#why SpongeBob fits with everything
exisntidonot · 2 years
So I was googling old tv shows I used to watch, procrastinating on my homework, and guess what show popped into my head, after not seeing it for a very, very, very long time?
The haunting hour.
I only remember that show because it used to be on YTV, at like, 10-11 o'clock at night, and I would watch it. I was really obsessed with the show, even though I barely understood what was going on.
And the nightmares. I used to get really, really bad nightmares after I watched the show, and after like 3 months of me watching it, and getting nightmares of it, my mom enforced a screen-time limit, mainly for shows after 9:00.
And I remember that show so damn much, mainly because of the body horror stuff, and how freaked out I was over it.
Anyways, one of my most vivid memories of the show was this one about this kid who was obsessed with ancient egypt stuff gets frickin. sucked back into time to be essentially another person's body or something??
And I googled it I googled rl stine show ancient egypt and I finally found the name of it. I'm gonna watch that episode, and get me a bit of nostogia
#exisnt's rambles#also something funny imo is that out of curiosity I googled where tfp was being streamed because my thought-pipeline went from:#scary show that I didn't understand -> shows i didn't really understand -> shows I definietly did not remember or understand properly as a-#-kid -> hey look when the haunting hour was made that roughly around the time when tfp was made -> ytv took american shows and showed them-#-to canadian audiences -> hey WHAT THE HAUNTING HOUR USED TO BE ON THE HUB (where tfp used to be released)-#-hmmm i wonder if they ripped shows from the hub to show on ytv -> googles where was tfp streamed -> results include ytv.#Conclusion? I might have been the target demographic for tfp when it first aired (although a little too young - animated would fit better)#but i probably changed the channel because I wasn't interested in the show#just a nagging feeling but i bet they probably showed it after tmnt and spongebob when everything looks boring and then boom. tfp.#there is the possiblitity they might have not shown it during its original runtime at all ofc and we didn't have cable after 2014-2015 ish#i think it probably streamed when we got rid of cable and such and probably at like. 1 am or some other ungodly hour#this is very interesting to me and i cannot explain why.#also yeah now i just want to watch the show and compare some old memories of episodes to how they actually went bc i know i did not-#-remember things properly.#not gonna tag this as the haunting hour yet cause i haven't watched the show yet lol#too bad i can't find really old tumblr post on this idk but i feel like this show would have been milked for all its worth on tumblr#and aggressively hated for all its worth as well.
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I read this week that Instagram is pushing “overtly sexual adult videos” to young users. For a Wall Street Journal investigation, journalists created accounts that could belong to children, following young gymnasts, cheerleaders and influencers. The test accounts were soon served sexual and disturbing content on Instagram Reels, alongside ads for dating apps, livestream platforms with “adult nudity” and AI chatbots “built for cybersex”. Some were next to ads for kids’ brands like Disney.
This is something I’ve been trying to get across to parents about social media. The problem is not just porn sites. They are of course a massive concern. Kids as young as nine are addicted. The average age to discover porn is now 13, for boys and girls. And many in my generation are now realising just how much being raised on porn affected them, believing it “destroyed their brain” and distorted their view of sex.
But the problem is bigger than that. Porn is everywhere now. TikTok is serving up sex videos to minors and promoting sites like OnlyFans. The gaming platform Twitch is exposing kids to explicit live-streams. Ads for “AI sex workers” are all over Instagram, some featuring kids’ TV characters like SpongeBob and the Cookie Monster. And there’s also this sort of “soft-porn” now that pervades everything. Pretty much every category of content that kids could stumble across, from beauty trends to TikTok dances to fitness pages, is now pornified or sexualised in some way for clicks.
I think this does a lot of damage to Gen Z. I think it desensitises us to sex. I think it can ruin relationships. But beyond that, I also believe a major problem with everything being pornified is the pressure it puts on young girls to pornify themselves. To fit the sex doll beauty standard; to seek validation through self-sexualisation, and potentially monetise all this like the influencers they’re inundated with.
Which, of course, puts girls at risk of predators. Predators who are all over TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat. Predators whose algorithms helpfully deliver them more content of minors and steer them towards kids’ profiles. Predators who are taking TikToks of underage girls and putting them on platforms like Pornhub.
And this is even more terrifying because adolescent girls are especially vulnerable today. They are vulnerable anyway at that age—but today they have far less life experience than previous generations of girls did. They are extremely insecure and anxious, and much less resilient. Combine this with the fact that they are now more easily exposed to predatory men than ever before in history, and served to strangers by algorithms. And another thing: girls are also able to look way older now. They have AI editing apps to sexualise themselves. TikTok filters to pornify their bodies. And access to every kind of make-up and hair and fashion tutorial you can think of to look sexier and more mature. I don’t think enough parents realise how dangerous this situation is.
Which is why I find it so frustrating to see some progressives downplay the dangers of all this. Those that dismiss anyone concerned about the pornification of everything as a stuffy conservative. And somehow can’t see how the continual loosening of sexual norms might actually empower predatory men, and put pressure on vulnerable girls? That seems delusional to me.
Let’s just say I have little patience for those on the left who loudly celebrate women sexualising themselves online, selling it as fun, feminist and risk-free, but are then horrified to hear about 12 year-olds doing the same thing. C’mon. No wonder they want to.
But I also find it frustrating to see some on the right approach this with what seems like a complete lack of compassion. I don’t think it helps to relentlessly ridicule and blame young women for sexualising themselves online. I don’t think it’s fair either. We can’t give girls Instagram at 12 and then be surprised when as young women they base their self-worth on the approval of strangers. We can’t inundate kids with sexual content all the time and be shocked when they don’t see sex as sacred, or think sex work is just work! We can’t give them platforms as pre-teens where they are rewarded for sexualising themselves and presenting themselves like products and then shame them for starting an OnlyFans. We can’t expose them to online worlds where everything is sexualised and then be confused why some of Gen Z see their sexuality as their entire identity.
And again, on top of these platforms, girls are growing up in a culture that celebrates all of this. They are being raised to believe that they must be liberated from every restraint around sex and relationships to be free and happy, and many have never heard any different. Celebrities encourage them to be a slut, get naked, make/watch porn and make money! Mainstream magazines teach them how to up their nude selfie game! Influencers tell millions of young followers to start an OnlyFans, and pretend it’s about empowering young girls to do whatever they want with their bodies! I can’t say this enough: their world is one where the commodification and sexualisation the self is so normalised. It’s heartbreaking. And cruel that anyone celebrates it.
So sure, young women make their own choices. But when we have children sexualising themselves online, when girls as young as 13 are using fake IDs to post explicit content on OnlyFans, when a third of those selling nudes on Twitter are under the age of 18, I think it’s safe to say we are failing them from an early age.
I guess what I’m trying to get across is this: it’s tough for girls right now. It’s tough to be twelve and anxious and feel unattractive and this is how everyone else is getting attention. It’s tough to constantly compare yourself to the hyper-sexualised influencers that the boys you’re interested in are liking and following and thinking you have to compete. It’s tough to feel like the choice is sexualise yourself or nobody will notice you. The sad reality is we live in a superficial, pornified culture that rewards this stuff, and in many ways punishes you if you’re modest and sensitive and reserved, and a lot of girls are just trying to keep up with it.
We need serious cultural change. We need to wake up to how insane this all is, how utterly mental it is that we allow young girls anywhere near social media, and how we’ve let the liberalising of sexual mores escalate to the point where pre-teens are posing like porn stars and are lied to that it’s liberation. And where we need to start is with an absolute refusal from parents to let their kids on these platforms.
So please. If the relentless social comparison and obliteration of their attention span and confusion about their identity wasn’t enough, this has to be. Don’t let your daughters on social media.
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theloganator101 · 28 days
The Great BNHA Review: How do you fuck up teaching a moral THIS badly!?
Ah themes and morals... not every story or show needs to have these kind of things. Not every story needs to be deep or thought provoking, but for stories that do, it's important to have them correlate well with the story so we can understand what it's trying to say.
Like Ratatouille's moral of "Anyone can cook" or even the first Spongebob Movie's message of "You are who you are" is told really well.
And what is the moral BNHA tries to convey to it's audience?
"Anyone can be a hero!"
Okay, fine, that can be a good message to tie into a story about heroes. And how does this message get conveyed into the story?
"Oh the main character starts off quirkless but obtains the Number One hero's power."
... So literally by making him like everyone else around him? Wouldn't it make the message hit harder if he strived to be a quirkless hero to prove everyone that called him weak or worthless wrong?
"Oh but if he stayed quirkless then he wouldn't be able to partake in the final fight!"
Oh is THAT why All Might came in to fight AFO with a mecha suit!? If technology is SO advanced to where this kind of thing can exist, then why can't Izuku have the same courtesy huh?
For real I blame the narrative for making people believe a quirkless hero is impossible to be in this show when it's clear that it can be a thing! For whenever I bring up this idea, I ALWAYS get hit with the same quote of:
"Well the plot wouldn't be the same if Izuku stayed quirkless! Izuku can't go up against AFO or Shigaraki that way!"
And that's the thing! I'm not asking for the same plot but with Quirkless!Izuku, I'm asking for a story where the main character proves he can keep up with his classmates with quirks! You can't exactly tell that kind of story when you make the main character like everyone else!
And on top of that, it also twists the message of:
"Anyone can be a hero...! But only if you fit in with the majority!"
Which is kind of fucked up when being quirkless can be compared to having a disability in real life... so the story is basically saying you won't amount to anything worthwhile if you're not like everyone else.
But enough about the whole quirkless thing, let's move on to another thing the series tried to shove down our throats and treat it like a meaningful message...
"Win to save, save to win"
A saying that you and I have grown familiar with, something that was only created for the sole purpose of bringing Izuku down to Bakugou's level and solidify them as rivals... Even if the saying fucking sucks and SHOULDN'T be hero material.
I mean SERIOUSLY!? Winning isn't everything, and while it could be somewhat true... it's seriously a bad message considering that this is supposed to be a series where the main character teaches that there's more to being a hero than winning and getting fame and glory all the time.
Ah yes, and that one moral I keep saying...
"If your abusers are sorry, you should forgive them and keep them in your life! And if you refuse their apology then you're just as bad if not worse than them when they hurt you."
This moral... this goddamn moral is what stood out to me the most throughout BNHA. It is flat-out terrible and I'm honestly surprised NO ONE on the writing or illustrating team caught on to this and brought it to Hori's attention. It's enforced with Izuku and Bakugou, it's enforced Shoto and Endeavor, and it's somewhat enforced when Overhaul was begging to see Eri but luckily the other characters were like "No."
And the thing is none of this would be a problem if it didn't have the victims forgiving them and instead tells them to fuck off because they screwed up enough of their lives already. Why would you ever give the person who hurt you a second chance? Why would you risk letting them repeat the same mistakes?
I just wanna say one thing regarding all this...
You are NOT responsible for your abuser's actions or things they choose to do, it is NOT your job to "make them better" nor should it fall on your shoulders to keep them in check, you do NOT owe them your time, your efforts, your patience and kindness...
You 👏 Do 👏 Not 👏 owe 👏 them 👏 SHIT!!
So for the next part I'm actually gonna go off track and talk about the other characters in BNHA and just how utterly wasted they really were in this story, and hopefully it won't take as long as this one!
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peachviz · 2 months
I finally finished Voyager so you know what that means.
It’s a Voyager Wrap Up and notes party:
(Beware: hot takes ahead)
- I like and I hate this show. It was my slowest watch. I should have probably started with this instead of DS9 bc as you all know nothing can top DS9 and when you start out with the best meal nothing can compare. But tbh I don’t know if it would have made a difference.
- There’s a problem with this show that I’ve noticed that it’s a common problem within Star Trek as a whole. This one was just noticeable. There’s parts where they build up plots and characters and then half way through they just give up.
Kes was the biggest atrocity, they couldn’t figure out what to do with her so they give up on her and replace her with a new shiny toy. Won’t even get into the misogyny of the situation, we are all aware I don’t have to keep beating a dead horse. (Also aware of the hostile situation on set I’m not interested in that debate)
Chakotay is another example. He starts to lose lines and he kind of just floats. Tuvok is another big one. Because why tf did I have to sit through more Neelix focused episodes than Tuvok???????
Like the writers constantly do this but it’s so noticeable with this series. It’s like Patrick trying to open Sandy Cheeks’s door in SpongeBob and he just holds his hands over the door and goes, “Open Seasme!” The door doesn’t open and he shrugs and goes “Well, I’ve done all I can do.” That’s the writers of this show.
- while on the topic of Neelix. Here’s a hot take. What an incredibly pointless and annoying character. He made a lot of episodes unwatchable. Kes and Neelix have to be the worst poison I’ve ever ingested from Star Trek as a whole and I had to sit through TNG sexism and somehow this pairing was the worst. How incels feel about JarJar Binks is how I feel about Neelix. If you like him, great. If you don’t like him, let’s hug.
- there is something about this show that I feel they do better than DS9 and that is mental health episodes. It’s so subtle and there doesn’t have to be a lot of theatrics. While DS9 is good at portrayal, there are things that Voyager does with the Doctor, Seven, and even B’Elanna that I found the most relatable
- which btw B’Elanna is like super relatable it’s almost scary. I love Kira Nerys, she’s still my all time favorite, but I find myself gravitating to being like B’Elanna. I feel like she had the best character development besides Seven. Now granted, she can do some really selfish fucked up shit. Like the Doctor’s holofamily, etc, but I find her character refreshing. This show needed that.
- Seven of Nine. Idk what to say to make everything fit so here’s a lightning round. The cat suit is fucking annoying. We had to have Gene Roddenberry dying to get Deanna Troi in a real uniform and then we have the goodness of DS9 just to have the men be like “we need to bring back sexy” and then bring this wonderful character just to keep her in a cat suit. A suit, btw, that she doesn’t even want to be in bc in all her holo fantasies she’s either in a uniform, pants, or literally anything else. And don’t even get me started on Chakotay and Seven. What an odd paring with zero chemistry. It felt almost fatherly and then that shit happens bc they had to dispel the J/C shit and I think it was along the lines of Beltran getting tired of Chakotay being a “chump”. ??? Idk if that’s the exact quote but like boooooo that’s boring. It’s just ew no thanks.
- but seven is a wonderful character and if there weren’t so many men in the writing room then we could have had it all. Looking forward to seeing what Picard retcons
- Janeway is an amazing captain and I’m glad we have a complicated female captain but this goes along with my first topic. For the first four seasons, until she cuts her hair, there’s still too many cooks in the kitchen. You have her naked somehow multiple episodes per season until 4 (?) and then she has that dumbass governess holo program. Like by the time she has her hair cut, we could have just had all that from the start. Everyone say thank you Kate Mulgrew
- lastly, I’m glad that J/C didn’t become canon while they were away bc sometimes yearning is hotter than having. Kate Mulgrew stating that it was inappropriate for an office place romance bc young girls shouldn’t have to see (once again generalizing a quote) is totally valid. And tbh I feel like it would be a distraction to Janeway specifically
Idk in closing it’s an alright watch. It wasn’t really spectacular to me anyway. There were a lot of good parts, but I feel like it lost steam midway through season 6 and a lot of it was rocky. I could just be getting Star Trek fatigue.
Picard is next and then Prodigy. Probably won’t even go near Enterprise and I’ll be doing an actual rewatch of discovery to finish it. And another rewatch of lower decks bc now I’ll be able to understand it in total. So the Rankings below will exclude prodigy, ent, Picard, and discovery.
Current Series Ranking:
1) Deep Space Nine
2) Strange New Worlds
3) The Original Series
4) Lower Decks
5) Voyager
6) The Next Generation
Current Captain Ranking:
1) Sisko
2) Janeway
3) Pike
4) Kirk
5) Picard
6) Freeman
Anyway, I have two voyager edits to get off the ground and my notes app looks like the Bible so getting this footage is going to be super time consuming.
Now onto Picard
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
Hello!! May I request 6. I Won't Say I'm in Love from Hercules with Malleus? I'm quite the malleus connoisseur !! ❤️😭 Thank you!!! <333
Hi!!! Idk why but this one was hard for me to write 😅. I tried to keep the song in mind while writing it. It ended up being less of "I Won't Say I'm in Love" and more of "I didn't know I was in love. ft Lilia" I hope that this fits since you are a Malleus connoisseur!
Note: Malleus is oblivious to love. Small Spongebob, Ice Age, and Frozen reference
Word Count: 844
Warnings: not beta read and possible OOC characters
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"Ahem," Lilia, wearing his long lab coat, cleared his throat from his spot on the couch.
Malleus sighed as he lay on his bed with his hands on his stomach. His mind was jumbled with thoughts about the Prefect. Lately, she has been stuck in his mind, and Malleus had to consult Lilia for his wisdom, but was Lilia rearranging his own room into a doctor's clinic necessary? "Doctor Lilia." 
"Much better. Now what are you here for?" Lilia smiled and returned to writing his shopping list on his clipboard. Malleus did not need to know that.
"It's about the Prefect."
Lilia nodded and jotted more items down. "What conditions are you experiencing right now?"
"That I want to be next to her right now."
Lilia hummed in thought. He waved his hand, and some mist appeared. Inside the mist was a Yuu smiling at Malleus, "How would you feel when you see Yuu?"
Malleus sighed for the nth time that day, "Well, I would feel happy like when I get ice cream, excited because I am spending time with her because I could tell her more gargoyle facts, my chest gets this feeling when I see her, I can trust her with Gao-Gao Drakon-kun…."
Hours had passed, and the sun was beginning to set when Malleus was still rambling and didn't look like he was going to stop. 
Meanwhile, Lilia had already dispersed the mist and focused on other important matters.  
I can scare Sebek and Silver if I draw a ghost on the other side of this shopping list, put it on a fishing rod, and hang it in front of their faces. Khee hee hee, those boys will be in for a treat.
"And she occupies my thoughts day and night! Thinking about her now makes me want to praise her for everything, almost like Rook."
"What would you do if someone? Let's use Leona, had the same feelings you felt for her now?" Malleus frowned. If looks could kill, then the roof would have a big hole going through it. The sound of thunder could be heard nearby. Lilia held up a hand and shook his head. He already knew his answer. "Malleus, I know what you're experiencing, but first, let me give you a hint so you can figure it out."
Malleus sat up and crossed his arms. "Aren't you supposed to be the one to diagnose me?"
"Hush, who is the doctor here? Now, it starts with an L.."
Malleus' eyes widen in shock, "Leprosy!"
Lilia chuckled, "No, no! Not that. It's four letters and ends with an e."
"Starts with an l. It is four letters and ends with an e," Malleus whispered to himself. His chin rested on his fist while his face was deep in thought. There was only one word that came to mind. 
Lilia could not hold back his laugh. In fact, he could not stop laughing (he even threw his head back and slapped his knee) for a whole ten minutes. 
"Are you done?" Malleus asked with a frown on his face. 
"Ha ha…phew…I have not laughed like that in so long! Yes, Malleus. I am now. What you're experiencing is love."
Malleus' mouth opened up in a small o, "Love…can you explain it, Lilia." 
"Love is both a physical and emotional feeling. It can turn your cheeks red and give you butterflies in your stomach. Not literal ones, of course, but it feels like it. Love is also putting one's needs before your own." 
"I see…" Malleus trailed off, deep in thought. 
Lilia chuckled, "What do you think love is?"
"Whenever I think or see the Child of Man, I feel happy. I felt the butterflies after she gave me a ticket to the VDC. She is also one of the few people who was not scared of me after knowing my identity. She even has similar interests to me. If she asked me to get her a rose from Briar Valley, I would do it. If she wanted me to follow her to the end of the universe for her, then I would; she is the Earth and Heaven to me. Had she gotten injured by Schoenheit’s overblot, I would have been devastated…. " Malleus looked up at Lilia, the realization set in his face, "Love is Yuu. I love Yuu."
Lilia smirked, "Took you long enough to realize it. You always have a lovestruck face when you see her. I'm surprised that you never concealed it." 
Malleus ignored Lilia and shot straight out of his bed with a determined look, "I need to go."
"Where are you going?"
"I need to tell Yuu I love her! Thank you for helping me, Lilia!" Malleus disappeared, leaving a small trail of light where he once stood. 
Lilia stood up and brushed off the imaginary dust off his coat, "Kids these days," he chuckled and grabbed his clipboard, "Now let me do my shopping at Sam's. I hope he has a fishing rod in stock, khee hee hee." 
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400 event is still open!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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djsherriff-responses · 9 months
If Rayman loves to dress up, do you think Ramon is the same way or likely his upbringing kinda killed that interest
I HC the glade being open regarding gender and sexuality, with the nymphs and others that “fit” into some human cishet norms doing so more so out of a coincidence than anything else. They prob have some stereotypes amongst themselves, but it’s basically impossible to find someone who’s an actual homophobe or transphobe in the glade. The closet you might find is some elder Teensies with an obsession with carrying on tradition and their bloodline, but even than so long as you give them grandchildren they do not care what pronouns or junk is on the person you make out with.
I think most discrimination there would be based more so on class and species than anything else. I actually HC the Teensies aren’t innocent victims , but rather they have a long history of treating some glade residents with cruelty (such as the knaarens, but possibly toads and livid stones too) and rewriting said history so when Teensies get captured and put in cages, no one thinks to question why that happens so much.
So back to your question, I think it could go in several ways.
He was confident dressing in feminine clothing until he got bullied in college for it, never even thought about it since
Eden basically pushed him into being more masculine but cute (like Mickey Mouse or Spongebob) to better appeal to the masses and sell merchandise. Used to question it but eventually went along with it like everything else Eden tells him to do.
He does enjoy feminine clothing and such, but keeps it secret to avoid judgment
Ramon is a closeted trans woman
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funpuddle · 4 months
just some character shitt for future things i may want to do
I think the cornflakes characters would work better as a dynamic if instead of being strict to the comic lore, i just started all over, start all over at a point in time where they've all known eachother a while. i kind have basically been using this oversimplified outline for their characters when i think of them anytime now aside for the Other comic ive been working on on my patreon, which is just a weird nebulous Thing.
derek the dog wasn't always a dog, sometimes he wishes he weren't bitten by a weredog all those years ago, but he's come to embrace his doggyness, he sees no point in being hung up about the past. Derek is functionally an optimist, he's also really annoying and not in a cute spongebob way, he's a socially inept frat-reject douche, real immature. bunjee contrasts this by taking Dereks metaphor of Bad Thing happened to you that changed you a lot and making it literal, but he's incapable of moving past it, he comes off as the smarter and more reserved one from a subsurface glance but he's just a bitter, neurotic, sad little man. I want to make it clear how both of them are gullible and hopeless. theyre both vaguely victims of The Forces of Evil but derek doesn't question the way things are, and is just happy to live the closest approximation to the status quo. bunjee ruminates and festers, bunjee is more afraid and thinks theres more to be afraid of than there really is. bunjee tries to overcorrect this by letting impulsive and destructive tendencies get the best of him when he's vulnerable. bunjee doesn't see dereks pain as real, he sees him as too stupid to feel pain, a total rube or NPC, but he's so so jealous. Derek represents everything Bunjee wants for himself, and he wants to be stupider but doesn't realize he already is as stupid. just in different ways. god damn it this basically is a spongebob and squidward thing isnt it.
dusty fits into this by showing another response to trauma (i hope its clear by trauma i don't mean anything in specific, it could be events in their lives to just living in their comically surreal evil world, don't make fun of me man) that isn't moving on OR rocking-back-and-fourth-levels of neurosis, but detachment. If their world is chaos then dusty tries to match it, where as derek is passive to it, and bunjee spirals inwardly. Dusty doesn't put on a front of happiness but he is indeed chemically impaired over half the time, the rest of the time he's really badly grappling with the side effects of letting shit fester in the background for so long, he's wiser than the other two though.
All of these characters are capable of matching each others energy, two on two, in given circumstance, they all have overlap and they have hard barriers. contrasting and complimentary existences as one unit
none of this really gets into how they feel about each other beyond how bunjee feels about derek because i haven't fleshed out how dusty contrasts/compliments the other two nearly enough in my mind, and i'm not confident in what i do have. the gay shit wouldn't be as massive or monumental i can tell you that much but it would be a turning point. wouldn't make dusty as outwardly hateful to derek and would make dusty a little meaner to bunjee. the gay shit would feel better that way anyways. even the playing field.
smith would just straight up not exist if i could do it over again. i don't know why i added him into cornflakes comic to start, he's pretty funny with derek at least but beyond existing for the sake of it i don't find him useful as a fourth main character anymore.
i'll probably edit this as i figure out how to articulate more. it feels gay to just put it out there because i don't want the few cornflakes fans taking it the wrong way. i feel gay for typing that too, like im on some high horse, ohhhh here's my epic character lore isn't it just sooo realll. not that serious
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dramallamas · 9 months
Rewatching Beyond Evil and I’m taking (somewhat) unserious notes! Enjoy my brain worms.
Episode 1 || Next Episode
Ooooo dead body
Mad to think that when I first saw Jihoon’s actor he was playing a bully. This is a complete 180 and he does both roles well.
Intense middle aged running with intense music
(Spongebob style) Flashback~
Ah a church. You will never catch me there
The song they’re singing is oddly fitting to the theme of the show sans the whole God thing
We don’t stan Dongsik slander in this household.
Lee Dohyun <3
The signs in this flashback. The shot of the guitar pick, Kang Jinmuk being seen a lot but in the background, Bang Juseon being rude to Dongsik, Dongsik telling Yuyeon to leave at night (aka he had “motive”) etc
Lee twins crumbs I love it.
The cold filter when Dongsiks mum finds yuyeons fingertips nice touch
The title being “(to) Appear" mwah nice
Love the shots of how everything is “worse”when we transition to Dongsik now
Oct 11 2020 remember that me
Dongsik saying stop in english <3
Pls the dramatic slow mo 🤣
Dongsik is a true justice/law upholder. Never letting things slide if its wrong. He and juwon are alike in that sense.
“Many a mickle makes a muckle” netflix what does that mean???? Like i get it but ive never heard that saying in my life
Everyone turns to see Juwon par Dongsik… that is until he speaks.
Juwon judging people and things right off the bat. Bro is not amused.
Technically Juwon is higher rank than Dongsik because Dongsik is assistant inspector and Juwon is flat out inspector
Dongsik immediately knew something was up as soon as he heard who Juwon’s dad is.
Juwon’s first impression of Dongsik is that he is intelligent and follows the law like rulebook when dealing with people (ofc he also thinks he is a murderer and should avoid someone like him and has already decided he hates his guts)
The tension starts as soon as Juwon drives past Dongsik. They immediately are making notes on each other
YOO JAEYI MY GIRLBOSS BELOVED. She is so much more clever than people give her credit for.
Jeongje and Dongsik being best friends…
I love the manyang crew interactions.
“He’s not my type” not now… but he will be. you have no idea whats coming for you, Dongsik
Ew Hna Kihwan
I love these dinner scenes with Juwon. They so clearly reflect him and his attitude at the time as well as his relationship with his dad as well as how they change over the show.
아버지 and not 아빠 really emphasises the father-son relationship they have (or lack thereof)
Their first interaction and they already dont like each other.
Everyone sucking up to Juwon and trying to work with him and hes like yeah… no. Y’all are weird.
so hes like… two can play at this game bitch and calls Dongsik a nutjob.
Their reaction when Sangbae pairs them up is top tier
Juwons inner thoughts: “Day one… fuck my life”
Dongsik started teasing Juwon off the bat
They both have a super impressive memory wtf
“There are no secrets in this town. You are always being watched by someone.”
Dongsik nags Juwon about his aggressive driving and immediately drives aggressively because he can
Ah the reed field…
Juwon traipsing through the mud was me last week when I had to walk home (our area flooded)
We dont give the score for this show enough credit its so good like
“Why did you just stand there when a gust of wind was coming? You’ll learn once it slaps you in the face.” Metaphorrrrrrr
Juwon is already accusing Dongsik like 40mins into the ep like damn
Fresh out the shower dongsik is so yes.
Juwon in that white jumped is also a yes.
Mate respectfully I don’t think you got how relationships work. “People at my school or in my hometown want to be my friends by showing me unwanted kindness or attention. But at get-togethers they all talk about what I have or my connections. They gossip and laugh about it. In the end they all come to me for favours.” Dongsik is right in asking “Is it that simple?” Because it isn’t. (I will make a full post about this omg)
“What could you possibly have that makes you think you are the most important person in the universe?” THE MEANINGS OMG
Man gets so offended when people are like you have mysophobia then ends up roped into a get together.
Juwon trying to text a fake excuse to get out of the get together is so me because I have done that (its the anxiety for me)
Juwon is so awkward bless him.
“You’re supposed to stay glued to your partner all day, and know the colour of his underpants.” Dw Jihoon Juwon will learn ;)
Everyone clapping for Jinmuk and calling him the most important guy in manyang…
Juwon not liking his dad being brought up and Dongsik joking about it to diffuse the situation and also poke at Juwon
All important scenes happen when it rains.
Juwon quickly learns to not believe what dongsik says half the time XD
“I don’t want you to like me.” “It’s up to me to like someone or not.”
“Leave before you get caught.” What interesting phrasing Dongsik
Ah yes the Juwon and Hyeok brother dynamic. I find it interesting and think its an underrated Juwon relationship.
Hyeok trying be Han Kihwans son and Juwon is like “dont. Trust me.”
We mention Dongsiks wall of notes and stuff on the Yuyeon etc case but we dont talk about Juwons enough. Mf has two. Two fricken boards. One he makes in his closet (?) above his computer and the other next to his bed.
The! Score! Ugh im a lover
It takes a whole day to get to the reed field this time??? Cause he arrived in the morning (i assume) at the police station and then the sun is set by the time he gets there. I think he may have procrastinated bc of the mud or he actually arrived in the afternoon and the sun sets ridiculously early in late october?
Juwon getting jumpscared by Dongsik again XD
I love how this episode brings us full loop to the start of the episode but includes Juwon the second time to add fresh perspective and the aftermath.
Juwon’s step back and shaky hand is a give away that he knows her and Dongsik immediately picks up on it. Yet Dongsik tells Jihoon to leave knowing this must be a secret.
And Juwon doesn’t miss a beat when Dongsik says its a woman. They’re both one upping each other all the time
We give Juwon shit for constantly grabbing juwons collar/shirt but Dongsik did it first! (And it was hot because he smooths out Juwons shirt after) Juwon just copied and repeated.
And Dongsik quickly realises why Juwon is in Manyang and decides to just play with him and be a little shit.
Mate you guys are at the first ep and already in each other’s faces
Ok fin see you next episode ^^
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derangedanomaly · 1 month
SpongeBob rant lmao (Tw- stupid ass Star fish rage-bait?)
I hate that stupid pink starfish, patrick start from spongebob.honestly, im not good with writing long sentences, essay etc (not good with phrasing words as well, and horrible with using words that dont fit it) but i can write a list on why Patrick is a horrible friend to spongebob.now, im not going to list EVERY episode with him being a jerk, but i'll name a few with the episodes i rewatched recently what made me want to have a breakdown.
S2 E2: Something Smells/Bossy Boots
In this episode, spongebob eats some food what makes his breath smell like garbage, whenever he talks to someone, they run away or just perish. Patrick tells spongebob that hes just UGLY- i understand, according to the wiki, patrick doesn't have a nose. But he forces spongebob to accept the fact hes ugly witch is straight up just sad tbh, i mean- in my opinion i would be upset if my friend who i knew for a long time just told me to accept the fact im ugly. Later on patrick eats whatever spongebob ate what made his breath smell, the same thing basically happens to patrick, now hes "ugly" and hes crying and blaming spongebob until spongebob, our hero, tells patrick it was the food they both ate and it made their breathe smell.though before SpongeBob says its their breathe, patrick says he caught the uglys. and quote on quote HE SAYS "i was one of the beautiful people, now look at me. im almost as ugly as YOU" WTH? HOW IS HE KNOWN AS A FRIEND---
S2 E9: Dumped
Okay, so idk if i got the episode number correct but im looking on google and the wikipedia and the episode is called "dumped".
On the wiki (synopsis) it says:
As the episode begins with SpongeBob and Gary playing tag, Patrick joins in and begins to get better acquainted with Gary. At the end of the day, Gary seems to want to spend time with Patrick a while longer, so SpongeBob agrees to let Gary have a sleepover at Patrick's house. The next morning, Gary is still reluctant to leave Patrick, who concludes that Gary wants to be with him permanently, and so claims him as his own pet. SpongeBob refuses to believe this, but when Gary is given the choice of who shall be his owner, Gary heads for Patrick. SpongeBob is heartbroken, and out of jealousy, he attempts to find a new pet to show Gary that he does not need a two-timing snail.
It turns out gary only "liked" patrick is because he had a treat in his shorts, and gary actually liked spongebob ( i think )what i hate about patrick in this episode is that he steals gary and acts like a twat to spongebob about this. Not much to say really, other than patrick being a jerk like always.
S4 : Driven to Tears
Okay so idk yet again, the episode but its in season 4. here's what google says about it:
"Driven to Tears" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season 4. In this episode, Patrick gets his driver's license, and rubs it in SpongeBob's face.and heres the wiki synopsis:The narrator opens the episode by stating "It is a very special day in Bikini Bottom." The camera then shows SpongeBob and Patrick heading down to Mrs. Puff's Boating School. Once they arrive at the entrance, Patrick says he brought SpongeBob's special learning cards that has everything he needs to pass the boating school test. However, Patrick then eats the cards and claims learning tastes good. Even though SpongeBob needed those learning cards, Patrick convinces SpongeBob that he is a winner and does not need them. SpongeBob then claims he is a winner and takes his boating school driving test.Unfortunately, after one minute and thirty-seven seconds, SpongeBob fails the driving test for the 58th time. Patrick, thinking the test is rigged, decides to take the test himself and passes with a perfect score on the first try, much to SpongeBob's surprise and jealousy. They go to receive Patrick's license, but while his picture is being taken, an announcer comes out to reveal that since he is the one millionth person to pass the test, he has won a brand new hot red boatmobile, the new Bass Blaster 3000.
Okay so basically some ragebait i guess? idk. But tbh i wouldnt say its jealousy, more like envy. ((Jealousy is basically three people, lets say your in second place of a race and your friend is third. Your enemy is first and you cant help but feel jealous about it.envy is two people. you got nothing lets say and your friend gotten lots of gifts.))
but yeah, i guess it can be both. The episode is where patrick rubs it into spongeBobs face and hes just SOOO ANNOYING ABOUT IT- patrick is just a jerk. no explanation needed. He also forgets that spongebobs parents aren't his, he calls them his parents. Dumb bitch cant believe a cartoon pink starfish is getting me mad. btw spongebob gets arrested for littering, a wiki commenter (idk what to call it lmao-) says this:
Technically, Patrick should have also been arrested for reckless driving. As he was driving slightly above the limit, ran three red lights, and made an illegal U-turn through an orphanage offscreen. He also drove recklessly after SpongeBob ripped up his license and the police told him to simply pull over and nearly hit several people as well. Basically, Patrick gets off scot-free for his actions while SpongeBob goes to jail simply for littering
(by snide2012)
S3 E24 - 25: New Student Starfish/Clams
OKAY- this episode made me grit my teeth. (just want to say, yet again the episode number could be incorrect!) Wiki synopsis:
SpongeBob is about to leave for boating school when Patrick asks him to go jellyfishing. SpongeBob says that he has go to school, but suggests that Patrick come with him, to which Patrick agrees. Upon arriving at school, SpongeBob shows Patrick around and explains their classroom's "Good Noodle" system, where Good Noodle stars are awarded to well-behaved students. SpongeBob has by far the most stars of anyone in the class. He also introduces Patrick to Roger, an egg in a case with only a lightbulb for warmth.
(my thoughts - later on in the episode, patrick RUINS his good noodle streak which made me nearly cry because it just triggers me for some reason to see a streak get ruined?)
When class starts, Mrs. Puff sees Patrick and asks him his name. Patrick gets nervous and replies with "twenty-four," which he and SpongeBob find incredibly funny. Mrs. Puff hears their jokes and catches them, letting Patrick off the hook with a warning since he is new, but gives SpongeBob a stronger warning that she expects more from him. Patrick then draws an insulting picture of Mrs. Puff and puts it on SpongeBob's desk. Mrs. Puff, thinking the picture is SpongeBob's doing, removes one of his stars from the Good Noodle Board as punishment for two classroom disruptions, much to SpongeBob's horror. Mrs. Puff then tells SpongeBob to move to the back of the room, where Patrick continues to annoy him. When SpongeBob snaps upon being annoyed that Patrick pestered him only to say a less-than-significant "Hi," an angry Mrs. Puff appears, sarcastically stating that SpongeBob can have his recess.
(my thoughts - im just glad the wiki agrees that patrick is a annoying cunt face)He has constantly made SpongeBobs life miserable with his aggressive hypocrisy and soulless jerky-ness tbh.
(I accidentally deleted the episode and season name :( but it's the episode about Patrick and SpongeBob being parents)
Wiki synopsis:
One day, after chatting with each other, SpongeBob and Patrick hear a noise that they suspect is one another, but realize that it's coming from a baby scallop in the middle of a coral plant who is alone and helpless with no parental guardian and has yet to develop the ability to fly. SpongeBob and Patrick take him in the former's house, name him "Junior," and raise him as their baby, with SpongeBob as the mother and Patrick as the father. After feeding Junior and changing his diaper, SpongeBob, Patrick, and Junior go out in Bikini Bottom through a montage. Returning home at night, they put Junior to sleep in a cradle in SpongeBob's bedroom then go to sleep themselves.The next morning, Patrick eats breakfast then explains that he has to go to work since he is the father, leaving SpongeBob to do housework. He promises to give SpongeBob a break when he gets home. Eventually, he returns home only to be exhausted from work, and then tiredly decides to sit on the chair and watch TV for the rest of the night. This goes on for several days until SpongeBob realizes that Patrick was a lazy father figure who broke his promises to assist him with Junior. Seeing his patience is completely terminated and fed up with Patrick's laziness, SpongeBob furiously lashes out at Patrick, showing him all the diapers that Junior used; including on Squidward's house from the outside. Patrick, feeling remorse, then realizes the error of his ways and promises to come home at 6:00 PM and give SpongeBob the whole night off.
The episode is basically about how hard it is to be a mother i guess, housewife with work-husband? like in the "oLdEn DaYs". Patrick in this episode, his "work" was actually him going to his rock (house) watching tv and eating junk food. Hes a lazy idiot. no, hes a SLOTHFUL idiot. (sloth as the deadly sin) Sloth is about a person not wanting to work, because of their lack of motivation. Patricks "work" is him just doing sloth. The work hes suppose to be doing is taking care of junior. Something i like about the wiki is this part:
After SpongeBob and Patrick say goodbye to Junior, they are proud to have looked after him. Patrick, learning his lesson, reconciles with SpongeBob by teasingly suggesting they would have another baby, shocking SpongeBob (knowing that he will probably do the same thing when they were taking care of him)
anyways, i could go on and on with more reasons i hate him and why hes NOT a better friend than anyone, but it been years since i watched the full show, thats why im rewatching it lol, made it up to season 4 or 5 so far so yeh.thanks for reading!!!! :)also sorry if i got any mistakes / typos !!
(1718 words??)
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myshruum · 1 year
I’m ashamed to admit that so far I’m not interested in the Barbie movie too much. Tell me why I’m stupid for this.
I don’t know how to answer this because I have had a Barbie fixation for my entire life and I played with my Barbies secretly until I was like 15 so I’m predisposed to be insane about it.
But I can try lol. It’s just so fun and camp, and PINK, and indulgently feminine in a way that like embraces femininity and celebrates it. Barbie has her roots as a fashion doll, and I think that watching her evolution through the decades is fascinating, until she becomes the Barbie we know and love today: The Barbie that is Everything!! (Highly recommend watching Trixie Mattel’s the history of Barbie).
Now I want to address Ken because this movie gets it. I had dozens of Barbies, some were my moms, some my older sister’s and some mine, it was collection of dolls and clothes amassed over literal decades. I had one (1) Ken doll. He came with a single outfit, a tux. I was not interested in another Ken doll, or Ken clothes (I had a pair of SpongeBob Barbie shorts that fit him perfectly for more casual occasions). Ken was an accessory for Barbie’s everything. He was the subplot of the subplot. And I think they’ve just nailed that.
The Barbie dream house with the dry water slide and the big plastic bubbles in the hot tub and the pink car and the 500 Barbies that are all best friends and have the best day ever every day. It’s just like a blast of bright pink nostalgia.
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s3tok41b4 · 8 months
Isn’t it confirmed by viv that husk died at a super old age? I heard some peeps saying he has a weird father/son dynamic going on with angel
If it’s true kinda makes sense why it feels so— father son like — angel died super young right??
So like we Dealing with an age gap relationship 💀
Also ugh watched some clips of Al and oh boy he’s so not intimidating anymore — like everything upsets him  he’s extremely reactionary now it doesn’t even take much to piss him off idk it’s such a whiplash from the pilot/his one off comic
Angel makes sexual advances towards the guy in the pilot and he barely sniffles you say something even half off towards him in the show and he’s throwing a cannibalistic fit
I wouldn’t even be upset about it if it didn’t happen every five seconds like that’s the only thing this guy does shows up threatens you with bodily harm and then dips 😭 it’s like that meme about SpongeBob, finally losing his sense of fear after being scared so many times like bro we get it time to get new material  
Yeah husk was supposed to have died in his 70s, don't know if thats still canon but husk definitely still has this father like relationship with everyone. The ship always felt like daddy replacement to me lol.
Yeah, as someone who's fave was alastor, seeing him in the show he's so lame. He shows up, does creepy 13 year old creepy pasta shit, acts like a teen bickering with another in the scenes with lucifer, and then leaves. It sucks.
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jennjiart · 2 years
Why I don’t like the german version or WDTAB (A rant?) Pepa: “Bruno kündigt regen an” ( Bruno announces rain.) Felix:“Muss er denn jeden stören?” (Does he have to bother everyone?) Felix verse in this part is just so...UGH rude...and mean. Which in my opinion doesn’t fit Felix character AT ALL! It has a complete different tone to “Why did he tell us?” -------- Camilo: “’Ne Riesengestalt mit tanzenden Ratten Er ruft und bald verblasst alles zu Schatten Er nährt seinen Traum und zehrt von deinem Grau’n” ( A giant shape with dancing rats, he calls and soon everything fades to shadows, he nurishes his dream and consumes your fear)
Yeah Camilo already portrayed him as some kind of boogie man, but the word “Gestalt” from “Riesengestalt” can also be interpreted as a figure, creature of sorts. Also what kind of dream does Bruno have that he nurtured according to Camilo? XD --------- Mirabel: “Wie dumm von mir, das mit Bruno”  (How dumb of me, the thing with Bruno)
Mirabel: “Hätt’ ich ihn nie erwähnt, diesen Bruno” (I shouldn’t have brought up, that Bruno) Something I also don’t like that much in the english version is “that Bruno” THAT Bruno, I don’t know it just gives me the feeling of saying “that thing” for some reason. Also Mirabel calling herself dumb for bringing up Bruno is...honey don’t call yourself dumb, you’re not. --------- Then there is this thing that only german kids might understand that watched RTL2 (Tv channel) back then when they showed anime. Especially Dragonball Z! Because Felix in the german version....has the same voice as Son Goku and I just can’t get over it. XD The same whenever I hear the german voice of Spongebob with other characters. I love the voice actor but...It just ..it’s weird for me XD ------- There is also that thing about some text passages not really working with the melody and they sound weird to me, I also personally don’t like Isabelas german singing voice, but that’s my personal preference. But yeah, maybe I just see it as weird in general because I’m german and are very picky with german dubs in general (also can’t watch rick and morty in german, because Rick sounds so emotionless, but that is a different story XD)
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armorabs · 2 years
Spongebob love list. Best characters who and why. Let's gooooooooooo
mr krabs :] because he is funny. and most importantly. he is shape. he has done a lot of irredeemably cruel things and i'm not going to pretend thats not true, however ummm... i think he's funny so i will overlook this. plus i think his positive qualities more than make up for it especially now that they're being focused on more than they used to be - he is a loving father and father figure, willing to spend thousands for those he loves when he is emotionally fulfilled, and i love the way he can be so protective and kind to kids. the fact hes depressive and insecure but constantly works hard to be confident and stable for his daughter is so ♥♥♥♥♥
karen. shes square :) i like squares. but most importantly shes funny. she can be an absolute sweetheart, capable of kindness and love, appreciating those around her, and often exhibits these traits! it's literally only plankton who brings out a cynical, jaded, and cruel side of her - usually because of the ways he can be so casually cruel to her at times. but for the most part she's an absolute delight - she more often than not chooses to be kind and do good when given the option, and that fascinates me. krabs and karen are like, imho, THE most complicated characters because everything about them is so layered and makes perfect sense when you think about everything we know about them too hard. and i like to do that, so... yeah <3
sandy cheeks she is so cool she is a genius she is a scientist she is a jock she is a cowboy she is a martial artist she is so much and shes gonna be funny as hell while doing it. i like characters who are both conceptually interesting as well as being funny in execution and she really nails it. ngl out of everyone who got flanderized before getting their character rerailment she really benefitted from the flanderization cuz in terms of personality and behavior she was kinda plain in the earlier seasons - not that she was perfect and devoid of flaws but i really think she actually got funnier with the flanderization. making her a mad scientist who believes in the forces of good and doing the right thing was so fucking awesome. i love that she can be a hothead and short-sighted and an egomaniac and a control freak who thinks she can do whatever she wants because she thinks she knows best or has good intentions... idk its more relatable and funnier
larry!!!! hes nice and his tits are huge. need i say more? i probably should. i love how reasonable and down to earth he can be, i love that he's like... almost the most stable person in bikini bottom, and how it contrasts with ambient insanity of the rest of the town. he's a hothead who is aware of his own flaws and works hard to keep them under control, he tries to avoid lashing out at others or making others feel bad about themselves, he tries to be supportive and protective and - idk i think larry is neat!!!!!!!!
pearl is such a realistic depiction of a teenager its crazy. being a teenager is so crazy and a lot of writers who create fictional teenagers dont seem to remember what it was like to be a teen and don't understand the psychology of a teen but consistently they really nail it with pearl and the way shes such a complicated person who intentionally whittles herself down because she's insecure about her place in the world and wants to fit in and she has such a diverse breadth of interests that most fictional teenage girls wouldnt even consider but she does because sometimes teenage girls really do just like those things!!! idk!!!!!
squidina is more of a stereotypically cartoonish nerd but in a way that i think is really fun and charming like she contrasts with the characters she interacts with in such fun ways and she's just so self-assured and confident in what she likes and who she wants to be no matter who tries to put her down that i just can't help but adore her. she's so on the ball its shidiculous.
its hard to think of things to say about spongebob that hasnt already been said a thousand times before, in a thousand different ways that are infinitely better articulated and more to the point than whatever im going to say. but that he is a character that hillenberg fought with nickelodeon over to be a character who is a self-sufficient adult who is also childish and optimistic, but also more self-aware than he leads on, who is capable and reliable, whose naivety does not belay stupidity - who is dedicated, and loyal, and actively chooses to never give up, who can be stubborn and snarky, and is unwaveringly kind and understanding... that he can be annoying, that he may annoy people around him with his idiosyncrasies, but still be someone who is loved and adored and considered valuable and worth fighting for - all of these things and more at once... is just... so groundbreaking and meaningful to exist as a protagonist for children, that they need not dread adulthood, that they need not give up on their optimism and hope and kindness, and that their flaws don't make them lesser - AAAAAUGH THE CHARACTER EVERRRRR he's not my FAVORITEST character ever, and there was a time in my life as a child i actually detested him, but as ive gotten older ive learned to appreciate him and what he stands for and i love him as a protagonist so much
grandpat is mean :) but in a funny way. i dont know how to articulate it better than this. he fucking sucks in a way that rocks.
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amethyst-halo · 2 years
Theater kid here, heres some stories from the shows that i think fit the characters (all real stories just with some character names tacked on):
One time the sound crew were told to backstage for something and one of them (bristlefrost) almost had a breakdown because they thought it was an emergency and a mic broke on opening night but it turns out it was just the pre-show everyone talks time.
A lesbian (bristlefrost) and a gay dude (puddleshine) were paired up to act like they were dating during ensemble and another lesbian (needleclaw) and another gay dude (alderheart) were in the same situation so when they were on during some big monologue they switched so that the gay dudes were together and the lesbians were together. they did end up dating if u were curious, but it was during the next show which was spongebob the musical.
During a different production of spongebob the musical the guy who was playing the news reporter who sings no control (bramblestar, ik it aint the gang but just wait) was apparently in a really toxic relationship with the girl who played sandy (squirrelflight) so her sister (leafpool), who was one of the eco-club members and apparently buff af, beat the news reporter guy up in the sound booth while the sound crew and cast (the gang) distracted everyone. They still got suspended.
While everyone was belting out Six songs, one of the freshmen (shadowsight) asked musical it was from and everyone freaked out because “how dont you know?!?!?”, anyways the guy actually could play the piano rlly good so once during rehearsals we heard him playing six songs backstage while his gf (sunbeam) was basically explaining the plot and everything to him.
Someone screaming “WHAT TEAM?” (rootspring) and someone (slatefur) who wasnt even in rehearsals (he had to deliver something) but was there for a different club burst in and screamed back “WILDCATS!”. anyways wildcats guy ended up joining theater the next year and was really good
everyone was in the greenroom in the most uncomfortable looking position ever all just showing memes to each other. it was so cult like. half the kids were sitting in the chairs but really weirdly (ex: criss cross, legs on the footrest, upside down) and half were sitting like.. on top of the chairs like fucking birds. A few were under the chairs. i dont know why. they were all in costume too.
There was a fursuit backstage and kids (rootspring, needleclaw) thought it was haunted so they put the coca cola where mold was growing from the center up in front of it then tried to get the fursuit to drink the liquid see what would happen and the fursuit’s head fell down and the eyes popped off and everyone screamed
some kid (rootspring) broke a leg during a play because of a quick costume change, you could see how awkward the leg looked. but he kept playing because he had a monologue and he was really close to crying the whole time and the director later said that she could feel the “raw emotion he must have been channeling”, he didn’t have the heart to tell her
Oh i almost forgot: the run crew was running around like crazy during rehearsals and were freaking out so one of the lights crew (puddleshine) asked what happened and in the panic some kid (nightheart) threw a frozen waffle at the poor guy. i think h egot a concussion but idk.
There was a blind guy (jayfeather) and some poor guy (rootspring) disnt know so he handed the blind guy a script without any brail or someone to read it to him and it was a table read so after like 30 minutes it came up to that guys part and the poor guy who didnt know was like “hey its ur turn read ur script” and the blind guy, with the most passive aggressive movements ive ever seen, picked up his cane and put it on the table
i'm so glad to know theater kids and band kids are like. similar. theater kids are more hectic though from the sounds of it
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stayxlix · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Just Picture That Scene Of Spongebob Losing His Marbles When Patrick Put The Lens Cap On That Damn Camera Before They Started Filming.Dats Me Right Now.
Not Even Giving Fanfic At This Point lol Im Genuinely ASTONISHED! I Feel As If I'm A Crook😪 I Don't Even Have Any money,But Ill Send You A Quarter In Spirit Since That's All I Can Spare.I Would Most DEFINITELY Buy This If It Was A Actual Book Tbh.
In All Reality,Such Talent Cannot And Should Not, Go Under The Radar. You Have My Support And Tutter Wishes You A Damn Good Day.( Just A Day I Really Gotta Spare Some Of That Energy For Me Ya'know♻️.)
Give Your Glorious Brain A Break,TRUST We Gon Need It For This,Its A BIG THING.AND As Always, GIVE YOURSELF YOUR PROPS( I'm Gonna Have To Claim This Emoji It Just Fits Me Best👹)
AHH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE CHAPTER😭😭💕pls feel free to send me any and all of your unhinged thoughts i swear i LIVE for long asks🥹
you never fail to make me laugh omg with the photos and the punctuation idk why but that sends me (and the spongebob reference💀) i love it lmao. seriously though thank you so much for such an enthusiastic response im so thrilled to hear that the chapter had such an impact on you, your support and encouragement always means so much to mee ill do my best to keep you on the edge of your seat.🤭 and to hear that you would spend actual physical money on my story if it were a novel??!!?!!!?!?? ah my heart🥹 i can’t do this rn ilysm seriously thank you for this. from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU.😭💕 your virtual quarter is greatly appreciated lmfao i promise it will not go to waste!!
as always thank you so very much for taking the time to read and engage with my story like this it is EVERYTHING to me<333 i just woke up not too long ago but today is already a good one because of your ask. i hope you have an even better day than i do and ill do my best to rest my brain, trust me i completely understand needing to save some of that energy for yourself lmao. (ps i also agree that the👹emoji totally suits you😂) pls pls never stop being your unique and amazing self. thank you so much again for this wonderful start to my day💕💕much love♡
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l0velyinc · 1 year
ooo, i'd love to hear 3, 8, 10, 13, 20 for the ask game. whichever questions you feel up to answering with however many of your stories/worlds you want to answer with because they're all so good ;w;
THANK YOU!! For the questions and my first asks <3
I’ll respond with all my stories, (minus any of the ARPG folders (technically not my lore haha.))
Almost all of my stories have similar vibes: found family, animals & biology, religious & cult-y vibes, psychedelics, etc. Specifics include:
. VIAJE : EYES, Diseases & Curses, Hearts, Stars, The Moon & Sun, Tarot Cards, Lots of Birds, Aliens & Cosmic Horror Vibes, Oh and religious imagery… lots of it… too much of it…
. SACRELIGIOUS : Dogs & Cats (obviously), Scars? Scratches?, Trees, Islands, Books, Candles, Calligraphy
. LAKE SHORE DRIVE : 1970’s to Early 2000’s Music, College? Small Town, Rivers & Lakes, Scientific Latin Names for animals??? I dunno like Saturday morning cartoons but with hidden jokes parents would enjoy. And music, lots of music.
OOOH SO MMUCH!! I wish I could just say: EVERYTHING but I feel like going into specifics would be best!!
. VIAJE: Religion, I love learning about other religions & cultures & traditions! “Anthony Bourdian’s Parts Unknown” was surprisingly a huge inspo!
“Mad Max (Fury Road)” & “The Haunting of Tram Car 015” had some light inspiration to it, the latter of two made me discover the whole Afrofuturism genre, the former helped me realize I wanted this world to be after an apocalypse!
RECENTLY I have been inspired by Jordan Peele & Wes Anderson films, Peele for themes & storytelling, Wes Anderson for well… visuals?? Colors??? The obvious stuff.
. SACRELIGIOUS : I watched a youtube video about the genre of talking animal books. Ones like Plague Dogs, Watership Down, Warrior Cats, & Guardian of Ga'hoole (for clarification: I have read none of these books…)
BUT I did end up liking the youtube video and I do intend on actually reading these types of books… But that’s the main inspo behind this world. Animals can talk to each other, they are confused about human lore, and they read the bible- oh no-
this one is also based on religious themes (less so than Viaje, ironically)
. LAKE SHORE DRIVE : Look, I watch Zootopia once and hear me out- I LOVE worlds with talking animals so any world with talking animals is an inspo here: Sing, Robin Hood, Spongebob, (and very very very very minor inspo includes: Smiling Friends & Bojack Horseman…again very small amount)
Also did I mention 70s to 2000s music?
. VIAJE : This one has been through SO many changes. GLORIOUS would technically be its “true” name, it’s the name of the overall lore Viaje takes place in. It was inspired by both a song lyric & from a show I was watching where it was just part of the dialogue. I thought it was a super fitting word!
VIAJE used to call Urban Renaissance, but I couldn’t find a good way to shorter it (don’t like long names) so I had called it Sacreligious at one point (but again, too long, didn’t fit well), then I looked up words in Spanish (made sense for the lore) and VIAJE just sounded perfect (it is “Journey” in Spanish),
I could also shorten it to “Via” which still fits. Technically the FULL title is: “Buen Viaje” (“have a nice trip”).
. SACRELIGIOUS : Was originally gonna call this story “GOD” (cause, y’know, dog spelt backwards). But that was around the same time I changed Viaje’s name so… they stole it… I still call it “GOD” for short (or DOG in certain places to prevent questions)
. LAKE SHORE DRIVE : Both the most fitting and most unfitting name out of all of them. Was originally gonna call it “Animalia”, but a few people on toyhouse had the same idea… so I wanted to make something more fitting for myself. And I was listening to the song at the time and uh…. it’s LSD. and I have the humor of a 12 year old.
. VIAJE : Oh since 6th grade I think? Okay technically GLORIOUS was made towards the end of highschool, BUT THEN a few years ago I merged it with a story I loved dearly. So it still technically is the same story I had in 6th grade, although extremely different. The bones are still there! *stare at Eve & Adam*
. SACRELIGIOUS : Lol I think, not even a year? I mean I’ve had bits and pieces for this story here & there, but the complete story I’ve only very recently started writing.
. LAKE SHORE DRIVE : Same age as Viaje. Whoever didn’t fit in that story was turned into a furry and thrown into this small town! (or they just… were always a furry and started here.)
HOWEVER the character of Nora is fairly recent? I always knew I wanted at least one human in the story, but I didn’t come up with the full story of Nora until a year or two ago! In fact, she was named THIS YEAR! Before then, she had many “fake” names.
This is THE best question!
. VIAJE : Any pro-capitalist, pro-controlling religion, pro-patriarchy, status quo following trash. Dear god, if they give Jesus’ dad any redemption arc, make Deja straight, or worse… white wash… I would DIE, like actually. Any merch would kind of go against the vibe too? (there is no currency in their world) If any large studio got their hands on this I’d be MAD.
If it were made into a trilogy… actually that might work there’s a lot of little small stories. But Deja & Jesus would probably only be in one movie. The rest would HAVE to be other characters, those two got one goal and would not span a trilogy lol.
. SACRELIGIOUS : Any life action adaption would kill this story, Old Yeller Style. It would never be trilogy material because this story is extremely short. It’s a very clear beginning, middle, and end. Stretched out like that would make it so unwatchable. 
I feel like, if it were to be really cringe, they’d throw Church into a love triangle or give them a musical number (I’d start crying, for many sad reasons)
I also feel for this story, and Viaje, the religious aspect (like the warning of cults and the negative commentary on evangelical christianity) would get destroyed, which would make me sad as they are both sort of a callout on toxic behaviors in religious spaces I’ve seen growing up. 
. LAKE SHORE DRIVE : There’s no way this could be a movie (or at least an interesting one). I’m thinking this might turn into something like Sing or Secret Life Of Pets? Jukebox musical, pop culture references, family friendly cartoon movie. It’s meant to be a “meh” story, but seeing it produced by a studio would make it extra mid (and thus me extra mad)
Also any romantic relationship for Nora, dear god, the implications. OR WORSE one of those carnivore vs herbivore stories (ugh I can’t take anymore bad racism allegories.) OR EVEN WORSE they have Nora look for her “human parents” (any storyline like that would make me gag, Sadia & Russell will always be her parents and are the only parents that should matter.)
Thank you for the questions and I can’t wait to finish the profile codes for these stories’ characters so I can show off more lore!!! >:)
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