#whumperless day 17: cool baths
soulless-angel25 · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event: Day 17 Prompt- In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.” @seth-whumps
Fandom: School Bus Graveyard Characters: Ashlynn Banner, Emma Banner
AO3 Link! [Pre-Canon, Young!Ashyln]
Ashlyn was sick so often she didn't know what it felt like to not be sick every hour of everyday, it was something she'd come to terms with. She was always sick and so she and her parents learned to manage it.
But this sick was worse.
This sick made it feel like she was on fire, with the world blurry and things accompanying the noises. Maybe what her mom was working on would help.
And so, Ashlyn sat and waited for her mom to step out of the bathroom and when she came out she scooped Ashlyn straight up into her arms and moved back in to place her daughter in the cold water. One hand holding hers at every moment, a warmed up towel on the side for when Ashlyn wanted to come out.
In the tub Ashlyn let herself sink, the cold felt so nice against her body so very nice against the inferno that her skin had become. Oh how she loved the cold.
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kaciart · 2 months
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Day 17 In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
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soapy-soartp · 2 months
Day 17 of @whumperless-whump-event
Day:  17 - IN HOT WATER
Prompt: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / "We have to get that number down somehow."
Sick baby hong er and caretaker XL
Fandom: TGCF
Characters: Hong'er, Xie Lian, Yin YU
When Xie Lian woke up he was met with the strange sight of a small dirty figure laying next to him. The poor thing was shivering and filthy and curled up trying to make themself as small as possible. Through his sleep-addled mind, he wonders why there's a child in their bed instead of his husband- oh. *Oh*.
Then it all clicks.
This child is his husband. He slowly sits up, trying not to disturb or frighten the child, who he now knows is little Hong’er.
“Hong’er…?” He quietly calls out, reaching out for the child but not quite touching.
The only thing he gets in response is a heartbreaking whimper and the little one curling up more. Xie Lian reaches out to wipe away some of the sweat and grime on the child but he reels back when he feels just how much heat is emanating from him. 
He pushes back Hong’er’s badly cut bangs and feels his forehead, he’s absolutely burning up!
That can’t be normal… 
So fearing for his husband's health he quickly opens his communication array and contacts Yin Yu for extra supplies and information, he doesn’t really know what to do with a thoroughly sick child. 
Yin Yu responds quickly and assures him that he’ll have everything they could possibly need at the shrine shortly. He also added that if Hong’er’s temperature was concerning it’s best to cool him down somehow.
He gripes at the fact they’re at Piqu shrine instead of paradise manor. It would’ve been a lot more comfortable for Hong’er there… though maybe it is safe here in a smaller village. He leaves Hong’er in Rouye’s care while he heeds the advice given to him.
Quickly, he begins to fill up the tub with water, forgoing the heating talisman that they’d usually use. He hopes the natural temperature of the river water is cool enough for the fever to go down. Well even if it weren’t at least Hong’er will be getting cleaned.
While he managed to half fill the tub with water, Yin Yu knocked and let himself in. He was carrying piles of pillows and blankets and a change of clothes for Hong’er.
“Your Highness,” the masked man greets with a nod.
“Yin Yu! Thank you for getting these!” He says with a smile as he reaches for the items, “Ah? What’s this?”
“Just some extra supplies, Your Highness, food, medical supplies, and such.”
“Thank you again, Yin Yu! Could I trouble you to find out more information on caring for a sick child?”
“Anything you need, Your Highness, I’ll be going now. I’ll send whatever I can find to you.”
Xie Lian nods as Yin Yu leaves. Then he turns to the child on the sleeping mats again. Walking over with the mass of blankets and pillows he puts them tk the side as he checks on the other again. Rouye was circling the still shivering child, adorably the silk band seems extremely concerned for the child.
“Hong Hong’er…?”
Another whine answers him as the child begins to tremble more.
“I'm going to lift you up and get you into a cold bath alright…” he explains slowly, waiting for a sign of resistance before carefully picking up the trembling body and bringing him over to the tub.
He slowly takes off the filthy clothes the child wore and lowers him into the water. He takes great care to make sure the other’s head will stay above water and his heart breaks a bit after seeing him flinch harshly as he gets lowered in.
“Sorry, but you're burning up and we need to get your temperature down,” he explains.
Hong’er finally opens his eyes, one a dark void and a bright blood red. He clings to his arms as if scared of the water, Xie Lian smiles sympathetically and lets him. He uses his other hand to pour water over the child, which causes even more shivering.
 Xie Lian keeps smiling softly at the child while he carefully explains what he’s doing, taking great care to not aggravate the clear injuries that the child has. He washes soft skin and knotted hair of the dirty and grim that's stuck to them. By the time he’s finished the water is a dark murky brown but Hong’er is clean, pliant, and his temperature slightly went down.
He motions for Rouye to hand him a fluffy towel that Yin Yu brought, himself not being able to move because Hong’er was still clinging to him. Rouye dutifully brings him the towel and he bundles up the sleepy child and brings him to their nest of pillows and blankets. 
He makes quick work of tending to the child’s injuries and dressing him in simple yet finely made red robes. Then he grabs some of the fruit Yin Yi brought and begins to hand feed the child as he rests against Xie Lian’s chest.
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teine-mallaichte · 2 months
For @whumperless-whump-event day 17: In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
and @dadrunkwriting
Part 4 of a mini series
Part 1 | part 2 | Part 3 |
Anders paced back and forth across the dimly lit bedchamber, his anxiety slowly building with every passing minute. While he had managed to stabilise Fenris's wound, the warrior’s fever had become a troubling new crisis. Despite his extensive efforts—healing spells, poultices, and fever-reducing herbs—the fever persisted, climbing to alarming levels and showing no signs of retreat.
“We need to get that fever down somehow,” Anders muttered, more to himself than to anyone else.
His eyes darted around the room, searching for a solution. The only viable option left was a cold bath—a drastic measure, but one that might offer relief from the dangerously high fever. Fortunately the mansion had a working bath chamber, functional if slightly faded and neglected.
There were risks involved. A cold bath could be a shock to Fenris's weakened system, potentially causing its own complications. However, doing nothing was not an option.
He set about preparing a bath—filling it with water and using his magic to cool it further. It was a delicate balance; cool enough to reduce the fever but not so frigid as to cause more complications. He worked quickly, the sound of running water filling the otherwise silent mansion.
Returning to the bedchamber, Anders carefully lifted Fenris from the bed, cradling him gently in his arms. The elf groaned softly, barely clinging to consciousness, his skin radiating an intense heat as his head lolled again the mattress shoulder. Each breath shallow and strained, as if even the simple act of breathing sapped the last reserves of his strength.
As Anders lowered him into the cold bath, Fenris gasped sharply, his eyes fluttering open in brief, disoriented panic, his glassy gaze darted around, as he thrashed weakly against the chilling embrace, his muscles tensing in protest.
"Fenris, stop," Anders urged gently, "You need to stop fighting me. I know it’s uncomfortable, but it’s necessary."
Maintaining a firm yet careful grip on the elf, ensuring he didn't slip beneath the water's surface, he could feel the resistance in Fenris's body, the instinctive struggle against the cold that seemed to bite into his fevered skin.
"Stay with me," Anders continued, his tone steady and reassuring. "Focus on my voice. Breathe, Fenris. Just breathe."
Despite the mage's reassurances, Fenris’s breaths came in ragged, uneven gasps. The warrior’s body was shaking uncontrollably, the cold water a stark contrast to the feverish heat that had gripped him.
As the initial shock of the cold began to wear off, Fenris’s thrashing subsided into weaker, but still frantic, movements.
“Stay with me,” Anders repeated, his voice a steady anchor in the midst of Fenris’s disorientation. He could feel the warmth gradually leaching from Fenris’s skin, the fever beginning to recede under the onslaught of the cold.
After what felt like an eternity Fenris’s breaths finally began to even out, his protests and fight lessening. The shivering continued, though it was less violent now, the body starting to adapt to the drastic change in temperature.
“Just a little longer,” Anders murmured, more to himself than to Fenris. He adjusted the position of the elf, ensuring that Fenris’s head remained above water and that his body was adequately supported. The cool water seemed to be taking effect, and Anders dared to hope that the fever might finally break.
The warrior’s shivering gradually eased, and his breathing became less erratic. Fenris’s skin, still flushed with residual heat, began to cool down.
Once Fenris’s body temperature finally began to stabilize and shivering diminished to a more manageable level, Anders carefully lifted him out of the water. Wrapping him in a large, soft towel, and carefully patting him dry.
The warrior’s skin was still warm to the touch but no longer felt like it was on fire. Fenris lay limply in Anders's arms, his eyelids fluttering open occasionally, giving the mage a glimpse of unfocused green orbs.
“You’re going to be alright,” Anders murmured softly, more to himself than to the semi-conscious warrior.
Part 5
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sunflower1me · 2 months
Title: Cool Baths
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Pairing: Gus/Elliott
Rating: (General/Teen/Mature/Explicit): General
Word Count: 575
Includes: Sickness/Fever, Non-Sexual Nudity
Summary: Elliott runs a bath for Gus, hoping it will help with his fever.
Created for @whumperless-whump-event Day 17 "High fever / Cool baths"
@hurtcomfort-bingo Pick Your Poison Bingo "Fever"
Ao3 + Bingo Image Under The Cut!
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Bingo Card Completed! ✨
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autisticwriterblog · 2 months
Please, Ahti x Norman for whump 17!
I feel it would be rather fitting
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I love that my little rarepair is popular enough to get two requests for it. 🥰
A Late Night Bath Fandom: Alan Wake (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ahti (Control)/Norman MacDonald (Alan Wake) Characters: Norman MacDonald (Alan Wake), Ahti (Control) Additional Tags: Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, Fever, Bathing/Washing, Established Relationship, Caring, Sick Character, Location: Valhalla Nursing Home (Alan Wake), Pre-Alan Wake II, non-sexual nudity, Bilingual Character(s), Comfort, seth-whumps' Whumperless Whump Event July 2024, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, One Shot Summary: When Norman gets sick, Ahti dedicates himself to looking after his partner. And when Norman wakes in the night with a high fever, Ahti helps him into a cool bath and never leaves his side.
Written for @whumperless-whump-event day 17.
Prompt: In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
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kuralkara · 2 months
Whumperless Whump- Days 17/18
In Hot Water/I don’t see it
Dangerously high fever/Cool Baths/”We have to get that number down somehow” + Hallucinations/Fever Dreams/”It’s just a nightmare. You’re safe.”
For additional context; the Reader, in this brief, was made Unwilling Victim to something referred to as Muting. Muting is where a piece of the Soul is (literally) cut away for various reasons. While these reasons can be legit, there are many cases where it is Not.
In hindsight, you probably should have gone to get help immediately after. You should have gone to an urgent care, to the emergency room, somewhere to get the bleeding under control and the wound cleaned and patched. 
But there would have been questions. Questions you could not have easily answered. So you just… didn’t. Wrapped your body in as much gauze as possible and carried on, hoping and praying that you didn’t bleed through (not blood or the… other thing that had a habit of pouring out of the glyph). It was easier to bite your tongue and smile and nod and act as if nothing was wrong. Because, really, who would believe you? A mystery cult appears on occasion and cuts you open? Steals a little piece of you every time they come?
It still sounded insane to you. 
You stood, panting over the sink, trying to ignore the fact that it felt like molten sludge was pouring out from ribs that had been broken and splayed into a blood eagle. Ignoring the claws scratching at the door. Such a strange beast… you never could catch sight of it, but you were always certain it was there. Maybe it was a nightmare. Those could feed off physical pain, too: the elders were known for sustaining off the suffering of an entire realm. 
It was fine. Probably fine. You didn’t know if it was something you needed to be concerned about, and frankly, you didn’t have the mental capacity to think too hard about it. There were bigger things you needed to worry about. Like getting your ass ready for bed, so you could get to work tomorrow. 
Of course, the god you were stupid enough to allow to court you had other intentions. 
A freezing hand pressed against the side of your face. You didn’t flinch, you didn’t look, even if you heard the tell tale soft rumble of the abyss focused. You had half a mind to welcome him back. If you could get and keep your eyes open without feeling like your eyes were on fire. “How long has this been going on?” Raksa asked, gentle as ever. It didn’t do much to distract from those words sounded like they were coming through a blood soaked briar patch.
“Few days,” you mumbled, pressing the heel of one hand to your eye. You knew for certain he was real; the sheer chill of the abyss was impossible to replicate. “Not long enough to be concerning yet.”
“My dear, you're burning up.” Ah. Well. He wasn’t buying it. Oh well. That was- that was probably fine. “We have to get that temperature down somehow.” You managed to peek an eye open. The shape of him was real. Was walking behind you. You visibly saw him frown at the ramshackle bandages covering your back, before quickly turning on the shower. That didn’t make a whole lot of sense to you. Wasn’t a bath better at getting temperatures down? But at the same time, it kind of did: it’d cool the air in the room down a bit. More than he could brute force just by existing in it. 
And then he looked back at you, and you saw the lashing mark across his throat. It was thin enough that magic would be wasted in healing it, but apparently bothersome enough to affect his voice. “You’re also bleeding,” he stated, and you hunched a little. “It’s not bad for self-dressing, but it's in an unstable area. Just let me redo it, and we’ll be done.”
The water of the shower was bitingly cold. He sat on the toilet, running clawed fingers through your hair as you blinked your way back to a baseline. As per standard, he didn’t talk much of what happened or where he was: only that you didn’t need to worry about him tracking anything back. There was, however, something more… bitter as he spoke of the echoes of divinity he had to tear down. It wasn’t uncommon: he was of the old world. He had more than a few opinions about the new world brand of divinity. 
But it wasn’t exactly the standard, either. For every time he spoke nothing of the gods, there was another time he spoke everything of them. Often in a gentle sort of apathy. Rarely with vitriol. “Did you kill it?” you asked, knowing the answer.
“Of course,” he responded, as always. No god or higher being ever escaped him. Not a single one. “There wasn’t anything left of the domain, unfortunately. It may take a few millennia for anything to begin to repair itself.”
Something about a cycle; something about cloys. You never could properly understand what he meant when he spoke of those things, but it never drove you insane, either. So at least it meant you were still within the boundaries of what your mind could handle on a metaphysical scale. Maybe it was a matter of age? But the form that was rearranging your hair was a dream. A young vessel of the incarnation from the abyss below. 
Abyss. “There was scratching,” you stated, opening your eyes. His hands paused. “At a door. I don’t know which one, but there was a-a beast of some kind, I think, trying to get in. I assumed it was a nightmare.”
“Poltergeist or nightmare, it wasn’t there when I got back,” he reassured, returning to his pattern. “You’re safe- nothing is coming back to mute you anytime soon.” You shrunk into yourself, slightly, and he chuckled. “They were messy with it. I don’t know if they got much of anything.”
“Oh.” that was… reassuring. In a way.
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brandileigh2003 · 2 months
Updated fic: I've got you
Remus has a flare and a fever that is worrying Sirius.
Day 17: In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.” @whumperless-whump-event
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Whumperless Whump Event - Day 17
Look if I have to have a fever, the boys get to suffer
TWs: fevers, hospital mention, IV mention
Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
"I think I need to go to a doctor." Izan mumbled. He'd been dozing on the couch all day in just his boxers and one of Bastian's shirts, covered with a light blanket.
"Are you feeling worse?" Manuel asked, a soft frown on his face. Izan nodded, groaning and sinking further into the couch cushions.
Manuel stood and went to Izan's side, pressing the backs of his fingers to Izan's forehead--only to immediately pull it back. "Izan," he started, scolding. "How long have you been this warm?"
"A few hours." Izan said, not opening his eyes. Manuel felt like he just didn't want to see the disapproval on his face.
"A few hours--okay, no, you're going to the hospital." Manuel all but hissed. "Izan, you know better." He grumbled, already moving to go get the hospital bag they kept packed. "When you're discharged and okay, you are in so much trouble."
Even with all Manuel's complaints, he stayed firmly at Izan's side from admittance, to examination, to the cooling IV and medicine administration, to discharge.
@whump-captain @whumpr @whumperofworlds @lektricwhump @cyberwhumper
@bxtterflystxtches @inscrutable-shadow @honeybees-125 
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Whumperless Whump Event Day 17
IN HOT WATER: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
Tag this account ( @whumperless-whump-event ) to have your prompt fills reblogged here!
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wyvchard · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event Day 17
Prompts for today: In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
Prompt/s used: Dangerously high fever / We have to get that number down somehow.
Content Warnings: Fevers
"We have to get that number down somehow."
"... How high even is it?"
"Pretty bad. When I touch your forehead, it feels like I can fry an egg, that's how bad it is." The attempt in humor was only met with indignation. "Okay. Okay. Sorry."
"... I can't sleep. It's hot and I don't like my bed. It's really uncomfortable."
"I know. But still, you need to rest to get your strength up. Either sleep or eat something."
"... I don't have an appetite either."
The silence was palpable as the damp towel returned to their forehead.
"At least keep your strength up. I'll wipe you down to see if you cool down."
"... I hate it. And I hate the fact we couldn't go out because of me."
"I'm not going somewhere without you. Especially when you're sick like this."
Their arms reached out, requesting a hug as they attempted to sleep once more.
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parker-and-company · 2 months
Feel the Heat Coming From Within
Summary: Charlie has a fever. Drew gets an idea to help her.
Notes: I don’t think I’ve written for my OCs since like, November it feels like. It’s a shame too, these two are super cute (imho).
Whumperless Whump event day 17: In Hot Water (high fever / cool baths)
Charlie groaned as she rolled to her side. The blades of her mini- and ceiling fan spun around, but it just felt like they were just pushing around hot air.
Sweat beaded all over her body, making it feel slick and sticky at the same time. All she wanted to do was dump a whole bucket of ice all over her body. But that wouldn’t happen any time soon. The ice machine had broken, and the parts needed to fix it wouldn’t be there for another week.
She turned over to lay in her back, feet and head sticking out over the sides of her bed. Charlie starfished in an effort to more effectively distribute her body heat. It worked for about a minute before she was uncomfortably hot once more.
Charlie’s usual boundless enthusiasm was running on low. Her head was telling her to get up and move, but her body was saying to stay still and rest. Except that also doubled as not being able to move.
“Charlie? You good Hun?”
Charlie couldn’t muster up the energy to be excited to see her girlfriend, simply letting out a pitiful moan as she slowly slid down the side of her bed. Her head gently thunked the floor, neck partially holding half her body weight. It was uncomfortable, but she didn’t want to move.
She watched as her bedroom door opened and an upside-down Drew walked in.
“Drewyyyy.” Charlie pouted at her girlfriend. “I’m hottttt.”
They hummed, leaning down to put a hand to her forehead and check her temperature. “You are hot, sugar. But you’ve also got a fever.”
If Charlie’s face wasn’t red before, it sure was now. The tips of her ears burned in response to the compliment. “Drewwwww stoooooop.”
Drew chuckled. “Come on, I’m drawing you a nice cold bath. How does that sound?”
It sounded heavenly. Charlie blissfully imagined the cool water flowing over her hot exhausted body. The only problem was that she couldn’t lift herself up to go and do so.
But before she could say anything like that to Drew, they had gotten back up and was making their way to the bathroom.
So Charlie lay there, her neck and top of her head beginning to ache from the pressure her weight was putting on it. Down the hall, the sound of running water made its way to her ears. It was like music. Sweet, delicious, music that she just wanted to wash over her and make her feel better.
Her door opened once again, and this time Drew was there with the sleeves of their flannel all rolled up. “Alright baby, up you get.”
After much complicated maneuvering, Drew had managed to get Charlie into their arms bridal-style. She wasn’t able to bring her arms up and around their neck, however, and simple let them t-rex.
After Drew blew their hair from out of their face, they marched on to their bathroom.
After completely undressing Charlie for her — which, she might add, felt amazing to feel the air on her exposed skin — Drew lifted her and gently laid her in the tub.
How could Charlie describe this feeling? This absolutely heavenly feeling that enveloped her entire being? She felt as though she had dipped herself into a small slice of nirvana. Cool water negated any heat her body was putting out.
Charlie closed her eyes and let out an involuntary moan of pleasure, one she didn’t feel embarrassed about in the slightest.
As if things couldn’t get any better, she felt a cool rag cover her forehead. She opened her eyes again and watched as Drew dipped a bath sponge in the water and squeeze it over any exposed skin.
“Have I ever told you I love you so much?”
Without looking up, Drew smiled gently. “Mmmm I don’t think so, you should say it again just in case.”
Charlie’s energy had returned slowly, so she had just enough to playfully splash a bit of water at Drew. None of it managed to even clear the edge of the tub, but it still hit them in their exposed arms that were dunked in the water.
Drew let out a dramatic gasp, said “No! Water! My only weakness!” and flopped onto the bathroom floor.
Charlie giggled at their melodramatic display. “Oh no! Nooooo Drewy! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it!”
Drew lay still, only letting out the odd breath every now and then.
She huffed, then got an idea. “Would a kiss heal you?”
They quickly sat up. “If it’s a kiss from you? 300%.” Drew leaned in and closed their eyes.
Charlie did the same, but only left them a quick peck. She giggled as Drew’s eye blew open in mock disbelief.
“Ohhh I know you can do better than that, sugar.” They gently grabbed her by the chin and leaned in for a more passionate snog.
Charlie didn’t mind it at all. She had been planning on her little stunt getting that kind of reaction from Drew.
They sat there for a while, the cold water slowly getting warmer, as the kiss ended and Drew returned to pouring water over Charlie.
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