derangedanomaly · 2 days
Also, I was wondering could you maybe post some of your line art you do, I can’t draw but I thought I could colour them myself If I printed them out ^^ if you’re fine with that of course
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Here you go! :3
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gravityanomaly · 9 years
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th: Do you prefer thrillers or horror movies? (Or not being scared at all?)
Honestly, I hate scary movies.  I am such a baby about them.  Even scary movies that are supposed to be funny reduce me to tears.  Like, Scary Movie 1-4 or however many there are?  Couldn’t do it.  The scariest movie I’ve ever seen is probably Sinister, and I didn’t sleep for DAYS after I saw that.  Or Deranged, that one was pretty hecked up.
As for thrillers, it kind of depends?  I’m a very anxious person so anything that gets my heart racing isn’t too great for me.  I saw World War Z when that came out and I barely made it through that one.  Same thing with 2012.  It was a lot to take it.  The Purge, s well.  How i survived that I HAVE NO IDEA.  I don’t mind scary scenes in films or thrilling scenes, just as long as I’m not on my toes the entire time because it is exhausting.
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derangedanomaly · 2 days
chaos, I am genuinely terrified of you. The red eyes are freaking me out so bad.
Wdym? He's a sweetie 🥰
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derangedanomaly · 2 days
Hello anomalyyyy, appreciation time
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Appreciation sent, we ♡ you
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derangedanomaly · 2 days
stop making chaos cry or i’m going to throw a honeypot at someone!
ヾ( ・`⌓´・)ノ゙
protective Anon-
I'm sorry-
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Wait till y'all see the comics lmao
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derangedanomaly · 20 hours
According to scientists, there are 8 primary innate emotions: joy, acceptance, fear, surprise, sadness,disgust, anger, and anticipation. Other important emotions like 'love' are results of permutation and combination of these 8.
- Random fact anon
This is- how do you even know this?? 🤨
Interesting though lol
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derangedanomaly · 3 days
english or spanish
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derangedanomaly · 2 days
Little reminder for everyone (me):
Super clue is NOT safe to eat
Bout to piss of Kris again
*glue 😔
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derangedanomaly · 1 day
Weird question, but uh…
Can I know your boys’ heights???
(I need it for my comic Ik it’s weird.)
Hehehe... Oh .... You're gonna be SURPRISED. 👀
Chaos- 9'4
Nightmare- 9'2
Ace- 6'11
Blade- 6'8,71
Ted- 9'1,45
Everyone in my Au are big 💀✋ (it revolves around future too- and they all grew up A LOT 💀)
Let's call it- ✨a strange multiverse✨
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derangedanomaly · 3 hours
*Gives to anomaly a kiss on the cheek* hey~ i love you~
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derangedanomaly · 1 day
Do you have any tips for writing ocs personalities?
Ooh! Yes! Hmm... Some tips for writing personalities... Well...
This is yet again only my preference, and not everyone could relate, but when writing characters personalities, the first thing I do is think about their position, their family, personal life overall.
Like let's say that you have a character, he's a high schooler, that's doing great at school. He's super smart, has a lot of friends, good family bonds too, but he's pushed by the expectations of his family, and everyone around him.
Now that we have our character, this is usually the part, where I think of his personality towards all of this. Like let's say, that he's a very cocky dude that takes pride in his hard work, but maybe he's burnt out! Maybe he's wearing a mask to please others!
Every good written character should have a challenge that he has to get through, or he's having a tough time. Every good character should also make bad decisions, and deciding whether the character learns from them, or not.
Having flaws is what makes the character relatable, or likable. If you have a character, like Mary Sue, then in my opinion, it's not a very good writing.
So let's give our character a challenge! Let's say, that our character has to face the reality that he's not the best in his class, when a new character arrives, and takes his place. How would that affect him? What would be his approach towards this? Let's say for example, that he gets progressively unlikable throughout the story. He pushes everyone away and buries his head in the study books.
Now, If the story is looking a little boring at some point, you can add some interesting traits, to the OTHER character. Let's say, that character B doesn't see it as a competition. They see each other as equals, while character A sees this whole thing as a competition.
It's good to add some "plot twists" to the story too. To surprise the reader/watcher. Maybe character B just wants to befriend character A this whole time.
As an ending to our hero, this is the fun part, you can choose whether you'd like the story to end dramatically, or lightheartedly. Maybe character A does immoral some things, which will get him into another trouble, or A and B eventually fall in love! The possibilities are endless!
I'm usually choosing the names for the characters for the last. It's better for me to write the personalities without the names yet, before I choose them. It helps me think more openly without it.
Creating a personality is not an easy task! But it's definitely fun and engaging! Just remember, you're the one holding the pen, you have the whole control of the story! The possibilities are truly endless, and it's only up to you, to decide the fate.
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derangedanomaly · 3 days
Inbox check! How many unanswered asks do you have?
- Inbox checker anon
Ah! Hello! Currently at number 67!!! Going strong for lmao
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derangedanomaly · 1 day
I have some works on Wattpad if you want to check them out lol, I'm Pika-Chibihiro.
Ok! I've checked out your book "Dream Festival Oneshots" I don't know any of the characters lmao-
Now I don't want to tell you that "this is wrong and the only right way is this way-" because there are many different types of fanfiction that people like, and they all range differently.
But in my opinion, I think that the only thing that bugged me (in my case, not saying it's the same for others), is the pace in which the story was going. Everything felt like it was skyrocketing at the highest speed, and I couldn't get much engaged. I think it'd be a good idea to describe things in more detail (emotions, scene, thoughts,....). Writing a book isn't easy at all, but I'd say that it's definitely fun! I love describing things in detail. For example, emotions.
A sentence without much description would look something like this:
"I walked into the room and sat on a chair, waiting for him."
This sentence seems like it's very high paced, and didn't really engaged me much. So I rewrote it with more emotion!
"I walked into the rather dark room, and looked around. Everything seemed like it was hidden behind the blackest shadows I'd imagine only in my nightmares... After finding my way towards an object, which seemed to look like a chair, I decided to carefully sit down, and wait for the man that send me the mysterious invitation.... I hope that I didn't make a mistake..."
I'd say that's the only thing that bugged me! Other than that, I'd say that your writing is good!
Don't take this as a hate! I never give hate! Goodness no. Take this more like an advice from a fellow writer! ^^
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derangedanomaly · 1 day
Apologies for the wait! I got my tablet back :D Here is the next segment of the letter saga, as promised
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*[Asley leaves before Lilian gets a chance to respond. She seemed to be in a rush.]*
Hmmm Ashley seems suspicious 🤨🤔
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derangedanomaly · 2 days
Got bored in class today btw
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Translation for Nm💀:"I feel like Nightmare writes in the weirdest kind of cursive lol"
Accurate lmao.
Chaos probably writes like me- 💀
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derangedanomaly · 2 days
Ur gonna get bombed with. Those friendship shit just gimme a few min
Ooh! Ok! Kinda excited ngl- it's fun lol
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