorism. i think poor ludger would lose his mind knowing julius could become a catalyst at any moment and he wouldnt be#there for it. because that really was the entire thing. ludger doesnt expect to be able to save julius from that death#but he knows he can save julius from any earlier deaths#anyway in my head this unfolded as ludger losing his ability to transform into chromatus#and so he gets caught off guard and overwhelmed by cops and soldiers#and then it turns out bisley completed the trial after all and the chromatus abilities have been removed#julius is actually. not dying anymore but maybe his face just stays that way#anyway i didnt think too hard on this one bc its depressing#unless bisley decides to be really nice#but i am still delighted by the outsider pov aspect#i would like ludger to seem absolutely out of his mind obsessed with julius#people are trying to ask him why he killed everyone and he just says it was to protect julius :)#v#x2
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Why is my granddad messaging me and shading my uncle
#my uncle’s business was featured on a youtube channel because he and various other people at the business collaborated with a local artist#on a very (physically) big project#(i’m being deliberately vague to avoid doxxing my uncle)#and tell me why my granddad was like ‘he’s doing so well. i didn’t know he had it in him’#sir THIS IS YOUR SON#you invested in his business!! did you do that thinking it would fail#i’m ngl it sounded like kind of a bizarre idea when he pitched it to us all; but it also sounded like an untapped market & something that#could be a goldmine in the right hands. and it does seem to be in the right hands#i was just like ‘yeah i didn’t expect this either but it looks great’ and left it at that#i am once again asking when me and my uncle traded places as ‘the successful one’ & ‘the black sheep of the family’#i would never suggest that there’s a correlation. but also since my uncle started his business; i have been mugged twice#my mentor who i trusted tried to ruin my career and did succeed in making a lot of people lose respect for me; i had to leave the only job#that accepted me because they tried to make me work thrice as many hours as i was being paid for and gave me zero support#i was unemployed for months and losing my mind and finally had to become a barista and just as i was starting to enjoy that; i dislocated#my knee & sprained two joints in the process#oh and it wasn’t the first time!! i’ve actually dislocated that knee four times. all during the time my uncle had his business#let’s not even talk about how i got covid 3 times or all the shit that happened to me in 2021 because i really will scream#2021 literally had it in for me in every single way#i literally think my uncle was being dunked on by the universe but he found a way to dodge the curse and he has no descendants#so it just passed to me. i need to hand this curse over to a child#maybe i should just start a business. doing what though 🧐#personal
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
waiting for the day i can consume cis gay media and not get insanely jealous, dysphoric, or both
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