#whumpcember2022 day 20
alexversenaberrie · 2 years
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It’s Too Late....
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
Too Late For Second Chances
A/N: Lucifer fakes Charlotte’s death to protect her, but will she ever be okay? Written for Day 20 of @whumpcember​ . 
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Charlotte is still sleeping when Lucifer confronts her ex, lying to protect her from him sniffing around. She had bled on him earlier and he half-smiles at the man’s look of shock, his tone dark and deeply angry. “It’s too late…” “She’s….” “Dead. I suggest you leave before I kill you for chasing her that last day.” The man leaves slowly and Lucifer finds himself staring at the man’s back, considering how close he came to losing Charlotte, how close he’s always been to losing the women he loves. Maze, Chloe, now Charlotte. Later he’ll wake up to Charlotte curled into his side, nestled deeply enough against him to soak up the comfort of his presence even as she trembles in her sleep. She will be okay, one day, he will make sure of that.
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starjunco · 2 years
Day 20: “It’s Too Late” (Ao3)
TW: Creepy Crawlies
They stood on the edge of what appeared to be a chasm into the abyss. Their flashlights didn’t reach down to the inky black of the bottom.
Tredd had enough staring after a couple seconds of vertigo -- he could jump off a building but something about not being able to see the ground was nauseating. He turned his attention to the wall. The path around the edge of the chasm was a little too perfect to be natural, but there weren’t any machine marks as far as he could see. What there was, was plenty of lichen.
Actually, not lichen. Fine, floating strands, almost like…
He turned around only to watch in horror as one of the recruits summoned a fireball.
“Wait, don’t--”
But it was too late, the fireball fell, and fell, and fell…
Tredd rushed to the edge, hoping he was wrong.
The fireball stopped, and flames spread quickly from it. Most of the fire went out immediately, but the few remaining embers lit the quivering floor below. The mass began to move, skittering up the sides of the chasm. Thousands and thousands -- probably millions -- of spiders.
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whumpcember · 2 years
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Introducing Whumpcember 2022!
Everyone's heard of Whumptober or Febuwhump, Angstpril or Sicktember, but get ready for Whumpcember! Whumpcember is pretty much exactly like Whumptober or Febuwhump, except in December.
Whumpcember is born out of a love of monthly whump challenges but with zero time to complete them. I also want to complete these challenges, but never have the time! So I came to realize that, from an American perspective, December is the month I get the most time off. So, I decided to create this event for people who have too much time in December, but so little across the other 12 months. Of course, this is most definitely an American experience and not universal; so if you don't have free time during December it is still perfectly alright to participate! This event was just made to cure my December boredom, and anyone else's.
Now after that ramble, onto the actual rules:
Prompts should be answered with whump as the main focus (i'll let angst slide though, since it's similar enough to whump)
Fanfic! Gif! Text post! Fanart! Fan video! Any piece of media that you can possibly make that has whump counts!
You can use the prompts any time! Don't feel the need to rush
Though, prompts answered during December will most likely be reblogged
Post anywhere! AO3, Wattapad, Tumblr, or even Fanfic.Net! So as long as you make a Tumblr post with a link to the answered prompt it may be reblogged.
When posting onto Tumblr you can either @/ the blog or tag with #whumpcember2022 and the day's tag, such as #whumpcember2022 day1
Don't forget to add any warnings necessary, such as NSFW or sexual content
At the end of the month a masterpost will go out to all participants and a badge you can save stating that you are either a participant or completionist. In order to be on the masterpost though, you will have to fill out a google form at the end of month; don't worry it'll take two minutes!
I hope everyone has a fun time during the event! And if you have any questions shoot me an ask through the ask box!
(this is also my first year running this event, expect a hiccup or two)
Written Prompt List Below
-Main Prompts-
Day 1: Hypothermia
Day 2: Avalanche
Day 3: Storm
Day 4: Shortness of Breath
Day 5: “I hate you!”
Day 6: Separated
Day 7: Scars
Day 8: Faked Death
Day 9: Sacrifice
Day 10: “I won’t leave you”
Day 11: Clothing That Doesn’t Fit
Day 12: Broken Bone
Day 13: Fear of the Unknown
Day 14: Shaking
Day 15: “You’re A Monster”
Day 16: Bad Luck
Day 17: Icy Deep
Day 18: Betrayal
Day 19: Electricity
Day 20: “It’s Too Late”
Day 21: Self-Hate
Day 22: Closing In
Day 23: Stumbling
Day 24: Anticipation
Day 25: “Shouldn’t You Be Happy?”
Day 26: Free Falling
Day 27: Crash Landing
Day 28: Explosion
Day 29: Failure
Day 30: The End Is Nigh
Day 31: Slow Healing
Alt 1. Nightmares
Alt 2. Desperation
Alt 3. Deal With The Devil
Alt 4. Accidental Injury
Alt 5. “I Won’t Help You”
Alt 6. Revenge
Alt 7. Lashing Out
Alt 8. Secrets
Alt 9. On The Run
Alt 10. “I Would Die For You”
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