#whumping myself because I can :3
windfighter · 2 years
Prompt: Broken bones, field med
The others had fallen behind. Windy didn’t stop to wait for them. Being in the digital world was always exciting and they were probably safe. Might as well see as much as possible. Even Gaby was behind, talked with Yamato about something. Was it hard for him, Windy wondered, being in the digital world without Gabumon. She turned around, waved to him.
”I’ll protect you until we find a way to get Gabumon here!” she called.
Yamato rolled his eyes and Windy laughed, turned forwards again and kept running. She stumbled over a root, managed to not fall flat on her face, and turned to glare at the offender. It pulled free from the ground. Brown, spiked on the sides and a stinger at the end.
”Oh, snablar”, Windy had time to say before it slammed into her chest.
It felt like it collapsed, a loud crack echoed in Windy’s ears. The force lifted her from the ground, threw her backwards. Her digivice lit up.
”Gabumon digutvecklas till… Garurumon!”
Windy’s back hit the ground, she skidded across it. Gaby jumped over her, charged towards the Scorpiomon. Windy rolled upp, pressed her arms against her chest and tried not to breathe.
”Hey, no”, Yamato said as he sank down next to her. ”You need to breathe. Where does it hurt?”
Yamato forced her over to her back again, moved her arms out of the way. Carefully pressed against her chest. Windy could feel blood drain from her face as pain shot through her. Yamato frowned.
He turned towards the others. Mats was just getting his cards out, ready to have DDR join Gaby in the battle. Kouichi was hesitating and Kouji ran over.
”Broken ribs”, Yamato said.
”Coulda… told you that…” Windy muttered.
”You would have said everything is fine”, Yamato scolded.
”...True. Ow… Helvete…”
Windy put her arm over her chest again with a wince. Kouji pulled a hand across his face and crouched.
”Not much we can do about it”, he said.
”Could knock me out.”
Kouji laughed and shook his head.
”We’re not knocking you out. Think you can stand?”
”Legs are fine.”
DDR ran past them, jumped into the battle. Kouji put a hand under Windy’s back and sat her up. She closed her eyes and swallowed.
”Nauseous”, she admitted.
”Because the pain?” Yamato asked.
”Probably. It’s fine.”
”It’s not fine”, Yamato argued.
Windy ignored him, grabbed Kouji’s hand instead of answering. Kouji helped her up and she leaned against him.
”If I die, I blame Mats”, Windy said.
”Blame someone your own size!” Mats called.
”You’re the only one here that is my size!” Windy called back.
”You’re an idiot”, Yamato said.
Scorpiomon fell to the ground, disintegrated into data. Windy squeezed Kouji’s hand.
”Hate when we do that”, she mumbled.
”They return, don’t worry about it”, Kouji said. ”They’re just data.”
Windy pulled away, started walking again. She stumbled slightly, couldn’t quite lift her feet from the ground. Yamato grabbed her arm and forced her to stop.
”We’ll stay here for a while. Rest. Give you a chance to heal.”
Windy clenched her hands and looked at him, turned away.
”I’m fine”, she said.
She ignored the way she couldn’t quite fill her lungs with air and hoped Yamato would do the same. Yamato shrugged.
”Let’s at least stay for lunch, I’m getting hungry.”
Windy’s knees were threatening to fold. She took another shallow breath.
”I can tell what you’re doing”, she growled.
Yamato shrugged again and smiled. Windy coughed and pressed a hand to her chest.
”Lunch sounds good”, she said and sank to the ground, leaned against a tree. ”It’s on you though.”
She closed her eyes, heard Yamato and Kouji walk away. Gaby laid down next to her, rested its head on her lap.
”You check her over”, Yamato said to Kouichi. ”I know you and Shirou talked about digimon medicine last year.”
Windy put her hand under Gaby’s pelt and took a shaky breath.
”I’m gonna pass out now”, she whispered.
Gaby grabbed her other hand and she was out.
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It’s spooky month so you know what that means :)
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I saw a drawing that had this idea and i thought it was so funny so I had to expand on the idea of jack o’brine
Slightly different version under the cut (eye strain/glitchy effects)
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whumptober · 1 year
Whumptober 2023
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Welcome to Whumptober 2023 — the sixth year running!
To those of you who participated last year, welcome back! To everyone joining this year, welcome!
Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, as most of your questions will be answered there already. For everything else, you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here.
This year’s AO3 Collection can be found here.
And this years playlist can be found here.
There are 139 prompt options in total this year - this is including the alternatives list! A special thanks goes out to those who took part in our trope vote back in July. From the 1526 responses to our list of 223 tropes, we looked through the popularity results, as well as your honourable mentions, and were able to produce this years prompts list. Stay tuned, as we will be posting some of the results at a later date!
We’re very excited to see the community come together once more and be a wild, chaotic bunch of creators and consumers of whump. Go wild with the prompts, and support your fellow creators - we wish you all the fun!
Best of luck and happy whumping,
Mods Vanne, Yenn, Kitty and Surro
(All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information and FAQs are posted below the cut!)
Whumptober 2023 Prompt List
No. 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
No. 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.”
No. 3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.”
Journal | Solitary Confinement | “Make it stop.”
No. 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.”
Cattle Prod | Shock | “You in there?”
No. 5: “You better pray I don't get up this time around.”
Debris | Pinned Down | “It's broken.”
No. 6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Recording | Made to Watch | “It should have been me.”
No. 7: " “I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.”
Alleyway | Radio Silence | “Can you hear me?”
No. 8: “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier.”
Overcrowded ER | Outnumbered | “It’s all for nothing.”
No. 9: “Learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days.”
Polaroid | Mistaken Identity | “You're a liar.”
No. 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
Broken Phone | Stranded | “You said you'd never leave.”
No. 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.”
Animal trap | Captivity | “No one will find you.”
No. 12: “I haven't slept in days but who's counting?”
Red | Insomnia | “I’m up, I’m up.”
No. 13: “It comes and goes like the strength in your bones.”
Cold Compress | Infection | “I don’t feel so good.”
No. 14: “Feed me poison, fill me ‘till I drown.”
Flare | Water Inhalation | “Just hold on.”
No. 15: “I don't need you to help me I can handle things myself.”
Makeshift Bandages | Suppressed Suffering | “I’m fine.”
No. 16: “Would you lie with me and just forget the world?”
Gurney | Flatline | “Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
No. 17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.”
Collar | Touch Aversion | “Leave me alone.”
No. 18: “I tend to deflect when I’m feeling threatened.”
Blindfold | Tortured For Information | “Hit them harder.”
No. 19: “I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me.”
Floral Bouquet | Psychological | “I’m not as stupid as you think I am.”
No. 20: “People don’t change people, time does.”
Blanket | Found Family | “You will regret touching them.”
No. 21: “See the chains around my feet.”
Vows | Restraints | “Don't move.”
No. 22: “They never saw us coming, ‘til they hit the floor.”
Glass Shard | Vehicular Accident | “Watch out!”
No. 23: “It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.”
Shadows | Stalking | “Who’s there?”
No. 24: “I’ve got a head full of chemicals; mouth full of ridicule.”
Goodbye Note | Neglect | “I thought they were with you.”
No. 25: “You’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave.”
Storm | Buried Alive | “They’re not breathing!”
No. 26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.”
Seeing Double | Working To Exhaustion | “You look awful.”
No. 27: “You drew stars around my scars; But now I’m bleeding.”
Matches | Scars | “Let me see”
No. 28: “We might not make it to the morning; so go on and tell me now.”
Bloody Knife | Sacrifice | “You'll have to go through me.”
No. 29: “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.”
Scented Candle | Troubled Past Resurfacing | “What happened to me?”
No. 30: “It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.”
Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | “Not much longer...”
No. 31: “I thought that I was getting better.”
Emptiness | Setbacks | “Take it easy.”
Alternatives List:
Aftermath of Failure
Brass Knuckles
Body Modification
Playing Cards
Lab Rat
Reluctant Whumper
Event Info & Rules
~ Please read our extensive event info posts before sending us an ask ~
WHUMPTOBER is a month-long, prompt-based creation challenge (think: Inktober, but whumpier). There are 31 official themes this year - one for each day of the month - which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. The 'theme' of each day is the line of lyrics.
The prompts are merely to serve as inspiration without being taken literally (e.g. you don’t have to include the exact wording of prompts into your work). Feel free to run rampant on interpretation. For example, if the prompt is "flame", you could create something with reference to a candle/campfire, your character could have suffered a burn, or the flame could be related to the 'spark' of a relationship. It's truly up to you!
In total, there are 4 prompts for each day: there's lyrics, an object, a trope and a line of dialogue to choose from.  We want to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible, as well as increase event accessibility for folks with triggers and squicks.
Creators can PRODUCE work in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, visual artwork, photo/video/audio edits, paper crafts and elaborate recommendation lists (not just a list of links). Creators can PARTICIPATE as much or as little as they want (i.e. you don’t have to do ALL the prompts if you don’t want to) and prompts can be used in any order. They are also free to use even after the event ends.
When uploading Whumptober content to your blog, be sure to tag the with:
#whumptober2023 …..(the event tag)
#no.1, #no.2, #no.3, …..(day number)
#lyric, #bruises, #stabbing,  …..(the theme or specific prompt you chose)
#fandom or #OC, … (ironman, originalcontent, oc …)
#medium …..(gifs, fic, podcast, art, etc.)
#teeth, #gore tw, #etc …..(trigger warnings & any additional tags. Add "tw" AFTER the trigger/content warning. )
#nsfwhump …..(only for nsfw content)
#your own tags go here
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING. Only properly tagged posts are considered for archiving on the official @whumptober-archive blog. They must be tagged in the order above. An elaborate post about our tagging system can be found [here]
Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of participants in recent years, we cannot guarantee your work will be archived. A random selection of properly tagged posts from all genres will be reblogged each day.
Whumpers who produce content for 31 total theme days are considered event completionists and will be tagged in a masterpost at the end of the month. A form will be published at the beginning of November asking you to tell us if you completed the event. You do not need to post anything you have created, we rely on trust and we will not check this.
Questions not addressed in one of our many event info posts can be directed to this blog. We will not answer any questions that have been answered in the FAQs or rules already.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does this year’s prompt list work? What do I have to choose?
You can create something based on:
The overall theme/lyric of the day
Prompt 1, 2 or 3
One or several of the alternative prompts
A combination of the above
Q. Is [specific anything] allowed?
When in doubt: JUST DO IT!
Q. Do I have to do all 31 days?
Participate as much or little as you like! Just be sure to tag your posts properly (ex. #no.7, #radio silence). If you create works for 31 total theme days you will become a completionist. But apart from that, there are no repercussions if you don’t fill prompts for each day.
Q. Can I post early/late?
Yes, you can post whenever you want. We will only reblog posts during October, but you can use our prompts all year round. The day you post will only affect your probability of being reblogged.
Q. Will you reblog my post?
Due to the sheer number of content posted during Whumptober we can’t promise to reblog every single post. We will make a random selection trying to capture a wide variety of content. The following will increase your chances at being reblogged:
tag your post properly
post within 2-3 days of the theme you want to fill: if you fill the prompt for Day 1 your chances of being reblogged during October 1st to 3rd are highest and will go towards zero afterwards.
Q. What if I don’t understand a prompt/theme?
Send us an ask! We’re happy to help with wild, unhelpful clarifications or brainstorming. That being said, the themes are entirely up for interpretation. Don’t take them too literally. For example: You can be choking on a cherry, someone else can choke you or you could be choked up on emotions, etc.
Q. What kind of content can I make? Can it be NSFW?
This is a MIXED MEDIA event! You can write fic, post meta, doodle or paint, create a gifset or photo edit, link a song, or get crafty with video - anything goes. As for NSFW, make what you like, we just hope that you’ll tag your work accordingly so that others participating in the event can stay safe.
Q. Can I combine Whumptober with other creation challenges?
Absolutely, as long as the other challenges allow it too.
Q. Can I upload/repost my Whumptober content to other social media platforms?
Of course! You can post your own content wherever you like (or you can opt to not publish it at all). Additionally we’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any fics posted there. It can be accessed here. The tumblr blog @whumptober-archive is the official archive, so please respect the boundaries of any closeted whumpers in your social circle.
Q. Can I use prompts to write a new chapter for an existing fic?
Q. An existing fic I am currently writing contains many of the Whumptober prompts, can I use it?
If you are actively writing this fic at the moment with the Whumptober prompts in mind, yes. If you’ve previously posted something that checks the boxes, we ask that you not include it retroactively for this current year. You can, however, add new chapters relating to one or more of the prompts.
Q. What kind of characters can I write for?
Fandom characters, OC characters, human, furry, alien, cyborg, RPF, whoever you like. You can use the generic “whumpee” character or have specific ones.
Q. Does it have to take place in a specific fandom?
No, you can create works for your own worlds or for fandoms or for both. You can also create more generic or pan-fandom works. You can do cross-overs or use OCs, whatever you want.
Q. Can I use a prompt multiple times?
Yes, but it only counts once towards being a completionist.
Q. If I’m not comfortable with one day’s prompts can I use a prompt of a different day as a substitute and still be a completionist?
No, you can’t exchange prompts for different days. However, if all four prompts of a specific day make you uncomfortable, we have created an alternate prompts list that you can draw from. You can exchange any prompt with these, but please make sure not to use them twice.
Q. Where can I post my work?
Post where and how you want. You don’t have to (cross)post it to Tumblr or at all. Just keep in mind if it’s not on Tumblr we will not be able to add it to the blog archive.
Q. Can I start posting early?
You can, but this is an October event and wouldn’t it be more fun with everyone doing it at the same time? That being said, you can post early, but we won’t be reblogging any work predating October 1st.
Q. Do I have to finish a fic I started/can I post WIP’s?
Yes you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish it in October for it to count towards being a completionist.  
Q. Is co-writing allowed?
Yes, absolutely, and it would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you.
Q. Do I have to create 31 standalone pieces to be considered a completionist or can I write one continuous story?
One continuous story is fine.  The challenge is to write something for 31 prompts. If that’s spread over 31 fics or just one, you are still considered a completionist. (The same goes for every other media you choose.)
Q. Is there a min/max limit on word count?
There is no limit.
Q. Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many?
No limit and combine as many as you’d like.
Q. Is a hc/angst/emotional whump focus ok?
Of course! We are not going to establish a threshold for whumpiness. If you think it’s whumpy enough, then it’s whumpy enough. It can be physical, psychological, emotional, or any combination of the three.
Q. What’s considered nsfw?
See this post
Q. What is whump?
Typically the genre includes situations where a fictional character is hurt, be it emotionally, psychologically, or physically. Fanlore provides information here.
Q. My interpretation of the prompt isn’t whumpy at all, does that count?
If you don’t think your interpretation is whumpy, then it doesn’t count for Whumptober. Remember that whump comes in many forms, though, and that we don’t have a whump-checker or a threshold for how much whump needs to be included. If you think your interpretation contains enough whump to count, then it does.
Q. Can I start working on the prompts before October?
Absolutely! That’s why we post the prompts a month in advance. We recognise how difficult it can be creating for 31 days in “real time” so feel free to start creating early!
Q. How do I tag triggers?
tw at the end of the word, ex. #gore tw
Q. Do I have to use your tags?
Yes, if you want your work archived on the blog. If not, feel free to use whatever tags you want. 
Q. Does combining prompts count towards completion?
Q. Can we @ you?
Yes but we mostly rely on the #whumptober2023 tag.
Q. Is there anything we are absolutely not allowed to write?
There are no rules, but please make sure to properly tag your trigger warnings. And keep in mind Tumblr’s policies if you are posting it here (or the policies for whatever site you use).
Q. Where can I go for brainstorming help?
Here on Discord or come into our ask box.
Q. My characters are minors, is that ok?
Yes, but as with everything else, use clear and descriptive tags.
Q. Can I cross post on other blogs?
Yes, multiple platforms and blogs are perfectly acceptable. You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once.
Note: This is a creation challenge, please don’t repost your old work under our tags (unless it’s been changed or edited for the event).
Thanks for reading, and happy whumping!
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chiisana-sukima · 16 days
nine people i want to get to know better
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Thank you for the tag, @slutsons-blog! Starting a new post because I'm autistic and therefore mostly only care about the "Current Obsession" question, and want to ramble excessively as usual in that one.
Last song: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team: Pokemon Square because I'm currently playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon with my daughter. Otherwise I honestly couldn't tell you. Whatever was on in my car.
Fave color: Purple
Currently watching: Star Trek Discovery
Last movie: Knives Out
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet, tart, salty
Relationship: married x 27 years
Last thing I googled: the word "dependent", for spelling assistance. which is a good thing because I spelled it "dependant".
Current Obsession: it's been spn since 2016. Truly we are the Hotel California of media franchises. I did recently play Disco Elysium twice in a row in quick succession, and I follow the DE tag. I can't recommend the game highly enough.... but I can feel my Special Interest-level obsession with it fading already. Spn has never faded even a tiny bit and I wonder if it ever will.
@slutsons-blog I feel after reading that you're watching spn for the first time, that I did you a bit of a disservice with my Sam takes to you before in that I mostly talked about Sam's evolution as a character as the show goes on and very little about him from the first five seasons.
Gotta be honest and tell you that although I liked both brothers all along, I was a Dean girl until the end of s6/beginning of s7, when the balance of who gets whumped the most started shifting and my subconscious suddenly decided to switch allegiances. It's not that I liked Dean any less; my id just loves a sopping wet pathetic kitten of a man who has been sexually abused, and Sam got suddenly way more kitteny and pathetic after the Cage. So I don't actually have a ton of takes on "what to love about Sam in the early seasons". I do love early seasons Sam too--she is my beautiful baby princess--but my early seasons takes are a lot more inchoate.
I count myself lucky about my id's sudden defection though, because I think we have limited control of who our blorbos are, and having Dean as a blorbo is a tough row to hoe as the later seasons go along. You know how you noticed that in s6, Dean suddenly gets a lot more assholey without apparent reason? Unfortunately he never gets better again, and in fact keeps getting worse and worse as the years go by, until by the last seasons he is openly far more abusive to their joint child(-in-an-adult body) than John was to him and Sam. It's a realistic picture of what can happen when trauma keeps piling up on people, but it's also honestly pretty distressing, especially if he's your blorbo.
If one is in it for the ship, there's some good destiel content in the later seasons, but if you're in it for Dean, you're left either 1) dealing with the fact he's got extremely significant interpersonal problems that he never gets much of anywhere on solving and that negatively impact his chosen family in profound ways, or 2) pretending he's the same character he was in s1 and Sam is the same Sam from s1, only more boring, and Dean is just trying to put up with him because he was brainwashed by John (or ig 3- something in the middle between those two. But that seldom seems to happen in practice for whatever reason). These two versions of the show are poorly compatible, and that's how the Sam girls and the Dean girls end up in isolated silos. A few people manage to live in both, but not many.
Anyway, I feel like without the context of how Sam and Dean change in the mid to late seasons, the two fics I recc'd as Sam character studies are going to seem insanely Dean-critical, so if you haven't read them yet, you might want to wait until s10. In the meantime, the general recs are fun reads and hopefully do a good job of showcasing both characters earlier on.
Tagging (but I would be a huge hypocrite if I didn't specify there's no pressure to respond, since I almost always fail at responding to tag games myself): @adihildilid @aliusfrater @quietwingsinthesky @sammygender @ardentpoop
@peanutbutterandbananasandwichs @schizosamwincester @normalbrothershow @jellybracelet.
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weeesi · 5 months
aka fic rec series where I scream "you need to read this!" into the void
Indefinite Lines by arwamachine
I know I'm late on this one and I can only apologise to myself for that really. Compelling casefic, cinematic writing, interesting narrative structure, the cutest Rosie incarnation this side of s4, and plenty - PLENTY - of angst and comfort. Incredible character voices, including one of the best Sherlocks I've ever read. Head the tags re: whump though, because hoo boy. @arwamachine is responsible for creating a term that I now think about once a day which I will refer to here as m*** s****** for fear of spoilers. Don't miss Bonus Lines, which is a collection of incredible deleted/bonus scenes that accompanies the fic.
2. Thankless (a 5 + 1) by Silvergirl
Do you love Lestrade? Do you love @totallysilvergirl? Lucky for you, I already knew your answer to both of those questions was OF COURSE YES, WHY DO YOU ASK. As it says on the tin, a 5 + 1 wherein we revisit key moments throughout the series where Lestrade helps Sherlock until, finally, it finally sinks in (hopefully before it's too late). Gorgeous, lush, emotionally resonant writing across the board. I adore Silver's Lestrade (and pretty much everything Silver writes, honestly, including the epic, fantastically written Drawn to Stars and the heartachy, beautifully written A Case of You) and I'm 100% positive you will too.
3. Inscrutable to the Last by DiscordantWords
I love a super unique fic idea and @discordantwords always seems to have an endless supply. How they do it, I would love to know. This fic. THIS FIC. I don't want to give any spoilers but the inherent premise is just sooooo clever. Precise and devastating writing, excellent plotting, with spot-on character details and dialogue (as usual). You should also read their heartbreaking (and heart-healing) s4 fix-it (Never) Turn Your Back to the Sea after you give this one a go!
If you're interested in more fic recs, let me know!
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pixelatedraindrops · 3 months
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Happy 1st Anniversary RainCode!
Thank you for bringing me so much joy 💜💕
(and thank you for giving me the gift that is yuma kokohead)
I didn’t think I’d make art for it at first, but I figured this game has done so much for me, so I’ll give back by drawing the duo that started it all 💜🩷 These two are such an iconic pair and I will draw them together as much as possible c: (tho Shinigami will be mostly in her ghost form if I do)
First time drawing human form Shinigami non-chibi, and I admit she was a little tricky with that outfit. But I think I did it decently enough… xD
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little bonus for the kokogami enjoyers 💕
miss death god is too much woman for this little boy to handle~ 🤭
i know he's an adult but can you honestly look at him without context and say this is a man??? he's just an eemey meemey little guy.
Personal Rambling below (because I love this game so much)
Oh RainCode... Where do I even begin...
RainCode is a game that has changed my life along with likely many other people’s lives. Although the premise of it is fairly straightforward, the characters and atmosphere make this game so much more. The successor to Danganropa is honestly its own unique story and structure, and tbh I think I love and enjoy it far more than Danganronpa. But this game…is just so much more for me.
I truly never expected this game to be such an impact on my life, let alone become my next fixation.
So, for history, I was honestly in no real hurry to get the game on its release date last year, so I got it a day later. On July 1st, I played the game for the first time. And I didn’t think much of it at first. The only thing that was on my mind when I started this game, was that I was positive I was going to be treating the protagonist like Makoto Naegi and Kyoko Kirigiri’s son the whole time.
This was the first post I made about RainCode back on twitter in 2023.
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Yeah... Kinda silly when I look at it now... XD But I do still beleive this headcanon.
When I started the game my 2016 fixation of Danganronpa came back a bit. As a previous DR lover, I did make comparisons here and there to all of the characters. Yuma was very much like Naegi with his shy and timid demeanor at first due to having amnesia, and it felt like déjà vu when playing through the start of the game. But then it happened. The moment that solidified Yuma as my next and now permanent target. When he got sick/dizzy on the train... God that moment still lives rent free in my head. (I know the cause of it was different/related to the first mystery/case, but as someone who enjoys any sort of sick whump moment, regardless of if its little crumbs or a whole-ass meal it still counted for me) I was still shy and hid in the shadows with my silly little niche back then, but I told myself. Yep, once I finish this game, I’m writing a sickfic for this game and he’s the victim. (though what surprised me was that I wasn’t alone on that, 3 other people made sickfics with yuma before I did so that was a pleasant surprise xD)
As the game went on it shocked and impressed me in many different forms. I realized that this game isn’t the Danganronpa clone I thought it would be. Sure, it had a lot of similar elements and mirrored mini games like Hangman’s Gambit, Spot Selection, and of course the Conclusion Comic of the whole case, but the story the world and the mysteries were honestly different from the way DR structured them. And it pleased me when not many people from the main team had died. Most of the deaths were of side characters that had appeared in their respective chapters. Which honestly was a breath of fresh air for me, and I think that’s the real reason it’s separate from DR. It’s not as cruel and not as stressful. It’s a lot more chill, but the mysteries were still enough to get me excited and look forward to the next maze I would enter. The mystery labyrinths were probably my favorites elements of the game. They were just so much fun. And every single character was so likeable, (yes even some of the peacekeepers were fun aside of one or two that I absolutely despise. mostly yomi and guillame lol but I guess I kinda like yomi a bit more bc of the fandom)
And I grew to love Yuma EVEN more. He is honestly one of the best written protagonists I’ve seen in a long time. It’s hard to do timid protagonists right, but RainCode definitely nailed it with Yuma. He had his moments, but it wasn’t enough to be obnoxious. He also shined in more ways than one. And my god, so many relatable moments… (I have anxiety too xD) He was so charming and cute the whole time and even had his badass moments. This little guy is the whole package and I LOVE him for that. Truly a unique and fun main character that blows every DR protagonist out of the water.
(Yes, I said what I said.)
And the ending, GOOD LORD THE ENDING?? It was so well executed, and the ending twist villain was immediately my second favorite character after the protagonist. I could go on about how much I loved the ending but if I did, we’d be here all day and I don’t want to spoil the entire game…so… I’ll leave it at that.
When I finished the game, I was so satisfied. (Yes I love it more than DR, what are you gonna do about it?) It left me super happy and made me want to make some fan content for it. Though I was still very quiet on twitter and had a feeling since twitter is a more complicated platform, I couldn’t gush about the game too much due to fear of spoiling other people…and when one of your favorite characters is just the whole secret of the game’s core mystery, I couldn’t talk about it too much… >.>
So, then I did the unthinkable. I went back to tumblr… It’s a little embarrassing but this account is actually my old one I had from years ago. I was on tumblr more 2013 to 2017 before I abandoned the site when it no longer seemed fun and there were times that I’d rather forget... (let’s just say that I used to RP with my OCs and…one of my RP ex friends catfished me and it made me feel VERY uncomfortable. I wanted to forget it, so I ran away and never returned.) I was super nervous to come back and try to post again, so my first RC related post was about him being a naegiri child.
After that I began making more edits once I gained access to the sprites and full body arts. I made some Pokémon AU edits because those were always fun, and then I started making feverish edits of Yuma’s sprites. My first post ended up becoming a hit and I caught the attention of some people. They liked what I was doing so it gave me a bit of confidence to continue. I got even more attention, and it made my confidence go up even more.
And then I started trying to draw art again, something I gave up long ago. My first few arts were a little rocky at best, but so many people enjoyed it! One of my older arts ended up becoming pretty popular. Through this my few pieces of art, my many sprite edits, and my first fan fiction (Home Is Where The Heart Is) got me pretty well recognized in the Rain code community on here. So much so that I felt confident enough to give myself a title. The CEO of RainCode Whump or “Whumpcode” and all of this confidence made me decide to turn my blog into a fandom and sick whump blog. It became a full blown obsession that possessed my mind that I've become TOO passionate about. Never thought making these little guys suffer would bring me this much joy... XD
Over time, I’ve drawn more art and written more fics than I ever had for a fandom. Before I never ever made fandom art, and I would usually only write one sickfic per fixation. (my last ones being demon slayer and spy x family) But here I am, making more art pieces than I ever have before (hell even doing a MONTH ART CHALLENGE) and improving even! And having 7 fanfictions of RainCode, 6 with Yuma and one with Makoto. And those two became my prime targets and muses for my art. Drawing them is easier for me and they’re my favorites so it brings me such joy to draw them. I love MakoYuma so much. Maybe not so much romantically, but friendship and familial. They have such potential to be so much, and I adore them. Plus putting them in sicknarios and situations is fun (I think we can all agree on that haha)
I think I’m talking too much, so I will say one more thing. I never thought my fixation on this game would last this long. I was positive it would go away after just a few months at best. The game is great but nothing amazing to keep thinking about for too long for me. But I think the main reason I was able to keep my fixation on this game for almost a year (and ongoing) is because of the fandom. (specifically, the Tumblr fandom, but some people on twitter are cool too) I’m honestly so happy I returned to tumblr and was able to make a name for myself in this community. I have met so many talented artists and creators and even made some new friends (and even got a few apprentices to take under my wing) If it weren’t for everyone’s support, I don’t think I would have ever done this much and made it this far.
I’ve essentially made a platform for myself, and I didn’t think tumblr would be a place I’d check daily ever again. To think this silly little game…would change my life so much and make me happier than I’ve ever been in such a long time. I feel recognized and like I belong, I’m finally able to be loud and proud about my passions for sick whump and not worry too much about it, I’ve finally found my prime target and I have fun with him every time, I’ve gotten back into the arts of drawing and writing again and I think I’ve made some of my best work yet, and I’ve met so many wonderful people and even collaborated with them on some fun projects too! (Here's the most popular one and also the first one I did!)  It’s just been…so wonderful… I am so happy to be part of such a chill talented and fantastic community TwT So thank you everyone… this is all thanks to your support… <3
Sorry I’m getting a little mushy here aren’t I… x’D I just couldn’t be more grateful for this game if I tried… So, thank you so much Rain Code, for existing and doing so much for me and making me so happy… I have never had this much fun in a fixation before, and I never felt like I was ever truly part of any fandom and was always just a lurker. It feels so good to finally feel like part of a fandom you love, and also be well liked, admired and accepted by others despite your niche being a little on the odd side… XD
I really hope there will be a sequel for this game, and we’ll see all these wonderful characters again. After all I’ve been through with this title and how much joy and purpose it brought me, consider me a fan for life. I will be dedicated to every future title in this series and play the hell out of it. And I hope it gains a wider audience come October when it is released for more consoles. (Just hoping no weirdos take over and ruin it with stupid drama and horrible things like the DR fandom…)
Though once new fans come in and are also tumblr users…I wonder what they’d even think of me and my place and takes when it comes to this series… XD (hopefully they’ll be nice to me… XD)
Anyway, I’ve said enough.
Happy Anniversary RainCode!!
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flowery-whump · 19 days
consider institutionalized living weapon whump. mmmm. I will now explain this autism fueled hyperfixation that has been going on and off for me in the last 3-5 years
content warnings (all fictional): general whump stuff, child abuse, child soldiers, living weapon whump (kinda), conditioning, discussion of genshin impact (since I'm not tagging this post as genshin in fear of normal genshin likers on tumblr stumbling onto whump and not knowing what it is, therefore whump likers who dislike genshin and have the tags blocked would still view this (maybe. idk how tag filtering works)), multiple whumpers/carewhumpers, multiple whumpees, fantasy whump, briefly mentioned eating disorder
OKAY so back at like 2020 or 2021 I was ACTIVE in the genshin rp scene and one of my friends made a fatui oc that, due to being the only survivor of a snow blizzard, was adopted into the fatui and raised to be a soldier! also this was before inazuma's release so shoutout to [unnamed bc we fell out of touch so I don't know if they'd like to be named] for predicting the house of the hearth!
anyways their oc was not only an absolute BANGER, but also sparked what I now realize was whumperflies in 14 yo me! so I copied it with my own oc. also had the stellar idea to think that if [friend's oc] was integrated, why not make it a whole program? badabim badaboom fatui orphanage. I shit you not the first thing I came up with is that the rejects get sent to dottore
uhhhh as stuff came out and someone leaked a fatui orphanage then the secret shrine maiden quest came out I TWEAKED. my oc got updates. leaks about lyney (and lynette) being from the hoth(house of the hearth) brought me back after I'd gotten bored. I desperately held myself back from telling everyone their surnames. I listened to their leaked voicelines. I read their stories.
it was not as bad as I envisioned in my head. fym arlecchino saved them!! white knight white knight!!! fym they're not sleeper agents!!!! fym freminet has a job he enjoys that is in no way related to the fatui?!!?!!! free time and healthy hobbies on my extremely fanonized interpretation of a fictional orphanage we previously only had teeny tiny crumbs about?!?!?!!!;1!?!
arlecchino releasing made me fully give up on the vision I'd originally had on the hoth. I generally do actually like the canon hoth, but I was super attached to this whole miniature concept I'd invented and shared with so many people.
so I'm making my own child soldier orphanage!!!
CONSIDER CHILD SOLDIERS IN WHUMP. WITH CONDITIONING. consider telling children that have nowhere else to go (and whumper KNOWS they have nowhere else to go) they can either join the military or continue whatever they were doing. consider training and conditioning them. consider reminding them where they'd be, had carewhumper not taken them in. consider "letting them off easy" via punishment, or threatening to put them to other use.
consider teaching those children happy lies of doing good, and shattering that reality when they dare be ungrateful and try to run away. consider always making the expectations on them clear. consider the bonds these children will form both with each other and carewhumpers. parental whump my beloved. consider living weapon whumpee that isn't an on-field combatant. consider living weapon whumpee who's allowed to be a person as a reward.
consider living weapon whumpee who was previously rescued from a different kind of whumper and is just perfect for molding into a killing machine. consider orphans children willingly volunteering for the military because the program is well known. consider generations upon generations of this where previous whumpees retire to work in the same orphanage so that they'll never have to move out, prolonging the cycle of violence with promises of family. and that family isn't even false, just conditional.
whumpee who was rescued from a vampire thrall trade and is constantly reminded where they would've been had carewhumpers not been so generous as to rehabilitate them. ungrateful little thing, always reacting so slow, cowering from the vampires the carewhumpers have taken in as if they're the same one, either hoarding food or immediately wolfing it down.
whumpee who was abandoned as a child and came in to a place they knew they'd be accepted, but gradually realized the danger behind it and tried escaping. they were brought back and thoroughly disciplined. it's obvious that they're using a facade once one simply reads their file or asks them, but that doesn't matter so long as they're obedient.
a whumpee turned carewhumper that sees nothing wrong with what they're doing. they were raised this way, and though it was very scary, so is life in general. they certainly wouldn't have survived in this world without this orphanage, and much less by being coddled. the children brought here have all had difficult experiences that have scarred them, they can't be treated like normal kids.
that's all the ocs I have thought up for it rn soz
yeah!! will also be in a typical high fantasy setting because I prefer it a whole lot more.
I'm honestly unsure of what to call this thing. I can't really go with the house of the hearth. at some point I internally called it erysimum institute because I read destroyer and the name beldam institute just sounds rlly catchy. also erysimums symbolize faith in unfortunate situations which I think fits perfectly. but the loneliness/shyness part of wallflowers (a prominent type of erysimum) is a little less fitting.
I'll definitely change the name because I want it to be as original as it can be!! probably to some kind of flower meaning rebirth or smt but idk.
p.s: it would have art!!!
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zarvasace · 8 days
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
Ahhhh okay, thank you!! 💜🌻 I finally have a free moment (aka work is slow) so I'm going to work on drafting this out :) I have far too much art I'm proud of—I'm at a stage in my progress right now where I think my art looks pretty awesome. So this list will be stuff from my Greatest Hits collection on AO3. In order of oldest to newest, I think:
incandescently happy
An LU post-adventure work, one of the first longer fics I posted. I released one chapter a day over the summer of 2022, so a lot of the notes have something about my day in them. It's about 30k all told.
I absolutely adored expanding on what the boys might do after the whole LU adventure happens (though I did forget about the fact that I think Time and Malon have a kid during this time!) This work features some proto-Shatterproof stuff, like Wind having a prosthetic leg and Four starting to specialize in crafting prosthetics/disability aids. I gave Hyrule longer hair and a job making maps for the royal family. Legend got another adventure but also started a magic garden/orchard, which pulls in more business than Ravio's stuff. Four and his grandpa adopted a single mother and her two kids. Man I went off with some of these headcanons. I've always considered writing more in this world, but I think it stands very well on its own. Maybe someday I might revisit and rewrite it with some of my new skills. :)
Rise and Shine and Fall
Whumptober 2022, focused entirely on LU! Guys this thing is almost 78k. I realize now that most people pre-plan or pre-write for things like Whumptober, but I wrote these one by one every day, which was extra-hard because I had both college classes and a day job at the time. I came up with some fun AUs, learned a lot about writing (especially whump), and proved to myself that I can do hard things like this!! I've adored doing daily challenges since, though I haven't done it in a while. I look forward to this year's whumptober though!
I really like the table of contents in the first chapter—it makes things easy to find. I know individual works are probably more accessible, but I was still getting to know AO3, and those big numbers are fun. XD I have a hard time picking favorites, because I really went off on these, but I'd say a couple of them are:
Chp 3, "Right Here" about Sky
Chp 7, "Proof of Life" about Four and Shadow
Chp 18, "I'm onwy a babey :(" about Wind
Chp 21, "6:13" about Hyrule and Time
Chp 26, "Silence is Golden" about Wild
Chp 31-32, "The Worst Thing About Earth" about Legend, but kind of more specifically the rewrite/expansion I did last year... haha...
The Marvelous Misadventures of Wind and His Merry Band or Maybe-Human Heroes
It's been a while since I updated this story (56k, 6/8 chapters), but it's constantly on my mind. I've started chapter 7 twice, and I know what I want to happen, but I am easily distracted by the siren call of some other whump fics. XD
I freaking love this story, though. I really want to finish it. It's kind of an... experiment? I guess? I want to get published someday, and I picture myself writing middle-grade novels. This story is sort of my attempt to hit that tone. Also I just love Wind so so so much. Let him be cool!!
Blood-Sucker's Guide to High School
56k Four Swords completed story! I wrote this in a frenzy of like two or three weeks, then took another two to edit. It takes plot points from a vampire novel I enjoyed and twists and applies them to a story about Shadow and the Four Swords manga boys. I'm very proud of what I accomplished here, and that it's a complete story! I think it worked out really well. I learned a lot about plotting and handling larger stories, and it helped that I had the half-remembered structure of an existing novel to use as training wheels.
I love the worldbuilding in this story! The premise is that Shadow is an evil soulless vampire from a (rather abusive, not that he sees it) family of the same, but then he gets the ability to walk in the sunshine. He's assigned to go to high school for a while to get a feast for the vampire gala, but meanwhile he's developing a conscience and getting very attached to these human boys. I think I did a good job. I love rereading this, every scene is just so fun! :)
55k exactly of a stupid LU darks AU. This started life as a series of oneshots and then the plot progressively got more and more convoluted and I love these stupid boys so much. The plot is very much not tight, in contrast to Blood-Sucker's Guide, but I learned a lot about how I write and how I like to plan with this one, too.
The characters are stupid and the plot is just kinda silly and there is both a bathhouse scene AND a spa scene. Legend blows up multiple things, my lovely nasty little Dark Links need smacks and therapy, and Prince has a legitimately emotional moment at the end. I love how it turned out, it's like an ugly little stuffed animal I made and hug until the eyes pop out.
That's five but I would be extremely remiss if I did not also mention something from Shatterproof:
The Incredible Shrinking Chain
About 10k, this is entry 31/68 in my series Shatterproof, which is a close-canon AU in which each of the boys has a different physical disability. This series also plays into my publishing ambitions, because whatever I publish will very likely have some disability representation. I'm rather passionate about it, actually! Shatterproof is close to my heart, and I'm so honored that so many people seem to love it too. :) I need to work on the next entry again!!
This entry in particular is so much fun. In it, the whole Chain sans Four is stuck mouse-sized, and Four has to travel out to Twilight's castle with them to get Dusk to help break the curse. They all have to figure out how to navigate while tiny, and Four pulls some very silly stunts. I love them.
Anyway, there's my list!! I've written a lot over the last like two and a half years, and I'm so so glad that I get to be here and part of this community. The LU fandom as a whole (or at least the parts I've seen!) is so welcoming and positive and I try to give back where I can! I'm going to suggest looking through my bookmarks and ultimate rec list collection to find some new favorites from some very talented authors! :) (oof I need to update the collection soon!! I've been seeing some awesome stuff!)
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forwhump · 3 months
a/n: ;-; I feel a little silly introducing myself on a writing post but I feel sillier just starting to post my writing w/out any sort of introduction at all, so hi ! I’m Tina ! I’ve semi recently gotten introduced to the whump community because the content I create has been whump the whole time I just didn’t know it & thought I was alone in it !
now that I realize I’m not, I figured I might as well start posting my blurbs somewhere ! I don’t know if it qualifies as conventional whump, but is there such thing as conventional whump ? so what the hell
I put my two favourite oc’s through the horrors so often I have so much whump content w them & it’s just going to waste in my google docs & my notes app ! I’m chronically shy about posting my work online but I figured somebody out there might see this & maybe even like it so what’s the harm in sharing !
if you do see this & maybe even like it, yay ! I’m so glad ! thank you for even reading it <3
tw/cw for aftermath implied rape, mentions of being gutted
Wren has always been beautiful.
Silas had always thought so. Even at Wren’s worst, even when it wasn’t wholly appropriate to think. Silas had thought so since that very first day, since he was dragged into this place clawing and biting, since Wren had looked up at him from his place in the common room and smiled at Silas, sympathetic, as he was dragged into hell.
It was striking, even then, even disoriented and scared and confused. Wren was a bright spot, a glimmer of light in a bland, grey prisonscape. He’s beautiful like no other person Silas has ever seen, beautiful in a way reserved for the sunrise and the moon, so beautiful it actually gives him an eerie, kind of inhuman quality, even now, even still.
Wren has always been beautiful and Wren is beautiful still. But this —
There is nothing beautiful about this.
It’s ugly. It hurts something low in Silas’ chest.
It’s a film strip that’s been double exposed. Wren’s always been beautiful, and so particular about his hair; Wren has fairytale hair. It’s impossibly long, fairytale long, and the colour of snow, kinda, but he’s always so particular about it, he takes such good care of it, something that’s only his, something that belonged to him before this place, something they let him keep, and his hair always shimmers, perfect, iridescent. Silas has always found it kind of hypnotizing. Wren’s always so careful about how he braids it.
His hair is a mess. It had been pulled up into a ponytail with a piece of pink ribbon that’s gotten mostly lost in the tangles of his hair. Loose strands stick to his face, his throat, his waist, the insides of his thighs with tears, spit, sweat, semen, blood. He’s wearing some demeaning little pleated skirt, the same pale pink as the ribbon, and it’s short, it’s so short, and there’s so much visible skin that Silas can see almost every bruise, big and purple and splotchy and broken, like road rash. He can see all the blood tracked down the insides of his bruised thighs. He can see handprints. Tooth prints.
How is this happening? How did it get to this?
“Wren,” he hears himself say.
“Leave me alone.” His voice is the flattest Silas has ever heard it. He doesn’t lift his face from the carpet.
“Wren.” He doesn’t know what he’s gonna say. What can he say? He reaches a hand out, almost instinctive.
“Don’t touch me.”
“Wren —“
“Don’t fucking touch me,” Wren snaps, almost screams, and he finally lifts his head as he flinches away.
Most of the left side of his face is that same broken, road rash bruise. His mouth is swollen. His eyes, from crying. He doesn’t have hickeys, but proper, scabbing bite marks, bruising his jaw and his throat.
So much bruising. So much blood.
Silas knows what to do.
He struggles with that, sometimes.
Wren was allowed to keep his hair; Silas was, as well. It’s all Silas got to keep.
No part of Silas is the same as it was when he got here; no organ, no arterie. Silas isn’t human anymore, Silas is a weapon, but he tries, oh my god, he fuckin’ tries, if nothing else he tries, and he’s getting better, he thinks. He just struggles sometimes with human emotions, with feelings, thoughts, with what to do, what to say.
He knows now, though. What to do.
No part of Silas is really human anymore, but most of him is all still attached. His left leg, however, isn’t, and the replacement he’d been given, as a massive, inhuman superfreak, is heavy and deadly and fuckin’ uncomfortable. It pinches. Silas hates it almost more than anything. Unless he absolutely has to wear it, he gets around in his chair. It’s how he gets back to his room, where, without even a groan of displeasure, he makes quick work of his superfreak prosthetic.
On his own, he stands. Onto his chair, he piles one of his crewnecks, a favourite of Wren’s because of how cartoonishly large it fits him. Silas piles his comforter on top. From Wren’s room, he grabs his hairbrush and a pair of his joggers. Their clothing is the same dull grey as everything else in hell — prison grey, Silas thinks of it.
He limps his chair back to the common room. He folds the sweatshirt and joggers over the back, brush hooked in one hand as he holds open the blanket. “Okay,” he says. “Come.”
Wren’s head is down again. He’s right where they dumped him, a pile on the common room floor. “Leave me alone, Silas.”
Silas frowns. “No,” he says. “Come. I won’t touch.”
Slowly, Wren lifts his head. He blinks up at Silas with huge, wet eyes. “What?” He says, less sharp but a bit more broken. “What are you doing?”
Silas shakes the blanket at him. “Come.”
He isn’t expecting the way Wren’s face crumples, or the way he sobs. Softly, he says, “Wren?”
Wren turns his face away, but when he sobs, he sobs, “Silas.”
Folding the blanket and the brush back onto his chair, Silas limps around it to slowly, awkwardly maneuver himself onto the carpet next to Wren. Within reaching distance, but he’s careful not to touch.
Wren doesn’t lift his face and sobs into the carpet.
Slowly, Silas lies down, on his back next to him. He reaches out, he doesn’t touch, but he invites, and without looking at him Wren shifts into his arms and sobs into Silas’ shoulder.
Silas covers his back with a massive, gentle hand and lets him cry.
He cries for a long time.
Eventually, his sobs soften to sniffles and the hitching of his back slows under Silas’ hand. He says, into Silas’ grey sweatshirt, “I didn’t want you to see me like this.”
“Why?” Silas asks.
Wren’s chest hitches. His voice cracks when he says, “I’m disgusting.”
He frowns. “You’re not disgusting.”
Wren hiccups out a sob.
“Wren,” Silas says, “you’ve held my organs inside my body for me. This is nothing.”
He sobs again.
Silas thumbs slowly across his back, over the stiff, ripped material of his shirt. “Let me take care of you this time, Wren,” he says. “Please.”
“You shouldn’t have to take care of me,” he says softly.
“I don’t,” Silas says. “I want to.”
Wren’s small fist curls into Silas’ crewneck. Into his chest, he whispers, “they really hurt me, Silas.”
“I’ll take care of them,” Silas promises. He already knows how he’ll do it. It won’t be slow but it will be painful. “Let me take care of you first.”
Wren doesn’t answer him, but he nods into Silas’ shoulder.
Softly, Silas asks, “can I pick you up?”
He nods again.
Gratefully, gently, Silas lifts Wren into his arms and from there, into his chair. He pulls the grey blanket around his shoulders and Wren sinks into it gratefully.
The bathroom is cold, and the water doesn’t get hot, but it gets warm, so Silas runs it warm before he limps across the bathroom to gather an armful of towels. He held Wren to his feet, and leaves the towels in his place.
“You don’t have to do this,” Wren says softly.
“So?” Silas says.
He blinks up at him, a bit taken aback.
Supporting most of Wren’s weight, Silas says, “do you want my help getting undressed or do you want me not to touch you?”
Wren blinks up at him again, sniffling. “Would you help me?” He asks, so soft he’d barely spoken.
“I’ll do anything you ask me to,” Silas answers.
Wren makes a soft sound, and Silas is careful not to touch any of the bruises as he bumbles through small buttons and zippers with huge hands. He helps Wren out of his ruined skirt and into the lukewarm water. Silas doesn’t undress, but he follows him in, letting Wren lean hard against him as he lathers a washcloth he hands to him before getting to work untangling his hair.
It’s a careful few hours of effort, because Wren has so much hair and it’s so matted, caked with blood, grime, semen.
Silas is meticulous. He brushes it out. Washes it. He isn’t a great braider yet, but June had been teaching him the basics, and he can struggle his way through a sloppy French braid. He tugs the elastic out of his own hair to tie it off, and once he’s done, Wren turns to look up at him and he’s crying again.
“Wren?” He says.
And Wren surges forward, pushing his face into the hollow of Silas’ sternum, arms tight around his waist.
“Thank you,” he whispers into his wet sweatshirt.
Silas cradles the back of his head with one hand. “It’s okay,” he says.
In truth, he would die for Wren in a heartbeat. This is nothing.
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My BuckTommy fics
(NeverlandPoet on AO3)
All the Pain | 13,520 words, T | Angst, Hurt/Comfort And then, another wave of realization, as hard as a tsunami. That's Bobby, isn't it? Bobby kneeling in the remains of Tommy's bathroom, his hands performing rhythmic movements. Textbook CPR, it’s just… on Evan.
Love Can Only Heal [BuckTommy Tumblr Prompts] | 12,817 words, T | Tumblr Prompt fills, 8 individual stories
In the Dark | 14,612 words, T | Hurt/Comfort Tommy is a guy to touch you in passing, not one to throw around pet names. He calls him Evan because that's his name, “Buck is a collective noun for your infamies,” he once said. Buck has already thrown a multitude of pet names at him, trying them out on him like on a blank canvas, calling him honey and darling and love to see what resonates.
Come and Let the Storm Bring us to Life | 2,613 words, E | Helicopter sex A second lightning strike, very close again, swallows his words, and Buck blurts out, "Wanna make out?" Tommy is now used to Buck changing topics at the speed of light. He doesn't bat an eyelid as he remarks, "On the helipad of a hospital?" Hail pours down again, plop plop plop on the helicopter’s roof. "I once did it on the roof of the fire engine," says Buck.
3 Times Buck's Date With Tommy Went Awry – And The One Time It Didn't | 7,954 words, M | Awkward dates "So," he says with relish, "that's a proper date. Just you and me and no disasters in sight." Buck sheepishly clears his throat. "I might stab myself in the eye with the fork," he says. "Well, at least not with the knife, I pre-cut your meat," Tommy returns calmly.  Desert Dreams | 4,691 words, T | Whump, Helicopter Crash "We crashed," Buck explained, "and it wasn't my fault. I mean, uh, that's probably important for insurance or something." "Are you saying it was my fault?" Tommy asked, blinking. "What? No, no way, right before the crash you said something about the engine... wait, y..you're kidding? Now?" "Now is as good as any time, Evan," Tommy said softly, and Buck's heart went into a big but very pleasant stumble.
Simply the Best, Reprise (Simply the Beast) | 2,304 words, E | Semi-Public Sex, Frottage
And How My Heart Sang True That Day | 2,309 words, T | Friendship, Character Study I am the broken, I am the wound  | 3,935 words, T | PTSD
"We're doomed." | 2,609 words, T | BuckTommypositivityweek (2), day 1: Season Opening Disaster
Wann (When?) | 1,952 words, T | BuckTommypositivityweek, day 2: Nicknames and Terms of Endearment
Has Anybody Noticed That The Sky Is Falling? | 3,427 words, T | Hurt/Comfort, Anosmia
Whisper Your Desires, And I'll Teach You How To Feel | 2,921 words, E | First Time Fic
Watch Me Burn | 3210 words, E | Kitchen Sex, POV Tommy Kinard
I'll Be Your Hero | 1,562 words, T | Shovel Talk
Set It Off Tonight, Baby, Just Like Fire & Gasoline | 3,378 words, E | First Time Fic The Day Conny Kramer Died | 3,889 words, T | Crack Fic Let's be a miracle | 992 words, T | Domestic Fluff
Tevan ficlets 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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mariamegale · 2 months
What Becomes of the World
Burakhovsky, rated M, 13,131 words.
He thinks about what a fucking miracle it is that he’s still alive, and his chest tightens again. The problem with survival isn’t the here and now, Artemy is beginning to realise; that’s easy. Here and now, what matters is taking another breath, is pushing through whatever is happening into the next moment. Doing what you need to get done when your life is on the line and, by proxy, the lives of countless others, isn’t the hardest part. That is what comes after, when you’re no longer gasping for air, when there are no longer singular moments to gather your thoughts but an endless stretch of time ahead of you with no more looming disaster to take your mind off of the future. Now, that’s where he finds himself; in the future, inside that vague notion of hope he was clinging to for weeks as he sprinted across town, plague clouds chasing his heels, herbs and bottles and raw human organs jostling around in his medic bag, dead bodies left in his wake. The whole time, the future was on his mind, getting himself and his children and his friends to it, and now it’s here and he doesn’t know what to do when he’s stopped running.
Read it on AO3!
For @whumperless-whump-event 2024, day 29: Wrong place, wrong time: Robbery / One of many hostages / “Stay behind me, I can take a hit.”
'write something for whumperless whump,' i said. 'it'll be fun,' i said. little did i anticipate when i woke up this morning with 800 words that this was going to evolve, because i don't know myself and never learn the message of anti-hubris i need to sorely figure out.
I have once again seen inspiration, lost my mind, and hurled out a fic so fast I should be concerned by my mental state. I do also have covid, so please, any typos or other nonsense, point it out to me.
As always, I adore you, and I hope you enjoy <3
Tags: Enemies to Lovers, The incredible romance of shooting three people to protect your idiot beau, Getting Together, Fighting, Hurt/Comfort, Arguing, Making Up, Making Out, Slow Burn, Post-Diurnal Ending, you know when you're soulmates, but you need to argue for a few thousand words before you both figure it out, yeah that: The Fic
Archive warnings: Graphic depictions of violence
Full tags under the cut.
Enemies to Lovers, Robbery, The incredible romance of shooting three people to protect your idiot beau, Getting Together, Fighting, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Major Character Injury, Canonical Levels of Violence, aka nothing too bad, Arguing, Making Up, Making Out, Slow Burn, Post-Diurnal Ending, after the world ends, and the horrifying realisation you need to figure out what to do Next, Existential Crisis, Artemy is a Dad but it's very very background, Drug Use, aka morphine, Safe Sane and Consensual, aka daniil is not going to veer into dubcon whether artemy likes it or not, (he does not.), you know when you're soulmates, but you need to argue for a few thousand words before you both figure it out, yeah that: The Fic
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katyawriteswhump · 7 months
The power of love, part 10 (steddie, stobin, steve whump fic)
Steve has a habit of surviving near-death experiences then getting sick for no reason. And Eddie and those fatal bat bites? After an impossible feat of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from Steve, he’s mysteriously fixed. So, Eddie’s back to being banished, this time with Steve and Robin in tow. Eddie’s healing, but Steve isn’t… and life gets even more confusing, when Eddie develops feelings for Steve, which aren’t entirely unrequited.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 11 Part 12
Contains mild kink (under-negotiated and going slightly wrong—all for plotty purposes, honest!)
(also on AO3 here)
Steve POV continued
“You sure about this, Stevie?”
“What part of ‘let’s do this’ do you not get?” 
Steve unwinds himself from Eddie. He peels his sweater over his head then glances down at the bandages… Screw it, can’t think about it now.
“Damn,” breathes Eddie, apparently drooling too hard to care. “I totally dreamed about this, when I luuuuurved to hate you. Okay, hate is kinda overkill but—”
“Yeah, I was a douche. Blah, blah, blah.” Steve shivers lightly, pitches the sweater at Eddie, who totally fails to catch it. “If this is some freak show revenge kink—”
“Wasn’t like that—seriously, you have no idea. It was, uh…” Eddie ventures closer. Under the quivering beams of the flashlight, his dark eyes seem impossibly large and liquid. “I used to watch you in the pool—you were so disgustingly squeaky clean. I wanted to drag you into the deepest, darkest recesses of my dungeon-master mind and, ahem…”
“I needed bringing down a peg?” Steve gets right in Eddie’s face.
“Not even that.” Eddie’s deadly serious. “Just wanted you aaaaall for myself.”
Steve smirks—best way to disguise the candy-ass swirl of butterflies in his belly—then steps back and spreads his arms. “I’m all yours. Knock yourself out.”
Eddie gets some rope, hooks it over a high beam, and climbs on a crate to fasten it in place. He then plants a palm on Steve’s bare chest, backing him up against a wooden post. Steve smirks harder than ever, if only to distract himself—and Eddie—from the heart hammering insanely beneath Eddie’s hand. Jesus Christ, don’t think! Focus on the hotness.
Eddie reaches up to grab one end of the rope, loop it around one of Steve’s wrists. Steve tugs himself free: “You do know what you’re doing here, right?”
“Believe me, my uncle is worse than any overgrown boy-scout leader. Not sure he taught me knots and shit for exactly these purposes, but… anyhoo.”
“Okay. Got one condition. You get shirtless too.”
Eddie’s grin makes Steve ache in all sorts of fun places. “Guess I can indulge you, Babe.”
“Babe? I was a brat five minutes ago. Make yer mind up.”
Eddie flips the bird, turns away and strips. Steve lolls against the post, despite longing to drag his tongue over every salty inch of Eddie’s torso. Jesus, he never knew he had a shoulder and back kink, because… Gnnng! And those tats, stark against Eddie’s pale skin? As Eddie turns back, Steve drinks them all in. Even the goddamn bats, which should be scary as hell these days, are beyond intoxicating, and seem to dance and spin and…
“Ready now?” Eddie grabs the rope.
Steve fakes a yawn. “Getting old waiting, Munson.” 
“You really are a brat, you know that? C’mon, gimme your hand.”
Eddie ties Steve’s right wrist with a loopy, hitchy knot. He tugs another part of the rope, suspending Steve’s wrist in the air above him.
“How ya doing, big boy?” Eddie grazes his fingers, feather-light, down the light stubble on Steve’s cheek.
“Never better.” 
Steve swallows hard, offers Eddie his other hand. The exquisite concentration on Eddie’s face, the tip of pink tongue at the corner of his mouth, is hilarious. Eddie’s half-naked body is totally smokin’, and yet…
Steve’s eyes drift closed. Those butterflies in his stomach are fast transforming into a horde of angry wasps. He’s had his hands tied before, by the Soviets and… Dammit, is this really distracting him from anything? I DIED IN 1978. I DIED! His breaths come faster, shallower. Nevertheless, he bites his lip against asking Eddie to stop, to slow down even. Don’t spoil this, Harrington.
“Stevie, you sure you’re okay?”
As soon as his gaze meets Eddie’s, Steve’s anxiety fades a little, and he nods. He tugs lightly at Eddie’s handiwork, now complete, and a snigger he genuinely feels tugs the corner of his lips. While the ropes don’t dig in, he doesn’t think he could easily yank himself free.
Okay, this is definitely kinda hot. Like the channel of air between their bare chests, which honestly, steams like a sauna. He’s always been in control in sexual relationships, always taking the lead. Lately, yeah, it’s felt kinda dull almost, as if he’s been going through the motions. Now, his nerves still jangle, but simply losing himself again in Eddie’s soulful eyes, he’s getting a goddamn semi. He peeps down, and the strain at Eddie’s fly suggests he’s suffering the same.
“What you gonna do next, Munson?” he husks.
“Stevie, I… I…” Eddie steps back, plows all eight fingers deep into that lush hair. “Seriously, now I got you like this, I have no clue, other than I want to kiss you so bad.”
“I want that so bad too.” 
Eddie kisses his own knuckles, dusts them across Steve’s lips, setting Steve squirming, keening even. His heart and his every goddamn fibre strain madly toward Eddie. Then an unexpected rumbling noise clamps those same fibres super-tight.
“Fuck!” Eddie’s half-lidded eyes stretch wide. “More choppers?” 
“No… No. Sounds like a truck or something.”
“Robin said there was a track, remember? Shit, shit, shit! Turn the flashlight off. Now.”
Eddie obeys. Pitch darkness slams down. “Fine,” says Steve, struggling to keep it together. “You gotta untie me, man.”
“Right. Yeah.”
Cold sweat carves rivulets down the back of Steve’s neck, soaking the hair as his nape, while Eddie fumbles at the rope. Eddie’s frantic, singsong voice unsettles Steve further: “Nooooo. Can’t see what I’m doing.”
“You tied the dumb things? How hard can it be!”
“Stop struggling. You’re making the knots tighter.” 
“Oh.” Steve hadn’t realized he was doing that. “Sorry. Sorry.”
Eddie switches the flashlight back on. 
“Are you insane?” hisses Steve.
“Not the expert I thought I was, okay? I’m gonna have to slice them. Don’t wanna slice you.” Eddie retrieves a flick-knife from his back pocket, starts hacking above Steve’s right wrist. “Aaaaargh! You blunted this thing slashing your way through that goddamn jungle.”
“Somebody had to carve a path for you two great wusses. Just… Don’t be a klutz.”
“Aaaaah, I suck at this, Stevie. I don’t like this. I don’t like this.”
Neither does Steve. An engine revs and grinds, waaaay too close. “Turn the stupid light off. Go! Warn Robin. She’s a heavy sleeper.”
“DO IT!” Steve’s furious desperation hits home. Eddie kills the flashlight, leaving Steve tethered by the wrists. Totally helpless.
Calm down, calm down. Focus, Harrington. Free yourself and then you can help them.
He grits his teeth, tugs again at the ropes. They simply bite deeper into his flesh. Nevertheless, Eddie has sawed partially through the rope above his right wrist. He throws everything into that, shoulder and biceps burning, until…
His right wrist flies free, and he slumps forward into the darkness. Which makes the bonds around his left wrist snare super-tight, like he was caught in an animal trap.
Ooow! Oh great, just great.
He staggers upright to slacken the remaining rope, gives it a single strenuous tug then pulls short, gasping. At this rate, he’s gonna squeeze his own goddamn hand off.
He hears murmured voices—Eddie? Robin? Two beams of dusky white light streak through the small windows of the cabin—headlamps!?! 
His increasingly feeble struggles dry up. Whoever is coming is nearly here, and he wants to punch something, to kick something. Anything! He’d do anything to protect Eddie and Robin. Anything… Anything.
Giddiness swirls through his body like a mist. He’s nearly bent double, before the wrench through his shoulder revives him. Ow, Jesus! He scrambles to find his footing, to lighten the burden on his shoulder socket, though he’s still light-headed, his chest tight and shuddering. Are the army here? Have Robin and Eddie been taken? Oh God, oh God!
Something that feels like a mini lightning-storm consumes his brain, echoed by a deafening clap of thunder, and then…
Eddie POV
Eddie dips around the wavering beams of the slowly approaching headlights. He dashes into the bunkroom, where Robin is asleep.
In the gloom, he grabs her shoulder, shakes her. “Robin!” 
“Mind the kittens… Huh? Shit, sorry, dreaming. What the—”
Eddie flattens his hand over her mouth. “Someone’s coming,” he hisses.
“Shit-birds, what do we…” Robin sits up, slides to her feet. Her attention swings to Steve’s empty bunk. “Where is he?”
“Long story. Listen, you gotta run. Now. Hide.”
“Where? There’s only one way out.” Her arms flap everywhere. “Where’s Steve, Eddie?” 
“Gonna get him. Come on!”
They sidle out of the bunkroom, keeping tight to the cabin and the shadows. The revs from the vehicle are hard-by. “Hide in the trees,” says Eddie. “Go.”
“Not without Steve! Where is… Oh my God, oh my God.” 
Two headlight beams dazzle, as the vehicle enters the camp. A few fleeting heartbeats later, lightning forks across the sky, echoed by a deafening thunderclap. As Eddie and Robin charge deeper into the shadows, the heavens literally crack apart and a wall of rain slams down. Eddie sprints for the cabin where he left Steve, already soaked to the skin, no idea if Robin followed.
“Steve?” he whispers. “Steve! Shit! Shiiiiit!” Blundering in the dark, he discovers Steve’s completely out of it, dangling limply from one wrist. Eddie’s clumsily bracing his weight, when a flashlight sets him squinting, and a large figure blocks the doorway.
It’s all over.
Somebody roars, “What the hell is going on?” 
It sounds like Chief Hopper.
Eddie’s so stunned that he almost lets Steve drop. Fortunately, Hopper is already there—or, at least, some tall, lean, mean-looking dude that resembles him. Whoever he is, he gets his arms around Steve, while elbowing Eddie out of the way.
“Eddie? What? Why? What did you do to him? How could you? HOW COULD YOU?” Robin, holding the light, sounds ten times angrier than the thunder.
“It… uh, it wasn’t like that.” Eddie wrings his sopping hair. “I can explain?”
“Save it, Munson,” mutters the Hopper-look-alike, who’s already produced a vicious-looking blade and is hacking Steve free. Then he scoops one arm under Steve’s knees, and with a grunt, he picks him up.
“You got beds somewhere?” asks Hopper. Robin nods, before leading the way out into the easing rain.
Part 11
tags: @estrellami-1 @kal-ology (thank you, thank you, thank you!) If anybody else would like to be tagged on this fic or any of my writing, please let me know :) Reblogs, comments and likes also very much appreciated :) Thank you for reading so far :)
(also part of my steve whump fic series on AO3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 11
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pigeonwhumps · 5 months
Pets of the Silver Screen masterlist
Taglist: @maracujatangerine @clairelsonao3 @whumplr-reader @whumpinggrounds @bbu-on-the-side
Tumblr media
Multiple times over the years, Agatha learns the rules.
CWs: BBU, pet whump, kidnapping, collar, beating, stress positions, dehumanisation, non-con nudity (non sexual)
Agatha juts her chin out, poise perfect despite the tip-toe position she's been forced into.
"My name is Miss Agatha Stanbury, daughter of Lord Kenneth Stanbury. Let me go and you may get out of this alive."
Foster Montgomery smirks, pressing his knife into her neck, blood beading along its edge.
"I think I'd rather keep you. Nobody's going to find you, certainly not after I'm finished with you." He drags his knife down her front, slitting her clothes. They mostly stay on, but it must be a very sharp knife to manage that. "Take them off."
He holds up the knife, reminding her. "What did you say?"
Agatha swallows but keeps her poise. She's going to be an actress, she can pretend she has nothing to fear.
"I said no. You have given me nothing to wear afterwards and I will not follow your disgusting commands."
"I have more suitable clothing for you later, if you earn it. But if you won't obey willingly I'll have to do it for you."
Agatha's barely had a chance to process the statement when she's slammed to the ground. All her bones are jarred and her nose explodes with agony. A boot seems to grind her into the floor as Montgomery removes her clothing piece by piece.
She hates herself for thinking it, but at least he lets her keep her knickers.
He grunts in satisfaction, and hauls her to her knees. She shoves his hands away and stands, but is back on her knees in less than a second.
"Stay." He reaches behind him and picks up a leather collar complete with tag.
Agatha doesn't move when he reaches out and buckles the suffocating leather around her throat, but not out of obedience. She just doesn't think she can.
She reaches up to touch it, but Montgomery smacks away her hand before she can.
"Don't even think about it. I'll only ever remove it if you need a punishment that might interfere with the collar somehow, so if you do so yourself I'll assume that's what you're after. But you do still deserve a punishment. Bend over."
Agatha swallows hard, the soft leather and cold metal buckle pressing against her throat. She doesn't move. She only came down for the season, she's not going to obey a kidnapper who's apparently obsessed with turning her into a pet.
He couldn't find a volunteer? There's enough of them.
She pitches forward onto her hands and knees as he pushes her over, pulling her knickers down.
"Bare flesh is best for this. Pets obey. They don't say no. They don't talk back. You need to learn this."
Agatha has never had such a thrashing in her life as she receives then. No-one's ever drawn blood before. She's not passed out enough by the end to receive a reprieve though – he orders her to clean the house, and woe betide her if he finds a speck of dust or blood.
She experiences it all as if from miles away. As if from the gathering she's supposed to be at right now, with entirely different rules. She's not in her body, most of the time, and that's probably for the best.
That day and the next, she learns the rules of being Foster Montgomery's captive.
1) Don't say no.
2) Only speak when spoken to.
3) Don't talk back.
4) Address other people as sir or ma'am.
5) Always obey immediately.
6) Don't remove your collar.
7) Punishments are always deserved, always hard, and given at the slightest provocation.
She adds an extra one from herself, too, which she knows is true. Montgomery giving her a collar is not just him being a sick bastard, it's theatre, another part of the pretense. Because even if he were to parade her in front of those she loves, everyone knows that only pets wear collars.
8) No-one's coming to my rescue. I'm not getting out of here unless I do it myself.
Over the next few months, the rules don't change. The chores are hard, and the punishments harsh, and a lot more of her is scarred now. Very little of what Montgomery does has any logic to it.
But she still can't find an escape. She fears she's sinking into it.
When she's hired by Hayes Fletcher, more rules are added to the list.
9) Don't talk to the other pet.
10) If you disobey, it won't just be you who's punished.
Eloise won't receive whippings, of course, and no canings during the shoot, but she can be put in stress positions, or starved, or have a bucket of water dumped over her head before being left in the unheated studio overnight. And Agatha has absolutely no desire to subject her to anything other than a good hot meal and somewhere better to sleep.
Rule 7 is underlined dramatically by the inspector's visit. In the aftermath, Agatha's arm and back throbbing, blood pooling on the frozen stone floor that her toes are just able to touch, Eloise whimpering from her own position, Agatha makes sure to add another two rules to herself (though the second is altered after Eloise's angry objections).
11) Don't talk about the situation to outsiders. It will only make things worse.
12) Don't break the rules. Even Only if Eloise agrees to do so.
Agatha could possibly escape during the transatlantic crossing. She thinks about it. Even jumping overboard might be better. But she needs to see Eloise again. Be sure that she's alive and physically unhurt (from the sinking at least, Agatha has no doubt she'll have been hurt since). Tell her that she's brave, and a hero, because if it had been anyone but fellow pets she'd saved, if she was anyone but a pet herself, her actions would've been lauded, but instead it's Hayes Fletcher who's being praised for having such a good pet. Which isn't right, it isn't fair, and Agatha can't leave Eloise on her own.
That's when Agatha solidifies the last rule for herself, that's been brewing since she first met Eloise but she's never stopped to think about it before.
13) Her and Eloise only have each other, and will always have each other.
Then the Great War comes.
Foster Montgomery signs up to fight. He leaves Agatha in Hayes Fletcher's care, who lends her to the munitions factory, for good publicity and probably money (money for Fletcher? Money for Montgomery? She doesn't know. But neither man is big into philanthropy). Eloise isn't there. Agatha follows the rules Montgomery has already given her, hating the fact that they keep her alive.
Another few rules are added.
14) Don't become emotional.
15) Never make a sound.
16) Just because you're working alongside people, doesn't mean you are one.
That last is... profoundly obvious, at times. When the rest of the workers get to go home at the end of their shifts and she is kept working, or if there's no-one else at all, locked in the breakroom until morning. When she's fed less than the others, or when she's beaten, or–
It's so obvious, even more so than when she was hired by Hayes Fletcher. She hates it. And she's so alone here.
The war will be over by Christmas, right?
1915. Foster Montgomery is dead, and Agatha desperately wishes she could thank his killer, if anybody even knows. She gets a new tattoo, signifying her ownership by Hayes Fletcher (luckily, she knows his rules, there's no new ones to learn there). The Munitions Act comes into force, and the regular bombing raids start.
Monkey's paw. She's not alone anymore, but it means that Eloise, and several other pets, have joined her in the munitions factory.
She teaches Eloise what she's learned about staying out of trouble where possible. They have a dedicated bunkroom now, pets crammed in on old bedding on the floors of the worst-maintained rooms. They learn that only a few owners have paid for their pets to be taken to air raid shelters.
Hayes Fletcher hasn't.
Night after night they spend, trying to stay calm as bombs rain down around them. Occasionally they're still chained or tied up at night, for punishments, and when that happens Agatha worries the most.
She learns one more rule.
17) Sometimes all you can do is pray.
The war ends. By a miracle, her and Eloise are both still alive. Hayes Fletcher goes back to producing films, albeit with less success. Agatha watches as pet liberation campaigns grow, and the next decade approaches with force. The world seems a little more hopeful, things seem to be changing.
Except for her and Eloise. Stuck with the horrible, spiteful little man, punishments getting worse as he gets more frustrated and blames them for it (or maybe he simply has nowhere else to put his anger). The world's moving on, votes for women are coming, and she can't help but think of what her life might be like if she hadn't been kidnapped all those years ago.
She remembers rule 7. And the last time was dreadful, and another attempt could get them both killed, but she mentions her rule to Eloise one night and Eloise agrees. They have to try, don't they? Sometimes, it's the only thing you can do.
A week later, the film studio burns down in the middle of the night. Arson, probably. By the time the fire brigade arrive to the burnt out husk Agatha and Eloise are already sneaking onto a train to London.
"If the both of you want rules, I can give you some," says Ira, clearly reluctant, "as long as we can go through the ones you already have first. Is that all right?"
"Yes, ma'am."
Ira nods. "Why don't you write me a list then? We can go through them while Eloise is busy."
Agatha takes the paper and pen she offers, wincing as she sits down, heart skipping a beat. She's still not used to it.
At the end of the session, her list reads:
1) Don't say no.
2) Only speak when spoken to.
3) Don't talk back.
4) Address people as sir or ma'am.
5) Always obey immediately.
6) Don't remove your collar.
7) Punishments are always deserved, always hard, and given at the slightest provocation.
8) No-one's coming to my rescue. I'm not getting out of here unless I do it myself.
9) Don't talk to the other pets.
10) If you disobey, it won't be just you who's punished.
11) Don't talk about the situation to outsiders. It will only make things worse.
12) Don't break the rules. Only if Eloise agrees to do so.
13) You and Eloise only have each other, and will always have each other. (Ira says she can get rid of this one partially too, but she's not so sure. Not yet)
14) Don't become emotional.
15) Never make a sound.
16) Just because you're working alongside people, doesn't mean you are one.
17) Sometimes all you can do is pray.
The new rules are easy, and straightforward, and Agatha doesn't entirely trust them. The list now reads:
1) You belong to yourself.
2) You will never be punished, no matter what you do.
3) You and Eloise only have each other, and will always have each other.
4) Sometimes all you can do is pray.
Agatha kneels on the floorboards, trembling. It's her turn today, Ira asked her to clean and she said yes, she's not sure why except she's so used to not being allowed to say no.
She hopes she's done well. She hopes she's done well. She hopes she won't be punished.
Ira doesn't do punishments. But all the same, she hopes she won't be punished.
There's footsteps, then they stop.
"I've finished cleaning, ma'am."
A hand on her shoulder. "Agatha, please look at me. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. Come on, look up."
Agatha obeys hesitantly. And gasps. Ira's eyes are dark and warm and how could Agatha ever have thought otherwise? Ira gets down to her level as Agatha grasps her hands tightly, pulling her into a rare hug.
"Rules one and two, Agatha."
"I belong to myself," whispers Agatha, still clutching Ira tightly, "and I will not be punished."
Ira's two rules. The only two she'll ever make.
1) I belong to myself.
2) I will never be punished, no matter what I do.
And there's a third, that Agatha has added herself, that she thinks she probably can after so long. Rule number 5, now Ira has been proven correct and number 3 has been partially removed (Agatha does not only have Eloise now).
5) Ira keeps her promises.
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mj-iza-writer · 8 months
Things I'm currently going through that you can absolutely use for your Whump characters.
Warning: I am explaining what I am going through right now. This has mentions of passing out, puke, and blood. Please don't read if those are icky to you. I am also not tagging the ones I normally tag because I don't know what they're squicks are.
I think I'm having a bad reaction to a medicine that I tried to take to get rid of the bad cold I've had for a week straight.
So here is how my day is currently going. Maybe some of this may inspire a story. I hope you enjoy.
• I woke up at 4:30 am to a Charlie Horse in my leg.
• At 4:30 am I went to the bathroom, I felt like I was going to puke. A few minutes later I hear myself moaning and my back is hurting. My mom is opening the bathroom door because she heard something fall. I had fainted and was lying sideways against our shower door. I had passed out for a minute.
• I have thrown up 3 times today so far, and I'm sure I'm not done yet.
• I legit yell and groan while I puke. I also gasp for air after every hurl.
•My throat is raw from the acidic puke.
• My chest and ribs are sore from heaving.
• After every time, I have been shaky and weak as I try to piece myself together. (If your Whumpee doesn't have a Caretaker)
• I am fluctuating between chills and sweating. The cold sweats are horrible also.
• I have blood in my eye from bursting a blood vessel from puking. That was terrifying when I looked into the mirror.
• I have no appetite, I either eat something to puke later or I dry heave, both hurt the same.
•My head is killing me.
So yeah, no matter who you give these to, your character is bound to have a bad time. Happy Whumping, I'm going to try to take a nap now.
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shaykesqueer · 3 months
Whump Month '24 Day Fourteen: "It Hurts"
And what if Aether was some kind of panther man? And on the full moon he gets a little too violent so… precautions need to be taken. He can get a little mean. And maybe a little manipulative~
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Thank you @cirrus-ghoulette for organising Whump Month! Prompts here <3
Side Note! I'm going to be taking a break for a few days because I'm getting a little overwhelmed and I've caught up with myself with the prompts. I'm still going to do all of them because I'm really enjoying it, but they'll just be a few days out when I come back!
Instagram | Pillowfort | Tips | Patreon Coming Soon!
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. Hi there, I'm looking for a Jiang Cheng time travel story. I don't remember the how or why but it was during the Sunshot campaighn and he remembered that Wei Wuxian didn't seem to suffer any symptom to Demonic Cultivation after his marriage to Lan Wangji, contributing it to his healing songs, and planned to have Lan Wangji marry into Lotus Pier this time... @krysaniar
NOT FOUND! Brother-In-Law's by ILikeReading101 (M, 305k, JYL/JZX, JC/WQ, wangxian, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con, sexual assault, butterfly effect, memories, self doubt / self harm, angst w happy ending, fluff, rape recovery, everyone lives au, PTSD, unhealthy coping mechanism, depression, emotional manipulation, second chances, WIP)
FOUND? Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It, Lynchpin [PODFIC] by Opalsong, [PODFIC] Lynchpin by Gwogobo)
2. Hi! I'd love if you could help me find fic that might or might not exist. I don't know if i imagined it myself somehow or i actually read something similar but it was about how wangxian were getting frisky and ayuan finds them and gets mad at wwx because he thinks wwx is hurting rich gege. That's it, that's all i remember. I have found fics where it's the opposite and ayuan is mad at lwj instead but that is not what I'm looking for. Is there a fic like that? Or fics similar to that premise? It can be canon or modern timeline. I just need something where ayuan throws a fit because he thinks wwx was trying to hurt or fight lwj, poor wwx. Thanks. 😊 (also in a itmf)
SIMILAR! No Talk of Milky Thighs by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 87k, WangXian, ChengQing, XiYao, MingLi, past WWX/others, past LWJ/others, Bickering husbands, Modern With Cultivation, Pining while fucking, BAMF WWX, Arranged Marriage, YLLZ WWX, BAMF YLLZ, Protective WWX, Protective LWJ, Good Sibling JC, exes to married, Exes to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Everyone Loves WWX) although it doesn't fully fit what you're looking for, a fic that i recommend is No Talk of Milky Thighs by DeviyudeThoolika. Specifically, Chapter 28: Sex Education. Sizhui sees WWX push LWJ, then LWJ tackles him to the floor hehe. But Sizhui doesn't get mad, instead, he and Jingyi try to uncover, analyze this case of rough physical interaction between his parents 😅 The fic is funny, hot, and exciting especially the wedding 😁
3. Hello! Can you please help find this fic? I don't remember much. I thing wq make a deal with sushoot soldier that she will give yiling to them in exchange of her famaly and her safety. Wwx fights with a bow and killed wzl using a bow in battle at yiling. I think that jc knows about golden core transfer because he awakened at close at the end of procedure. Thats all that i can remember. Thank you!!
FOUND! Justified in Knowledge by Comfect (G, 50k, JC & WWX, JC/WQ, wangxian, WWX & WQ, WQ & WN, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Fix-It, Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer, Everyone Lives AU, except like WRH and WC, And probably a cast of thousands because its a war)
4. Thank God for fic finders! Hopefully you can help me find this one bc I've been dying to reread it.
This fic is a sci-fi Au, with Ship Commander LWJ and Inventor?/Engineer? WWX It opens up with WWX escaping captivity from the Jins, who kept him prisoner for 13 years, making him invent for them, and forcing him/torturing him with android? body modifications.
Specifically, he was also kept close to JGY, which gave him an opportunity to escape at some sort of large Space Federation Meeting that LWJ and his ship were attending. WWX is caught by LWJ during his attempted escape and is brought back into LWJs ship, where they are then chased by the jins the rest of the story. I can't remember much about the rest of the story besides the general WWX whump, wangxian being sand and horny for each other, and their ship being hunted down by the jins. The other sect leaders are in the background in their own ships
I hope it's still out there and didn't get deleted, I haven't had any luck finding it in ao3s science fiction tags
Thanks for the great work you guys do! @homosexualhooligan
FOUND! Stars bring us apart (Stars pull us together) by Sixlayerhouse (sixlayerhouse) (E, 124k, WangXian, ChengSang, Hurt/Comfort, (Vaguely) Star Trek AU, Psychological Trauma, PTSD, Body modifications, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Recovery, married!wangxian)
not FOUND! To the Edge of the Stars (And Back Again) by AnaraneSindanarie (E, 24k, wangxian, 3zun, graphic depictions of violence, space au, space force, slow burn, angst)
5. Hi? Please help me find this fic: in this wei wuxian sacrifices himself to bring another wei ying to his body from another universe, because his lan wangji died. I remember that the other wy's lwj died too, when he tried to save wy's parents maybe? And at first lan zhan was wary of him, not believing that he was anither wei wuxian, but when he tried to fight with him, he finally believed it. I've been searching for this at least an hour and i can't find it. Thank you guys, you are lifesavers❤️❤️
For #5 unfortunately it was not that. It was canon settings. Some things i remember: before yllz sacrifices himself, he kidnaps hanguangjun, and when the other wei ying wakes up in his body and frees him, he immadietly knocks him out and takes him back the cloud recesses. From there wei ying escapes and the jiangs find him at the side of the road and they believe him, that he is not the yllz. Thanks for the reccomend tough, i'll check the fic♥
not FOUND 134340 by silverclaw (M, 18k, WangXian, Space, Space Opera, Heavy Angst, Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Closure, Parallel Universes, Coco the robot, Hopeful Ending, in terms of closure and healing, parallel!lwj and wwx form a bond, mentions of captivity, dystopian themes)
FOUND? Transverse by Kytrin, Mslead (E, 192k, WangXian, ChengSang, ZhuiLing, ZhenYi, Dimension Travel, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Enemies to Lovers, Transmigration, Past Lives, Canon-Typical Death, Don't worry - he gets better)
6. Hi!!! I'm looking for a fic where alpha Lwj thinks ômega Wwx is a fuckboy. He decides to have one night with Wwx to see if his feelings might disappear. Wwx, who is not a fuckboy at all, thinks Lwj is in love with him too, and confesses to him some time after their one night, but Lwj turns him down rather cruelly, even insinuating he is promiscuous. He regrets it once Wwx starts crying. I also remember Wc/Wx said something about Wwx, and Lwj got into a physical fight with him before going to apologize to Wwx.
Hi, it's number 6 from the lqst foc finder. It's not the threadfic by Kizukatana. It was not a threadfic, it was on ao3.
sounds like it might have been a threadfic by Kizukatana on Twitter, but i don't remember exactly
7. Hi! I'm looking for a fic! Basically, the fic starts off with wwx dead. He died when the wens came to lotus pier and madam yu had him whipped, his hand cut off, and thrown into the river. LZ is called to play inquiry for him by JY and JC. They find out that he's been hanging around as a ghost/river god and they're afraid he's turning resentful. Later they find out that the new bead disciple has been doing all the stuff they had suspected wwx of doing when the head disciple kills his own brother. Wwx ends up taking over the body of the brother and coming back to life to bring him justice and he gets to keep the body! Over time he starts to look more and more like himself without the wounds he died with.
Madam Yu gets frozen as punishment for all her bull.
LZ and WWX end up getting married and on their wedding night they go to the jin sect and check on JZ who they find out has been getting poisoned by MY who was setting up MZ.
They also find the wen remnants at a labor camp and save them.
In this fic, wwx is very strong, maintaining the power he had when he was a river god.
Thank you for any help!!! @koilily
FOUND? You still sound like a song by Moominmammashandbag (M, 64k, wangxian, WIP, Ghost!WWX, Mystery, LWJ plays inquiry, AU from after the Wens came to Lotus Pier, Most people lived, not everybody died, Angst with a Happy Ending, river spirit!WWX, Angst and Feels, description of murder, imminent smut, Execution, bad dog names, Poisons, Discussion of Attempted Murder, BAMF WWX, Family Feels)
8. Hey, can you please help me find this fic?
WWX is the son of HuaLian.Something happens and LWJ betrays him or something? I think it was bcuz of an illusion or something by JGY?
Then WWX creates a new sect w/ XXC and SL.
A-Yuan and someone else are called something twins cause they fight together so well.
The heiresses from Phoenix and Mermaid clans want to marry WWX and try to court him.
Thank you for your time 🌼🌼@utxqia​
FOUND? Crown Prince of The Two Realms by Jeon977873
9. Please help me find this angsty modern Wangxian fanfic - It starts with LWJ and WWX as college roommates to (secret) lovers but then WWX has to leave him due to the Wen clan; Madame Yu helps him change his identity and leave the countr. Few years later he resurfaces as a pretend fiance of Wen descendent to overthrow WRH. He has an uncanny resemblance to WWX which he constantly denies; until the old college friends have a reunion & a game of drunk truth/dare where WWX slips up & LWJ/WWX reunite.
FOUND? Talk Hard by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 161k, wangxian, JYL/LXC, JZX/WQ, JC/MM, modern, college/university au, roommates, falling in love, getting together, separations, getting back together, BAMF WWX, protective WWX, drunk LWJ, good parent YZY, pining, fluff, politics, hurt/comfort, slow burn)
10. Hello!
Please can I ask for help with finding a MDZS fanfic - I have been looking for days to find this angsty Wangxian fanfic on AO3 but I don't have an account and I seem to have lost my browser history as well! I will try to summarise as best I can..The fic is based in a modern world, but the rivalry in cultivation sects still exist. It starts with Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian as college roommates, where LWJ is very introverted and one day he gets hurt/beaten up by the Wen clan and WWX takes care of him, then he slowly starts warming up and spending time with WWX's friends - NHS, MianMian and JC. WWX is oblivious to LWJ's feelings initially but eventually they become boyfriends but none of their friends know about their relationship. Then one day WWX has to go away because of the Wens (I can't remember exactly how, but Madame Yu helps him escape, change his identity and pretend to have disappeared off the face of the earth). He goes through a lot of different jobs but also joins some secret forces and becomes very skilled in defence and weapons. Few years later, he surfaces again with a whole new identity (I think as MXY?) as a pretend fiance of a long-lost Wen descendant to try and overthrow the tyranny of WRH. He looks exactly like WWX but they manage to convince everyone he is not and just has an uncanny resemblance to him. LWJ is convinced it is actually WWX but WWX keeps his distance to keep LWJ safe. Eventually the truth comes out when the whole friend group decides to go out on a holiday and play a game of drunken truth and dare. Here WWX confesses his first love and how they got together in college which gives him away; he stops trying to pretend he isn't WWX. There is a very sweet reunion scene with LWJ and WWX but it ends up with them arguing. At this holiday, they get attacked by goons sent by the Wens and WWX get out to defend them - this point is where I lost the fic :'( @wingedangelthing
FOUND? Talk Hard by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 161k, wangxian, JYL/LXC, JZX/WQ, JC/MM, modern, college/university au, roommates, falling in love, getting together, separations, getting back together, BAMF WWX, protective WWX, drunk LWJ, good parent YZY, pining, fluff, politics, hurt/comfort, slow burn)
11. Hello! I'm looking for a fic I read ages ago and only remember very little of. I think it was either a war prize or arranged marriage fic? But that could be wrong. What I do remember is that when wwx kills the big bad, everyone expects him to take the crown and be evil or something, but he immediately turns and offers the throne/crown/sword/whatever it was to lwj. Help? Thank you so much for all the wonderful work you do!! @deathdefyinglifeleaps
#11 Oooh, that’s a good one, but not the one I’m looking for. Thank you for reminding me that this one exists, though! (Also, sorry I’m wicked late to this? Not sure how I missed it… my bad.)
Not FOUND pitiful destiny, point your finger at me by sassybluee (E, 66k, WangXian, Royalty, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Arranged Marriage, Pining while fucking, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Secret Identity, Under-negotiated Kink, Donghua YLLZ, CQL LWJ, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Identity Porn, Porn With Plot, Resentacles, YL WWX, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note) Im not sure, but... Try it?
FOUND? to porcelain, to ivory, to steel by sunsandships (E, 27k, WangXian, Vaguely Game of Thrones Inspired, Arranged Marriage, top!WWX, top!LWJ, Dubious Consent, Intercrural Sex, Oral Sex, Breathplay)
12. Hi! I am looking for an amnesia fic, and it wasn't in your compilation. All I got to read was the 1st chapter, Wei Ying wakes up in the hospital and can't remember the last decade of his life - he thinks he's still in college. He doesn't recognize the people who are in his room, and wonders where the Jiangs are, and freaks out when one of them - Lan Zhan - says he's his husband.
not FOUND but the days, they will blur by TheGirlWithTheKite (E, 60k, wangxian, modern, temporary amnesia, hospitalization, cat accidents, kind of college/university au, flashbacks, repressed memories, recovered memories, character deaths, smut, angst w happy ending, hurt/comfort, kid fic, established relationship, getting together, pining, miscommunication, distrust, insecurity)
FOUND! When I Was Older by jadztone (E, 60k, WangXian, Modern AU, Amnesia, Angst with a Happy Ending, low key pre-slash zhuiling)
not FOUND High On Information by Latigra (M, 110k, WIP, WangXian, XuanLi, Hurt/Comfort, Amnesia, Established Relationship, Injury Recovery, Family Drama, Set in USA, Shitty US Healthcare System is Good for Fictional Drama, Modern AU, mild body horror, Traumatic Brain Injury, Warnings at End Notes, Past Drug Use, ADHD, Jealousy, Dom/sub Undertones)
13. Hi! Thank you for all the work you do, could you please help me find a fic? It was wangxian, after the war for sure, I remember JGY was blackmailing WWX into obedience and silence by threatening JL at Koi Tower, it featured NMJ and NHS in major roles. I think someone was horrified that WWX didnt think he was allowed to get mail? Or he didnt think he was allowed to reply? WWX was a prisoner somewhere and he was treated decently, just very isolated. Something like that, Im sorry I dont remember more and I hope Im not conflating two fics into one… (rest of ask in an itmf)
FOUND! Always walked a very thin line by tucuxi (T, 22k, NHS & WWX, JYL & WWX, WangXian)
For 13, I can't seem to find the fic but I remember it! It's a post-Qiuongqi Path AU where WWX surrenders on the condition that the Wen are safe (I think they go with the Lans?). And he ends up swearing not to use cultivation of any variety and becomes the prisoner of the Nie, but JGY threatens Jin Ling and Jiang Yanli if he shares any secrets he shouldn't and also arranges for his letters to be stolen.
There's also a scene where WWX comes clean to LXC about no longer having a golden core because LXC was trying to get him to play cleansing for NMJ and won't take no for an answer until WWX tells him that he *can't*
Hopefully that'll jog someone's else's memory!
14. Hello, I lost a 🦊xian - 🐉ji fic. They didnt know each other, but somehow they spend a night. Later foxxian has eggs. He dont know who’s the father until kids grow horn. I remember jiangs call lans about kids. When they come to yungmeng, wei ying dont let to Lan Zhan come near the kids. Does this sound familiar to you? @nursnus
Pretty sure this is one Twitter fic I've partly read 🤔🤔 will see if I can find the link to it
FOUND? This Twitter thread by cerbykerby (dub con, mpreg, memory loss, fox WWX, dragon LWJ) I'm like 99% sure it's this one
15. Hi! I just remembered a fic I read when I was new in the fandom but I lost it long ago. I remember that madam yu forgives wang lingjiao during the attack to lotus pier and convinces her to switch sides, and later wlj marries jiang cheng. Hopefully someone here knows it 🙏🏼 thank yall so much
FOUND! Everything But a Father by mercyandmagic (M, 97k, LXC/JGY, WangXian, happy sibs, angst, fluff, happy yunmeng trio)
16. Hi there! I've been wanting to re-read a fic and was hoping someone knew what it was, because I can't seem to find it by tag or among my bookmarks where it should be.
Wei Ying is starting a new (music, I think) school and ends up in a fancy, soundproofed suite with lan zhan as a room mate. At first he thinks LZ is ignoring him, but eventually figures out that LZ is deaf and just wears the headphones to keep most people from approaching him because he doesn't want people to know. Wei Ying begins learning sign language and adjusts his interactions with Lan Zhan to account for his inability to hear without letting on that he knows.
Later in the fic, they end up playing music together, they get together, there's a dinner or something with Lan Quiren, and Wei Ying finds out that Lan Zhan had specifically chosen WY out of the prospective options to be his room mate, but I can't remember the exact reason. The fic may have been unfinished, and I'm hoping it wasn't taken down!
Thanks much! @tevokkia
FOUND! Comfortable Silence by WritersBlock823 (rdlaserna) (E, 65k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, modern, college/university au, deaf musician LWJ, musician WWX, pining, smut, bottom LWJ, fluff, sexual harassment, blood & violence, angst w happy ending) If ever u wanna find it again, it is in the deaf lan zhan tag🩵
17. Hello, wonderful WangxianFicFinder mods. I find myself looking for a fic I read quite a while ago. It was a Lan Wangji pov fic (I think) post canon, where he reflects on the age difference between him and Wei Wuxian and gets maudlin about it. At some point, they travel together and end up at the edge of the desert and LWJ takes some time alone in the desert to reflect and is joined/found by WWX later and they resolve their relationship issue. My history is too long I can't find it T_T. Help… @kinoumenthe
It was post resurrection, not modern :)
the worrying about age difference is right, that's the part I was remembering, but there's no desert in this one I think ? I maybe be squishing two different fics together in my mind…
Oof, I remember reading this one, LWJ was traveling in chief cultivator business iirc
the-marathon-continues-nip: #17, is this post resurrection and set in canon or is it modern?
Not FOUND The Price of Old Wishes by SoManyJacks (E, 67k, WangXian, Minor canon divergence, Angst, POV LWJ, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, semi-verbal!LWJ, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Suicide)
NOT FOUND! Bitter Plants Bearing Sweet Fruit by Kryal (M, 83k, WangjXian, canon-typical horror elements, Worldbuilding, Desert, Misuse of Historic Setting, Original Character Death(s), Case Fic, aftermath of canon, Established Relationship, Nothing Explicit But Shameless Innuendo) (I'm not sure if this is the fic you've been thinking of since I haven't read it but I thought I'd try after seeing the summary ^^; - Mod C)
FOUND! brighter than the sun by qinghe (ocheeva) hidden in a collection by the author, (E, 21k, wangxian, post-canon, hurt/comfort, implied JC & WWX reconciliation, implied/referenced character death, smut, bottom LWJ, first time bottoming, autistic LWJ, sensory overload)
18. top of the morning to you! thank you for all your hard work for this community 💜 i'm looking for a fic that includes non-Jiang! Wei Ying who lives in a village of refugees (i think?) after the war. I remember he was a cultivator but he sealed his core and lived like a normal citizen
FOUND! 💖 Xiao-Ying of the Third Refugee Village by abCEE (T, 31k, wangxian, WWX banished from Jiang sect, not Jiang friendly, found family, mpreg, fluff, flirting)
19. You guys saved my brain last time, I'm hoping you can save me again! It's Gusu lecture era canon divergence, with LQR is a good teacher. The students hold out against the invading Wens with creativity (WWX), cunning (NHS) and sheer body mindedness (everyone else LOL). The scene I recall most is that WWX has a plan involving resentful energy and is voted down. Eventually the defenders get driven into the caves, with LQR being tortured outside and he refused to give them up. LZ turns to WWX and says what was that plan again? Eventually, the Nies show up to help drive out the Wens. At 5he end, NMJ says something about they would be glad to take their help in the SSC no matter how little they can contribute and LQR says "About that...." It was a one shot probably less than 20k. I've gone though good teacher LQR and equivalents for months, and I'm at page 58 of my AO3 history with no hits. Help!! @mreisse
FOUND! Home Alone by nirejseki (G, 3k, gen, canon divergence, home alone inspired shenanigans, attack on cloud recesses, hurt/comfort)
20. Greetings Kay and Mojo! I'm searching a fanfic that i read sometime ago, it was from Cloud Recesses Days where WWX teased LWJ soo much that LWJ had to put silencing spell on WWX which he didn't knew was too strong, that result WWX's lips get sealed (poor wwx) and LWJ couldn't undo it. While searching how to undone the spell WWX learned sign language and thus somehow created bond with Jin ZiXuan. Thank you! @let-it-be-rainbow
FOUND? Couldn't Scream Couldn't Shout by mermorgie (T, 42k, WIP, WangXian, Not for jc stans, i tried to not bash jc too much but like, Muteness, Sign Language, references to selective mutism, Homophobic JC, canon jc characteristics, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Anxiety Attacks, Pining, LWJ is a Panicked Gay, Supportive Sibling LXC, JZX Tries, LQR Tries, Protective JZX, Scheming NHS, Bisexual, JZX, LWJ is Bad at Communicating, WWX Has ADHD, Autistic LWJ, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, Jiāng Family Bashing)
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