#why all pilots have to wear caps?? lol
chiosblog · 5 months
Sometimes the most random thoughts pop up in my brain but I own the same jacket this random pilot wear in this random scene from a random Diagnosis Murder episode
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Little extra cause i cannot leave this out
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Military Flyover
The dagger squad don't want to do a military flyover of the Las Vegas grand Prix. None of them really knew much about and, those that did only really knew about Nascar.
She hated the Vegas Grand Prix as much as those doing the military flyover. But the cute WSO there to support his friends was making it bearable.
Robert 'Bob' Floyd x F1 driver!reader
a/n: yes a military flyover doesn't make sense for vegas buuuut let a girl dream lol - i'm hoping I've managed to write this for an audience that might not really know f1 but idk how confident i am in my abilities lol
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Bob couldn't quite believe what the two time Top Gun graduates were having to do. They had completed an insanely dangerous mission and returned to be permanently stationed in San Diego, except from when they were called away for deployment.
They were a part of the military, why were they doing this?
Well, at least Bob didn't have to actually fly. He was a Weapon Systems Officer, he didn't have to take part in this. But he still went, more to morally support his squad.
Nat wasn't happy about have to do a military flyover of the Las Vegas Grand Prix. She, Bradley and Jake were constantly complaining. None of them knew anything about Formula One, not enough to appreciate doing the flyover.
(May I just say, even if they did know about F1, they still wouldn't appreciate it. They'd train for years to be in the navy and now they were having to waste their time on this.)
The flyover was on the Sunday. Only Natasha, Jake and Bradley were taking part. Bob didn't have to go, didn't have to visit the track on the Friday and the Saturday with the three of them.
But Natasha had begged him. "Drive up with me," she'd said to him. "It's five hours and I could use the company."
So, Bob agreed. His dad had sometimes watched Nascar while he was growing up. He didn't know much of anything about motorsport but, if Nat wanted him there, he'd go.
The navy pilots didn't know they'd been invited to meet the drivers. Bob followed Natasha through the paddock. "Getting to meet the drivers might be the only good thing thing to come from this," Nat mumbled as she led the way.
The paddock was buzzing with life. There were cameras following people around, interviews happening as they walked through the paddock. Fans stopped men in team shirts and hats for pictures before letting them continue.
There was a familiar whistle, just loud enough for Natasha and Bob to hear over the crowd around them. They turned and saw Rooster and Hangman striding towards them.
"Where are we meant to be?" Asked Hangman as Rooster pulled off his aviators and looked around. The three of them (Natasha, Jake and Bradley) were in their overalls, looking proper in their uniform. Bob, though. He was dressed down, wearing jeans and a sweater (Vegas really wasn't that warm this time of year), his military issued glasses sitting on his nose. He looked cute, even if he didn't know it.
"Cyclone said the Ferrari garage, right?" She said as she looked between the other aviators. Bob, who had studied the itinerary, nodded his head and the four of them set off towards the red garage.
The Las Vegas Grand Prix was a joke. All of the drivers thought so.
The Ferrari drivers weren't happy about it (just like the rest of the grid). They had spent the season struggling behind the Red Bulls and driving on an unknown track wasn't going to help that.
She needed a lot of mental preparation for this one. Just like the other drivers, before the first practice session her only experience on the track had been through sim racing. She was nervous in a way she hadn't been before.
She donned her red fireproofs, the overalls hanging from from her hips. She pulled her cap onto her head when there was a knock on her driver room door. "Yeah?" She called and the member of Ferrari staff walked in.
"The navy pilots are on their way," she said and went to back out of the drivers room.
"What?" The Ferrari driver called suddenly, her brows furrowed. "What navy pilots?"
The member of staff gulped. "They're doing a military flyover before the Grand Prix," she said. "They're on their way here to meet you and Charles," she said.
The driver let out a huff. She grabbed her drinks bottle and marched out of her drivers room, heading to find her teammate.
Charles was doing an interview for Sky Sports when she walked through the garage. She didn't much care, though. She powered on, her hand on Charles's shoulder as she stood at his side. "Chuck," she said, looking at her teammate.
Lawrence Barretto moved his microphone back to his mouth. "Is that his official name for the Vegas Grand Prix?" He asked and moved the microphone towards her.
"Yes," she said as Charles shook his head, repeatedly saying 'no'.
She stood beside him until the interview was over, answering any question Lawrence sent her way. As soon as they were done she grabbed Charles and pulled him away, pulling him further into the Ferrari garage.
"What's up?" Charles asked. He was a brilliant teammate, one of her best friends. They'd known each other for yeas and were close enough for people to think they were together at one point. Brocedes 2.0, many commented on the pictures of the two of them posted on the Scuderia Ferrari Instagram account, as if they were a disaster waiting to happen.
"Did you know we're having to meet the navy pilots doing the military flyover?" She asked, hands on her hips.
Charles furrowed his brows. And then his face relaxed as he shook his head at her. "Start checking your emails, please," he said.
She gently pushed him as a member of the Ferrari staff, the same girl from before, approached them. "They're here," she said and left them to it.
Charles led the way back through the garage, heading to where the navy pilots were standing around his car. Three of them, the three that looked the part, chatted with Fred while one, one that was dressed down, stood to the side.
Suddenly, she pulled Charles out of sight. "What is it?" He asked quickly, concern written on his face.
She looked back around the corner at the pilots for just a second. "Holy shit, Cha, I think I'm in love," she said and Charles just laughed.
"Do you need a wingman?"
She furiously shook her head. "Don't you bloody dare."
She steadied herself and followed Charles over to the navy pilots. Fred spotted his drivers first. He gestured over to them as he back away from the pilots, letting the drivers take over.
Charles held his hand out towards them introducing himself first. She went next, giving them her name as she reached out to shake the woman's hand.
"Natasha Trace," she said with a smile as she shook her hand. "Callsign Phoenix."
She moved on to the man with the moustache. "Bradley Bradshaw, or Rooster," he said and shook her hand, his grip firm. He wore a smile, but it was respectful.
Unlike the man next to him. She could tell who he was from the moment she looked at him, wearing that flirty smile. "Jake Seresin," he said, pulling her hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it. "You can call me Hangman."
The smile dropped from her face and she pulled her hand away, clearly unimpressed. She looked past him, at the guy in the sweater and the glasses. "How about you?" She asked, completely ignoring Hangman. "Are you in the navy too?"
Bob blushed bright red as he stepped forward. "Robert Floyd," he said and shook her hand. "I'm a weapon systems officer."
"Oh," she said. Just that one word and she sounded incredibly fascinated. "Do tell me more."
She'd asked Charles not to wing man her, but he did it anyway. She might not have been aware as Charles spoke to the other navy pilots, doing the job for both of them. (Charles didn't know if Bob was the one she had fancied, but it was easy to guess. He looked like her type).
They spoke for a good twenty minutes before the drivers were told to wrap up the conversation. "You got a call sign?" She asked Bob as she crossed her arms over her chest and leant against the wall.
Jake had been wrapped up in the conversation he, Rooster and Phoenix were having with Charles until that point. Upon hearing her question, he placed his arm around the WSO's shoulders and grinned at the driver. "This is Baby On Board," he said with a grin, going to pinch Bob's cheeks.
Again, his cheeks were flaming as he stepped away from Jake. "It's Bob," he said. "Just Bob."
"Just Bob," she repeated as she smiled at him, completely ignoring everything Jake had said (something that Bob was grateful for). "It's simple, I like it."
Her engineer called for her. She turned and put her thumbs up before turning back to Bob. "Are you staying for the free practice?" She asked and Charles couldn't stop himself from answering.
"Sorry," he said to the pilots. "She doesn't read her emails."
She sent a glare in Charles's direction. The drivers said a quick goodbye to the navy pilots (although she hoped it wasn't for the last time), and got themselves ready for the first practice session in Las Vegas. They pulled up the red and white overalls and placed the balaclavas over their faces.
Bob watched as she pulled her helmet on, hiding her undeniably pretty face. He really did think she was beautiful, and she seemed interested in him, but he wasn't going to read too much into that.
He couldn't see as she gave him a smile from beneath her helmet. When she climbed into the red car with the number 53 on it, Bob knew which one he had to look out for.
The track wasn't ready, everybody knew it. But they didn't know how bad it was until they shower of sparks coming out the back of her car. "What the fuck was that?" She said to her engineer down the radio. "I just hit a fucking manhole cover."
The pilots were leaning forward as she stopped the car. The session was stopped, the other drivers coming into the pits. She jumped out of the car, waiting for it to be lifted onto the truck so that she could look at the extent of the damage beneath.
As the car was taken back to the garage and workers surrounded the manhole cover, she climbed into the medical car and was taken back to the pitlane.
Bob watched as she stormed into the garage, pulling off her helmet and balaclava. "Nine fucking minutes!" She heard her say to somebody in a Ferrari shirt. "I officially hate the Vegas Grand Prix."
She looked around the garage, eyes focusing in on the pilots. They were watching her, too, and she forced her expression to soften as she walked over. "Sorry you had to see that," she said, unzipping her race suit.
Bob shook his head. "'s no worries, ma'am," he said before he could stop himself. When his fellow aviators looked at him, his cheeks flushed red.
"We're just glad to know you're okay," Natasha said for him.
The driver smiled at them. But the interaction was short lived as she was called over to her wrecked car. (It looked fine on the top, but everybody knew the damage was beneath, invisible).
The nine minutes of practice wasn't enough to help the aviators get into F1. Rooster, Hangman and Phoenix wanted to head back to their hotels, but Bob wanted to stick around.
"My dad was into Nascar," he explained as the others left. They nodded, but they knew better. Their Baby On Board had a crush.
She hadn't expect him to stay, that much was clear. She'd seen the other aviators leave and had gotten on with what she needed to do, speaking to the mechanics about the parts they needed to replace and speaking to Fred about the potential consequences.
"Oh!" She said when she saw Bob still sitting there. "I thought you would have left."
Bob gave a polite smile and shrugged his shoulders. "I wanted to learn more."
The smile she gave him matched his own. "Well, you're not gonna learn much here," she said. "Let me get changed and we can get dinner."
Bob didn't expect dinner to be in the Ferrari hospitality suite. He'd didn't exactly think he'd be going out to dinner with her, but he didn't expect this.
She sat Bob down at a table and got a selection of food for them to share. "I can't exactly go crazy," she'd said as she sat down opposite him, placing the single plate in between them. "I still have a car to drive later."
Bob grabbed something from the plate. "Why does that mean you can't go crazy?" He asked curiously, innocently.
Every question Bob had, she answered. He told her that his dad watched Nascar while he was going up but he couldn't get into it. Didn't have the time once he joined the navy.
She asked him all about that, just as curious as he was about her job. Bob knew she was meant to be this big celebrity, but she was normal with him, and he really appreciated it.
He hadn't known who she was going into this weekend, but he heard the way the fans screamed her name. She was so famous, and he was just a boy from Montana.
"Are you and your friends watching anything else of the Grand Prix weekend?" She asked as she ate a piece of lettuce (literally just holding a big piece of lettuce to her lips and crunching on it).
Bob shook his head as he looked down at the table in front of him. "'Friad not, ma'am," he said, looking at her over the top of his glasses. Bob didn't know what compelled him to do it, but he took them off.
"Aw," she said with a pout. "I liked them."
"Really?" Bob couldn't hide the surprise in his voice. "I used to have ones with slightly thicker frames, but these are military issued," he explained, putting them back on his face.
She grinned at him. "They're cute," she said, resting her cheek in her hand. It was undeniably flirty, and her grin was only making it worse. Well, that would have been if Bob could have allowed himself to believe that was flirting with him.
"I could get you tickets, if you'd like," she said. "You and your pilot friends. You can come back back to the Ferrari garage, support us for the rest of the weekend."
Bob gave her a gentle smile. "I'd like that," he said.
They continued chatting until she had to head back to the garage. Bob followed her, walking behind her.
She took him back to the garage, leaving him to stand with the rest of the Ferrari guests while she disappeared into her drivers room. Bob couldn't help but think of her as she got herself ready, getting dressed into her fireproofs and race suit. If Nat was here, he could ask her for advice.
Ten minutes before the start of FP2, she walked over to Bob. He'd seen her dressed down in a Ferrari hoodie and cute cargos, seen her in her race suit, and seen her in her fire proofs, race suit sitting low on her hips.
That was how she walked towards him. He'd seen so little of her, but this was his favourite (and he certainly wanted to see more). "Want to sit in the car?" She asked, hands on her hips.
The first thing she did after FP2 was give Bob her phone number. He couldn't quite believe it, and made a mental note to recount everything to Natasha as soon as he got back to the hotel.
"Have you got a way back to your hotel?" She asked, her helmet tucked beneath her arm.
"I, uh..." No, he and Natasha had gotten a cab together.
She waved him off before he could give her a proper answer. "I can drive you, if you'd like," she offered.
That was how Bob found himself sitting in an F1 drivers car, telling her about his childhood as she took him back to his hotel. He told her about his big family and the mountains he grew up around. He told her about when he joined the military, about his first time in Top Gun and his permanent stationing in Coronado.
Before very long they were pulling up outside of his hotel. "Well, here we are," he said, patting his legs. He didn't move to leave the car, but she didn't much mind.
"I really liked meeting you today, Bob," she said as she tapped the heel of her hand against the steering wheel.
"It was lovely to meet you, too," he said.
"Promise you'll text me?"
She held out her pinky finger and Bob wrapped his own around it, sealing the deal. He looked at her one last time and climbed out of the car, heading into the hotel.
Bob couldn't hide his smile as he walked through the lobby and into the elevator. Just days ago he'd hated the thought of a military flyover for the Las Vegas Grand Prix. Now, he couldn't wait to get back to the track, back to the Ferrari garage.
Nat noticed it the minute he walked through the door of the hotel room they were sharing. "Had a good time watching the rest of it?" She asked as she pushed away from the desk in the room.
Bob nodded as he pulled out his phone, clicking on her contact. But, the moment he was there, he didn't know what to say to her. "Nat," he called, looking up at her. "I need your help."
He only needed Nat's help to get the ball rolling. But soon, she and Bob were sending messages back and forth with just a second long gap between. Sometimes Bob took a little longer to reply, but only because Nat was reading the messages over his shoulder and assuring him that she was flirting.
Bob couldn't believe it. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't.
"I'll go with you tomorrow," Nat said as she climbed into her bed. It was incredibly late and Bob was hyper-aware that they were still texting. "Find out if she really is flirting with you."
"Goodnight, Bob."
Natasha went to sleep, but Bob stayed up. She was still replying to his messages, and he couldn't bring himself to not respond. At least until she turned around and wished him goodnight.
When Bob woke up, she had already texted him. I don't have to be on track until later - wanna get food?
Who was Bob to say no? Natasha grinned as he got himself ready, including his glasses. (He had brought his contacts to Vegas because of how much he hated wearing his glasses. He didn't have time to put them in before they headed to the track the day before, but Nat didn't expect him to wear them now).
He walked out of the hotel, ignoring Hangman and Rooster as they called after him. They sat in the lobby, do doubt waiting for Natasha as they whistled at him.
Bob kept going. He saw her car before he walked out of the glass doors, and had to stop himself from breaking into a small jog. As he approached, she pushed open the passenger side door. "Hey, Robby!" She called, wearing a grin.
"Hey," Bob said, wearing a smile as he climbed into the passenger side.
As soon as he was buckled in, she began driving. "Have you ever been to Vegas before?" She asked as she headed towards the strip.
Bob shook his head. "No, ma'am," he said. It wasn't in the same way he'd said 'ma'am' before. No, those time he had been nervous saying it. This time, it was so fucking cute and she loved it. "I don't get enough leave for that."
"Why do you call me ma'am?" She asked, but she never wanted it to stop.
Bob couldn't stop his smile. "My momma raised me right."
That much she could tell. She parked the car and climbed out as Bob did the same. "Come on," she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.
They went to a restaurant. Bob didn't catch the name of it as she pulled him through the doors. Even when sat gave the waiter her name, she was still holding his hand.
They sat down at a table for two. It felt far too intimate, almost like a date. She couldn't order a drink, but insisted that Bob did. He ordered one beer and made sure to make it last through their entire lunch.
She ordered a salad. Bob wanted to do the same, but she could see how conflicted he was. "Have whatever you want," she said, lowering her menu.
So, he did just that. Bob got himself a burger, the cheapest one on the menu (which was still incredibly expensive).
While they ate, Bob couldn't ignore the way her foot touched his knee beneath the table. He gulped as he reached for his beer.
While they waited, she told Bob about how she had grown up. Karting from a young age before moving onto single seaters.
The more she spoke, the more Bob could imagine getting into F1. Watching races, coming to see her in Vegas when he wasn't deployed. He just had to hope she still liked him enough to keep in contact with him.
They spent the entire afternoon together, until she was taking Bob to the track with her. Pictures of the two of them were taken as they walked through the paddock, too close to just be friends.
Once again, Bob stood in the garage while she completed the last practice session. She led, the fastest car until the Red Bulls were released onto the track.
But still, Bob couldn't stop watching the number 53 car. She came into the pits, had her tyres changed and went out a few minutes later.
Bob couldn't help but smile as he watched her climb the leaderboard. When practice ended, she didn't come in right away, doing a practice start with the other drivers.
When she got out of her car, she pulled off her helmet and balaclava, and spoke to her engineers. She had looked so happy when she climbed out of the car, but Bob watched as her face fell.
She walked over to him, unable to keep herself from sighing. The anger dropped from her face, replaced by sadness. "Wanna come sit in my drivers room?"
So, Bob followed her to her drivers room. She led him inside and shut the door behind him, letting out a breath as she leaned against it.
"Everything okay?" Asked Bob as he pushed his glasses up his nose.
She unzipped her overalls and let them fall to her hips. Bob shuffled over on the couch, giving her space. She sat beside him, shutting her eyes as she leaned back. "Because of the parts they'd had to replace in my car, I'm probably going to get a penalty later," she mumbled.
Her head fell onto his shoulder and Bob didn't move. He hesitated before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. That that, she shuffled slightly closer, which Bob didn't mind one bit.
Suddenly, she let out a weak laugh. "You're kinda making me want to stay in the states a little longer, Robby," she mumbled.
He looked down at her. "Would you? Seriously?" Bob could imagine it then, taking her to stay with him in San Diego, taking her to Montana to meet his mom at Christmas.
She shook her head. "I can't," she said and sighed through her nose. "There's one last race before the end of the season."
After that, Bob wanted to say. But he squeezed her shoulder instead.
When her trainer came in, Bob wished her good luck and headed back out to the garage. While he waited, he pulled out his phone and sent Natasha a text. She hadn't gone to the track with him, instead going with Bradley and Jake to the hangar they would be flying from.
If Nat showed Rooster and Hangman his texts, he'd never hear the end of it. But Bob realised he didn't mind. Let them talk, he was here with her.
The first round of the qualifying session was about to start. Bob sort of knew what to expect, she'd explained it to him while they sat in her drivers room, her head on his shoulder. He watched as she walked towards the car, her red, gold, black and white helmet on her head.
She climbed into the car and somebody strapped her in as somebody else spoke to her. She nodded at whatever they were saying and put her thumbs up.
Admittedly, Bob couldn't tell the difference between the practice sessions and the qualifying session. He watched as she went from having no time on the board to being the quickest car on track. But then she was knocked out of the top spot, down in eighth by the end of that session.
Bob had assumed that she was starting the race in eighth position after the eighteen minute long qualifying session. But then she and fourteen other drivers were going back out onto track.
Again she was at the top of the board, knocked out by the same driver. But she stayed in fourth, unable to get a quicker time in before the end of the session.
She went out for a third and final time. Bob heard her calling down the radio as somebody got in her way. But she put an impressive time on the board, finishing third.
It may have been obvious to everybody else in the garage, but Bob had to ask the girl standing next to him. She pushed her dark hair behind her ear and answered with a thick French accent. Bob thanked her and watched as the 53 car came into the garage.
She hopped out, did what she needed to do and came to find Bob.
It was near midnight and she couldn't quite believe he was still there, watching her. They'd spent the entire day together, and she'd loved every minute of it.
"Want me to drive you home?" She asked and Bob nodded his head.
She did just that, driving Bob back to his hotel. "They haven't confirmed if I've got a penalty or not," she said as she drove him. "So, for now I'm starting in P3." She quickly glanced at him and then looked back at the road. "Think you might be my good luck charm, Robby," she said and he blushed a deep shade of red.
She pulled up outside of the hotel, just as she had done the day before. And, like the day before, Bob was hesitant to climb out of the car.
As Bob reached for the handle of the door, she opened her mouth, ready to say something, and he stopped. But she closed her mouth. Still, Bob didn't move.
She sucked in a breath and tried again. This time, words came out. "Can I come up?"
Bob knew what that meant. How could he not? Some part of him had been wanting her to ask something like this for the last few hours. But still, he shook his head. "I, uh, I can't. I'm sharing my room with Nat."
"Oh," she said and looked down at the centre console between them. "Oh, shit. Are you and Nat- I didn't mean to overstep... I-"
Bob quickly shook his head. "No. No, Nat's my best friend, but only my best friend," he said. "But, her bed is a couple feet away from mine, so..."
She couldn't help but let a smile cross her face at that. "Can I kiss you, Robby?" She asked.
He leaned over the centre console. Her arms went around his neck, fingers playing with the short hair at the back of his neck.
Bob kissed her. He closed the gap between them, his arm awkwardly resting on her shoulders as his lips moved against her own. Her nose bumped the lens of his glasses, but neither of them minded.
If the expensive car left room for it, he would have moved her onto his lap. But he couldn't. He pulled away, staring at her as his eyes opened again. "Holy shit," he whispered and she grinned at him.
"I'll come and get you before the race," she said and Bob climbed out of the car.
He didn't wake up to a text from her. Immediately Bob's mind played tricks on him, telling him that, after they had kissed, she didn't want him.
He sat in the hotel for half of the day, in a perpetual state of anxiousness. Part of him didn't want to move until he heard from her, until he knew that everything was okay.
"You coming?" Nat asked him. He checked his phone one last time before following her out of the hotel room.
He didn't know what she was currently dealing with, that she had just found out about her grid place penalty. "This is such shit!" She cried as she and Charles walked through the paddock. She'd woken up to the news and hadn't had time to message Bob.
"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now," Charles said, stopping to sign things for fans (signs, hats, and even a packet of oreos). "How are things going with the navy guy?"
She grinned as they kept walking through the paddock. "We kissed, Cha," she said, suddenly much happier.
"Kissed and..." Charles tried to push.
She shook her head. "Just kissed."
Charles nodded as they walked into the garage. "Just kissed, but you wanted more," he said. "Are you gonna see him before we leave?"
"Yeah," she answered. "I'm gonna go and pick him up before the race."
Through the evening, she and Charles did what they needed to do for the race. When she got a minute, she texted Bob, but she didn't have many opportunities to check her phone.
As soon as she had a chance, she ran out of the paddock. She held her phone to her ear as she went, making her way to her car. Bob picked up on the third ring. "Hey," she said, opening the door of her car. "I'm on my way."
Bob hesitated before he answered. "I'm not at the hotel right now."
"Do you still want to come to the race?" She asked quickly.
"Do you still want me there?"
She let out a laugh. "Of course I do, Robby. Give me the address and I'll pick you up."
That was just what happened. She picked Bob up and took him to the track. She promised the other aviators that she would get him there to watch the military flyover and drove off with him in the passenger seat.
"Have you ever been to San Diego?" Bob asked as she drove. It had been playing on his mind a lot since they kissed, his best case scenario (which was currently happening. He could have laughed at himself for being so worried).
She shook her head. "I haven't had a chance to explore outside of the places we have Grand Prix," she answered.
"So, you haven't been to Montana?"
Bob couldn't help but smile. He sucked in a breath, steadying himself. "I don't know when you're gonna have time off, but I could show you Montana, if you'd like."
She grinned at him as she parked the car. "I'd love that, Robby," she said and climbed out of the car.
She checked the time on her watch, grabbed her hand and began running. "I'm late!" She cried. Bob was only happy to run beside her, heading into the Ferrari garage. He slowed to a walk, but she kept going, running to her drivers room to pull on her fireproofs and overalls.
Bob watched it all. He watched as she stood for the national anthem with her fellow drivers, watched as she completed the formation lap from the back of the grid (something he had to ask about), and watched as she raced.
Bob couldn't help but be impressed as she fought her way across the track, racing past most of the grid. She overtook ten other cars, finishing in 5th.
When she climbed out of the car, Bob could see just how happy she was from her body language alone. She did what she had to do, spoke to the team and was interviewed, before she ran over to Bob and threw her arms around him.
"That was incredible!" He cried, smiling down at her. "I didn't realise racing was so exciting."
She grinned and kissed his cheek. "Think you'll watch next weeks race?"
"Definitely," he said.
He hadn't expected her to kiss him in front of all of the cameras. But Bob didn't mind. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close until she pulled away.
"I leave in the morning," she whispered in his ear. "Stay with me, in my hotel. One last night."
"Until Montana?" Bob asked, his forehead against her own.
"Until Montana."
a/n: ok i loved this and it may need a part two lol
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toskarin · 5 months
some design rambles on Jetkaiser's combat system below the break. not particularly well-articulated, and expect a lot of unexplained jargon here if you haven't been following my rambles for a while now lol
Holy Arts and Techniques in Armored Blade Jetkaiser take the place of spells or skills in other ttrpgs. notably, their usage is not only encouraged by intense situations, but enabled strongly by desperation
while Techniques often have their own pool of uses before they start costing resources, Holy Arts always dip into a resource, and that resource is (excepting in very rare circumstances where a character might have developed some highly specialised abilities) Blood, which can be viewed as "the closest thing to a health value the game has, tracked only through its absence"
when a player takes damage, it's not really tracked. if something gets under your armour, you're wounded, and when a player has two stacks of wounds, they're killed. this holds true for enemies as well, and because of that, combat is inherently more about forcing a gap in your enemy's armour to hit the soft inside than it is about chipping at a health pool
the first time a character enters combat from a rested state, their blood pool fills. each time a character is wounded, their blood pool refills entirely, returning them to full fighting (if not enduring) strength. if the situation requires, a character can wound themselves to force an earlier refill of blood
there's a few design questions inherent to this, mostly around a very familiar issue in D&D-derived games (combat experimentation is discouraged by heavy consequences), so I ended up with a question to drop into my own hands:
how could Jetkaiser, on a very basic level as a game, encourage scenarios where a player character feels comfortable playing aggressively?
after all, directional armour aside, players only have a single health point of buffer before they're, theoretically, at risk of receiving a character death. if skills eat away at a pool of non-regenerating resource, why would a player ever risk using it?
the end result of this was the current system of wound-layering
when a character receives a wound for the first time in an encounter, this throws them into a state of sunder. several skills are set to fire off when a player is sundered, their blood pool refills, and nothing is really lost. I view this on the design side as the moment when your alarms would probably start screaming at you
in short, it's a serious place to be, but this will never kill a player
when a sundered player is hit again, they're presented a new option: crash their holy frame (the flying armour they wear) and receive a permanent penalty trait when combat concludes, or enter the second layer of wounds (torment)
when in torment, a player (or certain elite enemy) is willingly running the risk of much more debilitating harm. further injury at this point forces the character to crash, and post-combat, they roll 1d6 for each time this has happened to them before. if that number surpasses their blood pool's cap, the character dies
of course, even in the case of a success, a tormented character picks up worse penalties than if they'd crashed their frame earlier
I can't imagine the rules writeup of this will show up in the first playtests, just because I'm still wrestling the layout into a readable form, but so it goes
the wound system, at least, makes a really clean transfer to unmounted combat (carried out in roleplay) because it'd be a bit weird for characters who are more or less ace pilots to feel safe when fighting outside of their planes. if somebody pulls a gun, it should probably be at least a little bit more tense than ideal combat situations
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jadelotusflower · 6 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x21 Within the Serpent's Grasp
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We’re back in tarp city, quite a circle back to the pilot.
Daniel sans glasses once again, urging the team to go through the gate to the address he got in the AU. Jack still doesn’t believe him and Sam is concerned about a court martial, but Teal’c is immediately on board.
“In the other reality by the time I left Sara was dead, Carter your whole family was dead, hell I was dead, everyone was dead.” Interesting that Daniel specifically mentions Sara here, I wonder if the Jack/Sara relationship was something they were considering revisiting at some point.
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The first use (I think) of the black BDUs by the team.
Is Daniel wearing contacts? At least in the earlier scene he had his glasses hooked on his shirt. I realise I’m harping on this but there doesn’t seem to be any continuity to Daniel’s vision.
Story by James Crocker (his only Stargate credit), teleplay by Jonathan Glassner, directed by David Warry-Smith.
Our first use of the Zat’nik’tel - unpopular opinion maybe but I love the Zats, they become somewhat of a crutch as an all purpose stun gun rather than the “extreme pain” they’re introduced as inflicting, but that’s how it goes.
Jack, Daniel, and Sam being floored by the ship accelerating but not Teal’c is a nice touch.
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It’s Ferretti! Confirmation that he took over from Kawalsky leading SG-2. I always liked Ferretti, it’s a shame he wasn’t more of a supporting/recurring character in the show. In fact I don’t think we see him again after this episode? He’s off to get into prosthetics on Andromeda.
Some continuity issues with what Teal’c knows about the Ha’tak vessels in this episode compared to later on - his knowledge/experience really is dictated by the episode requirements.
The Jaffa turn on the big ol’ silver ball of communication and Apophis dials in to introduce his son Klorel. It’s a bit of a retcon from the pilot but I discuss my headcanon explanation in that episode writeup.
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Daniel shifting into rage mode at seeing Apophis.
Also lol at everyone in their beanies but Jack. RDA really said nope, caps only for O’Neill, no exceptions.
The discussion the team has about whether to try and capture Klorel/rescue Skarra is actually a nice mirror of the one they have in The Nox - Jack and Daniel, being emotionally invested, are keen to do it despite the risk and are quick with justifications (Jack - it would be a strategic advantage, Daniel - they could try and reach Skaara), Teal’c supports them with his own tactical logic, while Sam appropriately questions the plan and makes sure there’s a contingency.
It’s part of why they make such a good team - each of them bring a different skillset and pov to each situation, and they have the respect for each other to talk it through.
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Sam and Daniel plant the C4, and apparently Daniel’s glasses were clipped to his shirt after all, because he takes them out and puts them in a vest pocket for some reason.
For Daniel's snark about "uploading a virus to the mothership" the previous episode, it's kind of lol that their solution ends up being just blowing up the mothership - uploading a virus in the form of explosives.
Jack and Teal’c actually nab Klorel pretty easily in the end - it’s holding onto him that’s the problem.
“He is my father. He seeded the queen mother. He chose the host in which I will live out eternity. Apophis gave me life.” I suppose we’re meant to assume Amaunet is the queen in question but I really wish they’d done more with the familial relationships - both of the Goa’uld and human sides.
Alexis Cruz gives a great performance as Klorel, really pushing Jack’s buttons.
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After Jack shoots him with the Zat, Skaara calls for both Sha’re and Daniel 🥺
Skaara is able to maintain a degree of influence over Klorel even when he regains control - afteraffects of the zat, Skaara’s strength, or because Klorel is a young Goa’uld not yet experienced in controlling a host? Perhaps all three.
Klorel gets Daniel in the hold of the ribbon device (but of course!), and Jack has to make the agonising decision to shoot Skaara to save Daniel’s life.
I mean, if I had a nickel every time a member of SG-1 has to shoot one of Daniel’s family to stop the Goa’uld that possesses them from killing him with the ribbon device…
Maybe it’s not that weird it happened twice, since Jonathan Glassner also wrote Forever in a Day.
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“O’Neill, you must take action!” Why doesn’t Teal’c take action? Someone run over there and tackle Klorel instead of standing around watching Daniel’s brain get fried!
But of course it has to be Jack - Jack who brushed by Daniel in the pilot to greet Skaara, but has grown closer to Daniel since he joined SG-1; they started out only united by a common goal (find Sha’re and Skaara) but have started to develop a real bond. It’s the emotional climax not only of the episode, but the whole season in forcing Jack to chose between the lives of his surrogate son and his comrade and friend.
Added to this is the trauma of Jack being forced to stop Skaara with a gun - Charlie died in part due to Jack’s negligence around his gun, but Jack actively had to shoot Skaara here and that’s heartbreaking.
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A nice mirror to the end of the last episode, with our team staring down at the Stargate framed by the control room of the SGC, and now they're staring down at Earth framed by the Pel'Tak.
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clemblog · 2 years
You’ll only get this if your in the ALWY Discord lol
Read if you want! <3
Gunther had just been sat in the crew lead common room. It was a day off for the leads. He was dressed casually, watching the television. Many pre recorded movies had been sent with the Invincible II for its crew.
The idea of movies must’ve knocked him off his game though.
“Hey Gunther? What’s that?” Asked Celci, who sat on the other sofas. The other leads looked up from the film.
“What’s what?” Frowned Gunther.
“Your wearing dog tags.” Said Mack.
Oh no.
Did he leave them on show?
Gunther looked down at his shirt and saw his necklace with the tags.
He got too caught up in the movies, now he’d have to tell them.
God, hopefully they wouldn’t see him as too weak after this..
“Their tags from when I was in the space force.” Admitted Gunther.
“I thought you where only supposed to have one?” Said Mark.
“This one isn’t mine.” Replied Gunther.
“Who’s is it then?” Asked Burt.
“Peter P. Pilotson. He was a pilot in the force. A very good friend of mine. He’d have loved to be here on the Invincible II. Always dreamed of it.” Smiled Gunther, fondly holding the tags.
“Why isn’t he here then? Did you go on to different things?” Asked Celci.
“That would explain why Gunther has his tag.” Nodded Mark.
“I wish he’d gone onto different things.” Sighed Gunther.
“What happened to him?” Asked Cap.
“Peter P. Pilotson died in a wreck on the 31st of October 2115. That’s seven years ago now.” Confessed Gunther.
“Oh Gunther. I’m so sorry that happened.” Sympathised Burt.
“That sounds awful.” Agreed Mark.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle. Hopefully you all don’t see me as weak after my little sob story.” Muttered Gunther.
“We’d never do that.” Said Mack.
“That’s just wrong.” Agreed Celci.
“I was in the space force.” Said Captain. Gunther turned and faced them. The pair had volunteered to make dinner for the leads.
“Really?” Asked Gunther.
“Yup. I had to be. For my captain training. Needed to be in some form of operation for about 3-5 years.” Nodded Captain, gathering plates.
“How’d you find it?”
“Alright. I was discharged around four years. I had to get on with other training and my general agreed in the sense I’d done enough.”
“At least you weren’t discharged due to health.”
“Hey, Y’know that ship incident I’m famously known for? How I saved a whole crew of fifteen?”
“Mhm. How could I not?”
“The crew was a crew of sixteen.”
Gunther froze and looked at Captain. They gave him a smile and pulled out their own pair of dog tags from under their shirt.
“Amity P. Nell. A friend of mine and Mark. Died helping everyone out of the wreckage. It exploded.”
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
520 and 521 : A Boxiao History 🤍
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CPN and all that good stuff related to this celebration for the past few years. If you are not familiar with it, 520 means I love you and it’s considered their Valentines day. 521 on the other hand means “I am willing”. Individuals celebrating 520 and 521 have been known to take the opportunity to express their feelings for their partners or crushes through social media. It’s also prime time for brands to market and release their own 520 promos and limited edition merchandise. This post will cover 2016-2021. Please note that this post is very CPN biased and it’s okay if you don’t believe any of it. Lol.
• 2016
During this time, GG was still filming Superstar Academy in Hangzhou and almost daily you can see fansites posting photos onset. However on 5/18 there were less photos and it seems like GG got off work earlier than usual ( as per resource blogs who posted that day ). DD on the other hand was in Sanya filming the TTXS episode where he was a pilot.
5/19, DD jumps on a flight back to Changsha wearing a pink cap ( and we know what color he associates with love ). GG then surfaces back in Hangzhou to resume filming @ 10:20.
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CPN: GG went to Sanya. This is like probably not real at all cause this is 2016! Lol. Unless you believe in Devil Timeline.
Now we arrive at 520. GG posts a series of selfies from filming SA but as you can see there are two that are out of place. He is in a car and then he blurred something at the back. Lol. Of course our CPN brains will think there is someone there, that’s why he blurred it. Who? We don’t know.
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DD on 520 was working and had an event with UNIQ ( Changsha ) ; a coincidence, he does a gesture that portrays a rabbit. Interesting.
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The next day he left Changsha to go to Seoul, all photos from fansites had him with a pink cap and a completely different outfit from the Weibo selfie he shared. Why are these two sharing photos that are not from the same day? Stock photos? 👀
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caption : haven't posted on Weibo for a long time, so please come and find the difference after posting two photos.
• 2017
5/19 GG went to Duyun ( Guizhou ) for filming of Fights Break Sphere and he was wearing a pink top. Do you see a pattern here? Lol. They like Pink. Around this time DD was filming Private Shunshan Academy and there were a lot of on set videos posted.
Now on 520, GG posted a weekly vlog showing his big hotel room with a very nice bathtub. Just watch it. my god he was so wholesome. He even said here that 520 is important and I agree! 🤍🌸
How about DD. He shared a short clip of an Action scene from PSA Drama. That’s all.
• 2018
5/18, they both left CQL filming to go to Beijing for their own work engagements. One flew from Hangzhou ( DD ) and the other from Yiwu ( GG ). DD was wearing the off-white top we are all familiar with ( black for him and white for GG ).
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5/19 GG was filming a video for his cooperation with KFC and he said this line :
"Suddenly I regret that you are not by my side, because your figure has been deeply engraved in my mind and cannot be erased."
I mean it’s most likely fanservice thing but considering that he’s been working with DD for the past weeks already and they had to part? Hmmmm. Maybe this means something more to him that time cause he can relate. 👀
Web was @ KFC Live event the same day and then in the evening he flew back to CQL shooting.
5/20, This is the reason why I made this whole post cause I remembered the whole posting about KFC on 520. HAHAHAHAHAHA! It’s so iconic. KFC Couple. 🤍
GG had an event with XNINE for their album in Beijing and he went back to CQL shooting early 5/21.
Look at their respective 520 and 521 posts. It’s the same format of 4 photos. Did GG copy DD this time? Also if you look at the time GG posted, it’s so early. I guess he wanted to post at 520 but then decided to just make it a 521 post as an answer. 🌹
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• 2019
This is a popular one, because GG’s 520 post he was wearing a similar top as DD’s. Tho you can argue that this was a popular print at the time and pretty common— but no. It’s the same one from off-white. Same exact style. What we don’t know tho if what GG was wearing was his or not. DD posted with the kadian 23:28 ( love zhan, love bo. ) CQL has not aired yet and most BXGs have not been all FBI on them so there were probably other things going on that we didn’t pick up on. ✌🏼
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• 2020
As we all know, GG was not in the public eye during that time so it was DD who was so extra this whole time. DD posted this Douyin where he sent a Love Gun. Which is their thing. 🤍
Now the star of this year was undoubtedly DD’s 521 Ben and Jerry x Nike post. I will just direct you to other people’s post about it and it’s truly a fandom favorite. Yibo had no chill that time.
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@ohnobjyx answered this and explained it in one of their asks over here.
@untamedconnotations post on it and more of what was happening and all the speculations. and why BXGs like us should try and keep things in our circle and continue to speak in codes.
@potteresque-ire dives deeper on this date and talks about how this is more than an endorsement and why certain people panicked. This one is very interesting and a must read because I don’t think anyone talked about this.
There were also talk of them being together this day, GG allegedly driving over to where DD was. DD was supposed to have an optional rehearsal but he didn’t go. He also booked two hotels and didn’t who up in either one. So where was he? Probably on Ninja mode with GG. Around this time they already had the resources to hide when they want to. Personally, what stayed with me from that chaotic day was the glimpse of “Have some faith” printed on the clothes. It was such a nice message considering what was going on that time. I felt like it was intentional, it was a message to stay strong. Yes, I have faith and 2 years later I still do. I still have faith that these two will make it through. 🤍
• 2021
@tracer85s explanation of YBO’s 520 post.
and then 5/21 GG posted on Douyin saying have a good weekend. 🎆
This is discussed in detail via the video below.
There were also talks of them hiding posts on 5/19 and then on 5/20 Bazaar posted douyins of them minutes apart. Lol.
AND THAT IS ALL FOR OUR 520/521 CPN Timeline I hope you all enjoyed. Let’s see what happens this 2022. I just hope they are together and get some quality time. Bless Beijing. 🤍
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
Top 10 WTF Kurt outfits?
You are asking me to remember 10 of Kurt’s outfits, lol 
Let’s do some digging and see what I can find...
ETA: I decided to go through my meta and see what I dig up.  It’s more than a 10 ten, but interesting to do! 
Season 1
Iconic because it’s one of the first things we see him in, but this is a weird outfit. 
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They were trying to make him as effeminate as they could at the beginning.  The character eventually kind of changes out of this kind of thing -- but the knee-length sweaters were a staple of season 1 for sure. 
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Kurt doesn’t usually do hot pink...
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The outfit is fine, it’s the fannypack that has me curious
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What is even going on here? 
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I really don’t know if this should be included or not.  It is weird when you first see it, but I’m so used to seeing this, it seems totally normal? 
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Ug, this isn’t a good picture of it -- but the plastic rain coat is something else.  It works! But the ensemble is crazy
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Ngl, I think nothing about this really works, and I’m glad it’s not a look that really ever comes back again
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Bad Reputation
I mean this is supposed to be ridiculous, so there’s that. 
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Again, this is supposed to be ridiculous on him.  Though - fascinating how ultra masculine clothing look just as off as some of the other weird shit he wears.
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Again, it’s done on purpose - but man, there are heels with that ensemble. 
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This isn’t really wtf, though I’m curious as to the texture -- is it a vinyl jacket?  But interesting because Kurt never wears this bright red color.  And also the make-up in the last few episodes of season 1 is very caked on, to the point that Chris looks translucent and sickly.  I’ve always wondered why. 
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Season 2
I mean, this is here for the joke, but I don’t think it’s that outlandish? I think he was wearing more extreme stuff in season 1, tbh. 
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For one - it’s bondage gear.  For two - this is around when he starts wearing that fox tale thing.  That’s... only around in season 2, right? 
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Most notable because he’s wearing a skirt.  
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Prom Queen
I have a loooot of thoughts about this now that I’m doing this project.  This one is done on purpose.  But you notice -- it’s also Kurt comes back from Dalton, where he’s spent most of his time wearing a uniform? 
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I’ve never liked these pants, not because they’re wtf, but because they don’t fit him right. 
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Season 3
Purple Piano Project
So.... what’s going on here? I mean, he totally sells it, but can you imagine anyone seriously wearing this in real life? (yes, I know he wore it in NBK, it’s just in a more outlandish ensemble here) 
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The First Time
I realize this is iconic, but this leopard print sweater is actually knee length.  I mean talk about layers. 
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Okay, this one probably wins, because even Chris commented that it looked like Princess Leia in Return of the Jedi.  But I have heard some fascinating meta around it -- how this is after The First Time, and an idication that Kurt wants to cover himself, because nakedness is sacred to him.  And now that he’s allowing himself to be touched in a very special way, he feels the need to cover himself more.  He grows out of it once he’s more comfortable with sex.  
But I would love to know the real reason the costume designer picked this. 
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Again, from the same episode.  Why the equestrian look?? Somewhere @snarkyhag is making commentary about Kurt liking to ride things. ;) 
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I Kissed a Girl
This is another iconic one, what you can’t really see in this still, but it’s the half-sweater! I think they were still trying to play around with Kurt and gender at this point.  I’m curious as to when they ditch his wacky outfits for good and start dressing him more masculine, because there’s definitely a shift by season 4. 
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I need to bring this up.  It is a little weird, yes, but mostly I wanted to say that I had a sweater just like it (without the weird arm holes) in high school.  
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Hold Onto 16
I would just like to point out he’s wearing a Newsie’s Cap with shorts. This is also the era of Kurt’s bizarre headwear.  
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The outfit is fine, the hat is weird though -- especially since they’re inside. 
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Not fully appreciated in this still -- it’s a leather onesie.  That’s insane.  
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Also Michael -- Not necessarily wtf, but doesn’t it look like something Blaine would wear? 
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Big Brother 
Not necessarily wtf, but it does look like Kurt’s going to a gay club and not dance practice
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You know - he went a good chunk of the season wearing somewhat normal things with accents of interesting fashion.  And then they put him in this.  And I have to wonder if it’s because they thought it would work on Finn/Cory, too. 
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MC Hummel and his Bitch (again with the nightclub outfits) 
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Season 4
This might be the most outlandish thing he wears in season 4, tbh. 
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Definitely not wtf - but I just noticed because i’ve been scrolling through all my meta -- this might be the first (and only?) time Kurt wears this color. It looks totally fine here, but I don’t think yellow is Kurt’s (or Chris’s) color. (Oh, I forgot, though, this is the episode where RM was obsessed with orange and colors in that spectrum)
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Again with the color scheme that Kurt never wears.  Fascinating. 
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Season 5 and 6
There are a couple of interesting pants with patterns on them in season 5 that are different - but I don’t have stills, and they aren’t that weird. 
The only notable thing about season 6 is 2009 where they try to shove Kurt back into his Season 1 style, with middling success.  
You guys -- I have a TON to say about Kurt and fashion now that I’ve scrolled through the entire series.  Let me know if you want some more thoughts! 
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atamascolily · 4 years
lily liveblogs BBC Atlantis 1x02, “A Girl By Any Other Name” (first half)
I actually watched this months ago, but I got interrupted about halfway through, and then there was a global pandemic and I lost my groove. This got super-long, so I’m gonna post it in two parts.
Thanks to @girlwhowasntthere for her help in making sure I could see it, and also for pointing out that Ariadne draws a stone in the first episode (which I totally missed!) so she's not just resting on her privilege there. Good for her!
In the pilot, we were introduced to Atlantis through the eyes of Jason, a dude from our world who has surprising connections to this city of dragons and despots that nobody *cough ORACLE cough* wants to tell him about. But he's managed to pick up two new friends - gruff-but-not-so-secretly soft Hercules, and Pythagoras (yes, that one) - as well as a love interest, an ominous enemy, and Not Die several times in exciting and dramatic ways.
Based on the teaser, it looks like the show is about to introduce another female character, which I am super-excited about, even though the name "Medusa" brings up All Kinds of Questions.
(cut for length and for lots and lots of botanical confusion)
Forest at night. Woman running through the woods while something ominous chases her. Are there forests in Atlantis? I don't remember seeing any in the surrounding wide shots when Jason first showed up from the beach. Where the hell is this supposed to be?
(Side note because I am a Certified Plant Nerd: Where was this FILMED? I'm gonna guess England because BBC and also the leaves look SUPER TEMPERATE, there are definitely maples in there.)
Woman collapses and the camera focuses on her bracelet, which I am sure will be significant later on. We don't hear anything, she starts to get up and I brace myself for a jump scare.
She's got a necklace, too, and I wonder if that's a Plot MacGuffin or if she just has good taste in jewelry.
Ok, so we see her pursuer sneaking up on her, and she turns, and we see it for the first time from her POV and... it's a cave troll! Or something very much like it. She screams, we go to credits.
None of the credits are backwards this time, and I'm so relieved because THAT WAS ANNOYING.
I like the juxtaposition of the ocean and the ruins, then the view of the city, because this show is called ATLANTIS, which implies it's really about the city as a whole (or the city as a character) rather than Jason, even though Jason is the protagonist and audience surrogate.
There are some mountains in the background that look like they COULD  have forests, and I will reserve judgement until I see the sets in the daylight, but those mountains look like they ought to be chapparral or the local equivalent, NOT the kind of forest shown in the opening. I'm just saying. I have strong opinions about flora and I will share them.
I am so curious where Atlantis is supposed to be, but I think it's Crete? I'm going with Crete for now until I get more information.
Jason is tossing rocks into a pool because... he's just that bored? Missing the Internet? He's wearing a leather tunic thing and not shirtless, but I'm sure he'll lose it by the end of the episode.
He hears something and gets up and sneaks up on the person coming in the doorway, but I already know it's either Hercules or Pythagoras, and most likely Herc, so I am not surprised when it's Herc. Herc is late AND drunk and Jason is pissed. Apparently, he and Herc are working as security guards for a rich merchant?? (So that answers my question about how they're making money and paying the rent!!)
Jason runs to the Oracle's temple because he's in dire need of Cryptic Exposition and also a Greater Purpose in Life and where better to acquire a Noble Destiny?
"You should not be here," says the Oracle, which is just a classy way of saying GTFO.
"I need answers," Jason demands.
LOL, not happening, dude. She only deals in Cryptic Sayings, not answers. (Although kinda ironic given that the Delphic Oracle’s motto was “Know Thyself”.)
Jason mentions that the minotaur dude claimed he had a great destiny and you can just see the Oracle rolling her eyes, and be all, And you believed him?? LOL.
But Jason DOES  have a destiny, even though it doesn't feel like it so the Oracle has to explain that this, too, is also a part of his destiny, and he should just lean into the suck.
Jason calls bullshit. Oracle explains she's trying to protect him, and "all will become clear", mic drop. Jason walks away bummed, but it's DESTINY for him to be confused right now, and I am sure he will have some sort of Character Development about this by the end of the episode.
Herc fell asleep on the job and wakes up to being licked by a goat, which is probably not the most undignified thing that will happen to him in this episode. Also, somebody stole his keys and robbed the thing he was supposed to be guarding, so I'm sure this will end well.
Cut to Herc trying to explain this to Pythagoras, and Pythagoras is calling bullshit. Pythagoras notes the goat slobber and does the best eyeroll to Jason, I love him.
(Hercules is like the roommate from HELL here. How did he and Pythagoras end up rooming together in the first place?)
There's a knock on the door, but it's not the angry merchant, it's the CALL TO ADVENTURE... an old man who's heard that they killed the Minotaur and wants help locating his daughter. I'm picturing an Atlantis version of Sherlock Holmes starring Pythagoras and Jason and it's awesome.
Herc does not want to touch this with a ten foot pole but Jason is bored and eager to help, and so Herc is going to get dragged into this whether he likes it or not. He tries to reject it on the grounds of money, but it doesn't work. The old man talks about his "duty as a father" to make sure his kid is safe, and that's all he needs to say to get Jason on board, because Daddy Issues.
Jason and a new female character, Corinna, are in the palace, trying to be stealthy and they run into Ariadne, which is... awkward. Jason tries to explain, and Ariadne says it's forbidden for Jason to be here... why? Because he's a man? Because he's a stranger? Because he's on Minos's personal shit list? I need some context here.
Jason quizzes Celandine, a kitchen worker, and learns that Demetria, the missing girl, went to the forest to gather herbs and was never seen again. I don't understand what Corinna's role in all this is , but she persuades Celandine to help Jason out by showing him the place where Demetria went.
Time for another marketplace chase! This time it's the merchant after Herc. Meanwhile, Celandine takes Jason to a forest that's super-arid and looks nothing like the one we saw in the opening. There's rock outcroppings in the background, too. No leaf litter at ALL. All dry ever greens... and then a wide shot showing a hill that looks like chapparral, with a series of mountains beyond THAT that look more temperate and have actual snow capped peaks and those are NOT IN THE CREDITS, NONE OF THIS GEOGRAPHY MAKES ACTUAL SENSE, BUT FINE.
Also, it makes zero sense that Minos would send kitchen servants to the forest WAY outside the city limits... wouldn't it be easier for everyone if they sent special people to do that and the kitchen just picked them up or bought them from poorer folk who did? Where are the roads? Are there any surrounding villages and encampments outside the walls? Shepherds watching their flocks? A road? How do the servants know where to go? What stops them from running away? Etc. Etc.  I HAVE QUESTIONS, OKAY?
Cut to them in a different forest - still evergreen trees, but a different kind. Looks like a plantation. Everything is too neat and open and in rows. There's greenery, but no sign of any herbs or really any kind of understory. LOL.
Are we there yet? Jason wants to know.
These woods are rich with herbs, Celandine says, and I can't tell if she's being ironic or not because I DO NOT SEE ANY, THERE IS NOTHING BUT CONIFERS HERE, CONIFERS ARE NOT HERBS (though they can have medicinal uses!). Then she adds "If you know where to look" and pulls a knife to stab an unsuspecting Jason while he's looking at the ground, so I guess that answers that question.
(For the record, Celandine is a toxic plant that is actually native to n. Africa, and the Mediterranean and western Asia, so I kinda saw that coming from the name and also the ominous music and close-ups of her face.)
Jason wises up in time to Not Get Stabbed, and Celandine runs away. Jason chases after her, and I saw some FERNS this time in the chase scene, but again NO LEAVES or much in the way of forest diversity at all. Celandine drinks something that looks like poison and dies while Jason is interrogating her. The troll-creature lurks in the woods.
Pythagoras IDs the poison as hemlock. (LOL, of course he would know!) The only reason he doesn't mention that it killed Socrates is probably because Socrates hasn't been born yet, but I am sure the writers were tempted. Jason fell asleep in World History, and also every Literature class ever, because he has no idea what a thyrsus is, or who Dionysus and the maenads are, so Pythagoras and Herc get to explain for the audience! Apparently, the satyrs kill any men who crash their clubhouse, so that's what the troll thing is, I guess?
So apparently the maenads just kidnap girls to join their cult? This is not how I remember it, but okay, fine, let's have the all-female religion be EVIL for DRAMA. Does this mean the trio's going to cross-dress?
Demetria (?) is trying to dig her way out of cell, only to get called to a Secret Evil Ceremony that involves blood, chanting, and tearing apart a dude with their bare hands. Oh, wait, no, they just toss him to the cave trolls (LITERALLY LURKING IN A HOLE IN THE GROUND), which is easier to show on network TV, I guess.
Jason breaks the news to Demetria's father, and he's... aghast. "I won't allow it!" he cries. The show has not explained why it's a bad thing to be a maenad... aside from the whole killing people bit, but I mean, the king kills people all the time in the name of the gods, what makes this any different? (I mean, Minos's evil, but still! He's in charge!) Why can't Demetria be a maenad and still work in the palace and visit her dad? Isn't that what Celandine did?? I AM SO CONFUSED.
Also: father trying to control his daughter's actions is historically accurate, but sits poorly with me, even though she WAS kidnapped in this case and doesn't want to be there. But what if she wasn't? So far the show hasn't explained to me why EVERY WOMAN wouldn't want to be a maenad. Hanging out in the woods without any men and a lot of intoxicants sounds... way better than almost anything else they could be doing.
The old man collapses in grief and Pythagoras is also a healer, because he makes an infusion of what sounds like "Magnolia remenalis" (??). Which is odd because that genus is located in the Americas and eastern Asia, and even assuming trade routes from China are a Thing here, that wouldn't likely be a part of the typical pharmacopeia, especially if Pythagoras has no money...? And I know there are a bajillion species of magnolia, but I've never heard of this... and would he call it by a Latin binomial anyway? But if it's not that, what is he TALKING about? THIS IS WHY I HATE WATCHING THINGS WITHOUT SUBTITLES.
The old man guilts Jason into going after Demetria, of course, thanks to Daddy Issues. Herc is pissed, especially when he realizes they put the old man in his bed. I love Pythagoras's little smile when he explains that Herc is in charge of their guest, since he's not going on the Mission of Certain Doom!
Herc is so predictable, lol. He brings up the prospect of faking his own death to get out of his debts, and I CANNOT HELP BUT WONDER if this is going to be relevant later on. Like... faking your death so the maenads don't find you, perhaps? And changing your name??
(dear writers, if you don't want me to guess your plot twist, please don't PUT THE WHAM LINE IN THE TEASER, kthanx.)
(yup, definitely England. Puzzlewood, almost for certain.)
Of course, the most appropriate way to spend the night is to make a fire, eat soup, and tell ghost stories about maenads first, right? Right. The forests rustle. There's a cave troll stalking them. (Yes, it's supposed to be a satyr, but it looks like a cave troll from LOTR, okay??) He tosses something in the food, which probably means it will only impact Hercules, lol. Hallucinations, maybe??
Why anyone would trust Herc with night watch given his track record, ESPECIALLY these two, I don't know, but PLOT.
Yep, definitely the old mine in Puzzlewood. I'd bet money on it.
Herc follows a woman who looks like an elf from LOTR, lol... but it's a satyr in drag. (Or a hallucination?) IDK why everyone is making a big deal about the maenads when they mostly just stand around and let the male satyrs handle everything.
RUN, HERC, RUN! He's rescued by... Demetria, who also wants to get away. Somehow the satyrs don't see them? *shrug*
Demetria uses Herc's knife and cuts herself and walks out with a bloody mouth, claiming the satyrs killed Herc and she drank his blood... I mean, won't the satyrs call her on it?? But the ruse works and she leaves with them.
Meanwhile, Jason and Pythagoras slept through the entire night without incident, and I just... the satyrs KNOW THERE ARE THREE OF THEM. How come they didn't just slaughter them in their sleep, or at least attack them??
Also, if the satyrs only eat human flesh, how does the ecosystem even WORK? How many of them are there?? How often do they eat? Are they omnivores or obligate carnivores? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS.
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nandolonso · 5 years
SURVIVAL INSTINCTS (Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader)
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Fandom: Jake Gyllenhaal x (fem!)Reader
Requested by: @cxxl-gall
The reader and Jake Gyllenhaal doing the Bear Grylls thing that he did/or something similar (2011) and they’re flirting throughout the day. When Bear makes 2 separate shelters, one for him and the other for the two ‘celebrities’, horny frustrations and attractions to each take its toll when they end up getting on with each other (off camera). - This is my first request EVER I'm so honored and happy! I LOVED WRITING THIS! I altered some things, but I hope you'll like it anyways!!
Word count: almost 3,5K.
Warnings: silly and dirty (also cringeworthy) jokes, insecurity (as always with my fics) and smut.
GIF: mine (from Man Vs. Wild, S07E01)
Author's note: I was watching the episode which he played in and I gathered some inspiration from it. I hope it is not messy and all over the place, I tried my best. Please keep in mind that English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any kind of mistakes. It’s a little bit cringy at the beginning but Bear with me (lol). If you have any ideas or wishes just let me know in an ask or something. I don’t promise that I’ll write them 100%, because I work but if I have the time and inspiration I definitely will!!❤️
Author’s note 2:  I’m sorry for any kind of mistakes about the show, I’m not quite familiar with it.
Man Vs. Wild. Expect this time it's Woman & Men vs. Wild, starring with Y/N and Jake Gyllenhaal as special guests on Bear Grylls’ show's new season. This was the first time that a woman has been on the show, but this was a very well needed change.
However, as you looked down from the helicopter, you weren't sure this was a great idea anymore.
"Great, we're going to die," you said to Jake, as Bear was talking to the crew to get through some safety precautions as he did with the two of you a few minutes ago.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you," Jake breathed through his scarf, which was covering half of his face, making his blue eyes pop up which was just as beautiful as the Icelandic mountains, glaciers, and lakes which laid underneath you. It was a breathtaking sight; the country was truly dazzling and still kept its integrity during the age of climate change. You loved nature and adventures, that is why you wanted to be on this show with Jake, as you promote your new movie together. Even though you were quite reversed, you liked to try out new things once in a while.
"Yeah, sure," you answered to him, as the pilot started to take down the helicopter. "We'll see how much you can protect yourself first," you added sassily, which made him roll his eyes.
"You have a big mouth now, but I'm curious to see how you'll behave at the end of the day," he said loudly and you just started to chuckle.
"I always have a big mouth, but you couldn’t have known that," you said before you jumped to the ground, smiling under your jacket. Sadly, you couldn't see his reaction, but he was just staring at your back, taken aback with unreadable emotions on his face. Bear patted him on the shoulder as he said:
"I like her."
As a new movie comes out, sometimes it is required to pretend to have some tension between the actors as it was a great tool of marketing. Sometimes it is in the contract, sometimes it's not necessary. You and Jake didn't talk about anything like this with your manager, however, the tension between the two of you was there. Dirty jokes and unnoticeable flirtation were constantly present and even Bear mentioned it throughout the shooting.
"Jesus Christ, guys, I'll make a tent for the two of you and just get over with this because you're ruining my show," he said jokingly, but his words were honest.
Marching through mountains was the easy part of the expedition, however, things started to go downhill (literally) when Bear decided to march through a river... almost naked.
"Jake, you've down this before, right?" Grylls asked as he started to take off his beanie and jacket. You were just standing there, watching them. Even though you've pretended that you're a badass and though woman, underneath the layers there were lots of insecurities and doubts. You didn't want to get undressed before them, especially not in front of Jake.
"Yes, in 2011," he answered as he got off more and more layers. You were just still standing there, with your arms crossed.
Bear looked up at you, with concern in his eyes.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked and at this point, Jake looked at you as well. He was shirtless, wearing his cargo pants and boots, but his chest was naked. The only thing which was still there is his chain, which made you insane.
He was flushed because of the cold, his hair was messy, his eyes were dilated as he looked at you. He was perfect and you were... well, you. Even though you were preparing for your role, you were never satisfied with how you looked. You always seemed to be anxious about your body, although you were perfect just the way you are. Jake thought the same, even when he said nothing.
"What should I take off?" you asked shyly looking at Bear as you were too afraid to look Jake in the eyes.
"Just the..." Grylls started but Jake cut him off.
"Well, everything if it's up to me," Jake said and suddenly all of your fear disappeared. The tension on your shoulders eased up as you started to unzip your jacket.
"In your dreams, Gyllenhaal," you shivered as the cold crept between the layers as you started to undress.
"Just the top layers," said finally Grylls, rolling his eyes as took his backpack. "I would advise removing your shirts and keeping only the bra if you're comfortable with that, but if not only till you reach your shirt," he added, and he turned away.
Jake looked at you, his eyes were filled with something which you could not understand. He was behaving so much different than he used to. You always joked, in and out of set, but lately, things started to get ... out of control.
Crossing each other’s arms, you started to march in the river. It was incredibly cold, waking up all of your senses. You were freezing, shivering and your teeth started to clench together as you were taking more and more distance.
"Nice and steady," added Bear as he guided the two of you towards the dry area. Jake's skin slightly brushed against yours. His touch was like fire against the icing cold water which was constantly licking your boots. You tried to focus on the road, but it was quite difficult as Jake radiated the heat next to you. You wanted to embrace his warmth, melting between his arms but that was just impossible to do.
“Nice and controlled”, he said again almost reaching the other end of the river. When you did, you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. A sudden wave of relief washed you over as all of you started to dress up again to protect yourselves from the cold. You were out of breath as your body was given to these extreme situations, but you liked the experience so far. It was a nice day when you could enjoy the nature around you without thinking about the fast and stressful real life which was waiting for you.
The men next to you were groaning as they were dressing as well.
“How did you like it, Y/N?” Grylls asked and a smile pressed across your face.
 “I loved it, I feel like a freaking Lara Croft and I love it!” you said excitedly, and Jake couldn’t notice how adorable you were with this enthusiasm. Your cheeks were flushed as well, which was a nice contrast to your “ordinary” skin. Your eyes were shining with so much joy that he wanted to see this moment till the rest of his life.
“Good,” Bear added. “The fun just only begins,” and oh boy, he was right…
He was also right when he said that he’ll make a tent just for the two of you.
“What’s this?” you asked kind of surprised as you saw two shelters built up quite far from each other.
“We’ll sleep here and the two of you’ll sleep there if that is okay,” he said, pointing to the other direction. Well, you wanted to protest but you knew that you didn’t have any chance, so you just nodded and started to walk into the other direction.
“Goodnight,” you said to them as the darkness started to lay down on your surroundings. Jake hasn’t followed you yet as he was talking to Bear about tomorrow’s schedule. You went to the tent which was quite big, so you had plenty of places to arrange your stuff. You laid down your sleeping bag, as well as the night lamp. Switching it on, it gave the tent a nice feeling, pulsating warmth from the bulb. You took down your cap as well as your jacket, laying in your t-shirt and jeans as you took out two blankets to wrap yourself in.
You’ve just laid there, watching the shadows through the tent as you were thinking about the actions which happened that day. Gosh, you were so frustrated and… aroused. Which was slightly absurd in this situation, but you’ve just couldn’t help yourself. You were thinking about Jake’s bare, slightly hairy chest, which was decorated by his necklace. His plumped lips, his rosy cheeks, his beard…
Your thoughts were interrupted by the man himself, unzipping the front of the tent, letting himself in. He smiled as he laid beside you, taking off his beanie and parka as you did a few minutes ago.
“What a day,” he breathed. You tried to fight the urge to turn towards him. Your whole body was aching, you wanted to turn around and touch him, wanted to feel him, his touch, his warmth, his… “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly. You left out a breath.
“Yes, sure,” you swallowed as he was moving behind you. “What about you?” you asked back.
“I’m fine,” he said curtly and that was it. The two of you didn’t speak for a few minutes, that is when you decided to switch off the light and try to get some sleep.
But sleep didn’t welcome you. It didn’t want to embrace you like Jake’s arms wanted. You turned a little bit to lay on your back, but in this way, the cold from the ground started to wrap around you more and more. You were sure that you won’t get any rest today, so you huffed out the breath in frustration.
“What’s wrong?” Jake asked, his voice was kind of sleepy and hoarse which made your current feelings worse. You never knew you would fall this hard for this man, but things just happened. From the moment you’ve seen him on set, he turned your world upside down and it was very difficult to admit it.
“I can’t sleep,” you answered, he didn’t say anything, but his fingers slowly reached for yours. He started to caress the back of your hand with his fingertips to ease you up a little bit, but your whole body was tensed up and cold.
“You’re freezing, Y/N,” he said softly taking your whole palm into his hands, rubbing it lightly to give some life back to them. The sudden sensation felt so good, that your whole body and core started to throb for more. “I can make you warm if you would like,” he offered, and you were grateful that you were laying as your whole body buckled.
“Yeah, sure, why not,” you breathed out, swallowing hard the knot which was filling your throat. You turned back to your side, as he lifted your blankets and pressed his whole body against your back. You tried to bite back a moan at the sudden heat and his touch, trying to keep your eyes shut as he softly started to rub your shoulders and hands to make them warmer.
He caressed them for a few minutes when he suddenly pressed a soft kiss to the nape of your neck. Your whole body shivered as his beard scraped you, making you tickle. You started to giggle at the feeling, moving between his arms which were now wrapped around your whole body, keeping you steady.
“Jake,” you whispered, as he pressed another kiss, making you shiver and filling you up with heat at the same time. Now, all of your senses were awake, and they were on fire. Your whole body was boiling with desire and lust, it was really hard not to turn around and kiss him desperately. “What are you doing?” your voice was rough.
“Keeping you warm,” he answered and chuckled into the crock of your neck, burying his head in it. This felt so right and so wrong at the same time. “I can stop if you don’t want it,” he offered and oh boy, you didn’t want to stop. But you had questions.
“Is this because of this day?” you asked, and he suddenly stopped his actions, listening to you. “Or you…” you didn’t know how to ask it, but you wanted to know if there is more than sexual tension between the two of you.
“What do you mean?” he asked softly, his breath stroked your neck making you shiver.
“You just want sex from me?” you asked, and you could feel that his whole body tensed up behind you.
After a few seconds, he finally answered.
“Yes, I mean, no…” he said as he elbowed up to see your face better in the darkness. “Currently yes, I would really like to have sex with you, but not just because of today,” he said and slightly grabbed your chin to make him look at you. “I want you, not just now but from now on,” your heart started to beat faster at his words, pumping against your ribcage harder than before. “I wanted you from the first day of the set but today, I’ve lost my goddamn mind today and I don’t want to hold it back anymore,” he whispered and that is what you needed. He leaned closer to you, his half body was still pressed against you and you could feel his hardening member which was painfully squeezed between the two of you.
“I know,” you finally breathed. “Today was something new,” you added and he nodded in the dark, cutting the distance more and more between the two of you. “You said,” you started. “That you want to keep me warm.”
“Yeees,” he said.
“You’re on the right track,” you chuckled and that is what he needed. He pressed his lips against yours.
The two of you were in a very intimate position, your body was brushing against his, but you turned your head to the side to have better access for him, while he hazily rested his fingers on your neck as he started to conquer your mouth more and more. He was an amazing kisser, needless to say. You lifted your hands, racing through his hair while he slowly rolled his tongue against yours, lowering his hands till he reached your jeans.
He was such a tease, moving incredibly slowly which made you impatient and lose your mind. He started to rub your clit through the fabric, which made you arch your back more which so delicately rubbed against his cock.
“Jake,” you moaned between kisses when he grabbed your waist and turned you, so now you laid on your back. He climbed on top of you, looking at you as you were laying underneath him. He liked this sight and he couldn’t wait to get use to it.
He moved painfully slow, removing your jeans and boots, to expose your wet underwear to him. He did not say anything, he did not have to as the moan which escaped from his mouth told more than words. He didn’t want you to get cold, so as he positioned between your legs, he arranged the blankets to make you feel warm. He couldn’t wait to taste you, but he wanted to torture you a little bit before that. 
He started to give small kisses to your thighs, dangerously close to your wet folds. Your whole body started to shake and getting hot at the same time. You could feel that your icy limbs started to warm up, scorching through your whole body as he was kissing you. You slightly grabbed his hair, trying to get him closer to your core but he resisted.
“Wow, you can’t wait,” he started to laugh at your reaction, but he liked to see this vulnerable side of you.
“Can you blame me?” you asked him.
“No, but this what I like to see, Miss L/N” he breathed. “You’re such a mess for me,” he growled while he raced his mouth and nose through your flesh. You arched your back, wanting some kind of friction to ease your tension but he stopped again.
“Jake…” you muttered now, kind of angrily and he just chuckled at how impatient you were.
“Alright, alright…” he said, suddenly pushing your panties aside while he dug his finger into you. The movement was so quick and unexpected that your walls already clenched around him.
“Fuck, you’re so tight” he purred, while with his other hand he started to massage your clit finally giving the feeling what you’ve needed.
He dug now two fingers into you while he replaced his other hand with his tongue, tasting your juices which were now all over him. His beard started to tickle you as he was eating you out, but it made the whole situation even better. You were truly a mess underneath him, but you did not care. Your whole body was now on fire and it was really difficult to imagine that the two of you were in a tent in the middle of the cold Icelandic territory.
He made you feel so good that you wanted him inside of you. Just by imagining it - as well he was fucking you with his fingers mercilessly - you orgasm hit you so powerfully that you cried out his name as you were grabbing his hair as well. He licked you through your orgasm, never stopping. Your eyes rolled back as you give yourself to the sensation. Your vision faded and you couldn’t stop saying his name over and over again. He liked it hearing from your mouth and he liked that he did this to you, providing you all the emotions which made you weak and a good girl for him.
You did not notice how he stopped and looked at you, while he sucked your cum off his fingers. He looked straight into your eyes while doing it and it made him so hot that you wanted to taste yourself on him. Like he was reading your mind, he bent down to give you a heated kiss, conquering your mouth, sliding his tongue inside of it to interlace his with yours. Your taste which interfered with his tasted so good, that you wanted him being inside you as fast as possible.
He kissed you roughly, while he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his briefs a little bit. He pumped himself a few times and made his way towards your entrance, between your legs. You couldn’t react anything else as he slid into you, making your whole world tremble. It took a few seconds to adjust to his size, but you assumed you felt as good as he did to you. He buried his head into the crock of your neck, while he pinned your wrist beside your head. You hooked your legs around him, pushing him further and deeper into you. He rewarded you with a muffled sound, trying not to cum on the spot because of how goodly you took him. You were the perfect amount of wet and tight which he started to fuck, losing his mind.
“Fuck, babe,” he moaned as he tilted a little bit to the side, grabbing your thighs to penetrate you from a different and a deeper angle. The pool of pleasure started to grow in your belly again, while he hit you all the right places steadily and fast.
“Fuck,” you cried out as well. Maybe your moans and screams could have been heard from the other tent, but you just couldn’t care. And it seemed that it turned Jake on ever more than he already was.
He was looking at you if you were a goddess. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he squeezed your thigh and ass harder as he was approaching his pleasure as well, leaving imprints all over your body. The burn in your belly started to spread and you reached your high once again as you shattered into ten million pieces. After a few seconds, he followed you as well, feeling his cock pulsating inside of you as he brushed the softest kiss of the night to your lips.
It was so sweet and gentle that you could truly melt underneath him at this point. You tried to recollect yourself, reach for your breath and make it steady as sudden sweat took over your body, beaming through the whole tent.
“I’m warmed up now,” you whispered, and he started to chuckle.
“I hope so, but we’re just only getting started,” he said and pressed another kiss to your lips.
Your way home was quite uncomfortable, to say the least. You were cold, your whole body hurt, and you were tired. You just couldn’t wait to reach home and sleep till tomorrow. 
“So, guys,” Bear started as the three of you headed to the helicopter. “How did you sleep last night?” he asked, something lingering in his voice as he did so.
“Well, I didn’t get much sleep last night,” you answered, looking to the side where Jake was marching beside you. The two of you exchanged some looks and smirks when Grylls said:
“I bet that. I bet.”
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minimin1993 · 4 years
S/M 19 & B/L 18
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Warning: Implied masturbation? XD. Language as always. Violence.
After her lovely morning with Jennie, Min went to meet up with Sebastian at the bowling alley.
“So I am quite surprised Jennie isn’t here right now.” Sebastian said tying his bowling shoes.
“She has training at 3 so I called her an uber to take her back to her back. However, I asked her to be my Valentine so I will see her in a few days.” Min said with a proud look on her face.
“Dam Princess, you are not playing around are you?” 
“Nope, she’s the first girl that made me feel like this to be honest. God damn when I first saw her it was like time stopped and nothing else mattered.” Min said grabbing her desired bowling ball placing it on the stand waiting for Sebastian. 
“I know I was there, you were all flustered. I was laughing on the inside.” Sebastian said setting his ball down setting up the screen. 
“Pshh, so what you doing Valentine? Ganna work up the courage and ask Margarita?” Min said with a wink before walking off throwing the first toss hitting 6 pins. 
“I don’t know yet, I was hoping to spend Valentine with Ma this year. She misses you, she keeps asking me about you last time I talked to her.” 
“Tell her I miss her too, and that I will visit the moment I am in New York.” Min said throwing her ball and misses. “God dang it.” 
“So what you planning on doing on Valentine for her other then the obvious.” He said winking at her. “Oh shut up.” 
“What? It’s true. You both were so loud last night, you do remember I am a man right. I have urges too. Shit you both made it so hard for me to sleep last night, you were practically mauling her. And this morning Chris and I couldn’t have left fast enough and still heard you guys” Sebastian said with a smirk on his face. 
“Aww did we get you guys all worked up? Come on you had Chris, you know the world ships Stucky. It’s all over Tumblr you know. You could have made millions of girls dream come true.”  
“Oh yeah you did, worked out my biceps though because of it so win win situation. Plus they ship BuckLin more, we are engaged after all.” He said flexing his right arm. 
“Oh my god Sebastian. The mental image.” She said covering her burning face making him laugh.
“Come on it's not that bad. I think I am a pretty decent looking guy.” 
“I was kidding, but dam the thought of having you rubbing it out by the sounds of me and Jennie is an honor.” She said making him laugh harder. 
 The next few weeks have been uneventful, Sebastian has went back to New York while Min and Jennie explore their new found relationship before Min heads off to film Age of Ultron. 
 Sebby (>^.^)> 
So I asked out Margarita :)
MinniePrincess ^-^
YASSSS!!!!!! Tap that ass or I will tap it!
I am serious
Treat her right or I will take her fine ass away from you
Sebby (>^.^)>     LOL I don’t think Jennie will appreciate that 
MinniePrincess ^-^
    Jennie said she will tap it with me BTW 
    PS She is cooking next to me 
Sebby (>^.^)>
    Ya’ll kinky mother fuckers I swear.
MinniePrincess ^-^
    You betcha we are ;D 
(Pissed off why this Gif wont just play... click on the link to see the picture she send him.^^)
Sebby (>^.^)>
    TMI, I didn’t need to know what 
MinniePrincess ^-^
    Oh shut up!! Don’t act like your so fucken innocent
Sebby (>^.^)>
    LOLOL So true!! 
MinniePrincess ^-^ 
    I miss you here in LA so much
    I wish we didn’t live so far from each other now
Sebby (>^.^)> 
    I miss you too princess 
    But hey it’s not so bad now since your only a couple of hours away 
MinniePrincess ^-^
    I know grrr should have gotten a place in New York instead 
Sebby (>^.^)> 
    It’s not so bad princess, just a few months and we will be in Philly together
MinniePrincess ^-^
    A few months too much!!!!
    Grrr, anyways I have to go, food’s ready! 
    I’ll talk to you later Bye!!! ^^
Sebby (>^.^)> 
    Ok Princess TTYL :)
  The Avengers are in the process of infiltrating a HYDRA base in Sokovia, when Tony bounces off of the base's force field.
“Shit!” Tony said
“Language!” Steve said making Linda laugh from the motorcycle behind him. “JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?”
“The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken.” Jarvis answered.  
“Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last.” Thor said  
“At long last is lasting a little long, boys.” Natasha said taking out agents after agents.  
“Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise.” Clint said.  
“Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said ‘language?’” Tony said making Linda laugh louder as Steve turns at rolls his eyes at her.  
“I know, it just slipped out.” Steve said throwing his bike at the Hydra jeep before jumping onto Linda bike pushing her behind him.  
“Hey unfair, get your own.” Linda said crossing her arms around her chest.  
“I just did.” He said playfully. They were driving on the motorcycle when something dashed into them knocking them both off the bike.  
“Oh come on.” Linda said looking around.  
"We have an enhanced in the field.” Steve said as both runs toward the direction it was going.  
“  Clint's hit!” Natasha said “Somebody want to deal with that bunker?” She said seeing the Hulk coming to the rescue smashing right into the bunker. “Thank you.”  
While Linda and Steve was running on the field they reached a group when Steve sends his shield while Linda whips the agents knocking them out. “Stark, we're really need to get inside.”  
“  I'm closing in. JARVIS, am I...closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?” Tony said  
“There's a pathway below the north tower.”  
“Great, I wanna poke it with something, Drawbridge is down, people.” Tony said blowing up the invisible shield around the base. Linda and Steve still working together knocking the agents out when Thor came out of nowhere, sending a blast of his hammer knocking over the rest while Linda absorbs the aftershock feeling rejuvenated.  
“The enhanced?” Thor asked when they ran over to him.  
“He's a blur. All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't.” Steve said looking around.  
“Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac.” Natasha said over the com.  
“I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better. You, Linda, and Stark secure the scepter.” Thor said  
“Copy that.” Steve said as they watch the soldier approaching them in their Hydra tanks making Linda smirk standing back knowing what’s going to happen.  
“Looks like they're lining up.” Thor said twirling his hammer.  
“Well, they're excited.” Steve said lifting his shield up for Thor to hit and the force knocks down all the soldiers while Linda absorbs all the aftershock.  
“Shit, how I miss that feeling.” Linda/Luna said opening her black eyes looking at Thor and Steve all giggly making Thor smirk.  
“Find the scepter.” He said before flying off.  
“And for gosh sake, watch your language!” Tony said causing Linda to laugh seeing Steve sigh. “That's not going away anytime soon.” Steve said looking down.  
“Come on time to have some fun.” Linda/Luna said running over to the base whipping all the agents in her way with the excess energy she has running through her veins somehow still surprising Steve after all the years of knowing her.  
When they made it to the staircase she knocks out the last Agent before running into Strucker running down the stairs.   
“Baron Strucker. Hydra's number one thug.” Steve said coming in after her.  
“Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD.” Strucker said.  
“Well then technically you're unemployed.” Linda/Luna said pretending to think before grinning menacing.  
“Where's Loki's scepter?” Steve said  
“Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope.” Strucker said a little to confident making Linda question his motive.  
“I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation. How many are there?” Steve ask while Linda begins to look around when someone walks up to her knocking her and Steve down the stairs and quickly leaves.  
“We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage.” Steve said when they ran up the stairs looking at Strucker.  
“You'll have to be faster than…” Strucker said when Steve kicks up his shield knocking Strucker out.  
“Guys, I got Strucker.” Steve said picking up Strucker tossing him over his shoulder walking out with Linda practically skipping behind him.  
“Yeah, I got...something bigger.” Tony said over the com “Thor, I got eyes on the prize.”  
“So how long does the extra energy take to wear off normally.” Steve said watching Linda doing flips and cartwheels making him laugh at her.  
“I don’t know Steve, how long does it take for your extra energy to wear off?” Linda asked smuggly hanging upside down from the tree looking at him.  
“Rude.” He said with a smirk walking into the jet.  
“Ignore her, normally Loki and her disappears for days in their room.” Thor said with a smirk before Linda sends him a small jolt.  
“Oww, so this is the thanks I get?” Thor asked rubbing his butt.  
“Oh I know, maybe Capsicle can help you work off….” Tony said before Linda ramps up her finger about to jolt him but he walks to the pilot seat before finishing.
“Nope learned that the hard way.”  
“Thor, report on the Hulk?” Natasha asked turning their attention to look at her and Banner.  
“The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims.” Thor said with a smile on his face but Natasha glares at him and Banner groans in despair.   “  Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout.”  
“Hey Banner, Dr. Cho's on her way in from Seoul, is it okay if she sets up in your lab?” Tony asked changing the subject.  
“  Uh, yeah, she knows her way around.” Banner said  
“Thanks. Tell her to prep everything, Barton's gonna need the full treatment.” Tony said to Jarvis.  
“Very good sir.”  
“JARVIS, take the wheel.” Tony said standing up walking over to the scepter.  
“Yes, sir. Approach vector is locked.”  
“ It feels good, yeah? I mean, you've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but…  
“No, but this...this brings it to a close.” Thor said.  
“As soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?” Steve asked  
“Banner and I'll give it the once before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you?” Tony asked as Thor nods his head.   “  I mean, just a few days until the farewell party. You're staying, right?”  
“Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels.” Thor said  
“Yeah. Who doesn't love revels. Captain?” Tony asked  
“Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA, so. Yes, revels.”   
The Avengers aircraft lands at the Avengers headquarters where Barton is taken to have his wound tended to; Maria walk up to Stark.  
“Lab's all set up, boss.”  
“Uh, actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything, and design everything and make everyone look cooler.” Tony said pointing over to Steve who was putting things away with Linda.  
“What's the word on Strucker?”  
“NATO's got him.”  
“The two enhanced?” He asked Maria who gives him the tablet.  
“Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia had a rough history. It's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special.”She said as they walked off the jet.  
“  Their abilities?”  
“He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation.” Maria explained making Linda giggle knowing he didn’t understand what she said judging the funny look he was giving her.  
“He's fast and she's weird.” She rephrased.  
“Well, they're going to show up again.”  
“Agreed. File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments. It's nuts.” Maria said as Linda and Steve walks into the elevator.  
“Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?”  
“We're not at war, Captain.” Maria said.  
“They are.” Steve said when the door closes.  
“I don’t think that’s what Maria meant Steve.” Linda said feeling the tension rolling off Steve.  
“I know, still hurts.” Steve said with a smirk making Linda scoff.  
“Whatever, Jarvis take me to the pool. I gotta work off this energy before I burst.” Linda said.  
“Yes Miss Grey.” Jarvis said taking her to the pool.  
“Captain.” Linda said jokingly walking out of the Elevator. 
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retro-pure-jdonica · 6 years
Everything Wrong With The Peathers Pilot
Ok so I wrote this as I was watching the pilot so there’s probably a lot of spelling errors but just bear with me here
The episode opens by playing Que sera sera and zooming in on a croquet set on a front porch before going into the house where we see Shannon Doherty with a red scrunchie, all things that suggest that Heathers (1989) occurred and this is Heather Duke now but then they’re like lol jk that’s jds mom
Speaking of jds mom, they have her kill herself by lighting the house on fire and shooting herself, nothing involving his father’s business which messes with why jd dislikes his father
They COMPLETELY switched the characters of Heather McNamara and Heather Duke. When Heather McNamara starts talking in the lunchroom Heather Chandler says “god Heather, are we already making this about you?” But says nothing bitchy to Heather Duke
Heather Chandler is some social justice warrior and it’s awful. We meet Ram when he is in the cafeteria wearing a shirt that says “Remington squaws” with a (very very red skin toned) depiction of a Native American and Heather is like “ummmmm that’s so offensive. I know that kid over there and he is 1/16th “First Nations peoples”” and when the kid stands up to say it doesn’t offend him she yells at him “this isn’t about you” (bonus in the background they tried to recreate that airy chime kinda music from the original and its shit)
J.D. has been in Sherwood for a while. He doesn’t move from school to school because of his dads business, he keeps getting expelled
At the art exhibit (equivalent to Remington party/Kurt homecoming party) Veronica meets this guy named Jacob who they very purposefully dressed like jd (trench coat, dark hair) and then she asks him if he has a car and then it cuts to him eating her out in a car while she sits on her phone?????? I don’t even know?????
Instead of throwing up on Heather Chandler, Veronica dumps a giant bottle of hull clean on her
Jd and Veronica don’t have sex???? They are in no form of relationship so when jd kills Heather Chandler, Veronica has absolutely no reason to stay with him at all which is just SHIT PLOT PEATHERS GET IT TOGETHER
Jd has only lived in THREE states, NOT SEVEN, NOT TEN, THREE!!! They totally screwed over his background with this and with his mom’s Suicide so now he only has shitty motives. Also, his dad isn’t Big Bud Dean Construction, it’s Big Bud Dean Oil and Gas????
Jd and Veronica don’t give Heather Chandler a bottle of drain cleaner, he pulls an ich luge type thing with some “vomit inducing pills Hitler carried around”. Then when Heather Chandler “dies” he’s like oh crap I must have given her the wrong pills but it’s GENUINE. JD SERIOUSLY DID NOT TRY TO KILL HEATHER CHANDLER but then SURPRISE at the end of the episode we see Heather Chandler wake up because she actually didn’t die because jd did give her the vomit pills, the pills just somehow made her pass out which they weren’t supposed to. Also, she saw that Veronica and jd tried to fake her Suicide (they posted her Suicide note on Instagram and she would remember them coming to her house) but then sees that the post got 27 million likes so she decides to not snitch them out because she’s famous but from now on ANY PERSON THAT “KILLS THEMSELVES” AND JD AND VERONICA SET UP TO LOOK LIKE A SUICIDE, HEATHER CHANDLER WILL KNOW IT WAS JD AND VERONICA SO I DONT KNOW HOW THEY’RE GOING TO DO ANYTHING WITH THAT BUT ALRIGHT
You may be thinking, how did JD get Heather Chandler to take a pill? Well, HE PUT IT IN A BAG OF CORN NUTS AND DARED HER TO EAT THE WHOLE BAG IN FIVE SECONDS OR ELSE HE WOULD POST A PICTURE OF HER WITH A NAZI CAP ON. Also on this topic, they had Heather Chandler start gagging before crashing through the glass table but she shouldn’t be gagging, if anything she should be choking from the food and she would have bitten into the pill while eating the corn nuts and it’s a whole mess peathers please get your story straight
At school after Heather Chandler’s “suicide” all of the students are like “omg this is so sad(for the most part, they are still kinda making it about themselves)” and Mrs. Flemming is like “look at all of the publicity about this” which is just??? So wrong????
After Heather Chandler “dies” Betty Finn takes over the role instead of Heather Duke???? AHHHHH WHAT and when Veronica invites betty over for croquet she’s like “Ummm, I’m busy” like wtf peathers you cant make up an ENTIRELY new character and just call her Betty??? This Betty does not have a single similar characteristic to the original Betty except for the fact that she and Veronica were friends in elementary school, like this Betty used to be friends with Heather Chandler and UGH
Okay jd SMILES while telling Veronica in detail how his mother killed himself, Do I even need to explain how wrong this is??
Lick it up fatty, lick it up (bonus, which was followed by: d-did you just fat shame me in public??)
If you’re gonna openly be a flooze
What is your bother wound, Heather? (What does that even mean????)
Corporate monogamy keeps me sane
Big Bud Dean Oil and Gas
I’m gonna be experimenting with lesbianism at (some place) instead of (another place)
The matches jds mom uses to light the house on fire say “hot probs” on the box
At the art exhibit, Veronica and Heather Chandler go to, two of the pieces are a bottle of “hull clean” liquid drainer and a massive replica of the book “The Bell Jar”
Big fun is a chip brand
They replaced “very” with “just” and only in this episode they said just 4 times, JUST IN THIS EPISODE
J.D. literally says the phrase “my dear” 4 times JUST IN THIS EPISODE and he’s giving off these Walmart Great Value knockoff type Leonardo DiCaprio Romeo and Juliet vibes and I hate it it’s so weird
Heather Chandler refers to Ram as “the Auschwitz of hate that goes on in Westerburg”
Heather McNamara isn’t even a lesbian! She lied about it to seem cool (Do I even need to explain how terrible and inaccurate and demonizing this is?)
Heather Duke literally says “oh my clit”
Heather Chandler literally says “what the queef”
“Let’s snort Adderall, make out, and get slushies”- JD, again, do I even need to explain?
Kurt gives Ram all of the shit jd and Veronica use at the fake Suicide in the movie to cheer him up (the candy dish, stud puppy, etc) also if you haven’t heard by now, Kurt is gay
Okay, at the 7-11 when JD is saying “a pile of dirt” he looks Veronica up and down liKE WHAT?????
“Sad face emoji, pill emoji, the powerful last words of Heather Chandler” -some teacher
When jd and Veronica are going to post a video on Heather Chandler’s Instagram to make the Suicide more believable (Okay it literally pained me to write that), Veronica says “oh my god I can’t believe we’re doing this, also trim the video it will get more views if it’s under ten seconds”???? This is so terrible  (bonus jd responds to this with “That’s my girl” and ew) (bonus bonus after they finish setting up the Suicide Veronica says “come on, we’re gonna be late for school” ugh peathers stop making the show into a massive joke)
When writing in her diary, Veronica starts to write “I’m just a … girl who has been manipulated by a guy into-“ which is very true for actual Heathers but then cuts off and says “no that sounds like I’m enforcing gender stereotypes” and I don’t know if that was supposed to be some shitty commentary about the original but WHAT
They tried to pull a dream scene for Veronica where everything is weird but it was terrible, everyone was wearing red plastic glasses and pointing at Veronica and pop music was playing, it was a mess
Okay the Heathers keep doing this thing where they unnecessarily say the other one’s name while talking (like in the opening for Heathers (1989) where Heather Chandler says “no Heather, it’s Heathers turn” but they do it almost every single line and it’s really annoying)
Also I don’t know if this was on purpose, judging by the mental capacity of the producers it probably wasn’t, but after Heather Chandler dies when Betty is walking down the hall with her gang it plays the same music that was playing when the Heathers first walk into the cafeteria and I don’t know if that was meant to show that Betty is officially the new Heather Chandler but I HATE IT
When Veronica goes to jds house after Heather Chandler’s “death” jds dad walks in with a FUCKING SHAKE WEIGHT and they do the weird father-son switch thing but jd gets his dad to leave by saying some shit like “your presence was wonderful but my girlfriend and I would like to engage in sexual intercourse now” and just, what the fuck?????
Just FYI, this in Arial font size 11 is FOUR PAGES LONG and this is just the first episode
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Modern Family Sentence Meme - Pilot
“Wow, you’re not wearing that outfit.”
“Oh, yeah, that looks really cute, sweetheart.”
“No, it’s way too short. People know you’re a girl, you don’t need to prove it to them.”
“I was, out of control growing up. There I said it.”
“I just don’t want my kids to make the same bad mistakes I made.”
“They’re O and six, let’s take it down a notch.”
“I’ve wanted to tell her off for the last six weeks.”
“You are not giving the speech, We are going to be stuck with these people for the next five hours.”
“Look at that baby with those cream puffs.”
“Why do you keep getting stuck like this?”
“I thought I could get out this time.”
“I’m hip, I surf the web, I text, lol, laugh out loud, omg, oh my god, wtf, why the face.”
“I know all the dances to High School Musical,”
“The little bitch shot me!”
“They’re only plastic bebes, it was an accident.”
“She is not a girl. She’s a woman.”
“You don’t have to be so emotional all the time, that’s all I’m sayin’.”
“This doesn't worry you? She barely slept on the plane and she’s still wide awake.”
“Oh my god, do you love it?”
“I never told my family we were adopting a baby.”
“I invited them over for dinner tonight.”
“I had to. This would have gone on forever. You’re an avoider.”
“I’m calling them right onw and canceling.”
“No, you’re not. You’re telling your family you adopted a baby, tonight.”
“I put my thoughts into words, and now my words into action.”
“Hey, I’ll give ya fifty bucks not to do this,”
“You’re in such a bad mood, and I know why.”
“I don’t care what some jackass in a pair of ripped jeans thinks about me.”
“She has a boyfriend.”
“That was pretty stupid of me wasn’t it?”
“Come on, let’s get a pretzel.”
“I’m making a cake for tonight. You wanna help me with the frosting?”
“How many pairs of underwear do you have on?”
“Hey, I was just, um, cropping off, some laundry. Is this a bad time?”
“My dad still isn’t completely comfortable with, this.”
“I still can’t believe you did this to me.”
“Would you get in the perite of things, it’s a celebration.”
“May I take your multicolored jacket and bejeweled cap?”
“Oh, what a beautiful dress.”
“So, how was your trip?”
“Oh, so that’s the big announcement, huh? You two broke up.”
“I can’t turn it off it’s who I am.”
“I know I said I thought this was a bad idea, but uh, what do I know?”
“I wrote a song about it in the car.”
“Anyway, I’m happy for ya,”
“We’re from different worlds, yet somehow, we fit together.”
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Launchpad’s Association with Della Duck: A Secret Agenda?
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When it comes to working for the McDuck family, I don’t think LP’s just along for the ride. He certainly can't be in it for the pay: in the old show, Scrooge pays him pennies an hour. If that's still true, why on earth would LP bother sticking around? That isn't enough money to sustain him. (But then again, Scrooge stated “Every dent is coming out of your salary!” which ultimately causes him to work for nothing...still though.) I’m sure he wanted to befriend Scrooge in the process since he wants to be friends with everyone and possibly because he wanted to take the opportunity to work for someone so important, but maybe he’s also hoping for an exchange of information. The main reason why he could be working for Scrooge might be to find out what happened to Della. If anyone has an idea, it’d be Scrooge.
When the reboot opens up, we find out that LP just started working for Scrooge. He was really eager to talk about the aviation aspect of his life. His mentions of being a pilot could have been him seeing if he could carefully segue into asking Scrooge about Della. (Because bad things do happen to those who speak of her.) He was low-key trying to motivate Scrooge to come out of retirement so he could go on an adventure with him. Maybe he’s hoping that one of Scrooge’s adventures could possibly lead him to her or he wants to stay close to the family in case anything important leaks out.
Launchpad could be playing dumb (to an extent) so no one will suspect anything and to remain on Scrooge’s good side.
Launchpad has access to the mansion and he’s just roaming around the place. Does he live there? He just so happens to be behind the door whenever the word “pilot” is mentioned. Was he eavesdropping?
In the pilot episode of Darkwing Duck, “Darkly Dawns the Duck”, LP mentions having a scrapbook of newspaper clippings. Frank Angones confirmed on his Tumblr that this will still be relevant in the reboot. When Scrooge goes to look at his diving outfit, he walks past an old ripped up newspaper with a headline that alluded to Della’s disappearance. It’s likely that LP could have his own copy of the same article in his scrapbook with who knows what else.
Della and Launchpad definitely could have known each other, they’re both from well-known families with aviation relations: LP from The Flying McQuack stunt pilots (assuming this will be carried on into the reboot) and Della piloting for The Richest Duck in The World.  Della may have been his friend from flight school or their paths just so happen to cross one day and a friendship formed from that. Launchpad was probably a fan of hers; he was probably a fan of the McDuck’s in general with their globe-trotting and whatnot. Heck, Della could have been a fan of his family. For all we know, they may have inspired her to become a pilot️! The more active you are in your field, the more people you’ll meet within that field.
Why are Della and Launchpad matching? No, they’re not straight up matching but they're both pilots wearing brown and green.That doesn't automatically mean that they have a connection, but sometimes in art, it can signify importance.  One could argue that they have these colors because they’re pilots, but judging by characters like Baloo, Ripcord, Loopy and Gadget, it doesn't seem to be a requirement to wear them.
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Tᴏᴘ, Lᴇғᴛ ᴛᴏ Rɪɢʜᴛ: Tʜᴇ TᴀʟᴇSᴘɪɴ ᴠᴇʀsɪᴏɴ ᴏғ Bᴀʟᴏᴏ ᴀɴᴅ Gᴀᴅɢᴇᴛ Hᴀᴄᴋᴡʀᴇɴᴄʜ ғʀᴏᴍ Cʜɪᴘ ᴀɴᴅ Dᴀʟᴇ : Rᴇsᴄᴜᴇ Rᴀɴɢᴇʀs.
Bᴏᴛᴛᴏᴍ, Lᴇғᴛ ᴛᴏ Rɪɢʜᴛ: Lᴀᴜɴᴄʜᴘᴀᴅ’s ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ; Rɪᴘᴄᴏʀᴅ MᴄQᴜᴀᴄᴋ, LP ᴏғ ᴄᴏᴜʀsᴇ, Bɪʀᴅɪᴇ MᴄQᴜᴀᴄᴋ ᴀɴᴅ Lᴏᴏᴘʏ MᴄQᴜᴀᴄᴋ.
Only Baloo has been confirmed for the reboot (not explicitly, but c’mon, you can’t have Cape Suzette without Baloo), but I think it’s safe to say that whenever any of these characters will show up, they’re not going to lose their signature colors. That breaks the rules of the character designs they’re going for. This show likes to update old characters while still retaining key features. (Like Webby for example, she has an indigo vest and a purple skirt now, but she still has pink articles of clothing.) Brown is very common when it comes to what pilots wear, but those shades of green? Whenever green is incorporated in aviator outfits, they’re usually in much duller shades and sometimes boarder-lining brown.
At first, I thought their colors were some kinda indicator of the flight school they went to, but I later began to doubt that. Their outfits probably aren't something that a school would enforce anyway, they’re a little too casual; Della’s wearing shorts and LP’s even more so with his t-shirt and cap.
I also thought maybe what Della is wearing in the reboot was a reference to her pilot outfit in the “80 is prachtig”/”Family Ties” comic that the show-runners drew inspiration from for her character. I took another look at it and the design is completely different from what Reboot!Della wears. Green and brown are present, but overall, the design of it isn’t strong enough to make a good comparison.
In “Woo-oo!”, Della is depicted in an outfit closer to what LP used to wear in the old series, but in other depictions, her outfit falls more in line with what Reboot!LP wears when he's adventuring.
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Nᴏᴛᴇ: Tʜᴇ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇᴏɴ ᴛᴏᴘ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜɪs ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏғ ɪᴛ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀʀᴀɢᴇ. I ᴀʟᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ɪᴛ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴀɴ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ᴏғ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪɴ ɴᴏʀᴍᴀʟ ʟɪɢʜᴛɪɴɢ.
Tʜᴇ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴛᴛᴏᴍ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɪs ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍɪᴄ “Oʟᴅ Mᴏɴᴛᴇᴘʟᴜᴍᴀɢᴇ Hᴀᴅ A Cʜɪᴄᴋᴇɴ!” ɪɴ Issᴜᴇ #2 ᴏғ IDW’s DᴜᴄᴋTᴀʟᴇs sᴇʀɪᴇs
Della’s scarf is often a shade of blue-green and LP’s hat falls in that spectrum. Blue-green is the dominant color in Della’s dedication room (and the dining room where she shoved Donald’s head into a cake, lol). LP was mainly wearing a shade this color and other various shades of green in “The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest”.
Launchpad’s standard wardrobe has never had the color green or blue-green in it until the reboot. (As far as I know, anyway.) He had a light-green scarf in Fabian Mense’s concept art and now he wears two green articles of clothing. LP completely loses the color green when he’s a chauffeur. Based on the covers for the new DT comics and other early promotional material, it’s suggested that he was originally going to wear his chauffeur outfit consistently no matter what task he was doing. Somewhere later in production, it was decided for him to have two separate outfits.
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Tᴏᴘ, Lᴇғᴛ ᴛᴏ Rɪɢʜᴛ: Fʀᴏᴍ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏғ 2ᴠᴇɪɴᴛᴇ’s ᴘʀᴏᴍᴏs, ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ Cᴏᴠᴇʀ B ғᴏʀ Issᴜᴇ #4, ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ Cᴏᴠᴇʀ B ғᴏʀ Issᴜᴇ #5.
Bᴏᴛᴛᴏᴍ, Lᴇғᴛ ᴛᴏ Rɪɢʜᴛ: A sᴄʀᴇᴇɴsʜᴏᴛ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ Dᴜᴄᴋʙᴜʀɢ Qᴜᴇsᴛ ᴍᴏʙɪʟᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ, ғʀᴏᴍ ᴀɴ ᴇᴀʀʟʏ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ᴏғ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴏ ᴀʀᴛ.
Della and Launchpad’s outfits seem to suggest that they’re very in-tune with each other. This is looking a little too close to purely be a designing coincidence...
So...they’re both pilots, they have a good chance of knowing who the other is, it’s very likely they were friends and they’re sporting similar colors. With all these similarities, factors and connectedness going on, one can’t help but wonder…
Could Launchpad…
...actually be…
....the long-lost father of the triplets?!
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(Yes, I'm going THERE! And yes, I know, but here me out.)
I mean, with all this talk of mom, it’s only a matter of time before there’s talk about dad, right? LP and Della are oddly connected from the get-go. In “Woo-oo!”, the pilot episode, Launchpad, a pilot, constantly states “I’m a pilot!I’m a pilot!I’m a pilot!” and what do we find out at the end of the two-parter? HDL’s mom is a pilot. Like...what’s with all this pilotception? I’m having a hard time believing that the show-runners would set something up like this for it to go nowhere️.
We still don’t know too much about Launchpad. He has this mysterious background that the characters aren't really paying attention to; especially Scrooge. He constantly ignores LP every time he tries to talk to him about his life.
It seems to be implied that he was a world traveler before he started working for Scrooge. He claims that the road is his office and he has the ability to speak other languages. (How well he’s able to speak them isn’t exactly certain. He suddenly spoke in Swedish when Webby was trying to lie to her grandmother and he probably knows Chinese as well.)
It’s been confirmed that the old episode, “Double O Duck” will be reworked into this show, and depending on how the crew plans on using its story elements, he could have been or could still be a spy! Back in the 90’s there was a Disneyland live show called “Plane Crazy” that involved Launchpad along with a few other Disney Afternoon characters being recruited by the FBI to retrieve a stole spy jet. There’s another secret agent connection right there! The show-runners aren't just pulling from the comics and the previous show, there’s a good possibility that they could use something like this as a source. (I mean, they made something as obscure as a Toontown Online reference! Almost anything is possible!)
No one expects much from Launchpad McQuack. People think he’s just this stupid comic relief guy who keeps crashing planes everywhere. The Macau trip proved that there’s more to him than what he seems. LP is an outsider with a ton of connections.This won’t be the first time he surprises us.
If he’s the father, why does he not remember his children? At first I was thinking that maybe some mind-wiping might have come into play. (How far is Scrooge willing to go to cover up Della’s existence? What the heck happened to the mailman?!) It would explain his odd behavior and why he’s so unfocused, but now I’m leaning more towards an event in the past that could have prevented him from returning to his family.
He could have gone missing himself, he probably didn't even know Della was pregnant during his absence. Maybe he had a severe injury that kept him sidelined. (No one has ever died during LP’s crashes, but has anyone ever gotten hurt?) LP is already a clumsy-accident prone character who always ends up getting in some sort of dangerous incident. In the episodes we've seen so far, something always ends up impairing him during the adventures.
                       Let’s check the hit counter:
Bitten up by snakes
Falling off a mountain
Freaking out about ice fever
Several arrows to the back
He had an eye-patch in that same episode, so he possibly sustained an eye injury
Crashing into a wall
Getting paranoid about mole monsters
He’s also apparently sunk a helicopter in a wave pool once
Tumblr media
Tʜᴇ Iɴsᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ ᴅᴇsᴄʀɪᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ɪs ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜɪs ᴘᴏsᴛ. Iᴛ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ʀᴇғᴇʀʀɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴍᴏᴜɴᴛ ᴏғ ᴛɪᴍᴇs ᴛʜᴇ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴡɪʟʟ ʟᴏᴏᴘ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ Lᴀᴜɴᴄʜᴘᴀᴅ ᴄᴏɴsᴛᴀɴᴛʟʏ ʜᴀ��ɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ʜɪᴍ, ʙᴜᴛ sᴛɪʟʟ.
In HDL’s original comic debut, their mom leaves Donald a letter, mentioning their father being hospitalized due to a firecracker exploding under his chair. Doesn't sound too far off from some kind of crazy thing that could have happen to Launchpad. 
[Note: Della originally started out as Donald’s cousin.]
Sky Pirates exist in this universe due to Talespin, maybe they raided his plane and kidnapped him. If he’s a spy, he could have been called out on a long mission. Launchpad could have also been in the military. I've seen comments when some viewers were speculating that LP might be suffering from PTSD due to how badly he reacted in “Terror of the Terrifirmians!”. The oldest illustration of the triplets’ father (WHY did they give him human ears?! ARRHG!) depicts him having a buzz cut hairstyle. This could be suggesting he was a soldier. Launchpad did army crawl in “The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!”, and there was a scene where he was acting like a drill sergeant in “The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!”. Heh, I guess that could be another explanation to why he’s wearing green.  (LP just strikes me as a character who has had multiple occupations in the past.) 
[Note: Della was previously called “Thelma” and “Dumbella” before her name was finalized.]
If he’s the father, how could Donald and Scrooge not know who he is️? I really don’t think they would know...Della probably didn't properly introduce them to him. This could have been due to his possible disappearance. He could have been really busy due to whatever job he had at the time or maybe she was afraid to tell them who he was because they could have thought poorly of him. (He probably was notorious for his constant crashing around.) I have a bit of a feeling that Della kept certain important things in secret; her love-life probably being one of those things (And the possibility that she was working with Magica). I’m sure Scrooge could care less about who Della’s dating, he just needs her to be available for adventures.
Now with Donald, I dunno. In the “80 is prachtig”/”Family Ties” comic, Della just randomly shows up at Donald’s door with the triplets. He had just returned from the navy and he didn't even know she had children. Why wouldn't she tell Donald? It feels so weird for someone as close as your twin sister to lose contact like that. (Really? No letters? No telegrams or whatever means of long-distance communication that existed in that time frame?)
D’oh geez...what if Donald knew or had a feeling but saw Launchpad unfit to take care of the boys?  He already isn't very fond of LP for mishandling his damaged houseboat. I just wanna see Donald show a general annoyance towards Launchpad regardless of it having anything to do with Della. LP’s character was basically created to r̶e̶p̶l̶a̶c̶e̶ help fill the void Donald left behind in the old series after he went off to the navy. It would be entertaining to see something meta like that.
Towards the end of “Woo-oo!” where Scrooge instructs HDL not to tell their Uncle Donald about going to Atlantis, Launchpad says “Wait, who is that?” This could suggest that he doesn't know who Donald is, but it’s possible that it was the “Uncle” part that threw him off. Donald wasn't an uncle 10+ years ago, so maybe he thought Scrooge was referring to another relative. It’s also possible that LP wasn't paying attention during Scrooge and Donald’s exchange in the earlier part of the special. Depending on how far the spy element will be worked into his character, he could also be pretending he doesn't know who Donald is so his cover won’t be blown. (Would Della not tell Launchpad about her brother? If so... why?)
If the relationship Launchpad and Della have is a romantic one, I don’t think the show runners are going to be quick to confirm it. Frank Angones stated that this show isn't about romantic relationships. That doesn't mean that there won’t be any romance, but it’s main focus will be on the platonic relationships that go on in a family. Discovering who both of HDL’s parents are fits perfectly with the family theme of the show, but we probably won’t see this get addressed until maybe the third season or the end of the show in the fourth season. (Disney has a rule about how their shows can’t exceed four seasons.) The relationships of the main cast needs to be established first before a surprise element like this can be thrown into the mix.
While it may take a long time for their connection to be addressed, I believe there may already be hints to insure that this is happening. In my next post, I'll be discussing some other interesting things I've noticed and what they could mean.
Are you up for more reading? Continue here.
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my-autistic-things · 6 years
Screw tagging rules, I'm doing this for me bc I want to :)
nickname: Maxi Moo, but mainly just Max. The kid I babysit calls me Vicki for no reason too lmao
gender: Queer, masc presenting
star sign: Sagittarius
height: 5'9″
time: 4:15pm, Friday (HST)
birthday: Dec 5th
favorite bands: Twenty one pilots, Panic! at the disco, Fall Out Boy, Set it Off, Neon Trees tbh, Wrabel (?)
favorite solo artists: Panic! at the disco, kinda Ed Sheeran but only like 3 of his songs, Wrabel (?idk if they are solo or a band?)
last movie i watched: oh jeez, the Shape of Water in the theatres and Cap. Underpants on Netflix
last show i watched: Gossip Girl, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, The Good Doctor
when did i create my blog: a few months ago
what do i post: autism-related things that I find relatable, iiaat/autism asks, adhd related posts, positivity, my own textposts, and positivity as well as jokes
last thing i googled: the exact definition f cultural assimilation for a discussion board response 
do you have any other blogs: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah
do you get asks: never omg please ask me stuff even if it’s just “hi” bc i’ve never answered an ask before and i really want to do that
why did you choose your URL: well, here i post/reblog about my autism symptoms/autism things i find relatable for my own compilation of autistic things, so, my-autistic-things is pretty self-explanatory
blogs who follow you: well i guess it would be in general blogs who post a lot about neurodivergencies, fandom blogs, people who post lots of Tumblr memes, etc
favorite colors: my favorite color is hot pink but gotta also be emo so black too, and also blue is really pretty, and red is also kinda nice and green is omg and the ride shade of yellow is so pleasing and orange is honestly just gorgeous and ya know what so is grey too and purple is my favorite hair color bc its so beautiful oh jeez.......
average hours of sleep: oh...sleep? idk her.  jk i sleep for 11-16 hours
lucky number: 2? a lot of good things are happening this year so maybe it’s gonna change to 17 or 18 (im 17, turning 18, and its 2018)
dream trip: oh my, honestly leaving this rock would make me so happy take me anywhere.  my (feasible) dream trip i’m planning rn actually where I go to Toronto, Canada for Pride.  i would also like to see the northern lights and also Europe like all of Europe and also take a road trip across the US and also just go to New York bc ive always wanted to go there 
instruments: my joints; i can play a symphony of crackly pop pops, I used to play piano for 8 years but then I stopped and i suck now
what am i wearing: my ugly pain stained bright teal baggy basketball shorts (that also have blood on them....for an unspecified reason...lol) and my “pj” shirt which is actually my uncles that i kinda stole--it’s a baggy artistic skull pattern shirt (black shirt with a white design)
how many blankets do i sleep with: i always sleep with my thin sheet on at least my legs even if it’s like 90+ degrees.  or I use my comforter if its below 72 degrees lol
dream job: oh......a plan?..............whaaattttttt??????? actually, i would love to be a behavioral/social researcher and analyze social relationships/patterns/interactions specifically for neurodivergent teens/adults as well as lgbtq (trans mainly) people
favorite food: everything tbh, um, potatoes, Ceasar salad (but vegetarian), ice cream, cake, pie, sugar in general, beans(refried ones), cheese, eggs, avocados, tofu!!!!!!!!!, rice, fried rice(vegetarian ofc), etc, etc,etc
nationality: White AF (Portuguese, Austrian/German, French, Irish)
Anyone who read through all of that consider yourself tagged lol
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All of those autumn asks :)
pumpkin spice: what’s your drink of choice?
usually water during the day but i also have constant comment every morning with breakfast! oh wait i also like that kombucha w the chia seeds in it a LOT except it makes me feel kind of horrible so
wool socks: what’s something you look forward to in fall?
god there are so many but my top THREE are the leaves changing colors and falling!! and rain!! and all that spooky stuff we love so much!!
falling leaves: you’re stranded on a desert island and here’s the twist; what three things do you NOT bring with you?
tbh i do not really understand this one because like....it could be any three things
smelly candles: what’s your absolute favorite scent?
vanilla! also pink sugar if we’re talking perfume scents which i know we aren't but if we WERE
big sweaters: do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between?
in-between! or cold! but not hot
halloween: if you could dress up as anyone/ anything and pull it off absolutely flawlessly, who/what would it be?
three words: the abominable snowman
cozy blankets: where do you feel the most safe and at home?
in the car at night, driving and listening to music and not worrying about anything.
hot tea: when was the last time you kissed someone (if you haven’t had your first kiss, who would you like that first someone to be?)
honestly i do not know!!
flannel: what’s your favorite day of the year? is there a reason it’s your favorite?
whom has a favorite day of the year??? i don't think i do but if i DID it would probably be halloween
chilly air: what’s your least favorite and favorite type of weather?
favorite is when it’s kind of cloudy and spooky out, the sky is grey and it’s about to rain. and then my least favorite is when it is cold AND rainy like....you get to pick ONE @ mother nature 
scarves: if you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be?
picture this: black skinny jeans (maybe even ripped! anything can happen in a hypothetical situation), vans, a striped long sleeved shirt, and maybe even a baseball cap or a beanie, neither of which i actually own. maybe even both at the same time! stacked! i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: anything can happen in a hypothetical situation
apple cider: if you could throw a party, and invite absolutely anyone, who would they be?
party: thrown
steve carrell: there
john mulaney: also there
hayley kiyoko: on her way
me: content
haunted houses: what’s your scariest memory? (if you don’t have one/ don’t want to talk about it, what’s your biggest fear?)
well my biggest physical FEAR is probably being alone in the middle of the ocean or woods at night
fuzzy boots: if you could live in any year/era, which would it be and why?
a thousand years in the future just to say hey
a time when i am
a what
thanksgiving: what is something/someone you’re the most thankful for? any particular reason?
i'm really thankful to know so many genuine, kind, funny, and real people in my life because they make every day so fun!!! even when other things in my life are not fun!! and of course my mutuals such as yourself!!
black friday: what is one thing, if anything, you would sell your soul to own?
i’m not a very materialistic person so nothing comes to mind  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
apple picking: if you could go anywhere, where would it be and why?
the moon. i think it would really put things in perspective also.....its the moon. the moon you guys
corn mazes: do you have any secret talents/abilities?
i can wiggle my ears! which i didn't think i was able to do for a long time but here we are
hay rides: if you could pick absolutely anything to be your form of transportation, what would it be?
teleportation bro!!
the color orange: do you have a specific song that reminds you of autumn? what is it?
honestly... the song red by taylor swift also a lot of other taylor swift songs remind me of fall (probably bc she released her albums around fall every time??) and i have no control over this!! i have memories attached to them
windy nights:if you could go to any concert whose would it be?
twenty one pilots lol
holding hands: do you believe in soulmates?
yeehaw!! thats cowboy for ‘i want to believe and part of me still does but i also know that you can connect with a lot of people and think you’re soulmates and mayhap that means you can have multiple in one lifetime but also maybe the reason i don’t know is because i haven’t met mine yet’
thank you so much for asking buddy!!!
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cinnamon-bunbun · 7 years
The Tag Game
Tagged by @jezzula (thank you new frend)
Nickname: Lol, I’m not cool enough for a nickname...so lets go with Bun
Height: 5′9 (so tall)
Last thing I googled: Vinyl records cheap (trying to build my collection)
Fave Music Artist(s): Twenty One Pilots, Lana Del Rey, Panic!, Melanie Martinez, Halsey, The Neighbourhood and plenty more, lol (anything pop-punk/alternative, I am probably gonna love)
Song Stuck In My Head: Strangers (off Halsey’s new album, perf)
Last Movie I Saw: La La Land (I don’t watch movies often, but it was pretty good, lol)
What Am I Wearing Right Now: Baggy tie-dye shirt and exercise shorts
Why Did I Choose My URL: I like cute things, like cinnamon bun and bunnies, and so thus my url was born
Do I Have Any Other Blogs: I can barely work this one, lol
What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: Never change yourself or go against your own morals for some idiot
Religious or Spiritual: A mixture of both
Favorite Color: Purple! All shades from light to dark
Average Hours of Sleep: In one day....too many. Ill give myself a cap of at least 9
Lucky Number: 3..? Never thought too much about that
Favorite Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Fred and George Weasley, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Nevile Longbottom, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, and plenty of others from various fandoms (speaking of which, I need more fandoms to join)
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: 1 (way too hot on most nights, year round, for me to have more than that)
Dream Job: I would love to entertain in some way shape or form (singing, acting, etc) Wanna make some type of difference in the world/be an inspiration to people with whatever platform that I have hopefully one day
Have your people get in touch with me and we can make something happen, for the record labels/directors/producers that are totally reading this post!
Tags: Anyone that is following me and wants to do so, and anyone who just wan to participate! (I need more frends!)
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