#whump the leaders!!
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whump-in-the-closet · 8 months ago
whumpee characterizations ? and what it takes to break them
thief whumpee: silver-tongued/ can't keep still/ uses humor as a coping mechanism-> gagged/ stress positions/ a casual whumper whose indifference immobilizes whumpee
royal whumpee: stoic/ proud/ seeks revenge after their imprisonment-> forced to kneel/ public humiliation, dragged around like a trophy, collared, branded etc/ enough scars to look like a constellation on their skin
healer whumpee: kind/ keeps up an image for the sake of others/ skilled in their trade-> pushed to the edge/ others have to take care of them/ hands or fingers so badly damaged they'll never be able to help anyone else again
innocent whumpee: naive/ trusting/ hopeful-> "no one is coming for you"/ left to die/ a whumper who twists whumpee's anger against their friends
bitter whumpee: apathetic/ shrugs off what they've been through/ exhausted-> "I'm fine." followed by collapsing/ vivid flashbacks where they wake up screaming/ refuses to fall asleep after their ordeal
leader whumpee: independent to the point of isolation/ tries to protect everyone/ mentally well-adjusted (mostly)-> set up to fail/ forced to hurt their teammates/ they come back changed, and everyone avoids them
villain whumpee: defiant/ insults whumper every chance they get/ so many failed escape attempts-> non-con drugging, left a shadow of their past selves/ conditioned to obey/ kneeling next to whumper at a press conferences
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befuddled-calico-whump · 9 months ago
thinking about a whumpee on a forced march through rough terrain
hands tied in front of them, on foot while their captors are mounted, sleeping out in the open, forced to beg for adequate food and water
maybe they're barefoot, a captured royal in silken robes
maybe they're in a torn suit or soldier's uniform
maybe they were stripped at the start, increasing the exposure to the elements, the humiliation
are they a terrified mess from the beginning, or do they try to endure with dignity? how long before they're stumbling, barely putting one foot in front of the other? how long before they fall?
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orangeduckweed · 6 months ago
TW: drugging
imagine your whumpee so pumped full of drugs that they can’t think anymore. their eyes are glossy and vacant. their existence reduced to a dull ache.
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caledine · 1 month ago
Types of whumpees in a team
( This is just a few, lmk if you can think of more c:<)
Youngest teammate Whumpee
You get your reckless and brash whumpees who’d who’d do anything to prove themselves
Unknowledgeable new to the field
“ I can do it, on my own.”
Angry and defiant till their hurt
Trying to act tough but just people pleasers
Being left behind for ‘safety’ and probably the easiest to break
“ it’s for your own good Whumpee. It’s not safe out there.” queue them getting captured from said place that’s deemed safe
Stupid plans?? Youngest learns just how bad not thinking things through results in
Doing things due to pure peer pressure
A go to hostage since team would fight tooth and nail to get them back (?)
Always doing busywork and never on the field
“ I have done everything from making coffee to doing your laundry— How is this hero work? “
Being deemed not strong enough
Medic/ Doctor whumpees
Either stoic or overly doting
Exhausted from caring to much
Just exhaustion whump in general !!
Always the caretaker and never taken care of
Full ER / too many patients
Natural disaster or a horrible fight leaving them swamped with injured teammates ( maybe they’re hurt too)
“ I know everyone’s hurt— hold on i need a second…”
Getting hurt and knowing just how doomed they are
Using all the good supplies on the team and leaving themselves with ‘alternatives’
Trying to talk other members through healing themself, knowing if they faint they are as good as dead
Does your Medic snap?
“ How many times have i told you to be more careful?! every single time your in my office you’ve brushed death again—“ ( Angry or worried?)
Stitching themself up because they think they have the knowledge to keep themselves healthy too ( knowledge ≠ strength to save themselves )
Second in command/ Right hand ( Could be a sidekick?) Whumpee
A glorified PA juggling all the ‘less important’ tasks or running errands
Never getting the authority / leadership they want over the team
Always picking up everyone else’s slack
Paperwork and all the busywork and never getting the full credit
Sometimes people are too tired to be nice
Snappy, defiant and never backing down
Always trying to one up other team members or get recognition or affirmation because they never seem to get credit
Stuck in Leader’s shadow
The moment Leader is out everyone expects them to know what to do
“ I don’t know— Leader never let me have any say-?”
Loyal beyond fault ( too much so) maybe they let people be dicks just because they’re teammates
Too forgiving
Maybe Leader sticks the blame on them for failed missions
the perfect stoic whumpee 🌟
Leader Whumpee
Exhaustion, overworking, passing out , thugging through sickness — Leaders normally the one who checks in on people, but who checks in on them?
Putting themselves last
Guilt of failed missions, maybe blame from other teammates
Trying to guide the team while injured ( concussions 😌)
Never really being part of the team just there to keep themselves healthy too in check
Breaking under pressure
Survivors guilt
Being replaced
Leader being held hostage because the team would be in shambles without them
Humiliation— make the team stop believing in them
Self sacrifice
“ I’m sorry i know it’s my responsibility…”
Struggling to ask for help because they’re scared the team won’t come to them
Their life revolves around keeping their team safe, too selfless
The team just expecting them to know what to do
Trying to juggle looking after the team with Hero work
Doing all the chores, being expected to do the most and be selfless
Their higher ups see their overworking as a good thing and feed into it
Everyone just always assumes they’re fine because pfftt they’re Leader of course they’re fine!!
Stoic but pathetic ejenkeosos
Sighhh i just adore team whump. I could always go on about this because the amount of possibilities are near endless. Give me complex relationships between characters!! Make your whumpees suffer while no one around them bats an eye, toxic team dynamics suck but the whump around them… Found family but make it hurt comfort!!
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fortunately-cool-penguin · 3 months ago
Whumpee who used to be stoic and fearless leader is now someone who can't even talk without stuttering.
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whump-or-whatever · 1 year ago
I love it when a really strong team leader, who usually speaks in a loud and clear voice, is reduced to soft muttering by whatever pain they’re dealing with. The team members see their leader in some sort of visible discomfort and ask if they’re okay. Despite the fact that leader says they’re fine, the team can tell immediately by the small voice they speak in that they are most certainly not fine.
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whumpberry-cookie · 8 months ago
After the rescue, Leader never shows the impact captivity had on them.
They keep composure for the sake of their team. But there are signs.
"Bring me coffee to my office, please" while they never used to say please before, out of their rank and reputation.
Smoking way more often then before
A tiny little muscle tremble that makes it hard to hold the cutlery. Drops the fork on the floor and instantly picks it up, like nothing happened.
Gives more authority to their assistant to take decisions for them.
During the meeting, they show their assistants some secret hand sign and leave the room. They continue without them.
Used to hate cats/dogs? Now places their hand on the fur of the animal that came and lied down next to them. Well, look at that, isn't that a retired service animal that sensed their distress?
A crying kid sees the first adult they can run to and hugs their waist, crying. Leader instead of instantly ordering to take the kid away, first sighs and awkwardly pets their back. "There, there".
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fleur-a-whump · 8 months ago
Overloaded (#1)
Preventative Measures
so like. this is a thing. been toying with this little guy in my head for a few weeks and like, almost nothing is concrete but I'm hoping I'll turn it into a series.
content: ex-villain whumpee, hero/leader whumper, manipulative whumper, just like a LOT of manipulation, collars/collaring, referenced electrocution, low self esteem, subtle threats, guilt trips
I've never done this before, let me know if I missed something!!
masterlist | next
Villain has finally been given a chance. A chance to prove he's more than what the whole city has always thought of him, more than what his father raised him to be. He wanted to do good in the world. The heroes were finally giving him a chance to be more than they've always thought of him. 
...or so he thought.
He gulps as he stares at the shock collar in Team Leaders hands. It's a small thing, sleek and unassuming. But he knows exactly what it is because Team Leader had shown him how it worked.  The man is currently speaking to him nonchalantly. Villain should really be listening to the hero that holds the key to a better life. But that collar... shakes Villain's faith in Team Leader. Just a little.
"Villain," the man says shortly. Impatiently. Shit.
Villain jumped to attention, nerves only growing worse. 
"Sorry, sorry! I'm just-just a little confused. I thought... I was a part of the team..." He tries to keep the heartbreak out of his voice. He doesn't quite succeed. 
"If you'd listen..." the Team Leader sighed deeply. Villain was going to throw up. 
Team Leader began again, speaking slowly as if to a child. Or a stupid person. Villain thinks he fell into the latter column. "I was just saying this will help you better mesh with the team. I'm sure you've noticed people are a little nervous with you around."
Hostile. Villain would use the word hostile.
"Given your past, everything you've done," the man drawled. Villain can't hold back a wince. 
"So, to ease their worries, and allow them to see how great I know you can be, this is just a little precautionary measure. A bit of a show."
Ryan swallowed thickly.
"So... It wouldn't be used..."
He tries to keep himself from thinking about electricity burning the sensitive skin of his throat as it shoots down his spine and into his skull to paralyze him. He's familiar enough with the feeling; he doesn't need to imagine it.
Team Leader gives him an easy smile. "As long as there are no issues, of course not."
"Oh, stuff that'll never happen. Just breaking any of the rules."
Villain arched his brow, slightly dubious. "Rules.”
"Yeah, like, follow orders, don't fraternize with any of your old contacts, don't leave our level, don't work unsupervised, don't harm the team. Stuff you've been doing this whole time."
"Wait, don't leave the level?
"I mean, that's pretty obvious, bud. If we can't see you, we can't know that you're following the rest of the rules."
He nods mutely, gaze wandering. this whole thing just. He didn't know. It hurt.
Team Leader gently tilted his head up. "Villain, I'm only doing this because I trust you. I know you'd never do anything that could jeopardize your place here."
He doesn't trust that Villain is a hero though, obviously. That he's good. Because Villain could never be good. Not now. Not after all he's done. 
No, he can only hope to do good. And the only way he'll be able to do that is with the team. If this is what it takes to ease his team into working with him, if this is what it takes for him to stay, then he'll do it.
"Atta boy, Villain! I knew you could do it, man."
Villain nods, trying to give him a smile.
Team Leader moves towards him all too quickly, and he can't help the flinch. The man doesn't seem to notice—or at least he doesn't acknowledge it—and is soon once again gently tilting Villain's chin up from where it had fallen. 
Villain fights the urge to lean into the touch.
While he's distracted, Team Leader swiftly brings the collar, already disengaged and bent open at the hinges, and presses it to Villain's skin. 
Villain jolts at the cold metal and fights to swallow as it's closed around his neck.
The locking mechanism clicks right up against his spine. He can't help the shudder that trickles down his back at the finality of the sound.
"I'm so proud of you, bud," Team Leader says with a big smile and a ruffle of Villain's shaggy curls.
The tightness in his chest eases, just a little. A little part of him flares in anger at how easily he's comforted. He doesn't deserve the comfort.
But he's trying. The collar now fit snuggly around his neck, like it was made for him, is proof of that.
ps ex-villain whumpee on the hero team but whumped by the hero team is my all-time favorite trope and it is so hard to find I have finally hit the point of needing to produce my own story to scratch the itch
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whumppromptoftheday · 1 month ago
Whumpee is beaten within an inch of their life and left to be found by the team just to send a message to Leader.
Leader is singled out, taken off guard, and beaten when they get too close to the truth. Leader tries to hide this from their team because if the team realized the danger Leader was in, they’d stop the investigation.
ooh! good prompts!
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bleedingintogold · 9 months ago
The medic leaned over his captain, wiping away the sweat on his forehead with a damp cloth. The man himself was out cold, as he had been for the past day. Tan skin had become a pale shade and a strong body had been reduced to a limp shell of itself. Heavy breathing became the only thing that showed he was still alive and struggling to be.
He wasn't getting better.
The wound had festered and the infection must have gotten into his bloodstream. Medic had been too late to notice and the captain had been too occupied trying to keep as many of his men alive as he could whilst completing their mission. The platoon stopped advancing yesterday when their captain collapsed right in front of them.
But the general had had enough. One man wasn't enough reason to abandon their assignment.
"He can't even sit up by himself, sir! He won't survive if we-" "We aren't bringing him. He will stay here," "With all due respect sir, this platoon needs their medic with them-" "I said that your captain is staying here. Not you," The medic's heart dropped when the general's words started to register. He was being ordered to leave behind his captain. His brother by everything but blood. "Look at him, medic. I doubt he will still be alive by tommorow. You're wasting your supplies," "General! He isn't dead yet! He just needs time-" "Time that we do not have, soldier. We will move by sunrise tommorow. We are advancing without him,"
A small whine answered the general before the medic could, making both men turn to the weak body on the cot. The general sighs as he walks to the young man's side, placing a gentle hand on a too warm forehead. The captain's eyes were hardly open, but he was conscious and had heard the whole conversation. "I'm sorry, son. You were a good soldier and one of my best men. But this mission is of higher importance," "My men...take care of 'em, sir," "I will. For your own good, you need to let go. You don't need to hold on anymore, son. You've done your part," The medic's hand trembled as he watched the two high ranks.
"m' sorry, sir...dying...is not as easy as I thought," "I know. Which is why I will help you. You don't have to suffer like this anymore, son," The general said as he passed the medic a small packet of white powder. "Sir?" "It's cyanide. Mix some into water and feed it to him tonight," "You're...you're asking me to kill him, sir?" "He's in pain, soldier. You're going to do him a favour,"
The captain was partially conscious now but he had seen the powder. Medic made the mistake of meeting the captain's eyes, seeing the fear in them under the haze of sickness. "I will allow you to bury him properly before we depart. Make sure it is done by sunrise," the general said before leaving the tent.
Medic cradled his captain's upper torso, the mixed concoction of poison ready in a canteen. The captain's head laid limp against Medic's shoulder. Medic noticed that his captain was trembling.
No, wait. It was him.
He was trembling.
A weak voice pulled the medic out of his haze. "Medic...I...I don't want to die," a voice he didn't recognize said, soft but shaky. "But...you're in...pain. You won't survive anyway-" "I don't wanna die...please...I'm scared..."
Medic put the canteen down, instead wrapping his arms tightly around his captain. The captain was built bigger than medic, but he seemed incredibly small in his brother's arms. "Okay. Okay. You're not going to die, alright? I'm not...I won't do it," "But...the orders..." "Fuck the orders. I am a medic. Your medic. My task is to keep the men alive, not kill them,"
The captain didn't answer, savouring the warmth of his brother holding him.
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whump-galaxy · 15 days ago
Something about the injured whumpee leaning into their leader’s arms. The leader is terrified of hurting them more, making small movements to hold the whumpee close. They place their chin on the whumpee’s head, wishing that they could take all the pain away.
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seth-whumps · 1 month ago
"Captain, you're hurt." + Leader! Whumpee
"Don't worry about me. Keep going."
"Ngh, 's fine--I'm fine, put me down--"
"I am? I am. Huh. I didn't notice."
"Tend to the others. I can last for a while, Medic."
"You're--You're... uh... could you catch me in a second?"
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caledine · 24 days ago
Leader whumpee idea
(yes, again. i miss him :c — if you feel like my whumpee here)
The team starts noticing. They don’t know when it started, don’t know why it took them so long to see it, but suddenly—it’s there. Leader is scared. Not of anyone hurting him. Not of punishment. Not even of the Villains he stood so fearlessly against. But of upsetting them.
He apologizes for everything. Too much. If he speaks, if he asks a question, if he simply exists in a way that might inconvenience someone—his first instinct is always, “Sorry.” As if even breathing might blow over the card house that held their affection to him, that it would come tottering down.
They brush it off at first. But then it gets hard to ignore, once scattered looks seemed to stick to his face like a mask. Maybe Leader flinches when he asks for something—like he’s bracing for rejection. Maybe he gets visibly relieved when someone acknowledges him. Maybe he hesitates before sitting down, before joining conversations, like he’s waiting for permission.
And the worst part?
He doesn’t even seem notice he’s doing it.
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cpt-winters · 9 months ago
Forced Surrender - Leader Whump
"I knew you'd come."
Whumper's lips curled into that familiarly sickening smile as the metal gate rolled back, creaking on its hinges as Leader approached.
"I'm here, so let them go," he ordered.
Whumper's fingers waved a vague motion to the henchmen behind, promptly followed by kicking and scrapping against the gravelled ground.
"Get the hell off me!" Teammate One shouted, jerking against their restraints.
Three froze in their tracks, eyes widening as they landed on Leader. "Leader? What are you.."
"We had a deal," Leader answered, steely gaze refusing to break under Whumper's tangible glee.
"What? No- You can't-"
He stood rigid as the henchmen pushed his team past him, holding Whumper's gaze as he got to his knees.
"Leader-" Teammate Two started, desperation seeping into their voice. "Leader, don't do this!"
He set his jaw, composing himself from his teammate's distant pleas as Whumper drew closer, cuffs in hand.
"Leader! Please!"
Leader let out a breath as he drew his wrists together, offering them up to Whumper. He closed his eyes as cold metal wrapped around his skin, the light click of the cuffs a death sentence.
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a-living-canvas · 10 months ago
Cosmic Love
"Eat a little, please?" Caretaker pleaded, holding a spoonful of food in front of Whumpee's lips. It's been a few days since they finally rescued Whumpee from Whumper. But now their little one didn't have an appetite to eat. 
Whumpee shook their heads. Their knees pressed to their chest as they rested their chin on it. Cloudy eyes staring straight at the wall. 
Caretaker sighed, "I don't want you to get sick…just a bite, okay?"
Caretaker brought the spoon to Whumpee's mouth again, but their lips sealed shut. Setting the plate on the bedside table, they caressed Whumpee's hair gently. 
"I worry about you, Whumpee…" Caretaker cupped Whumpee's chin, turning their head to them while smiling sadly. 
A few knocks could be heard from outside. Caretaker slid off the bed gently before opening the door, their eyes lit up as they saw Team Leader on the doorway. 
"Took you long enough." Caretaker stated. Team Leader chuckled. They pulled a green shirt from the shopping bag and showed it to Whumpee. 
"Look, Whumpee. I bought you a shirt, do you like it?"
Caretaker clicked their tongue. They shook their heads in dissappointment.
"Team Leader…team leader…Whumpee doesn't like green, remember? They like blue."
Team Leader frowned, "What? No…! They like green."
"They like blue."
Whumpee watched them from afar. They couldn't help but crack out a smile and chuckled.
Caretaker and Team Leader stopped fighting. They both turned to look at Whumpee in disbelief as their chuckle changed to a full blown laughter.
"What are you guys even fighting about? It's so stupid…!" 
Caretaker immediately walked over to Whumpee and hugged them tightly, smiling as Whumpee still laughing in their embrace. 
Whumpee's laughter died down as they wrapped their arms around Caretaker, chuckling softly. "What's up with you all of a sudden?" 
Caretaker shook their head. "Nothing, Whumpee…nothing."
Prompt idea by @echoingalaxies
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uriswhumpchamber · 9 months ago
Whumpee looking at the camera, mouthing "you hear this guy?" in the middle of one of Whumper's rants.
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